#hopefully 23 is a bit better
palaugranetes · 2 years
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⚽💙❤️🏀 weekend
Last of 2022... what a 🤐 year
Have a wonderful one my lovelies ✨💖🪷
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lostwords-found · 2 months
Oh no. Oh fuck. I am relistening to some of the earlier Protocol episodes, and I have a horrible, terrible, no good very bad suspicion about Gerry.
I could, I want to emphasize, be completely wrong! I could be wildly, hilariously, off the mark. But--hear me out. This is going to take some explaining about what I think is going on in the bigger picture worldbuilding stuff; hopefully it'll be coherent, but fair warning, it may get a bit long.
First: there have been a lot of cases that have boiled down to trying to keep only the "good"/desirable/etc aspects of things or events or people, and discard the "bad"/unwanted, right? We saw this happening very explicitly in episode 23 with Alesis Newman, and way back in episode 2 with Daria the painter, but a number of episodes have presented variations on a similar theme.
Two variations in particular that I've been thinking a lot about are the violinist in episode 4 and the gambler in episode 9. The violinist can play his violin beautifully, but he wants to be rid of the price in flesh and blood that it demands. Similarly, the gambler wants the rewards of rolling high on his magic dice, but wants to be rid of the misfortunes that come with rolling low. Crucially, both episodes make clear that in this type of balance--something unwanted for something wanted--you can't just make the unwanted piece vanish. It has to go somewhere, it has to happen. But you can make it happen to someone else, somewhere else. And when that's how the game works, one of the major questions for players who want to get ahead then becomes: "how do I make the bad stuff stay happening somewhere else, and keep reaping the benefits of the good stuff that balances it out?"
Here's where this gets wildly speculative and from here on I freely acknowledge that I may be talking out my ass:
I think the Magnus Institute was investigating that question. I suspect a great many alchemists before the Institute, probably going back to the times of Albertus Magnus, were investigating it as well. I think the Great Work they were attempting -- the "universal transmutation" alluded to in episode 21 as the Magnus Institute's aim -- was the exact opposite of Jonah Magnus's own "Great Work" in TMA. In other words, I think they were probably trying to make the world an eternal paradise, rather than an eternal hell.
But if you're getting rid of all the "bad" stuff, all the suffering and misfortune, it's got to go somewhere.
I think they were sending it through to other worlds.
I'm not going to get into all the reasons I think that right now, because that's a whole essay in itself, but basically--the Leitners in TMA? The artifacts? All the little bits and pieces of evil given physical form, that never had a clear origin point in the world where they caused so much suffering for so long? We've all been worried about them winding up here, post-Archives... but I think this is where they came from in the first place. I think they were sent away in the hopes that an increase in "bad" in other worlds would lead to an increase in "good" in this one. Remember all those books Albrecht von Closen found in the tomb in the Black Forest in TMA, that Jonah Magnus later stole and let loose on the world? Remember that Albrecht found a mysterious coin along with them dated 1279? Albertus Magnus died in 1280; I strongly suspect he sent those books from the world of Protocol to that of Archives shortly before his death, much as the world of Archives sent the tapes away centuries later. But I think Protocol's world kept sending things away, kept trying to export "bad" and import "good". Remember all those happy, laughing volunteers bringing strange and sinister items to the charity shop on Hill Top Road in episode 7? "All for a good cause."
Okay so. Now. With that bit of hypothetical framework for Protocol's worldbuilding in place, let's next go back to Alesis Newman of episode 23. Her expressed wish is to create a new her. "Someone better. Someone the pain can't touch." Someone who can be everything Alesis wishes she could have been. Someone "free of all (her) mistakes."
But increasingly it sounds like what she actually wants isn't to create someone new. It is to create someone who is only a part of her current self. Someone who, she says in one of her last few posts, will "just be the good parts of me."
And if that's the case, if what she's really trying to do is make someone who holds only the "good" parts of her, someone who can be happy and strong and perfect and loved by everyone forever... what happens to the bad parts of Alesis Newman, as she currently exists? What about the parts of her that feel pain and fear, the parts of her that make mistakes, the parts of her that she rejects?
One might assume, from the experience she narrates, that those pieces of her are simply being destroyed. But that doesn't line up with the suggestion we've seen from earlier episodes that there has to be some kind of balance maintained in these bargains. What she actually says is happening to her--and what the forum members have apparently told her will happen, through this process--is that she and this "new her" are "becoming one... and then two."
I don't think the "bad" parts of Alesis Newman are dying. I think they're also going to become a "new her"--they're just going to go somewhere else, somewhere the new, happy, strong, perfect version of Alesis Newman never has to see them.
Still with me?
Now let's talk about Gerry. Let's talk about the smiling, laughing, irrepressibly happy Gerry Keay we meet early in Protocol. Gerry who seems to have everything that the Gerry Keay of Archives was denied.
Gerry who underwent tests at the Magnus Institute as a child, and who, per the static over his and "Gee Gee's" words, holds a few more secrets about what went on there than he let on to Sam and Celia.
Back when I first heard Gerry's appearance in episode 8, it sure felt like a narrative gut punch: This is who he could have been in Archives, if not for the presence of the Fears. This is what Jon and Martin's final decision threatens to destroy--for this safe, happy version of Gerry, and for everyone else in his world.
I'm now suspecting it might be significantly worse than that. I think the Magnus Institute might have done to Gerry Keay something similar to what Alesis Newman later did to herself: made him New. Kept only the good parts--ensured a happy, comfortable, good life for him. In which case, all the bad stuff--all the parts of Gerry Keay that would ever have to suffer from bad luck, to feel pain and fear and misery...
...well. They'd have had to go... somewhere else, wouldn't they.
Which would suggest I had the causality the wrong way around the first time I heard Gerry's appearance in Protocol: maybe it's not "Gerry has a happy life in this world because he didn't have to suffer everything that the Gerry Keay of Archives did."
Maybe it's "Gerry in Archives had to suffer everything he did because Gerry in Protocol was made to always be happy."
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aberooski · 2 years
Well, I have a headache so the rest of my day is basically shot which sucks. Maybe I need to actually start drinking more water or something because I'm really fucking tired of getting headaches practically every fucking day.
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14dayswithyou · 8 months
💖 Slight 14DWY + Blog Changes! 💖
Leon will now move away from Corland Bay when he’s 10 years old. Originally, I never really put that much thought into it because it won't be explicitly mentioned in the game, but I figured I might as well make it more accurate now ^^;
Teo is now 26 (instead of 27). Again, zero thought went into this aside from wanting a wider range of ages for the cast — but now I want him to be closer to Jae and Violet’s age — especially considering they were all childhood friends and Violet was in the grade below them.
Elanor is now 30 and Kiara is 29. In the 2017 version, Elanor was originally the eldest sister, but it just didn't feel right to change it in the 2020 version. Day 3 will still be lore accurate, but everything on this blog will need to be retconned.
14DWY Purple (unofficial) will now be changing from #A14BF4 to #9D64FD.
Not a change, but adding more clarification: Angel will still attend university (and Jae and Teo will still be their university friend), but whether or not they enrolled will remain ambiguous! Day 1/2 kinda insinuates that they studied something ("Teo attended some of their classes"), but I wanted it to imply that they could've attended orientation and/or took "mock classes" after high school to see what it's like as well. I may change a few lines in the demo (in the future) to reflect that.
I'd like to (hopefully) try to remind everyone that whenever I write about Angel on this blog, they are gender neutral. Because if my ass had a dollar for every time someone assumed they were female because of the cutesy/pink themes or how "soft" I made the MC, I'd have enough money to fund voice actors, translators, custom soundtrack, and pay the $100 Steam fee /hj
Changed the crackpot theory tag into an actual tag!! About time sdghjdg
Also not a change, but to solidify Haruko's appearance + Ren's likeness a bit more... Haruko is supposed to be an anime character with pink/blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He's a modern day "sorcerer" (a reference to JJK, not a literal fantasy wizard lmao) from an anime called "Attack on Giants" (another reference to "Attack on Titan"); and is very kind, ditzy, and empathetic. All Ren has copied is his hairstyle, vibe, and demeanour. Ren isn't outright cosplaying Haruko, and it'd take an avid anime enjoyer to notice that Ren is attempting to mimic Haruko.
I'll make a poll one day, but I might change Ren's left sleeve tattoo to the spoiler-free placeholder I used in this artwork. A lot of people seem to prefer it, but I'll wait until the poll to make any final decisions.
I might also make another poll to see if perhaps a new BGM theme would better suit the demo. Because in my mind, the "summer/beach location" = acoustic guitar (rather than piano) — and for some reason I get lo-fi vibes from 14DWY??
I don't think anyone has picked up on this subtle shift yet, but Ren will mainly use "he/him" over "he/they" now (since Haruko is a he/him enjoyer 👍). [REDACTED], however, will still greatly prefer "they/he", and will continue to use them interchangeably.
21/02/24 — or search through Obsidian. (Future Sai here.... I have no clue what this means???? What??? T_T)
I'm gonna cut down on the Teo and Ren bullying on this blog (and in general). I don't find it fun anymore, and it genuinely upsets me when people put down certain characters to make others look better (i.e. "Ren has no ass which makes Leon superior >:)" Just say you like Leon... I beg T_T). It also makes me doubt whether Ren is genuinely a good character or not, and it's gross seeing y'all tear down people who genuinely enjoy Teo. Be kind.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this meme into an event in the 14DWY Discord to help create an actual landlord for Day 3. The current landlord has always been a meme-y placeholder (I thought the idea would be funny), but looking at how the game is currently, I want 14DWY to be more "serious". The current landlord will eventually be turned into an easter egg!!
Whether or not Jae had bottom surgery will now remain ambiguous. Everyone is now free to headcanon whatever they'd like, so long as it's not offensive or too OOC.
From now on, I'll also try my best to remind everyone that Jae is gay and Kiara is lesbian. I tried not to bring it up frequently because I was afraid it'd come across like "being gay" was their only defining personality trait, but I'm tired of people sending in asks that don't apply to these characters ^^;
I might move all of the curiouscat questions to this blog and archive the account. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me to manage 3+ social media accounts sgkshjj
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Well, it’s actually been 30 years now, but here’s a spew I did 5 years ago on the bird app to commemorate my 25 years as a TV writer. 
I’ve edited it a bit for clarity. Hopefully some of you will find it useful.
1. In TV writing (and writing in general) there is only one unbreakable rule: Thou shalt not be boring.
2. Write characters people want to hang out with for an hour or so once a week for years to come. Even if they're bad people, make them interesting, engaging bad people.
3. If your lead is a bad person, make them funny and/or sexy. Direct most of their bad behavior toward other bad people or themselves. Make them well motivated. Maintain rooting interest.
4. What makes a character special should be intertwined with what makes them struggle. Perfect people are boring.
5. Characters should complement/conflict with each other. No two characters should serve the same purpose/have the same backstory/have the same voice.
6. Cast the best actor, adjust the character to suit.
7. Give your leads the best lines/moments. No one is tuning in to watch the funny guest star. Like Garry Marshall said back on HAPPY DAYS, “I’m paying Henry Winkler $25,000 an episode. Give the Fonz the jokes.”
8. Your characters, good & bad, should reflect the reality of our wonderful, diverse world. White male shouldn’t be the default.
9. Avoid stereotypes. Stereotypes are boring.
10. If all your POV characters know some secret, the audience should know it too.
11. If your show hinges on a big mystery, know more or less what the truth is from the beginning. You can change it later if you need to, but write to a specific.
12. If your story doesn’t test your characters mentally, physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually, you don’t have a story.
13. You can start by figuring out the Beginning, the Middle, or the End, but you don’t have an episode until you have all three.
