#lawyer behavior
thefortysecondolive · 25 days
I want Niko to join the Agency as their in-house legal counsel
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yutaleks · 1 month
Can you imagine yuuta with his little mail cart going cubicle by cubicle in the mornings saying hi to everyone with his little smile ☺️ dropping off everyone’s mail…
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science-lings · 24 days
Hey so you know how in tgaa families tend to have a symbol, like how the Mikitoba’s have the Sakura flower and the Asogi’s have that shield thing that kinda looks like a flower, which is important bc flowers are so important to the aa series as a whole, at least symbolically. They’re usually used to signify family, either with matching crests or name associations, and what I’m really getting at is that there’s a connection in my brain that went from ‘flowers = family’ and ‘there’s a running joke that the Naruhodō’s don’t know anything about flowers.’
Ryunosuke’s little dlc outfit change is important bc it absolutely covers him in the little four pedaled flower that represents Iris and I don’t think that’s just bc she’s the one that made it. Sholmes is covered in them too, that’s just Iris’ way of saying ‘you’re my family now and now everyone who sees you knows this’, she made them the most noticeable thing about his little mouse doll, whose flower ears match the one she made to represent herself.
This just adds to my conviction that there’s something up with Ryūnosuke and Phoenix when it comes to their family. There’s no pride in being a Naruhodo like there is in behind an Asogi or a Mikotoba. Is there no reason to flaunt his family crest or could there be something more going on there?
Also it was so easy for Susato to go by ‘Ryutaro Naruhodo’, and I think it says something about how close they were that she would chose a name so much like his.
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candicoated · 1 year
Can believe we still have people in 2023 that go out of their way to leave nasty comments on posts for shipping preferences. If y'all thought John Phoenix was horrible there's a guy called worldsbestAAfan that leaves nasty comments on NaruMitsu posts and tries to deny any canonical idea of Phoenix and Miles being gay. And it's the saddest thing ever.
It's so frustrating, because if one of them was a girl you wouldn't be doing this. And you are getting all worked up over the possibility of Miles and Phoenix having feelings for each other. Like they aren't real, is it ever that serious??
Anyways it's best not to engage these people and block them.
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saetoru · 8 months
although i dont appreciate the way karma tried to befriend you, her having to quit tumblr because of you being this drama driven rly isnt the vibe and its an ungoing theme of yours whenever you feel threatened, just saying…
girl i don’t have the time or energy for you people. i didn’t drive anyone off the app bc if you look at my blog, there has been no post before yesterdays ask that indicated anything about her to send her any anons. and before i posted the ask (which was threatening and harassing me btw) she’d already closed her inbox from anons harassing her. wtv anons were harassing her are not due to me bc idk this girl and quite frankly, i don’t care about some girl i hardly know exists 💀✋���� you know what i do care about tho ?? not getting asks sent to me that are obviously her. and not having asks answered ab me that are also obviously her sending them to herself. that’s weirdo behavior and yall will blame the person dragged into things unnecessarily before actually holding the person who started it accountable. if i wanted to send a whole army of ppl to bug her i would’ve said something a long time ago about the multiple anon asks that she’s been sending but i simply blocked and moved along bc i didn’t want to spark anything—and contrary to what most of you think, i don’t actually enjoy dogpiling a bunch of anons at a specific person. but i am also not a silent taker of weird ass anons in my inbox so when i receive an ask like “oh ur gonna be in trouble if ur jealous ass doesn’t watch it” i’m gonna set my boundaries. it’s ridiculous. one thing about me is i at least say everything with my whole chest on my own page, i don’t sneak around on anon on multiple pages because i have some self respect and i encourage you to develop some too bc speaking on something you have not the full story too is mainly embarrassing on your part
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mummer · 2 years
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this interview with an AI that an ex google employee believes could be sentient is fucking me up
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sevarix-blogs · 10 months
*sees that this one guy has a whole ass pipe organ in his office*
me: i bet he's the bad guy
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frogs-in3-hills · 9 months
Sully I am looking at your snippet so hard! 👀
i like to think we are just passing little post it notes to each other now and oooh-ing and aaah-ing! that post actually reminded me to start working on the next scene so thank you for tagging me ^_^
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schoenht · 10 months
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fillejondrette · 10 months
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the discourse over this is gonna be crazy and i don't want to hear about any of it
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Savage She-Hulk (1980) #1
#so Jen is being affected by her anger#she gets more angry the further this goes on#but not to the extent that it would effect her intelligence#and she’s not so out of control that she’s endangering innocent people or causing that much property damage comparatively to the Hulk#when she’s charging through the hospital she gets assumed to be some kind of villain based on her appearance and demeanor#and she rushes through that group but without really hurting them#and as she’s going after the guys that tried to kill her she talks about how she’s so powerful and she can do anything#but she doesn’t lose sight of wanting to work within the legal system#she gets the crook to confess in front of the cops and then immediately let him go#and she’s allowed to leave because ‘there’s no law against green skin’#while Jen is immediately connected to the Hulk and titled the She-Hulk I wonder how his reputation will affect her in her own stories#while she doesn’t do anything villainous in this first story#she’s just a particularly aggressive female hero#I wouldn’t even consider ripping a street sign out of the group to use as a weapon to be that far out of bounds of normal hero behavior#it’s really the ‘I have the strength now- The Power! I can do anything! Anything!’ stuff that differentiates her there#but still at the end that nurse is talking about how ‘That female savage was just horrible!’#so we’ll see how this goes for Jen#as she tries to adjust to this while maintaining her regular life#which Bruce did for a time but that fell apart and really was doomed because his regular life was working for General Ross#I’m assuming that Jen will be better on that front and that in her occupation as a lawyer she won’t be expected to go after the She-Hulk#and also she’s already a lot more confident than Bruce#‘I’ve become a gamma-ray monster- like poor Doc! But I’ll learn to live with it!’#marvel#jennifer walters#my posts#comic panels
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gatitamyers-archive · 2 years
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antvnger · 1 year
“Happy birthday Scott.” Matt says appearing behind him in Scott’s house, holding a cupcake.
