whatodoo-usa · 3 days
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
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whatodoo-canada · 1 month
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
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bluecavetravel · 2 years
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🧿🇹🇷🧿 www.myturkeytours.com #istanbul #Estambul #turkey #turquia #seagull #view #lavista #mosque #mezquita (İstanbul Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4fyV1rEfZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3lii7assan · 2 years
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Chill out
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greatestmeepboie · 2 months
I thought chat would like this
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nyaskitten · 2 years
Tis' with a heavy heart that hereupon this day, of October 29th, 2022, at exactly 11:28 PM EST, I hath come forth to announce the official passing of my dearest friend, "Cogs of the Eclipse", rest in piss, thou hath been thy most messy shithole of an idea ever...
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nastasya--filippovna · 6 months
so there is a LOT of debate over who Crowley was before The Fall. I have seen a lot of headcanons going around the place saying he was Raphael or Kokabiel or Baraqiel.
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I mean this is the Exhibit A for saying that Crowley is Baraqiel. I think NOT.
Because this is a handbook written by demons for demons. The title is literally (if my memory serves me right) a guide to angelic beings that walk the earth. SO Crowley is not That..
Other than the red hair thing, no other physical characteristic matches. This Baraqiel guy sounds like an absolute gremlin. grisly slug, occasionally damp. NOT CROWLEY. I mean she's the most dashing thing around.
NO. #3 It says CROWLEY one line above the name Baraqiel. If Crowley is Baraqiel then why would his demon name appear right under that?????
And I think somewhere Neil Gaiman refuted this theory (I'm not really sure but I think so plz don't come at me with pitchforks if I got it wrong). So.......
But this is all beside the point. What I'm trying to say is that too much has been said about who Crowley was before he fell. There is very little, if not none, that has been said about who he was After.
Some say that he's an insignificant demon or some loser guy in Hell or whatever the equivalent of an angel principality deputy on Earth is.
He is Important. Just look at the kind of assignments he's given. Original Sin, Major Historical Temptations and Evil Acts, Delivering the Antichrist and bringing about Armageddidn't.
But who is he exactly??????????
So canonically we're never told what Crowley's rank in Hell is. But there are more that enough hints for us to figure that out for ourselves.
But where does one place him when the hierarchy is so complex and varying across different historical and theological sources.
Such as here:
I have been thinking about this and I have two current theories
Crowley is Astaroth
Crowley is The Leviathan
I'll discuss only one in this post. I'll save the other for the next post.
Now book!Omens clearly tells us that Crowley or Crawley is not his real demonic name. For those who haven't read the book this happens when Hastur Lavista and Ligur come to hand over the antichrist to Crowley in the churchyard and as he's about to sign his name as "Crowley" they tell him to sign his real demonic name.
Are you with me?!!!!!
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Why did she use this particular name for her nanny disguise. What if...... what if this IS her real demon name.
A lot of my real life friends are annoyed beyond measure by my constant ranting about etymologies, origin and construction of discourse and epistemology, especially when it comes to presenting my thesis over how all Abrahamic religions and their symbology and iconography is, how do I put it, inspired from pagan religions that they expunged. I mean the concept of angles, the man shaped being with wings that is actually just a ball of fire or eyes or hale discs or sth is a pagan Persian concept.
Back to the matter at hand.
Ashtoreth, Astaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, are all the same name in different dialects and languages. All of these refer to a certain Babylonian goddess. When the People of God probably cleansed off all the infidels they decided to literally demonize their god and name a demon after her. In Milton's Paradise Lost Astaroth is one of the three princes or Grand Dukes of Hell alongside Beelz and Lucifer. If this theory might be true Crowley is a Prince/Grand Duke of Hell.
Now this gets even more interesting. Ashtoreth, Astarte, whatever you may, is a goddess of fertility and is associated with childcare. I mean at this point I just stopped to marvel at the attention to detail that Mr. Gaiman's work hold, the smallest hidden meanings in the storytelling.
Another thing. The Babylonians built these temples called ziggurats to worship Astarte and they looked something like this
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and this
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they were also known as sky temples.
Because Astaroth was first and foremost the goddess of stars and the Babylonians were stargazers and the temples were constructed as a stairway to heaven to take them closer to the stars and functioned as an observatory at times.
I'm just imagining Crowley turning up in ancient Babylon and with her other-worldly looks, knowledge of the stars and compassion for children they just..... started to worship her.
Before the Christians came and declared them pagans and the rest is history.
Continued in next post for the second theory......
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whatodoo-usa · 1 month
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
Find out more / Tickets are here.
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whatodoo-canada · 1 month
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
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paolo-streito-1264 · 1 year
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Paulina Lavista. Angélica Chain, 1979.
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sims4updates1 · 3 months
Lavista Apartments for Sims 4 ( My First Apartment) – Violablu ♥ Pixels ♥
Source: Lavista Apartments for Sims 4 ( My First Apartment) – Violablu ♥ Pixels ♥
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emzchaos · 1 year
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Oasis Springs - Lavista Inn
Ronnie: How is the little one? Krystal: *Surprised* Oh, so it’s no longer a monster? Ronnie: Krys.. I’m sorry I haven’t been excited for our child. I’m making an effort Krystal: I know, I’m seeing a new side of us. I just thought you’d be happy Ronnie: I’m sorry, I’m happy now though
Krystal: Hear that beanie, Daddy is finally happy that you exist Ronnie: Sorry kiddo, I’ll do better for you and your mother. Krystal: Ronnie, I think you should call and apologize to Maxiene also Ronnie: *Sighs* Maybe the entire family at this point. Max is just a kid she- Krystal: She’s 16, the same age you and I were once. I know she’s sorry Ronnie: She was right though, since I moved out I’ve spent one Holiday with them and left half through it
Ronnie: I swear to you and our kids that I will put the family first Krystal: You promise right? I can’t have you leaving me with empty promises again Ronnie: Krys, I love you so fucking much and I owe you everything Krystal: I love you too, we have some work to do Ronnie: *Smiles* We do, like buying a house fit for kids and us. Also making it up to my family
Krsytal: What do you think the baby will be like? Ronnie: Well it’s be a shithead if it were like me, I hope it looks and is exactly like you Krystal: You have some good qualities. I always imagined our kids looking like you Ronnie: You would want to curse our baby like that? Krystal: Hey their father is very handsome and so are their Aunts and Uncles
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whatodoo-usa · 2 months
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
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whatodoo-canada · 2 months
Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - The '10' Tour - LaVista, USA | 26 Jul, 2024.
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