14. Big suspenseful act outs (the last moments before the commercials) aren’t just a gimmick. They’re a good way to structure an hour of entertainment to make sure the audience is invested and your pacing is solid.
15. Every scene should be a consequence of the previous scene or a refutation of it.
16. A scene also needs a Beginning, Middle, and End. The end should propel the characters and/or audience into the next scene.
17. Every scene is a negotiation/confrontation between two or more characters who want different things or have different ideas on how to solve the same problem.
18. A good action scene is still a character scene. With punching. (This applies to sex scenes too, but you know, with sex.)
19. A crap page is better than a blank one.
20. It’s easier to cut than to add.
21. Good things rarely happen in the Writers Room after dinner. Go home, get some rest, write pages at home if you have to, start fresh in the morning.  Writers who have a life outside the writing room are better writers. Beware the showrunner who doesn't want to go home to their family. That said…
22. Script by day one of Pre-Production. No matter what.
23. You’re a writer first. Almost nothing happening on set or in post is more important than the writing. Delegate when possible.
24. Make an extra effort to surround yourself with writers who are different from you (background, race, gender, orientation, etc). Listen to their perspectives, especially on experiences alien to you.
25. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. In TV writing and life in general. 
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sluttilythings · 5 months
Cheaters and conservatives/republicans DNI
Fetlife: geo_sunflower
Snapchat: ask in dm
Dms are as open as my legs 😘 I post regularly so please follow 🙏
Hi there welcome to my bdsm side blog! I'm just a slutty bi girl looking to explore her fantasies and show off her body. USA midwest based, 23 years old, 5"7' 180 lbs, 38D
Hopefully that helps you imagine me a bit better 😜
My kinks are: CNC, degradation, humiliation, s/m, D/s, behavior modification, dumbification, misogyny roleplay, denial, and cuqueen
My limits are: kink shaming of any kind!!!, bigotry, bodily fluids besides cum, biting, real breath play/choking, atm, receiving oral sex, and that's about it as far as Tumblr goes
I have a primary partner but am poly 💕
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 months
Currently Watching - August
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 29.08.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
gif-requests are currently closed🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in August with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 4 Minutes 🇹🇭 (4/8)
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Okay. I catched up. I wasn't in the mood for this series, but now I am a little bit hooked. We have a really cute couple here with a really nice love-making-scene. We have a totally messed up relationship of three people, two love each other, two hurt the other one and two are horny for one with very graphic scenes. And yes, I saw it too. Oh, the story itself? Confusing, yet interesting.
2. Cityboy_Log 4.2 🇰🇷 (17/23)
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This week was... okayish. They were mostly bonding at a group and doing stuff together. Nothing really happend. They played games, the trouple was cute and JJ tried to act, but really, those moments were more cringe than anything else...
3. First Note of Love 🇹🇼 (4/12)
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The looks they gave each other! The constant bickering! The compliments! The necklace as a gift! I see you! I like them. They get more comfortable together and are now forming a band. Hopefully Sea can help Neil getting back on stage without fainting or having a panic attack. I am curious how this whole series will move on, but I am intrigued. But what is that age gap?
4. Hidamari ga Kikoeru 🇯🇵 (10/12)
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🥲 I'm fine... the only thing that helped me in the end was the preview for next week. How could he listen to Maya? How? I know why, but still... why? And now Taichi thinks he was just a replacable someone who doesn't mean anything to Kohei 😭 I really don't like it here! And I hope Maya chokes on her words! I don't care that she's going to cry next episode. Right now I still don't like her. Boys! Get your shit together and talk to each other! Please!
5. I Saw You In My Dream 🇹🇭 (7/12)
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THIS WHOLE SCENE WAS SO DAMN CUTE!!!!! I like them! And Yu finally collecting his courage to tell Ai, he likes him. I need Ai to tell him he likes him too! But the preview for next week! I can't wait! The best start in my vacation! Do I feel bad for Wann? No, not really. He saw the signs, he got the vibe between Yu and Ai, but he still tried. I guess he is a good guy, but he is not Yu.
6. Seoul Blues 🇰🇷 (3/8)
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Well... Our bad boy got together with their mutual friend. Little Mr. Angsty likes our bad boy, but is to afraid what might change, so he didn't take his change when bad boy confessed to him. And of course he now is unsure about bad boy's feelings. And our lady in denial knows that her bad boy doesn't like he like that and I guess she can feel those two are very much into each other, but she still wanna try it and give it a shot. Well... good luck. And while she is thinking about her bad boy thinking about someone else while kissing her, her bad boy is now kissing little Mr. Angsty. I don't know how this friendship can be fixed. There is so much wrong with their entire realtion-/friendship... and I love it!
7. Takara no Vidro 🇯🇵 (9/11)
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I started with mixed feelings about this series and I ended up totally loving it! I enjoy this series very much! They talk with each other and they understand each other. They have such a good relationship at this point and I love how Takara is opening up and questioning his plans for the future. Life is unpredictable, love is unpredictable and there can be people who change your plans for the better or worst, but that is something for other shows.
8. The On1y One 🇹🇼 (4/12)
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Best chemistry! I love them! I love pounting Wang and this absolutely smitten boy Tian so much! Tian was everything this episode. He couldn't stop looking at Wang and couldn't stop smiling. He is already in love. And Wang uses Tian for learning, but he is slowly falling. And I hope it will be this: he fell first, but he fell harder! Good series!
9. The Trainee 🇹🇭 (8/12)
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This was one of the cutest episodes ever and at the same time one of the saddest with the most wholesome break-up ever. Ba-Mhee did something wrong, she apologised and Tae realised that he is part of the problem. I am cusious how they work around this whole story. But Jane and Ryan. Oh the cuteness! I loved every scene with them. And I loved that Jane was jealous and Ryan reassured him. I am a little bit anxious about next week. Guess this was my favorite episode so far!
10. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu. I haven't felt like watching this lately. I wasn't in the right mood.
Finished in August
His Man Season 3 🇰🇷
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What was that? I enjoyed the first two seasons so much! And this one felt very manipulated by the production. The secret missions were just there to cause drama and misunderstandings. And othe rparts really felt just boring. I was not really invested in the couples this time. I wish we would have seen more of their friendships. Perhaps that was because the fight between JY and MK was so centred. In the end I am happy MS and MK made it and became a couple. And it is nice that SM and JS got together too. But who thought it was a good idea to keep that "break-up" between YJ and HM in the show? That was just awful to watch! I never saw them vibing together, but a short notice that they decided to stay friends would have been enough. I don't have to see that Hanmin gave the ring back, they made together. I get where he is coming from, but I wish they could have talked about this in private! There were some bad coices of the production which was not favourable for the show! If there is a season 4 I hope it stays away from artificial drama! Just a 7 out of 10 for me.
Century of Love 🇹🇭
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We got a happy ending. Hm. Great. I don't know. I guess I wouldn't have mind if San had died. It was a little bit too constructed with the little piece of that stone in the end and the change of heart from the fake Vad... So I am a little bit dissappointed with the ending. Yes, I cried, because I have feelings, but at some points I had to skip parts because there were just too many emotions that clashed in my face. But I am happy for San and Vee. Overall a good 8 out of 10.
Bad Guy 🇰🇷
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Honestly? I like cheating stories when my couple wins. In conclusion, I liked this short series. I am curious if we get a second part like with Blue Boys. I would be happy if we could just end it here. The two sad boys finally got their happy ending and can now be enough for each other. I like that. Wish we could see a little bit of their everyday life or how this decision impacts their lifes. I liked it. I give it a 8 out of 10.
Cosmic Playlover 🇯🇵
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I enjoyed the show. It felt a little bit rushed, but over all, I enjoyed the plot and the love story. Two men working in the beauty industry and both go their own way and just loving what they do. That was also really good to see! I especially enjoyed the dynamic between these two. And they talked! Sure there was drama, but in the end they talkes to each other and listened to each other and could solve their problems. Such a nice little show. I give it good 8,5 out of 10.
Short Film
Dropped in August
My Love Mix-Up! 🇹🇭
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I guess I've dropped this one. I don't know why exactly. I think it was a cute story and I liked watching it, but right now I don't have the energy to keep going. I will come back to this one when it is finished and when I am in the mood for some fluff.
Looking forward to in August
The Last Time - Trailer (Aug 16th)
The Loyal Pin - Trailer (Aug 4th)
Sugar Dog Life - Trailer (Aug 4th)
Summer Night - Trailer (Aug 5th)
Cosmetic Playlover (Aug 6th)
Monster Next Door - Trailer (Aug 8th)
First Note Of Love - Trailer (Aug 12th)
Addicted Heroin - Trailer (Aug 13th)
Love Beneathe The Stars - Trailer (Aug 16th)
The Paradise Of Thornes - Trailer (Aug 22nd - Thai Cinemas)
The On1y One (Aug 22nd)
Affair - Trailer (Aug 30th)
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.1 K Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence. (Reader discretion is advised). Prompt: Turns out werewolf scratches make you more than just hungry for food. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 23: Hungry Eyes
November 24th, 1976 
“You want more sausages?” James asked as he grabbed another one from the plate. You nodded in response. 
“That’s like the 5th one,” Peter said surprised, not because of the sausages exclusively, you had devoured your breakfast, a huge plate of bacon and eggs, a slice of Sheppard’s pie, and a couple of pieces of meat. James thought that was a little odd, since you always went for sweet stuff, rather than salty things, especially on breakfast, but since he had accidentally hurt you earlier, he was ready to give you just about any food you asked for. 
You nodded “Yeah I know,” you said as you took another bite of your bacon. “I don’t get it either, It’s like I’m starving, I could eat a hippogriff.” 
“Could it be because of the scratch?” Sirius said as he put his tea cup down. 
“The scratch?” James asked. 
“Yeah, Moony’s scratch.” 
“But you’ve gotten scratched by Moony and I’ve never seen you like this,” he said pointing at you. 
“Oi, watch your mouth Potter!” you said as you side eyed the boy.
Sirius shook his head “Padfoot has gotten scratches, not me,” he clarified “And I’ve definitely felt the hunger, in more than one way.” 
Your head snapped towards the boy, your eyes going up and down his face, trying to describe his expression “Does that mean– does that mean I’m this hungry because… lycanthropy?” 
Peter shrugged “It’s possible… Do you by any chance feel the urge to bite one of us?” 
You looked at the boy with a bit of a confused expression, the image of you biting Sirius’ neck on the Restricted Section floating in your head before you could control it, you swallowed. “No,” you managed to respond. 
“Then we’re good,” the boy said with a smile “Should go away in a couple of days.” 
You cleared your throat, “Yeah, hopefully,” you added and took a bite of your sausage. “Do you think Remus’s really hungry all the time too?” 
“Not always,” said James thoughtfully “but when he gets snappy close to the moon, food makes him feel better.”
“And after?” 
“He likes chocolate,” Sirius responded. 
“Yeah… I kinda figured that one out earlier on,” you said with a little smile “I meant, do you think he wants… meat too?” 
James shrugged, “Maybe, I’ve never asked.” 
“But surely you would’ve noticed.”
“It’s James you’re talking about, luv. He wouldn’t have noticed,” Sirius said. 
“You’re being overly aggressive towards me today,” James huffed, your boyfriend shrugged in response. 
“We should take him some meat,” you said, snapping both boys from their bickering “If he’s half as hungry as I am, he needs some meat.” 
“We’ve got charms next, though.” 
“I can go and come before charms,” you said confidently, “and I want to go to the bathroom too so…” 
“You sure, want us to come with?” James asked. 
“Nah, nah… you boys keep eating and save a good seat for me.” 
“Yes, boss!” Peter joked. 
