#larry pokemon x reader
twinksrepository · 7 months
A jealous kiss
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Rating: PG
Pairing: Larry X GN!Reader
CW: teasing
Word count: .3 K roughly
A/N: You and Larry are sharing a meal at the treasured eatery, but the salaryman seems a little out of sorts for some reason.
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It's rather funny. The look Larry is sending you from his seat beside you in front of the grill.
Most might not have been able to see it with the way his face is usually set in it's tired expression, the way his eyes seemed glazed over. But you know better. The slight curve of the corners of his mouth downwards, along with the hair breath raise of an eyebrow. 
Larry is upset with you for some reason. 
“What’s wrong there Salaryman?” Teasing as you take another mouthful of your own meal that melts in your mouth like always. 
“I don't have time for something to be wrong.” If you didn't know him as well as you did, you might have believed his deadpan expression. 
“You never have time, but that doesn't mean there isn't~” Swinging your feet back and forth on the chair watching the briefest roll of his eyes at your childishness. You might have been bothered by it if you didn't see the slight uptick of his lips before he schooled his expression back into the usual one that reflects how exhausted he is from being a Gym leader, a member of the elite four, and an office worker for the league. 
“Why did you kiss your Gible after your battle?” Huh? Turning more on your seat to look at him with your head tilted. Whenever your little Gible does well in battles you give her a kiss as a reward. 
As you open your mouth to answer you see it. The slight flush to the tip of his ears, just enough that anyone else might think it was from the light shining down from above the counter along the frying station. “Larry.” Lowering your voice so no one would be able to hear you. “Are you jealous?” 
The sudden coughing fit he has as part of his rice ball goes the wrong way tells you enough, as he slams his hand into his chest. “You.” His coughing has attracted the attention 
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tookerthetookiest · 2 years
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Larry x gn!reader
You were a new waiter for The Treasury, walking up to the building, ready to start your job with determination. Fixing your outfit, you stepped into the building and greeted the host, where he handed you a menu to look through the dishes they served as well as sides so you could familiarize yourself with the orders you'll come across. You sat yourself down at the counter, reading through the menu. Reading through the items seemed to make you hungry for some of them, but that's not what your here for. You heard a voice from behind you "If you want to order something, you should try this." A low monotone voice said, pointing to something on the menu. You turned to see a tall man in a suit take a seat next to yours. His hair looked as though it was styled to look like a Staraptor in a way. Hair aside, he looked pretty normal, but also quite handsome. "Is something wrong?" He said. You shook your head, embarrassed that your were starring. "No, it's just that I work here. It's my first day." You smiled shyly. "My apologies, you seemed so interested in the food, I just had to recommend something." He seemed excited talking about food, well it looked that way. You really couldn't tell with how his face was in a never changing blank stare, but his tone implied it. "Your right about me being interested in the food though, everything looks so delicious! I couldn't help wanting to try some." You thought about how after your shift was over you might stay a while just to try some of the dishes. The man nodded his head to assure you he was listening. "Oh! Seeing as we're already talking, My name is (y/n) and i'll be your waiter for this evening." You stood up and smiled. "Oh, um, I'll have my usual, though you wouldn't know what that is yet, Its-"
As he was about to tell you his order, the host called over to him, telling him that a challenger was here to see him. He sighed, standing up while grumbling that he can't even eat in peace. You laughed a bit seeing that, only for you to realize. "Wait, you're the gym leader!?" He nodded, "We'll talk after, my boss'll dock my pay if i keep a challenger waiting." He said trudging over to the challenger with a bored slouch. You stood in awe at yourself for not realizing that was the gym leader of the place you work at, though nothing about him seemed gym leader-ish. You snapped out of your state when you noticed some people being seated, taking that as your chance to officially unofficially take your first order. You walked over asking them what they would like to have, only for them to dismiss you for the battle about to take place. You we're a bit displeased at that, but you weren't one to talk seeing as you couldn't take your eyes off the scene unfolding, more so the gym leader taking part in it. The battle passed in no time with the gym challenger losing. The gym leader talked to the challenger, while even though the battle ended, you just couldn't take your eyes off the gym leader.
"Ahem!" You got called out of your thoughts by the customer you we're taking an order from before. "Oh! I'm so sorr-" You were cut off by the customer telling you off about how bad you are at your job and that you don't pay attention to your customers. You wanted to argue back, but it was your first day and you couldn't risk loosing this job. Until you once again heard that voice behind you, "Hey that's no way to treat someone serving you." A wave of relief passed over you as the voice spoke again "And you aren't one to talk about not paying attention, you completely ignored them when they asked for your order at first. Please have some respect for the people that are serving you, no matter the occupation they hold." The stern way he talked to them, just to get you out of trouble made you blush. They became silent and you got to take their order with no complications after that. You walked over to the man to thank him but he seemed to read your mind "There is no need to thank me, I just hate seeing people try to pick fights for such petty reasons. Especially if its towards someone doing their job." The genuine frustration in his voice warmed your heart at how much he cared. "Not to mention how nice you were to me before, even if i hadn't talked much it was the best conversation i had in a while." You couldn't help but blush at his words. Your heart pounded, for a stranger no less, but even though you hardly knew him your feelings for him already began to flourish. You smiled "Still i would like to thank you for helping me out before." He nodded his head, with the faintest smile. "I'm Larry by the way, Normal type gym leader of Medali, and about the order i was placing."
A friendship was blossoming, maybe it might just bloom into something else, as the journey continues!
My first time writing for well, ANYBODY!! please tell me if i did anything wrong or right! I saw that there's BARELY ANY LARRY CONTENT!?!???? So i had to take it upon myself to fix that
Have a great morning evening or night 🌅🌙☀️
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Caring For An Injured Pokemon Boyfriend
cw: slight description of injuries, light blood mentions, fluff, tending to an injury
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus, Volo, Larry, Guzma
● You watched as the older of the Subway Bosses tried to hide how he flinched when he put too much pressure on his leg. His facial expression may have been something that rarely changed from his usual frown. But, you caught the way his eye slightly closed, and his nostrils flared as he took in a sharp breath. Instantly, you stopped him on his way into the apartment to roll up the leg of his slacks. Ingo froze at your sudden movements and could only watch as you revealed the abrasion he had been trying to hide from you.
● “Ah, dearest…” his voice was uneasy, “Yes, I have an injury, but it is nothing for you to concern yourself with. I was going to tend to it myself just now.” You pouted at him and shook your head. Instead, you grabbed onto his hand and led him into the bathroom. Sitting him on the toilet, you carefully knelt down after washing your hands to examine it better. There was some dried blood that was carefully washed away with a clean wash cloth and soap as you determined the wound needed slight bandaging.
● Ingo felt conflicted as he watched you tend to his wound. It was not your job to deal with the unfortunate injuries he got during work hours, and he was bothered to burden you with such a task. Yet, watching you so dotingly tend to his wound shut him up. It would be cruel to tell you off while you were trying to help him. His heart felt oddly warm as you quickly worked to finish up with a bandage.
