#l: serenity services
Dating them would include // DBH Headcanons
Authors note: I miss my DBH boys, what more can I say?
Characters: Connor, Markus, Hank, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Mentions of making out and mentions of Ralph getting a little too silly (aka having one of his anger outbursts)
🪙 Connor 🪙
-many, many, many, MANY forehead kisses
-Mans is like, 6ft, so chances are he might be taller than you and therefore would love to give you forehead kisses
-He especially likes to kiss you on the forehead as a way to say goodbye and hello
-Loves it when you kiss him along his jaw or neck. And when I say he loves it he LOVES IT
-Mix that with petting/massaging his scalp and watch him absolutely m e l t
-Love language is touch and I will die on that hill
-He loves any type of touch. Especially hugging you from behind or just anything that involves wrapping his arms around you
-He doesn’t mind cuddling but not for too long because he likes to move around
-Will brag about you when given the chance to literally anyone that listens
☮️ Markus ☮️
-Acts of Service. I will also die on this hill
-He looooves doing things for you, he doesn’t care if you can do them yourself
-If he’s taller than you he’ll deliberately put things on the top shelf just so you ask him to help you
-Definitely either carries you out of bed in the morning for breakfast or just brings the breakfast to you
-If you like doing things yourself tho, he’ll reluctantly back off and just give you encouraging words on whatever it is your doing
-Definitely an encouraging bf
-Whatever it is that you do, he’s your #1 fan the whole way
- Loves to play you some piano and if you’re interested in learning, he’ll teach you his favorite songs
-A little bit of a cuddle bug
-His favorite spot to cuddle you would definitely be in front of a fireplace, it’s just so serene
🐶 Hank 🐶
-He’s such a grump that admitting his love language would take a while
-Buut his love language I feel like would be words of affirmation
-I feel like this man just adores it whenever you compliment him or just praise him in anyway
-tries to hide the fact that he likes the praise fails miserably
-He’s. So. Awkward about it. By ‘it’ I mean everything
-Awkward about talking to you when he had a crush on you, awkward about showing affection once you two got together, ect.
-But once you two progress through the relationship, he gets more comfortable with you
-You knew he was completely comfortable with you when he pulled you to sit onto his lap
-Only does stuff like this when your both alone tho
-Mostly because he can get pretty handsy when you both are close like that
-Especially if your making out
-Not a huge fan of PDA so the most he would do is a quick peck on the cheek or a hand on the small of your back
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-One word. C l i n g y
-He just loves being around you. Once he got past the fear of meeting you for the first time, he just can’t seem to leave you alone
-Of course he’ll give you your space if you ask but if you don’t make any indication you want him to leave you alone. He won’t
-When you two are in private, he’s cuddling with you, sitting you on his lap (or vice versa), kissing you
-Or just chillin beside you, enjoying each others presence
-In public I feel like the most he’ll do is hold your hand or hug you
-He gets extremely flustered doing any other couple-y stuff in front of people
-Loooooves gifting you all types of plants
-And loves making flower bouquets for you whenever he gets the chance
-And if you get him a plant of some sort? He looks like he might explode from excitement
-He may have one of his outbursts every now and then but he always apologizes afterwards
-It’s really sweet seeing him try to get better at controlling his outbursts because he knows how they upset you
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panandinpain0 · 11 months
Miss Granger x female Slytherin I beg you 🙏🙏 but a nice one
Summer Lovin'
Sorry this took so long! I've got a schedule out now so I'll be doing these requests more regularly <3
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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The fresh smell of new books would always cheer Hermione up. Not that she was in a bad mood, but it cheered her up nonetheless. Hearing the bell ring above the door was something Hermione had been longing to hear all year, the smell of a citrus scented candle wafting around the sunlit shop.
The walls had chipped brown paint on them, a warm timber color that seemed to be fading, showing the true age of the building. The wood floors had colorful rugs placed here and there, the children’s section a burst of color against the serene atmosphere. Waving to the man at the front desk, someone she’d seen there often over the years, Hermione was on her way to find a new book.
She walked slowly down the fiction aisle, her finger skimming the spines of each book. When she found one that caught her eye she pulled it off the shelf, reading the synopsis on the back.
“Looking for something exciting?” a voice asked, making Hermione flinch in surprise. She looked up at the person next to her, eyes wide. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she laughed and held her hands up to show that she meant no harm.
“You’re fine, it’s just very quiet in here,” Hermione reassured, smiling gently at the girl in front of her. “And yes, something exciting. I’ve been reading non-fiction these last couple of months and decided to switch it up.” She waved the book in her hand around slightly.
“Hence the fiction section,” the girl commented, smiling with amusement when Hermione agreed. “That one is one of my favorites.” She gestured to the book Hermione was holding.
Hermione looked back down at the book, reexamining it. “Is it any good?”
“I’d like to think I have pretty good taste,” she replied, skimming the titles of the books on the shelf in front of her.
“Are you looking for something to read?” Hermione questioned, holding on to her book with more certainty than before.
“No, I just come here to find pretty girls to talk to,” she replied, her face completely serious.
Hermione was slightly taken aback, hesitating before asking, “Really?”
The girl’s serious face morphed into a smirk, shaking her head calmly. “No, I was being sarcastic. But that does tend to be one of the perks of this shop.”
Hermione laughed nervously in response, nodding her head before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Yes, I’m here to find a new book to read. Any suggestions?” She motioned to the shelf they were standing in front of.
Hermione turned serious as she inspected the spines, her eyes catching a specific one. As she pulled it off the shelf she asked, “How do you feel about a mystery with a romantic subplot?”
“Sounds right up my alley, if I’m being honest.”
Hermione handed her the book and they both made their way up to the counter to pay.
“You’ll have to let me know how you like the book,” the girl insisted, scribbling something down on a nearby paper. Ripping it off she handed it to Hermione. “This is my house phone, don't be surprised if my parents answer.”
“I won’t…” Hermione trailed off as she realized she didn’t know the girl’s name.
Catching the hint, the girl stuck out her hand for Hermione to shake. “(Y/N) (L/N), at your service.”
“Hermione Granger,” she returned.
“Hermione?” a voice called from outside the shop, catching both girl’s attention. Hermione’s father waved to her through the window, motioning that it was time for them to leave.
“Ah, I’ve got to go. It was a pleasure meeting you! I hope to hear how you enjoy my book as well.” Hermione smiled, cheeks pink as she said goodbye. She scolded herself as she walked away, reminding herself that she had a new friend and she shouldn’t expect anything more. Well, she had a new and very attractive friend. There’s a difference…
A Week Later…
Sniffling, Hermione gently closed the book and placed it on her lap, wiping at her tears. It had been a wonderful yet heart wrenching book, in which the main character lost the person which they loved most. She took a deep breath as she looked out of her cracked window, reflecting on what she’d read. Taking a sip of the tea that had gone cold, long forgotten after the climax of the book started, she stood up.
Hermione had been using the slip of paper (Y/N) had handed her at the bookshop as a bookmark, so as not to lose it. Now, she’d use it for its actual purpose. Gliding down the stairs, Hermione found the landline in their kitchen, dialing in the number and holding it to her ear.
As it started to ring she felt pangs of nervousness with each ring that sounded. Should she actually call her? It wasn’t a prank, was it? She didn’t think it was- they both were interested in reading and it’d be nice to have someone to talk to about it… What if she’d been making fun of Hermione the whole time and-?
Clearing her throat quickly, Hermione recovered from her surprise at the voice. “Yes, hello. This is Hermione Granger, I was wondering if I could speak to (Y/N)?”
“Just a minute,” what seemed to be (Y/N)’s mother responded. Hermione heard a distant shout for her, with a “your friend’s on the phone!” after.
After another moment a different voice echoed through the phone.
“Hey, bookshop girl! Hermione, right?” (Y/N) teased through the phone, and her ease comforted Hermione from her anxieties.
“Yes, it’s Hermione. I finished the book you recommended, just now actually.”
An excited gasp could be heard, followed by a, “Did you cry? How much did you cry?”
Hermione let out a somewhat offended scoff and shook her head, even though (Y/N) couldn’t see it.
“For your information I did cry, it was a sad ending! How come you didn’t warn me?”
“What would be the fun in reading it if I’d told you how it ends?” Hermione could hear the smile in her voice.
“I suppose you’re right,” Hermione sighed back, sitting down on a stool near the counter. “Have you finished the one I gave you yet?”
“Yes, I did! You know, I always do the same thing with mystery books. I think I’ve figured out who the culprit is within three chapters and am always completely wrong by the end of the book.”
Hermione chuckled, “I also thought it was Mr. Barnabee until chapter sixteen.”
“It so should’ve been him, right? And that crazy reveal in sixteen where Gracie the mistress pulled out the handkerchief- it was exhilarating.”
“I take it you liked it?” Hermione twisted the phone cord around her finger, giving her hands something to do while they talked.
“Oh yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Any more recommendations? I was going to go back to the bookshop this weekend to feed my addiction.”
“Of literature.”
Hermione snorted, laughing at the response. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” The smile in her voice was evident.
“Not at all. I can’t seem to stop and it’s draining my bank account.”
Hermione giggled again. “How about this, we can meet up and shop together?”
“Even better. I’ll be there Saturday at noon.”
“I will too.”
As the line clicked to signal (Y/N) had hung up, Hermione bit her lip and sighed. She stopped mid-giggling and shook her head, scolding herself again. She’d found another friend who enjoys reading just as much as she does, that doesn’t mean she can’t still scare them off. She needed to tone it down.
The summer had ended as soon as it began as the girl’s read together. They started going to each other’s houses to read, and Hermione had gotten into the habit of laying her head on (Y/N)’s lap, listening to her tell the most wondrous stories from the books.
They laughed together, cried together, damn near did everything together. None of which helped Hermione get rid of her feelings in the slightest. Little did she know, (Y/N) had started to harbor feelings for her as well, what with so much time spent with each other.