You rolled your eyes but smiled, leaning in to pick your backpack up, but Sirius stopped you, grabbing it himself. You tried to pull it again but he didn’t budge “What’s with you?” 
“I’ll take it, you don’t need any strains on your shoulders at the moment.” 
You gave him an incredulous look “Sirius I can carry my own bag, even with the thing.” 
“I’m not saying you can't, sweetheart. I’m saying you don’t have to,” he said softly, “Go on and do your thing, I’ll bring your bag to the class.” 
“You sure about that?” you asked again. 
“Ugh, just let him do the boyfriend thing,” James said as he pushed you lightly, this time being careful not to graze your arm “Don’t you see he’s trying?” 
You looked at Sirius surprised “Is that what...” You saw a tinge of red spread across his cheeks, and you raised your eyebrows, “Awww Puppy that’s so sweet of you.” 
Sirius looked to the side for a second, almost letting the embarrassment get to him but then he turned back at you with a little smirk “Don’t I get a kiss for it?” 
You smiled, looking at him as you bit your lip in amusement and narrowed your eyes at the boy, but complied, leaning in to give him a small peck on the forehead, before turning around to pick up the plate with food you had prepared for Remus. 
“That’s not the kind of kiss I was expecting little Vixen,” Sirius teased. 
“Guess it sucks for you, doesn’t it Puppy?” You teased back with a little wink, while James burst out into a laugh. “Save my seat, all right?” you said just before walking towards the doors. 
You went straight to the infirmary, sneaking in without making much noise, but Madam Pomfrey spotted you as you were walking in, “Hi sweetheart,” she said with a smile “You’ve come for Remus again?” 
“I have class, but I thought he might be feeling a little hungry so I brought this over,” you said raising the plate just a little “It’s not against doctor’s orders, is it?” 
“Not at all, darling,” she responded. “I was just about to call for a house elf to get his breakfast, it’s very kind of you to bring it.” 
You handed the plate to the Mediwitch and then looked towards the section at the end, the curtains were still wrapped around the bed Remus was in, “May I see him?” 
She shook her head, the same frown as earlier “I’m afraid he’s still asleep sweetheart, why don’t you come back later?” 
You sighed “Is he really? Well, I guess I’ll get to class then,” you said as you turned your heel, but turned straight back “Oh, please give this to him too,” you said taking out a bar of chocolate from your robe’s pocket “He really likes this one.” 
The witch nodded, “Will do darling.” 
You waved your goodbyes and left the room, as you did the Mediwitch approached Remus’ section and opened the curtains, looking at the boy expectantly “You should stop avoiding the poor girl,” she told him sternly as she placed the chocolate bar on his side table “She’s clearly worried for you.” 
Remus didn’t answer, he just cleared his throat a little. 
“Don’t act like a child Remus, you always seem to be better off when she’s around, you even sleep better,” she continued, “at least Mr. Black came to visit you last night, and you didn’t avoid him.” 
“If she comes back, tell her I’m still asleep, okay?” he said, still avoiding her gaze.
“She’s not stupid, she will know something’s up.” 
Finally, Remus turned to the woman, a distressed expression on his features “Please,” he pleaded. 
The woman shook her head disapprovingly and pointed towards the food “She brought you food and your favourite chocolate. You should at least write her a thank you note.”
Remus looked to the side, staring at the bar of chocolate the woman had left. It really was his favourite kind of chocolate, and it made his stomach churn. He didn’t deserve you as a friend, not only because of the way he desired you beyond belief –even if you were with Sirius, who he also liked– but because he could’ve killed you a couple of nights ago. Your friendship had to end before the damage was irreparable. 
Remus was being completely irrational, but he didn’t care much for rationality at this point. He turned on his bed, back to the nightstand and sighed, shutting his eyes as he felt some strain on his ribs from the sharp movement. He was holding back angry tears, angry for not being a normal bIoody person with normal bIoody problems. Angry for being a monster that made their friends go through dangerous situations. Angry because he knew that Moony’s intentions had never been to kill you, no, Moony wanted to bite you.
You were back at the girl’s bathroom, you had taken your robe, uniform sweater and shirt off, and you were staring at your bandaged arm in the mirror when Myrtle’s face popped right over your reflection, which startled you a little, “Told you it was a dangerous night,” she said proudly. 
You scoffed “If you knew the Slytherins were out you could’ve warned me,” you said angrily.
“I told you, you weren’t the only one roaming the castle,” she said with a shrug as she sat down on the sink. 
You shook your head, “being a bit more specific wouldn’t have hurt,” you said as you raised your bandage to check on the wound. It looked a little better than the previous night.
She shrugged again “Would I have actually deterred you from going?” 
You looked to the side as you fastened the edge of the bandage again “Probably not,” you admitted. 
“Yeah, I figured,” she said simply “Did you find the thing you went looking for, before getting attacked? Or… are you going back to the forest next full moon?” 
“I did get it,” you said, now a little proud, putting your shirt back on.
“Well, mission accomplished, and you didn’t lose any limbs so…” 
You half laughed at their stupid joke, “pleasure talking to you Myrtle,” you said as you finished putting on your sweater and tie, taking your robe in between your hands, and walking out. 
“Come back soon,” the ghost replied. “I might have some gossip for you then.” 
You turned back to look at her, narrowing your eyes as she simply floated slightly over the floor, with a tight-lipped smile, a hand behind her back and the other one waving goodbye at you. You knew what she wanted, she wanted you to stay and get the gossip out of her, “I’ve got to get to class,” you told her. 
She shrugged, “I said later,” she smiled, still waving goodbye. 
You shook your head diverted but continued on your way out, as you walked to Charms, you put your robe back on and then felt your stomach churn again “What the bIoody fuck?,” you whispered as you looked down “How can I be hungry again?” 
You ignored the churning and walked straight to Charms. Sirius was at one of the double tables, and he had placed your backpack on the seat beside him, he smiled when he spotted you and moved your bag to the floor, you sat down beside him “How’s he?” he asked. 
You shook your head “Still asleep,” you replied, “Pomfrey didn’t let me see him either.” 
Sirius frowned, Remus had rarely slept so much, not even after the moon. And he had seen the boy earlier, he didn’t look so bad he’d have to sleep, maybe Pomfrey had given him some other kinds of potions along with the Skellegro. 
You looked at Sirius’ thoughtful expression and pressed your thumb over his eyebrows “What is it Puppy?” 
That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, “Nothing, how’s the arm?” 
You tilted your head a little, still admiring your boyfriend before responding “A lot better actually,” you said honestly “I actually went to check, it’s healing now.” 
Sirius let out a relieved breath, “that’s great,” he smiled and pulled his hand up to grab yours, intertwining his fingers with your own and leaning his head a little into your palm. “You’re cold.” 
“Washed my hands earlier,” you said simply. Sirius was about to say something when Flitwick entered the classroom with a bag in his hand and a set of books trailing behind him, once he left the bag on the floor he flicked his wand and the books floated towards all the students, one for each table, which meant you’d be sharing with Sirius.  When the book was right in front of the two, Sirius separated your intertwined hands and used them to pull your chair closer to his. 
You shook your head at his antics but smiled either way. The class went on smoothly, you had to practise a couple of new spells on the book, but it was all too easy for the two of you, which is why you had spent most of the class just stealing glances at the other. You imagined if you had been the one watching the two of you, you would’ve probably averted your gaze. It’s not that you were openly showing the PDA, but it was evident in your giggles and whispering about. On the way, Sirius held your hand and brushed his shoulder against your good one. Maybe you really were Love Puppies.
“Are you still hungry?” he asked as the class finished. 
You nodded in response, still feeling your stomach churn, “Wanna get some food before transfiguration?”
“McGonall will be mad if we get there late.”
Sirius shrugged, so carelessly that it made you smile “She secretly loves us.” 
You scoffed “I highly doubt that, you’re always messing around and I’m shit at transfiguration.” 
“You’re not that bad, you turn into Vixen gracefully.” You shook your head again, a smile playing on your lips. “So… food?” 
You took a deep breath and nodded “Yeah, food.” 
Sirius and you took a detour to the kitchens, Nimbletwist wasn’t there at the time, but another elf was more than happy to help the two of you with some treats. A small paper bag with mixed nuts, raisins and bits of chocolate and a couple of bite-sized sandwiches you could easily fit into your robe. You had already eaten around three of those by the time you got to Transfiguration. 
McGonagall eyed you compassionately as she noticed you were eating a piece of chocolate. You frowned, but quickly remembered Lily had told her you were on your period so you smiled instead, nodding a little with a thankful expression, she let you both enter the class, and you ended up sitting on the table next to the one Lily and Marlene shared. 
“Told you she loves us,” Sirius said with a little smirk.
“That’s definitely not it,” you said as you plopped a pecan into your mouth, it was a little salty, but it was definitely good enough to quench your unfaltering hunger. 
The class came and went, you managed to turn a teapot into a small squirrel once, after hundreds of tries. Sirius had already done it way too many times and he was attempting to help, but he wasn’t really good at teaching Transfigurations. 
“Come on, just wave your wand and say the words.” 
You turned to him exasperated as you shook your wand in the air “Sirius I’m waving my wand and saying the words, it doesn’t work!”
“Just do it calmly.” 
“I AM doing it calmly!” you said, and he threw you a look, which had you huff in return. 
“Black and company,” McGonagall said sternly “You either stop your bickering or I will switch your seats.” 
You swallowed thickly and nodded, Sirius on the other hand, placed his chin over his hand and stared at McGonagall with a teasing smile, giving her a wink before turning back at you, you almost smacked him for that, but he gave you his stupid charming Sirius Black grin and you barely managed to roll your eyes. You definitely were Love Puppies. 
When the class was over, Lily leaned over to you “Hey Luv, you mind coming with me to pick out some ingredients for potions?” 
Sirius gave the redhead a look, the kinda face that said “You shouldn’t make her walk more than necessary” and Evans retorted with a look and a gentle hand over your injured shoulder, clearly stating something like “I’m going to take her to fucking change her bandaged you idiot”. 
“Righ, you should go,” Sirius said then, pushing you lightly towards Lily while she pulled on your hand. You felt like you were being manhandled, but said nothing of it, and just followed the redhead along. 
“I’ll tag with you,” said Beth, as she stood up. 
“No!” Sirius stopped her “We actually need to talk about the lack of birthday party I had.” 
“After the Halloween Party fiasco there was no way in hell we made yours Sirius,” she said. 
“I’m aware,” he smiled wickedly “but that doesn’t mean we can’t do one now, if you know what I mean.” 
Beth smiled wickedly and Lily pulled you towards the door while Sirius distracted her. In a matter of minutes the two of you were back at the common room and walking up towards your empty room, “How are you feeling?” 
“Wicked!” you replied with a smile “It’s not every day you get first class healthcare.” 
Lily rolled her eyes but started unwrapping the bandage, gently cleaning the wound before starting to reapply the paste. “It does look better,” she said as she continued with her task. 
You nodded “Feels a lot better too.”
Her hands were light, and her movements were quick, and calculated as if she knew exactly what step she was going to go next, you were looking at the way she did almost completely in trance, if you were good at flying, Lily was brilliant at caring for injuries, it almost surprised you it was Mary and not her who wanted to become a Mediwitch. 
“Have you taken your medicine?” She asked, stealing you away from your thoughts, you nodded, showing her all the small vials you had placed in the pocket of your robe, “Good.” 
“We need to actually pick some ingredients up,” you said as you started to put your shirt back on. 
Lily nodded and went to her trunk, taking out a few potions from it “Already thought of it,” she said with a smile. 
You smiled back, grabbed a couple of them between your hands and started walking towards the dungeons. You arrived sooner than later and the two of you went straight into the classroom. She took a seat beside James and you turned to your lonely table. You started gathering the ingredients for the potion you would be working on when Professor Slugnorn approached your table “Oh dear, Mr. Lupin is still recovering, isn’t he?”
