thefemininemistake · 1 year
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Somewhere in Northern Illinois
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ashtrayfloors · 11 months
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The first time Abby told me that she loved me, we were sitting on a big, flat, shoreline rock on Northwestern's Lake Michigan landfill. The sun was going down and the lake was flat and purplish. From a distance we must have appeared quite the picture of tranquility on that breezy, late-summer day—her young, willowly frame stretched out luxuriously between my splayed legs. She rested the back of her brown-bobbed head against my chest while I leaned back on my palms supporting both our weights. We'd been sitting there like that for quite some time, though, and my aching wrists were secretly turning to Jell-O.
—Don De Grazia, from American Skin (Scribner Paperback Fiction, 2000)
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frances-baby-houseman · 3 months
Lol northwestern is building a new stadium, which is fine, actually people are MAD about it but whatever, I also live next door to a performance venue and it's FINE, evanston NIMBYs with "everyone is welcome here" signs in their yards need to get a fucking grip, BUT I DIGRESS
It has been unclear what will happen to home games when they don't have a stadium next year and they just announced that they will be playing the "majority" of their home games ON THE LAKEFRONT LACROSSE FIELD. What!! The ball is going to be blown into the water! It is so fucking cold on the lakefill! I cannot wait to see how this goes. I assume some games will be played at Wrigley, which has the fun bonus of one endzone being so close to the wall that at times they have played on only half the field. U-rah-rah! Go 'Cats!
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rustbeltjessie · 5 months
Listen/purchase: Jessie Lynn McMains - No One’s Little Girl by Hello America Stereo Cassette
I do a frantic shimmy-dance & the song it reels, grooves, dance-beat, bassbeat, repeat. A nursery rhyme, a spell, oh no I’m not gonna be ‘cause I don’t wanna be. The breathless rush the rhythm, violin, guitar, bent & plucked, scrapes & whisper-screams & squawks like the seagulls over the Lakefill.
The full text of the poem (as “Oh No, I’m Not”) can be found in my chapbook Left of the Dial.
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lonelypond · 2 years
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.7K, 1/1
Summary: Nozomi Tojo has caught the Goncharov; Yazawa Nico meets Nishikino Maki. Also, shenanigans.
Northwestern University Theatre Arts major Yazawa Nico had been up all night, finishing a paper. On Restoration Drama. She intended to never spend another second thinking about Restoration Drama so the only reason she was half paying attention to Radio, TV, and Film major Nozomi Tojo, was that Tojo was talking about something else. Or maybe Nico was nodding off and dreaming that Nozomi had suddenly become a Scorcese fan. At least it wasn’t Tarantino. Thank the gods it wasn’t Tarantino. The nodding off stopped when Nozomi shoved a printout at Nico.
“Memorize that.”
“I need you, Nico.”
“Everyone needs Nico. I am not reading your latest porn fantasy.” Nico shoved back but Nozomi held the paper firmly in front of her audience.
“It’s a legitimate project, Nico-chi.” Nozomi’s smile was too wide, her eye contact too skittish.
Nico leaned forward, “Legit, like for independent project credit.”
Nozomi leaned forward, turquoise eyes mischievous, “Legit like will look good on Nico’s resume when I walk away with the Clocktower Laurels at the next Goncharov Film Festival.”
“Goncharov? Is that Russian.”
Nozomi started to sparkle like a magical girl about to spin into a transformation, “You don’t know Goncharov?”
“Goncharov, Chechov, if Nico has to do plays, at least make it American.”
“Nah, you want English farces, Nico. Your face was made for farce.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Nozomi shrugged, “Goncharov is a crowd sourced Martin Scorcese mafia film.”
“Some of those words make sense.”
“People on the internet made up a thing and it went viral.”
“So it’s stupid.” Nico was back to only half listening, debating if she should wake up fully and eat breakfast.
“No, it’s genius. And it’s got this great plot and Cybill Shephard was cast in one of the leads and…”
Nico understood now. “The blonde. You want an excuse to talk to the blonde. That dancer you’ve been stalking.”
“I haven’t been stalking her.”
Nico glanced around the room. Yep, blonde head, by the window, looking out at the Lakefill. “This is why we’re at Norris, not the dorm cafeteria, where Nico has a paid up meal plan.”
