#leads locales
agenciadeseoenlima · 1 year
SEO local para empresas de servicios
SEO local para empresas de servicios: fortalecimiento de su presencia local en línea Introducción: ¿Qué es el SEO local? En el entorno digital actual, es importante que las empresas de servicios aumenten su visibilidad en el mercado local. Esta sección introductoria explora los conceptos básicos del SEO local y su importancia para hacer crecer su negocio. Definición de SEO local La…
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zytes · 4 days
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9.16.24 / 9.17.24 - september supermoon
#last img is a composite btw. wanted moon clarity AND noise blowout; had to get clever to have both#‘she’s was so big and bright last night!’ - my mom#did you know the moon completes its orbit around earth in 27.3 days? it also completes a spin along it’s axis every 27.3 days#so we always see the same side of moon locally; but it depends on where you’re at on earth#the lunar cycle completes every 29.5 days - as opposed to the 27.3 it takes to complete its own orbit;#that’s a difference of 2.2 days!#something something pythagorean comma#like the leap year! a sidereal year is 365.25 days; every four cycles we gain a ‘semitone’ - an extra day#in musical scale: if you complete a circle of fifths using just intervals of perfect fifths; you’ll gain a quarter of a semitone#the interval leading from an old octave into a new one. like a step forward; a comma which denotes transition#so not a ‘circle’ but a spiral/fractal#in western music we flatten each fifth by a 12th of a pythagorean comma to give us our seven ‘perfect octaves’#also called ‘equal temperament’#this flattens each fifth by ~2 cents to eliminate the perceived discordance cause by the slight bump in tone#I’m not saying there’s a metaphysical connection between the chromatic scale and lunar activity#but#it’s neat when you notice that our moon (and other celestial neighbors) move with a sense of musicality#even if that is a modal sense of musicality and not a tonal sense#my art#aesthetic#art#artwork#webcore#internetcore#glitchcore#abstract#artists on tumblr#photography#lunar#moon
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
once again. i am thinking about an alternate end of time ending where the master joins up with the doctor on the tardis, but now specifically, an au where the doctor still ends up regenerating and crashlanding in amy's backyard. au where the doctor doesn't show up 12 years late because two timelords piloting a tardis is (marginally) better than one, and now amelia pond is going on adventures in time and space in the care of the two least qualified being in the history of the universe to take care of a seven year old.
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officialspec · 7 months
Kabru thinks he's top shit for growing up in Melbourne? Is that anything?
THIS is real i 100% see him as moving to brisbane from melbourne. an idea ive been toying with for kabru is him originally being from real world nepal, and utaya being destroyed by tourism/reputation rather than monsters? everest is kind of like a dungeon if u think about it
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happy for the people enjoying punk Steve lately and genuinely not criticising them, only expressing a different thought in parallel (I hate how saying "genuinely not criticising" can make it sound even more passive-aggressive but I'm genuinely genuinely not criticising! I'm not suggesting other people are liking my favourite character wrong that would be so douchey)
I just always like the idea that Steve isn't, like, repressing a secret desire to be unconventional and join some kind of counterculture and one day start showing his true, wilder self in his fashion and grooming choices
that the way he looks is literally just what he's like
you could give him total freedom of choice and tell him to go hog wild and he'd still be chumping around in polos and light-wash jeans
they're comfortable and he likes how he looks
he likes sports and cars and his favourite Star Wars movie remains the one with the teddy bears
any "unconventional" stuff he does is very subtle and minor like he was indeed wearing a touch of strawberry lip gloss in the summer of 1985 because he needed a little cheer-me-up and he felt like the blue uniform washed him out, he's a warm autumn for god's sake he shouldn't be wearing blue
he would get, like, one ear pierced and wear a small plain gold stud and he'd feel very special about it
Eddie: gradually filling up his whole skin with increasingly elaborate tattoos
Steve: got a little heart with "E+S" in it on his inside forearm where it's not conspicuous but he can take a look at it and smile to himself any time he wants
he's not holding back this is just what he needs (and he thinks Eddie's tattoos and hair and jewellery and et cetera et cetera are badass and beautiful)
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sombraluna · 9 months
some of my fellow leftists need to understand that your opinions on how the government should be overturned mean nothing if you dont set up community and mutual aid and that the easiest way to do this, at least in appalachia, is through the church. churches feed the poor and preach to them. its real fuckin hard to hate trans people or POC or minorities and preach hate against them if they volunteer to help your community
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lilith-of-stardust · 14 days
Sunless Sea is a great background-of-a-party game to play bc I put it on the TV and occasionally yell "~oh peanut gallery~!" when a plot choice is available and everyone gets so excited to make a decision with no information whatsoever
Also, when it comes to Pigmote Island, the rats have a 100% favor rate over the cavies which is hilarious. Below: real flier in my neighborhood rn and apparently the prevailing sentiment of Bostonians
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kedreeva · 1 year
On one side of me is an elderly couple I never see, and to the other side down the road is a little 4-spot apartment complex we call The 4plex. It's very small- I've only been in one of them, but it was basically a 1-bedroom apartment. I have only met a couple of the tenants, ever, since I mind my own business and they mind theirs. A long while back, there was a couple there that used to have screaming matches in the middle of the night (11pm-1am usually). They disappeared shortly after I stormed the castle at 4am because someone was blasting her horn trying to get the tenant to come fight her. at 4am on a workday.
