#lasting a while 👁👁
presiding · 10 months
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standing still in a moving scene
meagan foster by @lapinneok for the monster in the hull
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x-reader-things · 1 year
Hi!!! I was the one who requested the jealous Ezra x reader fic!
My request was Ezra being jealous around the best friend that is a boy (IDK if that was the original prompt but here it is!)
Thank you so much!
Thank YOU so much - especially for requesting again, I am so sorry that it got deleted-
I think it had something to do with being jealous and protective but I’ll just merge the two.
I hope you enjoy!
“Best friend or not.”
Ezra Bridger x Fem!Reader [romantic]
Summary ; In which Ezra is denying his jealousy, and gets protective of you after a mission.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; A bit of canonical type violence, reader’s best friend is a bit of an asshole, and mentions and of assimilation and depictions of losing important items of cultures.
Word Count ; 3.8 k
Ezra Bridger is never really one to be jealous.
Sure, he had bouts of it when he first met Sabine. Mainly vying for her attention instead of it being on others out of pure admiration, mistaking it for a crush. And sure, you were jealous of it back then too. But that was before you realized that Sabine was cool, and before he realized that all he wanted was a friend.
Never really had that before he met you and her.
And that, was almost a few years ago.
No, Ezra Bridger was never one to be jealous.
Not in the slightest.
Not at all.
No, he wasn’t drawn to it like a moth is to a flame. He didn’t feel a slow burning pit in the depths of his gut, the simmer of fire licking up the back of his neck. He didn’t feel annoyance ticking in the back of his head with a timer constantly going off and resetting when the feeling settles down. He didn’t roll his eyes every time Linel Rhayme, a pantoran rebel fighter known as the new Pheonix-3, and you were in the same room together. No.
He wasn’t jealous.
I mean, how could he be? You can have other friends. You HAVE had other friends. HE’S had other friends. He can’t be jealous, it’s not possible.
It’s a horrible emotion that Jedi shouldn’t have.
He wasn’t jealous.
“Ezra! Focus.”, his master sternly said in a low voice, a hand clamping down onto his shoulder with a pressure he knows only as Kanan. Kanan leaned down a bit to make sure Ezra was listening. “Specter-7 will be fine. Now pay attention to this meeting, we have another mission we have to focus on.”
Ezra’s eyes darted away from you loading up Phantom II with supply crates in the distance. Your laugh rang out and echoed softly against the stone walls of the rebel base on Yavin IV, blending into the ambient bustle of noise around the area like a raindrop to a puddle.
Serene and unbothered, unlike the surface tension of the water.
Your pantoran friend laughed along with you, a voice that Ezra immediately tuned out with a quiet huff of breath. His… dislike (not jealousy!) of said rebel allowed him to be drawn back into the meeting at hand, focus no longer split up between two parts of the base.
Linel was assigned another mission along with you and you alone. Something that had to deal with intel and grabbing specific packages of important items that belonged to a few of the cultures being forcefully assimilated into imperial culture.
You, before having joined the Ghost crew at your young age, had been training on your planet to be a cultural anthropologist. You knew a lot of bits and pieces and important information about thousands of different groups along the outer rim, and being in the rebellion helped you hone that ability for even the smallest and most important tasks a rebel could have.
Bringing hope to people that they would stay, and not be completely wiped away from existence due to the Empire.
“Items hold a lot of importance, Ez.” You once told him. “It’s physical evidence of people, and creatures, and even planets alike that they exist. The empire wants to take that away from us too. I think everyone here knows that, to some degree.”
You were definitely an integral part of that mission. And Ezra couldn’t knock that. You would be able to differentiate what came from where, and help other rebels send it back to the places that those items came from.
His problem lies with Linel.
Kind of.
And the fact that you had to get close to Dathomir, where those witch-spirit-things were. And remnants of Night Sisters and who knows what else around the place.
He wished you didn’t need to go.
He wished that his mission with the rest of the ghost crew wasn’t on the opposite end of the Outer Rim.
He wished someone else was going with you, not Linel—
No, no, no.
That’s jealousy talking, you aren’t like that Ezra.
He sighed through his nose, thoughts clearing up the more he paid attention to Hera’s instructions on their mission. Infiltrating another important supply run of ammunition that the Empire was sending off to one of the other planets they took.
It was just as important as your mission.
He needed to focus on that.
The ride back to their temporary home on Yavin IV couldn’t go any slower than it did. The amount of alternate hyperspace routes the Ghost Crew had to take due to an increase of imperial vigilance was both annoying and astounding all on its own.
They - especially Ezra - could only hope that you were alright. You were a great flier, a great fighter even, trained underneath both Hera and Sabine themselves. They all know you can handle the heat when things get tough.
Their questions lie within the realms of of Linel could take it.
Hopefully he should, being a Pheonix-3 fighter who has flown under Hera’s command herself before. She has no doubt that he can handle a flying situation when he’s at the helm.
Of a one-manned ship, that is.
The crew could only hope that nothing went wrong, and things went as smoothly as they usually would go. (Not that smoothly, knowing their luck, but at least smooth enough to make sure you weren’t physically hurt.)
The moment the Ghost docked down on Yavin IV, Ezra quickly got off the ramp once it touched the ground. He jogged over to Aleksandr Kallus once he saw him, and slowed to a stop once he was close enough.
“Hey, Kallus—“, Ezra greeted, a little bit breathless on his rush to get over to him. “—any sign of Spectre-7 and Pheonix-3 yet?”
“Not yet, Bridger,” Kallus told him, earning a frown from Ezra. And a furrowed brow. Odd. But not out of character. “Don’t worry, Spectre-6, they just hit a small snag coming home.”
“Needed to take another hyperspace route, I’m guessing?”
“Not… exactly.”, Kallus sighed, partly out of annoyance. He had a task he had to get to; Ezra was taking up some of his time doing it. “Look, we’ll know properly when they come back. Their comms were a little garbled but I’m sure it’s fine, now, if you excuse me.”
He stepped around Ezra, going off into some other part of the base of his task. Ezra groaned quietly, shaking his head while walking back to the Ghost.
“What’d Kallus say about her?”, Sabine asked him, pushing a crate of unopened ammunitions his way.
Ezra took the floating crate, and moved it to join the pile of other crates in front of them. “Said she hit a snag coming home. They aren’t exactly sure what’s going on, either. Comms weren’t all that clear, apparently.”
“That’s… concerning”, Sabine said. A worried furrow crinkled the skin in between her brows when she took off her mandolorian helmet. She set it against her side with her arm slung over it. “I mean, I’m sure she’s fine and all, but he said nothing else?”
“Not a thing.”, Ezra crossed his arms in front of him, his hands lightly digging into the orange material of his jacket. It wasn’t much of a worried furrow that made his brow angle downwards as much as annoyance. Disdain, almost.
Kallus was still a little iffy on the trusting end for the both of them.
Sabine hummed in thought, eyes boring into the stone ground below them. “I’m sure we’ll figure out more when they both come back. Spectre-7 is always careful, especially on a mission that plays to her strengths. She’ll be ok.”
The mandalorian gave Ezra a comforting pat on the shoulder, one he gratefully took with a small and thankful smile, and walked back onto the ghost. Sabine took another ammunitions crate from Zeb, and pushed it down the ramp towards Ezra. He took the crate from her, looking back and forth between the ghost and where the Phantom II should be showing up, and continued on with his task of putting them all in a pile to be moved.
It should at least give him some time to stay calm. Distracting himself from the horrible flame of an emotion that sparked every time he thought of your mission, and who you were with.
He’s not jealous.
He’s not jealous.
He’s not jealous.
Concerned for your well-being, maybe.
But not jealous.
A roar of a smaller ship skidding harshly on the stone snapped the whole of the Ghost Crew out of their stupor. Their mundane task of unloading the ship ceased, a whole load of wide eyes - and lenses, in Chopper’s case - staring in a frightful concern at one of the most dangerous landings they’ve seen the Phantom II take yet.
Once the skidding stopped just before a whole weapons unit, the screams of other rebels scrambling away had trickled down into a lot of murmuring. Ezra took the first step and dashed down the ramp of the Ghost ship, followed by other concerned rebels who found their way over to the smoking engines of the Phantom II.
