#late nights with koi
lost-khione · 11 months
Some Halloween headcanons for ARR
Dawn Faction
Gets invited to Halloween parties
Likes that he can attend them without having to wear a suit
He dresses up and covers his face with a mask so people don't recognize him easily
To his annoyance, Toichiro can still recognize him
Asks his maid to pack some candies for the kids who would swing by his house
Lets his wings out on full display since people would just think it's his costume
People stare because it looks so realistic (it is real *wink wink*)
Kids would ask to touch it to which he promptly replies, "No"
Kids have to shout to wake him up since he is usually found sleeping on the veranda instead of handing out the treats at Koga's house
Goes all out with his cooking to make sure there are a variety of sweets they can hand out
He tries to make Western sweets since it is a Western holiday - he also puts his art skills to use by designing them
Asks Yura to taste test for him. He is grateful to Yura despite his grumbling when Yura asks for more
Also decorates Raccord to give it the Halloween vibe
"Oji-san, lend me a hand!"
Also packs candies at his shop
Kuro helps him out with the packing
He displays books with spooky stories since they seem to be popular during this time
"Do I really have to wear this?"
Gets this soft look on his face when he hands out treats
Volunteers to help with packing candies at Raccord since he's got nothing better to do.
Works as the taste tester when Aoi tries to recreate Western sweets.
"Pray, Sir Aoi, this "cookie" tastes good! Can I have some more?"
Eats more than the candies that he packed.
On Halloween, he takes on his child form, dresses up and lines up with the kids to ask for treats.
Twilight Faction
Also gets invited to Halloween parties
Dresses up like a prince
Likes to annoy Koga since he can easily recognize him
Sticks to Koga since these types of parties do not require them to make their rounds
Still as polite as he can usually be when people approach him
Babysits Kogare since Kogare visits on Halloween
Packs candies with Kogare
"Kogare, hide your ears and tail." To which Kogare replies, "But why is Kuya-san allowed to show his wings?!"
The one who hands out the treats at Toichiro's manor since Kogare also makes his rounds to other houses
Helps out at Raccord and Kusanagi Books during candy packing
Also joins in on the fun when Aoi has new sweet samples
Performs in front of Raccord and Kusanagi Books on Halloween
He does it for the promotion of their Halloween show later that night
"If you like what you see, watch the show of Lorenzi Circus Troupe tonight and be whisked away to a night filled with mystery!"
Always seems to be busy 'entertaining' his customers so he barely helps Aoi with packing candies
He thought he could get away with not wearing a costume so the Raccord gang had to force him to wear something for Halloween
"Aoi-chan, 1 pack of candy for the young lady here"
Also helps out at Raccord since Yura is there
Makes tiny trinkets like jack-in-the-box and Chinese finger trap and drops them randomly inside the candy packs
Heaps wasabi on top of the sweets so he can eat the same thing as Yura
Holds back his laughter when he sees the children find themselves trapped in the Chinese finger trap.
"Do you need help with that?"
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say hi to my chaotic beloved oc, koi
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apopticghoul · 2 years
i have trhge intense urge to learn cirice solo. i will be so powerful
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
Lnds: Their nicknames for you
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Warning: No warning!
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Peeping Tom - You like to enter the shower when he's in, and he can no longer count on his fingers how many times you walked in on him changing, not that he's shy. Despite this, he doesn't lock the door to his closet or the bathroom. One day, when you're off guard, he'll definitely pounce at you.
Mrs. Boss (Alt. Little boss) - You weren't married, no, but with how you treat him, he feels like a husband. Despite being the boss of Onichynus, it's amusing to see you hand out orders. This nickname is something he'd use while you're undercover and using your aristocrat alter-identity. The Mrs. was something he used because he likes to imagine you're married to him; after all, no man can match you other than him.
My Wife - Again, you weren't married, but people can't seem to take a hint when he says he's not interested. At every event, someone is bound to throw themselves at him and insist on being his company, but with a simple mention of "I have a wife," followed by a statement about you being displeased or angered, they scurry away. You don't know he uses that nickname in front of strangers, and it doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon.
Other nicknames: Dessert Vacuum, Little Birdie & Little Hamster
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Ms. Idol - He once overheard you singing out loud while you were in the shower. When you were at the karaoke bar, madly drunk, you kept stealing the microphone from your peers. Sometimes, he also likes to listen to you hum. He deems it appropriate to give you that nickname.
Little Star - You were very skilled against him in kitty cards, and it didn't feel appropriate to give you the nickname "Best Player in Linkon City, Queen of Kitty Cards," so he just called you the Little Star. How that nickname correlates to the game is unknown to you, but oh well.
Personal Pillow - He likes to sleep on you. On your shoulder, on your thigh, even against your back—he can and will go to sleep if he could. Xavier would always wake up with you in his embrace, and you never really complained, so he continued doing it. He'll only use this nickname whenever you're staying up late, and he's waiting for you to go to bed. You'll be in the living room, and you'll hear him say, "I need my pillow to sleep!"
Other nicknames: Pastry Princess & Pretty Lady
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Bully - With your frequent teasing and provocation, you ought to see this one coming. This is his nickname on your phone, and you didn't really know it until you snooped around. Once you find out, he outright calls you a bully whenever you poke fun at him for doing something.
My Muse - He doesn't call you this face-to-face, but this is your nickname when Rafayel is talking to art buyers and connoisseurs. They often ask about who he's drawing inspiration from. He sometimes says "his lover," but to him, it felt more exciting and intriguing to refer to you as his muse.
Starfish - This was a testament to your habit of hogging the entire bed. Every time you sleep over, you end up sprawled all over the bed like a starfish stuck to glass. Rafayel had to endure the small space that he had left on his bed and altogether just slept on the sofa on bad nights. Sometimes, he'd be surprised to wake up with the bed all to himself until he looked at the floor. And there you were in the same position, except flipped over.
Other nicknames: Pufferfish/Koi Fish, Beau, Cutie
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Ms. Hunter - He uses this nickname when you're in the hospital getting treated for an injury from work. This is a nickname that's also a sign: a sign that Zayne is mildly pissed at your carelessness at work. When he uses this nickname, he becomes formal with you until you get a good dose of scolding from him.
Honey - He uses this on a daily basis inside your home and when he's on his day off. This was sort of like your second name, and whenever you hear the word, you almost always turn to look at Zayne. You call him honey, too, but you prefer the shorter version: Hun.
Sweetheart - This is a nickname Zayne uses to comfort you. Whenever you have a bad day or are in a bad mood, Zayne will automatically enter 'doting-lover' mode. He'd use this to refer to you and break down your emotional walls until you can tell him what's wrong. 10/10 if he uses this nickname outside of those moments, then it means Zayne is asking you to do him a favor of some sort.
Other nicknames: Sweetie & Wife
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Angry Bird - Caleb calls you this because back then, you had the temperament of a fussy old lady. He'd always find a way to piss you off, and you'd run after him with a stick or something that you could hit him with.
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Author footnotes: I added Caleb because I want to slowly integrate him to my works.
Layout by me, using canva premium | Do not repost |
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giuliettagaltieri · 1 year
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A River of Honey
Pairing: Husband!Gojō x Wife!Reader
Synopsis: Navigating through life with your husband and son who both seemed to have developed an appetite for something only you can provide.
Warning: breastfeeding, mild lactation kink, innuendos
Word Count: 1142
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With the two of you being forced into a marriage you did not want, it was difficult to coexist with each other, let alone initiate anything between you.  Your two-year marriage did end up with you having an 8-month old son as Gojō is only a man, ever so vulnerable to the natural charm of a woman.  But aside from sharing a child, you have nothing else that binds you to each other.
But lately, his crystalline blue eyes have been wandering to your ample bosom much too often.
Being in the Gojō estate house, you had to follow a few rules.
One is that you are never allowed to speak ill of your husband and your family.
You must not meet any man unaccompanied.
Entering the council hall is strictly forbidden.
Your hair must be in a specific bun, adorned with ornaments to symbolize status.
And lastly, you must follow the traditional dress code.
Most of the time, you wore kimonos, all having the colors of the Gojō banners.  It was their way of branding you as theirs.  And your husband did not like that.  But you, well it always reminded you of his eyes so you cannot bring yourself to complain.
During the course of your pregnancy, your husband protested about making you wear heavy fabric when it was too hot.  They did not relent.
So, your husband took it upon himself to rid your closet with the intricate kimonos and obi.  He threw them all in the cold of the night through your window, and shot a blast of cursed energy on the pile just for good measure.
From then on, your kimonos were lighter.  You did not have to wear multiple layers.  And even after you gave birth, the clan decided not to test their luck and just let you wear whatever is comfortable for you.  After all, you gifted the family a promising heir.  One that looked exactly like the master of the house, an exact replica of his father.
Gojō leaned on a tree in your garden one day, his legs stretched out in front of him.  He was watching you as you sat by the pond with your little boy on your lap, pointing at the koi fish that swam by.
“No.”  He hears you chuckle.  “We don’t eat them.”
As Gojō expected, a tiny frown forms on your son’s face the moment you said ‘no’, his lips wobbling and he turns to his father as if silently asking for rescue.
You sigh as you stand up.  “Wanna come to dada?”  Upon hearing this, your son hesitates and his tiny fists tighten on your sleeves.  But before he can protest, you drop his bum on Gojō’s lap.
“Hey there, bud.”  Gojō grins but the little boy doesn’t respond to him as his eyes remain trained on you as you sit next to your husband and pick up the book you brought with you earlier.
A poke to your son’s cheek finally made him look at his father, with a slightly irritated look in addition to his in-distressed expression.
“Mama’s not upset.”  Gojō says as he smoothens the hair of the child.  “She’s only teasing.”
Your son thinks for a moment and slumps on his father’s chest, his cheeks squished as he looks at your face.  Waiting for you to confirm it.  But you pretend not to hear as you turn the page on your book.  You’re not going to tolerate this attitude, you don’t need two spoiled Gojōs.
“Lighten up, Satoshi.  We’ll get you a non-koi fish to eat later.”  Gojō tried again, his grin widening every moment.
But Satoshi scowls at his father and shook his head. 
“Oh?  You don’t want to eat fish anymore?”
His son shook his head once more.
“What do you want to eat then?”  Gojō scratched his head.  “Want some taiyaki?”
Satoshi glares at his father.  “No!” 
Gojō’s eyebrows rise slowly.  “Come again?”
A red hue appears on Satoshi’s nose and judging by the large gulp of air he took, a wail is most certainly coming.
“MAMA!”  He bawls, his hands outstretched to you as large tears spill to his cheeks. 
Gojō grimaces, quickly handing you your son.  “Alright go to mama.”
You bite your lip, trying not to laugh as you drop your book to the side to cradle your baby.  He buries his face to your chest, soaking your kimono.  You rub his back in a soothing manner.
“What a crybaby.”  Gojō laughs, making his son glare at him behind his tears.
“Don’t listen to dada.”  You smile while smooching Satoshi’s chubby cheek.  “Stop crying now, I’ll ask them to make you something good to eat, okay?”
Satoshi looks at you with apprehension. 
“What?”  You smile sweetly.
He looks away from you and his tiny baby hands play with your kimono making you laugh.
“You have to talk, Satoshi.”  You say even though you know what he’s doing.
“Milk mama.”  He mumbles while he fiddles with his fingers.
After looking around your garden and not seeing anyone, you shift your kimono to the side and unbutton your nursing bra showing your lush breast and still puffy nipple.  Satoshi latches instantly.  His eyes become droopy almost immediately, breastfeeding is becoming a swift sleep inducer to him.
You turn to your unusually quiet husband and see just in time how he stared at your bosom with his pupils dilating as he swallowed audibly.  Warmth ran through your body and you looked away quickly, pretending that you saw none of it.
