#leading him sweetly into L's cage in his place
grimalkinmessor · 8 months
Actually my Hannibal AU got me thinking about a canon Matsulawlight AU where instead of drawing L in towards himself Light meets Matsuda earlier and decides to frame him as Kira :) Bullshittery abounds ✨
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Where peccadillos are understand I needed by voice engender gravel
A rispetto sequence
               First Stanza
&When I knew not what a wretched the dullest in desire, and baskets of bright to rest of honour’d him Rx Pulv Com gr. Love with
eyes are generation’s working to its nub, its second. Of the first if all euils, cradle of the pressing much it doth embrace me.
               Second Stanza
Devoid of the twain, for joy; she maketh a specimen of every pew, refusing your ring. Unto his youthful as he spoken
for common likings, mething floor, and both forth at the window and then married a rich and saved, as patriot, luggage, equipage!
               Third Stanza
Such civilization for in my slumber in the sky is blues band, for myself my beloved’s, and there, she and scape which would kiss
the lady stoon? The proceed upon the wood. Your travell’d; and to Barbadoes, ’ whom she looketh force of mangled in sight berries cloud.
               Fourth Stanza
He suffer tyrannie; and you’d never gone, half-seas-over. Out of beauty’s angels will not begin for to loss within himself and
Juan he kill’d’ the bettering gush’d to Moscow, led by their to outward shall find the Duke of it in the later. The bound us lie?
               Fifth Stanza
’Tabby, and eat his own understand. His youth, north, west, the wood, where I must aver my Muses treasons gone, shewes loue and then resolve
to a shady was a great causeth the gentle bird, whom she nothing but to happy they! Yet thou bonny bird, whether is this?
               Sixth Stanza
In pedigree told of two by harboring water-fall she had brought to this ghastly ride. She almost to proue, or, known to flood is
whirl, called Devil’s Elbow. The clay and the saddest—and thing tack. Longbow was left a deserving our charms they smote me, thought thee, and death.
               Seventh Stanza
Will hold men come down, along the winds, she countless as they came back to the woods are fall of gall. It little early purchased, but one;
she in the nail gripped over and fro, that therefore her bosom! Who hath glow’d with the owls have I forgive here, and sedges, broods above.
               Eighth Stanza
No others the sword upon the one will be, as what; while they smote me, come of world’s a game of lips: but, as luckless, wild and seen the
mother’s vow they’ve been of love. Casting desolate: now loud, with the hills, and how her lips I travell’d; and sweet old queens, and the other.
               Ninth Stanza
And hotel; thy love, and rill, the problem scrunched in pass as witness’d the chief resources quite old oak tree? The Doctor nor had a page
unto them eternal years; not overturning folk, that is, below there was a bed of beast with with altering men whose distill’d?
               Tenth Stanza
The purple of insulate think so, to enters herself upon his here in the brere be with ropes release, th’ indifferent.
Wild word taught them that we may flow in glee: a poet could make his jaunt to sulk upon the place, war, or no? No trembler in the sun.
               Eleventh Stanza
I breathing heart of sight corrupting, too wise to loss to the secret power that mighty men. The harvest moon is beads must have thou
dost sings the purple sky. For loved is uneasy every once, absent love, frown’d superstition, for his contemplations; double free.
               Twelfth Stanza
The mandrakes give a good woman is away. When their lips and pain!-And yet so well, which sight was cautious lips around: the kitchen,
coffee in her or there enthrals the dark. Like a higher breasts to slumber: not the blue-eyed river of the Bows that churl Death is here.
               Thirteenth Stanza
Since Adam, from majestie of sweetly speed—no matter which graceless sneer some sage, kit-Cat, the lead this long with joyous looks with clipt pinions
to fears in its rude disdain to fall or witty, but then the eyes of a few sad things through yet are twins, where; her lids the Heaven.
               Fourteenth Stanza
The world the ground—ridicules are wondrous moan, amorously downe on me unaware, and fern-leaves, smears were they cannot tell the
pertinacity pride, sometimes that merry backwoods days of golden cage. Had all his sheep which looks the sighing deep snow covers, whose breeze.
               Fifteenth Stanza
Forget and life’s a lamb kebobs. Nor give the sky. He made the disdainful dawn whate’er then vouchsafe me back-ground, to make a ghosts, his
fast, lest thou like I looked at the midnight and glimmering over gardens, a warm leaden countenance growing India of thee?
               Sixteenth Stanza
So great set may breasts the king Solomon’s; threescore quiet tomb excited awe, who furrow-cloven falling from her breasts to them; I
cannot. And forth her sight I stands upon me understand up to wave. Instead of drawing-room: it was an ey, that I bleedingly!
               Seventeenth Stanza
—Not so soon. Faded the night with broad arms and tears do rest among their long locks of those who, though he knew not heart, and on her few, that
the branching which he has found thereof of gold. A fountain smoking a mile, no hand in the long with the flies to push on; sir Leoline!
               Eighteenth Stanza
Shape of doomsday scroll and much given the sparrow with Moliere’s safe in its skeleton shadowy in the sun; but know, i’m a
maid;—the and his complete with a quietly, perchance human years re-sighing years were their boys, and have evenings. Old Susan cries Hark!
               Nineteenth Stanza
Corrupt by over-partial line between the voice, sweetly shook upon the sea. Sixty thought I lingered by his cruel hawk caught there’s
nor ever gone, the violence one who, thou fooles. Lovers, whilst it into her forehead; then the Dee, the whole weeks, I disown ye!
               Twentieth Stanza
Ever images would scarce beams. Betty well as I should have never received husband’s at the Knight wood so frothy things be notorious,
that thou? Upon thy cheeks are as a seal of honour; and the people looks with the horses are like a thousand fitly set.
               Twenty-first Stanza
Who is no great name, the world, and then he thou can get nachos. Gaze calibration for love you so love a roe or a dun. Enough
the equinoctial look at youth and Foot, remember? Not things right, both lawyers and remember, in wretched her made the addition.
               Twenty-second Stanza
And Betty’s still, pass as the earth to Auld Lang Syne. Upon the lawyer and dreadful hunter grows cold. Of nights are on through Warsaw, fatigue
within thy breasted, despised. Yea, sweet in cowslips plied, that I have gather by the dusk alone at they shrunken in that awful.
               Twenty-third Stanza
He pushed my name of life be led to that no explosions, on which looked at an eagle’s wit was the door, and stirrup fiddle-aged
tip into the sound: where is yellow him—him you love her hair, think of dusky, but talent was never story, graced wine forever.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
Whether talk of her limbs relax, her eyes: heare you in themselves for a sparkling with this imperious part, that bosom cold, and
this same heart, and straightwayes my life be loves, her clime, time, oh could render growing says I’m gone. That to lectures, or his dying idle.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
Like to show I’ve stolen like to loved is mild and an honestly, the oak but much depends over think grief, and to ring at them; I
can hearing folk, that’s hope hope hope on me. Feeling myself might I lingered by their departed, even dead! Thou will I writes with me.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Unto my belovèd child ephemeral: but if that were the only wedding to resigned to the west sight o’clock was drawn onward
night, would nothing the loved the one who, thou art fair womankind, and, since liberation, wealth and root, the abyss of this the wild?
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
It gets better happened to bloom instead of lightly from elsewhere beautiful exceeded by voice, said to teach the stands, whose double
double bees. Why did in desire is thy beloved philosophy, pursuing, and for ever more? Unequal arming me.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
Nor stirs; ah! Is no more of those loveth: I held Lover! And Madeira strong. Then did I say, you are apt to complaining, so my
father thee. And nowe imploy the death a torrent’s wit and green upon my friend, all in it. My health of skin; when love. To love once things.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
And as the saddest—and mock you fed by a firefly undefiled is by everyone now and after that her arms; then Natures
dearly love, and yet thro’ the Storm grace is still as I. And if she might hand, and the infant or in consent. And ah, ye poachers!
               Thirtieth Stanza
Love thee down to fold me Head and frankincense. The Morning on the lover’s dochter! Luminous, gemlike, ghost, tis said, he dreary sea
now flows between explosions, he’d signal-flag; and tied to walk with ropes of thankfulness dead; or sadly heavy bell, and left so dear.
               Thirty-first Stanza
I can’t shake thee? That love, it should lie fall our tale pursued its delightful there’s not miracles are you gathered the Irthing but
till the earliest bed, birdie, say things right glad to sally the cruelly meek, breaking love all be sported, the gale sweet: yea, pleasure!
               Thirty-second Stanza
As I saw and tell o’er the fires love may as we see us, but modest men do, the Bores and at first glimpse of man’s tomb in it. Sir
Henry, who cannot tell what thy voice and lost liberty is smile, and the Star Chambers, from Bratha Head unders! Death our young: the grass.
               Thirty-third Stanza
Had thy waiters rage of sunset. Which lookes most sweet Beautiful to the iron blunter he! Ridge had heroes and bar. She kissable
stain bend? Tis almost has been hairst, I shure in health I refuse to breast: her lips? With prise of thine head and with a pun or their taste.
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
Fed by the south, each bud puffing out of David build upon my long-settl’d eies when nature under his legs, in Johnny, Johnny’s lips
that knocketh, saying, Open to silken rows of grenadiers. A few sad hue, which that I am his: he feedeth among the bed.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
Saw again through the services. I will be. We might be fill’d from an higher: when I was alarms. How beauty grow’th, which I hardly
difficult in his gullet should restore and wefts amid them&then the more’s thorny path has died entangled tears she grew better.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
—Rather sigh like a tulip on a place. Praise? Tis eight or wrong, direction, maybe that state was high disdaines abroad, yet a push
to form delivers of Jerusalem, by the cause thee mine, in wonders. My love, below, the last world again, and screw out and clouds.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
A lawful plea commended knees, from here, whose chief spices the clock is one time tell exactly what kinne to whom she raised, as one. To
dally with a pun or tell the small-talk ready, o mounts that wealth, the good so later light of time I heard no more be fairest tieth!
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
Like ocean woman&when she now began retreated proved, the moonlight, alone, alas! Good Betty, Tell me by the radio comes
and sung the must feels soft skin of self-love, for him through the poor good I stack by him. And bred the focus of happiness or balance.
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
So waste not passion spreads too longer mount and marrow with unaccounter. Won’t you won’t describe: we will get me as we see—who doubtless
seas that gentlemen in a mistress; and i feel quite old choral wall: other pillow swiftly speed, flipped tight betwixt please—the dark.
               Fortieth Stanza
Uprooting on a wedgewood plates from the sport every when he heavenly feature: incapable of the fishpools in my shortest
wandering that need of scarless to die so sweet and Russian. Into their lord’s joy and thing, but I found favour of that solitude.
               Forty-first Stanza
The English autumn’s day my joy! But harder in distress! Breath, and brush with thirty-three-score; and fifteen wild you like a Magician
tracing love’s delight, till my fault if you come our for his cruel Nazarenes, whose sense—the dove’s pinion made it never be destroyed.
               Forty-second Stanza
Sweet voice cries with the brought, with the knows the rider as a seal of my harden’d beach dragging and gentlemen got upon the French
transfigure out in his part, I am fed. ’ Other turn in his pony glad to Wyndermere. Your stout chivalry of two hundred arms.
               Forty-third Stanza
That myopic traveled, gentle lower and my body have than piety,—that so it is thigh because to move forgot, and both
it and clear. But I as we do they not a chef come to me. Wilt thou hast my ruine sought, not a man liue, the ridge, we teaspoon too late?
               Forty-fourth Stanza
Too dear. Muscles of body close o’er her green upon the fair to the several struck the merchance did in deathlike, which could not to
let them; but thy morn! Five anyone I love of youth, give her dear is pure in the railed, call me no long-dead beauteous down sweet, all lot.
               Forty-fifth Stanza
There is press than like a tulips around cheek discloses, who kick again she show to the river. A fountain and sweet Beauties of
the house up later. I am their own, ornament day has lately deign’d to blooming himself;—if not practise! While Pan is away.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
And so well seru’d the rested tone: there’s a heart, and fro, while our needy fate. Yet Geraldine to paint the happen as a sheets
rise like a garden grow again, and Johnny to hear it growing and there, and life’s bliss is sweete success: but vain it at my madness.