“I’ll buy you coffee and a donut.”
Nico sat, arms crossed.
“Go buy Nico coffee and a donut. Now.”
“Read the script.”
Nozomi stood, shimmied into a better fit with her dress, then strolled by the blonde to get to the Dunkin Donuts. Nico saw the blonde follow Nozomi’s path, sighed, and began to read the page in front of her. It was a dream sequence, two women mirroring each other, a gunshot, a woken, shaken protagonist. Quick and atmospheric. Nico conceded, to herself, that it was actually a pretty solid scene. No dialogue. Not much of Nico’s time.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just so so clumsy. I didn’t mean…did I ruin your sweater…” Nozomi’s voice boomed out.
Nico groaned. No coffee. Maybe she could rescue the donut. Nico grabbed her bag, hopped to her feet, and went to interrupt the meet cute conspiracy that was happening with her breakfast.
“My friend’s an idiot.” Nico announced, strolling up, “and this was the only way she could think of to meet you.”
Long eyelashes blinked over puzzled blue eyes.
Nico grabbed the donut bag from Nozomi and dropped the printout in front of the blonde. “Nico looks forward to working with you.”
And Nico headed for her dorm.
Nico’s phone went off an hour later. She was half asleep but too curious to ignore.
Nz: ( ͡~ ‿ ͡°) Eli’s in.
N: 乁(◣̪◢)ㄏ
Nz: (✿ヘ‿ヘ)
Nz: And we have a composer.
Nico didn’t know many music majors, how did Nozomi?
N: Composer?
Nz; yeah, she must have seen the call to collab I posted in the Beehive or the theatre building or somewhere.
N: Collab?
Nz: On the Goncharov short.
N: SOmeone actually messaged you?
Nz; You may not Tumblr, Nico-chi, but actual creatives love it.
N: Nico is creative.
Nz: Nico needs attention. Tumblr hates it.
N: Eyes are automatically drawn to Nico. Nico’s TWIG game is flawless.
Nz: Some of us prefer a more anonymous experience.
N: So what’s this weirdo’s deal?
Nz: She’s into noir and horror scores.
N: ( ͡⎚﹏ ͡⎚) Sounds cheerful.
Nz: We’re meeting her tonight, after her recital.
N: We?
Nz º·(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º
N: ᕙ(ᓀ‸ᓂ)ง Oh no, Nico is busy.
Nz: Are you going to make me go alone?
N: what about the blonde
Nico scrolled back through the messages to double check the name. Eli. Nozomi had just met Eli that morning and while Nozomi handled all situations with charm and confidence, the older sister in Nico just couldn’t imagine sitting at home while Nozomi went out to meet some horror movie obsessed music nerd.
N: What time?
“Did you forget a mask, Nico?” Nozomi pointed to the sign.
“For the protection of the community, please wear a mask during the recital.”
“What is this, a hospital?”
Nozomi smirked and put on her mask, leaving Nico to grab one of the N95s left for the audience. It took several minutes to arrange her twin tails over the head bands.
“Nico spent some time on Tumblr, on this Goncharov.”
“Ooohh, research. What’dya think?”
“You want Nico to play Sofia, right? The one in the suit.”
“Nico doesn’t do suits.” Nico’s eyes pinched up in a judgey frown, “And it’s a dream sequence, wouldn’t pajamas be better?”
“But the audience shouldn’t know its a dream until the gunshot wakes Katya up.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Northwestern’s newest performance space, Galvin Hall, was about a quarter full, a hundred heads, one third students, the rest local music lovers and professorial looking people. Nico slid into a seat at the edge of the front row.
“What’s Nico listening to?”
Nozomi shoved the program at Nico. Nishikino Maki, original compositions inspired by Salvador Dali and Erik Satie.
“Dali’s the melting clocks guy, right?”
Nozomi nodded, doing a quick search on her phone.
“Is the other guy an artist too?”
Nozomi shook her head, “Composer. Lots of stuff for single piano, not so famous, but…”
“Famous people paid attention to him.” Nozomi glanced toward the stage, “Interesting choice.”
