#lawyer camp
lovelyinspiration1463 · 11 months
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princeloww · 6 months
David Tennant reaction images I send to my friends
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cheeesypasta · 1 year
me when my dad watches liar liar (i have to shout 'WILL WOOD REFERENCE??' every time *that* scene comes on)
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bloodyarn · 4 months
“Are we asking if we would smash you.” Picks up Babette
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 ❝ MINTHARAAAAAA   !   LET ME DOWN IN AN INSTANT   ! ❞     That woman feared for her dear life, struggling helplessly against being picked up   —   It was no use, in the end. Babette was a lousy opponent when it came to hand-to-hand combat. Little fists battered against the paladin's back, oh what pitiful display of resistance.
     ❝ I don't want to get beaten up, pleaaaase- ❞
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cheetour · 8 months
Vampire spawn are said to be seductive, mindless and evil, motivated by nothing but hunger and lust... You whisper, "But you ate duck," which is not really the most intelligent thought you've ever had. Astarion gives you a bit of a look, and the dread in your stomach dissipates. There's no way Astarion is mindless; even if you couldn't feel his tadpole, only a man with a measure of free will could make the face he's making at you.
extremely excited and proud to announce that, having written over 70,000 words of my baldur's gate 3 fanfiction over the course of 3 months, the main character has finally realised Astarion is a vampire
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kanthonyficrecs · 5 months
Featured Fic (Modern AU)
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Two in Tents by PenguinofProse Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: In which Anthony takes the whole firm on a corporate team-building weekend featuring tents, and things get rather out of hand.
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wrightandco · 7 months
hahahahahha maya “blackmails” Phoenix to go and investigate at the gatewater by saying “so, this one time at lawyer-camp…” and Phoenix cuts her off like “Ok, ok, I’ll go with you!!”
What was she going to say Phoenix!!???
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Also, just as a general comment on the whole Dream situation on one of the takes I kept seeing; y'all know that snapchat is like, an actual platform people use to talk to each other, right? It's not like, a creepy platform only used by predators. Right? Like. I've never had a snapchat account, and literally all throughout college I'd get offered people's snapchats and have to say I didn't have it and ask for their phone number instead. My like 45 year old boss uses snapchat to talk with her like 20 year old kids. I once had to write an actual email to another human being to tell them no, they could not put down their snapchat handle as an emergency contact method for their club paperwork.
Idk I had to actually check with other people in the discord to make sure I wasn't insane, and no, other people reported the same thing. Snapchat is a normal platform people use to talk to others. But for some reason, I kept seeing that take that somehow giving a snapchat was inherently predatory and that threw me for one hell of a loop. I'm really just not sure where that idea came from.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
"Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had." / Royal Purple
This day could not get any worse, and Julie really needed to stop thinking that particular sentiment. It was like every time she thought it the universe conspired to prove just how wrong she was. 
First she couldn’t get out of this stupid haunted forest night hike activity that someone thought was a good idea. Then she wasn’t allowed to go with Flynn, because the ever so brilliant activity lead also thought it’d be brilliant to completely randomize the groups. While she didn’t have Flynn’s misfortune of being stuck with Nick and Carrie during one of their ‘off’ periods Julie was still trapped with Kayla and Reggie. 
Kayla, who rarely ever spoke to her. Almost always close to Carrie, unsurprisingly since she was practically Carrie’s number one Dirty Candi girl.  And then Reggie, who Julie had even less interaction with. Only really knowing that he and the rest of his band were as close to getting dropped out of the music program as she was. Despite how new they were, though for entirely different reasons. 
The two of them seemed friendly enough. Though, it didn’t take long before she was feeling like an awkward third wheel with how quickly they got flirty. An analogy that got all sorts of confused and mixed up when Reggie turned his attention to Julie.
“So, Julie?” He spoke her name like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say it, like even acknowledging her very presence would shatter her like the most fragile glass. She didn’t even have the time to feel insulted at the insinuation as he plowed on, practically shattering her apart anyway. “I think I’ve missed out on any of your performances, what do you play?”
 God maybe she was more fragile than glass. She avoided glancing towards Kayla, certain she’d be pulling some face or ready to make some snarky Carrie-like comment. Julie was not ready for this kind of attention and wished to get out of it. Only for the heavens above to open and release a sudden torrential rain pour on the three of them. 
Which is how Julie now found herself in a small dusty abandoned cabin in the woods that Kayla managed to spot. The one stroke gracious stroke of luck for the night. A fact Julie tried to remind herself as she tried her best to hold off the chills running through her veins.