Ezra coughed, covering his nose with his elbow and opened the back door entrance with the force. He didn’t want to waste any time if you were injured.
You and Linel almost stumbled and fell out of the ship, coughs racking through your throats. Smoke billowed out of the back, and there was a chorus of shouts when you both got out of the ship.
“I told you to leave the flying to me—“, you said, wheezing out another cough. You shoved Linel’s side, and you heaved in air. Your hand snapped up to cover a gash - bruise? No, definitely a gash - on your right arm. Ezra was immediately at your other side, his right arm going under your left to help you up better.
Your tired eyes met his with a thankful nod, and he nodded back at you. The both of you turned towards Linel once he started speaking.
“I’m a better flyer than you! I fly more than you on the daily, Y/n!”, he snapped back, also wheezing out the smoke from his lungs. You scoffed at his words and stumbled a step closer towards your friend.
“Woah, careful—“, Ezra began. He promptly shut up the moment your accusatory finger from your injured arm pointed up at the pantoran.
“Shut up, Linel, I fly the Phantom II WAY more than you do. You had no idea what the hell you were doing when those damn imperials got there!”
Ezra blinked. He - wasn’t expecting the amount of disdain in your voice. The amount of venom spouting through your words and weaving through the air like an uncomfortable blanket.
“You wanted to take things slow, that’s not how I do things—”, Linel started.
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT - THAT’S ENOUGH, YOU TWO”, shouted another voice. Ezra, Linel, and you all flinched. Hera’s voice rung out in stern chords, silencing the yells that began to echo across the base. “That’s enough. Ezra, I want you to take Spectre-7 to the medical bay while Pheonix-3 tells me his version of what happened. Chopper, I need you to run specs on Phantom II, tell me everything we need to replace or get fixed. Sabine, Zeb and Kanan will go get what’s needed. Spectre-7 I’ll get a recount of your version of events later. Everyone understand me?”
A chorus of ‘Yes sir’s’, and ‘you got it’s’ and warbles from Chopper sounded off. Chopper headed closer to the damaged ship, Sabine, Zeb and Kanan following afterwards. Hera took Linel off to the side and sat him down on an empty crate, prompting him to tell her what happened on the mission.
Meanwhile, after Ezra was certain he glared holes into the back of Linel’s head, he led you carefully to the medical bay of the base. Your arm needed tending to, and he wanted - no, needed - to make sure you were ok.
“Alright, Spectre-7”, Hera began, walking into the room of the medical bay you resided in for the moment. “Spill. What happened during the mission?”
Ezra finished tugging the last of the bandage over the gash on your arm, and tucked the last sliver of gauze underneath the rest of it. You glanced over and let out a sigh, your eyes settling in on staring down at Hera’s shoes.
“The mission started off as planned.”, you started. Your good hand lightly picked at a rip against the seam of your pants, thick material rough against the tips of your fingers. They were comfier than they looked, that’s for sure.
“We got out of hyperspace near Dathomir, hid behind one of the asteroids nearby and cloaked our signature. The pirate ship - not from anyone we knew, that’s for sure - docked on the light cruiser and we flew close by and attached to the pirate ship as planned. Sabine’s implant on the ship from a couple weeks ago worked, we didn’t need to contact them inside. Bounty hunters were distracted, bucket heads distracted. Something about payments and other shit I wasn’t paying attention to.
“The crates were there, on the bounty hunter’s ship. And I wanted to take things slow. Take as much as we could for a run back, and then go back on it again for the rest. Linel stayed inside Phantom II to load in the crates as planned. On my second run things went to hell and back between the pirates and the imperials because of a mishap in their agreement and Linel almost took off without me!”
At this point your hands moved with your words. An angry astonishment still held into your words, a bitterness left by your best friend. One you wouldn’t think would betray you, but ended up doing any how.
The simmering spark of flame in Ezra’s gut flared again.
Now’s not the time for jealousy, he told himself.
“I had to leave half of the items there, and rush back on before the door closed. And because of how quick he left we got spotted by imperials, we fought over who’s going to fly and we fucked up the Phantom really badly. Got nicked by a bunch of TIE-fighters and we we finally got back here the atmosphere finally did those damages in. Most of what was in the crates still left in the Phantom II are as good as destroyed now, Hera!”
You finally looked up at Hera, and her eyes immediately softened. Not out if you being one of her soft spots of the rebellion. One of the kids she took under her wing. No, not just out of that. The pure look of anguish that you hid behind your irritation at Linel was there, clear as day.
You always loved caring and learning about other people.
Cultural items held a hand in that. Those were always important to you. Severely, almost.
“All those pieces - all those stories, maybe even people, gone. And it was his fault for being too impulsive and my fault for letting it get to me. It was like before I joined you guys, Hera - everything I fucking lost from my people I that promised to get back and didn’t. It’s all gone because we fucked up.”
You took a quiet breath, you shoulder bumping into Ezra’s. With a couple of blinks, you looked back down at Hera’s shoes, and wiped at the corner of one of your eyes, successful at keeping the dam that was your waterline of a lower eyelid at bay. “So… that’s all there is to it, General Syndulla.”
Hera sighed, and sat down on your left side, her hand gently settling down on your left shoulder. “Well, at least now I know that maybe some best friends shouldn’t be paired together.”, she lightly chuckled, and you let out a quiet scoff of a laugh.
That feeling isn’t jealousy.
Your pinky finger edged against Ezra’s on your right, and he tapped his against yours, both of you curling said finger around the other’s.
It’s anger.
“Linel’s going to be grounded here for a couple weeks”, Hera states, voice still as calming as ever. “I have to ground you here as well to save face, alright? I’ll have Chopper go over the mission logs and recordings made during it just in case, see which one of your stories are corroborated with it. Just in case.”
She said the last sentence in such a way that told you she was still on your side. And you couldn’t be more grateful to her.
“Now, about the gash?”, Hera asked.
“The landing”, both you and Ezra answered. The Twi’lek laughed softly at the two of you.
“I figured as much.”
“Hey, Linel Rhayme, right?”
Linel looked up from the data pad he was looking at, locking eyes with Ezra. “Oh, Commander Bridger. What’s up?”, he asked, letting his hands hang against his sides, datapad clutched into one of them.
“Nothing much,” Ezra said with a shrug. He leaned against the stone wall of the base, uncaring about the rough ridges digging into his back. “You and Y/n. Spectre-7. Best friends, right?”
“Right. The one and only!”, Linel answered, a nervous lilt slowly cantering into his voice. “Kinda messed up on that last mission though. We made up for it, I think. She’s still a little icy about it, but it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“Right.” Ezra said with a slow nod. “Well, kinda understandable when her best friend almost left her to fend for herself against both bounty hunter’s AND imperials. But I mean, you said it for yourself. Nothing you aren’t used to, right?”
Linel shuffled his feet. He was a couple inches further away from Ezra than he last stood.
“Look, Commander, it’s not like I had a choice. They would’ve grabbed us if I hadn’t started leaving—“, the pantoran began, brows beginning to furrow against his blue skin.
“—But, the thing is, you DID have a choice.”, Ezra cut off, eyes narrowed, darkened under the shade of the stone above them. His voice was calm and collected as his arms crossed in front of him. “You almost got captured regardless, and you put my partner in harms way. I don’t really take kindly to others that end up hurting the people I care about, you know.”
Ezra pushed himself off the wall, and walked closer to Linel. “Next time instead of spearheading your way to an impulsive decision like that on a mission under her lead, why don’t you listen to her instead, huh?”
He gave Linel a couple pats on his shoulder, and began to walk away.
“It’s not like you’re any better, Bridger.”
Ezra stopped in his tracks, not looking back at Linel behind him. He had more to say, so Ezra decided to wait until he said what he needed to.
“I’ve heard stories about how Commander Bridger of the great ship The Ghost was impulsive, and consistently put his teams into greater danger because of his decisions. Especially at the beginning.”, Linel said, a hint of malice lacing in between those words. “Don’t be a hypocrite and reprimand me for something I did that you’ve done multiple times.”
Ezra took a deep breath. “I may have been impulsive and done that a few times, especially during the beginning. I’m not knocking that in the slightest. But, they were never out of a selfish need to get away after I joined the Ghost. And I made sure I never left anyone behind if the situation allowed it.”
