#lara tybur x reader
ridingtorohan · 2 months
How the shifters react to you having a high body temp, knowing that it represents your platonic/romantic attraction to them
Goofy headcanon time!
Each titan shifter can recognize how another shifter feels about them based on their body heat. This includes all attraction: familial, platonic, aesthetic, romantic, so on.
SPOILERS for shifter identities AND events up to Season 4 Special Literally everyone has some spoilers for the anime to some extent. Older shifters like Kruger and KSaver is excluded, but there's 11 listed. It's in order from oldest to youngest.
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He feels it for a second, when your knuckles brush against his wounded shoulder, fastening his restraints tighter, making sure he's secure while transporting him out of Marley on the blimp
Blue eyes darting to you, tracing the features on your face, lingering for a second on the titan marks beneath your eyes
Then he focuses on the task at hand, filing that away for later
He has a lot of time to stew on it, the simmering heat under your touch. Low but steady. Lucky for you! You're assigned to his guard detail in the forest with Captain Levi
Shifter to shifter, you're able to relate on a different level than he does to Levi.
Also makes note how you drop to ice cold when the horrors of Shiganshina. Probably realizes that's where you snagged yourself a titan ability.
Listen... if you saw him coming out of the Beast........... you're smoking, iykyk?
Because he's a little shit, he uses it to his advantage. Makes full eye contact with you during conversations, leaning forward. Which makes it interesting when you or Levi nip off his arms to restrain him and you have to give him a drink.
Leans in nice and slow, eyes staring directly into yours, letting you watch him as he takes a long, slow sip. Licks his lips, knowing you're watching him, leans back, eyes lidded. "Thank you, I was terribly thirsty"
Levi kicks his teeth in
Lord have mercy on you for when it's time to bathe
He literally will always use it to his advantage if you let him but will never clue you in unless you already know
Zeke will tease you about this, pressing a cigarette to his lips, his arm or leg brushing yours. "Are you cold? I can help you feel warmer" (Levi is murdering him with his eyes in the background)
Y'know maybe he does warm you up later 😏
Probably starts warming up to you shortly before his jailbreak, though it's hard to tell in what way.
After this point, it's a little too late to do anything else about it.
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Bro you hardly even realize that she's a titan at first.
As a titan inheritor, the Marley Gov't requires that you and your fellows play nice with the Tybur family whenever they visit.
She's tepid temperature at first, your thoughts and ideas making you a little colder to the touch.
You brush against each other at some fancy schmancy dinner party. She act very much like an Eldian at the party, silent, refilling your cup and you thank her.
Later, you're just feeling soo awkward with her family, with watching Willy dance around his family, laughing and jesting.
Some of the Warriors keep trying to make guesses as to who the Warhammer is but ultimately you don't figure it out
You try your luck at befriending all of them, painfully aware of Willy's eyes on you every time you talk to his sister
But something about Lara keeps drawing you in. Her quiet demeanour, the sleek attire, her proper figure. Dutiful and classy, voice quiet but confident.
Telling her about books and the latest movie, offering tea and biscuits from your Zone whenever you visit.
She never says anything about your body temperature and honestly you don't touch her often enough to notice a difference
But you do notice that she talks to you a little more, lingers by your side more than she does anyone else
During the attack, you do everything you can to defend her crystal - so painfully, carefully aware of how it burns under your titan's hand
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Sorry, he's made to suffer. Nothing in his life is ever easy. Isayama decided that. (And so did I.) (There's a happy ending, I promise.)
Things would be simpler for Reiner if everything went well, if he became a great warrior, if his father noticed him, if he did well on his missions. The first thing that goes wrong is Marcel.
When he meets you for the first time, a memory tickles at his mind. Something familiar in the way your skin touches his. Then he gives you a smile, introducing himself and Bertholdt.
Something about you always drew him in. He'd watch you across the training yard and smile whenever you looked at him. Always glad to help you out, shedding himself of the warrior skin and so much easier into the soldier one.
Sucks as a sparring partner btw. Always checking to make sure he didn't go too hard on you.
At some point you probably made mention of him working up a sweat during the training. His body temp is not much warmer than normal but noticeable. Everyone in the Cadets is his pal but there's something special about you
You, who feels like they've had a bit too much sun, but still comfortable.
With time, it may increase to a warmth that lingers in his bones, reminding him of his mother's teas and fresh bread.
He really likes wrapping his arms around you for this, a big bear who just holds you tight to his chest. Big squish!
Likes to clap his hands to your shoulders from behind, feel your warmth in his hands
If you are this warm, he'll always do a little start when you touch him, caught off guard. With as often as he's thought about you, he'll become a bit flustered at times - he begins to entertain a crush and/or getting to know you better.
However, a part of Reiner always remains..... apprehensive
Lays awake at night wondering about you, your tale of being orphaned, family long dead. Something not quite settling
This is what stops him from actually getting close-close to you
At Utgard Castle, it's obvious why something niggled inside him at the sight of you. Because one day, when his dreams were shattered by a boy, a titan lunged out of the ground. That's how you inherited the Jaw
It explains everything, in the end. He may not have recognized that you were a fellow shifter but he did recognize the body heat
You, unfortunately, are either kidnapped or agree to go along with Reiner and Bertholdt in the forest.
You are, either, an unfortunate soul cast out of Marley or a former warrior candidate who was cast out alongside your family thanks to Zeke's efforts years prior. If the latter, Reiner does mention it to Zeke in hopes of him sparing you because, technically, you are on "their" side. It's not a positive outlook either way.
Knowing your fate in Marley, Reiner spends time with you. Painfully aware of how broken his betrayal meant to you (if you're colder) or how you still believe in him (if you remain the same/increase)
Above all else, Reiner considers you a friend and he's so sorry.
If, by sheer chance, he leaves you unsupervised or your chains a little loose to "let your blood circulate" and you accidentally escape, he won't be upset.
And if, he saw you, years later, doing recon work in Marley.. and your eyes caught, he would make the conscious choice to turn away.
Marcel may have been his first mistake but he doesn't regret these two.
Very awkward when you join forces with him to take down Eren.
Reiner remembers the last time he saw you, what your touch felt like.
But the thing about Reiner isn't that his soldier personality was a persona - it's still him. He still cares for you. At this point you know what the touch means, can't blame it on the campfires. You may or may not have trusted him before but you trust him now.
Your hand slides in his, reminiscent of your first meeting, letting him know. "I trust you, Reiner. We'll work with you"
He'll still be withdrawn from the Paradis group but ... his feelings about you never really stopped. Time, distance and circumstance may have changed it, but never stopping it.
He thinks of your touch, even now, even during the final fight.
And, when everything is said and done, when the titan blood doesn't linger in either of your veins, Reiner knows how you feel by the look in your eyes.
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Whatever you do, do NOT think about Bertholdt touching a non-Marleyan shifter after he escapes beyond the walls. Do NOT think about your touch burning under his, with Bert pleading for Zeke's mercy. Because despite everything, you still thought so highly of him.
Unfortunately, despite being a fellow warrior candidate, you weren't chosen. Your score was a smidge below what they were looking for.
Bert was one the first to shift. In the practice field where this is done, he, unfortunately, steamed the heck out of you. Bad enough that it was a matter of getting medical attention asap. Fortunately, thanks to your score, the generals decided that you would be swapped out with one of the candidates and inherit a titan!
This is Bertholdt's first memory as a titan, by the way. :) He feels beyond terrible for what happened.
But having grown up together, helped each other through the trials and training... you two wind up being friends. Decently close, because he winds up telling you about his family, what he's doing for his father.
Bert looks up to you a lot. Always staying by your bedside when you got injured, kept a Band-Aid in his pocket for whenever you tripped during the training. (Or if he does. As gangly-limbed as that boy was, that happened often too.)
He knows but also doesn't about the significance of the warmer touches. It was probably one of those tidbits that was filed away for later and then forgotten. It doesn't matter when you're in bed injured and recovering from the heat damage he literally inflicted on you.
Super caring. Always having to talk both of you out of trouble when you wind up in it. But Bertholdt finds himself admiring that anyway, how different you are to him. (He's actually so thankful that you're a warrior with him, even if this was the worst way for it to happen.)
The other warriors clue in that you two are close but don't really comment on it. "Good for them" stance.
Bertholdt likes sitting next to you! Thighs brushing, his leg touching yours. Just small intimate moments that mean the world to him.
Then Marcel gets attacked and all Bertholdt can think about is 'thank god it wasn't you'. He'll stay wide awake watching you sleep at night, only nodding off when/if you let him sleep beside you, his palm on yours.
During training, Bertholdt finds a lot of comfort by sleeping next to you. Even if he ends up sprawled all over your body.
Thing is, Bertholdt doesn't really quite piece together the heat thing. Just knows that you're his, in some shape or form, that you're what's making this mission bearable. He doesn't miss Marley, he just misses you whenever you're not around.
Gets fidgety if you elect to join a different faction from him. But he understands. (But when you walk past him during the scouts enlistment, his hand catches yours for just a moment. Just for this. Because no matter what you mean to him, he wants you to stay.)
Fake dating trope because how else are you supposed to inform Bertholdt about the information you gathered while in the interior?
Everybody believes the ruse lmao
And, the thing with him is, there always feels like there's going to be more time. Sitting at tables, talking about your days. Reminiscing about Marley and campfires.. it's easy to think that you'll get those days back. That it's just another year, another season, another "one more time" before you get to go home.
For Bert, his feelings are... kind of a catch-all. Could be inferred as romantic or platonic. All he knows is that you're the most important person to him. He's just so glad that he gets to spend your thirteen years together.
And, when the mission goes wrong, when the attempts to kidnap Eren go awry and he has to pull your battered body from your titan, Bertholdt is right by your side, as he always is. There's always going to be another attempt, another chance. (Until there isn't.)
Bertholdt feels like home, his hand warm in yours. (He wants to keep coming back to you.)
Maybe those three simple words are whispered, right before it all goes to shit and you're captured/immobilized and Bertholdt grows desperate to get you back. Maybe you two never say them at all. But when it's just you two, the moments feel like they last forever.
(But you do. You know you have to talk about what this means for both of you, even if it meant defining your friendship in a different way. And he'll stutter and stumble over his words but listen intently, knowing that nothing is worth the cost of losing you. And he's secretly so relieved that you feel the same way, no matter what form your affection takes shape as.)
Bertholdt will cherish your friendship for as long as he lives.
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Whoo! Titan! Bes - ties!
Warrior trainees together, it totally sucked when you were passed over and Pieck inherited without you. She's pretty chill about everything, walking down the street with you while holding hands, throwing her arms around you constantly. Letting you ride atop her titan's back while she runs around the airfield.
Consider your relationship with her a mix of her squad and Porco
Legit you both are close before you even get a chance to inherit your titan, which you do! Eventually!
She's honestly not that great at explaining how titan shifting works or how to "focus" and "control" it but she'll help you get your bearings by walking around with you in titan form
Her body heat is like a heated blanket, warm and comfortable, ooey gooey melting cookie in your mouth kind of warm.
If you're ever on a long trek together, it's easy to doze off next to her, backs pressed together or her head in your lap.
Honestly she probably doesn't even think to mention how you feel to her, or acknowledge what it means. Pieck is happy with everything you are, how it feels with you.
actually tbh might comment about it everytime she springs a hug on you
"Incoming hug! Ahh... this is nice. you're so warm😊"
Your warmth is so comfortable to her. She's often nuzzling against you.
Honestly you guys would be borderline romantic, even if one/neither of you felt that way. It's just how you two are.
If you do cheek kisses, she'd be all up for that.
If you're romantically attracted to her, it'd be a seamless transition. Like you could invite her somewhere and mention it's a date and she'd just go "oh yay :)".
Otherwise at some point someone comments about how you two are always together on outings (calling them 'dates') and Pieck just goes "yes. :)" then later when it's just you two, "it really does feel like a date sometimes, doesn't it?"
Definitely respects it if you're not interested in her that way + just think of her as a sister or best friend. She won't change how she interacts with you at all (unless you mention that it makes you uncomfortable)
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A year (or a few) older than her, your family has warrior heritage; it’s a point of prestige and honour for you, moreso than for normal candidates. You have an expectation and responsibility to your ancestors to follow through. Of course you’d get a titan. Especially the one your family has meticulously trained for again and again; it’s not so much about the high esteem but keeping it in the family. Inheriting their memories. (For giggles, imagine it’s the attack or female titan.)
By the time Annie and the other warriors are partway through their training, you’ve all but confirmed your spot. It’s just a matter of establishing which one you’ll get.
You’re not exactly friends with Annie initially, especially with her aloof nature. But she’s companionable, sitting quietly if you ever approach her. Everything about her at the start is like that - withdrawn, solemn. Just as focused on her duty as you are. Either you find companionship over this fact or in spite of it - finding life worth living outside of being a candidate.
When you’re recovering from your inheritance, Annie is the one to tend to you. While you don’t remember a lot of it, amnesia getting the better of you, you’re almost certain that she was holding you.
Annie often watches as you continue your training, especially as a titan. She’ll gladly train in titan hand to hand combat with you once she inherits the female titan.
All the shifters are given books to learn about how to best utilize their titans. As they’re leafed through, it’ll mention the odd quirk of the shifters. Pieck is the most excited for this, followed by Reiner. It becomes a point of conversation, where everyone compares their temperatures - though Annie is quite reserved about the whole ordeal. She takes pity on Bertholdt who feels hot to her touch, though she does throw him under the ringer. You, though? She says not much at all, calling it quits at that point (if she hasn’t already).
She doesn't make a big deal of it at all, merely treating you like another candidate. One that she gets along with better than anyone else, at any rate.
In the group, you're dubbed "Annie's best friend". If Annie ever hears of this, you never know.
When it's time to leave for the wall, her knuckles brush against yours. The only indication that she's restless and has any qualms about what they're doing.
But as children honed for war, sometimes rivalries are hard to beat. Especially when the first tragedy strikes your group and Reiner takes the lead, leading you to wall. To mayhem. Murder is a different burden to bear, one that sits funny in your throat.
She sits with you at the refugee camps. While you've never seen her grab extra portions of food, she always seems to have some for you. She takes care of you (and you remember your first shift, how she had been the one to hold you).
Joining the Police is the only sane decision, the inner network so much like Marley. So much like home. You're relieved when Annie goes with you, even though you think it was for duty. (You never know if it was.)
Hitch gets added to the short list of Annie's friends. But nobody replaces you, nobody knows her as well as you do. You know each other's mood, the subtle raise of her brow or scrunch of her nose.
She takes her duty seriously - but she takes you seriously too.
You're the only comfort from home she has.
In the forest after she's hacked up by Levi, you're the one to grab her. To take her back, tending to her as she's cared for you so many times.
Unfortunately your close bond makes it easier to seek you out as a titan. Easier to goad you into advancing attacks, to defending her honour from horrors Armin promises she's enduring.
For you, Annie felt like home more than Marley ever had. Siblings, best friends, lovers. Whatever you felt for her, it was strong.
If you get a chance to see her chrystalized, you touch it desperately, trying to feel a sense of life inside. And you feel it, an echoing thrum beneath your hand.
She mentions it, later, when you two are alone on the ship. "I don't remember what you said, but I felt you." (She always has.)
And when you both go to fight Eren, fighting for something you want so desperately to keep now, you feel her knuckles brush against yours like they did so long ago. When you two were sworn to duty, marching to the walls. This time, you take her hand and never let go.
If you both survive this, she'll show you exactly how much you mean to her.
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100000% figured out you were a titan shifter because of this.
Her memories of the castle are hazy at best; initially she only remembers the heat and fog, the truth of Christa's real name.
While she knows quite a bit about her titan and its abilities, she doesn't know anything useful. The body heat memories? She knows it. Knows how her previous shifter learned about it, knows how he felt about his comrades.
She's hardly had reason to touch you before this, but like she figured out Reiner in the castle (they touched briefly) she also knows who you are. Knows the truth of your Marleyan roots.
Like Annie, you had been more distant from the group and more independent - you weren't as easily found out compared to them. At that point, it was only Ymir who really knew. Go, you. Clap yourself on the back for a job well done.
As well as you'd hide your identity, unfortunately the capture must take precedence. With Annie compromised, Reiner and Bertholdt outed, you have no choice but to pick up their slack.
Eren is fucking pissed that you're a titan and regardless of your involvement with the walls breaking, often voices his displeasure towards you loudly.
Ymir saw it coming so she takes it in stride and is dismissive towards you. You two really don't get a chance to speak, not until she's back in Marley and that's all that's left for her. Stone walls and iron bars, her complacency and feeling like a debt is owed is what keeps her there.
You sit with her most days, where she eventually opens up about the cadets. That's not to say you're best friends, but she's not dense enough not to take advantage of how you feel about her.
Listen, if you're not a woman, you stand no chance. If you are, she might confess her feelings towards Christa, how Christa helped her change as a person, how she felt like she could be herself.
How she could be herself around you, too.
While Ymir was never as buddy-buddy with you as she had been Christa, she had often roped you into being indebted to her, owing her favours one way or another.
She's back to her usual tirade even while imprisoned, using those unreturned favours to charter better meals or pen and papers. Most days you watch her write, rewrite, try to figure out what she wants to pen to Christa. Ultimately she writes her final draft with Reiner and leaves it in his possession.
Ymir is never quite hostile towards you, not when she learns of your service to your country, to the threat you thought Paradis posed. To the family and people you swore to protect. She understood it. Perhaps better than anyone bar Marcel.
You get a chance to touch her sometimes, changing the irons or giving her new clothes or meals.
There was a time when you were closer, as cadets. When she'd sling an arm over your shoulder, teasing about something or other. That's what it mostly was, her goading you into some tasks for her or taking the fall for things.
Back then, she used how you felt about her against you.
Unfortunately, facing death, she's mellow and more withdrawn. You don't learn much of anything during this time, not verbally anyway. But you learn about what kind of person she was, what role she had before.
And she asks for you to be there when she's eaten. Not directly, but something Reiner tells you later. When he's telling you that you've spoken more to her than she has, that she had tolerated your presence better, that you were the only Marleyan that she looked forward to seeing.
And when you go through her cell later, rifling through what meagre possessions she had, you find a letter addressed to you, hidden beneath leaflets of messy unfinished letters. Thanking you for not treating her as a monster, for not using Christa against her like Bertholdt had. That if she had a choice, she'd want you to inherit the jaw solely for your friendship with your fellow cadets and Christa.
She writes of other things too, little things she noticed about you, tips on how to get better at hiding or hitting. Advice on to living for yourself and not under the charade of the Marleyan government.
There's scrawled out ink, too, of things that she crossed out. She writes in that familiar, knowledgeable but closed off way that she does. In those sentences, under candle light, you can make out her thoughts on the heat exchange, moments from your cadet days. Once, what she would've done if you both had stayed on Paradis. Even a list of favours that she wanted to bank on, teasing remarks written in margins of paper and belittling comments that felt only praising coming from her.
Strange, how you only know her better in death, where you can no longer speak to her and hear the words left unsaid.
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the biggest baddest boldest guy who will LATCH ONTO YOU SO FAST MAN. I'm half joking
But he zeroes in the second your temperature spikes whenever you touch him. Turns his head towards you, gesture a little quick, eyes watching you, half-lidded. Aware, aware, aware of what this means
He's always always watching you after this, smirking softly to himself, just nodding along
You're so lucky he feels the same way because otherwise he'd just wrinkle his nose and turn his head away, "ew, you're hot" like the turd he is /affectionate.
Once he notices, Porco will always be hovering over you, in your personal space, raising his eyebrows and smirking when you turn around and bump into him. Gtfo Porco. Always casual about leaning against you, your arms brushing.
Porco doesn't really do cuddling but he'll be annoying about this, lightly touching. all. the. time.
Porco knows what it means. And if you don't say anything about it, he will. Just casually drops the fact about shifter body heat before shoving his hands and walking off casually. Leaving you guessing about his intentions.
Eventually it culminates in frustration because this smug mf won't tell you JACK.
Honestly you're going to have to confront him about this at some point unless one of the others point out the weird dance you two are doing.
(If you get frustrated with him enough that it affects your temp towards him, he'll knock it back so fast. Rubber banding it like a pro. He may be a dick but once it's clear he's making you uncomfortable he'll back off.)
Raises his eyebrows, leaning back. "You know what it means, don't you?" All smug. Leading into him talking about his own temperature, "Well, what do you think it means?" Literally makes you guess about how he feels about you. If you guess romantic, he'll lean his arm up against the wall, getting close to your face, eyes half-lidded. "Yeah."
Free boyfriend.
If you don't do teasing, he'll be more upfront. “You know what it means.” He's reciprocal so even if he didn’t romantically like you if you guess boyfriend, he’ll be like “yeah”.
Again, free boyfriend.
If you're strictly platonic, he'll do a little sigh, expression smoothing and go, “You're my best friend, dumbass.”
Free best friend.
Will become the bitchiest bitch to ever bitch if your temperature ever lowers.
Possessive possessive possessive. Competitive af. “Well, the other shifters don't feel hotter than I do, do they?" Glowers and sulks if anyone teases that your touch feels scorching hot to them.
Other than these instances, he actually NEVER mentions your temp or asks how you feel when he touches you. Would listen intently if you ever decide to describe in detail what his body temp feels to you.