“Don’t worry.” Kayla stuttered loudly enough for Reggie to hear as he explored the cabin to see if there were any blankets or firewood to help warm them. “I’m sure once they notice we’re gone they’ll send out some sort of search party.”
Sure, once they notice Kayla and Reggie were gone. The odds were slim of anyone but Flynn noticing Julie was gone. She kept her mouth shut as she tentatively sat on the creaky couch that vaguely smelled of mildew. 
“You make it sound like it’s going to rain like this all night.” Reggie laughed from the other room. 
“Who knows, maybe it could.” Kayla said, sitting on the couch beside Julie, her chilled damp arm brushing against Julie’s. “If nothing else it’d be safer to stay here. Unless either of you know how far we may have ventured from the trail, because I certainly don’t.”
Julie silently shook her head before realizing it may be too dark to be seen and quietly said her “no” out loud. 
“You got a point there.” Reggie said, his outline barely more than a silhouette as he returned to where Julie and Kayla were, sitting on Julie’s other side. She pulled her arms in tighter trying to shrink into herself when his wet flannel brushed against her. It was a bit of a surprise he was still bothering to wear it. 
“Anyway,” he continued on, leaning further into her space. “All I could find was this blanket, one the one bed this place seems to have. So unless either of you wanted to use the bed–”
Julie wrinkled her nose at that idea, given the state of the couch who knew what that mattress was like. 
“Ew. God no.” Kayla echoed, and Julie’s chest twisted uncomfortably despite how she knew Kayla was also only referencing the mattress.
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” Reggie laughed again, weaker and more stuttering than before.
“He should probably get out of those wet clothes” Someone said, and Julie froze as the other two fell silent and she realized that someone was her. 
Reggie bumped her with his shoulder. “Is that a come on?”
“N-no.” Julie stammered out, teeth chattering from a mixture of her growing mortification and the cold, her blush doing little to warm her up. “You’re drenched, and clearly freezing. I-I’m j-just saying, you’ll g-get sick if you do-on’t get warm and dry.”
“You’re not much b-better yourself.” Kayla replied, a distinct lack of venom or malice. 
“Sounds like we’re all in a bad shape.” Reggie stuttered out again before mournfully adding, “Too bad I didn’t find any firewood.”
“Well maybe we should just get out of these wet clothes then.” 
“What?” Julie and Reggie both snapped at Kayla’s suggestion. 
“Think about it. We’re all soaked and freezing. We have one, questionably decent, dry blanket. Plus the body heat would probably help too. Besides, if we stay in our underwear it’s basically like we’re just in swimwear.”
While Kayla’s argument added a layer of mortification Julie hadn’t felt regarding swimwear in a long while, she couldn’t deny the logic behind it all. Neither could Reggie. 
None of it alleviated the awkwardness of stripping in front of each other. The three of them turned their back to each other as they did. Silently sitting back on the couch in their earlier arrangement and Julie tried to not think too hard about the state of the couch or blanket. Nor about how smooth Kayla’s legs against hers were, or about how surprisingly toned Reggie felt against her other side. Her mind instead decided to wonder what the other two were thinking about her. Not that it mattered much, right?
Reggie quickly broke through the growing silence. “Feels like we should have had dinner, or played like strip poker first or something.”
“What?” Kayla laughed incredulously, Julie’s own confused chuckle mixing in. 
The three of them soon found themselves falling into teasing conversation similar to the one from their earlier hike. Only now Julie felt less like an awkward third wheel and more like she had a surer place between the two of them. Though it probably helped she literally was between the two of them. 
And much like before it wasn’t long before Julie found herself on the receiving end of questions she was unprepared for.
“So, Julie, you never did answer my question before.” Reggie said, though now Julie could tell it was genuine curiosity that drove his inquiry.
Julie took a deep steadying breath, bracing herself. Not so much to answer Reggie, by this point she was almost numb to the words she needed to say, a mechanical practiced speech. Rather she braced for whatever pitying response she might get in return, the unpredictability of which she could never truly prepare for. 
Before she could say anything though, Kayla’s long nails brushed Julie's hair aside as she leaned closer, warm breath ghosting across the shell of her ear. “Hey, you don’t have to answer if you aren’t ready. I’m sure he would understand, or I could distract him. If you want.”
Julie grabbed ahold of Kayla’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. Hoping it came across as the thanks it was intended to be.
“You actually haven’t missed any of my performances.” Julie quietly said.
“Oh.” Reggie’s hushed tone matched hers. “But I thought–”
“You’re not wrong.” Julie cut him off not wanting the reminder and Kayla squeezed Julie's hand again. Maybe, maybe Kayla was right about this too. At least Julie hoped she was, because Julie definitely wasn’t ready to tackle this. Not tonight anyway. 