“That’s really convenient huh.”  He spoke, his voice a few timbres deeper.  “You just unbutton and your teat is out.”
“Mhm.”  You hum as you play with a lint on your lap.
Gojō wets his lips and he tries to look away but his eyes often wander to you every now and then.  You see his leg bouncing slightly in a steady motion.  And his hand raked his hair way too much that it started sticking out to multiple angles.
“I should put Satoshi back in his room.”  You say softly after you unlatched your son and tidied your clothes.
Gojō is quick to stand and offer his hand to you.  “I’ll come too.”
You thanked him and walked side by side with him.  He doesn’t tolerate you walking behind him.  
You smiled at him gratefully as he opened the door to Satoshi’s room and placed the pillows around your son’s crib.  Gojō pretends to look interested in a furby, as your neckline dips while putting your son down.  His heart softened when you smoothed his hair as you whispered, “I love you”.
He guided you out of the room and you are about to head back to your garden when his arm finds your waist and you are being led to your bedroom instead.
“My turn now, mama.”
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Where the Blue Roses Grow
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i-cant-sing · 6 months
so they offer that noritoshi (who is secretly in love with teen!fushiguro reader) marry her, the zenin and the kamo have made this type of alliance for years, it is totally normal for them
but definitely the kamo did not wait for naoya to come to his house shouting that no kamo spawn is going to sully his sweet daughter---- NIECE
when the others hear the news, toji, gojo, nanami, megumi, mai and maki arrive, ALSO SUKUNA WHO TOOK POSSESSION OF YUJI'S BODY
poor noritoshi
AHahaha yesss, I mean the elders just wanted to form an alliance, and neither clan really knew just how strong Fushiguro reader was as a toddler, so it was right to arrange a marriage for you.
As a child, Noritoshi didnt really care much for you, especially since he had battles of his own- being born to a mistress, being the heir of the clan because the head wife couldnt bear sons so, he has to deal with that.
But youre adorable and you grow on anyone, even the Zenin clan, so when toddler Fushiguro reader meets 9 year old Noritoshi, the latter only thinks of you as a spoiled brat at first. And why wouldnt he? Youre running around barefoot in the garden, dressed in sparkly pink hello kitty pjs with servants chasing after you, with Naoya screaming from the shed that he'll lock you up if he catches you grabbing his million dollar koi fish.
Noritoshi's disgust is quite understandable when you come upto him, hair disheveled, face sweaty, and you stick your muddy hand to his face.
"Hi! Im Y/n Fushiguro!" "ZENIN! Y/N ZENIN!" Naoya yells before dragging you away for training (Naoya didnt want you to meet your future husband).
As time goes on, Noritoshi would be sent to the Zenin estate on different errands (by this point, the Kamo clan has heard rumors of your powers and now want Noritoshi to go and woo you, which is a huge task since Noritoshi isnt someone who is able to express emotions, much less romantic ones). But even though he might not be able to express his emotions, doesnt mean his heart hasnt turned soft for you. Youre pollar opposite to him, loud, energetic, carefree- and yet Noritoshi cant help but feel that you... sort of complete him. Youre everything hes not and he likes that. Like 2 puzzle pieces that fit together, he completes you too. Hes quiet, calm, realistic- he brings peace to you, especially when youre mind gets overstimulated by- well, you.
How many times has it been that Noritoshi has stopped your panic attacks when you realised that your father Toji, wasnt coming back? How many times has Noristoshi had to pull you into his robes when your cursed energy started to lose control, risking himself just to calm you down and help you control it as his soft monotonous voice guided you through it?
And how many times has it been that Noritoshi would have his terrible day turned around with just you calling him "Nori!"? Or the times he'd be questioning his worth in the clan and all he needed was you to lean your head against his shoulder to feel like a million bucks? Noritoshi would be the type of man who people would think doesnt really care about love and marriage, when in reality, he just spent the entire night listening to you yap about your day, about Hello Kitty, about uncle Naoya, pausing in between to say "hmm, okay its getting late, we should sleep" only to suddenly remember a new topic to ramble on about. And youd think Noritoshi wanst listenting to you with the way hes staring at your face in awe, but really- he remembers every single word. You could quiz him. Its funny listening to man like him talk about Hello Kitty.
When the time comes for you two to actually get married, Naoya throws a fit, and surprisingly, the Zenin clan also doesnt want to marry you off to Kamo clan (or anyone). People opposing the marriage from your side would be the Zenin clan, the twins (who start telling you all the reasons why marriage is a trap and youd be dead in 2 days.), Gojo (he just chuckles and tells you not to worry because he wont let you be forced into marriage), Nanami (my man wholeheartedly believes youre being a victim of child marriage, BUT NOT ON HIS WATCH! GONNA KILL ANYONE WHO EVEN THINKS OF U LIKE THAT- just sit in his condo and eat the sandwhich he made for you. And dont argue.), Megumi (who doenst get why he wasnt ever informed that you, his baby sister, was in an arranged marriage, and why the hell didnt Noritoshi try to get his blessings/permission considering THAT HES YOUR CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBER??? Also, no- youre not marrying Kamo) and then... theres Sukuna (if you thought Naoya threw a fit, youre in for A WORLD OF TANTRUMS AS SUKUNA SCREAMS AND MOST LIKELY KILLS WHOEVER IS IN A MILE VICINITY, just to let off some steam and calm down before he talks to you and REMINDS YOU THAT YOU PROMISED TO MARRY HIM! HAVE YOU BEEN PROPOSING TO EVERY GUY YOU MET?)
People supporting this union would be all from Noritishi's side, including- the Kamo clan, Choso Kamo (cause ofc, youre just a precious baby like Yuji, and with you being part of the clan means he can protect u better), and surprise surprise Kenjaku (because youd be strong addition to the clan and then you and Nori will have babies with SUPER STRONG CURSED ENERGY AND HE'LL ACCOMPLISH HIS PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION).
Anyways, its a sticky situation and it all comes down to you really. Do you want to marry Noritoshi or not?
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estellan0vella · 4 months
Restless Mind ❀ Sukuna (REQUESTED) Masterlist
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The gentle rustle of leaves and the soothing sound of water greet you as you sit at the edge of the pond in the expansive gardens of Sukuna's estate.
The night is serene, the moon hanging high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the tranquil scene. The koi fish swim lazily in the pond, their bright colors muted but still visible in the moonlight. A cool breeze rustles through the trees, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the faintest hint of autumn in the air.
You take a sip of your tea, savoring its warmth as it spreads through you, a small comfort against the chill of the night. Your book rests open on your lap, the words a blur as you struggle to focus, your mind too restless to find solace in the story.
Sleep has been elusive tonight, and you couldn't bear the confines of your and Sukuna's room any longer. The gardens, with their quiet beauty, seemed like the perfect refuge.
Lost in thought, you don't hear the soft footsteps approaching until it's too late to hide. You look up, startled, to see Sukuna standing a few feet away, his crimson eyes fixed on you. He cuts a striking figure against the night, his presence both commanding and oddly comforting.
"What are you doing out here?" he asks, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down your spine.
"I couldn't sleep," you admit, feeling a bit sheepish under his intense gaze. "I thought some fresh air might help."
He raises an eyebrow, his eyes flicking to your attire. "And you thought it wise to come out in just your pajamas?"
You glance down at your thin nightclothes, suddenly aware of how exposed you are to the chill of the night. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to ward off the cold and the embarrassment creeping up your cheeks.
"I didn't think it would be this cold," you mumble.
Sukuna sighs, a sound that seems to echo through the garden. He steps closer, shrugging off his haori and draping it over your shoulders. The fabric is warm, carrying his scent, and you can't help but snuggle into it.
"You're always so careless," he mutters, but there's no real bite to his words.
You offer him a small smile as he sits beside you. "Thank you."
He grunts in response, his eyes moving to the pond, watching the koi fish with a contemplative expression. Silence stretches between you, but it's a comfortable one, filled with the quiet sounds of the night.
"Why couldn't you sleep?" he asks after a while, his voice softer now.
You shrug, staring at the book in your lap. "Just... too many thoughts, I guess. I couldn't shut my mind off."
He nods, as if he understands. Maybe he does. You've seen glimpses of his own restlessness, the nights when he prowls the estate, unable to find peace, leaving you in the bed alone.
Sukuna shifts, his hand coming to rest on your back, his touch gentle. "You should have woken me," he says. "I would have kept you company."
"I didn't want to bother you," you reply, leaning into his touch despite your words.
"You're never a bother," he says firmly, his eyes locking onto yours. "Remember that."
The sincerity in his voice takes you by surprise, and for a moment, you can only stare at him, your heart pounding in your chest. It's rare for him to be so openly affectionate, even with you, and it leaves you feeling a mix of warmth and vulnerability.
"Thank you," you say again, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nods, his hand moving in slow circles on your back, a soothing gesture that makes your eyes feel heavy. The tension in your body begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm that you haven't felt all night.
"Tell me about your book," he says, his tone conversational, as if he's trying to distract you from your thoughts.
You glance at the cover, then back at him. "It's just a book of poetry, tragic romance, epic love stories"
Sukuna chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound that makes you smile. "Sounds like something you would enjoy."
You nod, feeling a bit more relaxed. "It's a good escape."
He hums in agreement, his fingers still tracing soothing patterns on your back. "Sometimes we all need an escape."
You glance at him, seeing the shadows in his eyes, the weight of his own burdens. It's easy to forget sometimes that even someone as powerful as Sukuna has his own struggles, his own demons to face.
"Do you ever wish things were different?" you ask softly, the question slipping out before you can stop it.
He doesn't answer right away, his gaze distant as he considers your words. When he finally speaks, his voice is low, almost contemplative. "Sometimes. But wishing for things to be different doesn't change what is. We can only move forward, adapt, and find our own moments of peace."
You lean your head against his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath.
"Thank you for being here," you say quietly, the words carrying more weight than you realize.
He wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer. "Always."
The night stretches on, but the restlessness that plagued you before is gone, replaced by a deep sense of contentment. The garden, the pond, the koi fish—everything seems to blur together into a peaceful tableau, a moment of tranquility in a world that is often anything but.
You close your eyes, letting the sound of Sukuna's heartbeat lull you into a sense of security. For the first time tonight, you feel like you might actually be able to sleep.
"Stay with me?" you murmur, already feeling drowsy.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, his lips warm and soft. "I'm not going anywhere."
And with that, you let yourself drift, knowing that in this moment, with Sukuna by your side, you are safe, cherished, and loved. The worries and the sleepless nights can wait. For now, there is only this—an escape, a comfort, a peace that is found in the quiet companionship of someone who understands.
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hellishjoel · 1 year
blue collar man
4.1k /  joel miller x f!reader
← masterlist
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Summary: Your boyfriend Joel is up to his ears busy with his contracting business. Tired and sore, he comes home to learn you’ve made the rest of the night all about him. 
Warnings/Information/Heads-Up: Fluff, mentions of sex (but no actual sex), mentioned age difference, fluffy fluff fluff because blue collar man Joel Miller deserves it! He’s running a biz-ness! 
A/N: based on this lovely request! I hope I could bring your request to life, I breezed through it so fast because I love him, he’s baby. 
“Thank you for today.” He murmured into the pillow. You barely hear it, but even if you didn’t, you feel it in the way he holds your hand and keeps your arm settled around him.  “Thank you for everything you do, Joel.” You whispered back, your forehead on the top slope of his back as you take in the smell of his body wash combined with the lotion, his body falling slumped in your protective hold. 
Joel had found a lot of success with Miller Contracting over the summer months. Business was booming and his early mornings until late nights were dedicated to working on multiple projects to get things done on time for his clients. Joel worked on referrals mostly, so when he finished a client’s remodeled hill country home in late winter, the client had raved over Joel’s professionalism and hard work to their friends and now he had a list of upcoming projects. 
