#last selfie friday of 2022
palaugranetes · 1 year
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⚽💙❤️🏀 weekend
Last of 2022... what a 🤐 year
Have a wonderful one my lovelies ✨💖🪷
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seniouesbabes · 2 years
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 😋
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leeenuu · 2 years
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Ruins of a psychiatric hospital are seen after the Russian night shelling in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, early hours of Wednesday, September 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Kostiantyn Liberov)
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People line up for food handed out by volunteers in Saltivka, one of the most damaged residential areas in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, September 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Viacheslav Ratynskyi)
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A man cycles past part of a rocket that sits wedged in the ground at a residential area in Sloviansk, Ukraine, Monday, September 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
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A volunteer places a cross onto a grave of one of fifteen unidentified people killed by Russian troops during a burial ceremony in the town of Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine, Friday, September 2, 2022. (REUTERS/Vladyslav Musiienko)
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Ukrainian firefighters put out fire in a residential house after a Russian military strike, as Russia's attack in Ukraine continues, in Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Monday, September 5, 2022. (REUTERS/Alex Babenko)
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A Ukrainian soldier takes a selfie as an artillery system fires in the front line in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Saturday, September 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Kostiantyn Liberov)
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People line up to receive humanitarian help organized by the municipality and the World Food Program in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Tuesday, September 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Ammar Awad)
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A Ukrainian Red Cross Society volunteer pets a cat named Maks, that was slightly injured during a Russian attack last week that damaged the building of the humanitarian association in Sloviansk, Ukraine, Monday, September 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
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A local resident looks from the balcony of a residential building destroyed by military strikes in a street market in Saltivka, one of the most damaged residential areas of Kharkiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, September 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Viacheslav Ratynskyi)
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A Ukrainian soldier holds a watermelon and thumbs up as a rocket launch system fires in the front line in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Saturday, September 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Kostiantyn Liberov)
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lunarwildrose · 1 year
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I attended the Good Friday service by myself tonight. Praise God. 🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
I was terrified of going out by myself, as I haven't gone out regularly by myself since September 2021 ... and maybe once after that, for Rob's bday last year, so February 2022. I'm glad my imaginary husband and children comforted me and talked me into being courageous and doing this for Jesus, not just myself. I want to be closer to Him. 🤍
I was deeply moved by the music, it touched my very heart and soul, and I admittedly cried that Jesus could love a lost girl like me, during everyone singing "Blessed Redeemer". I don't deserve Him, nobody does, but I will ALWAYS appreciate His Love, Mercy and Sacrifice so very much!! 😭🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
I didn't take any pics at church, certainly not in the sanctuary, and left in a hurry as my anxiety was getting to me (and had to run back in to find my phone I dropped, darn - how embarrassing 😳), but did take this selfie before I left home of Karasu and me. 🐱💗
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heartsoftruth · 2 years
Finally have the time to write a little something about MY experience at the Dutch GP. 
Let me start off by saying it’s already the best weekend of 2022. No doubt. Nothing will top these days I’ve had. I’ve seen everyone I’ve wanted. I’ve got an autograph of everyone I’ve wanted and it truly has been a more than amazing experience. YES EVERYONE. And NO I won’t elaborate much more on that. But it was amazing. 
Last year my tickets were cancelled because of Covid (I bought a solo one for the Friday tho), so they were valid for this year. However a bit before the race my friend found out she bought tickets for SAT/SUN and since I didn’t want to miss the Friday I bought them for my own. Then I found out there were tickets for a pit walk on Thursday so I also bought that to go alone. 
Wednesday - I found out the 2 Ferrari-boys were at a certain location so I went by. Though I didn’t get a selfie/autograph with them then, I did met people who I eventually hung out with the entire weekend. After the Ferrari-boys left we went to the circuit and met even more people who I hung out with/stayed in touch with the entire weekend. Of course it was of all ages - very young and VERY active kids in search for autographs - but also older ones. And no one gave a damn about Max vs Lewis bs. Everyone just supported and respected whoever you supported. Like it should. We end up seeing a few drivers already! 
Thursday (Pitwalk day) - In the days before the pit walk  I saw that team LH Holland would meet up and since I didn’t have anyone to go with I thought that’s a good idea for me. After Wednesday I could have gone with those new friends, but I thought it was very fun to meet all these Lewis fans. And if I didn’t enjoy I could always say bye and bounce. 
Short story - because it’s already loooong and I’m only at Thursday - it was a fun day. We met up with his photographer who took 32r78483 videos and photos of us and also asked how late we would walk by. In the end we could have seen Lewis then - because he told us a few minutes before out time slot was ‘Lewis will be there in 5/10min - but out time was delayed… We were so bumped out because we missed him by so little and the marshalls at the track were kinda… Merp to us. The owner of the fan-account got a shirt of Lewis’s new merch though with his autograph at the end of the photographer so that was SO special. And SO sweet. It truly shows how much he cared even if he couldn’t come and meet us anymore. 
At the end of it I waited for the drivers to leave and saw Daniel (coming out of his car) and Carlos/Charles leave but it was really chaotic. The organization put fences on as the drivers were leaving since everyone was pushing to the front to see them. With the fences on it was a bit saver and better organized (tho again why didn’t they do that immediately?), but that was the night Lewis chose to lay down on the back of his car. I was already confused why Angela and his bodyguard were there without him but then we all went ooo he was in the back. Looking back at how bad it was for Daniel and the Ferrari boys I don’t know if I should laugh or if it’s something he did out of fear. While I left the circuit I immediately saw a few of the friends I made the day before and chilled some with them. Carlos/Daniel leaving here. 