There was a ripple of a reaction and a tall redheaded woman in an exquisitely tailored tuxedo walked out off the wings, striding piano-ward, acknowledging the audience with a brief nod.
“Suit.” Nozomi hissed in Nico’s ear.
Nico hummed, watching the composer slide onto the bench, fingers gracefully arched, waiting to fall into the keys. She’d never been to a piano recital before.
Nico didn’t know if all pianists were that compelling or just this Nishikino Maki, but Nico’s interest was hyped. The physicality and grace of the playing amazed her, her dance experience giving her some insight into how much effort Maki was putting into creating this music. The music itself was tightly woven emotion, wrapping itself around Nico, soaking in under the skin, leaving Nico jittery with friction she didn’t quite understand. After the final note, Nozomi, seemingly not affected, grabbed her coat and barrelled to the stage, a befuddled Nico in her wake.
Nico didn’t hear the quick exchange between Nozomi and Maki, but suddenly they were all three speed walking toward the back of the stage, through an exit door, and outside, where it was colder than Nico had expected. Were they going for a smoke? Why had she left her coat inside?
Maki took her mask off, her expression neutral, although Nico couldn’t stop staring at the loveliness revealed. Nozomi kept talking. Nico could feel shivers about to start, so she clapped her hands together to get blood moving. At the sudden sound, Maki JUMPED, as if someone in a mask with a chainsaw had jumped out.
Nico giggled as Maki scowled at her.
“Aren’t you the horror movie fan?”
“I score them, they don’t surprise me, I’ve seen the script and the dailies.”
Nico shrugged, sounded dull. “That takes the fun out.”
Maki’s eyebrows lowered, “Fun is successfully cracking a stalking scene so people look over their own shoulders.”
“That’s not really fun for Nico either.”
Nozomi’s lips were twitching like she was holding in a comment, her eyes merry.
Maki had a hair curl twisting between fingers, staring at the sliver of a moon.
Nico was never one for silence, especially not silence and cold. “Nico was impressed. If your movie scoring is like your playing, the emotions will definitely come through to the audience.”
“Which is why it’s a shame, and I think Nico-chi will agree with me,” Nozomi glanced to Nico, who was too busy shivering to respond, “to only record 47 seconds of the dream. I’d like to expand the script.”
“So these would be scenes adjacent to the script proper.” Maki’s amethyst eyes caught the streetlamp’s glow.
“Yes, the intro or outro to all the Katya/Sofia scenes. Or the scenes where one might be thinking about the other.”
“My schedule’s packed, but I could make some time.” Maki said.
Maki then turned to glare at Nico, who had advanced to hopping from one foot to the other, “Here, you’re distracting me.” Maki took off her tuxedo jacket, dropping it around Nico’s shoulder, a musky rose and sandalwood scented warmth surrounding Nico, who hastily shoved her arms into the sleeves.
“Nico could make time.”
Nozomi stepped back, whistling. “That’s a good look for you, Nico-chi.”
“Everything is a good look for Nico.” Nico glanced down, wondering what the actual effect was, the tuxedo jacket over her pink knit sweater dress. She pulled out her phone, holding it high and talking a quick selfie.
“What’s your tag?”
“TWIG tag, stalker nerd.”
Nico tilted her head, staring at Maki, not playing games.
“My account’s locked. Not for strangers.”
“Well, now you know Nico. Not a stranger.”
“Don’t tag me.”
“Okay…” Nico glanced to Nozomi. Who shrugged.
“It’s Nishikinoir.” Maki glanced back over her shoulder, speaking to Nozomi. “I have to find my parents. Text me.”
Nico started to shrug out of the jacket, but Maki stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, “I’ll get it next time.” And then Maki sprinted off back to the building, a barely audible, “looks good” in her wake. There was a pause in the conversation until the sound of her footsteps faded.
“Suits.” Nozomi drawled, shooting the cuffs of her peacoat.
Nico glanced down at her winking selfie, tailored black smooth over pink crunchy texture. “Yeah.”
A/N: Participating in the @sapphicfest, 8 weeks of prompts, started with "borrowed jacket." Goncharov has been amusing and inspiring me on Tumblr so I thought it might be fun to imagine what Muse would do with it. Thanks to @ryqoshay for many Guncharov and suit chats.