Today they were reading separately, Hermione sitting against the headboard of her bed while (Y/N) laid at the end, legs hanging off as she fingered the corner of the page. It didn’t seem like she was actually reading, but lost in thought.
Hermione’s gaze kept darting from her book to the girl in front of her, blushing every time she was almost caught.
Truth was, both the girl’s were trying to figure out how to tell the other they wouldn’t be at home for the school year. They couldn’t very well tell the other that she was a witch! Well, they could, but they didn’t know that yet.
(Y/N) shifted her position to sit up, facing Hermione and abandoning her book.
“Hm?” Hermione set down her book, giving (Y/N) her full attention.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” She began to worry, her own problems shoved to the back of her mind.
“Summer’s almost over… I just wanted to tell you that I won’t be here when school starts back up.” (Y/N) bit her lip, picking at the skin of her nails. “I’m attending this boarding school, it’s a live-in…”
Hermione let out a somewhat relieved sigh at the admission, setting her book aside and scooting towards (Y/N) on the bed. Taking her hands in her own, Hermione smiled at her.
“I won’t either for the same reasons.” Her worry drained away as she saw (Y/N) shoulders relax and a smile appear on her face. They still wouldn’t be seeing each other until winter break or summer, but at least she wouldn’t be leaving Hermione behind. They both had reasons for not being home.
“Can I send you letters?” (Y/N) asked, playing with Hermione’s hand that rested between them. She knew it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to have a muggle sending letters to a wizarding village, or castle, without knowing, but what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her- right?
Hermione seemed to be going through the same possibilities in her head, but ever since she’d met (Y/N), her priorities had been a bit skewed.
“Yes, you can. I’ll write down the address,” Hermione got up and scribbled on a piece of paper, handing it to (Y/N). She put it between the pages of her book immediately without looking at it, knowing she wouldn’t remember a lick of it anyways. When she sends her first letter Hermione can just look at the address she wrote from to write back.
Hermione sat back down on the bed and the two girls shared a look of understanding. They wouldn’t see each other in person for a while but that doesn’t mean this friendship had to only be for the summer.
(Y/N) reached across the bed and wrapped her arms around Hermione’s neck, pulling her into a hug. Hermione returned the gesture, arms around (Y/N)’s waist as she tucked her head into her neck. She just knew (Y/N) and the boys would get along so well if they’d ever get the chance to meet.
“I’ll miss you,” (Y/N) whispered into Hermione’s hair.
“I’ll miss you more.”
“I doubt it.”
“Don’t fight me on this, you won’t win.”
Hermione pulled (Y/N) back and they both laid on the bed, laughing together.
A Week Later…
They’d said their official goodbyes the night before hugging and holding hands until it got late enough that Hermione knew she wouldn’t want to wake up the next morning. When they parted, (Y/N) had kissed her cheek, handing Hermione a book she’d bought her as a farewell gift.
Sitting in her parents car, Hermione read the synopsis on the back of the book, smiling and flipping through the pages.
There’s no doubt Harry and Ron would hear more about (Y/N) than they’d care to, but that’s just what comes with being friends, you hear about each other’s crushes whether you like it or not. Not that Hermione would ever admit to it being a crush. Or that she’d touched the place (Y/N) had kissed on her cheek every time she thought of her…
Arriving at platform nine and three quarters, Hermione bid her parents goodbye with a hug and ran straight into the brick pillar. Coming out on the other side, Hermione took in the air, already feeling the magic thrumming through it, as if she could taste it.
Taking her bags off of the cart she had pushed them in with, she left it near the entrance and searched for her friends, specifically for the family of redheads, knowing Harry would most likely be with the Weasley’s.
Eventually she found Ron and Harry with them, and they boarded the train. Now they walked down the aisle, searching for an empty compartment, Hermione leading. Suddenly, as she was looking through the windows of one of the doors, someone ran into her. She was pushed back into Ron, who helped her stand back on two feet.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going- ‘Mione?” the extremely familiar voice gasped in shock.
Looking up, Hermione met (Y/N)’s gaze. “(Y/N)?!” Hermione asked back with just as much surprise.
“I didn’t know you were a witch,” they both said at the same time, laughing with each other after.
“Well, this makes things much easier,” (Y/N) admitted, pulling Hermione into a hug after handing her the bag that she’d dropped back.
“You two know each other?” Harry asked, gaze darting down to (Y/N)’s green and silver tie.
“We met over the summer,” Hermione filled in, also taking in (Y/N)’s uniform (but not for the same reasons). “I had no idea you went to Hogwarts,” Hermione repeated, moving out of the way as a few people passed by.
“I didn’t know you went here either! There’s an empty compartment just up here.” (Y/N) led them just two doors up and opened it, letting them all enter and following after.
“So how did you two meet?” Harry asked, looking slyly between the two as they sat across from Ron and himself.
“At this muggle bookshop, we were both looking for something to read and started spending time together,” (Y/N) explained after putting Hermione’s bag above them next to her own.
They spent the rest of the time getting to know each other, Ron still holding a bit of distaste for her house, but pushing that aside as they talked about the Chudley Cannons together. Harry had liked her from the start, well- as soon as she said she disliked Malfoy about as much as the rest of them.
Once they arrived at Hogwarts they got off the train, knowing they’d have to separate soon. (Y/N)’s Slytherin friends waved in the distance, calling out her name.
“Well, I’d better go now. It was a pleasure meeting you two, and it was a welcomed surprise to see you, Hermione.” (Y/N) smiled and took Hermione’s hand, kissing the back of her knuckles. Hermione’s face heated at the action, Ron and Harry deciding they should just start walking to avoid making things awkward.
“Don’t be a stranger. Now that I know you go here I want to spend time with you,” Hermione admitted, not letting go of (Y/N)’s hand until she did it herself.
“I promise, I’ll see you as much as possible. And hey, now we recommend wizarding books to each other.” (Y/N) winked and hugged Hermione goodbye, walking away to see her friends.
Hermione bit her lip before turning to where Ron and Harry had waited for her. She jogged to catch up to them, and they started walking to the carriages.
“So, a Slytherin?” Harry teased and Hermione elbowed him in the side, Ron throwing his head back as he laughed.
This was going to be an interesting year.
Hope that was okay! Thanks again for requesting <3
-Author Max <3
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fandomghostwrite · 7 months
L&DS Love Languages
[ Acts of Service | Gift Giving | Physical Touch | Quality Time | Words of Affirmation ]
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Rafayel's preferred love language is to be your gift giver. He has seen the world in more ways than anyone could ever imagine and he wishes for you to experience his world in its absolute fullness. You are apart of his world now… and he will not allow you to be just a mere passing shadow. Rafayel's gifts will always be meaningful and significant, but not always specific to you. As cryptic as it may be, he finds pleasure in leaving hints for what's to come or what he is feeling, even if his methodology is a little more abstract than you would like; they are a testament of his feelings, after all. Thankfully he has no qualms about affirming those thoughts and feelings for you through words. But only after he has finished teasing the idea. While he loves to spoil you rotten through gifts, and lavish you with words of affirmation, he needs a little something back. He could care less about getting gifts in return (okay, maybe that's a lie, he'd love to see what you would give him), but he depends on hearing your thoughts and feelings in return. He needs to hear you say it all. Tell him he looks good. Tell him that you're proud of him. Tell him that... you love him. It's okay if you're a little shy. It would mean the world to him if you left little notes around his studio to find. Just tell him. Deep down, he needs the assurance that you will always love him for who he is. Good, bad, and ugly.
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Xavier prefers to show you his affection through acts of service. There is rarely a moment when he isn't thinking about how he can be helpful to you. He wants nothing more than to be your guardian, your loyal knight. Not because you need protection, but because he has seen that you will need his support. You are the stars that glitter across the dark sky behind a new moon, a beacon of hope and serenity. Quality time spent together is also just as equally important to him; just your presence makes him feel at ease, even during times of significant stress. He is careful not to bring his daily stressors into his relationship with you, so he is sometimes susceptible to internalizing negative feelings. What he needs in return is your uncanny ability to show him that you are with him; that you are starbound partners. You do not need to take on his burdens as your own per se, you just need to support him during his weakest moments. Xavier has gotten too used to being his own support. Become his pillar of strength. Encourage him. Tell him that he no longer has to do everything alone. Tell him that he is worthy as you hold him close to your heart.
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Zayne may believe that he operates under the idea of acts of service in mind, but honestly? He confuses what he does for a living as his language for love. Don't let him forget how much he loves the little things; all of his favorite things. Such as when you poke him in the cheek to get his attention or the way he curls his fingers around your hands to create a crystalline flower at the palm of your hand. His preferred love language is physical touch. He never flinches or gets shy when you reach for his hand, his arm, or place your head on his chest. He doesn't mind the occasional caress to his temple when telling him how handsome he is. Or how beautiful his eyes are. And he isn't afraid to wrap an arm around your waist in a crowd or guide you with a hand at the small of your back during events. You don't seem to understand how your touch makes his skin feel like it was caught in a storm, lightning discharging across his body and leaving every nerve ending charged and ready to spark. Everything you do to him has an impact. Which is why he must find a way to touch you at all times. Yet when he finds you out of reach, either literally or figuratively, he will never deny your presence in the form of quality time. As long as you behave. He is a little strict when it comes to his concentration on the task at hand, but you should strive to give him more attention, even if it isn't spoken. He never learned how good it feels to be wanted until you came into his life. He likes the cute things you leave at his desk; the way you splatter color all over his once sterile world. He needs your touch and smile in his life; your vivacity. Your kiss.
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eashn · 2 months
Hunger | Kuroo Tetsuro Chapter 2
Part 2 of The Train's Coming (masterlist)
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Pairing: businessman!Kuroo x fem!reader
Summary: you're colleagues and you're screwin'. Now, it's finally time for you and Kuroo to present your big business proposal to the board.
