#learn addition usiing story
gamesonyoutube · 1 year
Learn Addition Using Number Beads Maths With Lucas And Ruby | Learn addition in a fun way I am 10 abacus addition ideas to how to teach addition for kindergarten in a fun way :- Idea 1: Introduce the abacus as a special math tool that can help them add numbers together. Show them how the beads represent different values and explain that they can slide the beads to perform addition. Idea 2: Start with simple addition problems using single-digit numbers. Demonstrate how to slide the appropriate number of beads on the abacus to find the sum. Let the students observe and try it themselves with guidance. Idea 3: Provide opportunities for hands-on practice by giving each student their own abacus. Assign addition problems for them to solve independently. Encourage them to use the abacus to find the answers and check their work. Idea 4: Learn addition in a fun way Incorporate visual aids by creating worksheets or flashcards with abacus representations. Display addition problems and ask the students to draw the beads on the abacus to solve the equations. This reinforces the connection between the physical tool and the visual representation. Idea 5: Organize small group activities where students can work together using the abacus. Provide a set of addition task cards or word problems and let the students take turns using the abacus to find the answers. This promotes collaboration and peer learning. Idea 6: Introduce the concept of regrouping or carrying over with the abacus. Demonstrate how to slide beads to the next row when adding larger numbers. Guide the students in practicing regrouping on the abacus for a better understanding. Idea 7: Create a game using the abacus to make addition practice fun. Set a timer and challenge students to solve as many addition problems as they can within a given time. Offer rewards or incentives to keep them motivated. Idea 8: Use real-life scenarios to contextualize addition with the abacus. Present situations like counting objects or sharing items among friends. Have the students use the abacus to find the total or how many each person receives. Idea 9: Encourage students to explore different strategies using the abacus. Let them experiment with adding numbers in different orders or grouping the beads differently to find alternative ways to arrive at the same sum. This fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Idea 10: Wrap up the addition lessons with a mini abacus project. Have the students create their own abacus using materials like pipe cleaners and beads. Let them demonstrate their understanding of addition by solving problems using their handmade abacus.
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rainbhrts94writes · 4 years
Tephra 02
Hello! Here’s the next thrilling instalment, hope you enjoy the banter as much as I do! :)
POV: YN Warnings: None this chapter, mostly intro stuff Word Count: 2.2K Rating: PG
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Tephra 02
When Imogen told you Prince Namjoon of Atlas had been searching for you in the mage courses by name, you nearly spit out your drink. It's not like you had forgotten about him or anything. Who could forget dimples like that? I mean, really. It was more like you didn't typically associate with people from any of the four kingdoms outside the Min family. 
"What do you think he wants?" Imogen asked you over dinner. 
"Who knows, it's not like I'm anything special." You grumbled, finishing off the food on your plate. 
"You're kidding, right? Did you forget you're the youngest addition to the Academy's guard ever?" Imogen scoffed. 
"You should stop bringing that up. The last formal training I had was when I was ten. The fact that anyone thinks I'm qualified is embarrassing." You rolled your eyes.
"So what is all my night time training to you? Chopped liver?" Imogen smiled as she spoke, spinning her fork around in the air. "Besides, who's embarrassed?"
"All of the old cranky ass guards who worked for years to hone their magical skills to defend the Academy from the invisible powers that threaten us all." You said in a mocking spooky tone. 
"You're not wrong. Did you see General Karp's face when Lady Cecilia offered to promote you to Captain of the Evening Forces?" Imogen let out a roaring laugh at her memory. 
"I'm still saying it had to be a prank. The Headmistress is an air mage by nature. Seriously, we're always out on night rounds. Just because I've caught a few shady individuals lurking around the gate doesn't mean I need to be in charge of my own task force." You poked your fork at your tablemate as you tried to make a point. 
"I don't think she was kidding. You're a great mage, YN, and you lead your peers with this weird calm I've only ever seen in TV dramas. Your skills were obvious last month."
"Are you talking about that landslide again?" You asked, exasperated, deciding not to pick fun at her terrible choice in behavioral reference. "For the last time, we didn't do anything special. The royal family of Atlas and friends already had over half the trench built by the time we got there."
"You're right, but there's no way they would have been able to hold that line alone. They also didn't think to make it deeper while it was filling up, did they? That was all you and Tessa." Imogen stated, looking snarky as she sipped on her tea.
"See, the key there is Tessa. You really think I could have blown that much earth around without focusing on projectile boulders if she and the others hadn't been there." You argued back.
"I do. Even then, you proved my point. Teamwork, you got the stuff of leaders, kid." Then she paused. "Wait, YN."
"What?" You looked up at Imogen, concerned with her tone.
"Prince Namjoon mentioned in his report of the situation that he had narrowly escaped a flying boulder!"
"Yea, and?" You pressed her, trying to find out what Imogen was so excited about.
"Was that you or Tessa?" She asked, nearly bouncing in her seat.
"So what if it was me?" 
"YN! He's been out looking for you for over a month! What if he feels indebted to you and wants to make you an offer?!" Imogen leaped up out of her seat, slamming her hands on the table. "Something to repay that debt, the people of Atlas hate debt!"
