drchucktingle · 1 year
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Gilly’s days are packed to the brim, stuffed with so many activities and events that it’s difficult for her to focus. Soon enough, this mounting anxiety begins to show up in frustrating ways.
Fortunately, Gilly’s social plans for the evening are unexpectedly cancelled, and she soon finds herself with a block of hours dedicated to getting her to-do list done. However, when these cancelled plans physically manifest as a beautiful, hovering calendar named Olga, Gilly quickly realizes that her evening might be more action-packed than she initially thought.
Now these two are locked in an erotic lesbian encounter that will prove the best thing you can do with your unexpectedly cancelled plans.
This erotic tale is 4,000 words of sizzling human on cancelled plans action and sentient concept love.
please enjoy new ladybuck on ladybuck tingler THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF CANCELLED PLANS GETS ME OFF BECAUSE DEEP DOWN I KINDA DIDN’T WANT TO GO out now on amazon or true buckaroo tier patreon
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power-handmaiden · 7 months
Day 64: Pounded In The Butt By My Irrational Bigoted Fear Of Humans Who Were Born As Unicorns Using A Human Restroom
While I had conflicting feelings on "Angry Man Pounded By The Fear Of His Latent Gayness Over A Dinosaur Transitioning Into A Unicorn" in light of how the conversation on trans rights and visibility has evolved, I feel like this tingler, published only 11 months later, holds up incredibly well. It tackles gender in a similar way to robot fiction, in the way that the protagonist feels insecurity over his humanity when someone he would not traditionally recognize as a human is able to inhabit human spaces.
One aspect that I appreciate a lot is that the story makes it very clear that the character that the protagonist initially directs his species transphobia towards does not pass as a human at all; the bigoted protagonist and the waitress who is dismissive of his bigotry both refer to the character as a unicorn based on appearance. A major point in this tingler is that the man deserves dignity whether or not he "looks" like he should be in a human space. A lot of transphobes love to make arguments that operate in this heightened reality. It's not hard to imagine one saying, "what, should we accept it if someone identifies as a unicorn?" I mean, the furry panic is basically that, using some on-its-face absurd otherkin caricature as a proxy for trans people. This tingler meets them in their invented space where they think their argument is the most ironclad and says, yes, that would be fine actually, even if we did all live in your thought experiment and even took it a step further by introducing other sapient species with clear physical differences. People of different species peeing in the same room is not going to break the fabric of society.
(Side note not entirely related, people who care about such things are also just.... really bad at telling who "belongs", which is addressed in the story somewhat but I just like to mention whenever I have the chance that it includes false positives on their Wrong Sex Detector too. I use the bathroom that corresponds to my birth certificate and I've been stared at, yelled at, one time someone just watched me piss?? So much for bathrooms being a harrassment free space.)
I also love that nothing sexual takes place in the bathroom. The protagonist recovering from his bigotry fucks a sentient restroom sign right in the middle of the diner. Absolute madman, I can't help but respect it.
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taldigi · 2 years
shout out to this fucking adorable ladybug knockoff i found while trying to research about super lady luck
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I love her and her Lucky little scatter bell with her polkadot bow
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jasper-book-stash · 4 months
May 2024 Reading Wrap-Up
Alright, I can finally work on this, after being a full week into June. I read 11 books in May - one religious text, one occult/witchcraft book, two romances, two nonfiction books, and five poetry books.
Religious Text
Los Agvinaldos del Infante: Gloda de Epifania // The Child’s Gifts: A Twelfth Night Tale | Tomas Blanco
I found this book on the free books table of the library I work at, and I yoinked it immediately. I'm utterly fascinated by translated works, so being able to look at both the Spanish and English versions of this story was really neat. It's a story about the Three Wise Men heading to Jesus's birth and it talks about the gifts they brought from each of their kingdoms. It was neat.
1/10 - Why Did They Publish This?
None applicable.
2/10 - Trash
None applicable.
3/10 - Meh
None applicable.