You nodded “Indeed, but I’m sure I can mana–“ 
“–No, not with this potion, I’m afraid not. But it’s your lucky day, as it seems someone else has also lost their partner today. Mr. Rosier, would you mind moving your things over here?” he said, turning to the boy. 
You instantly stiffened, Sirius stood from the stool he was lousily sitting on and James stood straighter, Lily looked at you with her breath hitched and even Peter stared at Evan intently. “I’m sure I can manage sir–” 
“Nonsense, Evan will make a fine partner for today’s class,” he said, shutting you down instantly. 
You swallowed and followed the blonde boy with your gaze as he sat down on the stool beside you gracefully, looking like a completely civil person who didn’t hate your guts. Like he hadn’t dug his fingers so harshly in your skin less than 72 hours ago that he left bruises behind. 
You were still tense, jaw clenching as you continued measuring ingredients, “You look delightful sweetheart,” you cringed, still not turning your eyes to him. The way he said it –mockingly, disdainfully– sounded so different from the way Sirius said it, like it was an entirely different word. “Considering…” 
You held back a scoff, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, slowly turning to him, pretending to be completely unbothered, you could feel your friend’s eyes on you “Couldn’t say the same thing for you,” you responded, making sure to add a cold smile in the end “don’t tell me it still hurts where I accidentally elbowed you.” 
Evan scoffed, narrowing his eyes at you, not failing to notice the fact that you had added “accidentally” as if it really hadn’t been your intention. “It’s fine, thanks for your concern… How was your night then?” he asked viciously. 
“Invigorating,” you responded as you poured some ingredients inside your cauldron. “I was surprised you didn’t stay and enjoyed the show.” 
He gave you a spiteful look “As if you didn’t know why we left.” 
“What? Were you lot actually afraid of the ghosts?! I’m sure we could’ve had a very nice tea party with the undead, 3 am is their tea time, you know?” 
He frowned, you really didn’t know. “Your jinx,” he said “Something stung Mulciber and he passed out, that’s why he’s not here.” 
That actually sprung a genuinely satisfied smile “Aaaah… so that’s why you were paired up with me then, your henchmen’s bedridden,” you mocked. 
Evan’s fists tightened but he took a deep breath again, she’s bold, he thought. You had the sharpest tongue he’d ever seen, looking at him daringly as if you had no fear, just like that night. If you had been sorted into Slytherin, you might have made an excellent ally, perhaps even a friend. Regardless, he retorted  “As if you’re much better, I can clearly see your parted lip, and…” He leaned over “I wonder if you have any bruises under your robe.” 
An idea popped into your head, probably a stupid one, but you knew it would piss him off “Well, well Evan, and here I thought you were dating Barty, I’m certain he wouldn’t be pleased if he heard that you’re not only looking at my lips but also thinking of me naked.” 
He was taken aback by your daring answer, his nose flared, and his knuckles turned white, you stood straight, looking at his hand as you took a slow breath, he then moved closer to you, pretending to reach for an ingredient on the other side of the table, when he grabbed your arm –your hurt arm– harshly, as harshly as he had grabbed your neck. You ground your teeth against each other to hold back a cry. Even if the pain was excruciating, even if you wanted to jump back and hide in the cold rock again, you limited yourself to breathing slowly. You were not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing you were hurt, of knowing you had pretty much clung to Sirius for almost an entire day after because you were too terrified of how weak you had been. 
He leaned in, mouth close enough to your ear to whisper “If you tell a single sentient thing about that, you will wish we had killed you that night instead,” he spoke, words laced with venom. 
You blinked a couple of times, staring at his blond hair completely shocked for a second, managing to recover a second later, as he was pulling away, you had already shut your mouth but you were still staring at the boy, the pain in your arm long forgotten as gears inside your head turned, you had said as a joke but… Rosier really is dating Barty Crouch, your own voice resonated inside your head. 
He released his grip on your arm and brushed over your cloak to smooth it out, the pain was still there, you were sure he had drawn bIood, but you limited yourself to stare at him. Out of all the things you’d expected to be Evan’s weakness, you did not think it would be something you wouldn’t use against him. There was a line you wouldn’t cross, and outing him and Barty was way beyond the other side, no matter how awful they both were. 
That didn’t mean you wouldn’t use the opportunity to taunt him “Don’t worry Rosier, I wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, sarcastically, smiling wickedly before turning back to your potion. You saw Evan flinch out of the corner of your eye. Which made your smile widen, you rolled your shoulder and held back a wince as you used your good arm to continue working on the potion. 
Neither you nor Evan talked to each other after that, you silently passed the ingredients, measured and mixed everything in the cauldron together. When you were about to be done, Professor Slughorn approached you, a pleased look on his face “Would you look at that?” he said pointing at your hand as you poured the mixture into a vial “May I?” he asked, you handed him the vial and he took it in between his hands, bringing it close to his face to revise it “You both have done a splendid job, seems like you two work together seamlessly, perhaps you should consider switching partners, you make an excellent pair.” 
You saw Sirius tense from the corner of your eye, but you smiled instead “As wonderful as Evan here was to work with, I’m sure Crouch would miss his partner,” you saw Evan’s breath hitch “Or is it Mulciber? I always confuse their little group...” you added in the end, playing dumb. 
“It’s Mulciber darling,” Slughorn said “Are you certain?” 
“Positive,” you added then. “Either way, I’d rather work with Remus, that way all the points we earn will go to our house and not be shared between the two.” 
Slughorn smiled “I do love seeing a competitive spirit, well then, you may clean up and retire earlier.” 
“Thank you, Professor,” you told him with a charming smile. You stood up, gaining distance between you and the blond and started gathering all the pots and vials you had used to take them to the sink. Evan gathered the ingredients and started accommodating them in their places as well. As you walked towards the sink Sirius quickly caught up with you, taking like three things, one of which Severus was still using which caused him to stare daggers at the boy. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” he asked, brows furrowed in concern. Sighing with a small smile as you heard the nickname from his lips, making the difference you had noticed earlier so much more starker, that you really believed it was an entirely different word. 
You nodded, “He’s an asshole, but he’s not stupid,” you said as you dropped the things in the sink and waved your wand so they would start scrubbing themselves clean. Sirius dropped his as well, and walked closer, placing his hand on the small of your back protectively as you watched the vials and pots wash themselves, “he’s nothing more than empty threats.” Sirius threw you a look, threats hadn’t been empty when they threw you into the shrieking shack and left bruises all over your body. You swallowed, “He wouldn’t do anything with the head of his house around.” 
Sirius sighed, he wanted to tell you to stop trying to pick a fight with them, but he very well knew you weren’t, or rather, the fight had already started and you either played along and defended yourself or allowed them to lock you up in haunted houses and threaten you until they got bored. There was no way on earth you’d do the latter, he knew because he wouldn’t either “What did you talk about?” 
You smiled proudly at that “Turns out the one spell I managed to use against one of them, left him bedridden, and I’m like 80% sure Evan has a bruise just as bad as some of mine on his stomach where I elbowed him.” 
Sirius almost shook his head, smiling incredulously at the way you said that, the only reason you were standing still was because you had been slathered in potions and draughts, your arm was torn and you still found it hard to walk and yet, you were proud of the mild damage you had done to them “I knew you had put up a fight,” he cheered with a smile. 
You smiled back as you stared into his eyes and bit your lip “You and slime-head done?” 
“Almost. Why?” 
You pouted “Wanted to get outta here. Maybe we can go see how Remus is fairing up now and… I’m starving.” 
Sirius smiled “Then let’s go.”
“You’re ditching Severus?” 
He shrugged, “He’d be happier without me anyway.” 
You stared at him for a second and nodded, the two of you left the classroom together. Which not only made you happy Sirius was with you but also made you feel a lot more relaxed, since Evan wouldn’t dare to mess with the two of you at the same time by himself. That, you didn’t tell Sirius about. 
“Great hall and then Remus?” Sirius asked as you arrived at the moving stairs.
“Or kitchen, Remus and then great hall?” You suggested. 
“You wanna bring more food to him, don’t you?” 
“If being so hungry really is from the scratch, he must be a LOT more hungry than I am,” you said logically. 
“It’s your call,” he said as he started walking down the stairs that led you to the kitchens “How’s the arm?” 
“It’s good,” you said, you’d taken another dose of the painkiller potion so you could finish your brew after Evan crushed your arm, and because you were on a double dose, you didn’t even feel a thing at that point, you’d probably be told off by Sirius if he were to find out, so you decided to leave that information out “super.”  
Sirius squinted his eyes at you but nodded in the end. Perhaps I should check on it later, you thought as you gave your arm a quick look, but you were quickly distracted by the smell of food coming from the kitchens. This time around Nimbletwist was there, and upon hearing you say you’d been craving meat, she prepared a meat pie, Porchetta, hock & pork pies and even Venison pie.
“Thank you,” you told her with a smile. 
“So ye’ become stronger, Master,” she said with a smile. 
Sirius and you walked out of the kitchen and you were already munching on one of the pies as you walked towards the infirmary. You were the one to enter first, pushing the door with your hurt hand since you still didn’t feel a thing. Sirius was about to say something but Madam Pomfrey was staring at you from the other side already.
“Oh! Hey sweetheart, you’ve come back!” She said, almost emphasising the last couple of words. Which you thought was a little weird, but decided to ignore it. “And you’ve brought Mr. Black along, Remus’ two favourite people.” 
You smiled “Oh, don’t tell James or he’ll be jealous,” you joked, and Madam Pomfrey smiled a little wider.
“Mr. Potter better worry about taking care of himself on the pitch instead of who’s Mr. Lupin’s favourite.” 
“I’ve never really seen him in the infirmary…” you said both Sirius and Madam Ponfrey laughed. 
“Their lot has been over so often I’d say their house is the infirmary room instead of the Gryffindor Tower.” 
“Pomfrey, don’t say such things in front of my girlfriend,” Sirius chastised, the woman didn’t seem to mind Sirius’ informal manner, but she was a little surprised by what he said, not that she let it on. So that’s it, that’s why Remus doesn’t want to see the new girl, she thought. And she wasn’t completely wrong on that one either, she was very perceptive, but at least not enough to be able to tell you were hurt, and that the thing that hurt you had been Remus.
“He’s gotta be awake now, right?” The woman sighed and shook her head in response. You frowned, starting to worry, perhaps you really had hurt him a lot more than–
“–Why don’t you go see him? He’s asleep but you could leave the things you brought on his side table.” 
“May we?” you asked hopeful. 
The woman nodded, at least that way Remus would realise his friends were deeply worried for him. 
“Thanks, Poppy!” Sirius said as he walked behind you and towards Remus’ bed. The woman just shook her head at his antics as she saw the two of you walk towards the boy and sighed. 
“Hey Moons!” he said a little too loud and casually which earned him a smack from your part, from your hurt arm at that. He turned to you with a shocked expression. 
“He’s asleep, let him rest.” 
“He’s been sleeping all day!” Sirius argued, voice still a little too loud, “I’d say it’s about time to wake up! He was asking about you all night last night, might as well see you’re fine with his own bIoody eyes.” 
“Sirius!” you said sternly, which somehow got him to shut up “If he’s asleep it’s because he’s tired, and if he’s tired it’s because I jinxed him and then had the whomping willow hitting him on the side,” you whisper shouted, pointing at his bandaged stomach “let. him. sleep.” 
Sirius sighed but didn’t continue to argue. “You should just wake him,” he whispered, “‘m sure he’d love to see you.” 
