#lee scoresby x jack the lamplighter
jack-the-lamplighter · 7 months
Okay hear me out guys...
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Their shipname is flames cuz i said so
Also made some silly art :3
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If you're fanfic writer (or know any)...
Just add me to your taglist or recommend me your (or someone's) old fic. I'll be happy to explore your works that I didn't find myself!
My tumblr's form to sharing posts
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the-fangirls-desk · 3 years
Note: All reader insert fics are written by a female POV without any color or race particularly in mind, as I try to keep it as open as possible. (Most of the time.) Please let me know if anything in my fics are particularly uncomfortable for you and I will tag them as accurately as I can. Thank you and enjoy!
Also pls keep in mind not EVERY fic is reader insert
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐲
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Warm Bodies (Oneshot)
Lost in the Woods (Moodboard)
Lee (Character Playlist)
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧:
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Hamilton x Writer S/O Oneshot/Headcanon
Take A Break (Oneshot)
Alexander Hamilton (Moodboard)
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫:
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Domestic Life (Moodboard)
Jack (Character Playlist)
𝐔𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢 𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚
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Usnavi x Mexican-American Reader (Moodboard)
Summer Daze (Fic/Moodboard)
One Night In Soho (Oneshot)
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katieslotherford · 3 years
Hi, this is my main masterlist in which I'll link any sub-list.
I have never done any requests and would not put myself in a position of being a writer. But I'm starting to get a hang of it again and if you've got a request, feel free to submit via ask. I would consider characters mentioned below. I won't do NSFW (up to T is fine, M might be too, no E pls), dubious content, non-consenual topics. I won't cover actor's lives.
English is not my mother tongue, so some things might sound weird for native speakers. Please tell me...
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Law & Order - Special Victim's Unit
Dominick 'Sonny' Carisi
Just One Word - OS with gn!Reader
Rafael Barba
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Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
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David Santiago
Radio Wade’s Wave FM - Multichapter with gn!Reader
Lee Scoresby
Jack the Lamplighter
Usnavi de la Vega
Juan Alvarez
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Paul Mendelson
Frederick Chilton
Hannibal Lecter
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littledanette · 4 years
(Lee Scoresby x Reader)
Reposting because Tumblr was acting up yesterday.
Hey darlings! 💙 So as you may have noticed, I’m crushing pretty hard on Lin-Manuel Miranda, so I thought I’d start off a new fic based on His Dark Materials. This is part 1. I hope you’ll like it!
WARNINGS: sexual tension, heavy make-out (Lol)
NOTES: The story starts with the tavern scene, right after Lee arrives at the North port. Reader works at the tavern. I might have take a few minor liberties with the original storyline, mostly with the timing - i.e. making Lee stay longer before he finds Iorek, Lyra & the gang. Enjoy!
Northern Lights. Part 1.
The stranger catches your eye the moment he first sets foot in the tavern, with his thick Southern accent and his cowboy hat and his dark brooding eyes. He takes his time, lazily turning around and addressing the men sitting at the tables and the bar as he observes each and every one of them. You raise an eyebrow and curiously watch the scene unfold. The man says he’s looking for a bear. You inhale sharply - you know it’s a taboo subject around these parts, and it doesn’t sit well with the other customers either. You watch from the kitchen doors as a fist fight ensues. The stranger can hold his own, but he’s outnumbered and is soon picked up and kicked out of the saloon. You shake your head and chuckle before going back to work. Too bad, he was kinda cute. 
Later on, just before dinner preparations, you carry a couple of empty crates out the back door with your Arctic fox daemon trotting close behind. You find the stranger sitting on an empty barrel holding his hat in his hands and hushedly conversing with his own daemon, a beautiful hare. The hare pricks its ears up as soon as it notices you staring, and the stranger turns around to look at you.
“Is there a problem, miss?” He asks in his Southern drawl.
“Not at all,” you reply as you set the crates down and wipe your forehead, walking up to the two of them. Your daemon follows suit. You place a hand on your hip, “I couldn’t help but notice…You put on quite a fight this afternoon.”
“Of course you couldn’t help noticing me,” he promptly replies with a smirk, looking you over, “And don’t think I didn’t return the favor…I could see you watching from the kitchen, y’know.”
You shrug, “Just doing my job and enjoying the show.”
He bows his head slightly, “Well then you should know I put un an especially good fight just for your entertainment, missy…”
“Lee…” his daemon speaks up, rolling its eyes at the stranger’s flirty talk.