"Don't most people hate debt?" You deadpanned. "Would you stop with the wild fantasies? You're supposed to be my guardian."
"Exactly, I'm your guardian. I told your parents I'd take care of you, and if that means marrying you off to a prince of Atlas, then so be it!" Imogen's voice grew in enthusiasm as she pressed on. 
"There are so many reasons why that's not going to work, and you know it. Did my folks know you were clinically insane before they put me in your care? Does the Academy know one of their professors is straight out of the looney bin?" You asked, trying to hide the amusement in your voice. 
"Nope, nobody knows I've escaped." Imogen winked. "You're not going to tell on me, are you?"
"Not until I've graduated, I still need that free tuition." You replied, holding in a laugh.
"Is that all I am to you? A ticket to free education!" Imogen put a hand to her chest and feigned hurt as she flopped back in her chair.
"That and my pseudo-mom."
"You're not allowed to get sentimental with me after being rude." Imogen snapped at the comment, a gentle smile on her face. 
"Whatever you say." You rolled your eyes and collected your empty plates from the table. 
"So, what do you want me to do about the prince?" Imogen asked. "I can only deflect his questions for so long before he sends someone more powerful digging around."
"I don't know." You tipped your head as you put the dishes in the sink. "Find out what he wants first, I guess."
"That I can do," Imogen exclaimed. 
The school had a strict curfew. It was how they ensured nobody knew about your class and the inner workings of the Academy. Technically, Spiros was a refugee city, despite it's long, illustrious history. 
As the story goes, Neith the Great Mother descended from the heavens adapting to the life of human's already present on Sias. Those born of her newfound flesh and blood were known as The Children, and together they shared their knowledge and godlike powers with humanity. As time went on, The Children grew in strength and popularity, each now a god in their own right. With power came struggle, and when they fought, so did the humans who followed them. 
The conflict immediately led to a hundred-year war, resulting in the fracturing of the continent and its people. To keep the peace, Neith separated those with magic into four territories and left her home open to all seeking refuge from her children and those who sought to harm them for their perceived powerlessness. 
In the years of peace that followed, the Academy was built to educate those who resided in Spiros safely. They brought in people from all walks of life and the different territories to balance out the curriculum. This angered one of The Children, the daughter Opis who with the help o hr followers sought revenge. During the ensuing battle, Neith perished, the four kingdoms established themselves as they are now, and Spiros was taken and divided into sections to be jointly ruled and controlled. 
One could say that for the past four hundred years since the end of the original conflict, all the four Kingdoms had fought for was a place to dump the underprivileged, unwanted, and their country's political adversaries. As such, over the years Spiros had developed into an eclectic city, one that you'd always really enjoyed visiting so it wasn’t so bad living here. It was a place heavy in multiple cultures, lifestyles, and most importantly the food. 
Your parents had been sure to teach you all about the world when you were little. Spiros, in particular, had always made your dad smile. He had explained to you that nearly eighty years ago, the Adyan Empire was trusted with the duty to appoint a new Headmistress for the Academy. Fortunately, the Royal Min family chose a bishop from The Church of Shango. She was a kind and thoughtful woman who prioritized her students' wellbeing and growth before all else. Not only that, but because of the Adyan Empire's ongoing situation, the Academy's top brass bent the rules to accommodate the common folk of Spiros. 
As stated in the peace treaty, refugees and those exiled were not to participate in the use and learning of magic of any kind. You had been told by Imogen years back that the Academy read the laws and decided it didn't mean the children of those who had been exiled, since they were technically born as people of Spiros, instead of refugees of another country. For that reason, the Headmistress decided to educate the commonwealth, leaving magic training until the students of Spiros could be protected by the cover of darkness and away from prying eyes.  
When the time came to appoint a new Head, the Arabeillan Alliance chose Lady Cecilia. Not only had she figured out what the previous Headmistress had started all on her own, she found it so delightfully tricky that learning was allowed to continue uninhibited. She also did her best to make sure Spiros students were as trained in magic and combat arts as those from the four nations.
The air mages had always freaked you out. On top of never being able to see their attacks coming, they were capable of a host of inhumane magic that you had to trust they didn't use out of sheer benevolence. For that reason alone, you had joined the guard when Lady Cecilia told you to. Aside from Cecilia's wickedly psychic abilities and her probably having a reason for instating you, you didn't want the air ripped out of your lungs anytime soon, which is precisely how you found yourself here this evening. Staring at the gate, wondering why being on guard duty was so sought after. 
Seriously, you could be in class learning, but no; According to Lady Cecilia, there wasn't anything more for you to learn in the courses here. Since you couldn't get her to explain what she meant by that, you did as you were told and stood there. Technically it could be worse; the job could be exciting, which just meant it was unnecessarily dangerous, and you didn't need that, not when there were still things you needed to do.
With curfew having started only a moment ago, you waited in silence, watching the sunset. It was that perfect time of the year where you got a show of sherbet skies just as your shift started. It was excellent and made up for the monotony of your guard duties. Though maybe you shouldn't have been so concentrated on the sky since the door was now slowly creaking open, and you were not ready. 
"Halt!" You projected, "Who goes there?"
