frasesenespa-ol · 1 year
¡Buen viaje! Lárgate cabrón, y a poder ser, no vuelvas...
Cartas desde el Maltrato --Roberto Martínez Guzmán
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teenageeaglerebel · 2 years
Hiciste lo que sabías que era "el amor".
Me traspasaste tus inseguridades, me hiciste creer por un momento que las personas que te aman te abandonan, eso es mentira. Pero también me enseñaste que existen monstruos que fingen y mienten al decir... "Te amo". Gracias por contarme tu triste historia de terror, tu vida.
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aviscranio · 1 year
it’s report and block on sight at this point
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caostalgia · 2 years
Si después de estar con él, no te gustó cómo folla... Huye.
Si no le tomas importancia y estás dispuesta a pasar por alto que sea un pésimo amante, estimada mía.... Le otorgas carta blanca para que sea malo en todo lo demás y tú, lo permitas.
Créeme y lárgate de ahí.
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ojos-bien-cerradosg · 1 month
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Ya lárgate
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Estas serán las últimas palabras que te dedicaré.
No quiero seguir condenando mi mente con tus mentiras, ni quiero seguir siendo participe de tus juegos. Al menos no ahora.
No quiero soportar más tus idas y venidas, tu poca empatía y tu falta de paciencia.
Quiero que dejes de hacerme sentir que soy la culpable de todo, cuando lo último que he hecho es aguantar tus desprecios, y cuando estos ya fueron más que suficiente, te dije adiós y continúe con mi vida, sin esperarte de regreso.
Como si fuera parte de los músicos del Titanic, me quedé hasta que tú te fuiste, me dejaste sola y nuestro barco se hundió en lo más profundo del océano.
Me ahogué.
Luego reviví, y nade, hasta que ya no pude más y encontré tierra firme.
Si quieres decir adiós,
Ya no te quiero cerca.
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tulips-moon · 5 months
Ojos azules
Ok, porque ustedes lo pidieron, fanfic de Gojo Satoru.
Advertencias: Acoso, secuestro, denigración, violencia, machismo, dime si me perdí de alguna. Nota: Espero les guste mucho, si crees que podría mejorar en algo, por favor dímelo acepto cualquier crítica constructiva.
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Gojo Satoru, un chico que realmente solo se acostaba con una chica y la dejaba, un chico con mucho dinero, muy poderoso y guapísimo, el hechicero más poderoso, un tipo gracioso y despreocupado... Era perfecto, ¿no? Tenía todo lo que necesitaba, ¿verdad? Nadie tiene todo lo que quiere siempre, solo Satoru, pero aún él necesitaba algo... algo que nunca encontró hasta que te conoció: Amor maternal. Si en una pareja puede ser raro, pero aunque no lo creas puede que allá chicas que cuiden de todos, que les den ese lindo amor maternal que necesitaban, esa comprensión, cuidado, atención, empatía, amor, afecto, eso que solo una buena madre te puede dar (Una madre ya sabes a lo que la gente dice por qué hay mamas que no son así y no está mal.) Desafortunadamente tú tuviste que ver a Satoru como un niño necesitado de amor, parecía que la única que lo notaba eras tú lo cual le encanto.
Al principio Satoru solo quería follar contigo y botarte, pero... Algo en ti lo atrajo, algo que quería solo fuera para él, tu empatía y afecto incondicional, eso hizo que te quisiera conservar para siempre, solo para él y talvez con tu mamá que lo trataba igual de bien que tú.
Vas caminando a tu casa tranquilamente, una noche hermosa con el cielo lleno de estrellas que adornaban preciosamente la luna, el aire era fresco con una brisa relajante, tenías un café que Satoru te compro, pero lo tiraste, pues estabas muy molesta, pues habías descubierto que él solo te quería para tener sexo contigo, además el café tenía mucho azúcar.
Cuando llegaste a tu casa casi te da un infarto, viste a Satoru Gojo sentado en tu sillón comiendo galletas y chocolate, que le preparó tu mamá. Su sonrisa estúpida cambio cuando vio que no traías el café, no había botes de basura cercanos para cuando lo hubieras terminado y tú no tirabas basura en la calle. Le hablaste en un tono de molestia y odio.
T/N: ¿Qué demonios haces en mi casa? Satoru: Solo... vine porque soy tu novio... T/N: JA... No, ahora lárgate de mi casa
Tu madre se extrañó ante este comportamiento poco usual entre tú y Satoru, pelo lo entendió después de todo, los problemas de pareja pueden ser usuales en parejas jóvenes como tú y Satoru. Ella solo sacó a Satoru mientras él te mira con furia y obsesión, algo que hace recorrer un escalofrío en todo tu cuerpo, solo viste esa mirada cuando tu mejor amiga te estaba coqueteando, **extrañamente** ella desapareció unos días después. Lo mismo que pasaría contigo, pero no lo sabías
Subiste a tu cuarto y te dispusiste a dormir. Cuando despertaste, dios, deseaste no haberlo hecho. Estaba Satoru frente a tu cuerpo encadenado y semidesnudo, él te miraba peligrosamente, con celos, odio, obsesión y crueldad. (Parte 1/3)
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genocidehim · 1 year
Can you make a part 2 for nacho falling in love with Lalo’s wife!!!
