#least have a tie up over the top of that thing geez.
sword-and-lance · 10 months
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y'know I really do like how nice the "red dragon" dragon bloodline sorcerer stuff looks on Dae
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stargalaxxy · 1 year
♡ hi hi, it’s been too long since I’ve written a story… hopefully it’s good hehe ♡
Bonnie x Reader
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- “Damn it Golden shut the hell up!”
There they go again, you roll your eyes expecting at least one of the dorks in the party room to freak out, you can hear Bonnie yell at the golden bear who was most likely irritating the purple rabbit.
Placing your tools into your bin and closing the top right after, it was labeled "Mechanic" on the top in sharpie on brown masking tape. Being a mechanic did not mean fixing the emotional stress on the living animatronics, but being their friend did. At least in your book, taking a deep breath you turn your heel as the door busts wide open.
heavy breathing from Chica can be heard as she looks up finally catching her breath,
- “oh honey, I’m so glad your here!”
Her country accent evident in her voice as she points down the hall,
- “Bonnie is having a total freak out out there! Now I know it’s outta your pay but could yo-“
you giggle smiling at the chubby girl,
- “yes Chica, I was actually about to head out now”
Just as you were about to take a step out of the room a loud crash could be heard from the party room. Curses from both Bonnie and Freddy could be heard mainly Freddy telling Bonnie to calm down, only those weren’t the only words he used. Soon laughter erupted from Goldens mouth…his laughs always unsettled you.
- “I-I guess now is a good time as ever”
Chica chuckles her shoulders bouncing, nodding you follow her out adjusting your shirt and self for the mess that you’ll see. As soon as you made out to the party room you saw the main party table was flipped over and party hats were scattered everywhere. Freddy had a hand over his face as if collecting himself, a look all too familiar when he was trying to reign in his anger. You were guessing it didn’t help that Golden was on the floor legs in the air laughing his ass off, his laughter was the only thing in the room as it echoed almost mockingly.
- “Now Golden, you get on now! Haven’t you caused enough trouble!”
Chica yells lifting her sleeves up marching over to the troublemaker. Glaring down placing her hands on her hips her face had a sour look, much like a mother about to scold their oldest.
- “Golden, what the hell did you do to Bonnie?”
Keeping your distance as the bear looks up to Chica having a staring match which looked as if Golden was winning, Golden scoffs rolling his eyes as he stands up.
- “Geez, he's so sensitive can’t even take a simple joke-”
- “all you do is make jokes”
Freddy's southern accent chimed in as he glared at Golden who only rolled his eyes once again,
- “this is the third time that Bonnie has hada damn fit like this”
Freddy was right, whatever Golden was saying to Bonnie has been taking a toll on the place it had gotten so bad that you’ve heard that they might turn Bonnie off.
- “all these damages that is comin’ from his tantrums are from you. And all you been doin is makin’ it worst!”
The room was quiet, Freddy was always good at bringing attention to his friends and helping them take responsibility.
- “bite me”
And Golden was the one that did not care for them as you did. He looked away as he teleports off somewhere, Freddy grunts as he loosens his tie taking off his hat as he sits on the party chair,
- “oh Fred, you tried”
Chica smiles as she comes over behind Freddy massaging his shoulders.
- “hey Freddy, I can try and talk to Bonnie! Maybe if I can figure out why Golden is picking on him then maybe he’ll have less outbursts!”
You offer Freddy as there was another silence,
- “sure (Y/N), give it a shot”
Freddy finally lifts his head up as he smiles at you, nodding you take your leave to the the side of the stage where a door was, grabbing your keys you unlock the door to find other doors. To the side was Bonnie’s room as you’ve been shown it by him many times before. Taking a deep breath before knocking you prepare yourself for whatever Bonnie could throw at you. Your knocks were soft as you heard a muffle "come in", turning the knob you walk in.
He was sitting with his head propped on his knees as he sulked, his ears flopped down with defeat as he stared at the wall. His foot bouncing up and down, almost like a real rabbit when they stomp their feet. You had to force every ounce of your body not to giggle.
- “Bonnie, are you okay?”
You knew he wasn’t, but isn’t that what everyone asks, you go to sit next to him as you place your hands in your lap. The silence was evident that you got your answer, as he looked away from you. During the time you’ve known Bonnie he had never raised his voice to you, even when he was upset. It was something you liked about him, he had always seemed to welcome you when he was feeling down.
- “hey, I don’t know what Golden said to you but, forget about him.”
Bonnie didn’t say anything so you decided to carry on,
- “don’t give him so much power! He probably annoys you because he has nothing else to do in the basement”
Your sass causes Bonnie to chuckle a little as his shoulders bounced he finally turns to you smiling, his bouncing foot was finally put to rest.
- “geez he’s annoying”
You laugh,
- “you’re just now realizing~”
You tease him as you place your head on his shoulders, you don’t see it but it causers the bunny to blush. As he grins, trying to hide his goofy smile looking away again.
- “so, what did Golden say to make you so upset?”
His thumping continues as he grips his sleeve,
- “I-it’s embarrassing, I honestly shouldn’t have gotten so upset about it”
- “but, it always keeps happening, maybe if you talked about it, you can get it off your mind and it won’t bother you!”
Bonnie thumping got slower but it was still prominent, you place a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump. He looks to you and you finally see his blush.
- “Bonnie, you can tell me”
- “he.. he said, you’d be better off.. with him, and that I could never… get with you…”
Him talking was like slowly ripping off a band-aid, it was painful for him as his face got red saying out loud of what Golden has been saying to him.
- “oh Bonnie, that is a little silly, why would you listen to that doofus when you know he’s wrong”
- “I-I guess it really got to me, I’d absolutely hate it if you went with a guy like him”
Bonnie huffs but it soon dies down as you kiss his cheek,
- “oh please, never in a million years~”
Bonnie smiles as you place your head on his shoulder again,
- “you’re sweet and kind Bonnie, I’m lucky to have met you”
- “I think that’s my line”
You both chuckle as you close your eyes, patting Bonnie’s upper arm,
- “don’t let Golden get to you please, I don’t want to loose you”
- “heh, I promise no more outbursts”
You both sat in comfortable silence as Bonnie leaned over to grab and tune his guitar, hearing the vibrations of the strings brought tranquility to the room as you closed your eyes on Bonnie’s shoulder.
- “hey maybe I can teach you how to pla-“
- “Bonnie Bunny get your Cotten tail out here and clean your mess!”
Both you and Bonnie stopped as you looked to one another soon running out the door before Freddy came and knocked down the door.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 8 - the end
Piblished together because it's not long.
Not a sickfic, but I HIGHLY recommend reading this one, since it changes things from now on. Warning: tooth rotting fluff.
Bella was still giggling as she finished turning off all the lights and made her way upstairs, shutting the bedroom door softly behind her.
She partially expected to find Lucas already asleep, but instead he was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling with his tie.
"Got us the goods for tomorrow morning," she said, planting the little plate filled with snacks on top of the dresser and making her way to the bed. Luke let out a little "oof" as she pushed his arms out of the way and sat on his lap, starting to undo the knot of his tie.
"Did you have fun?" He asked, pushing a stray curl away from her eyes and Bella smiled, nodding and tugging on his tie, tempted to go teeth in. How did he manage to nearly choke himself in a piece of silk?
"I had a lot of fun," Bella said dreamily and she pulled on the cloth again, "goddammit, Lucas, what did you do to this?"
"No idea," he sighed in a defeated manner and fell flat on his back, taking her with him since she was holding his tie. Bella chuckled, moving so her knees were framing his torso, hands on each side of his head, "I'm trapped forever."
"Drama queen," she said with an eyeroll, leaning in to kiss him, "you know I love you, right?"
"I figured you had to at least like me after all these years," Luke said in a cheeky manner and Bella snorted, tugging on the tie again and forcing their eyes to meet.
"I'm serious, Lucas," she said, "I love you so much and I spent the longest time thinking it was going to, you know, calm down. Wear off a little bit-"
"Geez, Bell, you sure know how to make me feel-"
"Stop interrupting me," she glared at him, "I expected this to wear off a little. Not the love, but... The butterflies. The giddiness whenever I don't see you for a day..."
He opened a huge smile and opened his mouth to interrupt again, but Bella planted a finger over his lips, continuing, "but then I saw Maggie and Giuseppe this trip and they still act like valentines. She still lights up whenever he crosses the door, it's crazy..."
"Damn, baby, are you proposing to me?" Lucas laughed around the finger still pressed to his lips and Bella rolled her eyes.
"Well, I'm fucking trying, you're not helping."
He let out a small chuckle, that died in his mouth as his eyebrows shot up, "wait, really?" Lucas scrambled sitting up, wrapping an arm around Bella's waist to stop her from falling off his lap and the bed, "you're proposing to me?"
"Yes," Bella smiled, taking immense pleasure in his bewildered face.
"...Are you pregnant?!"
"Ye- What? No!" She slapped his chest, "what the fuck, Luke?!"
"I'm sorry!" he cried out, eyes wide, "it's just- I thought you didn't want to marry me. Or anyone... Ever..." Lucas' whole face was turning pink, not in embarrassment, but excitement, "what made you change your mind?"
"I just told you, silly," Bell smiled, pushing a hair away from his eyes, "Ma and Giuseppe... I want that. I want to be almost sixty and lighting up when you walk in a room, Luke. And being in your family home, seeing you with Livia-"
"God, please, no," Lucas wrinkled his nose, "that was torture."
"Yeah, you were pretty bad at it," Bella agreed, pressing her forehead to his, "in fact you were pretty lame all weekend, you toasted idiot."
"I thought you were proposing to me-"
"And I'm just more in love with you," she scoffed, "can you believe?"
He let out an embarrassed chuckle and cupped the back of her head, pulling her into a kiss. Bella smiled against his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso.
"So..." she pulled back for air, "I'm gonna take that as a yes...?"
"You know damn right that's a yes. Let's marry right now," Lucas grinned, rolling them on the bed and Bella squealed, falling against the mattress, her hair creating a halo of auburn around her head.
"Okay, let's," she agreed, grabbing his tie again and Lucas, already attempting to kiss her neck, pulled back.
"...You mean that?"
Bella shrugged, her face on fire, which only caused Luke's smile to widen so much she could see his molars.
"It's just... I love this place... And we leave in three days..." she avoided his eyes and Lucas studied her face, seeming serious.
"What about your mom...?" he squinted, genuinely considering getting up and getting married in the middle of the night.
"She doesn't care about this stuff, you know she married like four times, twice without me there," Bella rolled her eyes, "a big reason why I didn't want to marry in the first place, role model of all time."
He frowned, "and you don't want a party or like- I don't know, a princess dress...?"
"Did you forget who's your girlfriend?" Bella raised a quizzical eyebrow and he shrugged, blushing.
"You never know..." he bit down his lip, then tapped her thigh, "okay, get your shoes, let's get married."
Bella rolled her eyes, giggling, "it's 3 AM, baby-" Lucas grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder, causing her to let out a squeal.
"LUCAS! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!"
"No, we're going to get married, where are my shoes-" His voice trailed off and Bella kicked the air, forcing him to straighten her up.
"Luke-" She was breathless, feet still not touching the ground as he held her up with an arm, but at least no longer upside down, "let's not piss off our only guests by waking them up at 3 AM, how about?"
He pouted, "but what if you change your mind in the morning?"
"I'm not going to change my mind, Lucas," she rolled her eyes, "besides, tonight is Vince's night, let him have it. We can break the news tomorrow at lunch, alright?"
"And then marry by dinner," he teased lightly, causing Bella to shake her head with a chuckle.
"Yeah, alright. And marry by dinner, put me down."
"Stop squirming," Wendy berated her lightly and Bella pouted.
"I don't get why I can't get married in jeans," she scoffed, "Lucas would marry me in flip flops."
"Yes, he would," Ma agreed, "but the pictures will last forever, let's make them pretty."
Bella wasn't nervous. This was a spur of the moment decision, but it was the right decision. She was just giddy and having a hard time caring about all the little details that Wendy and Ma were caring.
"Sit still," Wendy scoffed again, tugging on the back of her dress. It wasn't even white or, remotely, a wedding dress. It reached just about her calves and Bella had insisted on putting her combat boots, no matter how much the other women grumbled about it. The dress was of a pale grey-beige, off shoulder and with extra fabric to be tied behind her back.
Unlike what Lucas wanted, they weren't getting married the very next day of her proposal. Ma had shaken her head vehemently at Bella's idea of them marrying in the backyard and said there was no way she'd let any of her kids marry anywhere that wasn't a chapel.
Luke had rolled his eyes at the prospect, but he didn't seem annoyed enough to die in this hill and so they had found a tiny chapel near the beach, that could fit the grand total of twenty people, if that.
"Alright, this is enough," Bella sighed, moving away from Wendy, despite the shorter girl complaining her hair was not done, "let's go. I don't wanna be late."
"Yeah, Luke might die of a heart attack," Wendy teased her lightly, rushing after Bell.
Vince was pacing just outside the tiny church and he opened a smile upon seeing them, "you all looks great," he said, giving Wendy a kiss before she took ma's arm in hers and they quickly entered the church.
"We're not doing the whole song thing," Bella said, when Vince took her arm in his and he shrugged.
"Don't steal my moment, would you?"
"Your moment?" the ginger chuckled, jabbing her elbow on his side and smoothing her dress, "do you think we're being insane?"
"Oh absolutely," Vince nodded, grinning even more when she made a surprised face, "but I'm frankly surprised this didn't happen sooner."
"It's Sicily getting to me," Bella whispered, then gulped down, feeling her stomach fill up with butterflies and her heart stutter as she saw Lucas at the end of the church aisle, bouncing and smiling.
She had said no to the music, but apparently Luke hadn't, because there was music playing, just not the nuptial march...
"Is that Nothing Else Matters in a piano?" Bella whispered as soon as she reached Lucas and he smiled, taking her hand in his.
"Figured I was safe going with one of your favorites," he whispered back and they turned to the man who officiating the wedding.
Bella didn't remember the actual vows. They hadn't bothered to write their own vows, but she did remember Luke sliding the ring in her finger, pressing his lips over the simple golden band with four rubies sitting on top. She wasn't aware he had a ring either and it made her heart jump, the fact he clearly had thought this through.
"When did you have time to pick this?" Bella whispered, voice choked up and Lucas only shrugged.
"Just had it lying about," he said in a playful manner and Bell sniffled, rolling her eyes.
"You may now kiss the bride" was met with claps and whistles from their little audience of eight people, while Lucas overeagerly grabbed her by the back of her head, smashing their lips together and bending Bella back.
She chuckled when they nearly fell, grabbing the lapels of his blazer and kissing him again, only to let out a squeal when he swooped her off her feet.
Their friends and family were still clapping and whistling as Luke carried her out of the church and to the beach, despite Bella screaming for him to put her down and that he was going to ruin her boots. She threw the bouquet of daisies off his shoulder and Leo caught it in the air out of reflex, only for Vince to yell "LEO CAUGHT THE BOUQUET!" and cause the blonde's face to turn beet red, as he dropped the flowers back in the wet sand.
"You're not gonna dunk your wife in the sea, you prick," Bella squealed, arms tightly wrapped around Luke's neck when he walked in the ocean and he smiled, eyes sparkling.
And then a wave crashed onto them.
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helianthus-exilis · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks, thank you friend!! ✒️📜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
466,050, who the hell lets me talk that much?!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
GLOW, Sherlock, Stranger Things has made it in there, I was also diving into the Jurassic World fandom but got derailed. Older fandoms over on FF.net included Castle, Bones, and Crossing Jordan way back in the day
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Pull of My Heart to Yours
Be Prepared (co-written with the lovely @mizjoely)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to answer everyone! Sometimes I'll get busy and forget to respond, but I do my best to at least say thank you to everyone who comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest? Probably Watching the World Burn
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of my fics have overall happy endings, but the two that are borderline saccharine are That's Life and Golden Repair. I basically ended them with a joyful, romcom soundtrack 🤮
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have had some, unfortunately. It used to get to me a lot more, because, you know, we all do this for fun and for free. Now I just delete the comments and move on with my day 🤙
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah. Ohhhhhh yeah. Typically romantic, sometimes angsty, occasionally plot-what-plot explicit. I let the story tell me what it needs, if you will.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Have not, but I still have a prompt in my Inbox for a GLOW/Sherlock crossover that I would like to get to at some point
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of - years ago I had someone leave a comment on a fic telling me I was doing a bad job with a good idea, and then they took my idea and wrote their own fic (totally fine) and blasted me in the notes (not at all fine), so... that was fun.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ooh yes, @mizjoely and I have collaborated on Be Prepared and Furo and we had a blast with both. There is a (maybe?) abandoned fic with @miabicicletta that I would still love to finish if the world allows us... 🥺
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I like them all for different reasons, but I think Mulder and Scully will always be my OTP. And I haven't even written anything for them yet! I'm scared, they intimidate me 😬
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would really really like to finish Shelter From the Storm at some point, even though the franchise is basically done! The idea I had for it was waaaaay different than what they ended up doing in the last movie, and much, much darker. Maybe someday.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Too many ideas in my head and the audacity to think that people want to hear about them 😁
I do a decent job with keeping things in character, and having a plan for where the story is going so I can actually set things up properly. I think I have a pretty good eye for detail as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
If I'm having a hard time getting from one plot point to another, I get lazy and things get stilted. I'll bullshit my way through boring bits to get to the bits I really want to write.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try, guys. I really do. I do as much homework as I can with Google Translate, but I know it's not enough to get it right. I avoid other languages if I can.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First ever ever? Hahaha Xena: Warrior Princess. First online published I think was Crossing Jordan
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh geez, that's tough - I honestly think it's a tie between Paragon and That's Life. I had the most fun writing both of those.
Tagging @miabicicletta, @mizjoely, @jomiddlemarch, and anyone else who wants to jump on this
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Tinder in Real Life
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Sidemen x platonic!Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Language some people may find offensive, sexual themes, recycled lines from Sidemen Tinder in Real Life because I'm not at all creative Request: Hey! Could you do reader x Harry imagine where the sidemen do a collab video with the reader who is also a big youtuber and Harrys celebrity crush. And during the video the reader is very flirty, leaving Harry a flustered mess when the flirting is directed towards him, but very jealous when its with any other sidemen.
The Sidemen were one of the biggest groups on YouTube and one that you were very familiar with. At the age of 23, you were a fair bit younger than some of its oldest members but yet you had a close relationship with JJ, whom you had met through YouTube.
You had started your channel when you were 17, just under four years ago, making makeup videos, which was a passion of yours when you were younger. Not that you were any good at it back then. Those videos quickly become unlisted when your channel started blowing up in late 2016, now nearing 20 million at the present time.
It wasn't long before you expanded your horizons and had started making different sorts of videos, including vlogs of your everyday life - which wasn't and still isn't that exciting in your opinion - and those where you just had a laugh, attempting to do stupid challenges that were so popular back then. It was those, however, that grew your channel. Your fans seemed to love them and so you gradually started to make more.
As your small channel began to grow significantly, it caught the attention of KSI, a member of the Sidemen, who reached out to you to for a collab. You were ecstatic. You couldn't believe it at the time, why would someone like KSI with 20 million subscribers want to collaborate with you? By that time, you couldn't exactly call yourself a small channel anymore, with almost 5 million subscribers but it still didn't make any sense to you.
You and JJ quickly bonded after filming together. You had a very similar sense of humour and interests. As the years went, the older boy became one of your best friends, the nature of your relationship being very teasing and flirtatious but the both of you knew it was a joke. It was just the way you both were.