Ao3 Link | Word count: ~1.8k
Tags/Warnings: Smutty near the end, heated makeout, Kuroo's hard-on, FWB, Timeskip!Kuroo, sexual tension, humor, Ikkei and Keishin Ukai make an appearance, so does Bokuto
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“Now that is gutsy, Miss L/N,” Director Nekomata said. You cringed slightly, not sure yet how to take that.  
“Gusty!” Washijo bellowed. “They’re trying to poach my job—”
“Tanji,” Director Ukai said, rubbing his wrinkled forehead. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t want to do it like this.” He sighed. “You’re fired.” 
You thought that after almost thirty years as the Head of Sports Promotion at one of the largest companies in the nation, Tanji Washijo would be a bit more well-versed in the art of diplomacy. “Excuse me?!” the man shrieked. You had been wrong. 
“This is outrageous!” he cried. “It’s—it’s egregious!” 
“Alright, old man, pack it up,” Ukai the younger snarled. Seated beside his uncle at the Board of Directors’ table, his only real job at these meetings was to take notes—but you always liked it when he spoke up. He was funny. “What, do you read a damn thesaurus every morning before walking in here?” 
You made the mistake of glancing over at Kuroo. The eye contact almost sent you both cracking up, but you averted your gaze frantically, reigning it in. He clasped a hand tightly over his mouth, furrowing his brows like he was observing the situation in front of him with dire concern. 
“Decades!” Washijo hollered. “Three decades I’ve been a diligent employee at this company, and now this—” he pointed accusingly at Ukai Junior “—delinquent! Thinks he can talk back to me?!”  
“What did you call me?” Keishin leapt to his feet, banging a fist on the table.
“Oh, for God’s sake—security!” Ukai Senior roared. He grabbed his nephew by the collar, yanking him down to his seat. Two burly-looking security guards walked in, and Ikkei turned tiredly to them. “Please. Help Tanji back to his desk,” he said. “And get him, I dunno, a box or something for his belongings.” 
“A box or something—!” 
“Right away, sir,” interjected one of the guards, a broad man with spiky gray-and-black hair. The dude glanced at Kuroo for a second, and suddenly you remembered: that was Kotarou Bokuto, Kuroo’s friend from high school. 
“Preposterous!” Washijo cried. “I thought we were friends, Ikkei! This—this is asinine!”
“Jesus,” Keishin muttered. 
“I won’t forget this! After years of service for this company—!”
“Alright, big guy,” Kotarou said, placing a firm hand on the man’s shoulder. He and the other guard began walking him to the door. Right before he left, he turned furtively to Kuroo, and you caught him whisper, “Good luck with all this, man.”
“Thanks, Ko,” Kuroo mumbled, utterly in shock. 
And so, security marched Tanji Washijo, the former Head of Promotion—kicking and screaming—out the conference room door. For a few moments, the rest of the Board looked on with unease. Someone fiddled with his collar, another tapped his pen nervously against the table. Then, they turned their attention onto you two. The presumptive new Heads of Promotion. They appraised you carefully, sizing you up in that condescending, corporate way. Only Nekomata smiled at you. 
“Excellent work on your proposal, once again!” he said serenely. 
You smiled nervously at the tranquil old man. “Thank you, sir.” 
“Thank you,” Kuroo echoed, and when you glanced over you saw his matching smile—that blinding, charismatic smile. In classic fashion, he’d shaken off his stupor in record speed. Kuroo always lands on his feet, you thought, grinning a little wider as you snuck another look at him. Dear God, he looked good in that jacket. 
“Agreed,” Ukai Senior said. “Mr. Kuroo, Miss L/N, you’ve both shown promising work in all your time here. I’m truly pleased.” Your heart warmed at that—it meant so much coming from him. Ukai was undoubtedly tougher than Nekomata, ten times harder to impress. You thought of all the sleepless nights you and Kuroo had put into this project, and you simmered with pride. It finally felt like it’d all been worth it. 
“We need young blood like you leading this company,” he continued.
Your breath caught. You felt Kuroo’s eyes shift to yours for a second, but you didn’t dare return the look. Not now. 
“I’m completely in favor of instating you both as the next co-Heads of Promotion,” Ukai said. You thought you might die right there on the conference room floor. 
“I’ll second that!” Nekomata announced. 
“I’ll third it,” Ukai Junior agreed. He winked good-naturedly at the two of you. 
“Shut up, Keishin,” said Ikkei. 
“Oh, fuck you, old man.” 
And before you even knew what was happening, the meeting was over. The Board members were all on their feet and milling about the room, buzzing with arbitrary conversation—none of which really registered in your mind. A few people came over to shake your hand or to clap Kuroo on the shoulder, and you let it all happen by default. Your brain was as good as boiled cabbage right now. You were the Head of Promotion. You felt like throwing up. In a good way, though. Definitely in a good way. 
You didn’t know how you wound up back at your old shared cubicle with Kuroo. Nekomata was having you both gather your things to shift them into a shiny new office, so, in a daze, you collected your belongings, unstuck your dozens of post-it notes from around your desk, and were just about to leave the cramped old place behind. Kuroo, however, hesitated by the window. A ghost of a smile flickered on his face as he gazed out that shitty, tiny window, out toward the skyline beyond. The day was almost over, and the city lights were beginning to come alive.  
“I know it’s cliché,” he said, “but I’m really gonna miss this view.” 
“Yeah? Wait till you see the view from our new office.”
“Sure, but…just c’mere for a sec.” Some unidentifiable emotion rippled across his face as he beckoned you over. You complied, puzzled. “Look,” he said, pointing down onto the street. “Over on that side. That’s—”
“Miya’s Noodle Shop!” you realized, laughing. “I never knew you could see it from here. Do you remember—”
“The first time we went to lunch together?” Kuroo said. “‘Course I do.” You looked up at him, catching the way he gazed down at the shop fondly. “Those first few months, I thought I’d never make a friend in this city. Then you came along.”
Oh, man. After everything that’d already happened today, Kuroo had to go ahead and do this—make you all sappy and emotional in a way that was definitely unbecoming of a brand-new manager. You gazed at his peaceful expression, noticing the glazed look behind his eyes: his only indication that he was reeling, too. He, too, was in utter disbelief that you’d finally, finally made it here. And then he went ahead and got all mushy on you, somehow echoing the exact sentiment you’d thought this morning on the train. Life was so lonely before you. 
“You haven’t stopped taking the train since.” You smirked at him, letting an edge of teasing into your voice. “Am I your only friend, Kuroo?” 
He whirled. Jaw tense, brows drawn tight, he leveled you with a piercing stare. His face was dead serious when he replied, “You’re the only one that counts.” 
About two years ago, you threw caution to the wind and accepted a job offer in a new city. Thus began almost two years of a breakneck routine: waking up at ungodly hours, primping yourself up for the day, and dragging yourself to the station, only to wait in silence by the tracks as the train took its sweet time to arrive. Like everything else about your life, the mornings had become all about hustle. You were running to catch the train, running to finish all your assignments, running on precious little to keep yourself awake and alive. It was the nature of the job, unfortunately. You got used to it. 
But after all this time, you had finally realized an integral thing: the work could only satisfy you so much. This promotion was everything you had wanted—you were nothing short of thrilled. Yet you knew that, like any drug, success has a shelf-life. Your body metabolizes that thrill, over and over and over again, until it doesn’t quite hit you the same way anymore. In other words, you had long since realized that there needed to be more to your life than the job. You had to find other ways to make yourself happy, or else risk the danger of burning out once and for all. 
Kuroo made you happy. Really happy. 
He stood there, neat and polished, in his ironed tie and white button-up. His hair was fighting the product he’d put in it this morning, trying to stick out in that characteristic, bedhead way. It was a gorgeously endearing sight. And the way he was looking at you now, earnest and vulnerable, made you want to abandon all common sense. Screw “unbecoming.” You wanted to jump right into his arms.
“That…means a lot,” you finally said. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know. For everything. For being here, and being…you.” You swallowed hard, finding it increasingly difficult to keep the emotion out of your voice. “My turn to be cliché. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Kuroo’s eyes crinkled in a grin—and then, he scanned up and down the hallway. Abruptly, he backed you against the wall, barricading your line of sight with his broad shoulders, and before you could even protest, he cradled your jaw in one palm. 
“Me neither,” he whispered. And Kuroo kissed you. 
It was voltaic. 
Charged with hours worth of pent-up longing, it was slow and deep and devastatingly warm. Heat rushed like liquid lightning through your veins as he worked his lips against you, his other hand coming up to pull your waist into his. You gasped into his mouth, and felt him smile against your own. 
“Fuck,” you whispered, parting from him. He giggled like you’d said something funny. “We shouldn’t do this here,” you said. 
“Says who? We’re their bosses now.” 
“That doesn’t mean—” Kuroo didn’t let you finish; he slammed his lips back against yours, and immediately this kiss felt different. Messily, desperately, Kuroo slid his tongue into your mouth, gliding it against yours. One of his hands was fisting in your hair, tugging you ever closer. The other was gripping your hip, and you could feel the throbbing heat of him pulsing to life against your thigh. Images from your exchange this morning bubbled back into mind, and you remembered the night you’d promised him—the culmination to all the teasing you’d put him through. 
Not that he was teasing you any less. He began kissing slowly down the side of your neck, and you couldn’t hold back the embarrassing sound that tumbled out of you. Again, Kuroo huffed a laugh into your skin, like all of this was hilarious to him. “Shut up,” you whispered, weaving your fingers into his hair. He didn’t even say anything in response. But he pulled away from you—you fought down the disappointed whine that almost left you at the loss of contact—and his eyes met yours. They smoldered with want. With longing. 
With that all-too-familiar hunger. 
You breathed heavily. “Wanna get out of here?” you murmured. 
And the rest was history.
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Part 3 (which will be plotless smut lmao) is coming soon!
Thanks so much for reading! Requests are open, and follow @eashn for more!
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multifandomfix · 2 months
Jude Martin Fluff Alphabet
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A = Affection (Are they physically affectionate in public or just in private?)