FRIDAY - Friday started of REALLY early since one of the friends I made wanted to see a F2 driver and they start very early. So YUP. There I was. Didn’t even see Arthuro (who I wanted to see) since my first selfie with him was ugly AF haha. I waited for a long while outside of the fence, then went inside to wait a little more by myself for Lewis (in the end someone I met the day before stood by me hahah), but he was so late. Sir came in at 11:27 and FP1 started an hour later dfgdfjgsfdhj. 
[Lewis during FP1 and me in a sea of Orange Army haha]
Walked to my seat and immediately another lady with a Mercedes hat - in my row - greeted me so nicely I almost thought she was in the Team LH group of the day before hahah. But she was just happy to see a fellow LH fan. I did have a good time between the Orange Army. No weird remarks blabla. They did went a bit quiet after Max engine problems in FP1 though…
During the break of FP1 to FP2 one of my new friends texted me and said he wanted to fulfill our plan: sneak into the paddock. He was successful last year (seen the vids) but when I saw what I had to do I said: no mannnn. I would like to not break my ankles haha. So we ate and chilled and then I went back to my own seat. As FP2 was coming to an end I checked my WhatsApp messages and saw one of my new friends texted me with a pic asking if I was ok. THATS WHEN I SAW LEWIS POSTED US ON HIS INSTAAAAA. I truly died. I was in shock. Disbelieve and in the meantime saw him leave the pit (I had seats for the main straight on FRI).  Tears were slowly falling down on my cheek and I didn’t even know why, but just the fact that he noticed me/us a little. And knows he’s supported here was amazing. Just the fact that he looked at that pic and uploaded is *tears*.After FP2 I met up again with that friend since he had a great idea to meet the drivers. 
Then the only real example of hate we/he got because of our Mercedes outfit (besides little but none were as big as this). In Holland we love to curse with cancer (I don’t. I think its as trashy as can be), but a lot of people do. My new friend was walking behind me and all of a sudden I hear a guy being not so nice to him. So he walks before me and the he tells him: “Cancer gay. With you cancer Mercedes shirt.” AND I SAW RED. No No I thought. ! So I told him to STFU idiot! And some more. He ignored, but 100% heard me I have a very loud voice. Some other guys also started talking to us (and I just hoped they didn’t went with them because it would have been too crowded, but I was too pissed too care xD). 
Then that curse guy hugged him (me going ???). Let him go and went all tough guy again: “Everyone here is supporting Max right? What kind of a Dutch person are you, huh?” *me sees red again*: STFU, STFU and continue to walk please, idiot. You’re not even wearing fucking Merch so what are you even talking about supporting Max?” Then he asked me who I was supporting then and I told him to get his eyes checked and he fucked off. 
Little sidetone because I know a lot will think this: But the guy wasn’t white at all.
We quickly forgot about this though and continued our night and it was one of the best nights of my life. 
SATURDAY - The first day I actually went with the friends who I booked the tickets with haha. I did went inside alone because I all of a sudden thought they had drivers Q&A’s in the fanzone. I end up meeting a few friends while waiting there but in the end the Q&A was only on the MainStage and not even heard on the track… So the video of Lewis speaking Dutch we had to see via Twitter WHILE STANDING INSIDE THE TRACK. Bs… 
My friends eventually arrived a bit before FP3 and that was also a fun day. Got some compliments and one im still not sure of but I’ve posted about it here. 
The night was something out of an action movie scene but yeah… That’s also not for main hahaha 
SUNDAY - Started of early. Got to meet who I still wanted to meet. Went to the track, saw lewis pass by during the parade. A lot of Super Max being played - have to say the song is a catchy jam hahah - and then the race happened. As I’ve said on here several times after Hunagry I really thought a win was possible here, but Mercedes had to FUCK IT UP. I was so pissed at the end, but clearly the Orange Army wasnt. Truly pissed off. 
Those guys of yesterday did speak to me a few times during the race saying how good lewis is doing, ‘no win please but podium!’ (All in English again). I yelled so loud when he overtook Checo and they had to laugh hahaha. The atmosphere was great. No hate.
[Lewis driving past me P1 🔥]
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Only after the race we went after the podium etc. We all left immediately and I wanted to go quickly because I knew how much alcohol was consumed. At one point in the fanzone - we had to cross it - one person said: *holds hand up* Hamilton. You have to wait.”
So I also told him to STFU and walked passed him. 
So that’s a few minor things (the first one being the biggest) happened, but that’s not even the memory I will have of this GP weekend. Truly best weekend of 2022 
Of course I heard many stories from the other people when they met drivers or just whatever happened during the weekend. But if I write that down it’s gonna be WAAAAY too long. And it already is hahah. It was just great! 
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game-set-canet · 2 years
i took about 255 photos and videos during the Red Bull BassLine event 2022 on Friday, about 53 photos and videos of Andrey's practise session on Thursday and about 56 photos and videos of the match day of the Vienna Open (although at least 30 photos are selfies of my friend and me bc he wanted to take A LOT) (in comparison: last year i took about 330 photos and videos at last year's Red Bull BassLine event 🙈)
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dankusner · 1 month
NRA convention coming to Dallas this week with Trump, Abbott: Here’s what to know
The event is billed as the largest gathering of Second Amendment supporters.
