#lee jeno royal au
justwritedreams · 5 months
Welcome to the Kingdom | Jeno
Chapter Twelve: The Wedding
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Prince Jeno x Princess Reader, enemies to lovers au!, royalty au!
Word count: 2770 
Genre: drama, fake relationship
Author: maari
Warnings: Jealous Jeno again bc like it, mentions of alchool and some sexual tension.
Note: FINALLY THANK GOD! PLEASE DON'T HIT ME 😭😭 You don't know how I wanted to finish this chapter but couldn't, now things are going to start getting interesting 😏
Summary: The wedding is finally going to happen. Will we have more surprises?
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Taglist: @floweronacloud, @cookydream, @travelleratheart101, @ilvaussie​, @tyongf-sunflower99​, @mings-cafe ,  @n0hyuck , @waltermitty97 , @jihoonismydad , @madaboutjunmyeon , @actually-vl  , @neomooniez, @pvppyhao , @ikayyyyyy (can’t tag you honey 😞), @everloving-avenue , @moonchele , @markspossibilities
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Y/N tried to control her heavy breathing with exercises she had learned but she still couldn't make her anxiety lessen as she looked at her glamorous and angelic reflection in the mirror.
Even though she had tried on the same dress several times before the wedding, now she was ready and just minutes away from entering the cathedral to get married.
She was nervous that day, she had woken up early to have a good coffee and start getting ready, her hair and makeup needed to be perfect and it would take time for that to happen.
She was finally going to get married!
As for her fiancé, she hadn't seen him since the night before that kept haunting her mind. She still didn't understand what had happened in the jacuzzi, whether it had been a lapse of carnal desire or simply one of the steps in their little game, but she couldn't contain herself. It was stronger than all the provocations until then.
Maybe that's why she was like that, she was anxious but also scared, she didn't know what awaited her from now on. She would be bound to Jeno for the rest of her life, for the good of her kingdom as well as his.
Yeah, actually spending 5 minutes alone before going to the ceremony hadn't been a good idea since her mind kept creating all the possible scenarios.
Her daydreams were interrupted when the bedroom door was opened, she turned around and looked at her father's figure, traditionally dressed in royal formalwear, he was also wearing the crown.
She smiled nervously at her father who was visibly excited to see his daughter dressed as a bride.
“You are the most beautiful princess in the world.” he smiled widely and walked towards her, extending his hand.
“You’re only saying that because I’m your daughter.” she replied, holding her father's hand.
“I’m saying this because it’s the truth.” he kissed her forehead and looked at her deeply. Y/N stared at her father expectantly, she was ready to listen to her father's advice before getting married.
“Don’t be afraid, marriage isn’t that bad.”
She laughed lightly.
“Even though it’s just a strategic alliance?”
“Every marriage is an alliance.” she looked at him suspiciously. “See me and your mother.”
“The difference is that you really love each other.”
“And it can’t be like that with you and Jeno?” he asked and Y/N didn't immediately deny it.
The truth is that as much as she wanted to give a negative answer, there was no way she could have predicted it.
It could go very wrong or it could go very right.
But she was more prepared for the possibility that it would go wrong.
Loving Jeno seemed like a forbidden idea in every way.
“That’s what we’ll see, right?” she shrugged.
“Until then,” her father extended his arm for her to support and she did. “I just want you to be happy.”
She smiled excitedly and rested her head on his shoulder for a few seconds.
Even though it was an arranged marriage, a strategic and political alliance, she couldn't deny that she was happy that day.
A lot would change from then on and she felt more than ready.
The princess found her mother at the end of the stairs and she had to control her tears when she saw her, her mother was visibly moved and hugged her with a strength that seemed to recharge Y/N's energy.
Leaving the castle to the historic carriage and the journey to the cathedral were overwhelming for Y/N, the only concern she had was being able to breathe properly so that she wouldn't show the immense nervousness she was feeling, she felt her father's watchful eyes on her and the mother's voice sounded distant. The princess trembled internally with anxiety, in a way she had never felt before.
She let out her breath as soon as she held her father's hand as he got out of the carriage and extended it so he could help her out of the carriage. She heard the voices and applause of those watching the wedding outside the cathedral and smiled restrainedly behind her, waving briefly.
Y/N heard the camera flashes capturing that moment and especially her dress which, although it had some classic details, was undoubtedly very different from what they had speculated. The princess had opted for a dress that had embroidered details on the skirt that wasn’t too full but long enough to provide an elegant tail, the bust was well worked with the same designs and highlighted the princess's waist, the sleeve fell over her shoulders. It gave a clear view of the diamond necklace that had been in the family for generations, the veil, although it only had the same embroidered details on the front, was long and covered the braid she had made.
The queen extended the bouquet to Y/N who thanked her with a nervous smile, the mother then entered the cathedral while her husband stayed behind and prepared to enter with their daughter.
“Don’t let me fall, dad.” she whispered, not even recognizing her own voice, she sounded so vulnerable.
She smiled at him and then heard the wedding march play imposingly, she took a deep breath and raised her head before starting to walk slowly into the cathedral, even though the corridor was long and it was crowded, her eyes looked for Jeno and she even managed to control her expression of surprise but her eyes didn't lie.
He wore a formal uniform that wasn’t only elegant but also respected the history of Y/N's kingdom, using the colors of the family crest. Blue, white and gold.
The outfit had looked so good on Jeno that the princess couldn't take her eyes off him, she had imagined that he would probably wear the famous white and gold suit but she was completely wrong.
He had his hair perfectly combed so that only one strand fell into his eye.
And the eye... Y/N didn't seem to be the only one mesmerized at the beginning of the ceremony, Jeno also admired her from top to bottom without any discretion.
As soon as the king handed his daughter to Jeno, the prince's hand was as cold as Y/N, the ceremony began and went faster than both could have imagined, and it was true to say that neither of them paid that much attention to the words from the priest since they were too busy watching each other out of the corner of their eyes.
Y/N only felt nervous again when it was time to exchange the rings, she didn't want Jeno to notice that her hand was shaking but it was impossible.
She wasn't nervous just because Jeno recited the vows looking deep into her eyes, but because she knew that after the exchange of rings, the ceremony would end with the bride and groom's passionate kiss.
And well, even though she and Jeno showed the world that they were extremely in love with each other, she had never kissed him until then and it was obvious that she was scared of it.
Because she didn't know how her body would react to the kiss and doing that in front of millions of people was scary, to say the least.
The princess felt her heart pound against her ribs when the priest announced that they could kiss, she looked at Jeno anxiously and all she saw in his eyes was a fire that made her ears heat up.
She already felt her legs shaking when he held both of her hands. She was ready to lean over but Jeno had other plans.
He knelt down and kissed Y/N's ring for a long time and then rested his forehead on her hand, who although she was confused, felt her stomach turn. He received a standing ovation from all the witnesses.
Jeno had clearly knelt before the crown of the kingdom and in a silent gesture showed that he respected and would serve that country as the husband of the future queen, there was no way to show greater devotion than that.
He had just won the entire kingdom and the respect of Y/N, even though she was disappointed that she hadn't kissed him like a common bride, she silently thanked him for the gesture when he stood up.
After all, she was absolutely right. They were no ordinary bride and groom.
Y/N felt her cheek hurt from smiling at the people who came to greet them, Jeno was next to her with his hand comfortably on her waist. The princess had already changed her dress for the wedding reception, although it wasn't exactly a white dress, it was as elegant as the one for the ceremony, worked in stones from the short sleeve to the long skirt, the neckline was perfect for her to continue wearing the family jewel and had removed her veil so everyone could admire the braid.
The Lee family had been the first to greet the newlyweds and Y/N could see a little sadness in Mark's eyes but he hugged her the same way as always, wishing her happiness and she could do nothing but thank him.
Now, Y/N was talking to her cousin a little further away from Jeno as he was talking to his brothers. They had already greeted all the guests and were free to move around the room.
“My God, you two…”
The princess looked at her cousin who was taking turns looking between her and Jeno.
“What happened, Yeri?”
“You two are impossible, you know?” Y/N raised her eyebrow, confused. “Just looking at you can already feel the sexual tension.”
Y/N laughed and shook her head.
“You’re kidding me.” She drank some of the champagne she was holding and her cousin looked at her offended.
"I'm serious. This honeymoon is going to be promising.”
The princess swallowed hard and felt the champagne bubble inside her throat.
Oh sure, all she needed to imagine was the honeymoon.
“He didn’t even kiss me.” Y/N remembered in disbelief.
“And you’ve never heard of foreplay?” Yeri asked and her cousin's eyes widened, looking around her to see if anyone had heard.
"Shut up please." she begged.
“He’s raising your expectations, after all, you’ll finally get some action after so long without…”
Y/N looked towards the main door of the room and her jaw dropped when she saw a familiar figure, as she grabbed her cousin's arm so she would stop talking.
“Tell me I’m not drunk and I’m actually seeing who I think I’m seeing.”
Yeri followed her cousin's eyes and smiled mischievously.
“Your wedding party just started getting more lively.” hummed and the princess looked at her quickly, partly in panic.
However, the cousin moved away from her when she realized that the reason for Y/N's attention was walking towards her, letting her arm fall to her side as she stood still.
She felt her heart race when she heard the voice, it had been so long since she spoke to him, she couldn't even remember the last time.
“Hongjoong.” She smiled.
He was different, more mature. He wore a black formal suit with red and gold details, his light brown hair very different from the blonde she knew.
“I needed to come and greet the bride.” smiled sideways
“I didn’t know you were here, I didn’t see you at the ceremony.”
“And did you notice anyone in the cathedral?”
She laughed lightly, shaking her head. In fact, she couldn't identify even half of the people in the cathedral because of such nervousness.
“Did my parents invite you?” she asked, interested, seeing him nod.
“Our commercial relationships still remain very strong.”
Y/N tilted her head to admire him. She had always known about the potential of becoming one of the main food suppliers for Y/N's kingdom but seeing it actually happen was impressive.
From afar, Jeno watched the princess talk animatedly with a man he hadn't met until then. He tried not to stare at the two of them but it was practically impossible considering that he saw something there that he hadn't seen with anyone else until then, intimacy.
Y/N seemed extremely comfortable with the man, who he noticed was a noble by the posture and clothes he wore, she looked at him with admiration and considering that he had met the princess's entire family, he knew that this wasn't her cousin.
Jeno's jaw clenched when he saw her take her hand to the man's arm and his sudden reaction didn't go unnoticed by Haechan.
“You guys just got married and you already have a competitor for her heart?” the brother spoke quietly so that only Jeno could hear, even using his famous joking tone, it wasn't enough for Jeno not to glare at him.
Haechan raised his hands in a sign of surrender and didn't even need to provoke his brother further, who began to walk in long strides towards Y/N and the excited guest.
Jeno wasn't jealous, at least that's what he repeated in his head as he approached the princess, but he made it very explicit when he put his arm around his wife's waist, who was startled by the sudden touch.
“My love, I was looking for you.” He kissed the top of her head and she looked at him with a frown. “Don’t forget you promised me a dance.”
"Oh yes of course." Y/N agreed, still looking at Jeno in confusion.
An unsettling silence fell between the three and Y/N cleared her throat.
“This is Duke Hongjoong, he is from the northern kingdom.” she introduced the two of them and Jeno reached out to squeeze his hand tighter than he should have.
“From the Kim family.” Hongjoong added and Jeno raised his eyebrow.
He really wasn't wrong about the guy. He just didn't know that Y/N was his friend.
“We have some commercial business and he came to greet us.”
Jeno nodded silently and took turns looking between the princess and the duke, the fact that his wife didn't look him in the eye said more than he wanted to understand.
"Congratulations on the wedding!" Hongjoong spoke and Jeno smiled discreetly.
There was something bubbling hot inside him, like snake venom.
"Thank you very much. I hope you come to court more often.” Jeno wanted to hit himself for sounding so polite, he actually wanted to threaten the Duke and not seem like he wanted to be friends.
Y/N stared at Jeno in disbelief, it was the second time that day that he surprised her.
But if he knew the past between Y/N and Hongjoong, he definitely wouldn't invite him to the castle.
"Of course it will be a pleasure." Hongjoong took a step back and greeted them. "See you soon."
Jeno hugged Y/N's waist tighter when he saw that the duke directed his last look at her and he didn't like how natural it felt.
Okay, he had perfectly understood what had happened there. There was a history between the two and he didn't know if he wanted to know what it was.
Before he could ask anything, Y/N's parents approached while the princess scratched the back of her head uncomfortably.
“Jeno, Y/N, you will spend the night at the castle.” the king informed and they both looked at him in surprise.
“In the castle?”
“Your father and I have agreed that you and Jeno should go to the chalet tomorrow morning.” the queen explained. “It’s further away, surrounded by security guards. You will be safe.”
“I thought we were going to the summer house.” Y/N said, looking at her father and then her mother.
"It's risky." was all his father said.
“Your parents are right, Y/N.” Jeno patted Y/N's back and she felt a shiver run down her spine. “We have a lot of guests here, we need to take care of our safety and theirs too.” Y/N pondered for a bit until she nodded.
"You can extend the honeymoon as long as you want.”
Although the princess didn't want to agree out loud with Yeri, she needed to admit that there was sexual tension there.
And Jeno's warm palm wasn't helping at all, especially when she remembered that the next day she would be alone with Jeno in the chalet away from the royal family and everyone else.
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neoivy1 · 2 years
chp3: secret news and gardens~𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖋𝖎𝖙
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴛʏᴘᴏs
ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ. ʜᴏᴡ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴍʏ ᴅʀᴇss ɪs ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ?" ʏᴏᴜ ᴀsᴋᴇᴅ ,ᴇʏᴇs ɢʟɪᴍᴍᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴏғ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʟᴇᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴏᴏᴍ. "ɴᴏᴛ sᴏ ғᴀsᴛ , ɪ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀɪᴠᴀʟs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ" ʏᴏᴜ sᴄᴏғғᴇᴅ.ʜᴏᴡ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ sʜᴇ ʙᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʙɪs? ɪᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ɪғ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.sᴏᴏɴ ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ᴡᴇɴᴛ ᴏɴ sᴘᴘᴇᴄʜ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɢɪʀʟs ᴡɪʟʟ ғᴀɪɴᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇʏ sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴢᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴇɴ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅs ɪɴ. "ᴍᴀɪᴅ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴜs" ᴀ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛʟᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴢᴏɴɪɴɢ.ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴀs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴏɴᴇʏ , ᴅʀɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ sᴏ sᴡᴇᴇᴛʟʏ. ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ʙʟᴡɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴀʀᴋ.ᴡʜᴇɴ sʜᴇ ʟᴇғᴛ ʜᴇ ᴛᴜʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ ғᴀᴄᴇ. ᴀs ʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇxᴀᴍɪɴᴇᴅ ʜɪs ғᴀᴄᴇ ,ɢᴏᴅ sᴜʀᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇs .ᴍᴀʀᴋs ғᴀᴄᴇ ᴅɪᴅɴɢ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ sɪɴɢʟᴇ ʙʟᴇᴍɪsʜ ᴏɴ ɪᴛ ,ʜᴏᴡ ᴜɴғᴀɪʀ ʏᴘᴜ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ. "ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪᴍ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ" ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴛʜɪs ʜᴀs ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛɪɴɢ (∩_∩)O(≧∇≦)O(∩_∩)O(≧∇≦)O〜(^∇^〜)〜(^∇^〜)O(≧∇≦)O〜(^∇^〜)O(≧∇≦)O〜(^∇^〜) ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴍᴀʀᴋ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴇғᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴏᴍ , ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ʀᴇʟᴇᴀsᴇᴅ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʜᴏʟᴅɪɴɢ.ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ᴍᴜsᴛ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀʀs ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ғᴘᴜʀ ᴡᴀʟʟs,ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴀғᴇᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪs. ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴍᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀʏ ɪᴛ ʜᴀᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴅᴀʏ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ɴᴇᴡ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ ᴀᴍᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ sᴇɴsɪʙʟᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀsᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴛᴀғғ. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴏ? ɪs ᴛʜɪs ʜᴏᴡ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ? ᴡᴀs ᴛʜɪs ʜᴏᴡ sʜᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴅʀᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏʀʀɪʙʟᴇ ʟɪғᴇ? ᴀɴᴅ ɪғ sᴏ ᴡᴊʏ ᴡᴀs ᴛʜɪs ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʀ ? ᴀs ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ʀᴀɴ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴᴛ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇɪʀᴄɪɴɢ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇᴅ ᴀ sʜʀᴇɪᴋ ғʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ "ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴋ?" ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ʀᴀɴ ᴀs ғᴀsᴛ ᴀs sʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴇᴍʙʀᴀᴄɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀʀs sᴏᴀᴋ ʜᴇʀ ʀᴀɢs. sʜᴇ ᴄʀᴀᴅʟᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴᴇᴡʙᴏʀɴ.ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ʜᴀᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʙᴜᴛ sʜᴇ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ɪғʜsᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴀsᴡᴇʟʟ. O(≧∇≦)O〜(^∇^〜)O(≧∇≦)OO(≧∇≦)O〜(^∇^〜)\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/〜(^∇^〜)〜(^∇^〜)\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ "ᴀʜʜ ʏᴇs ᴛʜᴀᴛs ᴘᴇʀᴇғᴇᴄᴛ" ʙᴏᴏᴍᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʟᴇɢᴀɴᴛ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴏғᴠᴛʜᴇ ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ.ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪɴᴄᴇᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ʙᴏᴏᴍɪɴg voice , ᴀɴᴅ sᴏ ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴀʀs. "ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴋ?" ᴀ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛʟᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ , ɢᴇᴇᴢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴊᴜsᴛ sᴛᴀʀᴛʟɪɴɢ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ. ʏᴏʜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛᴠᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʟᴘʀɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ʀᴇɴᴊᴜɴ.ʜɪs ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴ sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴀʀᴋs ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪs ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʀᴇsᴇᴍʙʟᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏғ ᴀ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴀs ᴋɪɴᴅ , ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ. ᴀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴋɪɴɢ. "ᴜᴍᴍ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ?" ʏᴏᴜ ǫᴜɪᴄᴋʟʏ ɴᴏᴅᴅᴇᴅ ʜᴀᴄᴋ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ sᴍɪʟɪɴɢ sʜᴇᴇᴘɪsʜʟʏ. "sᴏʀʀʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪɢɴᴇss ɪ ᴢᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ɪ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ ɪ ᴡᴏɴᴛ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ". ʜᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜᴇᴅ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ " ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss ɪ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟsᴏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇɴ ᴛᴏᴍᴍᴏʀᴏᴡ" ʏᴏᴜ sᴛᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴅᴜᴍʙғᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʜɪs ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ , ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴛᴊᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴅᴇᴄᴇɴᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀsᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʙɪs ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ. "ᴏғᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ" ʏᴏᴜ sᴍɪʟᴇᴅ
previous. Materlist
Authorsnote:hello guyssssss this a filler cahpter and im gonna tryvand update more regularily but thanks for understanding
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bee-the-loser-recs · 1 month
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☼ My Haechan One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Drippin' By @ncteez 16.2k, NCT Dream 00' line x reader, non-specified au, close friends, birthday sex, smut, technically polyamorous, messy, slight fluff, comedy, teasing
𖤓 Send in the clowns By @smileysuh 10.6k, Haechan|Mark|Jaehyun x reader, college au, frat boys NCT, best friend Jungwoo, friends to lovers, karaoke friends, smut, polyamory, slight fluff, Halloween parties, dressing up
𖤓 Roommates By @smileysuh 8.3k, Mark x reader x Haechan, college au, frat house NCT, best friend Jungwoo, polyamory, smut, stoners, getting high together, slight fluff, mentions of Jeno having a crush on reader
𖤓 The V week spy By @smileysuh 20.1k, Jaehyun x reader (romantic) ft. Haechan | Yangyang | Jungwoo | Jeno, college au, frat house NCT, sorority member reader, stupid traditions, no strings attached situation, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 Energizer bunny By @smileysuh 19.1k, hybrid au, bunny reader, dragon Haechan, bartender reader, club owner Haechan, boss x employee relationship, genuine interest between the two, smut, slight fluff, Mark is reader's brother
𖤓 Carpe diem By @kiachiako 5.1k, college au, gamer!Haechan, coder!reader, mutual friends, slight fuckboy Haechan, genuine feelings for one another, fluff, angst
𖤓 Indica dreams By @hazyhae 11.7k, unspecified au, non-idol au, plug Haechan, reader gets high for the first time, one bad experience on edibles, fluff, slight angst, smut, best friend Jeno, reader has problems sleeping
𖤓 Us By @hazyhae 900, stoner!best friend!Haechan, high conversations together, confessions when high, mutual pining, anxieties about the future
𖤓 Cold By @rainbowhao 0.5k, established relationship, fluff, cuddling in their apartment, bribery, temperature being rather cold, clingy Haechan
𖤓 Sugar, butter & the royal crown By @haechwrites 17.1k, royal au, prince Donghyuck, baker's daughter reader, fluff, slight angst, unsupportive mother, pining, forbidden relationship, reconnecting after multiple years, pet names
𖤓 Sucks to be him By @loudstan Magic au, werewolf Haechan, witch reader, fluff, imprinting, slight angst, reader has a boyfriend at first, Haechan refuses to give up, reader is slightly older and owns a store
𖤓 Triple Lee; naughtier the better By @p4p1l0nn 9.1k, Mark | Haechan | Jeno x reader, non-idol au, stoner au, plug Haechan & Mark, stoner Jeno & reader, roommates, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 NCT dream exposes y/n's crush on Haechan in the gc By @wooyukh SMAU, non-specified au, meddling friends, exposing their friend's crushes, fluff, trying to hide their feelings, confessions, cute
𖤓 Quarantine chronicles 3 By @domjaehyun 43k, Jungwoo|Jaehyun|Johnny|Jaemin|Mark|Jeno|Haechan x reader, Quarantine au, roommates (except Mark, Jeno, Haechan), lots of tension & flirting, smut, slight fluff, friends with benefits situation, crack, part of a series
𖤓 Hush Hush By @domjaehyun 19.5k, Jeno|Jaemin|Haechan x reader, college au, friends to lovers??, sleepovers, smut, foursome, mentions of friends Mark & Renjun
𖤓 Surviving no nut November By @domjaehyun 28.8k, Haechan x reader x Mark, college au, friends to lovers, no nut November challenges, smut, trying to trip them up, teasing, slight fluff, weed consumption, pet names
𖤓 Pussy fiend [part 1] & [part 2] By @domjaehyun 28.2k & 40.7k, college au, enemies to fuck buddies to lovers, smut, humour, pissing each other off, cocky Haechan, denial of feelings
𖤓 Tangerine love [favourite] By @domjaehyun 21.8k, neighbours au, mutual attraction, smut, domestic behaviour between the two, fluff, light humours, mentions of a Christmas party
𖤓 Random texts with bf!Hyuck By @catboyieejeno SMAU, established relationship, menace Haechan, jealousy, suggestive comments, fluff
𖤓 Achromatopsia By @neoneversleeps 8.7k, Haechan has Achromatopsia (colour blindness), school au, meet cutes, relationship developments, fluff, angst, anger outbursts, making out
𖤓 Truth or dare By @irregular-idol-imagines 1.2k, friends to lovers, playing truth or dare, fluff, kissing on a dare, friendly teasing, alcohol
𖤓 'Manifesting Mayhem' [part 1], [part 2], & [part 3] By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, mini series, university au, mostly fluff, a little bit of angst, humour, Haechan has a crush on a classmate, reader runs a crystal shop, reader has a crush on Haechan, hidden identity
𖤓 Round & round By @hwaflms 6.1k, college au, weed use, stoners 00'line & reader, playing spin the bottle, wanting to kiss one another, bad luck, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 Hits different By @neowinestainedress 44.8k, college au, strangers to fwb to lovers, smut, angst, fluff, reader self destructs a lot, emotional support, best friend Jonny, past traumas, reasoning behind their actions, emotionally running away
𖤓 And they were roommates By @tyonfs 17k, college au, part of a one-shot series, reader is Haechan's "crushes" roommate, smut, friends to lovers, dumb Haechan, realising feelings, fluff [I suggest reading the prequel & other one-shots too, they're all so well written]
𖤓 Lucky strike By @heartseungs-archive 2.3k, arcade employee Haechan, high school au, Haechan has a crush on a reader, cute, fluff, asking them out
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dalivanmagritte · 5 months
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.1
my first and last (fav, finished serie, smut, abo!au)
no smut
unwanted competition (fluff)
the roommate contract (fluff, crack, angst, suggestive, roommate!au)
classics (smut)
hot mess (smut, college!au)
all about attraction (smut)
masturbation (smut)
big noses (smut)
skaterboy -> truth or dare? (smut)
villain (smut)
off the path (smut)
boys like you (smut, e2l!au)
stress relief (smut)
service top (smut)
sub puppy (smut)
lovesick (smut, pregnancy!au)
under the same roof (smut, roommates!au)
wake up, s*x and eat (smut)
that skirt (smut, pervy!jeno)
masked (smut, halloween!au, scream!au)
touch it (smut)
get smart (smut)
wicked games (smut, cheating)
in your eyes series ml (smut, fluff, angst)
fight club (smut, fight club!au, boxer!au)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
alpha himbo jeno (smut, abo!au)
may i have this dance? (fluff, royal!au, regency!era)
with another member
two is better than one x jaemin (smut)
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mins-fins · 1 month
âme sœur ﹙l. jn﹚
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❛ âme sœur ❜ means soulmate in french.
synopsis . . with the new responsibilities as the kings courtier, you find yourself at a crossroad where you can't exactly determine your feelings for your childhood friend.
pairing . . king! lee jeno × courtier! male reader
genre . . royal au, fluff, some angst, some humor, childhood friends to lovers, medieval.. kinda
warnings . . some profanity, just mentions of forced marriage, somewhat inaccurate depictions of the medieval era, our main leads are SICK
word count . . 4.9k
notes . . take this mess that was meant to be something.. that eventually became nothing but some royal childhood friends to lovers conglomerate that could've been more specific but it was never going to get that far 🤷‍♂️ in light of my obsession with french phases (considering i literally am forced to learn the language) and obsession with putting every nct member in a royal setting, this is for jj 💗 only three scenes.. but it was never going to be more anw
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THE SCENERY IS ENCHANTING, lavish gifts, lavish cakes, lavish everything. the wealthy are extra, even extra for the king— well, newly turned king. he was still a prince no more than a few hours ago, you were right there when he was overwhelmed about his own coronation, it's only been an hour and a half since this event has began, yet you've already found yourself at the receiving end of many personal inquiries.
who thinks to ask you about the king? you've been his friend longer than his advisor.
"no marriage? this is blasphemous!"
and of course, lee donghyuck can't keep himself away from a glass of wine. he's far from sober at this point, which draws a small chuckle out of you, the use of the word 'blasphemous' amusing you out of your dissociative episode. "i'm sure he'll be fine".
"he's lonely y/n" he slurs, twirling the glass of wine in his hands, an anxious gasp leaving your lips at the sight. good god if he drops something you're going to kill him. you promised him this day would be perfect, he had already been so worried about it for several months, you had to make sure nothing went wrong. "do you see how sad he is?"
"not sad, just worried".
another sip of the wine, a sigh releases from your lips, he's going to have to be carried home tonight, but the thought of that vision makes your lips turn up. it's pretty hilarious. "how boring, marriage is important!"
you allow for yourself to get distracted by the many treats which litter the expensive dining table. you scrunch your nose, unable to work up an appetite. now you feel nervous. what is that even about? it's not like today is your coronation.
"you sound like your mother" you mutter, teeth biting into your inner cheek. "can't you just be happy for him?"
lee donghyuck snorts, his breath reeking of grape juice. "i am happy for him, just pointing out the obvious".
"the obvious isn't always correct".
"at least someone here is reasonable" na jaemin is exhausted, and donghyuck laughs at the expression of misery on his features. "i swear all the people here are on the same mission, trying to set up young debs with the new king, do they realize how ridiculous they sound?"
"they'll never get out of their own heads".
jaemin hums, sharing a weird look with a certain lee who can't stop his wasted giggling. "is he insane?"
"the wine is adding to his idiocy tonight".
as soon as you say that, lee donghyuck lets out yet another overdramatized laugh, not his last drunken chortle of the night unfortunately. you lightly grimace, put off by the behavior. "you haven't happened to see our beloved king have you?"
you offer a shake of your head. "not since before the coronation anyway, i thought he would've been hard to miss".
"well he is hard to miss, he's a spectacle".
you let yourself snicker, giving a mere glance at the strawberry scones on the table. "you make it sound like you have feelings for the guy".
"don't take my word out of context, a beautiful man is a beautiful man".
you simply smile at that, jaemin can certainly speak the truth on some occasions. he scoffs, just barely fighting back a gag. "i hate strawberries.."
