#lǐ tiān shí
lulu-nightbon · 2 years
i made lǐ tiān shí in the lmk oc picrew
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wukong set her down for a photoshoot and she did not like it
@alienembers daiyu's niece is now very antsy
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
50 Chinese proverbs along with their English translations:
寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。(Yī cùn guāngyīn yī cùn jīn, cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāngyīn.) Translation: An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but it is hard to buy even an inch of time.
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。(Lù mànmàn qí xiū yuǎn xī, wú jiāng shàng xià ér qiú suǒ.) Translation: The road ahead is long and distant; I will seek and explore from top to bottom.
机不可失,时不再来。(Jī bùkě shī, shí bù zàilái.) Translation: Opportunities don't come twice.
山还有一山高。(Yī shān hái yǒu yī shān gāo.) Translation: There is always a higher mountain.
不怕慢,就怕停。(Bù pà màn, jiù pà tíng.) Translation: Don't be afraid of being slow; be afraid of stopping.
多一分功夫,少一分运气。(Duō yī fēn gōngfū, shǎo yī fēn yùnqì.) Translation: A little more effort, a little less luck.
有志者,事竟成。(Yǒu zhì zhě, shì jìng chéng.) Translation: Where there's a will, there's a way.
吃一堑,长一智。(Chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì.) Translation: Learn from experience and gain wisdom.
学如逆水行舟,不进则退。(Xué rú nìshuǐ xíngzhōu, bù jìn zé tuì.) Translation: Learning is like rowing upstream; if you do not advance, you will retreat.
知己知彼,百战不殆。(Zhī jǐ zhī bǐ, bǎi zhàn bù dài.) Translation: If you know yourself and your enemy, you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.
青山不老,绿水长流。(Qīngshān bùlǎo, lǜshuǐ chángliú.) Translation: The green hills remain, the clear water flows forever.
千里之行,始于足下。(Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià.) Translation: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
见微知著。(Jiàn wēi zhī zhù.) Translation: Observe the small to grasp the large.
人外有人,天外有天。(Rén wài yǒu rén, tiān wài yǒu tiān.) Translation: There are always people better than oneself.
不经一事,不长一智。(Bù jīng yī shì, bù zhǎng yī zhì.) Translation: Without experiencing something, one cannot gain wisdom.
水滴石穿,绳锯木断。(Shuǐ dī shí chuān, shéng jù mù duàn.) Translation: Water dripping day by day can wear through stone, and rope sawing back and forth can cut through wood.
机会只对有准备的人开放。(Jīhuì zhǐ duì yǒu zhǔnbèi de rén kāifàng.) Translation: Opportunities only come to those who are prepared.
纸上谈兵。(Zhǐ shàng tán bīng.) Translation: Talking about military strategy on paper.
前人栽树,后人乘凉。(Qián rén zāi shù, hòu rén chéng liáng.) Translation: One generation plants the trees; another enjoys the shade.
捷足先登。(Jié zú xiān dēng.) Translation: The swift foot reaches the top first.
路遥知马力,日久见人心。(Lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn.) Translation: Over a long distance, one learns about a horse's strength; over a long time, one learns about a person's heart.
静水流深。(Jìng shuǐ liú shēn.) Translation: Still waters run deep.
笨鸟先飞。(Bèn niǎo xiān fēi.) Translation: The clumsy bird flies first.
不打不成交。(Bù dǎ bù chéng jiāo.) Translation: No fight, no deal.
近朱者赤,近墨者黑。(Jìn zhū zhě chì, jìn mò zhě hēi.) Translation: He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
爱屋及乌。(Ài wū jí wū.) Translation: Love me, love my dog.
自助者天助。(Zì zhù zhě tiān zhù.) Translation: God helps those who help themselves.
师傅领进门,修行在个人。(Shīfu lǐng jìn mén, xiūxíng zài gèrén.) Translation: The master leads you to the door, but the cultivation is up to you.
读万卷书,行万里路。(Dú wàn juǎn shū, xíng wàn lǐ lù.) Translation: Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.
不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。(Bù míng zé yǐ, yī míng jīng rén.) Translation: Stay silent until you can make a remarkable sound.
明日复明日,明日何其多。(Míngrì fù míngrì, míngrì hé qí duō.) Translation: There will always be another day.
害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。(Hài rén zhī xīn bùkě yǒu, fáng rén zhī xīn bùkě wú.) Translation: One should not have malicious intentions, but one should also not be without precautions against others.
书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。(Shū shān yǒu lù qín wéi jìng, xué hǎi wú yá kǔ zuò zhōu.) Translation: There is a way up the mountain of knowledge; hard work is the path on the boundless sea of learning.
知识改变命运。(Zhīshí gǎibiàn mìngyùn.) Translation: Knowledge changes destiny.
真金不怕火炼。(Zhēn jīn bù pà huǒ liàn.) Translation: True gold fears no fire.
君子报仇十年不晚。(Jūnzǐ bàochóu shí nián bù wǎn.) Translation: A gentleman takes revenge, but there is no rush; even after ten years, it's not too late.
画龙点睛。(Huà lóng diǎn jīng.) Translation: To add the finishing touch, like adding the eyes to a dragon painting.
天有不测风云���(Tiān yǒu bùcè fēngyún.) Translation: Heaven has unpredictable winds and clouds.
不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。(Bù jīnglì fēngyǔ, zěn néng jiàn cǎihóng.) Translation: Without experiencing storms, how can one see a rainbow?
勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。(Wù yǐ è xiǎo ér wéi zhī, wù yǐ shàn xiǎo ér bù wéi.) Translation: Do not do evil because it seems insignificant; do not refrain from doing good because it seems insignificant.
跳出来的蛤蟆要比井里的牛大。(Tiào chūlái de hámá yào bǐ jǐng lǐ de niú dà.) Translation: A frog that jumps out is bigger than the cow in the well.
人不可貌相。(Rén bùkě mào xiàng.) Translation: Don't judge a book by its cover.
好事不出门,坏事传千里。(Hǎoshì bù chūmén, huàishì chuán qiānlǐ.) Translation: Good deeds do not go beyond the doorstep, while bad deeds spread a thousand miles.
不问的不知,问了的不愚。(Bù wèn de bù zhī, wènle de bù yú.) Translation: If you don't ask, you won't know, and if you ask, you won't be foolish
万事开头难。(Wàn shì kāitóu nán.) Translation: The beginning is the hardest part.
家家有本难念的经。(Jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng.) Translation: Every family has its own difficulties.
吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。(Chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ, fāng wéi rén shàng rén.) Translation: Only by enduring the hardest of hardships can one become superior.
知人知面不知心。(Zhī rén zhī miàn bù zhī xīn.) Translation: We know a person's face, but not their heart.
人心隔肚皮。(Rén xīn gé dù pí.) Translation: The heart of a person is hidden beneath their belly.
有钱能使鬼推磨。(Yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mò.) Translation: With money, even ghosts will push the grindstone.
Remember that translations may vary slightly depending on the context and the translator, but these proverbs capture the essence of the original Chinese sayings.
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soysusanam · 2 years
Say so Chinese Cover - Pinyin lyrics (PongPong)
bái tiān nào dào hēi yè wǒ zhī xiǎng nǐ kàn kàn wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ zěn me bù say so? ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
bái tiān nào dào hēi yè wǒ zhī xiǎng nǐ kàn kàn wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ zěn me bù say so? ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
shuō yī shuō nǐ duō jiǔ ( méi liàn ài liǎo ) xiǎng shuō de dū zài zuǐ jiǎo nǐ zhī huì shǎ shǎ wēi xiào wǒ gāi zuò xiē shén me ( dū gào sù wǒ ) xìng hǎo wǒ dǒng dé guān chá biǎo qíng lí kāi tā wéi dé zhī shì hé nǐ kào jìn jīn wǎn nǐ shǔ yú wǒ shǔ yú nǐ bù tiào wǔ dàn wǒ diào xì nǐ nǐ xiǎng gān mB gào sù wǒ bǎo bèi gěi nǐ yī miǎo chèn xiàn zài
bái tiān nào dào hēi yè wǒ zhī xiǎng nǐ kàn kàn wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ zěn me bù say so? ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
Let me check my hair my breath right quick cóng tóu dào jiǎo hǎo kàn jiǎn zhí shuài sǐ nǐ ràng nǐ bù duàn jīng tàn hǎn “ qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ ” Prolly why i got her quiet fēng bì liǎo zì jǐ ài wǒ hèn wǒ xū yào wǒ qǐng nǐ qīng xǐng kàn zhuó wǒ Girl,stop playing bié zài duǒ ( bié zài zhuāng guāi zhuāng kě ài ) Hold Up Hold Up nà gè biǎo qíng qǐng shōu zhù Oh No Oh No nǐ zěn me biàn dān chún liǎo gòu liǎo gòu liǎo wǒ wán quán dū míng bái liǎo ( zhī xiǎng yào bèi nǐ téng ài ) bèi fǒu rèn de shí hòu wǒ dū have you with me ài dū gěi nǐ zú gòu bù yào hài xiū baby hé nǐ qián rèn bǐ jiào wǒ gēng jiā tǐ tiē nǐ ài nǐ bù shì yīn wéi nǐ de axx huò tixxies
bái tiān nào dào hēi yè wǒ zhī xiǎng nǐ kàn kàn wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ zěn me bù say so?
ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
ài nǐ hèn nǐ babe wán wán quán quán nán dǎo wǒ rú guǒ xiǎng yào yōng yǒu wǒ xiàn zài jiù say so
Hold Up Hold Up nà gè biǎo qíng qǐng shōu zhù Oh No Oh No nǐ zěn me biàn dān chún liǎo gòu liǎo gòu liǎo wǒ wán quán dū míng bái liǎo ( zhī xiǎng yào bèi nǐ téng ài ) bèi fǒu rèn de shí hòu wǒ dū have you with me ài dū gěi nǐ zú gòu bù yào hài xiū baby hé nǐ qián rèn bǐ jiào wǒ gēng jiā tǐ tiē nǐ ài nǐ bù shì yīn wéi nǐ de axx huò tixxies
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biglittleluobo · 2 years
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Hello everyone welcome back again for another 成语 aka Chinese idiom or proverb! Today let's learn about 鹏程万里 (péng chéng wàn lǐ),  "the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles", meaning that one's future prospects are bright! This is a legendary story (传说) so a fair amount of somewhat more obscure words, but it was balanced out by having 3 picture-only pages hehe. It's also the first time I tried reading it entirely by myself, only double checking my understanding with my partner afterwards! <(.❛ ᴗ ❛.)> Lots of practice extracting info from complex sentence structures too... Let's get to it!
