#large touchscreen monitors
iplantables · 9 months
Maximizing Productivity: The Power of 13 Seconds and Large Touchscreen Monitors
Explore the game-changing impact of 13 seconds in football and how it correlates with productivity in our latest blog. iPlanTables introduces Large Touchscreen Monitors designed to elevate your performance and efficiency. Inspired by Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid's motivational words to Patrick Mahomes, we delve into the essence of time and its role in achieving success. Discover how Mahomes' swift actions transformed a critical moment, drawing parallels to the efficiency our monitors bring to industries like construction and plan review. Uncover the cost of time lost to outdated processes and learn how embracing innovation can revolutionize your workflow. Bigger is indeed better—find out why large touchscreen monitors are the key to unlocking your full potential.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
So You Need To Buy A Computer But You Don't Know What Specs Are Good These Days
This is literally my job.
Lots of people are buying computers for school right now or are replacing computers as their five-year-old college laptop craps out so here's the standard specs you should be looking for in a (windows) computer purchase in August 2023.
Intel i5 (no older than 10th Gen)
Ryzen 7
You can get away with a Ryzen 5 but an intel i3 should be an absolute last resort. You want at least an intel i5 or a Ryzen 7 processor. The current generation of intel processors is 13, but anything 10 or newer is perfectly fine. DO NOT get a higher performance line with an older generation; a 13th gen i5 is better than an 8th gen i7. (Unfortunately I don't know enough about ryzens to tell you which generation is the earliest you should get, but staying within 3 generations is a good rule of thumb)
8GB absolute minimum
If you don't have at least 8GB RAM on a modern computer it's going to be very, very slow. Ideally you want a computer with at least 16GB, and it's a good idea to get a computer that will let you add or swap RAM down the line (nearly all desktops will let you do this, for laptops you need to check the specs for Memory and see how many slots there are and how many slots are available; laptops with soldered RAM cannot have the memory upgraded - this is common in very slim laptops)
Computers mostly come with SSDs these days; SSDs are faster than HDDs but typically have lower storage for the same price. That being said: SSDs are coming down in price and if you're installing your own drive you can easily upgrade the size for a low cost. Unfortunately that doesn't do anything for you for the initial purchase.
A lot of cheaper laptops will have a 128GB SSD and, because a lot of stuff is stored in the cloud these days, that can be functional. I still recommend getting a bit more storage than that because it's nice if you can store your music and documents and photos on your device instead of on the cloud. You want to be able to access your files even if you don't have internet access.
But don't get a computer with a big HDD instead of getting a computer with a small SSD. The difference in speed is noticeable.
SCREEN (laptop specific)
Personally I find that touchscreens have a negative impact on battery life and are easier to fuck up than standard screens. They are also harder to replace if they get broken. I do not recommend getting a touch screen unless you absolutely have to.
A lot of college students especially tend to look for the biggest laptop screen possible; don't do that. It's a pain in the ass to carry a 17" laptop around campus and with the way that everything is so thin these days it's easier to damage a 17" screen than a 14" screen.
On the other end of that: laptops with 13" screens tend to be very slim devices that are glued shut and impossible to work on or upgrade.
Your best bet (for both functionality and price) is either a 14" or a 15.6" screen. If you absolutely positively need to have a 10-key keyboard on your laptop, get the 15.6". If you need something portable more than you need 10-key, get a 14"
FORM FACTOR (desktop specific)
If you purchase an all-in-one desktop computer I will begin manifesting in your house physically. All-in-ones take away every advantage desktops have in terms of upgradeability and maintenance; they are expensive and difficult to repair and usually not worth the cost of disassembling to upgrade.
There are about four standard sizes of desktop PC: All-in-One (the size of a monitor with no other footprint), Tower (Big! probably at least two feet long in two directions), Small Form Factor Tower (Very moderate - about the size of a large shoebox), and Mini/Micro/Tiny (Small! about the size of a small hardcover book).
If you are concerned about space you are much better off getting a MicroPC and a bracket to put it on your monitor than you are getting an all-in-one. This will be about a million percent easier to work on than an all-in-one and this way if your monitor dies your computer is still functional.
Small form factor towers and towers are the easiest to work on and upgrade; if you need a burly graphics card you need to get a full size tower, but for everything else a small form factor tower will be fine. Most of our business sales are SFF towers and MicroPCs, the only time we get something larger is if we have to put a $700 graphics card in it. SFF towers will accept small graphics cards and can handle upgrades to the power supply; MicroPCs can only have the RAM and SSD upgraded and don't have room for any other components or their own internal power supply.
Most desktops come with either a 1 or 3 year warranty; either of these is fine and if you want to upgrade a 1 year to a 3 year that is also fine. I've generally found that if something is going to do a warranty failure on desktop it's going to do it the first year, so you don't get a hell of a lot of added mileage out of an extended warranty but it doesn't hurt and sometimes pays off to do a 3-year.
Laptops are a different story. Laptops mostly come with a 1-year warranty and what I recommend everyone does for every laptop that will allow it is to upgrade that to the longest warranty you can get with added drop/damage protection. The most common question our customers have about laptops is if we can replace a screen and the answer is usually "yes, but it's going to be expensive." If you're purchasing a low-end laptop, the parts and labor for replacing a screen can easily cost more than half the price of a new laptop. HOWEVER, the way that most screens get broken is by getting dropped. So if you have a warranty with drop protection, you just send that sucker back to the factory and they fix it for you.
So, if it is at all possible, check if the manufacturer of a laptop you're looking at has a warranty option with drop protection. Then, within 30 days (though ideally on the first day you get it) of owning your laptop, go to the manufacturer site, register your serial number, and upgrade the warranty. If you can't afford a 3-year upgrade at once set a reminder for yourself to annually renew. But get that drop protection, especially if you are a college student or if you've got kids.
And never, ever put pens or pencils on your laptop keyboard. I've seen people ruin thousand dollar, brand-new laptops that they can't afford to fix because they closed the screen on a ten cent pencil. Keep liquids away from them too.
There's a reasonable chance that any computer you buy today will still be able to turn on and run a program or two in ten years. That does not mean that it is "functional."
At my office we estimate that the functional lifespan of desktops is 5-7 years and the functional lifespan of laptops is 3-5 years. Laptops get more wear and tear than desktops and desktops are easier to upgrade to keep them running. At 5 years for desktops and 3 years for laptops you should look at upgrading the RAM in the device and possibly consider replacing the SSD with a new (possibly larger) model, because SSDs and HDDs don't last forever.
This means that you should think of your computers as an annual investment rather than as a one-time purchase. It is more worthwhile to pay $700 for a laptop that will work well for five years than it is to pay $300 for a laptop that will be outdated and slow in one year (which is what will happen if you get an 8th gen i3 with 8GB RAM). If you are going to get a $300 laptop try to get specs as close as possible to the minimums I've laid out here.
If you have to compromise on these specs, the one that is least fixable is the processor. If you get a laptop with an i3 processor you aren't going to be able to upgrade it even if you can add more RAM or a bigger SSD. If you have to get lower specs in order to afford the device put your money into the processor and make sure that the computer has available slots for upgrade and that neither the RAM nor the SSD is soldered to the motherboard. (one easy way to check this is to search "[computer model] RAM upgrade" on youtube and see if anyone has made a video showing what the inside of the laptop looks like and how much effort it takes to replace parts)
Computers are expensive right now. This is frustrating, because historically consumer computer prices have been on a downward trend but since 2020 that trend has been all over the place. Desktop computers are quite expensive at the moment (August 2023) and decent laptops are extremely variably priced.
If you are looking for a decent, upgradeable laptop that will last you a few years, here are a couple of options that you can purchase in August 2023 that have good prices for their specs:
14" Lenovo - $670 - 11th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 512GB SSD
15.6" HP - $540 - 11th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 256GB SSD
14" Dell - $710 - 12th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 256GB SSD
If you are looking for a decent, affordable desktop that will last you a few years, here are a couple of options that you can purchase in August 2023 that have good prices for their specs:
SFF HP - $620 - 10th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
SFF Lenovo - $560 - Ryzen 7 5000 series, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
Dell Tower - $800 - 10th-gen i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
If I were going to buy any of these I'd probably get the HP laptop or the Dell Tower. The HP Laptop is actually a really good price for what it is.
Anyway happy computering.
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mags-writes · 1 year
Sunlight || Part VI
Summary: frank gets his worldview changed
Series Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical swearing, first time writing x reader, no use of y/n, no beta readers we die like ray nadeem
Pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
Authors Note: a bit longer for the girlies. just a heads up as well, you might not hear from me for a while after I finish this series (apart from a oneshot that was requested idk) because I'm technically supposed to be writing an actual legit novel and I got writers block for that and just started doing this to get my creativity out of my head. so thank you to everyone who didn't send me nasty anons and for sticking it out this far. I'm honestly so surprised at the reaction especially considering that this is the first time writing in second perspective. enjoy!!
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"So," You face Matt who had been looking like he wanted to say something to you since you started spouting Hebrew. "What's your part in all this?"
"If you helped your Daredevil," He took tentative steps to you. "Then I think you know the answer."
You sighed, stepping away from Frank's embrace and instead going into Matt's.
"I'm sorry." You mumbled into his chest, squeezing him tighter when he laid his head on top of yours. "I didn't know for sure until yesterday morning."
"No, don't be." He said, soothing a hand up and down on your back. "Even if you didn't know I should've told you from the start."
"It happened the same way, you know?" He pulled back and frowned at you. "I showed up at his apartment one morning, he was beaten to hell and back, and he tried to tell me he fell down the stairs."
"I'm going to assume you didn't take it well?" He said with a smile.
"I yelled at him so loudly his neighbour three floors up came over to ask us to shut up." You smiled at his chuckle, letting it stay before it fell slightly. "Everything that followed... I don't regret becoming his girl in the chair, helping him every night but... Matt, I was one of six kids." Matt felt his heart shatter. "And I know you heard everything yesterday, that I don't want to go back and I want you to know that, in a heartbeat, I would-"
"I know where you're going with this." Of course he did. Of course he knew. "No. If being part of Daredevil's life put you through god knows how many kidnappings, beatings, crucifixions, and dead brothers, then no. You're not doing it again for me."
"Okay," You shook your head. "Believe it or not, getting crucified was the least traumatic thing to happen that week. So, we're good on that base."
"Stop it." He was being serious and you couldn't help but smile. "Stop doing that."
"Doing what?" You challenged.
"You're trying to change my mind."
