#then post-tadpoling she decided that hey! she didn’t like that actually!
sword-and-lance · 10 months
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y'know I really do like how nice the "red dragon" dragon bloodline sorcerer stuff looks on Dae
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
Pip Backstory!
Hey guys! It’s Pip Backstory! This post actually started as an archive of the backstory I wrote into my Roll20 sheet when the DM said she was taking the game down, because I didn’t want to lose all the writing I had done. I didn’t plan to do anything with it, but I thought it would be nice to have it later to look back on! But now that this blog is more than me just tagging pictures of frogs and making myself laugh, I thought it might be fun to clean this up a bit and put it out there! 
(Subtitle: I took a lot of liberties with Grung Lore)
(Subtitle 2: Brevity? Idk her)
NPCs You Should Care About:
Eed and Row, Pip’s parents. He’s not exactly ashamed of them, he just knows he’s better than them
A’toog’uh, Pip’s not-mom
Nay’luk’ta, Pip’s wizard magic teacher
Tl;dr: Weird Jungle Powers gave Pip magic, and that initial “surge” is the reason for his surges today. Trained along with a bunch of baby wizard grung, and surged Bad the very first time he cast a first level spell. Left home in the wake of that before he could be chased out, and hasn’t looked back
Grung aren’t really familiar with the concept of sorcerers.
Or warlocks. Or clerics.
That isn’t to say that they’re unfamiliar with magic itself! They have an entire caste level dedicated to magic users, and have an established system to ensure the knowledge from one generation is passed on to the next. But when so much of the survival of your race hinges on having magic users who can help take down threats that would otherwise wipe out your tribe, relying on the irregular benevolence of some mysterious force to empower your casters is, in a word, ill-advised. As a result, most Grung magic comes from studying and mentors and years of practice: the kind of magic that breeds accomplished wizards, not sorcerers.
So when Te’pip’ren hatched, when the translucent green-gray of his tadpole skin begin to show streaks of bright red and a clear affinity for magic made itself known, no one thought twice about beginning to prepare him to train alongside his peers once he was old enough. And while the fact that neither of Pip’s parents were red, magic wielding Grung did turn some heads, the phenomenon wasn’t entirely unprecedented. Magic was a tricky thing, there was no real way of knowing who it would reveal itself to. However, it was unthinkable that two low caste green Grung be responsible for caring for a tadpole that so greatly outranked them. Fortunately there was an elderly red Grung in the village -well past her prime, but excellent with children- and Pip’s parents agreed it was for the best propriety was maintained. Within days of the issue arising it was resolved, and Pip was bundled off to stay with ‘Grandma A’toog’uh’ until he was old enough to begin learning magic properly.
Once a young red Grung reaches maturity, they and their hatch mates from several tribes are sent deep into the jungle, to learn from a more accomplished Grung caster the spells and techniques they need in order to serve their tribe. After several months of studying the basics of magic and learning cantrips, the apprentice Grung then briefly return to their tribes in order to participate in a ceremony to demonstrate what they’ve learned and, by casting their very first level one spell, show that they are looking to the future and will be returning to their mentor to finish their education.
For a while, Pip’s studies went very well. He took to magic like a Grung to water, keeping pace with and even surpassing his peers as they studied simple spells under their mentor Nay’luk’ta’s direction. Despite being, at best, inconsistent with his studying and note-taking, Pip loved learning magic. He was completely fascinated by the way a few words or gestures could be used to affect the world around him to such a substantial degree and, if his peers envied him for the ease with which he absorbed each of their lessons, he didn’t notice.
When it finally came time for the students to return home, to take part in the ceremony that would mark them as fully fledged students of magic, Pip was beside himself with excitement. He had spent weeks vacillating between nearly every possible spell he could show off with before finally deciding on Silent Image and setting to practice.
Finally, after months and months of study and practice, Pip and his classmates were sent back to their tribes to complete the ceremony. He and his three hatchmates made their way home and found themselves greeted by a bustle of excitement from the tribe they’d left behind. They were excited to see how much their little tadpoles had grown while away and hear absolutely everything about their training and newfound arcane skill. A makeshift stage had been erected in the center of the village, and one by one the little red Grung made their way up to present their spells.