PS: I loved the first one 💙💙
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part. 1 here
notes: Keep in mind that this part is directly related to bcs and the episode of Something Unforgivable, the facts will try to be as canon as possible, but I will change a lot of things. words: 2143
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"Hay un portón en la parte de atrás del lugar de Salamanca. A las tres de la mañana esta noche quítale el candado. Ábrelo, lárgate de ahí"
Nacho spent the whole day pondering the instructions given in that unknown call. He knew they were direct orders from Fring, and he sensed that he would do something when Lalo was more vulnerable, and his house was the perfect place. Nacho seemed to agree with that plan and even looked forward to the night, but there was a major inconvenience: You were in the house along with a bunch of other innocent people.
No matter what Nacho said or asked, he knew he wouldn't have a chance to get you out of that situation because, unfortunately, you were also a Salamanca and a potential victim of Fring's plans.
Even though you and Nacho had only had some silly flirting and slightly heated words, neither of you believed the other was interested, so there was only a sort of odd friendship between you. But you had already wormed your way into Nacho's heart, and he was enchanted by you.
He was restless throughout the day as he thought and thought about that situation. He couldn't find a fair solution that would only involve Lalo's death and not yours. He trembled with fear at the mere thought of you getting hurt because of Fring's plans, and the fear of you dying was much stronger than Nacho's desire to see Lalo dead.
Nacho needed to find a quick solution, and as the sky grew darker, he felt panic and dread flood his body.
"What ghost did you see? You're all shaky." you said as you approached Nacho and gave him a big smile.
Nacho had been lost in his own world since morning and hadn't noticed that you had just returned from the horse stable. You were slightly sweaty from taking care of the horses all morning.
"I think I'm just a little hot. It's quite sunny today" Nacho managed to look good, but he had that worried face as always.
"In Albuquerque it's not sunny or what? Man... you're a softie, you need to get some good sun in Mexico".
Nacho felt his heart beat faster as he saw how your relationship had become so strong and trusting. He adored how you treated him so naturally and enjoyed your sincere words. He couldn't imagine not hearing from you again; he didn't want to.
"I'll have time to get used to it."
Before you could respond with a tease, Lalo's voice in the distance caught both of your attention. "¡Ignacio, ven y ayúdame a reparar una cosa por acá!"
"I'm sorry, Lalo needs me..."
"It's okay, go," you smiled in response, but before he left, you took his arm and held him back for a second. "Lalo will have dinner at the house tonight... You should come down and eat with us. I'd like to have you at dinner."
The way you looked at him made Nacho's heart melt, and guilt struck harder in his chest.
"I will. Save a seat for me next to you."
Nacho bid you goodbye for the moment and went to help Lalo with cleaning the engine of his Montecarlo while trying to keep his mind clear and come up with an effective solution for what would happen that night.
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It was already quite late, almost two-thirty in the morning, when Nacho remained awake and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He was desperate and paced back and forth in the kitchen, debating whether he should continue with the plan or sabotage everything. But it was impossible for him to think clearly when he knew that if he didn't act quickly, he would die that night too.
Nacho decided to stick to the plan and open the gate of the house. He managed to cut a tin can and took small pieces to pick the lock. After checking the time on the kitchen clock, Nacho headed to the backyard, and before he could react, he found himself face to face with Lalo in front of the bonfire, drinking a beer. Ignacio sweated and hid the pieces of tin in his pockets when he saw Lalo invite him to sit beside him.
"Take a seat."
Nacho sat on the wooden chair next to the bonfire, feeling his heart pound forcefully in his chest. Lalo grabbed a beer and offered it to him, looking somewhat calmer than usual.
"Are you still hungry?" Lalo spoke with a playful tone in his voice.
"No, it was a good dinner" Ignacio replied as he took a sip of the beer and tried to loosen the knot in his throat.
Lalo laughed in response and kept watching Nacho with some joy in his eyes. He was really starting to like him.
"She really knows how to keep a man at the table, huh?" Lalo mentioned you, and something inside Nacho made him feel awful knowing that you were asleep upstairs. "I never understood why she enjoys having dinner together so much, but if it makes her happy, well…"
Nacho couldn't understand how Lalo was incapable of understanding you. Was his ego so big that it prevented him from seeing beyond his own desires? It was obvious that you enjoyed having dinner with everyone for the feeling of being in someone's company.
"She must be a family-oriented woman…"
"She was like that when I first met her, but I think she no longer sees her family... They hate her for marrying a narco. Ugh, son puras pendejadas de la plebe" Lalo revealed as he scratched his mustache with his finger, apparently feeling confident enough to talk to Nacho about you.
Lalo wasn't even aware that you had no contact with your family because of him, and he had no interest in acknowledging that simple fact. He probably imagined that you were fine with the whole situation.
"She's somewhat lonely" Lalo continued. "I'm not complaining. She's quite intelligent and a good wife. I couldn't ask for a better woman than her, but she's somewhat... complicated, you know?"