A long, long time ago, there was a giant fish in the northern sea named 鲲 (Kūn). How big was this fish? So big its body stretched for 10,000 里! Btw, this fish can actually transform into a giant bird, named 鹏 (Péng). How big was this bird? So big that it's back stretched as though for many thousands of 里! With one beat of its wings, this bird could fly high up into the heavens, its stretched wings like clouds hanging in the sky, and leaving giant waves on the ocean below. Every June, this giant bird always traveled to the southern sea, a distance of 90,000 里! One time, a cicada and a group of small birds were hanging out on a tree below. Seeing 鹏 fly high above them, they began to mock it, wondering "What's it doing all the way up there??”. One said: "Does it think it needs to fly like that? I can fly from the elm tree to the sandalwood tree and sit wherever I please. I am free!". Another agreed, "Right! If you don't fly that high, you can just fall to the ground! (implying falling from such a height would be fatal) What's the use of going so high to travel so far?". A third commented, "It's so big, how can it rest? I can fly to the grassy field, that is the best, but how could such a bird adapt to that environment?". Another mulled, "A man can travel out of the city and back in one day and still be full. If I travel for 100 里 then I need to prepare rations 1 day before. If I travel for 1000 里 I need to prepare rations starting a few months before! That's so much work! Who would travel 90,000 里??". The cicada agreed, "That bird is an idiot!!". But 鹏 does not hear them, or pay them any heed. What do those small animals know anyways?
And that's it! Were you surprised by the abrupt ending? I sure was. Fortunately, my wonderful partner helped provide some more context. Unlike the previous 成语 where the message was a direct component of the story, the meaning here is more like: "those who will do great things can see further, those who are on the ground (shortsighted) will not understand, pay them no mind". In this case, you might use this in the form of 祝你鹏程万里 to say "I wish you great success (implying: because you are a 鹏!)". So, in this case, the meaning is really concentrated at the end. Keep flying and don't listen to your detractors, they can't see what you can!
I love the hyperbole of these legendary stories. Reminds me a lot of Journey to the West. I also learned an additional term: 反问句 (fǎn wèn jù), a rhetorical question, which is how the story ends. What do those small animals know, anyways?
Keep up the good work 我的大鹏鸟们!See you next time!
Vocab list under the cut:
传说 (chuán shuō) - legend; folklore; to repeat from mouth to mouth; they say that...
几千 (jǐ qiān) - several thousand
实 (shí) - real; true; honest; really
无法形容 (wú fǎ xíng róng) - unspeakable; indescribable
变成 (biàn chéng) - to change into; to turn into; to become
程度 (chéng dù) - degree (level or extent); level
打比方 ((dǎ) bǐ fang) – (to give an) analogy; instance; for instance
光 (guāng) - only; merely
背 (bèi) - the back of a body or object; to turn one's back
振 (zhèn) - to shake; to flap
翅膀 (chì bǎng) - wing
扇 (shān) - (verb), to fan; to slap sb on the face
扇 (shàn) - (noun), fan; sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of something; classifier for doors, windows etc
垂 (chuí) - to hang (down); droop; dangle
天边 (tiān biān) - horizon; ends of the earth; remotest places
云彩 (yún cai) - (coll.) cloud
迁 (qiān) - to move; to shift; to change (a position or location etc)
拍击 (pāi jī) - to smack; to beat
激 (jī) - to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent
巨 (jù) - very large; huge; tremendous; gigantic
浪 (làng) - wave; breaker
环绕 (huán rào) - to surround; to circle; to revolve around
翔 (xiáng) - to soar; to glide
入 (rù) - to enter; to go into; to join; to become a member of
云霄 (yún xiāo) - (the) skies
直 (zhí) - straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
冲 (chōng) - to go straight ahead
展翅 (zhǎn chì) - to spread wings
居 (jū) - to reside; to be (in a certain position); to be at a standstill
知了 (zhī liǎo) - cicada (onom.)
斑鸠 (bān jiū) - turtledove
等 (děng) - et cetera (**first time I’ve seen it used this way!**)
便 (biàn) - then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards
议论 (yì lùn) - to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
嘲笑 (cháo xiào) - to jeer at; to deride; to ridicule; mockery; derision
迅速 (xùn sù) - rapid; speedy; fast
碰到 (pèng dào) - to come across; to run into; to meet; to hit
榆 (yú) - elm
檀 (tán) - sandalwood; hardwood; purple-red
自在 (zì zai) - free; unrestrained; comfortable; at ease
附和 (fù hè) - to agree; to go along with; to echo (what somebody says)
落地 (luò dì) - to fall to the ground; to be set on the ground; to reach to the ground; to be born; (of a plane) to land
罢 (ba) - final particle, same as 吧
着 (zháo) - to touch; to come in contact with; to feel; to be affected by
处 (chù) - place; location; spot; point; classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
蓬 (péng) - classifier for luxuriant plants, smoke, ashes, campfires: clump, puff
蒿 (hāo) - celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia)
之间 (zhī jiān) - between; among; inter-
才 (cái) - ability; talent
极致 (jí zhì) - peak; pinnacle; ultimate
而 (ér) - and; as well as; and so; (indicates causal relation); (**only knew about this in terms of 而且 before!**)
将 (jiāng) - will; shall
适应 (shì yìng) - to adapt; to fit; to suit
环境 (huán jìng) - environment; circumstances; surroundings
接着 (jiē zhe) - to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed
郊野 (jiāo yě) - open area outside the city; countryside
之内 (zhī nèi) - inside; within
返回 (fǎn huí) - to return to; to come (or go) back
之外 (zhī wài) - outside; excluding
出发 (chū fā) - to set off; to start (on a journey)
干粮 (gān liáng) - rations (to take on expedition)
粮 (liáng) - grain; food; provisions
辛苦 (xīn kǔ) - exhausting; hard; tough; arduous; to work hard; to go to a lot of trouble; hardship(s)
使劲 (shǐ jìn) - to exert all one's strength
傻瓜 (shǎ guā) - idiot; fool
根本 (gēn běn) - absolutely (not); (not) at all
理睬 (lǐ cǎi) - to heed; to pay attention to
动物 (dòng wù) - animal
反问句 (fǎn wèn jù) - rhetorical question
That's all for today. 再见!
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northerngoshawk · 3 years
Big Fish (大鱼)
@chocomd wanted this, but I’m also posting it because I’m actually pretty proud of this. It’s not easy to keep the lyrics accurate when translating, let alone keeping them to the cadence of the song like the original lyrics, but... I’m happy with it!
So here it is: 大鱼 as translated in English
By: a person not qualified to do translations a person who relied on her knowledge of Chinese for some of the lyrics and other translations for the rest
hǎi làng wú shēng jiāng yè mù shēn shēn yān mò
海 浪 无 声 将 夜 幕 深 深 淹 没
Sea waves gather in the darkness of the night
màn guò tiān kōng jìn tóu de jiǎo luò
漫 过 天 空 尽 头 的 角 落
Filling every corner of the sky
dà yú zài mèng jìng de fèng xì lǐ yóu guò
大 鱼 在 梦 境 的 缝 隙 里 游 过
In my dreams, the big fish swims across the gap
níng wàng nǐ chén shuì de lún kuò
凝 望 你 沉 睡 的 轮 廓
Facing you as you sleep away
kàn hǎi tiān yí sè
看 海 天 一 色
See the sky and sea
tīng fēng qǐ yǔ luò
听 风 起 雨 落
Hear the wind and rain
zhí zǐ shǒu chuī sàn cāng máng máng yān bō
执 子 手 吹 散 苍 茫 茫 烟 波
Take my hand, and we’ll chase away the fog
dà yú de chì bǎng yǐ jīng tài liáo kuò
大 鱼 的 翅 膀 已 经 太 辽 阔
The fish fins are already too vast for here
wǒ sōng kāi shí jiān de shéng suǒ
我 松 开 时 间 的 绳 索
I let go of the rope of time
pà nǐ fēi yuǎn qù
怕 你 飞 远 去
Scared to see you go
pà nǐ lí wǒ ér qù
怕 你 离 我 而 去
Scared to be all alone
gèng pà nǐ yóng yuǎn tíng liú zài zhè lǐ
更 怕 你 永 远 停 留 在 这 里
But I’m more scared if you stay here forever
měi yì dī lèi shuǐ dōu xiàng nǐ liú tǎng qù
每 一 滴 泪 水 都 向 你 流 淌 去
Every tear I shed flows from me back to you
dào liú jìn tiān kōng de hái dǐ
倒 流 进 天 空 的 海 底
Going reversed from the sea to sky
(The exact same as the first part, but I’m keeping it here)
hǎi làng wú shēng jiāng yè mù shēn shēn yān mò
海 浪 无 声 将 夜 幕 深 深 淹 没
Sea waves gather in the darkness of the night
màn guò tiān kōng jìn tóu de jiǎo luò
漫 过 天 空 尽 头 的 角 落
Filling every corner of the sky
dà yú zài mèng jìng de fèng xì lǐ yóu guò
大 鱼 在 梦 境 的 缝 隙 里 游 过
In my dreams, the big fish swims across the gap
níng wàng nǐ chén shuì de lún kuò
凝 望 你 沉 睡 的 轮 廓
Facing you as you sleep away
kàn hǎi tiān yí sè
看 海 天 一 色
See the sky and sea
tīng fēng qǐ yǔ luò
听 风 起 雨 落
Hear the wind and rain
zhí zǐ shǒu chuī sàn cāng máng máng yān bō
执 子 手 吹 散 苍 茫 茫 烟 波
Take my hand, and we’ll chase away the fog
dà yú de chì bǎng yǐ jīng tài liáo kuò
大 鱼 的 翅 膀 已 经 太 辽 阔
The fish fins are already too vast for here
wǒ sōng kāi shí jiān de shéng suǒ
我 松 开 时 间 的 绳 索
I let go of the rope of time
(Or: It is time for me to let you go)
kàn nǐ fēi yuǎn qù
看 你 飞 远 去
Seeing you fly away
kàn nǐ lí wǒ ér qù
看 你 离 我 而 去
Seeing you leave me alone
yuán lái nǐ shēng lái jiù shǔ yú tiān jì
原 来 你 生 来 就 属 于 天 际
But I know your true home is in the sky
(Or: Now I know you were never mine to keep)
měi yì dī lèi shuǐ dōu xiàng nǐ liú tǎng qù
每 一 滴 泪 水 都 向 你 流 淌 去
Every tear I shed flows from me back to you
dào liú huí zuì chū de xiāng yù
倒 流 回 最 初 的 相 遇
Going back to when we first met
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insidethemirror · 2 years
水蓝色情人 (Aqua Blue Lover) Lyrics
Artist: YU (杨宇腾)
Drama:  We Best Love Series 第二名的逆襲 (2021)
Chinese | Pinyin | English
隱約還未退去的潮水 yǐn yuē hái wèi tuì qù de cháo shuǐ The tide still hasn’t receded. 因為你而炙熱的夏天 yīn wéi nǐ ér zhì rè de xià tiān You are the reason that the summer burns. 愛躲在你裡面 ài duǒ zài nǐ lǐ miàn Love hides inside of you. 一直在繞圈圈 yī zhí zài rào quān quān Always circling around. 說與不說都很曖昧 shuō yǔ bù shuō dū hěn ài mèi It's ambiguous whether I say it or not. 好想讓你知道不必等到明天 hǎo xiǎng ràng nǐ zhī dào bù bì děng dào míng tiān I want to let you know that you don’t have to wait until tomorrow, 如果你也想 rú guǒ nǐ yě xiǎng And if you also want to,
趁這場雨輕輕打散某個習慣 chèn zhè cháng yǔ qīng qīng dǎ sàn mǒu gè xí guàn Gently break your habit under the rain. 讓感覺天旋地轉不只是心安 ràng gǎn jué tiān xuán dì zhuǎn bù zhī shì xīn ān Let the feeling make your head spin as it stops being at peace. 從未擁有的呼喚 cóng wèi yōng yǒu de hū huàn A call I’ve never heard before, 喚醒我的存在 huàn xǐng wǒ de cún zài Woke up my existence. 只想聽你反覆說愛 zhī xiǎng tīng nǐ fǎn fù shuō ài I just want to hear you talk of love over and over.