"No, I know what I'm going to do." You shrugged your shoulders. "Whether you like it or not, tonight, I'm the girl in the chair."
"With what setup?" He challenged.
You pointed to where Dinah, Amy, and Frank were still standing, listening in, and where your stuff still was. "What do ya think the suitcase is for?"
You walked over to your suitcase, wheeling it over to the table in the middle of the room, and laying it on the ground. Amy came to stand next to you as you squatted down to unzip the thing and then carefully pry it open.
"Ho-ly shit." Amy laughed, leaning down to get a better look.
The reason you hadn't been able to afford your own place and move out of Matt's was because of this. Three large monitors were carefully packed into one-half of the suitcase, each with their own stands and cables wrapped under them. The other half had a mouse, two keyboards, and a touchscreen tablet sitting in their own black, protective foam. You took all of this out, running a couple of cables to turn everything on with Amy's help, and left it to turn on.
Next, you moved to the backpack. Now that... the contents of that had everyone gaping if they weren't already before. Two handguns with their own holsters, a bowie knife with a sheath and thigh straps, and then lastly, a separate sack that clunked around when it hit the table.
"Uh, do you know how to use those?" Foggy asked concerned, frowning at the handguns.
"Yeah." You said like it was obvious. "Pull the trigger."
Amy's head snapped to Frank with a gaping smile, trying to stop herself from bursting out laughing at his expression. He was shocked, to say the least, and he was trying to stop himself from slowly moving the weapons out of reach of you.
You stood up, opening the sack, and tipping it upside down to reveal a partly disassembled assault rifle. Your hands moved faster than your mind, easily flipping around the parts before twisting or shoving them into place. Frank thought you looked angelic. A small frown of concentration creased in between your eyebrows and your lips pulled into a delicate pout. Time slowed. He felt like he was having an out-of-body experience and was only pulled back in when you slapped the bottom of the mag into place and pulled back the bolt carrier handle.
"I was the only girl out of six kids," You explained, flipping the safety on and putting it down with the rest of the weapons. "My oldest brother liked to wear heels out in public, the next one was chess champion every year he was in school and the one after that was six foot three and seventy pounds wet. If I wasn't out there beating the shit out of their bullies then no one would be. Now my younger brothers," You tilted your head with a smile. "Bless 'em. Their dumbasses got themselves into the military. No offense Frankie."
"None taken, darlin'." He replied, hanging off every word you spoke. You never spoke about your family and figured you had a rough relationship with them. He didn't realise it was this kind of rough.
"They came home and taught me how to handle firearms when I ended up in the hospital after a kidnapping. So, I can defend myself. Let's settle that." You gave every one of them except Frank a pointed look to make sure they understood. "My oldest brother was murdered by Kingpin for writing an exposing story about him for the newspaper, the chess champ was murdered by Bullseye for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the next one went out in a hit-and-run courtesy of Bloody Mary."
"Jesus Christ." Karen mumbled.
"Brother after me, a week into active duty stepped on a landmine and took out three other people." Frank felt his heart break at the shakey breath you took in after saying that. You were clearly trying to come off as indifferent like you'd worked through it and it didn't affect you anymore but he saw your hands start to shake again. "My baby brother... while I was nailed to a cross, John Pilgrim hunted him down into an alleyway and beat him to death with a sledgehammer. Dad hung himself and Mom didn't leave the psych ward alive." You paused, looking out to nothing for a second before taking in another shaky breath. "The type of radio I use specifically for long-distance communications can be hacked and tracked, that's the price I pay for clear and crisp long-distance. When you leave and I'm left here to be the girl in the chair... If that happens... I am using these weapons. And I am not holding back. Do you understand me?"
You finally looked at Frank. Fear, defiance, and grief swirling in your eyes and he realised that while you directed the question to all of them, you were asking him. You were telling him that you were going to kill people tonight.
Other Matt never let you seek justice for your brothers. He held you while you cried and stood next to you during their funerals, every single one of them, but he always held you back when you got angry. Always the one holding back saying that if you crossed that line then there was no going back. Then someone tracked your signal one night, crawling through the window and holding a gun to your head. You don't even remember killing him, going into a blind rage and just letting loose.
Elektra found you. Cleaned you up, got rid of the body but left the mess. When other Matt came back after enough radio silence and saw what was left behind, Elektra took the blame. She had kept a close eye on you since.
Frank was the first to speak up. "Sounds good to me."
You nodded to him then looked directly at Matt.
"I don't like it." He said reluctantly.
"I'll go to church." You bartered.
"I'm fine with it." He folded immediately, giving a little shrug.
"What do we call you?" Amy asks, making everyone to turn her now instead. "They can't very well go through the streets calling you by your name. Or into earpieces that can be hacked. That's stupid. Frank's got Punisher. Murdock's got Daredevil. What about you?"
There's a pause where you smile at her.
"Call me Cypher." You answered, looking at Frank again and slyly winking. "I'll be your best-kept secret."
You soon found yourself in a chair that was bordering uncomfortable and listening in to Matt, John, Frank, and Dinah all communicating with one another as they made their way through New York in a van. Karen, Foggy, Amy, and Curtis, however, were staying with you. Curtis stayed back for extra protection with a gun and Amy was sitting next to you with her eyes glued to your screens.
The one to the left showed detailed city blueprint layouts that you had gathered when you got the setup, and it was synced with the middle screen that showed the most recent satellite images of the city. They moved and adjusted with the four dots that were the earpieces you gave to the group. The one on the right was for hacking security cameras around the city but for the life of you, you couldn't get it to sync up and stay with the other screens. Which is why you had to constantly keep up with it.
After some digging and hacking, you found out that John's sons were being held captive in a warehouse by a local gang. A stupid location but they chose it nonetheless. John told you that there was someone higher up paying them off to do this and that was why Dinah was involved so you know to be prepared in case they hacked your radio signal.
Curtis was sitting in front of you, behind your screens, watching the touchscreen tablet with rapt attention. Karen and Foggy were pacing nervously, like wild animals caught in a cage and you couldn't help but feel bad for them. You were in the middle of showing Amy how to manually keep the surveillance in sync with the other two screens when a notification from one of your programs popped up. You specifically made it to pick up when your earpieces were being tracked.
"What's that for?" Amy asked, pointing to it and turning to you.
"Uh..." You stutter for a second, making everyone look to you.
Quick as you can, you start getting up surveillance for around the building you were all in and you zero in on a van coming to a stop. Curtis stands up, going over to where he put his gun down and triple-checking that it was loaded.
"Cypher?" Amy grabs your arm, a stab of fear going through you both as you see armed men leaving the van.
"You three," You got Amy on her feet and pointed to Karen and Foggy to get their attention. "In the back room now."
When Amy ran off to grab the door you felt around your body for the weapons that Frank was insistent on helping strap to your body. One handgun at your hip, the bowie knife at the other, the other handgun under your arm, and the assault rifle on the table. When they were all behind the door and the lock clicked over, you gave Curtis a look and picked up the rifle, aiming it at the door.
"What's going on?" Frank's gruff voice sounded through your earpiece.
"We've got a problem here." Curtis said into the walkie-talkie you had to give him due to not having enough earpieces.
"We should be fine." You say confidently, turning the safety off. "I looked ahead and there's hardly anyone there. You're good to go in and get the boys."
"There's probably no one there because they sent them here!" Curtis hissed at you.
"What do you mean? How many are there?" Matt asked, sounding like he had stopped moving.
"Get the boys Matt." You ordered. "I'm going off coms, you don't need to hear this."
That was the last thing they heard from your earpiece before there was a beep signaling to all of them that it had been turned off. Frank cast a look at Dinah, allowing his worry to spill out into his expression just as they came up to the warehouse.
"She'll be fine Castle." She reassures him sternly, taking out her gun and turning off the safety. "She sounds like she's looking forward to it."
The whole time they were going through the warehouse to where they were keeping John's sons, Frank couldn't stop worrying. It affected him so much that Dinah saved his ass all of three times when his back was turned, making her huff and silently count each time on her fingers in his face. When they got the boys out and into Madani's van he tried to call you.
Eighteen times.
And you didn't pick up once.
When they made it back Frank put a hand to Matt's chest to stop him from coming with them.
"You should hang back." Frank said calmly like his own heart wasn't racing.
"I'm not too good with kids, Frank." He replied agitated and shifting from one foot to another.
"You're not too good with death either, Red." Frank retorted gruffly. "Hang back."
There was suddenly loud shouting that everyone immediately knew was coming from you, making Frank and Dinah start sprinting to the entrance. You sounded like a wild animal, yelling and growling echoing through the halls. They came up to the room that you and the rest of them were in, dead bodies lying on one another at the door and bullet holes in the walls. You were growling lowly now like you were putting in a tremendous amount of effort into something.
Dinah went around the corner first, going low onto one knee and her gun aimed at anything that moved while Frank stayed standing above her doing the same. Curtis was sitting on the ground panting with blood splatters on his face staring at you.
You were hunched over, straddling the chest of an armoured man and pressing down on his throat with all your might. You were covered in blood, your face streaked so badly it was a miracle that they could see your hard expression with a cut that went from your forehead, across your temple, and into your hairline. You were frowning angrily, teeth bared and breathing heavily, bloody hands shaking with the strength it took to choke the man. When he stopped moving, you pressed down just a little harder before releasing him and letting out a short yell from strain.
You lean back on your hunches, tilting your head back and revealing a traumatised Amy curled up watching with wide eyes. Your hands sit on your thighs, palms facing up and Frank realises that the reason they're so bloody is that they look like they've gone through the garbage disposal.
"Amy," You say, snapping Frank's attention back to your face, which was now looking at Amy. "Sweetie? Look at me."
"He-he-" Amy stuttered, trying to shake herself out of it.
"Look at me, baby, okay? Look at me." You crawl towards her, your own voice starting to crack and it breaks Frank out of his shock. He starts towards Curtis but he waves Frank off before he gets too close. "You're okay, baby, you're okay. He's not getting up. Yeah?" Frank freezes at the comforting words, shocked at how well you're handling Amy. "He's not going to hurt you, okay?"
"Mhm." Amy nods her head vigorously, silent tears streaming down her face. "Yeah, yeah. Okay."
No one saw one of the men get up from behind your computers.
"Yeah? Okay." You nod at her like you're agreeing with what she's saying as if you didn't say it first. "Can you do something for me, baby?"
"Yeah! Yeah." Amy nods quickly again, ready and willing to do anything you ask.