Nacho tried to hide his expression of disgust and shook his head.
"You know, she demands a lot of attention... Sometimes she seems like a child" Lalo shrugged and took a sip of his beer. "She should have friends and go out or something, but she's at home all day waiting for me to return."
"I imagine it must be difficult for her to have friends while being your wife... right?"
Lalo observed Nacho for a moment and paused to silently contemplate what he had said.
"It could be... Maybe she's just as distrustful as I am and finds it hard to trust other people" Lalo smiled as he reached the conclusion that you were as reserved as he was. It only made him feel more secure to have you by his side. "But it seems like she really likes you."
Those words made Nacho's skin crawl. Was Lalo aware of the strange friendship you two had?
"I'm glad she gets along with you. Maybe someday you can introduce her to those pretty girlfriends you have, and she can make some real friends."
Lalo laughed at his own comment, and Nacho tried to play along while realizing that Lalo didn't suspect or feel threatened by his presence with you. Lalo's ego was probably so big that he couldn't feel jealous of Nacho. Or perhaps he trusted you too much and your loyalty to him.
Suddenly, Lalo fell silent and sat up straight in his chair, appearing attentive and alert. Nacho swallowed hard and quickly glanced at his phone to check the time: 3:37. He had missed the deadline to open the gate.
"Did you hear that noise?"
Nacho remained silent and looked towards the gate he was supposed to open thirty minutes ago. Lalo noticed that Nacho also sensed something was wrong and decided to focus all his attention on that spot.
Nacho felt out of himself. He had lost the opportunity to escape; he should have left before Lalo had kept him entertained. But he couldn't blame him. When the memory of the dinner with you invaded his mind, he became lost and forgot about everything else.
"Someone is stepping on the leaves outside…" Nacho whispered, pretending surprise.
"Chingad-… Go call Miguel and tell him to get the boys ready."
Nacho nodded and stood up from the chair. But before he could take another step, Lalo mentioned you, "Go to her and make sure nothing happens to her. Grab the revolver on the nightstand next to my bed and protect her."
The orders were clear, and Nacho felt a great relief knowing that he could ensure nothing happened to you. He quickly ran towards the house and informed Lalo's guards to be on alert for his instructions. Nacho began to climb the stairs of the house towards the master bedroom…
Ignacio hesitated, his hand on the doorknob, unsure if he should enter or not. He didn't know how you would react to being approached by him in the middle of the night. But when gunshots started ringing outside the house, he hurriedly pushed the door open and closed it behind him. He went straight to the nightstand next to your bed and searched for Lalo's revolver.
"Ignacio…?" Your sleepy voice snapped him out of his trance and made him look directly at you.
Nacho almost let out a sigh as he saw you in soft, almost transparent pajamas. Although he wished he could admire you in detail, he quickly reloaded the revolver.
"You have to stand up…. They are attacking the hacienda".
Your look of terror became more pronounced as you heard the sound of bullets and the noise of the garden's metal gates opening.
"Where's Eduardo?!"
"He's downstairs. He asked me to keep you here..." Nacho approached the bed and helped you get up. "I need you to stay behind me at all times... Is there a bathroom here?"
You nodded, trembling, and pointed shakily to the bathroom next to the bed.
"Good. Listen... Go into the bathroom and stay there while I guard the entrance, alright?"
"W-What?! I don't want to be alone, please... Come with me."
Fear flooded your body with each noise from outside. The sound of gunfire and Lalo's men shouting made your body tremble with fear. Nacho noticed this and felt his heart constrict. It was the first time he had seen you in such a vulnerable state, and a sense of protectiveness grew within him.
"Alright... Let's go to the bathroom, but listen to me: if they manage to enter, I will have to go out, but you have to hide. I will try to buy you some time to escape and find a hiding place."
"But Ignaci-"
"Only if they manage to enter... Come, follow me."
Nacho offered you his hand, and you held it tightly as he guided you to the bathroom in the room. Once inside, he locked the door and stood in the middle of the room, still holding your hand tightly. With each sound of gunfire, the tension between both of you grew, and terror filled the dark bathroom. You couldn't see much, and the only sense of security you had was the warmth provided by his strong hand.
"Nacho…" your whispering voice called to him, and he turned to see your frightened face in the darkness, trying to make out your features.
"Stay calm… Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you."
"And Lalo?"
"Lalo will be fine… You are the priority now."
Those words struck deep within you. The way Nacho was trying to make you feel safe and prioritizing your well-being, it all made you feel… important.
You were his priority. He was looking out for your safety and making sure you felt good by his side. The sensation of his hand holding you tightly, how his entire demeanor was focused on keeping you protected… And even though the situation was terrifying, you felt an incredible sense of happiness.
As the sound of bullets intensified, you moved closer to Nacho and wrapped your arms around his torso, seeking some security in his touch. Nacho felt his heart skip a beat as you got so close, but he remained steadfast for you. He enveloped you with one arm while holding the revolver with his other hand.