水藍色在你眼裡看起來很浪漫 shuǐ lán sè zài nǐ yǎn lǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn làng màn The aqua blue looks romantic in your eyes. 或許幻想不再只是讓我心安 huò xǔ huàn xiǎng bù zài zhī shì ràng wǒ xīn ān Maybe the fantasy can no longer reassure me. 陽光灑成一片海 yáng guāng sǎ chéng yī piàn hǎi As the sun shines into the sea, 你在我心裡承載 nǐ zài wǒ xīn lǐ chéng zài You are now inside my heart.
喜歡你話語裡的哲學 xǐ huān nǐ huà yǔ lǐ de zhé xué I like the philosophy in your words. 同一首歌播放一整天 tóng yī shǒu gē bō fàng yī zhěng tiān Playing the same song throughout the day. 愛躲在你身邊 ài duǒ zài nǐ shēn biān Love hides by your side. 明明轉眼之間 míng míng zhuǎn yǎn zhī jiān It's just the blink of an eye, 卻好像懂我好多年 què hǎo xiàng dǒng wǒ hǎo duō nián But you seem to have known me for years. 好想讓你知道不必等到明天 hǎo xiǎng ràng nǐ zhī dào bù bì děng dào míng tiān I want to let you know that you don’t have to wait until tomorrow, 如果你也想 rú guǒ nǐ yě xiǎng And if you also want to,
趁這場雨輕輕打散某個習慣 chèn zhè cháng yǔ qīng qīng dǎ sàn mǒu gè xí guàn Gently break your habit under the rain. 讓感覺天旋地轉不只是心安 ràng gǎn jué tiān xuán dì zhuǎn bù zhī shì xīn ān Let the feeling make your head spin as it stops being at peace. 從未擁有的呼喚 cóng wèi yōng yǒu de hū huàn A call I’ve never heard before, 喚醒我的存在 huàn xǐng wǒ de cún zài Woke up my existence. 只想聽你反覆說愛 zhī xiǎng tīng nǐ fǎn fù shuō ài I just want to hear you talk of love over and over.
水藍色在你眼裡看起來很浪漫 shuǐ lán sè zài nǐ yǎn lǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn làng màn The aqua blue looks romantic in your eyes. 或許幻想不再只是讓我心安 huò xǔ huàn xiǎng bù zài zhī shì ràng wǒ xīn ān Maybe the fantasy can no longer reassure me. 陽光灑成一片海 yáng guāng sǎ chéng yī piàn hǎi As the sun shines into the sea, 你在我心裡承載 nǐ zài wǒ xīn lǐ chéng zài You are now inside my heart.
你的氣息 你的聲音 nǐ de qì xī   nǐ de shēng yīn The way you breath, the sound of your voice, 最近的距離 安靜地徹底 zuì jìn de jù lí   ān jìng dì chè dǐ Within this closest distance, thoroughly quiet, 悶熱讓時間暫停 mèn rè ràng shí jiān zàn tíng It’s hot and suffocating pausing time. 下一場太陽雨 xià yī cháng tài yáng yǔ Amid the succeeding sun showers, 我無法停止想念你 wǒ wú fǎ tíng zhǐ xiǎng niàn nǐ I can’t stop thinking about you.
趁這場雨輕輕打散某個習慣 chèn zhè cháng yǔ qīng qīng dǎ sàn mǒu gè xí guàn Gently break your habit under the rain. 讓感覺天旋地轉讓彼此心安 ràng gǎn jué tiān xuán dì zhuǎn ràng bǐ cǐ xīn ān Let the feeling make your head spin and make each other feel at ease. 從未擁有的呼喚 cóng wèi yōng yǒu de hū huàn A call I’ve never heard before, 喚醒我的存在 huàn xǐng wǒ de cún zài Woke up my existence. 只想聽你反覆說愛 zhī xiǎng tīng nǐ fǎn fù shuō ài I just want to hear you talk of love over and over.
水藍色在你眼裡看起來很浪漫 shuǐ lán sè zài nǐ yǎn lǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn làng màn The aqua blue looks romantic in your eyes. 請讓幻想不再只是讓我心安 qǐng ràng huàn xiǎng bù zài zhī shì ràng wǒ xīn ān Please don’t let the fantasy just simply reassure me. 陽光灑成一片海 yáng guāng sǎ chéng yī piàn hǎi As the sun shines into the sea, 你在我心裡承載 nǐ zài wǒ xīn lǐ chéng zài You are now inside my heart.
If there are errors please do not hesitate to point it out. It’s greatly appreciated.
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keenangelfox · 3 years
2. The Story #2 : sī wà 、 jiān guǒ hé jú zi 、 wán jù yǐn qíng 、 qiǎo kè lì xìng rén hé zhōng biǎo shǔ biāo hái yǒu qí tā dōng xī , dàn tù zi shì zuì bàng de。nán hái ài tā zhì shǎo liǎng gè xiǎo shí , rán hòu ā yí hé shū shū men lái chī fàn , zhǐ jīn hé bāo guǒ de jiě kāi dōu shā shā zuò xiǎng , zài xīng fèn de kàn zhe suǒ yǒu xīn lǐ wù shí , tiān é róng tù zi bèi yí wàng le。(To Be Continue)
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amperzandet · 4 years
1. No haces, no mueras. 不作不死。(Pinyin: bù zuò bù sǐ.)
Si no haces tonterías, no terminarás en tragedia.
2. Una sonrisa disipa muchas preocupaciones. 一笑解千愁。 (Pinyin: yī xiào jiě qiānchou)No siempre piense en cosas malas, mantenta una actitud optimista.
3. Una maja de hierro, a fuerza de ser afilada, puede convertirse en una aguja. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 (Pinyin: tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn.)Mientras tenga la determinación y la voluntad de trabajar duro, puede tener éxito en cualquier cosa difícil. 
4. La adversidad produce instinto. 逆境出人才。 (Pinyin: nìjìng chū réncái)La adversidad a menudo inspira espíritu de lucha y se convierte en un talento. 
5. Un chi (medida de longitud china equivalente a un tercio de metro) puede resultar corto, y un cun (un décimo de chi), largo. 尺有所短,寸有所长。 (Pinyin: chǐ yóu suǒ duǎn,cùn yóu suǒ chánɡ.)Toda persona o cosa tiene su mérito y demétiro. 
6. El fracaso es la madre del éxito. 失败是成功之母。(Pinyin: shībài shì chénggōng zhī mǔ.)El éxito solo se puede obtener extrayendo lecciones del fracaso. 
7. Entre tres personas debe estar mi maestro. 三人行,必有我师焉。(Pinyin: sān rén xíng, bì yoǔ wǒ shī yān)Siempre podemos aprender algo de los demás. 
8. Melocotones y ciruelas en todas partes. 桃李满天下。(Pinyin: táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià)Significa un maestro tiene estudiantes en todas partes. 
9. La destreza viene de la práctica. 熟能生巧。(Pinyin: shú néng shēng qiǎo)Herrando se aprende a herrar. La práctica hace al maestro. Es forjando que se llega a ser forjado. 
10. La promesa debe ser cumplida y la acción debe tener resultado. 言必信,行必果。(Pinyin: chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ)Fiel a la palabra empeñada y resuelto en acción. Mantener la palabra empeñada y ser consecuente con ella. 
11. No hay que dejar escapar una oportunidad, que nunca va a presentares otra vez. 机不可失,失不再来。(Pinyin: jī bù kě shī,shí bù zài lái])La ocasión la pintan calva. Ocasión, asirla por los cabellos.
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mandopopguin · 4 years
R-Chord ft. Jess Lee - All Endings are Beginnings (English Translation)
那窗外毛毛細雨下的如此的冰冷 nà chuāng wài máo máo xì yǔ xià de rú cǐ de bīng lěng The drizzle falling outside the window is ice-cold
我泡了兩杯熱可可卻一個人喝著 wǒ pào le liǎng bēi rè kě kě què yī gè rén hē zhe I poured two cups of hot cocoa, but I’m drinking them by myself
我睡不著覺準備今晚又要失眠了 wǒ shuì bù zhe jué zhǔn bèi jīn wǎn yòu yào shī mián le I can’t sleep, so I’m planning for another night of insomnia
Warnings: One whole cuss word, possible abuse implications, suicide mention
I’m translating some songs for fun. Second song: 謝和弦 Feat.李佳薇 – 不愛,也是愛我.  Remember: you are allowed to break up with your significant other if they suck. Jess Lee said so :)
Full translation and translator’s notes under the cut.
