#last GD post I promise
imaginationproblems · 5 months
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animazed · 4 months
i came on here originally to say i was lonely and my head hurt but then some posts made me laugh so i’m reblogging them despite them being like the last thing i posted.
but such is life.
#my blue kazoo space puzzle is missing two pieces :/#and I’m on my period so looking at those old posts is hard but they’re also so far away like i started dating again already#and it got up there in number of dates but as it kept going it made me think more and more of Joey and that wasn’t fun#but i already have another guy lined up so that’s good i guess#but yea also being on my period doesn’t help#and just an update with work cuz no one asked for it#being split between two buildings is annoying#but anyways i dropped off James today cuz shavuos is this week#and tomorrow will be the second week I’ll be learning derech Hashem with Jeffrey so that’s nice#and i think Tamar will be at Hindy’s so maybe we’ll set up some actual chavrusa#but anyways i feel v distant from Gd like He’s not in my thoughts#but the challah bake was so nice yesterday and really gave me a good dose of just like Living For Hashem#though it’s faded by now but idk hopefully things just go well in life for a while#cuz things are just passing by and I’m spending days in a daze wasting them with screen time and not being productive but also trying#to be kind to myself because i /am/ on my period and this is all period talk and pain so#anyways#half promises half forgotten#and being almost 30 and all that#rant#there’s no real point to this post#just kind of catching up the last two months#i should shower and go to bed but idk if I’m gonna shower since Monday’s the only work day this week and James isn’t here so i can#stay up late but also i have no food#:/#well gn then#have some more funny posts maybe
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withacapitalp · 6 months
Okay so @lazylittledragon I am so sorry to just randomly toss this at you and run, but I COULD NOT RESIST AFTER THAT LAST MOMBIN POST!!!! For anyone that hasn't seen it this is inspired by this amazing amazing art
tw: Pregnancy and Childbirth
“Steve I can’t do this-” Robin choked out, unable to complete her sentence as a new wave of pain crashed over her. The plastic of the birthing pool squeaked under her knees as she tried to find any position that would be even slightly more comfortable, her fingers squeezing tightly against Steve’s that were trapped in her iron grip. 
“Yeah you can! Robinbird, look at you. You’re already doing it!” Steve said, completely in awe of her, acting like she was doing something special when she was just barely managing to hold on. 
He had done this for the whole pregnancy. Every little thing, every milestone, all of it a marvel to him. Like she was brilliant, special, thriving when Robin had spent most of the last nine months alternating between crying, yelling, and crying some more. All of this over something that women went through every single day. 
God she had been a mess and now she was messier than ever. 
“No, Steve, I mean I don’t think I can do this alone,” Robin sobbed, the tears she had managed to hold back all day finally breaking through. She was hurting, confused, scared, and more than anything she wanted her own mama here with her, which was really something she never thought she would want. 
One and done. One and done. She was only going to fuck up one kid. Just like her mom.
A delirious giggle cut through her sobbing, and Robin leaned her forehead against their conjoined hands, continuing to babble. 
“I thought I could, I really did, but he’s here, and he’s mine, and I can’t do it alone, Steve. I can’t do this alone-”
Because that was the scary part, wasn’t it? She was alone. She had chosen to do this all by herself, ignoring every person, including her sainted mother, who tried to convince her to wait till she had a partner. She had ignored them all, so sure of herself and her abilities, and now all she could think about was how easy it was going to be to fuck this kid up when there was no one there to help her.  
“Alone?” Steve said with a wild laugh, a slightly feral look in his eyes as he raised his free hand up and cupped Robin’s cheek, lifting up her head and brushing away her tears, letting her lean into his familiar, safe, touch, “Now who’s being a dingus?”
Robin shut her eyes against the latest contraction, taking a deep breath in, smelling Steve’s cologne as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, holding onto her tight through the pain. He had always done that. Period cramps, headaches, flu and colds, whatever had happened, Steve had been there. 
Steve was here now. 
Steve was here. 
“Robin, you are not alone. You have never been alone, and you will never be alone,” He whispered furiously into her ear, reading her mind the way he always had, “As long as there is breath in my body, you and this baby will never be alone.” 
He had proved it over and over again. Running to get ice cream at three am, holding her hand at every ultrasound, standing in front of their 'how many times have we cried' board, kneeling here on the floor for god knows how many hours it would take to get this GD baby out. 
“You’re here?” Robin said softly into the space between just the two of them, her voice wobbling and shaky, but still alive. 
“Forever.” Steve promised. 
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broadwayfangirl222 · 1 month
Saw you post about the similarities between Bill & Ford and Gideon & Mabel, and wanted to know what are your thoughts on Giffany & Soos also bearing similarities to these pairs?
Gideon & Mabel/Giffany & Soos:
- GD /GF held unhealthy/possesive romantic feelings for Mabel/Soos, wanting them to be together forever and seeing Mabel and Soos as belonging to them
- GD and GF didn't take the break up well, and their actions after it was to attack the people Mabel and Soos cared about (Dipper/Melody & the twins)
- both fights end with Mabel and Soos stopping GD and GF, ending things between the two (Mabel destroys the magic rock/Soos destroys the disk)
Bill & Ford/Giffany & Soos:
- relationships between a human and non-human (Bill is a being from a 2nd dimmension/Giffany is a sentiant game made on earth)
- after being found by Ford and Soos, Bill and GF help them with their problems (F - where the weirdness comes from & other stuff/ S - getting a date for his cousin's engagement party)
- at some point Ford/Soos discover their true motives/personalities which strains their relationship
- Bill/Giffany use manipulative words to keep Ford/Soos in the relationship (GF - tells Soos that other girls wouldn't like him & Melody would leave him/ B - tells Ford he likes being special and only he can truly appreciate him (tbh dont remember the words exactly)
- in the fights, Bill/GF offer Ford/Soos a last chance to join them, which both Ford and Soos reject
- Bill and GF have limited ways they can go around Gravity Falls
- Bill's glitchy "death" reminds me of Giffany
So thoughts?
Ohhhh this is an extremely interesting comparison! I adore the comparisons you already made and I really think you're onto something with this and completely agree with everything. To expand on this line of thought:
There were warnings before they all met Gideon, Bill, Giffany
Soos, Ford and Mabel were very lonely and wanted to make connections with others
All three of them have this cutesy and harmless look to them
1. There were active warnings about Giffany, Bill and Gideon and the three of them technically went against those warnings
A bunch of people returning it & there's a note saying the game should be destroyed
Ford summoned Bill despite all the cryptic warnings in the cave
Dipper & Mabel went to the tent of telepathy despite what Stan said about Gideon & that they shouldn't go
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Not to say any of them were at fault for getting into these toxic relationships but there's still warnings from people who've dealt with Bill, Giffany, Gideon in the past.