"Who goes there? What is this? A bad period movie?" You recognize that voice.
"Yoongi, seriously, what are you doing using the main door? There are much better ways to find me, yanno?" You sighed as your friend stepped towards you.
"Oh, I know, but he doesn't." Yoongi gestured to the man now standing behind him. "This the one you're looking for?"
Even though there wasn't a verbal answer, you'd recognize those dimples anywhere. "Long time no see Namjoon." 
"Interesting," Yoogi remarked.
"What, he didn't like 'Your Princeliness.'" You shrugged as you relaxed back into your position. "I'm just following orders."
"If you say so." Yoongi snickered as he turned to the second prince of Atlus. "Welp, she's all yours. I'm off."
"You're not going to stay?" Najoon asked.
"No, why? Do I need to?" Yoongi quirked an eyebrow as he crossed his arms.
"No! I just- how am I supposed to get back without getting caught?" Namjoon continued his questioning.
"That's my job now, dear. Unless you've got a problem with that?" You wondered aloud.
"No! Gods, why are you both so infuriating. You're clearly capable. I was just curious." Namjoon sighed as he rubbed the wrinkles out of his forehead. 
You stifled a laugh as you watched Namjoon work through his frustration. Once it was clear Yoongi had left, you turned your attention away from the door and out towards the town. "So, what can I do for you?"
"I uh, I wanted to say thank you." Namjoon bowed politely to you.
"You've been looking for me for this long just to say thank you?" You quirked an eyebrow.
"You knew I was looking for you?" Namjoon questioned back.
"Not really, just a hunch." You shrugged, trying not to give yourself away. "Yoongi did bring you here, which means you had to be visibly struggling for quite a while."
"That's a fair observation." Namjoon straightened himself out. "How do you know Yoongi, if you don't mind me asking?"
"We're related." You responded.
"That's a terrible joke." Namjoon sighed. "I should not have asked."
"So now that you've asked your more formal question, what do you really want?" You quirked an eyebrow.
"I'm honestly not sure?" Namjoon responded, relaxing against the looming stone wall behind him.
"That's a terrible reason to break curfew and seek out a stranger." You chuckled.
"It is, isn't it?" Namjoon laughed alongside you. "I think I wanted to be friends?"
"You think?" You raised your eyebrows, intrigued. "I'll have you know I'm a great friend. There's not much to think about."
"You shouldn't wink. It's creepy." Namjoon's lips twitched up in amusement.
"Oh? What's this now?" You leaned forward, meeting Namjoon's gaze. "I know nobody in the capital taught you to talk like that."
"You'll find that I'm very well-read." Namjoon puffed out his chest as he boasted.
"Oh my gods, you do need friends." You laughed out loud, not hiding the smile on your face. "Answer me this, though, why me."
"Why not you?" at that, you stuck out your hand.
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nealflitherland · 4 years
For some reason the whole first paragraph shows up in the preview... but anyway, you get the idea! If you like my take on Nightwing, go check him out!
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meraenthusiast · 5 years
5 Reasons You Should Be Investing In Apartment Complexes
Should You Be Investing In Apartment Complexes?
If you’ve read My Story, then you’re well aware that I’m on a mission with three goals. First, I’m in the process of creating enough passive income through real estate syndications to replace my income.
That’s #1.
Second, to share everything that I’m learning along the way so you can avoid the same mistakes I’ve made (and continue making). Sound good?
Number 3 and also one of the biggest goals is to help out other struggling health care professionals.
Unfortunately, doctor burnout is getting worse each year. I’ve personally lost several colleagues to this and you may have as well.
Many times, these situations can be avoided by having choices. If you don’t have much money, then your options are limited.
What if we can start creating multiple passive income streams early in our careers which could give us choices such as:
Working on our own terms
Retiring in our 40’s or 50’s or earlier
Semi-retiring and seeing patients 2-3 days a week
Would you be interested?
If so, read on….
What About Single Family Homes?
I have several friends that invest exclusively in single family homes. Many are using the Dave Ramsey method by putting 100% down to buy them.
I initially thought about doing this but then decided against it for two reasons:
I don’t have time to be a landlord (honestly, even if I did, I still wouldn’t want to be one)
Hard to scale – Grant Cardone teaches that you should never buy a single family home to rent because it ONLY has one door. It takes too long to cash flow and much harder to scale. He recommends investing in something with multiple front doors. You have to have multiples.
What would you rather own:
One McDonald’s or 30 of them? Exactly. Why do you think network marketing works so well? You’re not dependent on one person. Instead, you’ve got multiple people helping out.
In residential real estate, the cash flow is small and unpredictable. If one becomes vacant, you’re left paying the mortgage.
Also, saving up and paying for each one individually before buying a new one is a long process most of us are willing to take.
If you try and follow this plan, the road to financial freedom will be much harder and longer than investing in apartment complexes.
Most people don’t want to wait 40+ years to reach millionaire status.
Remember, never depend on one stream of income.
5 Reasons To Be Investing In Apartment Complexes
The Forbes 400 richest Americans include names such as Jeff Bezos (#1), Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. In total, they’re worth close to 3 Trillion dollars. Some 90% on the list retain their wealth in real estate.