When the noise and gunpowder ceased, a sense of calm seemed to settle over the hacienda, and all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding in your chest.
Both of you heard a knock on the bathroom door, and Lalo's voice seeped through. Ignacio quickly opened the door, revealing a tired Lalo with dirt on his clothes, completely sweaty.
Nacho let go of you, and he watched as you ran towards your husband, embracing him tightly while Lalo reciprocated and reassured you.
He felt empty, but he couldn't say anything about it.
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viejospellejos · 5 months
Santiago Abascal: “Calla capulla, lárgate de aquí gilipollas… a la ducha, guarra”
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aviscranio · 2 years
damn the bots are back
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didishawn · 1 year
Part 2 for Dumb Boy (Gavi), pleaseeeeee. An happy end
Begging for forgiveness (Gavi x Reader)
Good ending for Gavi in Dumb boy
Bad ending for Gavi
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Warnings: lots of Spanish, this is the good ending for Gavi version, Gavi regrets it all, mentions of the past bullying
Gavi has become quite the philosopher lately.
Regret fills his veins, anger and hatred towards himself, nostalgy, he hasn't seen you in a while, and even if he has spent his whole life pretending to hate you and your presence, he is miserable.
Things have also been terrible with the team, on the pitch everything is good, but he can feel Ansu's hatred look directed at himself and things are not the same with Pedri either.
He knows his parents know something had went down in between you both, but neither ever ask about it, he mentally thanks you for not saying anything about the whole thing, or he would probably be cut off by now.
He knows about your life what he hears from others, you have him blocked everywhere and all your social media is private so he can't just make himself a fake account. He knows you are still friends with the rest of the guys, the only signals that you are still good are the stories posted by one of them, mostly Ansu, who he knows to now be your best friend, you seem to get along with Balde too as well with the new guy, Ferran, the same with Eric and the rest.
"Es su cumpleaños pronto, ¿va a hacer algo?" he asks Ansu one day when it's only the two of them left on the dressing room. (it's her birthday soon, is she doing anything?)
"Que yo sepa, no es asunto tuyo. No quiere verte, Gavi, olvídate" (as far as I'm concerned, it's none of your business. She doesn't want to see you, Gavi, forget about it)
"Venga, Ansu, necesito verla, necesito arreglar las cosas" (come on, Ansu, I need to see her, I need to fix this)
"Lo que tú quieras da igual, lo importante es ella, y ella pasa de ti. Intenta hacer lo mismo" (what you want doesn't matter, she is what matters, and she doesn't want anything to do with you. Try to do the same)
Gavi is left alone, he gives a long sigh, face buried on his hands, frustration has taken over his mind.
On the ride home, he tries to get information out of Pedri, but the boy refuses to tell him anything, and even threatens Gavi to forget about the subject or from now on he would have to ride a bike to and from training.
On the dining table, Aurora calls him out on his sad expression.
"¿Se puede saber que te pasa? Llevas meses igual" (care to tell us what is going on with you? It's been months since you are like this)
"No me pasa nada" (nothing is wrong)
"¿Enserio?" asks his father "¿Nada que ver con y/n y que sus padres dicen que no te quiere ver ni en pintura?" (seriously? Nothing to do with y/n and that her parents say she doesn't want to see you?)
Gavi doesn't say anything, but his parents know something has went down in between the two of you, yet they don't know exactly what.
"Su cumpleaños es en nada, podrías aprovechar y disculparte" (her birthday is soon, you can take the chance to apologise)
"Ella no me quiere ahí" (she doesn't want me there)
"Por favor, como si alguna vez hicieras caso" (please, as if you ever listen)
His mother is right, because the very same day, he is standing in front of your house and knocking on your door, he carries flowers, sunflowers, your favorites, the ones he used to always mock you about liking them so much.
There is a bright smile as you open the door, yet disappears when your eyes meet his figure.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? Pensaba que te había dicho que no te quiero ver" (what are you doing here? I thought I told you I don't want to see you)
"Necesitaba verte" (I needed to see you)
"Bueno, ya me has visto, lárgate con tus flores" (well, you have seen me, now go away with those flowers of yours)
You try to close your door, but he sticks his foot.
"¿Enserio?" (seriously?)
"Tu cumpleaños es en unos días" (your birthday is in a few days)
"Gracias, no me había dado cuenta" you roll your eyes and glare at him. (thanks, I hadn't realised)
"Déjame estar ahí para ti, déjame demostrarte que sé lo gilipollas que he sido todo este tiempo. Te juro que me comportare y haré todo por que me perdones" (let me be there for you, let me show you that I know how much of an asshole I have been this whole time. I promise I will behave and do whatever is necessary for you to forgive me)
You think about it for a moment, then nod, making him grin excitedly.
"No te emociones mucho, no estás perdonado ni de lejos. Es solo para ver si te das cuenta que ninguna de tus excusas de mierda son necesarias y que te vayas" (don't get too exited, you are a long way from being forgiven. It's only so you realise that none of your excuses are necessary so you can go away)
"Haré lo que quieras, de verdad, verás que merece la pena darme una segunda oportunidad" (I will do anything, really, you will see that giving me a second chance is worth it)
"Bueno, estate aquí tipo cuatro, no tienes entrenamiento ese día, ¿no?" (well, be here by four, you don't have training that day, right?)