Pip was the last to go, with magic absolutely bursting at his fingertips. He bounded up onto the stage and barely waited to be given permission to begin before starting to cast.
Looking back now, it was obvious what went wrong. The way the magic crackled and caught in his veins instead of flowing out smoothly, the way his chest went almost painfully tight as the spell manifested before him, there were the telltale warning signs of a surge. But in that moment, as Pip cast his very first level one spell, all he knew was that something about his magic was deeply, deeply wrong. For a moment, no one in the crowd seemed to notice. They were deeply impressed by the tree Pip had caused to ’sprout’ behind him on the stage, and had even begun to applaud the show of skill. The spell ended, the illusion faded, but there was still magic burning in the palms of Pip’s hands that he couldn’t make go away. There was a moment of silence and then— chaos. It was like every bit of magic inside of him was exploding out at once in a way he could do nothing to stop or control, burning through him with a searing pain that had never accompanied his casting before. It might have gone on for hours, for all Pip knew. But when the spells finally stopped, when the world around him was quiet once more, Pip slowly raised his head to find himself sitting -alone- in the smoking, deserted remains of his village.
He ran.
After that, it was a long, long time before Pip could bring himself to cast so much as a cantrip, and even longer before he would even consider anything stronger. He was terrified of his magic, and for good reason. If he didn’t understand what had happened, how could he understand what had caused it? And if he couldn’t understand what had caused it, how could he keep it from happening again? At best he’d destroyed his home and caused his tribe to flee. At worst… At worst, they hadn’t fled. And Pip didn’t know what he would do if that was the case.
It wasn’t until he met Kur’rok a long while later that he let himself risk using magic at all. No longer being alone, having someone who trusted him to watch his back, it made it a little easier to stomach the risk. Because if it came down either some monster definitely hurting him and his new friends, or Pip possibly hurting them? It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but it was a decision with a clear right choice. And as they traveled, as Pip began to practice once more and reclaim his magic, he began to get a better handle on it. Eventually he learned that more powerful spells had a higher chance of causing a surge, learned how to tell if a surge was going to happen so he could try and minimize damage. And since being taken to Barovia, as much as evil and darkness engulf the land, being there and fighting alongside a steadily growing group of friends has only strengthened his conviction that, while sometimes scary, his magic is not inherently bad. Regardless of tonight’s outcome, that is a lesson that I am proud that he got the chance to learn.
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Gravity Soul chapter 8: Last of Medusa’s Minions, the Pines vs the Witches? (originally posted on June 15, 2018)
AN: Well after some fun with Excalibur, why don't we follow it up with some of our characters being put in mortal danger by being pitted against Medusa's minions?! Yeah, I won't be very kind to our ragtag group of heroes going forward and trust me, it won't be pretty. 20-8-5 6-18-15-7 9-19 1 3-15-23-1-18-4 20-8-5 23-15-12-6 9-19 1 13-15-18-15-14 20-8-5 13-9-3-5 1-18-5 19-9-14-7-12-5-13-9-14-4-5-4 25-5-20 1-12-12 15-6 20-8-5-13 1-18-5 5-1-19-25 20-15 3-15-14-20-18-15-12
"I usually start off my mornings with a cup of coffee with cream." Excalibur stated as the Mystery Meisters continued on their way to Kishin Cipher's lair, much to their displeasure. "Then in the afternoon, I sit down with a cup of tea. And then in the evening-" "Booze? Seems right for an old guy like you." Stan snarked before he was cut off. "FOOL! For your information, I change into my pajamas and settle down for some well-deserved sleep." Excalibur cried. "Does he ever shut up?" Soos asked Black Star, who simply replied by putting on the Excalibur face and declaring "Unfortunately, no." "So what is Excalibur exactly?" Dipper asked Stein. "He can switch between a sword and some weird looking animal thing, but is he a demon weapon or not?" Stein simply mused for a moment before