在凌晨三點零九分 zài líng chén sān diǎn líng jiǔ fēn It’s 3:09 in the morning
我聽著寂寞在唱歌 wǒ tīng zhe jì mò zài chàng gē I’m listening to the loneliness singing
那窗外毛毛細雨下的如此的冰冷 nà chuāng wài máo máo xì yǔ xià de rú cǐ de bīng lěng The drizzle falling outside the window is ice-cold
我泡了兩杯熱可可卻一個人喝著 wǒ pào le liǎng bēi rè kě kě què yī gè rén hē zhe I poured two cups of hot cocoa, but I’m drinking them by myself
我睡不著覺準備今晚又要失眠了 wǒ shuì bù zhe jué zhǔn bèi jīn wǎn yòu yào shī mián le I can’t sleep, so I’m planning for another night of insomnia
我想起我們曾經 wǒ xiǎng qǐ wǒ men céng jīng I remember once
那麼瘋狂用力地愛著 nà me fēng kuáng yòng lì de ài zhe Being madly in love
你搬來我的破房子 nǐ bān lái wǒ de pò fáng zi You moved into my run-down house 好幾天都沒踏出門 hǎo jǐ tiān dōu méi tà chū mén Didn’t step out the door for a few days
你學會洗衣服也學會怎麼做菜了 nǐ xué huì xǐ yī fú yě xué huì zěn me zuò cài le You learned how to do laundry and how to cook
你順著我的脾氣讓我做著大男人 nǐ shùn zhe wǒ de pí qì ràng wǒ zuò zhe dà nán rén You went along with my temper and let me feel like a man 我卻生氣摔了杯子 wǒ què shēng qì shuāi le bēi zi I got angry and shattered a glass
還把房間的門打破了 hái bǎ fáng jiān de mén dǎ pò le And smashed the room’s door 讓你哭了好幾天不接電話 ràng nǐ kū le hǎo jǐ tiān bù jiē diàn huà Made you cry for a few days and didn’t answer the phone
就這麼走了 jiù zhè me zǒu le And left just like that
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
別再你抱歉我難過(要怎麼說) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (yào zěn me shuō) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (What do I say?)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried 你是王我不是后(No) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (No) You’re king, but I’m not queen (No)
Goodbye不愛也是一種愛我 Goodbye bù ài yě shì yī zhǒng ài wǒ Goodbye — Not loving me is a kind of loving me
一起去碧潭劃天鵝船你說暈船了 yī qǐ qù bì tán huà tiān é chuán nǐ shuō yūn chuán le Went together to Bitan to ride in a swan boat, but you said you were seasick 一起去陽明山看夜景你說真美呢 Yī qǐ qù yáng míng shān kàn yè jǐng nǐ shuō zhēn měi ne Went together to Yangmingshan to see the night view, and you said it was really beautiful
一起去看五月天的演唱會 你感動的哭了 yī qǐ qù kàn wǔ yuè tiān de yǎn chàng huì nǐ gǎn dòng de kū le Went together to see Mayday’s concert, and you were moved to tears
一起過的日子就像昨天 yī qǐ guò de rì zi jiù xiàng zuó tiān The days we spent together feel like they were yesterday
還在眼前呢 hái zài yǎn qián ne They’re still right before my eyes
我不知道該怎麼形容 wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me xíng róng I don’t know how to describe 你的善良和天真 nǐ de shàn liáng hé tiān zhēn Your kindness and innocence
我也不知道該怎麼做 wǒ yě bù zhī dào gāi zěn me zuò I also don’t know what I should say
才能挽回你呢 cái néng wǎn huí nǐ ne To win you back
我只好站在鏡子前罵自己馬的法克 wǒ zhǐ hǎo zhàn zài jìng zi qián mà zì jǐ mǎ de fǎ kè I can only stand in front of the mirror and scold my own motherf#cking self
快給我一把槍讓我把自己一槍斃了 kuài gěi wǒ yī bǎ qiāng ràng wǒ bǎ zì jǐ yī qiāng bì le Give me a gun and let me shoot myself
要多少時間才能夠找回從前的快樂 yào duō shǎo shí jiān cái néng gòu zhǎo huí cóng qián de kuài lè How long will it take until I can retrieve the happiness of the past?
要多少後悔才能夠把你手再牽著 yào duō shǎo hòu huǐ cái néng gòu bǎ nǐ shǒu zài qiān zhe How many times will I have to repent until I can hold your hand again?
我看著手機裡我們拍的每一張照片 wǒ kàn zhe shǒu jī lǐ wǒ men pāi de měi yī zhāng zhào piàn I’m looking at every picture we took on my phone
每一則訊息都是那麼的甜蜜 měi yī zé xùn xī dōu shì nà me de tián mì Every message is so sweet
那麼的深刻 nà me de shēn kè So profound
枕頭上殘留你的香味我抱著 zhěn tóu shàng cán liú nǐ de xiāng wèi wǒ bào zhe I’m hugging a pillow that still smells like you
蒐集的電影票根我都還留著 sōu jí de diàn yǐng piào gēn wǒ dōu hái liú zhe I’ve kept the movie ticket stubs we collected
只希望在你的心中不會忘記 我 zhǐ xī wàng zài nǐ de xīn zhōng bù huì wàng jì wǒ Only hope in your heart you won’t forget me
不會恨我不會討厭我 bù huì hèn wǒ bù huì tǎo yàn wǒ Don’t hate me. Don’t loathe me 那這一切我全部都認了 nà zhè yī qiè wǒ quán bù dōu rèn le I recognize all of this
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
別再你抱歉我難過(要怎麼說) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (yào zěn me shuō) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (What do I say?)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried 你是王我不是后(No) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (No) You’re king, but I’m not queen (No)
Goodbye不愛也是一種愛我 Goodbye bù ài yě shì yī zhǒng ài wǒ Goodbye — Not loving me is a kind of loving me
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對我 ( 你 ) 說聲抱歉 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng bào qiàn Tell me you’re (you I’m) sorry
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對 我 ( 你 ) 說 聲再見 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng zài jiàn Say goodbye to me (you)
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對我 ( 你 ) 說聲抱歉 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng bào qiàn Tell me you’re (you I’m) sorry
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對 我 ( 你 ) 說 聲再見 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng zài jiàn Say goodbye to me (you)
I say goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) I say goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go) 別再你抱歉我難過(Don't say goodbye) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (don’ t say goodbye) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (don’t say goodbye)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried
你是王我不是後(Don't go) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (don’ t go) You’re king, but I’m not queen (Don’t go)
Goodbye就當作你最後(No) Goodbye jiù dāng zuò nǐ zuì hòu (no) Goodbye — treat this as your last chance to
愛我 ài wǒ Love me
Translator’s Notes
Fun fact: A lot of Taiwanese artists use 你 as masculine form and 妳 as feminine form of “you.”  This song only uses 你. That doesn’t mean anything because this entire song is written in Mandarin (the standard form of which does not use the feminine form), but it’s interesting to note.
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye. If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
錯愛 literally means “wrong love,” but also means “misplaced/undeserved kindness” (think “I don’t deserve your kindness/favor”). The line meaning is probably closer to the literal translation than I have it, but there isn’t a good way to word it in English.
一起去碧潭劃天鵝船你說暈船了 yī qǐ qù bì tán huà tiān é chuán nǐ shuō yūn chuán le Went together to Bitan to ride in a swan boat, but you said you were seasick 一起去陽明山看夜景你說真美呢 Yī qǐ qù yáng míng shān kàn yè jǐng nǐ shuō zhēn měi ne Went together to Yangmingshan to see the night view, and you said it was really beautiful
一起去看五月天的演唱會 你感動的哭了 yī qǐ qù kàn wǔ yuè tiān de yǎn chàng huì nǐ gǎn dòng de kū le Went together to see Mayday’s concert, and you were moved to tears
Bitan (碧潭) is a tourist attraction in Taipei. More information here Yangmingshan (陽明山) is a national park, also in Taipei. More information here Mayday (五月天) is a popular Taiwanese rock/pop band. Official site here
那這一切我全部都認了 nà zhè yī qiè wǒ quán bù dōu rèn le I recognize all of this
I have no idea what this means.
Goodbye就當作你最後(No) Goodbye jiù dāng zuò nǐ zuì hòu (no) Goodbye, treat this as your last chance to
愛我 ài wǒ Love me
Not sure what 你最後 愛我 means. Literally, it’s “you[r] last love me,” which I took as “your last chance to love me,” but something like “your last declaration/act of love for me” might also work.
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (part 11)
十七 日后谈 . 一 Shíqī rìhòu tán. Yī Seventeen Chatting the day after. (I don’t know why there’s 1 here, so I’m just gonna ignore it since there’s no chapter named part 2 after this :v)
[???] 你还知道回来! 你还知道回来呐喵! Nǐ hái zhīdào huílái! Nǐ hái zhīdào huílái nà miāo! You still know how to come back! You still know how to come back, nya!
[???] 本座的小鱼干, 本座的枸杞茶杯, 还有本座的办事处全都被你弄没呐喵! 喵喵喵! Běn zuò de xiǎo yú gàn, běn zuò de gǒuqǐ chábēi, hái yǒu běn zuò de bànshì chù quándōu bèi nǐ nòng méi nà miāo! Miāo miāo miāo! This Lord’s dried fish, this Lord’s wolfberry tea cups, even this Lord’s the agency all without exception have been made no more by you, nya! Meow meow meow!
[Narration] 一团毛球一闪而过, 一jio蹬在我的胸口-- Yī tuán máo qiú yī shǎn érguò, yī jio dēng zài wǒ de xiōngkǒu-- A ball of fur flashes over, a foot stepping onto my stomach--
[Player] 陆..…吾.....你.....太重了! Lù..…Wú..... Nǐ..... Tài zhòngle! Lu....Wu....You....are too heavy!
[陆吾] (Lu Wu, the cat you see in the game to collect your daily login rewards) [Player]你居然还有心思嫌弃本座的体重呐喵! 你要是再不把小鱼干和办事处还回来, 本座就坐在你身上不走呐喵! [Player] nǐ jūrán hái yǒu xīnsī xiánqì běn zuò de tǐzhòng nà miāo! Nǐ yàoshi zàibu bǎ xiǎo yú gàn hé bànshì chù hái huílái, běn zuò jiùzuò zài nǐ shēnshang bù zǒu nà miāo! [Player], you surprisingly still have to mood to dislike this Lord’s body weight, nya! If you do not return this Lord’s dry fish and agency, this Lord will continue to sit on your body, nya!
[???] 空桑少主呜呜呜呜--你可终于回来啦呜呜呜-- Kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ wū wū wū wū--nǐ kě zhōngyú huílái la wū wū wū-- Kong Sang Young Miss, sob sob sob-- You finally came back, sob sob sob--
[Narration] 不详的预感从房门外传来。 果不然, 一个 “粉毛” 撞了进来, 哭得梨花带雨, 扑倒在我的床榻旁…… Bùxiáng de yùgǎn cóng fáng mén wàizhuàn lái. Guǒ bùrán, yīgè “fěn máo” zhuàngle jìnlái, kū dé líhuā dài yǔ, pū dào zài wǒ de chuángtà páng…… An ominous presentiment from outside the room’s door can be heard. As expected, a “Pink Fluff” runs in,  a tear-stained face of a crying beauty, falling onto the couch next to my bed...
[甘玲珑] (Gan Ling Long, the mentioned pink person) 我还以为你被饕餮吞进肚子里啦呜呜呜呜! 正打算去幽冥司找你-- Wǒ hái yǐwéi nǐ bèi tāotiè tūn jìn dùzi lǐ la wū wū wū wū! Zhèng dǎsuàn qù yōumíng sī zhǎo nǐ-- I had thought that you were swallowed into Tao Tie’s stomach sob sob sob! I was planning to go to the Underworld Division to find you--
[Player] 呸呸呸! 我活的好好儿的! 别说些有的没的-- Pēi pēi pēi! Wǒ huó de hǎohǎo er de! Bié shuō xiē yǒu de méi de-- Pei, pei, pei! I’m alive and in good condition! Don’t say such things--
[Narration] 房门外陆续传来一席脚步声, 看来, 他们也要登场了…… Fáng mén wài lùxù chuán lái yīxí jiǎobù shēng, kàn lái, tāmen yě yào dēngchǎngle…… Sounds of footsteps can be heard from outside the door, it seems that, they are about to debut as well...