Truthfully, you didn’t know much about contractors until you started dating Joel. You quickly began to understand the vastness of his duties. One day he could be working on home renovation projects where he was doing demolition like removing the walls or floors, electrical and plumbing work, flooring installation, even down to the last coat of paint. 
Other opportunities were commercial like on a small office building downtown where he did site preparation, set the foundation, worked on the beams and columns, all the way up to finishing the roof. Whatever he couldn’t do himself that was a bit more specialized, he hired subcontractors to work on like heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. 
What he hated the most was landscaping projects. He’d have to do the design layout of a large backyard garden and plant trees and flowers or work on seeding grass if it was a particularly hot Texas summer. Then he would add irrigation systems like sprinklers, pathways for people to walk on, pergolas for outdoor hosting, finishing it off with pretty and unique outdoor light fixtures. God forbid the client wanted a pond. 
“Do you know how annoying koi fish are? They just… stare at ya while you’re tryin’ to work.”
You had grown to love the handy man that Joel was. Before you were moved in to his place, your shitty little apartment needed so much love that your asshole landlord never took the time to come and fix. But Joel would. That was his form of romance. He didn’t bring you flowers or chocolates on the first dates. Joel was replacing your leaky shower head and tightening your jiggly door knobs. He also managed to match the paint color on your walls so he could cover up the scrapes he made after he railed you into your mattress so hard that the frame made a few chips. 
You were so happy to see his business getting the high recognition it deserved, however, Joel was taking quite the beating from it. You could tell by the way he slinked back into the house at the end of the night, his frame hunched over and walking with a slight limp. 
He was sore, muscles aching and knees screaming at him. His joints were swollen by the end of the day and his sweaty, sticky skin ached for a refreshing shower. 
The hardest part was always trying to shut off his mind when he got home. He was already thinking about the next day. What didn’t get done on time, what shipments of supplies were expected, how the delays would set the project back. He needed a break. 
“Can’t take time off right now, baby. I’ve got deadlines to meet.”
There was this one specific project that was giving him hell. He called it the Astor because it was on Astor street. Every night this week he had come home beyond late because of the problems with the Astor. First it was that the project was exceeding the client’s budget, so they were giving him grief about that. Then it was labor shortage stuff, not being able to get people out there which then in turn caused timeline delays. With the client out of the country most of the time, Joel was receiving little to no communication from the owner. He was fighting permit and regulatory issues with the city, every day it was something new that caused a headache behind his eyes. 
His dedication was admirable, but you knew that him being so physically and mentally clouded wasn’t good for him or for Miller Contracting. 
You didn’t know shit about contracting, but you did know Joel. 
You had texted him earlier in the day to drop whatever he was working on no later than 5 o’clock in the evening. You never did that, never told him to leave work early. But the last thing he wanted was for him to come home and have you upset with him. That was worse than any project issue. 
Tonight would be about Joel. Anything you could do to make the stress melt away, you would try. 
Joel pushed open the front door once home, a heavy sigh leaving him as he closed the door back in place and set his lunch box and keys down on the entry table. 
“Joel?” Your voice echoed from the kitchen. 
“Hi, baby.” His voice was low from the lack of energy.
Joel slowly moved down on one knee, a heavy breath exiting through clench teeth as his kneecaps throbbed while he untied one boot, then the other. They were covered in dust even down to the creases, steel toe covers making his feet sore. 
“Hey, how was your day?” You asked as you grabbed a dish towel to wipe your hands with before tossing it on the counter, greeting him halfway as he made his way through the living room. 
You were up on your tippy toes for a kiss, not wanting him to have to bend over and exert himself. He hated when you treated him like an old man, but with this job, you always teased him that it was coming sooner rather than later. 
He kept his hands to himself, knowing they were a bit greasy and sweaty. His overgrown beard hairs tickled your face as you peppered him with a few extra kisses, one of his eyebrows playfully raising. 
“Was fine. Did you see what I texted you?” He asked as he looked down at you, watching as your fingers grabbed the hem of his shirt, helping lift it off his head. 
“Mhm. The HVAC guys didn’t show up until noon even though you scheduled them for nine in the morning. Did you see I texted you back? Five hours ago.” Your teasing tone made him crack a smile. 
Joel was bad at texting. Typical guy thing, typical older guy thing. He said he wouldn’t even have a phone if it wasn’t for work and if Sarah didn’t insist on how texting was the new way of communication. Even though you texted him ten minutes after his initial one, his phone was already back in his pocket and he had long forgotten about your conversation as he returned to his work day. 
His response came out in a chortle, a heavy breath through his nose since he was too tired to chuckle. 
“Sorry, baby. Just wanted to complain, I guess.” He said as he watched you fiddle with his Miller Contracting shirt that had a worn in hole by the neckline. He went to reach for it, wanting to toss it into the dirty clothes bin, but you were quick to hold it to your chest. 
“I’ve got it.” You said as you went to give him a soft kiss to the open plane of his chest, smiling at the salt and pepper chest hair he was sporting. It looked so good on him. You walked off to the bedroom and did it yourself, grabbing him a fresh shirt for the rest of the evening, a pair of boxers, and his worn dark plaid pajama pants he liked. 
Joel’s curiosity had gotten the better of him. A heavenly smell was drawing him into the kitchen, his eyes lighting up at the sight before him. You had green beans in a frying pan and a gravy softly bubbling in a sauce pan. Then in a skillet was the most perfect looking chicken fried steak, the coating coming to the perfect crisp. He pulled the oven handle open just an inch to see golden biscuits rising. 
“I put clean clothes on the counter in the bathroom, go shower, handsome.” You said before returning to the kitchen, frowning as he found his dinner before you had a chance to plate it. 
“Joel.” You playfully scolded, pinching at his hip. “You’re ruining your own surprise.” You teased as you shooed him out of the kitchen, hearing an audible grumble in his stomach. It made you sport a proud grin. It was his favorite meal, said it reminded him of his mom’s cooking growing up with Tommy. 
“I’m making mashed potatoes, too.” You said as you drained the water the potatoes were soaking in, putting them in a new bowl and getting out some milk and butter. 
“You’re makin’ me hungry.” He hummed with a small, tired smile as his hands came up loosely on your hips. 
His hands on you instantly made you grin, gently shaking your head at him as his head came to rest by your own. 
“You’re distractin’ me.” His low voice carrying the weight of his day. 
“No, you’re distracting me.” You made clear as your elbow playfully dug into the core of his stomach. 
“Go shower, please. You smell like drywall dust… and paint.” 
He rolled his eyes with his smile still lingering. 
“Yeah, okay. Thank you.” He said as his lips dropped down to place a sweet kiss of sincerity at the base of your neck, a shiver rolling up you as you let out a huff and returned your focus to your five-star meal. 
You heard the water hit against the shower wall and his small radio crackled to life, finalizing the last touches to Joel’s favorite dinner. 
Joel came back to the living room in the clothes you had set out for him, his hair slicked back wet from his shower. God, he looked so good. 
“Here.” You handed him his plate, seeing his lips part in excitement. His stomach let out an audible rumble. He probably didn’t have a spare minute to eat his lunch today, poor thing. 
The two of you settled on the couch, Joel expecting you to turn on one of your shows since a new episode came out today. 
“Do you uhm.. Maybe wanna watch one of those movies where they’re flying the jet planes? You said you wanted to show me it a while ago.” You offered, glancing over to see him already inhaling his food with the fork scraping across the plate to not let a single bit of gravy escape him. But your offer made him pause. 
“You wanna watch Top Gun? You hate Tom Cruise.”
“Well, yeah, he seems kind of like a douchebag, but it’s okay.” His eyes narrowed on you as he thought about your offer but ultimately shook his head, shrugged, and kept eating. 
“‘t’s fine, you can put somethin’ on.” He said as he stabbed a green bean, smeared some mashed potatoes on it before putting it past his lips. 
You took a deep breath and issued him the remote control. 
“You pick something tonight, honey. It’s your night.” 
That caught Joel’s attention. His head whipped a little to fast towards you, his thick eyebrows furling at the concept. 
“‘t’s not my night. It’s a Thursday.” 
The look you gave him set him straight. 
“Okay, okay.. It’s my night.” He declared in playful defense, taking in a deep breath through his nose and opted for some old Western show he liked. You didn’t care much for it, but Joel did. 
Once you two finished dinner, plates stacked on the coffee table and discarded, your head was on his shoudler and your hand ran slow, soothing circles over his chest. You could feel him breathing deeply, relaxing with you. 
You asked him questions about the main characters, showing genuine interest. Even going as far as to add a dramatic gasp when a shot was fired from a cowboy’s revolver which made him let out a hearty laugh. 
“You’re so full of it.” 
He was talking with a huge grin, you could hear it in how he spoke, and it warmed your heart. 
Towards the end of your night, your hands were in yellow dish gloves as you washed your plates from dinner, sliding the clean ones between the dividers of your drying rack. 
Joel slipped his strong arms low around your waist, his burly shoulders pressing into your own as you nearly toppled over with his presence
“Thanks for dinner tonight. Hit the spot.” He said as he kissed your cheek then on a spot where your jawline met your neck, right by your ear. His beard hairs tickled. You could feel that they were freshly trimmed now, he probably felt a lot better.  
“Night’s not over yet.” You hummed, a playful smile on your lips that he was quick to take notice of. 
“Oh?” His voice dropped an octave, rolling your eyes a bit as you dug your elbow into his stomach for the second time tonight to put some space between you. 
“Okay, cowboy. Relax. How about you go to the bedroom and take your shirt off. I’ll be there in a sec.” Your choice of words were still leading him in a different direction, you almost felt bad. But it was funny watching him get worked up. 
After finishing the dishes and blowing out the eucalyptus scented candles, you peaked into your bedroom. Joel was still cautiously removing his shirt, moving slow as to not disturb his aching muscles. You hated seeing him come home every night like this, as if his body had just been in a fight and taken a brutal beating.
Joel undid the clasp of his watch, the band and watch face dirty and making digging a  bruise into his wrist, but it told the time. He felt better after his shower, having made it a steamy one to relax the stinging in his upper neck and shoulders as well as his lower back. 
His belly was good and full, happy to have something homemade rather than a quick pizza in the oven or just a cold bottle of beer before bed.  
You were taking care of him tonight. Not that you didn’t every other night. He was actually giving you the time to take proper care of him. It felt off at first, taking on all the attention he usually reserved for you after long days. But maybe it’s what he needed. 
His head turned as he felt a warm pair of arms circle just above his plaid pajama pants, your soft fingers undoing the knot he had tied in the front of them. 
“I would’a taken my pants off for ya if you’d just ask.” His tone taunting, stepping out of the soft material before spinning in your arms and attempting to scoop you into him. 
“Lay back, goofball.” You said with that gleaming smile of yours. Made his stomach twist. Whatever you had planned, you obviously wanted the lead on. 
He did as instructed, happily falling into the comfort of the mattress with ease. 
“Close your eyes, please.” Your voice was sweet like honey. He’d follow it into the shadows, into hell, more likely into heaven since it’s where Joel thought you belonged. 
He could already fall asleep, though it was no later than eight. He felt the bed dip first at his legs, your body shifting up to sit by his hip. His hand naturally felt out for you, his warm palm holding you at the curve of your lower back. 
When Joel was given the okay to open his eyes again, he was surprised to see a few candles lit around the room, the golden glow adding a bit of ambiance. 
He watched as you squirted a few pumps of a lotion in your hands, circling it up in your palms to make it a little warm before you started to lather it into his calves. 
The sensation made his breath hitch. You were giving him a massage? He sat up on his elbows and watched the white-ish cream get all wrapped up in his dark leg hair. 
He tightened his lips, feeling a bit futile all of a sudden. There was a pause before he spoke again. 