Though despite having known him for nearing 3 years now, you had never met the rest of the Sidemen, with the exception of Simon, as he lived with JJ. Which is why when he texted asking you to collaborate with the Sidemen, you couldn't turn the offer down. You were a fan of the group and the content they were producing. You thought the videos that they made were exceptional, that they were pushing the envelope of the standard of content on YouTube and often found yourself excited for new videos.
He had explained that they were filming another of their 'Tinder in real life' but a YouTuber version with the likes of BambinoBecky and ChiWithAC. You were so excited. You were finally going to meet the rest of JJ's friends and you had the opportunity to be a part of a Sidemen Sunday.
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You arrived at the studio the boys were filming at in the afternoon, finding and greeting JJ before he introduced you to the other sidemen in addition to Lux, Freezy and Stephen.
"And you've already met Simon." He finished.
"Yeah. Nice to finally meet you all. JJ tells me a lot about you guys." You laughed.
"Because that's assuring." Ethan pointed out with a chuckle, the other boys letting out agreements.
"Not all bad, I promise." You teased, winking at him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face, immediately becoming flustered and stumbling over his words. You found that you often had that effect on people as you could be very direct and flirtatious even when you didn't mean it. To you it was just friendly banter.
"Geez Y/N, stop flirting with people you met literally five minutes ago." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You sound a bit jealous, Jide." You smirked, a teasing grin spread across your face.
"Nah, allow it." There were eruptions of laughter around the room, coming from the boys. You were quick to notice Harry standing out of the way and was significantly quieter than the others, with what seemed to be a forced smile on his face.
Harry was in his own head, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. When JJ had told him that you were going to be in the next Sidemen video, he panicked. You were an accomplished YouTuber who he was quite fond of to say the least. Well, that would be an understatement, he had a fairly large crush on you. A crush that no one but Freezy and Lux knew about.
He knew that JJ had been friends with you for some time now but never considered the possibility of even meeting you. His anxiety acted as a barrier to even the thought of it. But he was currently in the same room as you and had said nothing more than a short 'hello'. He longed to have the confidence Ethan had to speak to you, even more so for you to look at him the way you were.
Already you were flirting with JJ and Ethan, something that caused a pit to form at the bottom of his stomach. He wouldn't admit it, but he could slowly feel the jealousy forming. Not that he had anything to be jealous about in the first place!
You continued to speak with the boys as you got your mic set up, telling them stories you were sure would embarrass JJ.
"Y/N, stop." The older boy whined. He could be like a child sometimes, but it was one of his more endearing qualities. He simply wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't.
"No, carry on." Simon laughed.
"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." You teased.
"I think it's time we started, don't you think?" Harry grumbled.
"Right." You smiled at the boy, who's cheeks became tinted red. He ducked to hide his face and walked around to stand in the line, hiding himself in the middle.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 23 and I'm from Y/H/T." You spoke to the camera once you were given the go ahead.
"I'm Simon, I'm 28. I like to practice safe sex."
"Always a good start."
"I could tie you to the bed, so you don't fall off." He finished with a giggle. You acted like you were pondering it for a moment before letting out a laugh and swiping right.
"I'm down for that." You teased. The boys all let out rumbles of laughter
"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 26 and kiss me if I'm wrong, but you're gonna swipe right."
"What would you rather?" You joked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the board, sticking his head through with his lips puckered, eliciting a cry of protest from Harry that this wasn't allowed. You laughed and made an over exaggerated motion to swipe to the right, causing him to pout playfully but walked over to the right anyway.
"Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. KSI has a top ten single, but you're the only hot single I can see."
"Wow, that was smooth!" You said with a grin. "Definite yes from me."
"I'm Callum, I'm 26. Are you into fitness?" Freezy asked.
"Can't say I am." You replied, unsure of what turn this could take.
"How about you fitness dick in your mouth?"
"I wouldn't get too excited babes, I gag on my toothbrush." You laughed. "We could try though."
You swiped right on him, chuckling as you watched him let out a yes before joining Simon, Ethan, and Josh. You frowned slightly, a crease forming between your brows as you saw Harry whisper something furiously at his friend but ultimately got distracted by Vik stepping up to go next.
"I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex-girlfriend always said I'd never do better than her, wanna prove her right?" You could hear the cries of the boys in the background, some scolding him, others laughing.
"Man actually said prove her right. Not wrong." JJ shrieked with a shocked look on his face, holding his head with his hands.
"You need to find someone for that." You snarked, swiping left on the boy, who shrugged and walked off.
"Damn! You got told!" Lux cackled.
"Uh hi. I'm Harry. I'm uh 25, no I'm not I'm 24." He stumbled. "Are you sure you're a muggle? Because that ass is magical."
"You should see how magical it can be." You spoke before cringing at yourself and laughing, swiping right to avoid a reply. The boy's face grew a bright shade of red, closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
"Geez, is that an offer?!" Freezy yelled from the right side. You laughed, observing how Harry whispered furiously to the boy to stop and winked at him once he had could see. Your laughter only increased as you watched JJ step up.
"I'm JJ. I'm 28 and are you a raisin? Cause you're raising my dick." The boy in question stood in front of you so confidently, hands clasped together in front of him so seriously that you just lost it. By the time you composed yourself, there were tears almost falling from your eyes.
"A* for effort." You laughed, swiping right eliciting a cry of success.
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You had wrapped up filming your segment of the video, which conveniently was the last of the day. You found JJ who you spoke to whilst the other boys were otherwise occupied talking to each other.
"Cheers for coming, Y/N/N. You've been great."
"Anything for you." You joked.
"Don't tempt me." He laughed. You could feel eyes on you, eyes that were burning into your side. You turned your head to see Harry staring you and JJ down before looking away after being caught in the act, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Does Harry not like me or something?" You whispered to JJ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
"Not that I know of." He frowned looking at the younger boy. "He can be a bit awkward at times and gets flustered a lot."
"Right." You agreed. You excused yourself before sauntering up to the boy in question, calling his name to snap him out of the daze he appeared to be in.
"Oh, um hey Y/N." He stumbled.
"Hi." You smiled gently. "I uh, I was just wondering, do you... have I done something to offend you?"
"Offend me? Why, uh, why would you think that?" He rambled.
"It's just... it's nothing, it's probably just me overthinking things." You waved it off, feeling like a complete idiot.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I don't like you. I don't not like you, in fact I really like you! Oh, um I mean I like you, you're very pretty." The boy couldn't stop rambling which made you laugh. "No, wait."
"You think I'm pretty?" You blushed interrupting him. Harry felt his mouth go dry, not being able to get anything coherent to come out. "Well, Harry, I really like you too."
"What?" His eyebrows shot up so far it was almost comical. "Really? So, you don't like the other guys?"
"What? No." You laughed. "That's absurd. Why would you think that?"
"You seemed very..." The boy trailed off, not wanting to offend you after you had admitted to liking him.
"Flirty?" You finished, causing him to nod. "I'm like that with everyone, I don't mean to be half the time."
"Well, how about you give me your phone number and when you finally grow a pair, you can ask me out?" Your confidence levels had shot up spontaneously.
"Uh, sure." His cheeks had become a dark shade of red as he passed his phone to you so you could put your number in. You kept looking up at him as you typed, putting your name under 'Y/N x' in his contacts before handing it back to him.
"Y/N! Come on! We're going to Nando's!" JJ called from the other side of the room.
"Call me." You winked. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and was currently the only thing from stopping the wide grin from spreading across your face. A grin that hadn't disappeared from your face for the rest of the day, much to the curiosity of JJ, who was disappointed when you refused to tell him why, or more appropriately who, had put the smile on your face.
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rayslittlekitten · 2 years
Old Dog, New Tricks
“Dad Will” Masterlist
A/N: I wanted to put Dad!Will in reading glasses and also have him do Lucy's hair so I mashed them together. Thank you @lovebarefootblonde and @spanishmossmagnolia for taking a look at this!
Word Count: ~970
Pairing: Dad!Will & Daughter OC (Lucy)
Plot: It's time Will learns how to groom Lucy's hair.
Contains: a little domestic Dad!Will
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You've caught the flu that Lucy had just gotten over and it’s hit you hard. You've had a fever for the last couple of days and are nearly bedridden. You haven't felt this bad since the last time you got such a wicked sinus infection, you wanted to rip your face off. Will has been taking care of both you and Lucy and has been doing a superb job, as expected. After serving you some of his signature homemade chicken noodle soup, a family recipe, and checking your temperature, Will makes a crustless peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Lucy. While she's taking her time nibbling at it, Will is at the kitchen table next to her looking through YouTube videos on his phone with his reading glasses perched on his nose. He hates wearing them because it makes him feel old, but he knows he needs it to read those tiny letters. He already feels embarrassed enough he’s had to make the font so large on his smartphone.
He's watching videos on how to braid Lucy's hair. The last two days have been a disaster as he tried to groom her hair before dropping her off at school. He would just quickly comb her hair and attempt to put it up in a neat ponytail. Yesterday he put it up in a side ponytail. He remembers when he was her age, the girls in his class wore it like that, but it turned out a bit lopsided. Lucy came home crying because her side ponytail didn’t stay put and she didn’t know how to fix it.
Will learned to tie all the knots you can possibly throw at him while in the military, but he never learned how to braid. He's decided to take the weekend to learn a few things. He adjusts his seat and Lucy's seat a bit to set himself behind her. He gently brushes out her long hair, trying to untangle it.
“Ow! Daddy!”
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
He successfully gets the knots out gently and starts gathering her hair in the same manner as the woman is doing in the video. Looking over the top of his glasses, he tries to copy the same movements, and then glances back down at the video through his glasses.
"Okay, that wasn't so hard." Will takes a hair tie and secures the end of the braid. It looks a little looser than the one in the video, but it's decent considering it's his first time.
"Daddy, I like it when you play with my hair," Lucy turns to face Will while chewing.
"Sweetheart, don't talk while you eat. Finish chewing and swallowing first." He takes his glasses off and then grabs her napkin to swipe off the jelly on the corner of her mouth while she swallows her bite.
"What are you going to do to my hair nekth?" Lucy asks.
"What else do you want me to do with your hair?" Will asks cluelessly.
"Thometimesth mommy put-thit in a bun." Lucy takes another bite of her sandwich.
"A bun?" He asks with a raised brow.
"Mm hm," Lucy nods while chewing.
Will pops his glasses back on and goes back to YouTube to look up how to create a bun on top of his daughter's head. Some results are already popping up when he starts typing in "how to create bun" and seeing so many options. "4 Easy Ways To Tie a Bun".
"How many ways can there be? Geez," Will asks nobody.
"There are tho many braidsth too. Mommy doesth the regular one and the French one. My clathmate Liv had a fishtail one and it looked tho cool," Lucy answers.
"What? Fishtail braid?" Out of curiosity, he looks up a fishtail braid and he is immediately intimidated by the look of it, but he wants to at least give it a shot. After watching the tutorial, he undoes her braid and starts brushing her hair out again.
"This actually doesn't look so hard." Will starts going back and forth again between braiding her hair and glancing at the video to make sure he's doing it right. At some point he loses track of what he's doing and messes it up. He undoes the braid he did and starts all over again.
"Daddy, can I please have a glath of milk?" Lucy mumbles through her peanut butter-filled mouth.
"Just a moment, sweetheart. I think daddy's almost got this." Will gets the hang of it and follows through, repeating the same movement throughout the rest of her hair. He ties the end and fluffs the braid a bit like in the video.
"Okay, this looks correct." Will is proud of his work, he even takes a picture of it and shows it to Lucy.
"Ooh!! You did it, daddy!" Lucy starts reaching back to feel the braid, but Will catches her sticky hands to wipe them down before letting her touch her hair.
Will pushes his glasses up to perch them on top of his head and then gets up to pour Lucy a glass of milk. When he walks back to hand it to her, she asks if he can do something else to her hair.
"I'm up for the challenge. What do you want next?" Will asks.
"Can you cut my hair?" Lucy asks.
"No no! No cutting, no coloring. Just styling," Will tells her.
"Can you make my hair like a printheth?" Lucy turns and looks up at him with a milk mustache.
“You’re already a princess,” Will smiles at her. “Of the Miller Castle.”
“That meanth you’re the king of the cathel,” Lucy giggles.
“Alright, princess, finish your milk and sandwich.” Will removes his glasses from the top of his head and places it on the table.
“Yeth, King Daddy!”
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Waking Up In Vegas || Part Four
Jax Teller x Reader
Summary: Jax and Y/N had always been close, they were each other’s partners in crime, the light in the dark and the shelter from the storm. Both just coming out of messy divorces and being each other’s life line. So what happens when Jax springs a last minute trip on Y/N? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, well that’s what they thought.
Waking Up In Vegas Masterlist
This Months Writing
To unlock the next part this post needs to reach 50 notes 🖤
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Jax draped his arm over your shoulder as the pair of you strolled into the hotel, dragging your suitcases behind you. Somehow Jax had managed to wear the duffel bag like a backpack so at least the cash was safe. The last thing you needed was thirty grand to go missing.
This place was amazing. It wasn’t the first time you had been to Vegas but this time felt different. Staying at Caesars Palace was a step up from staying at a fleabag hotel on a quick weekend getaway or when you tagged along on a muling trip. Jax looked over at you to find you like a kid on Christmas morning, taking in the bright lights and just the hotel in general.
“Come on, then,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head, “let’s check in, freshen up and let’s see what kind of trouble we can get into.”
“I want a trouble free week, Mr. Teller,” you giggled, poking him in the chest, although you knew full well that this week wouldn’t be anything other than complete chaos. It always was when it came to you and Jax, it was like trouble always followed the pair of you.
“You ain’t no Angel, Darlin’,” Jax winked, as he guided you both to the front desk. “You are just as bad as I am.”
“Welcome to Caesars Palace, do you have a booking reference or the name it was booked under?”
Resting your head on Jax’s shoulder, you watched as he dug his wallet from his pocket, “Urm, yeah it should be under Teller,” Jax nodded, pulling his ID out to prove he was who he said he was. You couldn’t wait to get into the room and get a shower, your muscles aching from sitting for eight hours in bucket seats and the hot water would help loosen them up.
“Okay Mr. Teller, I have your booking here. And congratulations, the honeymoon suite is all ready for you. If you head over to your right the lifts are located there and you are on the top floor. Here are the keys Mr. and Mrs. Teller. Thank you for staying with us at the Palace for such a special occasion.”
“Perfect, thanks bro,” Jax nodded, not taking his eyes off you, the moment the guy said the honeymoon suite. He thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head, making him laugh. “Come on, darlin’” he smirked, kissing the top of your head.
He practically had to drag you to the elevators. It was like you had frozen. He knew you would freak out but it was the only room they had left so he took it. “You gonna say something? I can see you are dying to,” Jax laughed as you entered the elevator.
The moment the doors closed, you let out a breath you were holding, trying to not make a scene in public. “You fucking booked the honeymoon suite? Why did he call us Mr. and Mrs. fucking Teller? After what we both just went through? What the fuck, Jax?” You said in one breath as you reached up pulling the hair tie from your hair, shaking your head letting it fall down your back.
Jax shook his head before taking your hand. “Geeze, woman, chill out, it was the only room they had, okay? I’m not asking you to marry me.”
“Couldn’t think of anything worse,” you laughed, cocking a hip. “You’re a pain in my ass, you do know that don’t you?”
“And I’m proud of it, darlin’.”
“One more thing Teller, if we end up leaving Vegas married, like proper married.” You said lowly, placing your hand on his bearded chin, making him look your dead in the eyes as you said the next bit. “I will kill you.”
“Copy that,” he smirked, he couldn’t help but snake his arms around your waist, pulling your body until it collided with his, resting his hands on your ass. “Don't mean we can’t have some fun though,” he breathed.
You always knew that Jax was good with women and you knew it had a lot to do with the fact he practiced on you all of the time. Yes, he was a perpetual flirt but you were always his favourite target. But one of the benefits of being his best friend all these years meant you had seen the best and the worst of Jackson Teller. Which meant the standard Teller charm had no effect on you whatsoever. Or so you thought.
“Disgusting,” you laughed, shaking your head, but not moving his hand off your ass. “What I said about you being perverted, I stand by that.”
The smile on Jax’s face was wide, it was only day one of this trip but he could feel it slowly chipping away at the hurt. The banter that was borderline on whether it was flirting or not, was back. Your thumb brushed lightly across his cheek as he gave you his famous Teller smirk. Before he could respond the doors opened and you moved from his arms, running down the corridor like a child.
“You don’t even know what room, you idiot.”
“Yeah, I do,” you shouted over your shoulder. “It’s that one, you know, the one that said Honeymoon Suite above the door? Now hurry up, I need to get out of this bra and these jeans.”
“I can help with that if you want, Darlin’,” he smirked, slapping your ass as he unlocked the door, pushing it open with his foot.
Rolling your eyes at him, you flipped him the bird as you strolled into the room, finding your bags had already been brought up to the room. You were immediately drawn to the wall of windows opposite the door. Being on the top floor, you were able to overlook most of the strip. Even in the daytime, lights twinkled, beckoning people to spend their money. People on the sidewalk looked like ants.
Turning your attention to the room, your breath was taken away. Light creams accented with low lighting gave the room an intimate feel. The bed stood tall and proud in the middle of the room, the blankets as voluminous as a cloud. You could see through the open door of the bathroom the jacuzzi tub had been filled with bubbles and rose petals, surrounded by already lit candles. It was beautiful and romantic as fuck. And probably not the place for two best friends to be sharing but here you were.
“Fuck,” you sighed, as your eyes settled on the bed, realization settling like a rock in your belly. “Jax, there’s only one bed.”
“Well, they ain’t putting twin beds in the honeymoon suite are they, darlin’? Plus we’ve shared a bed before, it’s cool. You know I only bite if you want me to,” he hummed, brushing a strand of your hair out of your face. His eyes search your face, noting your wide eyed expression. “You aren’t mad are you?”
He’s right, of course. You’d had numerous sleep overs, intentional and unintentional, that had you waking up in the same bed. Why did this time feel different? “You are ridiculous, you know that right? But I could never be mad at you,” you finish softly.
“I’m glad you said that,” he smirked, reaching into the pocket of his hoodie, pulling out two plastic clamshell containers out of his pocket. “Because I was thinking just how much fun we could have as ‘newly weds’. Just imagine all the free shit we could get.”
You eyed the clamshells for a second as you thought about it, knowing he had a point. And you were a sucker for free shit. You were already staying in the honeymoon suite. As long as you could keep up the charade, why not? “That could be fun, lead the way Mr. Teller,”
“First things first,” he smirked, holding out the plastic containers so you could see what was inside - two tacky golden rings like the kind you get from gas station vending machines. “If we wanna make it believable we need these.”
“You Asshole,” you breathed, smacking him in the chest. “You did fucking plan this.”
“You give me far too much credit, darlin’, none of this was planned,” he laughed as he got the rings out of the boxes. “It’s all just kind of falling into place. Knowing we had the honeymoon suite, the moment I saw the rings in that gas station, I needed to get them. May have spent 20 dollars on the damn coin machine so don’t say I never got you anything.”
“So that’s what took you an age back there, I thought you had fallen into the toilet again.”
“That happened once while I was drunk and you promised not to bring it up again,” he pouted as he messed with his bare ring finger. He couldn’t lie, he missed there being a band of metal there, missed having it represent someone who loved him for who he is. “But I do think it would be a nice deterrent for the week, you know, not being hit on every moment.”