"I need you to go and check on Karen and Foggy for me. Can you do that?" You ask, and Frank knows it's so that Karen will see how traumatised Amy is and give her the physical comfort you couldn't give her right now. "You need to make sure that they're okay."
"I can-I can do that." Amy goes to get up when you give her the warmest smile under all the blood.
"Thank you. Can you do something else for me?" You ask again, looking up at her now that she's standing. "Can you help me up?"
"Oh god! Yeah." Amy goes down into a squat, grabbing a hold of your biceps and helping you up onto shakey legs. You made sure to keep your palms facing you to not get any more blood on her.
"Thanks." You said, knocking your head with hers lightly before Amy turned and stumbled to where Karen and Foggy were.
You turned to Frank and Dinah, and both of them put their guns away to watch the interaction. You start to stand up straight, loud cracking through your back going off and you groan as you stretch out slightly at all the popping. You heavily sigh, still slightly panting as you look at Frank.
"Was I right?" You ask. "There was hardly anyone there, right?"
"You need to sit down." Dinah said, watching you carefully as you went to go to your computers again.
"I was right though." Then you round the corner and there was the crouching man. "Shit!"
He jumps out at you, going for a hit to the stomach but you bring your leg up to block. Your fighting stance was impeccable, hands up protecting your face and light on your feet. Frank realises that you've been trained, so, he hangs back, watching you work. When he goes to strike again you grab onto his arm and spin, turning your back to him, and then run him into the table. Dinah had taken out her gun, aiming it at the man and yelling for you to get out of the way so she could get a clear shot. When he hits it with a grunt, you bring your arm above his and start smashing your elbow into his face repeatedly, grunting for each hit. The man pulls out a knife and swipes, slashing at your hip making you get off him but not without grabbing at another bowie knife he had strapped on his back. You both circled one another like predators, him with his boisterous and self-assured steps and you slinking like a wild cat ready to strike.
He strikes out first and you dodge, moving out of the way and kicking him in the gut with a loud yell making him hunch over. A few more blows were landed from both of you before you had him backed up on the table again. This time you were so worked up and ready to finish this that the first chance you got you brought the blade down on his flat palm with another yell. It went straight through his hand and into the table, making him scream out from the pain.
In a split second, you saw him pull back his other hand with the knife in it ready to slash at you again. You sounded wild again, a mix of growling and yelling leaving you as you grabbed the back of the man's head, yanked the knife from the table, and brought him in close. You kicked his knees out, using the leg to hold him in place below you as you sunk the knife into his neck. More growling and yelling leaving you in heaves as the man struggled under you, truly like you were a wild animal holding a kill in her jaws as it died.
"One Mississippi." You grit out, closing your eyes and panting loudly, grunting here and there when the man still twitched. "Two Mississippi." You said just a touch calmer and your pants slowed down, slowly, slowly getting calmer and Frank slowly started to walk over to you. "Three Mississippi."
You brought your leg down and yanked the knife from his throat making a spray of blood hit Frank's boots. You stood there for a second, head craned up as you took in a few more breaths still holding the knife in a tight grip. You bring your head down and look at the knife, shakily bringing it away from you before hastily dropping it like it was searing hot. Frank knew it was from the cuts on the palms of your hands, that holding anything in that grip was bound to make the wounds worse. You sat down heavily, sighing deeply again and laying your palms upright on your thighs as they continued to bleed.
"Medic should be here soon." Dinah said and Frank realised he was so enraptured with you that he didn't even hear her on the phone.
"That's good." You say softly, still panting. "Curtis really needs it."
"Get fucked, Cypher." Curtis laughs, shaking his head.
Frank goes to be beside you, squatting down and putting his hand on your forearm to see the damage.
"You been holdin' out on me, sweetheart." He said.
You let out a breathy chuckle. "Well, you know what some men are like." You say, giving him a half-lidded stare that was half flirty and half tired. "Didn't wanna scare ya off. I'm a screamer."
Frank chuckles and watches as your eyes close softly at the sound.
"Hey, hey," He leans down and kisses your wrist before coming back up and cupping your cheek. "None of that, doll. Eyes open for me, yeah?"
"I bet you say that to all the girls." Your eyes flutter open and you give him the best smile you can muster.
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scaryscarecrows · 5 months
Can we have some stories of times that Frank, beloved Squad Dad, had to give each of them a hug? Thanks!
"Christ, where are they?"
"I don't know, I'm looking. You're sure you weren't followed?"
"Positive." Frank shuffles closer to the monitors and dodges the angry swat. "Relax, son, I'm just lookin', not touchin'."
"You're a menace. Fingers to yourself."
"Christ, you hit one touchscreen--"
"No touching!"
Frank had hit it. He'd hit it pulling Jimmy into a tight hug because oh, thank God, somebody's still alive with that cyclops bastard on the warpath. Jimmy'd fixed it fast enough, it's fine. They're both fine. For now.
The front door opens and closes and Antoine's voice, exhausted and wrung out, reaches them before he does.
"Tell me I'm not walking into a room of corpses."
"Nope." Jimmy switches screens. "Frank's here. Everybody else has gone dark. He follow you?"
"I lost him."
"You hear from the boss?"
"No. Was hoping you had."
"Uh-uh." He comes over, next to Frank, and slumps forward. "You got nothing?"
"Zilch. I can kinda track Deathstroke--chatter, y'know--but it's a ballpark."
Frank pulls him into a one-armed hug and promptly rips his hand back when he hits blood.
"What the hell?"
"Armor took the brunt."
"For fuck's sake--c'mon, lemme take a look at it. Next time, lead with the gunshot wound, okay? And gimme your cigarettes."
Trent narrowly avoids taking the door off its hinges half an hour later. Antoine's collapsed in Jimmy's spare rolly chair, insisting that he's fine, and Frank has largely given up fighting him on it.
"I swear to God," Trent pants, "when we find the boss, I'm giving him the biggest fucking I Told You So."
"You're not hurt?"
"Nah. I got him to back off with the mini gun and lost him on the back streets." Trent grins and plunks said mini gun on the ground. "Shit, man, you didn't try to fight him, did you?"
"Fuck off," Antoine mutters. "No."
Trent looks fine. Out of breath, a bit, and his hands are badly burned from the confrontation with the Bat, but otherwise he's okay. Well, apart from the bruise on his head, also courtesy of Batman. When Frank pulls him in for a quick hug, there's no broken bones or questionable bloody spots, either.
"I'm okay. Just. You know. Pissed."
"I don't think this was part of the contingency plan."
"Yeah, well, I'm still getting in my I Told You So," Trent gripes. "Because I did. I said that one-eyed bastard was trouble. And now look."
"We all said it. He said it, too, remember?"
"Still. How do we know he didn't double-cross us?"
"We don't, but it's not his style." Jimmy pauses. "Everyone shut up. I got activity at one of the safehouses in Drescher, just lemme work."
Mark gets there before Riley does, but there's no time for anything because they've found the Knight, all right, but everything's gone tits-up. They're all gathered around the screen--Mark's only half paying attention, with Antoine's shoulder an' all--watching in anticipatory horror. Well, not Trent. He left to meet them, to offer any help possible. But they're keeping him updated. Frank would love to do the same, but Batman destroyed most of the drones, the remainder are hacked, and Batman also fucked up his leg earlier tonight. So he has to sit here and stew and curse whatever deity did this to them.
Riley made it. He must have. Frank doesn't know anybody else who has a snowball's chance in hell at shooting Deathstroke. A cheer goes up when the assassin staggers back, and yeah, all right, when he's not their problem, the Bat's an impressive fighter. More importantly, he stands a chance at dealing with this asshole.
"Trent's comin' to you," Antoine says tiredly. Mark tries to take the mic away and gets swatted at. "We looking at a pickup or a...a retrieval?"
Silence. Then rapid taps: pickup.
Oh, thank God. Something goes right tonight.
"Okay. He's about...Jimmy, get me--thanks--five minutes out. How bad is it?"
"Not as bad as it'll be when I'm done," Mark grumbles. "Fucking idiot. What the hell got into him? That was never gonna go well."
"Could'a been fear toxin," Frank reminds him. "Could'a been anything."
"Goddamn moron."
"Yeah, well. That's nothing new."
Frank just laughs at him, gives him a friendly elbowing.
"Might wanna grab a Coke," he says. "Night ain't over yet."
Riley gets three steps inside before Frank grabs him. Mark's not here to lecture, but that's okay.
"The hell," he says, "was that?"
No answer, but a second later he realizes it's because Riley's arms are pinned. Whoops.
He lets him go and straightens up, hands on hips.
It worked.
"You were gonna try to kick his ass."
"For chrissakes, boy--"
He'd have done it for us.
Yeah. Yeah, he would have. For better or worse.
"Can't argue with that," he says softly. "C'mon, may as well comfy up."
Riley shrugs. He looks exhausted now, with the adrenaline worn off, and his hands are shaking a little. Frank claps him on the shoulder with a little more force than strictly necessary and steers him away from the computers.
"Get on, now."
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ashitakaxsan · 3 months
From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Potential for Real-Life Mecha Inspired by Gundam!
I've watched mecha anime, the seriesVoltes V,Robotech, Video Senshi Laserion. In fact the great experience is watching Gundam anime.
In recent years, advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and engineering have brought the idea of real-life mecha closer to reality. Inspired by iconic series like Gundam, researchers and engineers are exploring the possibilities of creating large, human-piloted robots. While we may not have fully functional Gundams yet, the progress made so far is promising. Let's delve into the current developments and the potential future of real mecha.
It happened during 2018
In Japan, engineer Masaaki Nagumo always dreamed of climbing into his very own Mobile Suit Gundam mecha. As an adult, he finally made that dream a reality.
Photos below:Sakakibara Kikai
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He created the 28-foot-tall, 7-tonne-heavy LW-Mononofu robot as a project for his employer, industrial machinery maker Sakakibara Kikai, in Japan’s  Gunma Prefecture. The metal colossus took six years to finish, and is probably the world’s largest anime-inspired robot that you can actually ride in and control. It can move its arms and fingers, turn its upper body, and walk forward and backward at a snail-like speed of 1km/hour. As any respectable mecha, it also has a weapon – a metal gun that fires sponge balls at a speed of 87 mph.T
The LW Mononofu can be powered by both a 200-volt AC electricity source and a 24-volt DC battery. Its cockpit features levers, pedals and buttons that the rider can use to control the movements of the robot, as well as monitors showing live footage shot by  cameras installed at five points on its gigantic body.
its only con is that it can't leave the hangar it was built in, because it is higher than the large door. It has to be dismantled to be taken out…
Despit this the enthuthiasts are determined to make the Giant mecha a real.