"not on his coronation day, nana, you're gonna stress jeno out".
na jaemin gives an incredulous look, his stare reminiscent of those he sends donghyuck. "you're on first name terms with the king?"
you laugh, just a little bit of disbelief hidden in the sound. "we've all been friends for years, wouldn't it be strange if i wasn't?"
"considering your his courtier now, it seems weird".
"jeno isn't like that".
jaemin hums. "i guess you know him best" he scans you up and down, a bubbling thought in his head itching to leave his mouth, but he decides against it last minute, picking up a sweet chocolate tart which he takes a bite out of. "let me know when you catch sight of him, i've been meaning to talk with him".
you only offer a nod in return, and when jaemin turns on his heel, donghyuck jumps up to follow quickly behind him, annoying the other to no end. "give me a tart minjae-ah! pleaseee!?"
ah, donghyuck sober is no different than donghyuck drunk.
considering you still couldn't work up an appetite, you entertained yourself by conversing with the people around you. gossip is high, other people can't really do anything but worry about what their king is doing. you somehow manage to make it through an intense conversation before the ones whispering realize that you indeed are the king's right hand man, you can't lie, their reactions were priceless.
it wasn't as easy to turn down dance invites as you assumed, you aren't exactly the prized possession of this gathering, but when people have a dance opportunity, they'll take it. you can't believe the amount of polite smiles you've faked tonight, it's astonishing.
but with no sight of the king, you couldn't exactly refuse advances for long, the excuses took much too long to form. you danced with at least three woman, one of them specifically curious about the details of the palace's pastries (as if you knew anything about that, you just enjoyed watching treats bake in the oven). she almost spun it into an opportunity to ask if you were single, an opportunity that you quickly rushed away from with the excuse of needing to go find the king.
not that much of a lie, but you couldn't exactly find another way to escape the situation. you gave her one last twirl and rushed off to another corner of the ballroom, good lord the king couldn't be more invisible today, on coronation day of all days too? you haven't seen him in hours.
"you look lost".
you jump from your spot, startled by the sudden voice. you only relax when you catch sight of the one man you've been searching for the entire night. "good lord jeno! don't do that!"
the newly appointed king smiles, eyes forming into crescents. "sorry, i couldn't resist".
your eyebrows furrow, indignation in your eyes. "do you know how long i've been looking for you? i assumed you bailed on your own coronation".
"you think so lowly of me" jeno sighs, batting his eyelashes excessively. "mother was being hard on me".
you narrow your eyes. "i'm sure it's just the usual, she's looking out for you".
"it's all piling up pretty quickly though, this room is so.. hot don't you think?"
jeno's eye twitches, the irritation getting to him quickly. "it's only a few more hours, i can get through it".
he's muttering, a clear indication he doesn't exactly have faith in his own words. his habits are customary for you to pick up on, your teeth sink into your bottom lip, you have to distract him.
"hey, did you know they made strawberry scones?"
you whisper the word of the baked treats, a little nod to a joke you two have. jeno immediately snickers, looking down at the floor. he almost looks astonished, as if he couldn't believe such a thing. "scones? you're serious?"
"so serious".
all jeno can do is sigh, not exactly disappointed, but not exactly impressed either. "i can't even eat anything, is it really that weird i don't want marriage at this time in my life?"
"they say most kings need queens".
jeno scrunches his nose, those words upset him clearly. "i thought mother would be angry but it's just everyone else.. i can do well on my own, i have you by my side".
you can barely fight your smile. you always wonder why he decides to say things like this, your heart pounds against your chest. maybe their just normal words to him, but to you? they aren't just words. they're so much more. if you feel the room grow hotter, no one should know that.
"you're bound to do well anyway, i'm just a little tick at your side".
"there's no need for such irrelevant words, you're much more than that".
you let another sigh leave your lips, he's so sweet, the man you've known for as long as you remember is simply the same sweet boy you met while sneaking through the kitchen to eat cake in the wee hours of the night. nothing has really changed.
lee jeno is simply wonderful.
"oh you flatter me" you choose to respond, fanning your face to accompany your dramatic tone of voice. "choosing me as your courtier? surely there were better candidates".
"no one was better than you, it was barely a challenge".
he doesn't glance at you, instead focused on the many decorated tarts on the table. "i cannot stomach these".
you chuckle. "you could at least try them".
"i might vomit".
"don't be so vile your majesty" na jaemin places a light hand on jeno's shoulder. "give credence to the chefs".
"i'm not demeaning their efforts, it looks good yes but i can't eat anything right now".
"it's not just you.."
your silent mutter earns a small smile from jeno, and he sighs. "i see none of you have a shortage of admirers, courtesy of our new king of course".
those words just get the slightest hint of a chuckle out of you, your shoulder shaking as you try to hide your laugh. you miss the incredulous look jeno gives you, too amused by the comment.
"are you actually laughing at that?" you only laugh again when you hear the offense in his tone. you can barely contain your giggles, but you have no idea why the statement is so funny.
"no not at all" you shake your head midway through your fit, mouth twitching as you try your best to stifle your smile. "i would never".
jeno narrows his eyes, and you just barely make it through eye contact without breaking under his gaze. "see? y/n enjoys my joke".
"it wasn't even a joke".
jaemin lets out a loud 'hmph', just the slightest bit upset. "you don't understand my comedy your majesty".
jeno sighs, why is he even beginning to argue with him? it's all useless anyway, he's just running into a wall. "maybe you won't come to another event at the palace then".
you almost laugh again, but jeno glares peripherally, so you suck in a breath.
"what a snippy king you are, surely you'll get along with your subjects".
"is that your attempt at sarcasm?"
"nope, just a show of truth".
jeno scoffs, an eye roll being his silent response to jaemin's smile. you glance between the two, sensing a budding tension. you have to kill this.
"you haven't happened to see mark have you?"
the na suddenly brightens, a light bulb going off in his mind. "oh you're correct! i have to discuss kingdom relations with him! you're a blessing y/n, enjoy your night your majesty!"
jeno narrows his eyes, irked at the exaggerated pitch of his voice. you simply smile, waving him a goodbye as he skips away, the man beside you immediately scoffing once he's far enough of a way. "he's truly a.. character".
"i think eccentric is the word you're looking for".
"you truly do get me l/n".
you chuckle, feeling your cheeks flare up.
it's just the heat of the room, it's just super hot in here, i'm being squeezed to death by this suit.
yeah, what an amazing excuse.
"if you aren't gonna eat, then what exactly do you plan to do?"
"i originally wanted to use feeling bad as an excuse to avoid dancing but.." he pokes your shoulder, motioning toward a group of woman eyeing him like candy, he probably wouldn't be able to escape them if they decided to come over. "they know i'm feeling just fine" he whispers to you, and you stifle your laughter by putting your head down.
"you can just turn down advances, you know".
"as if you don't make excuses to scurry away from waltzing, i know how you play".
you lightly nudge him, he did get you there. his lips turn up in victory, and you resist your eye rolls. "you're ridiculous, your majesty".
jeno furrows his eyebrows. "don't call me that".
"it's your title".
jeno's lips press into a thin line. "it sounds lousy coming from you".
"lousy?" you probably would be offended if not for knowing jeno.
"it doesn't make any sense, we've been friends forever, don't just switch like that".
"i'm technically your staff now".
"you'll always be my friend first.."
you don't even fight your smile at this point. did you say lee jeno was wonderful already? oh who cares? he is. he is so wonderful. in his own strange way, his eyes sparkle as he stares, a barrage of stars hidden in his irises. "okay jeno, i see".
jeno hums, again glancing at the center of the room. he scratches at the pure white tablecloth with his nail, you can practically hear him thinking. "would you like to dance?"
you blink, completely puzzled. "what?"
now it's his turn to laugh at the expression gracing your features. "i'm asking for a dance, with you".
"you usually dance with your staff?"
"you're more than that, don't start".
he holds out his hand, beckoning for you to take it. waltzing with the king? you've surely been blessed tonight. his empty hand practically speaks to you, begging for you to take it. you have nothing to lose y/n, there is no need to be nervous about it y/n.
you stare for a moment, the skin of his hand looks soft.
you sigh, you really can't resist lee jeno. you take his empty hand, your fingers intertwining as they fall together. his hands are just as soft as you imagined they would be, how fitting.
"you agreed without a single indirect comment".
"i'm simply speechless".
jeno seems amazed by such a prospect. "and why is that?"
"you want us to dance? is there any specific reason?" you lace both of your hands together, sighing in contentment as you begin stepping in motion.
"does there have to be? i happen to enjoy dancing with my friends".
friends, right.
"you just sprung it on me all of a sudden, i'm a little puzzled.." you mutter, successfully able to avoid his eyes considering you had to worry about not stepping on his feet.
"you can't see how attractive you are, y/n".
see this? this. how does lee jeno expect for you to act sane when he says stuff like this? does he even consider how you're feeling? how do you let him get away with this?
you let a breath fall from your lips, making sure to focus on the rhythm. "oh.. and you can?"
"it all just comes down to how i see you through my eyes".
is this some sort of romantic thing? is this a build up for him to ask for your hand in marriage?
now why would you ever assume that?
your about to inquire once more, and jeno senses that, because he cuts you off. "is there a reason to question it? you should've read my mind already".
"things can change, i assumed any of the other pretty women would be your pick".
jeno finds that amusing, indicated by the way his lips turn up to reveal a smile. "can't you stop questioning my decisions now? you're my right hand, i think it's obvious why i chose you".
you stare, mouth going dry. you pretty much have no responses left, you can't fight him on it anymore.
"you're sometimes an enigma to me".
and maybe lee jeno doesn't know how to respond to that one.
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IT'S NOTHING SHORT OF overwhelming, you'll never be able to understand what jeno is feeling, but you can practically feel the anxiety permeating from him. he takes all the kingly responsibilities with fear hidden behind his eyes, it's a lot, and maybe he feels as if he isn't ready yet. you can sense his thoughts at this point, lee jeno is an open book to you.
"you haven't slept yet?"
"hard to sleep at a time like this" jeno mutters, caressing the material of his nightgown. he admires the night moon through the window, the light pretty much illuminating the whole kingdom. "i didn't mess up did i?"
"mess up what? you're spectacular".
he doesn't look away from the window, simply makes eye contact with you through the glass. "i want to make sure everything is okay, can't fall asleep feeling so.. nauseous".
"do you want tea?" you inquire, fingers beginning to pick at your nails.
he immediately shakes his head. "no need to bother the castle staff".
"i mean.. i could make you tea".
"don't waste your time" jeno replies, finally peeling his eyes off the moon to walk over to his desk.
you snicker. "it always helps you sleep, don't want to be sleepless at your first meeting as king".
"you're really taking that advisor role seriously now".
"there's a difference between being an advisor and being a friend who looks after you".
"you're really beginning to blur those lines.." he states with a hidden feeling of distaste.
you raise an eyebrow, puzzled. is he angry with you or something? he doesn't exactly seem pleased by your presence. a small breath falls from your lips, a breath jeno hears. "clock's about to strike midnight, make sure you get sleep".
"can't you stay for a while?"
you pause at that. okay, so maybe you're wrong. maybe he isn't exactly sick of your presence, maybe you aren't as good at reading him as you assumed. "how long is a while supposed to mean?"
"just until i get sleepy".
so he just wants to talk, alright, you can deal with it. "it isn't tea that helps me sleep, it's you".
the words seem too honest to have any feigned meaning. you can believe he isn't just uttering them to please you, he continues to catch you by surprise. he sits beside you, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. "i'm afraid of not fulfilling everything my father did, it's scary how fast it all is going, what if i don't do well?"
"well there's no need to worry" your hand graces his, but your eyes avoid his. "even as a prince you were at the top of it all, you aren't your father, and i know you're going to be exceptional, i'm right here, you know i always am".
jeno stares, fully taking your hand and basking in the warmth of the feeling. "choosing you as my courtier was a good idea.. you understand me".
"is that flattery i hear?"
"simply the truth.." jeno mutters, fingers softly intertwining with yours. "were like soulmates aren't we?"
ah. there's that word.
soulmates. is that really what you two are? is that the essence of your bond? you two fit. even the king thinks so.
"soulmates?" you whisper, not really looking for an answer, simply trying to figure out exactly why he decided to say that word.
jeno hums, agreeing with your question-not-question. his finger caressing the back of your palm, there's a certain feeling hidden in that hum you can't exactly decipher. it must be pleasantry, maybe satisfaction, you have no idea how to read him at the moment, and that prospect sends alarm bells ringing through your mind.
what is going on?
"mother told me certain people are simply made for each other, sometimes i feel as if the world handed you to me, you're my symbol of luck".
your lips press together, words dying in your throat. jeno doesn't mind the silence, simply basking in the air of the room, your hands squeezing against each other.
a small gust of wind drifts in through the open window, his eyes closing momentarily. "you say things that confuse me sometimes.."
"it's late, i'm overwhelmed".
your hands stay the together, the puzzled nature of your mind not exactly willing itself away. "maybe i'll take you up on that offer for tea".
you light up immediately, the upward curve of your lips being parroted by your eyes. "i'll come with you".
your chuckle is breathless, and your fingers slip from his, catching just the smallest slight of his smile dropping in your peripheral vision. "it's so late, though".
jeno uncharacteristically snorts, slipping on a thin layer to protect him from the cold. "i assure you that the night breeze won't take me away".
your narrow your eyes, opting to scrunch your nose at his show of sarcasm. "alright then, come on" you offer out your hand, an action reminiscent of the very one he performed earlier tonight when asking you to dance.
he takes your own hands rather quickly, the comforting feeling of your intertwined fingers is homely, something you two have both found comfort in with the long stretch of time consisting of your friendship.
it's a firm hold, one that could provide you enough safety and security in a terrible place.
"holding hands with your advisor must be typically frowned upon".
it's joke, tease on the tip of your tongue as you two walk the wall with your fingers intertwined, appearing as some sort of couple.
you'd be a pretty cute couple, you consider.
jeno closes one eye as he contemplates his next fit of words, but there's a strange smile on his face, whistling in the air. "i don't care what others think".
your chuckle is again breathy, and you decide to stick your gaze onto the floor.
lee jeno is a huge enigma, yes, but figuring him out is about the most engaging thing you can say works.
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THOUGH LEE JENO IS a sweetheart, he is also just infuriating in the worst way possible. weeks pass from his coronation, kingly responsibilities seemingly taking years and years from him. you thank the ones above for jeno having chosen you as his courtier, because if you simply remained a regular noble, you wouldn't see him for hours upon hours of eligible days.
jeno has never been good at taking breaks, and the hours he spends locked away behind the stupidly large doors of his father's former office clearly indicate you of that.
you can barely contain your eye rolls when he makes up excuses at breakfast, his eye bags growing much more prominent as the weeks pass by.
you bite your tongue once he sends you occasional glares, your worries now kept in your mind.
you're an advisor, yes, but you can barely even attempt to bring up his newly terrible routine without him shutting you down.
it's an order, lord, you really want to punch lee jeno sometimes.
"donghyuck takes me for a fool, can you believe that?" your irritation is endless as you suck your teeth, dropping a stack of papers atop jeno's desk.
jeno leaves your inquiry unanswered, your eyebrows raising in retaliation to that silence. his eyes trail off into the darkness of the shrouded night sky, fingers tapping on the stack of papers placed onto his desk. "hello? someone in there?"
jeno glances in your direction, and you suck your teeth, irritation skyrocketing. "what's wrong?"
your tongue prods at the side of your cheek, arms crossing defensively over your chest. "i should be asking you such a question".
jeno narrows his eyes accusingly, and you manage the nicest scoff which can escape your lips. "jeno, midnight is rounding the corner".
"i'm not tired".
"yes you are".
jeno's glare settles something terrible in your stomach, your hands dropping at your sides. you lick your teeth, rolling your eyes. you step closer to him, turning his chair around. "are you going to try to convince me all the exhaustion is a front?"
"i'm.. fine".
"you're typical word of choice" your arms cross above your chest, disappointment etched on your features. your hands settle on his shoulders, and jeno simply watches as you keep him grounded in his place. "when was the last time you slept?"
"is sleep really that important?"
"is sleep really that important?" you mock with your hands on your hips, slapping his shoulder with a curse on the tip of your tongue. "you're an idiot".
"i can have you beheaded, you know".
"try me" you bite back, hand again trailing onto his shoulder. "it's time for you to sleep".
his fingers grasp at your wrist rather quickly, an immediate act of defiance. of course. your glare is as quick as it is tired, but you don't immediately attempt to escape his grip, instead scrunching your face. "you're acting like a child".
"i still have things i need to do".
"things you can do in the morning, you shouldn't argue with me".
how is it always that when you question his well being he chooses to fight you on it? you find that spectacle of him to be the most infuriating. "i think part of being king is learning to sacrifice the luxury of sleep".
you tsk, shaking out of his grip. "that isn't exactly convincing".
"it wasn't meant to be".
you question his integrity, licking your teeth. "jeno, as your trusted advisor, i advise that you need a good twelve hours of sleep".
"i haven't been awake that long".
"almost two days whole is pretty long" your eyelashes flutter, extending out your hand for him to take. "it's a good time to sleep now".
jeno sighs. "y/n".
"jeno" your teeth grit, right eye twitching at his stubbornness. "sleep, now".
it's astounding how easily the king follows your orders, you assume it's something concerning your tone, maybe it's the way you stare that gives him the unknown feeling of being small. jeno takes your hand, intertwining your fingers together.
you click your tongue at his eventual obedience, gaze softening. "you could at least not look at me like.. that".
you cast him a look. "it's not like i threatened you".
jeno narrows his eyes. "i'm inclined to disagree".
"nothing physical happened, you can't make a case against me".
he doesn't seem to like the display of sarcasm. "you seem quite content with that outcome".
"i didn't say anything".
your pointer finger completely directs itself in front of his face. "if i find out you aren't sleeping".
jeno finds this display to be the one of amusement. "now this is a threat".
you merely tilt your head. "maybe i'll finish you off myself, then you'll finally sleep".
jeno's gasp is of audacity, yet your grip nor your pointer finger neither falters. "that's awfully sweet of you to say".
you pay no mind to the sarcasm thrown your way, squeezing his fingertips that just happen to be pressing against yours. "a good king won't risk fainting at his upcoming announcement, get to sleep, it shouldn't be that difficult with all of this fatigue coursing through you".
"jeno, quiet, i care, just.. sleep, i'll take care of everything".
"you don't have to".
you, again, scoff. "it's my job, jeno" your hand graces his shoulder, gaze still. you look even more exhausted than he is, sucking a breath between your teeth. "besides, i'm always here".
jeno pauses, staring at you with a gaze that you could only describe as.. loving.
affection, in all it's forms, has always been apart of your friendship. from the moment you two met as kids, it was established in the air, no words having to be said, just actions having to be performed.
your eyes don't stray from him, and neither does his from yours, it's a silent exchange that settles into the air, nothing verbal, simply stares.
stares can mean a lot apparently.
"i know".
you raise an eyebrow, watching him contemplate his next course of speech. "are you gonna stay with me tonight?"
you blink. "would you like for me to?"
jeno keeps your hands locked in place, forbidding your fingers from slipping apart. it's important to him that they don't. he remains standing before his bedroom door with your fingers intertwined, it's something that seems to be a tradition at this point.
"i'd love for you too".
love. love. love? that's what it must be.
maybe that explains why, even in all his mystery, lee jeno is simply so alluring. it's love. it isn't the replica of love that you felt for him back when you were young and naive, no, it's grown into something more.. determined.
you're in love with lee jeno, which, when you think about it, isn't as much of a revelation as any other result that could've been the case. your lips part, and you clear your throat as to keep your words to yourself.
you opt to sigh, letting your gaze fall to the floor. "give me a minute".
and you can't help your smile when jeno smiles, it's simply to difficult to ignore.
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lelengerine · 11 months
helloo!!! I am so glad you are back again,really missed seeing you on my dash:(
also,from your mini drabble list, the arranged marriage au really caught my eye! can you please write it with jeno as the main protagonist? I don't have anything specific in mind except that I am obsessed with the opposites attract kinda trope but you can write it anyway you want! thank you in advance <3
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love, lee
pairing | prince!jeno x princess!reader
genre | royalty + arranged marriage au, jeno uses a nickname for reader (love), no pronouns are specifically used for this, lmk if there’s any i missed!
wc | 0.9k
notes | i think my love for royalty aus are really stating to show now TT this is my first jeno work and there were actually multiple entries for jeno with the arranged marriage trope so i hope this suffices for now (maybe i’ll make a part two or follow another req if i can !!) it’s not exactly the same as what anon mentioned because i tried to condense the ideas to the size of a drabble as much as possible but i love all ur brains so much LIKE TELL ME MORE 😭😭 anw likes, rbs, and feedbacks are very appreciated ;0;
this is part of my drabble req event here!
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there’s this prophecy that landed upon your kingdom just as its walls were newly established, one that spoke of prosperity if two individuals coming from royal backgrounds were to be wed under every full moon.
of course, that hasn’t come true (and you don’t believe it ever will), but both the civilians and the royal family hold onto that sliver of hope ever so dearly. though, in the position of being someone forced into the position of marriage, you can’t help but view the tradition as something simply bizarre and unnecessary.
moreover, you haven't a clue who you are about to marry. the thought irritates you to the core, and your mother’s repetitive words on how this was ‘something she experienced too’ not making you feel any better — in fact, it was dampening your already sour mood even further.
just why hadn’t this been dropped centuries ago? the answer to that question doesn’t seem to be keen on revealing itself to you.
and so here you are, behind tall wooden doors in a dress you struggle to move in — much less breathe in — that will soon reveal a banquet hall filled with your and your groom’s relatives, a plethora of aristocrats that you couldn’t even dare to name no matter how long you stared at them, and reporters who were ready to swarm you with questions whenever they’d get the chance.
“there’s no need to fear, my dear.” your mother states by your side, and a scoff is the first response she receives.
“i hope you understand that what you’ve said lacks any sensitivity for my situation.” you bitterly reply with a blank expression, not even turning to face her once. with that, she decides to keep silent, not wanting to aggravate you any longer.
the doors open, finally placing you on display for everyone to see, and the first person your eyes search for is your husband-to-be.
he stands in front of the beautifully decorated altar in a navy blue suit and fur coat that looks just as uncomfortable as the white gown you’re wearing, and you start to feel a little sympathy for him knowing he probably didn’t have any plans of marrying you either.
you were both victims in this grand scheme, after all.
a step, two steps, and before you know it, you’re meeting his gaze for the first time. he offers a soft smile that puffs up his cheeks ever so slightly, pupils shining beneath the lights that brighten up the entire hall, and for a moment, you forget how much you’ve detested this day to come.
‘get a grip, it’s definitely for show’, you mentally tell yourself as your lips return the kind gesture.
the ceremony soon starts, and the words spoken by the priest pass through your ears like static fuzz, not paying attention to the prophecy that was being retold to the audience.
“i assume you were forced into this?” you begin in a whisper, wanting only the person beside you to hear your voice.
you turn to gaze at him and he looks a little surprised you actually started a conversation. “sure.”
sure? what kind of response was that? the least he could do was respond with a decisive yes or no to not leave you hanging like this. perhaps that smile from earlier really was to fool the reporters on a loveless marriage
“could you at least tell me your name?” you try to reach out once more, “it’s laughable as is to know we are in the middle of being wed and i have not a single clue on who you are.”
“lee, jeno.” he responds, and though it technically is an answer to your question, you’re oddly left unsatisfied at how perfunctory it was. “yours?”
“l/n, y/n.” you state in the same manner as if you wanted him to feel the same as you did just moments prior. “how does it feel to get married to a stranger? because i surely find this unsettling.”
you tried to play into humor, hoping to get a better reaction out of him, but what he says shocks you instead. “we aren’t strangers though.”
“what-” you start to sputter, however the priest cuts you off at the mention of announcing your respective vows.
“i’m sure you’ll recall it soon enough.” jeno’s expression finally shifts from his icy facade to a sly smirk that perfectly exemplifies his features, and you’re not sure whether to find the sight unsettling or absolutely breathtaking. “because i’ve known you my entire life, love.”
the nickname has your mind reeling in circles, paying no attention to the vows jeno was now dictating like a memorized poem of sorts. there was ever only one person who’s called you by that name, though it could never be someone like him… could it?
you snuck out of the castle to one of the town’s bakeries back when you were younger, meeting a boy who told you he was doing the exact same thing because he swore their garlic bread was absolutely out of this world, and that’s exactly why you came in the first place. it was like you both clicked, and that meeting became the first of many. though, as you grew older, your hectic tutoring schedules made it difficult for you to frequent the bakery as much as you used to.
still, you remember he suggested exchanging letters as a means of keeping in contact, and he’s the only one who’s referred to you as love. his love.
you’re abruptly taken away from your thoughts as the priest repeats your name, “princess, your vows if you may.”
“oh um, sorry.” you quickly apologize, trying to gather yourself back up.
jeno’s gaze on you looks much more animated than before, almost as if there was a playful glint that replaced the cold ones from earlier. where was the man you met moments ago as the event started? “i suppose you remember now.”
“yeah.” you breathe out, “yeah, i do.”
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alreadyblondenow · 1 year
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It’s a Love Story
Pairing: knight Jeno x princess reader (somewhat love triangle with prince Jaemin tho)
Genre: Smut, fluff, angst? Kingdom AU, Royalty AU
Warning: NOT PROOFREAD, unprotected sex, mentions of death, war, mentions of bruises, poverty, heavy cheating themes and I am no way promoting it, but its not cheating actually, mentioned of pregnancy
Note: inspired by Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ and also this was ling overdue im sorry :( please enjoy
It was a beautiful afternoon to hunt and enjoy the weather to its fullest as you continue to not care wether everyone in the palace is searching everywhere for you. You don’t care. As long as you get to enjoy this so little freedom that you have.
Steady as you point the arrow, aiming it to the deer in front of you. Clearing your mind before you release the arrow. A successful kill.
“Good aim. For a second there I thought you will waste a good chance to shoot it, but I was wrong… My lady”
You turn your back and see an unfamiliar face. A face you’ve never seen before even inside the palace. He could be your new bodyguard, but judging by the looks of his uniform, he belongs to a different royal family.
“And you are?” You ask with a gentle tone.
“Lee Jeno, my lady. I am prince Jaemin’s royal bodyguard. We are here in your land for your family invited us so you and prince Jaemin—“
“Okay I understand now,” you said. “Has my fiancé been well?”
“He’s excited to meet you. Although I didn’t quite expect I’d meet you first before him”
“Well I should I get back,” but you looked at the deer you just shot, hesitating to leave it.
“Would you like me to deliver it somewhere? It’s not proper for a lady to carry a big deer somewhere “ Jeno offered. Completely aware of your plan for you were easy to read.
You came closer to him without hesitation with a small smile on your face and turned towards the direction where the village is located. “There’s a small village there, look for their leader and give the deer to him”
And as you were telling the directions to Jeno, the man immediately noticed how pretty you are up close, how you smelled like expensive perfume and how you value gratitude. He didn’t quite expect that he will not be immune to your charms.
Jaemin is really lucky to have you.
By the time you got back, you immediately changed clothes and soon welcome your guest with your parents. It wasn’t easy to swallow your pride, even though you told to yourself a hundred times already that this is your duty to your family. And that marrying prince Jaemin can give you and your village the protection you can’t give them.
But if you were given the chance to love whom ever you wish to… you will pick someone who is not just warm on the outside, but on the inside too. Someone who has a kind heart, and will stay forever like that. And someone who will love the real you.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Jaemin politely asks, noticing how your mind was not present at the moment. Scared that somehow you feel that his family is forcing you to marry him. But to be honest, you can’t blame him. For prince Jaemin is already madly and deeply in love with you, ever since you two were first introduced to each other.
“You changed a lot— I mean… the last time I saw you were… I think we were only 9 years old and I already had a crush on you”
“Oh calm down prince, you don’t need to flatter me,” you smiled and took away his worries. “And no you’re not making me uncomfortable. I too want to give this a try”
But after that meeting you kept prince Jaemin waiting for months and never showed up whenever he tries to make time for you or even visit you. You always have excuses and you try your best to avoid him. “I think you should meet him before he goes to war, your highness” Your trusted maid said to you. “His family’s army is the one keeping this palace safe” she added.
And so you followed what your maid suggested and finally took the courage to meet Prince Jaemin. With a heavy heart, and with a strong reminder to yourself that you are only meeting him to thank him for his family’s protection. That’s all.
“Come in- oh it’s finally you… I uh, I wasn’t expecting you princess I’m so sorry for the mess” You watch prince Jaemin as he hurries and fix the room that your people gave him. “I look like a mess. I was working with some urgent matters that’s why it’s messy when you came in” he explains and stutters, but you can’t help but to notice he was blushing and smiling like a fool.
“If you’re this busy why do you keep on trying to see me and waste your time” you chuckled awkwardly. “Thank you for your protection for my family. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be safe” you added.
“It’s my duty” he answered fast while keeping his eyes on you. “We are ready to go to war, but making peace and negotiating is still the best solution” but you have to leave this place— for your own good.
“What about my family?”
