#kyuubei x tae
lgbtama · 1 year
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KyuTae being the best looking lesbian couple in gintama
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neorukixart · 5 months
I wanna try the "I prefer girls" thingie but can't decide on a ship so I'll let you guys decide
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Woa, I reached the limit of options (⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)
Please notice that Digimon ladies will be drawn in their Lastevo + 02beginning selves; for Ruki and Juri will be in their 2018 selves meaning that this will end up being another excuse to draw my buff ikemen Ruki (ง ื▿ ื)ว
I'm open to more options so, reply with your ship or in the tags; let's see if we can make a neat art, I'll do my best ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ
Share this poll with your buddies if you are looking forward to any of the listed ships or if you request one (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ If a requested ship gets more "votes" than the listed options, I'll draw that one!
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suchine-toki · 2 years
Rarepairs that I think could work
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Hijikata x Tae
There aren't many scenes where they interact, but the ones they do, they show chemistry and are fun together. On one hand, Hijikata has always been a very respectful guy towards Tae, even when he argues with her. Besides, he has a good salary, and she likes his way of flirting. On the other hand, while the similarities between Tae and Mitsuba can be somewhat disconcerting to Hijikata and may influence him to take the same path, Tae with her strong personality would knock some sense into him. I like to imagine that she is the one who falls in love first and that Hijikata is conflicted about it. Likewise, the potential drama that would ensue with Kondou would be very interesting, as well as seeing him eventually give them his blessing because he appreciates them so much and wants them to be happy.
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Kondou x Hinowa
Although I love Kondou, I’ve to admit his stalker side isn’t the best, even if it’s used in a comical way. He and Hinowa never spoke, which is a shame since they’d so much potential, starting with both being considered the core of their organization (the soul of the Shinsengumi / the sun of Yoshiwara). I like to imagine the Shinsengumi members urging Kondou to go to Yoshiwara to get over Tae. But he, not in the mood to visit a courtesan, simply goes to Hinowa's Tea House, and there they meet, talk, and Hinowa comforts him. Although Kondou finds her very beautiful, unlike with Tae, he doesn't fall in love at first sight with her or stalks her, but they form a nice friendship first. Hinowa might start to see Kondou as a potential partner by appreciating how fatherly Kondou is to Seita, and the three of them could be seen having family moments together. The fact that Hinowa is slightly older than Kondou adds an interesting factor. Also, this would allow the Shinsengumi to be connected to Yoshiwara in a more direct way, since they didn’t associate much during the series.
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Kyuubei x Pirako
As in the previous case, they didn’t interact. However, I think their dynamic would’ve been fun, with Kyuubei being the tsukkomi to Pirako's boke. Interesting rivalry scenarios could also arise, as Kyuubei is a member of an aristocratic samurai family and Pirako is a yakuza. Thus, they would’ve some fights and banter. While one learns to let go and be more chaotic, the other learns to be more compassionate and honest. They could also bond over their fathers, who forced them to live experiences against their will (being raised as a boy and abandonment). Being both katana users, they would practice and polish their sword skills together while getting closer and closer.
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The fandom loves to erase gintokis crush on ketsuno yea as well as sarutobis crush on gintoki (sometimes kyuubeis crush on tae too if they are homophobic)
Long post ahead
I would say that people have tendence to erase Sacchan feelings for Gin, because she's over the top with it, but then i remembered that nobody never erased Kondou's feelings for Tae so... misogyny, but it's actually weird how people tend to erase it a character that is SO LOUD about loving Gintoki wtf, maybe is because she's more dirty about it? But the weirder thing, is that sometimes Sacchan as whole is erased! If you dilsike her for being overreacting over her crush then erase Kondou character too, you cowards!
I don't have a problem with people taking out canon crushes in their fanon content, but it's sus when Sacchan is the one who most suffers with it, when gntm has a lot of in love characters.