Sister Jude is reserved in public due to her position. However, in private, she can be deeply affectionate, holding you close and showing you her softer side.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
She prefers classic pet names like “darling” or “dear.” She uses them sparingly but each time with a warmth that makes you feel cherished.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Jude loves to cuddle in private. She likes to be the big spoon, wrapping her arms around you protectively, holding you close to her chest.
D = Domestic (What’s it like living with them? Do they do their share of chores?)
Living with Sister Jude is structured and orderly, but not without a little fun, like middle of the kitchen dancing in the evening. She ensures that chores are done efficiently and believes in sharing responsibilities equally.
E = Easy (What is the easiest way to win their heart?)
The easiest way to win Jude’s heart is through acts of kindness and understanding. Show her you see beyond her tough exterior and appreciate her more vulnerable side when it peeks through the cracks.
F = Fun (Where do they take you for fun? Are they flirty?)
Jude enjoys simple, quiet pleasures. She might take you on serene walks or to a cozy spot for a quiet lunch. She’s can definitely be a flirt, but it’s usually conveyed in whispered innuendos and knowing looks.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
Jude is a thoughtful gift giver, favoring meaningful over materialistic gifts. She might give you something with sentimental value or a book she thinks you’d love.
H = History (What’s their relationship history like? Do they have any plans on settling down?)
She has a complicated history, and prefers to leave it all in the past. Despite seeming cold, she does have the desire to settle down with someone who understands her and offers her peace of mind.
I = I Love You (Who says I love you first?)
You’d have to. She isn’t about to break that wall of hers without knowing how you feel about her first.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Jude can get quite jealous, though she tries to hide it. Her jealousy manifests in subtle, possessive gestures and a protective demeanor.
K = Kids (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
Jude is surprisingly good with children, having a nurturing side that emerges around them. She’d not really want her own however, too damaged to think she’d make a good mother, even at this point in her life.
L = Love Language (How do they show their love to you?)
Jude shows her love through acts of service and quality time. She takes care of you in small, considerate ways and cherishes every moment spent together, almost clutching onto it like she fears it’ll come to an end any moment.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
You met Jude through a volunteer program at Briarcliff, where you were struck by her commanding presence and the glimpse of vulnerability in her eyes.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
Listen, she’ll ensure you get better, but she can get impatient as a caretaker. It’s better if you aren’t the whiny and demanding type when you’re sick, but she’ll do her best regardless. She just might keep her distance from you emotionally until you’re better. She doesn’t want to lash out.
O = Options (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
Jude values honesty, resilience, and compassion in a partner. She needs someone who understands her complexities and offers unconditional support in those moments where she wavers and doubts herself and her path.
P = Protective (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Jude is fiercely protective, both emotionally and physically. She would stand up to anyone who threatens you and make sure you’re safe and secure.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
You find her habit of absentmindedly humming old tunes while doing chores especially endearing. It shows a softer, somewhat nostalgic side to her that she rarely reveals.
R = Realization (When and what makes them realize they’re in love?)
Jude realizes she’s in love during a quiet evening when she catches herself lost in thought about you and the future you might have together. It’s a moment of clarity and peace for her.
S = Sentimental (Are they the sentimental type? What things hold sentimentality for them?)
Jude is quite sentimental. She treasures personal mementos like old letters, photographs, and any gifts you’ve given her that remind her of the love you share. But she’ll keep them all locked up and tucked away, only to view them in private since she’d prefer you not know just how sentimental she can be.
T = Try (In what ways do they support or help you?)
Jude supports you through her strength and wisdom. She helps you face challenges, offers sage advice, and is always there to listen and encourage you.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Jude would sing for you. Her reserved and stoic nature would lead you to believe that she wouldn’t like to sing, she has a beautiful voice and would serenade you in a rare, intimate moments.
V = Vacation (Where would they take you on vacation? What would you do?)
Jude would take you to a quiet, picturesque place like a cabin in the woods or a secluded beach. You’d spend your days relaxing, enjoying nature, and savoring each other’s company.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
Jude would dress elegantly, opting for classic, timeless pieces that highlight her natural beauty and strength. She’d choose a dress that makes her feel confident and alluring. And of course, it would most likely be red. She loves to dazzle in the color and the look in your eye always tells her you think it suits her as much as she thinks it does.
X = XOXO (How do they kiss?)
Jude’s kisses are intense and passionate, filled with emotion, longing and a bit of pent up lust. She kisses you in a way that occasionally makes your head spin and every one is memorable.
Y = Yes (How do you/they propose?)
It would be at home with her, no grand public displays, knowing she wouldn’t want that. You’d lay out your intentions of spending your life with her and she’d humbly accept your proposal, sealed with one of her softer kisses.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Jude has a somewhat restless sleep pattern, often staying up late with her thoughts. However, when she’s with you, she finds peace and sleeps more soundly, often cuddling close for comfort.
For anon
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay, @sparrowspixie, @imaginationismyworldlypleasure, @og-kxsh-420
Jude Martin: @brienneseveruscalaway, @derry-n, @bluenystic-blog, @peggycarter-steverogers, @mars-rivers, @gothtrash6969, @callsigncrash, @somelonelywriter, @babygirlscout
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Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental
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Jonesboro, Arkansas, nestled in the heart of the Arkansas Delta, offers a variety of attractions that make it a great destination for both residents and visitors. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or family-friendly activities, Jonesboro has something for everyone. Here are some of the top places to visit in this vibrant city.
1. Craighead Forest Park
One of Jonesboro’s most beloved outdoor spaces, Craighead Forest Park, is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Spanning over 692 acres, the park offers plenty of recreational opportunities, including hiking trails, fishing, camping, and disc golf. The serene lake at the center of the park is perfect for a leisurely day of fishing or paddle boating. Families can enjoy the playgrounds and picnic areas, making it an ideal spot for a day out.
2. Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center
The Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center provides an immersive experience into the natural beauty and history of the Crowley’s Ridge region. With interactive exhibits, educational programs, and wildlife observation areas, this nature center is perfect for those interested in learning about the unique ecosystem of the area. The center also features walking trails that offer stunning views of the ridge.
3. ASU Museum
Located on the Arkansas State University campus, the ASU Museum is a treasure trove of cultural and historical exhibits. It offers a glimpse into the history of Northeast Arkansas, with displays ranging from Native American artifacts to contemporary art. The museum also hosts special events and educational programs, making it a great stop for families and history buffs alike.
4. The Downtown Jonesboro Experience
Downtown Jonesboro is a hub of activity, blending historic charm with modern amenities. Stroll through the streets and explore a variety of local shops, boutiques, and restaurants. The area also features several art galleries and live music venues, providing a vibrant cultural scene. Whether you’re in the mood for a gourmet meal or a casual coffee, Downtown Jonesboro has it all.
5. The Fowler Center
The Fowler Center, also located on the Arkansas State University campus, is the cultural heart of Jonesboro. This performing arts center hosts a wide array of events, including theater productions, concerts, and dance performances. With its state-of-the-art facilities, the Fowler Center offers high-quality entertainment for all ages.
6. The Mall at Turtle Creek
For those who enjoy shopping, The Mall at Turtle Creek is the largest shopping destination in Northeast Arkansas. With a variety of national retailers, specialty stores, and dining options, the mall is a great place to spend an afternoon. Whether you’re looking for the latest fashion trends or a quick bite to eat, The Mall at Turtle Creek has something for everyone.
7. The Historic Arkansas State University District
Take a step back in time by visiting the Historic Arkansas State University District. This area is home to several historic buildings that tell the story of the university's rich history. Walking tours are available, allowing you to explore landmarks such as the Dean B. Ellis Library and the iconic ASU Arch.
Explore Jonesboro, AR
Jonesboro is a city with a rich history, diverse cultural offerings, and beautiful natural surroundings. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a history lover, or just looking to enjoy some local charm, Jonesboro has plenty to offer.
If you’re planning a home renovation or a large cleanout while exploring Jonesboro, consider Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs. With reliable service and a range of dumpster sizes, Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental makes debris removal easy and efficient, allowing you to focus on enjoying all that Jonesboro has to offer. Book your dumpster today and keep your project on track!
Featured Business:
Choosing Sullivan's Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs in the Arkansas Delta means partnering with a company committed to reliability and efficiency. We know that managing debris removal can be overwhelming, especially during renovations or large cleanouts, which is why we offer a variety of roll-off dumpsters tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you're tackling a small project or a major construction job in Jonesboro, our dumpsters ensure you have the perfect fit for the task at hand.
Contact: Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental 2320 B, W Washington Ave, Jonesboro, AR 72401, United States R7Q6+H4 Jonesboro, Arkansas (870) 316-8896
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCTysMF_weM
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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sullivans-dumpster-rental/sullivans-dumpster-rental
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/sullivans-dumpster-rental/sets/sullivans-dumpster-rental
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Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/sullivans-dumpster-rental/
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luxethaimassage · 2 months
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Welcome to Luxe Thai Massage, the ultimate sanctuary of serenity in Timberwood Park, San Antonio. As a premier luxury massage shop, we offer a variety of exceptional therapies including Swedish, Thai, Deep Tissue, Couples, Four-Hands, and Foot Massages. To further elevate your experience, we provide luxurious enhancements like Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, Tiger Balm, and Hot Oil treatments. Our tranquil, elegantly designed spa and highly trained therapists ensure each visit is a memorable journey to relaxation and well-being. Discover the difference at Luxe Thai Massage, where luxury and wellness come together in perfect harmony. Book your appointment today and experience unparalleled rejuvenation.