“Don’t have to do this for me.” He insisted, his eyes on yours, but you were focused on adding subtle pressure to his calf muscles. 
“Know I don’t have to. I want to. Lay back down.” 
You wanted to. You wanted to take time out of your evening and bathe him in attention. You had cooked one of his favorite meals, and to perfection he might add. You also let him watch a show he wanted to watch, something he knew you didn’t have a taste for. But you were intrigued anyway, to show you cared. 
He was so comfortable and at ease, the problems of today didn’t seem to matter much anymore when you were here to greet him so lovingly. 
Your fingers kneaded gently into his skin, Joel’s eyes dipping closed as he began to sink deeper into the mattress. Of course he couldn’t just do nothing. He had his warm palm splayed on your back where the shirt you were wearing was riding up a little bit. You smiled at the gesture. No matter how much effort you tried to dedicate to Joel, he was still showing his care even when he was dead exhausted. 
You worked the lotion up into his thighs, the slight tug on his hairs making his face crinkle a little. You dared not to get too high, again, not to give him the wrong idea of where the massage was heading. It was okay to be just attentive to his needs for tonight. You could relax him in other more sensual ways another time. He needed something a little deeper.
You leaned down and peppered sweet kisses up his torso and over those salt and pepper chest hairs you admire so much, stopping just at his lips with a small smile. 
“So handsome.” You praised in a whisper, kissing him with a grin on your lips.
He hummed softly and moved his hand to gently cup the back of your head, keeping your kind presence in his proximity just a moment longer. 
“I’m getting too old for you.” He whispered back in a teasing tone, making you bubble up a laugh in your shared space. 
“You’ve always been too old for me.” Your thumb gently glided over his chin and admired a small white patch just at the base where his neck sloped down. “But I’ve never minded. Because you’re a good man. A hard working, blue collar man. It’s very sexy.” You teased with a smile, happy to see one blossom on his lips as well. 
“Thanks for treatin’ me so good tonight. This week’s been…” he let the sentence die before shaking his head. 
“I know, Joel.” You said with a small nod before pressing a gentle kiss on his lips again before sitting up straight. 
“Wanna roll over and I’ll do your shoulders?” 
He let out a breathless laugh as he looked up at you. “Please.” Like you had to ask. 
He wasn’t used to this sort of treatment, but boy, maybe he should start asking for it. 
Joel moved to lay on his belly, letting out a short groan in the process that made your chest flutter. 
You let out a short huff before you straddled his back, topping yourself right on his butt after getting a short groan from Joel for being on his tailbone. 
More lotion was squirted into your hands before you started to apply it across the landscape of his back. 
“We should do a skincare night.” You said, feeling his body shudder at the cold lotion. 
“Uh what?” Joel’s voice muffled against the comforter, his head to one side so he could see you just out of his peripheral.
“You know what skincare is, you see me do it every night.” 
“I don’t know what the he-ll you’re talkin’ ‘bout.” He said, his words stuttering as you pushed particularly harder in his lower back. Jeez, it was knot after knot under your fingertips. 
“Ugh, Joel!” You whined as your motions paused. 
Joel had a habit of doing this. Declaring he had no idea what it was that you were talking about, making you tirelessly explain for several minutes, before he goes ‘Oh, why didn’t you just say that? I know what that is.” It made you roll your eyes each and every time. 
“You’re handsome, but you don’t listen.” You hummed out before cupping your hands at his shoulders and doing circles with good pressure, your upper body weight being put into his stern muscles. 
“All I heard you say is that I’m handsome.” He moaned into the sheets, a blush creeping on your cheeks at his comment, but also his heavenly moan. 
“It’s.. where you apply skincare to your face. You know, using a cleanser, applying an exfoliator, moisturizer..”
This was when Joel started muffling random nonsense into the sheets and you playfully pushed into his crying shoulders harder until he let out another long groan of discomfort. 
“Okay, okay, I know what you’re talkin’ about. Skincare. I don’t need it.” 
You tutted, shaking your head as you held in a laugh. 
“Everyone needs it. Every. One.” You said as you leaned down and kissed the back of his head where his curls were starting to form. 
“Especially you, Joel! Your pores are so big, you’ve got dust and dirt getting all in there. And it’s been so hot outside, your skin’s drying up. Gotta take care of your skin baby.”
“Why? So I’ll look young agian?” He teased as he reached a hand back and squeezed your hip as well as he could from his position. 
“Because it’s good for you. Makes me feel good after a really long day.”
You could feel his eyes on you, a throat hum leaving his lips. “Thought I made you feel good after a really long day.” 
A huff left your lips as you were back to doing circles into his shoulder with your thumbs. “Shut up.”
The last of the lotion had sunk into his skin, the massage hopefully healing more than just his dry skin. 
Night’s like this with Joel were rare, but exceptionally special. He had energy to talk to you about everything under the sun, something you didn’t expect to transpire with your age difference at first. You discussed your mutual plans for the weekend, a barbeque at Tommy’s house. Joel was insisting on you wearing your new bikini, green to match his beautiful eyes. He could be such a horn dog. 
He wanted to stay up as long as he could, but the long day he endured couldn’t help but put weight on his eyelids. His words turned to mumbles, his arms snaking around your waist in his silent gesture to fall asleep with you. 
You shook your head with a small, tired smile, your hands planting themselves on his forearms to put a stop to his motions.
“Turn around.” You whispered, the notion making his tired eyes pop open with a “huh?” leaving his parted lips. 
“You heard me, old man. Turn around.” You said as your hand roamed over his warm hip. 
Joel assumed you didn’t want to cuddle tonight, maybe he was too warm for your taste despite the fan running above the both of you. 
Joel’s chest tightened as he felt your warm body return right behind him, a bashful grin on his face. 
“Are you tryna big spoon me?” His southern accent was dripping heavier than usual with the tiredness stringed in it. 
The question erupted a giggle from you, Joel feeling you kiss over his taut shoulder blade. 
“I don’t know how well I can big spoon you.. You’re so long.” Your arm tightened around Joel’s waist anway, his big hand finding yours as your fingers interlocked. He felt grateful in this moment, albeit a bit shy about the position. He was used to being the big spoon, it was different for him to be on the receiving end. But it was warm and settling, he couldn’t deny that. 
“So I’m uh.. I’m like the ladle to your big spoon?” Joel asked. He could feel your grin on his back, your legs tangling with his own. 
“Yes… you’re the ladle, but even the ladle needs a big spoon.” Joel’s blinks slowed until his eyes were closed, heavy with sleep. 
“Thank you for today.” He murmured into the pillow. You barely hear it, but even if you didn’t, you feel it in the way he holds your hand and keeps your arm settled around him. 
“Thank you for everything you do, Joel.” You whispered back, your forehead on the top slope of his back as you take in the smell of his body wash combined with the lotion, his body falling slumped in your protective hold.
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scribeofnight · 7 months
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✦ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 ;; rafayel x afab!reader ✦ 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾 ;; slightly suggestive, slight fluff - mostly brainrots ✦ 𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗌 ;; clothed grinding! slight making out! spoilers for + heavily based off of raf's myth! ambiguous ending! reader is in denial! reciprocated love! sadistic rafayel! slight demeaning / derogatory tone! mean rafayel! ✦ 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍 ;; 2.9k ✦ 𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗂𝖻𝖾'𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 ;; my first ever proper rafayel fic. i really tried to write smut but i was and never will be one - for now, at least. it's been so long since i wrote something but, the rafayel girlies in the LADS official discord server and i were talking, and i just HAD to write this out, you know? i rushed this out in like 3 days in between classes and studying, so not my best work... t-t anyway! enjoy~
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You supposed that it was a good thing - after all, the ocean was loved by you, as though it was real, and true. You imagined what it would be like, to be loved by the ocean (and you refuse to believe the image of him appearing in your mind as soon as you think it).
It was yet another sleepless night - you could tell. The sands from the bay billowed into the air, mingling into the ocean’s scent as though in a romantic waltz, the howling barely audible yet so loud to you. You did not know what to do; for you were never this sensitive to the  ocean’s gaze and touch until before…him.
You swing your feet down to the carpeted floor, cashmere wool tickling your bare feet imperceptibly as you make your way towards the window, praying to the stars that the marble flooring beneath the carpet was not too cold. It had been chilly of late, more so with his absence, you realised. You try to push away these foreign feelings, dawning on you like a stormcloud, fogging over violent seas. It made sense not to indulge in them - a princess falling in love with a Lemurian? That would be unheard of (you dare not say you wished it was just).
Pulling open the door to the balcony carefully, so that it would not creak, you peeked out, finding dark clouds rapidly looming in the sky, a big mass of darkness. You sighed softly, dejection almost visible in your bodily language as your shoulders drooped lightly, a mirage of exhaustion creeping into your features. If Miss Natasha saw you as such, she would be berating you for your ‘unlady-like posture’. You could almost hear her, you realised, giggling to yourself quietly as you made your way back to your bed, the short distance from the balcony to your bed covered in a few mere strides.
Miss Natasha only meant well ever since she had found you unconscious near the ocean. Without a second doubt, she had taken you in and fed you, gave you shelter and some work to keep yourself occupied with - along with a name. She would press a warm towel to the red mark of a koi fish - that she found burnt just under your left breast, on your ribcage - whenever it burnt. You did not realise it before, but Miss Natasha knew what it was; and for your safety, she had to keep quiet.
You gingerly sat down on your bed, looking out the window through the fluttering gaps of the billowing curtains, the moon illuminating your room, bathing it in its romantic glow. You fiddled with your fingers, picking and pulling at the skin around your nails - one habit that always warranted you a harsh reprimanding and an earful, as well as a manicure from Miss Natasha.
A flash of purple caught your eyes as you spotted the fishtail beacon next to you - one that he had given.
You knew he always smelled like the ocean from the infrequent times that you both have met - sea salt, with a hint of lavender and burnt sugar. Oftentimes, you wished you could bottle it up and store it away. A little reminder of him, locked away in a part of your chambers for you to use whenever you missed him - which was often, but it is not like you would admit it out loud.
“Holding it like this, I’ll sense Your Highness’s presence.”
His voice echoed in your ears from that night; the warm timbre, that look he gave you when teaching you how to use it, the warmth from his hands as they enveloped yours… you shook your head to clear the thoughts. Hesitantly, you reached out to hold the fishtail beacon in your palm, tracing the detailed fins and tail, a smile worming its way to your face as you sighed softly. You could almost feel it - feel him - if you closed your eyes.
Thinking of, there are a lot of things you would not admit out loud - especially about him. You rubbed your eyes carefully, the revelation somehow exhausting you.
“Your Highness has been harassing my fishtail beacon for quite some time now. Did Your Highness wish to see me?”
Your head snapped up, all sense of weariness gone as you gaped at the purple clad man in front of you, leaning against the wall next to your window. You swallowed harshly at the realisation of how he looked like he belonged there, in your bedchambers, your head spinning.
You asked dumbly, despite you gripping the fishtail beacon tightly in your hands, your fingers still fiddling with its end. You pretended to not notice Rafayel’s full body shiver as you caressed the fishtail beacon, and you certainly did not notice his breath hitch, nor his voice get deeper.
“Rafayel, what are you doing here?”
“Imagine my surprise when I found Your Highness daydreaming while grasping my beacon as so. Tell me, Princess…”
“Your Highness is caressing my beacon so tenderly. I inferred that perhaps Your Highness was in danger and came rushing over, as a good companion would,”
Rafayel remarked smugly, his voice dripping with confidence, words rolling out like warm ocean waves under the glittering sun. He clicked off his mask, placing it on your bedside table before taking a seat next to you, gently pulling the beacon out of your hands, his voice taking on a raspier edge.
His face moved closer to yours, the fishtail beacon discarded somewhere in the folds of your satin sheets, his breath ghosting over your face lightly. You could feel his gaze weigh heavy on you, eyes glowing slightly in the dark as they bore into your eyes, his lips pulled up in a light smirk before he pulled away slightly, placing a few more inches of space between the two of you.