Gavi excitedly shakes his head and you nod, he then offers you the flowers, you take them and close the door without a word. He leaves with a happy strout to his step.
The day of your birthday, he is in your front door even earlier than accorded, a gift for you in hand he knows you want and a bright smile on his face. He knocks and waits. You open the door, clearly confused at him being at your front door so early.
"Pensé te había dicho cuatro" (I thought I told you to be here at four)
"No podía esperar" (I couldn't wait)
"Bueno, supongo no te puedo dejar aquí fuera, venga pasa" (well, I suppose I can't just leave you here, come on in)
Inside, everything seems ready for the party, he looks around the living room, taking the scenery in, everything is so you.
You indicate him to sit down and he does, you do too, silence takes over the room, you look everywhere but at him, he is the opposite, taking your beauty in, his breath is caught in his throat.
"Sabías que tu también me gustabas antes, ¿no?" Gavi almost chocked on his own spit "Al principio yo me pensaba que solamente me molestabas porque yo también te gustaba, pero después todo fue a peor y solo pensar en estar en la misma habitación que tú me hacía querer morirme" (you know I liked you before, right? I used to think that you only bothered because you liked me to, but things got worse and the thought of being stuck with you on the same room madre me want to die)
You take in a deep breath and continue "Aún así, cada vez que te veía rezaba porque me dijeras algo bueno, porque me demostraras que te importaba lo más mínimo, y nunca lo hiciste. Lo más cercano que tuve fue cuando empecé a salir con mi ex, tú lo odiaba, pero yo siempre supuse que no tenía nada que ver conmigo. Hasta esa noche" (still, every time I saw you I prayed for you to tell me something good, for you to show me that you cared at least a bit for me, but you never did. The closest thing I had were your comments when I started dating my ex, you hated him, but I always thought that it had nothing to do with me dating him. Until that night)
"¿Te acuerdas?" you ask, he nods. (do you remember?)
"Te dije que no era suficiente para ti, que era un cabron y te merecías algo mejor" (I told you he wasn't enough for you that he was an asshole and you deserved better)
"No sabes lo feliz que me hizo. Pensé que por fin demostrabas que yo también te importaba. Yo estaba preparada para dejarle, yo pensaba que esa era una extraña manera de decirme que tú eras con quien yo debía estar" your expression turns sour "Y luego te escucho decirle a Pedri que no entiendes como mi ex se rebajó tanto el nivel para estar con alguien como yo" (you don't know how happy that made me. I thought you were finally showing me how you cared about me, a strange way to tell me you were the one I should have been with. Then I heard you telling Pedri that you don't know how my ex lowered his expectations so much to be with someone like me)
"Estaba borracho" (I was drunk)
"Eso no lo justifica, Pablo. Me rompiste el corazón una vez más, me dejaste como una tonta" (that is not a justification, Pablo. You broke my heart once more, you made me look like an idiot)
"Lo siento" (I am sorry)
"Se que lo estás. Me lo ha estado diciendo todo el mundo. Todos se esperan que te perdone" (I know you are. Everyone has told me. They are all waiting for me to forgive me)
"No lo tienes que hacer hasta que estés preparada" (you won't have to do it until you are ready)
"Vas a tener que esperar un buen rato" (you will have to wait a long while)
"No me importa, esperaré lo que haga falta" (I don't care, I will wait as long as necessary)
It takes months for you to even consider Gavi a friend, but little by little you manage to heal and forgive, every day Gavi trying to show you his true self, not the inmature one.
After that, it takes even longer before you two eventually kiss, and a while after that to become a couple.
It's all worth it, Gavi thinks, you two cuddling on his coach, you as his girlfriend, the past is not forgotten, it never will, but you two keep on looking towards the future.
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46snowfox · 6 months
Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 3
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[Capìtulo 2]
“Subaru-kun me guió a la habitación en la que viviría de ahora en adelante.
Me dijeron que me quedara quieta y me dejaron sola, pero eso no me calmaba en lo absoluto.
Mi corazón rebosa de preocupación con solo pensar en lo que me depara el futuro.”
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Lugar: Mansión Violet, habitación disponible.
Laito: Hola Eva. Puedo pasar, ¿no?
Yui: Laito-kun…
Laito: ¿Estás sola? Pues perfecto♪.
Yui: ¿Sucede algo?
Laito: ¿Si sucede algo? Es obvio que solo puedo necesitar una cosa de ti.
Yui: ¡¿Qué estás haciendo Laito-kun…?!
Laito: No te hagas la santa. Estás ansiosa porque sabes lo que haré, ¿me equivoco?
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Yui: ¡¿Kya?!
Laito: Carla dijo que tu sangre era asquerosa, pero la verdad es que tiene un olor dulce y delicioso.
Laito: En realidad debe de ser muy sabrosa, ¿no? Déjame probarla.
Yui: ¡Detente Laito-kun!