Location: 1304 W Borgfeld Drive, San Antonio TX 78260
Phone: (210) 251-8036
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LuxeThaiMassage
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LuxeThaiMassage78260
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madaproperties2 · 6 months
Unlocking Luxury Living: Prestigious Residential Islands in Dubai
Revealing the Opulence of Exclusive Island Properties and Their Impact on Dubai's Luxury Real Estate Market
Luxury residential islands in Dubai, exemplified by The World Islands and Palm Jumeirah, have had a profound influence on the city's real estate landscape. These man-made marvels offer a distinctive and lavish living experience that magnetizes affluent individuals and investors worldwide. Their allure extends beyond mere luxury; they are beacons of elite living, drawing colossal investments and epitomizing opulence. In this discourse, we delve into the financial advantages of luxury living on Dubai's islands, exploring key aspects that underpin their allure and exclusivity.
1. Prestigious Real Estate Developments
The World Islands and Palm Jumeirah stand as epitomes of luxury living on Dubai's islands. Engineered to perfection, these islands boast waterfront residences with breathtaking vistas and private beaches. Their unparalleled uniqueness has propelled their desirability, resulting in soaring demand and exorbitant prices.
2. Exclusive Island Properties
Synonymous with exclusivity and prestige, luxury residential islands cater to discerning clientele seeking unparalleled opulence. Mada properties are adorned with lavish amenities and exquisite finishes, enticing individuals who are willing to splurge for a lifestyle that sets them apart.
3. Attraction for International Investors
Dubai's allure for international investors is perennial, with prestigious developments like luxury residential islands being prime attractions. The prospect of owning an exclusive island property in a city renowned for modernity and economic opportunities is irresistible, driving demand and augmenting the luxury real estate market's value.
4. Tourism and Hospitality
Beyond residential appeal, luxury residential islands double up as tourist attractions, fueling demand for high-end accommodations. Many properties are managed by renowned hospitality brands, offering residents hotel-like services amidst luxurious island living.
5. Infrastructure and Connectivity
The development of luxury residential islands has spurred infrastructure enhancements, including roads, bridges, and transportation networks, rendering these locales more accessible. Improved connectivity not only benefits island residents but also enhances the appeal of surrounding areas.
6. Impact on Pricing
Exclusivity and limited availability have propelled premium pricing for island properties, setting benchmarks for luxury real estate. The most coveted residences, nestled on Palm Jumeirah and The World Islands, command staggering prices, reflecting their unparalleled status.
7. Impact on Surrounding Areas
The presence of luxury residential islands has catalyzed growth in surrounding neighborhoods, driving up demand, development, and property values. The islands' allure radiates across the vicinity, elevating the appeal and desirability of adjacent areas.
8. Economic Diversification
Dubai's real estate sector, including luxury island properties, plays a pivotal role in the city's economic diversification efforts. Revenue generated from these developments fuels growth across various sectors, contributing to Dubai's resilience and prosperity.
9. Challenges and Vulnerabilities
Despite their success, luxury residential islands grapple with challenges, including environmental concerns and maintenance costs. Sustaining these artificial paradises necessitates continuous investment, underscoring the financial commitment involved.
10. High-end Waterfront Residences
The allure of living directly on the waterfront is a primary draw for island residents. The serene ambiance, panoramic views, and direct access to the sea epitomize luxury island living, fueling demand for waterfront properties.
11. Iconic Architecture and Design
Properties on luxury islands boast iconic and innovative architectural designs, showcasing unparalleled luxury and sophistication. Each structure is a testament to cutting-edge design and craftsmanship, adding to the allure and value of these prestigious developments.
12. High-End Amenities
Luxury island living is synonymous with grandiose amenities, including private beaches, marinas, golf courses, and Michelin-starred restaurants. These amenities cater to the affluent elite, offering an unparalleled lifestyle experience that epitomizes luxury living.
In conclusion, luxury residential islands like The World Islands and Palm Jumeirah have redefined Dubai's real estate landscape. They epitomize opulence, attracting high-net-worth individuals and international investors while catalyzing growth in surrounding areas. As symbols of Dubai's ambition and extravagance, these exclusive island properties continue to captivate the world of luxury real estate.
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PARTY TIME: DJ Marek Entertains Eric and Morgan's Wedding at Mulley Hill Lodge in Deadwood South Dakota
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Eric and Morgan’s love story is the kind that inspires songs and poetry. Their journey culminated in a beautiful wedding at the amazing Mulley Hill Lodge in the heart of the Black Hills of South Dakota. This breathtaking wedding was not just about the vows exchanged but also about the melodies that filled the air, thanks to the incredible DJ Marek from Rapid City South Dakota. Let’s take a closer look at this unforgettable day that blended love, nature, and music seamlessly.
A Scenic Haven in the Black Hills
Mulley Hill Lodge, nestled in the Black Hills, served as the perfect backdrop for Eric and Morgan’s dream wedding. This rustic, charming venue offered the ideal blend of natural beauty and elegance. Surrounded by towering pine trees and lush greenery, the lodge exuded an intimate and serene atmosphere. As the sun cast its warm glow upon the lodge, it set the stage for a day filled with love, laughter, and beautiful music.
The Love Story of Eric and Morgan
Before we delve into the musical magic brought by DJ Marek, let’s explore the love story that brought Eric and Morgan to this momentous day.
Eric and Morgan met during their college years at the University of South Dakota. What began as a chance encounter in a coffee shop turned into a deep and enduring connection. Their love blossomed as they discovered shared interests in music, hiking, and their mutual admiration for the natural beauty of the Black Hills.
Their relationship was a harmony of personalities, with Eric’s calm and collected demeanor balancing Morgan’s vivacious spirit. They complemented each other in every way, and it was evident to everyone who knew them that they were destined to be together.
The Wedding Ceremony: Nature’s Aisle
The ceremony took place beneath a wooden arch adorned with white roses and wildflowers. The aisle was a path through nature, with a natural carpet of pine needles and wildflowers. As the couple exchanged vows, the wind rustled through the trees, and the birds provided their own melodious accompaniment to the heartfelt words shared between Eric and Morgan.
The Reception: A Musical Journey
After the heartfelt ceremony, it was time for the reception, and DJ Marek was ready to take the stage. DJ Marek Rapid City Wedding DJ, is renowned for his ability to read the crowd and curate a playlist that keeps the energy high and the dance floor alive.
As guests gathered in the lodge’s grand hall, they were greeted by soft, acoustic melodies that set the mood for the evening. The lodge’s wooden beams and warm, ambient lighting created an intimate atmosphere, making it the perfect setting for the celebration.
A Soundtrack of Love
One of the most remarkable aspects of Eric and Morgan’s wedding was the carefully curated soundtrack that DJ Marek put together. From the moment guests arrived, they were serenaded by an array of songs that celebrated love, nature, and the beauty of the Black Hills. Here are a few highlights:
Cocktail Hour: The cocktail hour featured acoustic renditions of classic love songs, including “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley and “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. As guests sipped on their drinks and enjoyed delicious appetizers, the music created an atmosphere of romance and anticipation.
First Dance: Eric and Morgan’s first dance was a magical moment. They danced to “All Your’n” by Tyler Childers, a song that encapsulated their love story perfectly. DJ Marek’s choice of music truly made the moment unforgettable.
Dinner Music: During the dinner service, DJ Marek transitioned to a more mellow playlist, featuring songs like “Budapest” by George Ezra and “L-O-V-E” by Nat King Cole. The music enhanced the ambiance of the lodge and allowed guests to enjoy their meals while still feeling the love in the air.
Party Time: As the night progressed, DJ Marek ramped up the energy with an eclectic mix of music that had everyone on their feet. From classic rock hits to modern pop anthems, the dance floor was alive with laughter and movement. There was something for everyone, and guests of all ages danced the night away.
A Night to Remember
Eric and Morgan’s wedding at Mulley Hill Lodge was not just a celebration of their love; it was a celebration of life, nature, and the power of music to bring people together. DJ Marek Rapid City Wedding DJ, played a crucial role in creating an unforgettable soundtrack for this special day. His ability to blend different musical genres and set the perfect mood at every moment was nothing short of magical.
As the night came to a close, and the stars above the Black Hills twinkled, it was clear that Eric and Morgan’s wedding was a perfect harmony of love and music. It was a day when the beauty of nature met the power of melody, and the result was nothing short of extraordinary.
In Conclusion
Eric and Morgan’s wedding at Mulley Hill Lodge in the Black Hills of South Dakota was a day filled with love, laughter, and beautiful music. DJ Marek, the Rapid City Wedding DJ, played a pivotal role in creating a memorable soundtrack that perfectly complemented the natural beauty of the surroundings.
As the couple embarked on this new chapter of their lives, they did so with the melodies of their wedding day still ringing in their hearts. Their love story, set against the backdrop of the Black Hills, will forever be a testament to the power of love and the magic of music.
May their journey together be as harmonious and beautiful as the music that filled the air on their special day. Here’s to Eric and Morgan, a couple whose love story is a perfect symphony. Cheers!