giving an answer. "Why it's simple Dipper, he actually inspired their creation and modeled after him by the sorcerer Eibon." "Who's Eibon?" Mabel added just as inquisitive. "Another one of the Eight Shinigami Legions and the Great Old One of Knowledge." Maka stated. "He once helped us against Asura but now it seems he's gone MIA." Kid added. "One has to wonder where he's gone now." "Wait guys, be quiet!" Wendy shouted making everyone stop. "Did anyone else hear a frog croaking?" They all scanned the area for any amphibians before the chittering of mice was heard along with a wolf howling. "I don't like the sound of that." Liz stated before she felt Blair's cat form clinging to her leg. "I'd remember that chittering from anywhere!" the Monster Cat cried before a small childlike person with pink hair, black-and-white striped clothing and a hat resembling that of a mouse's head stepped into view, followed by three similar looking ones. "Are those the Mizunes?" Soul wondered. "Then that must mean the others aren't too far behind!" Crona added before two more people came out. One was a girl with silvery hair, a black dress with a white polka dot pattern & an orange hat and the other was a muscular man with fangs, black-and-white striped pants and a red glow in his eye. "Well look who we have here. We've been following you all for quite a while." the girl said. "Yeah, what she said!" the taller man cried. "Don't think you're gonna get away so easily!" "Hey, isn't that the big muscly man from the Skull Fracture?" Mabel asked. "What do you want with us now?" Tsubaki demanded answers as to why they're here. "Simple, after Kishin Cipher fired us we decided to win his favor again by getting rid of you!" Free declared. "Not all of you, but the two kids and the old guys." "Is-is he talking about us?" Mabel fretted clinging as she and her brother clung to one another. "Well if you want us, then no dice big boy!" Stan declared putting up his fists while Ford pulled out a magnet gun. "Don't worry Mr. Pines, we'll stand by you!" Soos added. "We already said we only want the Pines!" Eruka reiterated her comrade's demands. "Now Free!" "You got it!" the werewolf shouted and began to wave his arms around. "Wolf, wolves! Wolf, wolves!" he chanted before clenching his fists and spread them out. "Frigid Jailhouse!" With those two words alone, the very air around everyone sans the Pines turned cold and began forming into some sort of a prison cell. "Well what do you know, trapped behind bars again." Gideon snarked. "This is no time for jokes Gleeful, we have to help Dipper & Mabel before we're put in cold storage!" Kid reprimanded the boy unaware of his own pun. Looking around, the Shinigami spotted Excalibur and picked him up by the torso. "Dipper, catch!" Kid then tossed the Holy Sword over to the young Pines twin before Free's attack completely froze them all solid, only leaving the family and the weapon to face the minions of Medusa. "Wait, Excalibur?" Dipper wondered staring at the annoying sword. "Didn't you say you wanted your own weapon like a sword?" Ford reminded him of Stein's explanation of Demon Weapons. "Besides, we might need him more then ever, regardless of how annoying he is!" "FOOL! You are indeed right Sixer, I might be an valuable asset to your crusade against Bill and Asura!" Excalibur shouted in his usual loud arrogant tone to which everybody in the area, even those frozen in the Frigid Jailhouse, responded by making the Excalibur face. "Well what are you waiting for boy, grab onto me!" the Holy Sword demanded leaping into Dipper's hands. "But don't I need to be worthy to wield you?" "It doesn't matter now, do it!" Dipper finally relented and grabbed Excalibur by the hat and he transformed into his weapon form. The other Pines gazed in awe before turning to face the witches. "Before we begin, why don't we make things more fair?" Eruka offered before looking at the Mizunes. The mice witches started snapping their fingers & chittering in harmony before two of them stacked on top of each other & forming a child-like figure around Mabel's height while the other three took on the form of a girl wearing clothes patterned after the Mizunes' attire and still wearing their mice hats. "Wait, they can do that?" Ford exclaimed scratching his head. "Now then, charge!" Free ordered and the two groups ran at one another ready to fight, Dipper against Eruka, Mabel against Free and the Stans against the Mizunes.