You cleared your throat carefully, reaching out to grasp the sleeve of Rafayel’s robe, tugging on it and pulling him closer to you as you stood up as well, guiding him to turn to face you.
“What is it that you were so preoccupied with while my beacon was in your hands? Was it perhaps… me?”
Rafayel murmured, his voice saturated with a lilt you could not quite identify before he cleared his throat, standing up quickly, his back to you as he sighed. His shoulders were drawn together, clearly tensed as he hunched into himself. You could hear him muttering illegibly to himself, only catching the words ‘shouldn’t have’ and ‘what was I thinking’. 
You murmured, gently brushing his hair back. You watched his eyes widen in surprise before his body stiffened, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed harshly, a light blush coating his cheeks at the proximity, his breathing slightly erratic.
His voice broke off into a whimper as you tugged him closer, your fingers threading through the hair at his nape, effectively silencing him. You felt his arms gingerly rest on your waist, neither pushing nor pulling as you nudged your nose against his cheek, sighing quietly.
“Your Highness, I- I apologise; it seems as though the waves tonight are slightly uncontrollable tonight- i must retur-”
He parted his lips, his tongue darting out to wet them lightly as his eyes flickered from your lips and back to your eyes. He turned his face away, a hint of shyness evident as his crimson shaded ears made his feelings obvious, maybe perhaps his thoughts as well.
“Tell me what it is that you are thinking of, Rafayel.”
Your voice, albeit hushed, held a lot of power over him, you realised. You would not blame him - after all, if he spoke to you like this, you would react just as he is at the moment - trembling slightly beneath your touch, his breathing erratic as his ears burn red. His body was so warm, so warm that it burnt through your clothes, seeping into your skin and warming your bones.
He started quietly, inhaling sharply as you pressed closer, your head tucking into his neck as you sighed quietly. You could feel his pulse thrumming rapidly under your cheek - your only solace to find out it was just as fast, if not faster than your heartbeat. His grip on your waist seemed to tighten as he sighed audibly, gently pulling a few inches away from you.
“Your Highness- this is hardly appropriate-”
His voice resounded in the room, shaking you to your core despite the confusion. You blinked up at him, your arms still loosely wrapped around his neck, your lips parted in slight confusion. He stared down at you, a small smirk playing on his lips as he realised your innocence. Quickly clearing his throat, he ignored the burning of his ears, bending his knees slightly as his hands slid from your waist to the back of your thighs. Pressing a kiss right on your left rib cage, he tapped the back of your thighs gently once more, as you shivered while entrapped in his arms.
With a soft, low chuckle, he guided you to a nearby wall, his breath fanning over your face carefully, barely breaking a sweat as he carried your weight. You stared up at him, taking in his features, getting drunk almost, as you counted the number of his beauty marks that you could see, swallowing the saliva that pooled in your mouth at the sight of him so close to you.
“Jump for me, princess.”
Unsure of what his intentions were, yet blinded by all you had, you followed his words, hopping carefully, yet hesitantly. In that moment, as you gasped, he gripped your thighs tightly, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist, one hand sliding to the small of your back, pressing your upper body against his as his other hand held you up from under our thighs, his fingers brushing your butt lightly.
He murmured as he propped you against the wall, his head dipping down into your neck as he pressed a chaste kiss there, his hand sliding up from your back to your waist, his grip on your waist tightening as he shifted such that his knee was between your legs, digging into your skin deliciously.
“You’re staring, Your Highness,”
You sound so utterly wrecked, and nothing had happened at all. You felt his knee jerk slightly, pressing into your core once more, pulling a strangled moan out of your lips. Panicking, he quickly looked up at you, covering your mouth with his hands, his knee rocking back and forth as he watched your eyes roll back in pleasure.
He murmured, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he dipped his down towards your ear, nibbling your earlobe sensually, a soft groan escaping his lips as his hot breath fanned across your ear, shivering from the feel of how close he was to you.
“Quiet now, Your Highness. We can’t have everyone finding out how debauched and indecent the princess is when around her Lemurian companion, can we?”
He continued, pressing feverish kisses down your jaw and neck, gently biting down on your collarbone, licking the bite soothingly as he smirked at your muffled whimpers, his hand still firmly clamped over your lips. You had not registered that his knee had moved away from your core, and that he was grinding against you, his erection so prominent as it dug into your core through the layers of fabric, broken gasps and moans tumbling off your lips, barely muffled by Rafayel's slender fingers, his hand on your mouth pressing down further, fueling your pleasure as your eyes rolled back, the drag of his erection and both of your clothes so delicious.
“Unless you’re into that - then I’d be happy to oblige.”
“Awww...~ Awh, you're so adorable, princess... What, can't handle a bit of pain? Have I spoiled you too rotten, my dearest jewel? Maybe I should increase your pain tolerance. What do you say to that, Your Highness?”
“I have no problem in showing off what is rightfully mine.”
A jolt of electricity went through your spine as you heard his words, a gasp tumbling out your lips, barely muffled by the Lemurian’s slender hand. Your fingers once again threaded through his hair, tugging him up to meet your face as he rocked his body against you, soft moans and grunts falling from his red lips, as he brought a finger to the mark he had left on the junction where your neck meets your shoulder, pressing down on it slightly, watching you squirm as you try to shy away from the pain.
You groaned at his words, your toes curling as he seemed unaffected by the way you writhed under him, a small pout gracing your lips as your tongue darted out to wet your lips, tugging the purple-haired man closer. He could see the desperation in your eyes, and you were sure as hell that he could feel the damp stickiness between your thighs through your clothes. He watched patiently, a predator tracking its prey, watching a shaky exhale falling from your plush lips as his eyes darkened imperceptibly.
"Already so wrecked? You sound so debauched, Your Highness. Do you have no shame? Letting your Lemurian pet given to you as a gift have his way with you... I suppose I really should protect you, hm..?"
Your voice sent a shiver down Rafayel’s spine as he grinded particularly roughly against you, his hips jerking violently into yours as you both moaned out in unison before Rafayel pushed you up further against the wall, clamping both hands down on your lips before shuddering once more, grinding into you slowly, carefully, his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip.
He groaned into your ear, his voice getting rougher as desire tinged his voice with saccharine, timber dripping with sugar-sweet honey a sharp contrast to the drunken lilt of pure heady, unadulterated pleasure seeping into both of your veins. The air was hot, so excruciatingly hot - so tense and you could not think of anything else except wanting to feel him deep, deep inside of you, quenching a never before known thirst that sparked and ebbed from your core, through your whole body, tingling with need, and want, and so much more that you just could not put into words.
Rafayel obliged, bending down and slotting your lips together in a frenzied, sloppy kiss. He panted against your lips, his body rocking into yours slightly rougher; more desperate, as he bit your lower lip, his tongue sliding into your mouth as he twirled it around your tongue, his hand moving to hike your nightgown up, both of your desperate, poorly muffled moans reverberating around the room and travelling between your lips, eyes squeezed shut and fingers tangled in hair and squeezing hips, squeezing so hard you were sure you could see faint red imprints tomorrow. You could feel his bulge rubbing onto your core deliciously, the friction and roughness making your toes curl as you moaned into the kiss, helplessly holding on to Rafayel as your nails dug into his shoulders, his clothes only getting in the way. The heady scent of lust and sweat clouded the room, creating a deliciously suffocating atmosphere that only fueled the need for him to be closer, closer, closer.
“Rafayel, please.”
You begged, your voice so broken, so utterly filthy sounding to Rafayel, and oh, did his head spin. Who was he if not a weak man to his princess’ desires?
He groaned in frustration, breaking the kiss, his eyes trailing a string of saliva that followed as he parted your lips gently, his tongue coming out to wet his lips - more so lick off the remnants of your kiss as he pressed his forehead against yours, pants leaving his mouth as your breaths intermingled, his hands carefully slipping out of your nightgown as he sets you down gently, still trapping you against the wall.
“I would love nothing more than to be yours for eternity, Your Highness.”
“Your Highness… are you…?”
His voice trailed off, filled with uncertainty and yet equal amount of desire as he looked at you, his eyes shimmering with want, ocean blue overshadowing the stiff peaks of pink dotting his irises, the mole on the left side of his nose very much distracting you. You gulped, feeling heat pool further to your core but you shook your head, cupping the taller’s cheeks gently and tugging him down, guiding his lips closer to yours.
“Would you let me have you for myself tonight, Your Quintessence?”
Rafayel froze, his body stiff against your tender hold, ensnared by your words as he gazed at you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open, clearly not expecting his formal title to fall from your plush, red-bitten lips. You giggled softly, caressing his cheek gently and he gaped at you, admiration, awe and love swirling with the pure want in his eyes, concocting an addicting potion - befitting of a siren, you think, to cast a spell with just his eyes - before he surged forward, pressing a multitude of kisses across your face, suppressing his laugh as he swallowed harshly, audibly, your eyes trailing to his Adam’s apple as it bobbed with the gesture, quickly flicking back to his eyes as he flashed an impatient smile, his eyes storming over with clouds of desire, his grip on your waist tightening as he presses close, tilting his head such that his lips are brushing against yours, his canines catching on your earlobe.
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♡₊˚ 🪼・ copyright @scribeofnight all rights reserved ;; do not copy, steal, plagarize, reword or repost to other platforms without proper permission || all credits to original owners and creators of the characters from the media + pictures that are not my own.
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & prejudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
no smut
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
classics (smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirtyyy smut), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff, soulmates)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
with another member
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
morally gray (and tw)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
708 notes · View notes
kalki-tarot · 9 months
Pick an image that calls you out the most.
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This may not resonate with everyone as it contains very specific messages and will resonate with only those it's meant to resonate with. Please comment and reblog ♡
They are someone who has a lot to say, they've kept things in their heart for such a long period of time and they don't have anyone to listen to them.
" I'm still waiting for you or maybe I'm still waiting for the day I'll forget you. I cry every night remembering those moments and feelings we've shared together. Can you please leave my. . (?) I wonder if you still remember me. Hurt me. You've hurt me. And even I've hurted you enough. Let's stop this now. Shall we live in peace from now on ? "
They belong to a place where there is snow fall. They feel as if they are unheard by you. They want their voice to reach to you to listen this message.
This song is very significant for you if you're reading this.
" Why can't you say that you love me? (My Love for you) It deepens evertime i see and feel you. Can't you just do this one thing for me? Huh? Why are you acting as if nothing has happened? Can't you feel it for me? Your eyes tells me a lot (?) Someone is waiting for you at the other side of the story. I know it's not one sided and it was never meant to be this way but. . What have we done? Can we start over my love . . "
They went silent after this. The were a male, probably in their late teens or early twenties. They have fair skin and a scar on their face/lips/mouth or chin area. They were sighing very much and they seemed frustrated because of this situation.
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apopticghoul · 1 year
Are you okay? Can I give you a hug?
i am doing horrendously but thank you for the hug 🫂 i’ve got a trial week at a new school on monday and i’m terrified it will end up just like the last, i don’t want to be the outcast again. but life goes on, eh?
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pink-koi-lovejoy · 18 days
(Only interact if tagged) ||Lost||
Koi just came back from a visit to New Rome, where he had been visiting his dads. He’s seemed…off lately. Only those super close noticed it- he still worked in the infirmary, smiled as he held conversations, made crafts in his free time- but it just didn’t seem right. Something had to be wrong.
It’s currently almost night. Koi sits on a little cliff full of flowers that over looks the sea, sun set perfectly framed by the branches.
/how do you interact?\
Tag list:
@demigod-jack-hearth @everyones-fav-mailboy @yourlocalfallenstar @lunar-eklipso-r
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distant-velleity · 3 months
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A “good student,” a “good friend,” a nobody. From that, to the voluntold assistant of Divus Crewel, stuck in the world of Twisted Wonderland where magic and arrogance run rampant.