People in the audience wait for the start of the National Rifle Association's Leadership Forum at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center on Friday, May 4, 2018, in Dallas.
The conference returns to Dallas this week and is expected to draw more than 70,000 attendees
Tens of thousands of gun rights supporters will head to Dallas this week for the National Rifle Association’s annual conference, which will feature appearances by former President Donald Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
Here’s what to know about the conference:
Largest Second Amendment gathering
Billed as the country’s largest gathering of Second Amendment supporters, the event runs Friday through Sunday at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas.
This year marks the organization’s 153rd annual meeting.
Seminars will cover tips for concealed carry, school security and how to interact with law enforcement.
Roughly 650 vendors with guns and gear will cover 14 acres of exhibit space.
More than 70,000 people are expected to attend.
“This is the place to be for anyone who is an NRA member or a Second Amendment supporter,” NRA spokesperson Nick Perrine said.
Dallas last hosted the event in 2018, and Houston hosted in 2022.
Trump to address members
Trump, who will give the keynote address Saturday afternoon, has been a frequent fixture on the NRA stage since his first address to the organization in 2015.
Trump has repeatedly promised to protect gun owners’ rights, even as the U.S. grapples with an epidemic of gun violence.
In February, the former president told NRA members gathered for the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Penn., that “no one will lay a finger on your firearms” if he returns to the White House.
Trump also bragged that during his time as president, he “did nothing” to curb guns.
“During my four years nothing happened. And there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield,” he told the crowd.
Trump did, however, ban bump stocks, a gun accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns.
The ban came after a gunman in Las Vegas killed 60 and injured hundreds more at a 2017 country music festival using assault-style rifles, many of which were equipped with bump stocks.
The U.S. Supreme Court is now weighing a challenge to that ban.
Admission to the event is free, but attendees must belong to the NRA.
Are firearms allowed?
Attendees can carry guns at the conference with one notable exception.
Firearms, gun accessories and knives are forbidden at the event where Trump and Abbott are speaking, per a requirement of the Secret Service, Perrine said.
Attendees will be screened before entry and subject to searches.
Also banned are backpacks, laser pointers, mace and pepper spray, toy guns, selfie sticks and umbrellas.
NRA strife
This year’s meeting comes as the NRA is mired in turmoil. In February, a jury in New York found Wayne LaPierre, the longtime head of the organization, guilty of misspending millions of dollars of NRA money.
He was accused of using the funds to pay for an extravagant lifestyle that included exotic getaways and trips on private planes and yachts.
LaPierre is required to repay almost $4.4 million to the NRA, which jurors found had failed to properly manage its assets, omitted or misrepresented information in its tax filings and violated whistleblower protections. LaPierre announced his resignation days before the trial was set to start.
Longtime NRA executive Andrew Arulanandam stepped in as interim CEO.
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belgiumvisit · 3 months
Antwerp - KMSKA
The Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (KMSKA) / Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp reopened in September 2022 after being closed for 11 years following a €100m renovation.
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On a visit to Antwerp in March 2024, the entrance charge of €20 proved to be a worthwhile expense. The KMSKA is open daily from 10am (except 25 December and 1 January) and the plan your visit page section of the website has further details. The galleries were not crowded on a Friday morning and it was a pleasure to be able to look at the artworks in a spacious and well lit environment.
Visitors are expected to purchase tickets using a screen, inside the ground level (0) door on the left hand side, before entering the galleries. Staff are on hand to assist and direct to the cloakroom etc.
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A free Museum Map leaflet can be picked up and is useful for finding your way around the gallery which has four more levels. The map's cover illustration (above) shows how the new white spaces are positioned within the traditional building.
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The towering mirrored plexiglass and stainless steel circular sculpture (Mechelen Marauder, 2014) in the centre of the main hall (level 1) is a work by Carla Arocha and Stephane Schraenen.
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The galleries on level 1 are devoted to 'Modern Masters'. A surprise awaits, soon after entering, in the form of a caged cat sculpture that changes colour and also attracts attention with sounds. As Jennifer Rankin explains in her article for The Guardian - it is one of '10 art installations by the Belgian artist and opera director Christophe Coppens scattered throughout the museum, each taking a detail from a painting in the same room.'
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The polished white floor and white walls mark this out as a renovated part of the museum. As a reminder of the original building the floor surface occasionally incorporates original materials.
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Looking up may reveal higher levels and the triangular roof lights far above.
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The high-tech multi-lingual educational materials prepared for the James Ensor exhibition are cleverly presented on large touch screen displays. These allow you to explore different aspects of his life, travels and work and are well worth spending time over, when this area is not busy.
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The KMSKA houses the world's largest collection of paintings by Belgian artist James Ensor, born in Ostend (1860-1949).
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Favourite paintings by James Ensor include: 'The Oyster Eater' (1882, above); The White Cloud (1884, below)
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and Grey Seascape (1880, below).
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Another Belgian artist featured in the Modern Masters galleries is 'The Sixteenth of September' (1956) by Rene Magritte (1898-1967, below).
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As it's a long way up from level 1 to level 4 where the Modern Masters exhibition continues it's worth taking a lift.
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'Elevator C', towards the rear of the museum, has completely mirrored sides that make a selfie obligatory!