He turned back to Linel. “Can you say the same for yourself?”
“Be glad that my partner forgave you. That’s a trust you never want to try and earn back if you break it.”
Ezra turned away once again, not getting a sound out of Linel, and walked on. “Thanks for calling me out on my hypocrisy though. I’ll be sure to work on it.”
The pantoran could only watch the Jedi walk away.
Somewhere off in the distance was the rest of the ghost crew - minus you and Hera -!near Phantom II, checking it’s diagnostics and grabbing what was needed to replace it. Sabine caught a glimpse of Ezra talking to Linel, and excused herself from the rest of the group to grab some supplies they needed.
“You didn’t go too hard on the guy, did you?”, she asked Ezra when he walked by her. She had the hovering cart of supplies in her hands already, and pushed them with her while the two walked back to the broken down extension of the Ghost.
“I didn’t.”
Sabine raised a brow at her younger brother figure, a smirk rising onto her face at his shrug. She gave him a pointed look.
“I didn’t!”, he raised his hands (and his voice octave too), in mock surrender. “I swear.”
“Surreee you did.” The mandalorian rolled her eyes with a snort, looking ahead of them. “Sure.”
A long stretch of silence slid by them both as they walked, only broken by a quiet and reluctant scoff Ezra let out. “Like I’d ever let him get away with what he did with Y/n kriff free.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t let him either. Best friend or not.”
Ezra nodded in agreement.
“Best friend or not.”
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waspgrave · 5 months
Let it be known that I am a pro at anatomy. Even after partaking in Weed Cookie, I aced my midterm 🧚‍♀️
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
ok i am forbidding myself from watching lost until i meet my nanowrimo goal today
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raeathnos · 9 months
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bitchkay · 1 year
Tomorrow's Dekus birthday so I'm dying my hair green.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
hello! I recently got into fanfics again and youre such a talented writer 💗 i was hoping to get theo or/and mattheo w a Hufflepuff reader whose been acting really bratty so they put her in her place 👁👁 i hope its not too much for u n if u dont feel like it thats totally fine too! 🤞
Yes! I didn't specify the house, but I hope this works!
Theodore Nott X F!Reader
Warnings: Orgasm denial, unprotect sex, creampie, cussing.
18+ Minors DNI!
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You normally were so sweet. Never really had much of an attitude, or at least, if you did, it never lasted long. However, today, you were moody and short with people, especially to your sweet boyfriend Theodore. He was trying to figure out what you needed all day. Getting you food and sweets, trying to give you affection, trying to give you space, trying to make you laugh. None of it was working. He was losing his patience.
It was just before dinner when you decided to say another snarky thing to him while you were sitting with the boys. He snapped and dragged you over to the bathroom. You thought you were gonna get a lecture about talking to him disrespectfully in front of his friends. Instead, he had you bent over the sink, panties around your ankles while he fucked you from behind.
“You need to drop the attitude, cara mia.” He said, watching your face in the mirror. “I’ve been very patient with you today.”
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You moaned, gripping onto the sink.
Wrong choice of words because he pulled out and turned you around, gripping your waist tightly. “Is that how you talk to me?” His voice was low and stern.
“Can you please just fuck me, Theo.” You whined.
“What did I say about the attitude?” He warned, tilting his head down slightly.
“Drop it.” You said, huffing.
“Exactly.” He said, his tone a little softer. “So, how about we try that again?”
You rolled your eyes and before you could say anything, he grabbed your face with one hand.
“Without the attitude.”
You sighed, letting your body relax. “Can you please fuck me, Theo?”
“Much better.” He said with a small smile.
He lifted you up onto the sink and pulled your panties off your ankles as he stepped between your legs. He teased your entrance before thrusting in, making you both moan.
“Give me attitude again and I’ll stop, you understand?” He asked, taking your chin in his fingers to tilt your head to look up at him.
“Yes.” You nodded.
He started thrusting, holding onto your hips tightly. You held onto the sink as you tried staying still from his thrusts, moaning his name.
“You gotta be quiet. People will hear.” He warned.
You nodded, biting down on your lip to try to quiet your moans.
He smiled at your attempt and moved one hand to rub at your clit, causing your moans to get louder as you threw your head back. You brought a hand to your mouth, covering it to muffle the moans.
“Just needed to get fucked to lose that attitude, huh?” He teased, leaning in to kiss your neck.
You were so close, your pussy clenching around him as you cried out into your hand.
Then he stopped, ripping a whine from your throat.
“What?” You asked, moving your hand from your mouth as you tried moving your hips to get some of that feeling back.
“You didn’t think I’d let you cum that easily with that attitude?” He said with a smile as he leaned back to look at you.
You groaned, leaning your head back. “Please, Theo. I was so close.”
“Next time, I won’t be so nice, principessa.” He said before started to thrust again, rubbing at your clit.
You had to cover your mouth again, moaning loudly, eyes rolling back. Your orgasm was building up again almost as fast as it had left. You came around him with a cry of his name into your hand, trembling as he came too, spilling his cum into you. He pulled out and pulled your 
panties back up onto you.
“Gotta keep that in. Think of that every time you wanna act up again, hm?” He smiled before helping you off the sink.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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chuulyssa · 5 months
​​🇸​​ 🇵 ​​🇦 ​​🇳 ​​🇰​​ !
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↷ A/N ─ as usual please leave likes and reblogs to show support :D i love spoiling you guys !! now please tell me to go study i need some motivation :(
★ FT. ─ dazai , chuuya , ranpo , akutagawa , fyodor
!! TAGS ─ spanking, mentions of smut
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momentarily surprised but quickly recovers
smiles and turns to you
it's like you just gave him a treat :D you can almost see his tail wagging as if he's a dog (he hates dogs btw grrr)
he believes that you spanking his ass gives HIM permission to do the same to YOU :( how mean of him
so he catches you off guard by spanking your ass
and you two end up chasing each other down to take turns spanking each other. whoever loses does the dishes tonight
"You've been very good today; you even completed your punishment for provoking me," he says, engulfing you in a cuddle after you returned from doing the dishes.
chokes on air this time (yes chuuya chokes in every single scenario of mine but he's the one choking you at night so its ok !! :D)
he's surprised because wtf?? he's the one supposed to be doing that conventionally????
defo spanks you back but tries to be as soft as possible because he's a gentleman
i think this is already an hc but he's an ass guy so once you've spanked him don't think he's gonna leave u at all
i did say his spanks are gonna be as soft as he can make them be but i never said how many 🤪😇
"Count," he hisses. It's midnight, and you're at his mercy. After his long and hard day at work, he needs something to relieve his stress.
stops your hand mid-air because duh he already knew about what you were gonna do
twists and turns and ends up holding your ass and squeezing it
all the while you're like wtf is wrong with you
his eyes make it look like he's enjoying it sm :( such a kitty cat
im still mad they didn't give us a whole separate scene for his ass :< anyone who's read the manga, any pics you wanna share? 👁
"You need to buy me extra candy for putting up with your stupidity," he rolls his eyes, pinching your cheek.
his reflexes immediately act and you see rashomon from the back of his coat
but then he realizes its you...
well now you have :D his poor virgin ass
not a virgin anymore once he started dating you u horny ass mf /lh
he has literally no idea how to reply to that
he just shrugs cluelessly
"I guess I should return the favour?" he tries to sound confident but ends up delivering the lightest, most gentle spank. He doesn't want to hurt you. He loves you.
one, because he's another virgin (virgin slander less gaurr 💪🏻 even tho im one myself; its the self burn guys !!)
and two, for the last time STOP. MESSING. WITH. HIS. RELIGIOUS. SELF.
you're SATAN in his eyes, trying to distract him and make him sin (as if he isn't a murderer and a terrorist cough cough)
if we're being delusional enough he'll leave the room with a faint pink on his cheeks 🤡
definitely returns the favour at night 🤭🤭 (only if you're married tho!!)
"My sole undivided attention is all yours now," he hits your ass again. "Anything to say? Hm? Why not? You were all for giggling at my face today. What's wrong now?"