This is the story of Yuhua Wei, another “Yuu” among many.
You’ve probably never heard of him, or maybe you have. Either way, this new and improved guide will give you a way to start getting to know him!
Below is more information about our self-saving scum protagonist~
Yuhua’s outward persona can change depending on who he is with: you could call him a people-pleaser. Around staff and certain upperclassmen, he is respectful and earnest. Around close friends, he is a bit more outspoken and brash, but also playful and encouraging. Around strangers, he is meek but affable when spoken to. So on and so forth. However, the degree to which he speaks his mind is varied—you could compare him to a nesting doll. Always removing or adding a layer that hides his true self, whatever that may be.
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He also possesses a manipulative side, which is part of why he tries to appeal to people: so that if he needs to, he can use favorable opinions of him to make his life more convenient. Emphasizing his helplessness or weakness when he cannot do something himself; complaining so someone will take notice of a problem…
Of course, Yuhua would rather not stand out—it would be too much for his insecure, introverted self and too inconvenient. The practical part of him believes that being a polite, respectful side character is the role the universe has decided for him. However, he isn’t above what some would consider slightly immoral. After all, he always adapts to his audience, and in the villains’ world, one must do as the villains do.
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System: The strange aid that Yuhua was given upon transmigrating. It appears in the form of holographic floating screens that only he can see, and makes the world of Twisted Wonderland seem like a mix between a game and reality. The main story books and events are considered to be “missions” for him.
It allows him to check his status, relationships with others, their opinions of him, and possess a hammerspace inventory with more items than he could physically carry.
It also has a strange function regarding memories…
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Potions: The System, plus tutelage under has allowed Yuhua to unlock the recipes to and make a vast array of potions, such as healing ones. He mainly uses these during battles.
Much like how the teachers have their own uniforms, Yuhua also has his own magic-enforced “dorm uniform.” It seems to take inspiration from a Far East fairytale, where a young maiden was aided by her late mother in the form of a beautiful, golden carp. Yuhua wears a locket that is enchanted to switch him into his dorm uniform when he opens it.
He typically wears what looks like the standard school uniform, because 1) it goes under his labcoat in the classroom due to safety procedures, and 2) it makes him stand out less.
Floyd calls him “Koi.” Other students will frequently refer to him as “the TA” or “Crewel’s TA.” His more commonly-used nickname is “Yu.”
Inspirations: Cinderella, Ye Xian, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, etc.
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taglist (ask to be added or removed): @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @casp1an-sea @nahelenia
@boopshoops @skriblee-ksk @scint1llat3 @nemisisnemi @nyx-of-night
72 notes · View notes
cherrysha · 6 months
Summary: Choso Likes sneaking into ur room when ur out on missions...
Warnings: Stalker Choso, Invasion of Privacy, Masturbation
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This was a blurb from a bigger fic that just felt a little too bloated,,, and if you've seen this before its because i posted it on a backup acc! also if formatting is off, ill fix it in the morning <3
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It’s a secret. Something he doesn’t plan on letting anyone else know, something he doesn’t ever want you to find out either. Something that, deep down, he knows he should be ashamed of, but he does it anyway.
The halls are quiet as he creeps across the wooden floors of the teacher’s dorms. Lamplight flickers, moths lazily flitting around them as his shadow blinks in and out of existence, the only proof of his late night rendezvous. Rounding the corner, his eyes sharply analyze the inky darkness, ears tuned in to the listless noise of the night, crickets chirping and the sound of trickling water from the koi pond outside. Easily he finds his way, knowing the path all too well. When he approaches the door, the knob lets out little more than a dry creak at the pressure of his hand, but he’s still careful of how the old wooden door moans in protest at his intrusion.
Your room is as quiet as it usually is when he makes these visits. You’re always gone, off on some mission he knows with certainty is below your pay grade. It leaves an ache in his heart he won’t admit to but still feels every time you leave. A deep-seated worry for your safety. He knows your capable, but then again, he had deemed his younger brothers capable of holding their own too.
He soundlessly closes the door before rubbing his sweaty palms on the pajama bottoms Yuuji picked out for him. Still trying to figure out if he likes this new style of dress, arguably finding his robes more comfortable to wear.
When he steps deeper into the room he’s greeted by the sweet smell that tends to linger around you, and it calms the mad thumping of his heart. Your room is neat, organized, like it usually is whenever you leave. Your bedsheets, however, are a different story, and his hand’s twitch that the sight of them. It’s been too long since he’s had this pleasure, its sick, he knows, but he finds solace in the feel of your sheets around him. Cocooned in the scent you leave behind and wrapped in what feels like the proverbial softness that you spare to him.
With a shaky sigh Choso climbs into your bed, cool sheets slowly warming up to him stirs something deep in his chest.
It’s not the first time he’s done this, not even the second, but the searing guilt that momentarily burns through his stomach still makes his wandering hands falter. Of course they continue down his body, lightly grazing the dark hairs that dust just below his navel before continuing lower, past the confinement of his bottoms and down, down, down, until he’s reached his destination. His cock is already firm, warm to the touch and more sensitive than it needs to be as memories of you lazily drift in and out of his consciousness. His skin feels hot, throat tight at the intimacy of it all.
Would you be as open and welcoming if you knew? If you saw how his hand lazily pumped his cock in the one place you thought you had privacy? He tries not to think about it. Instead, busying himself with tracing his fingers on the underside of his shaft, a whimper drawn tight in his throat and only breaching the air once he exchanges the lazy touches for a too firm grip at the base. His grip only lessens once his hand moves upward, coming almost completely off before slowly sliding back down. It’s something that should be savored, he doesn’t get this opportunity very often, and so he takes his time. He’s seen you once, all dolled up to take Nobara and Yuuji shopping in Tokyo. You were wearing tight fitting clothes, something he enjoyed about this century’s fashion. He could see so much skin, your legs on display in a pair of shorts, a blouse that did nothing to hide the valley of your cleavage to his prying eyes. Choso was extremely grateful when you left. Hiding himself away until the urge became too irresistible. Until his hands had greedily pumped his swollen cock at the thought of you. Just as they did now, except this time his movements were careful, precise.
With a lick of his lips, he shifts his gaze to your bedside table. It’s almost ritualistic at this point, an itch he just can’t scratch that rears its ugly head the moment his sweeping gaze finds the picture frame. Your smiling face stares back at him behind the glass. There are other people, but he can only see you. Can only smell you and hear the tinkling sound of your voice as you say his name. His pace becomes faster, breath heavier as he imagines how it’d sound to hear you moan it. How it would feel to have your lips on his neck and your hands on his body. An audible choking noise echoes in the emptiness of the room as Choso’s free hand cups the weight of his balls. As if the movement was unintentional on his part, shocking him with the warmth of his palm and he has to tighten his fist against the base of his cock to keep from cumming. The movement doesn’t work in his favor, the elastic of his pants rubbing against the sensitive underside and making his hips stutter on a broken whine as his orgasm washes through his body. Hot lashes of cum paint the skin of his hips and the front of his pants. Whimpering, he quickly picks up his pace in an effort to prolong the sensation, hand tightening around his balls and eyes dotting with tears as he breaches into the feeling of oversensitivity and forces his body to continue. It’s not fair, none of it is fair. He shouldn’t be so sensitive, biting back a whine he continues lazily fucking his fist, hips arching into the rough feel of it. Surely, you’d be so much softer, your mouth, your hands, your pussy. The thought alone is enough to make his hips jerk up in search of something more. By the time he’s finished torturing himself, cum has started to dry on his pants.
It’s not a big deal, Choso knows exactly where you keep tissues. Knows that once he wipes himself down, he needs to take the evidence with him, stuff the mess into his own pocket. He’ll hesitate as he goes to leave, a sickening urge to stay roiling in the pit of his stomach. Just like always.
The cycle will inevitably repeat itself. You’ll leave, he’ll invite himself in, curse as he gets droplets of cum on your sheets, and leave once the excitement has worn off. You’ll return and give him that same warm smile you always save for him.
Deep down he’s wondering how long until your face twists in disgust. How long until you find out who he truly is. His cock twitches at the thought, blood shooting to his pelvis, his fingers clamp hard around the base as he tries to catch his breath, suddenly winded at the thought. Lazily, he starts pumping again, the only noise being the wet glide of his fist and whispers of your name spoken into the cool night air.
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laxmiree · 8 days
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Fragment Date - English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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[Warning]: The content of this date is pretty explicit and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
"Bite me, Lucien."
Translation under the cut!
[T/N: This date references some dates in the past; like his Prison Date, Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past and its Event Story,  “Lab Koi” call, his Last year’s Birthday Story, and The Sea No Longer Distant MQ. Since this date has a lot of callback, I think it’d be better if you read those dates, events, and phone calls first if you haven’t :>; or at least the MQ and birthday story one because this date is also some kind of extension to those]
[Subbed Video]
[Transcript Ver]
=[Part 1]=
I wake up to the faint whirring of the fan and the subtle scent of a fruity fragrance lingering in the air. I turn over in bed, slowly blinking my eyes open.
The brilliant sunlight filters through the lace curtains, casting iridescent patches of light that dance playfully across Lucien's body.
He sits in a rattan chair by the window, flipping through a book in his hand. An exquisite purple clay tea set rests on a side table nearby.
For a fleeting, dreamlike moment, I feel like I've traveled back to the 1970s.
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As if sensing my gaze, Lucien turns his head, and a hint of a smile appears in his eyes as he looks at me.
Lucien: It seems a certain lady hasn't adjusted to the time difference yet.
Lucien: It is now noon in U.S. time.
My foggy brain finally starts to turn sluggishly. I leave the bed, drag a chair over to sit beside him and yawn again.
MC: It can't be helped. It's already the wee hours in Loveland City.
Lucien: [teasingly] Oh? But as I recall, a certain night owl sometimes doesn't go to bed obediently even at those hours.
MC: [pouts] ....Hmph, you're one to talk, Mr. I-Don't-Need-Sleep!*
[T/N: MC actually calls him 进化了睡眠的人 here, which literally means “evolved sleep people”, it might be referring to him seemingly have evolved beyond the need of sleep😂]
Lucien: I've been quite well-behaved lately, haven't I? And when it comes to sleep duration, well, let's just say you're the ‘expert’.
Lucien blinks at me innocently, and I quickly take a sip of the tea he offers, hoping he won’t delve deeper into this topic.
A sweet and sour sensation blooms in my mouth. Perhaps there are other unknown herbs added, as I also detect a hint of honeyed sweetness.
=Flashback start=
Ten hours ago, in the dim and quiet cabin, the only sound was the occasional soft tapping of a keyboard from the seat next to me.
I lifted a corner of my eye mask and leaned closer.
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MC: It's time for sleep, Professor Lucien. Didn't you say the seminar doesn't start until next week? We arrived three days early.
Lucien: That's true, but I don't plan to use this time for conference preparations.
Lucien: After all, a certain classmate expressed a desire to take this opportunity to visit my lab from my master's and Ph.D. days. I want to dedicate my time fully to you without any interruptions from other matters.
Beyond his words, I sensed other emotions in his earnest tone.
MC: [curiously] Is our Professor Lucien nervous because I'm going to visit the places where you once studied and lived?
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Lucien: Yes.
He admitted it frankly, his eyes lit up as he looked at me.
Lucien: That place is very important to me.
Lucien: This feeling is like... inviting you to step into a chapter of my past.
Lucien: It should be a proper occasion, something worth your anticipation.
=Flashback end=
As I step out the door, a wave of heat washes over me. Thankfully, the house is nestled among the trees, providing some relief from the sweltering heat.
