#la diablesse
“What are the lights in the mountains?” “The lights in the mountains? Oh, it’s a jablesse.” “A jablesse! But why? What’s a jablesse?” “It’s a person who can turn into anything. But you can tell they aren’t real because of their eyes. Their eyes shine like lamps, so bright that you can’t look. That’s how you can tell it’s a jablesse. They like to go up in the mountains and gallivant. Take good care when you see a beautiful woman. A jablesse always tries to look like a beautiful woman.”
Jamaica Kincaid, from At the Bottom of the River
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givreencres · 2 years
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Welcome in Spot13 at Paris.
A open air museum !!
Follow me here !
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aspelladay · 2 years
La Diablesse
La Diablesse, a Caribbean vampire, resembles Lilith and Aisha Qandisha, as well as some other vampiric, alluring djinn. La Diablesse usually appears as an exceedingly beautiful, charming woman; she may appear in traditional Creole costume but betrays herself with her one cloven goat’s foot. Her anger is towards men: she seduces them, then kills them.
To save yourself, should you have a close encounter with La Diablesse, take off all your clothes.
Turn them inside out, then put them back on again.
Walk home backwards, never once during this entire process taking your eyes from La Diablesse.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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havatabanca · 1 year
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rudebuoygiant1 · 2 years
Demon Seductress Episode dropping Friday at 4pm. Check out previous episodes.
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drackarys · 11 months
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Sage dessus mais beaucoup moins en dessous...
Vous posez vous la question sur la lingerie portée par les femmes que vous croisez ?
Sous des airs angéliques, une vraie diablesse peut sommeiller...
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genericpuff · 3 months
I was born/raised in America but culturally I’m Trinidadian! Trinidad is a very tiny island in the Caribbean with a huge oil industry 🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹
Our language is english (we only got independence from the British in 1962 rip) but a lot of our television is in Spanish bc we’re so close to Venezuela to the point where you could see it from the island (and my grandparents used to take a small boat there to do shopping XDDD)
Our food is a hodgepodge of lots of different cultures, primarily Indian and African (tho idk specific countries). We also invented the steel pan and have Carnival and Borough Day, two HUGE celebrations
Nicki Minaj is from there and I think Cardi B’s mom?
We have a couple legends and myths:
La Diablesse is a woman who walks at the side of the road at night, her human foot on the pavement and her hoof in the grass, and lures men into the forest (tho only unfaithful men are enchanted by her and follow). Then she disappears and they basically run around lost until they meet their demise
Douens are spirits of children who died before baptism. Their feet are backwards, and if they hear a child’s name, they call it, luring the kid into the forest. Very mischievous and they wear large hats that cover their face, or well a lack therof XDDD
When it comes to myths, we have this thing called “Maljo”. Caused by envy but the way I always knew it was like if you excessively compliment something then you accidentally inflict that thing with Maljo, basically cursing it. My mom had a type of beaded bracelet around her wrist when she was little to sorta ward it off
Lastly, this isn’t common anymore, but my grandparents’ generation has two names. Their public name and the actual name they have which is used at home iirc. It’s like this so it’s harder for ppl with bad intentions to curse you as they only have your public name, not your real one
We have more, all of which are a mix of the different cultures that were brought or came here, but these are the ones I grew up hearing about most and this is already too long so XDDD
I’m always excited to talk abt my culture, so thank the asker for suggesting this and you for indulging! I love your posts !!!🧡🧡🧡
ahh so many facts about Trinidad, thank you!!! <3 The custom of carrying two names as a way to prevent curses is very clever. We sort of have something like that in some (*not all afaik) Indigenous cultures here in Canada, where you have the name you're known by to friends and family, but you can also have a spirit name that follows you from life to life, and this name is typically something that has to come to you as a sort of 'reminder' of your past lives, if that makes sense (i.e. it's not something you can willingly choose or be given). AFAIK tho it doesn't prevent curses LOL but that's another fun fact I was reminded of reading this in exchange for a lot of great ones, tysm again!!!
Also La Diablesse and Douens sound delightfully terrifying ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
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jamie-007 · 4 months
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Douce soirée ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 💕
Elle sort de la salle de bain, ajuste sa serviette, les cheveux encore mouillés, la peau perlée d'eau.