● You gently applied the adhesive bandage to the areas that had bled before standing up. Ingo looked up at you as you cupped his cheeks playfully. “Good boy,” you teased and watched as his cheeks bloomed pink. A laugh came from you. Pecking a quick kiss to his lips, you were suddenly overcome with curiosity. “How'd you even get injured, Ingo?” you asked him with a tilt of your head. That was not like him at all, honestly. The older twin was always careful and dutiful.
● “Ah,” his hand moved to readjust his hat, but it was no longer on his head, “Well, I fell on my way into a train car. It was quite embarrassing actually… Emmet had to catch me.” You gasped. His leg must have rubbed against the train. You felt relieved that the only injury he got was an abrasion. Kissing him again, you hugged him, too. A warning to be more careful came from you as Ingo simply allowed himself to enjoy your warmth for a moment.
○ You could tell he was hiding something as he entered the apartment without a coat on and hiding his left arm behind his back. Emmet's face was frozen with a stiff grin, while his eyes were more like a doll's own. He waved at you with his right hand, not daring to say a word. Your suspicions were sky-high as you tried to glance at his hidden arm. He simply would not let you, however, making you shoot a light glare at him. His grin became nervous. Eventually, the charade grew tiresome, and you grabbed his arm to see what he did. You gasped at the sight of red staining his white shirt.
○ “Darling!” he whined as you gently pulled his arm forward. A long incision like cut ran up his forearm. You rushed him to the bathroom instantly. The first aid kit was dug out of the cabinet and placed down. A towel was wrapped around his arm to stop some remaining bleeding as you gave him a harsh look. It did not seem to be that deep, but its length had you mildly concerned. Emmet turned his face away from you, smile dropping. “I am Emmet,” he said, “And I am not a child.”
○ He felt embarrassed to need his partner to tend to his cut. It was not uncommon for Ingo to still try to provide care for him whenever he got injured around him. The long nagging sessions had him worried that he was in for a similar thing with you. Still, you dutifully worked to stop any bleeding before washing the wound, mindful of his quiet hisses and flinches from the hydrogen peroxide coming into contact with his wound. A quick application of a topical ointment and the embarrassment faded. Your worried expression finally broke him. Another reason he did not want to show you.
○ A gauze wrapping was wrapped around his arm as he was realised from your first aid care. Emmet was silent, unsure what to say. You sighed and caught him off guard. A light peck to his bandaged arm made his heart race. “Emmy,” you called him by his nickname so sweetly, “What happened? Please, tell me. I don't like seeing you hurt like that.” His arms came around you tightly, ignoring the dull pain in his arm. Oh, he felt so bad! His darling was worried about him.
○ “I am verrrry sorry,” he cooed sweetly and nuzzled his nose against your own, “Haxorus was practising a move. I did not follow the rules, and I was standing too close. She accidentally cut my arm.” You gasped. Poor Emmet and Haxorus. She undoubtedly felt bad for injuring one of her trainers, while Emmet had to nervously pretend he was fine. Thankfully, everything ended up fine, but you chided him about hiding things like that from you. The lectures were inescapable, the younger twin came to accept.
☄️ You observed the man carefully as he entered your home late in the evening. There was nothing that uncommon. He slipped his shoes off and walked in to greet you. His face was its usual stoicism, while his body language was the normal stiffness to be expected from Cyrus. No, what made you curious was how he was walking. It was not his trained stride and paces. They were shallow and uncomfortable. You lead him to the couch, where you proceeded to catch him unaware as you rolled up on of his pant legs. There, right at his knee, was the answer to your question. A darkening bruise with small litters of abrasions, almost like a galaxy against his pale skin.
☄️ “... Beloved,” he spoke quietly, “This is nothing for you to concern yourself over.” You shook your head and rushed away into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and a wash cloth. You rolled up his other pant legs upon your return to confirm your suspicions. Both of his knees were in the same state. You ticked your tongue as you washed the area with the wetted cloth. Cyrus actually flinched at the unfortunate sensitivity in the area. Any dried blood from the abrasions was wiped away.
☄️ The Galactic Boss felt mildly uncomfortable about the whole situation. His goal had been to handle this himself, yet here you were being able to read him too well. Your gentle hands moved carefully as you blew on the wet areas to dry them. Why had you even bothered with concern? Cyrus would not be so foolish to let a serious injury go untreated. A bruise was not anything for you or himself to be concerned over. His heart raced when you placed the cloth down on the table and cupped his cheek.
☄️ “How did that happen?” you asked him softly, “It clearly was hurting you to walk. Please don't exert yourself more than you have to. I hate seeing you in pain.” Shame burned his chest. You would draw such visceral human emotion out from the void where his spirit should have been. His hand came to rest over yours. Must you worry about him? You leaned down to touch your forehead against his. Clearly, you did want an answer and were not going to be satisfied until you had it.
☄️ “I… I was exploring Mt. Coronet,” he explained with carefully chosen words, “I simply had failed to observe the uneven terrain and fell. I can assure you that the pain is barely noticeable.” You pouted to him. A light kiss was pecked to his lips as you sat down beside him. Your side was pressed against his as you hummed. He swallowed as you asked for more information about what he was doing at Mt. Coronet. A curse, he felt. You were a curse. He decided to explain his “new” fascination with Sinnohan mythology. (His knees felt strangely better after you had cared for them, but he would never admit it to himself.)
⭐️ You nearly panicked at the sight of the blond approaching you. A stick stuck through his carefully tied back bun, while dirt and foliage stuck to his clothing. You rushed him into your shared home quickly. Instantly, you had him strip from his clothing to look over his body. You could feel your breath hitch at the sight of his leg. You used a cloth to quickly apply pressure to the bleeding wound. Its jagged shape reflects whatever had just happened to him.
⭐️ “… I fell,” he explained simply, clearly not in top much of a talking mood with his injury. You could only wonder what height he fell from, while feeling grateful that his injuries outside his bleeding leg laceration seemed to just be bruising. You carefully check to see if the bleeding stopped. It thankfully had, and you quickly drew some water out from your bucket to run over the wonder. A shudder left you when rocky debris came out from the wound. You would not say he did not deserve it, but you did care for him enough to not want to see him like this.
⭐️ Volo felt a bit smug that he had you so concerned about him. Since everything had happened, he wondered if you still truly cared for him. His unfortunate accident today proved to be beneficial to his person curiosity. Your hands gently felt over his exposed skin, searching for any more injuries after finishing bandaging the wound to his leg. A dark memory, long repressed, resurfaced in his mind of a woman who resembled him watching as he tended to his own wound at a more tender age. He closed his eyes and forced it away. That did not matter. Not when his perfect world could still be brought to fruition; not when he had you so foolishly worried about him.
⭐️ When you finished looking over him and decided there was nothing else of concern, you unexpectedly hugged him. The tightness of the embrace nearly was enough to press against the bruises that littered his body. “Please, be more careful, Volo,” you begged in him a whisper, “I don't want to lose you…” His grin could only get bigger. The pain was ignored as he returned the affection. Perfect. You truly did love him, too. A light peck to his temple did draw an unwanted flutter of his heart.