4 to 6/10 - Mid-Tier
Echoes from the Orient: Wisdom of Lao-Tse With Parallels in Western Thought | Robert Wood
This is a book I found in a secondhand book store for dirt cheap, and my main complaint with it was that the comparisons were usually weak and drew from too many places. Not bad, but not good either.
Confessions of a Reluctant Optimist | Phyllis McGinley
Remember this post? This author is who that was about. This compilation of poems was a fascinating look back into the author's time and place.
7 to 8/10 - Good With Caveats
Bending the Binary: Polarity Magic in a Nonbinary World | Deborah Lipp
I went back and forth so much on this book, but ultimately landed at 8 out of 10 with the caveat being that you're going to go back and forth on if the book is worth reading for quite a few chapters. There are a lot of places where it was like "Bestie, what the FUCK does this mean?" but most of those instances were explained in more detail. We love seeing elaboration on wild claims, at least. It delivered exactly on what was promised. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: The author is cisgender, and this is very apparent in many places, and not just in the places that the author outright says it.
Love For All Seasons | Kitty Clevenger, Fred Klemushim, Rick Cusick
This anthology was put together by Kitty Clevenger, and honestly, my main complaint is that they could have done better. Sure, the artwork is gorgeous, but not every poem felt attached to that central theme - it just felt like the compiler just grabbed whatever poems mentioned one of the seasons in them. And the font (by Rick Cusick, apparently) is difficult to read at times - some of the letters are hard to decipher/identify.
Yesterday I Saw The Sun: Poems | Ally Sheedy
Apparently this author is known for other things. This is my first instance of hearing of her. And I enjoyed the book. Not much to say, other than giving a warning that it gets heavy. Which is a good thing tbh.
Swimming Shelter: 100 Days of Coronavirus: An Exercise in the American Crawl | Al Ortolani
Nothing like reliving the coronavirus (and, in some of the later poems, murder and police brutality) through poetry. My main complaint about this one was formatting. I feel like I could have done better. Let me edit your book and fix your formatting, PLEASE.
9/10 - Very Very Good
February Poems | John Mooney
This was gearing up to be a deeply middling zine of poetry until the fucking clown poem hit me. 9 out of 10, no notes.
Pounded By The Classics: Seven Literary Tales Of The Tingleverse | Chuck Tingle The Lesbian Classics Get Me Off: Seven Ladybuck Tales Of The Tingleverse | Chuck Tingle
Chuck Tingle's tinglers literally never miss.
Ancient Egyptian Literature, volume II: The New Kingdom | Miriam Lichtheim
I didn't get volume two read in time for the May book club meeting, much less volume three, but this was still a damn fine read. I love analyzing old literature told through a modern lens.
10/10 - Unironically Recommend To Everyone
None applicable.
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angelictroublemaker · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
5 seems excessive to me so I'm going to reply with fewer. I don't write a ton.
Bucky's Reasons for Staying Alive; check out the podfic or read it in text!
I am unapologetic about this title,
A ladybuck one, some kind of fever dream that defies explanation,
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savedgame · 2 years
Nobody can read the words shipping discourse in your post I'm going to scream nobody said you can't watch the ladybuck show if you're 30 but it's embarrassing as fuck to argue with kids online about who should kiss who
Yeah it’s quite silly!!
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bandnameserver · 10 months
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lytefoot · 1 year
Last night, I dreamed there was a Tingleverse TV series. (Presumably after the resolution of the writers’ strike. My dream was uninformative as to how network TV handled the fundamental aesthetic of the Tingleverse.)
The concept of the series was “Lance and Orion from the twice-Hugo-nominated Space Raptor Butt Trilogy were traveling between the layers of the Tingleverse, meeting bucks and ladybucks who prove love in unique ways.” (When I described the dream to my husband, he suggested that sounded like the title of a tingler. Maybe that was the title of the series.)
In the first episode, Lance and Orion befriended an aromantic ladybuck who was making peace with the idea that she didn’t desire a life partner, either romantic or platonic, and could have a happy life as a single person. This being the Tingleverse, the ladybuck and the idea developed a fulfilling long-term friendship.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Imagine: Mouse!Luka teasing Lady Noire
Mouse!Luka (let's call him Multibuck - "buck" for a male mouse) multiplies into smaller versions of himself, at first he'd used it in battle responsibly, like helping Mister Bug and Lady Noire fend off akumas and come up with tricky traps.
