#la sunset session
littlecrow-rogue · 6 months
Trough the Lens: A Mötley Crüe fanfiction - Chapter One
So the other day I made a post aboute writing a Mötley Crüe Nikki Sixx x OC fanfiction.
I did it!
I am bit nerves posting it cause english is not my first language so this was a bit hard, and even tho I asked some help from Google and transolaters to fix my grammer mistakes probobly there are still some mistakes left or wrong usage of words. But I hope it's still enjoyable.
If you read this have fun and let me know if you think and if you'd like a second chapter for it.
XoX - V
Chapter 1: "The Beginning"
The band members of Mötley Crüe sat huddled around a cluttered table in Nikki's flat, the air thick with anticipation and the remnants of their brainstorming session. Empty beer bottles mingled with scattered papers, evidence of their search for the perfect promotional plan and a testament to the chaos of their creative minds.
Tommy tapped his fingers impatiently against the table, his dark eyes darting restlessly around the room in search for inspiration. The weight of their first gig hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the task at hand.
Suddenly, Nikki's voice shattered the silence, cutting through the haze of uncertainty that had settled over them.
"Alright, guys, time to get down to business," he declared, his tone commanding attention.
Vince lounged back with a smirk, tossing out a suggestion that earned a mixture of amusement and disdain
"A little spray-painted graffiti on the side of Sunset Boulevard could drum up some serious buzz”
Nikki shook his head with a wry smile.
"As much as I appreciate the guerrilla marketing approach, we need something more polished," he said, running a hand through his tousled hair as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on his bandmates.
Mick nodded in agreement.
Nikki arched an eyebrow, his gaze locking onto Tommy’s with a curious intensity.
"Do you have any ideas, Tommy?"
A mischievous grin spread across Tommy's face as he leaned back in his chair, confidence radiating from every pore.
"Actually, I do," he declared, capturing the attention of his bandmates.
"My sister, Katie, she's a photographer. She could help us make some flyres with some killer shoots."
The mention of Tommy's sister piqued the band's interest. They had heard stories about Katie Lee, Tommy mentioned her a lot, but none of them had ever met her.
Mick, ever the pragmatist, cut to the heart of the matter with a single question.
"Is she any good?" he asked, his skepticism evident in his gravelly voice.
Tommy's response was immediate.
"She's incredible," he declared, his voice brimming with pride.
"She's been working as a photographer in downtown LA for the past two years, but she has been obsessed with photography since we were kids. Trust me, guys, she's the real deal. "
Vince grinned.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go pay Katie a visit and see if she can work her magic for us."
As their car glided to a halt in front of SutterLux Studios, the first thing that caught their eyes was the imposing sign, polished to a mirror like perfection, a testament to the studio's prestige as it boldly announced its name to the world. It stood as a beacon of elegance amidst the bustling cityscape, its modern architecture a symphony of clean lines and sleek facades that mesmerized passersbys. Every detail, from the smooth curvature of the walls to the precise symmetry of the windows, spoke of craftsmanship and artistry that left an indelible impression on all who saw it. Surrounding the entrance, a meticulously curated garden, a lush oasis of greenery, provided a tranquility to the building's exterior.
As they stepped out of their car, the band's rock and roll style clashed brilliantly with the polished surroundings. Leather jackets, ripped jeans, and a smattering of tattoos made for a striking contrast against the backdrop of elegance.
Stepping into the studio, they were greeted by a receptionist girl seated at a marble-topped desk, her workspace packed with notepads and notebooks in neat order wich spoke volumes about her attention to detail. With a shy smile playing on her lips, she chirped a warm welcome, while her eyes scaned the group of men before her.
"Welcome to SutterLux! What can I help you?” her voice was light and airy.
Tommy leaned casually against the desk, flashing his trademark grin as he addressed her.
"Hey there, we're here to see Katie Lee. Is she available?" he inquired, his voice laced with confidence.
The receptionist's bashfulness only added to her charm as she inquired about their appointment, her eyes flitting towards the calendar as she searched for any openings.
"I'm her brother, and I just want to talk to her if she's free," Tommy explained with a nonchalant shrug, his charm evident in every word.
Recognition flickerd on the receptionist's face as she realized who Tommy was
"Oh, you're Katie's brother Tommy? She's mentioned you," she remarked, her shy tone melting into a warm, friendly demeanor.
"Let me see if she's available. Please take a seat. I'll be right back."
With a graceful gesture towards the plush black sofas on the other side, she disappeared into the depths of the studio, leaving the band members alone in the lobby. The air crackled with anticipation as Vince, Mick, and Nikki exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to expect when they finally met Katie Lee.
As the receptionist girl reappeared with Katie by her side, the room seemed to brighten with her presence. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall of flames, framing her face with an aura of vibrant energy. Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous sparkle, and every step she took radiated confidence.
"Tommy!" Katie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight as she enveloped her brother in a tight hug.
"What are you doing here?"
Tommy returned the hug with equal enthusiasm, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"We came to see you, sis," he replied, pulling back to gaze at her with fondness.
"Who’s we?” she asked couriously as her gaze shifted to the other men standing behind Tommy, her smile widening at the sight of them.
"Nikki, Vince, and Mick," Tommy introduced, gesturing to each member of the band in turn. "Guys, this is my sister, Katie."
The band members exchanged greetings with Katie, their admiration for her evident in their eyes. Her easygoing demeanor and magnetic charm left an impression on each of them, drawing them in with her infectious energy.
"Do you have a little time to spare for us sis?” Tommy asked eagerly.
"I hope so.” Katie replied with a grin.
"Sam, when's my next client scheduled to arrive?" Katie turned to the receptionist girl, who quickly returned to her desk.
Sam scanned the schedule and checked the clock on the wall before responding,
"You've got about an hour and twenty minutes until your next appointment."
Katie nodded thoughtfully.
"Great. In that case, why don't we head over to that coffee shop down the street? We can grab a table and chat," she suggested, turning back to the band with a warm smile.
"Sounds like a plan," Tommy cheered, his excitement matching hers as they left the building.
As Katie and the band strolled down the bustling streets of downtown LA, the city pulsed with an electrifying vitality and amidst the vibrant chaos, they sought refuge at a quaint corner table in a cozy café, where the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them like a warm embrace.
After placing their orders, Nikki leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Katie.
"So, Katie, Tommy's been singing your praises as a kickass photographer," his voice as smooth as silk. "We're on the hunt for someone with your skills to help us make a splash with our upcoming gig."
Katie nodded, her interest piqued.
"I'm all ears," she replied, leaning back in her chair.
Tommy, unable to contain his excitement, leaned forward eagerly.
"We've headlining at the Starwood Club next month," he announced, a grin spreading across his face. "But we're not just looking to play; we want to rock the joint!"
"And to light up that stage, we need some badass posters, flyers, and all that jazz, something that draws  a lot of people in" Vince chimed in, his voice hyped.
Katie soaked up their vibe, a glint of excitement dancing in her eyes.
"Consider it done" she declared, a smirk tugging at her lips.
"But first could guys maybe show some of your music for me? Just to get a better image of Mötley Crüe.”
The band exchanged looks, a smirk playing on their lips.
"We'll crank up the amps and give you a taste," Tommy promised, a grin spreading across his face.
"You just got a backstage pass to our sonic circus," Nikki added, a playful twinkle in his eye.
"Why don't we invite you to my place? We've got a rehearsal space set up there, so you can experience what we're all about."
Katie's eyes gleamed with excitement.
"That sounds perfect," she exclaimed, a radiant smile gracing her lips.
"Then it's settled," Mick declared with a decisive nod. "We'll make our way to Nikki's place once we're done here."
With the first part of their plan solidified, the band and Katie lingered over their drinks, their conversation flowing with easy.
As the time drew near for Katie's next appointment, the group decided to escort her back to work. Upon the arrival, Katie vanished into the studio to finish her job for the day.
As the band settled into the reception hall, time seemed to stretch out before them, each minute feeling like an eternity as they waited with for Katie's return.
At long last, the door creaked open, and Katie emerged with a satisfied smile playing on her lips.
"Sorry for the wait, guys," Katie apologized, her voice carrying a note of excitement as she joined the band.
"I'm ready to roll now."
With a renewed sense of anticipation, Katie and the band made their way to Nikki's car, the excitement practically crackling in the air around them. As they headed to the Sunset Strip, Katie couldn't suppress the thrill bubbling within her, eager to delve deeper into the realm of rock 'n' roll.
Arriving at Nikki's apartment building, Katie was greeted by a surge of excitement at the thought finally getting to know the band wich her brother was part of.
As Mötley Crüe and Katie entered Nikki's flat, they were greeted by a space that perfectly encapsulated the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Posters of iconi musicans adorned the walls, while instruments were scattered haphazardly around the room. Amplifiers hummed softly in the background, hinting at the music that was created within these walls.
The furniture was a mix of vintage pieces and modern comforts, giving the space a lived-in yet stylish vibe. A plush couch sat against one wall, its cushions worn from years of use, while a sleek bar area beckoned from the corner, stocked with an impressive array of spirits.
Nikki led the group into the room with a grin, gesturing for them to make themselves at home. "Welcome to my humble abode, where the magic happens" he said, a twinkle in his eye turning to Katie
"Make yourself comfortable."
As Katie and the rest of the band settled in, Nikki made his way to the fridge, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Alright, folks, what'll it be?" he called out, opening the fridge door to reveal an assortment of beverages.
"Beer, wine, whiskey? You name it, I've got it."
The band members exchanged glances, a collective smirk crossing their faces.
"Surprise us, Nikki," Vince replied, a playful edge to his voice.
Nikki chuckled as he retrieved a selection of drinks from the fridge, passing them out to the group with a flourish. As the band settled in with their drinks, Nikki turned to Katie with a grin.
"Are you ready for your private show, Katie?" he asked, his eyes alight with anticipation.
Katie's face broke into a wide smile.
"Absolutely," she replied, excitement coursing through her veins as she leand back comfortably in the couch, drink in hand. With a casual ease, she propped her legs up on the coffee table, fixing her gaze on the band with eager anticipation.
With that the band took their place on the stage, wich was the other side of Nikki’s living room, and launched into their first song. The music was filling the room with its raw energy. Katie's eyes danced with delight as she listened, completely captivated by the electrifying performance unfolding before her.
Song after song, Mötley Crüe poured their hearts and souls into their music, each note resonating with passion and intensity. Katie couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer talent and charisma of the band, her appreciation for their music growing with each passing moment.
As the final chords faded into silence, Tommy and Nikki took their seats on either side of Katie, their faces flushed with exhilaration. Vince and Mick settled into the armchairs surrounding the coffee table, their expressions mirroring the sense of accomplishment that filled the room.
"So, Katie, what did you think?" Nikki asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Katie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she took a sip of her drink, considering her response.
"I loved it," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
"Each song had its own unique energy"
With the mood buoyed by Katie's praise, she launched into her ideas for the flyers and posters, drawing inspiration from the music she had just heard.
The band members listened intently, nodding in agreement as Katie outlined her vision for the promotional materials.
"I love it," Vince exclaimed, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.
"It sounds like you really understand our vibe and what we're all about."
Katie smiled, feeling a surge of pride at the band's reaction.
 "I'm glad you think so," she replied.
"I can't wait to get started and see what we can create together."