Yui: (¡Tiene mis brazos agarrados con tanta fuerza que no puedo escapar…! Va a succionar mi sangre…)
Subaru: Oye, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Yui: ¿Subaru-kun…?
Laito: ¿Qué sucede Subaru-kun? ¿Quieres unirte?
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Subaru: No me jodas. ¿Por qué intentas beber su sangre?
Laito: ¿Qué más da? Carla nos dio permiso para beber la sangre de Eva.
Subaru: Pero ella no quiera. No hagas algo tan patético como succionar a la fuerza.
Laito: …Está bien. No me veas con esa cara. Das miedo.
Subaru: ¡Cállate! ¡¡Ya lárgate!!
Laito: Sí, lo que digas.
Laito: Nos vemos Eva. La próxima vez hagámoslo en donde nadie pueda interrumpirnos.
Subaru: Al fin se fue… Rayos, y tú tampoco te quedes callada para dejar que succione tu sangre.
Yui: G-gracias Subaru-kun. ¿Viniste a salvarme…?
Yui: Gracias a ti no succionaron mi sangre.
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Subaru: …Hmph.
Yui: …Fufu.
Yui: (No importa lo que diga, vino a salvarme, ¿no? Sigue siendo tan amable como siempre.)
Subaru: Que molesto, ¿por qué sonríes?
Decirle que estás feliz♙
Yui: L-lo siento
Yui: (Ay no, parece que lo hice enojar.)
Subaru: No me vengas con eso, te pregunté por qué sonreías. ¿Acaso te burlas de mí?
Yui: ¡No! ¡Claro que no!
Yui: (Simplemente amo tu torpe amabilidad y lo poco sincero que eres…)
Yui: (Y me alegra que incluso con tus recuerdos alterados sigas siendo así.)
Yui: (Pero sé que aunque te lo dijera, en tu estado actual no lo comprenderías.)
Decirle que estás feliz:
Yui: …Me hizo feliz.
Subaru: ¿Aah?
Yui: El que me ayudaras.
Subaru: …No pretendía ayudarte.
Subaru: Solo me enojé porque Laito te puso sus manos encima.
Yui: …Entiendo.
Yui: (Puede que sea verdad que Subaru-kun no lo hizo por mi bienestar.)
Yui: (Pero igual puedo creer que me salvó porque en alguna parte de su corazón me recuerda, ¿no…?)
Yui: (Con o sin recuerdos, Subaru-kun sigue siendo Subaru-kun…)
Fin de las opciones
Subaru: …No te entiendo.
Subaru: Como sea, aprende de esto y quédate tranquila aquí. Ponle seguro a tu habitación.
Yui: Gracias por preocuparte por mí, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: ¿Quién dijo que estaba preocupado? ¡No lo malinterpretes!
Subaru: No importa que Carla haya dado permiso de beber tu sangre.
Subaru: Si dejas que ellos hagan lo que se les antoje acabarán devorándote en segundos.
Subaru: Y no pienso entregarle mi presa a nadie. Eso es todo
Yui: Ya veo… Pero igualmente te lo agradezco.
Subaru: ...Tsk, que molesta. En serio, ¿qué te pasa?
Yui: (No me importa si me ve como a una presa, me alegra que Subaru-kun haya venido a salvarme.)
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Lugar: Mansión Violet, pasillo
Kou: ¿Eh? ¿Qué haces aquí?
Yui: Ah, Kou-kun. Me dio sed, así que pensé en ir a buscar algo para beber.
Kou: Ya veo. Por eso ibas a la cocina.
Yui: (Quiero estar en mi habitación como me dijo Subaru-kun…)
Yui: (Por eso pensé en ir a buscar agua y regresar de inmediato, no imaginé que me toparía a Kou-kun…)
Kou: ¿Y en dónde está Subaru-kun? Sigue siendo tu vigilante.
Yui: Sí, pero solo iba a buscar agua, me sentiría mal si le pidiera que me acompañara para eso.
Kou: Hm y por eso es que estás deambulando sola por acá.
Kou: No imaginé que tú misma me darías una oportunidad… Gracias.
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Yui: ¡¿Eh…?!
Kou: El que estés caminando sola por acá significa que quieres que succione tu sangre, ¿no?
Yui: ¡No, te equivocas!
Kou: Le diste de beber a Subaru-kun, ¿no~? Entonces dame a mí también.
Yui: ¡…Detente…! ¡Suéltame Kou-kun!
Kou: No me importa si no quieres, Carla-kun nos dio permiso así que yo también puedo succionar…
Subaru: ¡Claro que no!
Yui: …
Kou: Aah, ya llegó Subaru-kun.
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun…!
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Subaru: Kou, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Kou: Que miedo das~. Solo estaba conversando con Eva.
Subaru: ¡¿Ah?! No parecía que solo estuvieran hablando.
Kou: No pongas esa cara tan tétrica. Vamos, sonríe, smile.
Subaru: No fastidies.
Kou: No te enojes tanto~. Los chicos que dan miedo no son populares con las chicas.
Subaru: Kou, maldito…
Kou: Ya entendí, no armes revuelo. Me rendiré por hoy.