“However.” She said, trying to infuse as much flirting teasing as he and Kayla had been using all night. Even if she could tell she was doing an extremely poor job of it, her voice cracking despite her efforts. “That’s a part of my back story you have yet to unlock.”
Reggie did her the service of laughing at her poor attempt at a joke and allowing the conversation to move to new topics. She did him the service of pretending his ‘oh so random excuse’ for a hug not even a minute later was just that, ‘a random hug.’ One that Kayla also happened to get involved in.
The next morning Julie was almost certain the whole evening had been a bizarre fever dream until she realized she’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly she blinked her eyes open to find herself leaning against Reggie’s pale freckled shoulder, a heavy weight leaning against her own head and against her other side. Julie shifted, trying to not wake the other two but not sure hoe to remove herself from between them. 
“Morning.” Kayla whispered, her voice slightly raspy, and making no move to get off of Julie. “We must have accidentally drifted off.” 
Julie nearly squeaked in surprise to hear her voice, and definitely did when Reggie chuckled and whispered back. “Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had."
“Same.” Kayla giggled, both of the laughing vibrating against Julie’s chest. And though she couldn’t quite bring herself to say it with her voice caught behind her smile, Julie felt the same way too. 
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echoesofdusk · 8 months
some more thoughts regarding Palworld
I'm actually beginning to wonder if the Pals that are so similar to Pokemon can be traced back to a freelancer or two. lots of freelancers were hired for the development of Palworld. while some Pals heavily resemble already existing Pokemon, they are kinda in the minority of the overall Pal designs, it has plenty of original designs
also wrt plagiarism accusations, I honestly think it's just best left to courts to decide in any potential lawsuits. not that tipping copyright holders for possible plagiarism is bad, but that's all it is. a tip. best to just let actual lawyers who study these laws to judge (and even actual copyright and IP lawyers will tell you just how freaking tangled copyright laws are) in the even of a possible lawsuit
#and while i'm in the camp that some of the plagiarism accusations towards palworld are a reach i won't lie#some of those designs fly far too close to the sun#like direhowl#'there are only so many ways to design a wolf' please look at the wolves in digimon i'm begging you#as well as wolves from other media#there are plenty of ways to design wolves. even the most literal down to earth wolf#i'm not a lawyer and i don't want to say for sure if i think direhowl is plagiarized but it's def one of the more uninspired pals#along with verdash#on the other hand i'd be interested in hearing from an actual lawyer whether splices constitute plagiarism or not#like ok i'll admit i like dinossom but i acknowledge it's a splice of already existing pokemon#shadowbeak too#love the design but i know it's just a splice of arceus and silvally with a gryphon spin#still that design fucks#i also kinda like the centaur ceruledge pals they look p cool#cmon pokemon give us actual centaurs#also if pocketpair do get hit with a lawsuit i really hope all they'll have to do is replace pals that look too much like pokemon#i'm afraid of a lawsuit scenario which is ruled in favor of TPC bc of potential precedents that could be set#that go on to hamper creativity and innovation#and the monster taming genre is already as monopolized as is by nintendo#other developers have been prying that control away slowly throughout the years and there's been a more general acceptance of other games#but there needs to be more#palworld#hazy rambles#also i do wonder if there could possibly be a day where palworld is released on a nintendo system#think about it#game has been selling like crazy and nintendo def wants a piece of that pie#and pocketpair would reach an even bigger audience#everyone would win in that scenario
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agoosewithinternet · 2 years
Ace attorney owl house au:
Phoenix- 16 years old, Human. Stuck in boiling ilies but trying to get home. Attending HexSide and is in the bard and potion tracks. Can only do magic with glyphs though.
Phoenix uniform:
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Mia- 28 years old, Witch. Older sister/guardian of Maya and mentor to Phoenix. Just to be in the emperor's coven but left after her mom was killed.
Maya-15 years old,Witch. Younger sister of Mia. Trying to help Phoenix get home. Attending Hexside in Plant and Abomination tracks.
Maya’s uniform:
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Pearl- 10 years old, Witch. Younger cousin of Mia and Maya. Pretty good with magic for such a young age.
Miles- 17 years old, Demon (Vampire). One of the golden guards, originally was tasked with getting rid of Phoenix but ends up befriending him. Can only do magic if he drinks Witch blood (he can live without but he’s weaker)
Miles Golden guard uniform:
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Franziska-15 years old, Grimwalker. One of the golden guards, Originally tasked with getting rid of Phoenix but realizes Manfred is evil and ends up helping them. Physically strong but can’t do magic.