As the excitement of their collaboration filled the room, Katie and the band members of Mötley Crüe quickly settled on a date for the photoshoot.
"How about Saturday, two days from now?" Katie suggested, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
The band members exchanged eager nods, they couldn’t wait to see Katie's vision come to life. "Sounds good to us," Nikki replied, a grin spreading across his face.
"We'll make sure we're ready to rock and roll."
With the date set and plans in motion, the group toasted to their upcoming photoshoot, excitement buzzing in the air. As they continued to chat and laugh late into the evening, Katie couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the creative journey that lay ahead.
As the evening wore on and the excitement of their collaboration began to wind down, the band members of Mötley Crüe started to make their exit.
Vince, with a mischievous glint in his eye, rose from his seat, his voice laced with playful banter.
"Alright folks, see you on Saturday. I'm off to see my girl" he declared, his announcement met with teasing cheers from the rest of the group.
Shortly there after, Mick followed suit, offering a nod of farewell before vanishing into the nocturnal embrace of the city.
Tommy glanced at his watch, realizing it was time to pick up his new flame.
"I better get going, my date is waiting" he said, flashing a grin at the others.
"New girl?” Katie asked quirosly.
"We will see” he answered with a huge smile still plaster on his face
"But before I head out, Nikki, do you mind taking Katie home?"
 "I'd be happy to make sure she gets home safely." Nikki nodded in agreement, a warm smile on his face.
Katie smiled gratefully
"Thank you, Nikki," she said
"I appreciate it."
With goodbyes exchanged Tommy dissapiered and soon after Nikki and Katie made their way down from the flat to Nikki's car, the cool night air greating them as they stepped out side. They exchanged casual banter as they walked, their laughter echoing off the surrounding buildings.
 "So, Nikki, where did you and my brother crossed paths?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Nikki's gaze drifted to the road ahead, a nostalgic smile gracing his lips as he recounted the story.
"Well, it was after I had a falling out with my former band's singer and decided to quit London," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia.
"I was feeling pretty lost and unsure of what to do next."
He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing.
"I found myself sitting in a diner, flipping through the ads of musicians looking to join a band," he explained.
"That's when Tommy walked up to me out of the blue."
A smile tugged at the corners of Nikki's lips as he recalled the memory.
"He was this cocky guy with wild hair and an even wilder personality," he said.
 "I remember him saying he had my poster on his bedroom wall” he laughed and Katie started giggeling next to him.
"And then he just seated himself infront of me and started twireling his drum sticks and as they say the rest is histroy”
Katie glanced over at Nikki, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"It's amazing how things just seem to fall into place sometimes," she remarked, her voice filled with admiration.
"It's like the universe has a way of bringing people together when they need it."
Nikki nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Yeah, it's funny how life works out like that," he replied, his voice tinged with reflection. "Sometimes the most unexpected encounters can change the course of your life in ways you never imagined."
They fell into a comfortable rhythm of conversation, sharing stories and laughter as they made their way through the city streets. Before they knew it, they had arrived at Katie's apartment building, the glow of the streetlights casting a warm halo around them.
As Nikki pulled up to the curb, he turned to Katie with a smile.
"Well, here we are," he said, his tone lighthearted.
"Thanks for the company, Katie. I had a great time tonight."
Katie returned his smile, a sense of warmth and gratitude filling her chest.
"Thank you for the ride, Nikki," she replied, her voice sincere.
With a final wave goodbye, Katie stepped out of the car and watched as Nikki drove off into the night. As she made her way up to her apartment, a sense of contentment washed over her, grateful for the unexpected connection she had formed with Nikki and the band.
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Events In The History And In The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 10th January In 1970.
Elvis Presley and the band begin rehearsals for the next Vegas engagement at the International Hotel Rehersals held at In the RCA studio on The Vegas Strip in Las Vegas.
Ronnie Tutt had been unable to reach an agreement on salary and was replaced by Bob Lanning.
James Burton recruited his friend Glen D. Hardin on piano.
Elvis Presley wanted to change the repertoire from his first Vegas appearance.
So Proud Mary, Polk Salad Annie, Walk A Mile In My Shoes and Sweet Caroline were added to the show, including some songs from his own recently recorded RCA Studio work. Rare B/W Candid Photo Of Elvis Presley Taken Here Wearing A Denim Bomber Jacket As He Arrives Here At The RCA Studio On The *Las Vegas Strip To Begin Rehearsing For Is Up And Coming Vegas Engagement.* Please note folks he did not Record in ^LA at the Sunset Strip On This Day He Recorded At The RCA Studio In *Vegas And Cissy Houston Was Not Available So Anne Williams Replaced Her With The Sweet Inspiration’s On This Recording Session.
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missprincesse345 · 3 months
Day in the life of the Rhodes family 🇺🇸💀💀🔥🔥
Poly pairing: Cody Rhodes x Brandi Rhodes x y/n wife reader
Headcanon au: days before & the double or nothing ppv
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Day 1 day before Las Vegas
• Around 11:45 am is when their day starts usually Cody’s up a few hours before the girls having to drive over to the nightmare factory his wrestling school but not today, Since his brother Dustin was taking over things for him for awhile since y/n,Brandi and Cody were flying out for the Double or nothing ppv.
• Y/n and Brandi woke up first letting Cody sleep in knowing he needed it while Brandi went into the bathroom y/n turned on the dim sunset lights in their bedroom before joining her in bathroom, this is the point where one of them would wake up lil Libby but they dropped her off over Cody’s moms the night before so they could take their time to do their morning routine.
A little later y/n and Brandi stepped in to the warm bubble bath brandi had made earlier both lovers enjoying the moment with each other, “ well this is a sight I can never get tired of seeing” Cody smirked leaning the door watching his wife’s in their bare wet glory “ morning baby” they both giggled looking up at their husband as he walked over to them.
• After getting cleaned up and dressed the three headed downstairs making breakfast which was more private intimate moments between the three lovers,after breakfast cody left since he had a few interviews.
Meanwhile the girl’s drove off to their gym session with their personal trainer Derek scheduled for 12:09 - 12:45
The girls work out consist of: 20 front kicks, 15 squats, 10 reps each, 5 second planks, 12 reverse crunches etc.
•After a intense workout the girls headed to the sauna area of the gym to relax & sweat out any other toxins for a little bit then they get freshened up, heading to their lace front appointment for their new weave installs “ our gear for the ppv is good to go” y/n said as they walked to the car “ good cause we already got everything else packed” Brandi replied starting the car as y/n hummed in agreement before pulling off.
After checking in with Cody and grabbing lunch on the way Y/n & Brandi made it to their hair appointment, after a few hours they were done & loved their new weave installs both women went with white & silver
• once leaving the hair salon they headed to their lash,brow and nail appointments Cause come on girls got their needs just like the fellas 😂
A few hours later
• They finally made it back home after a few more errands heading inside seeing that Cody was already home “ there’s my beautiful ladies” he smiled helping them with the groceries “ thank you baby” Y/n replied softly kissing her husband “ how was everything today?” Brandi said kissing him as well, before they started making dinner as Cody told them about his day.
After dinner they all got in the shower and washed up (Btw they got one of those fancy 4 person glass showers 🤑) anyway moving on 😂, Cody smiled watching the his two ebony queens doing their beauty routine, “ c’mere” he motioned with his finger making both girls smile joining him in the bed kissing him deeply before snuggling in his arms falling asleep.
Day 2 flying out to Vegas & sightseeing/relaxing 🎰
• After getting dressed and all of their bags in the car they drove off to the private jet since they were flying with the rest the elite, half an hour later they arrived and were greeted by the boys. Once everyone bordered the jet and it took off after a while they freely walked around the jet popping bottles and eating good food just celebrating with each other.
Nswf 18+🤤🥵 : Dom!Cody Rhodes,Blowjobs, subY/n, Sub Brandi
• Walking out of the shower with a towel around his waist Cody smirked seeing the girls waiting for him on the bed in their collars and ears as well kitten tails “ mmm look at my little kittens” he chuckled watching the two of them crawl over to him after he laid back on the bed, his throbbing veiny cock free from its constraints getting comfortable gestures to his hard cock “Get to work, both of you don’t make me say it again” he said gripping both of their hair roughly.
His girls smile up at him, eyes dark with lust and the desire to please their husband or in this case Big Daddy They crawl onto the bed and rub their faces against Cody’s groin, dropping worshipful kisses up and down his cock. They lick around his cock, Y/n lightly sucking the drips from the tip with hums of delight and Brandi bending to worship his heavy balls, drawing them into her mouth shaking her ass making her tail shake sending deep ripples of pleasure through Cody that have him writhing in seconds. Cody reaches for his phone and starts to record a short video to send to himself whenever he has to be away for longer than a few days he watches the little videos of his slutty kittens to calm his restless mind Y/N and Brandi look so pretty serving him like this, and happily are following his instructions to pleasure the man they love. The girls notice his actions and smile up at the camera, Y/n giving a cheeky purr before diving back down to engulf Cody’s cock causing him to fumble the phone and have to scramble to grab it.
Cody laughs and playfully swats at Brandi who looks up and innocently bats her eyelashes after she & Y/n switched places mouth still stuffed with his pulsing cock. Cody saved the video and drops his phone back onto the bedside table. He glares downward in mock annoyance. “I suppose you thought that was funny huh? Naughty slutty kitten both of you so desperate for this cock” he growled watching her whimper shivering in pleasure as he grabbed her neck roughly.
Brandi licks his cock from base to tip and giggles nodding. “Y/n, control Brandi please” he commanded “Looks like she needs some help staying focused on the job at hand. Give her a little push and make sure her throat feels it”
Pulling Brandi into a cum sweet kiss she giggles “ yes daddy”
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Cody relaxes once again letting out a primal growl as Y/n grins at him, reaching for her other lover she gently yet roughly wraps a hand around brandi’s hair and pushes her head down, forcing her to take his cock all the way. Brandi chokes a little but obediently allows Y/n to direct her loving it as she starts to move her head up and down, effectively using her sloppy ruined lipgloss mouth to pleasure their husband
Cody watches fondly through lidded eyes and a haze of blissful sensation. His girls are so beautiful like this. Adoring and worshipful, obeying him without question and serving him behind closed doors.
“That's it,” Cody moans breathlessly, “that's my good girl’s”
The girls visibly preen under the praise, Y/n gazing dotingly up at Cody through her minx lashes as Brandi moans around his cock like the praise-slut she is. Y/n fondly strokes her bulging cheek then uses both hands to hold her down until she chokes and gags around the cock in her throat. When Y/n finally lets brandi’s head go, she stays down, holding Cody’s cock in her throat a little longer before coming up and gasping for breath.
Brandi dives straight back down, sucking Cody’s cock like it's her job while Y/n moves back up to tongue his nipples, and Cody lets his head fall back “ fuckkkk”moaning in bliss as pleasure flows over him in golden waves. He feels utterly cherished, and he can't hold in his appreciation. “Yeah, that's it, that's my good cum baby’s Make me feel good sweethearts, keep going, don't fucking stop.”
Besides you know how the saying goes
“ What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” 🥵🥵🤤🍆
Brandi directs his hips, pushing him down to thrust into Y/n’s waiting mouth, then dragging him back up to meet her eager tongue, and Cody’s is loving every second. When Y/n starts lifting her head so she suck at the same time her other love licks, The American nightmare loses it. He's moaning and writhing, lost in ecstasy, trapped between two hot mouths working so hard to please him Y/n’s tongue pushes into him as Brandi swallows him to the root making him howl in pleasure.