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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bbyobbyo · 4 months
You don’t usually wake up at the same time as Jihoon, but he definitely makes sure that you wake up with him everyday.
content: fluff, established relationship, idol!Jihoon x non-idol!reader, domesticity, spotify as a plot point lol
wc: 1.6k
note: inspired by this reddit post which i thought was 100% something jihoon would do especially now that i know he uses spotify lol. i feel like im the only one who finds it hardest to write for their bias, i get really in my head about whether or not im portraying him in the way I want to. i’ve never written idol!au either (bc i think it’s easy to overdo) which only adds to me overthinking ahhhh but hope that you guys enjoy this one !! as always feedback or comments are appreciated 🥰 I read all of them and they make me so happy hehe
[read pt.2 here!]
Jihoon swears there's something magical about waking up to a calm and quiet morning. The sun is barely just rising, blanketing the world in a soft twilight that cuts the dark blues of the waning night. And in his bed, he finds something equally as magical: your soundly sleeping figure next to him. The world is silent except for your steady breaths, and he has to take extra caution to not fall asleep again if just to enjoy the brief moments of tranquility like this during his otherwise busy life. Eventually he gets up to start his schedule for the day, taking one last look at your peaceful slumber in fondness before he closes the door behind him.
Make no mistake, Jihoon loves his job. Having 13 members in his group is fantastic, except when you realize that 13 people requiring styling and wardrobe before every public appearance takes a lot of time. His mornings may start early, but in reality most of his time is spent listening to music in salon chairs and dozing off in waiting rooms.
In fact, it was in the middle of getting his makeup done when he discovered that around 8:20 am every day, his Spotify (which he uses to listen to his daily Bruno Mars Mix playlist) stops playing on his phone and switches to… the speaker at home? He bought a new speaker a few days ago because the last one you had was on its last legs from years of use, but if it’s malfunctioning already then he might have to look into getting a new speaker sooner than he thought.
Upon closer observation, Jihoon also notices that the song has changed — it’s playing one of his songs, your favorite one actually. Immediately he realizes what happened. He contemplates shooting you a text to tell you to disconnect him and just sync your own Spotify account to the speaker, you’re home more often than him anyway. That thought quickly disappears, however, as he imagines you getting ready for work listening to the sound of his voice and genuinely enjoying the music that he pours his heart and soul into, he can’t bring himself to disturb you even for a moment. His eyes soften as he stares blankly at the Spotify home screen, headphones now deafeningly silent. Surely, Jihoon decides, he can live without his Bruno Mars Mix for just a while longer.
You sometimes wonder if your boyfriend is magic. Although a good morning text has been standard in your relationship since the beginning, it's starting to concern you how perfectly timed it is.
Normally, your morning routine is simple. Wake up. Get out of bed. Bump some tunes. Check your notifications. Brush teeth. Wash face. Get dressed. Pack bag. Leave the house.
You’re usually the one to text him good morning given your later wake up time, yet he’s been beating you to it lately. Yes, he knows you set your alarm 8:15 everyday because it's “the perfect amount of time you need to get ready and still make it to work on the dot”. But that doesn't explain why “rise n shine babe :))” pops up on your phone as you brush your teeth on the days you wake up early, too.
[8:06 am] you have to tell me how you do it
[8:06 am] Do what????
[8:07 am] im onto you mister 👁👄👁
[8:07 am] 👍👍👍
You spiral through the possible scenarios in your head: he has your location, but that wouldn’t tell him when you woke up right? Does your icon move around on the map? No, the location data isn’t that accurate. Maybe when you open your phone, your Facebook status shows that you’re online? No, you know for a fact that you both haven’t opened that app in years. Hmm, did he plant cameras everywhere in the apartment? Sure, you get the security utility of it but if he did it without telling you, there would be some SERIOUS things to talk about, maybe it really is all just guesswork and coincidence?
Sigh… you’ll get to the bottom of this eventually.
Jihoon doesn’t plan on telling you, but rather wants you to figure it out yourself. After all, he’s been dropping so many hints already. Your chill hangouts at his studio have a gentle hum of your favorite songs as background noise. He purposely asks you about the new albums of your favorite artists that, surprise, he’s already listened to. He even makes it a point to remind you that the speaker at home is hooked to his account every now and then.
Sometimes, he swears that you’ve figured it out and were just messing with him when you make little comments about your his song choices like “Really babe, you listen to your own songs this often? Are you sure you’re not a narcissist or something?” But besides these moments, there was no indication that you knew about his secret morning routine as you questioned him regularly about his tactics.
He has to admit, it was kind of amusing to see you growing increasingly suspicious of how on earth he figures out when you wake up, being particularly fond of the cute annoyed face you make when he tells you “No babe, I did not put an Air Tag in your pajamas, you barely sleep in clothes anyway.” Even your pout is adorable as you pretend to give him the silent treatment, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. His little secret is safe for another day.
Jihoon has been working brutal hours lately. As deadlines for the upcoming albums drew near, his days start earlier than ever and end equally as late. However, the one thing he can always count on is coming home to you waiting for him.
It was the night of the new album release and you were more excited than usual, greeting him at the door like a lovesick puppy as soon as you heard the door handle turning. “Hi love, what are you doing up so late?” he pulls you into a quick kiss as he sets his stuff down.
“I wanted to wait to listen to the new album with you so you could see my reaction to it!” your eyes were beaming with enthusiasm. Jihoon’s heart swells at the sentiment, knowing that his partner supports him and his passions with such sincerity. You excitedly motion him to join you in your shared bedroom, full of anticipation to hear the fruits of your boyfriend’s labor for the past months. “Alright, you’re not allowed to be disappointed then” he jokes as he pulls out his phone, quickly finding the recently released album and making sure the volume is high enough before tapping the first track and handing it over to you.
Only a few seconds of the song passes before an idea flashes across your eyes. “Wait, let’s play it on the speaker!” you interrupt. You’re on your feet in seconds and before Jihoon could even reach over to press pause, you’ve already commanded your home speaker to play the track out loud. The music immediately ceases on his phone and switches over to the speaker.
Shit, he’s done for, he thinks to himself. He studies your face carefully for any indication that he’s been found out but surprisingly, your attention is laser focused on the melodies now reverberating around your apartment. You’re mostly quiet during the songs but the rhythmic nodding of your head and facial expressions are a tell all of how much you enjoy each track that plays, contorting in a myriad of impressed shapes as killing part after killing part reaches your ears.
As the album comes to an end you look like you’re about to burst at the seams. Your boyfriend can’t control his smile as compliments and detailed thoughts flow freely from your lips for the rest of the night, not ceasing even as the both of you walk through your unwinding routines together. God, you love comeback days. The elaborate music show stages that you will undoubtedly watch later that evening has already been pre-recorded, giving you precious time together in the morning before his schedule whisks him away from your arms once again.
As you get ready for bed, you drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow, for the first time in what seems like forever, you can finally tell him good morning in person before he can.
Your alarm rings at 8:15 am. Jihoon doesn’t need to be up this early, but he would do anything in order to be the first thing you see when you wake. You roll around in his embrace and press a kiss to his cheek. “Good morning” you both whisper to each other at the same time, sending you both into a fit of giggles as you argue who said it first.
Jihoon watches in adoration from the bed as you so naturally go through your morning routine, one that he misses out on more often than he would like. Today, you forgo your usual morning songs as you queue up your personal favorites off the new album, much to his delight. He tries his best to burn this scene into his memory as you gather your things and prepare to head out, giving him one last kiss. You’re about to unlock the door when you pause in your tracks.
“Hmm?” he hums back from the bedroom.
“Enjoy the speaker, I can’t kick you off today.” you say with a smirk on your face as you exit the apartment, leaving Jihoon speechless.
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
How about sleepy early morning sex with Thranduil?👁👁prettyprettyplease
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I feel like it's been forever since I last write for Thranduil 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Thranduil x Reader 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.3k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: NSFW content, MDNI, smut, morning sex, riding, slight overstimulation, creampie.
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You wake to the sensation of kisses being peppered across your cheeks as morning light pours in through the window, bathing you in a pool of liquid gold. The warmth heats your skin with the aid of your lover's body which is half draped over yours . One of his arms crosses over your body palm pressed to the soft surface of the mattress in order to prop himself up as his pillowy lips plant kisses across your face in order to rouse you from sleep. 