Actually, their two main sources for wealth are in real estate (commercial and multifamily) and business.
So why do the wealthiest people invest in real estate, specifically multifamily?
Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons you should be investing in apartment complexes:
1) Tax Benefits
This is one of my favorite reasons why I think high-income earners should consider investing in real estate. I’m all for doing everything I can to legally lower my taxes and real estate allows you to accomplish this.
How? The first way is by depreciation. The IRS allows us to write off apartment buildings (real estate) via a cost segregation study over 27 years. By doing so, we’re able to lower any taxes owed on the cash flow by depreciating the buildings and any equipment sitting on the land.
Each year, the sponsors of the syndication deals I’m in send me a K1 tax form that gives a paper loss despite having a gain.
Certain repairs, capital expenditures (appliances, roofs, windows, plumbing, etc.), can be deducted as depreciation reducing your tax bill on income.
Another huge tax benefit is the 1031 Exchange. Again, the IRS encourages U.S. citizens to own real estate by offering something that can defer taxes.
This strategy allows you to defer paying capital gains taxes on an investment property when it is sold as long as you roll the entire amount you originally bought the deal for into a new deal.
This is how the rich get REALLY rich.
2) Decline In Home Ownership
According to current research, home ownership is under 64% and it continues to decline.
For every one percent decline in home ownership, there’s 1 million new renters.
See the graphic below.
Much of this can be attributed to millennials and baby boomers which make up half of the U.S. population. Both of these groups are also the largest segment of the population that rents.
Millennials make up the largest segment whereas boomers are the fastest growing.
Boomers tend to rent more due to downsizing and they’re also living longer.
Millennials tend to shy away from home ownership and want to stay more mobile living closer to urban areas. Also, many are facing high-debt issues along with tough job markets.
  3) Cash Flow
Most docs that I know that invest in real estate do so in order to create an additional positive cash flow stream.
Here are some facts that should get your attention:
41% of doctors have less than $500,000 in retirement savings
Most doctors are relying on only ONE source of income
Majority are investing only in retirement accounts
According to Thomas Corley author of Rich Habits, in studying self-made millionaires, he found that:
65% had three income streams
45% have four income streams
29% have five income streams
Why do you think doctors stop at ONLY creating one income stream?
Here’s a couple of basic formulas you should know regarding cash flow:
Gross rents – expenses = Net Operating Income (NOI)
NOI – debt – long-term repairs = Cash Flow
The goal is to create multiple streams of income through passive investments.
When you invest properly in a correctly managed apartment complex, it produces a positive cash flow in excess of expenses.
  4) Appreciation
When real estate investors talk about appreciation, they’re referring to the increase in the value of an investment property over time. It’s an important variable which plays a key role in defining the profit from a property for a real estate investor.
Whenever someone is considering investing in apartment complexes, they should pay attention to what improvements are being performed in order to increase the future value.
The syndication deals I’m currently in are value-add properties which produces forced appreciation.
This is caused by the improvements made such as:
parking lot repairs/replacements
addition of new facilities (i.e. swimming pool, playground, etc.)
addition of new services such as a laundry room
By making these improvements, rent can gradually be raised over the normal 5-7 year hold period these deals have before turning around and selling them at a higher price due to this forced apprecation.
Income producing real estate, especially apartments, increase in value either because you physically improve the property, increase the rents, or reduce the expenses (or all of the above).
5) Debt Is Paid For You
Typically apartment complexes are more expensive than single family homes and investors tend to use debt to finance them. This is no different than using a mortgage to finance your home except for one main difference….regarding your home, you’re the one that has to pay the mortgage.
But in a multifamily investment, the tenants pay if off for you. This allows you to build wealth automatically and who wouldn’t like that?
An example
In order to make this a bit clearer, here’s an example of someone that wanted to shift from investing in the stock market and purchase an apartment complex instead.
Purchase price: $1,000,000
Down payment: 20% or $200,000
Mortgage: $800,000
After all expenses, this investor earned 10% a year = $20,000 in positive cash flow
Worst case scenario, if the property didn’t appreciate anything over the next 30 years, this investor would own a paid for property.
Here’s the really cool part about it….the investor also gets back his down payment in the first ten years ($20,000 x 10 yrs) and still owns a million dollar apartment complex that he paid nothing for in years 11-30!
Are You Ready To Start Investing?
If you’re looking for an alternative way to invest your hard earned money besides traditional investing, consider looking into apartment complex investing.
There’s no better investment that can give you the tax advantages and positive cash flow to quickly grow your portfolio.
If you need help navigating the process, click here for my help.
The post 5 Reasons You Should Be Investing In Apartment Complexes appeared first on Debt Free Dr..
from Debt Free Dr. https://ift.tt/2QzkMIV via IFTTT
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/healthy-food-cooking-classes/
Healthy Food Cooking Classes
Cook prawns. oct
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Give your food a healthy twist with the skills you will learn in one of Cozymeal’s Healthy Cooking Classes in Tampa. Let our esteemed chefs show you how to prepare mouthwatering dishes that not only taste delightful, but are also good for you.