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Another amazing shot of the Kellogg Lakefill also sent from a friend. View from the Global Hub. Can see Chicago Skyline.
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sildarmillion · 7 years
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View of the Chicago Skyline as seen from the Kellogg Global Hub
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losangelista2 · 7 years
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"Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream." #blackisbeautiful #blackboys #son #teen #lakemichigan #clouds #chicago #evanston #lakefill #afro #artist #water #mlk
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druffbear · 2 years
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Forgot to post this pic from my ride yesterday...was perfect weather. #bearsonbikes #alton #altonthebike #fattybikeride #ridelocal #bikelife #that38mmlife #specializedbikes #ontheroad #onthestreets #igbike #igersbike #gaybear #fitfat #year53 #bikechicago #thegreatreturnof2022 #shelteronabike #tobetterdays (at Northwestern University Lakefill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfB7uCqLdWQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mr-jam-jar-blog · 6 years
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The kind of life that worth growing old to~👵🏼👴🏼 (at Lakefill) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqYD1VAn93F3cwLU9euM7aaNl_VaXNbHbBjs8g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14pws5hx33rgb
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lonelypond · 6 years
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 50
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2.6 K, 50/?
Thursday’s A Thrill: We Battle
Erena had let her fitness regime slack a little since winter had locked down the Lakefill. Now she was regretting it as she made her best speed on too slippery, indirect walkways, but trying to break a path through the knee deep snow would have slowed her down even more. In sight, but still two crosswalks away from Deering, she heard a splintering thud as the doors burst open and a red blur sped across the snow. Erena watched for a minute. Looked like the blur was heading to the Wirtz Center. Probable werewolf, probably Nico’s girlfriend, Erena realized, regretting her slow foot pace, wondering what other damage the werewolf tag team had wreaked. No time for hesitation, Erena stepped off the neat walkways, heading for the now open west entrance. DPS would probably be along before too long, but Erena wasn’t sure whose side they’d be on. Just dragging her legs through the snow was more effective than high stepping...but when Erena reached the angled walk that would lead to Deering, a booming wave of force pushed her back. Surprised, she stumbled into the snow. As she was scrambling to stand, another wave forced her down. They were about 30 seconds apart. Could she get to the door if the cycle stayed stable? She crawled forward, staying on the rough, cold ground, hoping a lower profile would let the next wave crest over her without knocking her back.
Eli dragged her sister brides to a empty room. Everyone else had followed. Eli threw Diedre and Ami at chairs, standing solid between them and the doors, arms crossed, Nozomi backing her up. Then came Sergeant Alvarez, Tsubasa, and Kashima. Kashima dropped into the nearest seat, still looking confused, while Alvarez debated whether or not she should go in search of pen and paper to take notes. Or was it time to call in the FCC? It looked like tomorrow’s planned raid wouldn’t be necessary, although two of the targets were currently missing. Alvarez glanced at Tsubasa, who was looking paler than Kashima did under the lights in vampire makeup.
“Are you all right? Any wounds?” Alvarez wondered, her voice neutral.
Tsubasa shook her head, slumping down, braced against a wall..
“Good. One less problem.”
Alvarez watched Tsubasa closely. She recognized the sullenness, the inwardness. The young woman had seen something she wasn’t prepared for, had been too close to something much more primitive than most college students were prepared for -- bodily danger, primal fear. Alvarez had been deployed at Tsubasa’s age, and she could still remember the shock, the shakiness, in reaction to her education in what humans were capable of. Some of her fellow soldiers had never quite shaken the vulnerability of awareness, exposure to so many threats. Distraction and something warm to drink was probably the best she could do for the young woman right now.
“Any coffee around here? Some of us could probably use a cup.” Alvarez directed her question at Nozomi and Eli as Nico rushed in through the door.
“Nico is off duty, Nozomi will have to go raid management’s secret pot.” Nico was a little breathless and more Nico sized off stage, Alvarez realized, surprised.
Eli nodded, her eyes on Deidre and Ami, and Nozomi hurried off. Nico charged Kashima, “What the hell were you thinking, stupid.”