Taking a breath, you looked up at him, placing your right hand on his cheek, getting slightly lost in his blue eyes that were soft and shining bright with love. The moment Jax slowly slid the plastic ring onto your finger it was like the air in the room became heavier, the two of you just standing in the middle of the room getting lost in each other’s eyes. This was the first time in a while that Jax had the fire back in his eyes since his divorce. You don’t know what you were thinking as you both started inching closer to each other.
Before you could think better of it, your lips were millimeters away from his, his beard tickling your cheeks and his breath fanning your lips. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you didn’t quite know what was happening. But just as your lips were about to connect there was a loud knock on the door, followed by a shout of “room service”. The intrusion breaks the moment before your lips touch. You both jump away from each other, pretending that didn’t just happen, and that the feelings you felt were all in your head.
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@chibsytelford @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @jomariekirby @i-love-scott-mccall @pascal-reyes @fourthwallhateclub @withmyteeth @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @princess76179 @darklydeliciousdesires @corrigan-eko @stephv213 @krswrites @sassymoxley @sixshooter665 @thexhostess @innerpaperexpertcloud @mgkobsessed @stillbreathin
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
So far of reading your writing, I really love it! :)) May I request Kunikida, Dazai and Ranpo having an younger member of the agency being a sort of subordinate of them but acts a lot like a younger sibling to them? She's just really pure hearted and soft and really looks up to them so she likes helping them out a lot. Just some fluff because my boys deserve all love and affection
Awww thank you so much for the compliment!! This request is so cute, and yes, all the boys deserve all the love and affection that is possible cause they go through too much 😭 Anon requested this as platonic, and reader is gender neutral. Also, I wasn’t too sure what the age should be, so I went with Kyoka’s age, which is 14. Hope you enjoy!
TW: Mentions of suicide in Dazai’s part, but nothing too heavy or specific is mentioned. It does get kinda sad though, but it has a happy ending. Also, slight spoiler for season 2/Dark Era Arc, but nothing too major
Young ADA Member Acting like a Younger Sibling to: Kunikida, Dazai, and Ranpo
Okay, so when you first started at the office, people (specifically Naomi and Junichiro) were nervous when you got paired up with Kunikida. And Kunikida isn’t a bad man by any means, but he can be very, very, very strict
And how well do rules stick with kids/younger people? Exactly. It just sounded like a bomb waiting to explode
And you look so soft and so sweet! What if he made you cry?!
Which Naomi threatened to draw blood if he did
Even Kunikida himself was nervous. This was not written in his notebook to be a glorified babysitter!
But the President insisted, putting faith into you that you’ll be a great addition to the team and that he can lead you on the right path and not into trouble like some people he won’t mention (Dazai)
That was all that he needed to hear, and he took those words very serious. He won’t let the President down, and he wasn’t going to let you down either. You guys were gonna give it your all, whether you were ready to or not
But, to everyone’s surprise (really his) you both adapted well. You treated him with respect, said yes sir, no sir, tidied up both of your desks (which were right next to each other), you even tried to abide by his stern schedule without any complaints
You were a great help on missions too, you didn’t recklessly throw yourself into danger, and you made sure to look out for citizens to keep them safe and out of danger
And that wasn’t it, oh no
You made sure to bring him snacks (atleast the ones that he said were ideal), made sure that he was keeping hydrated and not tensed up all the time (working in this office will do that to you), and to make his workload as light as possible
After seeing him go off on Dazai for the 1000th time and getting wound up over a case that wasn’t getting any leads, you saw how stressed and frustrated he was getting. Mumbling to himself about how could he “replace the President if he couldn’t do this right”So you tapped on your shoulder, with one goal in mind: To comfort him
When you tapped his shoulder, he turned and yelled, “WHAT NOW?!”, right into your face
Time stood still as everyone froze, shocked. Even Kunikida himself after he saw it was you.
He felt immediately guilty, about to apologize for losing his cool when you began speaking
“Mr. Kunikida, please don’t stress too much. It’s not good for your heart! And don’t let this one thing stop you! You’re a great leader, and someone that I look up to. I wouldn’t be where I was at now without you! So please don’t doubt yourself, because we don’t, especially me! You’re my role model, Mr. Kunikida. Please, don’t ever forget that.”
After that, it was like a flip switched in him
“(Y/N), come here and walk very slowly.”
You did so with no hesitation, but you were curious
“Your shoe is untied. Here, let me tie it for you. It wouldn’t be ideal if you get injured because of a lousy shoelace. It wouldn’t be ideal if you got injured at all.”
“(Y/N), we have lunch scheduled at exactly 12:15. They’re also serving your favorite today, so we can’t be late, understand?”
“Yes sir!”, you said with a smile
“(Y/N), let’s go. It’s getting dark and if you still want to see that dreaded light show, we have to leave in 20 seconds to make it! I don’t want to see you sad or hear you complain if we miss it.”
“Coming sir! Just finishing up some work for tomorrow-“
“I already have it written in my notebook on when it will be done, so we can go.”
“Here you go Mr. Kunikida, I already typed up and printed out the reports for later on!”
“Thanks kid. And you don’t have to keep calling me Mister okay? Kunikida is fine.”
Dead silent in the office
KUNIKIDA is letting someone way younger than him just call him KUNIKIDA? Not MR.KUNIKIDA???
Everyone is, realistically, shook
But as time went on, they understood why
He came to look after you as his own
The entire ADA would have never thought the day would come (it wasn’t even in the notebook!) where he would care for a kid like his little sibling but here it was, right in front of their faces
But they weren’t complaining at all. You seemed to make his day a little brighter, and he wasn’t as uptight as much (but don’t be mistaken he was still Kunikida, just at an 8 instead of a whole 10)
After that mini pep talk that fateful day, he made it his duty to be a good role model for you. To always set a good example, both in and out the office.
He wouldn’t fail you, and he would be damned if he let anything happen to you
You’re a good kid, and you only deserve the best. And he was gonna be the best role model (and brother) for you
Aw man, he was..conflicted to say the least
Listen, it’s not like he hates kids or teens, but it’s just extra responsibilities to watch over them. And he already slacks off enough to begin with, so is this really a good idea sticking a 14 year-old with him?
And lowkey, the way that he treated Akutagawa is still heavy on his mind, and he doesn’t want a repeat
But the President made it so, and Kunikida was ready to attack if he even thought about denying the order. Plus, it could be like another Atsushi around (another person to pass work off too) so that was a win!
And another person to annoy Kunikida too
You looked so pure and innocent. Are you sure that you’re in the right place? 
He genuinely thought you were a lost kid when you came up to him the first time lmao
Geez, you even sound sweet too! How has this world not damage or corrupt you yet?
“Hi Mr. Dazai! It’s nice to meet you. I hope that we can make a great team, and that I’m here to help if you need anything!”
“Nice to meet you too. And now that you mention it, these reports have been giving me a hard time...”
Not gonna lie, he did take advantage of your help. You offered, so why not? He thought you were gonna get sick of it soon and start complaining, but nope
You took his reports and did it with no hesitation every time. And you always handed it to him with a bright smile. On top of that, you always cleaned up his area and behind him, you did any leftover work that he ignored forgot to do so that he wouldn’t get yelled at, and tried to bring him small snacks and even packed a whole lunch for him when you noticed that he didn’t eat a lot
He even started to feel pretty bad and he was getting disapproving looks from his fellow detectives (even Kenji, and he never frowns)
So he started to take back and *GASP* actually do his work?!
But you stopped him, and told him that he should, “Take it easy! You work hard enough as it is saving the city. It’s no problem doing these reports, and I want to help you in any way I can, Mr. Dazai.”
“(Y/N), don’t worry, I can do them. And remember it’s just Dazai, calling me Mister makes me feel old like Kunikida-”
And it seemed like you really cared for his wellbeing, especially when you had to accompany him on missions
Well, it just so happen that while you were going with Atsushi to find Dazai to start a mission, you both found him
Hanging upside down, sinking to the bottom of the lake
You rushed into the water immediately, pulling him out and onto the ground while Atsushi was just standing there in disbelief
Atsushi is so done with his shit
“Dazai, can you hear me?! Dazai?! Atsushi, I gotta give him CPR I don’t think he’s-”
“(Y/N) don’t worry he’s okay! This isn’t his first time he’s done this, and probably not the last.”
“W-what do you mean?”
You didn’t know about Dazai’s suicide methods? Did he not tell you or talk about it in front of you? Atsushi would have been somewhat proud of him if this whole situation didn’t happen, but here we are
“Geez, guess this method isn’t for me. It seems like someone is bound to always inter- hm, (Y/N)? What are doing out of the office? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You hugged his chest tightly, not caring that he was practically soaked down to the bone
“Please stop, Dazai! Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to leave everyone?! Why are you trying to leave ME?!”
That got his attention
“Your life is important, Dazai, too important to try and end it on your own terms! You’re special to me, I look up to you. You’re smart, funny, and you help everyone out in your own special way. If you weren’t here anymore, everyone would be so lost...I would be so lost..,I-I-I wouldn’t know what to do-”
You looked up, eyes red and puffy with tears rolling down your cheeks, but filled with determination
“I promise you that I will make sure you know how much you matter to everyone. I swear on my life that I will.”
Okay, so you know how you were helpful/adorable before? On a scale of 1-10, you were definitely at an 11. But Dazai felt like you were at a 20
At first, he thought that you weren’t being genuine. You were just a young kid who didn’t know any better and was just trying to do your job, in sickeningly, oversweet way. I mean, who would really care about him with his horrid past? He was convinced that you were just naïve, and that the world would swallow you whole when it gets the chance. And it made him feel pity for you
But you proved him wrong
You weren’t just some ignorant child. You were in this agency working alongside him for a reason. And you reminded him of that everyday when he saw you working, handling the cases, taking actions on missions, all the while being kindhearted through and through 
You especially went out of way for him, and it was both a warm and scary feeling. People that he ended up caring for shared an undeserving fate, and he blamed himself for it constantly. So he tried to keep his distance, for your safety. You still had a life to live, and he didn’t want to ruin that for you.
But it was kinda hard to when you work together, and with you constantly being under his wing trying to show him the good in life and the difference that he made, he couldn’t help but admit it
You proved him wrong, and not a lot of people can say that. 
You went out of your way to make sure that everyone was okay, mentally and physically. He didn’t want to admit it, but you made the office (and his life) a little bit more bearable when you were around. You’re a good kid. And it was so fun to rope you and sometimes Atsushi into his schemes lmao y’all can be so gullible sometimes
Unfortunately, he still planned to leave this world, but he tried not to talk about it in front of or around you, and his number of attempts did dwindle, so that was a good thing
“Hey (Y/N), let’s grab something to eat, I would be a terrible person if I let my dear little baby assistant go hungry.”
“Dazai, if you’re hungry, you can just say that. I don’t mind finishing this later. It’s good to eat when you need to, and your health is #1 priority!”
He couldn’t take back his past and the way he abused Akutagawa, but he could certainly make sure that he doesn’t make the same mistakes
And that would start with being a decent role model for you. He won’t exactly be a “model citizen”, but he will always do the right thing. He’s turned over a new leaf by turning to the light, and while his methods aren’t always legal, he won’t stray from it again
And he won’t let you stray either
He was not a happy camper at all, let me tell you
Hello, do you know who he is?? He’s the greatest detective in the world! Why would the President think he need a sidekick?! He saw you working under him as an insult. Were they trying to say that he wasn’t good enough on his own?!
You weren’t exactly welcome with open arms, but that was okay! You were a complete stranger to him, but you were hoping that would change overtime
And Fukuzawa offered to praise him if he took you in so he stopped pouting momentarily
“Hi Mr. Ranpo! I’ve heard great things about you, and I hope that we can get along!”
“Well, of course you’ve heard great things about me, I’m the greatest detective in the world! It would be a crime if you didn’t hear about me.”
It was a rocky start between you guys to say the least. Not only was he lazy with the work he already had (I mean, it was too easy for him), but you were always willing to complete it (which you did, when you realized that maybe he was too tired or had other important things to worry about)
Who are you trying to fool, this man was just being lazy 
But you either didn’t realize it or you just purposely ignored it to get it done for the sake of the agency. Bless your pure heart for putting up with that poutyface 
Despite that, you handled everything with positivity and pride. When discussing cases (even though he would solve it in under a minute), you already had the reports ready to go, took notes for him, and you even tidied up his desk (which really consisted of his snack pile)
And you were starting to grow on him. You were like his mini cheerleader/#1 fan. His ego was going through the roof
On missions, it was a piece of cake for him, duh! With his ability, Super Deduction, it was always easy. And you were in the background, in awe with everything going on. He wanted to say he was surprised, but he would be lying. It would be a downright lie if you said you weren’t impressed with his ability and with him in general.
You repeatedly praised him, and he always gave you the same response: 
“World’s greatest detective, remember?”
The one thing that would cause him to see you in a new light, was when he got lost. You remembered Kunikida mentioning that he wasn’t the best at navigating the train system
He really said that Ranpo didn’t even know how to read the schedule, and that someone had to always walk with him to make sure he was going to the right places. 
He just wanted to go back to the office to his beloved snacks, when this happened. He wasn’t stupid by any means, but it was a waste to use his ability on something trivial as this-
“Mr. Ranpo! Wait for me!”
Just as he knew, you were running late meeting him
“Hey (Y/N) what took you so long?! My beloved snacks are calling for me back at the agency, and I need to answer-”
“Don’t worry, I packed you some!”
“Yeah, I already knew that since that’s the reason you’re late. And before you ask, you look out of breath, the receipt is still crumpled in your hand, and I see some crumbs from something you already ate on your clothes.”
Huh. Was it that obvious? You guess so...
Or maybe Ranpo really is the world’s greatest detective!
“I know, I know. I’m the best, no need to tell-”‘
“Mr. Ranpo, you deserve all the praise that you get. You’re someone I want to be like when I get older.”
“Hm?”, there you go praising him again, but you were crying
“I feel like people don’t take you seriously like they should, Just because you don't fight like the others doesn’t mean that you’re not a valuable asset to the group! And I wish people saw you like how I do! You’re my inspiration to do my best everyday. And I know that I can’t be the best detective, but I want to be as strong and intelligent and brave just like you so I can save people and be a motivating hero like you!”
He’s silent, and your words are sinking in. You’re wiping away your tears, the start of an apology on the tip of your tongue, when he suddenly put his hand on top of your head
He’s staring right at you, glasses on and green eyes open for you to see
“You’re already on your way there (Y/N). That I know. And I’m never wrong with my deductions, let alone when using my ability.”
The flood gates have OPENED 
You know that he doesn’t technically have an ability, but that doesn’t stop you from accepting his words and finding them as the truth. If Ranpo said it, he meant it. He was the world’s greatest detective, and you didn’t have any doubt in him
“Now let’s go, it’s going to start raining and I don’t want us to be hungry and drenched. Plus, Kunikida is totally freaking out and thinking that we’re both lost and in some criminal’s hideout right now.”
After that fateful day, the dynamic shifted between you two. Instead of you just doing the work, he pushed it off on someone else so he could explain to you about the different cases he had to solve, and other detective matters
Really he was just bragging and having you both slack off, but it didn’t matter you guys were still having fun
It even got to a point where he shared some snacks with you from his sacred snack pile
All in all, while he knew that you couldn’t be the greatest detective (that was his title after all), he would help you get to your goal regardless. Not that you would need a lot of extra help, he was watching over you after all, and you already have a good head on your shoulders along with the heart of a hero
Every Sherlock needs a Watson, and he deducted that it wasn’t too bad having you by his side
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
California Dreamin’ (2/?)
Pairing: Topper x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: underage drinking, mild violence, drug use 
Part Summary: Y/N and Topper have lunch together and later attend the Cameron’s party. 
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After surfing for most of the morning, I've grown tired. The waves here are so different than in Malibu. I run out of the water onto the sand, tossing my hair to the side. I hadn't noticed Topper on the beach in the middle of a morning run until I return to my belongings. He slows to a stop once he reaches my stuff. 
"Morning," I greet with a warm smile. 
"I could see you down the beach. You're really good!" 
"Thanks! Years of practice." I giggle. 
He raises a brow. "What are you up to later?" 
"Well, there's the party at the Camerons since Ward and Rose are gone for the weekend. You're going right?" I ask. 
"I was thinking of making an appearance." He remarks wittily. "You free until then?" 
I shrug. "As a bird." 
"Would you want to get some coffee or something?" 
A faint blush forms on my cheeks. "Sounds good." 
Sitting at the small table outside of the cafe, I can't help but admire her as she talks about California. All changed out her bathing suit and into a cropped Boston band T-shirt and ripped up Daisy Dukes. Half of her hair is tossed up into a bun, the rest hanging loose in waves over her shoulders. She doesn't notice my absentmindedly listening as I analyze every inch of her, even her white Converse high tops, the laces so stretched that she can tie them around her ankles multiple times. 
The waitress interrupts my daze and takes our orders. 
"Regular black coffee and farmer's breakfast please," I request. 
"Lavender tea and granola acai bowl, please. Thank you so much." Y/N smiles, handing her menu to the girl. 
What the hell is acai anyway? Does anyone know? Because I don't. 
When her eyes meet mine, she giggles. "What? Are you gonna start calling me Granola Girl?" 
"I didn't even know how to pronounce acai until you said it," I admit. 
"You should try it! It's very good for you!" She encourages. 
I make a 'yuck' sound and cower. "Isn't it purple?" 
"Maybe... Don't let that scare you!" She giggles. "Branch out, Thorton." 
"Okay, I'll try it, but only because you're peer-pressuring me!" I laugh. 
After a few minutes, my coffee and her tea arrive. Almost immediately, she reaches for the bottle of honey on the table and squeezes some in. 
"Did you know it takes bees almost a month to produce honey?" She asks. "A little fun fact."  
I glance up from stirring my coffee right as she brings her honey-coated finger to her mouth and begins to suck on it. Her eyes meet mine innocently, not suspecting of my thoughts. Fuck me. 
I swallow hard and quickly return my focus to picking up my coffee. 
"Sarah mentioned a party happening at The Boneyard tomorrow. What's that?" She asks with furrowed brows. 
"It's uh... it's place on The Cut," I stammer, still caught off guard by the honey incident. 
She frowns as takes a sip from her tea. "Why is it called 'The Cut'?" 
"It's where Pogues live. It's just the less valuable part of the island," I do my best to describe. 
"The people from The Cut." 
"Do you all from your neighborhood have a name?" 
"They call us Kooks." I shrug. 
"At least it's fair. Sounds rather West Side Story," she teases with a giggle.
The waitress appears with our food. My plate is rather basic, All-American breakfast. Y/N's is a symbol of the trendy West Coast. In summary, we fit our stereotypes. 
I'm hesitant to say what I'm thinking, but Y/N doesn't know the island as I do. She hasn't met any Pogues and should be careful. "You should stay away from Pogues. They have a tendency to steal and lie." I advise. 
Her face falters, apparently, they don't have stuff like where she's from. "Oh... wow... noted." 
"Yeah, I would stay close to Rafe or me tomorrow night," I suggest, genuinely concerned for her and partially for my own benefit. 
She smiles, taking a bite of her smoothie bowl. "Will do."
"Our friends will be there so you should be okay, but Pogues will be too. Tourons too."  
She laughs. "Is that what you call tourists?" 
I suppress a grin and drag my tongue across my lower lip. 