Cumming hard all over their pretty faces that were eagerly waiting mouths open giggling both taking turns cleaning his dick his sweet salty cum gracing their Tongues.
“ mmm my good girls …. You make daddy so proud”
Day 3: Double or Nothing ppv🎰
Brandi & Y/n’s championship tag match against Toni storm & Mariah may.
• Quick summary: basically weeks before leading up to Double or Nothing Toni has been demanding a rematch for the Aew women’s championship since Brandi beat her at the Dynasty ppv but also claimed that Mariah would a better Tbs woman’s champion than y/n, both of them laughed at Toni’s statement ignoring her which later on resulted in sneaky tactics and other negative remarks but what really made Brandi & Y/n tick is during one dynamite tapping Toni made an comment about little Libby backstage.
• Both women snapped but didn’t show it so a little later on in the night of the show the during Toni’s segment they attacked Brandi layed a beat down on Toni whilst Y/n smirked holding Mariah back as she screams “ You brought this on yourself!!” Y/n yelled gripping her face roughly before choke slamming her down on the ground, grabbing a disoriented Toni storm they both perform their finishing move night tremors. Leaving her laying motionless on the ramp “ you want our titles? Double or nothing!!! See you soon” Brandi smirks as she & y/n held their titles smirking as the fans cheered// Summary over
Back to the present 🎰🎰
• “ And their opponents from Atlanta Georgia !!! Aew women’s champion and women’s tbs champion the nightmare queens!!!!” The announcer said as Brandi & y/n walked down the ramp in their grand entrance with showgirls,trapeze, fire dancers etc… basically cirque du soleil inspired.
• soon as that bell rung Brandi and y/n weren’t holding back throughout the whole match they did constant rotations sure Toni & Mariah got a few hits but they girls weren’t letting up “ oh god!!! Y/n just power bombed Mariah back first into the steel steps, well what do you expect?! She & Toni disrespected them & Cody’s child, it’s just getting brutal!!” The commentary team said watching the ruthless beat down, the girls were pulling out all of the stops.
• towards the end of the match Toni went to hit y/n her finisher but Brandi was quicker ducking Mariah’s clothesline she from behind hits Toni with a bicycle kick which gave y/n enough time roll free & hit Mariah with a slingshot neck breaker, what really made the crowd go crazy was that both women used Cody’s finishing move “ Double crossroads!!! Double crossroads!!! 1..2..3!!!” As the referee counted once again the queens reign supreme all while Cody watched from backstage proud of his wives.
Cody & the elite’s tag team match
• The girls were backstage watching Cody and the boys tag team match against the don callis family since don started tarting each of the members which led to multiple brawls between both groups over several weeks, but on collision they boys finally called the shots challenging them to a street fight.
• “ should we go out and help?” Y/n said wincing as Cody & Matt got body slammed on top eachother the match was cutting close from trash cans to tacs “ ooh not yet, but just in case” Brandi replied handing y/n a metal chain “ good thinking “ replied noticing Brandi had a kendo stick in her hand, the match had gone over but was about go down hill for the elite as Hobbs was slowly approaching Cody from behind but the girls were quicker coming through the crowd y/n wrapped the chain hobb’s neck yanking him down meanwhile Brandi unleashed multiple shots to don callis with the kendo stick.
“ Finish it baby!!!” Y/n & Brandi yelled banging on the mat as the crowd railed behind them giving Cody the energy to get back up “ Cody cutter!!! 1..2..3!!” The girls jumped up and down as the elites theme blasted through the arena meanwhile the Cody kissed both of his beautiful queens.
Just another day for the Rhodes 🇺🇸💀🔥🔥
Brandi and y/n’s outfits
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elvis1970s · 1 year
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On August 16th, 1974, a rehearsal session was held at RCA’s Hollywood Studios, 6363 Sunset Boulevard, to bring some new material to the live setlist. Opening night in Las Vegas was on August 19th.
This might have been one of the last times that that a concerted effort would be made to work less familiar songs up to tight performance standard in a structured rehearsal, rather than actually on stage and in front of an audience. There was a sharp nod toward the commercial aspect as well, with a strong focus on promoting new material, either recently released or due out soon, the fruits of Elvis’ sessions at Stax Records, Memphis, in 1973.
The session personnel appear to be the core TCB Band; (James Burton, John Wilkinson, Ronnie Tutt, Duke Bardwell, Glen Hardin and Charlie Hodge) with backing vocals by Voice; Sherrill Nielsen, Donnie Sumner and Tim Baty.
Tracks featuring in this part of the rehearsal sessions are;
If You Love Me Let Me Know (More work on this track in Part II) Promised Land Down in the Alley It’s Midnight Your Love’s Been a Long Time Coming Goodtime Charlie’s Got the Blues.
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trulybetty · 1 year
Chiffon | Chapter Three, Anger & Bargaining
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC (no age gap) Warnings: therapy, angst, food, well-meaning friends that sometimes think they know better, and gratuitous use of Canva for things that amuse me because I'm going to have fun with this Word Count: 5,898 Summary: It's the present day and Dieter is attending therapy while Bryony embarks on new adventures with an old friend. AO3: Linked
x.chiffon masterlist.
Chiffon | Chapter 3 Anger & Bargaining
Present Day.
The warm LA sun shone through the wall-to-ceiling windows. From the third floor, Dieter could see over the expansive city. The traffic was in gridlock below, barely moving. Likely a chorus of horns, radios and frustrations. But behind the glass up and away the sounds were hidden. 
Readjusting himself on the large modern leather couch, Dieter looked out of place in his casual attire. Looking more like he’d just rolled out of bed, with his well-worn t-shirt and sweatpants, than attending a therapy session. 
The room was full of warm tones of beige and earth hues intersected with soft pastel landscapes of what looked like Wyoming sunsets. He made a mental note to check the name of the artist later. His gaze bounced between his therapist and the Zen rock garden on the coffee table between them.
“So," Sunita, or Sunny as she preferred to be called, a name quite apt given her warm disposition, prompted Dieter. 
Her tone was calm yet insistent, her dark eyes shimmering with professional curiosity. "How did it make you feel?”
Dieter let out a laugh, short and mirthless, “That’s such a cliche of a question.” His fingers played with the hem of his t-shirt, a subconscious act of diversion.
Sunny’s lips quirked up in an amiable smirk, “It’s a cliche to deflect a question with a statement such as that.” She rested her notepad on her lap, leaning back in her chair as she met his gaze head-on.
Her comment drew a wry smile from Dieter, his fingers migrating from his shirt to his chin, rubbing the rough stubble that lined his jaw thoughtfully. This was not his first rodeo with therapy, but it was the first time he felt heard, felt understood. 
Dieter's first experience with therapy was shaped by an austere older man, a therapist hand-picked by Pierce when Dieter remained disinterested in the process. The sterile environment of the man's office—cold, devoid of artwork, furnished with rigid chairs—created a frigid ambiance rather than the warmth of a healing sanctuary. Despite his initial reluctance, Dieter had yielded to Pierce's insistence, attending the session in order to keep Pierce making an effort for booking his troubled client.
However, the therapist was quick to reveal his preconceived assumptions about Dieter. No sooner had the session begun, the man delved into a Freudian analysis, linking Dieter's behavior to deeply embedded psychological constructs. The premature conclusion, devoid of any personal understanding of Dieter, felt like a violation. The therapy session, which had barely lasted twenty minutes, left Dieter feeling more exposed and judged than healed.
Emotionally bruised, Dieter chose self-isolation over therapy, descending into a two-week long binge of alcohol and drugs. This self-destructive path cost him a leading role in a B-list horror movie, but at that time, he didn't care. The therapy had stoked fears rather than healing them, and Dieter had rejected the idea of therapy entirely until he made a serious attempt at healing.
Sunny on the other hand, Sunny he respected. She saw through his bullshit and was certainly not shy about calling him out on it. She was also closer to his age, she’d mentioned a forty-something birthday on the horizon in a previous session. Because of this the dynamic didn’t feel parental, something that bristled Dieter, he didn’t handle the idea of being spoken down to well. Some days with Sunny, he could almost convince himself it wasn’t therapy, just two people talking.
He sighed. His fingers gently traced the dark ink of the filled-in triangle on the inside of his right forearm. 
It’s presence there, a stark contrast against his tanned skin, a mirror to the matching, yet distinctly different, empty triangle etched on his left arm. Their opposing directions lending to their symbolic value. When Bryony had asked about them, he’d explained their meaning, one filled, one empty - represented his journey, his growth, his evolution. The duality and balance they held resonated with Bryony, leading to a late-night decision to have a similar tattoo inked behind her ear over a forgettable takeout on top of a moving box the night before they had made the permanent move together to a tiny townhouse in Santa Monica.
To discover that Bryony still had her matching tattoo, despite telling him that she'd had it removed, stirred countless emotions within him.
"Surprised... confused..." He paused, his gaze falling on the Zen garden. The tiny, uneven paths in the sand reflected his tumultuous feelings. "A part of me felt... I don’t know... betrayed."
Sunny noted his response, her gaze flickering between Dieter and her notepad, “Betrayed? Can you elaborate on that?”
He ran his hand through his hair, his gaze distant, "She told me she had them removed. So finding out she didn't... it's like she lied to me, or at least that's how it feels. And, I guess... it also made me wonder why she kept it."
Sunny nodded, pen scribbling on her notepad, “And why do you think she might have kept it?”
Dieter shrugged, a helpless smile crossing his features, "Hell if I know, Sunny." He leaned back on the couch, arms folded over his chest, "Maybe she forgot, or maybe it didn't matter enough to her to have them removed. Or maybe…” there was trepidation in his voice, “she still feels connected to me, in some way."
The room fell silent for a moment, the hum of the air conditioner filling the gap in conversation. Sunny watched him, her gaze thoughtful as she considered her next question, “And how do you feel about that possibility, Dieter? The possibility that she might still feel connected to you?”
Dieter glanced at her, his dark brown eyes clouded with emotion, a sigh escaped his lips before he finally admitted, “I don’t know, Sunny... I really don’t know."
Sunny’s expression remained thoughtful as she watched Dieter. His admission of the uncertainty surrounding his feelings for Bryony had left an echo of vulnerability hanging in the air. She gave him a moment, allowing the silence to settle before she pressed on, “You bring Bryony up a lot in our sessions, Dieter. How long ago did you break up?”
Dieter’s eyebrows knitted together in a slightly defensive frown, a hint of curiosity flickered in his eyes. He had a feeling Sunny was navigating towards a specific point, and it put him slightly on edge. “Almost four years ago,” he answered evenly, maintaining eye contact with her.
“Four years... That’s a considerable amount of time, Dieter,” Sunny began, noting his reaction. Her voice held a gentle firmness, providing an anchor in the complex tides of emotions they were wading through. “And yet, she still seems to be a significant part of your life, wouldn't you say?”
Dieter sighed, folding his arms defensively across his chest, “Isn’t that why I’m here? To talk about things that affect me? She’s a part of my past...”