I have also never met the person who actually owns the 4plex. Today I heard a bunch of commotion over there, construction sounds or at least lots of sawing, and big machinery, so I took Bug out to go see what we could see. We found a bunch of trucks trimming and cutting down trees. Not bad, the pines over there cause me problems if a bird gets out. So I turn and go to get the mail before heading back in.
I'm about halfway across my property when I hear someone calling me. not by name, so I turn to see Some Guy bolting across my orchard to catch up to me. I stop, and he comes up slower and introduces himself as the owner of the 4plex, and explains that he's cleaning up the property, the trees and removing the old sheds no one uses, and getting ready to sell it. I introduced myself, and as if we are in a grocery store checkout line, he begins to tell me a bunch of information while I nod along, and when I notice Bug is under his feet, I ask him to hold still, and point her out. He had not noticed her at all.
I scooped her up and introduced her, and let him hold her. He took a few pictures and I said, she's a baby peacock. That's when something clicked and he went from kind of tired and polite to excited and happy. He took more pictures. I offered to let him come see the other birds, so he came back and pet Stan, and fed Indie some peanuts out of his hand. I gave him the peafowl eggs I found in the pens we visited, and a dozen quail eggs from the quail, and sent him on his way, assuming I would likely never see him again.
just now I was out in Indie's pen, lying in the grass with Bug, watching the puffy white clouds inch across the clear blue sky, and listening to a little finch sing his heart out on a mulberry branch above me. Indie was preening nearby. Absolute peace.
Someone starts shouting my name from my driveway. It's Some Guy 4plex owner. He has returned. I call that I'm out in the pens, without getting up at all. He comes out and he's got a bag with him and he tells me I had got him an eggcellent breakfast, and really made his day (his week, his month), so he'd brought me a steak for dinner, and some corn. He sets down the bag and crouches to say hello to Bug again, and then tells me he showed his pictures to his sister in Texas and she didn't know what baby peafowl look like, either. Then said he's off to pay the tree removal folks, and disappeared again.
This is like the third interaction with neighbors I've had this month, after not talking to them for 10 years. I don't know what is going on.
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fruifruit · 7 days
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little goody two shoes has a GRIP on me i tell you. got inspired by this art to make a full furry au about it
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
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no1ryomafan · 1 month
Mega Man has the goofiest fucking localization changes with names sometimes even if changing Rock Man to Mega Man was a good cool but I really think the funniest fucking thing that spanned across two series unintentionally was the fact they had to change VAVA to Vile since there asses in the states couldn’t get away with a clear Star Wars inspired character without too much copyright and that caused the domino effect later of them NAMING a fucking dude in Japanese Dr Vile and went “shit we can’t have people be confused- let’s rename him Weil and have it be German so it’s pronounced the same as if kids playing this game will know this and also just think he’s Wily due to the spelling”
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solradguy · 3 months
Getting deeply into a new Japanese series is always dangerous because eventually I'll uncover the pile of unlocalized text documents and have to rip myself away before I start drafting up translation manuscripts
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lunar-years · 4 months
there used to be a fairly popular ot3 trope in the s2 hiatus (I think, or maybe it was literally just one fic I really liked so I'm misremembering, lol) where Jamie would get sick/injured and end up in hospital but he still had Keeley down as her emergency contact, so her (with an angry Roy in tow) would show up at the hospital and become his (on Roy's part, reluctant) caregivers until they all fell in love. I think the idea sort of went by the wayside because it relied on roy/keeley already being together and Jamie eventually joining their relationship, which is no longer the standard route to ot3. But! I think we should consider bringing it back.
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salvadorbonaparte · 3 months
Would you mind sharing your views on backpacking? 👀
Take all of this with a grain of salt because I'm mostly just bothered by backpacking content on Instagram.
I think the concept is fine. I'd actually like to do some backpacking some time.
But backpacking content, as well as most overland* content, always has a really weird vibe. It almost feels like cosplaying poverty if you know what I mean??
It's almost always young people from the so called "West" and almost always they're somewhere in South or Southeast Asia. The most popular backpacking destinations I'm seeing at the moment are Bali (exclusively that part of Indonesia for some reason), Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The algorithm has recently also started showing me content from Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.
Since flights to these destinations are usually quite expensive, and many of these people stay abroad long enough that they might need a visa and that accommodation and food would also add up, it can be safely assumed these people have a certain amount of financial stability. Some of them are full time influencers too.
And while travelling with a backpack instead of a suitcase makes sense, and while you want to have an "authentic" experience, the vibe on those videos is often sooooo weird.
They're always like "I just spent 45h standing in a cramped bus without AC because it was only $1. I'm sleeping on the floor of this abandoned building that costs me $4 a night. I only carry 2 t-shirts with me, can't find a laundromat and I'm travelling for 3 months. Yesterday I got scammed and got food poisoning."