⭐️ “Believe me, it was not my intention at all to fall from the cliff,” he sighed at the memory of what had got him in this state, “An enraged alpha Golem had it in him to attack me before I could call out Lucario.” His annoyance about the aggressive pokemon was apparent. If anything was going to kill him before he accomplished his goals, it was not going to be a wild pokemon. He moved to cup your cheek and look into your eyes. “Thank you for tending to my wounds,” Volo spoke with uncommon genuineness, “I'm grateful you decided to come to my side.” You felt delighted by his words and pressed a kiss to his lips.
🍙 It was a slight shock to see Larry in such a precarious state. He walked into the apartment and dropped his suitcase before quickly sliding off his shoes. His pace was a rare, quick one as he tried to rush off to the bathroom. You followed behind him in concern. The businessman sighed as you looked over him. He was clearly in pain as his neutral, uninterested expression twisted in pain. You saw an obvious stain on his grey shirt. Instantly, your hands worked to remove his suit jacket and shirt. You grimaced at what lay underneath.
🍙 Larry looked away from you in soke form of embarrassment as you observed the fiercely irritated skin on his chest. A burn. You quickly wet a wash cloth with cold water and pressed it to the afflicted area. A hiss came from the man, but he allowed you to tend to his injury. “... I'm sorry,” he mumbled out, “I planned on doing this myself. You really don't have to.” You look at him with a frown. He went silent.
🍙 He supposed it was not so bad to have you care for his burn. It was in an awkward place for him to observe and care for, so you were probably the best person for the job. He sighed as your gentle hands held the cloth to his chest. The stinging pain was subsided temporarily. Your worried eyes made his heart race, however. Why would you even bother fretting over someone like him? There was nothing special or interesting about him. How he even got you as his partner was truly beyond him. When you removed the cloth after a few minutes, he watched as you pulled out an aloe lotion from under the cabinet and rubbed it on the damaged skin.
🍙 As you finished by applying a loose bandage to the area, he sighed. Before he could thank you, however, you cupped his cheeks in your hand and looked into his tired eyes. He swallowed. “Are you okay, Larry?” you asked him softly, “How did that happen? I don't think I've ever seen your clothes with a stain like that.” His eyes broke from yours. You really knew how to make his disinterested facade fade. You nuzzled your nose against his, and his mouth nearly hung open.
🍙 “When I was walking to the office, someone bumped into me and my coffee spilled on to me,” he sighed, “I came home to clean it up and change. Thanks for helping with it.” You sighed. A light peck to his lips somehow acted a better pick-me-up than the coffee could have ever been. Your hands free his face as he pondered where to go from here. His boss was sure to notice his sudden disappearance, but this had been a situation. Larry had a distinct feeling you were not going to let him return to work, either. Not with his new injury. It was hard to decide who was scarier between you and Geeta.
□ You watched as the “big, bad boss” tried to make himself small as he entered your home. It was plain as day that he was hiding something. His face was filled with nervousness as he tried to creep by you. What had he done now? You decided to join him in the sneaking as you followed him quietly into the bedroom. His sleeve was pushed up as he sat away from the door. A hiss came from him. You placed a hand on his shoulder and scared him half to death. Guzma turned his grey eyes up to look at you.
□ “Babe, what the fuck,” he asked as he tried to hide his arm. You pouted at him. Really, what had he done? It was not like he did not often get into scraps or fights. Honestly, him hiding it made you more worried than a black eye or busted lip. Was it deep? Bleeding profusely? Your mind wandered. Snatching his arm, you pulled it into your line of sight. “C'mon, stop!” he snapped as you saw what littered his skin. Red scratch marks decorated the arm.
□ Guzma huffed as you got a wash cloth to wipe away the dried blood from the scratches. He felt like some little kid having his mom dote on him rather than the totally scary boss of Team Skull he was. You did not even care about how huffy he was as you tenderly took care of the numerous scratches on his arm. They were certainly less severe than his usual injuries, but you doted on them all the same. A bandage was carefully wrapped around his arm as he sighed. He felt embarrassed that this had happened at all.
□ “Guzma,” you said firmly, “What did you do?” You cupped his cheeks and pressed them together, really making him feel like a child. His frown was intense, but his glare no longer had any effect on you. Big, bad Guzma had already been observed by you to be secretly way too soft to be anything near a threat. He bit his tongue. It was completely humiliating to tell you what had happened. Your pressing intensified.
□ “I… I was trying to mess with Nanu's Meowths,” he admitted shamefully, “They, uh, fought back.” You freed his cheeks from your hold to let out a laugh. Yeah, that would explain it and why he tried to hide it. Honestly, the Meowths were just the first of it. The Kahuna would not be happy to learn that Guzma had upset his precious felines. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you hugged him tightly, too. Guzma felt a bit more relieved to have told you but utterly deflated by your laughter. Then again, he would admit it was a bit funny that he had come to you with worse injuries but tried to hide cat scratches. Well, he enjoyed the hug and kiss, at least.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
This isn’t a request or anything but rather food for thought. It’s been on my mind and it’s absolutely hilarious to me
Larry, the most normal man and his S/O, God. (Arceus! Reader)
Im at work rn but this cracked me up oml
It's giving
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r0-boat · 8 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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thatanimewriter · 7 months
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➳ request: Idk if this has been done or not, but could I request a Pokémon SV X reader who has a Hisuian Pokémon team (Especially Hisuian Arcanine because it's a good fluffy volcano dog and who doesn't love that) and whilst the SV characters are freaking out over the past Hisuian Pokémon the reader just causally says something along the lines of "Oh yeah, I got sent to ancient Sinnoh for a while"
➳ character/s: arven, grusha, rika, larry, atticus, penny
➳ warnings: swearing
➳ notes: i really don't know anything about pokemon other than sv, lower your expectations for lore-related reactions-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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asks for your actual age because they fear they may be dating a dinosaur (little shits-)
── ARVEN, rika
sit with your pokemon awkwardly because they don't know what to do with this information. possibly wondering how they might also be sent back in time.
── grusha, larry, PENNY
has a notebook out and is asking you a million questions about ancient sinnoh.
── arven, rika, ATTICUS
wonders what would happen if your pokemon ever like... had kids with theirs. they hope that doesn't happen for their own sanity (but if it were to happen, who are they to play god-)
── atticus, penny
is determined to be best friends with your pokemon and perhaps steal them away from you so they can have one of their own (your arcanine jokingly bites them every time they try to pet them)
── ARVEN, RIKA, grusha
treats your pokemon like your children and will tuck them into lil beds and cuddle with them on the couch or pet them when they work. might use them as a pillow or a plushie if you're out for a bit n didn't take them with you.
── grusha, LARRY, ATTICUS, penny
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randoimago · 1 year
Headcanons of what's like to date (Pokemon) Grusha, Brassius, Hassel, and Larry please?
What It's Like to Date Them
Fandom: Pokemon
Character(s): Grusha, Brassius, Hassel, and Larry
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!
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You'll have to drag him away from his work otherwise he will just be hunched over painting the whole day instead of taking breaks to eat and hydrate. Is also a bit stubborn when it comes to taking a break, but if he sees that you're getting upset or frustrated then he'll put his paint brush down.