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Level 4 has relatively more daylight from the rooflights immediately above. There's a long drop to Level 1 from here as indicated by the warning signs.
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Some favourite artworks on Level 4 include Still Life (Curved Oval) by Ben Nicholson (1950, above); Spring by Jean Brusselmans (1935, below)
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and Sunday by Gustave de Smet (1921, below).
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A featured Belgian artist on level 4 is Rik Wouters (1882-1916).
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Self portrait with black eye patch (1916, above) was painted in the last year of his life. Sadly, he lost his eye to cancer, three months before his death on 11 July 1916.
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He married in April 1905. His wife Helene (known as Nel) was also his muse. She died in 1971, aged 85. 'Woman Reading' (1913, above) features her in a painting by Rik.
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Self portrait in a green hat (1915, above) shows the pain he must have felt at the time from the area around his left eye.
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A favourite painting by Rik Wouters, spotted earlier on level 1, is 'White facades and gardens at Bosvoorde' (1907, above).
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I don't think we spent any time on level 2 for the Old Masters but we did see a painting by Pieter Brueghel II - The People's Census at Bethlehem (1566, above).
We passed the entrance to Madonna Grand Cafe, Restaurant, Bar but did not venture inside. We also looked at the menu of the KMSKA Shop and Coffee Bar. As we turned to leave, the assistant warned us 'You don't know what you're missing' but it was a fine day and there is a good choice of cafe bars on the street and roundabout in front of the KMSKA.
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We saved a few euros on a coffee and a beer in pleasant surroundings when we settled on Cafe Hopper.
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There is a memorial to victims of V bombs in Antwerp, set flat in a raised section of paving, near the corner of Leopold de Waelplaats and Schildersstraat, quite near to the KMSKA entrance. The river and docks are marked in a darker shade.
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An AP video on YouTube has film about the defence of the city from the V bombs in 1944 / 1945.
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joe-juice2 · 4 months
In Dallas I told her I was Chrissy for Halloween 2022 and she was actually fangirling over me for a bit lol cuz I showed her my pic of me in my costume and then last month in Florida I met her Friday and she loves to give hugs lol and compliment your outfit or just your look in general, we took a couple selfies, she really just has good energy, and and then Saturday I made it a point to go back to her table to say goodbye and she remembered me from the day before and she’s like “hey bestie!” And I was like “hayyyy” lol but I told her something along the lines of “I know the internet and the world can just be so cruel but please try to remember there are those of out there that love you so much, we can and we do love both you and Joe, I for sure love you just as much and just try to remember you have a lot of us rooting for you too” and she just kept telling me “you’re so sweet and I love you” and I said it back and she told me to have a safe trip home
Nawww shes so sweet. She actually has a really cute energy and she is smiley all the time🤭
She is a libra of course she has a great energy 😂🤌🏻
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newstfionline · 6 months
Friday, December 22, 2023
Americans May Be Taking On Too Much Pay-Later ‘Phantom Debt’ (NYT) “Buy now, pay later” loans are helping to fuel a record-setting holiday shopping season. Economists worry they could also be masking and exacerbating cracks in Americans’ financial well-being. The loans, which allow consumers to pay for purchases in installments, often interest-free, have soared in popularity because of high prices and interest rates. Retailers have used them to attract customers and to get people to spend more. But such loans may be encouraging younger and lower-income Americans to take on too much debt, according to consumer groups and some lawmakers. And because such loans aren’t routinely reported to credit bureaus or captured in public data, they could also represent a hidden source of risk to the financial system. “The more I dig into it, the more concerned I am,” said Tim Quinlan, a Wells Fargo economist who recently published a report that described pay-later loans as “phantom debt.”
US health care spending (Statnews) The U.S. government spent more on health care last year than the governments of Germany, the U.K., Italy, Spain, Austria, and France combined spent to provide universal health care coverage to the whole of their population (335 million in total), which is comparable in size to the U.S. population of 331 million. Overall, health care spending grew 4% in 2022 from the previous year, accounting for 17.3% of gross domestic product.
Live from the Jungle: Migrants Become Influencers on Social Media (NYT) Manuel Monterrosa set out for the United States last year with his cellphone and a plan: He’d record his journey through the dangerous jungle known as the Darién Gap and post it on YouTube, warning other migrants of the perils they’d face. In his six-part series, edited entirely on his phone along the way, he heads north with a backpack, leading viewers on a video-selfie play-by-play of his passage across rivers, muddy forests and a mountain known as the Hill of Death. He eventually made it to the United States. But to his surprise, his videos began attracting so many views and earning enough money from YouTube that he decided he no longer needed to live in America at all. So, Mr. Monterrosa, a 35-year-old from Venezuela, returned to South America and now has a new plan altogether: trekking the Darién route again, this time in search of content and clicks, having learned how to make a living as a perpetual migrant. For more than a decade, cellphones have been indispensable tools for people fleeing their homelands, helping them research routes, find friends and loved ones, connect with smugglers and evade the authorities. Now, cellphones and social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and TikTok are drastically changing the equation once again.