[熙颜] (Xi Yan) 哎呀呀 ~ 我最喜欢的小少主回来了 ~ 快让姐姐抱一抱 ~ Āiyā ya ~ wǒ zuì xǐhuān de xiǎo shǎo zhǔ huíláile ~ kuài ràng jiějiě bào yī bào ~ Ai ya ya~ My most favourite Young Miss has returned~ Quickly come let older sister hug you~
[陆吾] 咳唔! 咸味使, 你的胸口上似乎有一块饼干碎片, 本座看见了, 自然不能不管, 就让本座帮你把这块可恶的饼干拍下来喵-- Hāi wú! Xián wèi shǐ, nǐ de xiōngkǒu shàng sìhū yǒu yīkuài bǐnggān suìpiàn, běn zuò kànjiànle, zìrán bùnéng bùguǎn, jiù ràng běn zuò bāng nǐ bǎ zhè kuài kěwù de bǐnggān pāi xiàlái miāo-- Ahem! Envoy of Saltiness, there seems to be some biscuit crumbs on your chest, this Lord sees it, it naturally can’t be ignored, so allow this Lord to help paw those hateful biscuit crumbs off, meow--
[Narration] 陆吾一跃而起, 一爪儿拍在咸昧使熙颜的胸口上! 众人一惊, 已知大事不妙, 登时退避三尺-- Lù wú yī yuè ér qǐ, yī zhuǎ er pāi zài xián mèi shǐ xī yán de xiōngkǒu shàng! Zhòngrén yī jīng, yǐ zhī dàshì bù miào, dēngshí tuìbì sān chǐ-- Lu Wu suddenly pounces, swatting a paw at the Envoy of Saltiness Xi Yan’s chest! Everyone is startled, and with each knowing that the situation is about a turn for the worse, all withdraw with three steps back--
[ 陆吾] 咳唔! 不必谢本座, 这是本座应该做呐喵。 “陆吾办事处, 必有过人处” , 本座-- Hāi wú! Bùbì xiè běn zuò, zhè shì běn zuò yīnggāi zuò nà miāo. “Lù wú bànshì chù, bì yǒuguò rén chù”, běn zuò-- Ahem! No need for thanks, this is something that this Lord should do, nya. “Lu Wu’s agency, where expectations are surpassed”, this Lord--
[ 陆吾] 唔喵咸味使你做……#&* (%#@! ! 本座--*&#@* (不要--**&…… ¥#%…… Wú miāo xián wèi shǐ nǐ zuò……#&* (%#@! ! Běn zuò--*&#@* (bùyào--**&…… ¥#%…… Um-mya, Envoy of Saltiness, what are you doing.... #&* (%#@! ! This Lord-- *&#@* ( No--**&…… ¥#%……
[ 陆吾] 唔喵 ----!!!!! UMYAAAAAA-!!!
[枯无] (Ku Wu) 少主, 您回来了。 这份是五味使对空桑损失进行评估后得出的统计报告, 您请确认盖章。 稍后我们会将报告递交至九重天。 Shǎo zhǔ, nín huíláile. Zhè fèn shì wǔwèi shǐ duì kōng sāng sǔnshī jìnxíng pínggū hòu dé chū de tǒngjì bàogào, nín qǐng quèrèn gài zhāng. Shāo hòu wǒmen huì jiāng bàogào dìjiāo zhì jiǔchóng tiān Young Miss, you have returned. These statistical reports are the result of the Envoys of Five Flavour’s evaluation of Kong Sang’s damages, requesting for your seal of confirmation. We will submit the reports to the Nine Layers of Heaven in a moment.
[辛懿] (Xin Yi) 看上去还挺精神? 事先提醒你报告递交以后, 免不了九重天下达的责罚令。 Kàn shàngqù hái tǐng jīngshén? Shìxiān tíxǐng nǐ bàogào dìjiāo yǐhòu, miǎnbule jiǔchóng tiānxià dá de zéfá lìng. You still seem to be quite spirited? I remind you in advance that once the report is submitted, the Nine Layers of Heaven’s penalty order will be unavoidable.
[辛懿] 不过届时我会为你求情, 让责罚方式改为 “吃十斤辣椒” 便了事吧。 Bùguò jièshí wǒ huì wèi nǐ qiúqíng, ràng zéfá fāngshì gǎi wèi “chī shí jīn làjiāo” biànliǎo shì ba. But I will plea leniency for you when the time comes, changing the punishment to settle at eating 10 catty of chillis.
[Player] .....
[Player] 苏安, 你没有台词吗? Sū ān , nǐ méiyǒu táicí ma? Su An, do you have any lines to say?
[苏安] 需要什么台词? 看戏不好吗? Xūyào shénme táicí? Kàn xì bù hǎo ma? What lines need to be said? Is it not good to watch the show?
[Narration] 这五位大人, 便是空桑五味使。 他们是爹爹的部下, 也是监督空桑运作的组织。 Zhè wǔwèi dàrén, biàn shì kōng sāng wǔ wèi shǐ. Tāmen shì diēdiē de bùxià, yěshì jiāndū kōng sāng yùnzuò de zǔzhī. These 5 elders, they are Kong Sang’s Envoys of Five flavours. They are father’s subordinates, and the organization that supervises Kong Sang’s operations.
[Player] 饕餮入侵空桑的时候, 你们都去哪里了…… Tāotiè rùqīn kōng sāng de shíhòu, nǐmen dōu qù nǎlǐle…… When Tao Tie invaded Kong Sang, where did all of you go...
[ 陆吾] 那日恰巧是五味使前往九重天向天帝汇报的日子呐喵! Nà rì qiàqiǎo shì wǔwèi shǐ qiánwǎng jiǔchóng tiān xiàng tiāndì huìbào de rìzi nà miāo! Coincidentally, that day was the day when the Envoy of Five Flavours had to depart for the Nine Layers of Heaven to report to the Celestial Emperor, nya!
[Player] 那你呢? 你不总号称自己是 “空桑守护神" 嘛? 有难题找 “陆吾办事处, 必有过人处” ? Nà nǐ ne? Nǐ bù zǒng hàochēng zìjǐ shì “kōng sāng shǒuhù shén" ma? Yǒu nántí zhǎo “lù wú bànshì chù, bì yǒuguò rén chù”? Then what about you? Don’t you always claim yourself to be the “Guardian of Kong Sang”? If there’s a difficult problem, find “Lu Wu’s agency, where expectations are surpassed”?
[ 陆吾] 那日九重天开设蟠桃宴! 本座, 本座怎么能不出席呐喵! Nà rì jiǔchóng tiān kāishè pántáo yàn! Běn zuò, běn zuò zěnme néng bù chūxí nà miāo! There was a Pan Tao feast on the ninth day! This Lord, how could this Lord not attend, nya!
(蟠桃 pán táo - the peaches of immortality kept by Xi Wang Mu 西王母)
[Player] 你还吃! 你再吃你就飞不起来了-- Nǐ hái chī! Nǐ zài chī nǐ jiù fēi bù qǐláile-- You still eat! Keep eating and you won’t be able to fly up anymore--
[甘玲珑] 哎呀? 少主居然自己一个人把佛跳墙和小笋带回来啦? 这也太厉害了吧? Āiyā? Shǎo zhǔ jūrán zìjǐ yīgè rén bǎ fútiàoqiáng hé xiǎo sǔn dài huílái la? Zhè yě tài lìhàile ba? Aiya? Young Miss actually brought back Fo Tiao Qiang and Xiao Sun all by herself!? Isn’t that quite impressive?
[甘玲珑] 小笋~ ~ ~玲珑我也好想你~ ~ ~ Xiǎo sǔn ~ ~ ~línglóng wǒ yě hǎo xiǎng nǐ ~ ~ ~  Xiao Sun~~ This Ling Long has also missed you~~~
[鸡茸金丝笋] 你、 你是谁! 不要过来! 快走开-- nǐ, nǐ shì shéi! Bùyào guòlái! Kuàizǒu kāi-- You, who are you! Do not come over! Quickly go away--
[鸡茸金丝笋] 这空桑怎么全是些怪人! 放开我! 我要回福州-- Zhè kōng sāng zěnme quán shì xiē guàirén! Fàng kāi wǒ! Wǒ yào huí fúzhōu-- Why is everyone in Kong Sang a bunch of weirdos! Release me! I want to go back to Fu Zhou--
[Narration] 一群人在我的房间里打打闹闹一团乱, 好不容易待到他们一个个塞暄完离开房间... Yīqún rén zài wǒ de fángjiān lǐ dǎ dǎ nào nào yī tuán luàn, hǎobù róngyì dài dào tāmen yīgè gè sāi xuān wán líkāi fángjiān... The crowd in my room becomes a disorder of boisterous noises, only leaving the room together after stuffing geniality into each one with great difficulty...
[鹄羹] 少主, 你还好吗? Shǎo zhǔ, nǐ hái hǎo ma? Young Miss, are you alright?
[Player] 他们真的是……太吵了…… Tāmen zhēn de shì……tài chǎole…… They are truly....too noisy...
[鹄羹] 不好吗? 这表明偌大空桑, 依旧充满生机。 Bù hǎo ma? Zhè biǎomíng ruòdà kōng sāng, yījiù chōngmǎn shēngjī. Isn’t it good? This shows that this large Kong Sang is still brimming with life.
[Player] 也是……若我从空桑醒来, 身边并无一人, 我才会觉得寂寞呢…… Yěshì……ruò wǒ cóng kōng sāng xǐng lái, shēnbiān bìng wú yīrén, wǒ cái huì juédé jìmò ne…… Still...If I wake up in Kong Sang, with no one by my side, I would still feel lonely...
[Player] 鹄羹, 你...与那易牙是旧识? 你们看上去似乎很了解彼此... Gǔ gēng, nǐ... Yǔ nà yì yá shì jiù shí? Nǐmen kàn shàngqù sìhū hěn liǎojiě bǐcǐ... Hu Geng, you..and that Yi Ya were acquaintances? It seems like you two know each other...
[Player] 他还提到鹄羹你的哥哥...原来你还有哥哥呀? Tā hái tí dào gǔ gēng nǐ dí gēgē... Yuánlái nǐ hái yǒu gēgē ya? He even mentioned your brother...It turns out that you still have a brother?
[Narration] 提及此事, 鹄羹脸色少有地沉了下来…… Tí jí cǐ shì, gǔ gēng liǎnsè shǎo yǒu de chénle xiàlái…… Mentioning this matter, Hu Geng shows a rare solemn expression...
[鹄羹] 我哥哥 …十多年前已魂飞魄散.... Wǒ gēgē…shí duō nián qián yǐ húnfēipòsàn.... My brother....had his soul flown away and scattered 10 years ago...
(Apparently, 魂飞魄散 means to be terror-strickened. But I’m not sure if if they’re trying to play some sort of double meaning here and say that the brother’s soul was literally destroyed or if the story meant that Hu Geng’s brother was driven mad by terror instead.)
[鹄羹]  每每提及, 心中沉痛, 所以... Měiměi tí jí, xīnzhōng chéntòng, suǒyǐ... Whenever this is mentioned, my heart aches, so...
[Player] 抱歉! 原来是这样……我再也不提了! 你不要难过…… B��oqiàn! Yuánlái shì zhèyàng……wǒ zài yě bù tíle! Nǐ bùyào nánguò…… Sorry! So it’s like this... I won't mention it again! Please don’t be upset...