“”The future queen’s safety is more important” your father’s choice of words, not mine” Jaemin explained, scared that you might hate him forever, scared that you might change your mind about the marriage. “Jeno will take care of you while were apart,” he said without further explanations. He noticed that your mind was somewhere else, you are close enough for him to touch you and bid you goodbye but he won’t do it. Simply because he can’t.
“You of all people knew that I can’t leave your side especially in times of war!” Jeno exclaimed to his friend. Yes, friend. Prince Jaemin is not his prince at this moment for he is getting angry as a friend. “I did not became a royal guard to babysit a princess—“
“You will guard and protect a part of my soul. Please do your job” Jaemin teases his friend.
“Part of my soul my ass, you’re not yet married— I’m not even sure if a wedding is gonna happen eventually!”
“Jeno please” Jaemin pleaded and tried to calm his friend. “You and y/n may not know each other yet but, she is the future of two kingdoms… and I love her”
“Love? You haven’t touch her yet, what you’re talking about is infatuation”
And that is the end of the conversation between the prince and his royal guard. Which of course Jeno followed what the prince commanded and escorted you secretly and away from the war and was forced to live a simple life. No servants, no expensive clothes, no palace… but you have first class protection.
At least you’re not forced to mary Jaemin sooner or later, you thought.
Maybe this escape is a blessing in disguise, you thought.
Maybe Jaemin would change his mind and decide to mary someone he loves too.
But amidst all these thoughts and all the time you devoted to overthinking, you can’t understand why Jeno, the guard you met in the whom you thought was nice and friendly, is suddenly cold as ice towards you. You’re not stupid. You can see that he is annoyed whenever you call his name, whenever you start a friendly conversation, and whenever you try to confront him.
“I just checked the house and it’s safe now” Jeno said after making sure the place was safe for you, but to be honest he wasn’t sure if it is comfortable enough for a princess.
As you enter the house, it was cold and old. Dust was everywhere and it’s like a shoebox you thought. Not to mention the company Jeno has is not that warming, unlike your first as time meeting each other. It was as if he is a totally different man right now. Oh you can’t wait to leave this place.
Have passed by quietly and uncomfortably. Your relationship remains the same and to be honest this has been that saddest you’ve ever been. Jeno got a job at the market, it was a tough job but he needed to earn money for the both of you. And when he comes home, he’s always tired but still he makes you dinner even though sometimes he skips meals just you can have a heavy meal.
And living like this made you feel that you’re such a burden for Jeno. You can’t do anything around here, even though you’re capable of doing anything. He just doesn’t know it yet.
You bravely whispered during his sleep. You noticed that he was tired today and forgot to make you dinner, but you don’t mind.
“Mmm?” He weakly answered.
“I want to go home” you said, even though you know the answer already. But unexpectedly, Jeno woke up from his sleep and got up real quick from the mat on the floor and went outside.
For Jeno, he’s sick and tired of all your whining… not knowing what you really feel. He felt small and most of the time not enough because this is only the life he can give you. Well, not that he have much of a choice, “You’re not even my wife, but I act like I’m your husband and everything I do is still not enough” Jeno murmurs. But little did he know… you followed him so you could apologize and hear your side.
But anger got the best of you.
“Well I didn’t told you to do such things! And more importantly I didn’t asked to be with you! Your prince insisted!” you exclaimed, and to his shock, Jeno burst into anger too and yelled at you.
“Well, do you think that I wanted to guard you? Who would want to be with you? All you do is eat, take a walk and be a burden! Future queen? You can’t even do anything let alone run a kingdom”
And that made your heart broke.
Weeks passed by uncomfortably again but this time it got worst. You secretly found a job as the town sweeper at the market and pay for your own meals to feed yourself. And whenever Jeno comes home, you leave the house and sleep on bench at the garden.
One night, you were gravely tired and your hand had bruises and redness all over. Jeno couldn’t just let you sleep like that. He immediately cleaned your hands and feet, and let you sleep soundly and comfortably.
The next day, hi efforts and kindness weren’t unnoticed. To give back, you prepared breakfast for the two of you before you two leave and go to your respective jobs.
“I think you should stop working- this type of work… isn’t for you. I’m sure there are a lot of other jobs there… just not this one…” he bravely asked of you. This time you see the worry in his eyes while he looks at your hand. You understand where this is coming from.
After that wonderful peace making, you and Jeno had nicer days and eventually you two became nicer to each other. At the end of each passing day, you two have long conversations until one of you sleep. A way to know and learn about each other. Suddenly each other’s company is all you need, and as days go by you two noticed that you’re becoming very close even sometimes physically close. You are now comfortable lying on Jeno’s lap while you read a book. Jeno can now pull you closer to him whenever he feels like being overprotective. You two have become incredibly close and slowly falling in love secretly in each other.
And that is a problem.
Soon you found a decent work at the town nursery. And everyone in town thought you two were a married couple… and you love how Jeno never deny it. He was happy and you can see it. And you can’t help but to be happy too because… now you know that your feelings are mutual.
A few months passed by, you and Jeno enjoyed your relationship to the fullest as if he wasn’t here to guard you and do his duty and you weren’t this precious gem of a huge kingdom. But whenever Jeno thinks about the reality, he just shook his head, look at you and thank the heavens for this given time with you. The future can worry for itself someday, he thought.
“What if we never go back?”
He murmurs while he hugs you tightly with his strong arms. The night was quiet and only the crickets from outside are the ones you can hear. You smiled sweetly and kissed his lips without warning just because you wanted the night to be even more beautiful.
That was your first kiss together.
His eyes went from sleepy to fully awake in no time and returned the kiss too. “Never going back isn’t such a bad idea” you tell him while raking his hair away from his face.
“Then let’s forget everything about them and start a new life together. What do you say?” He happily reached for your hand and kiss it more.
“Not until you ask me to marry you first” you bravely said to him.
“Oh I will- Oh Y/n you have no idea how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you” he said proudly, rolling on top of you and keeping you closer. His face was so near from yours, lips almost touching but it didn’t bother you.
“Have I told you that I started loving you the day we met at the forest?” He whispered softly and looked at you lovingly. His face was so calm, he looked so happy and you have to admit… you’ve never seen him happy like this.
“You’re suppose to protect me” you teased him and made his eyes roll. You let out a giggle and this time, it’s you who rolled on top of him. His body was hard as a rock, but his skin was soft, imperfect because of his battle scars but somehow still beautiful.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still protecting you,” he smiled and hugged you so you could come closer to him. “I’m protecting you in a different way now. I’ll protect you how a husband protects his wife,”
And from that moment on, you opened your heart for Jeno and Jeno only. Not thinking about Jaemin, not thinking about your family, not thinking about your responsibilities. He made you happy everyday, and even more happier the next days. Who would have thought that you will find love in the most simplest form. Back when you used to have anything and your life is full of riches, even the most expensive dress or perfume cant please you. But now that you have a simple life, the milk, bread, meat to eat that Jeno puts on the table every morning gives you so much joy because you knew how much hard work he has put into just so he can afford and food and feed you.
You’re happy and there’s no doubt about that.
One morning, when the sun hasn’t come up yet, you heard Jeno keeping himself busy at the garden. At times like this, the Earth was still quiet and peaceful, as if only you and Jeno has the world for yourselves now. You ask him, “what are you doing up so early?”
“Did I wake you up? Sorry,” he was obviously in a good mood. You see him making two garden chairs, one for you and one for him. He made you sit on your chair with a big smile on his face, excited and very happy. You wonder why
But suddenly… he pulled a small silver ring from his pocket and bend down on one knee.
“I’m sorry if this is all I can afford for now,” he was still smiling and happy waiting for your answer. Of course you said yes and went on the ground with him. As much as it hurts him removing the ring Jaemin gave you, he didn’t care because all he could think of is you.
The ring was simple but it weighs even more than that diamond ring Jaemin gave you. It weighs even more because you know how Jeno loves you and how it’s never going to be easy for the both of you if ever you go back.
As your lives went on and only beautiful days were happening, you couldn’t help but think about the future because you’re sure that you wouldn’t last a day without Jeno’s hugs, sweet and sincere kisses, and his love.
“What are you thinking?”He kissed your hand one too many times until his kisses became even more inviting to get your attention.
“I was just thinking about the future- maybe it would be easy for us to be in love if I was born a commoner right? Why do I have to be the queen” you sigh and came closer to him, he smells nice as always warm akin, strong built. As if nothing can tear you apart as long as he’s holding you like this.
“Don’t think about it” he smiled softly and put away bits of hair covering your face before kissing it. Then he started slowly with his hands creeping under your dress, all the way up to your underwear, slipping his cold hand inside it and tease your wet slit which you love. You smiled at the feeling of his rough hands against your skin, inviting him more to come to you by spreading your legs wider and pulling him closer.
He helped you remove your dress and underwear, you help him remove his trousers and well, he stopped you from removing his underwear, “you’re not fair” you protest, but he just continues to take the lead in bed, completely knowing that you dont know enough. He started making you weak by his soft kisses around your body, his hands is roaming around your thighs as well making sure that he has your whole attention.
“You’re beautiful. So beautiful” he whispers and started to touch your body in a way that is very new to you given that youre a virgin. You let out small sounds of approval, moaning his name deliciously which he love. Later on you feel him slowly going down on you, kissing your lower abdomen until he reaches your wet slit and lick it softly up and down. Of course you were shocked to the core that you immediately tried to get away from him but he only smirked and said, “you’ll love this trust me” he then kissed your lower abdomen again softly, all the way down to your wer slit, kissing is again like its your lips gently and careful not to schock you again “better?” He asked, you nod. And when his tongue made contact to your slit again you were back to moaning to hard and letting him know that you love it through your sounds. Of course, by the time you cum, he was teasing you for loving it, looking so ruin beneath him.
“Ready for the main event princess?” He whispered softly beside your ear, kissing you neck while you feel him spread your legs and tease your slit again. You giggle and put both of your arms around him, returning the kisses he gave you and making him feel good too. “You learn fast” he says while removing his underwear. And as soon as he was naked, you can feel the bulge on your thigh and he’s hard as a rock.
When he finally lines his cock on your hole, you felt nervous but at the same time excited and it’s obvious. So obvious that Jeno needed to reach for your hand and whisper “dont be nervous, this will feel good I promise”
And so you trusted him and let go. Of course it hurt, the stretch was giving you pain because he was so big but he was right, it feels good. Oh so slowly he was making you remember every second of this moment, kissing you from time to time and whispering sweet words. Then suddenly he removed his cock and began kissing every part of you, you don’t know why he’s doing this and quite frankly you miss him inside you already. “I know what you’re thinking” he teases you and gave you a few more kiss on the lips before he pushes back in slowly. This time it was far more better and the stretch felt good it’s addicting.
He thrust and thrust until he found your sweet spot, hitting it over and over again, making you moan while begging him to stop but you didn’t mean that. You love what he’s doing. And when the time you started clenching around his cock he knew you’re close to your release, he went closer to your body, fucking you close. He was looking at your eyes while you catch you breath and feel the tingle in your toes. He was just smiling sweetly with lidded eyes while watching you catch your high, until you feel him go deeper and faster, you couldn’t take it anymore but he was the one catching his release this time. He pulled you in for a hug, caging you with his strong arms and release a good amount of cum inside of you.
Both of your bodies are hot and you’re both catching your breaths with a smile on your faces. When Jeno’s cock gone soft immediately the white fluid from your hole was dripping and only one thing was on his mind that time. If he gets you pregnant, he will never return you to your family.
On the same night, you two talked until the sun comes up and make love for a couple of times again. It was the night you two started dreaming and planning for your future, he told you how he wanted to take care of you for the rest of your life and build a home with you. Somewhere your past cant find you. And you love that idea even though that mean abandoning your crown.
But just as life became even more sweeter for the two of you, an unexpected visit ruined your lives changed it in a matter of minutes.
The general of Jaemin’s army came to deliver the news personally that Jaemin did not make it through the battle field which made Jeno furious and angry that he started to punch the wall and hurt his hand. Screaming and blaming himself for not protecting his friend in times of need. You cant blame him, they were best of friends.
“This is all your fault!” He shouted towards you. And suddenly all those happy memories you had with became pointless and useless. It hurt you, his words hurt you but all you can do is stand up for yourself.
“Please bring me home general” you said sternly and made your way out. The general immediately followed your command and did not let Jeno come near you even though he said he was sorry and he didn’t mean what he said.
“Respect your future queen. Whatever happened in this place will stay in this place. Don’t tell a single soul about your relationship here— I can’t believe you betrayed your friend Jeno. Now go home! I will bring the princess back”
After you came back to your kingdom and family, you still can’t believe that Jaemin sacrificed his life to save your kingdom and his while you were secretly loving Jeno. What kind of queen are you?
You wanted to be alone. And so were left alone for days, even weeks.
The kingdom was healing and you wish you were too.
Until one day, you got sick and the word traveled fast around the kingdom. Everyone got scared because they thought they will lose their queen too. But one person was worried sick that he can’t calm himself until he sees you right before his eyes.
Jeno sneaked inside your room one peaceful night just to make sure you’re alright. Of course when he saw that you’re weak and sweating in your bed he didn’t think twice and came closer to you. He kneeled beside your bed quietly which made him recognize the ring on your table. He slowly grabbed it and tried putting it on your finger again while he feels his heart break slowly. “Why did you remove it?” He asked softly while asking you in your sleep, but you opened your eyes slowly and weakly tried to sit so you can see him better. Of course he helped you, he still cares for you.
“I didn’t mean what I said- please believe me, I love you” Jeno whispered and kissed you, oh you miss him.
“Did it ever cross your mind that maybe you’re pregnant?” He added with hopeful eyes, but even though you returned the kiss and you’re happy to see him now, this time you know that leaving your crown is not a right thing to do.
“I am not. The doctor said I was just sick,” and there Jeno just nodded and thank the heavens that it wasn’t a serious health issue. But he was really hoping that you were pregnant because that is the only way he could stay in your life. “I need you to protect Jaemin’s family and be their protector-“ you added but just before you could finish what you were about to say he cut you off and immediately got mad.
“So this is it then? You’re just gonna throw me like that, huh? Now you can command whatever because you’re queen?”
And just as you thought… he will hurt you with his words again.
“I love you. That’s why I’m like this. Please don’t send me away. I can love you from afar, but please this is too much“ he scoffed and begged you in his tears, reaching for hand and kiss it like how he did the first night you two made love, “do you understand? I can’t accept not seeing you everyday”
“You won’t like it when you see me marry Mark Lee”
And that is it.
You didn’t want to tell him but you have to.
“He’s not a prince, Y/n… i don’t understand… he’s just rich” Jeno rambled.
“But I need a husband soon and he’s a good person,” you said weakly.
“You’re not being fair! Im not a prince too and you loved me!” He was crying already and not letting go of your hand, “please Y/n”
Tears in your eyes were falling as you remove the ring and hand it over to him.
And then you wake up.
Your phone was ringing and the rain was crazy.
Jeno’s arm is around your waist and he was sleeping soundly, he didn’t even had the time to change his clothes. Maybe he was that tired you thought.
“You were crying in your sleep, why? I was worried I tried waking you up then I fell asleep, I’m sorry” Jeno said in a very tired voice.
“I had a really weird dream” you said honestly.
“Tell me” he said and pulled you closer,
“I was a queen and I was supposed to marry someone that is not you. Then we cheated and tried having a normal life together but still, destiny is not on our side, so I made you leave me”
“Well that’s some, love story shit baby haha” he laughed and hugged you tighter. “I’d love you from afar even if you throw me away and come back over and over again. Got that?”
You nodded sweetly. Happy that it was only just a dream.
“You’re mine, even in our next lives” he added
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ihavethedreamies · 4 months
📚 Series Masterlist
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Easy to Expert | Stray Kids [NSFW]
♥ Easy (#1) - Felix/Reader ~5k ♥ Novice (#2) - Felix/Reader ~4.8k You've agreed to a threesome and you pick... (They are all technically part three, just different versions, they do not go along with each other at all.) ♥ Beginner's Luck (#3 v1) - Felix/Reader/I.N. ~3k ♥ Standard Practice (#3 v2) - Felix/Reader/Seungmin ~2.2k ♥ In the Middle (#3 v3) - Felix/Reader/Hyunjin ~2.8k ♥ Rough Love (#3 v4) - Dom!Han/Switch!Felix/Sub!Reader ~3.1k ♥ Challenged (#3 v5) - Hard Dom!Lee Know/Switch!Felix/Sub!Reader ~4.1k ♥ Hard to Swallow (#3 v6) - Felix/Reader/Changbin ~3.7k ♥ Expert (#3 v7) - Felix/Reader/Bang Chan ~4.6k
Sci-Fi AU! with Seventeen [NSFW] WIP
I had a story for The8/Minghao, and I wasn't feeling it, so I'm redoing it :p ☼ Deserted | Hoshi ☼ ~5.1k ☼ Desert Storms | Woozi ☼ ~4k ☼ Heat | Wonwoo ☼ ~8.7k ☼ Oasis | S.Coups ☼ ~4.6k
Decisions | Jongho (ATEEZ) [SFW -> NSFW]
✿ Love or Hate (1) [SFW] ✿ ~3.2k ✿ Sweet or Spicy (2) [Suggestive] ✿ ~1.1k (Transition Part) ✿ Sweet (3 v1) [NSFW] ✿ ~2.5k ✿ Spicy (3 v2) [NSFW] ✿ ~3.3k
Pool Boy | TXT [NSFW]
These don't rely on each other at all, so there isn't really a specific order, I just wrote them in this order. 水 Yeonjun (1) ~3.2k 水 Taehyun (2) ~2.9k 水 Soobin (3) ~4.4k 水 Hueningkai (4) ~4.5k 水 Beomgyu (5) ~4.7k
Juicy Fruit | NCT Dream [NSFW]
Very loosely inspired by Smoothie. Very Loose. 🍉 Mark 🍉 ~1.6k 🍇 Renjun 🍇 ~1.5k 🍌 Jeno 🍌 ~1.9k 🍒 Haechan 🍒 ~2.2k 🍑 Jaemin 🍑 ~2.5k 🍓 Chenle 🍓 ~2.1k 🍍 Jisung 🍍 ~2.1k
Animal Inside | ATEEZ [NSFW] WIP
🦁 Matter of Pride | Hongjoong 🦁 ~5.9k 🐕 In the Doghouse | Yeosang 🐕 ~4.8k 🐻 Don't Poke the Bear | Jongho 🐻 ~7k 🐯 Ride a Tiger | San 🐯 ~6.3k
What the Heart Wants | Kun (WayV)/NCT
When you're essentially sold to the royal family to be one of the brides of the second eldest prince, you're not exactly living the ideal life. The biggest reason, is because you are desperately in love with his half-brother. 💘 From Afar | Kun & Yuta (1) ~14.2k [Angst/Mature] 💘 Up Close | Kun (2) ~7.3k [NSFW]
Historical AU! with Stray Kids [NSFW] WIP
여기 Only You - Bang Chan ~4.6k 여기 Her Hero - Lee Know ~5k
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Master-Master List
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atinyjules · 1 year
Pairings: Dad!Jeno x Female oc
Genre: fluff, established relationship, dad au.
Warnings: none
Characters: Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Si-ah (4), Soo-ah (2), Chaein (3), Chaeyeon (2), Bomin (4), Haerin (2)
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An hour after Jeno had taken a time out from decorating the backyard with pink mesh drapes, everything you would possibly need for a tea party and a lot of pink decor he woke up with a groan, rubbing his eyes. Letting out a sigh as he stretched his body and yawned.
Being the sole male of the household was hard work, especially when both his daughters loved hosting tea parties. But he wouldn't have had it any other way. He was in the process of preparing one such tea party. The girls would be back home in an hour from their cousins place so he had to finish getting everything ready. And it did not help that his wife was in Paris for a performance.
"Okay, I'm done!" he exclaimed in victory and looked at his masterpiece with pride.
And as though on queue, the familiar sound Jaemin's cars pulling up in front of the house caught his attention as Jeno went out to greet his two princesses.
"Daddy!" He picked up Si-ah who ran to him and engulfed her in a tight bear hug.
"Hey Princess! You had fun?" she nodded at that as Jaemin got out of the car with Soo-ah fast asleep in her baby carrier on his right and Haerin in her carrier on the other side.
"Hey Bomin!" Jeno greeted his nephew who hugged him and greeted him.
"Hi uncle Jeno!"
"I hoped they weren't a menace to you." Jeno asked as he took Soo-ah's baby carrier from Jaemin's hand.
"Of course not! They were well behaved like Princesses, just like their mama right Si-ah?" Jaemin said to which Si-ah agreed almost instantly.
"Okay, that's great." Jeno said as Jaemin gave him a smug smile.
"I mean they do get it from their mama's side of the family." he said earning a sigh from Jeno.
"If you say so." Jeno said as they laughed it off and went in.
"Woah...I'm impressed." Jaemin said looking at the set up as Si-ah and Bomin gasped.
"Daddy! It's amazing!!" Si-ah exclaimed and hugged her father who grinned proudly.
"It's sooo....Pink!" Bomin exclaimed earning a loud chuckle from his father.
"It's a tea party Bomin." Jaemin told his son who only groaned in response.
"But I'm a boyy!"
"Shut uppp it's beautiful! It's just like my mommy! Elegant and cheek!" Si-ah said as Jeno chuckled.
"Chic, Si-ah, chic." Jeno said as she nodded.
"Am I going to be the only boy?" Bomin asked Jeno who shook his head.
"You have me and your dad!" Jeno replied as Jaemin nodded his head when a car pulled up in front of the house.
"All hail the Princesses of the Lee Empire!!" They went out to see Haechan putting out a red carpet towards the door.
"What in the world-" Jeno was cut off by Haechan.
"Shush! Its a royal tea party! Chaeyeon come over here with your sister!" he said as a toddler clad in a poofy blue ball gown came out of the car with her little sister who were a matching blue gown.
"HII!!" Chaeyeon exclaimed loudly and went to hug Si-ah, Soo-ah, Bomin and Haerin.
"Shh! Baby, Haerin and Soo-ah are sleeping!" Haechan whispered to his daughter.
"OH!!" She exclaimed loudly causing everyone to flinch.
While the kids were going about their tea party the fathers were all watching them with loving eyes from the kitchen.
"Aren't they adorable~" Haechan cooed as Jeno and Jaemin agreed while snapping pictures.
"Too bad Eunbi has work, she would've totally loved this." Jaemin said referring to his younger twin and Jeno's wife.
"Yeah...she wanted to be present for this but there's always next time." Jeno said as Haechan chuckled.
"I bet Bi chose the girl's outfits." Haechan said as Jeno chuckled.
"Yup, I thought you wouldn't notice." Jeno said as Jaemin snorted.
"They're literally wearing pink matching ball gowns with a swan tiara...the whole look screams Eunbi." Jaemin said as Jeno looked at his daughters trying to mimic their mother's dance steps with love and adoration.
"Yeah, it does...gosh I love them so much." Jeno confessed as Haechan chuckled.
"Look at us, fatherhood turned us into goddamn softies." Haechan said as Jaemin smiled looking at the kids.
"I'm not complaining though, fatherhood made us happier even though the circumstances were out of our control." He said and looked at Jeno whose eyes were fixated on his two princesses.
" I definetly am a lot happier with the three of my girls." Jeno said as they continued watching the kids try ballet with the sound of Si-ah and Soo-ah's music box playing in the background.
Whether the circumstances were out of his control or not Jeno knew for sure that he won't regret nor plan on doing so anytime soon. Whether it meant having to be surrounded by pink his whole life and organizing tea parties, if it meant that he gets to be with his Ballerinas for the rest of his life he was willing to do it for eternity.
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ljxlj48 · 1 year
My Duty As Princess
Chapter 07
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Lee Jeno x fem reader
in collaboration with @urlocaltrash28
preview, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, epilogue
Genre: arranged marriage au! royalty au!
Warnings: none
Word Count: 5K+
Author's Note: I'm not back guys, honestly. To give a little update, I stopped writing because it stopped being fun. I only wanted to do this, if it continued to be fun and after a while it stopped being fun. Right now, I'm in such a better place that writing is starting to be fun again, but there's no telling if I'm actually going to continue to put out content. Thinking of something to write, is actually a lot of work lmaooo. I will say that, I will never delete any of the content I have out. This page and all the stories will be here for whenever you guys want to enjoy them. hugs and kisses to anyone reading <3
When the Princess and I returned to the palace, night had already fallen.  We tried to quietly usher our way to my chambers, after entering did we notice a parade of people awaiting for us.  Father sat at my desk chair, Mother and Taeyong stood behind him. Mark, Haechan, and Jaemin sat on the couch, the three of them looked to be making themselves comfortable.  Grandma Lee and Grandmother Na sat on the two chairs that were on one side of the room.  There was more standing around, I spotted Chan, Hyunjin, Johnny was with them huddled in one corner, Lord Park stood lonely in another part of the room, Fei and Mei were in front of my bedroom doors.  Lord Na and Lady Na were also here, the two of them stayed near Grandmother Na.
“My boy,” Father said when he saw me enter the room. 
“What is the meaning of this?” I asked, looking around the room, full of people. 
“Now my son,” Mother started off making her way towards me, I took a step back when she came near, it felt like I couldn’t trust any of them.  
“Lord Park has asked to speak with the Princess,” Taeyong said, his tone was all business, Taeyong was never the type to sugar coat things.  Lord Park stepped forward at the mention of his name. 
“I would like to formally apologize to your royal highness,” He got down on one knee, lowering his head, arm over his heart, “for the actions of my children.”  I reached down for the princess’ hand, which she easily took. “I did not know of their plans or their intentions.” 
“Then why apologize?” The princess asked, her tone matching the one she used on me when she was angry.  She stood tall in front of the kneeling Lord. 
“Excuse me, your highness?” Lord park looked up at the princess, as did the rest of the room.  
“Why apologize for actions that you did not know about, and actions you could not have prevented.  Quite frankly, it feels like you're apologizing because you know it would save face, not because you really want to.  Don’t be ashamed, Lord Park, you would marvel at my death, the prince could go back to your daughter and you could have royal status after their wedding.  You are not sorry about the actions of your children, you are sorry they did not succeed, and you are apologizing to me because you need to save face.  Make yourself look like an innocent bystander in order to remain in power.” The princess paused, taking a deep breath, then she spoke again, “Lord Park, I do not despise you.  To be fair, I do not have room in my heart, nor time in my day, nor space in my mind to hate you, but I do feel absolute pity for you. Pure pity, for your son has committed treason against two kingdoms in a single night, and I do not know how your image will recover from such actions.  I do, however, trust that you will not take any more violent actions against me again, considering, should your family fail again, you could be faced with much more dire consequences.” 
“Of course, your highness, I can assure you no harm will come to you from my family ever again,” Lord Park looked down again, red rising to his ears.  I wanted to laugh, everything the princess said was the truth, that wasn’t meant to be spoken.  
“Is this all you had for us?” I asked my father. My tone, coming off more rude than I initially intended, I directed my gaze to my father, it felt as if he was a stranger ready to disrupt any little happiness I had with the Princess.
Father opened his mouth to speak, but Taeyong beat him to it,  “Hansol took a plea deal, he’ll get 25 years in prison for attempted murder,” 
“I want to see him,” the princess cut off Taeyong before he could continue on.  The attention of the room back on the princess, Taeyong's face was clear that he was not gonna let that happen, watching his reactions allowed me to remain calm. “General, will you please let me see him,” the princess let go of my hand, she stepped closer towards my brother, “I need to see the man that nearly killed me.” 
Taeyong’s face shifted, like he understood her request, he nodded.  “No,” my mouth opened to speak before my brain could form a reason, but I know she can’t see him, “no, you’re not stepping a foot anywhere near that man,” I felt tempted to shove Taeyong’s head through the glass balcony door, for even considering agreeing to the princess’ request.
“Jeno,” the Princess spoke, her voice soft. 
“No,” I know my voice came out too rude, she flinched, and I saw the minute fear flash before her, this isn’t what I wanted.  I took a breath before speaking again, “(y/n), no.” 
“Jeno,” Taeyong’s tone, I knew where this was going, his tone was the same one as when he scolded me for punching Haechan, after he stole my car for a joyride.  To be fair, I was aiming for the wall, Haechan just got in the way.  “This is the princess’ decision,” he took a breath, almost like he feared to say more, “you don’t have reason to prevent her from seeing him, should she choose too.” 
I let out a breath, turning my attention back to the princess, “you’re not going alone.”  She smiled and nodded, I felt like I couldn’t breathe for a second there.  
“The news of the attack has been kept within the palace walls, but the people will notice something is wrong, especially with the wedding approaching so fast, there’s more eyes on the two of you than normal.” Taeyong continued on and looked at me.  
“We think the Princess should make a charity appearance at the ladies luncheon for the war relief programs.  It would do good if the Princess attended, she can show the people that she is willing to help Northcy war victims as well.” Grandma Lee spoke, she was standing up from her chair, she looked at me.  They were all asking the princess of things, but they looked to me, as if I was the princess.  