But he soon noticed the Mouse Miraculous' other effect.
It flustered Lady Noire to bits.
Since he knew she was secretly Marinette, he used it to his advantage, much to his amusement and her utter embarrassment.
Imagine hundreds of mini Multibuck's, all either on or around a red faced Lady Noire/Marinette, showering her with praise and compliments, some braiding the small strands of her hair, others praising her designs...etc.
Luka wasn't surprised when Ladybug gave him the snake miraculous the next time she needed assistance from another hero, and when asked why not the mouse, she was suspiciously silent, red faced, but silent.
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nikchick · 5 years
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IT'S HEEEEERE! #ladybuck (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Daq0PBW2Z/?igshid=120sbckfahio4
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drchucktingle · 6 months
big day for sentient tractors and macaroni and cheese lawyers LADYBUCK ON LADYBUCK: SEVEN LESBIAN TALES OF THE TINGLEVERSE VOLUME 4 is out now as audiobook. please enjoy LOVE IS REAL
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power-handmaiden · 3 months
Day 167: Sentient Lesbian Jet Ski Gets Me Off
It's the first lesbian tingler! I've gone out of my chronological reading order for a few of them but this is actually the first one. And, you don't need my fancy spreadsheet of tinglers in listed publication order to know that's the case- the story spells it out very clearly.
I'm so glad tinglers have expanded into my preferred pound. The reason I've found myself reading so much man-on-man in the past is because I like erotica that is not afraid to be strange and unabashedly HORNY, and historically I've had an easier time finding that when I expand outside my own sexual preference. Dr. Tingle has expressed that he had some reservations about writing "ladybuck-on-ladybuck" stories and... I've observed that he's clearly not alone in this. Plenty of other women shy away from writing lesbian erotica or make it more soft and euphemistic than what they write between men. (Sorry if it comes across like I'm shaming individual stylistic choices here, but I feel that there's a larger trend that's worth examining in more detail than I'm getting into right now, even if it would never be my place to tell individual writers "HEY, BE MORE HORNY.")
Thankfully, Dr. Tingle's writing in this one has all of the playful sexuality of other erotic tinglers. His hesitation on writing a woman-only tingler is blatantly a part of it, but thankfully he moves past it by the time things get sexual, and there's even that creative living object action I love with this kind of tingler. It's good fun, but I'm glad I skipped out of order to read other lesbian tinglers before this one, because I can see that after this one Dr. Tingle is going to become a lot more comfortable writing the kind of stuff I want to read the most.
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darcyolsson · 3 years
okay im rewatching miraculous and im genuinely upset by how good the animation was in some s1 episodes
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el-pintor · 4 years
I had a little conversation with casually-inlove about freckles and skintones a while ago.
I said, that you only can see them on my face in summer (if it's not red) and they're really light...
I think they want to be seen now.
I got freckels (if they are freckels) on my hand and fingers but not really on my arms... ?! 😂
Still, I cant wear my hair in a natural red😩
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lulu2992 · 2 years
"Hey there, ladybuck."
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festival-of-pudding · 2 years
What's your opinion on Lucy? I don't mind her and I think it's nice to have another woman on the team. She's gotten so much hate just because she kissed Buck, yet the kiss meant nothing.
I hesitated to answer this as it veers perilously close to d*scourse, but you asked, so 😝 Personally I'm not a fan. I don't hate her (that's a waste of energy), I just don't think she adds anything to the team. The 118 is a family of unique, complex personalities, and so far Lucy hasn't been developed beyond a painfully ham-fisted introduction which didn't serve her (or women in general tbh, I'm giving serious side-eye to whoever came up with that idea) The writers could make me love her next season! If she stays, I hope they do!! She could be so much more than Manic Pixie Ladybuck. The potential is there. If they keep her as she is now, though, I'd rather they just cut her and give her focus to Ravi. (YMMV, you do you, fave your faves etc.)
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