Lucien leads me down the stone steps, deeper into the verdant greenery. The lively apple trees grow abundantly, and even the breeze seems to carry a sweet fragrance.
The bed-and-breakfast he booked is located within Carver Estate Farm, not far from the lab. Since it's still early, we decided to take a stroll in the farm's orchard first.
MC: Now I finally feel like I'm truly on an American farm—
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Lucien: The furniture and decor in that room can indeed be a bit misleading.
Lucien: That said, the radio and clock in the living room are just decorative pieces, and the stainless steel kettle in the kitchen is also fixed to the table.
Lucien: As for the fan and the TV, including the sewing machine, they actually work and can somewhat be considered "antiques.”
MC: When did you…
Lucien: [chuckles] The wait while you're asleep feels endless*, so I have to keep myself busy.
[T/N: Lucien uses the word "难熬" (literally means hard to bear) to describe his feelings while waiting for MC to wake up. Rather than feeling annoyed, the original sentence conveys a sense of longing and impatience, emphasizing how much he misses her so the wait feels unbearable]
Seeing him speak so seriously, I can't help but give his palm a gentle pinch.
Lucien: To be honest, I was a bit curious. I didn't expect the owner to maintain this style, or rather, deliberately preserve it.
MC: Have you been here before?
Lucien: Mm, Dr. Lawson brought the entire lab here before.
[T/N: Dr. Lawson was Lucien's mentor during his Master's and PhD years, in those years Lucien also had some seniors like Colt, Caroline, and Elliot. You can read more in Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past. It can be said that the time during his Master’s and PhD years was the 'happiest' for him, after he abandoned his name and before he met MC. This young boy discovers that he’s not the only genius in this world. Surprisingly, this isn’t a bad thing; because being considered a genius had previously isolated him from his peers, but being surrounded by other geniuses provides him with a taste of mundane life… although he can’t fully taste it due to Black Swan’s pressure :"]
=[Part 2]=
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Lucien: I remember it was autumn. We had just finished a phase of our experiment.
Lucien: The process of this experiment was very prolonged, and almost everyone expended a lot of effort. Fortunately, the results exceeded expectations.
Lucien: As a celebration, or perhaps simply out of a need for a break, Dr. Lawson suggested an outing after the experiment concluded.
MC: Sounds like a team-building activity?
Lucien: [chuckles] You could say that.
Lucien smiles lightly.
Lucien: At first, we all thought it would just be a matter of finding a nice restaurant, having a meal and chatting, or going to the theater to watch a performance.
Lucien: It wasn't until everyone received an email from Dr. Lawson that we realized we had been granted a mandatory five-day vacation. And the destination was this very farm estate.
MC: Pfft, Dr. Lawson is quite ceremonious about giving everyone a day off~ So, did everyone just obediently accept the arrangement?
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I notice Lucien pausing, lost in thought, which is unusual for him. Then, a smile spreads on his lips.
Lucien: [chuckles] Not exactly.
Lucien: Eventually, everyone practically treated this place as a lab annex, almost bringing in equipment. Fortunately, the farm owner was an old friend of Dr. Lawson's, so we weren't kicked out.
MC: Hahaha, I knew it!
As we walk deeper into the apple orchard, the intertwined branches and leaves block out the sunlight, creating a vast expanse of shade. Vibrant red apples dot the lush greenery, looking especially tempting.
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Lucien: The farm owner is an elderly Chinese gentleman. It's said that he and his wife came here to live when they were young, and this apple orchard was also planted by them with their own hands.
MC: No wonder. I think I suddenly understand why the house's decor feels so nostalgic.
Lucien: Perhaps it's precisely because they've been away for so long that they need tangible things to solidify those memories.
The swaying shadows of the trees dance in his deep eyes, and even though he's talking about someone else, I feel like I'm hearing unspoken words meant for himself.
So I rise on my tiptoes and cup his face, turning it towards me.
MC: So today, little Lucien is revisiting his old stomping grounds~ And as such an accomplished young professor, no less!
MC: This memory is very precious, and it's important to solidify it well.
Lucien: Is that so?
His voice is soft as he lowers his eyelashes and gazes into my eyes.
I feel like my entire being is almost seen through by him. He doesn't say a word, just keeps looking at me.
MC: Why are you staring at me?
Lucien: [chuckles] I'm solidifying this memory.
MC: Um?
Lucien: Because I'm not just here by myself.
Lucien: Today, I'm revisiting this place with my girlfriend. I want to look closely, carefully, and remember your appearance clearly.
I can't help but laugh, my fingertips brushing against his earlobe.
MC: Then how about remembering a bit more~ What else did little Lucien do here?
Lucien: I ate the apples.
MC: ....That doesn't count!
Lucien: Of course it counts. To be precise, it was an apple feast, with apple pie, apple muffins, apple salad, apple stew…
MC: Stop...! You're making me dizzy just looking at these apple trees now.
MC: I feel like they're saying to me, "I'm apple pie, I'm apple muffin…”
I dramatically shake my head and point to the huge fruits hanging above us.
Lucien seems amused by my actions. Seizing the moment, he smoothly takes my hand and plucks the apple hanging closest to us.
Lucien: [chuckles] Then let's eat them all, one by one.
He finishes speaking and even "conjures" a thin blanket from his bag, spreading it on the ground. He pulls me, who is still processing the moment, to sit under the tree.
His seamless actions leave me completely unable to keep up with him, and my questions come out in a jumble.
MC: C- Can we just pick the apples here? And sit down like this? And this blanket…
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Lucien: I told you waiting for you to wake up feels endless, and I wasn't lying.
He looks as if he knows I can't do anything about him, and his tone, though seemingly aggrieved, is full of triumph.
We sit side-by-side under the tree, falling into a brief silence. The wind gently blows, as if not wanting to disturb this tranquility.
Lucien & MC: What are you thinking about?
Suddenly, we speak at the same time, and the unexpected coincidence makes us look at each other and laugh.
MC: You go first~
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Lucien: I was wondering if an apple might fall on my head.
He says it so seriously that I find it rather cute. On a whim, I get up, pluck an apple, and then gently tap him on the head.
MC: Knock knock…
Lucien seems surprised by my action, the light in his pupils flickers.
Lucien: [gently] What about you?
MC: Me…
I smile sheepishly.
MC: I thought of a fairy tale, Prince... Snow White.
Lucien: But that's not how I remember the story?
MC: Because… this is a story I imagined!
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Lucien nods thoughtfully, not minding my nonsense at all, but instead curving his eyes in a good mood.
Lucien: Then in your story, who are you?
This question stumps me for a moment, and I pause to think seriously before answering.
MC: I'm the magic mirror.
Lucien: Because the magic mirror knows everything?
MC: [smiles softly] Not really, it's because the magic mirror only looks at...the prince.
MC: And if I were the magic mirror, I wouldn't need you to ask, I'd tell you that—
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MC: Lucien is the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most amazing, and the person I love the most in this entire world.
My voice is not loud, yet it feels like the entire orchard of apples has heard it. Their already gorgeous red blushing even deeper, making their vibrancy impossible to conceal.
My clamorous heart seems to be thoroughly exposed by the sun, allowing me to distinctly feel its beating and clearly see the smile filling Lucien's eyes.
He lowers his head, takes a bite of the apple in his hand, and lies down without hesitation.
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Our hands, which have been holding each other all along, pull me slightly forward because of his sudden movement.
MC: …!
Lucien lies lazily on the plush blanket, each strand of hair scattering softly, as if quietly outlining his innermost feeling at this moment.
His already loose shirt falls open completely, revealing a patch of skin.
He gently blinks and the corners of his lips slightly curl up.
Under the scorching heat, the apples hanging from the branches exude an even more enticing fragrance.
The wind gathers from afar, wave after wave, sweeping through the villa, the woods, and each apple tree, carrying an increasingly rich scent toward us.
His fingertip traces mine, gently caressing the sensitive skin between my thumb and index finger.
It's like some kind of seduction.
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Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] Miss Magic Mirror, I've been poisoned.
His voice is soft as if melting into the sunlight, yet it possesses a bewitching power that makes one willingly lean closer to him.
Lucien: You can kiss me now.
[T/N: Prince Snow White and Miss Magic Mirror… it’s a reference to his second Halloween date; Prison Date! Also, I love the way it seamlessly fits in the theme of ‘lover is like a mirror’ from last year's kiss SP; Blooming Amidst Turbulent Desires MQ... perhaps by seeing your lover's eyes you can see the real and complete you :”. And unique to Lucien, it could be that only through seeing his reflection in her eyes can he perceive the colorful version of himself]
=[Part 3]= 
After buying some apple cookies at the farm store and making a reservation for apple cider making tomorrow, we drive to Dr. Lawson's lab.
The asphalt road under the shade of the trees glistens in the summer light. In the distance, sailboats glide on the river and people cycle along the riverbank.
Perhaps it's due to the fluttering anticipation in my heart, but the half-hour drive feels like it's over in the blink of an eye.
Lucien: Dr. Lawson is giving a lecture in London this week, and the current head of the lab is my senior, Colt. After graduation, he stayed on to continue the research.
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Lucien: But he happens to be leading a group of students in an academic exchange with another lab today…
Lucien pauses for a moment, moves the gift bag he just placed on the desk to the side, and takes a sticky note off the computer screen.
Lucien: [quietly reading the sticky note] …..
He waves the sticky note at me, and I can clearly see the lively handwriting on it: "Enjoy: )".
Lucien: It seems like no one will be back today. In that case, let's graciously accept this invitation to enjoy ourselves.*
[T/N: "恭敬不如从命" means “it's more respectful to follow a request than to decline it out of politeness.” In this case, rather than refusing Colt's invitation, they graciously accept and agree to enjoy the day as requested]
The white walls make the spacious corridor even brighter. Along the way, the walls of classrooms and laboratories are adorned with various awards and patent certificates.
It seems that just by passing through, one can feel countless figures with unceasing footsteps, moving forward persistently and rationally, knocking on one unknown door after another.
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Lucien: The desk by the window was the place I most often sat in the lab. Because I always sat there, it eventually became my ‘workstation’.
Lucien: Even if I arrived late, everyone would save this seat for me;
Lucien: [chuckles] But I don't really have a fixed seat in the library. I've never known if those people who are already looking up information early in the morning are actually early risers or if they just never went to bed;
Lucien: Occasionally, when the weather was nice, professors would take us out to the lawn for class;
Lucien: This vending machine used to swallow coins. I wonder if it's been fixed…
Lucien leads me through the corridor, past the small garden, into classrooms, laboratories, and the library…
Perhaps even he himself hasn't realized it, but returning here has made him happy.
It's in the little things he doesn't even realize he's doing: the way his steps quicken without him noticing, the instinctive caress of his fingertips against my palm, the soft murmurs he makes when he notices something different from his memories.
And even the hint of joy as he reveals those past memories with me.
He leads me by the hand through every nook and cranny of this place, making me feel as if I'm walking through his youth.
Finally, we arrive at the dormitory building. 
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Lucien: Generally, everyone lives here. They're mostly single rooms, so you have a lot of privacy.
MC: I remember you mentioned it before, so is this the common lounge area?
In this not-so-large space in front of us, several sofas and coffee tables are neatly arranged, and the bar counter displays simple everyday items.
Lucien: Mm, usually everyone relaxes here while waiting for experiment results. Occasionally, we also play a round of NOU.
MC: Pfft, I didn't expect this kind of leisure activity.
Lucien: [chuckles] To be precise, it's a traditional activity.
Sensing an interesting topic, I quickly shake his hand and press for more details.
MC: What else? What other things do you do?
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Lucien thinks for a moment, then suddenly smiles.
Lucien: There's actually one interesting thing.
Lucien: In the past, before important experimental results were concluded, everyone would tacitly let a certain colleague touch the experiment machine a few more times, and then pray to it.