And I'm like why are you doing this? Is it really more "authentic" just because it's a foreign country? You can find the same uncomfortable situations and people who live like that all the time in your home country, but when you're abroad it's cool and authentic and #humbling #eatpraylove. Meanwhile there's also people in that same country you're backpacking through who, like, have a comparable standard of living you're used to. Your holiday doesn't have to be luxury resorts but it also doesn't have to be absolutely god awful.
And of course there's also the factor of adrenaline and stepping out of your comfort zone but with these videos it seems like they're almost glamorising having an awful time in an "exotic" country because that's what it's supposed to be like? I guess?
Idk I feel like I should get the opinion of someone living in one of those backpacking hotspots to make sure I'm not just getting annoyed at nothing but I think the vibe is off.
*overland content as in "travelling from XY to YZ without flying - Day 420" type videos. They're often interesting and I follow some of those people and I actually have some ideas for cool overland or long distance train trips but some of the accounts also have a weird vibe. Most of the ones I saw were men and they're like hitchhiking through some desert somewhere and I'm like oh this would feel so unsafe to me as someone perceived female. And obviously they also make lots of content where you know they have lots money because they've been travelling for several months but it has that same fake low budget backpacker vibe.
I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure it does.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 2 months
It's been a while since i was last on this blog, besides the interesting Plasmoid race that's giving me ideas, what other unique races are there?
Also what is your opinion on potatoes? 🥔🎀✨️
You actually caught me in a moment where I haven't been paying the most attention, just went from near a month of 12 hour workdays to trying to refill the queue decimated in that time XD In general we've been doing the loser's bracket of Mordenkeinen's monsters and all the PC species. So we've had a good amount of the weirder monsters lately, like the star spawns and hags. I got a lot of entertainment out of the war over the demon lords when some main tournament bits posted out of turn (didn't have time to refresh queue with the right monsters).
Things are about the heat up as we launch into the main tournament though, and PF2e monsters in a few weeks! I'm especially excited about the PF2e stuff, and have spent my last 2 days prepping like 50 of them.
Oh, and potatoes are some of the finest things known to our species, the Inca should be celebrated worldwide for thier contribution to humanity! They have gotten me through the toughest times. Did you know they have all the carbs and nutrients needed for our survival except proteins, fatty acids, calcium, selenium, fibre and vitamins A, B12, E, K. Cycle in some beans occasionally to cover half of what remains, some vitamins (or better, some veggies) and milk (or leafy veggies like spinach or turnip greens) for a cheap and tasty way to stay perfectly healthy on little money. That + some occasional cheap meats or bones begged from the local butcher kept me alive for a while! Hell, Potatoes+Zucchini/Squash+cheap cuts of meat+leafy greens+beans are most of what I eat NOW
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supernovaa-remnant · 2 months
your post-canon utah AU makes me want to eat drywall i love them so much 😭
they mean so much to me 😭💕
oughhhh I wish my thoughts about the au weren't so incoherent 99% of the time so that I could talk about it more
it's just so... the sheer size of the world is so much bigger than the smp. this world has billions of people. yet here they are, c!dream and c!wilbur, in some random town in utah. they're the only familiar face in this giant world. (technically there are other members of the smp in this world, but it's not like c!dream and c!wilbur know this).
they don't really talk about their shared history, but it still inhabits the space around them. c!wilbur wakes to cold sheets every morning, but it doesn't change the fact that c!dream sleeps in the same bed as him every night. c!wilbur hated the fact that there was such a blatant reminder of the smp in his house. he hated when c!dream left for a week. c!dream didn't initially want to stay with c!wilbur. but, as far as he knows, there's not another familiar face in this whole entire world.
c!wilbur is in therapy by time c!dream arrives. it takes months for him to even bring up the mere idea of c!dream trying therapy. they start leaning on each other. they start caring about each other. c!wilbur hates himself for how much he wants c!dream. c!dream just wants c!wilbur to wash away the pain he doesn't admit is there. c!wilbur is practically drowning in guilt when he looks at what c!dream's become. a part of c!dream resents c!wilbur. a part of c!wilbur resents c!dream. they don't talk about it until they do. eventually, eventually they try couple's group therapy.
things get better. then they get worse. and then they get so much better.
at some point, much later, c!dream looks at c!wilbur—once again complaining about the people who don't know how to use the traffic circle even though c!wilbur can't even drive—and he thinks, I love you. at some point, c!wilbur looks at c!dream—sweat causing his hair to stick to his forehead, swollen lips tugged into a smirk—and he thinks, I love you.
they want each other—they crave each other—and c!wilbur hates himself for it. then they care about each other, and it makes c!dream want to snarl and bare his teeth. then they love each other, and they realize that they love this soft, domestic epilogue that they stumbled into years ago.
it gets better. they heal. they don't talk about everything until they do, and then those hurts get better, too. and some days it still feels like they don't really deserve this peace they've found, but they love it anyway.
and they have friends. friends who give them christmas gifts and invite them to new year's parties. friends who laugh with them and bring them baked goods.
eventually they stumble across more people from the smp. it's not fine until it is. which is kinda the big thing with this au. it eventually gets better.
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