About Kyuubei, omg... people are so batantly homophobic but of course they won't admit it! This is an entire can of worms, first because Kyuubei is the only canon lesbian in the anime, secondly they keep insisting that Kyuu only has a deep admiration for Tae or just see her as friend, but the worst offender to me... PEOPLE WHO SHIP JYUUBEI X TAE BUT NOT KYUUTAE! The amount of people who proudly say they would ship kyuutae if it was a f/m ship, disgusting, they have no shame! They're literally screaming out loud they don't ship it because is a f/f ship, but it doesn't stop there, because some portion of fandom swear to God that KYUU LOVES GINTOKI, like???? Literally there's no excuse because in Gin's "harem" Hasegawa was included as well, but where are them saying Hasegawa loves Gintoki too? Don't even get me started on people who ship Kyuubei with men 🤢.
And to complete, as always the homophobes need to explain their reasons by saying "well, it isn't explicit that Kyubei is a lesbian, they never said it", which is a lie, since Kyuubei shoved in your fcking face that they love Tae and if a character doesn't need to say they're straight to ppl assume that, why a lqbtq character needs it?
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Not to Gintama on main (4th) but though I shipped Otae and Kyuubei on my first readthrough, the ship makes me kind of icky on a second and third read.
Tae keeps insisting that Kyuubei will become a man’s bride one day (which is pretty gross), and generally seems uninterested in being anything other than friends. Not a lesser form of love by any means, the series makes it clear they are the most dear to each other two people can be, but not romantically specifically.
And Kyuubei is shown to be just as possessive about Tae as Kondo.
All I’m saying is, although I still love their friendship and Kyuubei is great, how the hell did Otae x Gintoki of all ships become the most wholesome Tae ship???
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Y'know, I think Kyubei is genuinely in love with Tae, instead of loving her only because her parents forced her to be a man, but I'm unable to like them as a couple, due to all Gintoki and Shinpachi pointed out in the Kyubei Arc. Tae accepted Kyubei's proposal out of guilt rather than love, and Kyubei thought she had to be a man for Tae to like her (to the point of wanting to stay a man during the Dekobokko Arc). I do like their relationship as friends, though. Also, I hope the Kyubei Arc is the next arc adapted, should there be more live-action films.
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arasei · 5 years
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You ever see women so beautiful you cry?? I had so much fun drawing their outfits, these girls be GORGEOUS ahhhHHH!! 
Tae is matcha latte, sweet and yet also strong. Kyuu is lovely earl grey tea, refined and organic, and Tsukki is taro milk tea, rich and unique. And my favourite - Sacchan is mango iced tea! Syrrupy and cool and v/ fresh (I am. rlly craving mangoes rn).
This is my final set of Gintama tea inspired art! I might go on to do the rest of the joui 4, maybe throw in Kamui, but that’s wayyy in the future. The Diamond Perfume group shot will up on my instagram @araseiidraws tomorrow if you’re interested!
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lgbtama · 2 years
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Kyuubei x Tae official art
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Kyuutae art by previous tumblr user kvei
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ayumu22 · 6 years
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
gintama is really good at showing diverse relationships between all the characters. One of the relationships I like the most is gintoki x otae.
I ship them not in the sense that they should be romantically involved or have cute blushy moments but in the more familial sense. I think that gintoki, otae, kagura and shinpachi have become a family in their own right. Whether that means gintoki is tae's "husband" or "elder relative" figure, what is important is that throughout the series they have become a certified family unit. I was most struck when otose mentioned "as long as you are here, yorozuya will always have a home."
Compared to kyuubei/tae's girlfriends dynamic or gin/tsukuyo's unrequited love dynamic, personally I vibe more with gintoki/tae's "we are a family and we will always return to each other" dynamic.
My headcanon is that Tae/Kyuubei really were girlfriends at some point but things just wont work out for them politically/practically so they ended things and just stayed being best friends. Tsukuyo has accepted the fact that she can love gintoki without him returning his feelings and that's that.
I'm sure that gintoki/otae endgame will be cute and chaotic af but also I don't mind if they'll stay platonic. No matter what happens, they, along with shinpachi, kagura and sadaharu, are the yorozuya family and nothing can change that.