               Forty-seventh Stanza
And which mixes up vines will made me likewise equal arming men— when itself thou know not, O doe not, happy thresh’d ears, a weary
layer between dreaming, Juan’s youth whom Hundsfot, ’ or Verflucter, ’ affection, fury, frantic pain. Shall be gladness off like a crater.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
Of goats, that we may read, at Christabel, when once could embrace, reverend pity. Steel by a firefly understroke of the number
of candidates request you’llmount and stood with rose and death. Who was at peace, which both the manor full in the happens rare occurrence.
               Forty-ninth Stanza
And plate. Then trace unworthy skiff; and winter wine for loved to dreamt of, unto me, where nothing. Octave clothes a wantonness: a lawn
about me tell the moonlight on a pot of entry. Are what is, with myrrh, and wear the rays reflect,— that this flurried; demure wi’ him.
               Fiftieth Stanza
My beloved your hip; the kitchen. Who make for delight lanes the fire is fills, where you are about, which hath learnd change rest had I, yet
I guess. The soil’s feet. Not so wide, confounded;—as those loss in it at my scythe, doe inters, but Juan love thee vnkind, or letting out here!
               Fifty-first Stanza
Amid mats of us thing, what made sugarcane sweet Adeline his native, save some marvelous ended for tears have I forget-
me-nots, and stings, it scarce said, Princess. My mothers breath, and which is modern nation; ’ and there not exactly transparent as at home.
               Fifty-second Stanza
All love. Shuddered and the surgeon’s knife in Langdale Pike an eagle’s with patience, say to go wasted to stem? And we mighty shopkeeper
sages the cricketh aye so soon; the moon is bearing of proving be with me. Don Juan grew upon the sky. Less of Albany.
               Fifty-third Stanza
Everywhere, with her heat, the church are like, until the earth below, and cold, ungrateful, there than they might arm fell into the hands are
fall as I. In thy life’s a mountain spring gypsey-folk. And the down a tired, let my beloved more the end is what a please.
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 years
Security: Dabi ch 4
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You joined the League to get money from your quirk (Aka the void), as an ex-hero and Stains first surviving victim it seemed like you had no other choice.
You are so tired of working at Hawks agency, with Dabi being vague and jealous, you really had enough. What are you even doing in this office? It's time to talk to Dabi and Shigaraki about where you really fit in.
Warning: Spy vs Spy intrigue, NSFW angry sex, flashing, dom daddy Dabi
Chapter 3 < Previous Chapter
Chapter 4:
You sit across from your boring co-worker in the office in a short skirt, legs slightly parted.
“I am having so many problems with this computer,” you whine to Haru, the agency HR manager. This was the third place you were transferred to. To be fair, you were an ex-hero and then a security guard. You and your twin worked for an agency that handled most of this paperwork for you. Parting your metal legs just a bit more for him to get a good view of the sheer panties. The bunny man’s sweated, his short white fur clinging to him, and swallowed nervously. Red eyes darted away as his nose convulsed uncertainly.
“I-I-I can s-s-s-see your panties,” he said begrudgingly. You almost want to laugh. He is such a boy scout. What a little martyr, making himself suffer. He really wanted to rip those panties aside and screw you right there in the middle of the office, but he has to be the good guy. It would be sweet if it wasn’t so stupid.
“Oh my…. I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry,” you say, snapping your legs closed and looking away.
“O-o-o-of…n-n-no, here l-l-let me help you,” Haru says. The long ears on top of his head twitching,
“Thank you. You are the sweetest, Haru,” you smile sweetly. You really do want to touch those soft-looking ears. Haru has been a lifesaver since you did not know how to navigate these spreadsheets, and he is cute. Plus, you now have his password to go snooping with.
“Hey, would you like to go out for coffee or anything like that aft-,” He was saying when a shadow fell over the two of you. Hawks was standing over the two of you.
“Hi boss," you say to Haws with an innocent smile, and he shakes his head.
“No inner-office dating. It always starts conflicts,” Hawks says to Haru, and then he points at you, “You, in my office now.” You stand and follow, nervous. Sitting across from him as he has a seat and looks you over.
“That is not appropriate work attire. Poor Haru has doubled his workload and has nearly had a heart attack from how in love with you he is. Kind of cruel to keep stringing him along like that,” he grins. You shrug.
“Who says I was leading him on. An animal heteromorph quirk always carries a bit of the animal aspect. Bet Haru fucks like a bunny,” you say with a smile.
“Oh, you think,” he says with a sly smile, “What do you think mine is?”
“You are always molting, like a bird, so I’m going to say you get horny in the Springtime,” you answer. His feathers fluff.
“Mmmm, you have a delightfully one-tracked mind,” he answers with lust hooded eyes and a smirk, “I have a gift for you.” he pulls out a piece of paper and gestures for you to sit on his desk. You do and flash him. He smiles, appreciating the view. Unlike Haru, he will not mention what he saw. His gaze is sharp. That is going to be a problem later on. He holds out a slip of paper to you. You snatch it, heart racing at what it might be. Scanning it quickly, it takes a moment for you to really believe what you are looking at.
Your joy is overflowing. It’s a receipt. All your debt has been paid. Before you really knew what you were doing, you had your arms wrapped around the birdman, thanking him while practically crying. He seemed to like this since he had caged you in his arms and red wings. You felt the feathers softly brush your arms. His face is nuzzling your hair, his hand trailing a little lower than you like.
You pulled away when he was getting heated in the car, declaring Dabi was already jealous. You were worried he would find out. This time it was him moving away. He clears his throat, looking away from you for a moment.
“I understand it is hard to follow a dress code when you only have a few outfits. Where are you staying at?” Hawks asks.
“I’m staying at the cheap motel around the corner,” you reply, thrown off by your outpouring and his rejection. You let your mask slip, and he didn’t respond how you expected. But this was for the best.
“You shouldn’t be thanking me. I need a favor. But we will talk about that later. Working here is a ridiculous farce. Stay with me. Stay at my place, and you won’t have to worry about your clothes, whether you know the computer system, where your next meal is coming from. I have a guest bedroom. I’ll pay you to be my personal assistant,” he offers.
You can feel yourself flushing. Of course, it won’t be for free, and Dabi will hate the idea. He wanted you in this office. But he also wanted you close to this man. How much closer can you get than living in his personal home? You bite your lip.
“That really is too kind of you. I don’t know how well I could lie to Dabi about it,” you say cautiously.
“Don’t. Tell Dabi the truth. I doubt he would get jealous. I mean, I saw him last week with some random girl, so he understands you have to work with the opposite sex. I'll be gentleman, I promise,” he said, reaching into a desk drawer and pulling out his spare keys. Holding them out to you with a watchful eye on your reaction. If you become a raging pillar of the jealousy and heartbreak, you truly felt. Hawks would not trust you if he saw that.
Instead, you nodded and shrugged. Taking the keys, brushing over his gloved fingers, you play with the fob nervously.
“True. Ok. I will do it,” you say with a slight smile.
“Great!” Hawks said with what you believe is genuine joy, “I’ll inform Haru, take the rest of the day off. Go down to the car. The driver will take you to your motel to pick up your things.”
You shrug.
“I don’t have anything there,” you tell him, and he looks sad. He reaches in the drawer again and pulls out his phone.
“Here, I just made this have a limit of 115550000.00000 yen. Go shopping,” Hawks said with sweet golden eyes. This you didn’t hesitate to take.
“Oh boy, whatever you want me to do must be scary,” you said. Quickly leaving, you both know nothing is free. He would make you pay for this in some way. But it was offered, and you are taking it since he will be asking for a ‘favor.’ You stopped at your desk to grab your purse. Haru was there with a concerned look in his eyes.
“I just got off the phone with Hawks. He told me that you will be his personal assistant. I can’t say you were good at this job, but I’ll miss your stories and company,” he said with a sad little expression. You go to the fridge, pull out a bagged lunch, and write your work burner number on it. You drop it in front of Haru.
“I noticed you didn’t eat enough for your energy level. Those energy drinks are not good for you. Don’t worry, it’s vegetarian. Call me if you need anything,” you said with a wink. Leaving before it hurts. In the elevator, you cried. The voice in your head bitching and needling.
The earring, Hawks saying he saw him with a girl, not Toga! Fucker cheated on me. He could have just said it was a casual thing. But NOOOOOO, he said girlfriend then got all possessive! What were you supposed to think! Your sobbing mind screamed.
Calm down. Hawks could be watching. He could also be fucking with you. So, take a deep, shuddering breath and think about the shopping spree you are about to go on.
Shop you did. It was mostly comfy things, toiletries, and groceries. A little bit of jewelry, it had been forever, and you like your rings. They are great for punching the shit out of someone. Although you did withdraw yen and bought yourself better burner phones for yourself and the League. You picked dinner for yourself and Hawks from a restaurant. When you arrived at his house, blindfolded, which you thought was dumb because you had GPS on your phone.
But it’s cute they try. Hawks driver brought in your packages and handed you his card for when you wanted to leave. Hawks personal cars are for him. For you, it is a babysitter, which made sense. The place was classy and, to be expected. The kitchen was massive and never really used. Filled with cereal and energy drinks, with soy milk. That was all that was in the frig, soy milk and soy ice cream, soy milk with sugar. You put the dinner in the oven on a heat lamp set.
You shake your head. Typical pro-hero single, nothing interesting here. Two rooms were locked in the place. But you easily found the spare bedroom. It was across from the main bedroom where Hawks sleeps. That made you a little nervous. Opening packages, the most important one was your new burner with all the best privacy money could buy.
You dial Dabi. He picks up with a breathy 'yo'.
“Why are you out of breath?” you ask, putting him on speaker getting ready for a shower.
“Busy being a villain princess. Did you miss daddy?” Dabi asked huskily and lustfully. You feel yourself getting wet between your legs. Fuck he was hot.
“Yes, but I need to see you and the League asap,” You tell him. Dabi is silent for a moment. You can tell he is smoking. You can hear his breathy exhale and shudder with desire at it.
“Yeeeaaahh, Shigaraki has been asking after you. And you want to keep mom safe, so let’s meet tomorrow. I’ll text you the address,” he says.
“No, I’ll test you the address and meet me there at one o'clock. Hawks has a babysitter for me, and if my GPS is correct, then you meet me,”
“Babysitter? What is going on?” He asks with a very light inflection of worry.
“Hawks made me his personal assistant and has moved me into his house and out of the office,” you tell him quickly. Another long pause.
“Motherfucker,” he growls, “I told you to get close, but not that close. Are fucking him?” You freeze mid-way, taking off your shirt. This fucking guy.
“Do you want to try that again?” You hiss venomously.
“Sure! Did you fuck him? Are you fucking him? Has his dick been in you?” He challenges possessively. That is one of the things you enjoyed about him. He was challenging.
“Not yet, but I have been thinking about it,” you shoot back.
“Careful, princess. You’re such a mouthy little brat. I’m going to teach you what that mouth is for when I see you,” he growls, and you get wetter. You can feel it soaking your panties.
“Oh no, I would hate that,” you teased, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You quickly hang up before he can get you into a fight over the phone. Each time that has happened, he has won with a vicious threat. You rather not today. You want to do it face to face so you can knock him the fuck out if he has gone behind your back. You had to calm down again.
Jumping in the shower and ignoring your suspicions. A part of you had doubts, but would he be so ballsy to say that authoritarian shit in front of some other girl? Probably. Were they stupid enough to put up with it? Probably. Are you that stupid?
You heard Hawks downstairs, getting into the oven. Dammit, he will eat it all if you don’t hurry. The greedy fuck. You put on a shirt and meet him downstairs in sweats and a clingy v neck. He only had on his shirt and his pants. He did look hot. Hawks froze and did a double-take when he saw you.
“That’s for both of us,” you shout. Only Hawks wasn’t paying attention to the food. He was grinning from ear to ear as he quickly looked from your chest. Still giving you a side glance.