“(y/n), if you’re not ready, you don’t need to come,” Lady Na, I should say Aunt Jennie, spoke, she made her way towards the princess, taking the princess’ free hand in her own.  Her eyes only met the princess’, I looked at the princess too.  The princess was looking back at me, is that why everyone was looking at me, because so was the princess?  I squeezed her hand and nodded.  
“I shall be there,” she let out a breath, looking to the room, “Queen Hye-young is right, it’ll be good to make an appearance.” Her hand started to shake, she wanted to do this, needed to do this, but it didn’t mean she didn't fear it.  
“Leave, all of you,” I wanted to relax, we needed to relax, to forget this just for a moment longer, “just leave.” I pulled the princess towards my bedroom, they started to file out of my room.  A few strayed, I stopped right in front of my door, watching them leave. I let the princess into the bedroom.  Mark was at the chamber door, Jaemin and Haechan on his side.  Chan, Hyunjin, Fei and Mei stayed behind as well.  “Why don’t you guys stay, I’ll be back out in a minute.” 
I entered the bedroom, seeing the princess sitting on the bed, typing on her phone. “Princess,” I reached out to pull at the princess, “there's people outside for us.” 
“More people?” She questioned, looking tired.
“Friends.” We both walked back into the seating area, seeing our friends standing and sitting around.  “Just relax,” I whispered in the princess’ ear.  
We sat there, and talked, and exchanged stories, and laughed, and relaxed. I looked at the princess, she was smiling, laughing, and relaxing. There were so many bad things that had happened. I just wanted her to calm down, I wanted her to feel safe.  
“Don’t forget the time Jeno almost got the princess to leave Northcy,” Jaemin laughed out, grabbing my attention.  I tried to signal him to shut up, but obviously he didn’t notice me.  There was a silence that fell over the room.  
“Huh? What are you talking about?” the princess questioned exchanging looks with Chan. 
“He didn’t…” Jaemin looked at me wide eyed, “I’m sorry, I misspoke.” 
“No I don’t think you did,” the Princess said, giving me a look. 
“Look, I am so so sorry, I was being selfish,” I’m scrambling for words, anything to make this better, pleading she's not too angry with me, “I wasn’t thinking straight, I just wanted out of this marriage.  You know how it was…”  The Princess was looking at me with a smirk, as she began to laugh.
“Jeno, calm down, I’m not mad,” she spoke, still giggling away.  I must’ve looked like a madman.
“You’re not?” Why isn't she mad, I would be mad, she should be furious with me, she has every right to be. 
“No, I probably would’ve done something similar if I was in your position, but now I owe Chan 5 mons,” she laughed more, shaking her head.  
“What?” I looked at Chan and he just smiled at me.  
“When we got back to the palace, after leaving the airport, Chan made the joke that he bet this was the prince’s idea to get out of the union, I said you’re on.” I don’t know if I should be relieved or worried, “your highness, I should, and would be angry with you, heavens know you deserve it” she took a deep breath, “but having nearly died," she paused, it looked as if her eyes became glossy for a second, blinking away any tears she continued on, "I don’t want to waste time being angry with you”  She smiled at me, her eyes were caring, filled with something.  We stared at each other for a moment, a time stopping moment.  I stared at her, I could hear the breath she let out, the calm beat of her heart, the flutter of her eyelashes, I never felt more captivated by another person.  
The rest of the evening went on, I don’t think I ever took my eyes off the princess.  I wanted to memorize every word, breath, tick she let fall past her lips.  I can’t recall a single thing that Jaemin, Mark, or Haechan said that night, but I could tell you that the princess covers her mouth with the back of her hand whenever she's about to laugh too hard.  Or that she tucks her hair behind her ear when she's being teased, or that she raises her ears when her name is mentioned, or that she sticks out her tongue, licking her bottom lip when she has something to say.  It seemed as if the princess had me under a spell where I could only pay attention to her.  I must say I don’t mind being spellbound to her.  
The next morning , when you awoke the sunlight was peering into the room.  You opened your eyes, and for an eighth of a second you forgot the events of the past two days, until you felt the arm draped over your waist.  Sleeping in the same bed as Jeno the past two nights has been more comforting than you could’ve imagined.  You slid out from Jeno’s embrace, grabbing your phone from the nightstand, and you called your mom.  You haven’t spoken to her since last week, the last thing she knew was that you and Jeno were getting along nicely, and you didn’t think this marriage was gonna be that bad.  
You wore another pair of Jeno’s sweats and an old shirt, his old clothes being more comfortable than any couture pajama sets you had.  You slipped on one of his hoodies, exiting the bedroom, to call your mom.  As the phone rang, you sat on the couch, staring out the glass balcony doors, watching the snow, the kingdom has been covered for nearly a week now.  The palace being in the mountains, the snow was always falling, never melting, you were finally getting adjusted to the cold, but still always wearing long pants and long sleeve tops.  
When your mom finally answered the phone, the sound of her voice moved you to tears.  You weren’t the closest to your mom, but after your sisters died, you two became more dependent on each other.  You were her only child left, and she was the only one that could tell you more about your siblings.  You explained everything that has happened since you last talked to her.  Not a single detail escaping your retelling.  Your mother listened attentively, asking questions far too often for the average storyteller. By the time you finished, she was almost convinced that she needed to hop on a jet to come up there and save you.  You laughed, telling her that you’re starting to feel better.  You’re ready to move on past the whole event, you need something new to focus on.  Your mother reminding you that a wedding should be a good distraction, especially considering her and your father are to be arriving in exactly one week.  
“I should just come up there now, say I’m there to help you prepare for the wedding,” your mother stated from the other side of the line.  
“Mother,” you laughed out, “I will be okay for another week without you or daddy.  Not to mention Queen Jaeyeon really took care of everything for the wedding, all I really need to do is show up.” 
There was a knock at the chamber doors that took half your attention, “are you sure there’s everything you wanted?” Mother questioned you, you opened the chamber doors to see Mei and Fei on the other side. 
Moving out of the way to allow them to enter, “in all honesty mother, I don’t know if there’s gonna be anything I like or want.”  
“What do you mean? You had a say, right?”  Your mother questioned from the other side. 
“I did mother,” you placed one hand over the mic, now looking at Mei and Fei, “what are you guys doing here?” Lifting your hand from the mic, “but I didn’t really use my say,” you spoke to your mother. 
“You have a final dress fitting this morning,” Mei responded back gently.
“Why didn’t you use your say?” Mother barked into your ear at the same time. 
You nodded at Mei, “Mother I was too busy trying to find a way out of my wedding to focus on making decisions for it,” covering the mic again, “I need you guys to go to my chambers and find me something more appropriate to wear,” you say, this time speaking to Mei and Fei. 
“Why can’t we use the clothes you have here?” Fei asked, making her way to the bedroom, your mother scoffing in your ear at the same time.  
“Well did you get your surprise yet?” Your mother questioned you, you were signaling at Mei to get her sister.  
Covering the mic still, “Fei, No, the prince is still asleep,” Fei stopped the door slightly ajar.  Quietly closing the door, again, Fei turned around bowing in apology to you.  “What surprise, mother?” you question your mother on the line. 
“We’ll find you something,” Mei whispered, dragging Fei out of the chambers behind her. 
“Oh,” was all your mother said before rushing to end the call.  You looked at the phone, seeing the line going dead.  You sighed, but truly feeling better that you talked to her about everything that had happened.  
The bedroom doors open up to Jeno standing on the other side, “good morning,” you speak up gently. He smiled a soft gummy smile at you, causing a fit of giggles to come up. Coming up to you, holding you into his embrace. 
“Good morning,” his voice the exact opposite of his smile. He was still tired, you could hear it in his voice.  
“I spoke to my mother this morning, she asked if I got my surprise yet,” Jeno threw his head back and groaned, you couldn't help but giggle a little, “what’s my surprise?” 
“Don’t you have somewhere to be this morning?” Jeno let go of you walking away.  
“You’re not answering my question,” you watched Jeno’s back, as he pulled off the shirt he was wearing, making his way into the closet.  You never quite took notice on how physically fit Jeno was until this moment.
“You didn’t answer mine,” Jeno responded back, still in the closet, you sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him, to walk back out
“I asked first,” you and Jeno moved about each other as if this was how the two of you have been living for a lifetime. Something so routine, you could only hope this is exactly how life would play out after the wedding.
“You’ll see your surprise soon enough,” Jeno came out of the closet in a new dress pants, shoving his dress shirt in.  The top buttons still undone, as he was zipping up his pants, your eyes raking over his body, pulling your lip in between your teeth.  “Princess,” Jeno said, grabbing your attention, his face having a knowing look.  He came up to you, pulling at your chin forcing you to look at him, but the top few buttons of his shirt remained undone.  
“Let me help you,” you said softly, pulling your face out of his grasp, you stood from the bed, now doing the buttons for him.  You could feel him watching your fingers move, slightly brushing against him, you were overly focused on doing the buttons. Jeno cleared his throat grabbing your attention, you stepped back, the blush dancing across your cheeks. “What is your schedule like today?” you asked, turning back around to walk into the bathroom, stopping yourself from helping anymore. 
“I have a meeting with Taeyong and Father this morning about the Parks, then after that I have a council meeting to attend.  The acts of Jisung are considered treason, they need to be brought to the entire council's attention,” Jeno followed after you into the bathroom, no wonder he was dressed so formally you thought.  
“What's going to happen to him?” You looked at Jeno through the vanity mirror.  You could see Jeno adjusting a tie around his neck in the mirror.  
“Currently there’s a formal investigation conducted by the palace guard unit, from there he will be taken to court before the council, privately because of his family’s power.  His crimes being of a higher regrade, Father will carry out sentencing personally.  You will be asked to make a statement.”  You felt your breath hitch, you didn’t like this.  You just wanted this nightmare to disappear already.  Jeno fixed his watch on his wrist, checking the time, “I’ve got to go princess,” Jeno came up beside you kissing you on the cheek, you leaned into his touch.  The act felt routine, but foreign at the same time.  Jeno pulled on a vest, buttoning it, before grabbing his jacket,  “I’ll see you tonight at dinner,” it looked like he wanted to say more but opted not to. You nodded watching him leave, from your position in front of the vanity mirror. 
You sat there for a minute just examining your neck, the bruises were in full bloom, you began to cover them up, trying to erase any memory of them.  There was a knock on the door signaling that Fei and Mei were back.  You just shouted for them to come in. The two of them bringing you a more than appropriate outfit, they stayed with you escorting you to everything through the day.  
“I’ll see you tonight at dinner,” ‘I love you,’ I should say it, I’m going to say, I have to say it.  I don't say it, opting to just leave instead.  I made my way to my father's private drawing room. What I didn’t tell the princess was that the investigation is over, sentencing will be tomorrow.  The question is not about who did the crime, but more of who aided and abetted the crime. 
When I entered the room, Father and Taeyong were already talking amongst themselves, I sat down across from Taeyong. The two of them exchanged a look, “we showed Jisung the video footage of the Jisoo when she was talking to Johnny and when she was talking to Mark, he,” Taeyong paused giving father a glance, to which father just nodded, “he confessed to Jisoo being the one behind the plan, and he just hired the attacker, however he refuses to put it on paper. He’s refusing to turn against her, both of them will be brought forward in trial.  However, there isn't any hard evidence against her, everything at the moment is circumstantial. It will be difficult for the council to unanimously agree to convict.” 
“Majority of the council is aware there is something going on through the whispers of everyone but the official ruling will be held tomorrow, the princess will be expected to give a statement.”  Father spoke, I internally groaned at the thought.  
“I assume the princess’ own maids  have been keeping her informed of everything that has been discussed by everyone, but you will still need to go over everything with her.  She can not be surprised by anything that is said tomorrow.” Taeyong said, looking at me, I could tell that he cared, he always did what he could to protect those around him.  “Jeno, we’re trusting you to go over the evidence with her, emotionless.  The council is prepared to rip her story apart piece by piece.  If you can’t make sure she’s prepared, let us know now.” 
“I will go over everything with her, she knows she will be asked to make a statement,” I let out, I would do anything to go back to yesterday when I didn’t have to deal with this.  I would much rather deal with that priest than having to walk the princess through the steps of a trial.
“We have to go through everything front and back, we need to make sure that we cannot allow the council to misinterpret anything,” I nodded my head, Taeyong pulled out the files, the three of us going through every piece of information. 
You stood in the middle of a room that was turned into a salon. There was a panel of mirrors, and a platform, like one would use for dress shopping. There was a section divider for one to change, as well as a seating area, you looked around the room. There was no one here except you, Fei and Mei. 
Suddenly the doors opened to reveal Queen Jaeyeon, Grandma Lee, Grandmother Na, and a team of people just swarming in. You felt the energy leave your body, the swarm of people filling you with exhaustion, you exchanged a look with Fei.  Fei just shrugged and shook her head. 
“My daughter,” Queen Jaeyeon called out, you still cringed at the nickname.  She pulled you into an embrace, she was so much smaller than her son, but the embrace held so many similarities.  You had been away from him for less than a quarter of the day but you longed for him and his calming presence.  “Are you ready to try on your dress?” 
“I am,” you answered.  Queen Jaeyeon had insisted you wear her wedding dress, there were certain design changes made to try to replicate your perfect dress, but it just wasn’t it.
Queen Jaeyeon signaled to someone, they brought forward a box. The person, the seamstress, showed you the contents of the box, it didn’t look like Queen Jaeyeon’s dress at all. The seamstress and two other girls pulled the dress out, it was your mother’s dress.  The sight bringing tears to your eyes, never in a million years did you think that your mothers dress was your dream dress.  However now, seeing it before you, you couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.  
“What a beautiful dress, but that’s not Jaeyon's I thought she was gonna wear yours Jaeyeon?” Grandmother Na said examining the dress, neither her or Grandma Lee attended your earlier dress fittings.  
“She was, but Jeno had another idea,” Queen Jaeyeon answered, looking at you, gauging your reaction.  She was initially resistant to the idea of you not wearing her dress, however Jeno already made the arrangements before informing her.  Now watching you almost being brought to tears by the sight, she knew Jeno made the right call.  
“This was Prince Jeno’s idea?” This is what your mother was talking about, your surprise.  
“He said that it was unfair to you.  You were forced to have a wedding in a foreign place, surrounded by foreign people, so to offer some semblance of a wedding you would have liked, he got your mother to send her own dress.” Queen Jaeyeon looked at you like one would to their own daughter, and you so much longed for your own mother, you opened your mouth to ask ‘how.’  “He made the called about a month ago, finding it, sending it to the seamstress to be altered, and some details were added based on what you said, it arrived just a little while ago, in time for the last fitting,” Queen Jaeyeon answered all your questions, and you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face.  
“Thank you,” you bowed lowly to Queen Jaeyeon, you felt so much gratitude, it overwhelmed you.  
You changed into the dress, standing on the platform looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt like a bride.  The compliments flowing from everyone were endless, you glanced at Fei and Mei, both of whom nodded in approval, but it didn’t calm your nerves nearly as much as you thought.   Everything was perfect in every way, but it still didn’t feel right, you needed something else, something more.  “Fei, Mei,” you whispered to call their attention, the two of them ushered over to you, “I want everyone to leave, and I want Chan, please.”  The two nodded their heads and made quick work of it.  Before you even turned back around, everyone was leaving, you don’t know what lie Fei said to get them to leave but you were thankful, and Met set off to get Chan. 
You waited a mere 10 minutes before the door opened again, this time, Mei was accompanied by Chan and Hyunjin.  The two boys ushered in looking around confused, not entirely understanding the reason for their presence.  You smiled at the sight of confusion, it reminded you of times long forgotten.  
“Princess,” Hyunjin bowed, and you grimaced, he looked up to you, “(y/n),” he apologized.  It was an unspoken thing between you and Hyunjin, he would call you ‘princess,’ if you nodded along, he was your guard, if you flinched, he called you ‘(y/n)’ as an apology and he was your friend.  “What’s wrong?” he plopped down onto the couch casually, you enjoyed seeing him relax, it put you at ease to remember he was still a friend.  
Chan stood further back than you would like, taking in all of you in that dress.  You had no idea how many times Chan imagined you in a wedding dress, he just hoped that when it became a reality he was standing at the end of the aisle, not in a salon.  “My princess,” Chan finally let out a breath.  
“What do you think?” The question was meant for everyone, but it was directed to Chan. The rest of the group turned to Chan, watching his every move.  They held their breath, waiting for either of you to make a move. 
Chan took a deep breath, reminding himself you were not his fiancée, “you look absolutely stunning,” he smiled at you fondly.  
“Do you really think so?” You turned back around examining yourself in the mirror, it seemed as if every imperfection was circled with a red marker. 
“(y/n),” Chan looked at you through the mirror, “it looks amazing on you,” you turned back around facing him, “you are an embodiment of beauty,” Chan took your hand as you stepped down from the platform, pressing against him, “and you look nothing less than perfect in this dress.”  There was a moment, you just stared at Chan and he stared back at you.  Just a moment, where it was just you and him again, and everything you wanted to say was said.  “Prince Jeno is very lucky, and he will think the same as I when he sees you,” Chan said, taking a step back away from you.   
Chan’s reassurances made all the previous nerves disappear, almost vanishing into thin air.  “Thank you,” you pulled Chan in for a hug, that probably lasted longer than it should have.  “What do you guys think?” you turned to the rest of your friends, all of them holding big smiles.  The outpour of compliments came again and this time, you believed them.  
You had Mei bring in Queen Jaeyeon and her team of people, while Fei sent Chan and Hyunjin away.  You felt undoubtedly happy about the dress, about the wedding, about your friends, even about Chan.  You felt like even without being intimately with him, he was still in your corner, he was still your friend.  That reminder puts you at ease more than anything anyone could say. 
After measuring some readjustments with the seamstress, you changed out of the dress, and back into your original outfit. Queen Jaeyeon reminded you of this afternoon’s luncheon, which was to be held in the city, at one of the resorts that the Na noble family frequented.  You were to ride with Queen Jaeyeon down to the luncheon. She reassured you that even though there was gonna be lots and lots of press, that you weren't required to talk to anyone, all you had to do was show your face.  “All you need to do is look happy to be there, that's all we need,” was Queen Jaeyeon’s exact words.  
You had exactly an hour, before you had to be back downstairs to ride with Queen Jaeyeon.  You made your way to Jeno’s chamber, since the majority of your stuff was there.  When you entered you were greeted by Jeno sitting behind his desk, he was writing something down, his eyebrows knitted together in what appeared to be frustration. His fingers pushing in on his temple, he was so deep in thought not even noticing you standing on the other side of the room.  You turned to dismiss Fei and Mei, the two understanding seamlessly, your gaze traveling around the room.  
Jeno’s jacket was tossed onto the couch, “you know,” Jeno looked up to see who, relaxing further into his seat when he realized it was you, picking up the abandoned jacket, “if you just toss this around, there's going to be wrinkles.” You tried for a stern look but failed desperately as the prince smiled at you.  
“My apologies Princess,” Jeno watched you enter the bedroom, pulling a hanger from the closet, hanging his jacket before gently laying it on the couch, ensuring there weren't any unnatural bends.  “Did you like your surprise?” He asks with his infamous head tilt and smirk. 
“I did very much,” you smiled, remembering, “did you meet with the council already?”
Jeno groaned at your question, “No,” he glanced at his wrist watch, “I have to be downstairs to meet with them in half an hour,” he went back to the papers on his desk, before going back to look at you, “I just came up here you look at some paperwork.”  He started to flip a few papers over, not wanting you to see the images of your bedroom, on them.   
“I have to leave in an hour to attend the charity luncheon,” you said to change the subject, Jeno nodded along.  
“Come, sit with me for a moment,” you looked at Jeno as he pushed away from his desk, turning his chair and patting his thigh.  The red that danced across your cheeks became very noticeable.  Jeno smirked seeing you become flustered with the suggestion.  Nevertheless, you sat, Jeno’s arms sliding around you, finding purchase on his waist, your arms going up around his neck.  
The two of you sat there in utter silence just enjoying each other, you felt the urge to kiss the prince.  Your gaze shifting between his eyes and lips constantly, you allowed yourself to lean in.  Jeno did the same. 
“Jeno!” The chamber doors barged open, walking in, Jaemin and Haechan, Mark being nowhere in sight.  You jumped, pulling away from the prince, standing up.  You willed the blush to settle, as Jeno let out a slight audible groan at the interruption.  Jaemin’s mouth made an O-shape, while Haechan’s eyes went wide, “didn’t mean to interrupt.”  Jaemin’s expression changed into a knowing smirk, as Haechan hung his head to stifle a laugh.  
“Then leave,” Jeno’s face screwed with irritation. You cleared your throat, in a way to reprimanded the prince, “what do you want?” Jeno asked, with a much annoyed look. 
Jaemin plopped down onto the couch, rested his feet on the coffee table and whipped his head to look at his cousin, “just wanted to see you.”  Jeno’s expression became more irritated, and Jaemin let out a laugh not taking his cousin seriously, he turned more to look at you now, “my apologies if I embarrassed you princess.”  
“No apology needed Jaemin,” you smiled at the boy, “If you boys don’t mind I need to get ready for a luncheon.” You looked at Jeno, and he smiled at you, nodding his head.  You made your way into the bedroom, closing the doors behind you.  After a few seconds you heard the commotion of a fight, but before you went back out it was followed by laughter. You smiled to yourself, your smile growing as you remembered what could've happened.
Taglist:@floweronacloud@cookydream@nctstrawberrycow@marklexleaf@jvjsssnaa@thejeongjaehyun@thejungjaehyun@jackyeongljin@terjeno@tyongf-sunflower99@tgnctzen131@gooreumic@jenotation@nctdom@ficklehoe@itsveronicaxxx@actually-vl@her33n@tomorrowbymoa-together@bangtan-jam@sweetsubakk @onlyoursol-ace
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queenofheartsxyeji · 1 year
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Her Royal Highness Queen Lee-Hwang Yeji and Mr Lee Jeno are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their twin daughters on Tuesday 14th of March 2023, at 11:42 pm.
The babies' grandparents have all been informed and are delighted with the news.
Her Royal Highness and her children are both doing well, and the couple are looking forward to introducing their daughters to her older sister Princess Lee Chungha and older brother Prince Lee Minjae.
❤️; @mysticidolsxcb jeno
tags; @storybook-nct @minji-oc @wolfyjulia @kardpackcb @the-hellhounds @raiden-oc @moongoddesselene @killerbots @nanny-ryujin @revengebots @wolfminayeon @supernaturalcb @universe-of-superm @kimheebby @dark-dream-cb @universe-of-superm @baileemitchell-oc @your-au-boys @hybridrescue-center @badbf-cb @luvlyhours @parkwoocb @project-takeover @ateezmystery @uridealgf-cb @mutant-academy @onlyomega-cb @multi-joong @welcometosector1 @kavengers-assemble @camboys-comrb @imcubus @heistkingscb @butterflyyuna @fairy-yeji @tsunfullsunbot @influencer-mingyu @elise-liddell-oc @yanderexcb @the-hellhounds @raiden-oc
19 notes · View notes
justwritedreams · 11 months
Welcome to the Kingdom | Jeno
Chapter Nine: Come back home
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Prince Jeno x Princess Reader, enemies to lovers au!, royalty au!
Word count: 6492
Genre: a bit of fluff, drama, fake relationship
Author: maari
Warnings: A brief mention of attacks on the kingdom, Jeno is very protective of the princess because yes ☺️ and probably some grammar errors
Note: Forgive me for taking so long, I was so excited to finish this chapter because the best part is coming and I'm not even as proud of this chapter as I wanted to be but you know how it is, author's block and a busy life didn't help.
Summary: An unexpected return home and a farewell at the wrong time.
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⪢ NCT Masterlist
Taglist: @floweronacloud, @cookydream, @travelleratheart101​, @ilvaussie​, @tyongf-sunflower99​, @mings-cafe,  @n0hyuck, @waltermitty97, @jihoonismydad, @madaboutjunmyeon, @actually-vl , @neomooniez, @pvppyhao, @ikayyyyyy (can't tag you honey 😞)
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The princess hurried to catch up with the prince who was walking down the hall, he helped by stopping when heard his name and smiled as she approached.
"Princess, do you need something?"
"Actually, I'm looking for a company to go to the mall." she gave him best convincing smile.
"Are your employees busy?" he raised his eyebrow, curious.
Y/N snorted.
"I can't leave the castle without the company of someone from the royal family." she explained, crossing her arms. She thought the idea was ridiculous but she couldn't go against it. "Security issue."
"It makes sense." He raised his hand to his chin, thoughtfully. "Jeno commented that he wants to go downtown now."
She remained silent, considering the possibility.
"Do you know if he's already leaving?" she asked, uncertain.
Well, he was slightly less annoying so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"IHe should be in the garage."
She nodded. She had already gotten ready and separated her bag, she couldn't miss the opportunity, especially since she would be leaving as soon as possible.
“Alright, I’ll see if I can catch up to him. Thank you!" She smiled lightly at him and quickly placed her hand on his shoulder before leaving in long strides.
The princess went to the garage, hoping he was still there and she could get the ride, and she almost sighed when she saw him getting ready to get into the car.
“Jeno!” she called out to him, making him stop tripping over his own feet, turning back and staring at the princess in surprise.
“Y/N.” he smiled, confused seeing her approach.
“Can you give me a ride to the mall?” she asked, a little embarrassed, especially with the face Jeno made.
He seemed to really enjoy seeing her ask him for a favor and he didn't even hide his wide smile.
"What do I get from that?" He crossed his arms, making his arms bigger since he was wearing a tank top and Y/N got lost in the movement for a brief second, and looked back at him.
He had a raised eyebrow.
“I will be very nice to you for a whole afternoon.” She smiled sarcastically and he nodded.
“And what are you going to do at the mall?” he questioned, amused and she snorted.
“Buy a sword to stick in that annoying little smile of yours.” she replied angrily, making him laugh.
“Always so polite to your fiancé, princess.”
She rolled her eyes, impatiently.
"Alright." she shrugged. “I’ll walk then.”
She made to leave but Jeno held her arm, not so strong but enough to make her stop, she turned to look at him angrily while his eyes seemed more intense.
“I didn’t say no.”
She held his gaze.
“You love teasing me, right?”
He smiled sideways and brought his other hand to her chin.
“I like seeing your angry face.” he squeezed her chin lightly and she turned her head to move away from his touch.
It was clear he was doing it on purpose and she kept falling for that trick.
The princess crossed her arms, waiting for him to move away since somehow Jeno seemed much more interested in maintaining physical contact with her, he did so and held the door for her to enter first.
She got into the car so she didn't have to look at him, something about Jeno's eyes looked like some kind of spark, about to catch fire. She wasn't afraid of his intense gaze, but she was uncomfortable.
If she didn't know herself so well, she might say she was shy.
Jeno got into the car and the driver started it, leaving the garage.
“On second thought, it will be great to spend time with you at the mall, love.” he said, holding Y/N's hand and bringing it to his face so he could place a soft kiss.
She tried to move his hand away, but Jeno held on a little tighter, making her look at him with confusion. She asked in silence what he was doing, he just nodded forward where she remembered that the driver and the security guard were further ahead listening to everything they were saying.
Sure, great idea to go out in public with him. She would have to pretend to be terribly in love with her fiancé even in front of the employees.
She had forgotten that little detail.
She smiled, trying her best not to be ironic and brought her hand to his face, it was hot and surprisingly his skin was soft, it almost made her give in.
“I couldn’t ask for anything more, sweetheart.” she said and then tapped Jeno twice on the face, the last one being a little harder, and he looked at her smiling but his eyes told her to stop.
She pushed her hand away and turned to face the scenery outside the car with a faint victorious smile.
“Are you only taking one security guard?” she asked, after a long time of silence.
She had heard how the press in the kingdom was wilder and it didn't seem very smart to go out with just one security guard.
“Worried about me?” he asked, laughing, and turned to face the princess who raised an eyebrow. “There is a car with more security guards behind us.” he informed her and she nodded. "I would never leave without the necessary security when being with you.”
Y/N looked at Jeno, he was too sincere and for some reason that made her stomach twist with anxiety.
She took a deep breath and smiled, grateful, then looked back at the car window with a silly, involuntary smile.
She faced the city that seemed to be happy, this fact infected her mainly because it was the first time she was going to visit the kingdom as a tourist almost like everyone else, she never thought that shopping could distract her mind but for her purpose she was excited.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the mall and it didn't take long for them to attract attention either, the official car with the royal coat of arms was enough to make everyone around turn their heads with curiosity to find out who it was. The princess scratched the back of her head before taking a deep breath as the security guard and driver got out of the car to open the door for Y/N and Jeno, he turned around to meet the princess and his hand that went to her waist was photographed by all the onlookers there.
"Let's go?" he asked and she nodded, seeing the other security guards approach. Jeno had called a battalion to observe them and oddly enough, she was grateful for that.
They waved to some people and walked into the mall side by side, Jeno still keeping his hand on the princess's waist and she felt a small caress in the area but didn't say anything.