"So I'm a touron?" She questions with amusement. 
My eyes grow wide and impulsively, my hand travels across the table to land on hers. "No, no! Not you!" I then notice my hand resting on hers. Oh geez, I'm messing this up! "Oh.. uh.. sor-" 
Calmly, she glides her hand over, allowing our fingers to interlock. She brings them down to rest on her lap under the table. "You're fine, Topper!" She giggles. "You apologize too much. Relax. It's just me." 
A smile forms on my lips and I nod. She's right, it's her, she's not scary. She's kind and understanding, more relaxed than anyone I've ever met. 
"Here, try this." She scoops up some of her smoothie bowl, picking up some granola and fruit on top. She guides the spoon into my mouth and I try it. 
I nod, processing the experience. "Okay, I'm a fan." 
"I knew you would be," she grins, giving my hand a faint squeeze. 
The remainder of the meal, on the walk to the car, throughout the drive, and until I dropped her off, we hold hands. It felt so natural and right, as though our hands were made for each other. It was difficult to let go, to say the least. 
Well into the party at the Cameron's, Rafe challenges me to jump off the roof into their pool three stories below. Kelce gets him fired up, encouraging the challenge. Y/N and Sarah innocently stand nearby on the balcony, smoking a joint together. I would be lying if I said I haven't been watching Y/N all night. That yellow bikini should be illegal. 
"I'll do it if Y/N does!" I compromise. 
Rafe grins wickedly and I instantly regret what I said. He gets up from his spot on the couch and jogs over to the girls. He rests his hand on Y/N's lower back, dangerously close to her ass. I swallow hard, doing my best not to make a scene. As they talk and laugh, he glides his arm around her. The way she looks at him so intently, makes me wonder if it's solely friendly. Then again, Y/N has the ability to make everyone feel like they're the most important person in the world. 
"Oh, you're on!" I hear her tell him. 
Rafe takes her hand and brings her over. "She's down!" 
The next thing I know, Y/N and I are standing on the roof of the Cameron's house. 
"Scared?" I ask her as I peer down at the pool below. People stand with their heads tilted back, cheering for us to jump. 
She shrugs. "It's just like cliff jumping. I do it all the time back home." She slips her hand into mine. 
My eyes flicker down to our interlocked hands and an idea pops into my head. I tuck my arm behind her legs and scoop her up. 
She instantly flings her arms around my neck and squeals. "Topper!" 
"Ready?" I chuckle. 
"On three!" She giggles nervously. 
I nod and begin to count. "Okay! One! Two!" I jump and cheers ensue louder. 
Y/N screams and clings to me. Her face is hidden within the curve of my neck. Within seconds, the cool pool water consumes us. We break apart and I kick to the surface. When I pop out of the water and wipe my eyes, I find Y/N close by. She swims over to me, smiling brightly. I snake my arm around her and guide her legs around my waist. 
I point to her and announce to the cheering crowd. "This is the coolest girl in the OBX!" 
The party has died down, the sun threatening to rise in two to three hours. Topper and Kelce finish a game of pong outside and Sarah crashed a while ago. I watch dazed as Y/N takes another hit from the joint and hands it to me. She sits back onto the couch and leans into my side, resting her head on my shoulder as I take another hit. Once there's nothing left but ash, I set it down on the ashtray on the side table. I rest my now free hand on Y/N's knee as she rests against me.  
"So soft..." I mumble, rubbing my thumb over her skin. 
Y/N rises off my shoulder, resting her chin against it. I turn my head, meeting her red and dilated eyes. She smiles softly at me. 
I lift my other hand to caress her cheek. "So beautiful..." 
She stares into my eyes and I'm left wondering what's going on inside her head. My eyes flicker down to her lips and I want to kiss her. Following my instincts, I lean in. 
Shaking her head, she presses a hand to my chest and moves away. "Rafe, don't." 
I persist, scooting closer to her. "Why not? It's not like you're still with Nate," I chuckle. 
"We're friends..." She reminds me. 
I press against her shoulder to urge her down onto the couch. "We could be more." I lean in to kiss her again. 
Within seconds, Y/N's palm flies across my cheek with a smack. "Jesus Rafe! I said no!" 
I hiss, my hand covering up my cheek. 
Y/N takes the opportunity to slip out from under me. She storms off toward the staircase. I slam my fist against the back of the couch. Damn, that slap fucking hurt. She really knows how to hit! Suddenly, Topper and Kelce appear from outside, laughing and talking about the party. I pull out my vile of coke from my pocket, ready to release the pain in my face. 
"Where did Y/N go?" Topper chuckles as they plop down on the couch with me.  
"I don't know, bed? Who gives a fuck," I grumble, pouring myself a new line on the table. 
“What’s with the attitude?” Kelce questions. 
“Nothing, man. Just don’t care about her.” I hide behind a disdained expression. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things@hockeybabe87 @jolomez @plutooryectors
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sugar-sweets-fanfic · 3 years
Zemo x Wife!Reader
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Word count - 1,694
Warning! - (NO MINORS ALLOWED) 18+ content, some daddy kink, dom!fem, no protection, rough sex, light hand job, praises
Author's note - Sorry I didn't proof read so if there is any typos I apologize!
Prompt - You have been married to Zemo before he was locked up. His butler informed you he was out of prison. So you find out where he is and come knocking on his window. Wanting to spend your minimal time importantly. 🤣
Knock Knock Knock
Zemo had just got out of the shower. Tying his robe as he heard the peculiar noise. Wondering over to his window and quickly noticed you peeking through. His eyes widen and his lips curl to a smile. Swiftly, he unlocked the window and pulled it open.
"My darling..!" You happily cry out. Jumping into his arms. Hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go. It hurt to not see him for years. You miss him, especially his wonderful scent.
Zemo chuckled, "shhh, you must be quiet, my love." His hands slide up your back. His lips connect to the top of your head. Giving you a nice squeeze before letting go of you. Pulling back to take you all in. He hadn't seen you in years. Though all the memories of you flooded back. You looked angelic to him.
Your cheeks fill with pink pigment. Looking away shyly, you brush some hair behind your ear. "What? Do I look different? Is it bad?" You ask in an insecure manner. Hoping to not displease him. Suddenly you are pushed to look back at him. Catching his random outburst of chuckles.
"You look stunning, sweetheart." Zemo uttered out. Soon shutting the window and closing the curtains. He strolls over to the door and locks it. "I've been very lonesome. I'm afraid I may not be free much longer, my kitten."
You give him a worrisome look. That's definitely what you didn't want to hear. Instantly, you grab a hold of one of his hands. Bringing it up to your lips. Giving a tender Peck to the back of his hand. Soon holding it up to your cheek. Caressing his hand against the side of your face. "Don't say that. We will think of something to do. I promise, I won't let them separate us again." Your tone had a subtle shaky-ness to it.
Zemo sighed softly at your affections. They felt so warm and just reminded him of better times. "No, you mustn't stress over the inevitable. I know these moments will end with me behind bars again. It's too good to be true." He explains in a gentle tone. More gentle than he usually ever sounds. Which makes what he says all too real.
You feel his thumb rub your cheek. Closing your eyes in a relaxed fashion. "Then let me make these moments unforgettable, my world." You, in a way, beg. Wanting desperately to make it all last while. At least he would have these hours to think about. So he wouldn't just have so much pain to think about in a cold prison.
Zemo shifted his hand over. His thumb, catching your bottom lip. Swiping it across your plump lip. "Give me your body tonight..and make it last me a lifetime." He smiled softly. Demanding such a thing in a very soft way. Which wasn't normal for Zemo. He usually is so aggressive and forceful. Though it was a very nice change.
Not even giving a vocal answer. You begin to kiss against his thumb. Taking it in with your tongue. Giving light sucks against half of his digit. Your eyes focus on one another. His thumb pushed deeper into your mouth. Letting out a heavy hum of desire. Sucking harder as you felt his gaze grow more and more hunger for intimacy. Slowly, pulling his thumb from your mouth. He drug his down your bottom lip to your chin.
"Please, my love. I want you to have a night you won't forget. Lemme be in charge." You asked in a delicate tone. Taking his hand that just was touching you. Stroking the back of it with your thumb. His eyes flutter as he gives you a stare. A stare he hasn't given you in a long time. Not since the first you met. A lustful, longing gaze. All he mustered was a nod as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
"Okay, you can be in charge. Give me a night I can fantasize about in my cell." He smirked.
You giggle as you gently pull away from him. Reaching forwards to the tie on his robe. Opening it up to see his body. Making you melt on the inside. Geez, you really needed to compose yourself. Before you could do anything else. Zemo pulled it off completely. As he leaned in to get some sweet affections. But you stop him and gesture for him to lay down on the bed. Even though you did want to take him right there badly.
"Don't let this power get to your head."
"I just want you to relax baby. So I can strip down for you and hump your brains out." You wink.
"Oooh.. Say no more." Zemo chripped. As he fluffed some pillows. Getting on the bed, laying on his back. His head propped up by the piled pillows. As he stares over at you. His gaze still remains very heated.
You felt a touch shy, due to the attention you had. Turning your back to him as you slowly pull off your top. Swaying your hips playfully as you tossed the shirt to the side. Looking over your shoulder at him. As he chuckled softly and smiled at you. Before long you slid off your bottoms. Stepping out of them and kicking them away.
Soon enough Zemo was starting to touch himself. His hand stroked his full shaft. As he watched you eagerly, unable to hide his excitement for you. Which gave you more confidence and aroused. You walk over to his side. Removing your panties next to him. Before you gently pull his hand away.
"No more, baby.. I don't want you to have too much fun without me."
"Then ride m—"
"Beg.. Or I won't let you be inside me."
"Ugh..you little tease." He sighed in annoyance. Having a playful smirk worn on his face. "Please.. Fuck me til I'm dry and can't cum anymore." He begged like you wanted.
"Heh, fine. I'll do it Zemo, just for you daddy." You get on top of him and straddle him. Spitting into the palm of your hand. Soon stroking it all on his cock. Giving him a few heavy strokes. Hearing him softly hum in pleasure. Once he felt hard enough you let go. Seeing it stand up nicely, pulsing with needs. Needs to be buried deep inside your core. Which got you throbbing and a bit damp.
"Baby, help me keep my balance."
"Of course.. Here. You can hold my hands or lean over and put your hands on my chest." He said in a hushed tone.
You gave a nod as you reached to take his hands. Holding them firmly as you begin to shift your hips just right. You felt his tip up against your entrance. Biting your bottom lip as you keep eye contact with him. Slowly you sink down until you're filled. Your mouth agape as your grip tightens.
"Nnn.. So tight.." Zemo groaned in his gruff tone.
Soon you'd be hearing more of his groans. As you begin to carefully bounce on his erection. Letting soft steady moans leave your lips. Steadily you began to rock up and down. "Ahhh… fuck baby. You have such a fat cock." You whimper. Soon hearing a chuckle of amusement from your lover. You look at him with Redden cheeks.
"You're so cute when you say such perverted things." He teased you. Still letting some groans slip. Especially when you fell quicker against his hard on.
"Oh h-..mm.. H-Hush."
You really start to get into the groove of things. Bouncing and rolling your hips at a faster pace. Earning you repeated praises and moans from your lover. As this pattern of bounces grew boring to you. You wanted to spice things up. Letting go of his hands. Which made him give you a curious look. You lean over and hold onto his shoulders.
I'm seconds you begin to hump him hard. Making the bed creak loudly. Zemo gasped, his hands clinging to your hips. "Nnn! Fuck!" He growled in a heated fashion. Under his breath he began to chant praises to you. Which made you fuck him harder. Focusing on using kegels at the right moments.
"Ahhh nnn.. Baby please." Zemo uttered in a whine. As he didn't expect such naughty things from you.
"Please what? Tell me Zemo. Want me to fuck you harder? You poor horny thing." You murmur in a toying baby voice. Some sharp grunts mixed within your words.
All he can conjure is a quick nod as he stares deep into your eyes. Biting his bottom lip hard. His body tensing up here and there. While you make your skins slap violently together. Your moans grow louder and louder together. At this point Zemo didn't care if they were heard. He was only focused on you.
"You're going to make me cum.. Mmm."
"Fill me please daddy. I wanna be stuffed.!" You cry out, unable to hold back anymore. The walls of your core clamp against his girth. Coating his shaft in your juices.
Zemo gasps deeply as he yanks your hips down. Holding you firmly down against his pelvis. To be deep inside of you, filling you up. Your eyes widen as you feel his warm cream shoot up in your cervix. "Ahhh! Oh Z-Zemo.. Baby!" You cry deeply.
He forcefully holds you down for a few moments. As his orgasm soon comes to an end. His grip loosens and he lets go of you. His hands rub your outer thighs gently. Both of you pant in sinc. Bodies glisten with passionate sweat. You don't want to move, loving the feel of his softening member stuffed in you. Laying against him, you give him weak kisses.
"Mmm, I love you my sweet kitten." Zemo said between kisses.
"I love you too.." You mumbled back in a tired tone.
Zemo rubs your back gently and as he hushes you. "Get some rest. You did good. I'll definitely remember this forever." He chuckled lightly. Letting you rest against his chest as you two enjoyed every second of this.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt.7
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: Smut, Angsty, Cursing, 18+
Summary: Theres been some trouble in the journey to the competition and so class 1-A has to take a quick stop. Things get steamy for the hot couple but is Y/N regretting her decisions?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
When you opened your eyes, you took notice of the gorgeous stars that littered across the beautiful night sky. The sky itself was a mix of deep, dark, navy blue with hints of purple and white in the mix, creating a gorgeous scenery. The bus had drove far away from the city and its light pollution, giving you the best views you’ve ever scene. Speaking of views, when you turned away from the window, you saw Katsuki resting peacefully. You smiled softly with a warm glow on your face and cuddled in closer to him.
As the drive continued, you felt the bus jump, create a loud noise, and eventually slowed and stop. You looked around and noticed a few other students waking up, along with Aizawa. When he came back from checking on the front, he spoke to the class.
“Alright you rowdy bastards....WAKE UP!” He shouted into the megaphone that woke up every sleeping student, including Katsuki.
“GAH!” Bakugou screamed as he was awaken from his deep sleep. “Geez, your dad really had to break everybody’s eardrums?”
“Ew Suki, don’t call him that.” You laughed out as you both refocused your attention on Aizawa.
“So. There’s been a change of plans. The bus has broken down and we seem to be in the middle of nowhere so we’re gonna have to camp out for a little while. I just got off the phone with the competition advisors and they said they’ll postpone the event until we arrive. So everybody just get comfortable, we’re gonna be here for awhile. For now, can I get Y/N and Rumor up front.” He explained and demanded.
You got up from your seat and whistled for Rumor to follow. You made it up to the front to see him and asked him what he wanted.
“Yes?” You asked with your arms crossed and a tired look on your face.
“Take Rumor and scope the surrounding areas. Look for a place where we can stay and if you can’t find anything, just come back here. We’ll just camp out on the bus until we get some work done to the bus. I’ll call a repair company and see if they can send someone to help us with the bus. Be back here in 20 minutes MAX. Got it?” He said.
You only nodded as you went back to your seat to grab the earring to explain what was happening to the league. When you got there Bakugou asked what happened and demanded to go with you but you reassured him you’d be fine and then kissed him before walking off the bus. Bakugou, still uneasy about the whole thing, went up to Aizawa.
“Hey! Let me at least go with her just in case!” He demanded. Aizawa only rolled his eyes as the blonde before he spoke.
“Bakugou, Y/N is a very capable girl. If she runs into any trouble, she can handle it and if I was that trouble, I’d be the one running away from Y/N. And she has Rumor who can also fight and transform into any animal, mythical or real. They’ll be fine.” He explained.
“Yeah but-“
“Bakugou. I’m sure Y/N has told you about her past already, and so you know that her and Rumor have done pretty well on survival. They’ll be okay. Not get back to your seat.”
Bakugou huffed as he reluctantly went back and slouched in his chair. Back with Y/N, she was riding on Rumor in his giant hawk form as they flew around. While in the air, she told the league what happened and said when she arrives at the competition, she’ll send her coordinates and then they can arrive.
As Y/N flown around, after about 15 minutes she found a motel not too far from the bus. She had Rumor turn around and make it back to the bus. When she arrived she noticed the students had all exited the bus and settled around a camp fire they set up nearby. She landed and the class all got excited at the cool sight of Rumor in a different form. Bakugou quickly ran to Y/N and hugged her after he had been worrying for so long.
“You okay? Are you hurt?!” He asked while checking you for any bruising or damaging.
“Suki, I’m fine don’t worry! I’m great actually. Aizawa!” You called out, grabbing your dad’s attention. “Found a motel. Right off of west end. Rumor can bring all of us in about 2 trips on his flying bison form.”
“Great. Then let’s go.” He replied. You laughed as you heard the boys of the Bakusquad get rowdy and excited at the news of another bison ride. The Bakusquad and dekusquad along with Momo and Jirou rode first. You made it there and had Rumor fly back to get the rest of the people including Aizawa and the bus driver.
When you made it back, Aizawa had gone to book everyone’s rooms and you and Bakugou hung out in the corner of the lobby away from everyone.
As you leaned against a wall waiting for the room keys, you took notice of how Bakugou was just smiling with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head as he sat in a lobby chair.
“What’s up with you smiley?” You laughed out as you sat on his lap. He chuckled as he finally opened his eyes to look at you.
“You telling me you don’t remember?” He questioned. You thought about it for a little bit but ultimately came to no answer.
“Remember what suki?” You asked, and Bakugou sat up straight with his hand wrapping around your waist as he got in your face.
“You promised me the next time we get in a bed, you would let me have my way with you. And would you look at that. We’re in a motel, where there are beds, and we all have our own rooms with at least 1 partner.” He explained happily.
“Aha, nice try Suki, but Aizawa definitely wouldn’t let me sleep in a room with a guy let alone someone who is my boyfriend. I’m gonna get paired up with...I think Jirou.” You said with a confident smile.
“Right, and I’m getting paired up with Denki and won’t you look at that, Denki and Jirou are dating! I’m pretty sure Ears wouldn’t mind switching with me so I could spend time with my girlfriend while she gets to hang with her own boyfriend.” He smirked. You realized he was right and your smile dropped as you quickly got up from his lap.
“Nervous? I thought I was the virgin.” He teased. You rolled your eyes at his comment. You weren’t nervous to have sex......you were nervous because this time it was with a guy you love...and that guy was Katsuki Bakugou. He radiates big dick energy.
“Um..no,” you pouted with side eye.
“You hesitated,” he smiled.
“NO I DIDNT!” Bakugou just chuckled at your cute behaviour before he stood up and pecked your cheek.
“Don’t worry princess. I’ll treat you real good. Promise,” he whispered in your ear. The sound of his husky voice went right in between your legs and you could already feel yourself growing wet and becoming a puddle right underneath him. Except you weren’t even underneath him and he didn’t even touch you. The power he holds is....stupid. But, you finally snapped outta your little bitch phase and played his game.
“Fine then,” you said and proceeded to wrap your arms around his neck and whisper in his ear, “better not disappoint...daddy.” You playfully said and walked away with a smirk leaving Bakugou with an open and shocked smile as he watched you go.
Aizawa called everyone over to grab their keys.
“Alright. Boys and Girls will not share any rooms and the opposite gender is not allowed in the other’s room after 10 o’clock,” Aizawa began to call out names and finally got to the end. “Y/N and Jirou, and Bakugou and Kaminari.”