Gets super smug if you mention it in front of the others.
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Sorry, there's no happy way this can end at all. :(
Eren straight up does not know about the heat thing until he inherits the attack titan's full memories.
But he's always kind of ... known in a way too. Every time your hands slap together or you pull each other out of danger, he feels it. The warmth lingering under your skin.
Grisha learned it during his studies with Zeke and Eren inherited that memory. Eren remembers then forgets in that same instant when he inherits his titan as a kid. So he knows, by pure instinct, that it's good. It feels right
He emotionally warms up to you more because of this.
Does not get touchy feely over this, although his hands often linger a little longer on you
There's two paths here. One where you're a Marleyan warrior and one where you inherit it after (jaw or in Shiganshina).
As a warrior, your betrayals burns worse than anything else. He's always suspected Reiner because of his cold+hot flashes but you? You who always burned like a star under his fingertips, who sent a wave of comfort through him?
It stings like nothing else has ever before.
It stings when he's in Marley, bandage to his face and leg, watching the people walk past.
He either waits for you purposefully or has Falco grab you a day/hours before the Marley exhibit. (Conveniently, this would be when Reiner is busy and he has an excuse to talk to Reiner later)
Or you come along with Reiner
It's such a small moment, in the end. His palm meeting yours, or your shoulders touching when you pass him by.
But it's a supernova, lit under his touch. And it settles the idea inside him that Marley and Paradis are the same, that there are people he cares for both in and outside the walls.
As a non-Marleyan, in the end, it doesn't change anything. He's still Eren and you're still you. Despite everything.
He's like a comet when he touches you later, after the rescue from Marley. Even when his knuckles are bruised from Armin's bones, when there's a fire in his eyes and death on his lips
But he's still Eren and you're still you.
And there's never enough time
(There's a memory that you only get later, after Everything. Where you sit together, toes on the beach, shoulder to shoulder. Where his skin is warmer than the sands. Where he tells you in what way he thinks about you. Where he asks you about yours and you answer. And you will remember this with a heat in your throat knowing that you'll never feel his touch again)
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I'm absolutely losing it just thinking about going to a sauna with Armin and after he finds out about the body heat thing he accidentally exclaims, "wait why'd you gET COLDER?" (if you do it's def because you went through the mental gymnastics of respecting his body and not getting thorsty)
He honestly didn't even realize there's a difference between normal people vs shifters because he actually hasn't touched the Warriors trio a lot prior to his shifting (so he has no baseline to compare it to). And Eren always ran hot
He really only clues in when he notices that your body temperate is a lot higher than normal and he freaks out a little, thinking you have a fever. Except everyone else assures him that no, you feel perfectly fine to them, what are you on about Armin??
Hange knows jack all about it; it's not a normal titan feature. Armin eventually has to ask Eren, Zeke or Annie about it directly
Gets flustered and comforted by the realization that you care so deeply for him. If you run crazy hot then it'll be like making him face his fear of fire (rip Armin)
If you don't know what the body temp means, he'll be all too glad to inform you! He won't ask you what temperature you feel his touches at BUT would be all too willing to test what influences the increase/decrease!
Turns super red if the experiments get a little too handsy and you both feel each other's temperatures spike
He's actually super touchy feely! Always reaching for you, giving you lingering hugs or brushing at your clothes/hair. He'll take your hand when its just you two, thumb stroking over the skin, basking in your warmth.
Will cuddle if you let him/ask him. Absolutely adores it. Always happy to indulge
If you're crushing on him, this is the thing that tips Armin off! He's so studious and acutely aware of each minute change so he notices when you get a little warmer, esp if you're reacting to him grabbing your arm or brushing something from your cheek
Probably noticed how you act around him too
If you're not crushing on him the it's just an awkward fiasco BECAUSE:
He confronts you about this. You're both just sitting down somewhere, him across from you, knees drawn up as you're talking or enjoying the silence. Eyes downcast as he brings up, "Do you have... feelings for me?" Voice soft, skin even hotter than his tomato red face. He takes your hands in his and looks up at you earnestly, "this is how I feel about you", letting you feel his emotions
In the case that Armin thinks of you strongly as a friend/ally only, he'll let you down gently. By directly referencing his newfound knowledge. Purposefully going "It's interesting that we can tell so much about the other person when you touch them like this" and he grabs your hand, looking right up into your eyes, smiling gently, "Like this. See? You'll always be my best friend" Emphasis on 'always' and 'best friend'. #friendzoned #ripyou
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Sunshine baby, baby boy, my literal son in another universe
He's always holding your hand. You're so cool! A warrior who trained with Reiner, he looks up to you immensely, although your term being close to being up stresses him TF out about Gabi
Listen, you're stuck with little brother Falco who always follows you around, tugging on your sleeve or running off on errands for you. Give him the time of day and you'll have a new dog. I mean child
If you're close to Reiner at all he'll latch on even harder. You're both his parental figures, although he gets so flustered if anyone mentions it.
He's deadset on inheriting the Armour but if you have the choice of who you can give yours to and you pick him, he's gonna cry.
He doesn't remember a lot about his first shift or the events surrounding it, except the smell of burnt flesh and fire in his arms. If you touch him at all when he immediately comes out of his titan, he'll dissolve into hysterics, crying without knowing why, because your touch reminds him immediately of the memory he's almost forgetting
Fortunately, he does forget
When you finally get to touch him after the amnesia period is over, Falco absolutely melts in your arms. Also immediately cries. Because he does know what this means, has studied this in his books, knows it from Porco's memories. Sobs and wails in your arms, feeling so secure and loved. Because you love him and you care for him. After everything he's been through, he needs this
Hugs you so, so tight every chance he gets, getting red-faced whenever Gabi teases him. Hovers by your side a lot, knowing everything will keep being okay so long as he can feel your warmth.
Always touching you, probably gets a little anxious when you leave him alone but eventually comes around.
For the kiddos out there who are crushing on my son, I raise a counter scenario. Just for you. You're now my child-in-law
Training together!! Yay!!
Your grades will vary, though you're definitely behind Gabi on the roster. Sorry, I do make the rules.
Falco excitedly told you about body heat when he read about it in a book!! You two excitedly try to figure out how you'd feel to each other.
Unfortunately, this is about the time he gets a crush on you. So Falco gets so flustered the next time you mention it to him and he ends up blurting that he hopes he never finds out what temperature you'd feel like to him.
Wants to protect you forever and ever, taking a similar route that he does with Gabi in canon.
You became shifters together! Terrible news!
Except when you're both pulled from the napes of your titans. When you have to ride with Connie, forgetting everything except the press of his hand in yours.
Falco may not remember the meaning behind the warmth but knows that it's good, that he can trust you.
Once his memories come back, avoids you to high heavens because he is so acutely aware of the flipside of this scenario. That you can feel how hot he burns because of his crush. He doesn't even think about what your hot touch means for him
You have to chase him down.
Keeps making excuses until you almost fight him trying to get him to settle.
He's definitely heartbroken if you tell him you only see him as a brother/best friend. Probably gets teary eyed and red-faced but accepts it before running off. He'll stop avoiding you after this.
Gets so red if you tell him you romantically like him too.
After the confession or when he's calmed down from the rejection, he comes back around. He's pretty constant at your side and will hold your hand if you let him, reassured by your warmth.
No matter what happens, at least you have each other.
196 notes · View notes
mylesbackshall · 2 months
Warhammer titan ! Eren hit her with that uno reverse card •^• Original art by me : Myles Backshall =>.
4 notes · View notes
roseofdarknessblog · 11 months
Good and Evil (Porco Galliard x Tybur!Reader)
Word count: 7 834
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes  
Summary: In a rather unfortunate twist of events, you end up inheriting the War Hammer Titan instead of your older sister Lara. 
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Good and Evil
The rich silver moonlight was spilling into the otherwise dark bedroom, making everything seem a little bit nicer. Every poorly lit corner of this damned room seemed so familiar and foreign at the same time. You’ve never spent that much time here – in this bedroom or this house alone. Well, at least not for the last couple of years.
Liberio, the town you were born and raised in, became an almost complete stranger to you. You loved coming back, even though leaving again was more than painful. But you had no other choice. You were the youngest of the Tybur children, Willy and Lara’s younger sister, who was born years after your parents stopped hoping for another child.
Maybe that’s why they needed to always keep an eye on you. Always keep you in a perfect golden cage, so nothing would happen to you. They still saw you as their precious innocent daughter, who only does what her parents demand from her.
„You okay?“ Shivers ran down your bare back when a very familiar male voice spoke from behind you. When you looked over your shoulder, while you were sitting up in bed, your eyes landed on the silhouette of your lover. „You seemed a little lost in your thought the whole evening.“
„I don’t want you to go,“ you said in a quiet voice.
„Back to the front?“ You nodded and pulled the duvet closer to your chest, your eyes meeting with Porco’s. „You know I have to go. The war is far from over, unfortunately. We still have lots of battles to fight.“
„I know, but...“
„Y/N,“ Porco said and sat up, moving a little closer to you. One of his strong arms hugged you from behind, his lips pressing to the warm skin of your shoulder. You knew he’ll have to go soon. Despite that, you dreamed about waking up in his arms on a nice slow, and sunny morning. „I get where you’re coming from. But you need to understand me and my situation as well. Even if I didn’t have to go back, what would you want me to do? We both know there’s no way your family could know about us.“
You swallowed hard and brought your knees to your chest. Anxiety and sadness were starting to creep up on you once again. „I’m tired of hiding and sneaking around. We both deserve to be happy.“
„I am happy,“ Porco whispered against your skin, hugging you tighter and pulling your back against his chest. His head rested against yours, while he found one of your hands and interlocked your fingers. „And that has to be enough for now.“
„But it’s not. Not for me. Not anymore.“ Those words hurt you, but you needed to say them out loud. You needed Porco to know, how you truly felt. Being honest with one another was always very important to you. „I don’t want to live like this anymore.“
Porco sighed quietly, pressing his lips behind your left ear. „What exactly do you want me to do? What would make you happy?“
„Living a normal life. With you.“
You and Porco met way back, almost ten years ago, when you still lived in Liberio and the both of you were just kids. Being friends with him was always a little bit strange. But you liked spending time with the younger one of the Galliard brothers. Since Willy and Lara were a lot older than you, they never really wanted to spend time with you. So you pretty often wandered around the town and looked for somebody, who would play with you. Of course, only after slipping past your family’s guards, who always lurked around the residence.
One day, you came across the military headquarters of the Marleyan military. There you met a group of kids, who were heading home, amongst them Porco and his older brother Marcel. You walked them all the way to the gates of the Internment zone, asking a lot of questions about their military training.
From that day forward, you kept coming back and walking them back to the gates. You got to know the other Warriors the same way and were so grateful for your new friends. Even though they lived very different lives than you. Despite that, you formed a unique bond with all of them – even Annie, who took the longest to warm up to you.
„That’s not possible right now, we’re at war and nobody knows how long it’s going to stay this way,“ Porco said, his lips gently brushing against your ear.
„Porco, we’ve been at war for almost three years now, I’m very well aware of what’s happening.“
After Porco wasn’t chosen to inherit a Titan and go to Paradis, the two of you got even closer. Day by day, your relationship was getting stronger... and when you both turned seventeen, it started becoming intimate like never before. You were drawn to him, just like he was to you. Even despite everything, especially your family moving again from Liberio.
Staying away from Porco for days, weeks and sometimes even months was the hardest and most painful thing. You missed him dearly every waking hour of the day and hoped to at least see him in your dreams. So when there was a chance to come back to Liberio, you took it and always snook out to meet with Porco, who you loved more and more every day.
„There is nothing I can do right now, you have to understand that. I’m a Warrior, serving Marley has to be my priority.“
You nodded, feeling tears start to dwell in your eyes. „I’m tired of always being second. Tired of losing to this shitty situation.“
„Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m never your priority, Porco. Maybe once I was, but not anymore.“
You felt that something between you changed during these last few months. While you still loved him just like before, you felt something... something strange but unimaginably painful. He was changing and there was nothing you could do, to prevent that. Even when you tried to understand his situation and new obligations, which came after he finally got one of the Nine Titans.
You felt that you were slowly but surely losing him.
Nothing about your relationship seemed the same. Except... except the overwhelming love you still felt toward Porco Galliard, the new Jaw Titan. That love was still there, inside your heart and your whole being, threatening to suffocate you many times, while you cried about your situation.
„I love you,“ he whispered. But it didn’t sound like it used to before. Now it was merely an automatic response and a way to shut you up when you started talking about something similar.
You shook your head. „You don’t love me like you used to.“ All your words were quiet and full of sorrow, which was trying to claw its way from the center of your chest. „I’m not stupid, I can feel it, Porco.“
When he stayed quiet, the very first tear of that night rolled down your cheek. The silence broke your heart all over again. Foolishly, but you hoped he would say something. You hoped he would object.
Porco took a deep breath before he spoke. When he pulled away from you and let go of your hand, a sudden strong wave of paralyzing pain shot through your whole body. „You know that this thing between us has no real future,“ he finally said, his voice sounding somehow distant but sad at the same time. „You’re a Tybur, basically a nobel everyone admires and praises. And I’m just an Eldian. A weapon for Marley, nothing more.“
„Not for me.“ He laughed quietly and quickly got out of bed. You didn’t dare to look in his direction, while he was searching for his pants on the floor. „When did it happen? When did you stop loving me like you used to?“
Another long moment of silence made you want to scream in frustration. You were so naive when you thought that your relationship with Porco would grant you a happy future. Your love was never destined to last, that was the harsh reality you refused to see for so many months now.
Like a stupid child, you held onto broken promises and empty words. Long lost dreams and imaginary fairytales you kept telling yourself to numb the pain and emptiness inside your soul.
„I don’t... I don’t know,“ Porco said finally, his voice only a whisper.
„And did you want to tell me? Or was I supposed to figure it out on my own?“ Your cold tone made you sick, but suddenly that was all you were capable of. That or having a complete breakdown right there in front of him. „Did I do something that made you feel this way?“
You desperately wanted and needed to know. Only for Porco to stay completely quiet and let you guess all of the answers on your own. He was never cold or heartless, not to you, no. Never to you. Maybe that was the reason your heart felt like it was ripping into millions of tiny pieces. Just a few hours back, when his hands and lips were all over your body, you couldn’t even think about a similar conversation. Better said... you didn’t want to. All you wanted and needed, was to feel him close to you after so many months.
„Many things changed these past few years, us including,“ Porco finally said. When you looked at him, he was almost fully clothed again. Only his jacket with the red armband was missing. „I still love you, I really do. But I think we need to go our separate ways from this day forward. I’m returning to the front to fight for Marley and you should...“ he swallowed hard, visibly battling with his words. „You should find someone, who your family is going to approve.“ His defeated expression with a tiny sad smile made many more tears run down your cheeks. „I think that will be best for the both of us.“
You wanted to scream, cry and beat some sense into him. Everything he was saying was nonsense. Wasn’t it? Who cared about your family and their approval? You wanted Porco, nobody else. It’s been that way for many years and it wasn’t any different now.
„We can talk when I come back from the front. Maybe after the war is over.“
You didn’t say a word. All your strength and attention were focused on wiping away the tears streaming down your cheeks. Porco heard you sob quietly but did nothing to comfort you.
„I’ll always love you, but this is going to be the best for the both of us.“
„Sure,“ you muttered under your breath. „If you think so. Keep telling yourself all these lies. I’m simply not buying it.“
Porco sighed. „Don’t make this unnecessarily hard. We’re both in pain, Y/N. Don’t make it even worse.“
„You know what?“ you asked quietly, hugging your knees tightly. „I always thought, that you wanted the same thing as me. I thought you wanted to have a future with me, to build a family one day.“ You felt so stupid for all of the times you dreamed about your future with Porco. It was all just a dream and you were the only one dreaming it. „I believed, that you would fight for me and for our love. I... I...“ your voice broke for a moment, all the emotions making it hard to breathe. „I always thought, that you would do anything, to keep me in your life. Even come to my parents and ask for their permission to marry me.“
It was obvious, that there was something Porco wasn’t telling you. That’s why you gave him time to gather enough courage to speak up. Porco wasn’t a coward, at least that’s what you thought. However, when he didn’t utter another word and simply headed for the door, you felt as if he was a complete stranger. Not somebody, who tried to convince you about his love only a short while ago.
You heard him mumble something right before he opened the door and slipped out. Coldness was radiating from his every move. You saw him battle with himself to look back at you at least one last time, but his pride, or whatever it was, won. He closed the door after he left the room and left you with a pain so unimaginable, you were sure you won’t see another day.
In just a couple of minutes, your life completely fell apart and lost all meaning. The only thing... only person, who made you excited to wake up every morning, was gone.
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„Hey,“ said your older brother in a calm voice, while he rested his hands on your shoulders. You were so mesmerized by the raindrops slipping down the cold window glass, that you didn’t even notice him coming into your room. „I didn’t want to say anything at first, but now I really worry about you, Y/N.“
„Nothing makes you happy anymore. You barely smile or even talk to us. Mother and Father worry about you as well, even Lara seems concerned.“ You shrugged, resting your forehead against the window. „We both know, that this is going on for many months now.“
„What do you want me to say, Willy?“ you asked him, looking over your shoulder and right into his face.
„I want you to talk to me about the things that bother you. Just like when you were little. You always came to me or Lara, when you needed something. And we always tried to help you the best we could.“
Yes, he was right. They did their best when you needed something. Since they were both many years older, they had priceless experiences. And most importantly, they loved you and wanted you to have the best life possible.
Or at least that’s what you always thought.
And then it all changed, almost a year ago. Just a few weeks after Porco Galliard broke your heart. The time for naming the new inheritor of the War Hammer Titan came out of the blue – at least for you. The others already knew, how it was all going to happen. They decided without you. So when your paternal uncle’s life was coming to an end, your family broke the big news. It was you, who they found the most fit for this „noble“ role.
„And I will never forget that. I love both of you, this is nothing personal.“
„Am I supposed to believe it?“
„Believe what you want, I don’t care.“
Since Porco and you broke up, nothing was the same.
Most of your days were spent shut away in your room – crying, regretting many things, and battling many dark and sinister thoughts. And it all got worse when you became the new War Hammer Titan. Your family wanted you to train and learn to use its powers properly. But learning to control a Titan, let alone one with so much power was harder than you ever imagined. But maybe just because you weren’t really trying. You had no energy and motivation for that.
After all, the War Hammer Titan wasn’t meant to fight anyone. Not during these times you were living. It simply became a family heirloom, that needed to be kept safe and passed down every thirteen years.
„Why am I even here, Willy? I don’t have anything to do with this.“
„You do, dear sister. Just because you are the strongest person in our family now. And you swore to lend me this power whenever I’ll need it,“ Willy reminded you, running his hand up and down your back. His voice seemed calm. Maybe too calm given the situation. „Now that time came.“
You stayed quiet, searching the rainy Liberio street for any sign of life. Sadly, it seemed as if you and Willy, the oldest and the youngest of the Tybur siblings, were the only ones here.
„I don’t need you to do or say anything, Y/N. I’ll do the talking, you are just going to stand there behind me and keep quiet.“
„So I’m going to act like a scarecrow?“
Willy nodded. „Basically, yes.“ He leaned closer to you and pressed a little kiss on top of your head. Just like when you were little. „I don’t expect any problems, it’s going to be a meeting like many before. But it’s always good to have a few tricks up my sleeve, don’t you think?“ You didn’t even move a muscle. „It’s good to give certain people a reminder, that we as a family possess such power.“
„I never wanted this,“ you whispered, closing your eyes and swallowing all the pain and sorrow that were trying to suffocate you. „And you knew it more than well.“
„Don’t forget what you did, Y/N. After that, there was no other way.“
„What did I do? Fall in love? Was that really so bad, that you had to punish me this way? I gave up my life for this family, I only have twelve years left, nothing more.“
Yes, your parents and siblings found out about your previous relationship with Porco. Well... they didn’t know, who exactly you were in a relationship with. You successfully kept that a secret. But how did they find out, that you recently had a lover? Shortly after you and Porco broke up, you found out, that you were pregnant. And hiding something like that wasn’t possible. Not in the Tybur household.
Since you didn’t want to tell who the father was, your family automatically assumed, that it was a filthy Eldian. And when you didn’t object, you basically signed your own death. If you didn’t want to end up disowned and stripped of your name, which guaranteed you many important rights, you had to obey and do everything your parents asked you to do.
You gave up your unborn child and with unimaginable emptiness in your heart and soul ultimately gave up your own life as well. Why? Because you were scared, lost, and hurt. You had nothing and nobody. Not really. Not in the way you needed.
Going through these events changed you beyond recognition. When you looked into the mirror, you barely recognized yourself. However, the saddest part was, that your family saw it too, while they probably had no regrets about their choices. They didn’t act like they would regret putting you through so much suffering.
„How can you act like nothing happened, Willy?“
„I don’t act like nothing happened. I’m just doing my best to navigate the reality we live in now.“
„The reality all of you chose for me.“
With these words, you slipped past your brother and made your way to the dresser. Willy watched you pick out clothes for the evening and then left you alone to change into them and get ready. In the end, it didn’t even matter what you were going to wear. The only important piece of clothing was the full-length black cloak with a massive hood, which hid your face more than perfectly. Despite that, you had to wear a white porcelain mask, that symbolized the War Hammer Titan.