Wedding Vendors
Ceremony & Reception Mulley Hill Lodge in Deadwood, SD
Music & Entertainment: DJ Marek Deadwood South Dakota Wedding DJ Services
Photography: Augusta Marie Photography
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maydays-medbay · 2 years
Blog Links and Other Info
Last Updated: 3/31/2023 [3:38 AM (GMC-5)]
Updates: Added Flamewire's info; added to Dropdash, Ether, and Fireskimmer's profiles
This is a master document of many important things circling on my blog, such as my OCs and their respective ref sheets, currently open ask games, links to my other blogs, and AUs that I have made. Updates to the doc will be added to the top of the page next to the indicated spot
Info and Other Blogs
Call me Krutch, Arch, or Arc; He/Him pronouns
My birthday is March 21st if that matters to anyone 😂
The Medbay Discord! - here
My Other blogs:
@memory-not-found (Karma's RP Blog)
@of-ruins-and-rubble (Ruination Corps. RP Blog)
@of-arches-and-angels (Ultrakill Sideblog, very blank and empty rn)
Current Ask Games
5 minute sketches
Ask Me Anything
Flowery Oc Asks
Uncommon Questions for OCs and Creators
Headcanon ask
Unhinged Character Bingo
Transformers Character Asks (I made this one a while ago lol)
Karma / Dreamer, Astronomer, Lover of the Stars / He-Him / ref sheet
Phonetic Spelling: [Car-muh]
Voice Claim (Speaking): Anakin Skywalker from The Clone Wars Animated Series
My main OC, who currently lives on a starship with a small crew
Very reserved, but has a relatively pleasant personality when he does talk to others. Very smiley and gentle despite his size
Clumsy because of how big he is, though doesn't enjoy it much
Silverfall / Therapist, Serenity, Level-Headed Thinker / He-Him / ref sheet
Second Youngest of his siblings [Dropdash, Flamewire, Goldrake]
Used to be conjuxed to Karma, but was unfortunately offlined
Had a very happy and bubbly personality, but rarely showed it because of their willingness to listen to others and sit still
Very quiet speaker despite their personality (in most cases)
Really liked flowers like lavender because it was his brother, Goldrake's, favorite
Felt responsible for Goldrake up until they all went separate ways and lost contact with one another
Dropdash / Engineer, Blunt, Voice of Gravel / He-Him / Head Concept
The Eldest of his siblings [Silverfall, Flamewire, Goldrake]
Second tallest of his family
Very prickly personality
Not as intimidating as he tries to be
Hates flowers. Don't bring them anywhere near him unless you want a tool of some kind lobbed at your head.
Kibble puffs up a lot when angry- more than the average bot. This has been used as fuel to tease him plenty of times
Flamewire / Informant, Assassin, Teller of Secrets / He-She / Concept
Second Eldest of his siblings [Dropdash, Silverfall, Goldrake]
Tallest and tankiest of her siblings
He's not associated with Decepticons or Autobots, and will sell his services to anyone who will pay up
Cunning and self-centered
Leads an underground party that deals in secrets and assassination
Has a large following outside of either faction that will listen to her out of both loyalty and fear
His faceplates were scarred after a nasty brawl with a group of Decepticons
Many of the parts on her helm are cameras- many overlook them and see them as headlights or some other light source
Ether / Friendly, Painter, Fruit of Fate / He-Him / ref sheet [very outdated]
Phonetic Spelling: [EE-ther]
Kin of Karma and Silverfall
Very chaotic and energetic when he wants to be
Other than that he can be relatively quiet, especially when focused on a painting or other art project
Still grieving deeply over Silverfall's death and is more emotionally distant. He dissociates sometimes because of the event
Tries his best to take care of Karma while he can, even if sometimes he holds resentment towards him
Is hurt most when his caretaker, Karma, forgets him (this, unfortunately, is a common occurrence- especially as Karma grows older)
Tempest / [Placeholder] / He-Him
Cloudbreak / [Placeholder] / He-Him
Fireskimmer / Explorer, Exotreader, Fountain of Flame / He-Him
An XZ Class Exotreader frametype
Has an outlier ability that allows for him to combust parts of his body on command, though he can't use it for super long in risk of causing permanent fire damage- even with his fire resistance
Part of an explorer crew with others of his frametype
Both of his crewmates were his conjunx endura while they were all aboard their ship, The Novacore.
Currently in a holding cell under the Ruination Corps.' command
Paradigm / Cannibal, Mnemosurgeon, Two-Faced Vitriol / They-Them
Phonetic Spelling: [Pare-uh-dime]
Voice Claim (Speaking): The Conductor from Infinity Train (Vocoded, Robotic Voice)
Comprised of two individual bots, Jekyll and Hyde, and has two sparks in their frame
Both Jekyll and Hyde, when referred to individually, use He/Him pronouns
Hyde is the dominant of the two, more often being in control of the body and their motor functions
Hyde is cunning and overall an extremely manipulative individual, while Jekyll is more brutish and headstrong
They lead the Ruination Corps. alongside 5 other bots, though they are the overall "supreme" leader
Halcyon / Tactician, Chemist, Lurker in the Dark / They-He-It
Phonetic Spelling: [Hal-see-ON]
Voice Claim (Speaking): Higgs from Death Stranding
One of the Salvific Six- or the leaders of the Ruination Corps. besides Paradigm
Their tongue turns into a needle that they use to inject others with a variety of their dark concoctions, or suck fluids from objects
Has no optics on its face, though he does have sensors there...not to say that they don't have optics somewhere on their frame
Jaw can split open to grip onto things when using his needle
Vyrox / Surveillance Officer, Analyst, Creator of Malware/ He-They-She
Phonetic Spelling: [Vi-rocks]
Voice Claim (Singing): A Little Bit - Jake Daniels
Another member of the Salvific Six of the Ruination Corps.
Has an built-in system that lets him look through cameras and other surveillance devices- including comm units and other things of the like
Enjoys creating viruses that they can use against other bots
She isn't afraid to get their hands dirty if he has a duty that upholds the cause
Traitors will face Vyrox whether they like it or not, they don't miss anything going on within their ranks
Wolfram / KRAN-469074, Demolitionist, Elemental Expert / He-Him
Phonetic Spelling: [Wolf-rum]
Based on the KRAN frametype made by @cuppajj
The 74 at the end of his designated number is the same for that of Wolfram (now known as tungsten) on the periodic table of elements
Often straight-faced and intimidating to those he's unfamiliar with
Actually very goofy and loves joking around with others, even if it can take a while to get them to stop being somewhat afraid of him
Very science brain
Starbramble / Starseeker, Explorer, Shrouded Pathfinder / He-Him / ref sheet
Based on the Starseeker frametype made by @dimorphodon-x
Very lone wolf-esque mentality, though bonds that he makes are very strong
Betrayal will result in a life-long grudge. He doesn't do second chances
Lives on a jungle-heavy planet with his pet turbofox (even he doesn't know how he befriended the small beast)
Alternate Universes [AUs]
Counterfeit Paradigm
This is the name that I use for all of my OCs, but it's not really anything more than that. Most of the stuff involving this AU is just me talking about Paradigm or Karma lol
College AU - Main Info
An AU where everyone is in a College setting, though not everyone still has to be in college and can just be a normal citizen of sorts
Gecko AU - Some info
Not much info on this one as of right now other than all of the characters getting gecko-like features
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Realize the First-class Home Interior Design Ideas.
Supply your workplace or home interior a stunning and cute makeover this time round with our interior design offerings. Our home modeling and workplace interior design offerings are in particular designed to give your normally dull workplace or residing room a refreshing facelift by using using preferred procedures.
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Since we have chipped away at different projects, we're very prepared for designing problematic and exciting indoors whilst preserving most intense highlight on innovation and stylish allure of the design. Our determination, consistency and our dedication to supplying terrific interior design services in dubai have helped us carve a uniqueness for ourselves in this competitive circle.
Indoors enables to make an imitation of your fable domestic. On occasion the smallest matters have the best impact likes the addition of replicate, painting, plant, divider stylistic subject matter and so forth maybe you need to make inviting climate within the living room, make the l-sized secluded kitchen interior layout for kitchen, use light and new shading for room portray and so forth.
With regards to pick out the right Doors manufacturer enterprise to renovate your beautiful domestic, skc interiors can be your best preference. They've years of revel in and understanding in imparting the outstanding interior designing services throughout the uae.
Examine the subsequent are a few excellent domestic interior design ideas that you could with out a great deal of a stretch do with minimum exertion and cost.
1) Best coloration mixture
shading is the most perfect technique to alternate over dull home space into an captivating, new, and inviting space inside less time and fee. One-of-a-kind combinations of shadings in-domestic painting facilitates to introduce multiple shades of feelings like remarkable, inspiring, agreeable, serene, fiery, emotional, and so on paint smaller rooms the usage of gentler, lighter tones to cause the distance to feel larger. Earlier than choosing any tone situation for your house space pose one inquiry to yourself, what you need to experience while you input the home?
2) use ornamental mirrors
the replicate helps to feature immediately light to your own home space and making the distance sense bigger and more superb. It could without tons of a stretch end up the display-preventing focal point of your dwelling space. You could make use of mirror as a window and divider stylistic subject thing.
3) cross green
place a few flowers, vases within the domestic space to make a normal and tranquil weather in the domestic. Greenery suits any indoors layout and fashion. Blossoms add strength, tones, and hobby in weather and make a home appearance beautiful and alluring. Green plant life enhance the nature of the air. Flowers and blossoms can are available specific tones, so utilize exclusive sun shades of greenery to make the unconventional look.
4) cognizance on lights
lights is pretty possibly the main component in indoors layout for developing the mindset and feeling of residing area. There are different forms of lights handy to make beautiful and vibrant interiors like ambient lights, accessory lighting fixtures, assignment lighting fixtures, esthetic lights, recessed lighting fixtures. Utilizing the right type of lights at the proper location is important for utilizing lights in-home indoors design.
5) use rugs
carpets are a maximum perfect opportunity to feature a touch of warmth and coziness to area specifically those with hardwood or tile floors. It could add engaging satisfactory and usefulness to your property area. There are numerous perfect cotton, launderable mats that are perfect for youngsters’ rooms.
6) fixtures
furniture helps to add enchantment to domestic space. It's miles one of the essential components of interior design. Furniture changes over the unfilled home construction into a complete wealthy house. Home fixtures now not simply improvements the appears and excellence of the room however moreover offers the pleasant solace to rest and unwind.
7) pick the proper curtains
curtains deliver a very stunning appearance to area. It is pretty in all likelihood the satisfactory interior style component this is suit for bringing an emotional change in the environment of a home. You may make use of a distinctive fashion of curtains in every room of the house relying at the shading subject of the room divider, the need for security, used fixtures, and so forth its offers a exceptional and one-of-a-kind look to each room.
Multiple to different Custom Made Furniture In Dubai providers, we don’t superfluously defer mission. We disdain the possibility of procrastination. Considering the fact that our indoors designers are furnished with modern-day innovation and feature chipped away at numerous tasks in advance of time, we can usually guarantee you that we gained’t make any form of supply and take on the nice front. Our representatives give completing touches to the layout to increase its tasteful allure. We cut down on the flowery odds and ends from the final end result to reason it to seem sincere yet wealthy.