You groan as you wake but the corners of your mouth quirk up in a smile when you realise that the first thing you feel this day is your husband’s affection. Your arms reach up to wind around his neck and thread your fingers through his gossamer hair, tugging just a little at the hair at the base of his head as you arch your back up to press your chest to his, delighting in the warm press of his skin upon yours. He begins to kiss you with more fervour now that you’re awake and you sigh against his lips as your mind begins to wake up. 
You let out a little giggle when you feel him press to your thigh and your eagerness only seems to spur him on as he reaches beneath the curve of your spine to pull you on top of him when he turns onto his back. His hair fans out on the pillow beneath his head like a halo of starlight and you smile sleepily down at him. 
“Good morning, meleth nîn~ (my love)” You drawl out with a little smile on your face as you lean down to pour kisses down his cheek and the slope of his jaw. His strong arms coil around your waist and you bask in the warmth of the sunlight pouring over your bed and heating your bodies as your skin presses to his. You allow yourself to simply rest atop him for a while as your nose nudges against his neck and you feel one of his hands lift up to sweep your hair from your shoulder.
“Indeed, a good morning it is…” He murmurs against the side of your head, pressing a kiss there. Beneath the sheets, your legs shift so that they bracket his hips and you slowly rise up as you set your palms down flat on his chest to support your balance. The sheet crumples and falls down your back, pooling around your hips and giving your husband quite the view considering the two of you are still bare from last night’s activities. 
You let out a low groan as you slowly, sensually roll your hips against him, feeling his dick slide through the folds of your dampening pussy. His hands slide down the curves of your waist in order to land upon your hips and hold firmly, softly squeezing you. No words need to be spoken to understand what the both of you want. 
Thranduil’s large hands roam up over your belly and to your chest, cupping and squeezing your soft breasts as his thumbs brush over your nipples, watching how they harden in the golden rays of light falling over you, making you look almost as though you were glowing. You continue to rock your hips against him, his dick trapped between his abdomen and your leaking pussy. 
His head tips back as he sucks in a hiss through his teeth. “Come now, meleth nîn, tease me no longer.” He looks up at you through lidded eyes as one of his hands firmly grabs at the underside of your ass and helps to lift you up a little. His line of sight flickers down to his hardened cock and then back up to you, a silent command. You reach down and let out a soft moan when you glide his sensitive tip through your lips, taking a moment to feel the press and glide of it against your swollen clit before finally sinking down onto him. 
You take your time to sink down to him as you feel his large hands curl around the curve of your hips. At the stretch of him, you find your hands on his abdomen curling into tight fists, scratching slightly at his alabaster skin. He seems to grow impatient with you, or perhaps he just enjoys seeing your reactions, because his hold on your hips tightens and he bottoms out up into you. A keen is torn from your lips and for a moment, you feel as though you might collapse onto him. But he’s already setting a slow and steady pace, fucking up into you and it fills you with a craving for more. With your hands still pressed to his toned abdomen in order to assist in your balance, you begin to match his pace. 
It doesn’t take very long before the room is full of the squelches of your pussy being emptied and filled again and again and again, of your skin meeting his; they’re joined by his groans and your airy moans as you can nearly feel the air being punched from your lungs with just how deep he sinks into you each time. You can feel the trembling in your legs grow as all of your muscles seem to wind up tightly and sense in anticipation of your impending orgasm. 
Soon enough, your body seems to flush with heat and you push your hips down with all your weight, taking all of his cock inside your fluttering walls while he grinds into your sweet spot to draw out your pleasure even longer. 
You’re suddenly pushed onto your back in a tangle of limbs and you let out a noise like a wail when suddenly your sensitive, sticky walls are being pounded into as Thranduil chases his own release with your body, quickly pushing you towards the border of overstimulation. Your hands reach up to tangle in and tug at his gossamer hair and pull his body flush against yours. You feel his breath puff out against your neck just below your ear, sending shivers down your spine while your legs continue to quiver. You can hear all of his groans and grunts right by your ear as he praises you: ‘so tight’, ‘you always feel so good for me’, ‘one more, just give me one more when I fill you with my cum…’ 
It’s enough to quickly send your overly-sensitive body into another orgasm, your walls milking his cock as his hips stutter and you feel the warmth of his seed filling you up. 
The two of you hold each other in the silence that follows, interrupted only by your panted breaths and the faint wet noises of Thranduil continuing to grind into you, fucking his seed deeper into you, nudging against your cervix. 
“I don’t want to face the day just yet…” You let out in a sigh as you hold your husband a little tighter. All you truly wanted was to spend the day in bed with him but the two of you had a duty to your kingdom. 
“Neither do I, but it must be done…” Thranduil replies with a gentle kiss to your temple as he withdraws just enough to brush some damp hair away from your face. “But we don’t have to part until we leave our chambers.” He withdraws from you at last and you feel the sticky warmth of his cum leak from your hole. He looks down at the sight and you see a masculine sort of pride flash across his face for a moment. “So let me clean you up before I send you about your day.” You giggle when he suddenly hoists you up into a princess carry and begins to walk you towards your shared bathroom. 
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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South Node in partners 1st house makes the house person feel so fucking comfortable. South Node person can help the house person with how to have a healthy, and loyal partnership. House person is alright with South Node person being the leader in the relationship, and feels like South Node is someone they have a deep soul connection with. This placement is meant to have a relationship of some kind, and a very deep one. U left a deep impression on each other in a past life and you're supposed 2 meet one way, or another in this one fam ✨❤️‍🔥.
South Node in partners 2nd house makes the house person feel very possessive over the South Node person, but not in a toxic way. House person feels safe for the first time, and doesn't want anyone to ruin that. Honestly, they were probably together in a past life so house person will do anything they can to protect the South Node, maybe sometimes even do irrational things 2 keep South Node around. But they'll love to be in each others company, and can last a very long time cuz they feel so secure together 👫🌤.
South Node in partners 3rd house makes the house person feel like they met in a past life, or have some unfinished karma to take care of. House person finds it very easy to communicate with the South Node person because they've met before, they could also have been siblings or neighbours in a past life ⭐⭐⭐. House person can also feel a little tense at times, because they think so alike ⚡⚡⚡.
South Node in partners 4th house makes the house person have deep karmic relations 2 the South Node person, can be bad or good tho depending on aspects 😇👿. They have each others back at ANYTIME! against anyone that tries 2 tear them apart. House person feels so connected, that they sometimes even go against their own morals. But they are meant 2 be together, and they're family 🖤. Till death do us apart baby 💋⛓.
South Node in partners 5th house indicates that they were lovers in a past life, maybe even an extramarital affair between the two 👀💍. In this lifetime you've come together 2 do it right, and be together properly. Social events, and parties is ideal 4 u guys. Kids could also have been a big theme in a past life 4 u guys, so no kids could be a big option in this life 💍🥂🍾.
South Node in partners 6th house makes the toxic traits a bit more obvious here, than any other placement. House person could feel like the South Node person owes them something from last life. House person might have the upper hand in this lifetime 🗣💪👀 it also indicates that they will feel like they can't be without each other , so you'll keep coming back together 🙅‍♀️🙅💗.
South Node in partners 7th house means they were tied by death in a past life🤲🪐, and will be together in this one. House person will feel like South Node pushes the house person to change, but 2 change with them and not feel alone while doing so. After they worked their karma out, there's a high chance that they will part ways. South Node helps house person 2 find out who they are, and when they do? all bets are off 🤷‍♀️❤️‍🔥
South Node in partners 8th house means that you guys were probably enemies in a past life, and no we're not talking about petty shit. One of y'all could have killed the other, especially the South Node person 🧐😮‍💨👁, now let's get2 the good shit. House will have been waiting 2 find South Node person for a long time. House person feels like South Node is the only one who can connect with them, soul level indicated 💋💋.
South Node in partners 9th house makes the couple expand every area of their lives, especially when it comes to higher learning, spirituality and long distance travels. They are meant to be each others "guiding star"⭐ in this lifetime, cuz they've healed each other before and will do it again ❗❗❗. House person will feel like South Node person knows best, not because they don't trust their own judgement but because they have so much faith in South Node person<33.