Nobody could know, who in your family had this power. It was like that for many, many years and you had no other choice than to follow these rules.
So once again, you did what you had to. You got into a carriage with your brother and headed for his meeting together. While he talked to the merchants and some politicians you didn’t know, you were standing by the door and keeping your mouth shut. You didn’t even pay attention to what they were talking about.
Your only responsibility was to be there in case those people needed a reminder, of who the Tyburs really are.
The meeting was long and tiring. While it lasted, you silently battled the emptiness inside of you, which gradually turned into tears. You could feel them sliding down your cheeks underneath the mask you hated so much. All you wished for, right there at that moment, was to simply drop dead and never open your eyes again.
You weren’t a person anymore. Just a weapon for a family that probably hated you more than anyone for one simple mistake.
For falling in love with someone, who you still couldn’t get over.
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After four years, Marley finally won the war and everything was supposed to return to normal. You dreamed about that day many, many times. But you never imagined yourself being trapped in the life you were living now. You never imagined being nothing more than a weapon. A walking corpse with a still beating heart.
Your relationship with Porco Galliard was still on your mind. There wasn’t a day when he wasn’t on your mind. Your heart remained in pieces and your soul was colder than ever since the day of your break up.
„I’m glad you were able to make it today,“ you said kindly, forcing a smile on your lips.
„It’s good to see you again,“ Porco said, resting his back against the chair. It was him, who contacted you right after he came back from the front and said, the two of you should meet. So you both agreed on today. „Although...“
You gave Porco a sad smile. „Just say it, I won’t get mad. I know I look more than horrible.“ He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. „But you look good. As good as always.“
His offer to meet up shocked you. But you didn’t even consider not accepting it. After all, you longed to see him again. To see his face and hear his voice. Telling him about what happened since you broke up wasn’t your plan. You never wanted him to feel the pain you had to go through. And you certainly never wanted him to know, that the two of you could have been parents.
„Why did you agree to meet up with me?“ Porco asked a little hesitantly, his light hazel eyes studying your face. Today, you actually put effort into getting ready and made sure to look as presentable as possible. „I didn’t expect a positive answer. Better said, I didn’t expect any answer from you at all.“
„I wanted to see you, that’s it.“
„You’re not mad about what I did to you?“ When you shook your head, he seemed to be taken aback. That probably wasn’t the reaction he was counting on. „I see the way you look at me right now. Don’t tell me you’re not mad about how I acted a year ago when we saw each other for the last time.“
„No, I’m not mad, Porco,“ you answered without hesitation, nervously playing with your fingers. „I’m really not mad at all.“
„But what I did...“
„What you did... you hurt me and broke my heart. That’s what you did. I’m still hurt, sad, and confused about why it had to happen. But I’m not mad,“ you tried to explain your feelings to him, without saying more than what was necessary.
You were more than glad, that he was sitting there right opposite of you. The only thing that separated the two of you, was a small table of the local coffee and tea shop. Back in the day, Porco used to take you here for dates. Many beautiful memories were tied to this place. And it felt only natural, probably for the both of you, to meet here once again. Under many different circumstances, however.
„Do you expect an apology from me?“
„More like an explanation,“ you said, watching him run his right hand over his hair. It was smoothed back perfectly, just like every other time. For somebody, who just recently came back from war, he looked more than good. He was still the same handsome young Warrior you fell in love with many years ago. The same person you still loved deeply. „I want to understand what happened between us.“
Porco took a deep breath but ultimately failed to start talking. He kept looking at you, gazing into your eyes and probably searching for the girl you once were. The one he once loved. The realization, that she no longer existed kept hurting you over and over again.
„What happened to you?“ he asked almost too quietly, reaching out his hand towards you. But before he was able to grab your chin or touch your cheek, you pulled away. „I barely recognize you, Y/N.“ His words were full of pain and his eyes overflowing with concern. „Don’t take this the wrong way, but you used to be so astonishingly beautiful and full of life. Full of love and light. And now...“
„I know,“ you said before he could finish.
„What happened? Who did this to you?“
You shook your head and gave him a weak smile. „Let it be, please. That’s not important right now.“
„Your family?“
„Porco!“ you hissed, looking away. It already took almost all of your energy to pretend, that you were doing more than just surviving or waiting for death. With him asking questions he already knew the answers to... „Let’s just settle everything between us finally and then... go our separate ways once again, I guess.“
All you wanted, was him and only him. You still wanted the life you dreamed about in the past – a life with Porco Galliard as your partner. Despite him, and now you too, being a Titan Shifter. You would do the unimaginable, to have that life. To have him back, even if only for a couple of years.
„Okay, so... what do you want to hear? That I’m a coward, who simply got scared? Who didn’t want to burden you with my fate? How was I supposed to marry you, when we both know I’m going to die in a couple of years?“
„I never cared about that and you knew it,“ you objected immediately, your heart filling with even more pain, as you listened to his every word. He didn’t even dare to look you in the eyes all of a sudden, which only made the situation worse.
„But I did, Y/N,“ he said, clenching his hands into fists. „I did.“
„It wasn’t fair, you know? What you did to me... to us.“
He nodded. „I know that now. And I can assure you, that I’m suffering because of how stupid I was back then.“
„Would you take it back if you had the chance?“ you asked, but maybe it would be better not knowing the answer. For almost a whole year you hoped he regretted what he did and said. But you also feared he had zero regrets and actually was much happier than when you were a couple.
„Every single word. Even the ones I never said out loud.“
„That’s...“ You didn’t even know what you wanted to say. During the last year, when you thought about meeting Porco again, you thought you were ready. But now everything was different. Much more complicated. „Why is it so hard to find the right words all of a sudden?“ you asked with a quiet laugh.
„I’m asking myself the same question.“
„There is so much I wanted to tell you. So much I wanted you to know. About me and about us. But... right now... nothing seemed important anymore. All I know is that I... that I still... I still love you. Just like before all of that happened. I love you the same way I loved you a year ago and I know, that it’s never going to change.“
„I never stopped loving you. Quite the opposite. From that day forward I...“ Porco shook his head with a nervous smile and grabbed one of your hands, which was resting on the table. At first, you wanted to pull your hand away, but feeling the warmth radiating from his skin made you feel at ease. „I thought about you every single day. Even on the battlefield when I was fighting.“
„Wasn’t it distracting?“ you joked a little and that surprised the both of you.
„Motivating,“ Porco corrected you and squeezed your hand. „When I was thinking about you, I knew I needed to push forward under every circumstance.“ Holding hands was something that always helped you keep calm. „I knew I had to come back and try to make things right with you.“
„So you want to... you think we should try it again?“
He seemed hesitant, his eyes full of worry but also full of love. „I don’t know, Y/N. If you look at it, nothing changed during that year. You are still you and me... I am still me. We both live in a completely different world and we both know what my future holds.“
„That doesn’t change anything, Porco.“
„It changes so many things. Our whole future.“
„I love you,“ you said, looking straight into his face. „And I want to give our future a shot. Even if all we have are a couple of years.“ The urge to tell him the real truth about everything, every single little thing that happened over the last year, was growing stronger and stronger. He deserved to know, at least some of the things.
But was it the right time?
Did you really want to risk ruining this moment?
„You have to forget me and think about your future with someone, who is not going to leave you in a couple of years. With someone, who your family is going to accept by your side.“
„I don’t care about their opinion, Porco. Not anymore.“
The little coffee and tea shop was buzzing with life. People were coming and going, but nobody paid any attention to you or Porco. For them, you were just another young couple. Nobody knew anything about your lives. Nobody knew your story and all the pain behind it.
And that made you wonder how many of those people suffered because of something similar. How many of them had their heart broken by a partner or their family? How many of them changed because of the pain they weren’t able to chase away? Because of the pain, which was so intense it seemed unbearable and unending.
You were opening your mouth to speak up... to tell him the truth about the baby you were supposed to have, and about you being the new War Hammer Titan. But you bit your tongue in the last possible second and instead gave Porco the warmest smile you were capable of.
It felt better that way.
You didn’t even want to imagine him hurting and suffering the way you did.
„Look, I can’t force you to do anything. If you think, that it’s better if we stay apart... I’m gonna accept it. I just don’t want to argue anymore. I don’t want us to hate each other,“ you spoke at last, trying to take a couple of deep breaths to keep yourself calm and present at the moment.
„We can still be friends,“ Porco got out in a quiet voice, his index finger drawing tiny little circles onto your skin. „I don’t want you to disappear from my life completely.“
Deep down in your heart you knew, that it was the only way. Leaving Porco behind was the only correct thing to do, if you wanted to spare him from all that pain. But never seeing him again... that idea felt as if somebody was ripping your heart from your chest once again.
„I know you’ll have a wonderful life, Y/N,“ Porco spoke again, his thumb grazing over your left ring finger.
„What does it even mean, Porco? How does a wonderful life look like these days?“
He bowed his head, clearly not having the right answer. „I’m afraid you’ll have to ask someone else,“ he chuckled.
Sitting there and holding his hand felt so right. Once again, you felt like a younger and much, much happier version of yourself. Even if it only lasted for a couple of short minutes. Being with Porco reminded you how it felt to be truly alive.
And you missed that feeling dearly and instantly when you and Porco said your goodbyes for that day. On the other hand, you were glad he didn’t have more time and had to go. With all of the emotions floating around you were mere seconds from spilling all your secrets, just so he could help you carry your suffering.
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The night was mercilessly cold and almost unending, filled with thick dark clouds, loud thunder, and millions of raindrops. Sleep was avoiding you at all costs, because the only thing you were able to think about, was your meeting with Porco in the morning. When you closed your eyes, you could still feel his hand holding yours. You felt his warmth and his reassuring presence.
But when you opened your eyes once again, the only thing welcoming you back into reality was your old bedroom in the Tybur’s residence in Liberio. The whole family was here – your parents and siblings, even Willy’s wife and kids. You loved your nieces and nephews to bits, every single one of them. But they were always a handful. So full of energy all the time, that nobody could keep up with them.
A festival was set to take place in a couple of days. That was all you knew for now. Better said, that was all Willy wanted you to know. Your place was once again right behind his back, hidden under a mask and ready to threaten anybody, who even tried to disrespect your family.
You were so lost in your own thought, that the quiet knocking on one of your windows went completely unnoticed. But just until that someone knocked a bit louder, finally catching your attention. With furrower brows and a confused look, you threw one of the blankets over your shoulders and went over to the window. Right there, outside in the cold and pouring rain, was Porco Galliard. His hair was all wet and sticking to his forehead, his clothes drenched from rainwater.
„What the hell are you doing here?“ you asked and quickly opened the window. He was standing on the ledge under your window, holding onto one of the thinner decorative pillars which ran around the whole house.
„I forgot something pretty damn important in the morning.“
„What...“ Before you could finish what you were saying, Porco leaned in through the now-open window and pressed his lips against yours.
Your arms immediately wrapped around his waist, to keep him from falling off, while he leaned even closer to deepen your kiss. Was it really a whole year since you kissed his lips for the last time? Because when you closed your eyes at that very moment, it seemed as if no time had passed.
„I love you,“ he whispered a little out of breath, while you rested your foreheads together. Porco kept one of his hands on the back of your neck as if he feared you would run away. But that didn’t even occur to you. „I never stopped and I never will.“ He said something similar during your earlier meeting as well. But right now his words were full of completely different emotions.  
Without saying anything, you just kissed him again, one of your hands cupping his cheek. Feeling his lips against yours could never get old. It has always been one of the best feelings in the entire world. Right from the moment the two of you kissed for the first time.
„Come inside, you need to get those wet clothes off,“ you say, quickly giving him one more kiss before you help him climb inside. This wasn’t the first or the second time Porco has done that. By now he knew how to avoid the guards and sneak past them, to climb up into your room.
As soon as his feet touched the floor in your bedroom, his hands were on your hips, his lips once again in contact with yours. Without even thinking about closing the window to keep the cold out, you pulled his jacket off and tossed it onto the floor. The red armband on his sleeve was forgotten and never once thought about it during the rest of the night. For you, it meant nothing at all. The only important thing was Porco himself.
It was all so easy.
Almost too easy.
Easy to get all of his clothes off, just like many times before. Your fingers knew all too well what to do, while your lips stayed in touch with his, or while they were leaving sweet small kisses along his neck or jaw. It was as if the both of you stopped thinking completely and let your bodies be led by love and desire.
Porco’s warm hands worked magic with your body, he seemed so confident in every single thing he was doing. He knew you. Knew your body and what it liked and asked for. Soon all of your troubles were forgotten, even if only for a short time. Just until the two of you stayed tangled in between the bedsheets, enjoying moments filled with tenderness and affection. And love... so much love it actually made your head spin.
„What will happen next?“ Porco asked, his fingers playing without your hair, while your head was resting on his bare chest. Both of you were still a little flushed and out of breath, but also completely content and maybe even happy.
„I don’t know,“ you said, drawing little circles on his skin with your index finger.
„Do we just get back together? Despite knowing that...“ You lifted your head and kissed him before he had the chance to finish his words. You didn’t want to hear it. Or talk at all.
„What about we just enjoy tonight? And not think about anything else.“
You wanted to be with him. So, so, so bad. But looking back at the mess your life was, wishing for a future with Porco was silly. The Tyburs would never accept him into the family and with you owning the War Hammer, there was no chance that they would let you leave. Even if you and Porco ran away, they would find you. Probably anywhere in the world.
All you truly had, was that one night. Nothing more and nothing less. Only those couple of hours until the storm passed and the sun started to rise. And you spent those hours very wisely. Without talking and worrying, only by enjoying the presence of one another.
Felling his warm body pressed up against yours felt like the most beautiful dream come true. He spent hours playing with your hair or kissing your body in different places. All while you let your fingers trace the muscles all over his body, just to remember them better. You even risked looking him straight in the eyes for longer than a few seconds. And only because you wanted to remember their light hazel color forever. For as long as you’ll be alive.
Watching Porco get up and put on his clothes early in the morning was truly one of the most heartbreaking things you’ve ever had to face. Because while he probably thought, that you can have more nights like this one, you knew better. You knew, that this never could happen again.
But when you were saying your goodbyes, you made sure Porco didn’t suspect anything. Not even when you kissed him for the last time, while your already shattered heart was breaking all over again. Before he left, you lied to him, that you’ll have some important business to attend to with your siblings, so the two of you should meet sometime after the festival. Only because you hoped, that by that time you’ll be far away from Liberio once more.
Away from him and from everything you so desperately wanted to experience only with him by your side.
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When you and Porco kissed for the last time that morning, it never even occurred to you, that you truly won’t get another chance to taste his lips ever again. You never thought that you’ll watch as a Titan eats your own brother right before your eyes. Although Willy was preparing you for some kind of unexpected attack during the festival, you never imagined something similar.
„Promise me something,“ Willy said just a couple of minutes before he stepped onto the stage and began the long-awaited performance. You could see fear like never before in his eyes. „Whatever happens, you keep on fighting and keep on living.“
„As if I had such a long life ahead of me.“
„Y/N,“ he sighed, took a step closer, and pulled you into a tight hug. His actions surprised you, but you soon wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him back. „We both know what may happen in a couple of minutes. And I don’t want us to part on bad terms.“
You shook your head, quietly burying your face into your brother’s chest. It was better not knowing the reason why you came to Liberio this time. Because after he told you...
„I hope you’ll one day understand, why we chose you to be the next carrier of the War Hammer Titan. It wasn’t out of anger or hatred, please, never think that.“
„Our parents gave me no choice, Willy. And you know it, you and Lara were there as well. And you sided with them, not with me. None of you cared about what I had to say about all of that.“
There was something you never told him. And you were contemplating, if this was the right time. If this evening really turned out to be your brother’s last, it would be better to stay quiet. Better not to tell him about the pain you felt every single time you looked at his children – your beloved nieces and nephews. You would give your life for them, but every time you saw Willy or his wife with the kids, you remembered what you were forced to give up. You remembered the baby you were supposed to have with Porco.And in those moments you hated your parent and siblings to the point, that you could...
When it all happened, there was no time to even mourn your brother’s death.
You felt sick to your stomach, as you looked around and saw all those people – crushed and bleeding, on the verge of dying or already dead. Even you were injured pretty badly when Eren Jaeger attacked Liberio in his Titan form. But since you had titan powers yourself, it wasn’t such a big deal.
Not when you had to transform almost immediately and use the Har Hammer’s powers like never before. Eren was a skilled opponent, you had to admit that. Even more, when his devilish comrades from that damned island came to help him. But you did your best until the very end. You used all the power your Titan had and fought for your family and your homeland. Even the Marleyan military tried to help you before they had to face the attack from the Devils of Paradis. Commander Magath and his men were there, to make sure you devour Eren and become the new Founding Titan.
As you fought Eren Jaeger, you felt all of Marley’s eyes on you. Horrified civilians and the whole military were counting on you to put a stop to all of this madness. Just like everybody was counting on the other Warriors and their Titans.
At one moment, you were so close. All you needed, was one last hit to finish him off and gain his powers. But that same moment was the beginning of the end. Your end. Before you knew it, everything was in ruin and the crystal you were safely sealed in, was in your enemy’s hands. All kinds of different emotions overcame you, when you heard the War Hammer’s body fall to the ground, as the Attack and Founding Titan picked up the crystal from underneath the ruins.
That’s when you saw Porco’s Titan attack for the first time. He almost succeeded... almost.
You felt tears full of pain run down your cheeks, as you simply couldn’t do anything to help him. You couldn’t even help yourself. Eren was the one, who held your fate in his hands. And he very well knew, what he wanted to do with you. You tried to strike against him one last time and hold him in place, by using the last bits of your Titan’s powers. But after that, you could only watch and wait.
For death or redemption you probably never deserved.
Before you knew it, Eren was tossing the Jaw Titan around like a toy. You heard yourself scream Porco’s name as loud as you could until your voice gave out. But that changed nothing. Eren didn’t stop. He had a mission and he was determined to complete it. Basically... your life meant nothing to him, just like his life meant nothing to you.
So after he took care of Porco and tore all of the Jaw’s limbs off, he showed your crystal right into the Titan’s mouth. Between his exceptionally powerful teeth, which could bite even through metal or other similar strong surfaces.
Your crystal included.
You weren’t sure if Porco saw you inside the crystal. If he got to find out, that it was you all along. But you could swear, that you heard somebody scream your name just seconds before unimaginable pain took over your whole body and before everything went black before your eyes for good.
What did you feel in those final moments? Besides pain, a huge wave of relief washed over you. You never thought that you would die like this. But at least it mean that your suffering was finally ending. The crown, which was placed on your head forcefully, finally fell off and out of the reach of your family.
Maybe... maybe it was better this way.
Maybe... just maybe there was never good and evil. Only many different kinds of evil wearing mismatched masks while pretending to be good.
So when your consciousness faded away for the very last time, you actually felt a little smile form on your lips, just seconds before your tears were mixed with blood.
Right there, amongst the ruins of the city you were born in, Porco Galliard ended your life, when his Jaw Titan snapped your protective crystal to tiny pieces. And all that was left of you – the girl he so sincerely loved – was devoured by Eren Jaeger.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months
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Endure XVIII: Heir
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Series Synopsis: You and Eren Jaeger have been best friends since the age of two, but the two of you are destined for an inevitable tragedy. The world you have been born into is cruel; it is one where friends are traitors and enemies are allies, one where you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known. In this life, mistakes are fatal, and you must be careful, lest you make one too many.
Chapter Synopsis: You get news from your home country of Triura, asking you to return from Marley at once.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Female Reader, Armin Arlert x Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.4k
Content Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, sexual abuse (non-explicit), major character death, angst, original characters included
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You reclined back on the bad passively as Claude placed wet, open-mouthed kisses against your neck, sucking on the skin and leaving dark marks wherever he went. Letting out a soft breath through your nose, you resigned yourself to not moving, knowing that the quicker he finished, the quicker he would leave you alone.
“You’re so pretty,” he murmured, “I’m so lucky.”
Luck. Luck had nothing to do with this sham of an engagement. You had been attacked by some mysterious outside force and sent to Triura. When your blood was tested, it was revealed that you were an Eldian, but instead of kicking you to the curb, as most countries would have when faced with a wayward Eldian girl without her memories, the Triurans saw an opportunity.
“You’ll be such a good mother. I can already imagine it. You’ll be even prettier filled with my children,” Claude said. In and out, in and out, the motions were painful and repetitive. You knew what to expect and so you just closed your eyes, willing it to be over soon.
Claude Tybur. The youngest of the three siblings, though still quite a few years older than you were. He was also famously the cruelest when compared with his unassuming sister Lara and his charismatic brother Willy.
Triura needed an alliance with the powerful Tybur family. The Tybur family needed a noble Eldian girl to marry to Claude so that he could produce heirs, one of which might inherit the Warhammer Titan once whoever the current holder might be’s time ran out. You solved both problems.
So you were adopted into the Triuran royal family, given the title of princess and then nearly immediately given away to Claude, who was delighted to have a bride as young and beautiful as you. It was a matter of pride for him.