Meanwhile high in the treetops sat Giriko and Mosquito spying on the action. "Didn't Bill already fire those losers? What are they doing here?" the chainsaw wondered. "I suppose this is their attempt at winning the master's favor, especially at how they managed to contain the rest of their party." the former steward of Arachne pointed out staring at the subzero prison of the remaining Mystery Meisters. "Who knew such a fool could be strong enough to contain the son of Death and some of his strongest Meisters?" Giriko commented. "In fact, why did we need to be here? Let's just get outta here and let those guys murder them!" He was then quickly shushed by Mosquito. "Of course you gotta ruin my fun." "It's likely those five will lose anyway, especially when the boy has Excalibur in his hands." Mosquito stated eyeing the sword in particular. "Wait, that's Excalibur?!" Giriko gasped as the battle finally began. "Don't they know that he's too goddamn annoying to fully synchronize with?!" "I suggest we save the conversation for later my boy, but right now we watch." the Bloodsucker declared ending their debate and watching the witch's lackeys face the Pines. Returning to the fight, both groups were evenly matched. Dipper & Excalibur faced Eruka, Mabel against Free and the Stans versus the Mizunes. "Why are you even after us? Do you have something to gain from working with Kishin Cipher?!" the boy cried clashing the sword with the frog witch's tadpole staff. "He promised us freedom from Medusa when we originally met him in exchange for taking you out." Eruka explained smacking her foe in the face with her staff. "But we were wrong. He was just so utterly cruel and petty that he fired us just because Free lost an arm-wrestling contest." "Hey, that ninja kid was tough!" Free exclaimed as he tried to grab Mabel, who dodged him by swinging in the air with her grappling hook. "But how did you meet him anyway?" Ford asked while he and the tall Mizune fusion tried to push each other back while gripping each other's fists. "It all began one day..."
Gravity Falls, May 2013 It has been a few weeks since Maka Albarn had defeated Asura with the power of courage and now with Medusa potentially deceased & nowhere else to go, Eruka Frog, Free and the Mizunes decided to travel the country in search of a new purpose. Their newest destination was a town in Roadkill County, Oregon surrounded by a large forest that proved to be the perfect hiding place. "So glad we're all getting into nature." Free said roasting a kebab made out of acorns, mushrooms and a few dead squirrels over a campfire. "Yeah, the scenery really brings a nice atmosphere, wouldn't you agree Mizunes?" Eruka remarked and the Mizunes chittered in agreement. "But I just don't know what that thing is doing here." She pointed to a nearby statue of a triangle object wearing a top hat and sticking its arm out. "Probably just some dumb tourist attraction." "Why does it have an eye?" Free wondered also looking at the triangle while munching on his dinner. After a while, the group decided to turn in for the night. "So who gets to put on the fire?" the frog witch asked. "Allow me!" the werewolf made the campfire go out with his ice magic before closing his eyes and laying on his back. "Night gang!" And so the former witch's goons all fell asleep as the stars shone brightly over them. But mere hours later, Eruka woke up and glared at the statue of the triangle still with its arm out. "Okay, what is up with you?" she exclaimed trying her best to not awaken the others. She marched over to the triangle and took a knee to face its eye. "Seriously, what's your deal? Are you some kind of ancient relic or just some tacky photo op? Give me an answer!" "I'm sorry, what did you just call me?" a deep voice furiously rung out scaring the witch. Suddenly, a pale-skinned figure with golden hair and three eyes appeared in front of her and she started screaming in fear of this new being. "Hey, you got some nice pipes there girly! Perfect screaming volume!" the stranger complimented her. "And those shrunken pupils are a nice touch too!" "Free, Mizunes, help me!" Eruka ran away & cried out for her comrades but they couldn't hear her and continued resting. "Sorry Kermit, they can't hear you! Wanna know why?!" the monster said. "BECAUSE YOU'RE ON MY TURF NOW!" The entire area turned monochrome and Eruka was pulled back. "I suppose you must be wondering who I am?" "You're Asura, aren't you?" the witch whimpered. "Close but no cigar Slippy, call me Kishin Cipher!" he proclaimed. "While Asura was in some random void after Scythe punched him with courage, he ran into yours truly, Bill Cipher!" Kishin Cipher then transformed into that exact triangle statue only it was yellow and had a bow tie. "You may remember me from when Lord Death and his eight butt buddies beat me up and locked me in the Nightmare Realm or when I unleashed the apocalypse on this little town. But sadly all good things had to come to an end when some old man punched me in his mind." "So you both came back by fusing?" Eruka asked. "Exactly cheeks, and