Constantly watching you. When you two are on dates or just doing something like grocery shopping together, his eyes are watching your every movement. You're his muse and he doesn't want to miss seeing something that can spark his inspiration.
Likes to go to museums with you. Museum dates are something he always likes. And when he travels due to Gym Leader business, he's sure to take you with (if you want to, it's fine if you don't), but he's going to show you other museums in other locations.
Wants to go snowboarding with you a lot. He's unable to do it professionally due to his injury, but he's happy to go on a date where he snowboards with you. There're some bittersweet moments with him while snowboarding, but he assures you that he is very happy to have these moments with you.
Grusha tries to seem like he has things together when he's with you. He's actually rather stressed out, but he doesn't like you seeing that side of him. Pull aside and hug him and he'll give the deepest sigh of relief because he really needed the hug.
Not the most emotional person. His scarf hides his face, so you really only have his eyes to tell you how he's feeling. But even with his emotions not really on his sleeves, he always gives you the softest looks.
Lots of soft music playing throughout his house. Or even when you visit his classroom at the school, there's some soft music in the background. Even though he didn't go into music, he still very much loves it still.
Remembers lots of things about you too. Knows exactly what drinks you like and how you like to eat certain foods. Anytime he notices you're a bit stress or anxious, he's there with a comfort item he remembers you mentioning.
You get to witness his grumbling when he's doing schoolwork and he ends up smearing ink or pencil on his hand because he's left-handed. Just little pouts on his face because he thought he was careful this time. It's very adorable.
He is so tired and overworked all the time. And he's not going to hide his tired appearance from you. He won't complain (too much) in front of you, but he's not going to try and seem like he has his crap together in front of you all the time.
Real big on staying home and hanging out. He doesn't mind if you want to go out and do something, but he prefers staying home and relaxing. Doesn't mind doing typical house husband stuff either. Yeah, he worked all day, but he doesn't mind male wife-ing it up for you.
Either falls asleep too easily or cannot sleep no matter what. If you two are watching TV or something, then he'll end up falling asleep halfway through. But when it comes to actually laying down in bed, he is awake. His body is tired, but his mind is awake as he just holds you close and let's his eyes rest at least.
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jirachis-tag · 2 years
~Larry X Reader~
Word Count: 2024
Content: SFW
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-Lunch Break-
It wasn't a new occurrence to hear people make fun of your colleagues and subordinates, as the Chief of the Department. The mindless gossip never disturbed you, knowing well how draining and monotonous the daily assignments of everyone's jobs were first hand. Never had you gone out of your way to participate nor break their fun, deeming it an unnecessary activity for yourself. If anything, it seemed to have had a stress relieving effect on the employees, so you thought: as long as it stays harmless, you wouldn't intervene or react.
Except for that very day, apparently. One name made your ears clatter like a passing truck, your eyebrows furrowing until your forehead hurt. "Larry". The energy with which it was said was undeniably scornful, jeering, an urge to crush the knees of and crack open the skull to whomever had started it steadily arising within you. Your eyes scanned the area where Larry was usually seated. Almost hidden behind stacks of papers and binders was his head laid upon the desk top, fast asleep, one rarity that struck you as entirely odd.
Larry was a hard, responsible worker. He didn't quite enjoy his position, maybe even less so than others, having heard him mutter complaints under his breath and sigh miserably every so often. He wasn't violent or ungrateful whenever those would slip, nor were they aimed at anyone besides himself to hear. 'So unfortunate, I'm really so unfortunate', you've caught him murmuring. You'd glanced at him to see if you could assist him, hear him out at least, yet the chance didn't seem to have existed after all. He'd already begun doing paperwork, an aura of inaccessibility and distance constructed all around his work desk. As per usual.
"Larry?", you put a hand on his shoulder, gently rocking him back into consciousness.
He hummed in a low, tired tone, not exactly realizing who was speaking to him, why, or where he was at the moment.
"Are you alright?", your palm pressed against his forehead gently, checking for a fever.
That seemed to have woken him up immediately, as he quivered and jerked away from you, catching your wrist.
His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise and embarrassment:
"Chief… Excuse me. This must be bothersome", he averted his eyes to the crushed up documents whose lettering was a little faded, the handwritten notes at some spots barely legible.
"No", you shook your head reassuringly, covering up the preceding exasperation exceptionally well, "You need a break, pronto. Come with me", you tugged the wrist in his grasp gently to guide him up, which he released right away, saying another apology.
You smiled at his caution and care. There weren't many instances of you two communicating before, however, from what you've gathered so far, he was often grouchy on the surface, but in reality a really sweet man who just needed someone to look after him when it gets especially tough. You wondered if he had anyone like that; a close friend, a lover, a spouse perhaps. Despite the curiosity, you forcefully disregarded the thought. Your personal crushes should lay low after all. That's what you've always been telling yourself, in fear that your professional demeanor would falter, that you'd lose the little authority you held at this part of the building. Yet you didn't manage to hold your enthusiasm in check that afternoon. And how could you? It was that perfect of a chance to make acquaintances, let Larry know you were available to communicate with on a less formal basis, emphasize on your presence in his everyday office life.
"I'll be back to work, I apologize. It was a shameful moment of weakness."
What was actually shameful was the way your thoughts would focus on him at all the wrong times in a variety of equally wrong ways. Sometimes him being unsociable and too lost in his tiredness to notice the existence of those anomalies was desirable.
"And you risk it happening again. Come on. Have coffee with me at least", the way he still didn't look convinced that he should be taking care of himself more made you change your stance, "Just for a little while. This can wait. Your health cannot. Don't make me turn it into an order."
"The big bad boss won't hear about this", you played that one off as a bit of a joke, ensuring it would be understood as such by sealing it with a wink.
Larry cleared his throat and stood up with a groan, some joints even letting out a crack. You could tell he secretly longed for leaving that chair, maybe even quitting work for that day altogether. Frankly, you'd happily join him if that were possible, as monitoring, check-ups, paperwork and phone calls weren't fun for you either.
"Mind telling me what happened? In secret, of course", you struck up conversation as you two were making your way towards a nearby coffee vending machine.
His eyes were on the verge of closing, taking him a considerable amount of time to come up with an acceptable explanation:
"Trouble sleeping, I guess. That's all there is to it."
You crouched while waiting for your drinks to brew. Looking him up and down, his undesirable posture standing out the most, a worried 'I see' crossed your lips. You considered asking whether you could give the man a hug, a pat on the back, a few meaningful, reassuring words you'd sprinkle in, hoping they'd get to him, enough to soften him up. You hated seeing him so down in the dumps all the time; a depressing sight, really. Nobody deserved to feel like that, passion and commitment to excellence and improvement destroyed, squashed down and shattered, leaving behind an empty husk, an individual who might've been an accomplished young man in the past.
Hoping to see him smile, you sent the best one of your own his way while handing him a steaming paper cup, the scent of coffee tickling your nose. It wasn't returned.
"Can I help you somehow, Larry? Please tell me if you need to talk about it, I promise to at least hear you out." To that he didn't respond. You tried again. "If you have any doubts about being a burden, clear them up right away. Let's go sit outside on the balcony. There are benches there; not too uncomfortable, if I may say so."