- Dis, à quoi tu penses quand tu me regardes comme ça ?
Il sourit.
- A rien, je te regarde, c'est tout.
- Et qu'est ce que tu vois ?
- Tu paraîs si heureuse chaque matin.
- C'est parce que je me réveille à tes côtés et que dans tes yeux, je lis l'amour.
Et ça me donne envie de chanter et de danser. Et de sourire aussi, comme ça, pour rien.
Parce que nous ce n'est pas une simple histoire d'amour.
Nous, c'est de l'amour dans une belle histoire.
Et tous les jours c'est comme un conte qui commencerait par "il était une fois",
Mais c'est beaucoup plus que ça, c'est "notre fois".
- Tu es si forte et si fragile à la fois et je ne sais pas si c'est la rêveuse madone ou l'envoûtante diablesse que je préfère en toi.
- Tu ne peux séparer les deux, je suis comme ça et...
Laissant glisser la serviette sur le sol.
- Je suis toute à toi...
JM ♥️
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 2, vol. 19, 10 janvier 1897, Paris. 8. 1. Petit marquis. 2. Mme Polichinelle. 3. Bergère Watteau. 4. Diablesse. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
1. Petit marquis. — Bas soie rayés culotte velours noir, veste satin rose bordée, gilet soie rayé. Col rabattu. Manche unie à revers, jabot de dentelle. Manteau de velours.
1. Little Marquis. — Striped silk stockings, black velvet pants, lined pink satin jacket, striped silk waistcoat. Folded collar. Plain cuffed sleeve, lace jabot. Velvet coat.
2. Mme Polichinelle — Jupe satin jaune rayé ornée de plumes, quilles dentelle sur le côté gauche. Draperie satin bleu dentelée et ornée gros boutons de satin, pans droits derrière, corsage ajusté en satin jaune orné dentelle cravate de tulle, manche longue, recouverte d’un jockey plissé, une manche jaune et l’autre bleu. Chapeau bicorne en satin deux tons, orné pouf de plumes cheveux poudrés.
2. Madame Polichinelle — Striped yellow satin skirt adorned with feathers, lace pins on the left side. Jagged blue satin drapery adorned with large satin buttons, straight tails behind, fitted bodice in yellow satin decorated with tulle tie lace, long sleeve, covered with a pleated jockey, one yellow sleeve and the other blue. Two-tone satin bicorne hat, adorned with pouf of powdered hair feathers.
Matériaux: 7 mètres soie rayée, 3m50 plumes, 7 mètres soie bleue, 4 mètres soie jaune, 1 mètre de dentelle.
3. Bergère Watteau. — Jupe soie rayée rose et blanc ornée volant dentelle paniers et manches en satin blanc. Corsage satin rose, à pointe devant et dans le dos, ouvert sur un voile tulle, gants longs. Chapeau paille orné de fleurs.
3. Bergere Watteau. — Pink and white striped silk skirt decorated with basket lace frills and white satin sleeves. Pink satin bodice, pointed in front and in the back, open on a tulle veil, long gloves. Straw hat decorated with flowers.
Matériaux: 7 mètres soie 6 mètres dentelle, 6 mètres satin.
4. Diablesse. — Jupe en laize de dentelle noire recouverte par une seconde jupe ouverte de côté, cette jupe en satin est recouverte par de petites fourches et diables brodés ou appliques en papier doré ou argenté, appliques de jais devant et sur le côté, corsage tendu bordé de jais, décolleté en rond orné dentelle et Tais papillons sur les manches, cercle et cornes en jais dans les cheveux, gants noirs.
4. Devil. — Skirt in width of black lace covered by a second skirt open on the side, this satin skirt is covered by small forks and devils embroidered or appliques in gold or silver paper, jet appliques in front and on the side, stretched bodice edged with jet, round neckline adorned with lace and butterflies on the sleeves, jet circle and horns in the hair, black gloves.
Matériaux: 4 mètres tulle ou laize noir, 12 mètres satin.
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artzychic27 · 2 years
If MLB characters were monsters, what monsters do you think they would be and why?