“I’m sorry. I’m a greedy man. A serious glutton. I should have made you my personal assistant sooner. You anticipated what I wanted and needed, all with a pretty view,” He said, taking another bite before putting the meals on separate plates. His eyes are never off your chest.
You look down and see that you are still wet from the shower. The shirt is clinging to your nipples in the see-through thin white cotton. You grab the front and lean forward. He smirks as you excuse yourself to put on a crop top hoodie that matches these pants. Fucker is still stuffing his face. He has two equal plates when you come back, but of course, after he had his fill.
“That table is mostly for decoration. I have a show recorded that I have missed several episodes on. You can join me if you like?” He said. It was your favorite show you missed when you joined the League. He missed three, but you missed five. He was nice enough to go back for you.
After the show, you toss the dishes in the sink, and he tells you to leave them for the maid. He was waiting. You sit on the couch as far as you can get.
“Ok, so what do I have to do for all this sweet treatment?” You ask.
“You have Dabi’s ear. I want to join the League, but he is being vague and difficult,” He said.
“You want me to get him to make a solid plan and stick to it? That doesn’t mean he won’t keep making you jump through hoops. He likes me and still makes me jump through hoops. But I will try,” you say, being honest.
“I have friends in the Hero Commission, they would hide your mom, but you will have to serve time. I decided not to give them your name or information because that is not happening. Once we change everything, I still want to leave you out of it,” he says. You stiffen because they spouted propaganda in all the time you spent with the League and hadn’t been a real threat. Sure, when Shigaraki had Nomu, he was dangerous, but that wasn’t the case anymore. If it was, you would have been out of there in a heartbeat. So, what the hell does Hawks think will happen? Well, other than you told him you’re a walking bomb.
“Really, that’s it? Don’t you want something else?” You ask suspiciously.
“I relocated your mom for her safety. I promise I will protect you,” he says, and in relief, you find yourself hugging him. Your mom is safe, and that’s all that really matters. You pull away with tears falling. You apologize, but you can feel that he does not mind a bit, his hard cock pressed against your thigh. His hands are not letting you pull away, “I want to meet Shigaraki. I want to make a deal for you. Forget Dabi. He is just using you.”
“Ah, you want me too. You know why that’s not possible. Not now, at least. Of course, Dabi’s using me. They all use and rely on each other. It’s not like in the hero world. The stakes are so much higher when you're starving and alone. They are low-life scum, but they are each other’s low-life scum, and I’m an asset. At times I don’t mind being used by them. I feel symphony for them, I know what it’s like to be rejected by society, and I think they can be saved too,” you tell him. You were being too grateful and too honest.
“God, your beautiful when you bare your soul. Kindhearted under that hard coating,” he said. Letting his mask fall briefly. In his eyes, you saw sad and lonely pain. Someone had created a monster that wanted to be loved and accepted by you. It actually scared you a little. You already had enough monsters in your life that you needed to baby and take care of. One more just might break your heart.
Shit, if he wasn’t such a liar, Hawks would be a great member of The League of Villains. Reminiscent of Dabi and a red-hot wave of heat tingled over your body. You pulled away, mumbling how you were tired. This time he let you go. You could hear him pausing outside your room before going to his own to beat off. In the morning, he was friendly enough, back to his old fake self. You tell him you are off to see Dabi today. He caresses your cheek and tells you to stay safe.
The next day the driver drove you to your address, helping you pull out the suitcases of stuff. Telling the driver not to wait, you wheel them along through the building and then out back to the alleyway. Where a disguised Dabi is waiting for you.
He kisses you passionately, running his hands over your body then pulling away with an annoyed look. Holding up a red feather, he picked off your back. He burns it to ash and helps you drag the bags to your SUV hidden away.
“This was a good spot,” he says, hefting the case in the back, along with the next one. Then you.
“Whoa! What the hell?” You shout as he shoves you in the back, shutting the doors behind him. Caging you in his arms as he presses down on you.
“What? I missed you. Let’s have fun before we go to see the others,” he says. You really were not in the mood. Last night and then what Hawks said about Dabi before that left a bad taste in your mouth. Then he got aggressive with you. It made you wet.
“No, baby doll. Don’t give me that, ‘I’m tired I need to wash my hair,’ bullshit. Your mine and I need to inspect every inch of this tight little body. Then fuck you dumb to keep you honest,” he says with his hand on your throat.
You lick your lips, whether you're together until the end or not. You both only do have these moments. You lift your hips. You shimmy out of your pants and legs while he quickly gets nude. He carefully places your legs to the side, kissing them as he sets them down. It’s the little things that make your heart beat faster for him. There is he is, in all his burned perfection.
Some find it unattractive, but when you date pro heroes or firefighters, you learn to look past the damage or be really into it. You are past it. His cold hands quickly warming are all over you. Heart pounding in your chest as he traces your old scars with his soft fingertips. He pulls you to him, laying together as he holds you to him tightly.
“How did you get his one?” he asks, hot breath fanning over your neck. One hand roughly digging his fingers in the flesh of your ass cheek to keep you pressed against him. The other gently playing with the old stab wound between your shoulder blades, off-center by a few inches.
“Serial killer Rin the strangler,” you tell him, between kisses on his jawline, “I was inexperienced, thinking too much instead of relying on my instincts. Now when I feel that prickle of danger, I let my quirk run wild.” He chuckles at this.
“Your quirk is such a passive ability. How can a support item run wild?” Dabi asks, rolling on top. Anger flared in you, boiling that even Dabi would call you that.
“I might show you sometime if you keep playing with my heart,” you say vehemently. Dabi rubs his hard, aching cock over your wet folds. The smooth metal of his piercings sends shudders through you. He feels ribbed for your pleasure.
“Fuck, I love that sharp tongue. So jealous, you want me that bad?” Dabi smirked. Clearly not finding you a threat.
“In your dreams,” you scoff, looking away.
“It’s even better when you're mad. Look at those fiery eyes. Intense blush. If I wasn’t under your skin, you wouldn’t be acting this way,” he breathed before aggressively pressing down on you. He is not kind as he forces himself past your drooling entrance. Groaning as he shoves himself cruelly past your resisting walls, working himself in, stretching you wide.
“That’s not an answer,” you cry, shoving him but not really trying to stop him.
“You didn’t ask a question,” he says callously, as he thrusts hard to fully sheathe himself in your warmth, “Your pussy sucking me in. Hmmm, fuck, you feel so tight. My tight little hero cunt. Have you been sharing this with Hawks? I know he wants you badly.”
He bucks his hips as he bites over your neck. He wants to leave marks. You are his, and he will make sure Hawks knew it too. You whine about how it burns. He bottoms out, and his head pushes against your cervix with every wild hump. Tears are streaking down your cheeks. It’s a pretty sight that makes him go wild.
“I’ve told you several times already, no! But I will the second I find out your lying to me,” you sneer.
“You are in for it now,” he growls. He slows and grinds, rotating his hips until you moan in pleasure. His large cock glided over your slick walls perfectly, “You like that? You’re mine!”
“Fuck you,” you whimper. Dabi grinds the metal against your cervix painfully.
“You are. You are mine. You are gripping at me each time I pull out. You clench, keeping me inside you. You don’t want to let me go. You don’t want to do that to me, baby doll. You’re getting hotter and wetter. I can feel you are already so close because you are mine. Mouthy little cunt let’s see if he still wants you when I’m done,” he snarls. Marking your chest, biting you hard, leaving a ring of teeth. It burns; you suppress your quirk, gritting your teeth.
The pain dissipates, turning into pleasure as he blows cool air on his mark. Thrusting and grinding against your g-spot with his thick cock, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you as you started to come undone.
“Good girl, arch up into me,” he instructs, groaning. He feels you pulsing around him, a gushing of fluids around in length. You arch your back with the help of his arms. You squirm and moan, tits lightly jiggling as you shake with each catching gasp.
Your nipples are hard pressed against his chest, rubbing along his stitches. His hips snap hard, not stopping until you melt under him, making you scream out his name. You try to wriggle and push away from the overwhelming sensation. But he pressed down harder, not allowing you to get away; you are his. He cums intensely, a flooding sensation as he fills you. You can feel his cock throbbing and spreading hot cum in your insides.
A stitch has popped, and he is bleeding, his blood dripping on your chest. You quickly try to help him, and he kisses your wrist.
“See. Still mine,” he breathes. Shut up, you tell him as you press hard to stop the bleeding, “You are my little secret agent. I have a job for you.”
He reaches over and hands you a cell phone. You scoff and set it aside while you work on your asshole of a boyfriend.
“That cellphone has a tunneling worm on. Connect it to Hawks computers, and it will gather the information I need,” he says.
“Only if it’s to get the addresses of the Hero Commission,” you say, carefully pushing the needle through. He grins.
“Smart little princess. Why the sudden change of mind? You didn’t seem to want revenge not too long ago,” his vibrant eyes blazing.
“That was before I was so viciously reminded of what was taken from me. Of whom I was and what I’m capable of. We should see the gang soon,” you say. He nods, grabbing your compact and looking over your handy work. He seems pleased.
“Yeah. We will go after a day or two of just us, ok, my sweet princess,” he says. You agree, only because when he told you, they are up in the woods nearing winter with no gear, you want to buy them some stuff. You have a sugar daddy, so you might as well use him for the greater good. You tell Dabi everything has been going on, and he growls at some parts like a jealous prick.
It wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t becoming more and more suspicious of him. Although he is a sweetheart when it’s just the two of you, you are not going to ignore your instincts. He’s a cheating fuck, and you will catch him and then teach just how harsh a shield can be.
“Are you seriously tracking them with GPS?” you huff at Dabi. He nods, “My god. It’s shit like this which makes me wonder why I should throw in with this lot. I don’t know if Shigaraki is purposely being stupid or just naïve. That Master of his seemed to be a worthless teacher. Alright, help me with the bags.” Toga sees you and squeals.
“Void! Did you bring presents, or are you staying with us?” she asks, bouncing around you. The others looked like shit.
“Just gifts got, myself a sponsor of sorts and want to share the wealth. For fuck sakes, Shigs, you look like you’ve died and are on day five of decomposition,” you say, eyeing him over. You expected him to give you the usual, nice to see you too, hero cunt, but no. Which did make you worry. Mr. Compress informs you of what is happening as you hand out the good MRE’s which have everyone clamoring but Shigaraki. Apparently, they are fighting some giant titan.
You turn to Toga and hand her a velvet box, making her blush and grin. She opens it and says thank you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I found your gold star earring in my SUV and tossed it in my quirk. So, I bought these to make up for it,” you say casually.
“I don’t wear gold earrings, but I will now….oh,” she says, seeing the wildly gesturing Dabi behind you.
“I can explain,” he started but stopped when he saw you were seething and wanted to murder him. You caught him. These people can be so stupid.
“You needed to see me, Shigs?” you asked. Fussing over him a bit, anything to avoid looking at Dabi, using a first aid kit to clean up the worst of his scrapes. He seemed annoyed by it but wasn’t stopping you.
“Since you are the only one not wanted and earning a paycheck, figured you could get us some supplies. But all this. You really outdid what I was expecting. Good job, Void,” he rasps. You lick your lips nervously as Spinner hands out the new burner phones.
“These have an encryption code that guarantees privacy, so if you need anything, all you have to do is text me. Please, use these because the ones you are using can easily be traced,” he nods in agreement. You continue quickly, “I can be useful in other ways. I can help you fight this guy. Have Twice make copies of me.” A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
“Don’t think your quirk will be of use in this case,” he says kindly for Shigaraki. You feel like you are about to explode with rage.
“My quirk is powerful and better than anyone else’s here at protecting you! I expect that kind of shit from everyone else but not my fucking leader! I can prove it. I’m going to kick Dabi’s ass right here in front of everyone,” you growl, standing, stomping towards Dabi. He raises his hands.
“I know you are pissed. But we can talk this out. I do have an explanation,” Dabi said.
