#lalafell wedding
yurikaxiv · 3 months
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Does anyone else have a lot of eternal bonding screenshots?
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I always liked taking screenshots in here and over the years as graphics got better and I got reshade, I kept doing the anniversary bond.
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Then we got our alts and for convenience of gathering teleports we married them too. 😂 So now I have a variety of different wedding photos lmao.
One year my husband got covid during our RL anniversary so we dressed up as nurse and patient for our anniversary cut scenes. 👩‍⚕️
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werepuppygaming · 3 months
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Got a close up of our corner too, though I was sitting in a slightly diff spot for this one.
📷 Location: Aether / Adamantoise / Empyreum / Ward 6 / Plot 30 / Room 3
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n3rd-qu33n-ffxiv · 9 months
Glamours/Map Night: Level 1 Glams!
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Tonight for our FC's treasure maps the theme was Level 1 Glams. I absolutely could not resist going as a monk in a wedding dress. Lalli hid her weapons and beat up SO MANY VEGETABLES with her fists and fancy boots.
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Lalli also got a bit of a makeover. I'm in love with it and had to play with some of the light in mine and the wifey's (@luc1d17y-ffxiv) FC chambers. Our FC house is on the Primal - Exodus, Empyerum 5th Ward, Plot 60 if you want to come check out the rooms. Lalli's private chamber (which might be a shrine to G'raha Tia) is Room #006, and Astraex's gorgeous room is #007.
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Omg, the colors... D:
And bonus! We got a final room and made over 600,000gil!
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sainsa-in-eorzea · 2 months
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before Big Sippin's wedding, I ran into a lala who was wearing an almost identical outfit, so ofc we had to go together at that point!
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my friends list definately gained some new members after this!
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azure-infinitum · 1 month
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This Saturday during Azure Summer Festival 2024 in FFXIV, Azure Scout Avalyn Chedlu & Azure Lieutenant Defensor Fortus will be eternally bonded! Members can pick up invites in the Company Chest. Community Members, Allies, and guests may ask for an invitation.
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
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“WOW!! Now THIS is a church! I would love to get married here!” 😍
Dreaming an impossible dream or foreshadowing??
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sourheartxiii · 1 year
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Ulah Tallulah, Tied the Knot (9/24/2023)
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romanos-photo-album · 11 months
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hey ur cute
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andyromoart · 2 years
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Bday gift for the resident ray of sunshine of my FC 🌸💍
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sokerikeiju · 1 year
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Me and my bf got married in game ❤️⚘️
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theonlycindra · 2 years
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My Eternal Bond
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akakumoeteru · 1 year
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I drew some wedding-themed profile pictures to match with my friend @ganen-cheese recently! We drew one set in traditional red and one set in modern white of WX blowing kisses at each other! Please see Cheese's half here where they've drawn a super cute WWX in red and a super handsome LWJ in white to match my set!!😘❤️ (The poses for these are based off of the /dote emote in FF14 for male Viera and male Lalafel respectively!)
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sasslett · 6 months
Wondrous Tails: Wedding Day
“And… there!”
With a triumphant grin, Tataru pinned one final flower into Jess’ hair, before throwing her arms to the ceiling in delight. 
“What do you think?”
Jess… truly didn’t know what to think, as she turned back to the mirror, a gasp escaping her lips. She’d known her dress was a work of art - the countless fittings with Tataru over the months had ensured that. But to see the matching, deep red roses woven into her long hair, the sheer, white fabric of the veil sitting delicately over her head… it was nothing short of breathtaking.
“Oh, Tataru,” she gasped, turning to the Lalafell with the telltale feeling of tears pricking her eyes. “You’ve outdone yourself. Truly.”
“Nothing but the best for the saviors of the star!” the Lalafell declared indignantly. “For the Warrior of Light deserves no less for his bride. Speaking of whom…” She glanced back towards the door, before hopping off her stool, motioning towards the Highlander. “Shall we?” 
Jess followed the smaller woman’s gaze, to the doors separating them from the rest of the world - and she, quite literally, meant the rest of the world, as damn-near everyone had somehow managed to make their way to the Shroud for Jess and Varrus’ wedding. 
Her wedding. Some part of her still couldn’t quite believe it - that she was getting the grand soiree of her childhood dreams, and then some. Silently, she followed her friend out into the hall of the small building - only to stop as she caught sight of just the man she was dying to see. 
It was the first time she’d set eyes upon his outfit, a long, deep purple tailcoat with a perfectly-tailored vest. Truly, Tataru had spared no effort for either of them.
Varrus met her gaze with a wide smile, though she easily noted the quiver to his expression as his eyes traveled her up and down. 
“So,” she began, nerves dancing in her tone, “what do you think?”
“What do I think?” With a soft chuckle, he stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush against him, his free hand coming up to caress his future wife’s face. “I think I’m the luckiest damn person on this entire star, to be able to step out into that aisle with you at my side.” 
Before she had a chance to respond, he gently tilted her chin up, bringing his lips down to meet hers, his gesture so familiar, so soft, so sweet. 
“Varrus,” Jess scolded, just as soon as he’d pulled back, “you’re not supposed to do that yet.” 
“Oh, there’s plenty more where that came from, don’t you worry.” With a gentle laugh, he turned, holding out an arm, one which she carefully wrapped her own around. “Now, what say you we step outside and give these people the show they came for, my bride?” 