“Indeed, she is,” Sunny replied, not missing a beat. She tapped her pen against her notepad, “But it appears that she might still be a part of your present too. Would you agree?”
Dieter paused, considering her words. His gaze wandered from Sunny back to the painted landscape on the wall, “I... suppose. Yes, she's part of my present. We’re still in the same industry, we share friends... it's hard to avoid her.”
Sunny nodded, penning down his answer, “And how do you feel about that? Does it bother you, this unavoidable presence of her in your life?”
“It’s... complicated,” Dieter admitted after a thoughtful pause. He leaned back against the couch, running his hand through his messy hair. The stubble on his chin prickled against his palm as he considered the question, “Sometimes it does bother me, but other times it doesn’t. Sometimes it feels good to have that... familiar connection. I don’t know if it’s healthy or not, though.”
“I think that’s a fair assessment,” Sunny responded, noting his conflicted feelings. “Often, when we have unresolved feelings towards someone from our past, their continued presence in our lives can be both comforting and troubling. Do you think you have unresolved feelings towards Bryony?”
Dieter’s eyes met hers, a flash of surprise and vulnerability in his gaze. He seemed to wrestle with the question, the silence in the room growing more profound as the seconds ticked by. His voice was barely a whisper when he finally admitted, “I guess… I guess I do.”
Sunny smiled, a soft, understanding expression that put Dieter at ease. “That’s a brave admission, Dieter. It's okay to have unresolved feelings. Acknowledging them is the first step towards addressing them. Remember, therapy isn't about finding quick solutions. It’s a journey towards understanding and healing. You’re doing great.”
Dieter exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling an unexpected weight lifted off his chest. “Thank you, Sunny. This… this isn’t easy.”
“I know, Dieter,” she reassured him, “But remember, the toughest battles often lead to the greatest victories. Perhaps let’s continue to explore these feelings?”
Dieter drew a shaky breath, his fists clenching unconsciously as he acknowledged her words. "I do– I feel a lot of guilt, a lot of shame... I hate that I hurt her. I hate that I became that person. I never want to be that man again.”
"Sometimes, the weight of guilt can push us to make necessary changes, Dieter," Sunny stated, her voice a calming anchor amidst the swirling sea of his emotions. "The steps you've taken, actively seeking help, opening up about your inner turmoil - these are all substantial strides on the path of recovery."
Caught in the sincerity of her gaze, Dieter allowed his vulnerability to shine through. "Do you really believe that?"
"Absolutely," Sunny affirmed with unwavering certainty. "How long have you been attending our sessions now?"
"Four months," he admitted, the number feeling more significant as he voiced it out loud.
"Exactly. And before that? One therapy session that didn't end well, if I remember correctly. Yet, here you are, four months in, dedicated to this journey. Isn't that a testament to your commitment? To your recovery?"
At her words, he gave a reluctant nod. "I guess."
"Dieter," Sunny encouraged, her tone gentle yet firm, "You need to start giving yourself the credit you deserve."
"But where's the fun in that?" he retorted, a familiar glint of jest in his eyes. "I probably wouldn't be here if I started doing that."
Her knowing gaze landed on him, recognizing his deflection, his resort to humor and self-deprecation. "Why don't we get back to the matter at hand?"
"But I thought I was the matter at hand? Especially since I'm the one in therapy," he countered, his usual shield of humor up once again.
"Yes, we could change the topic, but Bryony does seem to come up quite often," Sunny observed carefully, "And when she does, you often resort to deflecting. Perhaps," she suggested, pausing for a moment to gauge his reaction, "it's time we address that head-on?"
A silence fell over the room, the air heavy with remorse and regret. Dieter's gaze fell, his hands nervously playing with the edge of his shirt. It was as if he had transported himself back to that moment, reliving the painful memories.
"Since that night, our paths haven't truly crossed," Dieter admitted, a hollow chuckle slipping past his lips. "Sure, we've been in the same spaces - at work, at social events... But we've never really engaged, not in a substantial conversation. And, well," he paused, a wry twist on his lips, "on the rare occasion that we did share more than just a glance or a casual greeting, it led to...other things." The implication hung in the air. "I guess I've been playing the coward," he finished, bitterness tingeing his confession.
Sunny remained silent for a moment, letting his words sink in. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft yet firm, "Dieter, acknowledging our mistakes is a crucial step towards self-improvement. It's evident that you feel remorse for your actions, and that's a good start. But it's also important not to dwell too much on the past. We can't change what's already happened. What we can do, though, is learn from our mistakes and strive to do better in the future."
Dieter heaved a deep sigh, his chest rising and falling dramatically as he sucked in the air. “I was pretty an asshole to her at the end of our relationship.” He confessed, looking towards Sunny, her face maintaining its professional composure, encouraging him to continue. “I think I made her life miserable more than anything.”
He looked away, his gaze finding solace in the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the bustling city. He seemed lost in thought as he recounted, “I took advantage that she'd always be there – because she always was, no matter how much I fucked up, how high I got or hungover...she'd find me, she'd always pick me up.”
He took a moment, swallowing hard before he continued, “I haven't told you about the night we broke up, have I?”
Silence hung in the room for a moment as Dieter seemed to grapple with the magnitude of his confession. He stared blankly at the opposite wall as if he could still see the scene play out.
Sunny watched him with empathetic eyes, giving him the space he needed. "You haven't," she confirmed softly, signalling him to go on.
Dieter’s face hardened, a visible lump forming in his throat as he forced the words out. "It was our anniversary, I'd forgotten about it completely, of course. Instead, I'd gone on a bender for three days and turned up home only to change my clothes. I hadn’t expected her to be home. I thought she was still in New York, but she'd flown home early."
The words hung heavy in the room, a painful reminder of his past transgressions. The regret in his voice was palpable. Sunny listened, her gaze soft but attentive, allowing Dieter to recount his memories without interruption. 
"I walked in, high as a kite, still wearing the clothes I'd had on for God knows how many days." Dieter continued, his voice quieter now, "She was there, all dressed up, a...a surprised look on her face that quickly soured into disappointment."
He paused, his jaw clenched as he tried to hold back the emotions threatening to spill over. Sunny could see the physical struggle he was going through and could feel the weight of the guilt and regret he was carrying. Sunny remained silent, her eyes never leaving his face.
"She picked up on it immediately."
"Picked up on what?" Sunny probed gently, her eyes soft and nonjudgmental.
"That I was high. No matter how well I thought I had it under wraps, Bryony could always tell," Dieter admitted with a heavy sigh. His hand absentmindedly traced over the edge of the couch cushion, his thoughts wandering back to those difficult times.
"And how did that make you feel, knowing you couldn't hide your state from her?" Sunny queried, carefully treading the delicate waters of his past.
A bitter laugh escaped Dieter's lips. "Like the most important person in the world, that's how. To have someone care about me enough to see through my bullshit... to see the real me, despite all the mess. But on the flip side..." He swallowed hard, the corners of his mouth turning down as he grappled with the next part of the truth. "I hated the feeling of vulnerability. Of being so transparent."
Sunny made a note on her legal pad, her eyes flicking to Dieter briefly before she continued her scribbling. There was something there, in that dual sensation of being cherished and yet exposed, that they would need to unpack in a future session.
"And then what happened, Dieter?" she asked, leaning back in her chair, ready to listen.
Dieter's gaze drifted to the window, his eyes following the steady path of a plane soaring high above the city. The room was quiet, save for the distant hum of city life outside, but Dieter's mind was far from silent, echoing with the sharp sting of regret and faded memories.
“She flushed my stash," he said suddenly, the words breaking the silence like glass shattering on concrete. "The one I thought she didn’t know about. She took my phone, and deleted all my dealer contacts."
His voice was bitter, filled with self-loathing. "I raged at her, I lost control. She remained so calm, so composed… It was eerie. I hit a record low when I threw a whiskey bottle, not looking where it would land… It just missed her head."
Sunny’s eyes widened slightly, the only break in her professional demeanor "She told me to leave. And I… I just left."
The confession seemed to drain the energy from him. He slumped back into his chair, looking years older than he was.
"We ran into each other constantly after that. Work, parties, random encounters. It felt like the universe was playing a sick joke on us." His voice was almost a whisper now, heavy with regret.
Sunny broke the silence gently. "Did you ever apologize to her, Dieter?"
His eyes met hers, filled with an odd mix of guilt and fear. "No. I didn't. I was too scared of what she might say."
Sunny maintained her composure, her voice soft yet firm. "Acknowledging our mistakes is a vital part of healing, Dieter. And it's clear you feel remorse for your actions, which is a positive start. But harbouring these feelings of guilt and fear won't help you move forward. Perhaps apologizing, even if it's late, can provide closure for both of you."
"I'm not sure I deserve it, to be honest," Dieter admitted, stretching out his legs and wincing as his joints popped in protest. Age was an adversary he was beginning to acknowledge more and more. "She sacrificed so much for me, you know. I mean, it was her hard work that got me that Oscar."
Sunny raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued, "Is that so? I didn't know she acted as your double?"
A rich, hearty laugh rumbled through Dieter's chest, his response light with amusement. "No, not quite. She sourced the script, you see. She practically shoved it into the execs' hands. She transformed it from this rough, patchwork script into a polished, award-winning production. She got my name out there. She opened doors for me."
Sunny's brow furrowed slightly as she processed his words. "Didn't you once mention that Hollywood had been beckoning you for years before Bryony came along? That you'd been turning down offers left and right?"
Dieter blinked in surprise. He had indeed shared that tidbit in a previous session. He wondered, not for the first time if a superhuman memory was a prerequisite for therapists. "Yeah, I did," he confirmed, "I turned down quite a few offers."
The therapist leaned back, her gaze probing. "So, why was Bryony any different? It's clear you had more talent than you realized because they wanted you, whether or not you had Bryony's assistance."
Dieter's lips curved into a thoughtful frown. He stared at a spot on the wall, his mind filling with memories, including the one of the post it note Bryony had left him one morning while filming Hunger Strike, a note on his performance the day before, he still carried it in his wallet. 
"Bryony...Bryony was persistent. She saw something in me I hadn't, and she wouldn't let me quit. She was always there, cheering me on. And I won't lie, she had this aura... this energy that was impossible to resist. She made me want to believe in myself."
His voice dropped to a whisper, his emotions baring themselves in his words. "Bryony made me feel...worthy. It wasn't about the Hollywood offers or the limelight. It was about... it was about feeling seen, feeling valued for who I truly was. And for the first time, I felt that with her."
Sunny was silent for a moment, absorbing his heartfelt confession. She finally spoke, her voice soft but determined, "Dieter, recognizing someone else's impact on your life and acknowledging their sacrifices is part of healing. But remember, your achievements are your own too. Bryony might have helped you, but you're the one who took the opportunities and made something of them. It's time to give yourself some credit too."
Dieter's eyes roamed the room as the silence stretched between them. He was lost in his thoughts, grappling with Sunny's words. Her insistence on his self-worth was something that rang foreign to him, but there was a seed of hope planted.
"Speaking of influences," Sunny broke the silence, her voice taking on a slightly sterner tone, "we've been skirting around the topic of your parents for a while. I think it's about time we addressed that."
Dieter's gaze snapped back to Sunny at the mention of his parents. His expression hardened, and a glimmer of resistance sparked in his eyes. It was a subject he had expertly danced around during their sessions. He didn't need to delve into the part of his past that still haunted him. "Why does it matter?" he asked, more gruff than he intended.