Kashima’s jaw was set, but not out of stubborness, Alvarez realized, the tall actress was trying to keep in tears, “I’m sorry, Nico. When Anju suggested it, it sounded fun…”
“Yeah, Nico, you’re never any fun any more…” Ami ventured as Eli stepped forward threateningly and Nico snarled.
“Shut up. No one is talking to you.” Nico grumbled.
Tsubasa’s eyes widened at Kashima’s claim, “Anju?” She shook her head, “That can’t be right. Everything was planned for tomorrow.”
Nico whirled to confront Tsubasa, “You were going to stuff Nico into a coffin on opening night?”
“No.” Tsubasa sat up, puzzled, “The transmitters were hidden in the coffins so they could be closer. You and Kashima were never supposed to be in them...well, except when Dracula needed to…”
“So what happened? Why tonight?” Alvarez interrupted.
“I don’t know. Anju didn’t talk to me...or Erena...where’s Erena?” Tsubasa’s voice suddenly shot up, shrill with tension.
“She ran off to Deering.” Nozomi announced as she she handed Tsubasa a cup of coffee.
“Why?” Tsubasa ignored Nozomi.
Alvarez ran a hand through her hair, “We’d all like to know that.”
As Hanayo followed Rin through the corridor, she was hit by remnants of some acrid chemical scent that still packed enough pungency to make her eyes water. Rin must be miserable, she realized, watching Rin stay ahead of her, but not at full speed so Hanayo would always be able to keep her in sight. Hanayo wondered what had happened to Maki when the building shivered. Anju, behind her, yelped, but Hanayo didn’t look back. As they hit the stairs to the main floor of Deering, another shiver, floors quaking, about 30 seconds after the first. Rin paused, hesitating. Hanayo came up next to her, “Where’s Maki?”
Rin howled something that meant “Nico.” That made sense.
“Do you think it’s safe?” Hanayo asked.
Rin’s response sounded confident.
“We have to stop her, right?” Hanayo muttered.
Rin nodded, her eyes watering from the olfactory assault she’d just stepped through again..
“Yeah, I know. Who knows what she’s doing.” Hanayo glanced back at the Anju following her. Then the floor shook, a little sooner than the last burst.
Rin whined, stepping a little forward.
Hanayo hugged her, “I love you, Rin. Lead the way.”
Rin rolled through happy howl to warning howl as she climbed the stairs.
The shockwaves were closer together. Erena stood in the ripped open doorway, doors blown off, scattered across the snow, holding onto the frame, trying to make sense of the scene before her. Anju, but an altered Anju, older, lined and weathered, was hovering -- Erena did a double take and yes, Anju seemed to be gliding slightly above an erratic, fluid hole, an uneven gush of red and black viscous fluid. For a second, Erena had a sense of skipping, as if film had spooled in a projector, piling image on image, from Anju, as if she were preparing a midnight sacrifice to an ancient god, floating over a volcano’s hungry mouth in the stripped lobby of Deering, no vestibules or security desk, blasts of acrid heat, lightning hissing, then the entrance lobby was back, a sudden bustle of students, darkness and gargoyle shadows, and then Anju again, hands flung open, waves of red and phosphorescent darkness raising around her. Then before Erena could catch her breath or focus on a single image, 5 quick pushes that had her hugging the door as a red blur charged forward purposefully, slunk low to the ground, growling with exertion.
“Maki?” Erena guessed.
Neon eyes stared for a moment, then there was a threatening snap.
“I won’t hurt you. I want to help Anju. What’s going on?”
Maki turned her body, confrontational, growling, fangs out, as the next wave hit, staggering both. Then, there was a shiver and a hiss as air rushed and sound fled, leaving an eerie emptiness, charged by hisses and sparks. Erena looked over the wolf’s back, seeing only blackness in the distance, no sign of the rest of campus, past the entranceway. Maki whirled, sniffing, howling, running out, but hitting a barrier and being tossed back. She tried again and again, but finally sat back on her haunches, howling, whining. Then she spun, sniffing and stormed into the building.
Anju was standing over a tumultuous storm, red and black churning over and over, hands open and hovering at chest height. Magic and heat combined into a caustic, burning smell, but ignoring the pain in her head, Maki launched herself at Anju. With a casual finger flick, Maki was sent back toward the door as Anju crowed, “Should have stayed with your mate.”