“So, what are you looking for?” she smirked when she noticed the curiosity in Jeno's tone. “Any specific store?”
“Yes, baby clothes.” she replied simply and Jeno turned so quickly to face her that she laughed.
"What?" now he looked confused and slightly scared.
Y/N wanted to torture him some more, it would be funny but she just told the truth.
“I'll have to go home soon and I wanted to give Taeyong and his wife a gift before I leave the kingdom.” she explained, seeing Jeno's expression soften and change to understanding.
“For a minute I thought you were already starting to make your layette.” he shrugged and it was her turn to look at him confused.
“We would have to get married first for that, wouldn’t we?” she questioned, raising her eyebrow.
Jeno moistened his lips with his own tongue and brought his face closer to the princess's , looking into her eyes.
“You and I are too old to know that babies can be made well before marriage.” he winked and she swallowed.
She hated the way her legs become weak due to the low tone of Jeno's voice, mainly because she didn't want to be affected by so little.
So, even though she had several answers on the tip of her tongue, she simply remained silent and continued walking, pretending that she hadn't heard any of that or that it hadn't affected her in the way it did.
Because as much as she was trying to fight the images, she ended up imagining Jeno and her with their own children… Worse, making the babies. It was because of this that she didn't notice when he took her to the store she was looking for nor when the attendants stopped where they were completely shocked.
“Your Highnesses!” the princess blinked a few times trying to control her flushed cheeks and faced the attendant who had just bowed to them.
She knew that some speculation would be shared among the media but she certainly didn't care, especially since the announcement of the heir to the throne of the kingdom had already happened hours before so anyone who thought that she and Jeno were buying clothes for their still non-existent children, it would be stupid. And of course, speculation was part of her life, with or without her fiancé, so she was used to ignoring it.
The attendant, although she seemed intimidated by the two's presence there, was cordial and Y/N's purchase didn't take that long.
Jeno, who seemed excited about the clothes and shoes as he looked closely at each model, was taking advantage of the situation to get closer to the princess. It was obvious to her that he would take advantage of the fact that they were in public, it was the perfect time for them to act like the young and in love couple they were supposed to be. He always had his hand on her waist or was stroking her elbow, the physical touch there seemed to be Jeno's plan that Y/N had to pretend that it didn't affect her in any way. Because a part of her was dying to push him away, but it wasn't like months ago that she couldn’t even breathe the same air as him. Maybe she was getting used to his presence.
And she should, after all, they would soon be married and he would live in the same castle as her.
But the princess wasn't the only one who left the store with a beautifully packaged gift.
“I still can’t believe you bought that.” she laughed, shaking her head as soon as they left the store.
"What? It’s cute." he shrugged, laughing too.
She looked at him suspiciously.
Well, actually the baby onesie written ‘protected by a samoyed’ with a drawing of the dog breed in the middle was cute but she didn't know that a prince or princess would wear that.
“You saw the pants, seriously, they’ll look great on my nephew or niece.” he explained, making her laugh again.
Yes, the pants that had a dog design on the back, right in the direction of the baby's butt. Perfect for the crown prince to the throne.
“I think the best part was the look on the attendant’s face when you picked out this set.”
He laughed and she continued watching him, Jeno laughed as if he were a child. She even saw a purity in his intention that she had never seen before.
“Do you want to bet how much this story will be on social media in 10 minutes?”
“If it isn’t already.” she concluded.
"Can I ask you something?" Jeno stopped walking and she followed him, feeling that the security guards were doing the same a few meters away from them. Y/N nodded silently. “Why don’t you stay here a little longer?” she looked at him confused. “I mean, in the kingdom.”
“My parents who set the date” she shrugged. She didn't deny it immediately because she had accepted the invitation deep down.
“But would it be so bad if you stayed another week?” he asked, slightly interested. “You could help my sister-in-law with the baby’s room, give some opinions.”
Y/N pondered, somewhat surprised. She didn't imagine that Jeno would propose that but she liked the idea, in fact she liked the kingdom.
It was very different from what she remembered, that was true, but it was even better. Her childhood memories were surrounded by the fights and annoyances she had with Jeno, and didn't even remember important details of the city or the castle, for example the labyrinth in the side garden that she had been lost once and almost ended up causing her kingdom and the Lee family went to war just because she had seen a rabbit in the bushes.
She was about to accept the proposal, her parents wouldn't mind and this would even help to further strengthen ties between the two kingdoms, when her eyes went to the shopping mall's big screen and she was able to see that the news at that moment was alerting with urgent news that a terrorist attack had just occurred between the borders of the two kingdoms.
Y/N felt her jaw drop as she watched the images scared and in shock, the explosion hadn't been recorded, just the aftermath and the wreckage of part of the bridge that connected the two kingdoms.
“Princess, what is it…?” Jeno let the sentence die as he looked in the same direction as her and was just as shocked, but he walked over to put his hand on her shoulder, and she didn't move away.
She swallowed hard, controlling the tears by blinking several times.
“It’s time to go home.”
Y/N walked back and forth in the library while keeping her arms crossed, her gaze was lost and her mind was far away from there. It was in her home, in her kingdom.
The security guards had escorted her and Jeno to the castle since suddenly the press appeared shortly after the news of the attack, she remained silent and didn’t answer any questions and Jeno still kept his hand on her waist to provide the minimum amount of comfort, although that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
The return to the castle was a blur and when she arrived, her team was already preparing their bags for the return to the kingdom. Still dizzy, Jeno convinced her to stay in the library and wait for the private jet to be ready for her departure.
But the princess was nervous, distressed and all those bitter feelings were being taken out on the inside of her cheek, which she bit nonstop.
“Y/N” she turned back and saw the queen standing there, looking at her with compassion.
The princess didn't even hear the door open or close, her head was full of thoughts.
“We extend our solidarity to you and your people.” Y/N nodded, unable to smile. “Taeyong called your parents, they are fine, they are safe.”
The princess sighed, relieved. She hadn't been able to talk to them on the way back to the castle and it felt like it would eat her alive inside but now she was a little calmer with the news.
"Thank you!"
Y/N saw the queen smile slightly and come over to hug her, the princess couldn't realize how nervous she was but she noticed that she was shaking as the queen hugged her.
“Take a deep breath and control your anger.” she directed. “You need to act with your reason and not emotion.”
"It is difficult." she admitted and the queen moved away to rest her hands on her arms.
"I know. But you can do that." she took a deep breath. “Did you know that when I was about to marry Taeyong, they raided my dress designer’s boutique?”
Y/N looked at her in shock.
“No, why would they do that?”
“They thought that without a dress there would be no wedding.” she shrugged and the princess laughed in disbelief.
“And why didn’t they want you to get married?” she questioned, unable to understand why.
She knew little about the queen, but from what she saw, she was very helpful and had a very strong maternal figure.
“Because being royalty doesn’t guarantee that everyone will like you and admire you.” Y/N understood. “And perhaps that is our greatest burden, to govern even for those who hate us.”
Y/N was silent because she had no way of disagreeing. That was the purest and simplest reality.
But it still wasn't fair. It was one thing to attack her and the royal family, it was quite another to attack innocent people and she was convinced that that type of attack would not recur during her reign.
She would never allow them to spread like a virus.
“I know you’re scared, but that’s what they want, Y/N.” the queen spoke and looked at the princess with determination. “Don’t let them win.”
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded, she felt hatred burning her veins and if she could, she would go after one by one who had terrified her people, but at that moment she needed to be cold and act carefully. The first thing she had to do was go home and then she could make a plan with her father.
"Thank you, truly." she smiled gratefully and the queen did the same, with a knowing smile. “By the way, I have something for you.”
Y/N turned to pick up the gift she had left on the sofa in the library and handed it to the queen, who looked at her curiously.
"What is that?"
The princess clasped her hands in front of her body before speaking.
"I wanted to give the gift at a calmer opportunity, but there was no time." She shrugged and the queen began to open the gift. "I researched and saw that newborn babies have a different temperature than us, as they feel colder than usual, I bought something that would be useful for the days in the maternity ward."
The queen took off the tiny clothes and smiled, delighted.
Y/N had bought a white set, as she didn't know the baby's gender yet, she opted for something neutral, and in a very warm fabric.
"Y/N, it's beautiful. Thank you so much!" The queen thanked her and pulled the princess into another hug, which she laughed embarrassedly. “Taeyong was right about you, you know.”
Y/N frowned and the hug broke.
"About what?" She asked curiously.
"You’re a good person." she confirmed and the princess smiled slightly. "Never forget that."
Y/N nodded and the queen said goodbye, saying that she needed to show her husband the baby's outfit.
Alone in the room, the princess hugged her body, suddenly feeling cold. She needed to put her thoughts in their proper place.
But with everything that was going on, being alone for that long would be practically impossible.
"You may come in." She spoke after hearing a soft knock on the door.
Y/N turned to face whoever it was when she heard the door open and felt her legs go slightly weak as she stared at the figure in front of her.
"Are you busy?"
"No, Mark. You can come in!" she responded promptly and saw the prince close the door behind him, visibly shy.
They hadn't been alone until then after the kiss and there was a strange air bothering them both. That was why Mark stayed away from the princess who although she wanted to be close to him, she knew she couldn't.
"I came to say goodbye." He explained and she opened her mouth to speak. "I don't want to do this in front of my brother and end up making things more difficult."
Y/N sighed and held her gaze, Mark avoided looking into her eyes and she knew it was out of guilt.
"You don't have to worry about that now."
He laughed lightly.
"I know it's irrelevant at the moment, but I don't want to hurt Jeno." he justified, looking up to stare at her firmly. "And not you."
Although there was a confusion of emotions inside her, Mark's words left her slightly calmer.
She had a special affection for Mark and nothing would ever change that, she knew her obligations and knew that she couldn't be with him like she had dreamed of in childhood, but she felt that she could count on him whenever she needed.
Even in the toughest situations.
That's why, unable to contain herself, she crossed the space that separated them to hug him tightly and rested her chin on his shoulder. Mark seemed surprised at first but reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I'm scared, Mark." she admitted against his body and felt him tighten his hold on her even more.
"I know, but I also know you can do this." He patted her back and the princess closed her eyes, letting herself be enveloped by the strength and motivation that Mark conveyed to her.
They hugged each other for a short time, they didn't want to move away but they needed to, it was an official farewell. They would probably see each other less often than usual so Y/N wanted to keep that moment to herself.
Mark pulled away enough to look her in the eyes and placed a hand on her cheek as she looked at him intently.
"I believe in you." he spoke with conviction and then moved closer to kiss Y/N's cheek.
She closed her eyes once again, trying to make that moment last longer in her memory.
Mark moved away briefly, there was nowhere else he touched her and a very small part of her felt sad.
He headed towards the door, ready to leave.
"Mark." She called out to him and he turned his face to look at her one last time. "If this were another story…"
He smiled sadly, understanding the end of the sentence.
"I would have liked to have stayed with you in the end too."
Y/N watched him leave, closing the door in the process and she felt her shoulders sag, staring at the floor she felt like she had finally finished a chapter of her life.
And now the next ones to come, she had no idea what to expect.
“Y/N, please, can you stop drumming your fingers.”
A warm hand touched that of the princess who was moving non-stop on the arm of the seat of the private jet, forcing her to stop.
She faced the prince next to her, without saying anything she just nodded and stopped her nervous fingers, without breaking the touch of Jeno's palm.
It wasn't really because she wanted to but because she needed it. There were her employees there on the jet, they needed to convince her in the role of a couple in love.
And sure, it wasn't even like Jeno's palm was reassuring her, just because of a simple, silly touch.
Y/N looked around to see if the employees were watching them and when she noticed they weren't, she smiled sarcastically at Jeno.
"Is it bothering you?" she raised an eyebrow and he narrowed his eyes.
And then Jeno smiled widely, leaving the princess confused.
"It was." He admitted. "But just seeing that you focused your attention on me was worth it."
She stared at him in disbelief and her eyes fell for a few seconds on Jeno's lips, she huffed more to herself at the mistake and turned her face to face the window.
"I said you didn't need to come." She spoke reluctantly, and crossed her arms.
"Oh yeah? Do you want to get rid of my presence yet?" he questioned, seeming quite amused by the situation and she looked at him again, angry.
"You know the answer well."
Jeno brought his face closer to the princess's, who remained in the same position, trying her best to look only into his eyes.
And she failed miserably, of course.
"What kind of future king would I be if I left my fiancee alone in a situation like that?" Y/N was taken aback by Jeno's serious tone, leaving her speechless.
So she just stared at Jeno looking for any sign that this was just a game for him and she didn't find any.
He was being sincere and that made her heart beat a little faster than usual, as well as making her feel somewhat protected.
It was strange because the feeling she had was that she wasn’t alone.
Feeling her ears burn, she looked away at their hands that were still together, Jeno's finger made an almost imperceptible caress and one of the corners of the princess's mouth threatened to lift.
"Y/N, look. I know you're upset but-"
"It's not just that, Jeno." she shook her head, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I'm mad." She confirmed, irritated and looked at him again. "They attacked my kingdom, they attacked me. I'm not going to let things go like that."
She spoke, determined and he slowly nodded his head.
He knew the princess and knew that besides being stubborn, she wasn't the type to give up easily.
She just continued to stare at Jeno, surprised, and when his eyes returned to hers while he still had his warm lips pressed against her skin, Y/N felt her legs give in and her breathing became labored.
"It's going to be okay. I believe it." Without waiting, Jeno grabbed the princess's hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, making her jaw drop slightly.
Just like he did in the car earlier that day.
She had no control over her own voice, so she couldn't tell him to move away or stop doing that.
After all, what could she say? For him to stop kissing her because her stomach was churning with anxiety?
"Do you want something?" Jeno asked interestedly and Y/N bit the tip of her tongue before she could respond with something that wasn't appropriate for the moment.
She would never verbalize what her body wanted to respond to.
"Can you get me a grenade to go after the terrorists?" She smiled, mischievously and he laughed lightly.
"Before that, you should train your aim better with the bow and arrow." He blinked before letting go of her hand and getting up from the seat he was in.
Y/N looked at him perplexed. Would he continue criticizing her techniques?
"But I'll have plenty of time to help you with your training." he shrugged and she laughed in disbelief. "Do you want to eat something?"
She denied with her head.
"No, I'm fine."
"Okay, I'll be back soon then."
Y/N took the opportunity to rest her head on the back of the seat and closed her eyes so she could try to relax, they would arrive in her kingdom at dawn so she still had time for that.
And now that the adrenaline in her body had practically evaporated, she realized how tired she was. Physically and mentally.
The time that Jeno had the opportunity to eat was enough for Y/N to sleep in the seat, when he came back and noticed that she was breathing deeply, he took a blanket that her team had separated and covered her, up to her shoulders. The jet had the air conditioning on, it wasn't cold but it wasn't that warm either.
He took a deep breath and observed the princess, carefully and slowly brushing aside the part of her hair that had fallen over her face, placing the strand behind her ear.
Her expression was serene, even though her brow was furrowed, she had fallen into a deep sleep and didn't even look like that girl was angry or scared.
Jeno found himself thinking about the moment they found out about the attack, Y/N was shaking to the point of being about to cry and he had been really worried about her. He had never seen her so shaken, in fact he never imagined that the kingdom was so important to her.
Well, of course he knew how she felt, after all he was also a prince, but he had never realized that she was alone, she had no brothers she could count on and support, very unlike him. And he couldn't contain the desire to protect her, to be by her side.
It was one of the reasons he decided to pack his bags and go with Y/N to her kingdom.
Jeno approached the princess's face to place a soft kiss on her forehead and let himself get lost in Y/N's perfume before walking away.
He would stay by her side as long as she needed. That was his purpose.
He would watch over her sleep so that she wouldn't have nightmares if necessary.
He would hold her hand if that was what she wanted.
He would keep her safe with his life if he had to.
When he pulled away, he saw that Y/N smiled slightly while still asleep and he stared at her some more, wishing deep inside that he had been the one who caused that smile in her dreams.
Y/N didn't even set foot in the castle and her parents were already walking over in a bit of a hurry to hug her, they had arrived at the scheduled time but even so that didn't seem to stop them from worrying about her.
"My daughter." The queen hugged her tightly, convincing herself that her daughter was safe and well, finally back home.
"I'm fine, mom." she assured, her voice was muffled by the tight hug.
As soon as her mother released the princess, it was her father's turn to hug her even briefly because his eyes were on Jeno.
"Let me see you." Her father asked and she moved away so he could look at her from head to toe. "Did everything go well with the flight?"
Although those were obvious parental questions, the princess was a little scared. It was clear that the king and queen were wanting to know if anyone had tried to do something to her.
And just thinking about the possibility of someone trying something with her on the jet was disturbing.
"Yes, more than fine." She replied, looking at Jeno.
"We didn't know you were coming too, Jeno." The queen spoke, smiling slightly at him. "Welcome."
"I said he didn't need it but-" the princess started to explain but was interrupted by him.
"I insisted!" He concluded, looking at the princess and then at the king. "Soon this kingdom will also be my responsibility, and I care about it as much as you do."
The queen smiled discreetly and the king nodded, looking proudly at the prince.
“We are happy with your decision, Jeno. It’s great to have you here.” the king spoke and Jeno smiled, grateful.
Y/N didn't know why he had made that decision suddenly but she was pleased to hear that, if she and Jeno agreed to protect the kingdom, half of their marriage was already well underway.
“I’ll ask them to set aside a room for you.” the queen said, turning to the servants who were further back to do so, they agreed and left quickly.
“You must be tired from the trip.”
Y/N agreed, sighing.
“The only thing I want is my bed.”
Jeno laughed.
“You talk like you didn’t sleep a good part of the way.”
“Yeah, but that seat isn’t as comfortable as my bed, my neck hurts.” She brought her hand to the part of her body that was throbbing.
Jeno raised an eyebrow, smirking.
“Want a massage, princess?”
Y/N felt her entire face catch fire, especially because her parents stared at her at the same moment. Jeno was bold and that irritated her, they were in front of the king and queen, for God's sake!
“Go to… sleep, Jeno.” she stuttered as she tried to bring out all the irritation in her tone of voice, which probably wasn't noticed by anyone there since it was clear that she had become shy.
“Honey, accompany your fiancé to his room.” the queen asked and Y/N took a deep breath.
"Of course." she replied, begrudgingly. "See you later."
She kissed her mother and father before leaving with Jeno following her, he said goodbye to her parents, and they quickly went to the huge main staircase of the castle.
Although she wanted to retort and fight with Jeno for making her embarrass herself in front of her parents, she didn't have the strength for that even if she wanted Jeno to wipe that insolent smile off his face.
But being surprised once again, he said absolutely nothing about it, not that he needed it, after all he had already done enough.
The princess already knew which room her mother had sent Jeno to, the largest and coziest in the castle, so her feet took her without even asking one of the servants where they should go.
When they arrived, the room was already ready with Jeno's bags next to the huge bed.
“Good, then I’ll see you later.” Jeno spoke before entering and the princess laughed in disbelief, shaking her head.
She still couldn't believe that he had given up everything to go with her to the kingdom.
“Ah, unless…” he leaned his arm on the door, smiling sideways. “You want to come in.”
The princess's jaw dropped and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re going to continue being the same insufferable person you always were, right?” she questioned, seeing him shrug. “Careful, Jeno.” She took a step forward, getting closer to him and looked him in the eyes. “Coexistence with me can drive you crazy.” she purposely blew the words into his face and smiled evilly, then walked away.
She walked out in long strides, feeling her head spinning and missed Jeno's mischievous smile right behind her.
“More than I already am.” he said to himself before closing the door.
Y/N took a deep breath as she saw the bedroom door approaching and stretched her arms behind her to try and ward off the pain and her eyes went to the hallway nearby when she saw a figure of one of the servants. However, her body stiffened when she saw who it was.
She would recognize that maid from meters away because she still couldn't forget the scene of her being pressed by Jeno while they kissed at the party. The princess followed her with her gaze, she didn't remember seeing her in those corridors at that early hour, especially because she imagined that her tasks were specific to the kitchen and not the organization of the rooms in the castle.
Y/N swallowed hard and gritted her teeth, crossing her arms as she watched the maid disappear into the hallway without realizing that the princess was watching her.
It wasn't like she liked to admit it to herself, but Jeno being in the castle and the maid there seemed to be a problem, yet another headache that she didn't want to have to put up with for so long.
She entered her own room, closing the door with a little more force and threw her bag on top of her bed, taking her hand to scratch the back of her neck, visibly uncomfortable.
She was getting lost in thought when she heard her phone ring and tried to shake off all those clouds that were forming over her head and went to answer the phone.
She sighed when she saw her cousin's number on the display.
“Hi, Yeri.”
“Oh good, I finally got to talk to you! How are you?"
Y/N brought her other hand to her forehead as she sat on the bed.
“Tired, confused, irritated… And you? Everything is fine?"
“Yes, I'm fine. Your parents told me you were coming back. I sent you a message but you didn’t respond, I thought you were on the flight.”
“Yeah, me and Jeno.” She sighed and threw herself onto the bed.
"WHAT?" Y/N closed her eyes and took the phone away from her ear at her cousin's scream.
“Stop screaming.” she asked tiredly.
“Sorry, it was a big shock.” YN laughed lightly. “What do you mean Jeno too?”
“He came here.” she replied simply.
“Ah Yeri, I don’t know.” Y/N turned sideways on the bed, staring at her own hand. “I think he felt a sense of duty since he’s going to be king in the future.”
“Hmm. Is it because of the kingdom or the future queen?”
Y/N felt her heart speed up.
“What difference does it make?” she asked, defensively.
“I think all of it, right? He’s getting attached to you.”
The princess smiled bitterly.
“I don’t think it’s me he’s getting attached to.” she replied acidly as she remembered the maid.
"Did something happen?" Yeri tried to guess, noticing her cousin's irritated tone.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to organize her mind, but all that came was the memory of the two kissing.
“Remember that maid Jeno was making out at the party?”
“I do, what about her?”
“What do you mean what about her, Yeri? She works here and Jeno will be here from now on.”
Yeri was silent, which made the princess bite the inside of her cheek in anxiety.
“Ah, is that the problem then? Both under the same roof?”
"Of course. Did you forget we’re engaged?” Y/N snorted, it was obvious that was the problem. She had a reputation to uphold and if any gossip about him making out with the maids in the hallways got out in the press, that whole image of Romeo and Juliet that had been sold would go down and a scandal at a delicate moment like that needed to be avoided.
Y/N heard her cousin laugh.
"What? Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing. I remembered something. Well, I think you are the only one who has the power to end this situation.”
The princess frowned.
"What do you mean?"
“It's simple, Jeno enters the castle and the maid leaves. It’s a guarantee that you won’t have any problems.”
Y/N pondered, agreed with her cousin that it would be easier that way, but she didn't think it was fair.
“I can’t fire someone just because of Jeno, that’s mean.” she replied, feeling trapped. “I can’t take her out of here, the girl must need this job.”
“I’m not telling you to take her out of there.”
The princess frowned, confused.
"I didn't understand."
“Give her something she really wants besides your fiancé.”
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neoivy1 · 2 years
ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ~𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓'𝖙 𝖋𝖎𝖙 ᴄʜᴘ2
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" ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪɢʜɴᴇss ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ!" sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ᴀs sʜᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴏʀ , ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜʀɪᴄᴇ .ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴇᴀᴅs. " ᴍᴀɪᴅ , ᴡʜᴀᴛs ᴡʀᴏɴɢ?!" ʙᴏᴏᴍᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ.ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴀssᴍᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʟᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀɪᴛʏ ɪɴ ɪᴛs ᴛᴏɴᴇ. "ᴏʜ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ ɪᴛs ᴍʏ ᴘᴄᴇss sʜᴇ ʀᴇғᴜsᴇs ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ , ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ" ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ɪɴᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴛ ʜɪᴍ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ ɪᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sɪɴɢʟᴇ ғʟɪᴄᴋ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀɪsᴛ .ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴏᴘ ʜɪᴍ ʙᴜᴛ ᴋɴᴇᴡ sʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ.ᴀs ʜᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴏʀ ʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ ᴀɴ ᴀɴɴᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ."ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛs ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴇᴀᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴄᴋ ᴏɴ ᴀ ʟᴀᴅɪᴇs ᴅᴏᴏʀ!" ʏᴏᴜ ʏᴇʟʟᴇᴅ , ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀʀs ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴄᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ ᴀs ʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ. ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ ᴘɪᴛɪᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ , ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇ ᴘɪᴛɪᴇᴅ ʜɪᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪs ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴍᴏʀᴇ. ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀᴅʜᴇ ɢʀᴀʙʙᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡʀɪsᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴏᴍ. "ᴀʜʜʜ ʏᴇs ғᴏᴍᴇ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ" ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇᴅ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ʟᴇᴀʀɴᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇs , ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴀʀᴋ , ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴊᴇɴᴏ ʙᴏʀɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴡɪғᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ , ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴄʜᴇɴʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ʀᴇɴᴊᴜɴ ᴀᴅᴏᴘᴛᴇᴅ , ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴊᴀᴇᴍɪɴ ʙᴏʀɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴ ᴀғғᴀɪʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴊɪsᴜɴɢ ʙᴏʀɴ ᴏғ ʜɪs ʟᴀᴛᴇsᴛ ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇs ᴡʜᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʏᴇs , ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ʀᴇɴᴊᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇsᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ. ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs ᴇʏᴇs , ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sᴛʀᴀᴡʙᴇʀʀʏ ᴄʜᴇᴇᴋ. " ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss ɪᴍᴠsᴜʀᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴏᴏsᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴍʏ sᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀʀʀʏ sᴏ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ" ᴛʜᴇ ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴇxᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ s ɪᴄᴋᴇɴɪɴɢ sᴍɪʟᴇ . ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ sʜᴇ ʜᴀᴅ sᴀɪᴅ, ʜᴇʀ sᴏɴs ʜᴀᴅ sᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ , ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀᴄᴛ sʜᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ , ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴜᴛ . ᴀs ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴀs sᴛᴀʀɪɴɢ ʜᴏʟᴇs ɪɴᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅ. ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴊᴀᴇᴍɪɴ ʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙɪɢ ᴅᴏᴇ ᴇʏᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ sᴍɪʟᴇ , ғʟɪʀᴛᴀᴄɪᴏᴜs ɴᴇᴀʀʟʏ. sʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʜɪᴍ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ sʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟsɪᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅɪɴɴᴇʀ ᴡᴀs ɴᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ sʜᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴡʜᴇɴ sʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪsᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs sʜᴇ ᴀʟsᴏ ʀᴇᴀʟɪsᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʜᴀᴅ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ. "ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss-" "ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʜᴇʀ," ᴄᴜᴛ ᴏғғ ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ. ʜᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴀɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴇʀ ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴅᴏɴɴᴇʀ sɪɴᴄᴇ ᴅʀᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ.ᴛʜᴇ ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ ɴᴏᴅᴅᴇᴅ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʜᴇʀ sᴛᴇᴘsᴏɴ ɪɴ sʜᴏᴄᴋ, ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʜᴀᴅ ʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴜᴄʜ ʀᴇsᴘᴇᴄᴛ .ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏ sᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢɪʀʟs ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴍᴇɴ. "sᴏ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs ?" ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sᴍɪʀᴋᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ "ᴜᴍᴍ ᴡᴇʟʟ ɪ ɢᴜᴇss sᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪɢʜɴᴇss" ʏᴏᴜ sᴀɪᴅ , ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇʏᴇs ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʜɪs ʙʀᴏᴡɴ ᴏʀʙs. ʜᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ , ᴀ ᴄʜᴜᴄᴋʟᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ғᴏʀ ʏᴘᴜʀ ʟɪᴋɪɴɢ. ᴀs ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴏᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜsᴛᴏᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴏɴɢʜʏᴜᴄᴋ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜɪs ɴᴇxᴛ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ. ʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɴ ɢᴇsᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɪɴғʀᴏɴᴛ ᴏғ ʜɪᴍ. ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏᴅᴅᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴡɴᴛ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ , ʜᴇ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ. " ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪɢʜɴᴇss ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ " ʏᴏᴜ ᴀsᴋᴇᴅ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʜɪᴍ . "ᴄᴍᴏɴ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss , ᴀʀᴇɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇse ʙʟᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀʟʟs!" ʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴍᴇᴅ , ʜɪs ᴇʏᴇs ʜᴏᴏᴅᴇᴅ. ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴏᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ,ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʜᴇ ᴋᴇᴘᴛ ᴘᴇsᴛᴇʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴊᴏɪɴɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ. "ᴏᴋ ғɪɴᴇ ɪ ɢᴜᴇss ɪʟʟ sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɴ " " ʏᴇᴀʜ ɢᴜᴇss ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ"
ᴘʀᴇᴠ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ ɴᴇxᴛ
ᴛᴀɢʟsɪsᴛ: @matchahyuck
5 notes · View notes
dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & prejudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
no smut
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
classics (smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirtyyy smut), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff, soulmates)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
with another member
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
morally gray (and tw)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
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ace-angel-judas · 11 months
What are the bloodlines in the wolf au?