South Node in partners 10th house indicates great business deals and partnerships - u guys helped each other a lot in a past life so naturally you'll do the same in this one 💁‍♀️💸💸💵💵. Could also indicate an arranged marriage by your parents tho 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫. House person may feel like South Node person want to get married, getting started on creating a family quick and things like that. They naturally look good together btw 💅✨✨.
South Node in partners 11th house could be an indication of step kids in this relationship, both or one partner could have kid/s before meeting the other 💜. Your soul contract is 2 finish unfinished business, and start 2 love how fucking nice it is that y'all are different. You met in a past life, and probably didn't like each other 😭🤣, but in this lifetime you'll learn how to love each other and come together when things get rocky 🦾🖤.
South Node in partners 12th house is a deep soul contract/karma that these two have. One can end up with a deep soul connection, or a deep heartbreaking experience with no understanding of what was really going on 👿🥺. South Node could take advantage and use the house person, 4 their own personal gain! but look at the aspects 2 c which way it will go babe<333.
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merakiui · 1 month
secret otaku floyb!!!! in the locker room they're asking if he ever hit it raw and he's sleepy because he's had hentai on the brain since two nights ago (reader is ovulating and he can smell it) and he mumbles "came inside her 3 times last night" but nobody knows he's talking about his y/n onahole BITING MY FIST
OMG OTL BITING THE BARS OF MY CAGE…… he says it so casually because he’s only just waking up. Morning practice is the worst. </3 and everyone in the locker room just stares like 👁 👁 “nice.”
If only it was actually you, though!!! T^T oh, what Floyb would give to creampie you and then spread your pussy lips apart to watch his cum drool from your pretty hole while you twitch and gasp, still so sensitive and soft… orz orz he wants to fuck you so hard that maybe you’ll end up looking like the girls in his hentai, who make the most lewd expressions and moan the loudest.
Maybe he buys one of those half-body onaholes just so he can grip its hips and pretend it’s you he’s breeding every time he empties his load inside. :)
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alicerosejensen · 9 months
I JUST HAD A CUTE LITTLE SCENARIO IDEA. It is about vendetta! leon and young(20’s) reader series! What about reader sitting on the bathrooms counter/vanity while helping Leon shave? His hands are resting on readers tighs or around her waist as he watches her focused eyes. I THINK THAT WOULD BE ADORABLE PLS.
And i don’t think this counts as an ask, but if you’ll want to do something with this im not complainig hahah 👁👁
Warning: Fluff, mention of injuries, age difference (implied but not mentioned), Leon!Vendetta, Leon gets taken care of (this man needs a little love and devotion); talking about nothing.
I'm sorry, I'm too lazy. I write slowly and because of some eternally tired condition
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Coming back to you after so many weeks of silence was wrong, or at least unfair. To tell the truth, Leon did not feel that he should have done it at all, the doctor recommended bed rest, but it was all the same. It was not the first time he had been thrown like a rag doll, although this time he felt like he was on the edge, dangerously balancing between life and death, when Aris's claws almost pierced his flesh. At least Leon thought he was going to die thinking about you- the only good thing in his life in recent years.
He wasn't even sure if you would let him in, but when he broke out of the dark tunnel, the whole flight he thought only about how nice it was to return to the person who, for some reason, cared about him. You weren't his wife, you weren't his work partner, you were just a girl. The girl he was afraid to fall in love with because he always thought that this love would hurt you. Although it seems that only one was injured, and it was Leon himself, who came up with stupid rules for himself to protect you.
And here he is, you look at him without any malice, although it would be worth it. Leon really doesn't think he has the right to show up like this without an invitation, but he does, looking into your eyes with a guilty look, hoping that you won't drive him away and let him lick his wounds while he lets you love him tenderly.
"Come in," you nod head, letting him into your tiny apartment, in which Leon felt better than at home.
Although it looked more like a lone wolf's lair. It was much more comfortable and even somehow warmer with you.
Taking a step, Leon feels not like a government dog, but an ordinary person who is taken by the hand and let into a small corner of paradise. Maybe it will last a day, two or a week, but he will be a little happy and loved.
"Should I heat up your dinner?" You ask casually, as if he wasn't ignoring you and running away to drown his problems in alcohol. "Leon?"
"No, I'm not hungry."
"Coffee?" Again you offer him, but he just shakes his head negatively as he sits down on the chair in front of you.
Maybe you think he came here to end all the little things that were between you, but no. He just needs you as a salvation, otherwise his head will drown in regret.
All Leon wants is for his fight not to be in vain, but every time someone else takes the place of the bad guy, and corporations continue to create viruses that turn people into bioweapons. He runs his hand over his face, feeling the annoying stubble under his palm that should have been shaved off, but having drowned in alcohol, he didn’t want to do anything.
“I just,” he looks at you with a hazy look but completely sober, “Can I stay here? With you?”
Who are you to refuse him? But be honest with yourself, you want him to stay here, especially since his beaten appearance really said that he was better off not being alone. Under the T-shirt, bruises and abrasions on the face and arms and what appears to be a dislocated shoulder are visible. In any case, wanted to believe that Leon didn’t break any bones.
"You know that my answer is yes"
Leon doesn't smile. Just eternally grateful that he won't have to sit in his dark, lonely apartment lying on his bed again after taking a strong painkiller.
He sleeps well with you, he doesn't have nightmares, and he's just comfortable here. You can turn on the TV, watch an old movie with you and lie quietly, knowing that he will not be called anywhere until he recovers. There was work left in New York for B.S.A.A and TerraSave, but not for him, besides, he didn't take a shower before coming to you, fortunately you had some of his things, including a spare toothbrush and a new disposable razor.
And that was the problem. The problem with his shoulder, which you kept looking at without stopping, as if he had grown a third arm.
“Working moments,” Leon muttered, feeling that he really wouldn’t refuse your dinner. “Can I ask you something else?"
“Yeah, sure.” You really never refused him.
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Arias threw him against the wall, clearly sparing no effort, but thanks to the adrenaline, Leon didn’t feel much pain and was able to maneuver and attack this crazy bastard. The truth is that falling from a motorcycle does not benefit his body, which is why when everything calmed down, Leon realized that it was simply difficult for him to pick up the very razor that was now in your hands and do such a simple job as shaving.
“Just stay still, or better yet, sit down,” you said loudly, seeing that Leon didn’t like the touch on his neck when you tried to cover him with shaving foam.
It was already like instinct when they touched his neck. Leon immediately jerked to the side when he felt someone else's palm on his skin, as if the touch caused him pain. He never talked about how often he was grabbed by the throat, but from his reaction one could guess that this was a sensitive area that he did not like to trust to anyone but himself.
“I can’t shave you if you twitch like a little kid who doesn’t want to wash his face,” you joked, using your finger to spread the shaving foam you had on your hand onto the tip of his nose.
"Just...a reflex"
You thought about it, biting your lip, but Leon just exhaled, gathering his strength, knowing that you weren't going to kill him. He trusted you, so he calmly sat down on a small chair, putting his hands on your waist, trying to relax.
You saw how tense his muscles were, as if at any moment he was ready to make a jerk, his fingers squeezed the fabric of your tank top while you distributed foam over his face, trying not to overuse the product at the site of his abrasions that have not yet healed. When that was done, the razor in your hands gently touched the skin of his neck and gently shaved off excess hair from his face with smooth movements against the coarse hairs.
Carefully avoiding all the cuts, you managed not to hurt him. Step by step, you constantly rinsed the razor to remove all the hairs from it and walk it over the places where the stubble still remained. The most difficult thing for Leon was his neck - he felt too exposed and vulnerable, but when it was over and you moved to another zone, it seemed to you that he even exhaled.
In the end, getting carried away with the case, you didn't even notice how Leon was gradually able to relax and carefully watched your movements, finding you charming when you are so focused only on him. Maybe it's a little selfish, but for him you look so beautiful that he thinks about asking you to shave him again in a week when the stubble grows back, just to watch you take care of him again.
It took you a few minutes to catch his eye when you were completely done. The blue eyes stared at you with such attention that for a second you might have thought that something interesting was written on your face since he was looking at you like that. It's a little awkward and you look at him in response, stupidly blinking your eyes when you wipe his face with a towel, which makes a smile bloom on your lips and you look away.
"What's funny?"
To be honest, there really wasn't anything funny, it was just embarrassing for you.