Kou: Nos vemos. ¡Hasta la próxima, Eva!
Yui: (Me alegro de que Kou-kun se haya ido. Subaru-kun volvió a rescatarme…)
Yui: Subaru-kun, esto, gracias por salvarme.
Subaru: ¡Ya basta! ¡¿No comprendes cuál es tu posición?!
Yui: …
Subaru: ¡Te dije que te quedaras en tu habitación!
Yui: Lo siento… Me dio sed y quise ir por algo de beber.
Subaru: ¡Pues dime eso!
Subaru: …Bueno, no estaba en la habitación… ¡Pero pudiste haber esperado a que volviera!
Subaru: No hagas todo sola. Depende más de mí.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: …No te hagas ideas erróneas. Lo digo porque soy tu vigilante, solo por eso.
Yui: …Sí. Pero aun así te lo agradezco.
Subaru: …Hmph.
Subaru: Como sea, vuelve a tu habitación. Yo te traeré agua.
Yui: Entendido, haré eso. De verdad gracias.
Subaru: No necesitas repetirlo, es molesto.
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Azusa: ¿…Eh? ¿Qué haces aquí…?
Yui: Azusa-kun.
Azusa: …Sería mejor que no deambularas demasiado…
Yui: S-sí, tienes razón.  Subaru-kun ya me lo advirtió antes, así que estoy regresando a mi habitación.
Azusa: Ya veo… me alegro…
Azusa: Incluso la mansión… podría no ser segura… para ti.
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Subaru: Oye, ¿seguías dando vueltas por aquí?
Yui: Wow… ¿Subaru-kun?
Azusa: Subaru… ¿Qué sucede…? Estás derramando el agua… del vaso…
Subaru: ¡Oye Azusa! ¡¿Tú también intentas atacarla?!
Azusa: ¿Eh…? Yo…
Subaru: ¡Cállate! Rayos. ¡Todos ustedes…!
Yui: ¡…! ¡Mi brazo, duele…!
Subaru: ¡Camina de una vez! ¡Nos vamos a la habitación!
Yui: ¡E-espera Subaru-kun! ¡Lamento haberte preocupado! Pero Azusa-kun no…
Subaru: ¡No quiero excusas!
Yui: ¡…Kya!
Subaru: ¡Oye! ¡¿Por qué te dejas atrapar por otro hombre en el instante en que me separo de ti?!
Yui: Lo siento mucho… Estaba regresando a mi habitación y de pura casualidad me topé con Azusa-kun…
Subaru: Pues debiste ignorarlo e irte a tu habitación.
Subaru: ¿Acaso seduces a propósito a otros hombres porque quieres que succionen tu sangre?
Yui: Kya…
Yui: (Se está desquitando con la pared, está muy molesto…)
Yui: (Me salvó y hasta me trajo agua.)
Yui: (Me hace feliz que se preocupe tanto por mí. ¿Pero por qué está tan enojado?)
Yui: (Es cierto que fui poco precavida al salir de mi habitación…)
Yui: (Pero tampoco es como si yo quisiera que el resto succionara mi sangre.)
Subaru: ¡Tú eres una presa deliciosa para nosotros los vampiros!
Subaru: No olvides eso.
Yui: (Soy solo una presa para Subaru-kun, ¿no? ¿Entonces por qué se enoja tanto?)
Yui: (¿Acaso recuerda levemente que somos pareja? No debería ilusionarme…)
Yui: (Me pone triste que se enoje y me grite tanto.)
Subaru: ¡Oye, di algo! ¡¿Me estás escuchando?!
Yui: …Sí, te escucho.
Subaru: …
Yui: ¡A mí tampoco me gusta que me ataquen!
Yui: (Ah, creo que hablé de más… Pero mi tristeza terminó estallando…)
Subaru: …Maldición.
Subaru: ¡¡Pues entonces no dejes que otros hombres beban tu sangre!!
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Yui: ¡…Kya!
Subaru: ¡Tú solo debes dejarme a mí succionar tu sangre!
Subaru: Si no entiendes, entonces haré que tu cuerpo lo comprende. Clavaré mis colmillos en tu cuello y te daré suficiente placer como para que te duela.
Subaru: Ah… Nn.
Yui: D-duele…
Yui: (Subaru-kun está succionando mi sangre violentamente…)
Subaru: …Nn… Nnn…
Yui: (A pesar de que siempre lo hacía gentileza… Siempre tenía cuidado de no hacerme daño.)
Yui: (Esto está mal.)
Yui: (Por más que los recuerdos de Subaru-kun hayan sido modificados, ¡yo no puedo soportar esto…!)
Subaru: ¿Qué tal? ¿Ese inútil cerebro tuyo finalmente entendió? Ahora lo haré desde aquí…
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Azusa: Subaru… ¡¿Qué estás haciendo…?!
Subaru: ¡Azusa…!
Yui: …Azusa-kun…
Azusa: Carla dijo que había que tratar a Eva con cuidado…
Azusa: Eva, pareces estar sufriendo mucho… ¿Estás bien…?