A Beldam-Like creature with a face made of porcelain, the rest of her body made of fabric, blue button eyes, and needles for fingers
Marinette can create dolls she can see through the eyes of and even talk through
If she’s holding something that belongs to someone else and she pricks herself, that someone else feel pain instead of her. (Kind of like that Voodoo guy from Monster High)
And let’s be real, this fits. The girl already makes dolls
A Frankenstein creature made from the body parts of different models so he’ll be “perfect”
He has made fifteen days ago, but he has the mind of a teenager… He just don’t know a bunch of shit
His stitches come loose when he’s stressed
You can’t tell me this guy wasn’t Frankie on his first day of school
Daughter of La Diablesse. She has the appearance of a demon and wears beautiful clothes and fancy hats
Alya has long dark red hair, two black horns, a forked tail, and dragon-looking feet, so no shoes fit her
I was tempted to make her a ghost like Spectra, but wanted to make her something from her culture. Then I found this lady, and she's pretty
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A highly advanced robot like Elle Eedee
His mothers, two mad scientists, built him to be able to age, eat, and sleep like any other monster.
Sometimes, the students forget he's a mosnter and try to harass him, but then he deadlifts a bus, and they back away
Elle Eedee is a deejay, that is all
He’s the hybrid son of a Krampus and a vampire. Nath has a mostly human appearance with two black horns on his head, black claws and a hooves. Now as for the vampire half, he can shift into a bat, but he keeps his horns
Don't ask why he punishes bad kids on Christmas and celebrates Hanukkah, it's a whole thing
Instead of bagging and strangling bad kids with chains, he gives them wet-willies, noogies, puts soap in their mouths, and punctures one doll with his horns
I just wanted to make Nath a demon and a hybrid
A steam robot from the Victorian era with built-in rocket feet so she can get around much faster
Robecca did roller derby, so this was a no brainer
She, Nino, and Adrien get along well since they weren't "born"
Alix carries around a parasol just in case it rains so she won't rust, and keeps an extra one for Nath since he's forgetful as hell
Hybrid daughter of a Siren and a Ghost Pirate who wears outfits inspired by both of her heritages, a ton of gold jewelry, and flowing outfits
She doesn't really sing sea shanties like her mom or spells in the form of songs like her dad, mostly rock ballads that put everyone within hearing range under her spell
When she gets wet, scales appear along her body, but when dry, she has a ghostly appearance with translucent skin
I didn't do a ton of thinking for her
Rose is the daughter of a plant monster. She has green skin, vines growing from her hair, and very sharp teeth. At will, she emits pheromones from her body that help plants grow faster
She dresses like a gothic gardener
When Rose is upset, her vines wilt, but when she's happy, multicolored roses sprout from her hair and arms. She gives them to her friends
I had no clue what to make her until I remembered Princess Fragrance and how she had green skin like Venus
He's the son of the Kraken, able to turn his tentacles into legs whenever he's on land. His tentacles are red and can glow in the dark, he has gold scales along his arms and torso, and translucent red fins on his forearms and in place of his ears
Kim's still technically a hatchling according to Kraken biology, so he's a two-year-old prodigy in the eyes of his parents
He has trouble walking when he's underwater for so long, so Mondays are always hell for him
I was gonna make him a siren... But Juleka's already one, so you get it
He's an alien (Star Train, everybody) He crashlanded on earth in an asteroid, was sent to Area 51, got broken out by his mom, and then sent to a school for monsters
When he gets excited, Max floats and his eyes look like a galaxy
He has no idea about earth's customs and is just learning what a high-five is. On his planet, that's a marriage proposal. Kim learned that the hard way
Max has silver skin, purple eyes, star-like freckles, and crystals on his shoulders. If Max gives you a crystal, it's a sign of eternal friendship (*cough* Kim *cough*)
He’s a gargoyle
Because Stoneheart
For extra cash, Ivan protects the churches from demons who like to tag the walls with graffiti
His entire body is made out of stone, he has massive draconic wings on his back and two small horns on his head. (He has some serious horn envy with Nath)
She's the son of the Boogeyman. She has purple skin, wild pink hair filled with different bugs, and long black claws
Myléne disappears constantly because she’s always hiding in someone’s shadow or the dreamscape. It’s nice and cold there
She can emit a purple inhalant from his skin that puts people to sleep. This only happens when she gets scared or angry
I'm just taking inspiration from her Akuma form
Daughter of the Invisible Man, Sabrina's clothes are kind of flashy just so she can stand out a bit. Her legs become translucent at the knee
She can turn invisible at will, and this extends to anything she's touching
Sabrina turns invisible mostly to get away from Chloé when she's on another tirade or to mess with people she doesn't like
*Cough* Vanisher *Cough*
She's a literal witch who casts spells on her classmates to mess with them and lords it over their heads that her mother heads the most exclusive witch coven
And so she doesn't look like "ugly monsters," she dresses in more bright colors
Chloé hates hybrids because her mom hates them, so Juleka and Nath are the ones she usually targets with her spells (All three of them).