2. they were all lonely and wanted a connection with others
Mabel - before she met her besties Candy & Grenda, she excited to finally have someone who actually enjoys doing girly stuff with her. Before Candy & Grenda, no one she currently spent time with got that side of her. Even Wendy, the other girl™ of the group isn't exactly a girly girl who'd be super into things like makeovers or dressing up like she is
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Soos - Sure it was technically for his cousin's wedding & because of his Abuelita asked him to, but he likely wanted a relationship before all that and this whole wedding thing probably pushed an already sensitive issue for him. Like he clearly struggled a lot talking to women and he has a lot of anxiety with this and feeling like he'll always be alone
Ford - He's actually the one I can say the most on when it comes to loneliness. He says why he fell for all of Bill's lies was because of both flattery and being promised answers to the mysteries of the universe. And yeah that's very true, but the Book of Bill, Journal 3 and part of the show itself kinda shows it was also because he was super lonely too. Ford himself talks about how he's never felt lonelier than he had in Gravity Falls, he literally thinks Bill was initially a hallucination caused from his loneliness/isolation and Bill flat out says he picked Ford partly because of how isolated & lonely he was
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3. All three of them have this cutesy, harmless look to them
Gideon literally uses his cuteness to manipulate the town
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Giffany, both in and out of universe by the animators, is designed to be an adorable anime girl. even Alex Hirsch was shocked at how people reacted to Giffany and how they still seemed to be sympathetic to her despite murdering all these people and telling Soos no one but her could actually love him
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Bill's a triangle in a top hat and bowtie. If you didn't know the horrible stuff he's capable of and you saw him, would you think he's a threat? He's just a silly little dorito with a top hat!
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haevnlii · 1 year
how i make aesthetic scripts on (web/pc) google docs.
part 2 <33
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~ darlinqsdomain
ignore typos i give up.
Last time, i did a lil tut on bundling/mixing images for an aesthetic doc — this post, i wanted to do tables (as i promised) but i'm also going to try fit in a second part to mixing images.
tables are super easy to deal with, on pc at least - but again mobile gd doesn't allow you to organise tables like web version does.
O1 / hiding one coloumn or row of a table / invisible tables.
this is super simple to do. just start with adding your table, obviously.
if you don't know how to do it, go to insert > table > select desired amount of rows/coloumns:
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tables, when you add them, don't allow you to write in an empty space beside the table — you'd have to add another coloum to the side of the table you're writing on, and for the sake of the aesthetic ;; you'd probably want it to look invisible.
to do this, just select the line/border of the table you'd like invisible, then go to border width > 0px. (this is better than changing the colour to match the background, personally)
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if you have for whatever reason have a lot to make invisible (or only want one border visible), you can just right click the table/table border > table properties > colour > change the px to 0. then from there, just changethe borders you want to your ideal size/colour. :)
and this can work however you like:
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Layering images on tables is super tricky. Sometimes using "in front of" or "behind text" options in a way "glues" them to the table ;; it's super hard to remove. It's easier to do on top corners. Bottom corners just extend the table's length unnecessarily depending on the case — but if your text fills in the extra space, you can still try. That said, it cannot go on the exact corners, GD fixes it to be inside the table.
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You can have different sizes and shapes for each border. I like doing this for a paper/receipt type aesthetic sometimes 😭✨ The setting is beside the border size option (border dash)
You can change the background of the table by going to the table properties > colour. It changes the colour for one cell at a time so, if you have multiple cells (sections of the border) ... uh, have fun with that..?
You can now (carefully) decorate your tables however you want. You can add images beside them but be careful to not have GD fucking CLIP THEM TO THE TABLE MY FUCKING GOD-
but yea there's not much to say on it? it's a simple process ...
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example from my hr script <3
O2 / bundling images 2.0
OKOKOKOK so now that that's out of the way, i want to do a continuation on the bundling images. you can do this to make any aesthetic you want. personally, i like to make gifs, personal "cutout" png images, etc. and layer them to have that collage bullet journal type aesthetic? 😭✨ it's time consuming to make it super pretty in the end, so if you like putting unnecessary effort into your scripts like i do, go all out.
examples ///
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all of these are completely separate pngs and backgrounds bundled and layered with other pictures. you have to be careful with which setting (behind text/front of text/wrap text/break text) you use as putting "behind text" makes the image harder to select. i suggest putting "in front of text" for pictures you'd likely move more / pictures that should be on top of all the other ones.
if you're on windows... i use snip & sketch. i find the picture i want, then change the setting to "freeform snip" - this allows you to have the kind of cut-out paper look? as seen in the corners of my pictures above.
just zoom in (for better quality) on the pic then snip it to your desired shape.
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and when you do, it'll come out as that - if you want, you can crop out the unnecessary bits if you accidentally got some in the snip. then you can add them to google docs as desired.
personally, these pictures go on the bottom of all the others as backgrounds / addons. so i usually use "wrap text" or "behind text". that said, i also advise you crop it (on google docs) to that there's space to select and move it, if you have too many images overlapping it. this makes it easier than moving every single image out of place to get to it.
to do this - again - just double click the image then crop it way out of its actual size until there's a piece outside all the other images you can just click to move it. not advised for the images using "wrap text" setting unless you intend to have it affect the text. 😭✨
help for this is in my last post (link is in the top of the post) but you can just go crazy with it now. 😭✨
i use background removers (remove.bg especially)
pinterest is your best friend for these - keywords are tricky to use. personally, i use "minimalist tattoos", "chinese post bullet journal stickers", and just keep clikcing on images and going to similar ones until i get to the ones i want. why chinese? idk either but it just gets me where i want 😭😭
if you want to use circular, square, etc. - wrapped text (like this:)
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i use mockofun !
for like- some of the text, though, i just make a random page in the doc, write it how i want, ss it then go the my bg remover - and then go back to my doc with it. yea...
and uh yea. im bad at explaining // 😭 please ask for clarification if you need it because i feel like i wasn't being very clear here.
to finish off-
additional keywords i use:
mail bullet journal stickers
(insert bug/thing you want) aesthetic
[optional description] washi tape [bullet journal/aesthetic]
[optional description] border [aesthetic]
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tinyidle · 11 months
Allergy to Hyposexuality - JSY
finally releasing a proper solo soyeon fic again after *checks records* three years?!?