"Did you leave me something like a mustache?" He joked and you burst out laughing
"Good idea! I'll do it next time."
Leon chuckled, because as a temporary joke, you could do that. That's just the accumulated fatigue that fell like a heavy boulder on him did not allow him to rejoice as much as you do.
"You're obviously going to amuse Chris," He sighed. You threw the razor into the sink and froze for a moment when you felt his head pressed against your stomach, relaxing in layers as you run your fingers through his hair "Thank you"
"No problem," you kissed the top of his head, helping him stand up, noticing how he hisses from the pain in his back when he straightens up.
"Fuck." Leon hisses in pain, catching his breath, realizing that maybe he should drink more painkillers and let a loved one take care of him. "I think I'm catching up with my age"
"Maybe. But I think you should rest and follow the doctor's recommendations at least until you stop needing painkillers."
"Until the next mission, you mean?"
You didn't say anything because you didn't know much about his work. After laying Leon on the bed, he finally exhaled with relief after looking at you with secret gratitude. Literally the only person who gives him warmth and comfort, and maybe he should come to you instead of washing down his bitterness in a bar. Thinking about it, Leon even thought that if he had stayed with you, he would not be suffering from his injuries now, however… What would have happened to Chris and Rebecca? But it's too late to regret what happened. He's alive and he's with you now. He lies in your bed listening to the usual chatter while the TV is on in the background and you settle down next to him bringing an extra blanket and pillow.
In the end, you just plopped down next to him, thoughtfully looking at the picture on the TV, pulling the blanket over yourself. Leon moved a little closer to you, hugging you around the waist, nuzzling your cheek, covering his eyes from fatigue. Of course you knew that he works for the government, but never what he does specifically. You saw the "DSO" marking on his gun, but you were afraid to ask him about it, although the fact that Leon has the right to carry and store weapons freely already hinted that he does not work in some average position and his injuries… one is worse than the other.
It is difficult to unravel the thoughts of this person, especially when he is completely immersed in himself. You know that he has some problems with alcohol and a couple of times you even quarreled about it, after which Leon always apologized by coming to you with flowers and other gifts. You turn off the light in the room, turning to him, meeting the tired gaze of blue eyes.
"Thank you. I rarely say this, but I'm grateful for everything you do for me."
"I know."
"Maybe you should find a better guy than me, but" he snuggled even closer and there was fear in his words, as if you could make him leave right now, "but I want to be with you. I can't lead a normal life, but being here with you feels like I'm becoming normal. Who he was before September 30, 1998"
"And what happened on September 30th?" you ask, putting your hand on his palm, smiling, and immediately see how noticeably even in the dark his face changes, becoming more gloomy.
"My first day working as a cop. I overslept and was late for my first day at work"
He could have said a lot and revealed his soul to you without fear if he hadn't been bound by the government. Raccoon City is classified information, and even no matter how much he values you, you shouldn't know anything about it. Fortunately, you do not pry into the truth, leaving his personal border untouched, and for this Leon is infinitely grateful. Maybe in a couple of weeks, when his injuries stop being so painful and his condition improves, he'll even laugh at what kind of mustache you made for him while shaving him again. He will really be happy and he will not need alcohol in this.
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chitra111goddess · 7 months
Let's talk about Revati women ♡
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💗 Revati is ruled by Mercury the trickster and its a Pisces nakshatra so you can only imagine how these natives can cast an illusion, theyre like magicians or shifters. They're master manipulators (not in a bad way cuz they don't intend to harm others but it's like they know how to get their way and how to be perceived a certain way while being lowkey w their motives)
I noticed its easy for revati women to attract wealth through other people as well like having a sugar daddy or a provider or thro pretty privilege/using their femininity to attract. They make it seem effortless or they have this mentality of "work smart, not hard". I think its underrated how fking clever they are !
That's not to say that they can't do things on their own but they like it when others do it for them
they don't rly seem to get emotionally attached to people easily but once they do it's v deep , there's always smtg in it for them tho like they have to gain smtg from the people or the experience (mercury and jupiter influence of revati) ,, it's not wrong , cuz if it doesn't serve u why pursue it?
Example Shera seven (mercury in revati) + leighton meester as Blair in gossip girl (revati sun)
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she's so funny 💀 again the epitome of don't work hard work smart, using her femininity to get her way. Revati is the type to not "need" a man but they can use one lmaoo it sounds toxic but I mean .. it works. It just feels like revati energy don't rly come from a place of need or desperation , it feels more like "been there done that" (being the last nakshatra of pisces) kinda vibe so they're not easily phased or impressed and they use whatever they got now in order to attract more
💗 The duality of revati women never misses, which makes them so interesting. There's that sweet soft girly side but also dark feminine seductive side just like with other mercury nakshatras, but revati can pull off both light and dark
I mean look at Rihanna (revati moon and asc)
Pretty girlie + bad bitch essence in one (that comes from the tropical aries too imo)
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Revati women just seem unbothered like they don't rly care, which gives them this air of confidence, even if they're awkward at least they know how to PRETEND to be confident.
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(Anna wintour revati moon)
This again ties to how revati women can alter the perception of others of how they're being perceived by pretending or acting like it
Another example is kristen stewart (revati sun) even tho she can be awkward but she also seems unbothered and like she don't care. And ofc Angelina jolie especially in the movie *girl interrupted* her revati moon shines through
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That trickster smirk lol
They don't like to be labeled or put in a box I think revati women can be so fluid that goes to being gender fluid for some of them, they always wanna show different sides like they're not one way, they're multifaceted so people will have v different opinions on them
Im seeing alot of them rocking the Bob cut especially revati moon women
Also I have to mention revati women and their voice 👁👄👁 they always sound unique or feminine, and the way they talk is pleasing like I could listen to them all day.
Let me know ur thoughts and I might add to this later on
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
The government is running out of money?🤨🤔🤭
That must suck.😚🤧
I have a proposal!🤓☝️🤠
*grabs the "hey Doc" series by the throat"
I need Snail to make more of these. 👁👁
Thank you for your ask, V🌱. I love writing for this series, and I adore the fact that you like it too 🥹.
It's okay, Heat.
Hey Doc Masterlist
Word Count: 1,700+
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Synopsis: After using his abilities as a fire breather to heal your injured leg, he is wracked with guilt over inflicting such pain onto you. You reassure him that you don't hate him for it, and share a moment of vulnerability with him.
Themes: platonic!Heat x gn!reader, injury, burn treatment, reassurance, swearing, wound dressing, medical practice, pain.
Notes: I feel like this will be the last of the serious ones for a little while. I need to get back to the sillies for these guys, but I couldn't leave you with your leg like that!
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“Hey Doc.”
Having Bubblegum leave your side after spending time taking you in and ensuring you were comfortable made you feel almost lonely. His boisterous and insatiable appetite for ensuring your comfort was both endearing and obsessive. It was beginning to drive you a little bit crazy how much he was in your personal space, but you enjoyed how much he truly cared for you.
The crew had been silent, no murmur was heard as footsteps passed your bedroom doorway. None of them dared speak or breathe, as the Captain had barked that none should disturb your recovery.
As Heat moved through the doorway, his head hung low and his sunken eyes refused to meet with yours. This stance reminded you of his requests to aid you in his more intimate ailments, his sheepish behavior often bringing a great comfort to you. At this time, the air he breathed was as thick as concrete, and there was no bashfulness in his demeanor.
Before he had a moment to speak his confessions, asking for your forgiveness in his part in treating your wounds as best he could, you halted him with your palm extended in front of you. He shuddered out a shaken breath, the warmth rising in the room with his exhale.
“Come here,” you lower your voice to a soothing whisper and flicker your digits to beckon him to your side.
The weight in each of his heavy steps weighed far less than the guilt in his heart as he drew himself closer to you. Patting the bed twice, Heat’s eyes briefly drew themselves up to meet with yours before flickering away as quickly as he approached the bed. Turning to face away from you, he slunk down to sit on the mattress by your side and hung his head to the floor.
“Oh, Heat,” you scoff at him, giving his back a gentle tap to playfully nudge him, “Stop feeling sorry for yourself and come here, would you?” He upturned his scarred lips in disdain for being scolded before turning to face you. Hanging his head low, he slowly drew his eyes up to meet with yours.