Check out this story on lcsun-news.com: https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/education/lcps/2018/12/31/tasting-classes-healt…
The Winter Harvest cooking classes will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. Jan … can also provide vouchers to people with a financial …
Cooking Classes Chef Megan is always creating something fresh and tantalizing in the kitchen with her insightful and delightful healthy cooking classes! She was voted “ Best Healthy Chef “ and “Best Food Blog” in Atlanta with Best Self Atlanta Magazine !
How To Cook Prawns Healthy The Sauteed Fresh Prawns with Tong Kui (angelica or also known as female … menus and exclusive à la carte specials that emp… A diet that’s good for healthy weight loss … phytochemicals and fiber. Cook, roast or garnish them with herbs and a bit of … How to cook prawns Prawns are a versatile ingredient that can be cooked using a range of methods – poaching, grilling , pan-frying or as a tempura are all common techniques. Before cooking, many people prefer to remove the intestinal tract running down the back of the prawn, known as ‘de-veining’, but if you’re serving the prawns in their … This recipe frees up precious stove-top space and reminds us of the traditional green beans our grandmothers used to make. Tu… Jan 23, 2012  · To know how to cook prawns in most healthy way you need to understand the technicalities of cooking seafood. There are certain unique thing that have to be taken into consideration while deciding how to cook prawns. oct 21, 2018  · Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, turning when the side is pink. Remember that prawns cook quickly, and you only need the outsides to be pink to move on. With a very hot grill you should get char lines quickly, and then the prawns are ready to turn. Cook for 1 … My mom was the baker, preparing dozens of cookies and always trying out different cake recipes. My dad made dinner most of th… Are Cooking sprays healthy cooking sprays Contain Soy Although many people think that soy is healthy, it is not, and actually appears in numerous processed foods, in every form imaginable. The soy is most likely genetically modified, and over-consumption can lead to serious health complications. But unlike water, cooking sprays also have some questionable additives. Sure they have some sort of oil, but even my Crisco “100% canola oil” spray also contains dimethyl silicone and soy lecithin. And that’s the norm for most other cooking sprays on the market. Cooking sprays are considered completely safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and rumors that they contain carcinogens are unfounded. If you are still concerned, making healthy homemade cooking sprays using olive oil and a pump bottle guarantees a safe spritz. Healthy Cooking Videos Facebook Healthy cooking for everybody. Jump to. Sections of this page … About. photos. videos. Posts. Community. Info and Ads. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. FoodForGoodMood. … MealPicks Cooking Videos. Food … Healthy Cooking Pots Healthy Cooking Competition Healthy Kids Cook Off National Cooking Competition Join Us for The 2018 Healthy Kids Cook-Off National Competition & Fit Kid Foodie Expo! Saturday, April 28, 2018 at The Mall of Columbia in Columbia, Maryland Healthy Food Guide has an extensive collection of healthy dairy-free recipes to make the transition easy and delicious. … or cooking for a vegan How To Cook Healthy Food To Lose Weight Cooking For The Week Healthy Many people shop and cook on Sunday evenings, but you can do it whenever you have an hour to spend in the kitchen. These instructions will guide you through the entire process of healthy meal preparation, storage, and reheating. Are Cooking Sprays Healthy Cooking Sprays Contain Soy Although many people think that soy is healthy, it is not, and actually appears in numerous processed foods, in every form imaginable. The soy is most likely genetically modified, and over-consumption can lead to serious health complications. But unlike water, cooking sprays also have some questionable additives. Sure they have some sort of oil, but even my Crisco “100% canola oil” spray also contains dimethyl silicone and soy lecithin. And that’s the norm for most other cooking sprays on the market. Cooking sprays are considered completely safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and rumors that they contain carcinogens are unfounded. If you are still concerned, making healthy homemade cooking sprays using olive oil and a pump bottle guarantees a safe spritz. healthy cooking Videos Facebook Healthy cooking for everybody. Jump to. Sections of this page … About. photos. videos. posts. community. info and Ads. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. FoodForGoodMood. … mealpicks cooking videos. food … Healthy cooking pots healthy Cooking Competition Healthy Kids Cook Off National Cooking Competition Join Us for The 2018 Healthy Kids Cook-Off National Competition & fit kid foodie expo! Saturday, April 28, 2018 at The Mall of Columbia in Columbia, Maryland Healthy Food Guide has an extensive collection of healthy dairy-free recipes to make the transition easy and delicious. … or cooking for a vegan friend, Healthy Food Guide has a fabulous range of vegan recipes, so you can love your animal friends … Here are the winners of our latest competitions and giveaways!Your… COMPETITION. Win with # … I love to cook. Something about the entire process relaxes me … it’s possible to leverage your partnership as healthy compe… In St. Louis, the answer is a resounding "reasonably so." ESPN’s Outside the Lines looked at more than 16,000 food-safety ins… Healthy Cooking For Diabetics Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling … Diabetic-friendly cakes, cookies, and more low-sugar desserts, plus dinner ideas. See more than 520 recipes for diabetics, tested and reviewed by home cooks. Follow to get the latest diabetic recipes, articles and more! … "Refreshing, healthy, and delicious! Serve over ice." – … Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods. You can protect your heart and blood vessels by: Eating less unhealthy fats (trans fat, saturated fat and cholesterol) and by choosing the types of fats that help your cholesterol levels (unsaturated fats). … Choose a Healthy Cooking Method. You can cut down on the calories in your meals by broiling, microwaving … we now have some hints about certain egg-related compounds that may have a role in type 2
Here is the definitive list of healthy cooking classes near your location as rated by your neighborhood community. Want to see who made the cut?