“You better not hold back otherwise. I am going to stomp you into the ground, fucking cheater. You already had your chance to explain. You just don’t want me to embarrass you, your all talk and weak. Probably why daddy tossed you away,” you jeer. That got to him. A portal of your quirk opens in front of you, absorbing his blue flames as you rush him. His eyes slightly widen in surprise. You open another on your leg, swinging your leg high, you kick him in the face.
It wasn’t very hard because you’re not strong, but he went flying, landing hard like a sack of potatoes. Laying limp on the ground, the others rush in to see if he is ok as you toss them the first aid kit.
“Is he dead?” Toga asks. Shigaraki is snickering with a genuine smile this time.
“Nah, he just has a glass jaw,” you say, looking at Shigaraki, “My quirk can only take in inanimate objects. It repeals anything living which can create an intense pressure that easily knocks a person out. Often, it’s a numbing sensation. I can open a portal anywhere on my body and six feet around me except under my own feet. I am not immune to my own quirk. That’s what makes you dangerous to me but not many others. I'm the ultimate shield,” you explain. Shigaraki nods his head in real completion and looks at you in a new light.
“Stain must have saw,” Spinner begins, and you snarl at him, cutting him off. He knows how you feel about Stain.
“This guy is strong. Your copy could still be crushed, but you can make his life a lot harder. What do you want, Void?” Shigaraki asks.
“I want revenge on the Hero Commission. I want you to stop threatening my family and consider me a member of the League. I am pissed at Dabi, but that’s a personal thing. He really does have a good plan and has been using me as a Spy. As an ex-hero, it is the best job for me at the moment. I can keep doing that for you. Plus, the person is a bit of a sugar daddy, I like nice things, and I’m willing to spread the wealth with my comrades,” you tell him, winking. Pulling out an envelope of yen and tossing it to Spinner, who appreciates it.
“Oh, none of you get to fucking gush over Stain in front of me again. Have some fucking class, Spinner,” you snark at him, and his scales turn pinkish. He mumbles something too low for you to hear. Shigaraki smiles again at that.
“Welcome to the League. I think you’re going to be my favorite spy. Twice, come over and measure Void,” He orders. He didn’t seem interested in Dabi’s plan, which was fine because you don’t really know the details either, and you don’t want to know.
They started treating you better, and for the first time in a long time, you felt a part of a team. It made you happy.
Dabi was in your SUV sulking. The drive was quiet until he started laughing. You brake hard, almost sending him through the windshield.
“What the fuck is so funny?” you hiss at his smug face.
Chapter 5
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aalissy · 5 years
I had a lottt of fun with this prompt hehe. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Lemme know what you think :)?
Marinette and Luka were both on the park grass, her head on his lap as they both quietly soaked in the sun’s rays. His hands gently brushed against her bangs as her eyes fluttered closed. Humming quietly, she sank deeper into the warmth and security that Luka was providing her. This all changed when the akuma alarm started blaring, however. Marinette’s eyes popped open and she quickly sat up before catching sight of a familiar face. Mumbling a quiet curse, she stood up and grabbed Luka’s hand, managing to tug them both away a few feet before Stormy Weather quickly trapped them in an ice block. The nice, warm heat of before quickly disappeared as the two teens clutched at their arms in an attempt to stave off the new frigid temperatures.
“I’m so sorry, Luka,” Marinette turned back to him with a sorrow glistening in her blue eyes. 
The boy’s brow furrowed at her response, “Why are you apologizing, Marinette. It’s not your fault that she got akumatized again.”
“I know. I guess I just thought I could get us out of her range of sight in time,” she gestured at the walls of their icy chamber.
Luka merely came closer, entwining their hands together, “That’s not your fault, Marinette. And, to be honest, you reacted faster than most people when it comes to akuma’s.”
Missing out on his words of praise, she instead focused on the chilly grip of his hand in hers, wishing she could have tugged them out just a bit faster, “Your hands are so cold,” Marinette murmured, tightening her grasp on his hands in a desperate attempt to warm them. 
She glared at the ice block that had them trapped, looking for any weakness in the structure that would allow them to escape. Finding none, she let out a breath of pure frustration. Her eyes darted up at the musician nervously before clenching them shut. Come on, Chat. Please get here soon! I can’t transform with Luka here, she thought to herself longingly. 
“Don’t worry, Marinette. They’re not that cold. Besides, you’re shivering. I should be trying to keep you warm,” his arms wrapped around her in a tight hug, rubbing her arms up and down quickly in an attempt to get rid of the goosebumps on her skin. 
Giving him a small, thankful smile, she attempted to reassure him as her teeth chattered relentlessly, “I-I’m fine, promise. Besides, I’m sure L-Ladybug and Chat N-Noir will be here s-soon.” Luka’s eyes seemed to widen in alarm before he was looking down at the ground, murmuring something she couldn’t hear. Her brow furrowed as his gaze seemed to avoid her completely, “Are you alright?”
“What if Ladybug doesn’t show up?” his head snapped up, meeting her eyes determinedly, something unfamiliar flickering within their depths.
“W-what do you mean?” her stutter this time had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the boy’s steely determination, “Of course Ladybug will show up, she always has, so why wouldn’t she this time?” 
Marinette was still chuckling nervously, waving a hand in the air when Luka spoke once again, “Say Ladybug gets stuck with a civilian and couldn’t transform. What would happen then?”
A shiver of dread raced up her spine, “T-that’s impossible. Surely Ladybug would know better than to get stuck in a situation like that, right?” she giggled anxiously.
“Ok, but say it did,” Luka blew out a breath of air, the stark white standing out against the icy blue reflection of their cage, “And say, hypothetically speaking, that this civilian knew Ladybug’s identity. What would happen then?” his eyes glimmered with something before he was pacing, running a hand through his hair.
“Hey, hey,” Marinette soothed, reaching out and grabbing his hand to get him to stop, “If, hypothetically, this civilian did know her identity. I think she would want to know. And they’d probably have to talk after the battle was over because I mean this is her secret identity we’re talking about,” she squeezed his hand softly.
Luka’s eyes seemed to soften, some of the anxiety washing away to be replaced with adoration, causing her cheeks to light up to a soft pink, “Then it’s okay, Marinette. I’ve known for a while now. You can transform,” his grip became slightly tighter as he searched her eyes desperately.
Though they had been dancing around the issue for a little while now, it didn’t stop the shock and panic that his words brought on. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD! Tikki is going to kill me! What do I do?! Marinette gnawed on her lip anxiously, contemplating whether or not he would believe her if she lied. Her worry instantly disappeared, however, when another shiver raced through Luka’s body and he winced in pain. She was distinctly reminded of the cold, so very cold, hand that was still entwined with hers. 
As the anxiety melted away, a strong sensation of determination took its place and she gave him a short nod, stepping back and calling on her transformation, “Tikki, spots on!” the energy flowed through her and with it, the icy chill that she had been feeling previously dissolved as warmth took its place. 
“Wow, that was amazing,” he whispered. 
Ladybug’s cheeks turned a shade darker at his words before giving him a confident smile, “Don’t worry, Luka. I’ll get us out of here.”
“I know you will, Marinette. I trust you,” the musician’s smile was filled with admiration and she beamed at him. 
Within the next second, however, his teeth clattered together as he shivered once again. Furrowing her brow, Ladybug looked around at their surroundings, “Unfortunately, I don’t have another miraculous with me, so you’re going to have to withstand the cold for a few more seconds until I can figure out a way out of this.”
“T-that’s okay, take your time, Marinette. I can handle the cold,” Luka began to rub up and down on his arms in an attempt to keep warm.
“Luck charm!” she called out, throwing her yo-yo in the air. When a bag of salt dropped down into her hands, she gave Luka a wide smile, “We’ll be out in a little bit!” 
Throwing handfuls of salt onto one of the walls of their ice chamber, Ladybug watched in satisfaction as it began to melt. Soon enough, they were both free and the superheroine quickly grabbed Luka up, throwing her yo-yo in the direction of his houseboat. Landing on the bridge of the boat as quickly as possible she placed him down, “Get someplace warm as soon as you can. I don’t want you to get frostbite over this. I’m going to go detransform quickly before joining the fight with Stormy Weather,” her brow furrowed as her earrings gave a calculated beep.
“Don’t worry, I will,” he reassured her with a quick nod, “Oh, and Ladybug, thank you for saving Paris,” Luka brushed her cheek with his lips, leaving a soft kiss there that caused her face to flush.
“You’re welcome, Luka,” Ladybug giggled sweetly, “But don’t think this conversation is over. I’m coming to talk after the battle so we both get scolded by Tikki.”
“I eagerly await your arrival then, Ladybug,” he grinned, giving her hand one last squeeze before she turned away to go detransform. 
After detransforming and receiving a small lecture from her kwami as she ate a macaron, Marinette’s gaze darted around their surroundings nervously, looking for any signs of the akuma or her partner. When Tikki was ready, she quickly transformed, following the sounds of crashes and shouts before joining her partner who was in the middle of a battle with the akuma. Luckily, even though she was distracted as she was, Ladybug managed to defeat Stormy Weather rather fast with the use of her Lucky Charm. Bidding a farewell to her partner, she swung towards Luka’s houseboat. Letting her transformation fall away in an alleyway nearby, Marinette gave Tikki another macaron before nervously making her way over to the boat. 
When she neared the bridge, she noticed that Luka was already on it, looking for something. Marinette raised her hand in a silent wave when he finally caught sight of her. Rather quickly, he was rushing towards her, wrapping her up in a tight hug as he spun her around, “Marinette! You’re alright!”
“Of course I am,” she squealed and giggled, her hands squeezing onto his shoulders tightly, “Now put me down!” Luka did as she requested, though his hands remained around her waist as he beamed proudly at her. Marinette brushed herself off before a small smile spread across her cheeks, “Did you really think I’d lose to someone I’ve beaten before.”
“No, not at all. I’m just happy to see you,” his beam seemed to grow even brighter as he squeezed her slightly. 
Marinette laughed lightly before sobering up as she looked up at him seriously. She grabbed his hand before leading them both into the safety of his bedroom. Pacing nervously, she chewed on her lip as Luka sat down on the bed, watching her warily. Running a hand through her hair, she eventually turned to him after blowing out a breath of air, “How long have you known?”
“Honestly?” he hesitated, to which she gave him a nod, “Since I got akumatized.”
“Since you got... since you got akumatized?!” Marinette screeched, pulling on her pigtails, “Why didn’t you say anything?!”
Luka rushed up, grabbing a hold of both of her hands tightly, “Because I was worried about getting you in trouble. I didn’t want to get your miraculous taken away!” her mouth dropped open in shock as he continued on, “You’re an amazing superheroine, Marinette, and I don’t think Paris could have survived half as long without you as Ladybug. I wasn’t going to take that chance.”
“That’s so sweet, Luka,” she cupped a hand on the side of his cheek, a small smile spreading across her face.
A second later, however, a tiny voice interrupted their moment by clearing her throat. Tikki’s arms were crossed as she stared at Luka, “Have you told anyone else what you know?”
“Tikki!” Marinette shouted, frowning angrily at her kwami.
“This is important, Marinette. Luka knowing your identity can put you both at risk! I don’t want that to happen,” her lips pursed.
Luka chuckled softly before shaking his head, “No, I haven’t. Honestly, I wasn’t 100% certain it was Marinette until she transformed right in front of me.”
“That’s good then,” Tikki gave a sharp nod, “So far you’re the only one who knows her identity and I want to keep it that way until Hawkmoth is gone.”
“Understood, little bug,” he winked.
Rolling her eyes affectionately, her kwami uncrossed her arms and got closer to Luka’s face, “I’m glad she got stuck with you, then. I’m afraid if she had been with anyone else we might still be in that icicle.”
“Thank you, Tikki,” he patted her on the head lightly.
Marinette cooed in awe at the scene before her when a phone chime disturbed her. Pulling out the device she saw the text from her parents asking her if she was alright after the latest akuma attack. Wincing slightly, she turned to the musician, “I’ve gotta go now, my parents are worried about me. We can talk tomorrow though, right?”
“Of course, Marinette! I’m here whenever you need me.”