Sunny's gaze was steady and understanding. "Because our relationships with our parents shape us. They're a part of our story, for better or worse. Your reactions when we've mentioned them suggest it's a significant aspect of your life we've yet to explore."
She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind him. "I realize this is a lot to ask of you at the end of our session, Dieter. We'll pick it up from here next time. But I'd like you to think about this in the meantime."
Dieter was silent, his face a mask of restraint. Sunny's words hung in the air, heavy and pregnant with implication. His parents. The mere thought of discussing them filled him with unease. They were a part of his life he preferred to keep buried, and here Sunny was, wanting him to unearth it all.
The shrill beep of the timer brought him back to reality, and he glanced at the clock. Their session was over. Yet, as he rose from the couch, he felt a weight clinging to him. Sunny's words echoed in his head, nudging him to confront a part of his past he had conveniently shelved away.
He gave her a curt nod, acknowledging her words. She watched him leave, a thoughtful look in her eyes.
Dieter stepped outside, the bright sun a stark contrast to the shadow his past cast on him.  
“Bryn, babes!” Gina’s petite figure broke through the crowded restaurant, leaning down to sweep Bryony in a hug where she sat at their table. “I’ve missed you.” She continued as she took a seat opposite Bryony. “They really know how to pack people in here don’t they?”
Sabor Asiático was indeed buzzing, every table was occupied and wait staff milled back and forth nonstop. It was hard to believe this was all just for a Wednesday afternoon. 
Bryony smiled widely as she lowered the menu she’d be reading over waiting for Gina’s arrival, “I’ve missed you too, how long has it been since we actually talked face to face?”
“Jesus,” Gina’s affluent English accent made Bryony feel a little homely in the sea of mostly North American accents. “Way too fucking long babes.”
Gina had mentored Bryony years ago when Bryony had first arrived in London, the industry then not as favourable to women and with few opportunities, would be pitted against one another. So Gina had taken her under her wing - their relationship quickly turned into a firm friendship as the years passed. 
Food served, the women launched into an easy conversation catching one another up on goings on since they last talked. Then, without fail, the topic of Dieter came up - as it always did, because inevitably there was always something involving Bryony and Dieter to discuss.
“That prick Bravo, still skirting around?”
Bryony took a moment, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. “Not quite, I ran into him a couple of weeks ago at an industry thing.”
“Did you get a chance to fling a canapé at his head?”
Bryony chuckled, the sound almost drowned by the bustling chatter around them. “Not quite.”
Gina gave her a probing look, her gaze scrutinizing. “You didn’t go and get into bed with him, did you?”
“God no,” Bryony responded quickly, since Gina knew her past with Dieter, it wasn't exactly an unreasonable question, since it had happened once… or twice. “We had a brief catch-up if you could call it that? That's all. He seemed to be doing, well, good.”
Gina raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a wry smile, “Good, as in ‘I want to shag him silly?’ Or the rumours are possibly true that he finally completed rehab good?”
Bryony raised an eyebrow, it seemed the news of Dieter’s supposed upturn had reached New York, “Rehab,” she emphasised, “I don’t know much, but yeah, from what I hear he actually went. He looked healthy, even looked like he’d seen the inside of a gym.”
With a heavy sigh, Gina pointed her chopsticks at Bryony. “Bryony.”
Bryony pushed at the food on her plate, “Hmm?”
“You're not fooling anyone, least of all me.”
“What are you talking about?” Bryony asked, her brows furrowed at her friend’s suggestion.
Gina’s eyes met hers, stern yet empathetic. “Don’t feign innocence, Bry. You know exactly what I'm getting at.”
Bryony looked down at her plate, the patterns of the porcelain suddenly becoming incredibly interesting. “He just looked… he looked like Dieter again. The Dieter I knew before everything spiralled.”
Gina studied Bryony’s face, the flicker of sadness that flashed across her eyes. Leaning back in her chair, she gently dabbed her mouth with a napkin, her eyes never leaving Bryony.
“You know, Bryony, I feel I should remind you of something," she began, her tone taking on a serious note, one Bryony recognised from the old days in London when Gina was still her mentor. "Dieter Bravo might have had a successful stint in rehab, but at the end of the day, he's still Dieter Bravo.”
Bryony bristled at the comment, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that people don't change overnight, Bry,” Gina replied, holding Bryony's gaze. "A fancy suit and a couple of yoga classes don’t erase past transgressions.”
Bryony felt a lump forming in her throat. It was a hard truth, one she wasn't ready to admit to herself yet. But Gina wasn’t one to mince words, especially not when it concerned the people she cared for.
“He was a mess, Bryony. He was lost, spiralling down a self-destructive path. He hurt you, badly.” Gina’s words hung heavily between them, an uncomfortable reminder of the past.
Bryony looked down, her fingers picking at the napkin on her lap. She knew Gina was right, but it didn't make the pill any easier to swallow.
“I don’t need a reminder, Gina. I was there, remember? I lived it,” she finally said.
“Yes, you did,” Gina acknowledged, her voice softening. “And you're stronger for it. You've moved on, and built a life for yourself that isn’t centred around Dieter Bravo. You have a thriving career, a life here in LA that you’ve built from scratch. Don’t let one encounter, one glammed-up industry event, make you forget all that.”
Bryony's eyes welled up, not with sadness, but with gratitude. Gina had always been her sounding board, her moral compass when Bryony lost sight of her bearings.
“You’re right,” Bryony admitted, wiping her eyes discreetly. “It’s just...seeing him like that, it just...it caught me off guard.”
Gina reached across the table, giving Bryony’s hand a comforting squeeze. “It's understandable, Bry. He was a big part of your life. But you have to remember, you fell in love with a version of Dieter that no longer exists.”
Bryony frowned at the idea of Dieter, her Dieter, gone.
Gina merely shook her head, her sharp blonde bob swaying with the motion. "You might want to dismiss what I'm saying, but you know as well as I do that I'm right."
Bryony forced a smile, her eyes betraying a hint of amusement. "And here I was thinking we were having a catch-up lunch, not a therapy session."
"Always the dramatic one," Gina teased, her smile softening. "But seriously Bryony, I've known you for a long time. I've seen you at your highest and at your lowest. And I know what that man did to you."
Bryony's smile waned at this, her fingers unconsciously tracing the rim of her wine glass. Gina watched her silently, her heart aching for her friend.
“I know that,” she murmured, the statement more to herself than to Gina.
Gina let out a sigh of relief, her stern expression softening. “Good. That’s all I wanted to hear. Remember, Bryony, you're stronger than you think. And you deserve someone who appreciates you for the amazing woman you are, not someone who realizes your worth too late.”
Bryony smiled, grateful for her friend's understanding. "I've missed you, Gina.”
"I've missed you too, Bry," Gina replied warmly, her thumb tracing circles on Bryony's hand. "And I'm always here for you, you know that."
Bryony nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I know. Thank you, Gina."
Gina blotted her eyes with the napkin she’d had on her lap, “Jesus, one of these days we’re going to get together without the tears.”
“There’s hope yet.” Bryony laughed.
“So, moving on.” Gina announced as she took a large sip of her drink, “Any projects lined up for awards season?”
Bryony shook her head, “No, I think I reached my peak with Hunger Strike.”
“Nonsense, the right project is out there.”
Gina paused, taking a deep breath as if experiencing the cinematic feat for the first time again, “As much as that man infuriates me, god was he ever a great actor. That movie was mindblowing, still is.”
“I know.”
“Such a wasted talent,” Bryony nodded, and sensing Bryony’s discomfort, Gina decided it was time to change the subject. “Enough about Bravo,” she said, waving her hand dismissively, “Let’s talk about why we’re here, shall we?”
Bryony perked up, relieved for the change in topic. This was something she had been looking forward to discussing with Gina. “Right,” she said, taking a sip of her drink before starting, “So, I have this idea...”
Gina leaned back in her chair, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. She knew Bryony was capable of great things. She had seen the woman grow from an unsure junior to a confident and highly regarded name in the industry. It was this growth that had sparked the idea of partnering with her former protégé.
Bryony continued, her words flowing with an excitement she hadn't felt in a while. She spoke of her vision of a production company that would create compelling stories that mattered. Stories that brought light to societal issues, that challenged norms, and that inspired change.
As she talked, Bryony’s eyes lit up, her hands moved animatedly, and her voice rose with fervor. This was her passion, her dream. And she wanted Gina to be a part of it.
Gina listened attentively, her eyes never leaving Bryony. It was a bold idea, but if anyone could make it happen, it was Bryony Morgan. She'd seen the woman in action, her knack for spotting potential in a script, her ability to bring together the right team for a project, and her undeniable talent for turning ideas into realities.
“Wow, Bry,” Gina finally said once Bryony finished, her eyes full of admiration. “This sounds like an incredible venture. But why me? You could have anyone in this industry.”
Bryony looked at her, a smile tugging at her lips. “Because, Gina, you were the one who believed in me when I was starting out. You guided me, taught me everything I know. You’re the best in the business and I trust you. And frankly, I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to do this with.”
Gina couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She was touched by Bryony’s words. She had always seen potential in the younger woman, but hearing her speak with such passion and conviction, she felt a swell of pride.
“Well then, how can I refuse such an offer?” Gina said, raising her glass. “To new beginnings and exciting ventures.”
Bryony raised her glass as well, her heart swelling with hope and anticipation. “To new beginnings,” she echoed. They clinked their glasses together, a sound that signalled the start of their exciting new journey.
Bryony flicked through the TV channels, it was more of an activity in procrastination that afternoon than entertainment.
Suddenly, her phone beeped, its muffled sound coming from somewhere beneath the sofa cushions. After a quick search, she pulled the device up to her face. The screen lit up, revealing a text message from her older brother, Rhys. She quickly calculated the time difference in her head, reminding herself that he was some hours ahead. Given it was past ten in the evening his time, she opened the message with a mixture of curiosity and mild concern.
Bryony laughed out loud, Rhys Morgan, the eternal bachelor and self-proclaimed silver fox, after admitting defeat in his battle against the invasion of grey into his dark hair, was engaged. Not that it wasn’t obvious to anyone who saw how the muscular ex-professional rugby player turned corporate lawyer dissolved into a puddle at the mere mention of his girlfriend – now fiancée – Juliana's name.
Quickly, Bryony fired off a reply filled with congratulatory words and an abundance of emojis, followed by a promise to arrange a Facetime call at a more reasonable hour for the full scoop on the proposal.
As she waited for Rhys's reply, her screen displayed the familiar bubbles that signalled an incoming message. A moment later, a photo appeared. It was Rhys and Juliana, locked in a joyous embrace, clearly taken just moments after the proposal. Bryony's heart twinged with a pang of homesickness as she recognised the background – the Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun and nearby street lamps.
Setting her phone down, Bryony couldn't help but smile at the thought of her older brother finding love in his fifties. If Rhys could do it, there was certainly hope for her yet.
Just as she was about to return to her mindless channel surfing, her phone beeped again. This time, it was a notification from her Apple News summary. She was about to dismiss it when a particular headline caught her attention: Troubled Hollywood Scoundrel Dieter Bravo Inks Eight Episode Drama
Her heart stuttered, all thoughts of Rhys's engagement momentarily forgotten. The words hung in her mind, a brief sense of unease but also igniting a spark of curiosity. As much as she tried to focus back on the TV, the headline kept repeating in her head. She picked up her phone again, her finger hovering over the news alert. With a resigned sigh, she tapped on the notification, there was no way of getting away from Dieter Bravo.