US and Venezuela agree to release of 10 Americans (CNN) The US has reached an agreement to secure the release of six wrongfully detained Americans and four other Americans held in Venezuela, senior US officials announced Wednesday. The deal will also include the extradition of Leonard Francis, the former military contractor known as “Fat Leonard” who orchestrated the largest corruption scandal in US Navy history. “Fat Leonard” Francis, a senior administration official said, will be returned to a federal detention facility. Francis, a Malaysian national, was arrested in 2013, pleaded guilty and—while he was on house arrest awaiting sentencing—he cut off his ankle tracking bracelet and fled to Venezuela. In exchange, Biden made what officials cast as a “difficult” decision to grant clemency to Alex Saab, an alleged financier to Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro.
Brazilian ‘geese agents’ honk in case of prison break (Reuters) Waddling around the perimeter of a prison in Brazil’s southern state of Santa Catarina, geese have edged out their canine predecessors on patrols to make sure inmates do not escape. Between breaks in their on-site pond, the honking birds, dubbed “geese agents,” patrol a green space between the prison’s inside fence and main outer wall. Staff say the vigilance of the geese make them excellent guard animals, even more so than dogs. “We have electronic surveillance, in-person surveillance ... and finally the surveillance of the geese,” said prison director Marcos Roberto de Souza. Souza said tending the flock of geese is more affordable than raising dogs and that the quiet location of the prison makes it a viable option for his facility.
A baroness’s lies bring Britain’s covid spending scandal to a boil (Washington Post) Michelle Mone calls herself one of Britain’s “most celebrated” entrepreneurs. She frequently speaks about her “rags to riches” life story: How she went from the “rough streets” of Scotland to become a lingerie tycoon who was honored by the queen and then made a baroness in the House of Lords by a prime minister. Now, Baroness Mone is the face of an escalating scandal that has gripped the British public. She has admitted to lying about her role in facilitating a multimillion-pound deal to sell the government personal protective equipment during the coronavirus crisis—including some 25 million hospital gowns that the government claims were unusable—and standing to personally profit. “The public probably see me as a horrible person, a liar, or even a cheat,” Mone said last week. Yet Mone’s apology on Sunday for lying about her links to the company under investigation by the government is not just a personal image issue. It is piling pressure on Britain’s Conservative government over its response to the pandemic and raising questions about whether it gave preferential deals to politically connected business owners.
At least 15 people were killed in a shooting in Prague (NYT) A gunman in the Czech Republic killed at least 15 people today, including 14 students at Charles University in Prague, the authorities said. At least 24 others were wounded at the university. The assailant, identified as David K., a 24-year-old student at the university, also died. He first killed his father in their family home outside Prague before going on a shooting rampage and then killing himself, the police said. The chief of the national police force said the gunman “got inspired by a similar terrible event abroad.”
Ukraine war: Male citizens living abroad to be asked to join army (BBC) Ukrainian men between the ages of 25 and 60 living abroad will be asked to report for military service, Defence Minister Rustem Umerov has said. He described this as an "invitation"—but seemed to suggest anyone who did not comply would be sanctioned. However, a spokesman later clarified that no call-up was being considered. President Zelensky told journalists on Tuesday that 450,000-500,000 new soldiers were needed but achieving this was a "sensitive issue". In an analysis of figures from EU statistics agency Eurostat in November, BBC Ukrainian found that some 768,000 Ukrainian men aged 18-64 had left the country for the EU alone since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion. Mr Zelensky suggested in his end-of-year news conference on Tuesday that there were currently 500,000 Ukrainian troops at the front. He also said there were issues with rotation and holidays. Currently conscripts and volunteers are obliged to serve until the end of the war, and are only allowed 10 days' leave a year.
The U.S. is looking to use Russian assets to aid Ukraine (NYT) The Biden administration has quietly signaled support for seizing more than $300 billion in Russian central bank assets held in Western countries and using the funds to aid Ukraine’s war effort. Until recently, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had argued that seizing the funds without congressional action would be illegal. Others had cautioned that it would cause concern among other nations that are holding their funds in the U.S. Seizing such a large sum of money from another sovereign nation would be without precedent. But with financial support waning, and Ukrainian leaders warning of the dire consequences, American officials have begun urgent discussions over whether to use existing authorities or seek congressional action to use the funds. A small portion of the Russian assets, perhaps $5 billion or so by some estimates, is in the hands of U.S. institutions. As a result, diplomatic negotiations are underway over how to gain access to funds held in Europe.
China vows to keep up military pressure on the Philippines as territorial dispute grows tenser (AP) China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi says the country will maintain military pressure on the Philippines amid a dispute over sovereignty in the South China Sea that could involve U.S. forces defending their treaty partner. In a phone conversation Wednesday with his Philippine counterpart, Enrique A. Manalo, Wang “warned that if the Philippine side misjudges the situation, goes its own way, or even colludes with ill-intentioned external forces to continue to stir up troubles, China will defend its rights in accordance with law and respond resolutely,” the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Wang’s comments follow China’s mobilization of its coast guard and maritime militia to block Philippine supply missions to support its soldiers and fishermen. China claims sovereignty over virtually the entire South China Sea, one of the world’s most crucial waterways for shipping, putting it at odds with the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei, who all maintain claims over islands, reefs and undersea resources in the region.