You, for one, were in no position to complain. You were spoiled, whether in Triura or in Marley. Everything you wanted, you got. If you had to put up with Claude’s cruelty for the few minutes you saw him each day, then so be it.
In and out, in and out. You wanted him off of you. You never wanted him to come near you again. You did not move. As always, you let him have his wicked way with you. You had no choice, after all.
“Do you think this’ll be the one?” he grunted, face flushed.
“I should hope not. It would be shameful if we were to have a child out of wedlock,” you responded.
This was the wrong answer. Claude’s hand went around your neck, and the other shoved its fingers down your throat.
“You need to have as many children as possible in order to continue the Tybur line and ensure that there is a proper candidate for the Warhammer Titan. If you know what’s best for you, you’ll take this time. And out of wedlock? Shame? You needn’t worry about that. Do not forget your place, Eldian whore. You are only here because I allow it, but I can replace you easily if I so choose. Triura wouldn’t do anything. You are alone; you have no friends or allies. You belong to me. Do you understand?” he said. You nodded frantically, tears slipping out of your eyes as you stared into his cold, dead blue ones. He gave you a pleased smile, removing his fingers from your mouth and his hand from your throat. Bending down, he nuzzled the very spot he had just bruised.
“That’s right, pretty girl. You’re so good,” he cooed mockingly, caressing your sides and cupping your jaw until he finished, after which he collapsed on top of you, falling asleep within seconds, leaving you a mess with no escape.
Unbidden, a pair of jade green eyes flashed across your mind, and you frowned. Checking to make sure Claude was truly asleep, you sighed, whispering an apology to them.
As soon as Claude had rolled off of you, you took a shower and then fairly ran to find your best friend and inform her of this latest development. She was where she always was, tending to the garden. Hiking up your skirts, you waded through the grass to tap her on the shoulder.
“Hey, Princess! How are you today?” she said, bending down and plucking a pink camellia from the bush and tucking it behind your ear. You gave her an impatient look.
“It happened again,” you said.
“What did?” she said.
“May! What do you think?” you snapped. The girl looked at you, raising one perfect eyebrow. Her caramel colored hair was tied back loosely in a messy bun, and her icy green eyes were impassive as she regarded you.
“You saw something?” she said. You sighed and nodded.
“Yes. Claude was...you know...and then I saw a pair of eyes that were the most beautiful shade of jade green I have ever seen, and I felt like I had disappointed them, somehow,” you said. May frowned, returning to pruning the camellia bush.
“Maybe you had a lover before, and you feel like you’re cheating on them now,” she said with a shrug.
“Am I?” you said.
“I don’t think so. I mean, it’s not like you remember him, or anything, really. He can hardly blame you,” she said.
“Plus, for all we know, he’s dead or something, killed in the same attack that claimed my memories. It’s not unlikely. We have no clue what happened or how I ended up in Triura, so…” you trailed off, feeling immensely saddened at the thought of this jade-eyed person’s demise.
“Or we could be wrong and he might not have been your lover, or even a he. Your memory’s a funny thing. I doubt it’ll come back until you’re surrounded by things that remind you of your past, but the problem is that we can’t exactly do that when we don’t know what your past is,” May said, handing you the pruning shears and gathering the fallen leaves she had cut away in a basket.
“It’s probably for the best that I don’t remember my life before all of this,” you said with a wistful sigh. She gave you a sad look.
“Rough day?” she said.
“When is it not? He called me a whore and threatened me, saying he’d cast me aside if I didn’t get pregnant this time,” you said, drawing your woolen cloak tighter around your shoulders as if it would protect you from Claude’s cruelty.
“You won’t,” May predicted. She was uncannily good at such things, having known when each of Willy Tybur’s children would be born, and even which gender they would be. This meant that she was right; you had not gotten pregnant, and even though you were scared, a part of you felt relieved. You didn’t want Claude’s demon child inside of you. You didn’t want any child inside of you, to be fair, but you did not want Claude’s most of all. It would be just another way for him to control you.
“Is it bad that I don’t feel upset?” you said as the two of you walked back towards the Tybur mansion.
“Well, you’re here to marry Claude and have his children, so in that sense, yes, it’s probably bad, but I understand your feelings. If I were you, I wouldn’t be upset, either,” she said, stopping by the shed to toss her pruning materials and the basket of cuttings in their proper spots.
“I really shouldn’t complain. The Tyburs are good to me, besides Claude of course. Willy and Lara are perfectly pleasant, and Willy’s children adore me. If I must put up with Claude and bear his children, then isn’t that a small price to pay?” you said. May hugged you tightly, stroking your hair.
“We both know it isn’t.”
Entering the mansion, you were immediately sought out by Willy’s five children. Fine and Vanessa, his two daughters, began to tug on your skirts, while Alois, Bruno, and Rico ran around you, chattering about something or another. You exchanged looks with May, who was doing her best to hide her amusement at your predicament.
“What’s the matter with all of you?” you said.
“Daddy said we can go into Liberio if we have an adult watching us! Uncle Claude and Aunt Lara said no, so we came to you and Miss May! Please, Aunt Y/N, please!” Fine said.
“Why would you ever want to go into Liberio? That’s the internment zone, isn’t it?” you said.
“Well, yeah, but it’ll be exciting! Like an adventure, you know? We’ve never been before. Please say yes! We’ll be very very good,” Bruno said, clasping his hands together and giving you puppy dog eyes. His siblings all did the same, and you sighed.
“Let me check with your father. I’ll take you, but only if he says yes,” you said.
Willy Tybur was lounging about in his sitting room when his children dragged you and May into it. He gave you both knowing looks.
“Did my hellions pounce upon you next?” he said.
“You guys are the hellion duo!”
You blinked. Whose voice had that been? It must have been another memory, though you did not recognize it. May gave you a worried look, and you shook your head.
“They want to go into Liberio. May and I are fine with taking them, but only if you’re okay with it,” you said.
“That’s fine. You five won’t bother Aunt Y/N and Miss May too much, will you? I better hear only good things from them, or no more field trips,” he threatened his children, though his voice was gentle and amused as he spoke, belying the fact that he was not serious. Still, all five took it to heart, saluting at their father.
“Yes, sir! We will be the bestest in the whole world!” Alois said. Willy smiled.
“Very well, then. Have fun!” he said.
The seven of you stuck out in Liberio like sore thumbs. The Tybur children were bright and happy, wearing neatly pressed clothes and having spotless faces. May wore a long pastel skirt and white blouse tucked into it, and she had on a sunhat to shade her face. You were the worst of all, with your dress that touched the ground, your wool cloak, and most importantly, the gold tiara adorning your hair, marking you as a princess amongst commoners.
People gaped at you in awe as you walked through the streets. The Tybur children raced ahead, pointing at the different sights and whispering amongst each other excitedly. You and May followed at a far more sedate pace, fond smiles on your faces as you watched over them.
“So, what was all that earlier?” she said to you after a moment.
“Another memory,” you sighed, knowing immediately what she was referring to.
“What now?” she said.
“A man saying ‘you guys are the hellion duo!’” you said.
“Hellion duo? Was the princess a troublemaker back in the day?” she teased. You shrugged.
“It’s possible. I wouldn’t know,” you said, tapping your head mockingly, cursing your own amnesia.
“Ah, that’s true. But this is good, right? You got two memories in one day! Let’s run through everything you’ve remembered so far, maybe it’ll help trigger something in you,” she said.
“It’s not much, you know that. There was a white horse that I rode sometimes, a town that I saw from the perspective of a rooftop, a dead girl with red hair that I gave a lily too, and now the eyes and the man’s voice,” you said.
“Right, and let’s go over where you got these memories from,” she prodded, even though she already knew the answer. It was an exercise in futility, to be sure, but one you engaged in anyways.
“The horse I remembered when I saw horses pulling the Tybur’s carriage, the town I remembered when I went in one of the airships for the first time, the girl I remembered when Fine was sick, the eyes I remembered when Claude...and the man’s voice I remembered when Willy called his children hellions,” you said, abruptly cutting yourself off when you got to Claude. May gave you a sympathetic look.
“So it seems like whenever you’re put into situations similar to the ones that you used to know, you remember more. That tracks up with most amnesia patients,” she said.
“Glad to know I’m not abnormal, but it seems my memory regaining is going to be a slow process, since so far, all of these situations have been at random. We don’t know what situations to put me in, so we can’t put me in them deliberately in order to force me to remember more,” you said. She pouted.
“I know, I was just hoping talking about it would make things better,” she said.
“Thank you for your help, May, truly. You’re the only one that even cares. It couldn’t matter less to the Tyburs if I remember who I truly am, and same with the Triurans. In fact, it’s better for them if I don’t. Kind though they may be, I have to remember that besides you, nobody here is truly my friend. Oi, Rico! Leave that poor man alone!” you shouted, seeing Rico messing with a tired looking blond man.
Rico froze and looked back at you with a guilty expression, darting back to your side as you reached the man.
“I’m so sorry about him, Mr…?” you trailed off, staring into his wolfish amber eyes. He looked at you in fear.
“Y/N?” he said.
“How do you know my name?” you said. He shook his head.
“Ah, right, of course. I’m Vice Chief Reiner Braun,” he said.
“Please, Reiner, you were joking, right? This is a joke. Please get off of me.”
This time, it was your voice that you remembered. You backed away from Reiner hesitantly, some instinctual part of you telling you that you had to run, that the man you were faced with was dangerous, though he had been nothing but polite in the few seconds you two had spoken.
“Lovely to meet you, Vice Chief. I’m Princess Y/N,” you said. His face was sorrowful when he spoke again.
“I know. Have a nice day, your royal highness,” he said, turning abruptly and marching off before you could say a word.
“Who was that? He’s pretty good looking,” May said, appearing beside you.
“Run along, Rico, but please try not to bother strangers anymore,” you reprimanded him. He nodded at you, wide-eyed, before scampering off to rejoin his siblings.
“That was Vice Chief Reiner Braun. He has the Armored Titan right now, if I’m correct. May, for some reason...I remember him. I don’t know how, or why, but at some point I met him, and I was scared,” you said.
“Maybe you were from Liberio. You must’ve been scared because he’s an Honorary Marleyan or something. I wouldn’t think too deeply into it. He would’ve said something if he knew you, right?” she said.
“Well, I guess that’s true. He knew my name, but I suppose that isn’t too hard to guess. How many princesses are visiting Marley at the moment, especially with Willy Tybur’s children?” you said, relaxing only slightly at May’s assurance.
“Right. This has gotta be some kind of record, huh? Three memories in one day?” she said.
“Certainly,” you said, “I wonder if it’s because my head injury finally healed and I’m more comfortable now, allowing my mind to relax and begin to try and remember things.”
“Could be true,” she said.
“Regardless of the reason, I think it’s a blessing in disguise. Maybe if I remember enough...I’ll be able to return to my old life. Provided that my old life is worth returning to,” you said.
“As long as you take me with you,” May said with a wry smirk.
“Why would you give up being one of the Tyburs’ favored servants to run away with me to god knows where?” you said. May’s stature was not one that came easily. She was treated as one of the Tyburs themselves instead of a low-class Eldian, and it was a role many dreamt of.
“It would be rather boring to deal with the Tyburs without a friend, now that I know what true friendship is like. We’ll suffer together, yeah? Us two Eldians against the world,” she said, interlocking your pinkies.
“I’m glad to have you as my best friend,” you said.
“I promise we’ll be best friends forever,” she said.
“Best friends, times infinity,” you agreed.
Returning to the mansion, corralling the Tybur children into their rooms, you and May were met with an irritated looking Claude and an equally irritated Willy.
“Why the hell did you let her visit Liberio?” Claude hissed.
“She’s a grown woman. You don’t own her. She’s free to do as she pleases, and she did me a great favor by watching the children,” Willy said.
“I didn’t give my permission,” Claude said.
“She doesn’t need your permission. Like I said, she’s a grown woman,” Willy responded, crossing his arms.
“She is my bride-to-be, and ergo my property!” Claude said.
“Excuse me, am I interrupting something?” you said, entering the room with May at your side. Claude turned his cold gaze to you, stalking across the room.
“Who the hell said you could go out today?” he said.
“Your brother,” you said.
“Are you engaged to my brother? Or are you engaged to me? You’ll come ask me for permission next time,” he said. You frowned at him but nodded demurely, not seeing the point of fighting. It would just lead to more pain and suffering for you.
“There won’t be a next time for quite a while, actually,” Willy said.
“What are you talking about?” Claude said.
“The princess has been called back to Triura to take care of some affairs there. She will return to her home country at once,” Willy said.
“I can accompany her,” May said. Willy seemed surprised but nodded.
“Very well, then. Pack your things, both of you,” he said.
“Wait a second! I will go as well,” Claude said.
“Claude, you were not invited,” Willy said.
“Neither was May!” Claude said.
“May will come as my lady in waiting. King Alexander and Queen Lanie should accept her then,” you said immediately.
“Whose side are you on, anyways?” Claude said.
“That is enough. The two of you, go pack your things. You will depart as soon as you are ready,” Willy said. You and May raced out of the room before Claude could find some new reason to make you stay.
“What a relief!” you said, giggling as you ran through the hallways.
“You can get a vacation from Claude, and maybe we can work on your memories, too!” she agreed, her eyes sparkling. You did not know how you had become lucky enough to have a friend like her, so dedicated and loyal.
You packed as many gowns and cloaks and tiaras as you could fit into your trunks before calling a few of the servants to bring them into the carriages. Triura was, thankfully, not too far from Marley, so the carriage ride would only be a few hours or so.
“I wonder why I was called back,” you said to May, who was sitting across from you, leaning her head against the window.
“Who knows?” she said.
“I just hope nothing’s wrong,” you said.
“Triura’s a peaceful country. I’m sure it’s nothing big. They probably just want to check up on how your engagement’s going,” she assured you.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
The driveway to Triura’s palace was lined with ancient cypress trees that towered, nearly touching the sky for how tall they were. They formed a natural archway, almost, shading the paved drive and protecting it from the weather.
King Alexander and Queen Lanie were standing and waiting at the end of the driveway for you and May. Opening the door of the carriage, the coachman helped you down, and you both immediately dipped into curtseys.
“Princess. We have much to discuss,” King Alexander said, his voice and face serious. You gulped but nodded.
“Very well, your majesty,” you said, “Come, May.”
“Do you trust your friend?” Queen Lanie said.
“More than anyone. Anything you want to say to me, you can say it in front of her,” you said, grabbing May’s hand. King Alexander pursed his lips but motioned for you to follow him.
As soon as you were shut away in his private meeting room, the king turned to you.
“Who are you loyal to?” he said.
“Triura, of course,” you said.
“Y/N. Having seen how Claude treats her and how Willy and Lara do little to stop it, I can no longer in good conscience continue to serve them. It is why I’m here now, instead of back at the mansion,” May said.
“Good. Triura has decided that it is going to ally itself with Zeke Jaeger and the devils of Paradis,” he said.
“What? The island devils? What happened to the treaty with the Tyburs?” you said.
“We’re going to play both sides, as it is. The outcome of this war is far too uncertain; in order to assure Triura’s continued survival, we must have good relations with both the forces of the island and the Tyburs. You are key to both contracts. We will explain Zeke Jaeger’s plan to you and then send you to the island, where you will explain it to them. Once your business on the island has concluded, you will return to the Tyburs as if nothing happened,” Queen Lanie said.
“Fine, I’ll go, as it is my duty to Triura. But I will not force May to come,” you said.
“Like hell I won’t! I’m by your side, remember?” she said.
“May, the island devils are a savage people, from what I’ve heard. It won’t be anything like what life with the Tyburs is like,” you said.
“You’re a princess, and I’m your lady in waiting. They won’t do anything to us. They’d be foolish to try it, and I’m sure we’ll have guards, too,” she argued.
“Yes, we will send guards with you. Mark my words, every effort will be taken to ensure your protection and safety on the island,” King Alexander said.
“It’ll be suspicious if I return to the Tyburs’ alone, and I have no place in Triura. I’m coming with you, like it or not,” she said. You sighed in acquiescement.
“Alright, then. When do we set out?” you said.
“Your ship leaves tonight,” Queen Lanie said.
“Well, at least we won’t have to worry about unpacking our things,” you muttered.
The ship ride to Paradis was long. You and May lazed about, walking above deck and watching the sea until you grew bored; and when you were bored, you tried to jog your memories.
“The sea...I think it was important to me,” you said to her, staring at the water as the ship cruised through the waves. There was a sense of home, of longing and wonder that you felt as you basked in the brilliant blue.
“Does it have a memory with it?” she said.
“No. No, I don’t think I ever got to see it, but I think I wanted to. What a shame, I must’ve lived in some landlocked country or something,” you said, feeling bad for your previous self.
“Then let me officially welcome you to the sea!” May said, spreading her arms out. You rolled your eyes.
“Bit late for that, don’t you think?” you said.
“Now you’ve finally been officially welcomed. It’s never too late for that!” she said.
“Thanks, May. Means a lot.”
Paradis Port was nothing special; indeed, it was downright primitive compared to Marley or Triura’s. It was lucky that there were only two ships docking, yours and the one from Hizuru.
You had never met the Azumabitos, but they were famously greedy, and you were not looking forward to having to meet them. Still, they were friendly enough, so you supposed it wouldn’t be so bad.
“And now, her royal highness, the Princess Y/N L/N of Triura!” the herald called.
“That’s our cue,” you said to May, who grinned at you as you disembarked the ship.
“Time to meet these so-called devils,” she said.
Immediately, your eyes were drawn to a group of people that looked to be roughly you and May’s age. They were staring at you in shock, their faces white and hands shaking, as if you were the devil. As you watched, one of them, a particularly handsome boy, began to smile and run towards you. You were taken aback. Was this some sort of traditional greeting on the island?
“Y/N!” he said. Before he could reach you, though, he was tackled by your guards. They were famously protective, and you were glad that they were there, lest you be assaulted by this random boy. He struggled against them, but their grip was too strong.
“Let go of me, bastards! Let go, I’ve waited two years for this! Y/N, tell them to let go! Come on, tell them we’re friends!” he said. You frowned at him before giving May a perplexed look. She seemed equally as lost, biting her lip.
“I’m sorry?” you said. You were quite sure you had never met him in your life, let alone been his friend. You had never even been on this island before.
“It’s me! Eren! You know me!” he said. You felt bewildered, looking around for some sort of aid. His friends seemed confused as well, though understanding had dawned upon the blond one’s face.
“I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t,” you said.
The only way you could describe them at this moment was horrified. The handsome boy, Eren, gazed at you with huge, wounded eyes, going limp in your guards’ grasp. The blond boy buried his face in his hands, and the girl with braided hair’s jaw dropped.
“The hell kind of joke is this?” Eren said.
“Is this a typical greeting in Paradis?” you said, furrowing your brow. The customs of the island were a mystery to you and the rest of the world, but perhaps this was what they did.
“Why are you acting like you don’t know anything? What is wrong with you?” he snapped.
“Excuse me?” you said.
“Eren, that’s enough. I think she has amnesia,” the blond boy said.
“How did you know that?” May said.
“By the walls, this is a joke, right? This is all a fucking joke or something. She’s not supposed to forget me! We were going to meet again, but not like this!” Eren said.
“Did I know you before or something? I’m sorry, I don’t have any memories from before I arrived in Triura. Although, I don’t know how I would’ve known you. I’ve no clue how I would have gotten to Triura from this island,” you said.
“Did you know me? Did you know me? Oh, Sina, you really have forgotten everything,” Eren groaned.
“Come on, Eren. Let’s go. We can talk to her later,” the girl with the blonde braids said. Her pear green eyes pierced into yours, as if she was searching for something. You tilted your head, but obviously, whatever she was looking for, she did not find. She turned away in disappointment, and you shivered, bringing your cloak tighter around you.
“That was weird,” May commented as you rode in the carriage towards Paradis Castle. You snorted.
“You’re telling me. That Eren kid was really upset I didn’t recognize him,” you said.
“He’s the one with the Founding Titan, did you know?” she said.
“No, I didn’t. Claude hardly found such things important to tell me. Is he really? Wonder what he wants with me, then,” you said.
“You must’ve known him! Maybe he’s the key to regaining your memories,” May said in delight.
“Do you think I was from this island?” you said.
“It’s possible, although you’re right in saying that it’s very odd that you ended up in Triura of all places,” she said.
“Agreed. We can worry about this whole situation later, at any rate. For now, we just need to focus on informing the Paradisians of Zeke’s plan,” you said.
The Azumabitos had arrived at the castle far earlier than you and May, most likely because they had not been held up having a conversation with the people of Paradis. When you joined them in the courtroom, Lady Azumabito was crying about something. You gave her a startled glance.
“This girl is the rightful heir to the Azumabito line!” she sniffed, pointing at a beautiful girl with short, dark hair and grey eyes.
“How fortunate that you were able to meet her, then,” you said before smiling at the girl, “You have lovely hair, by the way.”
“Thanks,” she said, her eyes wide when she looked at you. You remembered her as one of the ones from the port, and you wondered if she had known you before, too.
“Well,” you said, clearing your throat uncomfortably, “Let’s go meet the queen, then, and inform you all of Zeke’s plan.”