wc: 2.06k (7 mins of picking your jaw off the floor)
WARNING: smut, slight angst (tw: mental health + mental institutions, trauma), semi-public sex, unprofessional acts in the medical field, blowjob, implications of cunnilingus (doesn't happen tho), missionary, unprotected sex, post-nut clarity, insatiable!soyeon, hypersexual!soyeon, mental patient!soyeon, psychiatrist!reader, sex-starved!reader, b!gd¡ck reader, fem reader, g!p reader, fiction ofcofc
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you went into the psych ward. no, you were not psychotic, nor do you have any problems that you have to need to be in there. you were there to care for a special patient the clinic assigned you. she was a hypersexual being who got into major trouble to the point of her being diagnosed. in a few minutes you will be in another room of white walls, seeing the person who seemed to have an insatiable sex drive. she would be the fifth person you'd see with this problem, and you plan to give her the same set of rules to follow for her to get better. all your past sex crazy patients were men, and despite you having a feminine look, they could never get in your pants. with a woman, you expect this to be no different.
you enter the pure white square room and encounter the slightly slumped over.. woman? or girl? she looks so small, yet you saw her report prior to coming in to work. you called out for the female. "good morning, miss jeon soyeon."
soyeon slowly looked up to you with a slight pout, "good morning, miss doctor."
you nodded. she's definitely a woman. a small, slightly frustrated one, but a woman nonetheless. pulling out your clipboard from your side, you flipped over the pages until you reached the report page on the twenty-four year old patient. "from what i got from you, you were diagnosed with compulsive sexual behavior. is that right?"
the small woman eyed you, something you were used to by now. "yes. i was diagnosed two months ago after making sexual remarks to several clients at work," she answered, playing with her long black nails when she mentioned her work offence.
nodding, you continued looking over her report. "it says here that you were taken to three rehabilitation centers and several talk therapists for your disorder, but they've only made things worse-"
"those fucking staff in the last rehab suggested medical sodomy," she confessed rather coldly, eyes still down at her pristine manicure. you wondered how in the world she could get anything done in with such long nails. soyeon continued to speak, "i began to riot and pull at any and everybody's pants in the facilities, which made them call the cops on me. i went under a judge who suggested me to come here for-"
"insanity," you interjected, surprising the small woman. "yeah, i know. you're not the first patient i had who's had this problem. i can help you get better and live a normal life in society."
soyeon's eyes began to shift, looking up at you with innocence. feign innocence; you knew that. "i was told that millions of times," she complained. "what makes you think you're different?"
you chewed your lip at that: you actually didn't know how to help her specifically. yeah, you had patients with the same disorder and patients who verbally lashed out and patients who trauma dumped you-- you weren't thin skinned, that's how you became a psychiatrist in the first place. the problem was that you were actually falling for the small woman. her cute pigtails framed her cute face, her pouty lips made her eyes look extra admirable, and from the offences you looked at from her report sheet-- public masturbation, extremely explicit public indecency, vulgar talking, and multiple hookups--made you intrigued.
you sighed before fixing your lab coat. "ill make sure you get all you want," you promised.
soyeon was shocked once again. "you.. what?"
"if you agree to comply with me for the next two months here, ill give you what you want. you want sex? ill give it to you right now, but then after that it will be a reward for every time you do well each week." you looked intently at the woman, her figure looking extra petite for your liking. she was biting her lip while her legs kept rubbing against each other under the covers. "what do you say, soyeon?"
she looked to the side, pretending to think about your offer, before she threw off her covers, exposing her naked core for your view.
now it was your turn to be shocked. "h-how did you-"
"i decided to stop wearing undergarments whenever i get admitted into health clinics," she explained to you. "they would always check my pussy anyway, so i thought 'fuck it' and threw mine on the side there," she said as she pointed to the nearby corner of a tiny skirt and almost nonexistent black lace thong. "so," soyeon crawled up to where your frozen figure stood on the end of the bed. "can i get my offer now, miss doctor?"
you took some time to compose yourself before nodding to her, moving to lock the room door. you then closed the window blinds and called staff to help sound proof the room. once you got the confirmation that all was clear, you turned to the small woman who's patient gown was now off, along with her skimpy crop top and bralette. "now," you smiled, slowly taking off your lab coat, "where were we?"
soyeon squealed when you tackled her lips, kissing every part so that you could feel how plush they were. in just seconds, your knee-length skirt around your waist was being tugged down to feel the fabric of your panties. soyeon was surprised that when she palmed your center, instead of feeling a cameltoe, she felt a big bulge around her tiny fingers. she only smiled at this. "so my miss doctor has a mister big boy under these panties, huh?"
you just moaned as she kept palming you, grinding her fingertips against you. "just get on with it already," you growled, a soft curse sounding through the room when she pulled away. soyeon paused, gazing at your half open zipper before pulling both your skirt and underwear off your soft legs. when your length sprung out, the small woman took almost no time spitting on it, immediately seeking to lubricate you. "fuck," you whispered, mesmerized by how those small fingers matched with those long nails could give such a presumably good handjob.
she leaned forward, eager for you. "ooh wow," she laughed as she gripped your thick girth, watching you as you threw your head back in ecstasy. "you're going to fill my mouth to the brim," she awed with lust, using a string of words you hadn't heard in a while since your last partner. her hands travelled lower, caressing your bottom as she continued stroking you. soyeon soon sank her mouth on your length, slowly yet so sensually to the point where you let out a loud groan. feeling proud of herself for making you so pleased, she did her best to take as much of you as possible before quickly pulling herself up, aggressively sucking your tip.
you were in heaven. in pure bliss. the small woman opened her tiny mouth to occupy your large self into her, yet she took it like a pro. after deepthroating you a few times, she quickly pulled up, tilting your length to the side before kissing down to your enlarged balls. with each movement you felt closer and closer to your orgasm, and you could tell she knew by the way she moaned every time you twitched inside her occupied mouth.