I mean... She's kind of already a witch
She’s a damn harpy
That's it.
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anghjulumariacosta · 1 month
Mes Rêves Dans Mon Grimoire, Sont Mes Espoirs D’Histoire Poésie Brève…
« L'Abreuvoir De L'âme Trois Tête Rouge Aux Millions De Désirs »
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« La Divinité Marsienne »
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« La Sorcière Diablesse Et Diablotins Dans L'intermédiaire D'Univers »
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La Mort 👽
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Tu m’as broyé le cœur,
Infâme oiseau de malheur,
Immonde cruauté,
Sans âme ni clarté…
Tu es là à nous épier,
Pour ôter nos vies tant convoitées…
Tu aimes les larmes versées,
Mais qui es-tu donc toi pour oser nous briser ?
La Mort ! à n’en pas douter…
Hors de ma vue !
Sombre inconnue !
Sorcière de l’enfer !
Horrible vipère !
Je te hais !
Et je voudrais,
Que tu disparaisses à tout jamais de notre bel univers,
Notre terre bien aimée dont tu aimerais t’en emparer pour mieux nous manipuler, nous diviser…
Mais saches que tu n’y arriveras jamais,
Car nous ferons tout pour la protéger de tes vilaines griffes acérées…
Mais que vois-je à présent ?
Sombre damnation…
Ton teint devient livide, tes yeux vides, larmoyants…
Serais-tu en train de vouloir implorer mon pardon ?
Dans l'unique espoir de gagner ta rédemption ?
Mais c’est trop tard voyons !
Alors n’essayes plus jamais de me duper méprisante insolente,
En voulant te métamorphoser en bonne fée...
Car oui, ta comédie a assez duré...
Non mais ! Quel toupet de vouloir à tout prix te racheter,
Alors que tu m'as dépouillée des êtres que j'aimais...
Maudite inconnue mise à nue,
Retirée de ton masque de diablesse, traîtresse !
Retournes là d'où tu viens Vaurien !
Là où tu as vu le jour Vautour !
Dans les bas-fonds de ta prison,
Froide comme un glaçon,
Sans âme ni émotion…
Retournes y à l’infini Faucheuse haineuse,
Condamnée à perpétuité,
Pour tous ces crimes que tu as commis...
Laideur sans coeur,
Que je maudis avec ardeur...
Retournes y silhouette squelette,
Noirceur fantomatique,
Déguisement effrayant,
Arborant éternellement ce sourire sardonique,
Ta signature machiavélique...
Retournes donc dans ton manoir hanté,
Ce mouroir de l'ignominie, Saleté...
Retournes y Harpie,
T'y enterrer à vie,
Afin que je t'oublie...
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immortalbeautysd · 1 year
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♡Coup de Coeur ♡♫
♡Riverx- Heartbroken♡-Diablesse Enchanté
Les seule en qui j'ai toute confiance qui ne m'ont jamais trahis et qui ont toujours était franche n'ont jamais fais souffrir mes personnages je ne fais plus confiance maintenant ma confiance es Trés Limité trop de foutage de Gueule maintenant du trie a était fais tant pis pour vous ne venez pas pleurer après je vous es assez prévue comme sa si sa vous plais pas que mon rp ne plais pas aller vous faire voir ailleurs et la porte es droit devant je ne fais plus confiance sais fini et je ne donne plus mes Amy lee et Brian molko sais terminé j'en n'ai assez
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gerardlesudiste · 7 months
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Ashley la belle diablesse.
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miciagalattica · 7 months
je suis la diablesse...
Per davvero.
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rudebuoygiant1 · 2 years
Pt 5. Will Ian go though with the Voodoo ceremony or will he cut and run?
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