Yui: S-sí…
Azusa: Ya veo… que alivio…
Subaru: ¡…Maldición!
Yui: ¡Ah, Subaru-kun! ¡Espera…!
Azusa: Se fue… Pero… Eva, ¿qué harás tras ir por él…?
Yui: …Pues…
Azusa: Estás… sangrando… Ese olor… atraerá a Laito y a Kou…
Azusa: Te llevaré hasta tu habitación…
Yui: …Por favor.
Azusa: …Sí.
Yui: Gracias Azusa-kun.
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Azusa: Avísame si pasa algo…
Yui: Sí.
*Azusa se va*
Yui: …
Yui: (Aún me duele en donde me dolió Subaru-kun.)
Yui: (Pero lo que más me duele es mi corazón…)
Yui: (Subaru-kun actualmente se comporta igual que cuando lo conocí. Antes de que se abriera conmigo…)
Yui: (No importa si alteraron sus recuerdos, Subaru-kun sigue siendo Subaru-kun.)
Yui: (Se supone que es así… pero me duele soportar la actitud que Subaru-kun está tomando ahora.)
Yui: (A pesar de que somos pareja, ahora se comporta como si fuéramos desconocidos.)
Yui: (¿Qué haré si Subaru-kun se queda así para siempre?)
Yui: (¿Cómo puedo lograr que recupere sus recuerdos?)
Yui: (Subaru-kun…)
“Cerré mis ojos mientras pensaba en Subaru-kun.
Sé que nada cambiará si duermo, pero al menos deseo ver en mis sueños al amable Subaru-kun.
Al Subaru-kun que es mi novio—“
Subaru: Oye, ¿estás allí?
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Yui: ¿..Eh? ¿Qué sucede Subaru-kun?
Yui: (Subaru-kun ayer succionó mi sangre violentamente…)
Yui: (Así que me resulta algo incómodo verlo.)
Subaru: Oye, sígueme.
Yui: ¿Eh? ¿A dónde?
Subaru: Solo cállate y sígueme.
Yui: …Está bien.
Yui: (Subaru-kun parece estar de mal humor, me preocupa no saber a dónde nos dirigimos…)
Yui: (No quiero que discutamos, así que lo mejor será hacer lo que me dice.)
Yui: (¿…A dónde querrá llevarme?)
[Capìtulo 4]
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en Ko-fi nwn
22 notes · View notes
caostalgia · 6 months
Solo quiero pedirte un último favor: Vete, vete de mi cabeza, de mi habitación, de las flores y del olor del café: sal de mis canciones favoritas, de mis sábanas, de mi gato y de mi perro; lárgate de las tardes frías, de los veranos y de esas migas de pan sobre la mesa de la cafetería... deja de aparecerte en cada esquina a donde miro, por favor.
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hazlo-con-concha-nomas · 10 months
No me preguntes porqué sobrepienso, te pido por favor que dejes de hacer eso.
No me preguntes sobre cómo me siento, porque lo más seguro es que simplemente te termine mintiendo.
No me busques,
no me escribas,
no me llames,
no me escuches,
no me ayudes,
no me abraces,
no me toques,
márchare y corre,
y cánsate,
cánsate de hacerlo,
y entenderás porqué yo ya no puedo.
- Checomdztv.
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love-letters-blog · 2 months
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“Viaja, muévete, conoce nuevos sitios,
otros lugares, otra gente,
lárgate, no te demores,
porque cuando seas mayor,
cuando los años te puedan,
sentado en un sofá de nada valdrá tu dinero,
ni tus joyas, ni toda esa colección de ropa
que guardas en los armarios.
Escapa, ten una aventura,
descubre París, Nueva York o Roma,
piérdete por veredas y caminos,
cruza océanos, sube montañas,
porque al final de tu vida,
esos recuerdos serán tu mejor compañía,
pensarás en las noches en las que
mirabas el mar en calma y el cielo estrellado,
recordarás esos momentos
que te dejaron sin aliento contemplando
aquellos paisajes, aquellas gentes, aquellas ruinas...
Viaja, no lo pienses y sal con lo puesto,
porque esos recuerdos serán,
lo más valioso que te quedará,
al final de tus días”.
10 notes · View notes
spanishskulduggery · 1 month
Is marchar more aggressive than salir?
Creo que es hora de que se marche.
Creo que es hora de que salga.
No, not more aggressive
marchar(se) is somewhere between salir and irse meaning "to go" and "to leave" so it's like "to go away"
marchar is related to "going on foot" so it implies more of an idea of movement, while salir is just "to exit" - I think it's related to "marching" like militarily so that's the "on foot" connection for me
I also believe marchar(se) can be used in some contexts as leaving a vehicle or getting out of a building
[The word marcha or en marcha works more like French where it's like "going well" or "proceeding" etc]
So then marcharse is more idiomatic and colloquial like irse or largarse - I would say the more aggressive one is probably largarse as a command [lárgate to me as "go away" is kinda more like "get lost" in my opinion]
...But don't worry about coming across as aggressive with marcharse it's usually not like that
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