Bakugou looked at Kaminari with devil eyes and growled at him as he tilted his head towards Jirou. Kaminari shook in his place and quickly ran to his girlfriend.
“H-Hey babe! Wanna trade with Bakugou so we can share a room together?” Jirou looked at her terrified boyfriend with a raised brow in confusion.
“Are you okay Denk-“
“PLEASE! PLEASE TRADE WITH THAT DEMON!” Kaminari begged. Jirou and Y/N looked towards Bakugou and then towards Aizawa.
“Okay Jirou, since he’s this scared of Katsuki, I’ll stay with him and you can stay with Denki. Don’t worry about Aizawa, everything will be fine.” Y/N said.
“You sure?” Jirou questioned.
“Mhm! Besides, what kinda girl wouldn’t wanna spend more time with her boyfriend?” You said rhetorically and walked away to Katsuki. “Let’s go, Love.”
“Yes M’am.” Bakugou said as he followed you while looking around to make sure no one noticed. You both walked but remained silent. It wasn’t an awkward silence, more like you both were too excited for what was to come. When you and Bakugou finally arrived at your room, you put the key in as Bakugou continued to be on lookout. When you opened the door, Bakugou pushed you in and shut the door and locked it.
He pulled you in before you could turn around and gave you a hot kiss. His hands roamed your body until they eventually reached your ass to give it a firm squeeze and nice smack. You gasped at the feeling and Bakugou quickly slid his tongue in. Your tongues glided across each other as you tugged at Bakugou’s hair. You swear, if you didn’t know him and this was just a one-night, you would think he’s already had experience. Bakugou separated from your lips the slightest bit just to tell you to “jump.”
You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you to the bed and placed you down. He continued the kiss and unbuttoned your school top and removed your tie. You did the same to him as he groped your chest, massaging the plump flesh through your lace bra. He pulled off your skirt and then discarded his own pants and went to kiss your neck.
You moaned at the feeling of his tongue as he sucked on patch after patch leaving purple marks that would definitely show in the morning. While on your neck he removed your bra and panties and his hands quickly went to feel your exposed body. He backed away to stare at the sight of you. He bit his lip as he took notice of your breast and naked body.
“Perfect,” he whispered to himself as he stared and touched. You giggled at his compliment and pulled him in for a few pecks before flipping him over and straddling his lap as he sat up. “Yes Princess?”
“I promised you a good first time. Let me keep my word, Suki.” You smiled at him as he did the same to you.
“Fine then. Show me a good time.” He smirked at you and tilted his head back on the headboard. You smirked and pulled down his boxers to reveal his giant length. It stood erect with an angry red tip that was begging to be satisfied. You stared at it in awe. You already knew he was big..but this size was ridiculous. Not only had he had a long length, he was thick too. Extremely girthy. Bakugou smirked as he realized you were too distracted with his size that you didn’t continue anything.
“Hey Princess, you gonna stare or suck?” He asked with a grin. You gave him a little “hmph,” as your hand went right to his tip, using your thumb to rub around his slit. He groaned and sighed at the feeling of your tiny hands on him as you noticed his little blush adorn his face.
“You doing okay Katsuki?” You asked with sass as you pumped his cock, causing him to loudly gasp at the change of speed and pleasure.
“F-Fuck...this is nothing Princess,” he seethed out. You tilted your head and smirked as you went down to kiss his tip. You kissed his length up and down as you felt him shake at the feeling. Once you reached the bottom, you licked his shaft up to the top causing him to moan. You finally took his tip in your mouth and swirled your tongue around him. You swallowed his pre-cum and finally went down on him, taking as much you could.
“O-Oh fuck! Shit..shit baby,” he said as his hand went to your head and he threw his head back. You bobbed your head up and down and gagged on his dick, making music that was perfect to Bakugou. You used your hand to pump whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth and soon felt Bakugou thrusting his hips up the slightest bit. You moaned as his dick sat in your throat causing vibrations to consume his entire length.
“Fuck-fuck!” Bakugou said and his hand on your head moved you up and down, controlling the speed of your movements. You moaned louder as tear puddles began to fill your eyes. Your hands, no longer needed to pump the rest of his cock, went to fondle his balls as he groaned louder.
“Shit...suck my dick just like that Princess. Mm..you want me to blow my load right down your throat! Wanna taste my cum?” He teased. You moaned even more in agreement as you took control again and began to speed up even more.
“Ohh! God! I’m close! I’m so close baby...mm I’m gonna cum down your throat! OH FUCK! I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed out and soon you felt his warm seed shoot down your throat. You tasted his cum all over your tongue and savored the salty-sweet flavor. “You like that? Mm, you like the way daddy taste on your tongue?”
You pulled of him as he quickly went to pump his own cock to bring it back to life.
“Open,” he demanded and noticed all the cum sitting in your mouth. He smirked at the sight and then spoke, “swallow it.”
You smirked as you shut your mouth and swallowed it all. You opened your mouth to show him it was all gone and he smiled as he bit his lip.
“Happy?” You asked while getting close to his face.
“Very.” He smirked as you both went in for another kiss. You straddled him once more and he aligned himself up with your entrance. You felt his tip slide across your cunt and you moaned in his mouth.
“Excited?” Bakugou said with a grin.
“Please Katsuki, please just fuck me!” You breathed out. He smiled against your lips as he slammed you down on his cock.
“FUCK!” You cried out with your head thrown back as Bakugou admired the sight. You weren’t even prepped so you were tighter than ever as your pussy swallowed him whole. You bounced on his cock as you cried and moaned. He grabbed a hold of your ass as he smacked it from time to time.
“Shit baby...yeah bounce on that cock. You like it? Like having a giant dick deep inside your pretty little pussy?” He said with a deep voice.
“Yess Suki. Mm, fuck me just like that!” You cried out. Bakugou wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his feet flat on the bed as he lifted you up and down while he thrusted his hips up into you. The speed and strength of his thrust threw you into a haze.
“Oh my goddd! Yes Katsuki! Y-yes! So big..f-fuck!” Your hands went around his neck so you could support yourself as Katsuki’s thrusts never stopped. “Oh fuck daddy I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah? Gonna cum? Spill it on my cock so daddy can fill you up!” He demanded.
“Yes! Yes! Yessss! Shit! Katsuki..Katsuki! Don’t stop! YES!” You screamed as you came and spilled it all over his cock. Katsuki didn’t stop though. He continued till he came and he came hard.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...ARGH!!” Katsuki shouted as he spilled his load deep inside you. He moaned out as his warm cum filled up your womb. He fucked himself through both your orgasms and he finally slowed down. You were still sitting on his dick as a mix of both your releases spilled out of you and onto the bed. You both settled as you both came down from your highs, however you both didn’t separate. Katsuki still released groans and broken sighs as he relished in the feeling of his first time.
You were exhausted but you wanted to take control. You weren’t the virgin, but Katsuki made you look like the newbie. You had to be the last one standing. As Katsuki laid against the head board still moaning softly, you placed your hands on his shoulders and began to bounce again.
Katsuki’s head snapped up as he realized what you were doing and he already came twice. This was his first time and if you kept going, he would feel his third high approaching soon.
“N-No! No baby! P-lease! Please it’s too much! AH FUCK! Ohh god! S’too sensitive,” he cried out as he sobbed in overstimulation. He felt euphoric but it was too much for his first time.
“Oh c’mon daddy, you got this. I want you to fill my pussy one more time. Please?” You said with a sweet seductive voice. Bakugou looked at you with pleading eyes as they filled with little tears due to the immense pleasure.
“I- I can’t princess! Fuck it’s too much!” He argued. You only smirked and encouraged him to pull through as you continued your bouncing. Bakugou continued to blab out moans and cried as his mouth hung open. He let out sobs of euphoria as he shook. You went in to kiss him and this time your tongue dominated as Katsuki became a total sub beneath you. Bakugou moaned into the kiss sharply before he pulled away.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum! Babyy! ....Fuck!” He cried out.
“Cum inside me Katsuki, fill me up please,” you begged. You bounced harder until Katsuki’s body stilled as his cum filled you up just like you asked.
“Fuuuuucckkk, shit....hah....mmm,” he moaned as he finished. Your legs shook from the feeling as you both were now officially done with Katsuki’s first time. After a minute to catch your breaths, you pulled off his cock and cuddled into Katsuki as he weakly wrapped his arms around you. You both were still breathing heavily but you had smiles on your faces as your minds were in a daze. A fuzzy aura surrounded you both as you finally settled. Katsuki pecked your forehead before he spoke.
“That was amazing.” He sighed out with closed, satisfied eyes. You giggled at his reaction as you smiled at him.
“Definitely.” He smiled down at you as he covered you both in the blanket and tucked you guys in. He planned on getting some rest and you went to follow as he hugged you close. You rested on his chest and you both relaxed in silence. Soon enough, you noticed Katsuki had fallen asleep and you smiled as you messed with his soft hair. You looked at the time and saw it was 11:47. Soon would be time for the competition.
You frowned and your eyes went wide. You just took Katsuki’s virginity. And tomorrow, you would be the reason the league would attack his school, his friends, his idols and teachers, and other schools. You sat up from his chest and you covered your mouth with both hands to hide your sobs. Katsuki remained asleep after he exhausted his energy, and didn’t wake up. You were thankful for that but tears fell as you dropped your head down and cried.
How could you do this to him? He loved you. He wanted you to be his first. He put his all in you and you’re paying him back like this! Granted, you loved him too, but you would have to break his heart in the end.
“I’m so sorry....I’m so sorry Katsuki.” You said and fell to his chest, silently crying. Katsuki still didn’t wake up, too deep in his sleep to be aware of anything. He couldn’t hear your quiet sobs or feel your hot tears as they fell on his sculpted chest. That night, you cried yourself to sleep again. Out of all the things you could’ve done, this was the worst. Your tear stained cheeks rested against Katsuki’s chest as you drifted off into slumber, fearful and anxious of the upcoming events.
“I’m sorry...”
You both woke up that morning, one completely engulfed in blissful happiness and one filled up with an anxious feeling. Bakugou smiled as he looked down at you, completely nude and covered in his markings. He could definitely get used to that feeling of pride he felt when he saw you adorned in...well, him.
After a few minutes of cuddling, you both decided it was time to get ready. You both took a shower together and you tried to laugh as much as you could, but you couldn’t help but let a few moments of fear and sadness slip out. As you got dressed and made your way to the lobby to meet with everyone again, Bakugou took notice of your behavior.
“Princess? You feeling okay?” He asked. You looked at him with worried eyes but your mouth covered it up.
“Mhm! I’m okay, Suki. Don’t worry.” You said. Bakugou didn’t believe it and even though he didn’t know what it was, his mind thought the worst and thought I had something to do with him.
“Umm..was it me? Do you...regret what happened last night?” He asked. You looked up at him in shock and you started to realizing a pattern. Bakugou always thought it was his fault whenever you were upset, and that just made your heart ache.
“Suki, you never upset me at all. I don’t regret anything with you, especially not last night. It was the best night of my life and being with you is the best decision I’ve ever made. Stop blaming yourself, okay hero?” You reassured him. He smiled at your words and appreciated them, but he knew you were still upset about something and weren’t telling him.
“If you’re upset about something, you can talk to me...okay?” He offered.
“I know. That you for that.” You said. He pulled you in for a comforting hug and you sighed in relief as you welcomed his touch. You hugged him back much tighter than usual.
“I love you,” he whispered softly in your ear as he held you. Your eyes almost filled with tears but you fought them.
“I love you more.”
Back on the bus, the people of UA continued their journey to the competition. Each second inched you closer and closer to what could possibly be the end of the UA you’ve come to love. Somebody, something, is going to encounter something bad. They’ll either go missing...or worse. And it’ll be your fault. You thought about the friends you’ve made, the new father you’ve acquired, and the amazing relationship with Bakugou that you’ve been blessed with. Everything’s about to change.
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladrien June Day 4 - Squall: Trust Disguise
This story is a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, and Marichat May stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Squall
There was a truly diverse collection of treats available, to the point where Adrien legitimately didn’t know what to choose. Everything just looked so good! Though he privately thought that it probably wouldn’t be quite as good as what he’d had from the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he was still enormously tempted by everything that he laid his eyes on.
“Do you need some help picking things out?” the girl behind the counter asked, and Adrien glanced up at her. It wasn’t Alice, though they looked similar enough that he figured they were likely related. She had the same dark hair and sleight build, though her eyes were blue and not brown.
“This is my first time here. I’m not sure what to pick,” Adrien admitted.
“I can help you pick something! That’s what I’m here. I’m Bridgette.” She flashed him a warm smile. “Do you have any allergies? Any likes or dislikes?”
“No allergies, or at least none to food,” Adrien said. “I’m not a big fan of dark chocolate or mint.”
Bridgette hummed thoughtfully. “What about fruit flavors?” she asked, and Trixx gave an excited wiggle in his pocket. Adrien faked a cough, bringing his hand up to his mouth to cover his shirt pocket before Bridgette realized said pocket was moving.
Plagg, at least, usually went into his pocket and just snoozed. It would be just as weird if anyone noticed that his pants pocket was moving, so if Trixx kept being so active Adrien was going to have to tie the little kwami up – or at least figure out some other way to disguise Trixx. But then he thought maybe it was just hunger, so he nodded at Bridgette.
“I love fruit,” he said.
“Great! How about a tart, then? They have a milk chocolate base with a pastry cream center and fruit on top.” She pointed to a specific spot in the display case and Adrien bent closer to look. The tart had been perfectly sculpted, with fresh strawberries, kiwis, blueberries, and chunks of mango artfully arranged on top. The fruit was so shiny that it didn’t look real.
It was perfect for Trixx.
“That looks perfect. I’ll take that,” Adrien said happily. He swept his eyes across the display case, noticing a set of mini cakes. These were also adorned with fresh fruit: bananas and strawberries. Bridgette noticed his eye, of course.
“How about one of each? The cakes are vanilla, chocolate, or caramel,” she said.
“I’ll take a chocolate one,” Adrien said.
Bridgette whisked a tart and a miniature cake out from the display. “Will you be eating here?”
Adrien looked around, noticing for the first time that there were some tables and chairs in the corner of the bakery. It was much bigger inside than the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he realized. He turned back to Bridgette and nodded, and she put the two sweets on a tray with a fork. Adrien followed her over to the register, paid for the desserts, and then carried everything over to a table.
He sat down with his right side to the window and his left side to the bakery, and said, “Okay, Trixx. Here you go.” He took a fat strawberry and, after a quick check to make sure no one was paying attention, slipped it into his pocket.
“So good! More!” Trixx chirped before Adrien had even lifted his hand.
“Geez. Do all kwamis eat this fast? I always thought it was just Plagg,” Adrien muttered, this time selecting a slice of kiwi. He ate the cake and the tart by himself, feeding Trixx all of the fruit. Trixx snapped up every last morsel, letting out a satisfied burp when it as all gone.
“What did you think?” Alice materialized by the table just as Adrien was taking his last bite.
“Delicious,” Adrien said politely. “Thanks a lot.”
“No problem. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?” she asked.
“Sure. Coffee would be great if it’s okay that I’m still taking up space,” Adrien said.
Alice waved a hand. “No problem. You’re a paying customer, right?” She picked up his tray and walked out back.
Adrien turned back to the window, watching the people walk away. He was now convinced that Marinette was not here. He didn’t know Tom Dupain well enough to be able to tell if Alice and Bridgette could be his children, but it seemed safe to assume that Sabine Cheng wasn’t here which Marinette definitely wasn’t.
So what was he going to do next?
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obxfishon · 4 years
You’re Such A
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JJ x Reader (and some rafe x reader in a very ex relationship way)
Description: Fic based off the song “You’re Such A” by Hailee Steinfeld, like literally some of the lines are straight out of the song lol. It’s such a banger, give it a listen while you read :)
Word Count: 1.7K
“Hello?” you answered your phone, smiling at the following words.
“Hey pretty lady,” JJ quipped, a grin evident in his voice. 
You two weren’t dating, at least you didn’t think, you haven’t really discussed what you were due to you just exiting a relationship, but whatever it was you enjoyed it. He was always there, whether it was to surf a wave or to offer a reassuring hug, he was your person. 
“What are you up to? We’re thinking of doing a movie night at John B’s place, you in?” 
“Yeah sure, I just got home so let me change and I’ll head that way.” You replied, excited to see him, and the rest of the gang, but especially him. 
It had been a long day at work, you had some prissy kook “accidentally” spill her lemonade all over you and then didn’t have time to change. The country club paid well, but sometimes you worried if dealing with the spoiled brats was worth it. 
“Alrighty, see ya soon!” JJ hung up after and you rushed to change and start your walk to Johns. 
You were only about another five minute walk away when you heard a car engine nearing, so you stepped off to the side of the road to let them pass, but it never came. 
Confused, you turned your head to see where the car went, and groaned when you saw Rafe getting out of his car and running up to meet you. 
“(y/n)! Hey, you haven’t been answering my calls, where have you been?” He scrambled to match your pace, now quickening it to get to the house sooner. 
“I’ve seen your voicemails Rafe, I’ve just chosen to ignore them.” You snapped back.
You weren’t sure how it happened, but you and Rafe had dated for six months before you ended things suddenly a month ago. You had caught him cheating on you, but slipped away before he saw, and you still hadn’t given him a reason for ending things. He didn’t know that you knew, no one did, you hadn’t even told the gang, not that they asked, they never liked him so they were just glad you had come to your senses. 
To be fair, Rafe was a decent person when you met him. You were working at the country club when some girl was yelling at you for the salad dressing she had received. Apparently she asked for non-fat and she could “taste the fat in the ranch” that topped her salad. He had seen your stress and calmed the girl down for you, not caring about the fact that you were a Pogue. You found that as odd, but for some reason he fell for you and you did the same. You had thought you might even be in love before you caught him. But that was all in the past now. 
Stepping into John B’s driveway you almost relaxed before you felt Rafe grab your wrist to turn you to look at him. 
“(Y/n), please. I don’t even know what I did wrong, I just know I miss you, I miss us.” He looked sad, and you felt your heart string pull for him, but as quick as it appeared they vanished, images of what you saw still burned in your brain. 
“Let go Rafe,” You muttered, trying not to cause a scene, but ripped away from him and started back towards the destination. 
“I love you!” He called, loudly, stopping you in your tracks, and causing the Pogues to come out of the house. 
You didn’t turn towards him, frozen in place, anger building with each step he took towards you. 
“(Y/n), I love you,” He said again, at a lower tone, now aware that you two had an audience. 
Not being able to contain yourself you turned to him and replied. 
“You had your chance Rafe, you had it and you blew it. And, geez the more you open your mouth, the more you try to pull me back in, you just prove it to me. You’re not worth my time,” You glared at him and turned away again, he tried to grab your shoulder but you shrugged it off and raised your voice again. 
“What, did you think that I would let you crawl right back into my bedroom? After all we’ve been through,” you paused, taking a deep breath, “I know the truth.” You spat. 
You knew that your friends were watching, but they knew better than to interfere. 
“Truth? Truth about what?” Rafe tried to fein confusion. 
“I saw you that night Rafe! I don’t know who the hell she was, but you two seemed to know each other plenty well, at least that's what I got from seeing your tongue down her throat.” Your words were like a slap to the face, he finally knew he was caught. 
You heard one of the girls gasp, but you ignored it, it felt so good to finally get this off your chest, so you continued.
“You can try to put this all back together, but it’s beyond repair. I’m doing so much better without you.” You rolled your eyes. 