An Egg Fried Rice Recipe Shows the Absurdity of China’s Speech Limits (NYT) The United States is entangled in an emotional debate about antisemitism and free speech on college campuses. The latest speech debate in China is about a chef’s video on how to make egg fried rice. Egg fried rice is a staple of Chinese home cooking and one of the first dishes many Chinese learn to cook. Think of mac and cheese in America. That was probably why Wang Gang, one of China’s most popular food bloggers, has made multiple recipe videos about the dish in the past five years. His “perfect” fried rice recipes attracted reviews, and reviews of those reviews. Then one of those videos drew the wrath of the official Chinese media and internet. His offense? He posted an egg fried rice video on Nov. 27, two days after the anniversary of the death of Mao Anying, son of the founder of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong. Mao Anying was killed in the Korean War while, legend has it, cooking egg fried rice. On social media sites, Mr. Wang was called “a traitor,” “a troublemaker” and “the dregs of society.” Everyday life is being politicized in China. Public expression has become impossible when too many things are taboo. It’s difficult to track, and sometimes impossible to know because of censorship, what can and cannot be said in the country.
‘I don’t want to be a number’ (BBC) The number of people killed in Gaza since Israel launched military action in response to the 7 October attacks has passed 20,000, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. BBC staff in the territory have been hearing from those affected: The children at al-Aqsa hospital do not think of the dead of Gaza in figures of thousands. Theirs is a more intimate reckoning. It is counted in beloved faces that have vanished into the fire and rubble of the war. Thirteen-year-old Rama Zaqout was sleeping when an Israeli missile struck the mosque in which she was sheltering with her family. She woke in hospital to discover that her two-year-old brother, Hisham, and many other family members were dead. She lists the names of those killed in a voice that seems detached from the immense loss she has experienced. Rama survived with severe wounds to her left hand and right leg, but the hospital does not have the facilities to treat her injuries properly. If she is not evacuated from Gaza, she says, both limbs will be amputated. “Running and drawing were once my best hobbies,” Rama says, “but without the proper treatment, I won’t be able to enjoy them again… I dream of a life like other children around the world, where I can again run and draw.”
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livingmarvelous · 1 year
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
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THIS JUST IN: Former News Director of Yes!: The Best FM Network in Dumaguete City officially returns as a regular DJ Personality [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
(Prepared by: Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong and Kimi Sparkle)
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- A former News Director and current radio DJ personality of Yes! The Best: Dumaguete and Digital News Section Editor of ABS-CBN News named Raffy Iphraim Cabristante, known as "ka-beshie" Frankie Labot officially returns the aforementioned affiliated FM radio station of Manila Broadcasting Company (MBC) -- which was served as a mother station of DWYS-FM 101.1mhz's Yes! The Best: Manila.
In an anonymous news tip around last March 2022 via a radio news reporter of DYGB-FM Power91FM: Dumaguete and CNN Philippines correspondent of Headz Up NegOr told exclusively to OneNETnews, his motive of Cabristante's radio news director is motivated by a stern political pressure that lasts until after the Election Day.
He was finally decided not to transfer out between DWFH-FM 97.7mhz's Radyo Bandera: Sweet FM Dumaguete and 91.7mhz DYGB-FM Power91FM: Dumaguete, which led to his temporary resignation around 3 to 4 months later and partial early retirement in January 2022. Due to social media's demand for the online journalism role, Facebook followers (excluding Likes alone) have skyrocketed from 25,000 in 2017 onwards to 747,000 in 2023 or 70% overall. This was the most liked and followed local news organization in our Negrosanon region for Yes! The Best: Dumaguete.
During the previous year's Lenten Season in 2022 on Good Friday, Cabristante reportedly declared that he would return permanently as a radio DJ personality in late mid-May 2022 on "The Frankie Labot Show", which would air every Saturday from 3pm to 6pm (Dumaguete local time). Several weekends later, he was given an afternoon hour timeslot backwards from 2pm to 5pm. Nonetheless, he is now back on "Yes! Pares" music radio programme with Cabristante himself (Frankie Labot) and Missy Hista per Weekday mornings as of late mid-February 2023.
As we all learned in our final conclusion, Frankie Labot has now officially joined a "ka-beshie" FM station and is moving forward for his online journalistic career as a News Director at a stated local FM radio station.
You can hear both music radio programmes of Frankie Labot between "Yes! Pares" from 6am to 9am on weekday mornings and "The Frankie Labot Show" every Saturdays at 2pm to 5pm (Dumaguete local time), only on DYYD-FM 106.3mhz's Yes! The Best Dumaguete and streaming LIVE at the Yes! The Best website in Dumaguete section.
Yes! The Best FM network is a parent firm of the Manila-Cebu Broadcasting Company (MBC-CBC).
SOURCE: *https://ph.linkedin.com/in/raffy-cabristante-a8135ba5 [Referenced Biography via LinkedIn] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/403417181785020 [Referenced FB Photo #1 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/433015925491812 [Referenced FB Photo #2 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/434679631992108 [Referenced FB Post #1 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/468521935274544 [Referenced FB Photo #3 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/659654912827911 [Referenced FB Photo #4 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/715524950574240 [Referenced FB Photo #5 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/716383003821768 [Referenced FB Photo #6 from Raffy Cabristante] *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/720906396702762 [Referenced FB Photo #7 from Raffy Cabristante] and *https://www.facebook.com/100063502249899/posts/722077026585699 [Referenced FB Post #2f from Raffy Cabristante]
-- OneNETnews Team
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dartmoorsfinest · 2 years
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’Take His Legs’ PDRL World Cup Q&A & Screening - Cineworld, Warrington (24.10.22)
So... last night (Monday 24th October 2022) we had the pleasure of attending Adam’s PDRL Q&A and screening at the Cineworld in Warrington for his documentary, ‘Take His Legs’ (which was broadcast on Channel 4 back in 2019) to celebrate the PDRL World Cup being in town this week.  Six chairs became five, three mics became two (one stopped working just before the Q&A!), and the room was was filled with applause for Adam as he entered and sat alongside the captains for Australia, England, New Zealand and Wales as they were taking part in the Q&A and shared their thoughts and stories about PDRL - all of the teams, including his Warrington Wolves were in attendance. (The Wales team were sat in front of me, they don’t half love their selfies!!)