Well, thanks to the japanese company called Tsubame Industry, that dream is nearly becoming reality. Well, if we can afford paying it, of course. The small Japanese startup recently showcased its newest product, dubbed ‘ARCHAX’, a pilotable robot inspired by Japanese mecha culture. Standing a whopping 4.5 meters tall and weighing around 3.5 tons, this real-life mecha is powered by a 300V battery and can switch from a standing mode to drivable mode, attaining a top speed of 10 kilometers per hour.
Nonetheless,if someone desires to undergo the thrilling journey with the ARCHAX, he has to pay an estimated 400 million yen ($2.75 million) for one.
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It's name is inspired by that of the flying dinosaur Archeopteryx – was recently showcased in a series of videos posted by Tsubame Industry, and the Japanese startup announced that a working version will be presented at the Japan Mobility Show 2023 (formerly the  Tokyo Motor Show) in November. As for when the mecha will hit the market, a Tsubame spokesperson said that it is expected to be available in about a year. However, considering the high price tag, the company is targeting wealthy foreign billionaires as potential clients.
Being made of iron and aluminum alloy, while the outer shell consists mainly of FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic). Although the head appears to feature a large  camera, it is only for show. In reality, the pilot maneuvering the ARCHAX will have footage captured by 26 different  cameras mounted all over the mecha fed into a number of monitors inside the cockpit. The control panel is reportedly similar to that of construction machinery, consisting of two joysticks, a number of pedals, and a touchscreen. Interestingly, the ARCHAX can also be remote-operated.
This mecha can move at a speed of 2 km/h, and in drive mode that speed is increased to 10 km/h. It’s not exactly soaring through the air like in video games, but it’s better than just standing still. It can tilt forward a maximum of 20 degrees in stand-up mode and 30 degrees in drive mode, to ensure that it doesn’t fall over. If these values are exceeded, the system shuts down to prevent serious accidents. The mecha is subject to risk assessment in accordance with the safety regulations of construction machinery and robots.His mechanical arms have 5 movable fingers, and it can grab a variety of things, still the weight of them is limited to 15 kilograms, for safety reasons. Trying to lift something heavy could cause the mecha to topple, putting the pilot at risk and damaging it.
The journey from science fiction to reality is a challenging but exciting path. While we may not see fully operational Gundams patrolling our cities in the immediate future, the advancements in robotics, AI, and engineering are bringing us closer to realizing the dream of real-life mecha. The fusion of technology and imagination continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, making the future of mecha an exhilarating topic to watch.
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Billing machines have become an essential tool for businesses across various sectors, streamlining the invoicing process and enhancing operational efficiency. This article explores the features, benefits, and types of billing machines, as well as their significance in modern commerce.
What is a Billing Machine?
A billing machine is a device specifically designed to generate invoices and manage transactions efficiently. It automates the billing process, allowing businesses to issue receipts quickly and accurately. Available in various forms such as portable, handheld, and point-of-sale (POS) systems, these machines cater to the needs of small businesses and large enterprises alike.
Key Features of Billing Machines
User-Friendly Interface: Many modern billing machines come with intuitive touchscreen interfaces that simplify the transaction process, making it easy for staff to operate without extensive training.
Fast and Accurate Billing: These machines are designed to process transactions rapidly, significantly reducing customer wait times and enhancing service efficiency.
Customizable Invoices: Users can personalize invoice templates to reflect their branding, including logos and business details, which adds a professional touch to customer interactions.
Comprehensive Reporting: Billing machines often provide detailed sales reports, inventory tracking, and financial records, enabling businesses to monitor performance and make informed decisions.
Tax Compliance: Many billing machines are equipped with features that ensure compliance with tax regulations, making it easier to calculate applicable taxes like GST or VAT.
Multiple Payment Options: They support various payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and digital wallets, providing convenience to customers.
Benefits of Using Billing Machines
Increased Efficiency: Automating the billing process reduces manual errors and speeds up transactions, leading to improved cash flow and customer satisfaction.
Enhanced Security: Billing machines help in maintaining secure records of transactions, reducing the risk of loss or theft associated with cash handling.
Improved Inventory Management: Many billing machines come with inventory management features that allow businesses to track stock levels and set up alerts for low inventory, ensuring timely restocking.
Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in a billing machine may be higher, the long-term savings in time and labor can be substantial, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses.
Types of Billing Machines
POS Systems: These are comprehensive solutions that combine billing, inventory management, and sales tracking, ideal for retail environments and restaurants.
Portable Billing Machines: These compact devices are perfect for businesses that require mobility, such as food trucks or market vendors.
Handheld Billing Machines: Designed for ease of use, these machines are often used in smaller retail settings or for on-the-go transactions.
Touchscreen Billing Machines: Featuring advanced technology, these machines offer a modern interface and are designed for high-volume transaction environments.
Billing machines are vital for modern businesses, providing a range of features that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. By automating the billing process, these machines not only save time but also contribute to better financial management and operational transparency. As technology continues to evolve, the capabilities of billing machines will likely expand, further transforming the way businesses handle transactions. Whether for a small shop or a large retail chain, investing in a reliable billing machine can significantly improve business operations.
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bnhaobservation · 1 year
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: U.A. High School (Part 1: Infirmary)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 7 “Costume Change?” (服着よう? Fuku Kiyō?) Chap. 11 “Bakugo's Starting Line” (スタートライン、爆豪の Start Line, Bakugō no) Chap. 21 “In Each of Our Hearts” (各々の胸に Onōno no Mune ni) Chap. 206 “Match 3 Conclusion” (第3セット決着 Daisan Set Ketchaku)
Ep. 6 “Rage, You Damn Nerd” (猛れクソナード Takere Kuso Nerd) Ep. 8 “Bakugo's Start Line” (スタートライン、爆豪の。 Sutāto Rain, Bakugō no.) Ep. 13 “In Each of Our Hearts” (各々の胸に Onōno no Mune ni) Ep. 96 “Match 3 Conclusion” (第3試合決着 Daisan Shiai Ketchaku)
As all the Japanese schools U.A too has an infirmary or helath room (保健室 ‘Hoken-shitsu’), though the English version prefers to call it Nurse's office.
There aren't many pictures about in the manga and the anime, as it's a place that appears only 4 times though the story but they're enough to give us an idea of how it is.
Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl (妙齢ヒロイン リカバリーガール Myōrei Heroine Recovery Girl), real name Shūzenji Chiyo (修善寺治与) is in charge of the U.A. infirmary.
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Chapter 4 refers to her as ‘Kango kyōyu’ (看護教諭 “Nurse teacher”) where normally, in Japan, nurses in charge of the infirmary are called ‘Yōgo kyōyu’ (養護教諭 “Health Teacher”) or ‘Hoken-shitsu no sensei’ (保健室の先生 “Infirmary Teacher”) and this person provides first-aid treatment for injuries, illnesses, etc. of students and monitor their physical and mental health through medical examinations, health observations and so on. Recovery Girl is likely raised to the rank of “Nurse teacher” because she also has a nursing licence and provides much more serious nursing care to the students than just first aid help in fact during the sport festival, when Midoriya is injuried she says she did surgery on him.
Also, in Japan the person in charge of the infirmary is part of the teacher body and, in some cases, can teach to classes, though this would risk leaving the infirmary empty.
To point out the place is an infirmary, outside the door there's a sign saying so.
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We don't really get to see the corridor in which the infirmary is but it likely looks like one of the many corridors in U.A. with the rooms on one side and giant windows on the opposite one. Actually, even if it's not said, this could very well be the corridor that lead to the infirmary as the view from the window seems the right one and it would make sense for the students to go visit Midoriya but as it's not clearly stated this is just my speculation.
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The door is a sliding one. In the manga there's either a glass on it or something attached to it but the same can't be said for the anime. Ironically while in the manga the door opens in one direction in the anime it opens in the opposite one. In the anime it's shown that the window on the corridor is so clear and large you've the impression the door opens on the outside.
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The infirmary has a large window on the wall opposite to the one of the door. In the manga we can't see out of it, but in the anime treetops are visible, hinting the infirmary is placed on one of the upper floors of the school.
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Inside there's Recovery Girl's desk with a deskchair as well as two infirmary beds and a stool for patients or visitors to sit on.
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On Recovery Girl's desk there's the screen of a pc but I can't see any keyboard. Possibly it's a touchscreen. She also seems to have books on her desk.
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Manga and anime seem to more or less agree on the design of the room for the left wall. Things change when we move to the right wall, as it wasn't shown in the manga early on and so the anime had no references when they drew the first series and had to make up the tiny glimpses of it we see and then decided to stick with what they made up. The result is the anime has a room with less space than the manga and a closet in it.
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We can also sign a sign which I think is the one to check eyesignt, what should be an instrument to measure height and a message board.
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The anime shows us there's also a clock on the wall and a speaker.
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Also, the anime shows the recycle bin.
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In the manga we aren't shown where the infirmary is located. The anime, showing the treetops from the windows, seems to imply it's on a upper floor. This image from which ballons of what Recovery Girl is saying come out from the last floor seems to imply that's where the infirmary is but it's likely not the case or it would be in such a high place they wouldn't be able to see the treetops. But well, this is just me, I can't say for sure.
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darspeaksout · 1 year
Sleep Paralysis: Nightmare On The Plane
July 19, 2023. 3:41 AM.
I had this nightmare on the flight bound for Toronto from Taiwan.
I dreamed that I was in an open office space with people I understood to belong to the same student organization as myself. In front of me were rows of tables and touchscreen monitors, then a kitchenette with black and white cupboards. The office was in the middle of a large room, the rest of which I couldn’t see as it was shrouded in darkness.
The leader noticed a technical issue with one of the computers and asked my colleague to check it out. My colleague tried pressing a button but to no avail. Another colleague tried and no luck either. Suddenly a voice came from the speakers surrounding the office. The speech was incoherent, like how a witness’ voice is distorted in a crime documentary so their identity is concealed. And then the person, whoever it was, began to laugh. It was maniacal.
Panic ensued as we learned that someone from outside the organization was trying to hijack our office. Everything was high-tech so the lights, furniture, and even the kitchen cupboards, were controlled by Bluetooth. Whoever was behind this was making the furniture shake and the lights go on and off. The voice grew louder as fear and dread paralyzed me. I couldn’t move.