“Recipe Remodels” transforms favorite recipes into healthy dishes … During the class, students are divided into teams of two or three people. Each team prepares one dish, then everyone sits down tog…
recalls. healthy food was a top response, residents lived in a food desert with no nearby supermarkets that provided fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy protein. … Healthy Ways To Cook Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast What Cooking Oil Is Healthy For You If you …
The cooking classes are designed to help parents whip up healthier choices. Alaniz added, "Nowadays parents are so used to have everything is so fast. Fast food and I’m trying to break that habit."
Cooking Healthy With A Food Processor A Healthy Exchanges Cookbook Cooking Healthy with a Food Processor: A Healthy Exchanges Cookbook… (ExLib) by Lund, JoAnna M.; Alpert, Barbara | PB | Good. Pre-Owned. … "FOOD PROCESSOR COOKING " COOKBOOK ..LIKE NEW. New (Other) $6.99. Buy It Now. … Cookbook Food Processor Way to Beautiful breads 1979 vintage barbara brown 1730. Softcover. How To Cook Orange Roughy Healthy She then finishes off he cooking process in a broiler. "When the cheese is all melted," she said, "then, the bruschetta is done." Even though Krull will sometimes make more elaborate seafood meals usi… Healthy Cooking Videos Facebook Healthy cooking for everybody. Jump to. Sections of this page … About. Photos. Videos. Posts. Community. Info and Ads. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. FoodForGoodMood. … mealpicks cooking videos. food … Healthy Cooking Pots Healthy Cooking Competition Healthy Kids Cook Off National Cooking Competition Join Us for The 2018 Healthy Kids Cook-Off National Competition & Fit Kid Foodie Expo! Saturday, April 28, 2018 at The Mall of Columbia in Columbia, Maryland Healthy Food Guide has an extensive collection of healthy dairy-free recipes to make the transition easy and delicious. … or cooking for a vegan friend, Healthy Food Guide has a fabulous range of vegan recipes, so you can love your animal friends … Here are the winners of our latest competitions and giveaways!Your… COMPETITION. Win with # … I love to cook. Something about the entire process relaxes me … it’s possible to leverage your partnership as healthy compe… In St. Louis, the answer is a resounding "reasonably so." ESPN’s Outside the Lines looked at more than 16,000 food-safety ins… Healthy Cooking For Diabetics Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling … Diabetic-friendly cakes, cookies, and more low-sugar desserts, plus dinner ideas. See more than 520 recipes for diabetics, tested and reviewed by home cooks. Follow to get the latest diabetic recipes, articles and more! … "Refreshing, healthy, and delicious! Serve over ice." – … Cook with Heart-Healthy Foods. You can protect your heart and blood vessels by: Eating less unhealthy fats (trans fat, saturated fat and cholesterol) and by choosing the types of fats that help your cholesterol levels (unsaturated fats). … Choose a Healthy Cooking Method. You can cut down on the calories in your meals by broiling, microwaving … we now have some hints about certain egg-related compounds that may have a role in type 2 diabetes development," said lead au… How To Cook healthy stir fry mar 23, 2015  · Stir Fry – To a large non-stick skillet, well-seasoned cast iron skillet, or wok, add the onions, garlic, sprinkle with salt, drizzle with olive oil, and cook covered over high heat for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until onions are caramelized and as browned, soft, and tender as desired. stir mixture intermittently, especially towards the end … Feb 01, 2016  · This Healthy Chicken Stir Fry. Even though it’s a staple Healthy Cooking Lessons Nyc FOX 5 NY News streams daily. Check the Live page to watch fullscreen and view the schedule. Backed by this evidence, as well as advocacy from Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, NYC Health & Hospitals/Bellevue was … Cortlandt Manor, NY – (Feb. 24, 2014) – Making some modest changes in your diet can improve your heart health. Hudson Valley Hospital Center’s new Peter X. Kelly Teaching Kitchen offers healthy cookin… How To Cook Prawns Healthy The Sauteed Fresh Prawns with Tong Kui (angelica or also known as female … menus and exclusive à la carte specials that emp… A diet that’s good for healthy weight loss … phytochemicals and fiber. Cook, roast or garnish them with herbs and a bit of … How to cook prawns Prawns are a versatile ingredient that can be cooked using a range of methods – poaching, grilling , pan-frying or as a tempura are all common techniques. Before cooking, many people prefer to remove the intestinal tract running down the back of the prawn, known as ‘de-veining’, but if you’re serving the prawns in their … This recipe frees up precious stove-top space and reminds us of the traditional green beans our grandmothers used to make. Tu… Jan 23, 2012  · To know how to cook prawns in most healthy way you need to understand the technicalities of cooking seafood. There are certain unique thing that have to be taken into consideration while deciding how to cook prawns. Oct 21, 2018  · Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, turning when the side is pink. Remember that prawns cook quickly, and you only need the outsides to be pink to move on. With a very hot grill you should get char lines quickly, and then the prawns are ready to turn. Cook for 1 … My mom was the baker, preparing dozens of cookies and always trying out different cake recipes. My dad made dinner most of th… Are Cooking Sprays Healthy Cooking Sprays Contain Soy Although many people think that soy is healthy, it is not, and actually appears in numerous processed foods, in every form imaginable. The soy is most likely genetically modified, and over-consumption can lead to serious health complications. But unlike water, cooking sprays also have some questionable additives. Sure they have some sort of oil, but even my Crisco “100% canola oil” spray also contains dimethyl silicone and soy lecithin. And that’s the norm for most other cooking sprays on the market. Cooking sprays are considered completely safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and rumors that they contain carcinogens are unfounded. If you are still concerned, making healthy homemade cooking sprays using olive oil and a pump bottle guarantees a safe spritz. Healthy Cooking Videos Facebook Healthy cooking for everybody. Jump to. Sections of this page … About. photos. videos. Posts. Community. Info and Ads. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of FoodForGoodMood on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create
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thegloober · 6 years
Here's the next iPad Pro Apple should build: Specs and speculation
Apple iPhone XS event
In July 2010, I wrote about the next-generation iPad and what Apple needs to deliver.