Lucien: And often, the results wouldn't be too bad, and there was a high probability of exceeding expectations.
MC: Hahaha, so he's the ‘lab koi’ you were talking about!
[T/N: It’s a reference to the  “Lab Koi” call from last year!]
Lucien nods, the warm white light tracing the contours of his face, making his features appear even softer.
I can hear the nostalgia in his voice that he unintentionally revealed, and I know that he might be thinking about a lot of things at this moment.
I'm reluctant to break this brief silence*, my gaze subconsciously drifting towards this lounge, as if I could catch a glimpse of the genius boy who had once been here.
[T/N: The phrase "不舍得" (bù shě de) expresses a reluctance or unwillingness to part with something precious or cherished. While the English translation "reluctant" conveys the general idea, it might not fully capture the way MC cherishes this rare moment of Lucien being so nostalgic that she's reluctant to break🤧]
Suddenly, my attention is drawn to the wall next to the bar counter.
It's a small display wall. Besides showcasing some achievement certificates of past researchers, there's also a handwritten message board and some photos.
It turns out there will always be someone who earnestly preserves and longs for the past, with all its time and traces.
I quickly find a familiar figure among them.
It's a slightly blurry photo, almost as if it were a frame grabbed from a video.
The boy surrounded by the crowds slightly widened his eyes, a bouquet of flowers was thrust into his arms as he let the others boisterously tease and laugh around him.
Lucien: [chuckles, his voice exclaims a little in surprise] ...So, I really was quite surprised back then.
Lucien quietly walks up behind me at some point, his gaze intently fixed on this photo.
The world is truly a wondrous place. It appears to operate according to established principles, yet it often defies logic.
Those emotions that he never understood in the past are now brought before him in some fateful way, regaining their meaning and significance.
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Lucien gazes at the girl beside him, observing her happiness and surprise, witnessing all the beautiful emotions that have blossomed because of him.
But she has no idea that her existence has allowed him to see how beautiful the world is.
Lucien's gaze slowly returned to the photo.
Countless colorful ribbons flutter in the air, shimmering and sparkling. The colors, engraved with blessings and well-wishes, seem to transcend time, flowing into his eyes in this very moment.
He speaks softly.
Lucien: It turns out that day was actually so lively.
The last scene is about his Last year’s Birthday Story! He graduated with his PhD on his birthday. This graduation was celebrated by his seniors and professor. At that time, everything was monochrome in his eyes. However, visiting the place with MC and seeing his graduation photo with her brings color to a memory that was once only in black and white. He now realizes how lively and vibrant that day truly was.
=[Part 4]=
MC: Are you saying that Senior Brother Colt and Senior Sister Caroline being together was something specifically emailed to you?
Lucien gives a helpless smile.
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Lucien: Their reasoning was that I'd receive the information faster by email, and it turns out they were absolutely right.
MC: Hahaha!
We walk back, laughing and chatting. Along the way, I listen to Lucien share stories from his past that he seldom opens up about, about the later developments of his companions, and their current situations.
Some things he tells me without much recollection, while others he needs to think about for a moment. But it seems that the process of remembering makes him a bit happier.
One intersection away from the farm, we pass by a market and stop to buy some food.
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Lucien: I'll take the things to the car first, wait for me here.
MC: Okay~ I'll be right here at the market.
While waiting for Lucien to get the car, I notice a stall at the market.
A silver-haired grandma is engrossed in weaving bracelets, her stall filled with dazzling beaded ornaments that shimmer under the soft glow of the glass lamps.
Suddenly, an idea strikes me, and I walk towards the stall.
MC: Ah, it's so hot.
As soon as I enter the house, I hurriedly turn on the air conditioner and fan.
Although the temperature here is still quite pleasant compared to the summer in Loveland City, I’m probably still jet-lagged that I feel a little dizzy.
Struggling to fight the rising drowsiness, I sort and organize the purchased items with Lucien.
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Lucien: How about having dinner at the farm's eco-restaurant tonight? That way you can sleep earlier and won't be too tired.
Lucien: Or should we go somewhere farther to try some local specialties?
MC: Either is fine with me~ But before we eat, I need to do something important first.
I arrange the washed apples in a fruit bowl and pull Lucien to sit down with me.
I fish the woven bracelet I bought earlier from the stall out of my pocket. I pull his arm towards me and carefully, with a sense of cherishing, fasten the bracelet around his wrist.
Lucien clasps my wrist in return, his gaze shifting from the bracelet to me, as if waiting for an explanation.
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MC: It's just... I suddenly wanted to give you something.
MC: Maybe it's because I saw your photos in the lounge earlier, or maybe it's because I heard so much about your past today.
MC: Even though I knew what those days truly meant to you, it wasn't until I actually went there that I realized…
MC: Everything about Lucien has been well treasured.
He's looking at me, hanging on to my every word.
MC: I'm so lucky to have picked them up again and to have pieced them together with you.
MC: To let them become you, the complete person standing before me.
Gazing into his eyes and seeing the one and only figure reflected there, I feel surprisingly calm and settled inside.
I gently caress his wrist twice.
MC: You see, I tied this knot myself! And I picked out this little agate bead super carefully. Don't you think it's pretty?
MC: It can be like the apple that falls on your head and sparks inspiration or the one that tempts you to be curious about everything.
MC: But now, it is also the "apple" I am giving to you.
MC: [smiles softly] Lucien, I hope the present me can also become a special fragment, forever remaining in your memories.
Pinkish-purple hues gently paint the horizon, and a beam of light happens to fall in, illuminating the agate bead.
The smooth texture is brightly highlighted, making the color seem to dance, leaping into those beautiful dark eyes.
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Lucien: [softly] Indeed… very vibrant.
Lucien: Like an apple.
As he says this, he looks at me, his brows and eyes curving into a beautiful arc, leaving me momentarily unsure of what exactly he's referring to.
MC: Then let’s go eat…!
My cheeks start to feel warm as I belatedly realize what he means, and as I try to rise from his embrace, an irresistible force pulls me back onto his lap.
The arm wrapped around my waist tightens slightly, deepening the embrace.
Lucien: [whispers seductively] Before that, I also have something important to do.
He lowers his head, kissing the little agate bead cherishingly, then gently moves his kisses to my fingertips resting on his wrist, his lips slowly trailing upward, inch by inch.
Each kiss is feather light and slow, as if he’s carefully tracing every detail, until every part of my skin is stained with his warmth.
Lucien: MC.
He gives my earlobe another gentle peck before pulling back slightly, creating a small distance between us.
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Lucien: [softly] Today, I've felt the significance of those seemingly meaningless moments from the past.
Lucien: It turns out there are many other people in my dreams.
[T/N: This part is what I mean by the date being the extension of last month's MQ (The Sea No Longer Distant MQ). It can be said that on this date, Lucien finally understands what MC means in that MQ. It's like... growing a 'heart' and feeling emotions that he doesn't comprehend before. He's lucky to have many people willing to ‘dream’ together with him🥺]
His abrupt change of topic leaves me momentarily confused as if he’s speaking in riddles. It takes me a moment to catch up and understand what he’s talking about.
Memories of the beach from a month ago flood back. I look into those eyes that are still fixed on me, and I seem to see emotions in them that weren't there before.
Lucien: You're right. People are complex, and they're also greedy.
Lucien: Because of you, I've accepted many things, and as a result, I desire even more.
Lucien: I'm curious about what other changes I'll experience because of you, and what surprises you'll bring me.
Lucien: And besides curiosity, there's also expectation.
I tilt my head up and kiss the corner of his lips.
MC: Then keep being curious about me.
MC: I like that you're curious about me.
I reach out to touch Lucien's face, wanting to look more clearly into his eyes.
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Lucien: [whispers softly] Miss Magic Mirror, can you tell me…
Lucien: In your eyes, what am I like at this very moment?
I can't help but laugh.
MC: Right now, your eyes are the color of the entire sky. They're so beautiful.
MC: Your hair is bestowed with the warm glow of the setting sun, looking soft and fluffy. Your lips…
As I talk, I give him another kiss.
MC: It makes me want to do this.
Lucien also starts laughing.
MC: Lucien, right now, everything about you is complete in my eyes, and I can see you clearly.
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He leans down again, his warm and moist breath brushing against my neck as he kisses me, causing subtle tingling sensations on my skin.
I instinctively try to pull away, but as I reach out to hold onto the back of his neck, he firmly holds me in place.
My legs dangle, unable to find a foothold, forcing me to use all my strength to hook onto his lap, while my other hand blindly grabs onto the curtain.
The crimson sunset spills over us unrestrainedly. As if dazzled by the spots of light, Lucien lifts me towards him, shifting a little as he holds me.
Amid the rocking motion, his leg accidentally touches the nearby coffee table, making a noise.
The sudden weightlessness makes me instinctively tighten my arms, causing him to gently bite my collarbone.
His scorching breath brushes against my neck like a feather, his scent overwhelming and filling every corner. It mingles with the fruity fragrance in the air, creating an even more alluring aroma.
Out of the corner of my eye, the goldfish in the fish bowl seem startled as well, swaying and swinging, leaving behind two tangled and intertwined trails*.
The skin grazed by my fingertips starts to burn, and I'm getting hot too.
Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] MC, you make me feel a gentle gaze.
Right now, we probably can't see each other's expressions, but it's as if we can see everything.
His low, hoarse voice resonates against my neck, and his moving lips make my throat vibrate, as though his words and voice have become my own.
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Lucien: [x2] Make me feel truly seen by you, deeply loved by you**.
Lucien: [x3] Make me… feel happy and satisfied.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
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MC: Bite me, Lucien.
The rustling of clothes suddenly stops, and his breathing also ceases, as if he is holding his breath.
I know my face is burning bright red, but I only shyly embrace him, moving myself even closer to him.
MC: I've also been seen by you and possessed by you.
In the sweaty air, I hear his long, drawn-out breath.
But in the next moment, they are all swept into my lips and tongue, obtaining all my oxygen in a different way.
Lucien: [kisses and pants] It is because you possess me that I am complete.
Lucien: [x2] Please keep possessing me forever… MC.
Lucien: [x3] In this world, only you will possess this kind of me.
*: The fish in the bowl description might seem out of place, but it's not! It alludes to '鱼水之欢' (lit. 'the joy of fish and water'), which is a Chinese idiom that describes the joy and intimacy of sexual intercourse or the metaphor for the act itself. It's also an idiom that is a metaphor for the intimate and harmonious emotional or sexual life of men and women.
**: This is my favorite line in this because of the way it emphasizes Lucien's feeling of being understood and cherished 🤧 “看见" (kàn jiàn, to see) has the connotation of being acknowledged and truly understood. I think, for Lucien, being ‘seen’ and understood is significant; understanding the world is his thing as a scientist, so when someone makes an effort to understand him, it means a lot to him. Then the use of directly spoken “爱” (ài) which is a very, very sentimental word to say compared to how the west uses ‘love’ regularly… and the way it also encompasses a sense of enduring love, a sense of care, cherishing, and protectiveness🥺
Those last lines!!!!! Under her gaze, he feels utterly seen, completely known, and thus, entirely himself. It's because she possesses him fully that he feels complete. While others in his life may hold only fragments of him, she alone possesses his entirety. As the fox says in "The Little Prince," “But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” It is through her 'taming' that his completeness becomes something uniquely hers and hers alone.
And as Lucien mentioned in the Radio Broadcast Date, his form of possessiveness goes beyond one-sided control or dominance. Rather than just possessing her, he longs even more for her to possess him. To let her influence and 'change' him. Their possessiveness is a two-way thing: just as he is insatiable and wants all of her, he also craves to belong to the one he loves and to surrender himself entirely. After all, possessiveness is also a form of exceptional cherishing of the other party (his words in radio broadcast date, not mine), and he enjoys the feeling of being cherished and loved in this way.
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