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The Turkish Bath: A Journey Through History and Relaxation
The Turkish bath, known as “hamam,” is more than just a place to cleanse the body; it is a rich cultural tradition steeped in history, social interaction, and a unique approach to wellness. Originating from the ancient Roman baths and later adapted by the Ottomans, the hamam has become an integral part of Turkish culture, symbolizing relaxation, community, and self-care.
Historical Background
The roots of the hamam can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The Romans perfected the art of bathing, constructing elaborate public baths that served not only as places for hygiene but also as social hubs. These baths featured a series of rooms with varying temperatures, allowing patrons to move from hot to cold environments.
As the Byzantine Empire transitioned into the Ottoman Empire, the concept of the bath evolved. The Ottomans embraced the Roman tradition but infused it with their own customs and architectural styles. The first Ottoman hamams were established in the 15th century and quickly became popular across the empire. They were not merely places for washing; they became vital social spaces where people gathered, conversed, and conducted business.
Architecture of the Hamam
The design of a traditional hamam is both functional and beautiful. Most hamams consist of three main areas: the “camekan” (entrance hall), the “hararet” (hot room), and the “soğukluk” (cold room).
Upon entering the camekan, guests are welcomed into a warm and relaxing atmosphere, often adorned with intricate tile work and elegant arches. This area serves as a waiting room where patrons can socialize and enjoy refreshments.
From the camekan, guests proceed to the hararet, the heart of the hamam. This room is typically domed and heated by a series of hot marble slabs, known as “göbektaşı,” which provide a warm surface for lounging. The ambient heat promotes sweating and relaxation, preparing the body for cleansing.
After the hot room, patrons move to the soğukluk, where they can cool down and rinse off. This area is often decorated with beautiful mosaics and fountains, creating a serene environment for relaxation.
The Hamam Experience
A visit to the hamam is a multi-sensory experience that involves several steps, each designed to promote relaxation and rejuvenation.
Preparation: Upon arrival, guests are greeted by attendants who provide them with a pestemal, a traditional Turkish towel, and slippers. After changing into the pestemal, guests can relax in the camekan and sip on herbal tea or water.
Sweating and Cleansing: Guests then enter the hararet, where they lie on the heated marble slabs. The heat induces sweating, opening up the pores and preparing the skin for cleansing.
Scrubbing: After a period of relaxation, a skilled attendant, known as a “tellak” for men and “natir” for women, performs a thorough scrubbing. Using a special exfoliating mitt called “kese,” the attendant gently scrubs the skin, removing dead cells and impurities. This process not only cleanses the skin but also stimulates circulation, leaving the body feeling rejuvenated.
Foam Massage: Following the scrubbing, guests are treated to a luxurious foam massage. The attendant uses a special soap and creates a rich lather, massaging the body with gentle yet firm movements. This step enhances relaxation and allows guests to feel pampered.
Rinsing: After the foam massage, guests rinse off in the soğukluk. This step refreshes the body and closes the pores after the heat of the hararet.
Relaxation: The experience concludes with a period of relaxation in the soğukluk, where guests can sip herbal tea and enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings. Some hamams also offer additional services, such as aromatherapy and oil massages, further enhancing the experience.
Cultural Significance
The hamam is not just a place for physical cleansing; it is deeply ingrained in Turkish culture and social life. Traditionally, the hamam served as a communal space where people from all walks of life could gather. It was a place for women to socialize and bond, often transforming into a festive occasion filled with laughter and conversation.
In addition to its social aspects, the hamam holds cultural significance in Turkish rituals and celebrations. For example, it is common for brides-to-be to have a special hamam day before their wedding, symbolizing purification and new beginnings.
Moreover, the hamam has been a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and writers throughout history. Its imagery often evokes themes of beauty, tranquility, and the simple pleasures of life.
Health Benefits
The hamam experience is not only relaxing but also offers numerous health benefits. The combination of heat, steam, and exfoliation promotes better circulation, aiding in detoxification and muscle relaxation. Regular visits to the hamam can also improve skin health by keeping it hydrated and free from impurities.
In addition to physical benefits, the hamam provides mental relaxation, allowing guests to escape the stresses of daily life. The serene environment, combined with the ritual of bathing, creates a sense of mindfulness and rejuvenation.
Modern Hamams
In recent years, the traditional hamam experience has gained popularity among tourists and locals alike. Many modern hamams have emerged, combining traditional practices with contemporary design and amenities. These establishments often offer a range of spa services, including massages, facials, and beauty treatments, attracting a diverse clientele.
While some modern hamams retain the traditional architecture and atmosphere, others adopt a more luxurious approach, featuring private rooms, Jacuzzis, and relaxation lounges. Regardless of the style, the essence of the hamam experience remains rooted in its historical and cultural significance.
Tips for Visiting a Hamam
Choose the Right Hamam: Research different hamams to find one that aligns with your preferences, whether it’s a traditional establishment or a modern spa.
Arrive Early: Arriving early allows you to enjoy the ambiance and relax before your treatment begins.
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before and after your visit to stay hydrated.
Communicate Your Preferences: Don’t hesitate to communicate with your attendant about your preferences for scrubbing and massage pressure.
Embrace the Experience: Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience. Leave behind the stresses of daily life and enjoy the tranquility of the hamam.
The Turkish bath, or hamam, is more than a cleansing ritual; it is a cultural institution that embodies relaxation, community, and history. As you step into a hamam, you are not only experiencing a physical cleanse but also partaking in a tradition that has been cherished for centuries. Whether you are seeking relaxation, social connection, or a taste of Turkish culture, a visit to the hamam is an unforgettable journey that nourishes both body and soul.
So, the next time you find yourself in Turkey, take the time to visit a hamam and indulge in this timeless tradition. You’ll leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and with a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage that the hamam represents.
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harshtrakky-12345 · 2 days
Transform Your Look at the Best Salon in Whitefield, Bangalore
Welcome to the best salon in Whitefield, Bangalore! We are committed to providing you with a personalized beauty experience that elevates your look and boosts your confidence. Our team of expert stylists and beauty professionals is dedicated to meeting your every need with exceptional service.
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Diverse Service Offerings
Professional Hair Care
Your hair is an essential part of your identity, and we offer a range of services to keep it looking its best:
Customized Haircuts: Our experienced stylists work closely with you to create a haircut that flatters your face shape and fits your lifestyle. Whether you prefer a modern cut or a classic look, we have you covered.
Expert Coloring Services: Explore a variety of coloring techniques, including balayage, highlights, and fashion colors. We use premium products that protect your hair while delivering vibrant and long-lasting results.
Special Occasion Styling: From weddings to parties, our talented team specializes in creating stunning hairstyles for any occasion, ensuring you feel beautiful and confident.
Nourishing Hair Treatments: Combat dryness and damage with our deep conditioning treatments designed to restore shine and health to your hair.
Rejuvenating Skincare
Pamper your skin with our luxurious skincare treatments tailored to your unique needs:
Personalized Facials: Our facials are customized to address your specific skin concerns, from hydration to anti-aging. Enjoy a relaxing experience that leaves your skin radiant and refreshed.
Gentle Exfoliating Peels: Reveal smoother, brighter skin with our exfoliating peels that remove dead skin cells and promote a healthy complexion.
Intensive Hydration: Hydrate your skin with our targeted treatments that replenish moisture and enhance your natural glow.
Luxurious Nail Services
Indulge in our exquisite nail care offerings:
Manicures and Pedicures: Experience meticulous nail care with our comprehensive manicure and pedicure services, featuring detailed attention and soothing massages for total relaxation.
Creative Nail Art: Showcase your personality with our custom nail art options. Our skilled technicians can create everything from elegant designs to bold patterns.
Friendly and Experienced Team
Our salon is staffed by passionate beauty professionals dedicated to providing top-notch service. With ongoing training in the latest techniques and trends, you can trust that you are receiving the best care possible.
Personalized Consultations
Every client is unique, and we believe in tailored consultations. We start each appointment with a thorough discussion of your beauty goals, ensuring our services meet your individual needs.
Relaxing Atmosphere
Step into a serene environment designed for your comfort. Our inviting salon features calming decor and friendly staff, making it the perfect place to unwind while enjoying your treatments.
Effortless Booking Process
Book Your Appointment Now!
Ready to enhance your beauty routine? Book your appointment now using our convenient online booking system or call us directly. We’re here to make your experience as smooth as possible.
Seasonal Promotions
Take advantage of our exciting promotions! We frequently offer special deals that allow you to enjoy premium services at fantastic prices.
Client Testimonials
Here’s what our satisfied clients are saying:
“This salon is amazing! The staff was incredibly attentive, and my haircut turned out perfectly. I highly recommend them!” – Neha L.
“I loved my facial! It was so relaxing, and my skin has never looked better. I can’t wait for my next visit.” – Rahul S.
Additional Offerings
Bridal and Event Packages
Planning for a special day? Our comprehensive bridal packages include hair, makeup, and skincare services to ensure you look stunning on your big day.
Men’s Grooming
We also provide a full range of grooming services for men, including stylish haircuts, beard grooming, and skincare treatments tailored to keep you looking your best.
Why Choose Us?
Dedication to Quality
We are committed to using only high-quality products and techniques, ensuring you receive exceptional results every time. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Community Connection
As a locally-owned salon, we value our relationship with the community and strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all clients.
If you’re searching for the best salon in Whitefield, Bangalore, you’ve found it! With our extensive range of services, experienced professionals, and dedication to personalized care, we guarantee a remarkable experience each time you visit. Treat yourself to the beauty services you deserve—book your appointment now and let us help you shine! Your journey to looking and feeling fabulous starts here.