"Alright, if you so insist. I don't have anything to say, however."
"That's alright. We can just relax", you paused for a second, having just remembered a little something about him. Larry really liked food. "Would you… want half of my sandwich? It's not too big, and I don't know about the quality, but I'd-", he cut you off, putting his hand up, not needing an excuse of any kind.
You made eye contact with him again, his bushy eyebrows just barely raising for the first time that day. He almost looked excited. In a very Larry way. Your heart fluttered for a moment. You swallowed a lump in your throat.
"Thank you."
You tilted your head gently. In case that was an agreement, you couldn't have been more joyful. Fortunately, he noticed your puzzled expression and curtly nodded. You desperately needed to control every atom in your body not to approach and tightly embrace him. Your arms were a bit faster though, raising themselves half way before you caught yourself, lowered them and turned around to make your way towards the door leading to the outside lounge.
You wished he'd grab you by the shoulder, stop you, like in romance movies, having cleverly read your intentions, and hold you close for a while, share body heat and ardent emotion.
But, no, that's Larry, actually. Just Larry. Your most 'unfortunate' instance of puppy love yet. And you should expect nothing.
Then you did a double take when he surpassed you and held the door for you. You blinked, mouth half open. Larry didn't seem to think much of it, gaze focused on the coffee he was delicately swirling around in his cup.
He positioned his foot to stop it from closing, running the now free hand through his hair. He looked at your figure frozen in place, then motioned for you to come through.
"I'm sorry, I zoned out for a second", you tried covering up your flustered poise with a cough, "Thank you kindly."
When you got out of sight, your hand flew to your mouth, locking away a squeal. You couldn't fathom how the most basic of gestures sent your tummy in a state of ache, wings of those persistent butterflies grazing your insides.
"Chief", Larry called out in a monotonous volume, "If I'm being impolite, I apologize in advance, but in all honesty you seem of worse state of mind than myself at the moment."
The length of his sentence made you look over your shoulder. He suddenly wasn't so far away from you, and you didn't know how to respond, surprise and shock winning you over.
"Mm, I might just…"
He pointed at the bench, implying you should continue there, ingeniously passing you the spotlight, something you didn't plan on having. Did he do that often? You doubted so. How many people converse with him on a weekly basis anyways?
'Just some average nobody', you've overheard the employees today, 'He's kind of weird, in my opinion. Does he creep you out a bit, or is it just me?'
Before you knew it, you were seated next to each other. Both hunched forward, leaning against your knees, sharing your lunch. Yet mostly in silence. You'd steal glances at Larry, him patiently chewing, perhaps savoring it. He hadn't looked at you once.
"What is it?", he asked after a few minutes, taking a small sip.
"You seem like you want to say something."
So he's been paying attention.
"I've asked you before, though. However, I get now that you prefer not mentioning it."
"It's not just that, is it?"
"Now I myself am not sure whether I'd want to talk about that."
"And why not?"
"You might not be too thrilled to hear it", were you really brave enough to shoot your shot?
Rejection didn't sound desirable, but as things were going, it seemed like the most plausible scenario. You didn't know what to expect otherwise.
He sighed again:
"It's alright. Go for it, I suppose. What's the worst that can happen?"
"Look at you, reading my mind. Been wondering the same", you fiddled with your thumbs nervously.
Larry just shrugged.
You continued with a laugh:
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I'd really like to get to know you better, if that's alright with you."
"What?", his expression drastically changed from before, into a mix of astonishment and badly suppressed joy.
His chest rose and fell more dynamically while he was struggling to find convenient words. He started stuttering, not sure where and how to start answering.
You yourself were taken aback, relieved to see him so innocently vulnerable. Your heartbeat picked up its pace.
Darn it all.
Your hand enveloped his, giving it a firm squeeze in an attempt to snap him out of that nerve wracking state.
"It's alright! Sorry if I upset you too much, it wasn't intentional."
He blinked at you, his grip ever so slightly tightening as well. Your other hand was shaking, which you weren't aware of, the tingling in your legs becoming too much to bear.
All of it stopped the moment he regained his composure, your small smile replaced by a grin so wide you thought your cheeks would hurt for the next few hours:
"D-Do you want to go have dinner with me after work…?", it wasn't an upbeat kind of voice, yet you had seen through it, confirming that he was just as eager.
"I would absolutely love that", then you proceeded to fantasize about sharing bites of your meal with him. Maybe seeing him smile just once.
He nodded, saying nothing else. Well. Scratch that actually. Take it slow. He is just Larry after all.
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bellafragolina · 28 days
I loved the last hcs you wrote about taking care of the submas after a long day at work!! 🥰
Can I request the same for Larry? the poor man desperately needs someone to spoil him after a long day 😭
the man who needs it the Most shall Receive it!!!
Coming home is a blur. Larry usually has his moments of disassociation, tiredness encapsulating his poor mind as it struggles to keep up with every single thing he's been assigned to do, but this is very startling in and of itself.
When did you take his coat? Where did his briefcase go? His tie? How did you get his shoes off??
Larry blinks owlishly at you, watching in muted shock as you flit back and forth, his Pokémon and yours following at your beck and call. He briefly pictures you in a flowing dress, singing to woodland creatures as you await a true love to come and find you, like in the movies Poppy enjoys.
But no, you're not awaiting anything. You smile at him, your supposed prince charming, who's too exhausted to stop you from pushing him onto the couch so you can bring him dish after dish of steaming food.
He recognizes them all as the things he usually orders from the Treasure Eatery, but none of them are from there. No, he can see the slight changes and imperfections that come from someone who is more normal in the kitchen, like you. You made all of this.
You made all of his favorite foods, just for him.
"Eat." You command, striding back towards the kitchen with his Staraptor trying to nip at the sleeves of your shirt so you'll drop some food for it to gobble up. "Before it gets cold, Larry!"
Larry turns to the food, slowly picking up a grilled rice ball, and bites into it. It tastes like the ones from the Treasure Eatery, but. . .
He looks to where you run your fingers through Staraptor's features, praising the bird for a good day's work.
It tastes better. Way better.
Hunger grips Larry like never before. He shoves what he can into his mouth, trying everything to see if your touch is truly magic like that. And it is, soothing his tongue like no other dish he's ever tried in his life.
A call of your name pulls you from your Pokémon-feeding duties. You trot back into the living room, plopping beside your overworked man, a hand easily resting on the back of his neck.
"It's good." Larry hums, sighing when you begin to gently massage away the knots he always carries.
"I'm glad." You say, truly relieved he likes your cooking. It's no Treasure Eatery, you know, but you wanted to show Larry how much you appreciated his hard work (even though you were of the mind that he shouldn't have three jobs like this). "I want to make things easier where I can."
Larry pecks a kiss to your lips. You're so stunned by the sudden affection that you don't resist him putting a rice ball to your lips.
"Life is easy with you." Larry says, simple as that. Because it is. "Eat. You need to."
You just chuckle, taking a happy bite. Hopefully he's as pleased with the massage gun you plan to reveal to him after he's showered.
hope you enjoy!! i love him <3
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Hi! Can I request romantic relationship headcanons for Pokémon Clavell, Hassel, Brassius, and Larry with gender neutral s/o?