You sat beside Lady Azumabito, with May on your other side. Queen Historia looked equally surprised to see you as everyone else had been, and you were beginning to wonder what the implications of all of this were. Had you been an islander in your past life?
“Zeke’s plan, um, has three parts,” you said nervously, well aware of Eren staring at you as if you were a precious piece of art or some sort of angel. Your cheeks warmed, and you kept your eyes focused firmly on the paper that had Zeke’s plan detailed on it.
“First, there will be a small-scale version of the Rumbling, in order to test its power,” Lady Azumabito said, noticing your nerves. You gave her a grateful smile before taking a deep breath and continuing.
“As well as testing its power, this will demonstrate your strength to the world on a non-catastrophic scale,” you said.
“While preparations for this are being made, we will also work to improve and modernize your military. With Triura and Hizuru’s aid, you should be able to become strong enough that, in time, you will be able to defend your country without the need for the Rumbling,” Lady Azumabito said.
“And the final part of the plan is for someone with royal blood to inherit the Beast Titan. This person will then need to continue to have children that will take the Beast after them, as for the Founding Titan’s powers to work without it being possessed by someone of the royal family, they must be in contact with a titan that has royal blood,” you said.
“I will do it,” Queen Historia said calmly.
“Absolutely not!” Eren said, slamming his hands on the table, his eyes filled with rage. They were a pretty shade of jade, though they had darkened with fury. You flinched back, scared by the anger he was displaying.
“It’s necessary to have a royal titan shifter at all times,” Lady Azumabito tried to explain. Eren turned his fierce glare upon her.
“We aren’t cattle that will be forced to breed in order to survive. Find another way,” he spat.
“There is no other way. I’m sorry, but it’s what must be done, according to Zeke. He could be wrong, but…” you trailed off, frowning.
“No, he’s not wrong,” Eren said, shaking his head, “The one time I used the Founding Titan’s powers, I was touching a titan that had royal blood, I’m sure of it.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Commander Hange, the leader of a branch of their military called the Survey Corps, said.
“I didn’t know what you’d do to Historia,” he said with a frown. You gave him a pleading look.
“Please, I know you don’t like it, but it’s your country’s best chance for survival,” you said. His face softened impercibtly when he saw you, but he did not give in.
“It isn’t fair,” he said.
“Zeke still has a few years left. We can execute the first two steps of his plan, at least, and revisit the Queen Historia issue later, but I’m afraid you won’t really have much of a choice in this matter. My apologies, but the world isn’t a fair place,” you said, your hand unconsciously going to your stomach. Like it or not, you were in the same situation as Queen Historia. Soon, you would have to have Claude’s children, and just like Queen Historia, you had no choice in the matter. Unlike Queen Historia, you could not even pick who the father would be.
Eren’s sharp eyes went to where your hand was placed, and he gave you a surprised look. Face burning, you drew your hand away and turned back to Queen Historia, who nodded at you gratefully.
“Hey. We need to talk,” Eren said as everyone left the courtroom. You and May paused, and you turned to look at him curiously.
“Certainly. What’s the matter?” you said.
“Privately,” he stressed.
“I’ll go. This could be your chance to get your memories back! Good luck!” May said, darting off. You groaned, watching her go before turning to Eren, who was standing there and waiting for you.
“Lead the way, then,” you said, following after him through the maze-like hallways of the castle without complaint. Once you were a safe distance away from everyone else, he paused and gave you a look.
“Are you pregnant?” he said.
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business,” you said.
“You — Sina, I fucking hate this. Fine. You’re right, it’s none of my business,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m not, by the way,” you said, “Not yet, at least.”
“Is he good to you?” he said. You did not respond, and he scowled at you, grabbing your hands in his own.
“I have everything I could ever want,” you said.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass. Does he hurt you?” he said.
“Why should I tell you? Why do you care?” you said. He stared at you as if you had said the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.
“You seriously don’t remember me. Not even a little bit,” he said mournfully.
“I do not. I’m sorry. Were we close?” you said. He laughed bitterly, closing his eyes in pain.
“Yeah, we were close. We were best friends, Y/N. Ever since we were two years old, we’ve been best friends. We all thought you were gone forever these past couple of years, but you’re not. You’re back, and you’re alive, but yet I think I had more of a chance with you when you were dead than I do now,” he said.
You racked your brain. Where were your memories now? If there was ever a time for something to happen, it was now, but nothing appeared. You stared at Eren, wishing you could remember what he did, but you just couldn’t. You were his best friend, or so he claimed, but he was a stranger to you.
“I think you might be right on that count,” you said. He let out a choked sob.
“Don’t do this. You’re joking, right? It isn’t funny anymore,” he said.
“It’s not a joke, Eren. I genuinely don’t know who you are. I really, really want to, but I just don’t,” you said.
“Do you remember any of us? Tullia? Armin or Mikasa? Jean? What about Petra?” he said. You shook your head.
“No, I don’t. Like I said, I have no memories. I wish things were different, but the fact remains that they aren’t. Maybe one day I’ll get them back, but in the meantime, this is who I am. Princess Y/N L/N of Triura,” you said.
“So there’s a chance you’ll get them back?” he said. You shrugged.
“Yes. When I’m placed in situations that mirror ones I’ve been in before, I sometimes get memories. It’s May and I’s hope that if I go through enough of these situations, I’ll be able to get most if not all of my memories back. However, it’s not really been a reliable indicator of anything. After all, it isn’t like anybody knew what my past was. We didn’t know what situations to place me in, even if we wanted to. As it is, the Tyburs haven’t exactly been falling all over themselves to find a cure for my amnesia, either. I expect that’s because I will make a far better wife for Claude if I don’t even know who I am,” you said.
“But I know what your past is! And so do Tullia and Armin and Mikasa and Jean and Captain Levi and Sasha and Connie! We can try to help you get your memories back!” Eren said excitedly.
“So I really was an island devil, then,” you said with a small frown, “How amusing. Say, did I ever know Reiner Braun?”
“He was the one that killed you. Fed you to a titan, or so we thought,” Eren said coldly.
“What? But when I saw him in Liberio, he didn’t seem at all like he knew me,” you said. Eren shrugged.
“Reiner’s a good actor. Who knows what was going through his mind back then? Anyways, what do you say? Will you let us help you?” he said, offering you his hand. You stared at it for a second, weighing your options.
Like May had said, this was your chance. You could get your memories back, and you could maybe even escape Claude for good.
This motivated you. More than anything, you wanted to escape Claude. If the people of the island could offer you protection from your fiance, then I’d be a fool to deny them, even if it did mean you were stuck with the island devils.
The island devils. It seemed you were one of them, if Eren was to be believed. And for some reason, you did believe him. There was an honest openness to his kind gaze. His jade green eyes shone with affection, and you realized that it was his eyes you had seen, back when you had lain with Claude. You had known him in the past, and what’s more, he had been important to you.
You took his hand and shook it. A pleased grin formed on his face, and your expression mirrored his own.
“Well, I’m willing to give it a shot, Eren. Yes — I want you to help me get my memories back.”
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haliyam · 2 years
interim (vii)
zeke x reader/oc
summary: You return to Liberio not long after the Warriors arrive home from their failed mission in Paradis and discover that things have changed. (Or they will, and maybe a little more with Zeke than you expect.) [Season 4 and manga spoilers ahead]
AO3 link | Ch 1 | Ch 6
As usual, Reader default name Lucy is a cis-female Eldian character with a set background and family name. But feel free to set the substitution for Lucy to your chosen First Name using the InteractiveFics browser extension!
Chapter 7
Zeke’s door creaks as you gently push it open. It makes more noise than it would if you simply kicked it open, but his eyes are still glued to his book as he leans against his bed’s headboard. 
“Zeke,” you whisper insistently.
You think you see the slightest smirk pull at his mouth, but exasperation is all you find when he finally pries his eyes from the pages in his hand. “What?”
You know well enough now to ignore or really see through his obvious irritation. It’s been a month, or months? since Zeke first started teaching you how to deal with the consequences of your own pride at Magath’s hands using trusty warm compresses and even trustier pain ointment. Unfortunately, Mrs. Yeager caught the scent of the latter on your bedsheets during laundry—and in a bid not to worry her, you asked Zeke if you could stay in his bed instead. 
He didn’t like that at all. As a growing boy, he needed all the space he could get, and adding a demanding little six year old and a pillow between you diminished that greatly. Being the greatest advocate of removing any cause for his grandparents to worry, however, he had no choice but to agree. (Especially since, as a twelve year old, the sole Warrior candidate, and having much more time on his hands, he does his own laundry.)
Of course, Finger—Pieck—has taught you how to swallow that pride since. But that is a recent development. And you’ve grown to like having somebody to chat with before you sleep at night. Zeke’s room feels warmer than yours, and less lonely.
“You know what,” you say.
He sighs. And then he sighs again, before setting aside his book. Turning to face you, he crosses his arms, looking like someone who clearly has the advantage in this situation.
“Fine. But tell me a story first.”
Your pride, still in full force at home, makes you make a face at him. Still, you quietly shut the door behind you and ask, “About what?”
Your sharp intake of breath is audible. “How do you know that name?”
“And Willy,” he adds. With a shrug, he explains, “you said his name once. But Lara—you say that a lot in your sleep when you cry.”
You find your eyes glued to your feet. Those names are a secret. Even more secret than Mila’s, who has visited you here in their place. You aren’t to tell anybody about them, least of all the Eldian family you’re staying with. Father was very clear about that.
But it seems a small price to pay for company at this moment. If you return to your room alone, you’ll just remember how much you miss them. And isn’t that worse?
Besides, Zeke can keep a secret. You already have one together. What’s another? 
You glance up, feet shuffling a bit. “Lara is my sister. Willy is my brother—Mila’s husband.”
Zeke draws his knees up, one arm on top of the other on them, and rests his chin there so he can comfortably quirk a brow at you. “Why don’t they visit you instead of her?”
“They’re—” not allowed to, you almost say. But what you say next isn’t entirely wrong, either. “They don’t live nearby.”
“But Mila does? Eldians who live in the mainland are all supposed to live in Liberio. That makes no sense.”
You open your mouth to protest, trying to come up with the lie. This was why father told you not to tell anybody anything about your family. Because they would wonder at once about your circumstances. 
But Zeke is quicker than you yet, and he speaks before you can even stammer a reply. “Unless… does your family work for the Tyburs?”
Your eyes widen at him. “H-huh?”
“That’s it, isn’t it?” Your startled expression makes Zeke even more smug. “Outside of Liberio, the Tybur family estate is the only place Eldians can work in the mainland. That explains your attitude, too.”
“Hey,” you frown, but you’ve given yourself away. In a fashion. “...Don’t tell anybody.”
“I won’t,” Zeke says easily. You don’t know yet that it’s because he wouldn’t have anyone to tell anyway, besides the fact that he wouldn’t. “What are the Tyburs like?” he asks. 
If Zeke were his usual self tonight, he would point out that your mouth’s been open long enough to let a fly settle in. But he’s as deep in thought as you are scrambling for a response, and again he continues ahead of you. “They’re the only Eldians who have the right to live… to be happy.”
A sentiment that echoes all father has told you all your life, you think, even if you know they’ve never met. You suppose it only makes sense that other Eldians would feel the same, since any Marleyan would know the history of the motherland. Even you still feel the same. 
Don’t you? 
Shouldn’t you?
“...That’s not what you asked me for a story about,” you murmur.
“Oh, right,” Zeke remembers, like he’s waking from a dream. Jerking his head in the direction of the foot of the bed, he says, “Lara and Willy. Tell me a story.”
Squeezing your fists behind your back, shaking the nerves out of them—how much closer could he have gotten to the truth, if he didn’t agree to change the subject? Or not change it, unknowingly?—you push yourself up to his bed. 
He stares at you expectantly, and for once, you look entirely unsure before him. Where do you begin? “Willy is the eldest. He used to spend all his time with me and Lara, until he married Mila,” you say, trying not to let an edge touch your voice as you speak of your sister-in-law. “But Lara…” 
Now you smile. You can’t help it. “Lara is—wonderful,” you beam, until your face falls. “But she’s always been sickly. Before I was born, she and mother fell very ill… but she never got better. It’s why she never really leaves home.”
You nod, and Zeke is quiet. He usually is, especially when he’s reading, except now he looks like he wants to say something.
When he doesn’t, you wonder if that’s your fault. “...So can I stay?”
Zeke’s eyes snap to yours. The hesitation on his face vanishes for his exasperation again. “Fine,” he sighs, “but don’t hog the blanket. Or kick me. I don’t know how you do that past the pillow with those stubby legs, anyway.”
“Want me to show you?”
“…Go to bed.”
You pull the curtains over the carriage window further closed, if that’s at all possible.
Willette sits across you, peeking out of her end with a small smile. You have no idea why she’s so excited, but you don’t resent her for it. There’s something familiar about her demeanor that makes it impossible.
You should leave it alone. Just be silent the rest of the way, get it over with—after all, you’ll get to see Lara—but your curiosity gets the better of you. You never really thought of what happened to everyone else not chosen to become a Warrior candidate; you figured they all returned to their regular lives.
“How did you come to work for the family?” 
Willette blinks when she realizes you’re addressing her. Still pleasant, she says, “I don’t know if you remember me from training, but… I wasn’t very good at all the physical work. But even Eldians are paid better if we serve, even among the regular corps. Sometimes they let us do paperwork. The grunt work of it, really,” she laughs a little. “Eventually, somehow, I—”
Willette clears her throat, trying not to look too proud, but she looks pleased with herself. “I was recruited into intelligence. My recruiting, now superior officer, he… saw my potential. It was still just paperwork, but I did well. And that was when Miss Rose saw me.”
“Miss Rose? …Oh,” you drag on, because you always forget the family’s excuse for Lara’s constant presence outside the estate, “Willy’s, ah… secretary?”
“That’s all right,” Willette nods at your slightly sheepish expression, clearly assuming you’ve simply never noticed her is all. “Miss Rose thought I was someone she knew, but—well, she talked to me one day and asked about my work, and… I’ve been part of the regime’s liaison to the family ever since.”
You forcibly stop your jaw from falling. Lara, talking to anyone else? You only know her as your reclusive sister. A silent shadow to Willy. It does please you to know someone else outside the family knows her as more than that, because she is, but it’s odd nonetheless. 
“…and you like the work?” you eventually ask.
“I do. And Miss Rose - and Lord Tybur, of course - they’ve been very kind to me, whenever I have the honor of meeting them. I was happy to take on the small task of bringing you to see Lord Tybur.”
“I see.” You simply can’t imagine anyone from your life in Liberio interacting with your siblings. It takes you a moment to realize you might come off as rude, or even jealous, so you give her a small smile. “I’m glad things have worked out for you. It’s the least I can hope for - for anyone who was in Warrior training especially.”
Willette eyes you with a warm one herself. “You’re kind, Miss Lucy. It’s no wonder Lord Tybur is so eager to see you again.”
Any flattery at her words in the beginning falls flat to your ears at the mention of Willy. Given the choice, you would see only Lara…
“We’re here,” Willette beams, drawing the curtain open now that you’re safely inside the estate. As the carriage rumbles to a stop, you take a deep breath.
But not even a Tybur can have everything.
Like all Tybur mansions across Marley, the one in Liberio is considerably smaller than the main estate near the capital, but it’s still large enough to fit an entire clan built on lies if the situation calls for it. Wandering the wide hallways and ceilings too high even for three of you to reach, you realize you’ve never really stayed here—no reason to, when Lucy Blanchard was restricted to the internment zone—but the general layout is familiar enough that you know Willette is taking you to the drawing room. 
You’re still thinking about how you feel about all this when you find that you’ve passed another large door and are walking along a line of red-clad soldiers. Tybur guards, at the center of whom stands the tallest of them. He’s just emerged, ducked out from the drawing room, and he closes the door behind him.
“Miss Tybur, to see Lord Tybur,” says Willette, in a very formal voice. 
You peer up at a familiar face. In spite of his much sterner features, you recognize him—Markus, one of your brother’s childhood friends whose family has served yours for generations. He was already training to be Willy’s personal bodyguard by the time you were born.
A flicker of a smile flashes across his natural frown, and he nods. “Lord Tybur will be pleased to see you, Miss Lucy.”
You feel as small as ever before him, but you tell yourself it’s just his height. “Thank you, Markus.” You turn to Willette next to you. “And thank you, Willette. If you go now, you might be able to catch up with the others for lunch.”
“That’s okay,” Willette shakes her head. “I think Pieck was just being polite. Besides, I should wait to see if anything else is needed of me here. But you go inside—everyone is excited to see you.”
“Everyone?” you repeat, but Markus has already opened the door. He ignores your questioning glance at him too, so you have no choice but to enter.
This drawing room is comparably small (it’s one of many, if the mansion is to standard), but it’s built that way. With a wide window facing the city, sofas turned to one another crowd most of the space, facing a fireplace on one long end of the room while built-in bookshelves line the rest of the walls. They’re filled with plants and vases and old family photos, though one painting holds a special place above the fireplace mantle. 
Father. His likeness has been captured perfectly; as intimidating as when he still lived. 
But you’re distracted by a most familiar sight—Willy, sitting up straight as he drinks tea on the chaise longue, while Lara stands across him, never too far, a smile on her face as they chatter softly. You were only home not that long ago, but they’d been away then. 
It wasn’t Markus’s height at all. You feel small again, watching them like this. Like it’s still just the three of you, and you don’t know anything about the Warrior program yet, or Mila, or…
“Lucy,” says Lara, the calm expression on her face lighting up. Her voice remains soft, but her joy is unmistakable. 
“Lucy!” Willy beams at you before setting his tea down on the side table. “I see Miss Weiss found you after all.”
His tone reminds you of the last time he scolded you, even if he’s clearly aiming for humor this time, and the homely air about the warm drawing room dissipates, at least on your part. Hackles already raised, you fight down a frown. You don’t notice yourself standing at attention in an attempt to make yourself feel bigger. 
“How did she know where to find me?”
Willy’s smile remains, as though he doesn’t notice either. “You know we leave those little details to intelligence for a reason. But how do you like her?”
It takes you a second to realize he means Willette. Strange shift in topic, but you humor him. “She’s all right. She was in my Warrior class.”
“It was difficult to believe back then, but now I understand what they meant… even Lara and Markus mistook her for you at first glance.”
You blink. “Willette?” You suppose you’re of the same stature. With a similar hairstyle, similar features… but you don’t think you look all that much alike. The fact that this is even in question is starting to frustrate you now. “Wait—” What kind of ridiculous diversion is this? For Lara’s sake, you restrain the emotion with confusion. “How… how is this relevant?”
Lara turns to Willy, who nods and begins, “I believe she would make a—”
“Aunt Lucy!”
The drawing room door opens ever so slightly again, and the illustrious Lord Tybur is interrupted by the one of the few who can afford to do it—his eldest daughter. Fine scurries into the room and practically leaps into your arms as soon as you turn in surprise. 
“Fine!” you gasp, barely just catching your suddenly excitable niece—you set her down and fall to a crouch instead, wrapping your arms around her as you chuckle. “What are you doing here?”
Fine is the spitting image of her mother—her eyes, her nose, her mouth—all she really has of Willy are his hair and his eyes. But she must also be the happiest eight year old you’ve ever seen in spite of her natural shyness, so even the sight of Mila on her face can’t tarnish your fondness for her. 
By now Fine has remembered herself, and her timid nature returns in full force. She stammers as a flush fills her cheeks. “Oh! I - I just thought—”
“When Fine heard we were coming to visit Liberio where her Auntie Lucy was studying, she nearly begged me to let her join us,” Willy chuckles.
Fine shoots her father a little pout. “Papa…”
“Well, I’m glad you came,” you squeeze her small hands in yours, regaining her attention. 
Encouraged now, Fine nods quickly. “We’re staying here until after Papa’s birthday, so I wanted to come. Besides,” she wrinkles her nose, the way only an older sister can, “Alois and the twins are too noisy back home.”
You laugh, only for your mind to go over her words again. “Ah—until Willy’s birthday?” Your eyes snap to Willy, and then to Lara. “You’re staying for that long?”
That’s a week from now. You’ve never known the new Lord Tybur to dwell far from home for so long in one place. At least, not in an old city to no one’s advantage like Liberio.
“I hope you don’t mind too much, Lucy,” says Willy, a small smile on his mouth.
You want to roll your eyes. He knows you can’t complain in front of your niece.
“Of course not,” you say, mirroring his mirth, but it only reaches your eyes when you look to Fine again, and then up at Lara. “You’re all here so early. Were you able to rest during the trip?”
Fine nods. “I slept the whole train ride, Aunt Lucy.” She takes a deep breath, and then nods with a sudden determination. “Do you want to play hopscotch in the courtyard?”
“Hopscotch?” you repeat. You remember hopscotch. Father in particular liked calling them hop squats. Sometimes hop snaps. A snap of father’s finger was a jump and no slower, and every time there were boxes where you could land on both feet, you were to immediately fall to a squat before launching yourself into the next box. It was mostly to test your agility, you realize as you look back now; but then hop squats never lasted long, and father soon graduated you into obstacle courses of his Titan’s making. 