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oaseine · 5 days
Customer Testimonials: Why Clients Love Avalluvi Spa in Singapore
When it comes to choosing a spa that offers both luxury and serenity, clients across Singapore are raving about Avalluvi Spa. Known for its exceptional service, peaceful atmosphere, and holistic treatments, Avalluvi has earned a reputation as a premier destination for relaxation and rejuvenation. But don’t just take our word for it—hear from the clients themselves! Here’s why customers keep coming back to Avalluvi Spa.
“A Truly Transformative Experience”
“I’ve been to many spas in Singapore, but nothing compares to the experience at Avalluvi. The moment I stepped in, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The staff were incredibly attentive, and I could tell they really cared about my wellness. I left feeling completely rejuvenated, both physically and mentally. Avalluvi has become my go-to place for self-care.” — Rachel W.
For Rachel and many others, Avalluvi stands out not just for its services but for its holistic approach to well-being. The spa’s calming atmosphere and expert therapists make each visit a transformative experience, leaving clients feeling refreshed long after they’ve left.
“Unparalleled Attention to Detail”
“What I love most about Avalluvi Spa is the attention to detail. From the moment I walked in, everything was perfectly organized and beautifully presented. The treatments were luxurious, and I could tell that a lot of care went into crafting each one. The little touches—like the organic teas and aromatherapy—made me feel pampered from start to finish. I can’t wait for my next visit!” — Jessica T.
Jessica's review highlights the careful thought Avalluvi puts into every aspect of the client experience. From the décor to the products used, Avalluvi makes sure every detail is carefully designed to maximize comfort and relaxation.
“Sustainability Meets Luxury”
“I was drawn to Avalluvi because of their commitment to sustainability, but I stayed for the incredible treatments! It’s amazing how they’ve managed to create such an eco-friendly space without sacrificing any luxury. I feel good knowing that my spa experience is not only great for me but also for the environment.” — Daniel L.
For environmentally conscious clients like Daniel, Avalluvi's sustainable approach is a major draw. The spa’s eco-friendly practices, such as using organic products and reducing waste, resonate with those who want their wellness routines to align with their values.
“A Personalized, Pampered Experience”
“Avalluvi’s personalized service is what sets it apart. The staff really took the time to understand my needs and recommended the perfect treatments. I felt so pampered, and my skin has never felt better! This is the only spa I trust with my skin care now.” — Emily H.
Emily’s testimonial reflects the personalized care that every client at Avalluvi enjoys. The therapists take the time to understand each individual’s unique needs, ensuring that every treatment is perfectly tailored for optimal results.
“An Oasis in the Heart of the City”
“I love how Avalluvi Spa is right in the heart of Singapore, but the moment you walk in, it feels like you’ve entered a peaceful oasis. It’s my little escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The treatments are top-notch, and I always leave feeling completely relaxed.” — Mark C.
For busy professionals like Mark, Avalluvi offers a much-needed escape from the hectic pace of city life. The spa’s serene atmosphere provides a perfect backdrop for relaxation and restoration.
Experience Avalluvi for Yourself
The rave reviews are in—clients love Avalluvi Spa for its exceptional service, luxurious treatments, and commitment to sustainability. Ready to experience it for yourself? Visit avalluvi to book your appointment and see why so many people choose Avalluvi as their ultimate relaxation destination.
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Kheerganga Height: Is Your Ascent to This Peak All Set?
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Venturing to Kheerganga's height offers a journey through an ethereal landscape where the sky meets the mountains in a breathtaking dance. As you ascend, the crisp mountain air fills your lungs, invigorating your spirit with every step. The panorama unfolds with verdant meadows, rugged peaks, and the shimmering allure of ancient glacial rivers. At the summit, you are greeted by the serene warmth of natural hot springs, inviting you to soak and reflect on the profound beauty surrounding you.
Ascending to Kheerganga height requires preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trek. 
Here's a Guide to Getting Ready for Kheerganga Trekking and Camping:
1. Physical Preparation:
Fitness Training: Start a fitness regimen focused on cardio, strength, and endurance. Include hiking or trekking on varied terrain to simulate the trek conditions.
Altitude Acclimatization: If possible, practice hiking at higher elevations to adapt to the lower oxygen levels; the Kheerganga trek length can be challenging for people new to trekking. 
2. Essential Gear and Clothing:
Trekking Shoes: Choose well-fitting, waterproof, and sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support.
Clothing: Layer your clothing to adapt to changing temperatures. Include moisture-wicking base layers, insulating layers (like fleece), and a waterproof, windproof jacket. Avoid cotton as it retains moisture.
Camping Gear: A high-quality tent, sleeping bag rated for low temperatures, and an insulating sleeping pad are crucial for comfort during the night in Kheerganga trekking camps. 
3. Trekking Essentials:
Backpack: Use a comfortable, well-fitted backpack with a hydration system or water bottles.
Water and Purification: Carry enough water for the trek and a portable water purifier or purification tablets.
Food: Pack high-energy, easy-to-cook foods like trail mix, energy bars, and instant meals. Include a small stove and fuel if you plan to cook.
Navigation Tools: A map, compass, or GPS device will help you stay on track.
4. Medical and Safety Supplies:
First-Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, medications for altitude sickness, pain relievers, and personal prescriptions.
Personal Safety: Carry a multi-tool, whistle, and flashlight with extra batteries. Consider a portable power bank for charging devices.
5. Documentation and Permits:
Permits: Obtain any necessary permits for trekking in the area and keep a copy of your ID with you.
Emergency Contact: Share your itinerary with someone and ensure you have contact information for local emergency services.
6. Weather and Environmental Considerations: 
Weather Forecast: Check the weather forecast before your trek and be prepared for sudden changes in conditions.
Environmental Respect: Follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment. Pack out all trash and avoid disturbing wildlife.
By preparing thoroughly and equipping yourself with the right gear and knowledge, you'll be well-prepared to enjoy the stunning landscapes and rewarding experience of the Kheerganga trek.
Trek to Kheerganga and experience the joy of camping between the mountains with Universal Adventures. Check out the amazing package we offer for trekking with camping on our website. 
Details About the Kheerganga Trekking Package: 
1. Start and End point: Barshaini
2. Trek Start Time: The Kheerganga trek time starts at 10:00 AM (Day 1)
3. Trek End Time: The Kheerganga trek ends at 02:00 PM (Day 2)
4. Trekking Distance: The Kheerganga trek distance is 24 KM (Total)
5. Mobile Network: BSNL works well in those areas
6. Trek Endurance: Easy to moderate
7. Trek Height: 10,006.50 ft(3050m)
8. Age Limit: Between 16 to 45 Years
9. Package:
Trek with Camping: INR 949 per person (1 night and 2 days)
Accommodation in Dome Tents on Sharing Basis
Meals: Breakfast and Dinner (All Veg)
All Necessary Trek Permits and Entry Fees
Oxygen Cylinder, First Aid Medical Kits, and Stretcher
Professional Trek Leader, Guide, and Support Staff
For further details, call our toll-free number 8533812266.
Each moment at Kheerganga is a reminder of nature's grandeur, blending tranquility with the thrill of adventure, creating an experience that stays etched in your memory long after the journey ends.
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jadhavpropmart · 8 days
L&T Elixir Reserve: Premium 2BHK and 3BHK Flats in Powai
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When it comes to luxurious living in the heart of Mumbai, L&T Elixir Reserve stands as a testament to architectural brilliance and impeccable design. Nestled in the vibrant locality of Powai, this residential project offers a perfect blend of modern amenities and natural surroundings, making it one of the most sought-after properties in the city. Whether you're looking for a spacious 2 BHK or an expansive 3 BHK flat, L&T Realty has crafted these homes with unparalleled attention to detail, ensuring a lifestyle that is both comfortable and opulent.
Discover the Location Advantage of Powai
Powai, often referred to as the crown jewel of Mumbai’s suburbs, has evolved into a thriving residential and commercial hub. Located near key areas like Andheri, Kanjurmarg, and Chandivali, Powai offers seamless connectivity to major parts of Mumbai.
Proximity to Key Landmarks
L&T Elixir Reserve is strategically located to offer proximity to:
Educational Institutions: Renowned schools such as Hiranandani Foundation School and Bombay Scottish School are within easy reach, ensuring quality education for your children.
Healthcare Facilities: The project is close to major hospitals like Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, providing top-notch healthcare services.
Shopping and Entertainment: Powai is home to several malls, multiplexes, and entertainment zones, making it a paradise for shopping enthusiasts and movie buffs.
Connectivity: With its excellent road and rail networks, Powai offers easy connectivity to the Eastern and Western Express Highways, and the Mumbai Metro, ensuring a hassle-free commute.
Explore the Luxurious Amenities at L&T Elixir Reserve
L&T Elixir Reserve is not just about living spaces; it's about a lifestyle that is rich in luxury and convenience. The project offers a plethora of amenities designed to cater to the diverse needs of its residents.
Clubhouse and Recreation
At the heart of L&T Elixir Reserve is a state-of-the-art clubhouse that offers a variety of recreational facilities. Residents can indulge in:
Swimming Pool: A large swimming pool where you can unwind and relax.
Gymnasium: A fully equipped gym that caters to fitness enthusiasts.
Indoor Games: Facilities for indoor games such as table tennis, billiards, and chess.
Landscaped Gardens
The project features beautifully landscaped gardens, offering a serene environment for evening strolls or morning yoga sessions. The green spaces are designed to provide a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Spacious Apartments
The 2 BHK and 3 BHK flat in powai are meticulously designed to offer spacious living areas. The living rooms are expansive, the bedrooms are cozy yet elegant, and the kitchens are modern and functional. Each flat is designed with attention to detail, ensuring a perfect balance between aesthetics and practicality.
L&T Elixir Reserve is the epitome of luxury living Properties in Powai. With its prime location, world-class amenities, and meticulously designed apartments, it offers an unmatched lifestyle for those who seek the best. Whether you are a young professional looking for a 2 BHK flat or a family in need of a spacious 3 BHK home, L&T Elixir Reserve is the perfect choice for you.
For more details visit our site:  https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-powai/
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