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forgloryforhonor · 2 years
for the record i do not hate kyuubei. but i will call out parts of her behavior which make me uncomfortable whether you like it or not. I will point out the tropes that surround her. I will encourage people to talk about the weaknesses in the writing of her character. I will bring to surface her characteristics and actions that bother me, especially her dynamics with Otae.
I do not hate the kyb x tae ship. It icks me for many reasons. but what’s more uncomfortable is when people paint it as “genuine healthy cute lesbian romance” jesus fcking christ. I dont mind problematic ships as long as the problematicness of the ship is acknowledged in the fandom. I don’t mind problematic ships as long as people acknowledge that there is something wrong with a character and how they relate to the other person from the ship. But gintama fandom hates doing that, hates seeing that.
I have admitted the problems with gintoki and otae with my own words and posts. the challenge is.. can you do the same for your own ship?
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hijitae · 4 years
Five Key HijiTae Moments
Original post on my main blog here. Re-posting a version here on this side blog, so that it’s easier to read.
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I’ve been shipping Hijikata x Tae /土妙 since 2007, and as self-proclaimed captain of this ship, I’ve sailed without expecting a canon ending. Indeed, I expected nothing more beyond the Yagyuu arc, but Sorachi gave me even more moments to be thankful for - five of which are compiled in this post as a final send-off.  
Before I begin, I wish to convey my gratitude to @arirna​, who is the chief officer of the HijiTae ship, as well as the Tsukuyo to my Tae, our ladies whom we adore so much. I’ve much enjoyed all our numerous discussions on many topics. You make great gifs (thanks for granting my requests! And for allowing me to use and link them in this post because I couldn’t figure out how to embed just one gif from a single post, woe is me), and you’ve long been a staunch supporter of the ship. I will never be able to thank you enough, my friend!
Now then, to the Moments:
I’ve written a summarized analysis of HijiTae and why I like them as a ship before, along with brief mention of other viable Tae and Hijikata ships heavily implied in canon (Kondou, Kyuubei, Mitsuba), so I’m not going to get into them for this post, which is purely to celebrate each HijiTae moment, counting down to what I feel is the most important one.
(5) Episode 18, the “Underwear Thief”
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“Tear him apart.”
“Dismember him and stomp him into the ground.”
“Hey! Both of you are getting very scary!”
Hijikata and Okita are not present in the original manga story arc, but they are added to the anime (no doubt to appeal to audiences with their growing popularity at the time). This is the first instance that made me see the appeal of their potential relationship, as well as the potential friendship that can result from their rare interactions. Early on in the series, I had no particular ships in mind until I watched this episode. Hijikata and Tae start talking about the best ways to torture somebody, and they eventually get so out of hand with their discussion, complete with shoujo anime bubbles and all, that Shinpachi breaks them up because they are too terrifying together. And, indeed, they would be the most terrifying couple in the country.
(4) Character Poll Arc
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“As long as you are around, Shinsengumi, including Kondou-san, won’t be able to stand alone at the top.”
“So you intend to eliminate the woman who is the source of your boss’ scandalous behaviour? I would expect no less from the Demon Vice-Chief. You’re used to doing dirty work.”
Dashing the Fourth Wall to pieces, this arc addresses the original concepts behind some of the characters, particularly those that are based on real historical figures. When Tae rallies Kyuubei, Kagura, Tsukuyo, and Sacchan together to stand against the men, Hijikata and Katsura soon accost them – one to Tae and the other to Kyuubei, and both line-ups make the best sense for each character. Katsura and Kyuubei bicker over their shared characteristics, and they also know each other better since Katsura was once invited to Kyuubei’s birthday party. Tae also knows Katsura, but she’s very familiar to the Shinsengumi for obvious reasons. Hijikata and Tae facing off allows Kondou to seamlessly return to the scene, since he has closer ties to Hijikata and Tae. 