Bonus: Dieter's New Project
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cutekoala1001 · 1 year
I made Spotify playlists for a couple of Sing characters that didn’t get one! (Song lists are under the cut) ↓
And I made a new Buster playlist! Since he has TWO playlists from the first and second movie, I combined them into one and added some showtunes, some upbeat jazzy stuff, and a few songs that gives off Buster vibes ♡ (sorry it’s so long, he had a lot of music! Mostly oldies but goodies ♪)
♘ Eddie Noodleman ♘
✿ Miss Crawly ✿
⭐︎ Buster Moon ⭐︎
8TEEN (Khalid)
Moonshadow (Cat Stevens)
Let’s Go Surfing (The Drums)
Ukulele and Chill (Cody G)
Sunflower (Post Malone, Swae Lee)
Ventura Highway (Paco Versailles)
Love Your Days (Cherokee)
Swept Away (Vanilla)
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (Wham!)
No Rain (Blind Melon)
California (from The O.C.)
Days Like These (Lakey Inspired)
Dream With You - Bosq Remix (Jeffrey Paradise)
Young Folks (Peter Bjorn and John)
Tropical Heartache (Poolside)
California Sunset (Poolside)
Weather (Ralph)
Inbetween Days (The Cure)
End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys)
Pink Sky (Bay Ledges)
Australia (The Shins)
Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard (Paul Simon)
Baroque Hoedown (Perrey and Kingsley)
Lagoon (Havana Swim Club)
You Make Me Feel So Young (Frank Sinatra)
What A Little Moonlight Can Do (Billy Holiday, Teddy Wilson)
Chop Suey! (System Of A Down)
April Showers (Proleter)
Frenesi (Artie Shaw)
Come Fly With Me (Frank Sinatra)
When I’m Sixty Four (The Beatles)
Shooby Shooby Do Yah! (Mocean Worker, Steven Bernstein)
C’est Magnifique (Kay Starr)
Blinuet (Zoot Sims)
The Last Time I Saw Paris (Vaughn Monroe)
Them from New York, New York (Frank Sinatra)
Sweet Happy Life (Peggy Lee)
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (The Beatles)
きらきらキラー (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu)
Flirty Cha Cha (The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra)
Safe And Sound (Capital Cities)
Don’t Rain On My Parade (Barbra Streisand)
There’s No Business Like Show Business (Harry Connick, Jr.)
Gimme Some Lovin’ (The Spencer David Group)
My Type (Saint Motel)
Walking On A Dream (Empire of the Sun)
The Showman (Little More Better) (U2)
Blinuet (Zoot Sims)
Come to Me (Koop, Yukimi Nagano)
Cake By The Ocean (DNCE)
Dream A Little Dream Of Me (Teddy Wilson)
Over and Over (Session Victim)
Soulful Strut (Horst Jankowski and his Studio Orchestra)
Dancing in the Moonlight (Toploader)
A Happy Song (Victory)
Call Me Maybe (Carly Rae Jepsen)
Lovely Day (Bill Withers)
End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys)
Seasons of Love (Rent the Musical)
Times Are Hard for Dreamers (Amelie the Musical)
Keep Your Head Up (Andy Grammer)
Hang On Little Tomato (Pink Martini)
Smile (Nat King Cole)
When You’re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You) (Louis Armstrong)
My Song (Labi Siffre)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice (The Beach Boys)
Mr. Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra)
Faith (Stevie Wonder, Ariana Grande from Sing)
I Got You (I Feel Good) (James Brown & The Famous Flames)
The Wind (Cat Stevens)
Hallelujah (Tori Kelly from Sing)
I’m A Believer (The Monkees)
Faith (George Michael)
You’re All I’ve Got Tonight (The Cars)
Keep It Comin’ Love (KC & The Sunshine Band)
Happy (Pharrell Williams)
Sing (Ed Sheeran)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell)
Sing a Song (Earth, Wind & Fire)
Your Song (Elton John)
Golden Slumbers (The Beatles)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John)
Listen to the Music (The Doobie Brothers)
I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (The New Seekers)
Saturday (Twenty One Pilots)
Someone In The Crowd (La La Land soundtrack)
The Blue Room (Zoot Sims Quartet)
Turandot, SC 91, Act III: Nessun Dorma! (Giacomo Puccini)
Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
You, Me, Here, Now (Dam Swindle)
Dancin’ - Krono Remix (Aaron Smith, Luvli, Krono)
Feel the Heat (Ghosts of Venice)
Flashing Lights (Kanye West)
Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) - NOTD Remix (Ed Sheeran, Khalid, NOTD)
Get Down Tonight (KC & The Sunshine Band)
Got To Be Realm(Cheryl Lynn)
Sing a Happy Song (The O’Jays)
Do You Believe in Magic? (The Lovin’ Spoonful)
You Can’t Stop the Music (The Kinks)
Can’t Stop The Feeling! (Justin Timberlake)
Don’t Dream It’s Over (Crowded House)
Take A Chance On Me (ABBA)
The Moonbounce (Koop)
Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars) (Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars)
Off White Limousine (Client Liaison)
Old 45’s (Chromeo)
Pick Up The Pieces (Average White Band)
He’s The Greatest Dancer (Sister Sledge)
You’re The Top (Jeri Southern)
Let’s Go Crazy (Prince)
Daydream Believer (The Monkees)
Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey)
It’s Gonna Be Good (Next To Normal the musical)
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bsideminibang · 1 year
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Title: Play It Pretty For The World
Author: MayQueen517
Artist: @deancodedcastielenby
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Warnings: Off screen drug use (by non main character)
Tags: Rock band AU, 1980s music AU, sunset strip, musician Cas, musician Dean, musician Sam, musician Meg, 1980s, 1990s, romance, the love is requited they're just dumbasses, mostly off screen drug addiction (not a main character), happy ending (in more ways than one)
Posting Date: September 1
Summary: It's an old story, in the end: Boy meets boy. Boy falls in love. Happily ever after. But how they get there is a different story altogether (after all, what can you expect from rockstars?) Family Business is in need of a new guitarist and lucky for them, session musician Castiel Novak is available. Guitar in hand and a bag over his shoulder, Castiel arrives in LA with Family Business on the brink of making it big. Internally, however, is a bit more complex. Dean Winchester, lead singer and older brother, has found himself navigating his brother's growing addiction and their band's impending success. After tours and traveling the world, they go their separate ways. Can Dean and Castiel find their way back to each other?
Keep reading for an short excerpt:
California, 1986 There's a crowd at the Whisky, spilling out of the club like a knocked over bottle of beer. Music winds in and out of the laughter, discordant and jangling as someone tunes a guitar. There's a haphazard crash and more laughter as Castiel pushes his way inside.
He pushes his hand through his hair, flipping it over and out of his face. He looks around the bar, pushing past people and apologizing for his bag and guitar case. Spilled alcohol and cigarette smoke is an oddly welcome scent after the urine and body odor that permeated the bus he'd arrived on.
Oregon, 1996
He thinks of winter tours and prank wars and the familiar scrawl of Cas’ handwriting as they traded song lyrics and notes, pulling them together in the songs that defined Dean’s life.
He sits in the chair and puts them to the side, focusing on the contracts as if they can wipe the feeling of the heavy paper on his fingertips away. Dean works on trying to forget all the things about Cas that he remembers; the things he fell in love with.
It’s something he can say to himself now, five years later.
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yausheyne · 5 months
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Exploring the Tranquil Charms of San Juan, La Union
San Juan, La Union, is a hidden gem along the Philippine coastline, known for its breathtaking sunsets, picturesque beaches, and laid-back atmosphere. Recently, I had the pleasure of immersing myself in the serene beauty of this coastal paradise, capturing unforgettable moments through my lens.
As the sun began its descent over San Juan Beach, I positioned myself to capture the mesmerizing hues painting the sky. The first photo in my collection depicts the stunning sunset, where vibrant shades of orange, pink, and purple melded together, casting a warm golden glow across the horizon. The gentle waves lapped against the sandy shores, while palm trees swayed in the evening breeze, creating a scene straight out of a postcard. It was a moment of pure tranquility and natural beauty, one that I'll forever cherish.
Among the highlights of my trip was a portrait session with my best friend, set against the backdrop of the captivating sunset. With the warm light cascading over us, I captured the genuine joy and camaraderie shared between us as we laughed and reminisced about our adventures together. The photo encapsulates the essence of friendship, framed by the beauty of the San Juan sunset—a memory to be treasured for years to come.
During my stay here in San Juan, I had the pleasure of discovering a hidden gem tucked away from the bustling beachfront: Kabsat La Union. This charming retreat with my loved ones, offers cozy cottages surrounded by lush tropical greenery, providing a serene sanctuary amidst the natural beauty of the area. The third photo in my collection captures the peaceful ambiance of Kabsat, where guests can unwind and rejuvenate in the tranquil surroundings. From lazy evening spent lounging by the sea to leisurely strolls along the garden paths, every moment at Kabsat is a testament to the simple joys of coastal living.
In conclusion, San Juan, La Union, is a destination that captivates my soul with its stunning sunsets, warm hospitality, and natural charm. Whether you're seeking adventure or relaxation, this coastal paradise offers something for everyone. And as I reflect on my journey through the lens of my camera, I'm reminded of the timeless beauty and serenity that await those who venture to this enchanting corner of the Philippines.
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merryslilhobbit · 1 year
For anyone who might be interested, here is a list of my fanfics on AO3.
Formula 1
Celebrations (WIP): Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, PG-13. 8,651 words. Starting after the British GP 2023, Lando & Daniel celebrate Lando's successes.
Sunset In Melbourne: Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, PG-13. 2,626 words. Set after the Australian GP qualifying session.
Quirks: Lando Norris/George Russell, Explicit. 1,941. Date night, when George discovers something he didn't know about Lando.
What He Needs: Daniel Ricciardo/Lando Norris, Explicit, 12,631 words. Set during 2022 F1 season.
Our Love Language: Daniel Ricciardo/Lando Norris, Explicit, 1,811 words. Post Mexico GP 2023. A little bit of fun.
One Door Closes: Daniel Ricciardo/Lando Norris, Explicit, 1,596 words. Brazil GP 2023 weekend. Just smut, no plot.
It Took Neon Lights For Me To See: Daniel Ricciardo/Lando Norris, PG-13, 3,215 words. Set during/after Las Vegas GP 2023. Hurt/comfort and some good old fashioned fluff.
Just Another Facet: Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, Explicit, 1.2k. Pure smut and kink.
Falling Into Place: Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, PG-13, 2.8k. A slightly different take on the infamous Perth farm trip. Yet another getting together story.
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait: Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, PG-13, 1.4k. Tooth-rotting fluff set post-Miami 2024 GP.
This Delicate Thing We Have: Lando Norris/Daniel Ricciardo, G, 500 words. Just a fluffy little snippet, post-Australia 2023 GP.
Family: Lewis Hamilton/Peter Bonnington, PG-13, 541. A little snippet of a moment on holiday between these two.