“I'm so s-.” Heat was cut off immediately by the look you shot at him. The dangerous warning in your searing gaze, the curl of your lips, and the low growl emitted from your throat had him halt his words.
After taking a moment to remain beside him and dwelling in the thick silence beside him, you cast aside the sheets from your waist and drew up your leg. Peeling the bandage away from the warmth of your thigh, Heat’s gaze was fixed on your every movement. As the material of the bandage became close to the gauze around the wound, you finally drew your eyes up to meet his.
“Who treated me for the burn?” You asked him, darting your eyes quickly down to the gauze and back up to his eyes. His lips curled downwards as he confessed lowly, “I did.” You nodded, peeling back the first wound at the top of your thigh and grimaced at the sight.
“The puss means it's healing,” you commented on the elevated skin and the crusting around the wound, “Did you use ice or water?” He turned from you, grabbing another large elastic plaster from the bench and passing it to you.
“Water,” he uttered his profession, “You said twenty minute intervals beneath cold running water, with ten minutes of rest between each session.” You took the clear elastic from him and flicked your hands to gesture to the aloe burn aid.
“In my lucidity?” you asked him with your brow raised. He nodded slowly, passing you the cream with his lips clamped shut in a tight line. You smirked playfully at him, scrunching your nose and teasing him with, “Fuck I'm good.”
He chuckled at that, the deep rumble of his voice falling from his nose with his dry laughter, his lips still clamped shut. You laughed along with him, taking an amount of cream in your hand and dabbing them over the scar tissue with a soft hiss. He winced empathetically at you, finally parting his lips to suck in a hiss.
Surging forward, he took the elastic from you and began dressing your wound as soon as you lifted your hands off the sensitive skin. Lulling your head back on your shoulders, you scrunch your eyes tightly shut as he pressed the stretched fabric over your skin. Reopening your eyes you stare off at the ceiling and inhale slowly.
“Make sure the plaster-.” You began your exhaled guide to the fire breather, halting as he spoke over you.
“-Has no bubbles or tears. Aye, Doc,” he nodded, continuing to guide the plaster over the top of your thigh. You scoff at him, shaking your head and furrowing your brows at his words.
“And don't have the tacky edges-.”
“-Stick to the aloe,” he again cut you off, using the pads of his thumbs to gently smooth over the borders, “I know, Doc. I have done this before. You've taught me well.” You snap your head down at him and glare at him, knowing the smirk that was awaiting you once you did so. He pursed his lips in a thin line, darting his sunken eyes up at you while giving your knee a gentle tap.
“Now the underside,” he gestured to beneath your thigh to replace the other gauze, “You can bend your knee up, lie on your stomach, or throw your leg over my shoulder so I can reach it. Choice is yours.” Your glare deepens, causing him to chuckle more at you.
“It is gonna take more than that to get me to throw my leg over your shoulder, Heat,” you huff towards him. Gently raising your knee, you peeled off the worn fabric beneath your thigh and threw it in the discard bin beside your bed. Repeating your motions with the aloe, Heat prepares the elastic gauze to glaze over your wound once your hands come away.
As soon as your hands leave the wound, he replaces them with his own to cover the burn. Taking a moment while placing the sheer gauze over your deep welt, he can see the injury he inflicted above the rod exit scar with the painful reminder of his actions. A heart-shaped kiss from him was permanently seared into your flesh from both sides. His quick thinking had caused your flesh to scorch and burn, bubbling and oozing while beginning the healing process.
Sensing his distress once he placed the gauze down, you arch forward and clasp your hand over his wrist. His eyes immediately snap up and meet with your serious expression.
“I don't blame you for this. You did nothing wrong,” you immediately reassure him, darting your eyes between his to brand in your words. “Your quick thinking saved my leg, and my life. The way you heard me without me speaking, effortlessly doing what I asked in my delirium, was flawless.” Leaning up closer, you remove your hands from his wrist and clap your hand on his shoulder.
“You are not at fault here. There is no-one to blame for my injury but myself,” you nod, hypnotizing him to nod with you by the bob of your head, “You acted exactly the way I needed you to, and I am in your debt. Thank you-.”
“-Don’t thank me,” he hushed his tone, scolding you with his haste, “Not for this. I hurt you-.”
“-You saved me,” you firmly growled at him, “You closed the wound, stopped the bleeding, and purified the poison with the power of your lips. You were perfect, and I am grateful for it.” Reaching up, you clap your hand over his scarred cheek and ensure his eyes never leave yours.
“I would rather heal a complex burn than rehabilitate after amputating my own leg,” you lower your tone and sharpen your tongue, “Not after Cap lost his arm and we dealt with the consequences thereafter. I-I-... -I am forever grateful to you, Heat. You've done so good by me,” you stutter, feeling your emotions overcome you as you drop your hand from Heat’s cheek and have your head sink lower.
Circling his arms around you, Heat draws you in close and embraces you against himself. He is not accustomed to witnessing you express weakness like this, nor confessing any trauma that came from your past in healing Kid. Feeling awkward and rigid with you in his arms, he attempted to soothe you by rubbing his thumbs over the back of your head.
“Want me to get Killer for you?” Heat whispered softly, the tone of his voice coming across as awkward as he attempted to hold back his own emotional experience at your words. You inhale deeply before exhaling with your emotional release.
“Not right now,” you whisper against his chest before pulling yourself away from his grip. “I think I need to rest a little on my own. Bubblegum was beginning to drive me up the fucking wall with his constant need to be near me,” you confess softly before adding, “Not that I'm not grateful. I love that purple-haired weirdo. It's a lot, is all. Just tell everyone I'm alive, and I'll be back on duty in a couple weeks while the muscles knit back together.”
“I'll let ‘em know, Doc. I promise,” Heat nods at you, offering you the softest of smiles as he rises back up to his feet and begins to walk towards the door.
“Try to let everyone know not to shove things in parts of their body that aren't easy to get out,” you call softly after him, “Can't really perform retrievals from my bedside. Nothing up or in, you got that?” Heat offered you a low chuckle in response, halting at your door and smirking at you.
“I will make no promises, Doc,” he called over to you before leaving to slink down the hallway, closing the door behind you.
With a small laugh of your own, you lie back town on your bed and attempt to get comfortable with the searing burn on the two sides of your leg. Seeing the expression on your attacker's face, the hate in his eyes, the snarl on his lips: you couldn't help but sigh out in sorrow at the whole situation.
The odds of a person from your hometown having the intent to kill you on sight, especially on an island so far away from your origins, was one in a million. Closing your eyes, you picture the faces you left behind while embarking on this journey. A home, a culture, a thesis based on your upbringing, a career in a reputable medical profession. You have it all up to serve Eustass Kid as your captain.
And you had never once regretted it.
You loved your life, your crew, your found family, and your job. Nothing could ever tear you away from them, not even a spear in the leg from an old ally turned enemy. You were a Kid Pirate for life, to whatever end found you.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @nerium-lil @sinning-23
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ozzgin · 1 month
Yandere crime boss is making me feel things I didn't even know I could feel 👁👁. I absolutely love the way you write him
With loads of love
goopy slimey anon
Every now and then I remember that criminally violent men are probably my biggest thing. Absolutely atrocious to consider in real life, but in fiction? My morals are out the window.
I also found the dynamic to be so bizarre, yet funny and mildly cute? The fact that Reader cleans up the crime scenes, and they occasionally discover that the victims are people who wronged them and must've been dealt with by crime boss himself...and they're perfectly fine with it. So, you know, it's not some captive situation. While Crime Boss is definitely not willing to ever let Reader go, it's not like Reader minds or objects to it.
A willing, chaotic neutral Reader who's happy to get paid and laid.
"I can't believe he went out of his way to protect me~", you sigh dreamily as you throw the last body bag in the trunk of your car.
You can hardly believe the restaurant was covered in blood and bullets just a few hours ago.
Were you in danger? Not...really. One of your boyfriend's business partners slipped and referred to you as his bitch. Needles to say, boss left the meeting alone and swiftly called you to dispose of a dozen bodies.
[As a side note, if you like this kind of unhinged yandere, I can also recommend Yan!Bodyguard, Daitou and Tig!]
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