Based on information gleaned from updates in iOS and intelligence coming out of the semiconductor industry at the time, I polished the crystal ball — in my usual purely speculative way — of what I thought successive iPads might look like, or the features they should contain.
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I iterated this over the years — for the third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-generation of the iPad. Some stuff I got right, some stuff I got wrong.
Typically, I’ve done this shortly after an iPad’s release. This time, I’m going to do it only a few weeks before the October 30, 2018 event, because, up until recently, I didn’t think we had enough clues.
When Apple announced its new, lower-cost, Apple Pencil-compatible iPad at its education event, it did not announce new iPad Pro models, which have not had a revision since June 2017 and, arguably, have not changed much since September 2016.
Now that the iPhone XS, the XS Max have been released, and the iPhone XR is due shortly, I would like to concentrate on the iPad Pro models and speculate what features they might contain.
The Touch ID sensor, which has been part of the iPad Pro since its inception in 2015, is likely to make a departure with the introduction of the 10-inch and 12.9-inch models in favor of the Face ID sensor first introduced in the iPhone X and now the XS, the XS Max, and the XR.
The usability changes on the iPhone X were substantial enough to cause some controversy because it required significant user adaptation.
I would expect that those folks who did not migrate to the current generation of iPhones — who would be using Face ID for the first time on an iPad Pro — would endure similar issues, although iOS 12 has undergone enough tweaks in the intervening time period that a lot of the quirks have been sorted out.
I’m still not crazy with the double-click action on the side power button to confirm purchases in the App Store on an iPhone X/XS/XR. I’d probably dislike it even more on an iPad Pro, because you can’t do it one-handed, assuming Apple uses the same UX mechanism.
Another issue that goes beyond usability — and unlearning learned habits with the home button and Touch ID with a Face ID-based iPad Pro — is how well we can expect Face ID to work on a much larger device that is held further away from the face and in two different orientations.
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I tended to use my iPad Pro most in a landscape orientation because it was the 12.9-inch model and holding it in a portrait mode was cumbersome. On the 10-inch model, it is less cumbersome, but I still feel that most people tend to use this device in landscape due to how most apps are written to take advantage of the screen real estate.
Placing the Face ID sensor with the front-facing camera on the top of the screen in portrait mode, as it is on the iPhone X would be aesthetically weird, but it would probably still work.
However, if the iPad Pro has the same iPhone X-style “notch” in a similar position on the device, it would likely annoy a lot of users, because it would appear on the right side or the left side of the screen in landscape.
So, I am going to go against convention and say that on the next iPad Pro, the selfie camera and the Face ID sensor will be placed on the top of the screen in a landscape orientation — not a portrait one.
As to cameras, it’s very likely that at least the 12.9-inch SKU of the iPad Pro will inherit the front- and rear-camera configurations of the iPhone XR, and that includes the 12-megapixel sensor in the rear and 7-megapixel sensor in the front with optical image stabilization (OIS). I’m not expecting the same dual cameras in the rear from the XS and XS Max, but it’s possible.
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It is in this area where I believe the most amount of (modest) speculation is going to occur. The fastest chip Apple has right now is the 2.49Ghz 64-bit A12 Bionic , which utilizes a big.LITTLE-style asymmetrical-multiprocessing architecture using two larger “Vortex” cores and four smaller “Tempest” cores.
The existing A10X in the second-generation iPad Pro utilizes three large “Hurricane” cores and three “Zephyr” cores.
While Apple could simply dump the existing A12 Bionic from the iPhone XS into the new iPad Pro, I think they will revision the chip to an A12X, by adding one (maybe two) additional “Vortex” and a perhaps as much six “Tempest” cores using the existing TSMC fabrication process in the iPhone XS.