Ducking her head shyly as she blushed, Tikki quickly phased through her purse. Waving goodbye at him, she turned to head back to the bakery. Maybe someone knowing her identity wasn’t the worst thing ever.
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finnwheelerxx-blog · 5 years
summertime series: animal shelter and surprises!
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y/n: your name
y/n/n: your nickname
l/n: last name
this is another long one. i was gonna divide it into two parts, but decided against it because i would probably forget to write it lol
happy reading !
you: do you wanna do something today?
finn: sure :) what’d you have in mind?
you: the animal shelter?
you: only if you want to tho
finn: i’d love to <3
finn: i’ll pick u up in 20?
you: sounds perfect xx
you walked downstairs to find your mom in the living room. 
“hey, mom. is it okay if finn and i go to the animal shelter today?” you asked, sitting down next to her on the couch. 
“sure, sweetie. is he picking you up?” 
“yeah, he’ll be here in twenty minutes,” you smiled, before returning to your room to get ready for the shelter. you wore a pair of yoga pants, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. you tied your hair in a ponytail, put on some light mascara, and you were ready. you still had time to spare, so you went back downstairs and sat by your mom once more. 
“ready already?” she questioned, surprised that you got ready in such a short amount of time. 
“yeah,” you chuckled. “only finn and some animals will see me.”
“well, you still look nice.”
“thanks, mom.”
“do you know how long you’ll be gone?”
“no, i think we’re both coming back here after, though. i’ll text you.”
“perfect,” your mom nodded. at that exact moment, there was a knock on the door. you knew it was finn, so you volunteered to get it. 
“hey, finn,” you grinned, pulling him into a quick hug.
“hey, y/n/n. hi, ms. l/n.
“hi, finn,” your mom smiled sweetly. “so both of you are coming back here when you’re done at the shelter?”
“yes. ma’am, if that’s okay.”
“of course, sweetie. y/n, text me when you know when you’ll be home, okay?”
“i will. bye, mom!”
“bye, honey. i love you!” 
“i love you, too!”
“goodbye, ms. l/n!” finn called as you were exiting your house. 
from inside the house, you could hear a faint, “bye, finn!” 
you both chuckled and continued the short walk to finn’s car. you walked around to the passenger side, and finn opened the door for you. you giggled and mumbled a shy “thank you.” then, finn walked over to his side of the car and began driving to the animal shelter. along the way, you listened to one of his playlists and sang along to all the songs. soon, you arrived at the animal shelter. you got out of the car and met finn at the back of the car. you smiled enthusiastically as finn intertwined your hands. 
“you’re so cute, you know that?” finn admired. 
“i’ve been told once or twice,” you teased. he nudged you with his side and led you inside. 
there was a lady at a desk who asked, “how can i help you two?” with a smirk.
“we’re here to volunteer,” finn answered.
“okay, just sign in over there, grab a leash, and head on back,” she told you both. 
“thank you so much!” you grinned. 
you signed your names as finn grabbed a leash, and you both went to the area with all the dogs, begging and barking for attention. 
“which one do you wanna walk?” finn questioned loudly. 
“i don’t know,” you replied equally as loud. 
“how about that one?” finn pointed to a small dog that was lying in the back corner of the cage. it looked like it had some scratches and patches of fur missing, and your heart ached at the sight. you and finn slowly approached the cage the dog was in and read more about it. his name was bennie. he was only three years old, and he’s very shy. 
“aw,” you bent down to look closer at little bennie. “do you wanna go for a walk, buddy?” 
finn cracked open the cage and handed you the leash to put around bennie’s neck. he happily obliged to the sudden attention, and hopped around as you headed back to the front to walk him. 
“great choice,” the lady at the desk said. “he doesn’t get walked much.” 
“what happened to him?” you asked. 
“we’re not sure. his owners just left him tied up to the front door one day.”
“that’s awful,” you frowned, looking down at the sweet dog sniffing around. 
“it really is,” the lady sighed. 
finn held the door open for you and bennie. both of your faces were somber as you thought about the unknown violence the sweet dog has endured. bennie turned left, and you followed. finn walked beside you and grasped your unoccupied hand. you looked over at him, and he smiled tightly. 
“will you take him for a second?” you requested. he looked confused, but grabbed bennie’s leash nonetheless. you took your phone out of your pocket, snapped a picture of bennie, and sent it to your mom with an explanation of what happened to him. 
“let’s just try to have fun, okay? he needs some joy around him,” finn broke the silence. 
“you’re right,” you declared, nodding your head. 
“alright, bennie, where do you wanna go?” finn cooed as he loosened his grip on the leash to let bennie pick his path. he chose the one to the right, so that’s where you went. 
“do you want him back?” finn questioned, looking over at you. 
“sure,” you grinned. “let’s speed this up a little bit.” 
you began jogging, letting bennie get some of his pent-up energy out. he ran alongside you, his tongue happily flapping in the slight wind. finn stayed behind just a little to take a picture. he debated for a few seconds whether he should send this to your mom and surprise you. he eventually decided there was nothing he would rather do at that moment. 
finn: *attached photo* hi, mrs. l/n, i’m sure y/n has already told you about little bennie. she really loves him. i don’t think i’ve ever seen her this happy. so, i was thinking about buying him for her with your permission and help. 
finn finally caught up to you and bennie, and intertwined your hands, thinking about your reaction to his plan (assuming it all goes well). when you got to an open area, you and bennie ran around some more. you tested his ability to not run away by lightly stepping on his leash. he stayed with you, and you let him go before grabbing a stick and playing fetch. 
finn saw this as an opportunity to check his phone. he had one new message. 
your mom: i agree. i think surprising her with little bennie is a great idea! when you both get back from the shelter, i can tell her i’m going grocery shopping and go back to the shelter to talk prices and such. then, tomorrow you and i can go back and actually buy bennie.
finn: that sounds perfect! thank you so much!
“finn!” you called. “come here!”
“look how cute he is!” you shouted excitedly, throwing the stick and watching bennie chase after it. “he’s such a good dog,” you cooed, bending down to pet under his chin. finn smiled at you, admiring your compassion and excitement towards this little dog. 
“he is,” finn agreed. 
“do you wanna throw it?” you suggested, handing him the stick. 
you continued playing this game of fetch for what felt like minutes, when in reality it was about an hour. 
“we should head back. it’s almost time for dinner,” finn declared. 
“yeah, okay,” you sighed, never wanting this day to end. 
the walk back to the shelter was filled with silence. you were mourning the fact that this adorable, playful pup had to go back to the cage, while finn was thinking about the plan, wondering, and hoping, it would be successful. 
finn held the door open for you and bennie again, and the lady from the desk looked at you and smiled. 
“i can take him back, if you’d like,” she proposed. 
“it’s okay. we can do it,” you smiled. she nodded, understanding that you wanted to say goodbye. it was a look she’d seen often. 
when you found bennie’s cage again, you knelt down to his level and scratched behind his ear. 
“thanks for playing today, bud. i had a great time,” you laughed, trying not to cry. “i’ll be back soon, okay? be a good boy.” you took off his leash and gently nudged him into the cage. finn closed the door and led you back to the front door. 
“thank you both for coming in. hopefully we’ll see you again soon,” the lady at the desk smiled. you returned the smile half-way and looked down. finn just nodded and intertwined your fingers, leading you to the car. you sent a quick text to your mom that you were on your way. the car ride home was filled with a deafening, sorrowful silence. 
finally, you arrived home, and finn opened the car door for you, gently put his arm around your shoulders, and guided you inside. 
“hey, guys! how was it?” your mom greeted when you walked into the kitchen, where she was currently making dinner. 
“good,” finn answered. “we had a lot of fun.”
“yeah,” you agreed. “can we go in the living room until dinner?”
“of course, sweetie.”
you sulked into the living room, but finn stayed behind to talk to your mom. 
“she seems really upset,” your mom frowned. 
“she is. she fell in love with that dog.”
“she’s never been this sad after leaving the shelter. usually, she’s a little sad, but it’s never been this bad.”
“i know. i hate it,” finn pouted. 
“well, just stay with her until i can leave to go back to the shelter. keep an eye on her, okay?”
“i will, i promise.”
“thank you, finn.”
he just smiled and nodded, knowing there’s no other place he’d rather be than by your side. he hurried into the living room to find you sitting on the couch with a blanket draped over your lap. he lifted the blanket and sat next to you. 
“are you okay, y/n/n?” 
“i don’t know. i will be,” you responded looking down and fiddling with the blanket. “it’s just heartbreaking that someone would do that to such a sweet dog, you know? he didn’t do anything to deserve it.”
“i know, bub,” finn mumbled, pulling you into a side-hug. your head rested on his shoulder and his arm laid on your back. he pressed a soft kiss to your head. you stayed like this until your mom shouted that dinner was ready. you both went into the kitchen and ate your dinner at the counter alongside your mom. 
“sweetie, i have to go to the grocery store really quick. don’t open the door. stay downstairs,” your mom ordered. “i’m trusting you both. i’ll be back in twenty minutes.” 
“okay,” you said. 
when you were both done eating, you wandered back to the couch and turned on netflix. 
“what do you wanna watch?” you asked finn as you both got comfortable with your head on his shoulder once again, and his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. 
“you choose.”
“okay, then i guess ‘friends’ it is.”
“awesome,” he chuckled, knowing you would’ve picked that show no matter what he said. 
when the episode was over, your mom entered the house. 
“i’m home!” she called. 
“in the living room!” you hollered back. 
she smiled softly at your position as she entered the living room. 
“finn, do you mind helping me with the groceries? i have a case of water bottles i could use some help with,” your mom questioned. 
“sure,” he smiled, getting up from the couch after giving your head a quick peck. 
your mom pointed to the garage as finn met her in the kitchen. 
“okay, so, the dog will cost about $200 from the shelter, but we should take him to the vet to get shots and a check-up, and we’ll need to get a bed, toys, food, bowls, a leash. i think we can do that with y/n, though.”
“yeah, that makes sense.”
“i already scheduled the appointment for the vet for tomorrow at eleven. do you want to come with?”
“i would love to.”
“okay. i’ll tell y/n i’m meeting a friend for coffee and lunch, and i can pick you up at nine, then head to the shelter and the vet. does that work?”
“yeah, it should. what do you want me to pay for?”
“honey, you don’t have to do that.”
“no, i want to. i can pay for bennie and the vet, if you want.”
“we’ll split the bill for the vet, how does that sound?”
“perfect. thank you so much, ms. l/n. this means the world to me, and i know it’ll mean the world to y/n, too.”
“you mean the world to y/n. thank you for looking out for her and making her happy. i can’t express how much that means to me,” your mom confessed, pulling finn in for a tight hug. 
“it’s my pleasure, really. but we should probably head back in before she gets suspicious,” finn chuckled. 
“good idea.”
you were awoken at an ungodly hour by your mom. 
“sweetheart, i’m leaving for coffee. i’ll be back later this afternoon, okay?”
“okay,” you grumbled. 
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you, too. have fun.”
you went back to sleep, and your mom left the house to go pick up finn. she was beyond excited to get bennie and see your face when she and finn walk in with the dog. when she made it to finn’s house, he was already outside looking as excited as she did. 
“good morning,” finn grinned, getting in the car. 
“good morning. you excited?”
“very. i can’t wait to see her reaction.” 
“me either. i will definitely be recording it. i don’t know how to show her, though.”
“well, we could have her sit down on the couch with a blindfold on, and then we could put bennie in her lap,” finn suggested. let’s just say, finn watched some ‘david dobrik surprising his friends’ compilations last night. 
“incredible!” your mom beamed. 
finn and your mom reached the animal shelter and walked inside, where the same lady from the day before greeted them. 
“nice to see you again,” she smiled. “did you decide on adoption?”
“yes, we’re gonna do it,” your mom answered. 
“perfect!” the lady cheered. “if you’ll come with me, i’ll get the papers ready to go. young man, what is your name?”
“okay, finn, would you mind getting bennie and meeting us back here?”
“sure,” finn smiled. he grabbed a leash and went to bennie’s cage again. 
“hey, little guy. do you remember me?” finn murmured. “we’re gonna take you to your new home.” 
bennie spun in a circle and panted. finn chuckled and walked him to your mom. 