"shit, come here," you pulled up the small woman as you attached her lips with yours. you could taste the slightly bitter taste of your precum, but you didn't care right now. all you cared about was tasting soyeon, feeling soyeon, and then getting her to listen to you. as you were dominating her tongue while she kept touching your length, you genty laid the woman down and lowered yourself to her wet cavern. as soyeon opened her legs for you, you frowned as you saw how much hyperpigmentation she got from constantly touching herself. "when was the last time you've gone without masturbating?" you asked, the professional side of you kicking in.
the eagerness that was evident in the young woman's face was now gone and replaced with slight frustration and embarrassment. "a couple days ago," she lied, clearly annoyed by your question. "now get your mouth on my cunt-"
"i call bullshit," you interrupted, sitting up and crossing your arms. "your vagina looks-"
"please don't call it that while we're in the middle of fucking," soyeon begged.
you sighed. "okay, fine. you cunt looks three shades darker than one's of your skin complexion should look like. plus i can tell that you are extremely sensitive, in a way most women even in the adult industry should be worried about." you went back to soyeon's center, carefully touching it and rubbing it extra gently.
while any other person would be angry that their partner would be so teasing, soyeon knew you were her psychiatrist at the end of the day. you were doing her a favor while trying not to take advantage of her, and she admired that. the woman sighed, reaching down to tap her clit a few times, making herself wet before she she widened her legs even more. "well then, miss. fuck me gently, please."
you know she meant well, soyeon didn't want to rile you up on purpose this time. but you couldn't help it: her cunt looked extra needy for your thick girth, and her nipples were as erect as you'd ever seen. you had to have her, now. either that or you give yourself blue balls simply staring at her slutty figure.
holding your length to her already puffy cunt, you slowly pushed yourself inside the small woman. soyeon bit her lower lip hard as she whined, her hands cupping her own breasts as you began to pump in and out. "fuck," you moaned, unable to keep quiet, "how are you so tight? do you not get thick enough dick?" soyeon squeezed her nipples together and moaned louder, clearly enjoying your stroke game.
"i'll take that as a compliment," you smirked, pushing your length even further into the other woman.
you could hear the whine in soyeon's voice go from sensual to desperate, so you quickened your pace. soyeon looked over your face to see sweat form on your brow and your breasts fighting desperately to stay still as you were ramming yourself into her. she found this almost too much as she clenched even harder.
"im gonna cum!" soyeon exclaimed, her hands clawing everywhere to find a grasp on reality. her eyes closed, her body tensed as if she was ready to bear the pain of release. "ugh! oh god!" she screamed as she came, grabbing onto your shoulders as you kept thrusting into her.
feeling the small woman come undone by you led you close to your end as well. you groaned loudly, sweating bullets as you shoved yourself inside her, making soyeon scream in pleasure, despite knowing you wouldn't last much longer. her walls pulsed on you, the insides of her entire cunt contracting on you until you released inside her. you into her womb, so much so that it was seeping between her folds and leaking down to your balls. you held onto her tightly, gasping for air.
after she came down from her high, soyeon looked down to see you coming up for air, still inside her. your cock was coated with your and her fluids, making you flinch as you slowly pulled out to the cold air of the room. soyeon suddenly wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you. your instincts flared up, instantly rejecting the idea of having a consensual encounter in a ward room with a patient who isn't supposed to be sexually active yet. your fists clenched, feeling like you failed as a professional. but soyeon didn't care, she wasn't trying to force you into anything. she just wanted to kiss you.
the feeling of her lips lightly brushing against yours brought everything into perspective for you. this was why you became a psychiatrist; to help people become healthy. she couldn't and wouldn't get healthy unless she listens to advice from her doctor on how to get there. and you're here, helping her slowly get to a healthy mindset of sex and the general world, even if it meant bending the rules a slight bit.
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hope you liked it!just know that because my brain actually stopped working in between creating this I don't plan on making a part 2 😔
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pastafossa · 1 year
The next chapter... is at last... fucking
Granted it's a mess because my brain is still swiss cheese post-Covid and I can't remember fuck all so there's a lot of placeholders like 'WHATSHISNAME' and 'CONFIRM THIS IS ACCURATE' and 'INSERT SNARKY REMARK HERE', and the sentences are really convoluted, but I don't care because IT IS WRITTEN, AND IF IT IS WRITTEN IT CAN BE EDITED, I CAN WORK WITH THIS, IT HAS WHAT I WANT IN IT, IT'S THE WHOLE OUTLINED CHAPTER, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, MATT AND JANE ARE BACK, MY BELOVEDS, I'M SO GD HAPPY.
It won't be done by this Tuesday cause god DAMN does it need editing, at least 3 or 4 rounds, and once I'm done I'm going to have a friend look it over (I don't particularly trust myself atm), but next Tuesday's looking VERY promising.
I needed this with *waves* things going on. I missed them. I missed this. TRT's been my lifeline, my distraction, my stress reliever, for YEARS now. I'm SO happy the thoughts are all still in my head, even if they take a big longer for now to come out. I haven't lost my ability to do this. And if I can improve this much, I can keep improving until I'm back to where I was.
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halsinsnaturepocket · 4 months
It's 11pm that means its TMI Time
CW my sex life / kinda graphic
I've changed my underwear 4 times in the last 24 hours. Only one of those changes was from it being so gd hot outside I had to take a shower when I got home from running errands.
The other 3 were because my wife has basically rediscovered sex and how nice it is when I'm screaming her new name and begging her to fuck me with her girlcock.
I do not know where those underwear went. I'm assuming they got tangled in the sheets I had to change.
She's also never been very vocal in bed but now that she's not having to worry about sounding "manly" good GOD I've never seen her come undone so thoroughly. It's like she's been untethered because she's just??? Experiencing sex??? It's hard to explain. It's beautiful. She's beautiful. I love my wife.
Anyway I post personal stuff like this partly to brag about getting absolutely railed by my wife but also because if you're a trans woman worried about sex, I promise you it's literally so hot and rewarding to see someone experience gender euphoria in an intimate setting. Trans women are beautiful and valid and I wish all closeted and out trans women a very ❤️feeling beautiful and valid❤️
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e-vasong · 1 month
🍰 and/or 🖊️!
OOH! I wish I knew what fandom you were from so I could target you specifically lol.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I have a few comfort fics, and they're from a whole assortment of fandoms - but, call me biased, I think they're enjoyable even if you don't know the fandoms. The entirety of the Eleutherophobia series by SoloMoon is an Animorphs fic that is perhaps my most-reread fic ever. Everybody lives + my traumatized faves getting a chance at healing? Say no more! Do not let the first person scare you, I promise it's GOOD. The Last Love Song & Testament of Charles F. Xavier (X-Men) is THEEEEE cherik fic to me. Got me back into the ship after a dry spell! Def. worth reading even if you don't think cherik is your ship of choice. gig officially gigged (DBDA) by @laiqualaurelote is super popular. And for good reason. I read that fic and am just kicking my feet and giggling the whole gd time! And while it's far too dark to be a comfort fic....I HAVE to call out how memory makes monsters into myth (IWTV) by @divineatrophy because it makes me insane. Insane, I tell you!
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Since I don't know what fandom you're from...I guess you can have two lol.