As quickly as the thought comes to you, you realize she must mean proper hopscotch. The kind you saw younger children at boarding school play outside.
Mistaking your confusion for hesitation, Fine quickly says, “P-Papa said you were the best. I’m not very good… but I’ve been practicing.”
“No, no—of course I’ll play with you,” you say, heart breaking at her hopeful expression. You reach out to take her hand, but Willy has approached and places his on her hair instead, gently patting her.
“Fine, why don’t you get your chalk from your room? Auntie Lucy will meet you in the courtyard.”
“Okay, Papa,” she says, though she’s smiling at you. She takes your smile in return as your leave, and walks out of the room as calmly as she can, as you suppose her mother has told her a little lady of eight should, but her near-skips of excitement are difficult to conceal.
Willy is laughing the moment Markus closes the door behind her. “I know what you’re thinking. Father would turn in his grave if he knew I was letting the children taint his precious courtyard with colored chalk.”
He would, but you simply shrug. “Was it really that much better than using his own flesh?”
You purse your lips as soon as you say it. You suppose that’s Lara’s flesh now, and your eyes are wide and apologetic in her direction—but she only stifles a soft chuckle. “Father was never much concerned about this particular estate. I believe he will forgive us.”
You know that’s a lie and so does Willy, but neither of you contests her. Willy only shakes his head. “Thank you for humoring her. She really has been practicing.”
“When she’s come all this way? How couldn’t I?”
Willy’s eyes crinkle in half-amusement. “Does the same logic apply to your…” he pauses, and then motions to himself with a flourish meant to annoy, “dear brother?”
What remains of your smile falls, hanging by a thread thanks only to Lara’s presence. But it’s not entirely Willy’s fault. Now that you’re here before Lord Tybur, all you’ve managed to set aside since your meeting with List at HQ comes back to you. 
You ignore the urge to roll your eyes and purse your lips instead. “Willy, there’s something we need to discuss.”
He pauses at that; considers your expression. Glances at Lara before he looks at you again.
“And it can’t wait for lunch, Lucy? We’ve only just said hello.”
You were only irritated before, but now you’re upset. You scoff. “You don’t even know what it’s about—or did your intelligence man tell you?”
“My intelligence—what would Arnack know of it?” In spite of his question, he relaxes somewhat. “This concerns the military, then?”
The military and not Mila, not the family is what he means.
You cross your arms, glaring to the side almost petulantly—now it annoys you to even speak—when Lara’s hand finds yours. Your gaze softens, shoulders relax when she squeezes your fingers, and you have no choice but to look at her. 
“Fine is waiting in the courtyard. But you’ll tell us when you’re all done playing, won’t you, Lucy?”
Your will to sulk dissipates into embarrassment. You don’t want to give Lara any trouble. “All right.”
Lara smiles.
Sometimes, putting up with Willy is worth it.
You soon learn that maybe regular hopscotch isn’t so different from yours after all; besides the fact that there is no father around to insist you can move faster than you are now, the hopscotch Fine knows has 40 squares as well—you both dirty your dresses drawing the blocks and circles together, but you doubt Willy will chastise Fine for it—and she goes forward and backward too. 
Hopscotch goes better than you hope. Fine is very good at it, especially when she stops looking at you to see if you’re watching every few steps so she can focus on the pattern on the ground instead. She’s agile herself, and she lasts several rounds of this, which makes you wonder if Willy had her trained, however silly the notion may be…
But surely he hasn’t. You remember him angrily protesting the decision to send you away to father when you were little, though you hadn’t understood why until you were older. You know you can at least trust him not to do to his children what father did to you, even though he continues to permit the Warrior program.
“Aunt Lucy?”
Still catching your breath, you sit upright from the courtyard bench you laid back on, all sweaty and tired—but a good tired—and glance over at Fine. She’s sitting up too, her dress as much covered in chalk as yours. A stray strip of powder green that matches the color of her fingers is spread over her cheek. 
Before she can say anything, you give her a look of apology. “I don’t think I can go again, Fine. I haven’t moved that much in weeks.”
“Not that,” Fine lets out a little giggle as she shakes her head, though her face grows somber rather quickly afterward. “May I ask you something, auntie?”
You feel your hackles raise again, and you wonder if it’s the Mila or the Willy in her that does it. “Of course.”
She pulls her lips to one side, and then another as she considers her words. “Will I get the War Hammer after you do?”
Absolutely nothing is what runs through your mind as you hear her question. Nothing but terror and alarm, and the feeling of your stomach sinking again. A child shouldn’t have to think of these things. Not the new Warrior candidates, and not your little niece. You feel your mouth open and close just as it did with her mother, and you must somehow get to your feet and approach the bench next to yours. Fine draws her knees to her chest under her dress to give you space. 
It takes you even longer to look at her. “What makes you think I’ll get it?” When she only stares at you again, you tilt your head. “Fine?”
Fine presses her lips together, suddenly she seems as reluctant to speak as you do. She smiles now, glancing around as if to find something else to talk about.
You sigh. Like father, like daughter. 
“Fine,” you insist.
Her eyes quickly fall to her knees.  “It’s supposed to be a secret.”
“Then it’ll be our secret.”
“Promise?” When you give her an earnest nod, she bites the inside of her cheek, and then nods herself. “Mother said you must have it one day.”
Of course Mila would say that. Though you do your level best not to scoff, that is something on which you both agree, even if she thinks otherwise. “That’s Willy’s decision to make in the end,” you say, a small rebellion of your own, even if Willy’s wife isn’t here to hear it, and Fine is too innocent to know what it is. “Now, to answer your question—” you scoot a little closer. “It’s unlikely, you know. This is another secret,” and Fine nods quickly, “but the head of the Tybur family rarely receives the War Hammer. Not since the early days, from well over a hundred years ago, back in the time of the Eldian Empire. And since you’ll be the head one day, after Willy…”
Fine does not look comforted as you expect. “But grandfather had it.”
You blink.
For all her shyness, your niece watches you with the expectation of any precocious child her age.
She isn’t wrong—you simply never questioned it because father had it for as long as you can remember. The head of the Tybur Family must always, at the very least, bear an heir and a spare (for the War Hammer)... a policy father himself flouted over nineteen years ago. 
You don’t really have an answer for her. Lara was terribly ill at the time, as she always was before the War Hammer, and so you never considered her a candidate, but father did have a cousin or two remaining.
…Who can say? Father was enigmatic to you the day he sent you away, and was just as much so on the day you returned home from Liberio to learn you had failed his expectations and to bid him goodbye in a flurry that felt like the same breath. Lara certainly never speaks of him or of his memories to you. Not even when she told you the truth about the family.
“Father…” you decide to guess, “always liked to take matters into his own hands. He was Lord Tybur when he took the War Hammer. You would have to decide yourself to do it one day—I’m sure Willy would never break with tradition and have the future Lady Tybur inherit it.”
You prefer not to tell her that it’s so unlikely because she has so many little brothers and sisters from among whom Lord Tybur may one day choose instead.
Fine has no protest this time as she considers your answer, and you realize you don’t even know whether this news is good or bad to her ears. After all, you once wept with disappointment when you learned you wouldn’t inherit the War Hammer months before your thirteenth birthday.
“Did you want it?” you ask, taking your handkerchief and wiping the chalk from her face.
Fine presses her lips together again.
“I don’t know.”
That answer alone heartens you somewhat. If nothing else, you suppose, Willy is a man who loves his children.
Fine is as ladylike as a little girl can be as she devours her food as quick as she can. Willy had promised Mila that their eldest wouldn’t lose too much time for lessons simply because of the trip, so she is ushered back to her room for her studies not long after lunch begins. 
That leaves you alone with Willy and Lara. 
Even in the early afternoon, the chandelier high above shines starkly over the room. You sit at a long table, fit for several family members, you imagine, as you do in every Tybur estate dining room you’ve visited. The three of you occupy the tail end of the table, a little far from the fireplace with your back to the window. This room is filled with portraits of a select few former heads of the Tybur family, lords and ladies both. From where you sit, the earliest known Lord Tybur stares down at you with his head tilted aside.
You’re wondering what he might have been like through the eyes of his War Hammer when Willy starts.
“I’m so pleased to see your clothes still fit.”
Eyes turning away from the portrait, you glance down at the dress the staff had prepared for you. You didn’t bring your entire wardrobe to the Yeagers, of course, leaving much of it back at the Tybur estate. Especially the prettier dresses Willy bought you which have no place in the internment zone. 
The funny look on your face is too quick to stifle. “You bought me this only two months ago, before the two of you left.”
“I know. But it always surprises me how much you’ve grown up each time I see you again.”
At least Lara looks amused. “Only newborns will change so much in the span of two months, Willy.”
The little chuckle that escapes her throat makes Willy laugh. “I certainly know it now.”
“Now?” you ask with some curiosity.
“Oh, yes. He learned his lesson when you were born,” says Lara, fingers over her mouth as she continues to laugh.
“I’d insisted,” he tells the story, “that our baby clothes were too old for you, and that we needed an entire wardrobe of new baby pajamas despite father’s protests.” 
You can’t help but lean in. “Really? What did mother say?”
The two exchange glances. Lara opens her mouth, and then Willy—saves the moment with another smile. Or he would, if it weren’t so familiar to you. “She was ill,” he says.
Mother always was. A little too often, even to the ears of a child no older than six, but you let it pass without comment as you always have.
Lara clears her throat. Her smile leads you both away from the thought of her. “Imagine our chagrin when father was right, and you outgrew your clothes within your first month.”
“Father must have been so upset,” you gasp, grinning without knowing it.
“He understood,” Willy laughs. Even Lara’s mirth is hearty, and they both watch you as they settle down. There’s something in their gazes you recognize, but don’t, and you’re about to ask what when brother speaks again. 
“Don’t you miss home, Lucy? Just us at the fireplace, reading together? Laughing at the dining table just like this?”
The question surprises you just as much as the immediate answer in your mind does. His question is honest enough, without the underlying needling that you often feel accompanies his others. For once, you set aside the instinct to sneer at him.
But you can’t respond just yet.
“That’s not why I’m here.”
The hope in Willy’s gaze fades, and what remains of his smile is the kind he has always presented to the public. Lord Tybur and annoying brother all at once.
“Of course not. You came because I summoned you. You would never join us at the estate otherwise.”
“No,” you say carefully, and remind him, “I came because the military summoned me almost as soon as I arrived here two weeks ago.”
Lord Tybur’s face quickly sours. “They did what? Under whose command?”
“General List,” you supply. Willy’s expression gives nothing away, so you continue. “They want… a better foothold in the Mid East peninsula, and they want to start with surrounding territories. They think they could accomplish this if the head of the Tybur Foundation denounced the regime’s policies to curry favor abroad, and then used the Foundation to ferry in Marleyan spies.”
Willy’s brow, quirked all this time, softens as he scoffs. “And they think my wife would agree to this.”
You brace yourself. “They think your sister would.”
Willy’s eyes fly to Lara—until, after a moment of confusion, they land on you. 
“You?” he asks after a long pause. “You would chair the Foundation?”
Your gulp is practically involuntary. Your mouth is dry without warning and your mind buzzes to life with anger and self-doubt. Willy has never been outwardly so… so like Mila. 
You square your shoulders and lift your chin. “Why not? I’m a Tybur, too. And by blood, at that.”
“Running the Foundation takes more than blood, Lucy,” Willy says, setting down his utensils. “What did List promise you in exchange for this?”
You lick your lips in apprehension, but you answer. “I would fulfill the Foundation’s purpose, of course. The Tybur Foundation can show other nations that Eldians are no monsters. Just - just people. And I’m not stupid. I know it’s a carrot List dangles over my nose, but—but why not take this chance? People can learn. The Tyburs have a voice. We can teach them.”
Willy’s flippant expression slips into neutrality as you speak. You don’t know that he’s holding his temper. “Teach them what?” he asks quietly. “That the Tyburs are hypocrites, maintaining their status in the Empire that suffocates the rest of the world with Eldian might while claiming that Eldians are innocent?”
“I - I would distance the Foundation from the regime and the family.”
“And endanger the family?”
“The Tyburs are the furthest from any danger in this world and you know it,” you snap, fists clenched at your lap before you know it. “Are you saying you won’t permit me to do this?”
“I’m saying that this is a fool’s errand,” Willy says, head tilting up, his patience clearly wearing thin. After a pause, he rears his head to you. “You’ve begged me to let you remain Lucy Blanchard ever since you returned from this city. Pleaded with me only a year past to let you take the entrance exams here. Now you want this? Help me understand, Lucy. You’ve never been one for caprice.”
He’s right. You have to answer him quickly before he realizes he is.
“I never said—” you stammer, “I don’t even want—I mean—”
Willy catches your mistake and latches on. “You don’t even want this,” he repeats slowly. “And yet you persist. What is the meaning of this? Is this - is this about going against my wishes? You would put yourself at risk just to—?”
“No!” you insist. “I—I just want the Tybur family to do something! And if,” you venture, the momentum in your voice losing its edge, “if it has to be me,” your hands wring at your skirt, “then…”
“Please, Lucy.” Willy is too dignified to groan, but you hear it in his voice. Exasperation. “You don’t know the first thing about leading the Foundation!”
“And Mila, raised in all her riches here, did?” you challenge. “I can learn! That’s all I’ve done my whole life—learn!” You can’t help but slam a fist against the dining table. The silver all do a little leap and clatter back against themselves in support. “Learn that Marleyans are no better than Eldians. Learn that I’m nothing but a failure after a childhood spent training to kill. Learn that everything this family ever taught me is a lie!”  
“Lucy!” Lara says your name so sharply that it hurts. Not hisses, but almost. She watches you with an expression you don’t recognize, wide-eyed and almost furious, except you’ve never even seen her upset before. You would recognize it as danger, if you knew what it looked like on her face.
You don’t. You at least lower your gaze, but the summer after father died is burned into your memory, and sometimes you remember the Warriors’ first foray into war better than you can recall mother’s smile. Your fire may be doused, but you aren’t finished.
“Please,” you murmur, eyes still on your plate. Your food is unfinished, and your appetite is lost. “It doesn’t have to be me. It could be you, Willy. …Everyone loves you. You could make peace with Paradis. They think they’re the last of humanity. If that king’s will lives on in the Founding Titan as sister remembers it, as our family tells it, then they would find relief in the return of the world.”
You interrupt Lord Tybur with more. “We would regain not only the Founding Titan, but the glory of removing what the world believes is the last threat of the old Eldian Empire. And then you could… you could change things. Ease the world into a period away from Marleyan hegemony.”
Willy scoffs, this time with pity. “Naïveté at its finest. Peace is easy to speak of, but all the world wants Paradis for its resources. They would view Marley as competition at best.”
His softer tone is the only thing that helps you maintain yours, though your hands continue crumple at your skirt under the table. “But the world is terrified of Paradis,” you reason. “Marley is the only superpower at present that can hold the ‘threat’ of that island at bay. And then—and then, before the world develops weapons enough to defeat Titan might, we could show them that the remaining Eldians on the island, in the world, can be just as good as the family that bears the War Hammer. If the world might listen to anyone, it would listen to the head of the Tybur family.”
“A century of Eldian suffering cannot make up for the millennia of Eldian tyranny,” Willy says gravely. “The world still cries out for blood. No goodwill for the family will surpass it.”
“You don’t know that,” you frown. “There have to be people out there willing to learn better.”
Willy rises to his feet. Looks down at you to remind you that though he suffers your candor, you are still a Tybur under his authority.  “The Tybur family has survived because we have known when and where to pull the strings. I will not change this policy.”
You glare up at him from your seat. You feel your grip on this argument slipping, and your patience, too. “Of course not.” You never did learn to bite your tongue with him the way you did in the military. “You’ve changed nothing since you became Lord Tybur.”
Willy’s lip curls. You look incredibly alike in that moment, Lara will tell you before you go later—but he reins in his own anger. “We can only do so much to restore the Eldian name, Lucy.”
“The words of a coward,” you spit powerlessly.
“Lucy,” Lara reprimands, but not with the same expression as before. This one is less harsh, but still reproving. Disappointed more than angry. 
Willy sends her a grateful look. His shoulders relax somewhat, and you seize the opportunity to speak.
“Then—then can’t you give the Mid East peninsula something for the sake of peace?” you plead. “Our forces are weakened without the Colossal Titan, and if the weapons abroad really are becoming as powerful as they say…”
“I’ve read the reports.” Willy sounds exhausted. “This… anti-Titan weaponry will take much longer than List would have you believe. But the Mid East desires freedom above all else, in any case, and the regime would never agree.”
“The regime would listen to Lord Tybur.”
“The answer is no, Lucy.”
You feel petulant staring at Willy’s plate in dismay. You have nothing else you can say. If he won’t give you the Foundation, then List’s plan is dust. The Warriors will go on as they have until they pass their Titans to their successors, and so on. Eldians will remain fodder.
You can only turn to Lara. 
“How could you agree with him?” you ask. Before father died, after you came home from Warrior training, she agreed with you. She thought the world could do better.
She takes a moment to think. And then, as though recalling an old memory, she says, “It’s all well and good to care for other Eldians, Lucy. But the family is where our loyalties lie, and we - I trust the decisions of Lord Tybur. I’m sorry… but you ask too much.”
“So what you mean to say,” you mutter in resignation, “is that our choices are to obliterate the enemy in their entirety or to doom our race forever.”
Willy shakes his head. His expression is closed. Isn’t this how each of your fights ends, anyway?
“What Lara meant is she will not risk your life, or the Tybur family, for a chance at peace. Neither will I.”
The dining table is far too quiet for any more eating after that, and Willy claims to have some appointment after lunch soon after. He always happens to be busy after any fight you have with him, so you aren’t too surprised. When Willette promises it’s true, you don’t bother to disagree. Everyone loves Willy too much to imagine he might tell lies.
You don’t return to the zone just yet, even after Lara quietly embraces you goodbye as they go. Fine is still around, after all, and she’s all too quick to ask you to stay and read while she studies in her room. You aren’t inclined to disappoint her, and you’re almost sorry to find that Willy brought a selection of books from your room back at the estate with the hope that you might stay with them a while. 
The answer is no, you think with a little frustration, but also with a little regret that you set aside. It would be far too strange for anyone who knows you only as Lucy Blanchard for you to come from anywhere but the zone every day.
You’re brought back close to the zone in the late afternoon, once Fine is tired enough to need a nap, with a permit that explains away your disappearance. You’re heading down a block toward the zone gates when you catch a familiar face coming your way.
You’ve noticed that Kellan’s eyes always look ahead outside of the zone. Around, over, aside Marleyans and never on them, so as not to attract attention. So your voice clearly surprises him, and he double takes before blinking at you.
“Lucy. What are you doing here?” He looks you over politely. “That’s a pretty dress.”
“Thanks. I was on an errand,” you answer, waving your permit in an effort to distract him from your clothes, and then folding it before he can try to take a look. “You?”
“Errand,” he smiles, freely showing you his. You don’t take a look, nodding instead as he glances around. “Do you want to come? My cousins were supposed to join me, but they… well, they’re afraid to leave the zone. The permit was for a few of us.”
You look around too. Marleyans don’t go by this area so close to the internment zone, but you’re not entirely sure where Kellan’s going. Despite everything, there’s safety in numbers, right?
A few blocks later, and you know you were right to join Kellan for this errand. You always walk among non-Eldians going to and from and in the university, but this area is particularly thick with them. It’s only when you turn right toward a smaller street that there’s any room to breathe. 
“It’s not that much different from the zone sometimes,” Kellan murmurs once anyone nearby is too far off to hear him. “Whenever I see it, it’s… odd to think we’re not welcome here.”
You look up at him. “I hope one day we will be.”
His sullen expression lights up just a little. “That’s - that’s what I want to happen by becoming a doctor. I know we’re only allowed to have patients from the zone, but… At least the world will see that there are Eldian hands that heal. Destruction isn’t all we’re good for.”
Pleased by his optimism, you miss the spite in his last sentence. “That’s admirable. Really,” you add, when he measures the truth of your words with a glance.
He smiles now. “What made you want to become a doctor?”
The answer is easy. “Dr. Yeager did. He used to receive patients next door when I was little.”
“Dr. Yeager,” Kellan repeats. “I almost forgot you live with them. …If you don’t mind me asking, why do you? Are they family?”
“No,” you laugh. “I came here from… far away,” you wave your hand at the general distance. “For Warrior selection. I made it as a cadet, but—” you shrug. “No further.”
“You were chosen,” he realizes, clearly shocked. “That’s why you know them so well.”
Some pride goes into your nod. “I spend time with them at HQ most mornings before I return home so we can go to campus.”
“With them,” says Kellan, unable not to repeat your words. “With the Cart, with the new Jaw…”
You nod slowly. You’re starting to wonder where this is going.
“With the Beast,” he rattles off, “and the Armor, right?”
A small pause overtakes your desire to speak when you remember they’re all that’s left. For now, you hope. Only Marcel has really been confirmed dead.
“I… work at the market sometimes,” Kellan says like an admission. “Everyone knows Mr. Hoover’s kid didn’t come back. That girl, too.”
You exhale. You weren’t even close with Bertholdt and Annie, but the reminder still makes you bite your tongue. “Yeah.”