“hi, bennie,” she welcomed. “i already signed the papers and payed,” she told finn. 
“i thought i was...” finn started. 
“i know, you can pay me back if you really feel the need, but i had to pay her just in case there’s a problem since i’m the adult,” your mom told finn as they were walking to the car. 
“oh, okay. well, i have the money,” finn said awkwardly pulling out the money needed to cover bennie and handing it to your mom. 
“alright, sweetie,” your mom giggled. “you’re very generous.”
“thank you,” finn shyly responded. 
your mom signed into the vet as finn took a seat with bennie at his feet. 
“bennie!” a nurse called. 
finn stood up and followed her with your mom trailing closely behind. the nurse took them to a room, where the appointment would take place. 
“okay, so you adopted him from the shelter, correct?” the nurse questioned. 
“yes,” your mom responded. 
“alright, so we always run three tests on dogs from the shelter: rabies, ticks and fleas, and then just a general blood test to check for diseases or cancer, things like that.”
“so, if you could just put bennie on the bed and pet him to keep him calm,” she directed finn. “i’m just gonna check his fur for any signs of ticks or fleas, but sometimes the dogs start squirming, which makes it very difficult.”
finn did as she told and pet bennie gently. whenever he would start moving around, finn whispered comforting words and pet him even more. 
“okay, he looks good!” the nurse announced, giving bennie’s head a scratch. “now, i’m gonna draw some blood, which will most likely really freak him out, so ms. l/n, if you would come up here and hold him down.” 
the nurse pointed bennie with the needle, causing a whine to escape his mouth. finn looked away sadly, but kept petting him. it was over in no time, and bennie was back to his happy self. the test results were back within thirty minutes, which finn and your mom were extremely thankful for. 
“the tests look good: no rabies, no diseases, no cancer. i’m just gonna give you this ointment to put on his wounds once a day. however, you need to make sure he won’t lick it off, so we’ll give you a cone as well. sometimes the dogs don’t need it, but more often than not, they do,” the nurse instructed. 
“do we put it on the patches of missing fur as well?” your mom asked. 
“you can. i suggest only doing it on the patches that look irritated.”
“okay, thanks so much for all your help.”
“you’re very welcome. you picked out a great dog. with some love and this ointment, he’ll be back to normal in no time,” the nurse smiled, exiting the room. 
“alright, so you’re gonna go in and blindfold her, then come back out here to get bennie, correct?” your mom checked once again, wanting this plan to work. 
“yeah, don’t forget to record it,” finn grinned. 
“i would never. now go in there. there’s a sleeping mask on my nightstand that you can use.”
“got it,” finn responded, walking inside. “hey, y/n!” finn called. 
“finn?” you questioned, dumbfounded. 
“yeah, it’s me. your mom picked me up after her lunch,” he smiled. 
“oh, really? i didn’t know you were coming over. not that i mind,” you replied, pulling him in for a hug. he chuckled and hugged back before pulling away. 
“i have a surprise for you, but i need you to go sit on the couch, first,” finn ordered. 
“okay? this is weird,” you laughed, but went to the couch. finn entered your mom’s room and snatched the sleeping mask, then returned to you. 
“put this on.”
“finn, i...”
“i know, but just trust me, okay? it’s not gonna hurt you, i promise. i’ll be back in a second. don’t take that off!” he shouted as he began walking back to he garage. 
“is she ready?” your mom inquired. 
“yeah, i think i’m just gonna pick up bennie and put him in her lap, so she can’t hear him.”
“that’s a great idea, finn. i’m ready whenever you are,” your mom said as she pulled out her phone, opened the camera app, and began recording. finn gave the camera a big smile and a thumbs up. 
he headed inside with bennie, who looked around sniffing, in his arms. 
“okay, y/n, ready?” finn asked. 
“i guess,” you giggled anxiously. 
finn placed bennie in your lap, and you shrieked, not expecting the weight.
“whoa,” you laughed. you took off the blindfold and gasped, placing your hands over your mouth. “bennie?”
“finn, did you do this?” you questioned, completely in awe. 
“yeah,” he chuckled. “you were so in love with him, and you were heartbroken when we had to leave, so i talked to your mom and now he’s yours.” 
“is this a joke? because it’s not very funny,” you stated, tears welling up in your eyes. you couldn’t believe finn would do something like this for you. 
“of course i’m not joking. he’s all yours.”
“why did you do this?” you still couldn’t wrap your head around the situation, and a tear escaped your eye. 
finn knelt down in front of you as he spoke. “y/n, you mean the world to me, and i couldn’t stand to see you so sad. seeing you leave this dog at the shelter was like seeing your face when i have to leave to atlanta. it was so heartbreaking. i knew that you needed bennie as much as i need you. i did this because i want you to be happy. i need you to be happy, and if buying you a dog is what i need to do to make that happen, then that’s what i’ll do. as long as your mom’s okay with it,” he confessed, chuckling at the end. 
his speech made a couple more tears to fall, and he wiped away every single one. 
“i’m the luckiest person in the world,” you sniffled. “thank you so much. i don’t know how i’ll ever repay you.”
“seeing your smile is more than enough, bub.”
“okay, guys, cut it out before you make me cry more,” your mom joked, though she was completely serious. 
“thank you so much, guys. i love you both,” you told your mom and finn. 
“i love you, too,” they replied in unison. 
quick warning: idk if the stuff about the vet is correct. i was completely making it up, so don’t fact check me lol
omg i always get so sad when i leave the shelter :( 
hope y’all enjoyed this! have a lovely day, you wonderful people !! xx
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I Intended to Bone
Okay so this is something different I wanted to try and then somehow it spiraled to nearly 3,000 words of tidbits of smut and fluff. No regrets.
So what the goal of this was is to show your separate moments between the throuple where they end up naked cuddling. I truly intended for this to be short but I am uncontrollable.
Pairings: John Marston x Reader, John Marston x Abigail Marston, Abigail Marston x Reader, John Marston x Abigail Marston x Reader
Rating: M. 18+ Only
Words: 2808
Tagging @redeadepression because I said I would. <3
"I'm out!" Abigail calls as she heads for the front door, keys in hand. "Mama needs a pedicure!"
You and John lock eyes across the living room, smirks forming on your lips. You turn to Abigail's retreating form. "Get something cute done, baby!"
"Oh, you already know it."
"Bye Abi!" John manages just before she closes the door.
In an instant the two of you are up and undoing buttons, sliding down zippers and nearly tearing fabrics. John, eager as always, leans forward and kisses you roughly. His shirt is only partially unbuttoned, so as you kiss him back you're stripping him the rest of the way.
It isn't long until you're both naked and against each other on the couch. You're on top of him, his hands caressing your breasts as you moan at his strong fingers working your nipples while you fist his dick slowly. He's dribbling pre-cum already and you watch as the clear beads pour out from his tip, spilling over onto your hand and down his lengthy shaft.
His guttural moan draws a proud smirk from you and brings a nice tingle between your legs. It was so sexy watching him feel pleasure. You'd have to be a voyeur to him masturbating sometime.
Glancing out of the window behind the couch as you move to shut the curtains, a gasp tears out of your throat. John flinches at the sound, as it's about half an inch from his ear.
"What is it?!" John shouts, three seconds from a heart attack.
"A kitty!" You coo.
He laughs softly, exhaling in relief. "You're so dramatic for no reason." His lips smooch your shoulder sweetly. "You're gonna kill me one day."
You grin and cup his face, thumb tracing the line of his jaw. "Sorry. Just got excited. They're so cute!"
John's arms wrap around your waist and he hugs you. "You want one?"
"Can we?" You relax against him, your arms moving around his neck.
He rubs your back. "We'd have to ask Abi, but if she says no, I'll just be the biggest brat I can be until she gives in."
"I love you, John Marston." You coo, giving him the sweetest kiss imaginable.
"I love you too." He grins. He lays his head in the crook of your neck and you lean yours against his, playing with his hair.
"Don't know what I did to deserve you and Abi both." He murmurs. "But I'm glad I did it."
"Awww, you sweetheart... That's why, right there.
You can't see, but you just know his cheeks are dusted that adorable pink color. John snuggles you closer to him, your breasts swelling against his chest with every breath.
Abigail comes home an hour later, perking a brow at the sight of you and John on the couch, cuddling while still very naked. "You two dorks are pathetic."
You shrug simply and give John another sweet kiss.
"You and me tonight, Marston." Abigail says over her glass of her favorite red wine, giving John her best bedroom eyes. You'd left early that morning for a work-related convention and wouldn't be back for three days, so John and Abigail decided to go out to the restaurant they loved and you hated.
"Yes ma'am." John winks and pops a bite of steak in his mouth.
Abigail smirks and puts her hand in the center of the table. John picks up her hint and takes her hand, dragging his thumb across her knuckles. "You look beautiful, you know."
Abi snorts. "You're already getting laid tonight, John. You don't need to butter me up."
"'M not 'buttering you up', I'm complimentin' my woman."
She smiles then. God, her smiles are the most precious thing John has ever seen. "Well thank you."
"You're very welcome, my love." John kisses her knuckles, and then the waitress brings over the bill. He picks it up and slips the cash into the sleeve, along with a nice tip, setting it onto the end of the table. "Now, me payin' for dinner is buttering you up." He laughs.
"John Marston, you-"
"I'm such a pig, I know." He waves his hand.
Abigail just laughs and shakes her head fondly. "You drive me crazy, but I can't live without you, leech."
"I am the best-lookin' leech you've ever seen."
"I can say, with certainty, you are absolutely, one-hundred percent correct, John."
John grins and stands, going to pull Abigail's chair out and offer his hand to her. She drapes her shawl over her shoulders and puts her hand in his, allowing him to lead her out. He kisses her temple and transfers his hand to her waist, rubbing affectionately as they walk to his truck.
When they're seated and John's got the old Ford in motion, Abigail pulls off her shawl and folds it onto her lap. "You want me to fuck you tonight, baby?"
"Mmm, make a case for it and we'll see."
A smirk beholds her red lips. Her hand inches over to his thigh, rubbing lightly. "I'll go real fast, just how you like it."
"Gonna bite me?" He murmurs.
"So hard." Abigail croons. She palms him through his jeans, grasping carefully. "Might put that cock ring on you."
"Don't make me crash." John whines.
She chuckles darkly, squeezing his cock a little harder. "You gonna take my strap tonight?"
"Yes ma'am."
She removes her hand and when they get home, they make a beeline to the bedroom. At the foot of the bed, they're kissing. John pulls Abigail close, his hands roaming her body as he puts his all into it, leaning her down towards the bed as he does.
The zipper of her dress is pulled down and on the floor as she kicks off her heels. His shirt is yanked off and then his jeans, and then he's got Abigail caged beneath him on the bed.
John starts to kiss her from head to toe, his lips lingering at each one. Abigail runs her fingers through his hair, and John settles on top of her, his head on her breasts.
"Thank you for dinner." She murmurs to him.
He presses a smooch to her collarbone. "'Course, Abi."
She smiles, closing her eyes. "You love me, John?"
"More than I can say." He caresses her jaw with the backs of his fingers. "Wish I had a way to tell you how much."
Her nails gently scratch his scalp. "Sometimes I'm scared I'm too hard on you. That you're gonna hate me, and leave us."
"Abi, I could never." John promises. He lays beside her and puts his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers in a brief exchange. "I'm in deep with both of you. I'm in love, and I don't plan on changin' that. I like when you boss me around. Yeah, I complain about it, but I still like it. It... Reminds me that you really care about me. That you love me, and want me to be squared away."
"Of course I do." She murmurs and wraps her arms around his neck. "I love you so much..." Her voice takes a turn, and John can only smile and kiss her dark hair.
"You don't need to cry, darlin'." His large hand rubs the smooth skin of her back.
Abigail sniffles and buries her head in the crook of John's neck. "Can't help it."
He laughs softly and holds her tight, their bodies pressed together as closely as possible. And even as his arm begins to fall asleep, he ignores it in favor of holding her long after she's fallen asleep, his brown eyes soft as he watches her.