(Couldn’t resist Matt going ninja)
((Honestly I expect nothing less from Matt😂))
Scott flinches a bit at the sudden voice from behind him, and he turns quickly in defense but relaxes when he realizes who it is. “Oh! Matt, you sneaky dude, you,” Scott chuckles. “Thanks, buddy, I appreciate the wishes,” he accepts the cupcake from Matt and smirks. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you.”
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pxrtners-in-crime · 2 years
if kim got to reduce his sentence and everything happened in 2010 he has already served 12 years in prison...🤔
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attorney-anon · 1 year
To: (Ex-)Boss
Dear Ex-Boss,
When I turned in my resignation letter, I meant it when I said I wanted our parting to be amicable, and that I hoped we could remain in contact. I meant that, in large part, because despite our differences I believe you are a good attorney with a genuine talent for litigation. However, I did not mean it when I told you that my change of firms was only to gain more experience in a field I wanted to practice in. In fact, the reason I applied for another position was, well, you.
I don't regret coming to your firm. I was never going to grow as an attorney where I was at, and I will forever appreciate the growth I've experienced as an attorney. But what I will always regret is that my growth came at such a high price.
You told me, when I started out, that you wanted to build a workplace that enriched and supported attorneys. You told me that you would mentor me, and that you would help me pursue my passions. You told me that you believed that I could be great, and that you wanted to build a firm that felt like family.
You lied.
You build a workplace that buries young associates and support staff in anxiety and despair every time your ever-mercurial mood changes. Your staff lives in fear of the next time something doesn't go your way. The next time someone says something you don't want to hear. I was never enriched, never supported; instead, I was thrown to the wolves when it suited your ego so that you never lost face with the people who truly mattered to you. And not just me, either - you'd sacrifice any one of us to save your reputation.
You never mentored me. You never treated me like I mattered to you. You played at being a friend, but you never And, I suppose, that was my mistake: I am an idealist at heart, and, like a sucker, I thought you meant what you said. I learned very little from you directly; what I learned, I learned from being thrown into things, and realizing that I had better learn to swim if I didn't want to sink.
The cruelest thing you did, though, is you took things from me. When I started at your firm, I loved being a lawyer. I felt like what I was doing mattered. Now, I cringe every time I see references to the law. I cringe every time I pass a courthouse I've been in. I cringe when I see my goddamn blazer. You did that - you made me regret going to law school. You made me regret choosing the field of law I did. The only times I experienced joy in my work under you was when you were wholly uninvolved and I could simply be.
That's not the only thing you took, either. I don't think the person I was two years ago would recognize me. I used to be happy. Now, I dread getting out of bed. I dread seeing myself in the mirror. I dread going to work. I dread sleeping, because I have nightmares of you.
I considered putting an end to all of it. I'd never done that before.
Looking back, I guess my first hint should have been the people. You attract people who are like you: liars, narcissists, and flakes. I find it interesting that you don't appear to have a single honest, generous, caring friend. None of your friends seem to really care about you, each other, or anyone else: they care about themselves, full stop. Even the ones with children seem to treat their children as chess pieces and status symbols more than they treat them as treasured members of their families. They don't keep promises, and they don't consider anyone's position other than their own. You also attract bad clients, and you give them long leashes so they can hang your employees at their will with them. And then you tell your employees they deserved it. The worst clients I've ever had are clients that retained you, only for you to dump their cases on me. Clients who felt that they had a right to every second of my time. Clients who felt that being told they weren't always right was tantamount to being told the sky was pink. Clients who felt that paying was an optional part of their contract; though, naturally, when they didn't pay, that was my fault, too. Because, of course, the only thing that ever did matter to you was the money. Which is, I suppose, the typical thing - just not the thing you promised me. You told me that no client, or their money, was worth my mental health, but then you let clients abuse me so long as they paid. So, when I picked up that I was in your crosshairs (because I did know I was in your crosshairs - it was all too obvious), it wasn't a hard decision to look for an escape: I'd seen it coming for months, as my mental health slowly (and then ever-more-rapidly) declined. It wasn't hard to feel that anywhere, anywhere at all, would be better than what I had. And if my days were numbered, I might as well number them myself. So I looked for a job. And when I had one, I gave you notice, and told you I wanted to part on good terms. I meant that. You, however, apparently did not mean what you said, that you understood and that there were no hard feelings. It took you less than twenty-four hours to turn your rage on your other employees and me, for you to try to humiliate me to my new employer and demand I abandon my own ethical responsibilities. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. I guess, just once, I wanted you to be honest with me. I wanted you to tell me the truth. But you couldn't even do that.
So goodbye, and fuck you. I hope you lose every employee to a better firm, and that you retire with no legacy. If you do have a legacy, I hope it's that you're remembered as a cruel, dishonest, and mercurial person who made the lives of those around you worse for knowing you.
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I cannot stand people who think Chuck is actually The Good Guy of BCS or Right All Along. Like I feel like the whole point of Chuck is that in theory hes right but in reality the only reason he cares about what Jimmy’s doing with the law is because he wants to feel superior to him. Like how can you watch that shit with the tape or the way Chuck talked to Jimmy afterwards and think hes any better
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