#lee char
gffa · 1 year
I have decided that the “Mon Calamari Nobleman” was decidedly not the actual prince of the Mon Calamari, he was from one some lesser noble families, despite that Koska Reeves called him “prince”, because he refused to go back to his folks in “that wretched palace” and I WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND SLANDER AGAINST LEE-CHAR.  No fucking way was that Lee-Char’s son/grandson, I will fist fight you in a Wal-Mart parking lot before I let you get away with that bullshit, Favreau!
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firefly-fez · 2 years
I like to think that King Lee Char, Senator Chuchi and Lux Bonteri form their own little political rebel cell work together to give the empire hell in the senate
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zeph-phyr · 6 months
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more scott pilgrim stuff feat. my fav evil exes
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naboosands · 10 months
Every now and then Master Fisto *accidentally* lands on the Vogue Coruscant cover and the rest of the Council lose their minds
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7clubs · 8 months
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guys help i accidentally made my yjh design too fun to draw and self-indulgently bigender. don't mind me...
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cachamcom · 2 months
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chaosnojutsu · 10 months
Who *Should* Have Died From The Konoha ~12 Instead Of The One Who Did
we’re assuming they die under the same circumstances as the other guy
each one listed would have a complete storyline and their death would further the immediate plot as well as the overall narrative
i’m not “just picking characters i don’t like”
i do not condone killing characters for the sake of shock value but am considering shock as a legitimate tool in generating impact of a character’s death
miss me with “[redacted]’s death was a tragic result of the shinobi system” because no it was not. if that were true you could sub out [redacted] for any other child soldier and get the exact same impact. we know exactly why they were chosen and it’s got an (insufficient) explanation irl and in-universe.
#3. Sai
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Motivation: Friendship
First of all, imagine the shock value from killing one of THE Team Kakashi members.
Cool. Now imagine Naruto’s shock at Sai sacrificing himself for him.
Sai overanalyzes normal human interaction to the point of not understanding it. He reads books about how to befriend people. He still doesn’t understand it all the time but friendship is coming more naturally to him these days. What he does understand is that Naruto is the only chance of winning this war, and he’s down, and the enemy is aiming for him, and Hinata is trying to stop them but she’s on the ground, the spears are in the air and so is Sai, and Naruto is his friend.
He doesn’t need to think about it much deeper than that.
Now imagine Sasuke “What Does ‘Friend’ Mean To You” Uchiha witnessing this, witnessing Naruto’s reaction, and the further effects this may have on his character. After all, Sai was his replacement. If Naruto feels this strongly about losing someone who was decidedly not him but his friend and teammate nevertheless then… maybe.
#2. Rock Lee
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Motivation: Youth
Regardless of *how* this one plays out, no one wants to watch the determined, precious, comedic relief die; no one who’s watched this far into the show wants Rock Lee specifically to die. Huge impact already. But we can make it super duper sad because he deserves a memorable death. I see it going one of two ways.
One: Hinata doesn’t even have the time to try to shield Naruto because Rock Lee is faster. Ten-Tails barely launches the attack and Lee’s already taken/attempted to counter the hit. Perhaps this is his eight gates moment. Similar to Sai, Rock Lee would cite the power of friendship in his dramatic death speech, but he also was just… doing his duty. Truly, if you’re in the “Neji was just another tragic child soldier” camp, Rock Lee is the prime example of what I mean when I say you could sub in any child soldier, which I know sounds paradoxical but stay with me. Rock Lee’s entire personality is training harder than anyone else to benefit a system that will ultimately result in his death. If you want to make a point about child soldiers and needless lives lost, Rock Lee is the one to kill.
Two: Rock Lee doesn’t shield Hinata. He shields Neji. But not necessarily on purpose. The scene plays out exactly as written up to the moment Neji activates his byakugan, and the next frame isn’t him falling to the ground, it’s Rock Lee. The usually-somewhat-reserved Neji is devastated, probably in tears, demanding to know why he would do something like this. Rock Lee coughs up a bit of blood. “I was faster than you.” Smile. “I finally beat you…” Serene eyes fall shut. “…rival.”
And now imagine Naruto’s reaction to losing Bushy Brow. Imagine him watching Gai be brought to his knees by a blow that didn’t physically touch him. Imagine Madara incorrectly perceiving that. The implications. The foreshadowing.
#1. Shino
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Motivation: Legacy
I’m gonna be real, the writers were never gonna kill off Rock Lee like that, which is the biggest reason Shino has taken the crown as Most Worthy Of A Tragic Death in my book.
This dude has a connection to both Naruto and Hinata (making him equally as good a sacrifice as Neji if that’s the canon criteria). However, unlike most other (male) characters, Shino isn’t shown to have a particularly close friendship with Naruto. The one recurring joke around Shino is that he’s so irrelevant even Naruto can’t remember his name.
But he is good friends with Hinata. And he knows she’ll spend the rest of her life miserable if Naruto dies, and that if she dies right now she will never have gotten her life’s greatest wish.
So Shino goes out in a blaze of glory, and we’ll probably insert something about how Naruto has somehow secretly inspired him all along— or maybe something cynical about how he always wanted to be included by Naruto but never was unless Kiba or Hinata were around, so he’s sacrificed himself to maintain the livelihood of everyone else while not “losing” that friendship himself— and we of course get the touching moment with Hinata (oh just imagine the drama if Shino lay dying and told Hinata “Why did I protect you? It’s simple. The reason is… for the same reason you protected him.” and we find out that the huge secret crush of the show was not Hinata toward anyone, but Shino toward Hinata, never confessing because he knew it would be futile).