For some reason, I understood the identity of this person to be someone who used to be part of the organization but who had a falling out with its members. They were terrorizing us as a way to get revenge for whatever wrong was done to them when they were part of it. They started shaking the ground and I felt like I was in the middle of an earthquake. I called out to them and said, "It's one thing to not like a group of people and to leave them alone. But the fact that you're doing this shows that this is what you’ve devoted your life to. You are miserable. Whoever you are, you're a miserable person!"
I let out a whimper loud enough to wake myself. The guy beside me told me he heard me too. As I was leaving the dream world and entering reality, there was a period of in-betweenness that felt like I was neither awake nor asleep - I was just stuck. Stuck in nothingness. Like a patient in a vegetative state. The numbness I was feeling in my dream manifested into a numbness in my physical body. I tried to move but couldn’t. I remained calm and willed my mind to move my leg, like how Uma Thurman’s character did after waking up from a coma in Kill Bill. It took me two to three minutes of trying before I finally regained control. I would later learn that this experience was my first, and hopefully my last, with sleep paralysis, a state in which your mind is awake but your body remains asleep. In other words, you have mental awareness but are incapable of moving. I would also learn that people with jet lag have a higher chance of experiencing this.
I was able to ground myself back to reality. I could hear the wind breezing past the aircraft and see the silhouettes of passengers, most of whom were asleep. Even though I was now awake, the terror had not left me. In my dream, it felt like whoever the person was (if I can even call it that) had complete control over my mind and body and I was totally powerless to their will. They had hijacked our office and hijacked me. Like a demon taking over my soul, I was under their possession. I never want to experience that again.
I told all this to my seatmate, a Japanese guy I met at the beginning of the flight. He said it was probably because I was sleeping in a bad position which caused me to have the nightmare. The lights slowly turned on and my eyes adjusted to their brightness. Pretty flight attendants going about, serving food and drinks. Interactions in Mandarin and English. People eating, conversing, existing. Normal people on a normal plane. I wonder how many of them heard me shout.
I don't know if my dream was a premonition that someone from the past will mess with my present or if it's random and has no direct link to real life. Alternatively, it could reveal that I think someone in my waking life is becoming invasive and crossing my boundaries. I’m not sure who that would be. And why a dream like this? It’s been years since I was a student. And I’ve dreamed of falling off cliffs, of running away from something but being too slow, of people dying. I’ve had nightmares before but this by far was the most demonic. Apparently during sleep paralysis, it’s common to hallucinate and to even see a demon sitting on top of you. I experienced neither. If there was any demon, I only interacted with it in my dream. I only heard its voice. But hearing it was terrifying enough.
Still seated, I gave myself a hug. I was a kid again. I was seven years old and hiding behind a pillow as a horror movie played on television. Breathe in, breathe out. It’s just a dream. It’s not real. You’ll be home soon, I told myself. It’s over.
I went to the washroom, pleased to see my haggard face in the mirror and not a demon standing beside me. The lights remained on, the cupboard above the faucet stood still. The only shaking I felt was that of the plane as it continued homebound. 
I splashed my face with cold water and felt relieved, knowing that demons only exist in the mind.
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bugaboobloom · 2 years
Video games
Video games, also known as computer games, are electronic games that involve interaction with a user interface or input device – such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device – to generate visual feedback. This feedback mostly commonly is shown on a video display device, such as a TV set, monitor, touchscreen, or virtual reality headset. Some computer games do not always depend on a graphics display; for example, text adventure games and computer chess can be played through teletype printers. Video games are often augmented with audio feedback delivered through speakers or headphones, and sometimes with other types of feedback, including haptic technology.
Video games are defined based on their platform, which include arcade video games, console games, and personal computer (PC) games. More recently, the industry has expanded onto mobile gaming through smartphones and tablet computers, virtual and augmented reality systems, and remote cloud gaming. Video games are classified into a wide range of genres based on their type of gameplay and purpose.
The first video game prototypes in the 1950s and 1960s were simple extensions of electronic games using video-like output from large room-size computers. The first consumer video game was the arcade video game Computer Space in 1971. In 1972 came the iconic hit arcade game Pong, and the first home console, the Magnavox Odyssey. The industry grew quickly during the golden age of arcade video games from the late 1970s to early 1980s, but suffered from the crash of the North American video game market in 1983 due to loss of publishing control and saturation of the market. Following the crash, the industry matured, dominated by Japanese companies such as Nintendo, Sega, and Sony, and established practices and methods around the development and distribution of video games to prevent a similar crash in the future, many of which continue to be followed. Today, video game development requires numerous skills to bring a game to market, including developers, publishers, distributors, retailers, console and other third-party manufacturers, and other roles.
In the 2000s, the core industry centered on "AAA" games, leaving little room for riskier, experimental games. Coupled with the availability of the Internet and digital distribution, this gave room for independent video game development (or indie games) to gain prominence into the 2010s. Since then, the commercial importance of the video game industry has been increasing. The emerging Asian markets and mobile games on smartphones in particular are altering player demographics towards casual gaming and increasing monetization by incorporating games as a service. As of 2020, the global video game market has estimated annual revenues of US$159 billion across hardware, software, and services. This is three times the size of the 2019 global music industry and four times that of the 2019 film industry.
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arkenforge · 2 years
How to build a touchscreen TTRPG table, and use Arkenforge with it.
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Hey folks! Recently we put out this video (also shown below) showing off our new touch screen features, and it’s safe to say it was quite popular! In this article we’ll be giving you instructions on how you can build your own version of this setup at home. Product links in this article are affiliate links.
TLDR Links:
Touch overlays for TV-s or Monitors:
32-inch IR Overlay
42-inch IR Overlay
55-inch IR Overlay
Touch software:
MT Touch Client: https://arkenforge.com/mt-touch-client/
The Master’s Toolkit
Map Display
The first thing we’ll need to organise is a way for your players to see the map. There’s three main ways to go about this, depending on your budget and available space. We’ll start with the cheapest/least space required and go up from there.
Horizontal-Mounted TV
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The easiest way to get a digital setup up and running is to take an existing TV and lay it flat on your table. If your TV doesn’t have a flat back or you want something a little sturdier, you can design a mount that screws into the back of it to keep it flat. The image above shows one that we’ve designed for use at conventions and our home games.
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Image source: http://projection-mapping.org/dungeons-dragons-projection-mapping/ If you’ve got a sturdy roof and don’t mind doing some wiring, a roof-mounted projector may be for you. This allows for any surface to be used for your play area. Minis with overhanging elements may cause shadows on the map, but arguably that just adds to the immersion.
Integrated Digital Table
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This is the big one; a TV built directly into a table! These can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands depending on the features and craftsmanship. The sky is the limit with this setup, as you can add speakers, lighting, or even cup holders! Depending on your touch screen solution, the TV will either be flush with the table, or slightly recessed. If you aren’t confident to chop up a table yourself, contact your local carpenter, or one of the many companies creating ready-made digital tables.
Now that our players are able to see the map, our next step is to make it interactive!
Touch Screen Options
The most important part of this build is the thing that will actually be detecting your minis. There’s two main types of touch screens you’ll want to consider: capacitive and infrared. The touch technology you use will determine if there’s anything else you’ll need to get your setup up and running.
Infrared Overlays
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Image source: https://crystal-display.com/products/ir-touch/
IR Overlays work by firing out infrared light in a grid pattern and registering a touch point where the grid is broken. They’re cheap, relatively accurate, and they can detect any object that you put in the middle of them. We personally like these because it can detect any mini right out of the box. There are a solid list of cons though, depending on how you like to run your sessions.
Because the detection is done from the frame inwards, objects that the IR beam can’t hit won’t be detected. This can be noticed when clumping minis together, or if some unfortunate positioning leaves a mini in a dead zone. As the frame detects everything that enters it, dice rolls or accidental droppage can cause unintended reveals. This is something we will address with future versions of the Master’s Toolkit. An IR Overlay also doesn’t play nice with 3D terrain, so you may want to opt for a different solution if you enjoy busting out the Dwarven Forge dungeons. Finally, if you play somewhere with large amounts of IR light, your touch screen may have detection issues.
You can purchase IR overlays in various sizes to fit your screen. We’ve selected a few below for common screen sizes: 32-inch IR Overlay 42-inch IR Overlay 55-inch IR Overlay
Capacitive Touch Screen
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Image source: https://www.iop.org/explore-physics/technology-our-lives/touchscreen
These screens are the ones we find in nearly every device today. They detect touch input by sensing when an electrically conductive material is applied to them. This is usually your finger or a stylus. There is no risk of blocking your minis, as the source of detection is the screen itself. There’s also no risk of interference from other light sources, meaning they can be used in all conditions.
While capacitive screens solve a lot of the issues that IR touch screens can face, there is extra cost and work involved in preparing your minis for detection. The main downside of these devices is that standard mini bases are made of plastic, and therefore are not conductive. You’ll need to find custom bases with a capacitive material, usually involving copper or aluminium. Aluminium foil can often work in a pinch, but results can be iffy. As a general rule of thumb, if it works on your smartphone, it’ll work on your screen. As capacitive touch screens put you in charge of what does and doesn’t get detected, you can safely use 3D terrain on these screens.
Capacitive screens can be purchased both as a full unit, or as a film that you can place on your existing TV. You can find one such film below:
Capacitive touch screen film
If you aren’t too big on the DIY side of things, you can increase your budget a bit and go for an already integrated capacitive touch screen:
40-inch capacitive touch screen
Once your screen has been organised, the next thing you’ll need is the software to run it!
At this moment in time, there’s two pieces of software you’ll need to get your touch screen up and running. Our first version of this feature requires two devices, one of which must be running Windows. There’s no spec requirements for this second device. It just needs to be able to connect to WiFi. As time goes on, we’ll be working to get the second device to a much cheaper price point and more convenient size.
The Master’s Toolkit
This is the most important part of your setup! Right now the Toolkit interprets all touch points as vision to reveal. In the future we’ll be performing some software wizardry to allow selective touch reveal, touch dead-zones, and a bunch of other fun features.
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In the first release of this feature, we’ve got some simple options available. For a full overview, check out our sister article that explains how to use and configure the MT Touch Client: https://arkenforge.com/mt-touch-client/
MT Touch Client software
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Those of you on Windows may have noticed a new option in your Launcher – MT Touch Client. This software runs on a Windows device connected to your touch screen. Some of you may be wondering: ��Why do I need a second device + software to use the touch screen? Can’t I just plug it into my main computer” That’s a pretty valid question. The primary reason is that touch input steals control of the mouse. This stops the Toolkit from being useable once minis are in play, and can lead to a lot of unintended UI selection. Another fun fact is that Windows clears ALL touch points if it detects a point for more than 60 seconds. This is counterproductive when dealing with minis that are often on the board for hours at a time.