Dating Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry headcannons
Pairing: Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry x gn!reader (separated)
Warnings: none
A/N: this one took a lot of time! Sorry for that, hope you enjoy!
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His role as the principal at Naranja/Uva Academy in the Paldea region would mean that he approaches relationships with a sense of responsibility.
At the core of your relationship with him would be a sense of understanding and respect. He values your company and appreciates the moments of affection you share, even though his reserved nature might not always allow him to express his emotions openly. While he may not readily show his feelings, his actions speak volumes – whether it's through a thoughtful gesture or a genuine concern for your well-being.
His strict demeanor, shaped by his professional role, would occasionally surface, but it would be tempered by his underlying kindness. You'd come to appreciate his ability to handle even the most challenging situations with a level-headed approach, providing a sense of stability and security in your relationship.
As a couple, you'd find yourselves embarking on quiet yet meaningful moments together. Perhaps you'd share walks through the academy's picturesque gardens, engaging in deep conversations about your dreams and aspirations. Clavell's support for your endeavors would be unwavering, and he'd encourage you to pursue your passions with a quiet determination.
His dedication to his students and their well-being would extend to his role as a partner. He'd pay close attention to your needs, offering guidance and advice when sought. While he may not be one to overtly shower you with affection, his gestures would be meaningful and sincere – a cup of your favorite tea waiting for you after a long day, a shared glance that conveys understanding, or a comforting hand on your shoulder when you need it most.
Occasionally, you'd catch glimpses of his softer side, moments when he allows himself to let his guard down. Perhaps it's a smile that lingers a little longer than usual or a tender touch that reveals the depth of his feelings. These fleeting moments would serve as a reminder of the genuine connection you share and the affection that exists beneath his composed exterior.
While Clavell might not readily express his emotions, the love and care he holds for you would be a constant presence in your relationship. With him, you'd experience a love that is steady, enduring, and grounded in a shared understanding of each other's ambitions and aspirations.
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Dating Hassel would offer you a unique blend of intelligence, deep emotional connections, and a passion for creativity that transcends the ordinary. His ability to immerse himself in the world of art and his sincere dedication to his craft would shape the dynamics of your relationship in profound ways.
Hassel's tendency to take things seriously and emotionally, regardless of how small they may seem, would reveal a side of him that is authentic and deeply connected to his feelings. This emotional depth would lead to moments of vulnerability, where he might shed tears in response to significant events or when he's moved by something that strikes a chord within him.
When it comes to art, Hassel's enthusiasm is palpable. Conversations about artistic expression would lead him to delve into lengthy discussions about the various forms that art takes, the pursuit of perfection, and the beauty of symmetry – a reflection of his own deep appreciation for the subject. You'd find yourself captivated by his insights, his passion contagious as he shares his thoughts and experiences.
In your relationship, Hassel's emotional nature would manifest in ways that are both heartwarming and endearing. He might surprise you with heartfelt gestures – a handpicked bouquet of wildflowers that perfectly embodies the beauty of imperfection, or a handwritten note that expresses his emotions with eloquence.
While he's known for his serious demeanor, Hassel's emotional side would also extend to moments of shared joy and laughter. Together, you'd experience the elation of discovering a hidden gem in an art gallery or the delight of creating something beautiful with your own hands. These moments of shared happiness would forge a bond that is rich with emotion and understanding.
As your relationship deepens, you'd become a source of inspiration for Hassel. He'd find solace in your presence and a safe space to express his feelings openly. The times when he lets his guard down and sheds a tear in your company would be a testament to the trust and intimacy you've cultivated together.
In the intricate tapestry of your love story with Hassel, you'd discover a man who is not only intellectually stimulating but also emotionally profound. His commitment to art, his deep emotional connections, and his penchant for seeing the world through a unique lens would create a relationship that is rich, meaningful, and filled with moments of artistic and emotional resonance.
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It would be a journey of self-discovery, shared passions, and a deep connection that blooms like the most exquisite flower. His dedication to his craft and his enigmatic approach to art would shape a relationship that is both inspiring and full of intrigue.
Brassius' determination to create art would resonate with your own drive for self-improvement. Your shared desire to become the best versions of yourselves would create a strong foundation for your relationship. Together, you'd encourage each other to push boundaries, explore new horizons, and continuously evolve. Just as Brassius approaches his art with unwavering commitment, you'd embark on a journey of personal growth side by side, motivated by the mutual aspiration to reach new heights.
The sense of mystery that Brassius feels when working on his art projects would align with your own inclination to explore the depths of your inner self. Your communication would be marked by a shared fascination with uncovering the layers that make you who you are. Deep conversations about your dreams, fears, and aspirations would become a cornerstone of your relationship.
In Brassius' presence, you'd find a kindred spirit who not only appreciates your artistic passions but also shares them. The two of you would spend hours immersed in creative pursuits, whether it's painting, sculpting, or simply appreciating the beauty of nature. Brassius' artistic insight and your own unique perspective would combine to create a dynamic partnership that fuels your shared creative endeavors.
As your bond deepens, you'd discover the artistry that exists in the small moments of life. A sunrise over a tranquil meadow, the rustling of leaves in the wind, or the interplay of colors in a vibrant bouquet – these everyday experiences would take on a new dimension of beauty and significance as you and Brassius share them together.
Brassius' commitment to his gym duties and his artistic endeavors would be mirrored by your dedication to supporting his goals and aspirations. Just as he pours his heart into shaping the gym's environment and challenges, you'd stand by his side, providing unwavering encouragement and cheering him on every step of the way.
In return, Brassius' presence in your life would be a source of inspiration and wonder. His ability to find beauty in the ordinary, coupled with his mysterious charm, would keep your connection fresh and exciting. The moments when he unveils a new artistic creation or shares a personal insight would be met with genuine admiration and a shared sense of awe.
In the canvas of your relationship with Brassius, you'd paint a portrait of shared passions, mutual growth, and a love that thrives on the mystery and beauty of life itself. Together, you'd create an artistic masterpiece that captures the essence of your unique connection, a bond that grows stronger with each passing day.
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Dating Larry would lead you on a journey of quiet companionship, gentle understanding, and a love that thrives in simplicity. His calm and relaxed demeanor would provide a tranquil backdrop to your relationship, while his genuine care and thoughtfulness would create a bond that runs deep.
Larry's love for all things "normal" would align with your own appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Together, you'd find joy in everyday moments – a leisurely stroll in the park, savoring a home-cooked meal, or sharing stories by a cozy fire. His relaxed nature would encourage you to embrace the present and find contentment in the little things.
While Larry's initial shyness and reserved demeanor might create a quiet atmosphere, his warmth and friendliness would shine through once you break through his shell. As you spend more time together, you'd discover his endearing quirks and the charming way he opens up to you. His soft-spoken nature would create a space for heartfelt conversations and genuine connection.
Larry's inclination for organization and tidiness would blend seamlessly with your own desire for a well-structured life. Together, you'd find comfort in creating an environment that reflects your shared values – a cozy home where everything has its place, a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos of the outside world.