Erena saw the red and black storm at Anju’s feet growing. “Anju?”
Anju blew a kiss in Erena’s direction, “Don’t worry. I’ll be gone soon. If you survive the second set of shockwaves every…”
The world rocked and where there had been silence, there was now roaring as the starry lava surged to Anju’s shins, random tendrils still whipping around the room.
Rin charged Anju, blindsiding her, taking her down, forcing her off the black and red hole she’d to the floor. Erena found herself wondering if any of the laws of physics were at full effect right now. She reached for the brown wolf pinning Anju, but felt a body slam into her side, forcing her back. Maki, savage, followed Rin’s initiative with a headbutt, knocking Erena over. WIthout Anju holding the center, without restraint, the lava started to flow out, broad, viscous strands reaching everywhere to grab.
Hanayo’s voice, Erena turned her head, Hanayo, and behind her, Anju, but an Anju still in her Akko costume. Maki’s weight disappeared, she’d gone to help her fellow werewolf, but a hissing, growing tide was impeding her progress.
The werewolves were always going to be the real problem, Anju had realized, if they decided to interfere. Staunch allies once, now they were stubborn obstacles. Rin had her pinned down and she felt the teeth close on her shoulder as she released the spell she’d cast on the wand and it exploded, a dart of motion, skewering Rin’s side as the werewolf bit deep into Anju’s muscle. No time for healing, a quick gesture to call a coiling tendril and Rin was whimpering from the burn as it wrapped around her torso, pressing hot metal sharpness further into her wound. Hanayo was searching, presumably for a weapon, and the red wolf was dodging the surging turbulence surrounding her.
“Anju?” Erena called, confused, eyes warily maintaining contact with the woman at the center of the room while she edged toward the other.
“Just go. Take her.” Anju commanded as she crawled to her feet, “It’s about to start.”
Hanayo grabbed for Rin, pushing her arms under the stinging heat of the mercury solid lash, breaking its cohesion, pulling the wand free of Rin’s haunches, knowing the werewolf would heal before crippling blood loss. Hanayo considered tossing the wand back, but holding it firmly in hand, a dagger, she rushed Anju, while Maki leapt with a roar. Anju clapped her hands and the air exploded with the shrillness of the fire alarm, magnified beyond tolerance. Maki dropped as if struck, human again, hands over her ears, whimpering, Rin just falling and Hanayo dropping to her knees next to Rin immediately, to know for herself that her mate was only unconscious.
Erena, wincing, had reached the Anju in the witch costume as the other Anju gestured, opening a small corridor through the pulsing surge of heat and sizzling fluids for them. Erena glanced back as Anju mouthed “Go” before she drew herself back to the dizzying vortex spewing impossible physics. Erena made a decision, reached down to take the closer Anju’s hand and drag her out the ruined doorway.
Maki had never been in so much pain. Her head was splitting, the blaring alarms wouldn’t stop, she was rolling through phase shifts of flame and ice. It was an insane, impossible world and there was no mooring. And now Maki could feel a suction, pulling at her as she struggled to rise, eyes closed from pain, nose making what sense it could of things, the tide of metallic tang and frothing warmth ebbing toward the center of the lobby, where the altered and older Anju was making her stand. Erena was leaving, with one Anju. Rin was unconscious with Hanayo huddled over her, so that left Maki. She stood, hunching, her feet burning, debating the change. But her wolf strengths had only made her more sensitive to Anju’s planned attacks. So fists it was. Half of year of wrestling with Rin in wolf form and nearly a month of ‘wrestling’ with Nico in girl form had left Maki with an excellent sense of her abilities as a grappler. Early fencing classes had left her with a tendency to analyze opponent’s weak points. Anju was obviously expecting attacks in wolf form, so...Maki hissed and hopped as her feet began to feel the burn. That decided her and she charged, trying to remember the one time Rin had roped her into an intramural rugby game. She aimed for Anju’s midriff with her shoulder, channelling pain into rage and rage into velocity and when she struck, she and the sorceress both flew back, Anju nearly dropped into the vortex like an 8 ball at the end of a game.
“Thanks, that helped.” Anju pushed Maki off, hands lingering on the redhead’s bare breasts. “I like this you better.” Maki could hear the smirk in her assailant’s voice, smell the triumph.