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For this reason, we created the MT Touch Client software to send touch information to the Toolkit over the local network. The only thing you need to do is run the software. It’ll automatically connect to the Toolkit and handle everything from there. One other benefit of having an external app is that the Toolkit can remain platform independent, so whether you’re running on PC, Mac, or Wine, you don’t need to worry about drivers or compatibility issues. For a full overview of the MT Touch Client, view our sister article here: https://arkenforge.com/mt-touch-client/
Integrating other devices with the Toolkit fog of war
For those who want to perform your own fun fog of war integration, the Toolkit receives fog data via OSC. Port 7001, Address “/FogOfWarPosition”. Data will need to be in the string format “[touch point]|[x position]|[y position]”, where [touch point] is an integer from 0 – 99, [x/y position] is a decimal value from 0 – 1 representing the screen position, and ‘|’ is the separator character.
Enjoy your new setup!
You’ve now got everything you need to get a touch screen setup up and running! If this feels like a bit too much work, we’ll be looking to release a kit that contains everything you need in the future. Be sure to stay on the lookout for that!
If you don’t have the Master’s Toolkit yet, try it free for 28 days at https://arkenforge.com/trial
See you in the next one!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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BAE Systems receives £80 million in Typhoon support contracts
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 11/03/2022 - 09:00 in Military, Technology
BAE Systems will continue to provide services and support the aircraft avians of the Eurofighter Typhoon for the air forces of the founding nations of the platform in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy for the next five years.
The agreements, worth £80 million, guarantee continuous services and repairs for the main avionic equipment, such as monitors, flight controls and helmet-mounted monitors, ensuring that the Typhoon is always ready for operation.
“BAE Systems’ avian support and service team helps our customers ensure that Typhoon is ready to protect our skies and support the UK’s international allies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,” said Jim Whittington, senior project manager at BAE Systems in the UK. "The flexibility of these services will help increase the flight capacity of our customers, through which we can meet any demands for additional services."
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The current development work at Typhoon includes the design and exploration of new large touchscreen displays, funded by BAE Systems, allowing pilots to evaluate and respond to increasing data volumes of the aircraft's sensors and datalinks.
Avionic service and support is the main focus of BAE Systems' facilities in Rochester, United Kingdom. The integrated team based on RAF Coningsby is incorporated into the Typhoon Total Availability Enterprise contract and works closely together to troubleshoot and perform repairs. Its guaranteed return times allow the customer to accurately plan the operations of the aircraft.
Eurofighter is the largest defense program in Europe. In addition to technological capabilities, the program guarantees more than 100,000 jobs in Europe. Currently, 681 Eurofighter aircraft have been sold to nine nations.
Tags: GermanyMilitary AviationBAE SystemsSpainEurofighter TyphoonItalyUnited Kingdom
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diginiam · 2 years
What are the best laptops for programming students?
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When it comes to choosing the best laptops for programming students, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
First and foremost, you must ensure that the laptop has a good processor and graphics card. These are essential for executing complex programming tasks, and you will likely need them if you are planning on doing any serious programming.
Second, you will also need a laptop with a good keyboard and trackpad. These are two key inputs that you will use for programming. Ensure the keyboard is comfortable to use and has good essential travel. The trackpad should be large and have good tracking capabilities.
Finally, you will need a portable laptop with good battery life. You will likely need to be able to work on your computer outside the classroom, and a battery that can last for several hours is essential.
There’s no longer the day when programmers sit behind massive laptop computers with many big monitor screens. 
Of course, some still do; however, today, anybody can start coding relatively easily.
Why should one use a laptop as their computer? You can create code at the moment if you need to use a laptop. Purchasing a laptop for programming is slightly different from buying one for gaming. Programmers do not necessarily require massive amounts of horsepower at all.
How to choose a laptop for programming?
When choosing a laptop for programming, you should consider a few things. 
First, what are you using the laptop for? If you primarily use it for work, you will want a more powerful machine. 
If you are using it for school, you may want to choose a less powerful machine. 
Second, what type of programming do you plan on doing? If you are programming for web applications, you will want a machine with a lot of processing power. If you are programming for desktop applications, you may not need as much horsepower. 
Third, what is your budget? Laptops range in price from around $300 to $4000. 
Fourth, what are your other priorities? Are you looking for a machine that is easy to carry around or one that is light and has a low battery life? 
Fifth, what are your preferences? Do you want a touchscreen, a backlit keyboard, or a convertible laptop? Sixth, what are the features you need? 
There are a few things to consider when choosing a laptop for programming. Some of these are:
Processor: The laptop’s core processor will determine how fast the laptop can work. Laptops with a more powerful processor will be able to run more programs simultaneously and be faster overall.
RAM: RAM is the laptop’s memory and how many programs the laptop can run simultaneously. Laptops with more RAM can run more programs and have more space for your work.
Screen: The screen is the main window you see on the laptop and is what you use to program. Laptops with larger screens will be easier to see and work with.
Battery: Laptops with a longer battery life will be able to work longer without needing to be plugged in. Laptops with a longer battery life will also be more expensive.
How much RAM do I need for programming?
Programming is a process that uses a computer to create a particular result or outcome. The faster the computer, the faster the programming process. 
However, the amount of RAM a computer has does not affect the speed of the programming process. The amount of RAM a computer has is the amount of memory it can use to store data.
Programming requires a lot of memory and a powerful CPU. Consider these factors when choosing the best laptop for programming students. 
A computer for programming should have at least 8 GB of RAM, as this will be enough to handle most tasks. 
Additionally, look for laptops with a high number in the CPU category- the higher the number, the faster your program will run. 
Avoid laptops with a lower amount of RAM- they may not be able to run the programs you need them to properly. 
And lastly, make sure to choose a laptop with at least 8 GB of RAM to handle most tasks.
What is the best CPU for programming?
There is no definitive answer to this question, as the best CPU for programming depends on your specific needs. 
However, some of the best CPUs for programming include the Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. These processors are powerful and affordable, making them a good choice for most users. 
The AMD Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 processors are popular programming choices. These processors are comparably powerful but more expensive.
The best laptops for programming students in 2022
Programming can be tiring and time-consuming, so it’s essential to get the best laptop for programming students in 2022. 
Look for a laptop with a powerful processor and a large screen. Additionally, ensure enough memory and storage space to store all the files and programs you’ll need for programming classes. 
Laptops made specifically for programming can be expensive, but they’re worth it if you plan to use them frequently for schoolwork. 
Remember to consult with an expert before making your purchase, so you get the best laptop for your needs. 
1. New Apple MacBook Pro
The new Apple MacBook Pro is an outstanding laptop choice for students. 
Its battery life of up to 12 hours and the low price tag make it an affordable option, while its excellent specs make it perfect for programming and other related activities. 
Additionally, its sleek design makes it ideal for young professionals looking for a powerful laptop that isn’t too heavy or bulky.
2. Dell XPS 17 9700 Laptop
If you are in the market for a perfect laptop for coding and programming, then the Dell XPS 17 9700 laptops should be at the top of your list. 
This gaming-grade laptop has features such as a backlit keyboard that makes coding in dark environments easier and a 512GB PCIe NVMe SSD, which provides fast loading times for programs and data. 
Additionally, it has an Intel Core i9-8950HK 6-core processor alongside 16GB of RAM to give you plenty of power when programming.
3. Razer Blade Stealth 13 Ultrabook Laptop
If you’re in the market for a perfect laptop for programming, look no further than the Razer Blade Stealth 13 Ultrabook Laptop. 
This powerful laptop can easily handle heavy loads of coding and features an 8th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of RAM to help with fast performance. 
Its anti-glare screen makes it ideal for work in dark environments, while its battery life lasts up to 12 hours without needing to be plugged in – making it a great choice if you need flexibility when traveling or working from different spots.
4. Surface Laptop Go 2
Surface Go 2 is a Windows 10 Mobile device with the same form factor as the Surface Laptop. It has a 10.8-inch display and an Intel Celeron processor. 
The device comes with a keyboard and a trackpad. Also, the device has a 3.5mm headphone jack, a microSD card reader, and a USB-C port. 
The device has a battery that lasts for up to 12 hours. The Surface Go 2 also has a 3.5mm audio jack, a mini DisplayPort, and a full-size USB 3.0 port.
5. Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop
The Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop is an excellent laptop for programming students. It has an incredible 0.9 inches HD Display and 1TB Hard Drive that makes storing files and coding easy. 
Its AMD Ryzen 5 Quad-Core Processor speeds up the coding process, while its 8GB of RAM ensures the program’s smooth running. 
The keyboard is backlit, making it easy to work in low light conditions – perfect for programming sessions at night or during early morning hours when sunlight isn’t as bright as it usually is.
6. ASUS ZenBook 13 Ultra-Slim Laptop
If you’re looking for a perfect laptop for programming students, the ASUS ZenBook 13 is an option worth considering. 
With its powerful specs and sleek design, the computer is ideal for coding and multitasking. In addition to its excellent multitasking capabilities, the battery life of this laptop is also impressive – lasting up to 10 hours in regular use! 
For those who need more storage space, we recommend opting for the 128GB model – perfect for storing your programs and projects! 
Finally, if you’re interested in buying this laptop, don’t forget to check out our latest deals!
7. Lenovo ThinkPad E595
If you’re looking for a perfect laptop for programming studies, the Lenovo ThinkPad E595 should be at the top of your list. 
It has many essential features that will make coding more accessible and comfortable. Its keyboard is excellent for coding, making typos less likely and offering enough space to write lengthy codes without any issue. 
Additionally, its SSD ensures fast loading times of programs and files, vitally essential when studying coding-intensive subjects like computer science or engineering.
8. Lenovo Ideapad L340 Gaming Laptop
The Lenovo Ideapad L340 gaming laptop is perfect for programming students as it comes with a high-quality graphics card that can handle complex tasks. 
It also has a large screen that makes it easy to work on projects and store files. Overall, this laptop is another great option if you’re looking for a computer that will help you get more done in less time.
9. Microsoft Surface Pro 8
I am looking for a laptop that can also be used as a programming machine. Then the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 is perfect for you! This laptop comes with an Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM and a 256GB hard drive. 
It also has a 12-inch display that makes coding and other programming tasks much more accessible. Moreover, its USB Type-C port makes transferring files between your laptop and tablet fast and effortless. 