“Doesn’t it bother you, knowing what they do?” he continues. “They make us Eldians even more hated in the world—all in the name of getting to be honorary Marleyans.”
You don’t know if it’s his scoff, so uncharacteristic of how you’ve seen him thus far, or the fact that you’ve had the same thought that silences you again.
“But,” you can’t help but respond, “that would have been me if I’d succeeded. A Warrior.”
“But it’s not you,” he says reassuringly, guiding you across another small street. “You’re studying to be a doctor, Lucy. To help. The antithesis of what they do.”
You know he’s not wrong. He’s absolutely right. And yet… you frown at him, brows all furrowed, gaze almost prickly. He hasn’t seen you this way, either.
His eyes widen again, this time with apology. “...Forget I said that. It’s just… been a long day. And, uh—we’re here.”
You don’t want to think about this right now. You give him, and yourself, the out. You put on a smile. 
“Right,” you say, but it’s still all wrong when you follow his gaze. The alley spills out into a bigger street again, though it’s not wide enough for an avenue. Across the street—
Kellan’s errand was a pharmacy visit?
“Ow,” he yelps when you grab his arm tight and pull him back, just before you enter the main road. Across the street, a line stretches outside the pharmacy. None of the customers are wearing Eldian armbands.
“We’re not allowed at Marleyan pharmacies,” you say. “We have to go.”
He looks at you almost like you’re a stranger until he pats your hand around his arm. When your grip loosens, he reminds you, “They allowed it around five years ago. It was a…” he shrugs noncommittally. “A gift to the Eldians, because the Warriors had gone on their mission to that island. A few months late, but… I would never complain.”
A few months after the Warriors left. After father had already passed. 
You lower your gaze as you head across the street together toward the pharmacy. But just as the regret for your words earlier starts to sink in,  a gruff Ha! distracts you.
At the end of the line heading for the pharmacy, two city guards have accosted a boy wearing an armband. His bangs are all over his eyes as he stupidly tries to break free of the hold one of the guards has on him.
“I—please, I got a permit! See?” he cries out. The Marleyans ahead of the line shuffle a little closer to each other and further away from the scene.
The guard that isn’t holding him looks at a now crinkled piece of paper. “Don’t they teach you anything in that zone? A permit to run errands for select shops is a separate permit from entering a pharmacy.”
“B-but I, I have a - a permit, it’s still a permit,” the boy stammers. He’s only a few years older than Fine and the new Warrior cadets. Certainly not even Colt’s age.
The guard holding him chuckles darkly. He says something else, but—it’s the boy you’re watching. You can already see his face, nose all bloody with his eye swollen and purple. On the ground. An adult’s boot still digging into his side when he’s already curled up in agony.
The guard with the permit raises a straightened hand when you feel your feet move. 
“Ah—Grisha,” you call out, grabbing his free hand to the surprise of the guard holding his other. “This is where you’ve been, you little snot-nosed brat!” 
He looks up at you in fear and utter confusion, but you can give it no more thought as you turn to the guards in dismay. “I’m so - so sorry, sirs,” you try. You wish the tremble in your voice were an act. “I—we told him to get the,” you glance at the small bag dangling from his elbow, “the bottles, and go straight home. I knew when he wasn’t at the gate that he must’ve done something completely idiotic.”
The guards are both sizing you up and glaring at you.
“I’m his—sister,” you explain hurriedly. “We - we have a permit. Don’t we?”
You glance around for Kellan, who is where you left him, still watching you with his mouth agape. When you give him an urgent look, he rushes over to you with a nod. His hands are shaking when he presents the permit, which the guards snatch with a grunt.
Their eyes flit between you, Kellan, the permit, and the boy.
“Much better dressed than the brat here,” one says suspiciously.
You curse under your breath as you look down at the clothes Willy bought. “I…” you do your best to smile, “I just put on my best dress when I leave the zone.”
The guard eyes you from head to toe and back. Slowly. 
Kellan clears his throat unsurely, taking a step forward in some attempt to get in your way. “Um, sir—”
“You’re a pretty little thing,” the guard says, coming close before he can. “But it don’t matter what you look like. Still got pig’s blood underneath.”
Relief and fury fill you at his words. All this time, your instinct is still to raise your eyes to him in defiance, but you see the messy mop of hair on the child as he watches you from the corner of your eye, and you hear Kellan’s trembling breath not far to your side. 
You’re Lucy Blanchard, and you know better.
You release your tongue from between your teeth and set your eyes to the man’s boots, head bowed. “I understand, sir. Please forgive us for the trouble.”
“Bust,” the other guard mutters with disappointment, dropping Kellan’s permit to the ground. “Let’s find another one.”
The guard still has his eye on you when he nods at his friend. “Right. Well. You three make sure you head back to the zone once you’re done here. We don’t need more of you running around where it should be safe for the rest of us.”
“Yes, sir,” Kellan quickly says. You murmur it in suit, and the guards walk away.
When they’re finally out of sight, you let out the biggest sigh of relief you’ve given—probably the biggest since you were selected as a Warrior cadet. Or maybe when Zeke first successfully transformed.
“Don’t,” you say, looking to the boy, “ever wander around here without a proper permit again. You could’ve died. You hear me?” When the boy squeaks out a yes, you hold a hand out for the list of medicine he came for. 
Next to you, Kellan smooths out his permit. “That was dangerous,” he frowns, though it soon softens into wonder. “But—amazing, too. Quick thinking.” Drawing closer, he gently takes your hand and looks the boy, and then you in the eye. “Are you all right?”
You put on a brave face. “At least they’re gone, right? No one - no one was hurt.”
The boy nods meekly next to you, and Kellan smiles, squeezing your hand. “Yeah.”
You smile back, ignoring the looks you receive from the Marleyans. “Can I see your prescriptions, too?”
“Of course,” Kellan nods, letting you go to take it from his messenger bag. 
When he hands it to you, you hold the lists with both hands and fall in line.
Your fingers are still shaking.
It feels like months have passed by the time you get home. You parted ways with Kellan and Ben—the boy—not long after you arrived back at the zone. Kellan offered to walk you home, but his house is the opposite direction from the Fingers’, and you didn’t want to trouble him. 
The truth is his words before you arrived at the pharmacy were still ringing in your mind, and the idea of him taking you to Pieck’s didn’t sit well with you. She’s still out when you visit, so you end up helping Mr. Finger dust their living room and bookshelf that afternoon—and resist his desired reordering of it, expressing your misgivings about how Pieck might not like that very much. You manage to distract him by pointing out that the laundry still needs folding, and he had better start with dinner in the meantime.
Pieck is none the wiser about how you saved her system when she comes home, and you enjoy a quiet dinner with them. She tells you all about their lunch - the cadets took over the entire conversation during meal, given how excited they were to have Reiner there, especially Gabi. Mr. Finger is all too happy to listen, and thankfully doesn’t press you about your own affairs that night when you decline the first instance. You and Pieck share a look then—an understanding that you’ll talk about your own day another time, away from her father’s ears.
The Yeagers are in bed when you come home. Of course they have leftovers for you, even when they know you were meant to have dinner with the Fingers today. You resolve to eat it for breakfast tomorrow. You decide you’re too tired to even bathe when you finally get to the stairs.
You know the upstairs hallway well enough that you don’t turn the lights on when you get there, so it’s impossible to miss that Zeke’s door is ajar, the lamp at his bedside table spilling warmth onto the floorboards outside.
His door creaks as you nudge it further open. Zeke is in bed, a book splayed open on his chest while his head is laid against his headboard. Eyes closed, lips parted, Mr. Ksaver’s glasses still on his nose—he must have fallen asleep reading again.
“Zeke,” you sigh, shaking your head. 
You approach his bed and lift one knee over it, reaching over to take the glasses off—when he grabs your wrist out of the air, eyes flying open with suspicion and fear.
“Easy,” you grunt.
His gaze and his body relax with a slouch at the sight and sound of you, and you release each other as he lays back. “Hey,” he says, blinking dry eyes up at you as he briefly lifts his elbow to his mouth for a yawn. His free hand motions to the space by the foot of the bed, though it stiffens somewhat as he takes a good look at you.
“What’s wrong?”
You blink yourself, trying not to look too obvious about the answer. You don’t feel like talking about it right now anyway. “Nothing, I’m just… tired.”
After a scrutinizing pause, he pats his bed again instead of insisting. When you take a seat at the very edge of his mattress - you’re still in your out clothes, after all - he asks, “How was the family reunion?”
You shrug. “I guess… The way we’d expect. They want me to stay with them while they’re in the city.”
Zeke sits up. “Really?”
“I’m not doing that,” you mutter, glaring aside as you think of lunch earlier today. “I don’t know how Willy expects me to play nice after everything. And Lara… she’s no better nowadays.”
Zeke scratches the back of his ear. “But you love Lara.”
The certainty in his voice makes you remember it despite your disappointment. “I - well, I’m having dinner with them, anyway. For Willy’s birthday.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Zeke says dismissively. He’s leaned over a little closer to watch for your expression. 
You whip your head at him in a frown, and he almost laughs. “You know you don’t have to pretend you don’t miss them to me.”
You continue to glare at him, but this time he shoots you a look, straightening somehow to remind you how much taller he is, even when he’s leaned back against his headboard again. He knows you well enough now to see through this. With a sigh, you draw your knees up to your chest under your dress, still sitting as close to the mattress’s edge as possible, and cross your arms over them.
“I do miss them,” you sigh. “But things will never go back to the way they were. They’re just so - so - they’re so—”
Zeke helps you along with a, “So…”
“So different!” you groan, and bury your nose and mouth under your arms in embarrassment for the little outburst. “I know it. I’ve known it for a while. Especially since father died. But…” 
Head against your arms, you look to him as though he can change anything for you. “Why can’t things just stay the same? I know why, but… why?”
Zeke is quiet as he listens to you, lips pursed slightly as if in thought. Suddenly you feel guilt. You’re whining about the good old days when you were happy, knowing full well what he went through as a boy. Knowing your childhood, so carefree, was worlds different from his own.
“Sorry,” you say, wincing at your stupidity again. “I know I’m being selfish.”
Zeke shrugs. “I didn’t say that. I was going to say—” His chest shudders a little as he inhales, but his voice is steady when he opens his arms to you. A promise in a single motion. “Some things can stay the same.”
You hold each other’s gazes, his with the offer and yours unsure of the truth of it. There’s still so much you don’t know, still want to know about these past six years, but you can save that for later. You’ve done it before.
“I’m in my out clothes,” you confess.
“That sounds like a Lucy problem,” he admits in turn.
You smile as he does, and with a grateful huff, you lean closer and dip into his arms, burying your face into his chest. He still smells like—like every good memory you had in the past in spite of every horror you’ve learned since leaving the Tybur estate almost a decade and a half ago. Like Zeke, and like a little more that you refuse to acknowledge.
“You’re not gonna kick me again if I let you sleep in my room tonight, are you?” he asks. Your muffled laugh makes him do the same.
Even then, as his arms tighten around you and you breathe in the scent of him, you both know his promise is a lie. But neither of you cares to pull away just yet, either.
When you finally do, Zeke sets a pillow between you, just like before, and you lay with your head in your arms again, looking up at him as he settles down himself. 
“Do you... want to tell me a story?” you ask. You had a family reunion. So had he, weeks ago.
His gaze shifts to you almost sharply, but the surprise blunts it. You can feel it—that he knows Pieck told you something, and that he knows you know he knows. You expect him to reply with sarcasm, the way he always has when you prod too quickly before he’s ready, but he only shakes his head.
“Another time,” he says, though it’s more of a question between you.
“Okay,” you agree with a small smile.
He returns it… until yours starts to slip. And then he smirks. “Can’t stand being in those clothes, can you?”
The disgust finally makes its way to your face. “It’s awful.”
Zeke lets out a knowing snicker and groans as he crawls off the bed. “I’ll get your pajamas. Think I still have some of your old ones here—you can’t have grown that much, right?”
You rear your foot back in preparation.
I’ve been excited to write this chapter showing the Tybur dynamic forever! I know people might disagree with my interpretation of them, but let’s just say - Lara has a lot going on. As for Willy, for all that he does in the canon story and for all his charisma, my view of him is he very much assists in perpetuating a certain cycle, and that he would have a hard time with Lucy even if he means well.
Yes, Lucy = indecisive hypocrite, but what Tybur isn't? JK I love the Tyburs but I hope you can stick this out to see how things go. 
Thank you for reading despite the wait!
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espritmuse · 3 years
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⌕ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Lara Tybur from aot (x reader)
⌕ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut warning, mention of mommy kink, cum, hair pulling, semi public sex…
⌕ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hi guys <3 since you may know, Lara tybur is my new obsession… she’s just so pretty and mysterious, I’m in love. I always wanted to do a nsfw alphabet and I don’t think anyone made one about her already so here I am!! Reblogs are very much welcomed since she isn’t very popular in the fandom :(
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⊹₊ ⋆A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The sweetest creature. She always takes her time with you, no matter who was in charge during intercourse. Most of the time, she runs a bath for both of you; she then sits behind you, her hands all over your chest protectively. She takes her time and helps you wash your delicate skin. After that she just goes to sleep on her bed, her body all over yours or, sometimes, she holds you in her sleep, just to feel even closer to your warmth.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Lara’s favourite part of her body is probably her breasts. They’re very soft, plump, and delicate, painted by the angels themselves. She loves when she finds the tip of your tongue all over them, your lips wrapped around her pink nipple, adoration in your eyes.
She probably prefers your face. Out of everything. She just loves it, the way your lips curve into a small smile at anytime of the day, the way your eyes shines when you notice something adorable, or even the way your gaze gets lost in hers whenever she’s talking about anything.
But also the way your features feels under her touch when her core is all over your face, when her mouth is agape, eyes watering thanks to the stimulation you’re giving her, legs fragile and almost trembling.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She’s such a dirty girl but she hides it very well. So, at first, she’ll pretend to hate it when you come undone all over her stomach but, too bad for her you had already noticed a glimpse of excitation in her eyes. Oh she loves it. So much. That’s why she adores when you ride her face, she can then have your wet pussy all over her mouth without any complaints.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Public sex. Or at least, semi-public sex. She loves the thrill of it, the excitation of feeling like you both could get caught in a minute if anyone opened the door, if anyone decided to turn in this poorly lit street… maybe that all she wants, someone seeing you and her like that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I don’t think she’s very experimented. Her family is one of a kind. They're very strict and severe about her education and forbade her any misbehaving, including romantic relationships. But it’s for the better, now you can experiment everything with her.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Face riding like I previously explained, she loves feeling your entirety beneath her, feeling your warmth and all your wetness, being the cause of your pleasure. The view is pretty nice too.
Missionary, this goes without saying, very basic but she just loves feeling you close to her at such a vulnerable moment, whenever it’s you or her on top. She may have a preference for when she’s under you, just so she can tease you more, caress your cheeks with her fingers or even digs her nails into your back when her pleasure is too much for her.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious, as always. But she likes when you tease her a bit and try to make her smile and laugh. Okay maybe she isn’t that serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Well trimmed. I think that she doesn’t really like when there is nothing down there but she doesn’t like a bush either. So yeah, she keeps it well trimmed and obliviously her hairs are dark brown/ blackish.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She loves whispering sweet nothings in your ears. Little “I love you”s hidden between two loud whimpers… Her lips are always all over yours, and her hand is always finding its way to yours too. She just feels better like that, her baby close to her.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh, she used to do that a lot in her little bedroom. Since daddy and mommy never allowed her to do anything, she has to do it herself. But that was before you started sneaking in her room at night without her family knowing. Now she doesn’t need her fingers anymore, why would she? Yours are so much better.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling, she’s always wearing this stupid bun, so you just love ripping off the hairband and grabbing all of her long dark brown locks in your fist when you hit from the back.
Mommy kink. The word probably slipped out of your mouth and you thought that it was the most embarrassing shit ever. No. She just smiled and continued what she was doing, calling you her little baby in your ears.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed. Yeah it’s basic but it’s her favourite. Comfy and convenient, any positions or almost are possible and she just feels better there. Or just her bedroom in general because she likes when you fuck her on her desk when she’s overworking <3
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Her motivation is the little praises that escape your mouth when she fucks you to good as well as your melodious moans when she goes down on you. Nothing better for her than hearing all of that, feeling that she’s pleasuring you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anal. I really don’t think she’s into that at all. Or she’ll try maybe, if you really want to, but just once. An anal plug is her limit.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Oh God she loves giving. She’s very good with her mouth too, she relies on your pretty noises to know if she’s doing good or not. But don’t get her wrong, she also loves when you do it on her too, especially when you use both of your tongue and fingers.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Most of the time, she is slow and sensual. She likes taking her time on you, touching all of your soft skin, admiring your face when she’s on top…
But if you’re a bit rougher on her, she doesn’t really mind either, in fact, she secretly loves it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She isn’t a big fan of them to be honest, like I said she prefers when things are unhurried, sensual etc.
It doesn’t mean that she’s totally against it tho, she loves when you grab her thighs to put them on the kitchen counter before playing a bit with her body <3
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Except for public/semi-public sex, I don’t think that she’ll do too many risky things. Maybe she likes when you place your hand around her neck too.
Oh God yes and also she secretly likes when you threaten her to say everything to her parents (the fact that you sneak in her bedroom at night just to fuck her stupid) if she isn’t obedient. She’s a very well behaved puppy after that !
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She can last very long, we may forget it but she’s very well trained, she’s a Titan after all… So yeah no stamina problem for her, she can go for a lot of rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You’re the one who introduced toys to her, showing her proudly your pretty collection. She loves them, really. Her favourite is the strap on, of course, especially when you use it on her little pussy, she’s so sweet, all delighted to open her legs for you <3 She also likes using it on you, she likes penetrating you with a dildo when she eats you out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She likes to tease but not that much. Most of the time she’s doing it very very discreetly in public, sitting on your lap and moving her thighs together slowly just for your to notice, when she bends down to pick up something she has “accidentally” dropped just in front of you just so you can see the curve of her ass and a bit of her white lace lingerie.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Aw, she was so timid at first, too embarrassed to make any noises in front of you. But after some nights, you told her and taught her that it was okay, that you really wanted to hear her pretty moans. She was very happy and now, you have to be the one to remind her to keep quiet when she’s too loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She loves when you fuck her with her clothes on. When you just lift her skirt and slid her pantie to the side because you’re too excited to penetrate her. Bonus point if you do that on the wall, floor or anything that isn’t her bed.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I imagine her with very plump and round breasts, roseate nipples, and a toned stomach thanks to all of the training she had to go through. She doesn’t have a tiny pussy tho, it’s very cute, her inner lips are a bit long, only half covered by her outer lips.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not too high nor too low honestly. She’s kinda needy when you don’t touch her for more than two days tho. She just loves doing it with you, she can’t get enough.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Very very fast, once both of your bodies clean, she goes back to her bed and falls asleep. If you’re staying for the night (she always begs you to and honestly, how could you resist her.) she’ll try to stay awake a bit longer just so she can talk to you before you leave her the next morning.
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akarinittalovers · 3 years
How You Meet
The first time you ever meet her was back in the cadet corps. You came from a hunter family from the forest inside of the wall Rose so when you first join the cadet corps you barely knew anyone there and you are quite shy because of your accent so that doesn't help at all.
It was Nanaba who approach you first. Both of you began to regularly chat with each other during your free time between training and classes. Over time both of you grew closer.
You decided to join whatever branch of the military that she will join. Even though both of you are one of the top ten graduates instead of joining the military brigade and life a peaceful life you decide to join her to the Survey corps.
While you plan to protect her during an expedition outside the walls for the first time the reality is much crueler than the story of Knight in shining armor. The truth is she is much stronger than you, while you are reasonably skilled as a soldier she just more proficient in fighting Titans. So in the end, she is the one who protected you.
Your first expedition was nothing sort of disaster. From more than twenty new recruits that join the survey corps, only you and Nanaba survive the whole ordeal. The only silver lining to this was both of your skill doesn't go unnoticed. Both of you are promoted and place on the best squad on the whole survey corps, the Erwin squad (This take place some years before the fall of Wall Maria).
After some years have passed both of your careers on survey corps were going well, especially after Keith Shadis step down as the commander and Erwin became his replacement. You get promoted as one of the section commanders and she was vice-leader of the Mike squad.
Side Story:
At first, you thought Nanaba was a man. When she tells you the truth, you immediately apologize to her profusely. You should have seen your panic face at that moment.
She just laughed at you and tell you not to worry. "Don't worry about it. It almost happens all the time, " she told you but That got an opposite effect on you. You just felt even worse for her and that resulted in you absentmindedly told her "You got pretty hair."
Her hobby is training/sparring with you. Two of her favorite exercises are close-quarter combat and ODM gear training.
Your current score of sparing with her is.
Nanaba vs Y/N
#ODM training
Nanaba vs Y/N
•Anka Rheinberger
When you are first to meet her it was at the orientation event of the garrison troops. You are one year her senior and you are left in charge of her in your squad.
She was the type of person who takes the job seriously and as you expected she was rose up through the rank quite was and in almost no time she was outranked you. She was even put under Commander Pixis squad directly.