What I enjoy about this interaction is the way Tae is fearless around Hijikata; his demon nickname and reputation don’t intimidate her. She knows just how to push his buttons, too, teasing him about his voice actor and how historians have a bone to pick with such brazen depictions of famed samurai. As for Hijikata, he reveals that he knows just how much of a powerful force she is, wielding great influence over the Shinsengumi, impacting their reputation with their commander under her thumb.
This interaction shows the potential for fun bantering and bickering between them. They don’t hesitate to challenge one another, and as we see in the top two moments below, they also don’t hesitate to support or defend one another/what’s important to them for the other’s sake.
(3) Timeskip Arc
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“Please, for our child’s sake, we have to run away! To a world without gorillas!”
“Did you think something like this would fool me? Give me the kid and scram. I’ll look after him.”
Never in my wildest imagination did I think Sorachi would give us a canon child for this ship. Togoro is the hypothetical son of Hijikata and Tae in an otherwise hilarious farce of a story arc. Tae is noted to be pregnant and married to Kondou, and then gives birth within an hour to a baby whose father is revealed to be Hijikata. She wants to run off with him and raise their child together. Hijikata refuses, saying he will raise the child as a single father. And then he proceeds to name the child (as a fifteenth son and as a combination of his and Tamegoro’s names) and begs Shinpachi to let Togoro live.
Some people say Tae’s ambition was to have a child with Hijikata. To me, it’s more like she envisioned a soap opera plot line, typical of the drama series she watches, especially since when she and Hijikata first talk in the Yagyuu arc, she imagined Kondou and Hijikata vying for her affections in true theatrical style. She could have had that baby with somebody else, but once again, Hijikata is in the mix, and probably made for a more dramatic soap opera story line of a woman caught between the police chief and his deputy.
As for Hijikata’s ambition, well, it’s a little hard to say since he and Shinpachi were the stand-in for the audience, trying to unravel this mystery of a wart-infused world only to find that they had become warts themselves. At least we see that Hijikata, once confronted with the possibility of fatherhood, was willing to take responsibility. He’s not explicitly interested in Tae as a romantic prospect, and I don’t expect it since Sorachi would and should have written obvious interest (something that people can’t deny) between them right from the start, so that it would make sense later.
But, it doesn’t change the fact that Togoro is Hijikata and Tae’s hypothetical son and theirs alone, warts and all.
(2) Farewell Shinsengumi Arc
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“If you really do want to drink, I don’t mind spending a while with you.”
“If you poured it for me with that face, I wouldn’t be able to drink it.”
There are few moments that have triggered Hijikata into fierce emotional reaction. He has shed tears for Mitsuba, the Shinsengumi’s disbandment and Kondou’s arrest, and Kondou’s revival. He’s gotten angry on behalf of not only Kondou, but also Tetsunosuke for what Isaburou was doing and saying to him. Hijikata is short-tempered, most of the time for comedic purposes, and he’s endured many ordeals in his young life, so it takes a lot to push him over the edge into true sorrow and true rage.
Nobu Nobu cuts the neck (actually does cut it in the manga) of a teary-eyed Tae, who defended Kondou and his reputation. She knows she could easily lose her life for going against the Shogun. That was the reason Hijikata had held back on doing or saying anything. Perhaps he feared anything he might do would advance Kondou’s execution, threaten the remaining Shinsengumi, and further endanger civilians’ lives. Feeling he could do nothing, he stood there, taking the shame and the mockery from both Isaburou and Nobu Nobu – that is, until Tae’s life is threatened. And, finally, Hijikata reacts with a terrifying gleam of rage in his eyes.
This is the kind of trope that comes standard with any kind of ship, romantic or platonic, when someone shows great concern and fury for another being threatened. If this were another series, people would be proclaiming “canon” all over the place, but in this fandom, very few acknowledge this scene, and they skip over to other parts instead. But that doesn’t make Hijikata or Tae’s acts insignificant.