Franzika’s golden guard uniform:
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Emperor Von Karma/ Manfred- Unknown age, Human. The emperor of the boiling Isles, “Father” to Franzika and mentor to Miles. Has to eat palisman to keep his curse at bay (the same as in the show).
Diego/Godot- 30 years old, Witch. Head of the abomination coven. Dated Mia, once she dies, he blames Phoenix for her death and tries to kill him (though he makes sure no harm comes to Maya or Pearl)
Phoenix is about to be sent to a camp for troubled teens when he sees Mia’s palisman. He follows it and ends up in the boiling Isles, there he meets Mia and Maya and starts to learn magic. Miles and Franzika are set with the task of getting rid of Mia. They attempt multiple times but each time they fail.
-No clue for this part yet-
After a while Miles and Franzika finally capture Mia, Phoenix and Maya try to save her but she is executed by Emperor Von Karma. Miles feels bad about it (especially since Mia was killed right in front of Phoenix) so he goes to talk to Phoenix. (This would be the first time you see his face or hear his name)
-Once again I stuff happens here I just have no clue yet-
.Pearl's mother (Morgen) is arrested and Pearl starts to live with Phoenix and Maya. This is also the time that Phoenix and Maya get Palisman (I haven’t picked one for Maya but Phoenix has a phoenix named Ash).
-man I thought I had more of this plot thought out-
Maya and Franzika get trapped in Manfreds mind. This Is when Franzika learns that she’s a Grimwalker and Maya learns he’s the one who killed her parents and her sister (Mia/Phoenix never mentioned it and just said they died). Meanwhile, Miles figures out that a past version of Franziska killed his dad, Phoenix follows him and comforts him when he finds out. Though soon after Pearl calls him over a walkie-talkie and says that Maya is trapped in Manfreds mind, he runs off to go help her.
After a bit of effort, they manage to get Franziska and Maya out. Franzika starts to have a panic attack but Maya comforts her. Maya catches Phoenix up about what happened and they have a chat about what happened to Mia. Franzika decides to stay with them, saying that it will only be temporary until she figures out what to do. At that moment Phoenix remembers what happened with Miles and runs off to talk to him. He goes back to where they were before and sees a letter (aka the Edgeworth chooses death letter). He goes back home but doesn’t tell anyone else about what happened.
-2 weeks later-
Franziska is still staying with Phoenix,Maya and Pearl. While Phoenix and Maya are trying to shop for food, they run into Miles (like Miles and Phoenix run into each). Miles is panicking since he’s trapped outside in the sunlight (which burns him). Phoenix and Maya take him back to their home, where Miles explains everything he learnt (about being a vampire). The others explain their plan to try and overthrow Manfred before he goes to the human realm.
-Times passes as all of them plan and such-
Phoenix makes sure that Pearls won’t be anywhere near the fight when it’s happening. After that The rest of the kids sneak into the palace and fight Manfred. They managed to beat him but the door was already open so Phoenix had to go before I closed. Miles decided to go with him
That’s all I have so far for this :).
Thank you if you got to the end of this.
Also I’m currently making an attempt to make this into a fan fiction. But that coming out will depend on my motivation which so far hasn’t been good so it might be a while.
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I'm somewhere between "How long do you have?" and "I don't know! Please, send help."
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queerhawkeyes · 1 year
stuck at liberty international for 6 hours answering work emails on my phone and drinking very expensive coffee
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Secure Your Rights with Expert Military Lawyers at Camp Lejeune
At Camp Lejeune, securing your rights has never been easier with our team of expert military lawyers. Specializing in military law, our dedicated attorneys are committed to providing exceptional legal services for military personnel and their families. Whether you need assistance with legal disputes, benefits claims, or navigating military regulations, our experienced military lawyers at Camp Lejeune are here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the justice you deserve.
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havealawyer · 4 months
Why You Need a Specialized Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Lawyer for Your Case
The importance of hiring a specialized Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer cannot be overstated. These cases are unique due to the specific environmental factors and health consequences involved. A Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer who specializes in these types of cases will be well-versed in the intricacies of the legal and scientific issues at play.
They can provide expert guidance and ensure all necessary documentation is accurately completed. This expertise is critical in navigating the complex legal landscape and achieving a favorable outcome. Engaging a specialized Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer increases your chances of securing the justice and compensation you are entitled to.
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blondemadona · 4 months
Feedback I got from my presentation was
“You were like a wonderful little fawn or deer bouncing around with this endearing energy”
Like men haven’t spoken to me this way but my course overseer does?
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