It's seven bloodlines descendant from the first wolf, which doesn't include the royal pack who are direct descendants of the first wolf and witch.
The royal pack has white hair and blue eyes, in human form and wolf form. (This is Dae, Hayoon, Ozlo etc) and then members who may only have one parent from this bloodline, tend to have streaks of white in their hair (Chan, Felix, Ash.) They have an ability called the 'Alpha's Howl' which is where they can control any wolf really and make them submit.
The Min Bloodline has the ability to share memories and communicate telepathically to anyone, human, wolf, witch etc. The have white wolves with black eyes. The only member of this bloodline was Yoongi, until he had pups with Estelle. (And when Estelle was pregnant, she could actually feel emotions and thoughts from her children.)
The Park Bloodline has one of the ones with the most members in the bloodline but only some of them get the ability. Ayden and Sophia are two known to have the ability. They don't have a specific fur colour or eye colour (Ayden has a black wolf with black eyes while Sophia has a brown wolf.) They have the ability to track and hunt down just about any living creature.
The Nakamoto bloodline was believed to be almost extinct with only Yuta has the last remaining member because the entire pack was killed, that was until they found Hyejin and Ren. The members of the bloodline have dark purple hair and fur when they shift into wolves, full blood members like Yuta have white eyes. They have the ability to half shift, so they can get claws and canines while still in human form.
The Lee Bloodline, which is mostly within the SM pack, consists of Taeyong, Mark, Jeno, Donghae, Taemin and a few others. They have red hair and red fur. They also have an ability called Moon Rage, which is where they get really pissed off and kill anything in sight. They have to learn to control it when they first shift, which Mark never showed any signs when he was young so they thought he was fine until he did get pissed off.
The Yang bloodline only consists of Clara, everyone thought they went extinct before the great war until Clara appeared. The Yang bloodline consists of female only wolves, so no male members of the bloodline becomes wolves, only the females do. The only way you can tell a member of the bloodline is by a birthmark between their shoulder blades of a paw print.
The Kim Bloodline only runs in the BTS pack, which are Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung. They have grey hair and grey wolves with red eyes. There ability is really underestimated, they have something called Pack sense where they can create connections and strength pack bonds. Which is how Namjoon came to be the alpha of the pack, instead of Jungkook, because he bonded the members together.
The last bloodline is the rarest and it's the Moon bloodline, no one knows the members or what they look like other than the royal pack. But the members of the bloodline have the ability to connect with spirits.
0 notes
jenonctcity · 5 years
Shadows In The Snow
Lee Jeno – Smut/Fluff/Angst
Prince!Au, Royalty!Au
Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Explicit Sex, Mild Violence, Mentions of Character Death, Mentions of Illness.  
Word Count: 20k
(This is NOT part of the Charia Kingdom Series. This is a completely different story and is not related to that series at all.)
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An arranged marriage between the Prince of the Northern Kingdom and the Princess of the Southern Kingdom came as a surprise to both of them. Neither of them had wanted the forced marriage, but being under the thumbs of their parents, they both had no choice. The Princess is sent to the Northern Kingdom to live alongside her future husband but is met by a reluctant and cold Prince. Not wanting to know his bride, he’s distant and mean, not caring if she gets offended or upset by his actions. How does he react after a severe turn of events happen? Love or Hatred? Prince Jeno questions everything in his head and comes to a final conclusion about his future.
You could remember the first time you stepped foot into the castle of the Northern Kingdom. The air was warm despite the cold bite of the weather outside, the rooms lit up brightly making the place feel welcoming, and the entrance hall so pristine it was almost glowing. Of course, the palace you grew up in was just as lavish as the palace the Lee family lived in, but it felt like you were stepping into a whole new world. Whereas your home was filled with warm colours to match the humidity and setting of your Southern Kingdom, the interior of the palace in the Northern Kingdom matched the snow that fell from the sky and laid thick on the ground. The only warm colour was that of the candles lit inside lanterns that lined the walls, and the gold that mixed in amongst the white. Not much natural light came through the windows from the flurry of snow that fell from the sky blocking the sun. That was five years ago, and it still felt exactly the same to you, apart from this time you had a gut wrenching feeling of anxiety from the lack of comfort you felt. Before you had been surrounded by royals you didn’t even know the name of, lords and ladies, and people who had a stupid amount of money. This time you only had Mark, a royal servant, as your company. From what you could gather, he was a kind man, and you could only assume he was Prince Jeno’s personal assistant. He was dressed in typical servant attire, his black suit being quite the contrast to the white interior of the halls he walked you down. Before you had been in the palace for a ball. One that would mix the future heirs of the Kingdoms together in hopes of possible alliances and marriages. Now you were walking down the halls of the Kingdom to meet your future husband.
When your father had graced the news upon you that you, the Princess of the South, would be marrying Jeno, the Prince of the North, you’d actually been rather excited. You’d met the Prince once before at a ball his family held in their castle. He’d asked you to dance and before you knew it, he was whisking you around the dance floor at the age of fifteen with his hand in your own. He was very sweet from what you could remember. His boyishly handsome face and adorable eye smile being imprinted in your memory as a crush on him bloomed in your stomach. After the dance, he’d bowed to you and pressed a kiss to the back of your gloved hand. You hadn’t seen him since that night, and now you were nervous for your reunion with the blond Prince. The people of the Northern Kingdom were known to have black hair that stood out amongst the bright snow, however, the royal family all had light coloured hair, it running in the family for generations. You knew this from all the portraits on the walls that had golden plaques highlighting the names of each royal family member. You were brought out of your thoughts by the muffled sound of shouting coming from behind a closed door. Your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as Mark stopped in front of the door. This led you to believe the aggressive voice behind the oak door was that belonging to Prince Jeno. Mark hesitated, the voice as clear as day, and he didn’t know whether to take you away or to follow the strict instructions he had of taking you to meet the Prince. Your palms started to sweat as you listened to the deep voice.
“I won’t do it. You can’t force me to marry some random girl I’ve never even met!” His voice echoed around the room and into the hall where you stood. You felt a hot flush run through you, and you doubted it was from the warmer clothes you’d been stuffed into upon arriving in the cold kingdom.
“I can and I am.” A softer voice retorted, not sounding at all phased by the argument at hand. “You have met her.”
“Well obviously she isn’t that special since I can’t remember her.” The voice growled before a thud of wood hitting the marble floor sounded.
“Stop acting like a child and take on the responsibilities of a Prince. You’re an adult now Jeno and you better start acting like it.” You looked down at your feet, refusing to look up at Mark as you felt embarrassed from hearing all of this. Sadness flooded your body; all the excitement having been drained from you upon hearing the argument between the Prince and what you could only assume was the King.
“Fuck. You.” The deep voice growled before the sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room, a dead silence followed that. Mark was frozen on the spot, not wanting to interrupt but feeling guilty for listening in. You felt bad for the young servant. He was clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place.
“Don’t you dare speak to your father like that ever again Jeno.” A soft but stern voice of a woman piped up.
“I’m sorry Princess, I didn’t mean for you to hear that.” Mark whispered and when no one spoke from behind the door, Mark used this as an opportunity to knock on the door. You bowed your head to him and tried your best to plaster on a fake smile despite the heartache you were feeling beneath.
“Come in.” The woman’s voice spoke, and Mark opened the door.
“Your majesties,” He bowed to the King and Queen, then turned to Prince Jeno. “Your highness,” He bowed to him and then cleared his throat. “Princess (Y/N) of the Southern Kingdom has arrived.” He stepped out of the way to reveal your nervous figure. You bowed to them and continued to keep your fake smile on your face. You glanced over at Prince Jeno timidly. The first thing you noticed was the bright red mark on his cheek from where he’d been struck by the Queen. Then you noticed the hard look on his face. He looked at you like he wanted you to tumble to your death off of a cliff, like you meant absolutely nothing to him. You also noticed how handsome he’d grown to be. He had deep eyes that you wanted to get lost in but stopped yourself from doing, his strong jaw making his cold expression look even more severe and his pink lips forming a hard line. He was wearing his white and gold uniform, you thought he probably had to be forced into it due to his reluctance to fulfil his Princely duty of marrying you. He had also grown a lot since the last time you saw him, his now tall frame looking daunting to you as his broad shoulders were clearly tensed up. His blond hair was parted off of his forehead and he had a crown perched on top of his head. Your smile faltered and you averted your gaze quickly, then noticing the chair that was upturned on the floor. That must have been the wooden noise you’d heard clattering from behind the door.
“Welcome my dear!” The Queen smiled a wide smile quickly, approaching you with her arms out. When she got to you, she cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes. She didn’t say anything, but she could tell by the wateriness of them that you’d heard everything that had just been said. “Did you have a safe journey?” She tried to distract you and lift your spirits, her stomach fluttering in guilt at her son’s behaviour. She looked at your long-sleeved dress that went down to your feet. The thick, red material being a symbol of your Kingdom’s red flag. “Are you warm enough? I know how much different it must be from the heat of your Kingdom.”
“Yes, your majesty.” You spoke quietly and gave her a weak smile. She let go of your cheeks and instead took your hand into one of her own.
“Let me introduce you to my family.” You’d never met the King and Queen before, but you’d seen them from afar those many years ago when you’d attended the ball they held at their palace. They both hadn’t aged a day from what you could remember, their faces looking youthful with slight age marks around their eyes. The Queen was probably one of the most beautiful women you’d ever laid eyes on. You felt like dirt compared to her and tried to push back the self-conscious feeling you felt. She had long blonde hair that was dead straight and stopped at her waist, two braids met in the middle of her head to keep her hair out of her face and the golden crown she had on top of her head gave her an ethereal look. You knew that she was too in your position once, but you doubted it went down the same way as it was in that moment. You wondered if she was chosen to marry the King because of her blonde hair, assuming the Royal family wanted to keep up the gene of them all being light haired. Gazing at the Queen made you long for your own mother, the Queen of the Southern Kingdom. You gulped back the lump in your throat and looked at the King as she introduced him.
“This is my husband, the King of the Northern Kingdom.” He bowed his head to you and gave you a genuine smile that reached his eyes. You couldn’t help but notice how much his son looked like him, they had the same face shape and nose, but the Prince had his mother’s lips and eyes. Together the two had made the most beautiful offspring.
“It’s a pleasure to have you in our home, I hope you feel welcome here and I’m happy to welcome you into the family.” His words felt sincere, but you didn’t feel welcome at all, at least not from the Prince. The King and Queen were doing a good job at making you feel comfortable though and it made you wonder how to lovely people such as themselves produced such a cold son.
“And this is our son, Prince Jeno.” She smiled, giving him a wide-eyed look that told him he was going to regret acting up in front of you. He let out a long sigh and bowed to you even though he looked reluctant to do so. “I wish you both good health and fortune in your upcoming marriage.” They both bowed once more before leaving you alone with the Prince in the sitting room you’d been brought to. Jeno let out a sigh and looked at Mark.
“Take the Princess to her chambers.” When Mark hesitated for a moment, clearly having been instructed by someone else to do something different, Jeno raised his voice. “Now!”
“Right this way your highness.” Mark exited the room quickly. You gave Jeno one last look, your heart pounding in disappointment as you looked at him. He turned his back to you and his shoulders stayed rigid until he heard the door shut behind him. You trailed after Mark through the daunting halls of the unfamiliar palace, feeling nauseous for your next meeting with the hostile Prince.
You tried to think of many ways to get out of going to dinner with your fiancé. However, as you sat on your larger than needed bed, you couldn’t think of any good excuses that would excuse you from meeting with the Prince. A maid had knocked on your door, waiting for your response before letting herself in. She told you it was time for you to get ready for your dinner, and she’d presented you with a baby blue and gold dress. The baby blue material was made from the finest of silk, with gold coloured lace adorning the top portion of the long-sleeved garment. The skirt came down to your ankles, and you’d been given a pair of matching blue heels to wear. The maid had then brushed out your long hair and plaited it, so the thick plait fell over your right shoulder. When you looked into the gold framed body length mirror, you couldn’t help but think about how innocent you looked. Your eyes were no longer red from the sobbing you’d done after Mark had left you alone in your new bedroom, but they still felt heavy and itchy.
“The Prince will be so shocked when he sees how beautiful you look your highness.” The sweet maid smiled at you from where she stood behind you. You caught her eye in the mirror and gave her a weak smile.
“What’s your name?” You asked in a quiet voice, feeling the comfort of her voice seep into you.
“My name is Nayeon, Princess (Y/N).” She kept up formalities as she bowed her head to you, the grandfather clock in the corner of your room chimed, signifying the turn of the hour. “Oh, it’s time to head down to dinner. You’ll be dining with Prince Jeno in his private dining area.”
“Will it just be the two of us?” You asked meekly, your hands clasped together as you played with your fingers in nervousness.
“Yes, your highness, now if you’d like to follow me.” You hesitated for a second before you followed her. She took you down the wide hall and you noticed that the temperature had dropped since the sun had gone down, making a light chill cascade up your spine, with the only light available coming from the lit lanterns flickering on the wall. She guided you around a corner and down one more hall before stopping in front of an open door. “Just through there, your dinner will be served soon.” She smiled and motioned for you to enter the room with your hand. You timidly took a step into the room, it looking like a typical dining room for a royal with a dark oak table in the centre, two chairs opposite each other on either side. A lit candle was on the middle of the table, in between two beautifully decorated plates. You then noticed Prince Jeno stood beside the table, he stood up straighter as you entered the room and bowed to you. You returned the bow, opening your mouth to speak but not really knowing what to say to him.
“Sit.” He pulled out one of the chairs and motioned with his head for you to sit. You hurried to take a seat, not wanting him to get mad at you like he had previously shown earlier on in the day.
“Thank you.” You spoke quietly, placing your hands in your lap and keeping your posture straight as you watched him sit in the chair opposite you. You let out a gentle sigh, averting your eyes and glancing around the room at the décor. He made no effort to start up a conversation with you, and you had no idea what you could possibly say to the Prince that would make him want to talk to you. Dinner was served and Jeno barely even looked at you. The silence made you feel sick and you hardly touched your food. He noticed, but he didn’t care. If you wanted to starve yourself then that was your problem, not his.
You left the dining room feeling dejected and sad. Nayeon took you back to your room and pretended as if she didn’t know that the Prince had hardly spoken with you, keeping a gentle smile on her face. She helped you get ready for bed, and then left you on your own with nothing but the light of the moon shining through the gap in the curtains. You sat on your bed, looking up at the ceiling as tears flooded your vision. You let out a long sigh, trying to contain your emotions as a wave of homesickness came over you. It was no use, because tears streamed from your eyes the second you thought about your parents. In a way you knew you should feel resentful of them for sending you away to a kingdom you didn’t really know to marry someone you’d only met once, but you knew they only did it because they had to. Your kingdom had been met by a financial crisis, and the first thing the royal advisors told your parents to do was to marry you off to a Prince from a financially stable kingdom. Obviously, your parents went to the richest kingdom out of the four kingdoms in your country. The Northern kingdom was best known for cold weather and its army, it had a reputation of being the saviour when it comes to wars with other countries across the sea. During wars, all four kingdoms banded together, and it was always after the army from the North got to the battle that it would end up being won. The Eastern kingdom was known for its rainy weather and the luscious fruit and vegetables that it produced. Food from the Eastern kingdom could be found in any of the four kingdoms as it was a highly traded good. The Western kingdom best known for its fishing and fashion; those being traded amongst the kingdoms for such a low price that the demand for the products kept the economy running. And your kingdom, the Southern kingdom, was known for its high population and poverty. It’s not something you were proud of, but the people in control were trying their hardest to get rid of the people living on the streets and give them a roof over their heads. Especially as your country had blistering heat almost all year round. You didn’t even want to think of the people who died from the exposure to the sun. But due to the financial crisis, this wasn’t achievable, so when your parents came to you about the arranged marriage, you didn’t kick up a fuss about it and instead decided to think of the positives, which led to you actually being excited about the marriage. Now though, you just wanted to go home.
A whole week of being ignored by the Prince had done nothing to lift your spirits. Well he hadn’t ignored you, but you wouldn’t class irritated looks of disgust over dinner every night to be polite. It really seemed to you like he hated you, and it felt like a knife being twisted in your stomach every time Nayeon would come to your room to collect you for a meal with your future spouse. The only time you could remember smiling and feeling genuinely happy was when the Queen had summoned you for lunch one afternoon. She’d made you feel welcome and tried her hardest not to talk about her son, instead asking you about your life and recommending things for you to do in the palace in your free time. Apart from that, you just counted down the days until your marriage whilst you strolled around the palace absentmindedly.
On Friday, you’d been dressed up in a pale pink gown. You’d gotten used to the long sleeves and heavy materials over the past week, nearly all of your new clothes being suited for the cold weather outside. You were glad though, because you still found yourself getting cold even under all the cloth you had draped over your body. Your hair had been pinned in a half up, half down style, the section that was up having been plaited into a bun. You felt pretty, which gave you a small burning of positivity in your gut. At midday, you’d been taken to the main dining hall. It was much larger than the intimate one you’d been eating with the Prince in, and you’d much prefer to have dinner with him in there from now on. Your eyes laid on a young man. He had a wide smile and black hair, his navy blue and white uniform telling you that he was of royal blood. You recognised the crest on his badge to be that of the Western kingdom. Sat at the table and not moving was Prince Jeno, he watched as the other handsome man approached you.
“Princess (Y/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Prince Jaemin of the Western kingdom.” He bowed to you, holding his hand out for you to place yours in kiss. When you did, he brought your hand up and placed a soft kiss to the back of it. Your heart fluttered and a small smile rose on your lips. You’d known Prince Jaemin for a total of 30 seconds and he’d already shown you more affection and kindness than your own fiancé. You glanced at Jeno to see if he’d reacted to seeing another man kiss his fiancées hand, but he just watched you both with a blank look on his face. You bowed back and he didn’t let go of your hand, gently pulling you over to the table. He pulled your chair out for you and you sat down, sitting directly opposite to Jeno. Jaemin sat beside you and cleared his throat. “So, are you enjoying the North (Y/N)?” He asked, looking at you with a cute smile on his face. Where Jeno looked intimidatingly handsome, Jaemin looked the kind of handsome that had all the girls cooing over him, his smile being his killer feature.
“Oh, yes I am.” You lied with a fake smile on your face. “I can’t say that I love the weather, but everyone has made me feel so welcome.” You put emphasis on the word ‘everyone’, shooting Jeno a smile as you directed that at him. He narrowed his eyes at you and smirked in retaliation. His smirk put a horrid feeling in your stomach, because that confirmed to you that Jeno knew exactly how he was acting towards you, and that he couldn’t find it within him to care.
“That’s great!” As you spoke with Jaemin, the servants brought out the food, setting down steaming plates in front of all three of you. You sipped at your wine and listened to Jaemin as he went off on a tangent about marriage. You noticed that throughout the meal Jeno had flagged down the nearest maid multiple times to refill his glass of wine.
“May I ask what brought you here today Jaemin?” You asked when he’d finally taken a moment to stop talking and to eat instead. He swallowed his food and looked at Jeno before looking back at you. He was about to answer when Jeno spoke up first.
“He visits once a month.” His voice was deep and held little emotion.
“Oh, may I ask why?” You asked Jaemin despite it having been Jeno that gave you an answer.
“Our mothers are sisters, when his mother comes to visit my mother, she brings him with her.” Jeno was the one to answer you yet again. This is the most conversation you’d gotten out of him since you arrived, and it was a bittersweet moment for you. On one hand you were happy that he was actually talking to you, and on the other hand you were devastated that he sounded so emotionless.
“So basically, we’re cousins.” Jaemin nodded and smiled, taking a sip of his own wine. “He’s older by a few months.”
“That’s lovely.” You gave Jaemin a genuine smile and you could see that he really looks up to Jeno, despite the small age gap.
“Not as lovely as you Princess.” Jaemin winked at you and sipped at his wine again. You felt your cheeks flush and you shot a glance to Jeno who had one eyebrow raised, but apart from that, he didn’t look like he cared. “I must say, I am rather envious of my cousin for being the one to marry you, but I wish you happiness.” You almost begged Jaemin to take you away from this kingdom and to take you home with him, but you knew it wouldn’t make much difference and would only make things worse for you in the long run. “But you know where the Western kingdom is.” He winked at you. Jeno cleared his throat as a warning but Jaemin didn’t seem phased at all.
Jaemin’s visit two weeks ago had seemed like a lifetime ago, and you wished the handsome boy would come more often so you had something to look forward to. Jeno hadn’t spoken to you much, which you were getting used to. It made you wonder if this is how he was going to treat you even after you were married and with children. You hoped not, that was enough to make anyone go insane. It became too much for you one morning, and after sitting through breakfast on your own in the large dining room, you decided to make an effort with the Prince. Walking down the east wing of the palace that would take you straight to the Prince’s chambers, you passed Mark who had a smile on his face the moment he saw you.
“Good morning your Highness.” He bowed to you, expecting you to just bow and continue walking but you stopped, holding your hand out to him to stop him too.
“Good morning, do you happen to know where the Prince is?”
“Oh yes, I believe he’s just finished his breakfast and he’s relaxing in his bedroom. Would you like me to take you to him?”
“No that won’t be necessary, thank you Mark.” You bowed your head to him. He bowed in return and bid you goodbye. You walked towards the Prince’s bedroom and stopped in front of his door. You took in a deep breath and gingerly knocked on the door, regretting it almost immediately as all your courage drained from you.
“Come in.” The Prince’s voice called through the door. You noticed that his tone was light and airy, not like anything you’d ever heard from him since every time you’re in his presence he’s hostile and blunt. As you entered the room, you saw him look up to see who it was. His face fell when he saw you stood timidly in the doorway; his eyes boring into yours for a moment before he turned to look away once more. “What do you want?” his voice was no longer airy and light, his tone more resembling daggers stabbing at you with the intent to harm.
“I wish to get to know you better. We are going to marry after all.” You tried to hold a tone of confidence, but you were afraid you sounded like a nervous child about to tell their mother they’d wet the bed.
“I’m busy.” He grunted, not even sparing you a glance.
“Doing what might I ask?” You walked into his room, nerves flooding your body with such unease that you could feel it in your toes and fingertips. He slowly turned to look at you and narrowed his eyes, clearly not liking how you questioned him.
“Fine. Let’s spend time together.” He stood up, his chair skidding across the marble floor with an ear tingling screech. He snatched your wrist into his hand and pulled you harshly out of the room. The grip he had on you was hurting, but you decided not to say anything as he dragged you through the castle. You struggled to keep up with him, having to alternate between jogging and walking fast so that you didn’t fall. He pulled you outside into the freezing wind and let go of you. Your arms automatically wrapped around your body, goose bumps rising on your body as the long-sleeved dress you wore did nothing to protect you from the wind. Flurries of snow hit you as the sky coughed out the snow in sparse gusts. “Go stand over there by that tree.” He commanded you, pointing at a tree that had a large trunk. You gulped but obeyed him, not wanting to make him mad, but you were very confused as to why he had instructed you to do so. You trudged through the snow and stood with your back to the tree, your body shivering from the chill. He went over to a small wooden shed nearby and pulled out a bow. Your eyes widened as he grabbed 3 arrows and stood parallel to you, about 20 feet away.
“What are you doing?” You questioned as he loaded the bow with an arrow, standing with two feet apart and his left side facing you.
“Spending quality time with my fiancée! You’re helping me practice my archery!” He gave you a wide smile, but you could see the sinister look behind his eyes even from far away. “Now stand very still, don’t worry my love, I am very good at this.” He winked at you and your stomach plummeted through the snow.
‘He’s going to kill me so he doesn’t have to marry me.’ You thought to yourself as he pulled back the string, closing one of his eyes as he aimed at you. You didn’t think that the shivers you were experiencing were from the cold anymore, but from the paralysing fright you were undergoing. You couldn’t move, your feet feeling anchored to the floor like a one of the criminals they locked away in the dungeons. Jeno smirked to himself when he saw you squeeze your eyes shut, letting go of the string and sending an arrow flying towards you. It hit where he had aimed it for perfectly, and it stuck into the bark of the tree an inch above your head. You let out a whimper and flinched as you heard the ear-splitting crack of the wood above you, your heart pounding in your chest and your breathing becoming too quick for you to control.
You were having a panic attack. Something you hadn’t had in a long time. As a child you were riddled with anxiety after one of your nanny’s had told you a story of a princess being kidnapped from her home. You lived under the constant fear that bad people were going to break into your chambers and steal you in the dead of night, using the guise of the dark to get away with it. Needless to say, once your mother and father found out why you were suffering from constant anxiety attacks and would flinch whenever anyone approached you, they had banished that nanny from the castle. After months of therapy, you had found your life much easier to cope with and your parents had assigned guards to be with you and stationed outside of your door every night. You grew out of it by the time you were a teenager. But this was bringing back all the feelings you’d been able to push aside for so long, and you felt like a child once more, cowering at the thought of being killed by a stranger. Jeno loaded another arrow into his bow and aimed it at you, pausing once he saw you let out a sob, your frame hunched over and arms wrapped around yourself.
“Shit.” He mumbled, knowing he’d taken his little joke too far. He was one of the best archers in the kingdom, so he knew his arrow wouldn’t hit you. But you didn’t know that, and in your mind, he had every reason to want you dead. He lowered his bow and gulped, throwing it to the floor and running through the snow to you. “Open your eyes.” He grunted, placing his big hands on your shoulders and giving you a firm shake. You couldn’t breathe. It felt like his arrow had hit you in the throat and punctured your windpipe, the air not successfully inflating your lungs and your head feeling like someone was crushing it with their hands. “Hey!”
“D-don’t k-k-kill me.” You stuttered out, your lungs gasping for air as your throat gave it restricted access to small puffs of oxygen. Jeno was taken aback by your words. Standing frozen in the snow with his eyes watching you have a meltdown in front of him. He snapped out of his daze and gulped down his guilt, sighing like you were a nuisance as he scooped you up into his arms. You whimpered as he touched you, your body going completely stiff in his grasp as he trudged through the snow, carrying you like you weighed nothing.
“I won’t hurt you.” He mumbled, taking you inside and setting you down on a lavish chair that was in the corner of the hallway beside a small round table that held fresh flowers in a beautifully painted white and blue vase. He kneeled down on one knee so that he was facing you. “Breathe…” His voice was uncharacteristically soft, and he took one of your hands into both of his. You looked at him, your eyes bloodshot and your cheeks freezing cold from where the winter air had hit the tear tracks on your skin. You hadn’t seen him this close since you were fifteen and had been dancing with him at the ball. He was beautiful. His straight nose, his deep brown eyes, his very slightly plump but very pink lips and his strong jawline had you distracted from the internal panic you felt. Your breathing slowly steadied as he kept his stare on you, looking you dead in the eyes as he studied you. His thumb stroked the back of your hand, and you gulped down the lump in your throat as you looked at him. You bottom lip wobbled and one tear fell from your eye as your brain came back around to its normal state. “Are you alright?” He asked, slowly withdrawing his hands from your own. You nodded in response, not trusting your vocal cords to answer him. He stood up, and with a curt nod of his head he hurried off down the hall of the castle, leaving you alone in the chair he’d sat you in. Not long after Jeno’s retreat, Mark came running down the hallway with a panicked look on his face.
“Princess!” You knew that Jeno had recruited Mark to go see if you were okay. It hurt you that Jeno couldn’t even bare to be with you that much that he couldn’t stick around and be with you himself, instead he sent his servant. Mark kept asking you questions and trying to gain your attention, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about what he was saying. He timidly helped you up to your feet and took you to your bedroom, checking on your every hour to make sure you were feeling okay. You weren’t.
It had been three and a half weeks of your dearly beloved Prince Jeno doing his finest effort to avoid you. You had briefly seen him during a dinner that the King and Queen both required your attendance for. You sat opposite each other and he refused to meet your eye, his attention on his mother most of the night and it seemed as though he was ignoring his own father as well. Although you had no idea why he would do that to the King. But you didn’t want to ask to find out. He spoke to his mother and even sat beside her, seeming almost as if he was being clingy with her like you’d expect a 5-year-old mummy’s boy to be. She played up to his whims and always responded to him like a loving mother, even going as far to pat his cheek at one point when he shot her a small pout at something his father had said. The whole scene didn’t look very Queen and Prince like, more mother and son like. But because the dinner wasn’t official business you assumed that they didn’t care. It was now obvious to you that the slap she’d struck Jeno with on your first day in the castle was a very rare occurrence.
You had spent a few afternoons with the Queen, getting to know her and learning how to do your official duties as the upcoming Princess and Queen of the Northern Kingdom. She was a very gentle soul and you always felt comfortable around her. As for the King, you didn’t really see him much unless it was in passing or that one time during your dinner with the royal family. Nayeon went missing for a week, and Mark had told you that she was on leave for those 7 days just to visit her family, but that she would be back again in no time. So for that week you had no one to keep you company, which saddened you deeply and left you wallowing in your loneliness as if you were being punished like a criminal on trial for manslaughter.