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n3rd-qu33n-ffxiv · 8 months
Wedding: See you, Inspector...
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No normal glam map night for us! Our good friends Cookie Sasquatch and Wildrin Cross tied the knot for glamours and the mount and invited the FC and friends along for the ride. Here are some choice screen shots and an *AMAZING* video of us all dancing at the end. I'm sure you can gather what the theme for the wedding was...
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Just when you think we're a bunch of normal people...
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CHAOS! (That's the father of the groom with the flamethrower. Because reasons.)
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When the groom pre-games too hard...
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The happy couple! <3 With a surprise cameo with Lalli and a friend.
And last but DEFINITELY not least... what's a wedding without some dancing!
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The video is pure gold. Speaking of that, with what maps we DID do, we managed to get a final room!
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sainsa-in-eorzea · 1 year
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Am I perhaps obsessed with gposes? Yes. Am I going to stop messing around and taking them while my MSQ awaits me? No.
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astrology-bf · 4 months
A Primer on Ul'dahn Dance
(A bit of FFXIV headcanon regarding the performing arts in the Sultanate of Ul'dah)
As can be expected of a cosmopolitan merchant state, Ul'dah has a rich tradition of performing arts that is nonetheless deeply rooted in quite ancient folk customs. Dancing, in particular, has special significance in the Sultanate as it is seen to be a form of art that transcends wealth and class.
One of the more interesting quirks of Ul'dahn dance in particular arises from its demographic makeup: being a Lalafell-majority city necessitates accommodating dancers of very different heights. To get around this each dancer typically carries a handkerchief or scarf in the right hand which can be easily grasped by another dancer's left even if they are much taller or shorter, enabling a Hyur and Lalafell to dance together with relative ease. While these scarves are said to originally symbolize burial shrouds, in modern times they are usually quite colorful and personalized items that have acquired a connotation of representing one's personal favor; giving someone your dancing scarf is considered a declaration of intimacy to the point that 'trading scarves' is Ul'dahn slang used to describe people sleeping together.
Musical accompaniment to Ul'dahn dance generally features four elements at minimum: drums, an accompanying string instrument such as a lute or dulcimer, a vocalist, and finally a fourth leading instrument that will vary depending on the dance being performed - typically either a bowed string instrument such as a viol or a reed instrument such as a duduk or bagpipe. The drums and accompanying strings maintain the melody, while the vocalist and leading instrument engage in a back-and-forth, occasionally changing the tempo of the dance as they do. This is a legacy of Ul'dahn liturgical music, where the interplay of tempo and instrumentation is believed to symbolize the constant swinging of Traders' scales as they seek balance. Unlike its less secular predecessor, however, Ul'dahn dance music is rarely committed to notes and musicians are expected to improvise around the traditional rhythm.
There are a great number of individual dances within the Sultanate, and even then the same dance might be performed slightly differently in the city proper compared to a different region within Thanalan. That said, the three most commonly performed give a good general impression of the art as practiced by the people of Ul'dah:
The Sagena is by far the oldest dance in Ul'dahn tradition and has a number of deeply symbolic elements believed to stem from before the city's founding. The name 'Sagena' is an ancient term for a drag or seine net, and is used both because the dance physically resembles the action of a team of fishers drawing in a net, as well as because it is said to descend from ancient funerary rites wherein a village would dance in a circle around a departed loved one to "fish" their spirit from the nether and offer it to Nald'thal. Similarly, the dance's twelve and a half steps are said to honor each of the Twelve, plus the dual nature of the Traders. The Sagena is considered a people's dance within the Sultanate and is commonly performed at weddings or public celebrations, and its universality is reflected in the fact that the order of the dancers is determined purely by age - the eldest lead, and the youngest follow.
The instrumentation for the Sagena can vary significantly between regions as well as between individual performances, but the most common accompaniments are a vocalist and a viol.
The Sirocco, named for the east wind, is one of the more spectacular and physically demanding Ul'dahn dances. Originating as a Lalafellin war dance, its brisk five steps are accompanied by the lead performer engaging in improvised, highly athletic feats whilst they dance - traditionally by leaping up and slapping the soles of the feet, the closer to Hyuran eye level the better. Owing to its physicality the Sirocco is a beloved method for Ul'dahn youths to show off their prowess, and its origin as a war dance means that being able to perform it well is considered a point of pride by the Sultanate's martialists.
The Sirocco is one of the few Ul’dahn dances that is traditionally performed without a dedicated vocalist, relying on a musical interplay between a reed instrument, a string instrument, and the occasional shouts from the dancers in answer to the musicians. It is also one of the rare dances in which a percussionist may end up leading.
The Alinda is one of the younger dances in the Ul'dahn tradition. A couples' dance based on a simple eight steps, it originated in the Royal Court owing to influences by the then-recent contact with Thavnair (reflected in its name, 'alinda' being a Thavnairian term for a temple portico) and involves all participants in dancing a group before they break into pairs; this is intended to evoke an illicit courtship, further reinforced by the fact that the dancers are expected to be as close as possible without physically touching whilst in pairs. Unusually for a couples' dance, it's considered more appropriate for the shorter partner to lead regardless of their gender - believed to be a holdover from the play that originally inspired the dance, wherein the protagonist woos their secret lover, a priest, from the base of a set of temple stairs.
The Alinda’s instrumentation is quite standard owing to its origin as a court dance, though it is somewhat distinct in that the vocalist will be given the weight of the performance.
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