Adam even did a mini standup set at the start, featuring familiar leg-based routines we’ve come to know well over the years. He also said that he’s currently working on the next PDRL documentary, which explained all the cameras following him around!
Afterwards, I managed to have a quick chat and catch-up with him. He was pleased to hear that I’d picked up on there being extra bits (no spoilers! but there were some adorable bits with him and his Wolves teammates) in this screening on the documentary as... it’s the original/extended version he wanted to release online on iTunes and still hopes to someday. (The C4 version is still available on All4)
Not long after I’d left the cinema, like, a few minutes later... I saw him coming out and waved over. He’d pulled his phone out, along with his glasses wondering where the buses taking the teams back to the hotel were (bless him), literally around the corner.
Anyway, if you’re in the Warrington area this week, please do go to Victoria Park today (October 25th, 4:30pm) and Friday (October 28th, 7pm) to cheer him (and all the other teams!) on! And of course, thank you again to the Warrington Wolves Foundation for organising the event!
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newslobster · 2 years
Diwali 2022: A Round Up Of How Aishwarya, Kajol, Madhuri Dixit, Raveena Tandon Lit Up This Grand Party
Diwali 2022: A Round Up Of How Aishwarya, Kajol, Madhuri Dixit, Raveena Tandon Lit Up This Grand Party
Raveena Tandon shared this image. (courtesy: officialraveenatandon) New Delhi: After delighting her fans with fun videos from Manish Malhotra’s Diwali party, Raveena Tandon shared pictures from the grand bash on Friday. Raveena Tandon shared a couple of selfies with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Manish Malhotra, Aditi Rao Hydari, Taapsee Pannu (who also hosted a Diwali party last…
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pulsdmedia · 2 years
The Week Ahead 8/28-9/3
Forget your troubles and make this final week in August one for the books. Summer isn’t technically over, but we’re going to make these few days ahead count. Think Open Bar Disco Nights, rooftop shenanigans, craft beers, and capturing it all with your iPhone. Tag us, why don’t you...
$69 For A 3 Course Rooftop Dinner For Two with Cocktails
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Parisian-cool vibes meet urban sophistication at Hotel Chantelle - a New York Times and Eater hotspot beloved by celebrities and repping a jaw-dropping rooftop scene. Devour 2 Appetizers, 2 Entrees, 1 Dessert, 2 Cocktails and an evening of transformative epicurean bliss. "Hell's Kitchen" alum & Chef Seth Levine (Sons of Essex, The Stand in Gramercy) whips up Tuna Crudo featuring ahi tuna, citrus, truffle vinaigrette, strawberry, fried ginger, as well as Sirloin Steak (cast iron skillet sirloin steak, spiced pepper Chimichurri, Parmesan puffs). Lounge and delight in the certain "je ne sais quoi" of a night in Paris in the heart of New York City...
Join Strand Book Store For An In-Person Book Launch
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Join Strand Book Store for an in-person event with Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and author of The New Mutants: Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics, Ramzi Fawaz for the launch of his new book Queer Forms. Joining Ramzi Fawaz in conversation is writer, curator, and art critic, Nicole Fleetwood.
$19 Ticket To Whitmans Flight Club: Beers, Burgers & More In East Village
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Immerse yourself in the exquisite combination of craft brews & juicy burgers at Whitmans Flight Club - a night of drinking, eating, and living your best life that will bring you total hoppy-ness at Whitmans East Village. You’ll enjoy a Flight of 3 Local Beers from Montauk Brewing Company, 1 Pint of Your Favorite Beer, 1 Whitmans Classic Burger, and 1 Whitmans Souvenir Pint Glass. Next up, you'll sink your teeth into a Whitmans Classic Burger - a drool-worthy behemoth piled high with a beef short rib blend patty, seared onions, bibb lettuce, tomatoes, new pickles, and special sauce on a potato bun. Indulgence & East Village energy await...
Ukrainian Film Festival
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On the last night of the Ukrainian Film Festival presents "Поводир (The Guide)." In the 1930's, an American boy visits Kharkiv with his father, only to become entangled in the Soviet campaign to murder hundreds of blind minstrels (kobzars) as well as millions of Ukrainians. Screenings take place at 7:00pm, followed by a Q&A, plus a special in-person and zoom presentation by filmmakers, actors, cinematographers.