“For some reason, I’m starting to doubt that,” you responded as you stared at the boy, and leaned in to leave the plate with food on the side table, staring at the untouched chocolate bar and taking one from your pockets to leave it on top. Two chocolates are always better than one chocolate.
“You think he’s really alright?” you asked as you turned to Sirius, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Still more worried about him than herself, Sirius thought as he brought you into a careful hug “He’ll be fine, I promise,” he said as he rested his chin on your head. “Still hungry?” 
You nodded, “Very.” 
“Let’s go to our next stop then,” Sirius said, taking your hand in his and dragging you towards the door. You gave Remus’ laying figure one last look and finally turned to the door and walked alongside the longer-haired boy. 
As the two of you walked towards the Great hall, you started staring at your boyfriend, he hadn’t worn his tie that day, and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, you barely got a peak of his neck, most of the shirt was kept closed with his school vest and robe, but for some reason you couldn’t stop staring. In fact, you even felt your mouth dry as you kept looking. Yeah, you were still hungry, just a different kind of hungry. 
“We should take a shortcut,” you said suddenly. 
Sirius raised one of his eyebrows, “You that hungry?” 
“Oh… I’m starving,” you replied, an air of mischievousness in your tone that Sirius took for a side effect of hunger rather than for what it really was. You pulled him towards a corner and then through a portrait, Sirius looked at you with raised eyebrows, you had memorised most of the map Remus had given you by now, and while you were not familiar with every single one of the secret passages in the castle, you were familiar with this one. You went up a couple of stairs and then turned, softly pulling Sirius against you, using your bad arm, which he was about to point out, but you crashed your mouth against his own, holding him towards you as he almost stumbled back. 
Sirius was a little shocked at first, but he’d never pass up a chance to kiss you, let alone hold you, so he carefully placed his hand around your waist and brought you a little closer, deepening the kiss, which had you smile, lips curling against his for a second before continuing the kiss. You started peppering kisses all over his face, a small trail towards his neck, allowing your teeth to graze against his neck as you kissed. His neck was so soft, especially compared to the rest of him, his muscly arms, strong torso and grip, which he seemed to be holding back in that instance. But not his neck, it was soft and tender and it smelled like him. 
When you wanted to bite, you managed to hold yourself back and trailed kisses back to his mouth instead “Hey luv,” he said before your lips crashed against each other “Are you sure you… I mean doesn’t your arm–“ 
You didn’t let him finish, pressing your mouth against his again, like you were starving, and you really were. Starving and hot, so hot it felt like June instead of November, so you took the one button of your robe off and slid it off your shoulders, letting it pool on the floor as you brought your hands to the back of Sirius’ neck and dragged his face closer to yours. 
Sirius wasn’t sure you’d ever kissed him like that, heck, he wasn’t sure he’d ever kissed anyone like that. Except maybe for Moony, that one-time last year they were so drunk and got dared by Marlene, who promised to buy them treats if they did. That should’ve been enough to make him notice what was actually going on, but Sirius was too focused on the way your hands were pulling on his hair, and the way your hands were angling his head whichever way you pleased. It sent a rush down his spine, Sirius was already so infatuated with you that any kiss would make him swoon, but this kiss was something else. He was the one to take the lead most of the time with you; and with every other girl he’d been with, at least. But this was different, and for some strange reason, he liked it. 
“Aren’t you hot?” you asked in between kisses, as you fumbled with your sweater. 
That made the boy frown. He thought it was rather chilly, actually. At least a tad colder than in the castle, since the passageways didn’t have the same heating spells as the more public sections. But then you pressed yourself against him, and the faintest little moan escaped your lips, which was enough to tip him over the edge. He grabbed you by the waist and pushed you into the cold wall of the staircase, walking up to the same step you were on, to tower over you,  now being he who pressed kisses down your neck, he wanted you to make that sound again. 
As he continued peppering wet kisses down your neck, he realised there was still the faintest shadow of stupid Evan’s grip on your neck and it both pissed him off and gave him an idea, he placed his lips right on top and started sucking as he kissed, grazing your skin with his teeth, his grip on your waist tightening a little as he did, eyes closed shot as he enjoyed how close he was to you.
“Ah… Sirius,” you breathed. 
He stopped sucking, kissing the spot softly before asking, hot breath against your skin “You don’t like it?”
Your eyes were blown as you panted “No… I meant– I–it was a… I definitely liked it,” you managed to say before pushing him back down. Sirius’ idea was simple, when you looked at your neck again, you wouldn’t think of Evan’s vicious fingers, instead, you would think of him, and this staircase, and how good he planned to make you feel. 
As he continued with his task, you started to fumble with your sweater again, loosening your tie and unbuttoning a few of your own shirt’s buttons, but your sweater was in the way so you started unbuttoning that as well. Sirius realised and helped, gently pulling it from the sides of your arms, trying not to brush too much against your hurt arm, but that’s when he realised– the entire area was wet and sticky. 
He quickly separated his lips from your neck and pulled back, you whined, and he would have responded with something cocky had it not been because he saw your arm first, your once white shirt had a dark red mark near your shoulder, a stark contrast with your lust filled face, you didn’t look like you had an ounce of pain, which was even more worrying to him. 
“Darling your arm!” He choked out.
“What’s with it?” you asked, still focused on him, lips slightly parted, breath still heavy.
“It’s bleeding,” Sirius informed, worry evident in his voice, you blinked at his words, still a little distracted by him.
Finally, you turned to look at your arm “Oh.” 
“Oh?! What do you mean “Oh”, didn’t you feel it?!” 
You averted your gaze, as you gulped, “I might have taken another dose of painkillers,” you mumbled as you looked towards the wound, it was right where Evan had dug his hand earlier, no wonder it had hurt you so much. 
“What?” Sirius asked, leaning closer to you again since he hadn’t heard. 
“I took another dose of the painkiller potion,” you repeated, louder this time. “Let’s just say it hurt a little too much and I didn’t want Evan to realise I was in pain.” 
He sighed, he definitely understood why you’d done it, not that it made it any better “Let’s go check that one,” he said as he leaned down to grab your robe and sweater. 
You sighed, you’d rather kiss him instead, but he was right. “There are bandages in my backpack,” you said pointing at it, Sirius had slung it around his shoulder earlier, “I can switch them up in the bathroom and–“ 
“–by yourself?” 
“Well, I was planning to do it earlier, can’t keep bothering Lily whenever something like this happens.” 
Sirius shook his head “Don’t be stubborn and let us help,” he said looking straight at you “That’s what friends are for. I swear sometimes you’re as stubborn as Moony.” 
“Yeah, but you like that about me,” you said with a wink, which got a diverted laugh from him. He grabbed onto your hand and guided you up the stairs until you reached what looked like an abandoned office. There was a huge window with enough light to allow you to switch the bandages comfortably. You sat on the old wood desk and you started to unbutton your shirt, taking just that sleeve off and using a spell to remove the bIoodstain. 
You started trying to find the end of the bandage, but Sirius stepped in, finding it with ease and taking it off himself instead. He cleaned the wound with the same bandage. Using the parts that weren’t already stained with bIood and aguamenti.
Sirius pulled a clean roll from your bag, and carefully started wrapping it around your arm. When he was done you smiled and pulled him into a hug, digging your face into his chest “Thank you,” you mumbled, he embraced you back carefully, making sure not to even brush over your arm. 
“Just let me care for you, all right?” He whispered as he leaned his head closer to yours. You half nodded and then your stomach rumbled. 
“Are you the other kind of hungry now?” he asked with a little smirk, you hit him on the side lightly and he let out a dramatised “Ouch!” 
“You’re the one that insisted on stopping, I might have had my good fill.” 
It was now his turn to raise his eyebrows “Starshine, you have no clue what that sounds like to me.” 
You giggled, realising the innuendo in your words “Maybe I do,” you teased, which just caused Sirius to laugh, she’s unbelievable, he thought. You could feel the rumbling on his chest. 
He then pulled away from you, lifting you slightly from the desk and bringing you to stand right in front of you, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you towards one of the dark hallways “Alright little vixen, let’s get you something to eat.” 
You almost rolled your eyes at the nickname but followed the boy, casting a quick “evanesco,” over the red-stained bandages Sirius had left on the floor.  
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the Great Hall, most of your friends were there too, Peter had even separated a plate for you with a couple of pieces of meat and the same sausages you were feasting on in the morning.
“Thanks Wormy,” You said as you sat down in front of him and next to James who passed you a goblet with some juice. 
“How’s Rem?” you heard Tom ask as he arrived, “Went to check on him this morning since he’s helping with some of my charms homework, but you guys went before coming here, right?”
You turned to Tom a little surprised, a sausage halfway into your mouth when you pulled it back down again “You went to see Remus in the morning?” 
“Yeah!” he said, “had a nice chat too, he said he should come back to classes tomorrow, he’s feeling a lot better, but you probably already knew.” 
You gulped, a frown evident in your face “You talked to him?” Tom nodded. 
“Didn’t you just come from the infirmary?” he asked.
“He was asleep,” you explained, your face was serious as you stood a little straighter, replaying the events of the day in your head. Sirius, who had been looking at you could practically see the gears turning in your head, he had already noticed something was off with Remus sleeping so much. “At what time did you go?” you asked then, tilting your head just a little, looking at him with a calm expression, a bit of a smile in the end, even. A mask, Sirius realised. 
“‘bout 6:30, just before class.” 
“Oh… And he… was awake?” 
Tom nodded, and it gave you the impression Remus hadn’t even been sleeping “Why?” 
He’s avoiding me, you realised. “Nothing, just curious,” you added “Seems every time I go he’s asleep, must have really bad timing.” 
Sirius gave you a look “Wanna try again?” he asked you, you shook your head in response. 
“Maybe after Herbology,” you said after popping another sausage into your mouth, trying to look uninterested. Even if, as you chewed, your mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. The possibility that he woke up around the time Tom arrived and went back to sleep before you arrived made sense, for it to happen one time, so the chance that you were overreacting was still plausible.
But then you remembered the guilty look on Madam Pomfrey’s face when you went to visit and the uneasy feeling at the pit of your stomach grew. What if it hadn’t been a coincidence? You hadn’t talked to Remus at all after he turned, barely managing to see him get dragged away by James and Peter. The last thing he’d told you to do was to stop being stubborn and bomb the shit out of him, you cringed at the memory: Remus crouching on the floor, groaning in pain as he attempted to persuade you to murdеr him. 
And what had you done instead? You had pushed him around, had him chase you through the passageway, gotten the Whomping Willow to launch him to the side causing his ribs to crack, and then had him chase you through the forest until you literally placed the wand he had specifically given you to use against him in the floor because you thought it could appease the beast. Then Prongs came around and had to gore him one too many times and then you hid under a rock as he waited outside, angry and in pain. 
He had told you not to go to the woods, he had told you how dangerous it was. And you didn’t listen, and now he was hurt and probably in a lot of pain, definitely a lot more than you were, that was for sure. Yeah, I’d be pissed too, you thought as you shook your head. 
You didn’t regret your actions, not at all, you had gotten the flower, and it was now on Kless’ hands. That could definitely help Remus in the long run, but if you thought things through his point of view, you certainly understood why he would be avoiding you, if he was indeed doing it. 
“I’m not gonna let him,” you whispered, determination laced your words. 
“What was that luv?” Sirius asked, leaning in closer, snapping you away from your thoughts. 
“Oh nothing, we should probably get to herbology,” you said, grabbing a napkin and passing it over your mouth. 
After class, you went to check on Remus, and when you were there Pomfrey told you that he had just taken a sleeping draught because he had a severe headache. You peered through the curtain and spotted the two chocolates, still in their place, unwrapped. 
You took a deep breath and nodded, “Would you mind giving this to him from me, please?” you asked with a smile, she nodded and took it from your hands, that same apprehensive look on her face, before turning to the boy with a reproachful look. 