I've got a plan." Cipher stated putting an arm around her neck. "You see, there are these couple of kids that I want dead so that they won't interfere with my schemes. So I want you and your idiot friends to find me one of these three journals and bring them to me." He then spawned a flaming image of a damaged book with the number 3 on it. "So do we have a deal?" "But wait, what do I get out of it?" Eruka wondered contemplating Kishin Cipher's offer as he shifted back into his regular form. "Simple Michigan. Freedom." he declared. "Think of it, no longer will you have to be Medusa's punching bags, I can give you anything you want! Money, fame, riches, infinite power, even your own galaxy!" "Come to think of it, that does sound enticing." the frog mused tapping her chin in deep thought. "Okay, it's a deal." She finally took Kishin Cipher's hand and they shook, sealing the deal. "Welp, that takes care of it! Well what're you waitin' for?! But if you fail me, there will be consequences!" he exclaimed preparing to disappear before stopping to make one final statement. "Okay just a second. Strike that, reverse it. Thank you." He finally disappeared leaving Eruka standing alone in the dark forest before Free appeared from behind, spooking her. "Hey, what're you doing up and out here so late?" he asked. "Was it about the triangle?" His cohort sighed and finally confessed. "I made a deal with the guy that statue was supposed to be. It turns out he was some kind of demon that unleashed some kinda bizarre Hell on Earth last year and fused with Asura." "So wait, you actually shook hands with this thing?" the Immortal Man asked stepping up to the statue and touching it. "Yoohoo, Mr. Statue Man! You awake in there? My name's Free, a friend of the girl you made a deal with!" he cried tapping on the stone shape and accidentally cracking its eye. "Oops, I am so sorry Mr. Statue Man! Let me fix that for you!" He used his own saliva to fix the crack, but to no avail. "Apologies for using that to help you out there." "Can you pay attention Free?!" Eruka shouted. "When I spoke with Kishin Cipher, he told me he had a plan that involved a book he needed to gain more power." she explained. "Oh, you mean the one Doug has?" Free remarked. "Wait, who's Doug?" the witch asked. "He's just some guy I met that got that book from a bake sale. Reviews movies in his spare time." "Well, let's go see this Doug then. C'mon Mizunes, we got a job to do." Eruka woke up the mice and went on their way to perform their mission.
"So you actually made a deal with him?!" Dipper cried continuing to clash Excalibur with the frog's staff. "It was the only way we could finally have freedom!" she responded. "Besides, I wished we could be as tight-knit as you are." "Get back here you!" Free cried trying to catch Mabel, who kept swinging away from him with her grappling hook. "Try and catch me first!" she shouted pulling a candy bar out of her sweater pocket and throwing it in his face. "Oh hey, I was getting' hungry. Thanks kid." "You're welcome, but I'm still gonna have to beat you anyway." Mabel answered walking up to him and delivering a small punch before taking notice of his unique eye. "Hey, why does it say 'No future' above your eye, and why is it a different color from your other eye?" she asked. "Oh yeah, that." he stated sitting down. "This eye actually used to belong to the Grand Witch Mabaa and I stole it because a bunch of my friends dared me to." "So what happened? C'mon, you can tell me." Mabel asked smiling sweetly at him. "Wait, why you being so friendly with me? I mean, I froze your friends solid and I think my co-workers are gonna kill your family." Free said with a surprised expression. "I just want to be a nice person, even if some people are jerks to my friends." the girl stated sitting down next to him. "Now tell me more about that Grand Witch lady." "Okay, so I did succeed in stealing that eye but instead of killing me, since I was an immortal werewolf, Mabaa instead locked me up for the next hundreds of years where I even forgot my own name until Eruka freed me under Medusa's orders." Free explained. "And before that, I tried to escape by digging my way out with spoons like in the movies!" "It didn't work?" Mabel remarked. "It didn't work because they all served chopsticks." Free responded. "Now anyway, after I was bailed I served Medusa for quite a while until she bit the dust. We all thought she was gone for good until she came back in the body of a little girl, long story, and we were all forced to work for her again until she died again." "I know Medusa's a pretty terrible mother from Crona but how terrible of a boss was she?" Mabel wondered. "Just as awful. Makes me wish I was indebted to someone else now, preferably less abusive toward their minions." That was when Mabel got an idea. "I have a suggestion, why don't you hang out with us? I promise we'll be much kinder to you guys." "That sounds like a great idea! But I'm not sure about it since you're friends with the Academy's brats." Free remarked. "Promise me big guy, we can make it work."