[Narration] 鹄羹笑了笑, 摇摇头…… Gǔ gēng xiàole xiào, yáo yáotóu…… Hu Geng smiles, shaking his head...
[鹄羹] 易牙与伊挚大人曾同是九重天的厨师。 我作为伊挚大人的助手居于九重天之时, 与易牙偶有接触。 Yì yá yǔ yī zhì dàrén céng tóng shì jiǔchóng tiān de chúshī. Wǒ zuòwéi yī zhì dàrén de zhùshǒu jūyú jiǔchóng tiān zhī shí, yǔ yì yá ǒu yǒu jiēchù. Yi Ya and Master Yi Zhi were similarly once chefs of the Nine Layers of Heaven. When I lived with Master Yi Zhi in the Nine Layers of Heaven as his assistant, I would have occasional contact with Yi Ya.
[鹄羹] 他因 “杀子飨君” 的背景失去竟选食神的资格, 或许, 因此对伊挚大人心怀怨怼。 Tā yīn “shā zi xiǎng jūn” de bèijǐng shīqù jìng xuǎn shíshén de zīgé, huòxǔ, yīncǐ duì yī zhì dàrén xīnhuái yuànduì. He lost the qualification to be chosen as the God of Food due to the background of "Killng his son to offer as food to his Lord", and perhaps, consequently bore a grudge against Master Yi Zhi.
[Player] 易牙曾提到爹爹用不正当的手段夺取食神之位, 那这自然也不能当真咯? Yì yá céng tí dào diēdiē yòng bù zhèngdàng de shǒuduàn duóqǔ shíshén zhī wèi, nà zhè zìrán yě bùnéng dàngzhēn gē? Yi Ya once mentioned that father used dishonest means to seize the God of Food position, naturally this can’t also be trusted?
[鹄羹] 伊挚大人光明磊落, 又十分重感情, 鹄羹不相信大人会做出违背良心之事。 Yī zhì dàrén guāngmínglěiluò, yòu shí fèn zhòng gǎnqíng, gǔ gēng bù xiāngxìn dàrén huì zuò chū wéibèi liángxīn zhī shì. Master Yi Zhi is open and candid, and attaches great importance to emotional sentiments, Hu Geng does not believe that Master would do anything against his conscience.
[Player] 那么易牙所说 “宴仙坛主人” 的身份你可有头绪? Nàme yì yá suǒ shuō “yàn xiān tán zhǔrén” de shēnfèn nǐ kě yǒu tóuxù? What about Yi Ya saying that you would have a clue about the identity of Yan Xian Tan’s Young Master”?
[鹄羹] 我……没有。 如果是他…… Wǒ……méiyǒu. Rúguǒ shì tā…… I...do not. If it’s him....
[Narration] 鹄羹又摇了摇头…… Gǔ gēng yòu yáole yáotóu…… Hu Geng shakes his head again...
[鹄羹] 不, 没什么, 应该不会是他…… Bù, méishénme, yīnggāi bù huì shì tā…… No, it’s nothing, it shouldn’t be him...
[鹄羹] 少主今后有什么打算? 继续穿越时空, 寻找食魂吗? Shǎo zhǔ jīnhòu yǒu shé me dǎsuàn? Jìxù chuānyuè shíkōng, xúnzhǎo shí hún ma? What are the Young Miss’ plans from now on? Continue to travel through time and space, looking for Food Souls?
[Player] 当然。 此行福州, 得知易牙也在穿越时空, 拉拢食魂加入宴仙坛。 Dāngrán. Cǐ xíng fúzhōu, dé zhī yì yá yě zài chuānyuè shíkōng, lālǒng shí hún jiārù yàn xiān tán. Of course. During this trip to Fu Zhou, I learned that Yi Ya is also traveling through time and space, attracting Food Souls to join Yan Xian Tan.
[Player] 他行事迅速, 不知道有多少食魂已经落到了他手里。 Tā xíngshì xùnsù, bù zhīdào yǒu duōshǎo shí hún yǐjīng luò dàole tā shǒu lǐ. He moves fast, it is unknown how many Food Souls have already fallen into his hands.
[Player] 太极芋泥他……唉 也不知道他怎么想的。 太极如此聪慧, 竟也辨不出个好坏来? Tàijí yù ní tā……āi yě bù zhīdào tā zěnme xiǎng de. Tàijí rúcǐ cōnghuì, jìng yě biàn bù chū gè hǎo huài lái? Tai Chi Taro, he....Haa, I don’t even know what he’s thinking. Tai Chi Taro is intelligent, yet is unable to distinguish between good and bad?
[Player] 所以我们不能停下脚步, 必须跟上易牙, 阻止他拉拢其他不明状况的食魂。 Suǒyǐ wǒmen bùnéng tíng xià jiǎobù, bìxū gēn shàng yì yá, zǔzhǐ tā lālǒng qítā bùmíng zhuàngkuàng de shí hún. So we can’t stop moving, we have to catch up with Yi Ya, stopping him from recruiting other unwitting Food Souls who are unaware of the situation.
[鹄羹] 下个目的地, 少主可想好了? Xià gè mùdì de, shǎo zhǔ kě xiǎng hǎole? For the next destination, has Young Miss already made a decision?
[Player] 我们去民国沿着津浦铁路走吧! 先把德州和阿符他们找回来! Wǒmen qù mínguó yánzhe jīnpǔ tiělù zǒu ba! Xiān bǎ dézhōu hé ā fú tāmen zhǎo huí lái! We will go to the Republic of China and follow the Jin Pu Railway! To bring back De Zhou and Ah Fu first!
(De Zhou = 德州扒鸡 , A Fu = 符离集烧鸡)
[鹄羹] 就依少主的意思, 下一站, 民国津浦铁路-- Jiù yī shǎo zhǔ de yìsi, xià yí zhàn, mínguó jīnpǔ tiělù-- As Young Miss wishes, next stop, Republic of China Jin Pu Railway--
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lulu-nightbon · 2 years
what's your lmk ocs' favorite foods?
i haven't really figured this out entirely, but you can have my guesses
Zhouei: likely some form of chocolatey sweet, like a moon pie or smth
Xianzhi: same as Zhouei
Zheng Delun: i... honestly have no clue for this guy. ill have to get back to you
Mariana: i don't even know if she eats
zhouei's ex: noodles with pepperoni slices in them
Lǐ Tiān Shí: plums are the closest but they're not her favorite, haven't figured it out yet but pepperoni is up there close to plums
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wxzhwnn · 6 years
Change of Tones in Mandarin Chinese
1. Change of the third tone
1 a. two characters
If the phrase contains two syllables with a third tone, then the first one changes to the second “你好” = nǐ hǎo is pronounced ní hǎo “可以” = kě yǐ is pronounced ké yǐ
1 b. three characters
If in the phrase there are three or more consecutive morphemes with the third tone, then you need to act according to "the rule of the greatest closeness of words"
If two related syllables are at the end of the phrase  "买 水饺" = mǎi shuǐ jiǎo, pronounced mǎi shuí jiǎo “buy  dumplings” “老 祖母” = lǎo zǔ mǔ is pronounced lǎo zú mǔ  “old grandmother”
If two related syllables are at the beginning of the phrase  "展览馆" = zhǎn lǎn guǎn is pronounced zhán lán guǎn “exhibition hall” “水彩 笔” = shuǐ cǎi bǐ is pronounced shuí cái bǐ  “watercolor pen”
If all the syllables of the phrase of three or more consecutive morphemes are not related, then the tone modulators should be arranged as follows:  “五五五” = wǔ wǔ wǔ is pronounced wú wú wǔ “甲乙丙” = jiǎ yǐ bǐng is pronounced jiá yí bǐng
If the first of three consecutive morphemes with a third tone represents the person’s last name, the last two - his property or profession To avoid confusion, syllables — surnames never change their pitch "李 厂长" = lǐ chǎng zhǎng is pronounced lǐ cháng zhǎng “Director Li” “沈 总理” = shěn zǒng lǐ is pronounced shěn zóng lǐ  “Prime minister Shen”
2.  一 "yī" and  不 "bù"
The morphemes "yī" 一 and "bù" 不 have a special system of modifications
When they are located in front of a syllables with a fourth or neutral tone, they are pronounced as “bú” and “yí” “不是” = bú shì "一个" = yí gè
Before all other syllables (having the first, second and third tone) they are pronounced “bù” and “yì” “一天” = yì tiān "一年" = yì nián "不 来" = bù lái "不好" = bù hǎo
In some cases (for example, in the role of an ordinal number), the morpheme “yī” is used in the first tone  “十一” = shí yī "第一 课" = dì yī kè
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sabrineelangblr · 5 years
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听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories
(B1//Intermediate Low)
Can be found on Spotify, the website and I believe the Apple podcast list. I am using it currently for listening practice for more vocabulary and grammar! Enjoy :-)
2.1.22A 故事《三块巧克力》
Nov 14, 2017
When a mother found her son lying to her after breaking a vase, she chose to reward him with chocolates.
三块巧克力 有个孩子放学后,在客厅里玩篮球,不慎打落书架上的一个花瓶。孩子慌忙用胶水把碎片粘起来,胆战心惊地放回原位。      当天晚上,母亲发现花瓶有些“变化”,就问孩子:“是不是你打碎了花瓶?”      孩子灵机一动,说:“有一只野猫从窗外跳进来,碰倒了花瓶。”母亲很清楚,孩子在撒谎,但她没有说什么。      睡觉前,母亲从抽屉里拿出一块巧克力递给孩子说:“这块巧克力奖给你。因为你运用神奇的想象力,杜撰出一只会开窗户的猫,以后,你一定可以写出好看的侦探小说。”      接着,她又在孩子手里放了一块巧克力:“这块巧克力奖给你。因为你有杰出的修复能力,裂缝黏合得几乎完美无缺。”      母亲又拿出第三块巧克力,说:“最后一块巧克力,代表我对你深深的歉意。作为母亲,我不应该把花瓶放在容易摔落的地方,希望你没有被砸到或者吓到。”      孩子听了,羞愧地低下了头。从此以后,他再也没有撒过一次谎。      这是比惩罚更深刻的奖励。 ——选自
sān kuài qiǎo kè lì   yǒu gè hái zǐ fàng xué hòu , zài kè tīng lǐ wán lán qiú , bù shèn dǎ luò shū jià shàng dí yī gè huā píng 。 hái zǐ huāng máng yòng jiāo shuǐ bǎ suì piàn zhān qǐ lái , dǎn zhàn xīn jīng dì fàng huí yuán wèi 。             dāng tiān wǎn shàng , mǔ qīn fā xiàn huā píng yǒu xiē “ biàn huà ” , jiù wèn hái zǐ : “ shì bù shì nǐ dǎ suì liǎo huā píng ? ”             hái zǐ líng jī yī dòng , shuō : “ yǒu yī zhī yě māo cóng chuāng wài tiào jìn lái , pèng dǎo liǎo huā píng 。 ” mǔ qīn hěn qīng chǔ , hái zǐ zài sā huǎng , dàn tā méi yǒu shuō shí me 。             shuì jué qián , mǔ qīn cóng chōu tì lǐ ná chū yī kuài qiǎo kè lì dì gěi hái zǐ shuō : “ zhè kuài qiǎo kè lì jiǎng gěi nǐ 。 yīn wéi nǐ yùn yòng shén qí dí xiǎng xiàng lì , dù zhuàn chū yī zhī huì kāi chuāng hù dí māo , yǐ hòu , nǐ yī dìng kě yǐ xiě chū hǎo kàn dí zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō 。 ”             jiē zhuó , tā yòu zài hái zǐ shǒu lǐ fàng liǎo yī kuài qiǎo kè lì : “ zhè kuài qiǎo kè lì jiǎng gěi nǐ 。 yīn wéi nǐ yǒu jié chū dí xiū fù néng lì , liè féng nián hé dé jī hū wán měi wú quē 。 ”             mǔ qīn yòu ná chū dì sān kuài qiǎo kè lì , shuō : “ zuì hòu yī kuài qiǎo kè lì , dài biǎo wǒ duì nǐ shēn shēn dí qiàn yì 。 zuò wéi mǔ qīn , wǒ bù yīng gāi bǎ huā píng fàng zài róng yì shuāi luò dí dì fāng , xī wàng nǐ méi yǒu bèi zá dào huò zhě xià dào 。 ”             hái zǐ tīng liǎo , xiū kuì dì dī xià liǎo tóu 。 cóng cǐ yǐ hòu , tā zài yě méi yǒu sā guò yī cì huǎng 。             zhè shì bǐ chěng fá gēng shēn kè dí jiǎng lì 。   — — xuǎn zì
块 kuài,measure word for candy,chocolate, meat, cookies, etc.