As for Tae, we’ve seen her shed tears of sorrow for Kyuubei, for Hajime, and now for Kondou. While it has taken many chapters to reach this point, it’s clear she respects and believes him to be a good man. Standing up to a tyrannical shogun at this point in the story could mean immediate execution. Tae risked her life to defend Kondou, to stand up for what she believed in, and it did not go unnoticed. We know how devoted Hijikata is to Kondou, how his arrest left Hijikata in such a broken state of mind, but Tae’s defense and life-threatening moment sparked something once more; the catalyst needed for when the rest of the Shinsengumi reignited that fire within.
Of course, it could have been anyone else, and Hijikata would have done his best to ensure no civilians are harmed. But he wasn’t able to move or act during that time of mockery by his enemies. He said and felt he couldn’t do anything at all with Kondou gone. But I think hearing Tae’s impassioned speech, sharing in her belief that Kondou would never conduct himself so shamefully, inspired him to act. He knows Tae is important to Kondou, and I like to think Tae is important enough to Hijikata as a comrade, as a friend—and the potential for more is what fans love about this scene.
Kozenigata did call the Shinsengumi, “her police,” and that includes Hijikata. It’s why she played a role in the Farewell Shinsengumi arc, and in the Silver Soul arc, she welcomed them back home to Edo. The Shinsengumi admire, fear, and respect Tae, and so her police they remain.  
(1) Yagyuu Arc
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“I…am the worst, aren’t I? In the end…going off on my own…I got other people hurt because of it. Causing trouble for Kyuu-chan…and for everyone else. Even though I couldn’t see it through until the very end, I did it with such half-hearted conviction… What I did in the end wasn’t for anyone’s sake.”
“You’re not a Buddha. Did you think you could save everyone in front of you? No matter how many bones you break trying, there are things you can save and things you can’t. So what? Is your way of life so fragile that it would break with this? Now, if there was someone who could be saved by your so-called half-hearted kindness…what would you do?”
This is the official first HijiTae moment within Sorachi’s manga canon: the Yagyuu arc launched two new Tae ships. You’d think the previous moment would be the culmination of everything, but it is the beginning that I find the most important because it shows that Hijikata and Tae are capable of civil conversation and speaking to one another as equals.
We first start out with a comedic exchange in which Tae thinks Hijikata has come to battle for her heart against Kondou, followed by a brief banter of which drama series best suits Kondou and Tae’s imaginary tales. But the point of his visit is to convince Tae to marry Kondou just to help him avoid marrying a gorilla. He earns bonus points for saying that “No means no” when a woman declines.
Later, after the main events of the arc, Tae invites everyone back to Snack Smile to apologize to them, but they’re present at Kondou’s wedding. Only Hijikata goes, and I think he went back because he knows Tae has a good heart. He doesn’t ask her specifically to marry Kondou again, but he listens to her outpouring of feelings over the situation. He then gives practical advice, and in a roundabout way, asks if she will consider just saving Kondou from his wedding at least. And Tae does.
What I love about this arc is their conversations – from casual and fun to serious and thought-provoking – and it didn’t take them hundreds of chapters to reach that point. They arrived there easily and naturally. This quiet moment of introspection they share was more than enough for me to solidify my love for them, and that fondness for the HijiTae ship has continued on for over a decade.
BONUS: Soul Switch Arc
A bonus only because it doesn’t strictly involve the two of them alone.
People often forget that Tae only blushed after Hijikata-in-Gintoki’s-body flirted with her. She was charmed by Hijikata’s way of flirting, which was very genteel and sincere and a bit impassioned, much like the way he wrote Shinpachi’s letter for Kirara. When Gintoki-in-Hijikata’s body attempted his usual way of flirting, Tae was unimpressed, aside from being skeptical that Hijikata would truly proposition her. However, once she took it as truth, she was more than willing to consider him a prospect.