So a 3-4 Vortex/Tempest configuration. Or a 3-6 or 4-6. If I had to take bets, more likely a 3-6.
I don’t expect 6-6 or 6-8 or 8-8 until the introduction of an A13 or A13X potentially in an ARM-based Mac.
The A12 in the iPhone XS uses the M12 motion chip. I expect there will be an M12 — that’s a given.
The A12 uses a 4-core custom Apple GPU, which is a departure from the 12-core PowerVR-based architecture on the A10X. I expect that the core count will probably increase, likely to six based on display requirements.
I also feel it is safe to assume that the iPad Pro will have modest RAM improvements over the previous model (and the iPhone XS) which had 3GB LPDDR4X onboard. So, 4GB is probably what we are going to end up with, with 128K instruction/Data of L1 and 8MB of L2 cache, respectively. 6GB of RAM would be nice, but I doubt it.
I believe that the 10-inch version of the iPad Pro is likely to maintain the same or similar screen technology and specifications as the previous version at 1920×1080, but the 12.9-inch is likely to undergo significant improvements.
Currently, the 12.9-inch iPad has a 2732×2048 264ppi screen, which uses Apple’s Promotion screen refresh and wide-color display tech. The resolution of the iPad Pro 12.9-inch has not changed since its launch in 2015, so it is due for a change.
I believe the 2018 iPad Pro 12.9-inch will be the first Apple mobile device to integrate a 4K (3840×2160) resolution screen so that it can consume 4K native content on the iTunes store, which, currently, only some of the highest-end Mac systems and Apple TVs connected to 4K televisions can natively display.
While many of the other improvements described in this article are highly iterative, a 4K display on an iPad Pro would be a significant enhancement and departure from what the product has now, but it would also demonstrate significant value-add and a reason for existing iPad Pro owners to upgrade to a new model.
As to communications and networking, the deed has already been done: Qualcomm modems were dumped in favor of Intel modems in current iPhone models.
Given that Apple ships much fewer iPads than iPhones, in order to simplify its supply chain, I believe we are likely (guaranteed) to see an Intel-only LTE modem in the iPad Pro just as we have now on the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR.
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I also expect to see the same or a similar Apple/USI 802.11ac MU-MIMO Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module that exists in the iPhone XS.
I also think that, like the iPhones that recently did away with it, we can finally say goodbye to the headphone jack in the iPad Pro. If you are still using wired headphones (like me), it’s time to break out that Lightning-to-Mini jack dongle, in case you haven’t been using it on both your iPhone and iPad already.
This is an area that can go two different ways: Either Apple does nothing and maintains the status quo by sticking with Lightning and a USB PD-compatible charging interface, or it does something different.
Going with the 7.5W Qi charging, which the iPhone 8 and iPhone XS has, is probably out of the question.
We already know what the AirPower looks like, there’s no proof it is going to be released at this October event, and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to lay an iPad on top of one. It would be totally unbalanced. So, while Apple could equip an iPad with Qi charging, it doesn’t appear equipped to do it with its own accessory.
I think it is very likely the updated iPad Pro will maintain the Lightning connector and USB PD from the previous model.
While USB-C-to-USB-C (Thunderbolt) connectivity, as used on the current MacBooks, would be nice and inject some long-term sanity and industry standards into the equation, there are enough people who own both iPhones and iPads that keeping two (or three) different sets of cables would be perceived as annoying.
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It’s bad enough that those of us who have iPhone 7s and older phones have to keep USB-A-to-Lightning cables around. Can you imagine, in order to take advantage of the latest fast charge technologies, having to keep USB-C-to-Lightning and USB-C-to-USB-C cables (assuming you don’t already do, as a current MacBook owner), as well?
One reason for moving to a USB-C-to-USB-C dock interface would be if Apple decided to fully implement Thunderbolt on an iPad so it could be used as a makeshift workstation with a much larger external display, mouse, keyboard, and an external GPU.
This sounds like a natural evolution for the iPad Pro, particularly if we see device convergence with the Mac, and the company finally decides to take on Microsoft’s Surface professional vertical markets. I just don’t see that happening this year, though.
What technologies do you think will be introduced into the new iPad Pro? Talk Back and Let Me Know.
Apple to US users: Here’s how you can now see what personal data we hold on you
Apple’s privacy tools now go beyond Europe, so more now get to download the personal data it has collected.
Want a new iPhone or Android smartphone? Here’s how to sell or trade
The new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 was just announced and we expect three new iPhones and two Google Pixel phones to launch soon. Now is the time to consider selling your current one before market prices drop or plan to participate in a trade-in program.
10 best smartphones of 2018
he major smartphone launch season is upon us and one of the first out of the gates is the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, immediately taking over the top spot in our list of best smartphones.
Best smartphones for 2018 CNET
The mostly excellent Galaxy S9’s new features aren’t quite as good as we’d like, but you’ll probably want to buy one anyway.
Best smartphones of 2018 for tech experts TechRepublic
Looking to get a new smartphone? Here are 12 devices with the best features out now.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/heres-the-next-ipad-pro-apple-should-build-specs-and-speculation/
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