“Why don’t you take it to him?” She asked suddenly, “Perhaps he’s not completely asleep yet.” 
You scoffed wryly, a small, tight-lipped smile appearing on your face. “No need, it’s better he rests,” you said “I’ll get to talk things out sooner than later.”
You gave the woman yet another chocolate and walked towards the door. And it really would be sooner, since you planned to sneak out later that night. 
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST:  @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0 @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming@cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008
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A/N: I'm feeling the festive spirits, decided to treat you with a little out-of-the-blue update. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and I know we all miss Rem, but trust me, the wait will be worth it.
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bomber-grl · 5 months
Can you do prompt 27? brushing strands of hair away with Azula x fem!princess reader?
prompt #23: brushing strands of hair away
Fire Lord Ozai had called Azula to discuss some matters concerning what you could only assume was Zuko and the avatar.
In the meanwhile you headed your way to Azulas chambers to see how she was doing.
You knew how The Fire Lord could be even with his own daughter and knew she’d be in need of comfort.
And, because you’re both a princess and Azulas childhood friend you’d always be treated with the upmost respect.
You soon reached the front of Azulas door and gave a few short knocks. The knocks echoed throughout the hall and when no one answered you let yourself in.
You closed the door behind you and the obvious wreck in Azulas room was more telling than any words would ever be.
You sat down besides her on her bed “Princess Azula? I hope I’m not intruding-“
“There’s no need to be so formal” whether or not Azula was still putting up a hard front atleast you knew it’d be ok to finally speak freely.
She was beautiful. She was strong and you saw her in a way no one else has.
“Azula..” you leant over to get a better view of her and once you did , you took the loose pieces of hair in front of her face and brushed them away, tucking them behind her ear.
She didn’t say anything, the sound of breathing was the only sound in her room until she spoke up.
“Why don’t you leave? It’s not like my father sees me as any better than zuzu.”
Wow this was so out of character. She must be under a lot of stress- well not exactly, annoyance and spite was still abundantly clear.
“Azula..” this time you cupped her cheek her brought her face to look at you.
She seemed so ticked off, and luckily you were the only person who seemed to be able to see her this vulnerable.
Although it was mostly just her being pissed off.
Not only were you her friend, but you were dating. No one else knew but she needed you.
“Hey look at me, how about we just relax for now, ok?” Before she could object you spoke calmly “we’re both a bit stressed and I know things need to be done, but let’s relax”
If you were anyone else you would’ve gotten bitch slapped and thrown in prison.
But you were you, the only person Azula could stand to tolerate and even like.
“This time only.” Was her response before you both got ready and laid on her bed.
You’d have to be sneaky and leave when everyone else was asleep and hopefully not get caught.
But, atleast now she seems more stable and less likely to stab someone for fun.
It was easy to forget how she was, she looked so peaceful as she slept.
Before you fell asleep, you swept away some loose hairs from her face, kissed her cheek lightly then closed your eyes to rest for the night.
I guess Azulas willingness to fall asleep near you was a testament to her trust. Well regardless it was time for some shut eye.
A/n: sorry if this was so ooc I’ve never imagined what Azula having an S/o would be like and I feel like she’d have to be obsessed with you or else it wouldn’t work 😭
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f1-stuff · 10 months
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Las Vegas GP '23 // Wed Interview
"Long straights, tight corners - reminds me a bit of Monza or Singapore, so hopefully better hopes... Very open-minded to whatever comes, with obviously the intention to take it steady because it's a street track and will evolve a lot."
+Bonus: hoodie Charles spotted
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shoosiopao · 1 year
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1/100 days of productivity 🐣 9/25/23
hello! it has been a few days since i last updated. i was able to keep up the challenge for 2 weeks, but unfortunately, i hit a slump during the weekend.
i'm not sure if i worked myself into burning out or something, but at the start of the weekend, i was having trouble initiating my daily routine. i slept in, didn't commit to my tasks, and spent the days entertaining myself with distractions.
it only hit me that i hit that slump when i was rushing to turn in a quiz 20 minutes before midnight on sunday. i couldn't finish most of it on time, so i earned a really low score. this actually made me cry for a bit, but after that realization, i started reflecting on how i can get back on track.
which brings me to today. i spent most of the day at work and in class. i finished some past due assignments in between schedules so that i can catch up in class. then, when i got home, i tried my best to focus on the tasks that i missed out on during the weekend. i got plenty of chores done and continued with my evening routine per usual!
this is a longer post than my usual ones. i just want to share my reflections from this experience. this is not the first time i hit a slump after a streak of productivity, but i am proud of myself for quickly taking steps to get back on track. hopefully, i'll be back into my normal routines soon!
something that i try to remind myself often is that progress is not linear. i'll be taking this experience as a lesson for the future rather than resenting myself for a mistake. the most important things are acknowledging my mistakes and having the willpower to do better! i'll be restarting this challenge from the beginning, but i will not forget the progress that i've made so far.
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Six
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking (cigarettes) word count: 2.3k a/n: this part was a little shorter than I wanted but I didn't wanna add the next part and make it super long.
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pov: layla
The first two-thirds of the game flew by quickly and Allie cheered next to me the whole time. The arena filled up quickly with our peers and family members of Matt's team as well as the opposition. I was thankful I understood the game already and didn't have to have Matt mansplain it to me beforehand. There was a 15-minute intermission for the teams to discuss their strategies between each third and the last one had just started before the final third.
"What do you think so far?" Allie asked me, a smile still on her lips and I looked at the scoreboard to see that they were losing by 12 points.
"So much for being the best hockey team in the state," I raised my eyebrows teasingly with a small smile on my lips and she shook her head with a smile that widened.
"Oh before I forget, can I get your number?" Allie asked hopefully and I nodded, pulling my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it.
"Just put your number in and message yourself," I said as I handed her my phone and she nodded in response, clicking on my contacts.
Before she could speak again, she got interrupted by someone calling my name. I turned my head to the rink where I saw Matt standing at the entrance to the rink, still on the ice that way his skates didn't get fucked up by the hard floors. He was holding his helmet and stick in one hand as he seemed slightly out of breath, his hair fluffed up from being in the helmet.
"Come here!" Matt called out to me with a wave of his gloved hand.
I looked at Allie in confusion and she shooed me away with her hands. I quickly got up and walked down to the rink, feeling eyes watching me as I walked up to Matt.
"What's up?" I asked, confusion clear on my face as he looked down at me, the slight elevation of the rink as well as his skates making him a lot taller than usual.
"You good?" he asked, swiping the small bead of sweat that was running down his forehead.
"I should be asking you that," I raised my eyebrows before my eyes glanced to the scoreboard, "What happened to breaking a leg, Captain?"
He smirked with a shrug of his shoulders, "Maybe I need a bit of extra luck today."
"What are you implying?" I squinted my eyes at him and he looked behind me at the small crowd of people before returning his gaze to mine. His sky-blue eyes seemed brighter from the reflection of the lights on the ice and his smirk widened.
"How about a kiss for good luck?" he asked, his eye glimmering with mischief and I raised my eyebrows, making an unimpressed face.
"Just because you're losing by 12 points doesn't mean I'm gonna kiss you to make you feel better," I told him matter-of-factly and he smiled shaking his head.
He shrugged as he adjusted the glove on his left hand, "Worth a shot."
I sighed up at him before biting my lip. My eyes glanced down to his pink lips that were pouted slightly as his mouth hung open, his breathing still slightly heavy. He stared down at me, making an over-exaggerated sad face and I rolled my eyes.
"You're the worst," I mumbled before I reached forward, placing my hand on the back of his neck as I leaned over the railing and pecked his cheek lightly. I pulled back to see the genuine shock on his face as I held my hand on the back of his neck still, "You better win after that, pretty boy."
I moved my hand from the back of his neck and patted his clean-shaven cheek as he continued to stare down at me. He looked like he was about to say something but got interrupted.
"Matt! Pull your head outta your ass. Let's go!" Chris skated past him as he yelled at him and Matt snapped his head to his brother before looking back to me.
"Another one for good luck?" he smiled at me cheekily and I stepped back so I was no longer leaning over the railing.
"Don't push it," I smiled at him and he shook his head, sliding the helmet back over his head before nodding at me. I backed away from him as he pushed away from the railing and effortlessly glided back over to his team. I jogged back up the stairs to where Allie was sitting, cheesing at me like she'd just won the lottery, "What?"
"Nothin'," she downturned her smile to try to hide it as she looked back into the ice.
The rest of the game went by quickly and Matt's team redeemed themselves. By the end of the game, the score was a tie at 21 all around. In order to break the tie, a shootout was put in place.
I noticed the 3 players picked for Matt's team were Nate, Chris and Matt. The opposition decided to shoot first, getting the score within a few seconds. Nate was up next to shoot and he glided across the ice effortlessly before he scored the goal.
I cheered along with Allie now, feeling the adrenaline that she was. The opposition was up again and once again, they scored. A cheer was heard around the arena from the supporters as our team sighed or groaned in disappointment.
Chris was up next to shoot and he took his time as he glided towards the goal. Tension was building in my stomach as Chris took the shot and he scored, throwing his fist up triumphantly.
The opposing team was up for their last score and I chewed on my lip as I leaned forward, praying that he would miss it. To our luck, he took the shot too early and Daniel blocked it, sending me into a cheer of victory as Allie bounced in her seat.
Matt was up last, being the decider of the tiebreak. He slid to the middle of the ice, the puck being placed directly next to his puck. He seemed to take a breath, looking over in my direction and I saw a glimpse of a smile behind his helmet before he looked back at the goalie who was blocking his path.
Within an instant, he flashed down the ice and as he got closer to the goal, I chewed on my lip harder. He was about 4 feet from the net and he hit the puck at lightning speed but the goalie didn't drop down fast enough and the puck flew into the net.
I jumped up from my seat and cheered in pure joy with Allie who jumped up and down next to me. I looked over to see Chris flying towards Matt on the ice and collided with him, pulling him in a hug.
"I can't believe he just did that!" Allie screamed next to me and I smiled widely at her, "He's never taken a shot like that!"
"What does winning this game mean?" I asked her as she beamed beside me, picking up her bag.
"They're onto the semi-finals," she clapped her hands excitedly and I raised my eyebrows.
"I didn't know these last three games were such a big deal," I told her honestly and she nodded before I spun around, making my way down the steps, "Where do we go?"
"They need to shower and get changed. I usually just wait outside," she told me and I nodded before making my way to the exit. I watched as family and friends from the other team exited the building with disheartened looks covering their faces and I could easily tell who was cheering for Matt's team since their faces were lit up in joy.
As we walked through the entry area before reaching the doors to go outside, I felt someone tap my shoulder before saying, "Excuse me."
I spun around to see a girl who couldn't have been much younger than me with dark brown hair, "Yeah?"
"Are you the girl who was talking to the Captain of the Bats?" she asked and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Uh... yeah. Why?" I questioned, glancing at Allie as she just shrugged, looking just as confused as I was.
"Oh, no reason. Just wondering," she quickly said before she ran back into the arena and I shook my head.
"Well that was fucking weird," I stated and Allie hummed in response as I turned around, making my way outside to wait for the boys.
I leaned against the cold brick wall, the sun now set making the air even more chilly. Allie stood in front of me, shivering from the cold wind and I looked over at her.
"Fuck it's cold out here," she mumbled as she slid her hood on.
"Do you want my jacket?" I asked and she tilted her head at me.
"Then you'll be cold," she furrowed her eyebrows and I shrugged, starting to slide the jacket off of my body.
"I like being cold. Don't worry about it," I handed her the jacket and she gave me a thankful smile. Since she was significantly shorter than me and her puffer jacket was small, the leather jacket was easily slid over the top of it, "Just make sure to give me it back before you go. I wear that every day."