His dedication to work would be a proof of his unwavering commitment to his passions. You'd come to admire his diligence and determination, and you'd be there to offer your support as he invests time in his pursuits. Whether it's tending to his Pokémon or working on personal projects, your presence would be a source of encouragement and comfort.
Larry's caring and supportive nature would shine through in the thoughtful gestures he showers upon you. From surprise notes expressing his affection to small acts of kindness that show he's thinking of you, his love language would speak volumes. His commitment to making you feel loved and appreciated would be unwavering, and you'd come to cherish the quiet moments of tenderness he shares.
While Larry may prefer the tranquility of home, you'd find comfort in your shared space, knowing that you have a partner who understands and respects your need for solitude. His willingness to make an effort to ensure your happiness would be a testament to the depth of his affection.
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gen6boi · 9 months
Concept: Trading Larry a shiny loveball Tandemaus and watching him kinda twist the capsule around in his hands while occasionally glancing over at you unsure of whether or not to say something
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charcadett · 2 years
What are romantic and/or platonic hugs from gym leader and elite 4 like? Every one of them deserves hugs!
Ohhh okay, this one is like. Mega short. But it was fun to do! You’re sooo right they all are in desperate need of hugs.
Hugs From Elite Four And Gym Leaders
- Incredibly soft and warm. She’ll rock back and forth, humming contentedly while she hugs you. When she pulls back, the front of your shirt will be covered in flour. Katy giggles in response.
- Unfortunately, no matter how much effort Brassius puts into his hugs, they’re always awkward and bony. He’s more likely to wrap and arm around your shoulder and hold you against him rather than give you a hug.
- Picks you up and spins you. He smells very savory from all the food he cooks, so hugs from Kofu never fail to make you hungry. His hugs tend to be very tight as well. Firm and grounding.
- Another awkward hugger, though he’s on the softer side. If you’re not super close with him, he’ll pat you on the back a few times before pulling away. With his partner, it’d take the jaws of life to pry him off you. Sweats a lot.
- Her hugs are strong and firm, though she’s another side hugger. Ryme likes to squeeze you close to her and press a kiss to your temple.
- She likes to cup your face. It’s her favorite mode of affection. Even when she’s holding you close, her hand is gently caressing your cheek. Will sometimes lean down to give you a butterfly kiss. She thinks it’s cute.
- He doesn’t hug often, but when he does it’s warm and intimate. Grusha will press his forehead to yours and hold you for as long as possible.
- Isn’t particularly fond of hugs. The best you’ll get out of her is knocking your shoulder against hers as she gives you two strong thumps on your back.
- One of, if not the best hugger on this list. The easiest way to describe a hug from Hassel is comforting. He’s sturdy and will hold you as long as possible. Hassel also emits a lot of heat, so you’ll eventually have to let go or you’ll start sweating on him.
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blueberry-lavender · 1 month
Larry and a reader who grew up with him in Medali??? Like just. Seeing your best friend grow up into curent Larry n stuff…
*this has been in my inbox for almost 2 years*
Tags: ansgt-ish, mentions of bullying and depression, neutral reader
Best Friend Larry hcs
🪽 when you were little, you two would play a lot. He was sweet, shared toys, and was kinda a shy kid. But he was kind.
🪽 as you became teenagers, he was picked on for being so attached to his friends. (You and maybe one other person)
🪽 instead of branching out to more people, he tried to compensate for that with more activities. Joining clubs & trying new things.
🪽 unfortunately, the same people who made fun of him for not branching out made fun of him for not being good at anything he tried to do.
🪽 you watched as all this happened. You tried to help him when you could, congratulate him for small victories.
🪽 but he just got sadder and sadder.
🪽 he became more reclused than he was in the first place, and slowly... ever so slowly... left you.
🪽 he became dead set on just getting a job and getting home. Nothing to it. Do what he could, and never try again.
🪽 you ended up living your own life, somewhat forgetting about him until you encountered him at a restaurant.
🪽 he apparently owned a gym now. But his face... Gaunt and depressed. Seeing him go from that sweet little boy to the overachieving teen, to a settling and sad adult.
🪽 maybe you could reconnect.
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leggerefiore · 6 months
Tying up your partner's tie for them.... THINK OF THE DOMESTIC BLISS FI
cw: fluff
character: Larry, Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus
🍙 The salaryman was frozen after you approached him with something in your hands. It had been just after he finished buttoning his shirt, too. He soon realised what it was when the sky-blue fabric came into view. His tie. You deftly brought it around his collar and began manoeuvring the fabric into proper form. Larry decided to simply let it happen. This made his morning a bit easier after all. Your hand then soothed out the tie as you stepped back with a smile on your face. He took a quick glance in the mirror to make sure it looked alright before nodding at you.
🍙 “Thanks, dear,” he leaned forward to press a kiss on your cheek. You seemed to desire more, however, as you pulled him in by the same tie for a proper kiss. Larry did not resist. He moved away afterwards to slip on his suit jacket and do another once over to make sure that he was completely ready for the day. Heading towards the door, he glanced around for his briefcase. You suddenly appeared from the bedroom to hand it off to him. A sigh left him. Right. He had placed it there last night. It was taken easily, and he gave another thank you in reply.
🍙 But, you caught him before he could finally depart and pressed another kiss to his lips. He reciprocated the affection. “Goodbye,” Larry spoke when he pulled away, “I'll probably be home earlier than usual. Geeta said I have too much overtime again.” You nodded and waved bye to him as he headed to the door.
Oddly, he would admit he felt strangely invigorated for the day.
● The Subway Boss was caught off guard when you appeared holding his tie. He was just about to go get it himself, so he spoke a polite thank you and reached out for it. You pouted. He froze. Then, you began to bring the blue fabric around and under his collar, and he understood. Did you wish to tie his tie for him? Ingo allowed you to do what you clearly wished to with no resistance. Your hands were steady and careful while you began to work the fabric into the correct form for a tie. When you finally moved to soothe out the fabric, Ingo hummed at your work. It was quite well done.
● “Thank you, dearest,” he resisted his usual urge to applaud when giving praise. Your smile at him warmed his heart. Such a lovely sight first thing in the morning could make the worst workday more manageable. The older twin leaned in to peck a sweet kiss to your lips before returning to his routine. You seemed to disappear out of the bedroom while he collected his coat and cap. He slipped them both on as he headed towards the door to leave. You soon emerged from the kitchen to hand him a lunch box. It was taken without complaint from him.
● Then, you sneaked another kiss to his cheek, making him chuckle a bit. He grasped your hand softly and met your eyes. “I'll be home a bit later tonight,” Ingo warned gently, “… It… It will certainly be a busy evening. I can only hope there are no incidents…” He did not want to start on about that, though. You both shared your goodbyes as he headed out the door.
The lunch would assuredly be enjoyed on his break. He could never say no to anything that you prepared for him.