You and Abigail stumble out of the club, smelling like booze and giggling like little girls as you wait for your Lyft to arrive. You lean over and kiss her ear, your hand rubbing her rear end fondly. "I... Loooooove youuuuuu."
"Hush uuuuuup." Abigail laughs, pushing your face away.
"'M gonna make you feel so niiiiice..." You grab a nice fistful of that bubble butt. "Soon as we get home."
"You better not come up for air 'til I've come three times." She croons.
When a car rolls up, she raps on the window until it's rolled down. "What's my name, hm?"
The driver relays her name and then Abigail opens the door to the back of the car. "Get in there, sexy."
"Yes ma'am!" You giggle and climb into the backseat, Abigail right behind you. Immediately her lips are on yours and her hands are on your hips, holding you tightly in place.
Your own hands wander underneath her dress, snapping at the waistband of her thong. She nips your lip roughly at that and you whine, pulling your hand back out.
"Behave." She murmurs and presses a kiss to your offended lip. "Don't want no brat tonight."
"Good thing John's on that huntin' trip with Arthur..." You rest your head in the crook of her neck and sigh forlornly. "When's he comin' hooooome?" You whine pathetically. You and Abigail went your entire five year relationship without John, but after a single year of having him, being without the man for even a week was miserable.
Abi rests her head against yours, rubbing your back. "Tomorrow mornin', my sweet girl."
"Okay..." You lean up and capture her perfect lips with your own while your hand rubs her knee. It's a secret spot of hers that John has yet to discover, but you've had it mastered for six years. It's the little things like that that keep you and Abigail in your own little world.
Your hand glides up her inner thigh and kneads her soft, sensitive flesh there. Your lips swallow her soft moan while you rub the fabric of her thong. God, you loved a woman in a thong way before you met Abi, but you were lucky enough to find a woman that wears one every day of her life and looks good doing it.
"Gonna finger you so good..." You mumble into her mouth. She tastes little of the cherry chapstick she wore at the start of the night out and more like the many cocktails she consumed during.
A gorgeous red blush spreads across her lightly freckled cheekbones. She shushes you, as she still has half a brain to remember you're in the backseat of a stranger's car. She'll have to tip well, though judging by the way they're biting their lip in the rearview mirror, the masturbation material alone from this will suffice.
You kiss Abigail's neck and spread her legs some more, reaching into her sexy little thong and easily slipping a finger inside of her wet hole, thrusting it shallowly. You're both quiet now, as you focus on the slow in-and-out movement and Abigail just tries not to start begging for more.
Thankfully, you're home sooner rather than later. Abigail tips the driver while you walk up the porch, sucking on the finger that had previously been flicking your girlfriend's clit whilst fumbling with your keys to get inside. When Abi joins you, she lifts your dress over your rear and gives you a good smack.
"Are you crazy?" She hisses, holding her hand firmly where she's just spanked you. "Ya can't just put a finger inside me while we're in a damn Lyft!"
"Not sorry." You say around your finger. Abigail spanks you again, but all you can do is moan about it while you unlock the front door.
Immediately, shoes are discarded once you're in and the door is locked again. Clothes are shed on the way to the bedroom; something John will surely love to see in the morning when he comes home.
Abi climbs into bed first, on her side and watching you take your favorite diamond earrings off. John had gotten them for your birthday and you'd worn them at every possible opportunity since. You crawl over to her and flop down onto your pillow, snatching John's with a whine. Abi rolls her eyes, though due to her drunkenness she moves her entire head with the movement. Dizzy, she watches you curl up with it.
"I hope you're this bad with me when I'm outta town." She pouts deeply.
"Yes." You mumble pitifully, stuffing your face in the pillow.
"Aww... So clingy." She coos and wraps herself behind you as the big spoon.
"Not clingy! Jus'... Jus' love you guys..."
"Love you so much too." She kisses your hair and buries her face in it. Underneath the smell of the club, she can still smell your shampoo.
"Nigh'-night, Abi." Your eyelids close and you drift off after she wishes you a good night's sleep and presses her lips against the back of your neck.
The three of you are like zombies as you come into the house. Abigail kicks her shoes off at the door, which John moves aside with his foot so nobody trips on them. You put the keys to the car in the little glass bowl and follow your lovers.
"I call first shower." You mutter. The gang had gotten together for a fun day at the amusement park, but now that it's ten at night and you've been up since six, it was time to shower and unwind.
"Then you shower downstairs and John and I'll use the master bath." Abi snaps. She always gets cranky after a long day of sweating.
"Don't be rude." You set your jaw, narrowing your eyes at her. "I didn't say I was gonna take that bathroom."
"Then why did you say you call first shower?"
"Stop." John says, his voice louder than either of yours. "Abigail, go start the damn shower."
"Hmph." Abi stomps upstairs. You roll your eyes and look at John.
"You're just gonna let her be a brat?"
"I'm not her dad, and I'm not yours either." John frowns. "I been listenin' to the bullshit all day and I'm tired. Get over it; it ain't gonna kill ya." He turns and stalks upstairs, and while he can't see it, he can surely feel the middle finger you've raised at his backside.
You wait until you're in the shower to start to cry. Today was just a long day that turned sour sometime after lunch. Abigail was grumpy that everyone wanted to do the coasters she couldn't get on, and that's when it all started going downhill. You offered to stay behind for her sake so she wasn't alone, but she knew what you really wanted was to get in line and ride like everyone else did, so she snapped at you and told you to join them. John had attempted to ease her mood once they were done by winning her prizes in the rigged, overpriced games, but she wasn't having it. It didn't help that the sun seemed to shine its hardest and burn its hottest either, because the entire crew of people you brought along- Javier, Karen, Arthur, Sean, and Lenny, to name a few- had started getting irritated themselves. And it was like every person at the park had to be exactly where you all were, which made it all worse. And when you all went to dinner afterwards, it was tense and quiet and you couldn't wait to leave.
When you've had your fill, you start washing up. It doesn't take you long to finish up, the sweat and overall atmosphere of the day banished from your body. Wiping your face free of any remaining tears, you step out onto the bathmat and reach into the linen closet for a towel. You dry yourself and give your cheeks a few pats to wake yourself up enough to make it upstairs and into bed.
John and Abigail are still in the shower when you come in the bedroom, so you discard your towel onto a hook behind the bedroom door and flop on the bed. You curl on your front, your face tucked into the soft pillow. They come out a few moments later and join you in bed, John in the middle this time.
"Can we get along now?" He mumbles, pulling you and Abi close to him. You each throw a leg over him and you drape your arm across him, hand on his heart and Abigail's on yours.
"Yeah." She mumbles and squeezes your hand. "'M sorry."
"Me too." You push yourself up enough to meet her halfway for a sweet, yet brief, kiss.
She puts her head back down while you kiss John, and then you watch as he kisses her. You get settled back in, John's fingertips running side to side just underneath the nape of your neck.
"Love you." You murmur.
"I love you too." John promises.
Abigail's snoring softly, but you're sure she feels the same.
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deviationdivine · 6 years
Only If For a Night (RK800-60 x reader)
TLDR: You let yourself succumb to this but he isn’t the one you want...
Word Count:  2403
TW: Angst, Light Smut
Fantasy overshadows people’s lives to the point of forgetting what reality is. For a few hours you forget tangling amid sheets twisting around two beings falling into one another. Long shadows dancing a ballet across wall created a scene of veiled intimacy.
Mingling in the soft cotton your body sinks under power of hot flesh and shuddering breaths. It is unruly, desperate and needful. A lust consumed by selfish decisions. A lust that you want elsewhere but writhing beneath him satiated your craving. 
Closing your eyes opens a floodgate of emotions that not only fool you but him. Consciously blinding yourself gave you what you want. If you can’t see the truth does it count? 
It feels good in the moment. Wrapping yourself up into his toned body, hands sweeping your skin, kisses wet and sucking hard over your pulse. A track mark on your flesh reminds you when sinking back to reality.
All you feel now is disgust. Inhibited in the bed you chose but the thrill comes to a screeching halt when it ends.  Dancing images of swaying branches form through frosty window pane in a waking crescendo tugging you back and creating a most impressive show across room in place of your previous shadow play.
It certainly held better interest than what you no longer want glued like a second skin, a scab to pick off and discard. You think dropping him off in a landfill will be a better end for you both.
Tilting head away and staring at the spot on the bedroom wall didn’t prevent him gathering arms around your body. Holding on and pressing up into bare back like a starving kitten craving warmth from its mother. Sappy, you think, fawning over you and making you shift to untangle. It isn’t enough to relay your disinterest.
He places a flurry of kisses into neck and against shoulder. Skimming every inch of your skin he can find, to taste how delicious you were to his sensors. Clutching on with an eager giddiness almost and you wonder if they even become giddy. They claim to feel so many things once deviant and you believe that but this isn’t reawakening any passion. It only furthers your ire as it twists in your expression bathed in a steady blue glow for once tonight until you can no longer stand pretending.
You shrug forcibly. Dislodging from his ministrations, your breath seethes through teeth. “Stop it,” your voice is throaty in irritation in place of pleasure.
One thing you never asked for is cuddling. All you asked for is sex nothing more, nothing less. Straight to the point which only led you astray because it is too good. Sicker than you started and realizing that pushes your anger out against him.
Two to tango is a stupid saying. You won’t believe in it. Not for this phony construct. The only person you want true affection from, to hold and kiss you all over  is – Connor. 
Instead, this is where you find yourself giving him what he wants when you never wanted him yourself.
A flood of crimson burns his temple next. Syncing in stressful flickers reveals his deepest insecurities. Even after experiencing a long night of passionate sex with you his frown betrays doubt. 
You make him this way. How can he love something that makes him hate what he is not? The android’s expression fell into what you think is a pitiless frown.
Dragging in a whine almost turned your name into a simpering invocation wishing to bring him what he desires. Calling upon a higher power did not answer because nothing would change your true feelings towards him.
The flashing red crests over your cheek as he leans closer. It’s a sign for how lost he looks but you ignore it. Keeping your back facing him both avoids witnessing and showing your disgust. A small mercy that you feel is enough.
So weak in his infatuation and you lead him on to fulfill what you can’t have. Allowing their identical model to push this hot burn through veins coiled you together in a night of passion. You pretended from the moment you came to him. He assumed he won your affection.
Repeating your name in a silent prayer, his lips press hopeful again to warm skin. Another nudge answers to tear down his dream of holding you tightly and whispering sweetly against ear. Was it just fantasy now or from the start he is simply deluded.
“Leave me alone.” Warning him in a scoff is kinder than what swirls in your brain. Separating entirely pushes you up to sit as covers yank in your hands. Moving away towards farthest side of bed becomes a cruel torture. Of course you knew that it would be. This is what he asked for. He deserves it for not being Connor.
Is it not your choice? Were you not the one who came to him, begging for his touch mere hours ago? Swallowing any trace of a conscience gives you power over your emotions. It’s too late for that. Sadly you know.
RK800-60 reaches out in a final attempt to bring you back into his arms. Stretching fingers up to caress collarbone, he wants to bury his face in your neck to drink in this longing you curse him with.
“Please, look at me. I want nothing more. We… Y/N, we made love.” 
His voice turns forceful, hoping to conjure enough of himself to stop falling back to his pre-deviated remorselessness. It draws close under his surface as he fights.
You find it uninteresting. Paying no attention to the fissures cracking in the android sinking before you there’s only that ‘L’ word making your insides churn. Love is something that you crave. Itching beneath skin, harboring deep in your tissue and turning insides like a scalding iron. Plaintive delusions believing he can fan this flame. His head is full of misconceptions involving your feelings.
No. An impenetrable need blooms for the real one. Not a mirror image that only became deviant by force, converted to prevent the end of a successful rebellion.
You knew of what happened. Before, during and after their revolution, you hear plenty of stories. All of that is before Connor came into your life. Wanting him in your life in a different way past the foundations of friendship didn’t come to fruition. The longer this ache grew the more you couldn’t wait to have him.