In summary, the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 is one of the best laptops for programming students in 2022!
10. Best Budget: HP Pavilion Aero 13
If you are on a budget and want the best laptop for programming students, the HP Pavilion Aero 13 should be your top pick. Its excellent design, as well as affordable price, makes this laptop the perfect choice. 
You can find it in various configurations that suit your needs – from a budget-friendly model to an advanced one with more features. Additionally, it comprises features that will make programming easier for you. 
Everything about this laptop is designed specifically for coding professionals, from its speedy SSD storage to its comfortable keyboard and trackpad.
Which is the best laptop for programming under 40k?
One of the best laptops for programming under 40k is the Asus ROG GL552VD. It comes with Windows 10 installed and has good specs for programming, including 4GB of RAM and a fast PCIe 3.0 x16 slot. 
Additionally, it’s lightweight and has a battery life of up to 8 hours. So, if you’re looking for a perfect laptop for programming, this would be a great option. 
If you’re thinking of upgrading your computer shortly, then go for something that’s over 40k – these will get better performance as time goes by.
Which is the best laptop for programming and coding?
There is no definitive answer regarding which laptop is the best for programming and coding, as every student is different. 
However, some generally beneficial student features include backlit keyboards, multiple ports (for USB devices and cables), and large screens. 
So, keep these features in mind if you’re looking for a laptop that will be perfect for coding. Additionally, many of these laptops come with powerful processors, massive hard drives, and plenty of memory.
What are some of the best online resources for programming students?
When it comes to programming, there are a variety of online resources that can help students of all levels. 
Here are a few of our favorites: 
Udacity has various courses for beginners, starting with Python, Java, Objective C++, etc., that you can take online or in a classroom format. 
Codecademy offers interactive tutorials and virtual labs that are great for learning coding basics from scratch. 
Code academy is another excellent website for learning about coding. They offer interactive tutorials and virtual labs that you can use to try out different coding projects.
How can I choose a good laptop for programming students?
When choosing a laptop for programming students, it’s essential to consider the specs that are most important to them. 
Some key factors to consider include: 
Powerful processors: Laptops with powerful processors can handle more tasks simultaneously and help students code more quickly and efficiently. 
Large hard drives: Laptops with large hard drives can store more programs, files and images, making them ideal for programming students who need plenty of storage space. 
RAM: Laptops with more RAM can run more programs simultaneously without hiccuping. In addition, programming students often need to keep several windows open simultaneously for coding purposes, and having enough RAM helps speed up the process. 
High display resolutions: Programming students often need laptops with high display resolutions to quickly see their code and edit images or videos. 
Ultimately, the best laptop for programming students will be one that meets their needs as best as possible. By considering all of these critical factors, you’ll be able to find the perfect laptop for your student.
If you’re looking for a perfect programming laptop, you’ve come to the right place! 
Here, we have outlined the factors you should consider when choosing the best laptop for programming and the best currently available on the market. 
Read through the blog to get all the information you need to make an informed decision. We hope that this blog was of some help! Comment here.
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inkadeals · 2 years
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ProForm - Pro 2000 - Black » $1243.99
If you are looking for a comprehensive training tool | look no further than the ProForm Pro 2000 smart treadmill. With an included 30-day iFIT membership | you can transform your treadmill into your own home fitness hub. Stream thousands of live and on-demand workouts led by expert iFIT Trainers who teach you proper form and motivate you to succeed. Virtually travel the world with Global Workouts | experiencing everything from vast African savannahs to frozen arctic peaks. Stream live and on-demand Studio Classes | where you can sweat alongside virtual classmates and compete against other iFIT members on the Leaderboard. With Automatic Trainer Control | your treadmill’s speed and incline will auto-adjust to match global terrains and meet trainer suggestions. If you have a Bluetooth heart rate monitor (sold separately) you can experience ActivePulse | exclusive technology that adjusts your workout intensity to keep you in your target heart rate zone. Stream all your favorite workouts through a luxurious 10” HD touchscreen | and run with confidence knowing your treadmill is powered by a self-cooling Mach Z motor. You’ve got this!
MPR: $1799.99 Deal: $1243.99 Discount: 31%
iFIT® Enabled | 30-Day Membership Included Get high-powered | dynamic training without leaving your home. With a 30-day | full-access membership to iFIT® | you’ll join our elite trainers for workouts around the globe and in the studio.
10” Smart HD Touchscreen Follow personal trainers through beautiful destinations right on the display with the 10-inch touchscreen. With the swipe of a finger | you can also access all of your workout stats so you can keep an eye on your progress.
Mach Z™ Motor Choose the motor that will run with you from Chicago to Cape Town. Smooth. Powerful. Durable. Proven. This large-frame motor stays cool through the toughest workouts; creates high levels of inertia for a smooth | powerful feel; and promises a quiet in-home experience.
20” x 60” Tread Belt Your in-home workout experience should be a comfortable one | ProForm® designed a deck so you won’t feel confined as you walk | jog | and run. The 60-inch length gives your legs plenty of room to stretch out your stride | the 20-inch width allows your upper-body extra elbow room.
0 – 12 MPH Digital QuickSpeed® Control Thanks to a bigger motor size | the Pro 2000 rocks a top speed of 12 mph. Our in-home efficiency booster means you can run every day without using excessive amounts of electricity. And the convenient QuickSpeed® buttons let you adjust your intensity instantly.
-3 – 12% Digital Quick Incline™ Control We consider incline training the treadmill game changer—you can realistically condition your body for those challenging uphill routes. The Pro 2000 offers powered | automatic incline and decline adjustability.
ReBound Pro™ Cushioning Every treadmill we release is equipped with cushioning throughout the deck area. As you walk | jog | or run | you’ll have a softer landing with every step. With less stress on your feet | ankles | knees | and hips | you’ll be able to enjoy a longer workout and faster recovery time.
1.9” Balanced Rollers We know that a quality product is all about the details. That’s why we’ve built the Pro 2000 with 1.9-inch precision-machined | balanced | non-flex rollers. These medium-sized rollers decrease tension | which keeps wear and tear to a minimum.
SpaceSaver® Design with EasyLift™ Assist We know you like your house to be clutter-free. So we invented a treadmill that folds up and out of the way when you’re done with your workout. And as an added bonus | we built in a powerful shock that helps you lift the deck with an easy push.
CoolAire™ Workout Fan Our built-in CoolAire™ fan keeps your workout comfortable from the moment you step onto the deck to the moment you step off. Choose from two speed settings for instant control—because one of the joys of indoor workouts is climate control.
Integrated Device Shelf Make fitness time multi-tasking time. This shelf keeps your device conveniently close so you have access to all your training tools and entertainment must-haves.
Audio Auxiliary Port and Bluetooth Speakers The included audio auxiliary port allows you to plug in and listen to your entertainment at a higher volume. The built-in dual 2-inch Bluetooth speakers let you hear your music or videos wirelessly with even less complication.
300 Lb. Weight Capacity Built with the whole family in mind | the ProForm Pro 2000 treadmill accommodates up to 300 pounds.
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gurudevmotors · 2 years
Škoda Kushaq: An SUV with a Difference
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Know About the New Škoda Kushaq Interiors and Specifications.
The latest car by Škoda is the fifth generation Škoda Kushaq. This car is quite interesting and is based on the MQB platform, which is the same platform that is used by other hatchbacks like Volkswagen Polo and Volkswagen Golf.
This time they have updated the Škoda Kushaq with a new design for interior and exterior – featuring a refreshed look for the Millennial and Gen-Z generations and premium interiors for superior comfort.
Škoda Kushaq Interior: A Luxury SUV at a Budget-Friendly Price
As much as we would love to talk about the new Škoda Kushaq’s mind-boggling engine for its class with Active Cylinder Technology and the ability to deliver up to 250 Nm of torque, it is crucial to acknowledge what matters most to your family and friends that travel with you – comfort and convenience! Get your on-road price for the new Kushaq here.
Škoda is known by many to always opt for a more minimal and subtle look for their interiors and dashboards. However, this time they outdid themselves by providing the Kushaq with an exuberant appearance. The dashboard features several textures and finishes including matte, glossy black and chrome!
Moving on, the dashboard also incorporates the following:
A large and responsive touchscreen display
Touchscreen climatronic control
Cooled glove box
An analog-cum-digital driver information display
Steering Wheel
A good steering wheel lets you drive the car. A great steering wheel inspired you to drive the car!
The dream of every car driving person is to have a steering wheel that feels as though it was made just for him/her and controls so fluid that driving feels like sailing!
The two-spoke steering wheel in the Škoda Kushaq:
Provides adjustability in height and length
Allows media control like pause, play and skip
Enables call answering and rejection
Interacts with the driver information system
How you feel the moment you sit in the SUV is one of the most important factors to consider if you are planning to buy one.
Škoda has gone all-in to give you the best possible seating experience for the money with its new Kushaq! Here’s what you get in the seats of the new Kushaq Style variant:
Height-adjustable driver seat for maximum personalization and comfort
Ventilated and perforated front seats – adjustable on the dashboard
The new Škoda Kushaq makes a unique selling point with its incredible engines that give an unmatched sporty performance without burning a lot of fuel!
The Kushaq’s engine has 4 variants:
1.0 TSI 85kW Manual 6-Speed
1.0 TSI 85kW Automatic 6-Speed
1.5 TSI 110kW Manual 6-Speed
1.5 TSI 110kW Automatic 7-Speed DSG
Škoda has kept up its side of responsibility with impeccable safety features for the Kushaq. It is very safe.
The Kushaq has ABS, EBD, ESP, traction control, ISOFIX child-seat anchor points, height-adjustable head restraints, driver/passenger-side airbags and much more!
Driver and passenger front airbags (2 nos.)
Front side airbags (2 nos.)
Curtain airbags (2 nos.)
1.5 TSI 110kW Automatic 7-Speed DSG
A few other safety features of the new Kushaq are:
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
Traction Control System (TCS)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Motor Slip Regulation (MSR)
Electronic Differential Locking System
Hill Hold Control
Multi-Collision Brake
Roll Over Protection
All in all, the Škoda Kushaq is a bang for the buck for Indians considering investing in a larger car or SUV without breaking the bank or losing out on premium features.
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arasjeep · 2 days
What Are the Most Important Features to Look for in an SUV?
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Choosing the perfect SUV can be overwhelming, given the wide range of models and features on the market today. Whether you're buying your first SUV or upgrading to a newer model, knowing which features matter most is essential. As an official Jeep dealer in Madurai, ARAS Jeep Madurai, we're here to help you navigate this decision. Below, we break down the most important features you should look for when shopping for an SUV.