When Nayeon came back she made sure to spend a lot of time with you to make up for her absence. She made you tea every night before you slept, and she would tell you stories that her family had embarked on. Your favourite story of hers was the one about her father going into war when she was a child. Her father had been in the Northern army and had fought along many men, old and young, in an attempt to stop the four Kingdoms being invaded by the Country of Hacin across the seas. You remembered being very young when armies from all four Kingdoms banded together to fight off the incoming threat. The war had started after your parents refused to set you up for an arranged marriage with Prince Renjun of Hacin. They didn’t want you to be in a different country, so they refused the offer presented to them. Which the King and Queen of Hacin didn’t like. Causing them to declare war. It was mostly the Western Kingdom that got the brunt of the war, as they were the Kingdom parallel to Hacin across the sea. The troops made their way to the Western Kingdom and fought against the threat, but it wasn’t until the Northern Kingdom joined that the war finally came to an end. You had heard that thousands of men had lost their lives in battle, and you were eternally grateful to them all. Nayeon’s father was one of the men who never made it home to their families, and that’s the reason why it was your favourite story of hers. Because you could see the pain in her eyes and her strained tone in her voice as she tried to hold back her tears, and it made you feel grateful for the life you’d been given. You had made sure that Nayeon knew how you felt towards the war and she could tell that you were grateful for her father’s sacrifice.
A few days ago you started to feel really hot, despite the chill drifting in like a haze into your room through the open window. The curtains billowing from the slight breeze the cold winters air presented the Kingdom with. You shouldn’t shake the burning feeling that you had sitting inside of you like a furnace with an unlimited supply of coal. It caused unwanted sweat to bead on your skin and your lungs to speed up in attempt to cool yourself down. It was night-time so you knew most of the staff would be asleep or busy doing their own chores. You gripped onto the sheets of your bed and squeezed your eyes shut as a wave of nausea flushed through you and made you feel on the verge of throwing up. You gritted your teeth and stood up, involuntarily bending and gripping at your stomach as the unbearable sense of sickness stabbed at your gut. You whimpered, a sob falling from your lips as your knees buckled, your body hitting the floor with a dull thud. Externally you felt numb, the tips of your fingertips having no feeling and your body crashing to the floor didn’t bother you. Internally though you felt like you were going to die a slow death. You tried to steady you breathing, but you couldn’t, nothing but choked sobs falling from your lips as you gently blacked out.
The sun shining on the white snow was causing Jeno to squint as he drank his morning tea. His mother was accompanying him during breakfast, and they sat peacefully inside of her personal dining room. The floor to ceiling length windows allowing the hot sun to hit his skin and leave behind a warm feeling. It was a rare day of no clouds or falling snow, which always had Jeno waking up in a good mood.
“Jeno, my dear…” The Queen sipped at her tea and delicately dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “You should be having breakfast with (Y/N), not with me.” She gave him a soft smile and let out a laugh when he sighed, immediately popping food into his mouth with his fork in an attempt to delay his response. “She is a lovely girl, and I know you don’t want to marry her. But avoiding her isn’t going to do either of you any good in the long run.” Jeno chewed his food slowly and gulped it down, sighing once more before nodding.
“I know mother.”
“Is that all you have to say?” She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows and rolling her eyes.
“No, I-” He was interrupted by the doors to the room flying open, Mark stood in the doorway, out of breath from where he had been running.
“Your Majesty, your Highness, you have to come quickly!” He gulped watching as the mother and son both stared at him in confusion. The Queen slowly rose from her seat but Jeno stayed where he was sat.
“What is it Mark?” She asked, approaching him quickly.
“It’s Princess (Y/N), we found her on the floor of her room about ten minutes ago. She was breathing but she was unresponsive. The Doctor is looking at her now.” Mark spoke so quickly that Jeno almost couldn’t understand what he was saying. He widened his eyes and stood up quickly. He then paused, and slowly sat back down in his chair. He coughed awkwardly and bowed his head once to Mark.
“Make sure she gets the best care. Keep me updated.” His voice held no emotion, and Mark knew that the Prince wasn’t going to be following him anytime soon. The Queen frowned at her son, but instead of chastising him, she quickly followed Mark.
Jeno sat at the dining table and pushed his plate away from him. He felt sick with worry that something bad was going to happen to you, but he couldn’t bring himself to face you. He was still holding guilt from the stunt he had pulled with you but didn’t want it to seem like he cared too much about you. He let out a sigh and rubbed his hands over his face in frustration, unsure of what to do.
The anticipation had killed Jeno over the day that he avoided everyone in hopes of not having any updates about you. Every time he heard footsteps approaching his bedroom, he made himself busy and refused to let anybody in, acting as if his work was more important than you. He hadn’t had a chance to take a step back and gather up all of his thoughts and feelings towards you. He was conflicted. On one hand, you were probably one of the most beautiful humans he had ever laid eyes on, and you had a very sweet personality to go with your sweet looks. But on the other hand, he did not want to get married yet, he also didn’t know you that well and because of his stubborn nature, he didn’t want to get to know you purely out of spite at his forced marriage.
The next morning, Jeno went about his day as normal, eating breakfast and then making his way to the palace courtyard to practice his archery. When he made it to the doors without bumping into anyone of significance, he metaphorically gave himself a pat on the back. Until Mark approached him from behind.
“Your Highness,” Mark spoke up, causing Jeno to jolt in surprise at the sudden chirp of Mark’s voice. Mark had always been silently stealthy and was almost a professional at silently making his way around the palace. “Sorry to interrupt, but you told me to keep you updated on Princess (Y/N).” Jeno turned around and let out an irritated sigh, nodding his head at Mark.
“Go on.” His voice was gruff, and he rolled his eyes. Mark took a deep breath, giving Jeno eyes that were full of pity.
“The Doctor has diagnosed her with the Macetipis Virus…” Jeno felt like a surge of heat rush through him at Mark’s words. His throat created a lump of emotion that made him feel uncomfortable and he had to look away from Mark to keep his cool. “She has all the symptoms, a high temperature, she keeps floating in and out of consciousness, and she keeps throwing up a yellow liquid.”
“I know the symptoms Mark.” He growled, storming off down the hall without giving Mark another look. He made his way to your bedroom, not bothering with knocking as he let himself straight into the room. Nayeon looked up at him with a wide-eyed look as she set down a steaming cup of tea on your bedside table. She immediately bowed and cleared her throat awkwardly. “Out.” Jeno grunted. She complied immediately and left the room without another word. Jeno gulped when he saw you tucked up in your bed, your eyes closed, and head lolled slightly to the side. Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked at you, feeling a horrid guilt at how he’d treated you as he stared at your limp body.
He sat down on your bed, taking one of your cold hands into both of his. He lifted it up to his lips and laid a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, a tear falling down his cheek as in that moment, he absolutely hated himself. You were going to die. He was sure of it. The last person he saw with the Macetipis Virus didn’t last longer than a week before she took her final breath and died peacefully in her sleep. He was sure his sister was going to live, but she didn’t. And at the age of thirteen he watched her slowly wither away before him even though the doctor had told the family that it was possible to overcome the disease. She was only ten years old, and she had her whole life ahead of her. Jeno had always promised her that when he became King that no one would ever harm her, and she could live her life as a beautiful Princess wherever she wanted to be, without having to worry about an arranged marriage. Now he couldn’t fulfil that promise because her little life was cut short, all because of the virus that was unavoidable. It wasn’t contagious, and so far, no one had figured out how people became ill with it. There had been no cases of males having the virus, so it was assumed that only females could contract it. Jeno knew this, that’s why he wasn’t worried about being by your side during this even if it wasn’t supposed to be contagious.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. “You didn’t deserve how I’ve been treating you…I should have realised that you’re in the same boat as me and you’re going through an unwanted marriage as well.” He gulped, keeping his voice in a low whisper so that no one outside of your room could hear you. “Now you’re probably going to die, and you’ll have died unhappy and I am so sorry Princess.” The lump in his throat started to burn, but he didn’t care. He sat by your side all day, ordering anyone that entered your room to leave. He left around mid-evening to eat some dinner. You hadn’t woken up at all throughout the day, much to Jeno’s dismay. He wanted nothing more than for you to open your eyes so he could voice to you how sorry he was with you actually being able to hear him.
“What the fuck do you mean the wedding is being pushed back?” Jeno growled in a low tone, his teeth gritted, and his fists clenched. He had a surge of anger flush through him and he could feel his hands start to shake in aggression.
“Well Your Highness, Princess (Y/N) is very s-”
“I know that she’s sick.” He snapped; the poor servant stood opposite him flinching in fear. “Who made this decision? Tell me!”
“T-the King and Queen.” The servant gulped but visibly relaxed when Jeno stormed off down the hall, making his way to the throne room where he knew his mother and father were. He wasn’t subtle as he burst through the wooden doors to the throne room, completely ignoring the small crowd of people and storming up the royal red carpet to his parents who were both sat on their respected thrones.
“You pushed back our wedding?!” He shouted, his legs moving fast in his haste. He stopped in front of his parents, a scowl marred on his face and his shoulders rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. “She’s going to fucking die any day now and you want her to die an unmarried woman?!” Jeno’s voice got louder, his anger evident to the people who brought him into the world. Everyone in the room was dead silent as they listened to the distressed Prince. The King frowned at him, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Jeno calm down.” His father spoke with a stern voice, sitting up straighter on his golden throne and looking down his nose at his son.
“NO!” Jeno stepped closer, running a hand through his thick blond hair in frustration. “You know how frowned up it is to die an unmarried woman, and you want that to happen to her?!” He gulped, tears filling his eyes as he flicked his eyes over to his mother. “Mother…she doesn’t deserve this…” He knew the Queen would be the one to pity him and end up giving him what he wanted, like she had most of his life. “Please.”
“Jeno, she can hardly hold her own head up. She can’t marry someone in the state that she’s in.” Her voice was soft, and she gave him a look that shows how much pity she felt for him.
“It’s been three days and they’ve told me that the keeps waking up, she can do it!”
“No.” The King spoke again, shutting Jeno off and causing the young Prince to let his emotions get the best of him. His face crinkled up as he started to sob. He felt embarrassed at his crying so he covered his face with his hands. The King rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. “Don’t even try to turn the water works on, your mother isn’t going to give in.” They were both used to Jeno turning on his emotions to make his mother give him what he wanted, and the King assumed that what he was doing this time. This made Jeno angry again, ripping his hands away from his face and staring at his father once more.
“Go to hell.” He turned around and ran out of the room, not bothering to look back as his mother called for him. He ran until he reached his own room, knowing he needed to gather his thoughts and calm himself down before he visited you for the day.
He left it an hour before he collected a small bunch of bright yellow flowers from the palaces inside garden, letting himself into your room and coming to a dead stop when he saw your eyes staring back at him. This was the first time he’d been around to witness your consciousness, only having heard about it from Nayeon.
“Jeno?” Your voice was raspy and barely audible from where you laid in your bed. Jeno gulped, approaching you slowly with a slight hesitance in his heart. He felt like your eyes were piercing through him, making his insides tighten and his throat close up.
“How are you feeling?” He asked the first thing that came to his mind as he gently set the bunch of flowers into an empty vase on your bedside table.
“Bad.” You whispered out, unsure of how to communicate with the man who had only ever shown hostility towards you. If you didn’t have the horrible sense of nausea swimming inside of your stomach, you probably would have felt butterflies of anxiety take flight. He timidly sat on the edge of your bed, awkwardly grasping his own hands before letting out a sigh.
“I want to apologise to you for how I treated you.” You watched him from where you laid, your eyes nervously darting around the room when he stared you dead in the eye. “You’re a Princess, and you didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of my immaturity.” He reached out and took your hand in his own, lifting it to his lips and pressing a lingering kiss to your cold skin. “I’m so sorry.”
“Jeno.” You used all the strength you had to try and sit up, but you couldn’t quite muster it. Jeno let go of your hand when he saw that you wanted to be more upright, placing his hands underneath you to lift you up against the pillows. He grabbed the cup of tea that was still lukewarm to the touch and raised it to your lips. You sipped the tea and cleared your throat, feeling a sort of relief at the liquid at it slid down your throat. “It’s okay, I forgive you.” You spoke in a soft manor, shocked at the sight of the hard-headed Prince being apologetic to you. You’d never seen this warm-hearted side of the Prince, and you wanted to cry your heart out at how sweet he was being.
“They pushed our wedding back…but I promise you, when you recover, we will have the biggest wedding in all of history.” His encouraging smile made you let out a whimper of a giggle, your throat still feeling groggy and not allowing you to make all the noises you wanted to. “And I will be the best husband I can be. But until then, you need to get better, so that I can take you on some dates.” He chuckled, ignoring the tears that came to his eyes as he had it in his mind that you weren’t going to survive.
“Tell me about the dates.” You closed your eyes when a burning sensation ran down your oesophagus, causing you to wince as a rush of nausea hit you in the gut once more.
“Okay well I don’t know if you’ve been to the inside gardens yet, but I want to have afternoon tea there with you. It’s beautiful, there’s an array of so many colours and smells, and it’s so quiet in there. The walls are made entirely of glass, so it gets rather hot when the sun hits it, but the white of the snow outside is such a contrast to the colours inside that it-” He paused as you started to cough, your chest jolting as the uncontrollable coughs left your mouth. Jeno immediately jumped to his feet, pulling you forward so you were sat completely upright. He patted your back firmly, then rubbed his hand in circles on your back. “It’s okay, cough it up.” He grabbed the nearby bowl that had been set aside for when you needed to throw up, holding it in front of your mouth as he patted your back with his other hand. You felt embarrassed as you coughed, eventually puking into the bowl and letting out a whimper from the mortification you felt at throwing up in front of your fiancé. “Good girl, it’s okay.” He put the bowl down, grabbing a handkerchief from your drawer and wiping your mouth with it. He gently kissed your forehead without thinking about it, laying you down again and stroking your hair gently.
“Thank you.” You whispered out, your cheeks burning and the sick feeling sitting heavy on your stomach still.
“My sister was ill with the same illness you have.” He looked down at the floor, a heavy sinking feeling washing over him as he thought back to watching his sister die. You didn’t even know that Jeno had a sister, and you were intrigued to find out more. No one had ever told you about the Princess of the Northern Kingdom, so you had no idea she even existed. You wanted to ask him about her, but you didn’t know if he would respond to you with hostility, and you also found it hard to speak after the onslaught of pain you felt in your throat from throwing up. Jeno continued speaking without having to be prompted, feeling a slight weight lifted off of his shoulders at finally talking about his sister after being silent about it for so many years. “I spent all day every day by her side, I wouldn’t even let the maids help her, it had to be me. I was her older brother and I felt the need to protect her.” He cleared his throat as a lump arose inside of it, all his emotions pilling up and making tears well up in his beautiful eyes. “She died 4 days after being diagnosed.” You reached out and took his hand in your own, giving it a weak squeeze just to show him that you were listening, and you felt empathy towards him. “I won’t let that happen to you.” His eyes bore into your own, and you could see how broken the Prince was, all of his bad attitude making sense, but not excusing it.
He sat by your side all evening, talking to you for about ten more minutes before you drifted back into unconsciousness, but he still stayed by you. He asked Mark to fetch him a book so that he could keep himself entertained whilst keeping watch over you. At around 7 o’clock the door to the room opened slowly. Jeno looked up and smiled softly when he saw his Mother entering the room. She looked slightly surprised to see him sat there, her eyebrows raising on her beautiful face.
“Jeno I didn’t know you were here.” She closed the door with a gentle push, not wanting to make too much noise as she saw that you were sleeping.
“You shouldn’t be here; you could catch it mother!” His eyes widened with worry, not wanting his own mother to catch the disease that took his sisters life. He knew it wasn’t contagious but he couldn’t risk it.
“Jeno I will be fine; I’m only stopping by for a few minutes.” She smiled softly to him, giving him a small bout of reassurance. “You’re a good man Jeno, you being here for her when she’s in this condition is a good thing for you to do.”
“I don’t want her to wake up alone,” He closed his book and set it aside, moving to stroke your lifeless hand that laid on the bed. “I owe her so much; she can’t die alone.”
“Oh sweetheart.” The Queen sighed, approaching her son and leaning down to place a kiss on his head. She felt a sudden rush of pride at his confession, glad he was finally acting like the fiancé that you deserved. She was finally seeing the young man that she’d raised to be a compassionate, loving Prince. “I’m glad you’ve finally come around to marrying her…may I ask what changed your mind?”
Jeno thought for a moment, before taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh. “Miyah never got to have her happy ever after and seeing (Y/N) like this broke my heart. I want her to have her happy ending.”
“You know you have to apologise to your father. The way y-” She was cut off as you started to cough in your sleep, your eyes suddenly blinking open as you couldn’t cough up what was stuck in your throat. Jeno jumped up from his spot and lifted you up so you were sitting upright, patting your back hard to stop you from choking. The Queen watched with wide eyes as you coughed up blood, it staining the sheets over you and dripping down your chin. Jeno gasps loudly, frowning in confusion at the sight of the blood. He rubbed your back as you started to sob from seeing the blood, his stomach dropping as he looked over at his mother. “Miyah never coughed up blood! It isn’t one of the symptoms, she may not have Macetipis!” He propped up the pillows against the headboard and laid you against them, not sparing any moment before sprinting out of the door towards the palace’s doctor’s room.
You looked at the Queen and whimpered, fear rushing through you and your stomach twisting in anxiety. “I don’t want to die!” Your voice was hoarse, and you shuddered before spewing more blood onto the sheets. The Queen stroked your head as your breathing picked up, your chest rising and falling fast in your panic. She opened her mouth, but you couldn’t hear anything she was saying, everything sounding muffled and cloudy as your vision blurred. The world went dark as your eyes closed, your consciousness slipping away once more.
The sound of birds singing is the only sound you heard when your body brought itself out of the slumber of sleep that you’d been in more than 24 hours. The last thing you remembered was the sight of your sheets being spoiled by the sight of your own blood, but as you stared down at the sheets placed delicately over your body, you saw nothing but pristine white. You laid there for what felt like ages, feeling thirsty but not having the energy to reach for your glass of water that you could see sitting on your nightstand looking appetizing and delicious. You felt better than you had felt since you’d come down with your sickness, and you prayed that you didn’t get any worse. Jeno entered the room half an hour later, surprise written across his face when he saw you staring back at him.
“You’re awake!” He rushed to your side and took your hand straight into his. He had a soft smile playing on his lips, but you could tell he was being suspicious about something. “How are you feeling?” You cleared your throat as he helped you sit up, propping your thick pillows up behind you to keep you steady.
“Better.” He passed you the glass of water when he heard how croaky your voice was, it sounding like you had a thousand swords lodged inside of your throat.
“I have something to tell you, and I don’t want you to panic. Just know before I tell you this, that everything has been sorted out, and you will be getting better okay?” His fingers traced soft circles on your skin that left a tickling sensation in their wake. You nodded, not wanting to use your voice if you didn’t have to as your throat felt stiff. “You didn’t have Macetipis, after you started coughing up blood, I knew something wasn’t right. I got the doctor, and he knew immediately that you’d been poisoned.” Your stomach flipped and you felt queasy at the thought of someone trying to kill you. “It didn’t make sense at first, no one from the outside had access to your room. So I knew it must have been someone who had been coming into your room. I’ve been here most of the time, and the only people who were allowed in this room were my mother, my father, Mark, the doctor, Nayeon, and myself. The doctor tried his best to save you, so it wouldn’t make sense that he was trying to kill you. My mother, father, and I would never do such a thing. If we wanted you dead, you’d be dead.” His words made your eyes widen in surprise that he’d say something that dramatic in such a calm manner. “I trust Mark with my life, and when questioned he said he knew nothing about it, and I could tell he wasn’t lying to me. Which left dear, sweet, Nayeon.” He growled her name, his fists clenching around your hand but not hard enough to hurt you. “When questioned, she confessed almost immediately. She’d been putting poison in the tea she’d been serving you.” Your heart dropped as you thought of the sweet maid who’d made you feel welcomed. You had no idea she could even do something like that. “The poison was a weak one that would take at least two weeks to finish you off. It was meant to give you a slow, painful death. But you have to take all doses of it for it to work. She said she’d gotten if when she was visiting her family. She blames you for her father’s death in the war.” Your heart ached as Jeno told you that. You had trusted Nayeon, and you felt tears fill your eyes as you thought it all over inside of your head.
“What’s her punishment?” You closed your eyes, willing the tears not to fall as your throat hurt even more with the rising lump inside of it.
“Death.” He sneered, his body tense with hatred and anger. He couldn’t believe that someone had the nerve to try and take his Princess away from him, right underneath his nose too. You gasped, your eyes opening quickly.
“No! Please don’t kill her Jeno!” Your tone was desperate, and Jeno knitted his eyebrow together in confusion at your plea.
“She tried to kill you (Y/N)!”
“You shot an arrow at my head.” You deadpanned at him, showing him you weren’t afraid to speak against him if you had to. His face immediately fell, and his mouth opened and closed as he tried to conjure the right words to say.
“I didn’t ever intend on hurting you though…” His voice was soft, and he glanced down at his hands.
“You could have. Prince Jeno, please…spare her life.”
“No. The punishment stands, and I don’t want to hear you ask for me to change it again. Am I clear?” You shuddered at his dominant tone, immediately losing all the courage you previously had to speak against him and just simply nodded. He sighed and momentarily closed his eyes. “They’ve set a date for out wedding. It’s a month away.” You didn’t reply to him, sipping your water slowly and keeping your eyes anywhere but on him. “Princess…don’t ignore me.” You looked at him and gave him a blank stare, only giving him the silent treatment to show him that you were displeased with his choice. He frowned at you and took the glass of water out of your hands. “When you’re better, we are going to spend a lot of time together, because I am determined to make this work between us. So you’ll have to talk to me eventually.” When you didn’t reply to him, he started to get frustrated, not used to people pulling this kind of thing with him. “Fine.” He stood up and before you could say anything, he’d stormed out of the room so he could throw his tantrum without you seeing.
You let out a sigh and snuggled back down into your bed, feeling a wave of fatigue hit you as you got comfortable. You flinched when the door flung back open and Jeno was stood in the doorway with a scowl on his face.
“You win! She’ll have her life spared. But you are forbidden to speak with her, and she will be sent to live in the Western Kingdom as a slave. Happy?” The smile that you gave him after hearing his defeat made his heart flutter, and he knew in that moment that if all if took for you to smile like that at him was him giving you your own way, then he’d have to start getting used to not having things go his way.
It had been two weeks since Nayeon’s confession. You were up and about on your feet and finally enjoying your time in the Northern Kingdom now that you had a fiancé who cared for you. It made you slightly sad that you had to be on deaths doorstep for him to come to his senses and make an effort with you, but since spending most of your days with the Prince, you were overjoyed that he’d changed his mind about you. Your first official date with Prince Jeno was a simple walk around the castle the day after you’d found out about Nayeon poisoning you. You were still rather tired, and Jeno didn’t want to tire you out completely, so he took you on a slow walk around the castle and told you all the stories he had about growing up in the castle. He held your hand tightly, keeping you close to him and enjoying every second he spent with you, just talking about sharing stories. It wasn’t an extravagant date, but it meant the world to you, and your opinion on the cold-hearted, hot head-headed Prince had completely changed. He’d taken time everyday to see you, whether it was to take you out and about on walks, or just to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner with you. Which you really appreciated, considering how busy the Prince was with his duties as the heir to the throne. He had told you that your parents had been exchanging letters with his own parents, but they had decided not to visit you during your illness, instead hoping to see you next on your wedding day. It hurt you that they couldn’t be bothered to make the trip to see you, but you pinned it down to it being such a long journey and you knew just how hard it was to sleep in a horse drawn carriage for the two day long journey.
The flickering candlelight sent shadows dancing on the spines of the thousands of books that lined the walls. Books that told stories, real and fiction, of wars, love, and of creatures of the night you knew didn’t exist. The library felt warm, the large fireplace lit with simmering flames to keep the Prince and his Princess warm in the late hours of the night. You watched Jeno’s lips as he read from the book opened in front of him, his eyes darting back and forth as they trailed across the words written on the paper. Your cheek was resting against the palm of your hand with your elbow keeping it steady on the table, and you couldn’t help the small smile on your lips as your listened to Jeno read about a Prince and a Princess falling in love. It was him who picked the book off of the shelf, and to be honest you had zoned out when he was reading some parts of the story, your brain focusing on his beautiful face more than the poetic words that tumbled from his mouth.
“He grasped her hands in his own, the softness of her fingertips causing riptides in the ocean of love he held deep within his soul, riptides he was ready to dive headfirst into, wanting nothing more than to drown from the assault of her love. The moonlight hit her rosy cheeks, if he wasn’t already blinded from her beauty then that would have ended his eyesight in that moment. Her lips were inviting, like a poison apple begging him to take a bite, but he knew in his heart that the poison she was offering with her plush, angel like lips, was one that would do him more good than bad.” He suddenly closed the book, glancing up at you with slightly reddened cheeks. You furrowed your eyebrows, moving your hand from your cheek to rest it on the table.
“I was enjoying that…” You pouted at him, wanting to know what happened next with the Prince and Princess. “What happens next?”
“Come with me.” He stood up abruptly, hoping that you couldn’t see how his hands were shaking as he snatched your hand into his own.
“Where are we going?” He started to walk so fast that you had to use your free hand to raise your flowing dress up off of the floor before you tripped over the loose material. He failed to respond to you as he steered the both of you through the dimly lit palace. He took you down three flights of stairs until you were on the ground floor, and he didn’t stop until he was stood outside of an arched wooden door. He pushed open the door and held it open for you to enter, smiling sweetly at you wondered past him. The first thing you noticed was the smell. The fresh, crisp smell of flowers and dirt was a welcoming smell, and one that you loved because it reminded you of the springtime in the Southern Kingdom. You couldn’t see much because of the looming darkness, but the full, bright moon shone through the glass ceiling and walls, lighting all the beautiful flowers giving them all a dim colour. You just knew that in the bright sunlight this place would be absolutely stunning.
Jeno gently guided you through the gap between the large flowers and leaves, following the trail that was purposely left and bringing you to an opening where a small table and two chairs resided. You then noticed a small indoor pond off to the side, surrounded by an array of different coloured roses. He pulled you into the clearing, the moonlight beating down on your both and causing shadows to fall on Jeno’s perfectly sculpted face. Your breath hitched in your throat when his hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking your hot cheek and his other hand lacing your fingers together. He smiled softly at you, his eyes memorizing every detail on your face that the moon bestowed upon him.
“You wanted to know what happened next in the story.” He whispered, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip causing your heart to almost skip a beat in anticipation. “I’ll show you.” He gulped as he leaned in, both of your eyes drawing to a close as his cool lips settled timidly on top of yours. You breathed in sharply through your nose, shock sinking into your nervous system as you realised that you were finally kissing your future. Of course you’d felt his lips on your forehead before, but that felt like nothing compared to the feeling of his lips slotted between yours. He drew away, his lips lingering on your own as his thumb started to sweep across your cheek again. You felt your lips automatically pulling into a shy smile, your eyes blinking open with the surprise of seeing his piercing brown eyes gazing at your face. “This is our story…”
The wedding came and went faster than you’d wanted it to. The build up to the wedding only days before had felt like they’d dragged. Your wedding dress fitting, seeing how the grand hall was decorated with the most beautiful and expensive décor that the staff of the palace could find, and finally seeing it all come to be. Your parent’s arrival the day before the wedding had you in floods of tears just from how overwhelmed you felt. You had been on deaths door just a month ago, and there you were, watching your parent’s carriage be pulled by horses with fur as black as night into the grounds of the castle the day before your marriage. Jeno had very busy, so you’d only seen him in passing in which he had looked slightly stressed and had barely given you a rushed kiss on your lips. He had to go to the town hall and give a speech in front of the civilians of the Kingdom about his marriage to you and what it meant for the Kingdoms future. You’d been there at his side, dressed up beautiful in his Kingdom’s colours and looking regal and stunning in the glowing sunshine. The snow had melted away, giving you a view of the Kingdom in a different light, but you knew that it would probably be back soon as the weather in the Northern kingdom was unpredictable.
On the day of your wedding you’d been whisked out of bed, hurried through your breakfast, and immediately taken to be dressed. Your hair had been pinned up and had beautiful white snowbell flowers woven into it. Your face had been subjected to a light dusting of makeup to accentuate your naturally stunning features. You felt like a Princess. You also felt sick with nerves, the familiar feeling of anxiety swimming around like a shark inside of your stomach. But you couldn’t let yourself be taken over by the panic, especially as you stared in the full-length mirror at yourself. Your wedding dress had long sleeves, the entirety of the dress having a layer of snow-white lace over the top of it. The body of the dress coming up over your chest and covering the corset you’d been stuffed into, the tightness of it making your anxiety worse as it felt like a constricting snake wrapping itself around your body. The skirt was a typical Princess skirt that would drag across the floor as your walked despite the beautiful white and gold heels you wore. Your lace veil was so long that it dragged along behind you as you walked. On top of your head you wore a heavy, solid gold crown that was fit perfectly for a Princess.