巧克力 qiǎokèlì,noun, chocolate
放学 fàngxué,verb, get released from school
客厅 kètīng,noun, living room
不慎 bù shèn,adv, accidentally
打落 dǎ luò,verb phrase,to knock down
书架 shūjià,noun,book shelf
花瓶 huāpíng,noun,vase
慌忙 huāngmáng,adv,hurried
胶水 jiāoshuǐ,noun,glue
碎片 suìpiàn,noun,broken pieces;debris
粘 zhān,verb,to stick;to glue; to paste
胆战心惊 dǎnzhànxīnjīng,chengyu, frightened
放回 fàng huí, verb phrase, to put back…
原位 yuán wèi,noun, home position
当天 dāngtiān,time noun, that very day
变化 biànhuà, noun, change
碎 suì,verb, to break into pieces
灵机一动 língjī yīdòng, chengyu, a bright idea occurs to someone
野 yě, adj, wild; untamed
窗外 chuāngwài, noun phrase, the outside of the window
跳 tiào, verb, to jump
碰 pèng, verb, to touch; to bump
倒 dǎo, verb, to fall
清楚 qīngchǔ, verb, to know; adj, clear
撒谎 sāhuǎng, verb, to lie
抽屉 chōutì, noun, drawer
递 dì, verb, to pass
奖 jiǎng, verb, to award; noun, rewards
运用 yùnyòng, verb, to utilize
神奇 shénqí, adj, magical
想象力 xiǎngxiàng lì, noun, the ability to image; imagination
杜撰 dùzhuàn, verb, to fabricate;to make up
侦探 zhēntàn, noun, detective
小说 xiǎoshuō, noun, novel
接着 jiēzhe, conjunction, and then; after that…
杰出 Jiéchū, adj, excellent
修复 xiūfù, verb, to repair; to restore
能力 nénglì, noun, ability
裂缝 lièfèng, noun, crack
黏合 nián hé, verb, to glue together
几乎 jīhū, adv, almost
完美无缺 wánměi wúquē, chengyu, perfect
代表 dàibiǎo, verb, to symbolize; to represent
深深 shēn shēn, adj, deep
歉意 qiànyì, noun, apology
作为 zuòwéi, preposition, as…
容易 róngyì,adv, easily; adj, easy
摔落 shuāi luò, verb phrase, to fall down to the ground
希望 xīwàng, verb, to hope; noun, hope
砸 zá, verb, to hit
吓 xià, verb, to scare
羞愧 xiūkuì, adj, ashamed
低头 dītóu,verb, to bow one’s head
从此以后,cóngcǐ yǐhòu, conjunction, from then on
惩罚 chéngfá, noun, punishment
深刻 shēnkè, adj, deep
奖励 jiǎnglì, noun, rewards
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kiishikaiseii · 6 years
孟佳 Meng Jia - 糖果 Lyrics
Baby 你是哪种糖果 一切由爱来左右  Baby nǐ shì nǎ zhǒng táng guǒ yī qiē yóu ài lái zuǒ yòu 别问我是上帝 或是 你的叹息 或我爱不爱你  Bié wèn wǒ shì shàng dì huò shì nǐ dí tàn xī huò wǒ ài bù ài nǐ 你是一颗砂砾 想讨巨人欢心 在我糖果罐里  Nǐ shì yī kē shā lì xiǎng tǎo jù rén huān xīn zài wǒ táng guǒ guàn lǐ You are a candy
You are a candy 而我 我是吃了你的天敌 You are a candy ér wǒ wǒ shì chī liǎo nǐ dí tiān dí 你崩在天敌的嘴里 后悔嘛你?  Nǐ bēng zài tiān dí dí zuǐ lǐ hòu huǐ ma nǐ ? What you know about me?No, you don't. No, you don't
唷 最优雅的美 从不会 吃人就够够 或当摇摆 狗狗  Yō zuì yōu yǎ dí měi cóng bù huì chī rén jiù gòu gòu huò dāng yáo bǎi gǒu gǒu 是你掉进漩涡里 挣扎没有用 最后只好把我宠著捧著 视为你的皇后  Shì nǐ diào jìn xuán wō lǐ zhèng zā méi yǒu yòng zuì hòu zhī hǎo bǎ wǒ chǒng zhù pěng zhù shì wéi nǐ dí huáng hòu
爱情 有就是有 没有就没有 下好 就勇敢离手  ài qíng yǒu jiù shì yǒu méi yǒu jiù méi yǒu xià hǎo jiù yǒng gǎn lí shǒu 敢爱 是种光荣 敢恨是自由 亲爱的 请自作自受  Gǎn ài shì zhǒng guāng róng gǎn hèn shì zì yóu qīn ài dí qǐng zì zuò zì shòu
BABY 你是哪种糖果 一切 由爱来左右 BABY nǐ shì nǎ zhǒng táng guǒ yī qiē yóu ài lái zuǒ yòu 别问我是上帝 或是你的叹息 或我爱不爱你 Bié wèn wǒ shì shàng dì huò shì nǐ dí tàn xī huò wǒ ài bù ài nǐ 你是一颗砂砾 想讨巨人欢心 在我糖果罐里 Nǐ shì yī kē shā lì xiǎng tǎo jù rén huān xīn zài wǒ táng guǒ guàn lǐ You are a candy 
Talk to my hand. Talk talk to my hand Candy like you. Just talk to my finger Talk to the god. And nothing that you can get 每个人都说 他多么 SPECIAL Měi gè rén dū shuō tā duō me SPECIAL 
吃在嘴里 甜度 却一下就没了 Chī zài zuǐ lǐ tián dù què yī xià jiù méi liǎo I'M GOOD 所有废话 呃 请你 别了 呃 I ' M GOOD suǒ yǒu fèi huà è qǐng nǐ bié liǎo è 当糖果 被吃光 挪个 挪个 罐子 不就好了 伸个手 能拿就拿 有什么 好分的 Dāng táng guǒ bèi chī guāng nuó gè nuó gè guàn zǐ bù jiù hǎo liǎo shēn gè shǒu néng ná jiù ná yǒu shí me hǎo fēn dí
爱情 有就是有 没有就没有 下好 就勇敢离手 ài qíng yǒu jiù shì yǒu méi yǒu jiù méi yǒu xià hǎo jiù yǒng gǎn lí shǒu 敢爱 是种光荣 敢恨是自由 亲爱的 请自作自受 Gǎn ài shì zhǒng guāng róng gǎn hèn shì zì yóu qīn ài dí qǐng zì zuò zì shòu
Baby 你是哪种糖果 一切由爱来左右 Baby nǐ shì nǎ zhǒng táng guǒ yī qiē yóu ài lái zuǒ yòu 别问我是上帝 或是 你的叹息 或我爱不爱你 Bié wèn wǒ shì shàng dì huò shì nǐ dí tàn xī huò wǒ ài bù ài nǐ 你是一颗砂砾 想讨巨人欢心 在我糖果罐里 众多糖果罐里 Nǐ shì yī kē shā lì xiǎng tǎo jù rén huān xīn zài wǒ táng guǒ guàn lǐ zhòng duō táng guǒ guàn lǐ You are a candy
噢 为何我 只遇过 无趣的对手 no no no no no ō wéi hé wǒ zhī yù guò wú qù dí duì shǒu no no no no no 噢 为何我 没吃过 完美的糖果 no no no no no ō wéi hé wǒ méi chī guò wán měi dí táng guǒ no no no no no
Vocabulary/ Expressions:
糖果 (tángguǒ): candy
一切由爱来左右 (yī qiē yóu ài lái zuǒ yòu): love decides everything, love is the key for everything
叹息 (tànxí): (to) sigh
砂砾 (shālì): gravel
巨人 (jùrén): giant
讨 ... 欢心:  to please
罐 (guàn): jar, pot
天敌 (tiāndí): predator, natural enemy
崩 (bēng): collapse, burst
后悔嘛你?(hòuhuǐ ma nǐ?): You regret it?
嘛 (ma): modal particle indicating that sth is obvious
唷 (yō): Oh!, My!
优雅 (yōuyǎ): elegant
吃人就够够 (chī rén jiù gòu gòu): walk all over someone
摇摆狗 (yáobǎi gǒu): a shaking dog toy
漩涡 (xuánwō): vortex, whirlpool
挣扎 (zhēngzhá): (to) struggle
宠著捧著 (chǒngzhe pěngzhe): (to be) spoiled, pampered
离手 (xià hǎo lí shǒu) to take a decision (usually in a game like chess)
光荣 (guāngróng): glory, honor 
自作自受 (zìzuòzìshòu): to reap what one has sown
废话(fèihuà): rubbish, nonsense
别了(biéliao): farewell 
吃光 (chī guāng): finish eating
伸个手 (shēn): to extend, stretch... (a hand)
为何 (wèihé): why, for what reason
完美 (wánměi): perfect     
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hskchinese · 6 years
HSK1 WORDS LIST (150 words)
How many do you know?