"Tiny little bastard, ain't ya?!" Stan cried trying to dodge the two-body merged Mizune while Ford clashed with the three-body merged Mizune. "We need to create a diversion so that one of us can melt our companions' ice prison. Got any ideas Stanley?" Ford asked. "Okay, how about I face these Mousekewitzes while you do the melting part?" the con artist suggested. "But that leaves the question of how." "Simple, I crank my magnet gun up to eleven to meddle with its melting point." Stanford stated. "Did you simply get that off the Internet? That sounds like something out of one of those fact sites that says can openers are good for opening doors!" his brother commented. "Just trust me on this one Stan, our friends might catch hypothermia if they're stuck in there longer!" "Well, if you say so Sixer." Stan gave in before facing the pair of Mizunes. "Hey Speedy, Itchy!" he called distracting the mice witches and beginning to run around in circles. Meanwhile Ford got to work on melting the Frigid Jailhouse by stabbing the bars in the opening into the ice and cranking its power to its highest level. Pulling the trigger, Ford activated the gun's magnet pulse and it began to make quick work of the ice, to the point where he could barely see Waddles wiggle his snout. "Bingo, it's working!" "Wow Ford, guess the web is useful for something after all." Stan commented before he suddenly started screaming in pain, looking down to notice a thin, small laser jutted straight through his chest coming from the Mizune's face. Covering his wound, the great uncle turned to notice that the two fusions were no more and in their place had merged into something taller and dressed more revealing. "One of the old men is down. Now onto the rest of the family." "Stanley no!" Ford cried rushing to his brother's side. "Please speak to me, did that thing shoot you through the heart?" he asked. "No, none of my organs were stabbed." Stan said weakly while his older brother cradled him in his arms. "Just keep melting 'em Sixer and hopefully the kids will come back to save us." He finally passed out just as Dipper rushed to his side as well. "What's happened to him Ford?!" "That mouse thing struck him down while his back was turned and he's bleeding out! But thankfully she missed his vital organs." Ford stated beginning to shed a tear for his brother. "But still, if only it were me that took that laser." Dipper put a comforting hand on his shoulder as Eruka stepped forward. "So you care for each other that much?" "More than anything. What about you guys?" Dipper answered. "We only saw each other as coworkers, barely having enough time to relax especially when working under Medusa." Eruka stated. "Makes me wish we could have someone that we could call a family." She remorsefully looked down at the ground before Dipper took her hand. "How about we be your family?" "You really mean it? But we tried to kill you guys!" Eruka and Mizune were both taken aback by the boy's offer. "You did tell us about how bad of a boss both Medusa and Bill were, but Soos is a much better boss than they ever will." Dipper explained. "Speaking of which, think you can help us unfreeze our friends?" "We'd be happy to help, but we're gonna need to wait for Free to come back, since this is his doing." Eruka answered before suddenly, they heard bushes rustling followed by the Immortal Man stepping out with Mabel on his back. "Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting!" "Meet my new friend bro-bro!" Mabel exclaimed jumping down to hug her brother. "Let me guess, is it because he's a big muscular wolfman?" Dipper snarked. "Kinda actually, but despite being an evil minion he's actually a total dork." the sweater girl stated. "And he loved that candy bar I threw at him as well!" "Who doesn't love chocolate?" Free added munching on his sweet. "So anyway, think you can help us get our friends out of that ice?" Dipper asked the werewolf. "Sure, just give me some time on this one." Stepping up to the partially melted ice block. Free wound up his fist and shattered it with a single punch, freeing its prisoners who were now shivering as a result. "Oh man, thought we were all gonna become ice sculptures in there!" Wendy exclaimed before spotting Free. "Hey, you look familiar." "Hands, or paws, in the air Free. We have you surrounded now that you've sealed your own doom." Kid coldly stated aiming Liz & Patty at the wolfman while the others took up arms when Dipper & Mabel rushed to defend their new friend. "No wait guys, don't fight them!" Mabel cried. "Are you kidding us Mabel, he tried to freeze us!" Black Star exclaimed before Dipper shushed him by pointing Excalibur at him. "Let us explain."