From portrait of an angel (IWTV):
He might as well say it now. “I’m writing it, you know.” The other side of the line is quiet.  “Pardon?” Louis finally says. “The book. I’m writing it. Finished my first draft last week.” Well, mostly. Daniel keeps remembering more and more that he wants to add. Small details, full scenes. A fucking ocean of minutes, hours, and even days all blended together in a slurry of liquid memory—countless events spliced together with Frankensteinian irregularity or lost entirely in the mess. He’s starting to doubt that he’ll ever be happy with the result. And he’ll probably be even more miserable once the Talamasca does their edit. “Figured it was only right to warn you.” “I see,” says Louis evenly. He doesn’t ask how Daniel’s recordings and notes survived. “That’s dangerous.” “Yeah,” Daniel does feel a bit bad about the inconvenience, but well. Louis is the one who asked for round two, and he’s a big boy who regularly drops millions of dollars on a whim. The guy can afford a bodyguard.
And from my currently untitled DBDA fake-dating fic!
Edwin now went out of his way to give Charles alone time, constantly concocting research projects and cold cases that required his attention. Yes, just his attention, really—Charles, why don’t you and Crystal go and watch a movie?  It was clearly intended to be nice. It might have been, if Charles and Edwin didn’t know each other so well. And if Charles didn’t know Edwin’s moods by the way they flavored the air, he would have been oblivious. Even despite their history, he’d missed it the first few times. Edwin hid it that well, that cleverly. But he wasn’t perfect, and Charles always watched Edwin closely. He could do nothing else. Over the months, he’d glimpsed it a few times. The ache and discomfort that underlay those offers; there for a second and then gone, like glimpsing a great whale as it passed by underwater. And Edwin paused sometimes now, when Charles asked how he was doing. Sure, he’d never been wildly upfront about his feelings. That Edwardian stiff upper lip was holding strong after more than a century. But still, Edwin had always given responses that were honest by his reckoning, even if that reckoning was pretty distorted by his upbringing and time in hell.  Hesitating like he was trying to find the answer Charles wanted to hear? That was very new, and Charles didn’t like it one bit. And he didn’t need anyone, not even a client, making Edwin feel even more self-conscious about it.
Ask game
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goldammerchen · 11 days
Hi! I have a bunch of works in progress that I am more than happy to leave in an unfinished state, satisfied with that, which is, not ideal... For readers, I'm fine with that. I'm trying to trick my motivation by asking if there is interest in these wips, help!
"Warning": All of these fics have Gil (my fave, my muse, my pony), even when it isn't his POV—though in one of these he is sporadic and not blatantly there until [spoilers].
Actual warning: Some of these fics have heavy topics, the post should be marked for adults just in case. Also in this post I will mention yet not tag ships, muting them altogether could be useful.
Thank you! Hopefully some of these will be available for some fandom events in October (help, time is ticking, brain is broken and not even that is working as motivation).
Semi sorted by priority, subject to change. Actual final summaries might have less details, aka less spoilers.
A. Series, codenamed here as Potatocest Angst.
(1). Träumerei At death's door, Reinmar [HRE] fever dreams send him into the future. It goes from bad to worse when he gets trapped in a nightmarish loop, at portas the next great war...
(Crying over milk yet to be spilled.) (Sweet berries ready for two...)
(2). [Main fic, names the series too. Can't show it yet] Modern era. Something is not right. Rain drops are floating in the air, stars trails are visible behind their movement, until the astro rey king of the sky hides them. Something is definitely not right, and the only way to stop it, the only way for Gilbert to keep his mind, is to move away from his younger brother. Can he do it?
(3). [Also spoilery title sorry] Consequences from the previous fic, people aren't happy with Ludwig, things spiral faster than he is able to manage, secrets he keeps since his birth might be revealed.
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“You brought me to this world; you cannot leave me (I won’t let you)” is so central to GerPru…
B. Series, codenamed here as Cold Boot AU. Gil dies in 1947, a new personality is born.
Main fic (1) either to be named Kaspar's story or Neustart. Offshots:
(2). [Follow the springs/streams] Gilbert is back on the void, his refuge nowhere to be seen. This time he surrounded by strange springs; what else he can do but follow? He will find a surprise... (*coughs* someone!)
(3). [???, something something final goodbyes] Moscow, Ivan's place. Erzsébet convinces Fabian (Rom) to try to contact Gilbert, whenever he is, if he is somewhere. Candles on hand, Kaspar's room gets full of people. The pair is joined by a curious a [Bul] (that also rather not leave Fabian alone), by Feliks who's there to morally support Erzsi (otherwise he wouldn't want to be there), and by Tolys, who's there to morally support Feliks. Gilbert is somewhere; the following day Raivis says too much as Kaspar learns something happened last night. Fights with Fabian, Olga intervenes.
And more Gil+Kaspar oneshots :D! Talking about oneshots, and about killing Gil... (I have fics where that doesn't happen I promise).
Ghost WIP 1: Bis wir uns wiederseh’n / bis ich dich wiedersehe (HELP) 20XX, the person who was the representative of Pru/ssia and GD/R has finally met their demise, after years of simply living as a retired country. Years later, during the next century, he appears uninvited in the dreams of some old friends (and not so friends). Arthur, with the help of Rhys, invoke Gilbert for questioning. Or, Gil dying from illness (like my fic Inevitable), and an analysis of Art and Gil's friendship.
Ghost WIP 2: [Never came -back- home] The 90s, a Saturday morning, while Ludwig waits for his brother Gilbert he instead get a terrible call. Or a fic where Gilbert is murdered in a park in BerIin, that he will never leave, unless people forget about his story and death. [Heta Ghost Meta!] Friends and fam at first are afraid of meeting Gil, people will need to get used to the Ghost, the Ghost needs to get used to being one.
[I like the comics with Grandpa R/ome and Ger/mania visiting Earth (funny, cute, bittersweet); oneshots like that happening way in the future, with Gil and maybe others too]
More fics where bad things happen to Gil—Oops, one of these still involves his momentary death...
Something with this below, soon. Counts as bad things happen to Gil.
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Obsessed since yesterday about Ludwig being like “I am everything you wanted me to be, except being [insert HRE’s name]” to a freaked out Gilbert. 🥰🥰🥰
[Solitary confinement since post-war to the 90s] While the Soviets are transferring his prisoner to the East Germans, strangers ambush them and steal Gilbert (once this is admitted after decades, nobody in the West believes the story of course). He is only found after the Reunification. Because the solitary confinement effects, he will never be the same anymore. Ashamed of who he has become, overwhelmed by all the changes, he will have to adapt and continue... Immortality isn't revoked, ancients are— (*coughs* fire punch)
[Next part for Der jäger, a CNC WW1 fic] His current lover actually manages to find a place and time for alone time, when Gil has some of guts hanging out of him. His face is thankfully in one piece though. While gone, Gil remember his mercenary lover from when he was a knight, and also remember the aftermath of his encounter with the jäger...