“(Y/n), I-I don’t,” Rafe tried to find a lie, but he knew he was finished. 
“You can take your lies to the next girlfriend, because I really, really don’t want to hear this anymore.” You looked in his eyes and saw a sadness you weren’t expecting, but he quickly changed his tone and spoke. 
“Whatever, you’ll come around eventually,” He went to walk away but you decided to finish this, once and for all. 
“Rafe,” you smiled as he turned back to you. Walking up to him you placed a hand on his cheek.
“If you are the only thing left when the world ends, I still would walk away,” you crinkle your nose, give his cheek a little pat and turn towards your friends, he hated not having the last words, but there wasn’t anything else for him to say.  
Your friends all had shocked looks on their faces, you had always been quiet and reserved, this was totally out of character for you.  
Making eye contact with JJ, you smiled, and he returned it. 
“Damn, didn’t know you had that in you princess.” His approval was evident in his voice.
“(Y/n), I am so so so sorry, I had no idea that my brother did that to you,” Sarah looked like she was about to cry. 
She moved towards you and wrapped her arms around you, trying to apologize for her brother.
“Hey, Sarah, don’t worry it’s not like you could have done anything. He’s his own person, and I saw who he really was and knew it wouldn’t work out.” You shrugged it off, you really did feel better about the situation now. Having a month to cope and an amazing group of people around you made things easier. 
“So, what movie are we watching?” You broke the awkwardness that seemed to be lingering in the air. Everyone started talking to each other again and moved towards the house when you felt JJ lace his finger through yours and pull you aside a bit. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” he pushed a hair behind your ear, the small gesture making your head spin. 
“He said he still loved you,” JJ looked down towards his feet, then back up to your eyes, “do, uh do you…” he didn’t want to say the words, but you knew what he was getting at.
“I’m not really sure I ever did, I loved the idea of him, someone who would get me pretty things, someone who would be there to defend me, but that's not loving the person.” You shrugged. 
What you didn’t realize was that your words worried him more than he realized. 
“Look, (y/n), I care about you, alot. I may not be able to buy you expensive things, but I will always be there, and I don’t ever want to see you hurt. When I heard the pain in your voice when you were talking to him, I just wanted to go hold you, show you how you should be treated. You are worth so much, and I just want to be the one who does all that.” He finished and pulled you into a tight embrace. 
You didn’t have to respond with words, you squeezing him to you showed him that you cared as well, and neither of you wanted to let go. 
A few days later you were laying out on the boat while the boys fished, and Kie was swimming on the other side with Sarah. 
A shadow fell over you and you opened your eyes to see JJ looking at you with a goofy grin taking over his face.
“Oh geez, JJ what did you do,” you smile sitting up, him taking a seat next to you.
“So, the other day I told you that I didn’t have the money to buy you pretty things,” you frowned, he knew you didn’t expect that of him, “so I still don’t have that money, but what I do have is time, and with the help of an eight year old that saw me struggling, I made you this!” He revealed a little string bracelet, completed with two small square beads that had a ‘J’ on them. 
He was so proud of himself, holding the small creation in his hands searching your face for your reaction. 
As soon as he had pulled it out of his pocket you felt small tears prick behind your eyelids. 
“Oh my gosh, JJ this is the best thing that anyone has ever gotten me!” you smile at him, a small tear escaping, him quickly wiping it away. 
“J, no one has ever done anything so thoughtful for me, I love it, here tie it on!” you exclaim holding out your wrist for him to add it to your empty wrist. 
After it was tied on you held your wrist out to examine it, “it’s perfect.” you turned to him and saw that he was already looking at you. 
Without realizing it you both started leaning in and he captured your lips with his. Backing away after the short but wonderful kiss, he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Perfect bracelet for the perfect girl.” 
Nothing could wipe the smile off your face. 
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homeformyheart · 4 years
scathing - colt kaneko x mc (rod)
author’s note: first ride or die one-shot featuring colt kaneko! i picked him in my second playthrough and GEEZ the route changes near the end caught me off-guard but did NOT disappoint 😂. includes tiny callout to red carpet diaries. also, i know nothing about cars.
copyright: all characters owned by pixelberry studios. series/pairing: ride or die – colt kaneko x mc (ellie wheeler) rating/warnings: 14+; swearing based on/prompt: title inspired by lyrics from “mad woman” by taylor swift word count: 3.8k summary: ellie drops in to surprise colt only to find that he is out with another woman.
ellie whacked colt with a large pillow with one hand while doing her best to punch his chest and stomach with the other to keep him from grabbing her, knowing she physically wouldn’t be able to do much to hurt him. colt tried to dodge as best as he could while looking for an opening that would let him stop ellie’s attacks without hurting her. he had to not only do this while half blinded by a giant pillow but while protecting his body – he had never seen ellie this mad before and did not want to find out if she was mad enough to knee him in the groin.
“you cheating motherfucker! how dare you, asshole!” ellie screamed, her face shifting between displays of rage and tears.
colt didn’t know which was worse. “god, ellie, stop! will you let me explain?!”
3 hours earlier
ellie weaved in and out of traffic seamlessly, her eyes trained on the inconspicuous white sedan two cars ahead. she had dropped in at the body shop to surprise colt a day early. she was able to convince her dad to let her leave her grandparents’ house early considering they had already spent the christmas holiday with them. she pulled up to the body shop and was told that colt had left for a job by himself, which ellie immediately knew was suspicious. colt was reckless, but he wasn’t stupid. he knew he should never work a job alone, which likely meant he thought this was one he could do in his sleep.
something didn’t sit right. ellie found out where colt was headed and got back in her car. she quickly got on the highway, heading toward the address of the downtown hotel colt was supposedly heading to, when she noticed the white sedan ahead of her. even though it was a completely standard white sedan, of which there were hundreds, if not thousands, in l.a., ellie knew it was colt’s. it was the car they had prepped for the upcoming koenigsegg job. this was even further proof that colt thought this job was brainless – he would never risk taking out their getaway car more than once.
ellie watched as the sedan pulled into the underground parking lot and she quickly found a spot on the street not far from the entrance to the hotel. it was definitely a high-end hotel and she would need to dress in something other than a tank top and sneakers if she was going to blend in. she quickly changed in the backseat into a glittery bodycon dress and flats, running her hands through her braid to loosen the curls to give it that “beachy” look. she swiped on pink lip gloss as a final touch and made her way inside the hotel.
she scanned the room and identified the parking garage elevators and ducked behind a pillar that gave her a good vantage point. she listened for the ding! that signaled the elevator doors opening and peeked carefully to see if it was colt. he was dressed in his crisp navy blue suit, with a white dress shirt but no tie. lucky for her, he didn’t seem to notice her as he walked across the room to the hotel bar. ellie darted over from the pillar to the other side of the doorway, relying on her peripheral vision to see where colt went. he was facing away from her, standing at the bar next to a tall, gorgeous redhead wearing a backless dark green halter dress that definitely showed off her assets.
ellie felt a little silly for spying on her boyfriend, especially when it was definitely clear he was working a job. this woman was not unlike others they had to deal with in the past but she was definitely the prettiest. she considered heading back to the shop when she noticed that they had switched positions – colt was sitting on a barstool with the woman between his legs. his hands were on her waist and she was gripping the collar of his shirt as they kissed passionately.
she felt her heart shatter and tears were quick to prick the back of her eyes as she ran as fast as she could out of the hotel. even through the tears, she pulled her car out of the street seamlessly and raced back to the shop. she let herself cry in the car, the sobs wracking her body. shoulders shaking, she grabbed her tank top from before and used it to blow her nose and dry her face. she was not going to let colt kaneko get away with this.
ellie told the rest of the crew to take off because she was going to need to talk to colt alone before she went upstairs and sat on the bed to wait.
colt sensed something was different when he got back to the body shop. he had been excited to see ellie’s car out front but noticed the backseat still had all her stuff. if she was back, she definitely would’ve brought her duffel bags up to his room. it was quiet in the shop, which was unusual, because he was expecting his crew to work at least a couple more hours. it wasn’t like them to take off without talking to him first.
“ellie! i didn’t know you were coming back early. i missed you, baby,” colt grinned, walking over to ellie to give her a kiss.
she stood up and grabbed one of his pillows. “oh, really? did you miss me while you were sucking face with that redhead? or are there other women i should know about?”
colt rolled his eyes. “don’t be so dramatic. it was for a job, it meant nothing. you know what it takes to get a job done.”
ellie felt her blood boil and started whacking him with the pillow. “no job is ever worth you cheating on me, asshole.”
colt’s eyes narrowed as if he was trying to calculate the likelihood that this was going to escalate. unfortunately, what he didn’t realize was that he was too late and his dismissive attitude already hit ellie’s escalate button.
“ellie, i know it looks bad but it was a job. i promise that’s all it was. i was playing a part and we got what we needed,” colt tried to appeal to ellie’s logical side.
“how stupid do you think i am? i saw you with my own eyes, colt. and even if i didn’t, you reek of chanel perfume, which only old women wear, and you have lipstick all over your face and your shirt.”
colt was starting to lose his patience but clenched his fists as a reminder to avoid saying anything that would nuclearize the conversation. “sweetheart, come on, we’re in this together. you know i only have eyes for you.”
“don’t you ‘sweetheart’ me. everything out of your mouth has been a lie,” ellie snapped. “tell me – was she good in bed? was it worth however much you got from the job?”
now this was getting ridiculous. “ellie, you know i would never sleep with anyone else. i would never cheat on you.”
“i clearly don’t know anything because you did cheat on me, asshole,” her voice dropped but retained the dangerously angry tone that kept colt from coming closer.  “you know perfectly well how i feel about jobs that require you to hook up with someone else. clearly the only thing that matters to you is the job, even at the expense of our relationship.”
“el, come on –”
ellie shook her head and cut him off, “no, you’re not talking your way out of this. we’re done.” she bolted from the room and down the stairs toward the front door.
colt knew if he didn’t catch her before she got in her car, he’d never catch up to her. she was by far the fastest driver on the crew and if she left l.a., he might not be able to find her. he sprinted after her, jumping off the stairs recklessly and barely catching himself before he hit the wall, saving himself from a nasty concussion. he pushed himself up quickly and let the adrenaline propel him out the door just in time to see ellie slide into the driver’s seat.
the car squealed away from the garage and quickly out of sight and colt had no clue where she was headed. dammit, he cursed inwardly as he quickly grabbed his helmet and hopped on his bike to chase after her.
* * * * * ellie had managed to lose colt after half an hour, which she counted as a massive win given that he had the advantage with his bike in l.a. traffic. but she knew how to navigate every nook and cranny of l.a. having spent the better part of the last couple of years charting courses and back-up escape paths. she pulled into the underground parking lot near her destination, pulled on a blonde wig, fixed up her makeup, and changed into heels.
she stepped out of the car and took the parking elevator to the ground floor, walking as fast as she could in three-inch heels outside to flag down a cab. she gave the driver instructions and sat back, giving her appearance a once-over and spritzing a light perfume on her wrists and neck. she pulled up the discreet app on her phone, the one they used to message with their buyers and targets in a way that was untraceable, and texted her contact. he wanted to put a job before her? two could play this game.
when she arrived at the very expensive club, she gave her alias to the bouncer and was escorted quickly to the vip room, where her contact was waiting.  aaron montmartre, the spoiled nephew of famed hollywood producer viktor montmartre, who was known for his extensive collection of expensive cars, spending sprees on viktor’s black card, and his weakness for young, attractive women. he was supposed to receive the newest koenigsegg model before it was even available to the public. and ellie was going to find out exactly when and where the drop would be.
* * * * * colt pulled up around the corner of the vip hot spot that was a known celebrity hangout. he knew ellie and knew she was pissed enough to want to teach him a lesson. he couldn’t help but be impressed with how seamlessly she drove through l.a. to get him off her tail and how she succeeded briefly. he prided himself on being able to handle any route with his bike and the fact that she was still able to lose him was beyond sexy. there was no one else that could compare to her.
although he didn’t know exactly what she was doing, he did know that he needed to be really careful not to give himself away too early. he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked casually up to the bouncer, giving him a curt nod. the bouncer gave him a long, scrutinizing look before letting him in. it took colt a few seconds to let his eyes adjust to the dark, hazy atmosphere of the pulsing nightclub.
he walked toward the bar – it would give him the most unassuming vantage point to observe the club and he could do with a drink – only to notice a blonde wig and curve-hugging dress that looked all too familiar. he approached the bar slowly, making sure there were enough people between them that he wouldn’t get noticed; even though her back was to him, all she would need to do was turn to the right and she’d spot him in her peripheral.
colt ordered a glass of whiskey neat so that he’d have something to keep him occupied as he watched ellie flirt openly with their target. colt knew what ellie was likely up to and he was both angry that she would jeopardize the job by potentially tipping their hand early and furious that she would openly flirt with another man. most people didn’t understand the difference, but a furious colt was a jealous colt; the concept of jealousy was something he kept out of his vocabulary.
ellie knew. she knew the moment colt walked into the room. after three years, five months, seventeen days, and twelve successful jobs together, she had learned a thing or two about him. she knew that he would eventually get back on her tail and actually, she was counting on it. it was what she was good at. reading people. learning him. studying the ins and outs of the road and the job. memorizing the ins and outs of him.
and one of the things ellie knew was that colt was a jealous man, although he would rather shoot himself in the foot than admit it out loud to anyone. but if he could use his raw magnetism to get a job done, then she could use her innocent appearance to disarm a target and gain intel. she had already spent the better half of the last 30 minutes pretending to be a tipsy flirt and encouraging aaron toward drunkenness, knowing he’d be more likely to spill details that way.
what she expected but still wasn’t prepared for was how handsy and charming aaron could be. she actually found herself enjoying their flirty banter and perhaps realized that she was a little tipsier than she should be. ellie turned to lean against the bar so she could subtly inch closer to aaron, placing a hand carefully on his bicep as though to steady herself. she immediately felt colt’s eyes staring at the back of her head and had to make a conscious effort not to shiver. she barely registered aaron placing his hand on her hip and leaning in far too close to ask her if she wanted to leave with him.
“i just got the newest koenigsegg model delivered to me. we could take it for a test drive,” he murmured in her ear.
it took every ounce of willpower ellie had not to tense at the situation. her mind was reeling with this new tidbit of information that would put a wrench in their plans; they had assumed the drop would happen in the next few days.
she knew what she had to do but she also knew colt would be pissed, even more than he already was. ellie pulled back slightly and smiled. “i would love that,” she said invitingly.
that was all it took. before ellie could say anything else, she felt colt’s presence appear behind her, his hand hovering by her right hip.
“if you know what’s good for you, you’ll back off,” colt said through gritted teeth. ellie could feel the tension radiating off him as he sidled up next to her. “we’re together.”
aaron stood up slowly, taking out a wad of bills from his pocket and leaving a generous tip on the bar counter without breaking eye contact with colt. ellie instinctively took a step back away from colt only to have the wooden bar press into her back.
“who the fuck are you?” aaron said, casually inching closer to ellie so his shoulder was angled in front of her.
colt’s hand clenched into a fist. “someone you don’t want to mess with. now back off.”
“i don’t think we should be speaking for the pretty lady. leah, you know this creep?”
ellie blinked, slightly startled before remembering that her alias was leah. she slowly turned to give colt a pointed glare, raising an eyebrow and hoping he’d get the hint.
she turned back to aaron and gave him her best impression of an innocent smile. “no, i don’t think i’ve seen him before in my life.”
aaron turned back to colt. “you heard the lady. now i think you better leave before i have security escort you out.”
colt unclenched and clenched his fist a few times as though he was stretching it. ellie knew where this was headed and inwardly sighed; she could countdown from five at this rate.
right on cue, colt’s fist flew at aaron’s face, hitting him square in the jaw and sending him backward into the bar seat he was occupying previously. to his credit and ellie’s surprise, aaron seemed unfazed, picking himself back up and massaging his jaw briefly.
“why don’t we take this outside and settle this like men?” aaron said, challenging colt with his glare.
ellie’s brow furrowed. normally, colt getting into a bar fight with someone who had been flirting with her wouldn’t faze her, but they did need to figure out how to lift aaron’s car without him suspecting them or getting caught. she wasn’t sure how beating the guy up would help with that. and now she was stuck pretending she didn’t know who colt was.
“fine. after you,” colt seethed, stepping to the side so ellie and aaron could move away from the bar. aaron was a good head taller than him and ellie didn’t think this would be that easy of a fight given how quickly aaron had bounced back before.
aaron reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small black fob. “why don’t you go hang out in the car, leah? this shouldn’t take long. it’s in one of the reserved parking spots in the garage, closest to the elevator,” he said, grabbing her hand to place the fob in her palm and closing her fingers over it.
ellie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as she looked at him. “oh-okay,” she said, turning away from aaron. she gave colt a pointed side-eye as she passed him.
well, that was a freebie, she thought to herself as she made her way down to the car. it was exactly where aaron said it would be. ellie slid into the driver’s seat and ran her hands over the steering wheel, relishing the feel of the cool leather underneath her fingers. she grabbed her sunglasses and put them on as she drove out of the garage, quickly dialing toby on speakerphone.
“toby, i need you to ready the drop site off exit 54. i’ll explain later. if colt calls, tell him to meet me at our spot,” ellie said quickly, as she navigated the local roads to the drop site, taking extra care to avoid intersections and neighborhoods with traffic cameras.
once she arrived at the drop site, she checked with toby that the car stayed off the radar before emptying the glovebox, wiping down her prints, and shoving her wig into her purse. being methodical was ellie’s forte, even with the adrenaline running through her body, she knew she did everything right.
the dryve back to her car was uneventful, which did little to ease ellie’s nerves. she wasn’t worried about the job in actuality, but about colt. she knew he could hold his own in a fight, but she also knew how stubborn he could be. and despite still being angry with him, she was admittedly worried for his safety.
ellie felt like she was holding her breath the entire drive over to the cliffside. it wasn’t until she saw the familiar motorcycle parked near the railing that she felt a sigh of relief escape her body. she parked and stepped out, her gaze falling on the back of colt’s head.
she walked slowly over to him with anxiety in her stomach at the thought of how bruised he might be. it wasn’t until she saw that he was mostly unscathed, other than a purple bruise forming on his cheekbone and his knuckles, that her shoulders finally sagged, the tension she held all evening releasing at once.
“colt… thank god, you’re okay,” she said softly as she looked up at him, raising her hand hesitantly toward his bruised cheek.
instead, she closed her hand into a fist and punched him in the shoulder.
“ow— ellie, i just got out of a fight, seriously?!” colt yelped, angling his shoulder away from her.
ellie stepped forward every time he stepped back so she could punch him again and again. “you asshole. don’t you dare do that again, i was seriously worried about you! and you almost cost us the job!”
“i’m sorry, ow— will you let me, augh!” colt said, finally managing to grab her wrist and hold it in place while grabbing her hip with his other hand and pulling her close.
she made a half-assed attempt at struggling, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to break away. ellie did her best to glare at him, but as she looked into his eyes, she felt her anger cracking. her eyes softened and she found herself subconsciously leaning in. in a split second, colt’s lips were on hers, hot and desperate.
ellie almost forgot why she was mad at him to begin with as he gently bit her lower lip, eliciting a contented sigh that gave his tongue entrance. he pulled her hips as close as possible to his and ellie wrapped her arms around his neck. she gave back just as desperately, fighting him for dominance as she traced her tongue around his bottom lip, sucking on it gently.
colt let out a ragged breath and finally pulled back. “i’m sorry, el,” he said quietly, punctuating her name with a tender kiss. “i’m sorry,” he said again, giving her another kiss.