"I wouldn't dream of stealing this from you. I never see you without it unless we're in gym," she said and I nodded as I slid my cigarettes out of my pocket.
"You mind?" I asked and she shook her head with a smile. I nodded as I pulled one out, placing it between my lips before I lit the end of it. I slowly started puffing the cigarette, making sure to blow the smoke away from her face.
"How long have you been smoking?" she asked and I shrugged, flicking the ash on the ground as a group of people walked by looking at me in disgust.
"Like three years," I answered honestly and she seemed surprised, "I started when I was fifteen."
"Oh wow," she looked at me with wide eyes, "My parents would fucking kill me if I ever did that."
With a shrug, I told her, "My dad gave me my first cigarette. Along with everything else."
"Everything else?" she asked, sounding genuinely interested rather than judgemental.
"Weed, beer, shrooms, molly. The whole thing," I explained and she nodded, seeming deep in thought. Before I could explain anything further, I heard a burst of noise come through the doors of the arena entrance and both Allie and I looked over to see Matt's whole team walking out together.
Allie ran over to Chris, jumping on his back and ruffling his hair, "You guys did fucking amazing!"
"Thanks, Al," Chris smiled at her as she slid off of his back, hugging Matt and Nate next. I stood in place, still smoking the last of my cigarette before I threw it on the ground, squishing it with my foot.
Matt turned around to look at me before turning his whole body to face me as I walked towards him, "So, what did you think?"
Instead of congratulating him verbally like I was originally planning on doing, I leaned up and placed another kiss on his cheek before I pulled back and said, "That's for winning."
"What would've happened if I lost?" he asked as he smirked down at me and I shrugged, biting my lip nervously.
"Don't lose and you won't ever have to find out," I smirked up at him before he chuckled, swinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Let me introduce you to everyone," he said as he started walking towards the group again, "Layla, this is Ethan, Ryder, Sam and you've already met Dan, Nate and Chris obviously. Guys, Layla."
"Good job guys," I pursed my lips and they all returned with small mumbles of greetings and thank yous.
"Where we goin'?" one of them said who I now knew as Ryder and Matt shrugged, his arm still around my shoulder.
"Get whatever food you want and we'll meet up at Downs?" Matt suggested and there was a murmur of agreeance before everyone started spitting off into different groups. Chris, Nate, Allie, Matt and I started walking towards where our cars were parked.
"I'll go with Nate," Chris stated once we reached the cars and Matt nodded before Allie spoke up.
"I'm going with Matt and Layla!" she jumped over to us excitedly and I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"See y'all there," Nate waved at us as he slid into his car, Chris hopped in the passenger seat and I looked at Matt.
"What's Downs?" I asked as I rounded the car, Allie jumped into the backseat and slid my jacket off of her body, placing it on to the seat beside her before she slid the back door closed. Matt and I both jumped in, buckling ourselves in.
"It's a parking lot in Downtown. We go there after every good game," Allie explained as Matt handed me the aux cord without a word. I smiled at him, plugging in my phone and clicking on my playlist I curated for situations I'd have to be on aux around multiple people, consisting mainly of pop and rap music.
"What do you guys want to eat?" Matt asked as he adjusted his black hoodie and grey sweatpants, his hair still damp from the quick shower he must've taken.
"Taco Bell!" Allie yelled quickly and Matt looked at me, making a face as if to ask if I was okay with Taco Bell.
I shrugged, picking at my nails, "I'm not really that hungry."
Matt shook his head as he pulled out of the parking lot and started heading in the direction I assumed Taco Bell was in. He turned up the volume on the radio and the song playing was Gold Digger by Kanye. I lip-synced to the words, looking out the window as I did so. I turned my head back to look at Allie who was dancing by herself in the back seat making me giggle at her over-the-top dance moves.
"Hey can you do me a favour?" Matt asked, talking over the music and I turned my head to look at him, "Can you just write down everything you guys want so it's easier for me to order?"
"Sure," I replied, pulling my notes app up before handing my phone to Allie, thankful that the aux cord was long enough to reach to her, "Write down what you want from Taco Bell."
"Oh right," Allie paused her dancing, quickly typing in what she wanted before handing the phone back to me. She resumed her dancing and I shook my head with a smile.
"Do you want me to write yours down too?" I asked Matt and he shook his head.
"Nah it's fine. Just write what you want," he responded and I chewed at my lip, just typing a large Pepsi into the notes app and I noticed Matt glance at me, "Get food. You haven't eaten since 3:30 at the very least."
"I had some of Allie's Sour Patch Kids," I told him and he shook his head as we stopped at a red light, turning his body to face mine.
"Get food," he deadpanned and I just looked at him.
"I had a big lunch," I answered and he continued staring at me.
"Layla, get something," he repeated as the light turned green and we drove down the street further, "And you're not paying me back."
"God you're so annoying," I grumbled before typing in a taco with just lettuce and cheese into my notes app.
"I love this song!" Allie chirped from the back, leaning forward to turn up the volume even further as the verse of Kill Bill by SZA began playing. She threw herself back into her seat before she started singing. I quietly sang along with her as Matt bopped his head to the music.
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chiefdirector · 7 months
Listening | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Act One | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25
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(Y/N) nursed a coffee that had turned cold hours ago as she watched the screens before here intently, waiting for anything to happen. It had been hours since she had placed the bug in Sullivan's home but he had not done anything at all except watch reruns of crappy old sitcoms.
The room she was hooked up in was small and dark, so much so she felt like she could drift off to sleep any moment now. Groaning, she leaned back in her chair, sliding the headphones down to rest on her neck. Her back popped as she stretched, releasing tension that had been sitting there for hours. She stayed in that stretched out position for a few fleeting moments, shooting back up again when she heard the door open.
"Hey, hey, hey." She said, trying to seem a bit more collected than she felt.
"Hi." Chen smiled as stuck her head around the door, keeping the rest of her body hidden. "Is now a good time to talk?"
"Only is you brought me a-"
"Coffee?" Chen moved into the small room, presenting (Y/N) with a takeaway coffee cup, passing it over when the detective started making grabby hands. "I learn quickly."
"You're my favourite." She smiled into her coffee, blowing on it before taking a sip. "This is amazing. You're amazing. But what can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if you could show me how all this works, Tim is in court and it's either this or desk duty with Smitty."
(Y/N) nodded, gesturing for Lucy to pull up a chair beside her. She leaned over to the drawers beside her, pulling out a spare headset and plugging it in. "Put this on. All we need to do is listen, see if he says anything of interest that we can link back to Dyer."
Lucy hummed as she donned the headset, watching as (Y/N) shuffled through the computer screens in front of her. The two sat in silence for nearly an hour, listening to the tape until Chen all but slammed her headset down onto the hardwood desk in front of her.
"You okay?" (Y/N) asked, gently placing her own headphones down next to Lucy's.
"This is stupid, this can't be all there is to do." She ranted, running a hand over her head. "Rosalind would know that we were listening. It feels like we are running around doing exactly what she expects. Surely, you agree?"
"Yeah, I do. But nobody will warrant any other action at this time. Until we get permission from Grey, or someone higher, we can't take any official action." (Y/N) softly said, placing her hand on Lucy's shoulder, checking her watch as she moved. "Look, it's near the end of shift. I'm going to head off, you should too. Go home; eat, sleep. Come back here tomorrow. We can talk more then... see if any better ideas come to us."
(Y/N) watched as Chen nodded, leaving to hopefully go back to the locker room. Once the door shut behind her, she reached for her phone. Chen was right, they were not going to make any progress. Rosalind Dyer was playing chess and they were playing checkers. They had to meet her on a more even ground, one where Rosalind wouldn't expect them to be.
The sun hadn't even begun to rise when (Y/N) carefully removed herself from Tim's sleepy grip, silently getting herself ready for the day. She moved through the house with the stealth of an black ops agent, trying not to wake Kujo as she left, grabbing a large grey duffle bag from the office before leaving and shutting the door behind her. She had left the house as if nothing had been disturbed, everything was in its place.
As she slotted the key into the door, turning the lock shut, she let out a silent breath of relief that she had managed to leave undetected. She took a moment to collect herself, focussing her thoughts on what had to be done, before getting into her car, tossing her bag onto the backseat and pulling out of the driveway.
Even in the midst of nightfall, the streets and freeways of Los Angeles were mayhem to navigate; there was traffic from every given angle, drivers swearing at each other and barely anyone obeying traffic laws. (Y/N) paid no mind to the minor law infringements she saw, she had no time to pull these drivers over only to give them a fine. Dayshift would pick up any slack she left behind.
As traffic began to slow down to another standstill, (Y/N) pulled her phone from her pocket before turning it off and throwing it in the back alongside her duffle bag. She then leaned across the passigner chair to the glovebox where she pulled out a burner phone, an old Nokia she still had stashed away when she had returned to work. She shoved it in the pocket where she had pulled her phone from before turning into the Union Station parking lot.
Throwing her coat on, she got out of the car, locking it before placing the key on top of the back left wheel. She checked her pockets for everything she would need, her badge, her wallet, and a packet of gum as she walked towards the bus terminal.
The dark walls seemed to impose on (Y/N), as if they were squeezing her, taking away the very oxygen in her lungs. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was fine and the walls were not, in fact, compressing her. Still, even with that knowledge, she hardly felt safe; the nonchalant attitude of the guard escorting her and the angry roar of inmates who recognised someone foreign to them were hardly reassuring.
Nonetheless, (Y/N) held her head high, not letting her lack of confidence show as the guard finally escorted her into the most easterly wing of the prison. It was one of the most secluded areas of the entire facility and yet it was the most sterile looking. It reminded her of a hospital straight from a horror movie.
The walls stood tall, the bright white paint giving the illusion that the corridor was light and airy. The luminescent lights shone down from the ceiling, causing (Y/N) to wince from the sheer amount of light that gave off. The image of a hospital ward was only fended off by the heavy metal doors aligning the corridor, each one marking an entrance to a cell which held some of California's most terrifying inmates. Kidnappers, war criminals, people involved with terror plots, and serial killers. Those heavy metal doors didn't let (Y/N) forget where she was or why she was here.
"You know the rules right?" The guard grunted, pushing his overgrown hair from his face. As he stopped outside one of the cells "No touching, no provoking, no transfer of contraband. If the inmate attacks-"
"Attempt to restrain the prisoner, and use suitable force if required. Yell for help. I know." Bradford finished as she watched the guard huff before he started to unlock the cell door.
@xceafh @kmc1989 @buba424 @salty0cracker @iamasimpingh0e @malindacath @rookietrek @hufflepuffwhore13 @tessalynni @anaferreira-4 @starstruckchopshoptyphoon
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sophietv · 1 year
The Love Blackout "It's all part of the f*cking story"
Ok, this is gonna be a long post. But hopefully, this will help you understand this very important piece of Kaylor evidence and explain LSK a bit better too.
PS: I'm new to Tumblr, while doing my research I'll tag those post/blogs but I don't know if there's anything else I should do, let me know!
Love Blackout Meaning
So all this Love Blackout discourse comes from those Glitch lyrics:
"But it's been 2190 days of out love blackout, the system's breaking down"
First, let's start by looking at what Love Blackout is supposed to mean:
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"A suppression of information, especially one imposed on the media by the government"
Interesting... a suppression of information imposed on the medias 🤔
Like not being seen/papped together by the medias??? Maybe.
2190 days
Knowing Taylor, she wouldn't use 2190, a very specific number, for it to mean nothing would she??