Now, continuation of existing fics:
Playmate next chapter, Tolys finds Gilbert before Feliks gets him out (and out the pony gear) (Gilbert feels like wanting to die). As soon as Gilbert gets on his clothes he leaves, through a window. That night, Tolys and Feliks have a married couple fight, and the former learns that their subject was supposed to only go back to the monastery with a letter saying he was an useful subject/fief to his lords. They go to the monastery the next day.
[PolPruHun to PolPru] After a fun day (and night :)), Erzsi leaves the boys for working reasons, meanwhile, being retired, Gil can stay while Feliks gets to work at home. Instead of working they try something fun... It doesn't work. Besides questioning if they are only still friends because of Erzsi, they talk about their relationship over the centuries; turns out both remember things very differently.
Optional Sequel to Klavier Using fever dreams again, Gil meets Zofia, Erzsebet, and Roderich again. Also remembers his marriage with Zofia and her illness. Ludwig comes back, not alone.
Previous fic to Fool's blood, FraPru/PruFra hate sex, post Fra/nco-Pruss/ian war.
Surprise, this is actually a series:
(1). Continuing/Finishing Hate me a little and come back to me Kinktober fic, two horny people playing games until feelings get hurt, actually the first part of a series.
(2). [Post 90s] Gilbert expresses himself better through writing, in fact saying too much while chatting. Worried, Erzsi goes to see him after he stops texting. Analysis of how both see and deal with romance.
(3). [Kinky fic again] Erzsi and Gil decide to share Rod, even sign a fake treaty. They dinner with him at his home, and he plays a uno reverse card on them.
(4). [He who laughs last] In a hurry, someone tries to leave the bed before the sun before sunrise. Frying Pangle fight.
(5). [???] Ludwig: Isn't this everything you wanted?
Finishing (I saw this in a dream), Alfred talks with an evil scientist, Rakesh talks with Zombie!Gilbert. Relates overlap, the future looks grim. Roderich is found by others.
Finishing The Trickster. Are the nation-people actually gone? And what happened to Gilbert after. Not sure if OC First Person POV or if switching to Gil.
Finishing Thanatos, last two chapter. Rode survives and joins the polycule. Next ideas: a prequel where the story about Gil almost murdering Tolys is retold from Feliks' perspective; The next clutch of eggs [Eros], multiple fathers, and also flashback to the first clutch. Tag for the fic: Myth AU Fic.
Insane list of smut fics wips. Here ones that might not be there: Gilbert says Erzsi doesn't trust in him, she shows him he trusts in him by having sex with him while her arms are tied up... Aside that, pretty vanilla (getting horny other the other being horny); PruAus after sex at Rode's house, his phone of the first floor begins ringing--this before brick cellphones exist. Gil installs a new one of the second floor, maybe more sex; one I know I have mentioned before, Rode and Erzsi visit Lud and Gil's house while Lud isn't there, Gil is like "you only come here for work, not for me..." They show him his wrong—and fall asleep, forgetting to shower before Lud arrives.
Other oneshots:
Evil sex pollen ItaGerPru (x) A more fucked up scarecrow exposes a gas to nation-people and politicians. Gilbert will do anything to help his afflicted younger brother, even if it brings up his trauma, and even if Feli opens a pandora box.
WIP named "von sdffsdd" until I find a surname that convinces me, or I just leave things vague. (x) XIX: Young Ludwig makes someone of a higher angry, goes tell Gilbert his version before someone else does, and asks what to do. Gilbert goes to fix things himself... Ludwig doesn't feel right about whatever happened, decides to find out what happened, against his brother's order (lost of innocence). Someone used to people abusing their authority until it involves someone he cares about. Tries to protect Ludwig from this.
AU where Gil actually manages to retire in 1947, living as a normal human (Bran becomes the GD/R). Normal is a stretch, govt pressures him to pressure Bran, and other nation-people harass him. //Post.
Another AU where he leaves Lud house in the 90s and cuts contact with everybody. Fics begins when nation-people force him to reconnect. //Post.
Postwall fics (canon-compliant-ish unlike the others). Planned since many years, writing a series would be easier than a fic with chapters.
Oleander, human AU RusLiet. I'm afraid that Gil is here too, in prison. Not in prison: Feliks, Ludwig.
Cardverse PruHun! The jokers are shapeshifter dragons-devils, and more than that. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Shapeshifters/Hybrids AU. Nation-people are magical and less tied to bosses.
Binary [Code] Life After Death, or something like that. Scifi+Gender. Post 1 + Post 2.
This is long enough, let's get to the crossovers--will leave one vague.
(1) The way home (War is Over) An A/merican soldier begins his journey back home, after learning the war ended, four years ago, from the mouth of a sick looking blonde Pole, who threatens him despite of his looks. Going west, the soldier is captured by a recently allowed more freedom former N/azi Ge/rmany soldier, one with red-ish eyes. Mr. Pru/ssia wants to learn how the fuck the Ame/rican was never captured or killed, before deciding what to do with him. Note, this world is crazier to our world and that Heta, forcing me—well not really is fun—to write soft alternative history.
(2) Decades later, somewhere in Ba/varia. A town was evacuated thanks to an AustraIian company bringing a robot invasion. A couple of governments are interested in the technology used by the mercenaries defending the company.
(3+) Fights, Interrogation, secret about souls (Vivisection), forced to ally, traveling to Australia to stop blood sucking robots?
Codename: Chainsaw x Heta, something something about bridges supposed to stay burned... After the great war, conflicts [actually] stopped, governments and people focusing on fighting devils. The state of Prus/sia is divided in smaller states, and after living for centuries in BerIin, Gilbert is sent to Königs/berg. He is not happy about it—in fact, he hits rock bottom, hurting his ability to fight devils. Things only get worse after the Priest Devil attack several cities of Eur/ope, including his city. His neighbors, his former enemies, take pity on his, because otherwise why they would go there?
First chapter begins with youngster finding him so dead he is unrecognizable... ("hey, I injured the devil!" "you were drunk, again!")
Heta x N/GE
The end of Evangelion, Gil seeing the first children (Rei) and also ghost of people killed by him.
Different one, during the rebuilds. Ludwig, living alone because Gilbert didn't survive the disasters after the second impact. NE/RV asks for weekly samples from him. In those days he often sees Asu/ka.
Part of the previous one, Alfred suspects [correctly] about N/ERV and the UN/SeeIe. Gets Ludwig and Kiku in trouble.