Once you’d arrived at the Kingdom’s church in your beautiful white carriage pulled by white horses, you waved timidly at the crowd of hundreds of civilians waiting outside the church to give you their well wishes. You noted that Jeno wore a similar crown to your own that sat on top his white blond hair when you finally got to see him as your father, the King of the Southern Kingdom, walked you down the aisle. Seeing Jeno stood at the end of the long aisle made your heart flutter. All of the past worries you had washing away like the melted snow as he stood in his white and gold royal uniform, the same one he’d been wearing on the day you’d arrived at the castle. You’d forgotten about how he’d treated you upon your arrival, but you didn’t care as you took a deep breath, your feet carrying you slowly walked down the aisle. Jeno knew he wasn’t supposed to turn around and look at you, but he couldn’t help himself. He turned around and felt his breath hitch in his throat, tears pooling in his eyes when he was how stunning you looked. After you fell ill, he never thought he’d get to see the sight of you looking like an ethereal angel as you walked down the aisle to marry him. So the sight overjoyed him, his heart bursting with the love he’d found within himself for you. He hated himself for how he treated you, especially now that he knew he was head over heels in love with you.
The ceremony flew by, your hands connected and his lips feeling warm on your own after you’d exchanged vows and rings. The gold ring felt heavy on your finger, but not from the physical weight of it, more from the emotional meaning it had. You were tied to Jeno for life now, and it had your heart beating in joy. You caught sight of Prince Jaemin wearing his own royal uniform in the front line of the crowd, his smile so wide that you couldn’t help but smile just as wide as him. Jeno bit his bottom lip, contemplating his next move, but in his head, he thought ‘fuck it’, and he swept you up into his arms. You squealed in surprise and held onto your husband tightly, the bouquet of red roses in your hand falling to the floor from your shock. Carrying you bridal style out of the church made Jeno feel a sense of pride in himself, and he ignored the heavy feeling sitting in the pit of his stomach about what was to come later. You both climbed into the awaiting carriage, Jeno’s lips finding your cheek as soon as the carriage door closed.
“I love you.” He whispered, lacing his hands with yours and causing you to almost combust on the spot. It was the first time he’d uttered those words to you, and it had your eyes filling with tears of happiness and love.
“I love you too.” You whispered back just as gently as he had. The two of you waved at the people who lined the streets of his Kingdom, your Kingdom. It dawned on you that you were no longer the Princess of the Southern Kingdom, and instead, the Princess and future Queen of the Northern Kingdom.
The wedding ceremony was followed by all the guests of the wedding going to the castle to celebrate with a banquet, soon followed by lots of dancing and mingling. You sat by your husbands side the entire time, greeting your guests with a smile and bow. The two of you held each other close when it was time for the two of you to have your first dance as husband and wife. The entire room going silent apart from the echoing music of the large orchestra as you moved around slowly with him. Soon after everyone else was able to join in, and the room was filled with joy of the festivities.
You were ushered away from Jeno by one of the maids and Mark when it hit 11pm and the guests were starting to dwindle. Your stomach hit the floor as you knew exactly what you were being taken away for. Mark’s voice echoed around your head, but you didn’t take in any of his words as he spoke to you about what was about to happen, despite you already knowing exactly how things were about to go down. You were taken to your new bedroom that you were going to be sharing with your new husband. The décor was beautiful, and it was very similar to the bedroom you’d previously had in the castle. You had a feeling Jeno had requested it to be that way to bring you more comfort. Mark excused himself and left you with two maids. They stripped you down from your wedding gown, leaving you in the white, lace lingerie that you’d been told to wear earlier on in the day. The brassiere came down to an inch above your belly button, the wire in the bra pushing your breasts up and making them look very appealing to the eye. It was paired with a matching pair of panties that did nothing to hide your ass. You wore white, thigh high stockings that were clipped onto the white suspender belt wrapped around your waist. They touched up on your makeup, pulled your hair from the pins to let it fall at your shoulders, tousled from being up all day, and finally left you on your own to await Jeno’s arrival.
It was Kingdom tradition to consummate the marriage on the day of the matrimony in order to create an heir. You were very nervous, especially as you had been dolled up to look sexy, which is something you had never had to be before in your entire life. But you supposed if it pleased your Prince, then it was worth it. You waited for Jeno, nervously pacing around the room in your heels before ultimately deciding that you felt uncomfortable and slipped them off, padding around the room in your stockings instead. You bit at your red painted bottom lip, deciding to sit on the bed to wait for your husband. You sat in the centre of the large bed, the silk bedding feeling like clouds on your bare skin as you leaned on one arm. The doorknob turning had your stomach erupting in the butterflies that had chilled out momentarily. Jeno entered the room and quickly closed the door behind him, leaving his hand on the doorknob as he looked at you with a shocked expression. He wasn’t expecting to see you like that, and his cheeks went bright red with heat from his sudden embarrassment. He hated that they’d undressed you like that, having would have preferred to undress you himself from your beautiful wedding dress. You watched him with shy eyes, wanting to cover yourself up from how he was just stood by the door, dead still, with his eyes on you. Eventually his eyes narrowed, and he shook his head. You looked like the epitome of innocence and grace, and he hated it. He hated that he was expected to ruin you in that way by taking your innocence.
“I can’t do this.” He spoke lowly, your stomach falling through the floor at his words. “No I can’t do this.” He shook his head, his eyes moving around the room to look at everything apart from you.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was soft and fragile, mirroring how you felt in that moment.
“This was a mistake!” He shouted at you, his face looking hard, his eyebrows scrunched up and his eyes seemingly darker than what they had been when he entered the room. You flinched, gulping in fright at his sudden outburst. You didn’t think you’d ever seen this Jeno again after how sweetly he’d been treating you since you fell ill. But maybe that was all an act. An act he couldn’t keep up any longer.
“Jeno…” Your eyes filled with tears as you watched him grab the vase of flowers on the dresser beside the door. The vase hit the wall on the other side of the room with a deafening smash, the flowers and shards of porcelain hitting the floor and making you squeal in surprise. He was angry, and he had never learnt how to control his anger. So he did was he always did when he couldn’t cope with his emotions. He acted on them and ended up getting aggressive.
“This was a huge fucking mistake; I don’t love you. How could I love you when I hardly fucking know you? I was forced into this and I can’t do this anymore!” His shouts echoed around the room, causing a sob to fall from your lips at his confession. The vein in his neck was prominent from how hard his shouts were and his strong jaw was tensed. His eyes held so mush hostility you wanted to cower away. “It would have been better if Nayeon had succeeded. Then neither of us would be here.” With that final blow to you, he pulled the door open and stormed out of the room, slamming it shut behind him with a loud thud that felt like it set a crack in your heart. He’d just told you that it would be better if you were dead. And it hurt. Nothing had ever hurt you more in your life than those words he’d just thrown at you on what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You sobbed harder than you ever had before, your throat burning and face wet from the tears that tracked down your cheeks. Eventually after you’d calmed down some maids entered the room to clean up and comfort you. But you just ignored their presence, feeling numb and staring at the broken vase across the room. Picturing your heart to be just as shattered as the vase.
You hadn’t seen your new husband since he’d ran out on you. It had been five days, but it felt like five months. You felt a longing in your heart, which surprised you because your heart felt so broken and your mind felt so numb. Every member of the palaces staff was either avoiding you, or treating you like you’d break if they spoke in any other way that didn’t sound patronizing. So it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together and figure out that the word had spread about your husband running out on you on your wedding night. Humiliation was a good way of describing how you felt, on top of the sadness and longing, it sat at the edge of your heart, ready to dive off into the pit of your stomach and bring back the butterflies that felt like daggers hitting the walls of your gut. You’d asked Mark where Jeno was, but he just told you that he couldn’t tell you as he was instructed not to. He seemed deeply apologetic though, and you couldn’t blame him for staying loyal to the family he worked for.
The last thing you wanted to do was meet with Prince Jaemin for lunch. But you found yourself being forced to because apparently he wouldn’t take no for an answer and he was prepared to go to extreme lengths to get you smiling again. You soon found out what those extreme lengths were when he let himself into your bedroom with a few maids in tow. The maids were each pushing a metal cart that had steaming hot plates of food you wished you had the appetite to want. Jaemin gave you somewhat of a sad smile, going to the table and chairs inside of your bedroom and pulling a chair out.
“Take a seat Princess.” He nodded down to the chair in his grasp, waiting for you to move from your seat on the bed. You let out a soft sigh, standing up and taking a seat at the table. Jaemin sat opposite you and cleared his throat. “This is probably a silly question, but how are you feeling?” You wanted to laugh at his question, giving him a strained smile as you picked up the mug of hot tea placed in front of you.
“I’ve felt better…have you seen him?” You sipped at the liquid slowly, keeping your eyes on the dark head Prince of the Western Kingdom as he started to pick at his food. He nodded, giving you another sad smile.
“I have. He’s…” He sighed as he thought about what to say, his eyes narrowing as his brain ticked over his words. “Jeno. He’s just Jeno.” The maids left the room as Jaemin dismissed them with a curt wave of his hand.  
“He told me he loved me, then hours later he told me that he never loved me… He also said it would be better if I was dead.” You looked down at your fingertips that were clasping the handle on the mug tightly, trying to will the tears that flooded your eyes away.
“He’s stupid.” Jaemin’s words caused Jeno’s ears to prick up as he stood outside of the door, listening in on your conversation as they door had been left open by the maids when they left. He gripped the bouquet of roses in his hands tighter and his eyebrows furrowed. “You’re such a beautiful woman, and he doesn’t deserve you. You’re kind, he’s not.” You glanced up at Jaemin, feeling like a knife had been twisted in your gut as you listened to Jaemin’s heavy words. “I can only regret that Jeno’s parents beat my own to asking your parents for your hand in marriage.” He let out a sigh, continuing to eat as if he hadn’t just told you that he wished he was your husband and not his own cousin. Jeno felt his blood boiling, and he wanted nothing more than to hit his cousin around the head with the flowers in his grip. But instead he let out a sigh and stomped off, pushing back his plans to apologise to you as he didn’t want Jaemin to hear what he had to say to you.
“Prince Jaemin…I’m a married woman, you shouldn’t be speaking to me like that.” You wanted to sound assertive, but instead your voice was shaky and showed how nervous the conversation was making you.
“I do apologise, I didn’t mean to make you think about what could have been.” He gave you a slanted smile, clearing his throat awkwardly. “You need to eat, you look awful.” This had you letting out a curt laugh, your eyebrows raised as you looked at the cheeky Prince.
“That’s no way to speak to a Princess!”
“I’m just telling you the truth! Please, eat.” Jaemin pushed the bowl of soup in the middle of the table towards you, holding a spoon out for you to take. You let out a gentle sigh and took the spoon, sipping at the warm soup in hopes it shut Jaemin up.
Jeno had spent the rest of the day boiling over what he’d heard Jaemin say to you. He paced around his room and had made a complete mess of his normally neat hair from tugging at it in frustration. The sun had long gone down and he groaned as he laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. He had yet to prepare for sleep, still wearing the loose white shirt tucked into his tight dress trousers. His mind wondered to thoughts of you. He heart was breaking just as much as yours was. He hated himself for the things he’d said to you, and the reasons why he said them to you. The Prince could no longer bare it and came to the decision to put an end to his distress.
He pushed himself up from the bed and didn’t think much of it as he left his room. He let his legs carry him across the castle to where you had been staying in what was supposed to be your shared bedroom. Without even thinking to do the polite thing by knocking on the door, he swung open the bedroom door, his words caught in his throat as he saw you sat by the large window, staring out at the moonlit night wearing a silk robe, your bare legs stretched out on the floor in front of you. You turned to see who had just rudely let themselves into your bedroom and your breath hitched at your eyes fell on your husband, stood with his lips parted and his hand still gripping the door handle as he stared at you. He pushed the door closed and took a few steps into the room, not really knowing what he was expecting your reaction to be. But he knew for sure he wasn’t expecting the reaction he got.
You stood up, pulling the robe tighter over your pyjama clad body, the cotton tank top and shorts not doing much to hide your body, but you weren’t expecting anyone to burst into your room unannounced. Without a word you walked up to the blond Prince stood in the middle of the room, his eyes trained on you as you moved. Your palm hitting his cheek let out a slapping sound echo off the walls, his mouth popping open as his head snapped to the side from the surprising strength you had put into the attack. He was shocked, he had no idea the meek, timid, placid Princess who he’d grown to love had it in her to lay her hands on her husband like that. But he found a fire burning inside of his stomach that made him love you more for doing that.
“Are you proud of yourself?” He slowly turned his head to see the fire behind your teary eyes. A fire that looked like it was about to be put out by the water begging to fall from the waterline of your eyes. “You made me think you loved me, and then on our wedding night you told me you wished I was dead. Now I have to be married to someone who doesn’t love me and be in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life!” He looked down at his feet, letting out a short sigh and trying to ignore how pained your voice was. “Get out.” You turned to walk back to the window, wanting to watch the falling snow in the moonlight in hopes it would calm down your racing heart. You were stopped by a strong grip on your wrist that pulled you against a firm chest, your free hand coming up to land against it in your surprise. The hand on your wrist loosened and a pair of strong arms wrapped around your body, keeping you pressed to Jeno’s torso. The feel of his grip and his familiar scent is everything you’d been dreaming about for the five days that you’d been apart from him. It was almost overwhelming being so close to him, the tears finally breaking past their barrier and streaming down your face as your heart felt like it was slowly mending itself. He pulled his arms away from your waist and moved them to cup your face in both of his hands. Tilting your head up so that your gazes were locked, he poked his tongue out to wet his lips as he took a deep breath.
“I love you so much that it physically pains me to watch the tears as they fall from your bewitching eyes. Being away from you for the past five days knowing how my words would have affected you made me want to throw myself from the tallest tower to my own demise because I knew how hard it would be to coax you into trusting me again. After the wedding, my father took me aside and reminded me of my duty as a Prince, and that I was expected to produce an heir. So that was swimming around in my head like a poison fusing with water and turning all my thoughts damaging. When I opened the door to see you poised like an angel with no wings, I felt like I was doing the world a disservice by tainting your innocence and I don’t know where my mind took me but it was an unpleasant place that left a bitter taste in my mouth and a tear in your heart.” Your eyes glistened with tears as Jeno never once glanced away during the poetic words he spilled to you. He sounded like the Prince in the book that he was reading to you in the library on the night of your first kiss. “I would never wish you dead, nor would I want to ever live in a world that you didn’t exist in. I love you, and I can spend the rest of my life telling you so and apologising if I have to. If it means that you will love me the way you did before I let my mouth talk without my hearts consent. Forgive me Princess.” He stared into your eyes, his own swimming with sincerity leading you to know that he meant the words he spoke.
“I forgive you.” You whispered, letting out a soft sigh as you gazed as his facial features, falling more in love with him as your mind went over his speech.
“Thank you, from this moment on, I will be the husband that you deserve.” He leaned in and placed his lips to your own, the kiss being soft and long as his arms moved from your cheeks to your hips. You moved one of your hands to his jaw and the other to his shoulder, feeling lost in the kiss as he slowly moved his lips against yours. This was everything you’d been dreaming about since your wedding night, and you couldn’t describe the joy and relief you felt at finally having your husband by your side. He licked at your bottom lip, pushing his tongue past your lips when you gave him entrance and letting it explore your mouth as he slowly backed you up to your now shared bed. You’d finally get to share the too big bed with the man you love instead of sleeping alone. That thought alone send sparks across your body that gave you a tingling warm feeling you’d never experienced before.
He moved his lips to your jaw, placing tender kisses to your warm skin before trailing them down your neck. He sucked gentle bruises on your neck as quiet mewls and gasps left your parted lips. His hands tugged at the silk tie of your robe and let the silk slide open. He pushed it from your body and let it fall to the floor, leaving you scantily clad in your pyjamas. His hands scaled up and down your sides as his fingertips got used to the feeling of your body, the silk bunching up as he let his hands wonder underneath your pyjama top. Pulling away from your neck, he gently lifted you onto the bed, crawling over the top of you and diving back in to kiss your lips with vigour. His hands framed your head, holding his body up as his tongue trailed your bottom lip. His body rested against yours, slotted between your legs with his crotch pressed to your own.
You knew the basics of sex. You’d been taught by a very red-faced Mark a few days before your wedding and he’d assured you that Jeno had also received the same embarrassing talk. But you still felt a bundle of nerves wind itself up inside of your stomach and the thought of having the Prince on top of you without any clothes on. But at the same time, you felt a spark of excitement travel to your core that you’d only ever felt before when you’d gotten curious and let your fingers wonder. All the orgasms you’d had were self-inflicted by the use of rubbing your clit late in the night when there was no one around to hear your quiet whimpers. So the feel of Jeno hardening against you through his clothes and your thin pyjamas was causing that familiar feeling to build, spurring you on to want more.
You turned your head and let his lips kiss at your cheek leaving faint marks of spit against your warm skin as his tongue darted out to taste you. Your chest was rising and falling fast as you tried to catch your breath, Jeno’s lips never stopped as you opened your mouth and spoke. “Have you ever…?” You felt your cheeks flare up as you blurted out the question, unable to finish it and hoping he would catch your drift. He paused and his silence piqued your curiosity, so you turned your head to look up at him. His mouth was parted, and his eyebrows were furrowed, almost as if he was annoyed at your question, and you could almost see the cogs turning in his mind.
“No of course I’ve never had sex…have you?” His eyes widened slightly, and he pulled back slightly. You had a feeling if your answer was yes then he was going to cause a scene that would wake up everyone in the castle. It was expected of a Prince or Princess to stay a virgin until their marriage to another Prince or Princess. So you would feel the same way if you found out that Jeno wasn’t a virgin, and you could understand why he had pulled such an annoyed face now you knew he thought you were asking about having sex.
“No! Oh no I didn’t mean, er…I didn’t mean that. I meant have you ever…touched yourself?” Your cheeks were boiling as your embarrassment set in, your voice almost a whisper as you asked him. Jeno visibly relaxed and a small smirk arose on his face.
“Yes, I have. Have you?” He lowered his head and laid gentle kisses to your neck that left a heavy feeling in your stomach. “Have you been a dirty girl and used your fingers to do the job your Prince should be doing?” His voice dropped an octave and your stomach fluttered as his lewd words, your hips bucking up into his as you wished for him to copy what you did late into the night. “Do you want me to do the same to you?” His fingertips trailed down your side, sending shivers up your spine and a small whine to leave your chest.
“Yes.” You whispered breathlessly as he sat back on his knees, staring down at you like a predator staring at its prey. He smirked; his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he tugged your pyjama shorts down your legs slowly. You suddenly felt shy, automatically closing your legs to block his view of your heat but he gripped at your knees and forced them apart.
“Be a good girl.” He gazed down at your glistening pussy, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes darkened. He tried to push down his own nerves, wanting you to think he was confident even though you knew he’d never seen a vagina before. He paused, taking a deep breath as he trailed a tentative finger over your folds from your clit to your dripping hole. “Wow…” He breathed out, shuffling back on the bed and laying so that he was at the right angle to lean out and lick at your centre with his slow tongue. You let your head fall back against the pillow as his tongue flicked up and down slowly, circling your clit and forcing a loud moan to erupt from your lips. Your moan provoked him to take your clit between his lips and suck on it softly, his finger trailing down to your waiting entrance. He slid it in very hesitantly, remembering the words Mark said about it being very painful for a woman if they aren’t prepped properly.
“Jeno…” You whined and lifted your head to watch him as he started to devour your pussy, his enthusiasm making you almost see stars as your toes curled and back arched, the ball of pleasure in the pit of stomach flaring up as if it was going to explode at any moment. “Oh!” You squeaked, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from screaming as he brought you to the edge that you’d sat on many times before from your own doing. Only this time it felt a hundred times better. He stopped abruptly, removing his mouth and stopping his finger. As he pulled his face back you noticed his lips and chin glistening with your juices, causing your stomach to do a flip at obscene sight.  
“I want you to finish on my cock baby girl.” His words almost shoved you over the edge, but you nodded and gulped down the saliva that had built in your mouth as you watched him. You nodded eagerly and licked your lips, gasping slightly as he pushed another finger inside of you. The slight stretch made you wince at first, but after a minute of him pumping his fingers in and out of you slowly the pain dulled, and you could feel the pleasure pouring through.
He pulled his fingers out and sat up again, popping open the three buttons at the top of his shirt before pulling the loose shirt over his head. You propped yourself up on your elbows, staring at his defined body with hearts in your eyes. His blond hair was fluffy from the friction of pulling his shirt over his head and you wanted nothing more than to tangle your hands in the light strands and trail your tongue down his chest. He threw the shirt to the floor and paused as he took the button of his trousers between his fingers and thumbs. He visibly gulped and looked up at you with hooded eyes. You could see that all his confidence had flown out of the window as he stared at you. You smiled softly, sitting yourself up and pulling your own top off, throwing it to the floor with his and leaving you completely naked in front of him. His eyes went wider than you’d ever seen as his sight dropped from your face to rest on your breasts.
“Shit.” He gulped again, his mouth almost watering at the sight of your chest. It was the first time he’d ever seen a pair of boobs in the flesh from what he could remember, and he wasn’t disappointed. He hurried to pop open the buttons on his trousers and he discarded of them, leaving him completely naked. You didn’t get much of a chance to look at his penis as he hurried to lay over you, taking on of your nipples into his mouth and cupping your other breast with his big hand. You wrapped your legs around his waist and could feel his hard cock brushing against your core, making you want more.
“Jeno, I want you now.” You whispered, his eyes glancing up to look you in the eyes as his tongue swirled around your sensitive bud.
“Hang on.” He mumbled against it, taking it between his lips once again and sucking hard. You giggled softly, reaching up and running a hand through his hair and pushing it away from his forehead.
“You like that don’t you?” You bit at your bottom lip as you watched his lips suckle on your nipple. He closed his eyes and nodded, pulling his lips back and letting your nipple go with a pop.
“Are you ready?” He moved a hand down sitting back slightly and taking his cock in his right hand, pumping it a few times. You finally got to see it, your eyes zoning in on the large member he held tightly in his hand. You’d never seen a man’s privates parts either so you had nothing to compare it to, but it definitely didn’t look small, and had a vein running up the underside, the head a pink colour with a milky bead of pre-cum leaking out from the top.
“Yes.” You nodded eagerly, settling your head against the pillow and trying to relax. He smiled softly at you, leaning over you and placing a tender and lingering kiss to your lips as he started to push his cock into you. You gasped, the pain a lot worse than the pain you’d felt from his fingers. Your back arched and tears pooled in your eyes as you tried to cope with the pain, not wanting him to stop as this was the most intimate you’d ever been with anyone, and it being your husband that you loved with all your heart meaning you’d be crushed if he stopped. He went slowly, pulling out a few times only to push in again in an attempt to fit inside of you better. He stopped once he was fully inside of you, laying kisses on your cheek and stroking your side affectionately to calm you down.
“Tell me if it gets too much Princess.” He spoke quietly into your ear, pulling his hips back and rolling them into you again. He was laying over you so that his forearms were pressed to the pillow on either side of your head, wanting to be as close to you as he could be but still so he could control the situation. He repeated this slowly, letting his head drop into the crook of your neck as his eyes squeezed shut from the immense pleasure shooting up his cock into the pit of his stomach at how tightly your walls were sucking him in. It took at least a minute of Jeno pushing his cock in and out of you for you to feel the pleasure that you’d felt when he’d used his fingers. The pain died down and you focused more on how his strong figure loomed over you, his breath panting against your neck and the sound of skin slapping against skin as he fucked you slowly. “I love you.” His voice was deep and gruff, but the words held so much meaning to you that you let out a loud moan, gripping at his back, leaving red marks on his skin as your nails dragged across it.
“I love you too.” You whimpered, your back arching and thighs starting to shake as euphoria fluttered down onto you like the snow that fell from the sky outside of the window. His thrusts got faster, and he let out little grunts and moans, his tongue darting out to lick at your neck before his teeth bit your skin, sucking a dark bruise into your skin. Your senses felt heightened and you felt like sobbing as the burning in your stomach roared like a fire about to explode. You couldn’t hold on any longer, and as Jeno’s lips met your own in a sloppy kiss, the ball of fire in your stomach finally burst and sent the best feeling you’d ever felt across your system. The orgasm Jeno gave you felt so much better than any you’d been able to bring upon yourself, and you felt yourself wanting to cling onto the man above you as he continued to make love to you.
“Fuck, baby.” He groaned, his eyes tightly shut as his rhythm faltered and he tensed up. His biceps on either side of your head became more defined as he tensed, his hips slamming into you one final time as he came inside of you, his hot seed spilling into your velvety walls. He lifted his head up and slowly opened his eyes, gazing at you with half open eyes. He let out a dazed smile, his hips rolling into yours a few times as he rode out his orgasm. He leaned in and laid his lips on yours, kissing you sweetly and full of love before attempting to pull back from you. You whined and gripped at his body, shaking your head as non-verbal sign that you didn’t want him to get up yet. He let out a soft chuckle and wrapped his arms around your body, rolling you both over so that you were laying on top of him. You laid your head against his chest and let out a sleepy slightly smile.  “Thank you.” His chest vibrated against your head and you looked up at him, stroking at his skin with your fingernails as you raised an eyebrow.
“What for?” You asked, pressing your ear to his chest once more to listen to his heart as it started to beat slower.
“For being such a forgiving, and loving person. What I did was inexcusable, and you had every right to ignore me and tell me to back off. But you didn’t and I am so thankful for that, because I love you, and I’ll love you until my dying breath.” His words tugged at your heartstrings and made you feel a sense of elation. It helped that you were basking in the bliss of sex and his cock was still tucked inside of you, so you hadn’t yet felt the soreness you were sure to feel.
“You’re my Prince,” You pressed a kiss to his chest and smiled at him. “And I am your Princess. I wouldn’t change that for the world.” His arms wound around your body tighter and he placed a kiss on your forehead. It was quiet for a few minutes before his voice broke the silence.
“Can we do that again? Now?”
“Jeno!” You gasped, using your hands to push up on his chest to give him an amused, but shocked expression. “…Okay!”
The castle felt like a much happier place to you now that you could walk around without worrying about whether you’d end up pissing off the angry Prince if you came across him. Instead you now walked around actively trying to find him, wanting to spend as much time with him as you possibly could. The first night you’d spent together those five months ago had been the kickstart to the happy ever after that you’d read about in the books. And ever since that night, Jeno had stuck to his words and had been the best husband you could have asked for. When he wasn’t doing his Prince duties, he was by your side. Keeping you company, reading to you, trying his best to bed you, or talking to the ever-growing bump you had that held the future Prince or Princess of the Northern Kingdom. It didn’t come to a surprise to either of you when you’d found out about your pregnancy a month after you consummated your marriage. And the King and Queen were thrilled once you announced it to the Kingdom. The Queen had been spending a lot more time with you too, ecstatic that her son had finally seen the light and started his life with you. You had exchanged a few letters with your own parents, and they were happy for you and promised to visit you soon. Prince Jaemin had given you a wide smile and a friendly hug, before turning away and letting his face fall at the news of your pregnancy. He couldn’t ignore the thudding in his heart as it longed for you, but he had to pretend everything was fine and that he was happy for his cousin and yourself. You hadn’t heard anything about Nayeon, but you wished her well and decided to let go of all the negative feelings you felt towards her, giving her your forgiveness despite her attempted murder.
“Will you read to our little Prince or Princess when they’re born?” You sat in the library, opposite your husband at the table in front of the large window, watching the snow as it calmly settled on the ground of the Kingdom. Jeno looked up from the book in his hands and gave you a bright smile.
“Of course I will.” He laid the book down on the table and followed your gaze out of the window.
“They’ll love the fairy-tale books, especially the one about the brooding Prince who fell in love with the kind Princess.” Your smile widened as you talked about the book he’d read to you on the night of your first kiss. You turned to look at him and let out a soft chuckle, licking his bottom lip.
“Yes, it sounds rather familiar doesn’t it?” He tone was teasing, and he glanced out of the window again before letting his eyes fall on your prominent baby bump.
“How did the story end again?” You rested a hand on your bump as Jeno stood up. He helped you to your feet and stood in front of the glass with you, looking out at the Kingdom from the high window as he wound his arms around your frame. You placed your hands on his chest and gazed up at him, a soft smile playing on both of yours lips.
“They lived happily ever after.” He leaned down, capturing your lips with his own, pouring all the love and affection into the exchange. Thanking you in his mind for how you took his cold heart and heated it with your own love. 
Hey, it’s finally out! This took me over a month to write and it’s brought me stress, joy, and finally a sense of achievement at writing something 20k words long. I would appreciate it dearly if you took a moment to tell me your thoughts and feelings about this piece. I’d love some feedback! I hope you enjoyed it x
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