“if you ever cheat on me again—” ellie threatened quietly before colt silenced her with another gentle kiss.
“believe me, i won’t do that again. i did not like seeing another man put his hands on you, even if it was for a job,” colt said sheepishly, avoiding her gaze.
ellie grinned. “at least we got the job done,” she said.
colt smirked at her. “good, so i didn’t take a beating for nothing. now i don’t know about you, but i could go for a swim.”
“pretty sure you’re not supposed to go in the ocean with open wounds,” ellie warned as she watched colt strip down to his underwear.
“i hear the salt water is great for cuts,” colt grinned cheekily. “you gonna join me, sweetheart?”
ellie rolled her eyes and smiled. “okay, but don’t say i didn’t warn you,” she said, taking off her dress and shoes.
“hey,” colt said with a sudden seriousness just as she was preparing to jump. she turned to look at him and he pulled her closer.
“thanks for having my back,” he murmured, leaning in to give her a deep kiss that took her breath away.
“i’m still your driver, aren’t i?” ellie said affectionately.
colt smirked and gave a nod in response. he held out his hand for her to grab and they turned to look at the glittering horizon before they jumped, together.
* * * * * mentions: @choicesficwriterscreations; @lovehugsandcandy; @kat-tia801 choices permatag: @withbeautyandrage; @agentnolastname; @freckles-spangledvampire
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decayedflower · 4 years
Stranger II
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⋆ gif is mine
Pairing: Yang Hongwon x Reader
Genre: Underground rapper!Hongwon, Barista!Reader | angst, fluff
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: Don’t get attached. This was his number one rule. Attachment means getting hurt. Attachment means vulnerability. You are the only person you can trust. So how could she so easily sneak past and break the walls he had worked so hard to build around his heart when all she is, is a stranger?
Warnings: cussing, some angst, hamin being a noodle
A/N: Sorry this took forever to upload, life happens ya know? Next chapter should be more exciting as the ball gets rolling. Hope you guys enjoy :)
You told yourself that no matter how in love you were with someone, you could detach yourself from your emotions enough so that—should the day come—you could live your life without them.
Looking at yourself now, you admit you’re a little ashamed. You couldn’t stop bawling your eyes out for 2 weeks straight. You guess you didn’t do as good a job ‘detaching’ as you thought you did.
You mentally slap yourself. You once lived your life without him bitch, you can do it again. 
It was on a rainy Monday afternoon that you found yourself in bed—cheeto dust on your titties—marathon watching Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo. Curse Nam Joohyuk. How could a man be so goddamn perfect? He was handsome, funny, loving—and most certainly not a CHEATER. 
You sigh and decide that you should probably get up and shower before Hyeri comes home and sees your miserable state. You feel bad worrying her so much. She’s always been way too kind and selfless for her own good.
You grab a fresh set of pj’s and determinedly head to the bathroom. The least you could do was stop moping and try to clear your thoughts of him. For both your sakes.
Just as you finish that thought, you catch sight of the item sitting on top of your dresser. Your favorite hoodie. His hoodie. You scowl and toss it into the trash bin. If only all men were like Nam Joohyuk. The world would be a much more peaceful place.
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“Sooo, hey.”
“You know how Princess Peach is always getting her ass kidnapped?”
You laugh at the odd question. “I do recall the kidnapping of the Princess Peach ass, yes.”
“Well, it just hit me. Why doesn’t the bitch ever fight back? I mean,” Jin places a hand on his hip thoughtfully, “how is it that she manages to get kidnapped by the same dude every single time? She’s a princess. Shouldn’t she have high level security?”
“Huh. I never really thought about that.”
“How could you not! She has marshmallows for bodyguards. It’s outrageous.”
“Does it really matter?” you ask.
He sounds genuinely offended. “Of course it does. You ever see Daisy getting kidnapped?”
“Well, no but—“
“Besides, isn’t it a little ridiculous how there’s this expectation that Mario has to save her? I mean, he’s not even a prince or a knight, he’s a plumber! An italian plumber! The amount of disrespect is just astronomical considering the lengths he goes to—”
“Seokjin why are we talking about this?” You ask, baffled. You take a look at your workstation and head to the stockroom to get more large size cups. Jin trails behind you, obviously upset with your lack of interest in the conversation.
 “It’s a legitimate concern, Y/N. Someone needs to pay attention to these details and it is the duty of I, the consumer, to voice the—whoa whoa whoa, since when do we have oatmeal raisin cookies?!” He screeches mid-rant, staring at a pack of cookies he holds in his hand.
You whip around to have a look, not believing your ears. “What the fuck?”
It’s true. The box of oatmeal raisin cookies sits atop the third shelf, right next to the double chocolate chip cookies.
“The boss sent an email out on Sunday,” Yoongi stands at the doorway holding a box of promotional flyers. If it were possible, you swear tumbleweed would have made its way between the three of you with the silence that follows as you and Jin stare at each other blankly.
“Which,” Yoongi drawls out, “I guess neither of you read.” he states dryly, walking away.
“Who the hell likes oatmeal raisin?” Jin asks defensively. Personally, you couldn’t agree more. Oatmeal cookies on their own were tolerable—it was the raisin part that completely ruined the entire cookie.
“They’re Satan’s spawn,” he scowls, tossing the aforementioned cookie back in the box as if it had personally insulted him. You chuckle and shake your head, walking back to your station with the box of plastic cups.
You start stocking them back up on the counter, making sure it looks neat. 
“Hey Jin,” Yoongi calls out from the front of the store, “can you grab that window marker and write out the menu again? The rain washed some of it off.” He says, examining the missing bits of letters, nose scrunched in annoyance.
You could practically hear the way the older boy starts seething at Yoongi’s lack of use in honorifics. The tips of his ears flare a bright red, his eyes wide in disbelief.
“I’M SORRY, COME AGAIN?! I couldn’t hear you over the DISRESPECT.”
Seokjin takes great pride in being the oldest of the crew. He enjoys taking care of the others as if they were of his own blood, you included. He has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor—but never overbearingly so—always exaggerating his facial expressions and reactions, which you personally find charming. Seokjin is also infamous for his constant dad jokes, the younger ones usually cringing at their cheesiness and have you bending over in laughter. (The other boys beg you to stop egging him on as it only fuels his desire to keep them going.) That being said, Jin is not someone who gets easily irritated. When it comes to certain things, he is just, well, a bit of a drama queen.
You stifle a laugh, watching as Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth, very obviously regretting his choice of words. “Hyung, will you please go rewrite the menu outside?”
“Thank you! Can’t you just do that from the get go? I swear you kids are so ungrateful sometimes. I mean, you all seem to forget how I practically raised you brats—”
“Hyung, please get your ass outside or so help me I will go into that break room right now, clock out, take the longest nap of my damn life and just leave you two out here to die.” 
“Alright, alright,” he says, putting his hand up, “I’m going geez. What a drama queen.” He huffs his way to the entrance, shaking his head, marker in hand. “And you guys say I’m the dramatic one.” He scoffs, shaking his head.
Yoongi stands there looking up at the ceiling with his hands on both hips as if silently asking the heavens for a tiny shred of patience.
You snicker behind your hand. You swear hearing those two bicker is your daily source of serotonin. 
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It’s 3 more hours into your shift when Hamin shows up at the front counter with his signature soft boy smile.
He first visited the cafe during the summer one day back when you had just been hired. The intense summer heat wave had him coming in search of some shelter from the sun and a drink to cool off. The Grind was promoting the seasonal summer drinks and naturally, as a new hire, you tried your best to advertise it. It was only your second day on the job and in your nervous state you sold him a drink that, to just your luck, wasn’t available that day. You apologized profusely afraid that he would turn out to be a Karen, but Hamin had been very sweet about it. He befriended you after that, making frequent visits to the Grind, declaring that he had found a hidden gem.
After talking to him some more you learned that Hamin had studied psychology for two years at a local college before he decided to drop out and pursue his musical career. Of course he didn’t tell you that last part up until a couple of weeks ago, so you had been under the impression that the reason he spent so many hours at the coffee shop was to study for his exams. You weren’t the type of person to pry into someone’s personal life unless they decided to tell you themselves so you never asked. Ever since Hongwon confessed to you that both he and Hamin were working towards becoming musicians, Hamin began to share more about himself to you. He figured that now that the cat was out of the bag, he could be more open with you. Prior to that day, you knew very little about Hamin’s personal life.
“Hey you! You’re back,” you beam. 
“Yeah, gotta grind,” he pats his bag for emphasis. “Ha! Grind...” he snorts suddenly. “Get it? Cause we’re at...” he gestures to the shop and laughs to himself. He looks goofy standing there in his bright lavender tie dye hoodie, a big contrast to the muted colors of the walls. His tall lean form stands out like a sore thumb. An Adidas baseball cap adorns his head but it’s so washed out you can’t even tell what color it is—or is supposed to be. 
You laugh, shaking your head.
“Oh come on, it was funny,” he says, leaning on the counter.
“It was funny the first couple times Jin said it when I just started working here,” You correct.
“You still laughed though,” he winks at you, making you laugh again. “Anyway,” he straightens up, “Can I get the usual, please?”
You grab a cup and start writing his name. “Just you this time?” 
“Nah, my idiot friend is coming but he’s gonna run late so I’ll just order ahead of him.” He sighs, reaching into his pocket in search of his wallet. “How much is it?” He asks, fumbling through a bunch of receipts and cards.
You wave him off. “On the house.”
“No way, I can—”
“Hamin, dude, relax. You do this every time. I keep telling you, discount: friend. Total: zero.” 
“You gotta let me pay every now and then. I don’t want your coworkers to think I keep coming here to leech off you…”
“Look, if you were really taking advantage of me, you wouldn’t keep disappearing on me for weeks at a time. Consider it an advance payment for when you finally let me hear a song of yours. ”
“Sorry…” He smiles sheepishly, “It’s a deal then. Thanks Y/N, you’re the best,” he grins. You flip your hair dramatically, playing along.
You make his drink and note that work is slow enough, so you head over to his table instead of calling him over.
You place his drink on the table, “so what’re you working on today?” He looks up and thanks you, taking a sip before he answers.
“A solo project. I don’t have anything now that’s worth listening to though…” He says dejectedly. Admittedly, he’s been going though somewhat of a writer's block. 
“That’s okay! I didn’t mean to pressure you. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be glad to give it a listen if you’re still willing to let me. Good music also takes time, right?” You smile encouragingly.
Someone yells out your name before he’s able to respond. You turn at the sound, “Oh hey!” you exclaim when you see your roommate. You turn back to wish Hamin luck on his writing.
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“Thanks for the lunch, Hyeri,” you pat your stuffed tummy in satisfaction. “I forgot to prep mine last night so I was honestly just gonna wait until I got home to eat,” you confess meekly.
She showed up during your shift planning to ask you what kind of food you were in the mood for so she could bring it to you, but Yoongi caught on and sent you on your lunch break so the two of you could eat together instead. Min Yoongi was a godsend. 
“I knew it! Y/N, you have to eat your meals! Do you know how detrimental it is to your health if you’re constantly working and skipping your meals?!” you cower as she scolds you. 
“I know…sorry. I just forgot...” you squeak.
“Ugh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice, I just worry about you,” she sighs, taking her seat again.
“And I’m so thankful!” you say quickly placing your hand on hers, “I’m sorry you’re always having to take care of me. I’ll work harder so that I don’t become a burden to you. I promise. I haven’t been myself these days but...just give me some time.”
She grabs your hand with both of hers, “Hey. You’re never a burden to me, Y/N. You’re like a sister to me. And I would never put your emotions against you. You need time to heal and that’s okay. Take it at your pace. I will always look after you, no matter what. Okay?”
Your heart warms at her words. You were so grateful to have her for a best friend. You engulf her in a hug and look at the time. 
“I should head back. My break is just about over. Thank you for everything, Hyeri. Are you staying? I’ll make you a drink. On the house. You can study there?” you ask.
“Well, I was planning on going to my school’s library, but I guess I could use a drink…” She paused for a moment. “Is Jungkook working today?” She asks, hopeful. 
Her crush on your coworker was so amusing. “Unfortunately for you, not today, sorry.” She pouts cutely.
“I’ll make you a green matcha latte?”
“Pretty please.”
You giggle, “Okay, let’s head back then.” 
It was a good thing the two of you decided to eat at the chinese restaurant across the shop, so the walk isn’t long. You came here so often that the kind elderly woman who owned the restaurant had memorized your order. You couldn’t help it that their sweet and sour chicken was bomb as hell. What you would give for that recipe.
You’re internally groaning at the thought of having to go back into work when Hyeri stops in front of the entrance and lets out a low whistle. 
“Whoa, hey. Which one of your coworkers drives a damn motorcycle?!” She points to a sleek, graphite motorcycle parked on the curb, two cars away from yours. 
“Whoa. Uhh...no one, not that I’m aware of. Jin drives a Honda Civic and Yoongi ubers cause of car issues.” You shrug, opening the door. “Must be a customer’s.”
“Well, I don’t know if it’s just me, but that thing is screaming big dick energy.” She says, following behind you. You laugh and smack her shoulder. 
“You say that but what if it’s some old bald dude that listens to metal?” You ask, leading her to a table farther in the back so she can study peacefully. 
“Well err...hopefully not. I’m just saying whoever rides that thing, I wouldn’t mind riding too. Hell, I could ride all night…” she trails off. You bury your embarrassed face in your hands and try to hold in your laughter so you don’t disturb the customers. 
“Oh my god. Stop talking. You’re gonna get me in trouble.” You point at a chair, “Sit here and I’ll bring your drink. Behave,” you warn playfully.
“Yes ma'am,” She winks and points shooter fingers at you. You laugh with a roll of your eyes, heading back to clock in. 
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“You seem...distracted.” Hamin says, amusement lacing his words.
“Huh?” Hongwon turns at the accusation with wide eyes.
He sighs. “I mean,” he says crossing his arms, “ever since you got here 15 minutes ago, it’s like you keep looking around for...something.”
“So, you’re saying for the past 15 minutes you’ve been watching me like a creep?” He turns his attention back to the music software in front of him. “I told you I don’t swing that way.” he says, clicking random notes on the half-finished project.
Hamin snorts. “Don’t change the subject. What‘s got you so distracted dude?” He asks, slurping up the remains of his drink through his straw.
“The only distraction here is the eggplant sitting in front of me...” He trails off when you enter the coffee shop with your friend in tow. You’re laughing, giving her a smack on the shoulder playfully at a joke she tells you.
Hamin stops his obnoxious slurping when he follows his friend’s gaze. “Ohhhhh!” he grins.
“What?” He snaps. “No ohhhh. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now.”
“I’m not thinking anything.” Hamin brings his hands up defensively. “Brain empty. No thoughts.” He taps the side of his head with his index finger. “Buuuttt if you were so interested you could’ve just asked, you know.”
“And what would I have asked exactly?” He asks with a tinge of annoyance.
Hamin tsks under his breath, exasperated. “Oh come on. I mean Y/N. You wanted to know if she was working. Am I right or am I right?”
“Why the hell would I wanna know that? I don’t even know her. ”
“Hongwon!” He’s caught off guard at the sound of your voice. He internally slams his own head against the table and forces a smile when you approach the table, avoiding Hamin’s gaze.
“Y/N, hey…”
“Hold on, you know each other already?” Hamin asks obnoxiously, “I only briefly mentioned you to him, but you already know his name!” Hongwon shoots daggers at the side of his head.
“Actually,” Hongwon says through gritted teeth, “we talked for a bit when I was on my way out the other day. It would have been rude of me to not introduce myself since she’s your friend.”
“He was even kind enough to walk with me on the way home even though it was raining. Thanks for that by the way, you really didn’t have to do that.”  Hamin’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Shit. The smile you give him is so sincere that he almost misses what you say completely.
“Really!” Hamin grins, clearly enjoying the situation. He pats his shorter friend’s head in mock endearment. “That’s so sweet of him! I mean, considering he lives in a completely opposite di—” Hongwon sends a swift kick to his shin underneath the table.
“Fuck!” Hamin rubs the spot and laughs through the gritted teeth. “I mean...that’s sweet of him considering he’s normally so shy.” He growls at Hongwon and plasters a smile when he looks back at you. You probably think they’re both lunatics.
“Right…” You laugh, unsure of what’s happening. “By the way, did you want a drink? I’ll make it for you.” You tell Hongwon.
“Oh, uh yeah I was just gonna get an americano. Let me just—” He starts to stand up and take out some cash when you stop him.
“Are you sure that’s okay?” He asks. “I don’t want to get you in trouble…”
“Don’t worry, I get free drinks and pastries since I work here.” You say.
“And she shares them with me because I’m her favorite customer. Right, Y/N?” Hamin wiggles his eyebrows at you. You laugh and pick up his empty cup.
“Is he always this much of a moron when he comes here?” Hongwon asks, scrunching his face in distaste. You laugh and ask them to wait while you bring them coffee. 
Hamin waits until you’re completely out of ear shot before he begins his interrogation. 
“You know, for a pair of strangers, you two seem very well acquainted.” He states, eyes narrowed.
Hongwon scoffs. “You know, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this but somehow you have a really punchable face.”
“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but you’re a terrible liar.”
“Oh shut up. I didn’t lie. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think I needed to.”
“‘I don’t even know her,’” Hamin mimics.
“I don’t know her. I know her name, that’s it. Not the same thing.”
“So you like her.”
He laughs. “What are you, five? How could I like her? I just met her, idiot.”
“You walked her home.” He says pointedly.
“Part way. I only did it because it was getting late and she’s your friend.”
“Ha! Since when do you care about my friends?”
“She’s a girl, it’s different. If something happened to her because I looked the other way, it’d be on my conscience.”
“You live in completely opposite directions.”
“So what?”
“You wouldn’t even do that for me.” Hamin deadpans.
“Yeah but you’re not a cute girl.” He shrugs, crossing his arms.
“So you think she’s cute!” He slams both hands onto the table, leaning forward to peer into Hongwon’s face accusingly. 
“So what? She is cute.” He shoves him away, “that doesn’t mean I like her.”
“Hmm. Okay.” Hamin smirks and leans back in his seat.
“What?” He snaps.
“Nothing,” He says with a look on his face that screams everything but nothing.
Hongwon drags his hands over his face. “You really piss me off, you know that?”
“You may have mentioned that before,” he replies, appearing unbothered.
He’s lucky you decide to come back at that moment. He swears he’d have slapped the smile off his face had he been left alone with Hamin for a minute longer.
You set down the coffee and start to walk back to the counter. “Well, I shouldn’t bother you guys too much so I’ll leave you to it.”
“Wait, Y/N!” Hamin shifts in his seat to face you. “Are you busy Friday?” This puts Hongwon on alert.
 “Hmmm...no, I don’t think I have anything going on actually. Why what’s up?”
“You’ve been wanting to hear some of our music for a while now, right? Well,” he loops an arm around Hongwon’s shoulder, “guess who has a gig that night?”
“No way!” You squeal, covering your mouth with both hands. “Wait, but I thought you didn’t have any music that’s finished.” You frown.
“Well, it’s not that we don’t, I just kinda wanted you to hear our new stuff first. But now that I think about it, this is as good a time as any. If you’re interested, a friend of ours is hosting a party and he asked a couple of artists to play for him. It’s at the Henz Club.” 