01. 爱 = ài = to love
02. 爱好 = ài hào = hobby
03. 八 = bā = eight
04. 爸爸 = bà ba = father
05. 杯子 = bēi zi = glass, cup
06. 本 = běn = measure words for books
07. 不 = bù = no, not
08. 不客气 = bú kè qi = no problem
09. 菜 = cài = vegetable
10. 茶 = chá = tea
11. 吃 = chī = to eat
12. 出租车 = chū zū chē = taxi
13. 大 = dà = big
14. 打电话 = dǎ diàn huà = to make phone call
15. 的 = de = of
16. 点 = diǎn = o'clock
17. 电脑 = diàn nǎo = computer
18. 电视 = diàn shì = television
19. 电影 = diàn yǐng = movie, film
20. 东西 = dōng xī = thing
21. 都 = dōu = all, both
22. 读 = dú = to read
23. 对不起 = duì bu qǐ = sorry
24. 多 = duō = much
25. 多少 = duō shǎo = how much, how many
26. 二 = èr = two
27. 儿子 = ér zi = son
28. 饭店 = fàn diàn = restaurant, hotel
29. 飞机 = fēi jī = aeroplane
30. 分钟 = fēn zhōng = minute
31. 个 = ge (measure word for general use)
32. 高兴 = gāo xìng = happy
33. 工作 = gōng zuò = job, duty, work
34. 狗 = gǒu = dog
35. 汉语 = hàn yǔ = Chinese language
36. 好 = hǎo = good
37. 号 = hào = number
38. 喝 = hē = to drink
39. 和 = hé = and
40. 很 = hěn = very
41. 后面 = hòu mian = backside, behind
42. 回 = huí = return
43. 会 = huì = can, will
44. 几 = jī = several, a few, how many
45. 家 = jiā = home
46. 叫 = jiào = to call
47. 今天 = jīn tiān = today
48. 九 = jiǔ = nine
49. 开 = kāi = to open
50. 看 = kàn = to watch, to see
51. 看见 = kàn jiàn = to see ,
52. 块 = kuài = fast , yuan(currency)
53. 来 = lái = to come
54. 老师 = lǎo shī = teacher
55. 了 = le (indicates completion of action)
56. 冷 = lěng = cold
57. 里 = lǐ = inside
58. 六 = liù = six
59. 妈妈 = mā ma = mother
60. 吗 = ma = (it comes for confirmation)
61. 买 = mǎi = to buy
62. 猫 = māo = cat
63. 没关系 = méi guān xi = no problem
64. 没有 = méi yǒu = not have
65. 米饭 = mǐ fàn = rice
66. 名字 = míng zi = name
67. 明天 = míng tiān = tomorrow
68. 哪 = nǎ = which
69. 哪儿 = nǎr = where
70. 那 = nà = that
71. 呢 = ne (shows continuation of action)
72. 能 = néng = can
73. 你 = nǐ = you
74. 年 = nián = year
75. 女儿 = nür = daughter
76. 朋友 = péng you = friend
77. 漂亮 = piào liang = beautiful
78. 苹果 = píng guǒ = apple
79. 七 = qī = seven
80. 前面 = qián miàn = front side
81. 钱 = qián = money
82. 请 = qǐng = please, to invite
83. 去 = qù = to go
84. 热 = rè = hot
85. 人 = rén = person
86. 认识 = rèn shi = to know,
87. 三 = sān = three
88. 商店 = shāng diàn = shop, store
89. 上 = shàng = up, above
90. 上午 = shàng wǔ = morning
91. 少 = shǎo = few, little bit
92. 谁 = shéi = who
93. 什么 = shén me = what
94. 时候 = shí hou = time, moment
95. 是 = shì = to be, is, am are
96. 十 = shí = ten
97. 书 = shū = book
98. 水 = shuǐ = water
99. 水果 = shuǐ guǒ = fruit
100. 睡觉 = shuì jiào = to sleep
101. 说 = shuō = to say, to speak
102. 四 = sì = four
103. 岁 = suì = age year, old
104. 他 = tā = he
105. 太 = tài = extremely
106. 天气 = tiān qi = weather
107. 听 = tīng = to listen
108. 同学 = tóng xué = classmate
109. 喂 = wéi = hello, hey (phone)
110. 我 = wǒ = I
111. 我们 = wǒ men = we
112. 五 = wǔ = five
113. 喜欢 = xǐ huan = to like
114. 下 = xià = down, under
115. 下午 = xià wǔ = evening
116. 下雨 = xià yǔ = to rain
117. 先生 = xiān shēng = mister
118. 现在 = xiàn zài = now
119. 想 = xiǎng = to want
120. 小 = xiǎo = small
121. 小姐 = xiǎo jiě = miss
122. 写 = xiě = to write
123. 些 = xiē = some, a few
124. 谢谢 = xiè xie = to thank
125. 星期 = xīng qī = week
126. 学生 = xué shēng = student
127. 学习 = xué xí = to learn
128. 学校 = xué xiào = school
129. 也 = yě = also
130. 一 = yī = one
131. 衣服 = yī fu = cloth
132. 医生 = yī shēng = doctor
133. 医院 = yī yuàn = hospital
134. 椅子 = yǐ zi = chair
135. 一点儿 = yì diǎnr = a few
136. 有 = yǒu = to have
137. 月 = yuè = month
138. 再见 = zài jiàn = see you again, bye
139. 在 = zài = at, in
140. 怎么 = zěn me = how / why
141. 怎么样 = zěn me yàng = how
142. 这 = zhè = this
143. 只 = zhī (measure word used for animals)
144. 中午 = zhōng wǔ = noon
145. 住 = zhù = to live
146. 桌子 = zhuō zi = table, desk
147. 字 = zì = character, word
148. 昨天 = zuó tiān = yesterday
149. 做 = zuò = to do , to make, to become
150. 坐 = zuò = to sit
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chineselanguageblog · 6 years
Chinese Idioms from Dragon and Phoenix
Animals have always been an indispensable part of the Chinese people’s daily lives. Naturally, many Chinese words reflect the close relationship between animals and the Chinese people. For example, in the Year of the Dragon, people will say “生龙活虎”(shēng lóng huó hǔ, which means doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger); this describes someone who is full of vim and vigor. In this article, I will present to you a few frequently used animal-related Chinese words.
Dragon 龙
“龙”(lóng, dragon) is, a fictitious animal (just like it is in Western cultures). This animal combines the features of many real animals such as the deer, ox, fish, snake, and so on. “龙” has a unique significance to the Chinese people. In the minds of the Chinese, “龙” is holy and sacred and can control the rain and wind. The Chinese people often proudly call themselves “龙的传人”(lóng de chuán rén, descendants of “the dragon”).
Below are some common Chinese words involving “虎”:
1) “龙潭虎穴”(lóng tán hǔ xué) Literally, “龙潭虎穴” means “dragon’s pond and tiger’s lair.”
Colloquially, “龙潭虎穴” means “a dangerous place.”
(Jīng chá jīng cháng shēn rù lóng tán hǔ xué qù diào chá yí nán àn jiàn.)
The police often walk into dangerous places to investigate difficult cases.
2) “龙腾虎跃”(lóng téng hǔ yuè) Literally, “龙腾虎跃” means “dragon rises and tiger jumps.”
Colloquially, “龙腾虎跃” means “very active.”
(Yùn dòng chàng shàng, tóng xué mén gè gè lóng téng hǔ yuè.)
The students on the playground are all very active.
3) “龙争虎斗”(lóng zhēng hǔ dòu) Literally, “龙争虎斗” means “a tiger and a dragon fight each other.”
Colloquially, “龙争虎斗” means “a fierce struggle between well-matched opponents.”
(Zhè liǎng duì lóng zhēng hǔ dòu, bǐ sài fēi cháng jī liè.)
The two opposing teams, having engaged in a fierce struggle with each other, presented the spectators with a very exciting game.
4) “龙蛇混杂”(lóng shé hùn zá) Literally, “龙蛇混杂” means “dragons and snakes jumbled together.”
Colloquially, “龙蛇混杂” means “good people and bad people mixed together.”
(Zhè gè xiǎo qū lóng shé hùn zá, bú lì yú guǎn lǐ.)
There are both bad and good people in this community, which causes problems in management.
5) “鲤鱼跳龙门”(lí yú tiào lóng mén) Literally, “鲤鱼跳龙门” means that a carp leaps over the dragon’s gate.
Colloquially, “鲤鱼跳龙门” means “ordinary people succeeding in national exams in feudal China.”
(Zài gǔ dài zhōng guó, rén rén dōu xiǎng lǐ yú tiào lóng mén.)
In ancient China, everyone wanted to succeed in national exams and become government officials.
Other Chinese words that are related to “龙”:
“龙舌兰”(lóng shé lán): maguey
“龙须面”(lóng xū miàn): long, thin noodles
“龙井茶”(lóng jǐng chá): a famous green tea produced in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
“龙袍”(lóng páo): a yellow gown embroidered with dragons worn by emperors
“一条龙服务”(yì tiáo long fú wù): one-stop service
Phoenix 凤凰
“凤凰”(fèng huáng, phoenix) is also a fictitious animal. The phoenix is called the “king of the birds.” Legendarily, “凤凰,” just like “龙”, combines the features of many real animals, such as the swallow, snake, fish, deer, turtle, and so on. Originally, a male phoenix was called “凤”(fèng), and a female phoenix was called “凰”(huáng). After the Qin and Han dynasties, people gradually didn’t speak of the male phoenix, and “凤凰” only refers to the female phoenix.
“凤凰” is considered the symbol of harmony and auspiciousness by the Chinese people. Across Chinese history, “凤凰” has always been an essential part of the Chinese culture and language.
1) “龙飞凤舞”(lóng fēi fèng wǔ) Literally, “龙飞凤舞” means “dragon flies and phoenix dances.”
Colloquially, “龙飞凤舞” means “lively and vigorous handwriting style.”
(Zhè wèi lāo shī xiě de zì rú lóng fēi fèng wǔ.)
The Chinese characters my Chinese teacher wrote are lively and vigorous.
2) “凤毛麟角”(fèng máo lín jiǎo) Literally, “凤毛麟角” means “phoenix’s feathers and qílín’s horns.”
Colloquially, “凤毛麟角” refers to “rare things or exceptional people.”
在军队,女兵有如 “凤毛麟角。”
(Zài jūn duì, nǚ bīng yǒu rú “fèng máo lín jiǎo.”)
In the army, female soldiers are extremely rare.
3) “凤泊鸾飘”(fèng bó luán piāo) Literally, “凤泊鸾飘” means “phoenix berths and luán (also a mythical bird) wanders.”
Colloquially, “凤泊鸾飘” means that a couple is separated from one another.
(Zhè duì fū fù bā nián lí sàn, fèng bó luán piāo, tuán jù shí, xǐ jí ér qì.)
This couple, separated from one another eight years ago, cried out of pure joy when they were reunited.
4) “攀龙附凤”(pān lóng fù fèng) Literally, “攀龙附凤” means “climb a dragon and stick to a phoenix.”
Colloquially, “攀龙附凤” means “playing up to people of power and influence.”
(James jīn tiān de chéng jiù dōu shì pān lóng fù fèng dé lái de.)
James is what he is because he played up to people of power and influence.
Animals are essential to people’s lives. Such importance is reflected in animals’ roles in human language. Above I have shown you how the Chinese see some animals through a few Chinese words related to these animals, but these words are only the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for the second part of this article.
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