LAST ONE FOR SUMMER 2022: Open Bar Studio 54 Summer Fridays Party
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Go back in time and experience the great discotheques of the '70s like Studio 54, 2001 Odyssey, and the infamous Copacabana as Casa 51 turns up the heat to a full inferno with their specially curated Studio 54 Summer Fridays series, with the last one of the summer happening this Friday! Enjoy a 2 Hour Open Bar featuring Specialty Crafted Disco Drinks, and let the music of the '70s fill the air. Snap selfies in Boogie Wonderland, grab your friends & learn the Hustle, drop by the Disco Fever Mirrored Wall for a complimentary far-out photo or video, marvel as the the Studio 54 aerialist glides on the infamous crescent moon, hit the dance floor to the disco rhythms - there's so many more surprises in store! Breathe in the fresh air on the outdoor ParaDisco patio, and bask in the energy - let's kick off the weekend and get our groove on...
Up Your Insta Game With Simple iPhone Photo Tricks
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Create better photos and videos using iPhone. They’ll show you the latest camera features to compose a great shot. You’ll experiment with focus and exposure, practice using lighting effects, and even learn how to take your first "slofie." Get hands-on with the latest iPhone or bring your own.
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18:09 • aug 22, 2022
even before he left, people kept on asking, "anong nararamdaman mo?", "kamusta ka?", "okay ka lang ba?" as if i was meant to be sad and be depressed because he was leaving.
true though, since he got the offer last July, i was trying to assess what to feel and what do i really feel about it. tbh, everything felt fine, until the last two weeks.
i randomly cry sa banyo or while preparing for work. i am not prepared, and i dont think i ever will. i even cried once when i was hugging him. maybe because i was too afraid of the thought of him, all by himself, in a place far from me, far from his family. not having anyone to help him around in case of need, not knowing anyone, as in start siya sa zero. and all those cries i had was because i was afraid for his safety (including all the gun shooting sa schools abroad), not even because of what could happen between us.
we were expecting him to leave at the first week of August. i was lucky enough he got to stay 2 more weeks, in exchange of his papers arriving late. we even had a fight about silly things but ended up compromising. we made things work. we made the last few days as chill as possible. minsan, gusto ko na siya ipagdamot sa friends niya (bc all of my friends are expecting na we'll spend almost every day together, making sulit the remaining days— na akala ko ganon nga), but i tried to understand na he also needs time with other people, hindi lang naman sa akin umiikot ang mundo niya.
for the entire week last week, i was making pabebe asking him to allow me na ihatid siya, even up to the last day, nung friday night. he was very firm even before na ayaw niya kong kasama sa airport for we might cry at hindi siya makaharap sa immigration ng maayos. even his parents, hindi niya hinayaang sumama.
saturday. on the way to his house, he was enjoying the ride and singing out loud bc glee, his car, was being picked-up and was sold to our co-teacher. during the ride, it was running in my mind na, "this is the last time na we'll be in the car, singing along, holding each other's hand" it might sound cheesy but i was counting every single minute.
we packed all his things. got too tired with the plus minus ng gamit. until it was already 9pm. we chose to stop, sat on the sofa, and even if nandon si tita, hindi nako nahiya magcling. that will be my last chance. im thinking if i was feeling sad that time, i cant remember. maybe more of pagod. kuya picked me up.
yesterday, sunday, when i woke up, i felt calm. i panicked lang kasi it was 7am na and alam kong nakaalis na siya sa kanila. pero what was i feeling? sobrang panatag ko and i even don't know why. we had videochats twice. before he went to taiwan, and before he boarded for us. i remembered you can search online the air traffic and everything so i did. good thing i know his flight details. kept track on both flights and even them to ate kc para tito and tita can also checked.
monday (today). when i woke up, his plane was still in the north pacific ocean, 4hrs before he lands. took him a while to message kasi he needs to get all his luggages and met w the district rep.
he landed at 830pm dun. took them 4hrs before he got to check in sa airbnb. kept waiting for him to call. i thought he was sleeping na but he was on a call daw with tito and tita. almost 330pm, -13 sa kanya (230am), he called. i kept on telling him to sleep and rest but he made few kwentos.
even though i want to talk w him pa, sabi ko he needs to start to adjust his body clock. kahit baka matagalan pa bago siya magreport sa schl, it would be better if he gets to adjust na.
say hi to our first LDR selfie 🤪
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we are okay. maybe hindi lang pa nagsisink in lahat but i hope we'll be as chill as how we used to handle things nung pandemic.
a lot of people are too afraid and concerned for me. someone even asked if nakipagbreak siya saken lol. the others were saying na, usually lalaki ang naghahanap ng kapalit. that was too sexist but i cant blame them. maybe ganon nga yung nangyari sa iba. i heard a lot of "ldr never works" kasi they either experienced it or knew some couple na ganon ang napagdaanan.
pero ewan ko ba, i am not sure where am i getting all the courage to tell everyone na, "wala naman kaming plano maghiwalay" bc maybe i mean it. we never talked about breaking up, or letting each other go just because he's going abroad. i am just being pressured kasi the same people are asking kailan ako susunod. he knows that wala pa akong plan, if meron man, nasa 30% lang ako, but only bc he's there.
but to be honest, at the same time, i can't wait to prove everyone, who's doubting us, wrong. na ldr works. i (may) follow him next year or the year after but i just want to show that a relationship can still work despite the distance and time difference. because people who want to make it work, will always find a way to make things work.
note: i hope to look back to this entry someday and be able to pat myself for being courageous enough to trust her partner. and hopefully, i'll put our future selfie here, together and not naka-videocall na. but if things did not go according to what i was hoping, sana i still have the courage to read this entry without a heavy heart but instead, a heart that as calm as what i had yesterday morning.
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