“You mean that scary looking club in Mapo-gu?”
“Scary? I mean sure, some odd looking people hang around there, but they’re all pretty chill for the most part. Right Hongwon?” 
Hongwon slaps his arm away. “Right. Well, you’re welcome to come but you don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” He supplies. “We’d understand if—oof!”
“Nonsense!” Hamin butts in, shoving his elbow into Hongwon’s side. “You can bring your friend over there if you want, so you don’t have to worry about being alone.” He motions his head in the direction of Hyeri who—not so discreetly—pretends like she hasn’t been trying to make out what the three of you have been talking about for the past 10 minutes.
“Ah, but either way we won’t ditch you after the performance, I promise. How about it?”
Hongwon is still recovering from having the wind knocked out of his lungs and before he knows it, somehow you’re agreeing and Hamin is giving you the details. 
“I’m so excited, I can’t wait to hear you guys.” You say cheerfully. 
“You should see this guy on stage,” Hamin gestures to Hongwon, “he really puts on a show. Like a true rockstar.”
 “You know, you saying that doesn’t make me feel good,” Hongwon says with a frown, sitting back in his chair defeatedly. 
 “Oh and don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of screaming.” He ignores him, “There’s always a lot of fangirls, especially for Hongwon. They literally come in swarms, it's crazy.”
“Oh my god. Stop. You’re so embarrassing.” He groans, looking away.
“Wow, you’re really hyping him up,” you laugh.
“Ignore him. He’s just saying whatever the hell he wants.” 
“No way, it’s really the truth.” He insists, folding his arms across his chest.
“Y/N! We need you in the back!” Yoongi calls out, his head poking out from the staff only door. 
“I gotta go. I guess I’ll see you guys on Friday!” You say, waving. “Coming!” You call out, following after your coworker.
Hamin smiles stupidly as you leave. “Isn’t she sweet!”
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Hamin and Hongwon hang around at the café for a few more hours until they decide to grab a bite to eat. For the remainder of the time they spent working on their music, Hongwon had not uttered a single word. The most Hamin had gotten out of him was a “sure” when he suggested they get burgers before heading home.
He exits his car, watching as Hongwon removes his helmet to fix the mess it makes of his hair. 
Sighing deeply, Hamin leans against the side of his car, hitting the park button on his remote. “Come on, don’t be so cold. How long are you gonna give me the silent treatment for?” 
He slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans, dreading to ask but needing to know. “Are you really that pissed off because I invited her?”
Hongwon slips the hollow side of his helmet onto the handlebar and mimics Hamin, leaning against his motorcycle. “Depends,” he says, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket to light one up, “why’d you invite her?”
Hamin considers his answer carefully, shifting his weight onto the other leg. It’s obvious that Hongwon is already upset, so anything he says will probably get him angry anyway. “I was hoping maybe you guys could hit off,” he says at last, deciding to be honest.
In truth, Hongwon isn’t surprised to hear this—he actually suspected it—but it still pisses him off nonetheless. It wasn’t the first time Hamin tried setting him up with someone. He wasn’t looking for a relationship. This was something he had told him countless times and yet, he continues to pull stunts like this.
“I know you said you aren’t looking for a relationship,” Hamin continues when he proceeds to bring the cigarette to his lips without a reply, “but I just think you could at least talk to her and—“
“And then what? We fall in love, get married and ride off into the sunset?” He cuts him off abruptly.
“No, I just—“ he starts to say but stops when he can’t think of how to word it correctly.
“I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking Y/N went through a bad breakup, and so did I. You think maybe the two of us can find the comfort we couldn’t find with our previous relationships, in each other.” He pauses to take a drag of his cigarette. 
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a load of shit. This idea you have that love can just make me forget about all my trauma, is a load of shit.” Hamin flinches at the sudden aggression in his tone. This really didn’t come across the way he intended it to.
“Guess what, I’m fucked up Hamin!” He continues, raking a frustrated hand through his hair. “I have too many damn issues and I don’t need some chick to try to figure me out or fix me. I told you already, I’m happy with the way things are. I’m not gonna play into your stupid games just because you want to play fuckin’ cupid.” Hongwon scowls, taking another drag of his cigarette.
Hamin keeps his gaze on the ground, frustrated with how easily and accurately Hongwon is able to guess what he’s thinking. He didn’t realize how terrible it all sounded out loud. He racks his brain for something—anything—to say and argue that those aren’t his intentions, but Hongwon is speaking again before he’s able to do so successfully. 
“I don’t care if you invite her. Just don’t go expecting anything out of me.”
He nods his head weakly. “I didn’t mean for it to sound like that, bro…” He says scratching his neck, “I’m not trying to find someone to fix you...” he trails off.
“It’s cool.” He sniffles, the cold air getting to him. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to snap like that.”
Hamin is taken aback for a second, not expecting him to apologize. He kicks the floor with his sneaker, “S’cool.”
“You still hungry?” Hamin asks, afraid that their little spat would create unnecessary tension between them.
Hongwon tosses his cigarette onto the floor to put it out with his sneaker. “Fuckin’ starving.”
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You went home together with Hyeri later that afternoon once your shift was over. It was always nice to go home when the sun was setting and the air felt cooler. You loved how quiet the city got, allowing you to simply be one with your thoughts. 
Unfortunately for you, today was not one of those days.
You release a sigh as you continue to pretend to not notice Hyeri’s constant fidgeting. “Hyeri, if you want to know so badly just ask already.”
She releases a giant breath as if she had been holding it this entire time. “Oh thank goodness because I felt like I was actually going to die if you didn’t say something soon,” she says grabbing your arm excitedly, like a puppy who was just called over by its owner. 
“What were you doing with those two hotties I’ve never seen before?” You couldn’t tell what made her more excited―the fact that she found them so attractive or the fact that you were talking to men other than your coworkers. “Is one of them single?” she stops walking and gasps, “Are they both single?!”
An older lady walking her Chihuahua gives you a scornful look as she passes the two of you and you bring your finger to your lips to shush Hyeri. “Sorry,” she says with a giggle, “but this is huge!”
You pull her along with you to cross the short crosswalk and to the steps of your apartment complex, “It’s not a big deal. Besides, you’ve seen Hamin before.” You say, slipping your house key into the lock and opening the door.
“Okay but, this time there was another guy too. And you guys talked for like 20 minutes! On your shift!” She says, removing her shoes quickly to stand in front of you excitedly. You stop untying your shoelaces to give her a look.
“He’s a friend I made through Hamin. Who is also just my friend,” You tell her slowly as if you were explaining it to a child but you can tell by her smile that she’s not listening. You sigh and slip your work shoes off, putting them in the hallway closet. Hyeri hovers behind you, not wanting to be too pushy but also too worked up to leave you alone.
You stand up straight and turn around. “Okay fine. Hamin invited me to this party,” this already has Hyeri clasping her hands over mouth, “he and his friend are playing a gig for a friend—”
She’s squealing and jumping around before you can finish your sentence. “And they want you there as their plus one! Oh my—”
“But I think Hamin knows about the breakup and he feels bad and that’s why he invited me,” you say quickly. Hyeri stops mid spin to give you an incredulous look. “I mean, they kind of saw the whole thing since it happened at work,” you say glumly.
Hyeri wraps her arms around you when she sees how you deflate at the reminder. “Hey, don’t make such a sad face. You guys have been friends for a while now, right? I haven’t met the guy but I’m sure he invited you because he wants you there and not because he pities you.”
“Sorry. I think I’ve been trying too hard not to think about it so all the negative thoughts are really hitting me now,” you say, resting your head on her shoulder. She always had such a comforting mom warmth to her.
She releases you and gives you a comforting smile. “Do you want to go?”
“Well,” you sit on your bed exhausted, “I actually didn’t know Hamin played music until recently. I’ve really been wanting to hear some of his stuff and apparently his friend does music too..”
“Girl, there’s your answer! Who says you have to spend your days sad and alone after a breakup? If you want to go, go.” She encourages you. She had a point. Although somewhere in the back of your mind, you felt guilty. When Hamin invited you, you were super stoked and set on going but now that you were really thinking about it, you couldn’t help but think of Jaewon.
“I can tell you’re overthinking this,” Hyeri says. “Don’t. You’re a free woman! Free from a man who took advantage of you and didn’t know how to treasure you. Do whatever the fuck you want because it’s no one’s business. It’s not like you’re planning to go sleep around.” She crosses her arms across her chest, “and even if you are guess what, it’s still no one’s business.” She says vehemently.
You pick at your nails and bite your lip. “Okay.”
“Yeah, I’ll go.”
She squeals again and launches herself onto you. You land with an oof on your bed, her head barely missing yours by an arm hair. “Oh, one more thing though,” you manage to say from beneath her. “They kind of invited you too.”
Hyeri lifts herself up at this. She stares at you with wide eyes, “what do you mean?”
“I guess they saw us talking together and figured we were friends. Also, they caught you trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.” You tell her.
“Nooooooooooo,” she cries and runs to throw herself onto her bed face flat.
“It was the hiding behind an upside down textbook for me,” you snicker.
“Y/N, please I’m in the middle of dying of embarrassment.”
102 notes · View notes
aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part Five of ??)
Good morning/afternoon/even/night (which ever one applies to you)! I have another update for you guys! If you’re just joining us, the link to Part One will be down below. You can find the links to the next part at the end of each part (if something is wonky with the links, please just let me know!)
Part 1 
F!Mc / Satan
Tags :D :  @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed 
Word Count: 2,083 (story under cut)
Triggers or warnings: angst
Satan growled as he redid his bowtie once again, Lucifer’s words still echoing in his head.
“Are you sure you need to go tonight?” Lucifer was standing on the ground floor of his room, while Satan got ready on the landing at the top of the stairs.
“Yes. How many times are you going to ask me that?”
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you to go opening night.”
Satan hoped Lucifer could hear his eye roll, “I can’t imagine why, unless the fact the artist is an angel has your panties in a twist,” the indignant noise Lucifer couldn’t contain made Satan snicker quietly.
“That isn’t the problem.”
“Then what is? You have never had issues with me going to an art show before. I heard Lord Diavolo will be there, so I can’t begin to imagine why I shouldn’t go.”
“Why do you want to go?”
Satan walked all the way over to the railing to give his brother an incredulous look, “Did you seriously just ask me that?” Lucifer took a stance that meant he wanted an answer, making Satan sigh, “Well, why wouldn’t I? I’ve heard about her art in the human realm. I haven’t been able to see any of her works unfortunately, but I’ve read the reviews. If nothing else, I want to say I was at the opening night of the first art show for one of the Celestial Realm’s up and coming artists, which you know doesn’t happen very often. The last angel I can think of who received any mark of recognition for their work outside of the Celestial Realm is Simeon.
“I also think it’s important at least one of us brothers attends the show, which I figured you’d agree with. You’re constantly going on and on about how important our image is and how we need to make sure to ‘understand the gravity of our positions down here as demon lords and as the Avatar’s of Sin’. You’ve already stated you won’t be going, and I have been planning on attending since I heard about it. I really don’t see what the problem is.”
Satan saw a flicker of worry cross Lucifer’s face multiple times while he was talking. He must really not want me to go. But why?
“And you’ve made sure none of our brothers can go with you?”
“Yes. In fact, I’ve asked Levi twice and had a soda bottle thrown at my head the second time for “making him lose the level he was on. I asked both Beel and Belphie three times, which they both declined, Beel stating he would rather stay home because they never had enough food at show openings and Belphie saying he didn’t want to get thrown out of one again for curling up in a statue to sleep. Asmo would come, but he got invited to some party the same night.”
“... What about Mammon?”
Satan blinked a couple times before his brain even began to process what Lucifer had asked, “Huh?”
Lucifer seemed to blink himself, though it could’ve been a trick of the light, “You didn’t mention Mammon.”
Satan opened and closed his mouth a couple times before being able to respond, “You want me. To ask Mammon. The Avatar of Greed. Who steals. And is loud. And uncouth. To go to the opening night of an art exhibition. For an up and coming artist. Who has never shown in the Devildom before. And is an angel… Do I have that correct?”
Lucifer’s resolve looked to be in tatters, and Satan thought he’d drop the whole thing before his resolve returned, “Yes.”
Damn pride.
“You must be joking.”
“If you don’t ask him, I will personally assign him to go with you.”
Satan really couldn’t believe his ears, “Assign him to go with me? Do I look like I’m nine? I do not need a chaperone. I-” the look in Lucifer’s eyes made him stop mid-argument. Is he really that worried?
“Fine, I’ll text him if you’re going to be so insistent. I will only ask once however, and if he does come, I am NOT responsible for his behavior.”
“I’ve never been ta a art… Whas it called again?”
“And art exhibition.”
“Right, right. Thanks for invitin’ me Satan.”
“Mammon, we need to go over some ground rules here.”
“Course. Whadda ya wanna talk about?”
“First thing, art exhibitions are places of class and refinement. Please, stay quiet and respectful of the atmosphere.”
“Course I’ll do tha’. I’m great at blendin’ into the backgroun’.”
Satan cringed, but continued, “Second, if you steal anything from anyone, I will personally see to it that you are ejected from the show, and thrown into the labyrinth below Diavolo’s castle.”
“OI! Show ya big brother some respect!”
“We are not getting out of this vehicle until you promise me you’re not going to steal or otherwise take things that don’t belong to you.”
“Fine, fine! I promise. Geeze.”
“Third, just please don’t embarrass me. I sent you that page on gallery etiquette for a reason.”
“I read it, don’ worry… Uhhh, Satan. Not to change the subject, but why da ya have a long tie on, an’ not ya bowtie?”
“I… felt like it.”
Satan was extremely suspicious. They had been at the show for over twenty minutes, and Mammon had been better behaved than he’d ever seen him before. He’d even made fairly intelligent remarks about the art. He hadn’t left Satan’s side, but had been quiet enough Satan had forgotten he was there multiple times. Lucifer would’ve been more conspicuous. Satan kept expecting to have to reprimand him, but the time never came.
The gallery space was very large, one that was reserved for shows the demon prince hand picked. The space was set up like a labyrinth, and each bend had something new to display. The center of the show held a large, site specific installation. The art itself was very good, better than what Satan had assumed he’d see, but what really struck him was the breadth of the work. He marveled at how one person could produce so much art and in such varying mediums.
“Enjoying the work?” a random demon drawled, sidling up next to him.
“Yes,” he replied, taking a step back.
“You know, there’s a dead end just around the corner. The art in there is extremely… Exciting. I can show you, if you’d like,” the demon closed the space he had created, and reached out, their hand lightly grazing his arm.
“I’m fine where I’m at, thanks.” Satan started to walk away, and an exasperated sigh followed.
“I’m not sure you understand. The art is extremely stimulating. I really think you’ll enjoy it,” a hand was now grasping his arm.
“I said no,” Satan stated, extracting his arm from their grasp.
“Oi! Satan! You gotta come see this photograph,” Mammon interrupted the exchange, his loud behavior back, but eyes keenly trained on the unwelcome newcomer.
A strangled gasp came from the demon, eyes growing large, “Ah, hello Mammon,” another gasp and an audible step back, “Lead the way. Excuse me.”
The second born started rambling, but got quieter the further from the demon they got, until they both fell into silence. “Thank you,” Satan acquiesced finally.
“No need for my brother ta have ta deal with that,” Mammon said softly. Satan didn’t push any further, them both saying what they needed to.
The continued walking for another while, when the soft music that had been playing overhead was replaced with a voice, “I would like to thank you all for coming out to Jane Doe’s exhibition. As all of you know this is her first show in the Devildom, and I am so pleased at the turnout. As much as we’d love to have you all here at the center with us, but we hope that putting the artist talk over the loud speakers will be enough for all of you still in the labyrinth.”
“Jane Doe? Ain’t that wha’ they call dead humans?” Mammon asked, talking over Diavolo.
“Well, often it’s used for unidentified female human bodies to be specific, usually a murder victim. The use is mostly as a placeholder for unidentified, anonymous or hypothetical parties to a court case in some human countries. An obvious pseudonym, and one I find rather amusing and clever. I’m rather put out we’re still in the maze. I was hoping to be at the center by now. I guess this will have to do. It’s really smart to-” Satan stopped, his eyes growing huge and intense.
“Ya okay?” Mammon asked uncomfortably.
“Shhhhhh!…” Satan demanded, his ears now only trained on the voice above him. He could’ve sworn he heard…
“... And of course, I had to see if she would hold a show here in the Devildom. I’m just so excited to finally have her art down here. Anyways, I’ve taken up enough of her time. Everyone, please welcome, Jane Doe.”
“Thank you Lord Diavolo. That was such a kind introduction. I for one am so excited to have been invited to show my work…”
Satan was moving before he knew what he was doing.
“Oi, Satan, wait fer me!”
“Then move faster!” Satan called behind him, starting to run. He had no idea where he was going though. He wasn’t good with directions at the best of times, and this was meant to confuse him. Mammon caught up with him quickly, seeming very conflicted.
“Mammon, you’re better at directions than I am aren't you? Get us to the center of the maze, now!”
“Bro, I don’ think I can-”
“Are you deaf?! Did you not hear her? That’s Mc! I need to get to her, now!” Mammon didn’t seem surprised at the revelation, instead looking a little sad. Satan felt his anger flare as the realization hit him, “You knew, didn’t you?”
“Only cuz Lucifer told me, an’ that was earlier this evenin’. He wanted to make sure someone was aroun’ ta keep ya from goin’ crazy.”
Satan quickened his pace, his anger lending him more speed, “Of course he knew about this and didn’t tell me.”
“He was watchin’ out fer ya.”
“I don’t care what he thought I was doing. Now, are you going to help me or not?”
Mammon looked extremely conflicted, but eventually burst into demon form and flew up to see over the walls. Many demons were aghast at seeing someone flying in the gallery, it being against etiquette, but Satan didn’t care at the moment.
Mammon started flying forward, and Satan followed, only looking down enough to make sure he wasn’t going to crash into an art piece. That did not account for other demons however, and many indignant cries and shouts followed him.
“We’re pretty close ta the center Satan,” Mammon called down.
“I’ve always thought…” Mc continued, but Satan couldn’t focus on the words. He could only marvel at her voice once again in his ears and focus on going as fast as he could. Her laugh rang out, and Satan’s heart jumped. It’d been so long... 
“Hmmm… What was that? Oh, okay. I didn’t realize I’d been talking for so long. Apparently my time is up, but I’ll finish this up on Devilgram. You can find me at...”
“Quicker!” Satan shouted to Mammon after hearing Mc.
“We’re not gunna make it,” Mammon yelled back down.
“We need to go faster then!”
“I’m followin’ ya pace! If ya wanna go faster, you gotta go faster.”
Satan finally relented, and switched into his demon form. With his new power, Satan moved faster and Mammon matched his pace.
“It’s the next bend!”
Satan threw everything he had into covering the final distance of the hallway. He rounded the bend to find…
People milling about, discussing the talk, some extremely confused as to why it had been cut short. Satan looked on the stage, carefully crafted into the installation piece. Nothing. They were even removing the podium.
He sank to the floor, breathing heavily. Mammon touched down beside him, not wanting to bring attention to himself.
“Is she in the Devildom for long?”
“I dunno.”
“Where is she staying?”
“I dunno.”
“How close were we?”
“Real close.”
“Did you see a way out? I’m going to start breaking things if we stay here.”
“There’s a underground passage in the room,” Mammon held out his hand to Satan, who took it, not looking at him.
“Let’s go then.”
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Part Six
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