So what does 2190 days means in years? It's 6 years:
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Didn't she recently talked about a relationship, 6 years AND the medias recently?:
Yes! In her Lavender Haze Instagram Reel! The same where she talked about that scene in Mad Men 🤔
"If the world finds out that you are in love with somebody, they are gonna weight in on it"
"Like my relationship FOR 6 years"
Funny how she didn't say her relationship OF 6 years.
She wanted to protect the real stuff from media, in the last 6 years.
So if you count the days backward since Midnights release on October 21st 2022 it gives you Octobre 22nd 2016.
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The last time Karlie and Taylor were papped together was at Drake's birthday on Octobre 23rd.
But The Love Blackout was not over on Midnights release day.
Taylor and Karlie were still not papped together at an event (they weren't papped at reputation stadium tour, they just posted a picture together). So Midnights release day should count in our calculation. And if you include that day. It ends exactly on Octobre 23rd 2016.
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Before taking a deep dive into this Love Blackout, let's take a moment to talk about Octobre 2016.
Because A LOT of important stuff happened that month.
Octobre 2016
Octobre 11th 2016:
Taylor goes to diner at the Waverly Inn restaurant with Suki Waterhouse, Cara Delevigne and Dakota Johnson.
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Later that evening, Suki posts a table cloth with : "It's all part of the f*cking story" written on it and a "K". She deletes it not long after. But us Gaylors have all jumped on it already.
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Plus, one of Taylor body guard is papped leaving the restaurant with that Table cloth:
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But what story?? What does it all mean??
Let's look at what happened in the days after this event.
I'm sure Taylor had a plan 😉
Octobre 12 2016:
Taylor goes to the Kings of Leon concert with the same friends and some more.
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It's funny because, it's at this very concert, that Taylor is rumored to have started her relationship with Joe.
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Are you starting to see the "f*cking story" they were talking about??
Soure iwanthermidnightz : https://iwanthermidnightz.tumblr.com/post/615953412601823232/in-conclusion
Octobre 13th 2016:
The next day. On a 13th.
Taylor, Karlie and Serena Williams go out at the Bowery Ballroom.
Yes. Yes, this combination of names is suspicious 🤔
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Back to the 2190 days:
So we have established that counting backward from Midnights release and including Midnigths release day. We have Octobre 23 2016.
This was Drake's birthday party and Taylor attended with Karlie:
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The article was published the next morning
In fact, it's the last time ever that they both were papped at an event together: (Love Blackout)
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Two important Kaylor Lore came from that Party:
Golden tattoos "made your mark on me, a golden tattoo"
The Third Polaroid
If we follow the Love Blackout definition : "A supression of information imposed on the media"
We can stop there, everything makes sense, the song ties back to Karlie, that moment and everyone is happy.
But what if there's more to this?
The Blood Moonlit Implication
corneliastvendor did an incredible find: https://kwyw.tumblr.com/post/711447685996167168?is_related_post=1
(I also use picture of their post here)
Stay with me on that one and I swear this will all make sense!
Plus there's a lot to unpack after this.
In Glitch, there's the lyrics: "Nights are so stary, blood moonlit"
Blood moon is a lunar eclipse.
There is even a bloodmoon the Glitch Official Lyrics Video:
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And when was the last lunar eclipse following Midnights release?
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source: corneliastvendor
On Novembre 8th 2022.
If we count the days backward where does it lead us?
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source: corneliastvendor
It leads to Novembre 9th 2016.
Karlie and Taylor last event that they attended together (except reputation) is Lorde's birthday on Novembre 7th 2016.
On Novembre 7th Taylor posted this picture:
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And Karlie posted the same picture the day after on Novembre 8th:
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It's the last post about them attending an event together (beside reputation).
The presidentatial election also happenened on Novembre 8th 2016, and Trump was elected... (I believe this is important).
So the last post of them at an event together is on Novembre 8th 2016. Wich means that the Love Blackout would have started the day after right?
Exactly 2190 days since the blood moonlit night followingg Midnights release.
And something tells me that this specific date is really important in their story, because here's a screenshot of The Man MV:
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The. Exact. Same. Ring. and pose...
Lorde's birthday, is also the first time ever that Taylor wore the Victora Secret Angel Ring.
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source: tilynation
I think she wore this ring there, knowing that they won't be seen together after as a way of being able to flag Karlie in the future.
The VS angel ring is really important and Taylor wore it at many significant events:
All the making of videos of reputation
The Call It What You Want scene of Miss Americana
On Decembre 4th 2019 (Kissgate anniversary)
So last post together before they disappear on Novembre 8th 2016, same day as the US elections.
This ties back to those lyrics: "I recall late Novembre, slowly I said, holding my breath. You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me? Yes"
Remember that in Miss Americana, it's Karlie who says "Yes".
The Love Blackout:
During that time, after Novembre 8th 2016, Taylor is mostly in London...and so is karlie.
Decembre 2016:
Taylor spends the holiday at her in-laws in St-Louis.
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January 2017:
Taylor is in London.
There's a very interesting entry in her Lover Journal that talks EXACTLY about the Love Blackout:
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"I'm essentially based in London, hiding out trying to protect us from the nasty world that just wants to ruin things. We have been together and no one has found out for 3 monts now"
And it is almost words for words her Lavender Haze Instagram Reel....
(Las time they were papped together, in Octobre 2016, Drake's birthday party, 3 months before)
And who was in England during the exact time frame? Karlie!
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I believe the picture was posted a couple of days after.
But regardless, this is important because look at the Swans.
And now look at the Lover Merch:
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Plus, Karlie did a very cute post that month with Swarovski Swans jewelery:
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Refering the Eye Theory while she was at it!!!
Also, Taylor said in the Long Pond Studio Session that she went to The Lake District a couple of years ago.
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And in Invisible String we have: "Bold was the waitress on our three year trip Getting lunch down by the lakes. She said I looked like an American singer"
Kaylor anniversary is March 6th 2014. So Jan 2017 is close enough to that anniversary.
Plus, 3 years for Toe would have been in 2019, wich doesn't match the "couple of years" of LPSS...
Jannuary 11th 2017:
Taylor is paped going out of a gym in LA.
It's the first time that she is paped in a couple of months.
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And she wears the VS Angel Ring
source: tilynation
In the reputation secret session she explained how she was overwhelmed by this.
"her thought process was less about herself and more about how she could possibly have a normal relationship when this was her life"
Source: https://www.tumblr.com/screamedsooloud/174932790840/i-have-heard-mixed-interpretations-of-dancing-with
She then went directly to the studio and recorded Dancing With Our Hands Tied
She cried for an hour before recording the song.
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Thankfully, like the song says after the Love Blackout part is that the system is breaking down.
And we had some glimpse of this with the Twitter "glitch" that made Karlie repost some of her old Kaylor post. Or her facebook being hacked...
I truly hope they are able to be free soon, they deserve it.
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babyjakes · 1 year
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stay all night. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | june '23 ari-themed blurb night
summary | ari knows exactly why you're anxious to fall asleep.
pairing | daddy!ari levinson x little!reader
warnings | sfw regression (daddy!ari and little!reader), reader's been having nightmares (non-descriptive), just very fluffy!sweet!comforting!!!
word count | 555
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requested by @brandycranby | ari + “are you afraid to fall asleep because you think you’re gonna have a nightmare?” 🥺
an | ohh aww i love this prompt so much so much and with daddy!ari???? he's so soft the softest the sweetest i just know he would handle this so well <33 i hope you enjoy bby!! thanks for the brilliant suggestion!!
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"Maybe one more story, Daddy?" Your eyes are wide as you blink up at Ari hopefully. The large man is snuggled up beside you on top of your comforter, though you're already tucked nice and snuggly into bed.
Ari frowns as he looks at the pile of books between the two of you before glancing over at you directly. His gentle gaze settles on your face as his expression softens. As your daddy, he's attentive... and all-knowing. He can sense your nervousness before even a hint of it becomes physically apparent. "Sweetheart," his voice is low and concerned as he reaches out and brushes your hair back from your face. "We've practically emptied out your entire bookshelf. Aren't you getting sleepy, honey?"
Your eyes fall to your hands as they sit in your lap. You shake your head, but you're not fooling your daddy. He's the kind of man who can see through any lie, especially one that falls from your sweet, honest lips. "Look at you, bubba," the man coos softly as he strokes your hair, smiling gently as you lean a bit against his hand. "My sleepy angel," he hums, "you look pretty tuckered out to me, baby. Why don't we call it a night, hmm? We can always read more books tomorrow."
"But Daddy..." you whimper, your voice trailing off as your bottom lip puffs out unintentionally.
Ari looks at you tenderly, his brow raised in concern as he asks softly, "What is it, sweetie? Can you tell Daddy what's wrong?" You can only manage to pout more at his question, your little shoulders slouching as he smiles knowingly. "Come here, my angel," he sighs as he pulls you over to sit on his lap. "Now what's all this about, hmm?" he asks, cupping your chin to bring your gaze up to meet his. "What's got my pretty girl scared to go to sleep? Are you worried you'll have another nightmare, baby?"
A thin layer of tears builds in your eyes as you feel your cheeks heating up. You nod shamefully, sniffling as your eyes try to avoid his. Ari's brow furrows worriedly as he gently wipes a stray tear from your cheek, murmuring, "Hey sweetheart, hey. It's okay. There's no need to cry," he reassures you as he plants a kiss on your nose. "I know your nightmares have been so scary lately, honey; I know. Here, how about Daddy sleeps in here with you tonight, hmm? Would that help you feel safer?"
Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, you nod hopefully as Ari smiles gently at you. "Of course, baby. I'll hold you all night long; how does that sound? That way, if any bad dreams come, I'll be right here to make it all better."
"Yes please, Daddy," you agree as he plants a few more kisses on your nose and cheeks. Carefully, he helps you move your stacks of picture books over to your nightstand before snuggling up with you under the covers. "Stay all night?" you ask softly to make sure as he reaches over, switching off the lamp before pulling you securely into his arms.
"All night, sweet girl," he promises, sealed with another kiss on your forehead. "Just relax and close your eyes, sweetheart. Daddy's here; Daddy'll keep the bad dreams away."
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whyeverr · 9 months
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My Top 23 Screenshots from 2023🎉
Thanks @biffybobs and @cowplant-snacks for the tag, loves!
This was so much harder than I imagined—and I didn't go in thinking it was going to be easy! How do you even define "top" screenshots?
Something I noticed on my first pass was that I was gravitating to a lot of posed shots, as they seem to tell a story better in a single image than you can with live gameplay. (Lots of favorite moments passed over because the action or reaction is spread over multiple images.) However as I pared down, they became the easiest to let go of. Easier than multiple scenics and tablescapes and other questionable "top" entries. In the end, it became about juxtaposition and joy.
Scrolling through a year's worth of posts on what turns out to be simblr gratitude day (?) has me feeling all kinds of mushy, so I'd just like to say I'm so grateful you're here. For anyone who bothered reading this, anyone who cares even a teeny tiny bit about my humble little Rebuild A City sims. Even if you've never left a comment, or read without liking a single post, or don't read at all but are unbothered enough to stick around following me for the 3 whole builds I manage to post per year... 😁 I'm grateful you're here and that I get to share my silly little post-apocalyptic world with you.
And, hey, one year in, now that we've set the pace... Here's to getting through years 3 and 4 (and hopefully more!) in 2024.
I'm forever opting to tag no one at all but this was nice so for once I'll tag lots of folks this time @myverycoolnickname @cantseemtohide @irrewilderer @panicsimss @saartje77 @oatberrytea @trash-llama @littlefallsnook @mysimsloveaffair @gladlypants @homewardial @memoirsofasim @thebramblewood @moonwoodhollow @introvertedfox @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants @devotedsims @lilacacia (that is, if you haven't already! I did my best to check, but I'm a bit behind the times getting to this!)
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