The Road To El Paso: Buck/Eddie, PG-13. 9,604 words. Eddie & Christopher take a trip to visit Eddie's parents, with Buck along for company.
Never Stop: Buck/Eddie, Buck/Taylor mentioned. PG-13. 700 words. Eddie worrying about Buck after (another!) accident.
Shelter: Buck/Eddie, PG-13. 1,123 words. Buck & Eddie share a lazy morning together.
The Unmasked Singer: Buck/Eddie, PG-13. 923 words. A little bit of silliness.
Healthy Competition: crossover fic - Buck/Bucky Barnes, R. 3,923 words. AU where Buck meets Sergeant James Barnes.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
5 Times Sam Didn't Ask Anything Of Bucky And Once He Did: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, G. 985 words. Bit of fluff, bit of falling in love, bit of always being there for each other.
You're A Civilian Now: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, R. 1,431 words. Bucky has a hard time letting go of some things.
Home: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, PG-13. 1,925 words. Established relationship, Bucky visits Sam in Louisiana.
Not Quite There Yet: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, G. 280 words. Domestic fluff.
Past and Present: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, PG-13. 471 words. Angst. Character death.
Marvel Cinematic Universe - RPF
The Calm Within The Storm: Anthony Mackie/Sebastian Stan, PG-13. 1,278 words. Anthony knows Sebastian better than anyone.
You Should Probably Leave / What Happens When You Don't Leave / Glad You Never Leave: Anthony Mackie/Sebastian Stan, R. +8,000 words total. Getting together.
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tfc2211 · 8 months
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Play ▶ Alternate Takes and Demos
Elvis Presley - Viva Las Vegas (Take 2) Louis Armstrong - St. Louis Blues (Alternate Take B) Frank Sinatra - Melancholy Mood (Alternate Take) Johnny Cash - Big River (Alternate Take) Bob Dylan - Just Like a Woman (Take 4) The Beatles - Sie Liebt Dich (Stereo Mix) The Rolling Stones - Curtis Meets Smokey (1966) The Byrds - Eight Miles High (Alternate-RCA Studios Version) The Velvet Underground - Who Loves The Sun (Alternate Mix) The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Alternate Edit) Love - You Set The Scene [Alternate Mix] The Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 Was 9 [Unreleased Alternate Recordings] King Crimson - Moonchild (Take 1-2019 Mix) Rory Gallagher - Sinner Boy (Alternate Take 1) Van Morrison – Wild Night (Alternate Take) The Kinks - This Time Tomorrow (Alternate Take, 2020 Mix) The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (Rare Bootleg) Bob Dylan - It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (Take 8 Complete) David Crosby - Guinnevere [Early Demo] The Allman Brothers Band - Midnight Rider (Alternate Mix) Traffic - Light Up Or Leave Me Alone [Alt. Mix] America - A Horse With No Name (Alternate Early Mix-Morgan Studios) Neil Young - Midnight On The Bay (4/14/76) Antonio Carlos Jobim - Brazil (Alternate Take) Duke Ellington - Ko-Ko [Alternate Take] Otis Redding - Pain In My Heart ( Previously Unissued Take) Gram Parsons - She (Alternate Version) Fleetwood Mac - Like Crying (1969 Alternate Version) Tim Buckley - Song To The Siren (Take 7) Canned Heat - On The Road Again (Alternate Take) Aretha Franklin - Rock Steady (Alternate Mix+Take) Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman (Alternate Mix) Jimi Hendrix - Pali Gap (Alternate Mix) The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar (with Eric Clapton) The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset [Session Excerpt-Backing Track Take 2) The Beatles - I'm So Tired (Take 14) Simon & Garfunkel - The Sun Is Burning [Alternate Take 12] John Martyn - Solid Air (Alternate Take 2) King Crimson - Cadence & Cascade (Greg Lake Guide Vocal) Traffic - Rainmaker [Alternate Track] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Human Highway The Band - Up On Cripple Creek (Alternate Take) Leonard Cohen - Passing Through (Take 9-Alternate Lyrics) Elvis Presley - In The Ghetto (Take 1) Miles Davis - Le Petit Bal (Take 1)
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Villanueva de Guadamejud
Cuenca - a weekend in the mountains
This weekend I went on an Erasmus trip to the mountains in Cuenca.
We stayed there with around 30 people from Erasmus for two nights and I stayed in a room with 12 girls.
We had two costume party’s. The first night was a movie party, for which reason I dressed up as a pirate as I was in the group of the movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Moana was in the group of the movie ‘Shrek’ and was dressed up as one of the blind mice.
The next day we had a little yoga session and me and moana went to a little coffee place and enjoyed the view.
In the evening we had another costume party with the theme ‘the 20’s’.
We even played a murder mystery game and the next day went on a hike.
All in all the coordinator really put a lot to afford in the weekend and I’m thankful I could be a part of it!
I mostly enjoyed the sunsets and discovering the little village we stayed in. 🌅
Cuenca - Días en las montañas
Este fin de semana fue a un viaje de Erasmus en las montañas en Cuenca.
Quedemos ahí por dos días con más o menos 30 estudiantes de Erasmus y quedé en una habitación con 12 personas.
Había 2 fiestas de disfraces. Una fiesta de películas diferentes y una de los ‘20’s’. La primera noche me he disfrazado de pirata porque fui parte del grupo de la película ‘Píratas del Caribe’.
Mi amiga fue parte del grupo de la película ‘Shrek’ y se ha disfrazado de uno de los ratones ciegos.
El sábado tuvimos yoga en la mañana y después moana y yo disfrutemos un cortado en un café muy mono.
También juguemos un misterio de asesinato y el domingo caminemos. Todos los organizadores pongan mucho esfuerzo en el viaje y por esto estaba muy bien!
Los puestos de sol estaban lo que disfruté el mejor! 🌅
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2009
After her 10th anniversary year, KOKIA does decidedly not take it easier in 2009. She releases two albums on the same day: KOKIA∞AKIKO ~Balance~ and AKIKO∞KOKIA ~Balance~, to celebrate the conclusion of her 10th anniversary year. The AKIKO album is only available via her webshop and at concert venues and is distributed via her own office, anco&co, whereas the KOKIA album is distributed via Victor Entertainment. She explains that the AKIKO album deals more with her ‘inner’ songs, as she feels she is both KOKIA the artist and Akiko the person.
She departs on a world tour this year, called infinity (as the ∞ symbol from her albums is the symbol for infinity), starting in Japan before traveling to France, Ireland, Poland, Belgium and Germany. This results in two concert DVDs: 2009 infinity tour at Tokyo, recording the performance in Tokyo, and Wherever I am, a 3 disc documentary covering her journey and performances abroad.
2009 also marks the start of her Life Trilogy digital singles, with the first two releasing this year. The final one will come out next year.
◆ Lives and events ◆
January 16 Essential Time (Ebisu LIQUIDROOM)
February 28-March 1 KOKIA Live in Naeba Prince white notes vol.3 (Naeba Prince Hotel Chatelaine)
March 31 YOU SING, YOU WANT (Shibuya DUO Music Exchange)
【KOKIA world tour 2009 「∞」 Infinity】 April 29 - Tokyo, Bunkamura Orchard Hall May 4 - Osaka, Sankei Hall Breeze June 12 - European tour 2009: Paris, La Cigale June 13 - performance on a cruise over the Seine river June 14 - Paris, Le Divian du Monde June 16 - Dublin, Button Factory June 17 - Poznań, Blue Note June 19 - Brussels, Botanique-Orangerie June 20 - Cologne, Blue Shell
July 11 4th Keyaki festival (Niigata, Nagaoka City School for Handicapped Children gymnasium)
July 20 8th Kobe Love Port - Port Festival (Kobe Meriken Park)
July 21 Eclipse festival KOKIA talk session & mini concert (Kagoshima Port, Honkô-ku, Waterfront Park)
July 26 Gion Kashiwazaki festival (Minatomachi beachside park, sunset dome)
August 29 KOKIA sebone LIVE 2009 (Aichi, Arc Riche Toyohashi, The Grace)
September 12 (September 26/October 10) KOKIA tokai no kakurega concert ('hideout in the city’) (Tokyo, sonorium) ※ Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro, 4 performances total
October 17 Niigata Prefectural Niitsu-minami senior high school memorial ceremony on the 30th anniversary of its founding: KOKIA live (Niitsu-minami senior high school)
November 21 BREEZE BREEZE Music Live KOKIA (Osaka, Breeze Breeze Media Court)
November 26 Uiguru kara kita shounen ('Boy from the Uyghurs’) screening & KOKIA mini live (Tokyo, Uplink Factory) ※Movie for social awareness, Uiguru kara kita shounen ('Boy from the Uyghurs’) which uses KOKIA’s Lacrima ('Tear’) as end theme
November 28 Saturday Hot Request (Tokyo, NHK broadcasting center) ※ Public live broadcast by NHK-FM
December 5 SATURDAY GO AROUND from Jazz Dream Nagashima ※ Public live broadcast by ZIP-FM
【KOKIA Winter Live Tour 2009 12 gatsu no okurimono ('December present’)】 December 11 - Aichi, Nagoya City Chikusa small theater December 13 - Fukuoka, Hakata Gate's7 December 14 - Hiroshima, Club Quattro December 15 - Osaka, Sankei Hall Breeze December 21 - Miyagi, Sendai retro Back Page December 23-24 - Kanagawa, Yokohama Landmark Hall
December 25 KOKIA Kokoro no akari live ('light in the heart’) vol. 2 in KYOTO 2009 (The Museum of Kyoto, Annex Hall)
◆ Releases ◆
March 4 Release of the French edition of Fairy Dance ~KOKIA meets Ireland (Wasabi Records)
March 18 Release of original album KOKIA∞AKIKO ~balance~ (Victor Entertainment)
March 18 Release of original album AKIKO∞KOKIA ~balance~ (anco&co.) ※ Simultaneous release of a mainstream version and indie version, KOKIA and AKIKO, two albums that are each other’s counterparts (On April 29, a ∞ album 2 disc collection BOX including both albums gets released. It includes image clips for Ooki na senaka ('Broad back’).)
May 20 Release of the French edition of Balance (Wasabi Records) ※ 2-disc box with KOKIA∞AKIKO ~balance~ and AKIKO∞KOKIA ~balance~
July 22 Release of concert DVD KOKIA 2009 infinity tour at Tokyo (anco&co.)
August 5 Release of the iTunes Store exclusive digital EP Kimi o sagashite/last love song ('searching for you’) (Victor Entertainment) ※ Chapter 1 in the <Life Trilogy ~inochi no 3-busaku> ('trilogy of life’). Mini album with 4 tracks
September 23 Release of the European Tour documentary DVD Wherever I am ~wordt tour 2009 in Europe~ (Victor Entertainment)
November 18 Release of the iTunes Store exclusive digital EP single mother/Christmas no hibiki ('Christmas echo’) (Victor Entertainment) ※ Chapter 2 in the <Life Trilogy ~inochi no 3-busaku> ('trilogy of life’). Mini album with 4 tracks
December 2 Release of best-of album Coquillage ~The Best Collection II~ (Victor Entertainment)
December 2 Release of the French edition KOKIA COLLECTION 2 (Wasabi Records) 3-disc collection box including the albums KOKIA∞AKIKO ~balance~, AKIKO∞KOKIA ~balance~ and Fairy Dance (French edition of each)
◆ Other releases ◆
January 21 Release of the omnibus album Okaeri ('Welcome home’) (Sony Music) ※ Concept album collecting only timeless classics sung about great love for humans. Arigatou… (the pearl edition) ('Thank you…’) is included on this.