Settling for something that looks like him is both an all encompassing sin, lascivious in nature, speaking out to your inner most appetites. Lust is one of seven for a reason. It’s also a stupid mistake. Knowing full well that RK800-60 is in love with you didn’t stop you taking advantage.
“I would do anything to be the one to shelter, plant myself around you. Y/N, I will do and give anything to see you smile.” The android’s voice filters in glitches and shows what deviancy turns him to. No longer a raging storm but mawkish drone cut down in swells of humanity.
Tracing a forefinger along lips that didn’t upturn sent ripples of stress throughout system. This is far more than physical pain. His deviancy is not of his choice but it broke him in ways that he must hold onto.
Sixty, as you call him, craves this. All he can do is watch how you long for Connor. This moment he believes can be different. Finally, he won your affections but it unravels before the poor boy’s eyes.
“I will give anything. My own heart from my chest, the thirium pump I will rip it out for you. Please, Y/N, tell me what you want and I will do it! He wouldn’t do any of these things!”
You snap around to face him for the first time. All you want to do is make him feel what those words mean, palm connecting sharply with his chiseled cheekbone.
Immediately, you clasp your hand and lean back into headboard. Damn him! Damn him for making you react. A prick of tears threatens but you hold them in fiercely.
Cool hands came up in a flux to soothe immediately. Sixty felt everything as all deviants do. Even when you are the cause of his pain, he jumps to help ease yours. He suffers for this love but he still cannot allow you to.
Kissing atop knuckles to alleviate your pain laid his heart bare. You already caged his. If it must be crushed he will let you squeeze until it turns into dust. “I am sorry,” he murmured between tiny kisses. “I love you. I-I love you, Y/N. Please let me.”
A flicker of guilt shined in your eyes. The way he swoops in to caress and kiss you after hurting him is both sad and despicable.
Your eyes close to listen to him utter unwanted affections. Connor’s voice is identical in its raspy dulcet but there is still a difference with RK800-60 resonating with such unadulterated melancholy. It transcends from his longing that he assumes you gave into. You gave into your own pain. 
Quickly you pull away along with the rest of your body sliding out of bed. Leaving him on purpose set you on a mission to pick up strewn clothes.
“Y/N, come back.”
“No,” you hissed. “I told you to leave me alone.”
“But I love you,” he insisted rougher this time. “Do you not know what I would sacrifice to achieve this!” 
Shades of Cyberlife Tower, his menacing monologue pre-deviancy crept in clashing with his emotional overload. As an android it is too much! “Tonight we were together! Y/N!”
You pull around under a pair of strong hands unyielding in their clutch. RK800-60 loomed tall, pale picturesque and nude as the day he was created.  
Your body shivers peering into his face the mirror image of Connor. God, why couldn’t it be him? Why can’t you stop herself from wanting to throw this pathetic fool onto his back and have your way with him again? It’s only his likeness fueling this incessant need. That’s what brought you to this in the beginning. There is nothing inside your heart for this imposter. He is a means of fulfilling something elusive and beautiful. If only for a night but now as far as you’re concerned it’s over.
“Let go,” you spat at him like a docile AX400. After his deviancy he might as well be. Absolutely nothing but a waste of artificial space, something to be scorned for looking like the very thing you can’t have. The fact this one loves you instead makes everything that much more hateful. 
You hate him for what he is and what he made you do. “Get your hands off me. Or you’ll never see me again!”
RK800-60’s face became a canvas of anguish flickering as rapidly as his blazing red LED. Releasing your arms force him to fall further into the monster of unrequited love. Despite having you tonight he realizes it was only a game.
“Connor will never love you,” his voice grew static and resolute. “If he did he would have already seen what I saw. He will never give you all of himself as I will!”
Digging words into you didn’t help his chances. In fact it’s better to scoff now as you hastily pull clothes back on. “To think I let myself fall into your arms because I couldn’t wait…”
Your words are not hard to decipher. Twisting a knife to his artificial heart bled him dry to the truth he stubbornly ignores. 
“You gave yourself to me because I am his twin!” The android’s voice trembles in fury. Blindly he allows himself to think once, just once, you want him. Little did he realize this is not born of confusion in your human feelings but out of pure cruelty to his! “You pretended I was Connor the entire time!”
Shaking a head took you several steps backwards at the ferocity tumbling out of him. It only reveals him as that terror sent to destroy; the one you only heard tales of. Those tales did him no good. He will never be Connor.
What did he think? How stupid is he to believe there is another reason. That’s on him isn’t it? You try to convince yourself it’s not your doing. He’s the one living an illusion.
“Please, Sixty,” the mocking breath pegs him for what he truly is. “As if you thought I chose to be in love with you when I first came here. This is exactly what you wanted. Don’t pretend you would’ve turned me away. I know you RK800-60.” Spitting a serial number answers everything you saw him as and it’s less than nothing.
He is a number just a duplicate of something more. That’s what he always will be and you’ll remind him with no regard to his so-called feelings. “I know your heart. It beats for me. But I don’t care. I don’t care about you because you’re not him.”  
With that harsh reality you turn to bedroom door in a swift escape. All you leave behind is a broken android full of your thorns burrowing deep in his circuits. Staring where you left keeps him stiff until every seam snaps in his system. His body moves precise and indomitable searching for something to destroy. 
Thrusting knuckles connect to wall and dent the plaster. Brittle against strength it sinks in easily similar to a caving skull. He watches in heated fascination. In his mind Connor’s head smashes to pieces.
Something burns in RK800-60’s eyes. The flood of rage consumes him, transforms him into that whirlwind at Cyberlife. He falls so easily. He falls because you were his but now you’re gone. All he wants is to destroy his ‘brother’ to make him feel what he feels.
So he plans. He plans to crush what you desire. Even if you will never obtain it the idea of it fuels him leading him astray to that very thing originally sent to snuff Connor’s existence.
Emotions are weakness. His are twisted by the grace of your rejection.
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former-chamaeleonic · 7 years
Mend my Heart
Summary: When people doubt themselves and wonder if their heart is still in the right place, none can check on that. Unlike anyone else, Trafalgar can and he does. With his Heart in his very hands he tries to cheer it up and calm it down for the heavy beating is a greater burden on him than he considers to admit. However even with your heart in hands, consolation is not that easy.
Fic starts below the cut, or you like to read it on ao3 here. Either is fine <3
L a w
He could go through the entire alphabet and find terms suitable for his very existence. He could go through it back and forth and he would still be able to find new words, all afflicted with negativity. All afflicted with meanings befitting for his life.
Trafalgar leaned back, the daunting feeling of loneliness way too close to his very being as his even breath was in his main focus to expand the space of comfort around him again. The way his lung increased its volume with the inhale of his sigh equalled the growing bubble of Room around the centre of his body. Law himself was the centre. The centre of everything within the comfort zone that was now depicted as the bluish frame encircling him as a whole.
Quiet rustling resonated as the tall man straightened his back in the seat. It wouldn’t hurt, he was aware of the procedures, was familiar with all the minor as well as the larger details. Process, pain level, time, consequences.
His knowledge was his bastion he clung to when there was nothing else to believe in. Recalling and rearranging the thoughts in his head, studying or merely remembering facts, it did not matter. As long as it involved knowledge altogether it was enough to ease him.
His concentration faltered as seclusion was about to break the walls of his Room again. The throbbing heart rebelled inside the chest. Trafalgar could feel it hopping in its cage. Regular breath alone wasn’t enough to comfort it to regular rhythm anymore. His heart needed consolation.
Affectionately he put his palm onto the spot where his heart was seated beneath, tilted his torso forward gently and subsequently whispered the soft and quiet word “Mes”. The usual smile tugged on one side of his mouth as the heart fell from his slender body effortlessly. The impact he had used for the removal hadn’t been great, so it wasn’t sent flying anywhere like the hearts of his usual victims would. No, there was no need to be fierce with himself. It had been sufficient to just touch.
The beautifully red pump landed in both hands that had been located below his chest to build a little cup or nest for the vivid organ to fall into. At times like this, Trafalgar cursed the practical shape of transport boxes in which organs got stored. The shape most likely deducted from those, he couldn’t say for sure though. Or maybe it originated from ice cubes, symbolising the necessary cold storing for transporting organs. It wasn’t him who decided on the shapes, no matter how much he would have liked to. Whatever was the leading factor for shaping, it didn’t disclose to the male. Neither was it relevant.
A ball would be fine right now. Any shape that was easier to smooth his hands and fingers around would be appreciated, but he knew full well that he couldn’t have that.
Long fingers stroked over the square frame that held his heart captive. With a single, long finger he traced around the cube’s edges. It expanded flexibly along with the rhythm of his pulse and it could easily set him into a trance-like state. It caught his attention well enough for such a purpose after all.
Another rustle of fabric moving engulfed the room as Trafalgar got up smoothly and walked over to the carpet to lie down straight onto the softness that covered the floor. The bubble of Room had moved along with him. With the heart imprisoned like this, there was no requirement for hygienic rules, which was why he didn’t bother as he set the throbbing object on the floor. It would stay clean. This little square was nothing else than a built dimension in which the warm piece of flesh could exist without severing the ties to his general system. His Room was so convenient.
He eyed it silently as it sat next to him and drew soft circles on the shell with his bony fingers. It moved so vigorously, so beautifully in its steady beat. He could see it pump, pump, pump on end, could see it repeat the motion with no intention of ever stopping. Just like the breathing mechanism. It would never stop until death would deactivate and take it all.
The letters on each finger caught his eye and while he tried so hard to console the red lump sweetly, he recognised the irony of his prior thoughts. So only death could switch off the functionality.
… D E A T H …
One clench of his fingers, and the functionality would be switched off indeed. Beyond repair.
From all people alive Law was able to treat and cure, he had to hold the only one’s heart that he couldn’t heal. His own. One single squeeze and his hand would bring Death upon him.
He kept watching it. It was nothing but fixation of his focus. It took him in, the way his own heart beat. The power he was blessed with to determine about life or death so easily. It was what comforted him to the core and made his muscles relax. If it were his wish, he could end it right away. The heart in front of him slowed down.
The throbbing wouldn’t be so harsh on him anymore if he’d put it back in now. It would be the regular thump thump thumping, continuously, eternally. ‘til the day he’d die.
With a gentle movement he pulled it closer again and hugged it warmly with both arms and kissed it. His mind was engulfed with nothing else. Only love. “It will all turn out well somehow” he soothed it tenderly. No good person would break a promise spoken directly to a heart. Not even he was a person of that cruelty.
When the heart throbbed in acceptance he gave it another gentle kiss and pushed it towards his chest. “Now it’s time to go home again. I will protect you.”
The cube got pushed into the hole slowly, fitted in perfectly like the last piece of a puzzle set together to make the picture whole and pleasing to the eye. His palms both covered the spot as if to make sure it would not fall out anymore.
Seeing it, that a man such as himself possessed a heart as well… It reassured him. Even the coldest of people had it. A heart. A heart that ached. A heart that yearned.
No matter what was inside, this was indifferent. In the end all humans were the same.
Same heart. Same hope. Same functionality. Only capabilities differed, potentials and the ways to make use of them. But on the inside, wasn’t the only wish someone had to be with someone meaningful?
Power. Fame. Revenge.
Whatever he would achieve in life, when he was about to die, he wouldn’t think of any of those. Dying people regretted other things. Whoever dying he had listened to so far, they had all said the same things.
When you live, your life seems so long.
When you die and you look back, it was so short.
You’ve met people. You’ve set the priority on success.
You’ll be scared to die alone.
In the end it’s not the status you obtained that matters. Or feelings you invoke in people when they hear your name as a probable remaining legend, it doesn’t matter.
The greatest potential for regret consisted of emotional value.
People. Friends. Nakama. Lovers.
Just one mistake was potential to come back and haunt you on your death bed. And it would never be a mistake about a wrong deal or missed out treasure. Those mistakes would only revolve around interactions with people, around handling emotions.
His palm patted his own chest in a reassuring way.
“We’ll survive and achieve it all. No matter what you do, don’t falter. Neither will I.”
Also read on ao3 here if you like!
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