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sceneself · 19 days
..last year i reblogged this (ask game) and was sent asks but dont wanna individually answer them and ping ppl so ill answer under a cut here!
prompts were 1, 5, 9, & 15. shortened the questions since this is late af anyway
favourite season? [1]
tbh i condense third life + last life into one season (due to having really enjoyed martyns character, feeling skizzs 'arc' in s2 is characterized better with s1 in mind) - if i have to pick one: last life. its kinda my thing that i am attached to last life
favourite build? [5]
(ummm, just gonna list the ones i remember most.) i have a soft spot for dogwarts from 3rd life, since it was kinda the heavy hand pivot-into rp i saw first. the "snow fort" from last life, most specifically the "office." (don't get me started why i care about that damn thing.) the "relation ship" from double life was cute. "bad boy manor" and the associated bridge in limited. ahhh, its been a while but that weird saw-gauntlet-trap-thing tango made too. gd its been long.
looking forward to see red? [9]
yeah, since i'm replying so late my answer is always either cleo or etho since they can get chaotic. or, well, mumbo whenever he's around.
anything i thought was overlooked? [15]
i always chew on when people compare a partnership or alliance to bad relationship. there's sth fun in toxic dynamics like that to me (lol) what comes to mind is def the few offhanded jokes in last life.. sth abt the vagueness is easier to explore than the more hammed up roleplay. a chance for edginess? yes ploz.
u'd think there'd be more posts abt it since a lot of fans love watching ppl be psychologically tortured in the block game... maybe that's more of a different smps habit - anyways!
jimmy, being asked if he's being mistreated:
jimmy: (barely audible) no. (regular volume:) no, no, no. that’s not that conversation. cleo: do you need another place to stay? jimmy: no, no! i’m happy where i am. cleo: are they mistreating you? jimmy: no! no, i promise! i just need sugarcane. that’s all i need.
ren, also in last life, being told he's not in a good relationship:
ren: i'm not sure what i've gotten myself into with the shadow queen. grian: hold on, hold on. that's kind-of good, right? because if she didn't immediately turn on you it means that she cares. [pause] ren: right. either that or she's more than happy to take my resources. not sure which one. etho: (laugh) is she using you, ren? you gotta get outta that relationship. ren, that's not a good relationship. ren, grian: (laugh)
and scene.
i definitely want to get back into the swing of watching more often bcuz after typing this out im realizing my life series knowledge is prettyyyy rusty.. on the other hand i can def tell what some of the aspects keeps me interested! if ur reading this and have pov suggestions based off any of this feel free to shoot me an ask abt it ^_^
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 months
hi everyone :)
I've been MIA on here....I know. a casual reblog here, a post there, sometimes a reply. the end of my last college semester was crazy. and then I graduated on my birthday (your girl now has a degree in creative writing mostly thanks to the last four crazy years I've spent on this app)! I turned 23! I got a boyfriend! yay!!
now to the reason I'm making this post...I've been thinking about moonbeam every gd day since I last posted a chapter. I yearn to write. and i know it's simple, "just write, em!" I CAN'T y'all. the creative juices aren't doing their thing and I've been insanely uninspired.
I'm like waiting for something to click in my stupid brain despite the fact I have everything mapped out to a T. I felt that everyone who's been a fan of this project so loyally deserves an explanation, so here it is. it's simple and stupid.
content IS coming soon. I can promise y'all that much.
love you all 🫶🏼 xoxo, em
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annual writing self-evaluation
All answers should be about works published in 2023.
i. Optional if applicable: link to last year’s self-evaluation
1. List of works published this year (in the order that they were posted):
as per usual that list is too long for this post so here's my 2023 fic roundup
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
far and away it has to be before i bury you purely because it was 1. SUCH an endeavor to begin with, and 2. so unbelievably different from anything i've written before. like, the criminal minds au was me dipping my toe into the pool of horror/suspense, and this fic was diving in headfirst. and i know it's not everyone's cup of tea (or most people's, tbh) but i've been so pleased with the reactions of those who have read it and i'm so, so thankful for it 💛 (honorable mentions to always have & i always will and a tender age, tho)
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
it's not that i'm not proud of it but a fic that's been hanging over my head all year is if the fates allow because god i hate that it's almost been a year since i updated it and I'VE BEEN TRYING to work on it but my brain just refuses to focus on it! i'm really hoping to finish it soon, though (and the gd pirate au too UGH).
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
man am i glad i did an ask meme like a week ago that asked this question so i can snag an answer from that rather than spending 3 hours combing through my fics lol
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5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
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lmfao @cyraclove left this one on a snippet of the onlyfans au i sent her and it's my favorite thing ever
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
there's been a few instances of that over the last year but no specific events immediately come to mind. it seems to come and go in waves for me and all i can do is just ride it out and hope my inspiration comes back.
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
ok like i swear to god i never thought i would write omegaverse and yet a tender age happened and it basically came pouring out of me and onto the page so like?? what the hell was that??? (also no i have not forgotten i promised a sequel, it's percolating i promise)
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i tried new genres!! i really enjoyed the writing process!! (even if it made me absolutely insane at times)
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i've said this a billion times before but i think next year i want to try writing original stuff alongside fic. idk if i'll finish a whole novel or what, but i'd at least like to start something.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
my friends 💛
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
not that i can think of but i did actually let my sister read some of my stuff and she told me that i have a lot of ust in my writing and (yes this is weird but she's my sister and i know she means well) that she wished i had an outlet for it irl so like. i guess that's something?
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
i always say the same goddamn thing and today i saw a post that really encapsulated that so i'm just going to copy it here:
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13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
as per usual, so many. i've got a bunch half-started already that i haven't shared yet and i'm really hoping to be able to get them Mostly Finished before i start posting them, so keep your fingers crossed and an eye out 👀
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
@cyraclove, @medusasfinalgirl, @staceymcgillicuddy (and anybody else who would like to do this, i'm tagging u)
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burgundykicks · 5 months
1. "I love you ,its ruining my life" WAS NOT EXPECTION THAT IN FORNIGHT ,A TRACK 1?
I absolutely love the beat tho and I'm so exited for the music vid
"This ain't the Chelsea Hotel ,we're modern idiots"
"You left your typewriter at my apartment ,straight from the Tortured Poets department"
3. "I clean up sandcastles he destroys"
"Left all these broken parts ,and told me I'm better off"
4. "For a minute I knew cosmic love ,now I'm down back crying at the gym"
Actually this whole song is giving wolfstar
"Everything comes out ,teenage petulance"
"How much sad did you ,think I had ,did I have in me?"