February 5 Release of the PlayStation 3 game Demon’s Souls ※ Vocals and chorus for the opening theme song Demon’s Souls and the end theme Return to Slumber
February 18 Release of Dare mo shiranai nakeru uta official compilation album (‘songs no-one knows that make you cry’) (VAP) ※ Official CD for the Nippon TV show Dare mo shiranai nakeru uta (‘songs no-one knows that make you cry’). Includes Watashi ni dekiru koto ('the things I can do’)
February 18 Release of Dare mo shiranai nakeru uta gaiden ~ staff ga erabu kokoro no best one ~ (‘songs no-one knows that make you cry extra – best from the heart chosen by staff’) (Victor Entertainment) ※ Official program album for the Nippon TV series Dare mo shiranai nakeru uta (‘songs no-one knows that make you cry’), Victor Entertainment compilation. Includes Watashi ni dekiru koto ('the things I can do’)
April 22 Release of the single KARMA (Glory Heaven) ※ Opening theme for the animated TV series Phantom -Requiem for the Phantom
August 15 Release of the image sound album Bungaku shoujo to yumeutsutsu no senritsu (‘Book girl and the half-asleep melody’) (Lantis) ※ Performed the song Anata to deatte (‘Meeting you’)
August 26 Release of the single Transparent (Glory Heaven) ※ end theme for the animated TV series Phantom -Requiem for the Phantom
October 21 Release of Kidou senshi gundam 00 ('Mobile Suit Gundam’) Voice actor single Ayahi Takagaki come across Feldt Grace (Inori †/Justice) ('prayer’) (flying DOG) ※ First single produced by KOKIA. Also did the chorus for the B-side song Justice.
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ayearlaterletters · 24 days
aug 15 - aug 27
9:47 pm written on Aug 27th.
wooooo got a lot to catch up on lets do a quick recap. i will try my best to remember! aug 15 Thursday: I believe my grandma was in town and I was preparing for her arrival. I came home around midnight after our hangout. i woke up everyone in the house, but they were most likely awake when I came home from our lovely night rendevous. we took Marcus to volleyball, got pizza, and most likely had a love session. i also sent you gametime tickets to checkout padres padres vs tigers & 42 dugg lol. we decided on padres game bc we had a lot of fun the first time :) we gonna get you that margarita cup lol! aug 16 friday: while you were at work, I spent time with my grandma all day. i took her to the store and cemetery to visit her father in law and to handle some paperwork on her plot contracts. you decided to work overtime and pull a double shift. i think Friday was a stay at home kinda day after your long shift and my day with grandma.
aug 17 saturday: we both went to work and you pulled another double shift. i think again, it was another stay at home kinda day because you were getting off at around 9pm.
aug 18 sunday: i announce it's been a month since our staycation. you reply back with, I know baby I cant wait for the next trip we take together I love you so much :) I miss you. i respond with I miss you too - emoji with puppy glossy eyes. then, you tell me to meet you at the intl bathroom to see you rq at like 530 am! we were making plans for sept. i think it was your last day of working overtime shifts so another stay at home day.
aug 19 monday: after 3 days of not seeing each other, I believe you and I crashed out and we both agreed 3 days is our max of not seeing one another for that long. we planned to have a spontaneous rendevous. we went to la jolla shores until dusk. once it got dark, then we headed to ob for some luigis pizza. after luigi;s we went to sunset cliffs to make some love. i think I only got like 1 hour of sleep and I'm pretty sure I was late to work but I had fun and no regrets! i would do it again to spend another night with you.
aug 20 tuesday: we went to work and later in the evening we took marcus to volleyball.
aug 21 Wednesday: I dropped my mother and her BFF at the airport and we met up later in the evening most likely to get something to eat.
aug 22 thursday: our days off. i met your granddad in the afternoon, got thai food, and watched you play video games before we all left to take Marcus to volleyball early for once! i think i left after volleyball bc of trooper. omg bby we made love in your bed and I didn't finish so i was very feral for you.
aug 23 Friday: 3am i wanted you i needed you!!! made it to your house at 4am and we parked on the dark street. my car battery died so...triple a came and now I'm with you for 3 years. we est. Our relationship is now measured in car batteries. finally before 730 traffic got worse, I did make it home safely and you and I were knocked out! originally we were supposed to have brunch before noon but we didn't wake up until like afternoon. we went to the purple mint vegan asian food filet mignon and kung pao chicken. then you went to the beach to hangout with friends to plan jasmine 21st birthday.
aug 24 Saturday: 0824 Kobe day. we went to olive garden and ordered alfredo pasta lol. after olive garden we went to target to buy milk then went home.
aug 25 sunday: we went to your theaters to watch strange darling! we snuck in snacks from Walmart and wrapped them up in your tortilla blanket lol.
aug 26 monday: we didn't see each other bc I had to pick up my mother and her BFF from the airport and i was cleaning the house before their arrival.
aug 27th: we went to chopsticks and feng cha then departed ways so you can attend jasmine's birthday at the bar and coin-op :)
aug 28, 29, 30 - I will be in Hawaii so I will not see you but we will talk. i am grateful for you willing to pick me up and drop me off at the airport :) I cannot wait to see you again by.
i will miss you always and will think of you all the time. i love you, honestly. i will say this again, I really have never felt this way for anyone before. i hope we last for ever, a life time, a long time. thank you for being my sweet man. i am so truly lucky to have you!
our bookclub Sad Freaks review: your enjoying powerless bc its giving hunger game vibes but with magic powers. you're enjoying paedyn's chapters over kai's bc we both agree kai is downbad for pae and pae is talking real shit about survival in the competitions. I'm living for the sassy dialogue between both characters. at this point, we are about 25% into the book.
goodnight my lover I love you and I miss you. aug 27 10:29pm
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greatheartprince · 29 days
Enjoy a Musical Journey Through a Dinner Cruise in Goa
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When you love fancy vacation plans then you must opt for Goa vacation. You can enjoy the cool beach time and the party cruise Goa and there’s much more that you can enjoy throughout your vacation plan. 
Taking your loved ones on a cruise is the most adorable date plan or just a leisure refreshment in Goa. 
Just imagine dinner at cruise in Goa, the musical night and the cool breeze makes a combination of  delightful things setting a lovely atmosphere. You must try this eventful experience at least once in your lifetime.
What to Expect in Goa Cruise Dinner?
Experiencing a musical journey through a dinner cruise in Goa is a unique and delightful way to enjoy the region's vibrant culture, scenic beauty, and delicious cuisine. Here's what you can expect in Goa cruise dinner:
1. Scenic Views
Sunset Experience: Most dinner cruises in Goa begin in the late afternoon, offering breathtaking views of the sunset over the Arabian Sea or the backwaters. The golden hues reflecting on the water create a mesmerizing ambiance.
Landmarks: As the cruise sails, you'll pass by iconic landmarks, such as the historic forts, beaches, and palm-fringed landscapes.
2. Musical Entertainment
Live Music: Many dinner cruises feature live performances by local musicians. You can expect a mix of traditional Goan music, with influences from Portuguese Fado, Konkani songs, and contemporary tunes.
DJ Sets: Some cruises offer a DJ who plays a selection of popular tracks, creating a lively atmosphere that encourages guests to dance.
Karaoke: On certain cruises, there might be karaoke sessions where you can showcase your singing talent.
3. Cuisine
Goan Delicacies: Dinner cruises typically serve a buffet or à la carte menu featuring Goan specialties like prawn curry, fish recheado, bebinca (a traditional dessert), and more.
International Dishes: Along with local flavors, there’s often a selection of international dishes to cater to diverse tastes.
Drinks: A variety of beverages, including cocktails, mocktails, and local favorites like Feni, are available. Many cruises offer a complimentary welcome drink.
4. Cultural Performances
Traditional Dances: Some cruises include cultural performances like the Dekhni dance, showcasing Goa’s rich heritage.
Fire Acts: You might also witness captivating fire shows, adding an element of thrill to the evening.
5. Romantic Ambiance
Intimate Setting: The gentle sway of the boat, soft lighting, and the sound of waves create a perfect setting for a romantic evening.
Private Cabins: Some luxury cruises offer private cabins or exclusive dining areas for couples, enhancing the intimate experience.
6. Interactive Experiences
Engage with the Crew: The friendly and hospitable crew often engages guests with stories about Goa, its history, and its culture.
Dance Floor: After dinner, many cruises open up a dance floor, where you can dance under the stars to the tunes of the live band or DJ.
7. Suitable for All Ages
Family-Friendly: Dinner cruises are often family-friendly, with entertainment that appeals to all ages, making it a great option for groups and families.
Solo Travelers: If you’re traveling solo, it’s a great way to meet other tourists and locals while enjoying the music and food.
8. Booking and Packages
Pre-Booking: It's advisable to book your dinner cruise in advance, especially during the peak tourist season (October to March).
Packages: Look for packages that include extras like hotel pick-up and drop-off, special seating, or themed nights for a more customized experience.
How to Book a Dinner Cruise Goa?
The dinner cruise Goa booking is very simple. You can check out the packages available currently on the websites and you check for complete details, can click on the “book now” option and you will receive the booking confirmation mail after successfully completing the transaction. 
Once when you experience the dinner in cruise in Goa you will feel like making repeated plans for the Goa vacation. That’s the magic of a dinner cruise.
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eranjayne · 1 month
Laing Family Sunset Session
Easy, breezy, beautiful sunset photo shoot for this gorgeous family!
Most of the time, sunset sessions are just as warm as the sunshine in the images suggests – but not every time! For the Laing family, it was an aesthetically beautiful evening – glowing sky, a few clouds, and a gorgeous family to photograph. But there was a bit of a breeze on the beach that made the end of the their session a little chilly especially when they decided to be brave and get in the…
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bsideminibang · 1 year
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Title: Play It Pretty For The World
Author @cactusdragon517 | @deancodedcastielenby (link)
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 10,805
Tags/warnings: Alternate Universe - Rock Band, 1980s rock band, Cas the session musician, Dean the singer, Sam the bassist, Meg the drummer, Cas the guitarist, Off-screen drug use, 1990s, basically its the movie Rockstar, -slaps roof- this baby can fit so much pining in it, Mutual Pining, the love is requited theyre just idiots, Inspired by Music, Inspired by What You Give by Tesla, Song fic, Bside Mini Bang 2023, Sunset Strip, happy ending (in more ways than one), song: What You Give (Tesla)
It's an old story, in the end: Boy meets boy. Boy falls in love. Happily ever after. But how they get there is a different story altogether (after all, what can you expect from rockstars?)
Family Business is in need of a new guitarist and lucky for them, session musician Castiel Novak is available. Guitar in hand and a bag over his shoulder, Castiel arrives in LA with Family Business on the brink of making it big.
Internally, however, is a bit more complex. Dean Winchester, lead singer and older brother, has found himself navigating his brother's growing addiction and their band's impending success.
After tours and traveling the world, they go their separate ways.
Can Dean and Castiel find their way back to each other?
Link to fic
Link to art
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