One thing that wasn't expected was not long after she was put under commander Pixis squad you are also promoted there. Later you found out that Anka has written a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
While it's true that you are quite a reliable person and the only reason you weren't promoted was that you had some grievances with your superior officers and if you being honest you wouldn't mind not being promoted since are already in a pretty comfortable position but still it was incredibly nice of her. Now both of you are working side by side once again.
Side Story:
She doesn't like to drink or see people drink during the day, especially during work hours. This was probably due to her workaholic personality.
But during the night and day off, she absolutely loves to drink. Both of you are occasionally going to the pub together. Compare to you she was a heavy drinker.
Her favorite drink is beer and her least favorite liquor is wine.
•Rico Brezenska
The first time you meet her was in 850 during the battle of Trost District after the second appearance of the Colossal Titan. Particularly it was during the closing part of the Battle.
You were assigned to the elite team under her command to escort Eren Yeager to seal off the breach on Trost District. Miraculously this suicide mission was a success, the wall was managed to be a seal.
After that harrowing experience, you and Rico along with Mikasa Armin and Eren Yeager were evacuated by the Survey corps thus both of you doesn't get involved in the operation of retaking the wall, Trost. Since only both of you from the garrison elite squad survive the whole ordeal both of you place on the same squad from then point forward.
Side Story:
Rico was well known for her strict attitude because of that she was feared by her juniors and even her Superior. So they usually go through you first to get her.
There are rumors about you two dating and both of you are unaware of this.
•Lara Tybur
The first time you meet her was when she was first introduced as a new maid of the Tybur family. You were task to train her to be a good maid.
She was a great learner, she picked up maidservant skills pretty easily. That being said her skills as a maid were quite inferior compare to you.
So that is why you were angry when you learned that she will become the head of the maidservant and Butler of the Tybur family. The position is usually reserved for your family who faithfully served the Tybur family for generations.
Jealousy and curiosity as to why she was chosen to become the head of the servant make you act foolishly. One day you interrogate her on her true identity and that is how you learn that she was a member of the Tybur family moreover that she was the inheritor of Warhammer Titan.
But that was the start of an unlikely friendship between jealous Maid/Butler and Princess in disguise. She suggested that it became both of your little secrets.
Side Story:
Both of you are usually hanging out in the secluded part of the garden during your free time. Both of you usually have a launch there and chatting.
Lara's favorite snack is Takoyaki the traditional food from Hizuru. She was an expert at cooking and her skill in that field are far surpassed you. Also, she loves sports and singing.
The first time you meet this stylish gal is when you first joined the Survey corps. Being your senior she was left in charge of you and your squadmate for your training & first expedition outside.
During your training as a survey corps - about at least three weeks before your first expedition outside - you grew to admire her. You saw her as someone who could be relied on. You aspire to become her.
After several expeditions outside of the walls, you become experienced soldiers and even got a nice position in your squad. Although Nifa is no longer with your squad because of her role there was only temporary.
Side Story:
You were crying a lot after your return from the first expedition. The combination of horror from Titan and seeing your comrades get eaten was too much for inexperienced soldiers like you. But Nifa was there to comfort you.
Nifa is the most stylish member of the Survey corps. You often see her doing some sort of makeup in her free time.
•Frieda Reiss
You were Frieda's childhood friend. You grew up on a Reiss family farm where both of your parents work as a farmhand.
You meet her when she was visiting with her father on the farm. You were a shy kid so Frieda was first to approach you. Although you were resisted at first due to everyone's insistence you reluctantly agree to play with her.
Honestly playing with her wasn't that bad. She has a big sister aura around her and she is very smart so she can teach you a whole lot of things.
But one day an accident struck, both of your parents were involved in a stagecoach accident while delivering goods from Reiss estate. Unfortunately, your father passed away while your mother's right leg has to be amputated.
Though fortunately for you and your mother the Reiss family are willing to take care of both of you while your mother recovering from her injuries and later employs her as a maid. So, for a few years, you and Freida are living on the same roof.
Things go on like this for at least a couple of years until you reach the age of 15 years old. While you're thankful to the Reiss family especially to Freida but for some reason, you felt like a burden to them and you don't want to get more indebted to them. You decided to leave them behind and join the Survey corps.
Side Story:
Frieda is a couple of years older than you and she was the one who teaches you how to read and that is how you become the only literate member of your family.
Frieda loves to tease you. You see Frieda as a big sister figure.
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marsbutterfly · 3 years
tea for lara tybur sugar mommy headcanons?
absolutely. the fun thing about her being a Tybur is that with their status and wealth, this isn’t even a stretch in canon. 
SugarMommy! Lara Tybur
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she’s known that she was a lesbian for a long time and she’s always been pretty open about it. once she hit adulthood she started dating women openly, and if anyone has any negative feelings about it they sure as hell don’t voice those opinions. 
if someone had the courage to be homophobic towards her, she would tell Willy and that person would simply vanish and never be found again.
she first started taking on sugar babies after she learned that Willy was doing it. he didn’t convince her per se, but the conversation they had about how keeping beautiful young women financially stable certainly had an influence on Lara’s choices in companionship going forward. 
at first and until she gets the hang of her babies’ tastes, she takes her cues from her older brother. they frequent the same white tablecloth restaurants and password-guarded private clubs. 
something else that Lara picks up from Willy is paying out restaurants or boutiques to close for the night for everyone besides her and her date. nothing makes you feel more special than the first time you arrive for a dinner only to find that the entire place has been decorated just for you. 
you don’t ever ask how much she spends on you, but you can tell that it’s a lot. every so often you’ll catch a staff member discussing the bill with her, or see her handing off a fat stack of cash as hush money for the waiters to prevent gossip from spreading. 
people certainly notice that your standard of living has gone up. after all, not everyone is able to afford jewelry made of real gold, and clothes as expensive as the ones you’ve been spoiled with. 
you endure the teasing from people who don’t know you well. “ooh, somebody’s got herself a sugar daddy, hmm?” they’ll say. you shrug and smirk to yourself. hah, as if you would let a man give you money in exchange for sex and attention. 
it’s worth keeping your mouth shut about it when you run into those same people while you’re with Lara. their jaws drop, but there’s also envy and admiration in their eyes. nobody is going to say anything bad about anybody who associates with Tyburs, no matter how scandalous the nature of the relationship may be. 
nsfw (+18 pls)
she’s very determined. there has never been a time where she’s left you unsatisfied - in fact, she usually leaves your legs shaking so hard that you can’t walk for hours. 
oftentimes on the nights where she rents out entire establishments, it ends with her dismissing the staff and bending you over a table, or going down on you in a private fitting room and making you scream. 
lara leaves you so fucked out that you always make a point to take care of her first. she wears those long skirts all the time, and she really likes it when you push all the layers up her legs and roll down her stockings before you settle between her thighs and get to work. 
the harder you make her come, the more worked up she gets. she’s a trained fighter and her stamina is something remarkable. when she finally takes those long sleeves off... 
war hammer titan has hardening abilities.... and if she can create weapons and control her titan body from a distance then i don’t think it’s a stretch that she’d be able to make a dildo with her shifter powers. just think about it for a minute. 
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yuedama · 3 years
lara strikes me as a person who's patient; she enjoys foreplay, cherishes the little moments that build up the tension. therefore leading me to the conclusion that she's into heavy petting. she'd love to have her hands gracefully feeling your skin, fondling you for hours.
god, can you imagine her fingers squeezing you through your shirt, rubbing and pinching your nipples in the most teasing manner. you'd be on her lap as she kisses your ear, constantly murmuring about the things she'd want to do to you.
her mouth is vulgar, words obscene; yet the manner in which she describes her lewd fantasies are soft, soothing, as though it were a lullaby.
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lovinggiverzombie · 3 years
Lara Tybur (War Hammer) X Reader: Sweet Taste: I Chose This Path...
Lara Tybur the women who got your heart you loved her so much. You wrote her a letter to meet you at a park for a a picnic. When she read your letter she smiled and got ready to meet you for the picnic. “Lara dear over here!” you yelled getting her attention. “You look great today dear” “Aw thank you sweetie” the quite girl around her family is sweet, smiling, interactive with you cause she trust you.
“You know how much i love you right” you said has you were on her lap looking up at you. “I’m going to miss you once my years are used” you frowned knowing you are going to lose the women you love soon. “You know i can always take to War hammer” “Dear please i want you to live your life out i chose this path you don’t have to” “But i love you and i would have at least some part of you with me”. She smiled and  kissed your cheek which led to you chasing her.
As you watch the war hammer fight the Eren Yeager you were scared for her life till an idea came into your head you turned into a titan eating your lover taking the power of the war hammer. “Should we kill it” you shall the serve corps members talking with you and two kids, “I can be of help” you said looking down at the ground. The two kids looked at you the girl looked at you pissed of what you said. “How can you say that you were part of the Tybur family right and you have the war hammer come on let’s get out of here. “Little girl just shut up don’t you see where we are stop trying to be the hero when your not” you yelled at the girl who was getting you pissed off. *I’m sorry my dear i have to do this but one day dear i hope i can be with you once again*. They agreed to keep you alive for questions and for your strength.
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espritmuse · 3 years
lara tybur is so hot tbh. she’s probably a rich soccer mom that takes her kids to practice in her mercedes only to leave halfway through the game to pick you up and fuck you in the backseat <3 i love her
Bro do u want to kill me? I was heading to sleep and I see that….. my bedsheets are soaked now, come and clean please.
No but like please God like bfjdknznfkks that’s so fucking hot my clit is crying.
C….car sex…..with Lara….. and…her pretty manicured fingers in ur thigh pussy 🥺 she’s so gentle yet so determined to make you cum.
“Hurry up a bit angel, I really love playing with you but we’re running out of time. Come for mommy, okay? Such a good little girl..so well behaved.”
Oh God bonus point if you’re one of her daughter/son’s best friend….
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espritmuse · 3 years
LARA TYBUR I AGREE though we got so little content that i'm not sure if i get her character, she looks so mysterious but since she's a titan (and a badass one tbh) i know she's far from fragile, she seems like those people that are shy but once you get to know them you discover a whole new personality! (also she's hot af)
Fuck yes. Yes yes yes.
Her family isn’t the fun kind, clearly not. So imagine having to sneak into her room at night, making sure her family is asleep. It’s her favourite time of the day, finally feeling free and delighted with you, the only moment her lips finally curve into a smile, without it being forced.
She learnt how to be quiet the hard way because of her parents, but once your knees on the wooden floor, once your fingers delicately placed on her white lace lingerie, she feels like she has forgotten all about her education.
Oh, baby loves to act all innocent and like a very well behaved girl in front of daddy and mommy, that’s for sure. But behind closed doors, she’s something else.
Such a nasty girl, begging for you to touch her, legs spread, whispering your name like it’s the only word she can remember in her stupid brain.
“Quiet Lara…” you whispered back, wrapping your cold hand around her neck.
“S…sorry…But it…it feels so good…” she whimpered, her hand now covering her mouth.
“I know.” You answered, your lips around her breast, your tongue playing with the roseate nipple which stood proudly there.
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espritmuse · 3 years
oh my gosh i feel like lara tybur would definitely have a sugar baby in a modern au. she’d have this huge house, decorated to the nines because her princess only deserved the best. she’d have her darling wear silk dresses, gently sliding them off whenever she fucked her. she’d lift her princess up against a balcony, rubbing slow circles onto her clit and whispering how she made mommy oh so wet. i have lara brain rot rn
Fuck fuck yes.
She wants to show her sweet and lovely baby to everyone out there, inviting you to all of her gala, introducing you to everyone, everywhere she goes. Look at her, look at my precious creature. See? You could never have her, you should not even dare to think about touching her.
You’re hers. And hers only.
And if she sees you with someone else, talking to someone else, just an instant…oh baby. Poor little girl. I hope that your body can handle a lot because she won’t hold back. See that little dress you’re wearing ? The one she bought and choose for you? Well, it’s gonna end up torn apart once you both are back home. And the same goes for your underwear but this time, she won’t even wait to be back home. Her favourite little game when you’re being a bad little girl? Taking off your panties, especially when you’re in public with her. What’s happening baby? I thought that you wanted those girls’ attention?
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marsbutterfly · 3 years
can you do a lara tybur fic? i never see any since she’s only known for her titan
Let Me Take Care Of You
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Summary: When Lara gets a fever, you decide to give her a bath to try and help.
Warnings: Female nudity but no smut.
                                                                 Wattpad! | AO3!
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The sound of the War Hammer Titan’s body crashing against the ground fills the air. The floor beneath your feet trembles due to the impact.
Your eyes land on the raven-haired beauty that now exits the crystal, Lara. Her once elegant bun is now a mess of hair strands falling on her face while her hands shake gently, allowing you to realize how much this training session has taken out of her.
From afar, you notice as Lara begins to tumble to the sides at every step she takes. She places her hand on her forehead and you can notice her eyes beginning to roll to the back of her head and you fully realize that something isn’t right. So you stand up from your designated spot on one of the bleachers and quickly but carefully run towards her and make it just in time to catch her body as she collapses in your arms. Your hand touches her forehead and you notice how hot she is.
“Would you mind carrying her to her chambers, please?” You ask one of the guards, concerned that you wouldn’t be able to do it yourself. The woman nods, taking her body from your hands.
The silence between you and the guard is loud, the only thought that has been going through your brain is the concern that Lara might be pushing herself too hard with all the training.
You are only pulled away from your own thoughts when the guard requests for your assistance opening the door. The passed out girl in her arms groans and attempts to shift around so you quickly do as you were asked and allow them to get inside.
Gently, the guard places her down on the bed and you thank her quietly while adjusting the sheets on the bed so that Lara’s body is completely covered.
You go to the restroom, picking up a small cloth and dipping it into the cold water that rests above the sink. Making your way back to her, you place the compress on Lara’s forehead and she smirks in her sleep.
By the time she opens her eyes again, the covers are no longer above her body and the cold cloth that rested on her forehead in the hopes of bringing her fever down is now room temperature. She still wears the same outfit she did during training, even if it is now covered in sweat.
In an attempt to be quiet, you turn the door knob gently as you enter the room behind her. Her eyes meet yours and you give her a warm smile, hoping that you would be the first thing she sees as she wakes up.
“How are you feeling?” You ask, your voice is kind and low. She responds with a groan.
“Exhausted.” She says, covering her eyes with her forearm.
You walk closer to the bed, your fingers faintly touching the skin on her legs and you notice a slight reaction coming from her, nothing more than a whimper but enough to make your heart beat slightly faster. Her skin is soft and warm to the touch, completely opposite from the crystal that once protected her body.
“Would you like me to draw you a bath?” You ask, picking a few strands that are glued to her face out of the way. She nods.
You take quick steps towards the bathroom made out of marble, your eyes carefully examining the wide variety of liquid soaps, towels imported from far away countries handmade with the world’s most expensive fabrics.
Your index finger brushes through the glass bottles as you carefully read the labels, trying to decide what would be best for your girlfriend. In the end, the wisest choice is a yellow-ish liquid made for relaxation with the scents of lavender and cedarwood.
As the water fills up the white bathtub, you begin to pour the liquid above it. Bubbles start to rise silently until you turn off the water.
To set a more relaxing mood, you dim down the lights until they are nearly off and pull out a few matches to light up some of the scentless candles that rest on the counter.
You make your way back to her, your heart nearly skipping a beat when your eyes focus on the blush spreading across Lara’s face. Her breathing is shallow and you notice not enough air is making its way into her lungs.
“Come on, love.” You say, extending your hand towards her. Reluctantly, she accepts it even though all she wants to do is stay in bed and sleep it off. “Getting up should help you.”
She groans loudly as she puts all of her effort into standing up. She throws her head back and makes her body heavier than it needs to be in order to stall you and hoping you would allow her to remain in bed.
The walk to the bathroom seems to last an eternity thanks to the woman’s attempts to stop you but you eventually enter the room. Her hands still on yours, you gently tug on her arm to make sure she is still following you closely behind.
Once she stands before the bathtub, she begins feeling as your fingers go from hers towards the back of the dress, eager to undo the zipper. Carefully, you assist her in the process of removing her clothes, each layer that falls to the ground a step closer to her bare skin.
Finally, her only remaining clothing is her underwear. A blush spreads across her cheeks as she covers her breasts, hoping to protect herself from the cold wind that rushes by.
You’ve seen her naked countless times and, each and every time she manages to get more beautiful.
The next step is to take down her hair. She looks downward, making the black fringe that was once slicked back fall into her silver eyes, your fingers carefully undoing the bun.
When you are done taking every last bobby pin down, combing her hair with your fingers comes next as an attempt to get all the knots out before she gets in the tub. A moan escaped her lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head in pleasure.
“Careful now, ok?” You whisper and she nods, taking your hand once more as you assist her.
“It’s cold.” She says, her teeth clenching as her body begins to tremble.
“We need to get your fever down, love.” You reply, a pit forming in your stomach in sadness for putting her through this, “But there’s bubbles. You love the bubbles.”
“T- That’s true.” Lara stutters the words out. Her back resting against the edge of the bathtub, she begins to fidget with her fingers as she closes her eyes. A few of the bubbles that rest above her skin begin to pop and it earns a smile out of you.
With a small pitcher made out of porcelain, you begin to pour water onto her body. Tenderly, you run your hand through her chest, above her breasts, spreading the soap along her pale skin.
Constantly touching her cheeks and forehead, you make sure that her fever is going down.
With another pitcher full of water, you make sure her hair is thoroughly wet, always combing it with your fingers. She has a smile on her face, appreciating every ounce of your attention and leaning against your touch.
Carefully, you reach for a glass bottle filled with a viscous gel and slowly begin to pour it above your hand, the smell of aloe vera filling the air. With caution, you begin to massage her scalp, making sure the shampoo is thoroughly covering her black hair.
Your fingers move in a continuous rhythm, always making sure that no bubbles are dripping down towards her eyes. She moves her neck around, assisting you in your task.
Once her hair is clean, you reach for the pitcher filled with water so you can begin the rinsing process. She tilts her head backwards, humming a soothing melody while you clear the shampoo from her hair.
“What are you humming?” You ask, a smile on your lips while your eyes slowly and carefully analyze her raven hair as it delicately falls over her shoulders.
“A song my nanny used to sing when I was younger.” She whispers. You notice that she has finally stopped shivering and her fever has completely gone away.
“It’s beautiful.” You reply and she shrugs timidly, a smirk forming on the corner of her lips.
Once all the shampoo has been thoroughly rinsed, you reach for the conditioner. She takes a soap bar made out of rose petals in her hands before lathering up a loofah, getting ready to clean herself up.
When the conditioner has been fully applied, you then proceed to grab the emerald colored brush and begin to detangle her hair, starting from the tips to the top of her scalp. You focus on the soft black locks, feeling as they wave against your fingers.
With the final pitcher of water, you begin rinsing her hair once again while simultaneously clearing out the soap from her skin. You watch closely as her fingers travel up her left arm, all the way to her shoulder and finally her neck.
Slowly, she rubs away the bubbles. She keeps her eyes closed in the hopes of avoiding any conditioner that might get in them.
You smile to yourself while secretly watching as she rubs her clavicle and chest. Goosebumps travel down your skin when your eyes land on her pink nipples and you feel yourself getting wet, not from the water.
When she is done rinsing herself, you land your hand to support her as she stands up, trying to avoid any kind of slipping accidents. You hold a soft towel in your hand made out of the finest treads money could ever buy.
She takes the cloth from your hand and thanks you quietly, drying herself off as you place down one of the towels specifically made for the floor. She finishes wrapping her hair up leaving her pale skin exposed to the cold air.
“Be careful.” You say, taking her hand as she slowly takes a step out of the bathtub. Her feet touch the towel on the floor and she shakes gently.
“I can still feel the marble.” She jokes and you snort.
With her hand still on yours, she guides you back towards the room. She twirls around the tip of her toes, feeling as the chilly current passes by and hits her naked body.
She lets go of your hand slowly so she can begin to shuffle through the dresser near the bathroom, looking for a piece of underwear.
After she is done placing the clothing on her body, she notices how your eyes are shining brightly. In that moment she realizes she can see the windows to your soul where you keep your love for her.
So before your brain can even process it, you feel Lara’s cold hands pushing you meticulously against the wall. Her lips touch yours and they fit together as if they were meant to be. Your tongues begin swirling around each other
When she pulls away you hiss softly, hoping that she would immediately come back but in response all she does is smile at you.
“Would you give me one of your legendary back rubs?” She asks, flashing the world’s most effective puppy eyes at you. “I’ll pay you in kisses.”
With a giggle you nod at her, picking her up in your arms and twirling around. Her laughter fills the air and you know that she is ok.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She says as you place her on the bed and with a warm smile, you reply.
“You’re welcome, love.”
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espritmuse · 3 years
Oh yeah she does….. like flower and vanilla or something like this. Very feminine and delicate!!
She takes so good care of herself, her appearance, hair, face, body….. just imagine how soft her skin is. And she seems so sweet too. She’s my new lover. I decided. Bye I’m only gonna talk about her now.
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espritmuse · 3 years
i feel like lara tybur has really nice nails
Yes!! Very well trimmed and taken care of. I feel like she always put transparent or nude nail polish too.
And since she’s low-key rich she often goes to a salon to get a manicure…
Wish she could finger me with it.
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