"So you're saying they all got screwed over by Bill and want to join us for revenge?" Spirit wondered as the crew were gathered around a makeshift campfire to warm themselves. "Yes, I originally made a deal with him to give us freedom in exchange for a journal he wanted but we were fired thanks to a certain someone!" Eruka stated before glaring at Free. "Oh come on! I just wasn't trying that hard!" "Incredible, a witch and a werewolf!" Ford muttered to himself writing down about the two in Journal 4. "One swiped the eye of a being known as the Grand Witch and the other is gifted in some form of mathmatics-based spells." Finishing his entry, he looked forlornly at his brother who was being taken care of by Stein. "Now hold still Stanley, this injury went pretty deep." "Yeah I know Frankenstein. Just be gentle, will ya?" Stan asked. "So sorry, this happened to you Mr. Pines. When I heard about it, I thought you would've died!" Soos cried feeling concerned for his father figure. "Yeah, must've been pretty nasty." Wendy added. "Thanks guys, nice to know you're still sticking by me." the con-artist thanked them with a hug. "I still can't believe it! Have we all gotten weaker or our enemies stronger?" Soul wondered aloud. "It's most likely the latter Soul. Kishin Cipher is not holding back from here on out and we're going to need to try our hardest to stop him." Maka answered. "Which would also explain why that taxidermy monster from the Northwests' home was able to knock me out mid-resonance." "FOOLS! We can't say for sure whether he is getting stronger, but I can assure you his forces definitely are." Excalibur commented. "Besides, have any of you ever seen Free pull off a move like that?" he asked the DWMA students and they replied with a nod. "Excalibur's got a good point everyone, we should watch ourselves." Kid reiterated the Holy Sword's point before grimacing. "I can't believe I just said that about him." "We can only camp here for a few more minutes, then we can get back on track." Tsubaki announced walking over to the fire to put it out. "Tsubaki's right, if we stay out here longer Bill could be invading our minds." Ford agreed. "Now then, let's get moving!" "Not so fast friends!" Mosquito announced with he and Giriko stepping into view. "Well, it seems Medusa's flunkies have finally betrayed them. I'm honestly not surprised given her personality." the Bloodsucker commented before a large golem rose up from behind. "Just when we thought tonight couldn't get any worse, of course more of you guys had to show up!" Stan exclaimed as everyone took up arms. "Now what do you want?" "Simple, to eliminate you all and take the old man & the scythe." Mosquito proclaimed. "We have been watching you all this entire night, particularly your battle earlier." he explained. "Now then, shall we begin?" "We won't back down this time Mosquito, and we aren't going to be detained like last time!" Maka shouted grasping onto her weapon and the Mystery Meisters began charging at the duo, ready for another battle.
Sorry to keep you waiting! Again, writer's block. Hopefully this will keep you tided over while I get back on one of my other stories that I've kept under the bus for a while. Oh yes, we're finally returning to my One Punch Man/Villainous crossover Black Fist! Until we meet again Fanfiction, take it easy.
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