1. Engine Performance and Fuel Efficiency
The engine is the heart of any vehicle, and for SUVs, you need something powerful yet efficient. The balance between power and fuel efficiency is key. SUVs are known for their ability to handle off-road terrains, steep inclines, and heavy loads, so it's important to consider engine size and horsepower.
Power: A robust engine like the Jeep Meridian's 2.0-liter turbo diesel or the Jeep Wrangler’s V6 engine ensures smooth off-road capabilities and high performance on highways.
Fuel Efficiency: With fuel prices constantly fluctuating, opting for an SUV with decent fuel efficiency is important, especially if you use the vehicle for daily commutes. The Jeep Compass, for instance, provides an excellent balance of power and fuel efficiency with its 1.4-liter MultiAir turbo petrol engine.
2. All-Wheel Drive (AWD) or Four-Wheel Drive (4WD)
One of the main reasons people opt for SUVs over sedans is their ability to handle various road conditions. Whether it's navigating through heavy rains, muddy paths, or rugged terrains, AWD and 4WD systems ensure better traction and control.
AWD: This is ideal for those who live in areas with unpredictable weather or frequently encounter wet or snowy roads. AWD automatically distributes power to all four wheels for enhanced traction.
4WD: If you’re an adventurous soul or someone who enjoys off-roading, 4WD is the feature to look for. Models like the Jeep Rubicon are equipped with 4WD systems that can handle even the most extreme off-road conditions.
3. Interior Space and Comfort
One of the primary reasons to choose an SUV is the spaciousness it offers. A good SUV should provide enough room for passengers and cargo, making it an excellent choice for families, road trips, or anyone who needs to haul a lot of gear.
Seating Capacity: Consider how many people you’ll typically be driving around. If you have a large family, a 7-seater SUV like the Jeep Meridian offers ample seating for everyone. On the other hand, if you don’t need the extra seats, a smaller SUV might be more practical.
Cargo Space: SUVs like the Jeep Grand Cherokee come with ample cargo space. Look for features like fold-flat rear seats for extra storage when needed.
Comfort Features: Modern SUVs come with advanced features like heated seats, leather upholstery, and climate control, all designed to make your driving experience more comfortable.
4. Safety Features
Safety should always be a top priority, and today's SUVs come equipped with numerous advanced safety technologies to protect you and your passengers.
Blind-Spot Monitoring: This helps detect vehicles in your blind spot and warns you if you're about to change lanes into an occupied space.
Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB): If the vehicle senses an imminent collision, AEB will automatically apply the brakes to help avoid or mitigate the impact.
Adaptive Cruise Control: This system adjusts your speed based on the flow of traffic, maintaining a safe distance from the car in front of you.
Lane Departure Warning: If you unintentionally drift out of your lane, this system will alert you, and in some cases, gently steer you back on track.
5. Infotainment and Connectivity
In today's connected world, infotainment systems play a significant role in enhancing the driving experience. Look for SUVs that come equipped with modern technology that keeps you entertained and connected.
Touchscreen Display: Many SUVs, including the Jeep Compass, come with touchscreen displays that allow you to control navigation, music, and other features seamlessly.
Smartphone Integration: Features like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto allow you to connect your smartphone directly to the car, giving you access to apps, music, and navigation directly from the vehicle’s screen.
Sound System: Whether you’re commuting to work or on a long road trip, a quality sound system, like the ones in Jeep models with premium speakers, makes all the difference.
6. Off-Roading Capability
If you're planning to take your SUV off the beaten path, then off-roading capability is something you can't overlook. Not all SUVs are designed for rugged terrain, so if off-roading is on your agenda, make sure to look for features like:
High Ground Clearance: This ensures that your vehicle can navigate rough roads without damaging the undercarriage.
Skid Plates: These protect the underbody from damage when driving on rocky or uneven surfaces.
Specialized Suspension: A well-tuned suspension system helps the vehicle absorb shocks and maintain control on rough terrains. Jeep's off-road models like the Wrangler are known for their off-road prowess.
7. Resale Value
SUVs generally have a good resale value, but some brands, like Jeep, tend to hold their value better than others. If you're looking for an SUV that maintains its worth over time, it’s worth considering a brand with a strong reputation for durability and demand in the used car market.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right SUV depends on your lifestyle, driving needs, and budget. At ARAS Jeep Madurai, we believe that models like the Jeep Compass, Wrangler, and Grand Cherokee offer a perfect blend of performance, comfort, and innovation. Whether you're looking for a family-friendly SUV or an off-road adventurer, Jeep has something for everyone. Visit ARAS Jeep Madurai to explore our range of SUVs, and take a test drive to see what fits your needs best.
Q: What is the best Jeep SUV for off-roading? A: The Jeep Wrangler Rubicon is one of the best options for off-roading, thanks to its 4WD system, high ground clearance, and rugged suspension.
Q: Are Jeep SUVs fuel-efficient? A: Jeep SUVs like the Compass offer a good balance of fuel efficiency and power. However, larger models such as the Wrangler may have lower fuel efficiency due to their off-road capabilities.
Q: Can I get a 7-seater SUV at ARAS Jeep Madurai? A: Yes, the Jeep Meridian is a 7-seater SUV available at ARAS Jeep Madurai, offering spacious seating and advanced features for larger families.
Q: Do Jeep SUVs have advanced safety features? A: Yes, Jeep SUVs are equipped with advanced safety features like Blind-Spot Monitoring, Automatic Emergency Braking, and Adaptive Cruise Control.
Q: Can I test drive a Jeep SUV at ARAS Jeep Madurai? A: Absolutely! Visit ARAS Jeep Madurai to schedule a test drive and explore the performance and comfort of our range of Jeep SUVs.
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praesidus01 · 3 days
Top 10 Jungle Watches for Outdoor Enthusiasts in 2024: Reliable and Stylish Timepieces for Adventurers
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For outside lovers, having a reliable watch is vital for monitoring time and navigating via nature's challenges. Jungle watches are in particular designed to face up to rugged conditions while providing crucial capabilities for adventurers. Here’s a list of the pinnacle 10 jungle watches for 2024 that cater to the desires of out of doors fanatics.
   Top 10 Jungle Watches for Outdoor Enthusiasts in 2024
Praesidus Rec Spec-OG Popcorn
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The Rec Spec OG Popcorn is clearly born from the original MACV-SOG watches of the 60s but with a spin. Its shiny-black "popcorn" dial texture provides a striking amount of volume to the overall watch while not over-complexifying the overall legibility. The applied indexes feature a "tritium" style green luminous that calls back to the original radioactive tritium paints used in the 60s on these kinds of watches.
Garmin Fenix 7
The Fenix 7 is a multi-game GPS watch that includes superior navigation capabilities, coronary heart price monitoring, and solar charging skills. Its rugged design makes it a favorite amongst hikers and climbers.
Suunto 9 Baro 
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Known for its surprising battery lifestyles and unique GPS tracking, the Suunto nine Baro is ideal for lengthy expeditions. It additionally capabilities a barometric altimeter and weather monitoring.
Casio G-Shock Rangeman
This watch is built to endure excessive conditions with its shock-resistant design and water resistance up to two hundred meters. It moreover consists of a compass, altimeter, and thermometer, making it a bendy device for outside adventures.
Citizen Eco-Drive Promaster
Harnessing solar strength, this watch in no way wishes a battery change. The Promaster series is understood for its durability and functions like water resistance and luminous arms for low-mild conditions.
Seiko Prospex Diver's Watch
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This diver's watch combines fashion with capability. It gives splendid water resistance and is designed to withstand harsh underwater environments, making it first-rate for folks who revel in aquatic adventures.
Timex Expedition Scout
A finances-pleasant option, the Timex Expedition Scout offers critical capabilities like an Indiglo night time-mild and durable creation, making it suitable for casual outdoor sports.
Luminox Navy SEAL Colormark
This tactical watch is designed for sturdiness and visibility in low-mild situations. Its self-powered illumination ensures that you could study the time in any environment.
Apple Watch Ultra
While extra tech-centered, the Apple Watch Ultra gives diverse outside functions such as GPS monitoring, coronary heart price tracking, and rugged layout factors tailor-made for journey seekers.
Tissot T-Touch Expert Solar
This sun-powered watch consists of touchscreen functionality, altimeter, barometer, and compass features, making it an exquisite accomplice for serious out of doors fanatics.
Where to Buy Jungle Watches
When looking for the proper jungle watches, it's critical to explore reliable structures that offer excellent, long lasting, and stylish options. Whether you’re an outside enthusiast or truly need a rugged look ahead to your adventures, traveling the best watch selling sites will help you locate precisely what you need. Below are some of the pinnacle platforms wherein you may buy jungle watches:
1. Praesidus
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Praesidus is famed for its antique-inspired designs, inclusive of models like the Rec Spec OG Popcorn, which merges traditional navy aesthetics with modern-day sturdiness. This platform gives sturdy and nicely-designed watches that enchantment to journey enthusiasts who need both style and reliability. The type of watch sizes available ensures you could find a watch that fits flawlessly on your wrist, regardless of your preference for large or smaller timepieces.
2. Amazon
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One of the most famous and first-rate watch selling sites, Amazon offers a significant choice of jungle watches from well-known brands like Casio, Garmin, and Suunto. Not only does it provide competitive pricing, but it also capabilities widespread client evaluations and designated product descriptions to help you make a knowledgeable choice. Whether you are looking for simple watches or additional capabilities like compasses and altimeters, Amazon’s sizeable selection makes it smooth to compare options.
3. REI
Specializing in outdoor equipment, REI is a relied on vacation spot for adventurers searching for splendid merchandise. They stock quite a number of journey and jungle watches designed for rugged environments. REI is one of the fine watch selling sites in terms of finding timepieces which can withstand the cruelest situations, supplying each sturdiness and fashion. Their selection frequently consists of watches with specialized functions such as GPS, water resistance, and hard straps designed for prolonged use inside the wild.
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If you’re looking for a reliable and fashionable jungle watch, those great watch selling sites provide a whole lot of models to fit your journey-stuffed life-style. Whether you're seeking out just watches with simple functionality or advanced capabilities like GPS and water resistance, platforms like Praesidus, Amazon, REI, ensure you’ll locate the proper jungle watch within the right watch size to your wishes. With those trusted web sites, you could confidently equip yourself with a durable and fashionable timepiece for your next excursion into the wild
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