Good luck forgetting his name now, Naruto. Now no one will ever forget about Shino Aburame.
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buffetlicious · 2 months
After dining out at Fu Lee Seafood (富俐海鮮), a tze char (煮炒) stall located in Block 126 Canberra Street, sis help packed for us the Mango Crispy Chicken (芒果脆鸡) and Yang Zhou Fried Rice (扬州炒饭). Love the extra crispy fried chicken cutlet with tangy sweet and spicy mango sauce. Even the fried rice is so good with flavour of the Wok Hei (镬气), translated into English means “wok thermal radiation” or metaphorically, the “breath of the wok”.
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Menu courtesy of Fu Lee Seafood.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 2 months
I saw this series of quotes and why do you think that hat has three stabs from buggy? Is it truly connected to shuggy? Could shuggy really be that important???
so, here are the tweets in question. (one of which is from @goingbuggy! hi there! this is, what, the third time someone’s asked me to talk about your tweets? i guess at least one of my anons is a fan.)
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i have wondered a time or two whether in oda’s early planning it might have been buggy who gave shanks that three-slash scar. (i’ve heard that oda originally had a five year plan for one piece, though i’ll admit i’ve never sought out a direct source for that.) in that case, the slashes through the hat might have been intended as foreshadowing.
but since buggy wasn’t the one to make that scar, instead it leads us to draw comparisons between these characters who both have wielded three blades on one hand. and maybe it’s just because they were both written as foils to luffy, but i find comparing buggy and blackbeard very interesting!
former warlord of the sea/current emperor of the sea
devil fruit user
served on a big name’s crew back in the day
intentionally went under the radar/overlooked for years
doesn’t really buy into concepts like “loyalty” or “honor,” happy to turn on a crew mate or backstab an ally if it’s to his advantage
used to wield three blades but these days prefers explosive-adjacent weapons
not happy to see red-haired shanks at marineford
fell into those positions by chance/years of plotting to get into those positions
a devil fruit with zero combat utility (besides avoiding damage)/possibly the devil fruit with the most combat utility? (though, unusually, he can take damage while wielding it)
their reasons for going under the radar (fear of being hunted down/working towards a secret goal)
the consequences for overlooking them (for shanks: losing buggy/losing to bb, or at least taking a very bad wound from him; for others: misinformation on a global scale/the literal paramount war)
buggy is a strong believer in the captain-crew bond, which bb absolutely does not buy into
type of three-bladed weapon (three throwing daggers, suggests flexibility, hidden motives, a preference for distance fighting; claw weapon, suggests light-footedness, straightforwardness—you know when a claw wielder is about to start fighting, he’s gone and put the claws on)
type of explosive weapon (bombs, suggests pre-planning, a preference for distance fighting, maximum damage for minimum effort; guns, suggests a flexibility on distance vs melee range, a willingness to threaten rather than kill outright)
why they didn’t want to see shanks (ugh, that guy pisses me off/i think that guy might literally kill me lmao)
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cretaceous-if · 7 months
Welcome! Your post introductory is amazing!!
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Aw thank you! I was inspired by @forsakensword-if to add all the stats and stuff to make it easier to people to access, so kudos to Rea!
I’m literally terrible at thinking up facts, so forgive that i’ve reused the fav animal/dino one.
-> While they don’t have much time for it these days, G is a total bookworm (historical romances are their guilty pleasure even if the smut scenes do make them giggle).
-> their favourite animal is a wolf and their favourite dinosaur is an ankylosaurus (because it kind of reminds them of a dog).
-> If asked, xe would tell you that whiskey is xyr favourite drink, but in reality, hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows is xyr favourite.
-> Xyr favourite animal is a red panda and xyr favourite dinosaur is a parasaurolophus.
-> He can play the piano and sing, but he’s rather shy about it so he rarely shows off his musical talent. He will quietly sing to mc though when it’s just the two of them.
-> His favourite animal is an elephant and his favourite dinosaur is a velociraptor (his lil turkey sized menaces).
-> She was a champion gymnast in her early twenties, now while she doesn’t compete anymore, she’s still very active and extremely flexible.
-> Her favourite animal is a bearded vulture and her favourite dinosaur is a gigantoraptor.
-> If they’re given flowers, they will be extremely flattered. They’ll press the flowers into special books and write little notes about the meaning of the flowers and who gave them to them.
-> Their favourite animal is a cheetah and their favourite dinosaur is a T-Rex (they get really excited when you bring your babies to see them).
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coconoct · 11 months
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[16/23] he got some flowers for you 🫶💙 i mean… flowers for celebrating pgr’s anniversary- actually— how about both, both is good
+bonus its a very VERY quick redraw of a piece from last yr
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yesdramas · 2 years
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MAY I HELP YOU 일당백집사 — 2022, dir. Shim So Yeon
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Equipage d'un char M3 Lee de la Compagnie D, 2e Bataillon du 13e Régiment de la 1ère Division blindée américaine – Campagne de Tunisie – Campagne d'Afrique du Nord – Souk El Arbaa (Jendouba) – Tunisie – 23 novembre 1942
©U.S. Army Signal Corps - NA-COO-42-217
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aisforinterval · 8 months
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this is how cowboys have make love right
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tenshichan1013 · 3 months
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frozen london here’s to your next chapter
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cornappreciation · 2 years
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quick sketchy kitty gif... not my best work + wasnt planned very well so theres some avoidable mistakes but oh well!!!
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