6. "I only know these people raise you ,to cage you"
"I'm having his baby ,no I'm not ,but you should see your faces"
Giggled bc that's rlly funny
7. "Now pretty baby I'm running back home to you ,fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to"
"I need to forget so take me to florida ,I got some regrets ill Bury them in florida"
9. "My boredoms bone deep"
"Am I allowed to cry"
"Someone told me ,there's no such thing as bad thoughts. Only your actions talk"
"If its make beleive ,why does it feel like a vow"
10. "You don't get to tell me about sad"
"Is it a wonder I broke let's hear one more joke ,then we could all just laugh until I cry"
"Who's afraid of little old me, well you should be"
"So tell me everything is not about me ,but what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me ,but what if they did? I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me. You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
11. "But your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger ,I can fix him (no really I can)"
"He had a halo of the highest grade ,he just hadn't met me yet"
12. "Black and white ,all those plot twists"
The noble and most ancient house of black.
"I wish I could un recall ,how we almost had it all"
"It was legendary ,it was momentary"
13. TRACK 13!
"Cuz I'm a real tough kid ,I can handle my shit"
"Lights camera bitch smile ,even when you wanna die"
"I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday everyday"
"I cry alot but I am so productive, it's an art"
"Cuz I'm miserable ,and no one even knows"
14. "Was any of it true ,gazing at me starry eyed"
"And I don't even want you back I just want to know ,if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
"And I would have died for your sins ,but instead I just died inside"
15. "Honestly ,who are we to fight the alchemy"
"This happens once every few lifetimes"
16. Last track before bonuses/the doubke album omgggg
"All your life did you know, you'd be picked like a rose"
"No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of manhattan"
"You look like ,stevie nicks in 75 ,the hair and lips ,crowd goes wild at her fingertips ,a half moon shine ,a full eclipse"
"Promise to be dazzling"
"You look like taylor swift in this life were loving it ,you've got edge she never did ,the futures bright ,dazzling"
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zaritarazi · 1 year
okay i know i just ranted about this on twitter and i know that everyone tells me kendra and carter aren’t getting back together in the comics and i know that we’ve already gotten them live action once and will likely (🧿) have them again and i am so fucking excited, but like-
okay longish rant about kendra and carter and dc continuity under the cut
i wasn’t entirely sure what was going on with kendra and carter until last month’s hawkgirl #1, where we get this
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where like. okay so then if we like, pay attention to how dc’s been trying to merge these canons, gd help us, kendra told carter she loved him when she died in blackest night. and then shayera was there for a while! and like, if kendra’s aware of that, i feel like that fucking sucked! and then metal happens and wonder woman literally used kendra’s love for carter to save her from being lady blackhawk. and then we get another fucking shayera, and starman is like “i took the soulmates part out of kendra and put it into shayera”
and to sidebar for a second, i’m gonna be honest. the only hawkmates at this point that has any appeal to me is carter and kendra. because once you have soulmates who don’t want to be soulmates, who fight, who break up, who struggle but still love each other in ways that always pull them back together, it feels so fucking cheap to just slot in shayera as carter’s nice and tidy soulmate again.
like, it’s boring!!! and it’s fundamentally like, okay so this isn’t even romantic anymore. like they’re soulmates, okay, but all of the struggles and challenges are still in kendra, too, and shayera and carter have felt so fucking hollow for years. because there’s nothing to keep them together but the soulmates clause. like okay here’s them going on adventures together! sure! whatever? don’t you miss the fucking thrill? don’t you miss being challenged to be better? 
and now we know, apparently, that kendra does still have some kind of feelings for carter. and we know jadzia has mentioned hawkman and hawkwoman will be mentioned in this. and right now, it feels like from kendra’s perspective, carter just kind of... left. like she says “that’s over now” and yet she’s clearly so fucking sad and alone and like. what happened? where the fuck is this man? like i know everyone tells me they’re not getting back together and okay, sure, but who the fuck ever knows what’s going to happen in comics i could end up being right!!!
and this might be because for most of my life kendra has been the contemporary hawkgirl in the comics, but like- she’s the more interesting one. she’s the one who keeps getting put in live action for that reason. and i’m not saying shayera isn’t interesting, i’m saying that she hasn’t been given nearly enough to do since her revival. and i don’t really feel like going further into that, because this post isn’t really about her!
what i want is that kendra and carter and shayera reunite and kendra and carter have repeated and incredibly painful confrontations. and i will not rest until they have those and then engage in deeply problematic sex.
and like, until i get isabela and aldis on the big screen, i’m going to be over here being difficult about this. and i will never change and i will never improve and that is a FUCKING PROMISE!!!!
and i’m not just saying i like kendra and carter more bc they’ve always had an age gap. but when it comes down to it, who’s side do you really fucking think i’m going to be on here
highkey also did carter actually break kendra’s heart in the longrun because i’ll disown him in a second. this is just like dickkory. i love this ship and i love the man in relation to this ship but if you hurt her, you are fucking dead to me and i mean that
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oddlyunadventurous · 8 months
Concerning your last few posts, I get where you're coming from. There's a lot of greasy fluff out there to fill people's holes (when what they need is to fill their hearts). But have you considered that sexuality for everyone is different?
My partner & I are also best friends. We love the romantic date nights, making food for each other, tabletop games, showing each other out fav movies/shows, etc. Being emotionally connected like that? Turns me on!! It's the hottest shit & gets me ready to head to the bedroom.
I've noticed that other things that bring me that kind of joy also turn me on. Call it love for life or what have you- sex is great!
The two (emotional & sexual) are interwoven for me. It's definitely not for everyone- my partner is ace! But as a very sexual person it pains me to see it painted as grotesque and separate from genuine quality time with your partner.
Me too and yes, I've considered it. Fwiw my partner's also ace, so high five. My power level in the bedroom's pretty gd high, top percentile tbh. I could very easily look down on the chump shit I keep reading other people do but I don't! I don't brag about it either! That's really my problem, the cult value of the sex act, with the intervention of the mass communication media, has transmuted to an exhibition value t— FUCK. I'm not bringing Walter Benjamin into this. I promised at the last AA meeting I wouldn't talk about The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction in 2024. God damn it.
I'm giving this ask its air time but I don't have much more to add to the topic for two reasons. Firstly, I wrote those posts when I was high and I already forgot what my point was. Secondly, I kind of don't care. Not in a mean way but more like, I cared in the moment when I wrote them (obv if I didn't I wouldn't have written them) but now I'm like "well that's done with, what's my next thought". The carefree attitude's a side-effect of the citalopram, I'm on enough of it to feel like I'm microdosing acid at work. It's fun. Just a couple of hours ago I drew a skibidi toilet with a fat cock & balls, and looking at that kept me occupied for a good five minutes. That's my personal update. I'm sending archangels to protect all my followers. Here's a video:
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