○ The younger twin felt like he was going mad as he searched around for the blue fabric everywhere. It was not on the dresser where he was certain that he left it, and it did not end up in the top drawer either, or was it in the laundry basket. Emmet was quite close to losing it. He did not want to be nagged by Ingo for being “out of uniform” or breaking the rules. Though, you suddenly appeared with the exact thing he had been looking for. Before he had a chance to get out a thank you, the fabric was brought around his collar. No protests left him as your hands quickly moved the fabric into a proper shape. Soothing it out, you then stepped away from Emmet. He checked over it with a glance in the mirror and nodded to himself and you.
○ “Thank you, darling!” he smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. His lips pecked a kiss to your head as he enjoyed the embrace for a moment. Did he really have to go? He knew better, of course. Soon, you were freed from his hold. Emmet rushed around to collect the rest of his uniform and slipped it on in quick form. His feet did not stop carrying him until he reached the entryway to slip on his shoes. You caught him there and handed him a lunch box. He took it with another smile.
○ Daringly, you even sneaked a quick kiss from him as he was turning to say goodbye. A giggle left him. Before you could pull away, he trapped you in another embrace and kissed you again in return. “See you later,” he hummed, “I will try to be home as soon as I can! It will probably be verrry hard… Ingo is being mean again.” Ah. Something had happened at work then. Emmet then got one last kiss before finally departing for work.
He was noted to be in a good mood by everyone at the station, at least. Despite the incident that had happened.
☄️ The Galactic Boss buttoned up the top of his shirt as he kept a close watch on the clock. Of all days, for someone to demand a meeting with him… He had to put off his plans for climbing Coronet for another day. His hand moved to grab the tie he had there, but it was gone. He blinked a few times before seeing you in the doorway, holding it. There was not enough time for him to ask what you were doing before you approached him. The black fabric was brought around his collar and deftly tied properly with little error. Cyrus felt himself try to ignore the closeness of you both.
☄️ When you pulled away and soothed the fabric out, he finally relaxed. The tie was done well enough, and he had no complaints about the time it had taken you to do it. “Thank you,” he said simply. You seemed to pout a little, but nothing was spoken. You vanished out of the bedroom while he finished getting ready. After he put on his suit jacket and overcoat, he headed to the entryway to put on his shoes. Before he could truly leave, he realised his briefcase was not at the door. Right. It was in the bedroom. You soon appeared once more with it for him. Cyrus took it from you.
☄️ Your eyes pierced his very being. Emotions… He wanted to grumble. His hand came to softly cup your cheek. “Thank you once more, beloved,” Cyrus spoke carefully, “... I will likely be home late. Please do not wait up for me.” You still seemed unsatisfied. Before he could move away, you kissed him quickly. Cyrus sighed internally. The affection was soon over, and he pulled back. You both spoke your goodbyes while he was heading out the door.
Perhaps… Perhaps he would try to come home earlier tonight. With this meeting, after all, there was little work for him to properly finish today.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
Dude the anon with the arceus!reader and larry is massive brain frfr. Imagine the typical gang finding out the guy who looks like he could take a vacation for 1000 years and STILL be tired has a s/o and they’re like “can we meet them”
larry proceeds with summoning his s/o and the group very much finding out that the bright golden light coming from the sky is in fact not the sun and oh no its coming straight for them
also not a req btw but you can write hc’s about it if it strikes your fancy
HGHhghahgf this is brilliance
Like I imagine the gang (like Florian, Juliana, Geeta, Rika, Poppy, Hassel, and Nemona) learning that he's married/dating someone and they're like "oh okay of course he's gotta be in a normal relationship too right?
And then Arceus S/O pulls up when they're at a meeting or dinner or something (after much nagging to meet them and Larry being reluctant but eventually giving in) and is like "Be not afraid, for I cometh in a form more suitable for human interactions. Greetings, my betrothed. Are these thine acquaintances you've spoketh of two evenings ago?"
And all Larry says is "yes" and wonders why tf everyone looks so horrified and awestruck at once-
Most normal guy in Paldea managed to rizz up god
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r0-boat · 1 year
What if Larry had a housewife S/O who made really nice bento-style lunches for him??
Larry with the housewife that makes him lunch.
Sfw larry headcannons
Larry x fem!reader.
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The fastest way to his heart, not going to lie. The first time you made him lunch, he was a little surprised that you went through all the trouble to make him something, but honestly, he doesn't mind. It beats starving until going to the Eatery. Especially because today had been extra hard on him, he would want nothing more than to see what you've made.
With the Box sitting in front of him do you remember is vaguely that you told him that you weren't the best cook Larry wasn't exactly a picky eater but he did wonder what kind of food you packed in this box maybe simple sandwiches? Bento boxes are a hot thing in Johto and Sinnoh, So perhaps a meal from those regions? Larry couldn't hardly wait anymore neither can his stomach just thinking about the kind of food you pack for him was making him hungry. Has he opened the box his mouth open slightly blinking twice not the best cook of his ass... this look like it took hours to make!
That rice with seaweed has a Starly's face on it?? With sandwiches with juicy chicken breaded that looked like it was cooked to perfection nice and golden brown with Crispy lettuce and melted the bun was toasted. With would you look at that not only you recreated his favorite meal to order at the Eatery but by the smell it looked like it had some kind of filling... boy he can't eat this he just feel bad ruining such artwork no matter how hungry he was.
"Oh Shit." He heard a familiar voice as Rika just so happened to pass by stealing a glance at her coworkers lunch. Stopping dead in her tracks before pulling up a chair to bother him during his lunch. Larry was one of the most disinteresting normal routinely person she knew. If something changed about Larry's everyday life even if it was minor. Something must have happened, and Rika was ready to know every single juicy detail she might have missed. And it didn't stop at just her soon enough she called Hassle over as soon as her brain clicked that Larry might have a special someone, then Geeta seeing her co-workers gathered around their financial advisor wanted to know what was up, when Rika whispered the news the Top Champion had to cover her mouth to hide her big smile. Then Poppy who was with Geeta was already asking a million questions about this Secret love interest.
Poor Larry who just wanted to he does lunch already felt a migraine coming... why was everybody so interested in what he was doing outside of work? He just saw Hassel get up to grab a tissue to wipe his tears?? As his coworkers watched as Larry opens up another half of the Box a note slips out from the bento.
When he opens the note Rika leaned over his shoulder to read. It was just a small piece of paper telling him to have a good day and that you loved him and to please enjoy all the hard work she made only for him. Larry closed the paper almost as soon as he opened it a slight blush appearing on his face which was the most emotion Rita has ever seen him with. The receptionist smirked "Oh? How sweet~ Gonna bring her here one day and have us meet her, yeah?"
After the crowd of his gawking finally left him alone too enjoy his lunch. He let out a sigh as he thoroughly enjoys every bite of your delicious cooking with a small smile. Larry was truly in love not only taking time out of your day to prepare something like this for him but how talented you were at cooking. Regrettably, he hadn't taken a photo of the cute neatly packed bento box before he started digging in, which he'll make sure not to forget in the future.
When he returns home from work, the first thing he does is thank you for the food and kisses you. (If he hasn't done that already)
Larry does hope you continue making delicious lunches for him though he would never Force you or tell you especially because you put so much love and work into each box you make for him.
If Larry was a good cook he would make dinner for you but he'll just stick to taking you out to places that you like has proper thank you then whatever Bland, tasteless food he makes.
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