The only major moments in which Tae was romantically attracted to Gintoki was when he lost his memories and original personality, and when he was actually Hijikata. She has also mentioned desiring and approving of a partner with a stable income (Soul Switch and Host Club arc), and I can see someone more traditional, not to mention stricter in handling one’s responsibilities, fitting in better with her lifestyle (hence why Kondou and Kyuubei are the other commonly teased ships), whereas Gintoki is more unconventional about life, going at his own pace. Tae always bases her life around goals and working toward them; she’s not the type to sit around, doing nothing, waiting only to welcome people home when she has a life and dream of her own, too. While the Yorozuya were absent (sans Shinpachi, who stayed behind), Tae moved on with her life and started a new business while keeping her dojo intact.
There are some other minor interactions (not to mention that Otose and Tatsugoro parallel), but these five are the most important and relevant. 
And there you have it. This is a summary of why I enjoy the Hijikata x Tae ship so much. They are both people who hold fast to their convictions, and who do their best to be strong for others’ sake, both leading, respectively, a district and a military police force. They are capable of comedic and civil conversations with one another; prone to bickering but also fighting for one another’s cause based on what they feel is right. At the very least, they remain friends and comrades in the end.
Nothing changes what Sorachi wrote about and for them. It was all his decision, not mine, and if others can celebrate moments for their ship, then there’s no reason I can’t, either. All the negative arguments people throw at me, I have addressed before, so I will not waste time doing so again. I’m not obligated to respond or justify a fictional ship to strangers on the Internet at their demand. Fandom is not a monolith required to bend to a single person’s will, and liking one ship doesn’t cause the erasure of others (that line of reasoning is beyond ridiculous). If you don’t like the ship, the simplest thing is to move on with your life and forget the ship exists.
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pwapuri · 4 years
Tagged by: @gakupoid2m​! Thank u!!! 
Last time you watched / read Gintama? lol rewatched episode 27 last night and that was so sad! I get shocked how I forgot about it. It was like a summary of gintoki’s backstory.
Favorite male character? If I say Gintoki will be easy. Beside him, I think that Katsura just captured my heart since the first time I saw him.
Favorite female character? Tsukuyo just because I got interest in the show by seeing her on a short video. But I don’t think its fair because all gintama girls are amazing.
Favorite male character design? I don’t think I can choose one. They’re amazing. But I very much like of Takasugi. So simple and yet so remarkable.
Favorite female character design? I can’t choose neither. Love all. But Tsukki its so remarkable. Also love Sachan design too, hard to choose.
Most underrated character? hm, maybe Sakamoto. But sometimes I think that Katsura could have more involvement with the shouka sonjuku. Sometimes looks like only takasugi and gintoki were there. dunno. But I think that would just transform gintama on a mexican drama.  
Best squad? Yorozuya. I would be lying if answer other. But shinsengumi its amazing too. 
Favorite episode or arc? For fun: Goninja always make me laught, but the goukon episode its just fun AF. For emotion: I think that courtesan of nation have this appel for me, when I started gintama this arc was running, and for me its beautiful in so many ways.
OTP(s)? Gintoki x Tsukuyo, Katsura x Ikumatsu, Kondou x Tae, Zenzou x Sachan, Hijikata x Mitsuba, and of course Gintoki and hapiness.
BROTP(s)? Kagura and shinpachi, Tsukuyo and Sachan, Otae and Kyuubei, Zura and Gintoki, Zura and Elizabeth, Hijikata and Kondou, Kagura and Gintoki, Kagura and Sougo. Gintoki x MADAO
An unpopular opinion?  When I was reading the manga years ago and the Utsuro id comes out I was disappointed. I thought: oh that’s so clichê, but after reading the rest of it I thought: ok, that’s the only way that they can end this. 
Favorite running joke? so many. the renho arc and the stand “ame no hi mo, kaze no hi mo, RENHO no hi mo”. i just can’t LOOL
Favorite OST? Last address makes me cry everytime. But my fav will be forever: take care buddy.
Feelings about the upcoming movie? can’t wait till january. Reaally hope that we can see more shouka sonjuku content, just a little more one last time. That’s my only wish.
I wanna hear your guy’s opinions sooooo: @amatsuchan @lunar-beauty @temporarilyunstable @seigibathala
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