#lace petticoat
badassindistress · 4 months
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It is done and it is glorious!
This is a 1901 skirt for a promenade dress with added lace. I still have lace left over, so I may go back and add even more...
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atsev · 6 months
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Mirror Palais "laces and silks" collection
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nonasuch · 10 months
Have decided that the best way to get ready for my trip to Boston is to make a fancy outfit for it. So I finally cut into the gray wool I thrifted ages ago, and I am doing all the fiddly steps and pressing the bejesus out of it and topstitching every seam. I only have the bodice done but it looks so nice.
And I made a necklace with jewel beetle wings to wear to the MFA. I’m not taking pictures until I actually get to wear it, though, because if I’m gonna be extra I’m gonna be extra.
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asterdeer · 2 years
old times people were so so so smart for making clothes oversized and then pleating and tying the clothes to fit them. what the fuck. i gain three pounds and suddenly half my closet makes me look/feel like a blobfish but anne margaret may-jesus-make-thee-fruitful jameson can have three babies over four years while wearing the same damn petticoat. humanity regresses sometimes
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corvidaedream · 3 months
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dysphoria vs the need to be the cutest bitch in the 18th century: fight!
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thecoramaria · 1 year
Wearing maximalist fashion is so funny because like… I’ll be looking at an outfit I’m planning and go “hmm… It’s missing something. Several things, actually.”
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ai-satin-chic · 5 months
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The A-Z of AI-Satin-Chic.
L: Lace - Soft, detailed and delicate, lace is the perfect accompaniment to any feminine outfit.
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darlingdawnvintage · 1 year
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Brigitte Bardot ✨Vintage 1950’s
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badassindistress · 3 months
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In an effort to be the change I want to see in the world, I am hosting a historical underwear teaparty next month. Yesterday I amused myself by putting together combinations from my collection that my friends might like to wear
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Antique Valenciennes Lace Petticoat Dress by AMODERNEVINTAGE
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dryndelicate · 5 months
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Next combo: Different Location & Billowing Petticoats - finally
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The danger is over and everyone is safe, you're allowed to grieve the part of your life you lost. They're just "things" but they're things you had because you loved them, made with your own hands because you felt it was worth it to create and bring you joy in its existence. Every piece you lost is a part of a life you put together for yourself. It's a testament to your existence as the unique individual you are. You don't have to apologize for mourning them
Thank you.
I just. I can begin again, and I will. I'm even a relatively quick seamstress, when properly motivated. It feels like such a herculean task, though, especially for things that can't be gotten easily or cheaply again- colorful silks the discount fabric store no longer carries, my stash of antique and specialty reproduction trims, certain buttons or accessories...
I feel like I'm staring up a mountain I have to somehow climb all over again, after reaching a peak and then falling back to the bottom
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gogmstuff · 6 months
1908 Petticoat by ? (location ?). From lamodedelabelleepoque.tumblr.com/post/87617167489.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 15, 12 avril 1896, Paris. 9. Jupon Taglioni, propriété exclusive de la maison Jeanne d’Arc, 265, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
9. Jupon Taglioni, propriété exclusive de la maison Jeanne d’Arc, 265, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris. — Mettre un jupon sous l’invocation de la célèbre danseuse Taglioni, c’est donner l’idée d’une création imprégnée de parisianisme, légère comme des ailes de sylphe et â la fois commode et pratique. Tel est absolument le Taglioni. Ce jupon avec sa tournure invisible, complètement adhérente, crin et baleine, vous habille divinement, arrondissant gracieusement la croupe, rejetant l’ampleur des jupes en arriere, soutenant les godets dans leur fantaisiste disposition en éventail. Le jupon Taglioni donne â l’ensemble de la toilette les proportions les plus harmonieuses; c’est la poésie du galbe. Ce modèle en tissu de soie broché se fait en nuances claires et foncées, deux tons, garni d'un haut plissé en taffetas, couvert par une haute dentelle application nœud en aigrettes, prix 80 frances. Ajoutons que le jupon Taglioni se fait à 30 francs, 40 francs, 50 francs et 60 francs. Le bouvel album illustré, comprenant les dernières créations en jupons, lingerie, trousseaux et corsets avec busc et sans busc, est envoyé sur demande gratis et franco; Il suffit d'écrire à la maison Jeanne d'Arc, 265, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris.
9. Taglioni petticoat, exclusive property of the house of Joan of Arc, 265, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris. — To put a petticoat under the invocation of the famous dancer Taglioni is to give the idea of a creation imbued with Parisianism, light as the wings of a sylph and both comfortable and practical. Such is absolutely the Taglioni. This petticoat with its invisible bustle, completely adherent, horsehair and whalebone, dresses you divinely, gracefully rounding the rump, throwing back the fullness of the skirts, supporting the godets in their fanciful arrangement. The Taglioni petticoat gives the whole dress the most harmonious proportions; it is the poetry of curves. This model in brocaded silk fabric is made in light and dark shades, two tones, trimmed with a pleated top in taffeta, covered by a high lace application bow in aigrettes, price 80 frances. Let us add that the Taglioni petticoat is made at 30 francs, 40 francs, 50 francs and 60 francs. The bouvel illustrated album, including the latest creations in petticoats, lingerie, trousseaus and corsets with busk and without busk, is sent on request free and carriage paid; Just write to the Joan of Arc house, 265, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris.
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devdas5z · 2 years
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Dona Matoshi
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a-dumbass-jester · 6 months
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also her name is Lisa♡
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