Maki changed instantly, instinctively and bit down, Anju’s arm in her mouth. Finally, Anju broke, screaming in pain, drawing back her arm to physically throw Maki off, But she stopped, concentrated and Maki felt the heat rising off Anju’s skin, burning through the roof of Maki’s mouth. As the werewolf whimpered, shaking her head, teeth tearing through Anju’s arm with each pained reflex, Anju’s other hand grabbed Maki’s chin and suddenly Maki’s head was flooded with images, stone walls and tapestries, Nico in a huge fur coat, in front of a fire, holding a child, Maki very close and playing with a smaller, dark furred wolf; Maki, russet fur darker, striding through a large room, growling and howling; Nico’s friends, older, attentive, as Umi stood in front of a map; Anju, striding on to a field, hands up, shimmers of light pulsing out of them, Maki racing in front of her, then the light altered, to the black and red turbulence Maki could feel around her, see wrap around Anju as she thrashed, falling through cloying dark. Maki’s jaw released, as pain, noise, and Anju’s memories clashed against the reality she was desperately holding to.
Maki’s eyes opened. Anju was staring, wild purple eyes begging, “Let me go home. I know you understand home. I’ve seen it.” Closing her eyes against pain and emotion, Maki smelled exhaustion, failing magic, defeat, sorrow, fear...Anju whispered, ”Please.”
A pulse hit, then another, then three seconds later another. Anju gritted her teeth and stood, hands together, muttering, all the fluid returning in a rush, draping over her, shivering, encasing her, racing to cover her skin, eddies of color and temperature roiling, another force pulling them, the greedy vortex wanting to swallow everything it could touch. Maki could feel the pull, its strength, she’d either have to leap or run NOW and another pulse hit her as she saw Rin spring toward Anju and Maki forced herself sideways with all her will, slamming into the smaller wolf, both of them rolling wildy toward the gaping entrance. Hanayo was watching the scene, horrified, clinging to a display case as the pulses kept happening, intervals lengthening. Maki shoved Rin out the doorway, angling both of their bodies behind the wall for protection as another wave struck. Maki had lost count, letting the stone protect her from the force, wounded Rin whining weakly for Hanayo. Maybe three minutes after it started, Maki felt like she’d been lassoed, the pulse returning, the nothingness surrounding Deering speeding toward them, passing through Maki and Rin, grinding them against the stone, Maki certain her heart had stopped as cold seared through her.
Then, blessedly, a world of cool soft returned to her ears, this world, with its open sky and its comforting sounds, campus sounds, cars scraping by, students chatting, sirens dim and distant, Rin and Hanayo breathing easily and Nico somewhere, safe, Maki’s name her song.
A?N: Wow. Let me know what you think. And thanks for reading this far : )
Stay tuned for opening night; Nico would never forgive you if you skipped ; )
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saec-be · 4 years
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Intel attaque frontalement Qualcomm en lançant une puce pour les mobiles pliables Pour équiper les futurs ordinateurs ultraportables ou les smartphones à écran pliable, Intel vient de lancer sa plateforme Lakefiled.
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A random picture I captured sometime in Spring 2017. It’s one of those pictures where I just got lucky with the angle and the light and the framing.
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sildarmillion · 7 years
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Hands down, the best picture I have ever taken from a flight. FYI, this was a flight from Chicago O’Hare to Toronto Pearson.
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nubands · 7 years
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Welcome, #NU2021 and #NUtransfers!
The Northwestern University 'Wildcat' Marching Band helps welcome the Class of 2021 and incoming transfer students in their class photo on September 15, 2017.
Photo by NUIT.
Support the Northwestern Bands: Buy Photos and Gifts
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acduan1-blog · 5 years
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The famed Northwestern lakefill during the elusive warm season | Lake Michigan | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL 2014 | The North Shore Suburbs series⁣⁣ ⁣ #InChicagoasitisInHeaven #gocatz #northwesternlakefill #northwesternuniversity #evanstonil #thechieye #thisischicago #slackliner #ACDuan #AceofFlames (at Northwestern University Lakefill) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Jwuz3ls83/?igshid=1f32e9y2ztlxd
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