Not that you mind particularly. Now that he’s up close and under the lamplight, you can tell you were right: he really is very handsome. Dark hair, a thin mustache, tanned skin, and deep, expressive brown eyes. You can guess by his attire - the cowboy hat, large leather jacket, heavy boots and warm clothing - that he’s either an explorer or some sort of gypsy traveller. Maybe both.
“Like what you see, doll?” He asks with another cheeky grin, catching you staring at him yet again. You bite your lip self consciously, but before you can answer, your daemon calls you softly. You look down at her.
“Maybe we should head back inside, it’s almost time for dinner…” your fox says shyly.
You nod in agreement, before turning back to the stranger. “…So, you already have a place to stay, orrrr…. were you thinking of just sleeping in the snow and using your daemon as a pillow?”
He exchanges a glance with his hare and asks, “You hear her, Hester? Is it that obvious that we’re so helpless?” 
You shake your head, rolling your eyes. “I’ll just take a wild guess and say you’re not from around here.” You nod towards the kitchen, “Listen, I’ve got to get back to the kitchen. If you show up and promise not to cause another ruckus, I can speak to my boss and see what we can do about dinner and a room for you.”
He gets up, putting his hat back on his head, “Much appreciated, missy. Promise we’ll be on our best behavior. See you back inside.”
He turns to walk away but you stop him, raising an eyebrow sarcastically, “Excuse me? Shouldn’t you at least have the courtesy of telling me your name for putting me through all this trouble?”
“Sure thing…” he walks back up to you, playing along. “Lee Scoresby, aeronaut,” He makes a grand gesture of bowing and taking your hand to kiss it, “It is a pleasure to meet you, miss….?”
You grin, taking your hand back and turning away from him without answering. Now it’s his turn to stop you. “Hey! Isn’t a name worth a name?”
You stop in the doorframe. Then you turn around and and tell him your name, a cheeky grin on your face, before disappearing with one last “Don’t be late.”. He stands still for a couple of seconds with a goofy grin on his face, until his daemon makes him snap out of it and they head out of the alley. You watch them from the window and chuckle to yourslef… this looks like it’s going to be fun. 
At dinner, you tell Lee that your boss has agreed to rent him one of the room above the tavern. For a short period of time. Very short. You barely convinced him to do so, anyway. Lee thanks you, winking at you as you bring him his food. You roll your eyes in mock annoyance but smile playfully at him. He takes his time with his food, conversing only with his daemon and keeping well away from the other customers who eye him suspiciously. You feel his eyes on you as you hustle back and forth, carrying plates and filling cups, listening to your boss barking orders from the kitchen as your own daemon trots back and forth to follow you. You’d think it would feel creepy, the way Lee kept looking at you, but honestly? You kind of like it. The frisson between the two of you sparks every time you cross his stare, sending a little jolt to your stomach. You somehow make it to the end of your shift, and as the customers start to leave you start cleaning up the tables. Lee is still there. He asks you for a drink - twice - and both times he raises his hand and ‘accidentally’ brushes his fingers against yours as he takes the glass from your hand. He also makes sure to prolong eye contact with you for a moment too long. Far from shying away, you return his stare, your own cocky attitude rivaling his. When the last of the customers is gone, your boss tells you to finish cleaning up and leaves for the night. He’s lucky enough to be able to afford an actual house close by the tavern, while you need to make do with one of the smallest spare bedrooms above the kitchen. Your boss glares one more time at Lee before disappearing out the door.
Lee is leaning leaning back on the chair, unbothered, smoking, with his legs stretched on the chair opposite him. His daemon sleeps cuddled up in the chair besides him. Your own daemon is sleeping too, comfortably cuddled up in one of his nests beneath the bar.
You’re curious to see how long it’s going to take before Lee speaks up. Obviously, not long at all.
“So…what’s your business, missy?” He asks, lazily blowing a smoke circle in the air, “And don’t tell me you’re only here to serve tables, cause I’m good at reading people and I’m here to tell you I will not believe that bullshit for a second.”
You chuckle lightly, giving in and sitting down besides him. “Funny, you don’t strike me as a people person.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t avoid the question.”
You cross your arms across your chest, “How about you start talking to me without staring at the ceiling, then?”
He smirks. “Alright, princess,” he concedes, straightening himself up so that he can look right at you, “You have my undivided attention.” His brown eyes are inquisitive, he eyes you curiously.
“Thank you.” You reply, determined to not let his charm distract you.
“So. What’s you’re story?”
“Why would you care?”
“Cause I can tell a restless soul when I see one.”
“…Is it that bad that you’re so defensive?”
“I’m not defensive. You’re a total stranger.”
“I told you. Lee Scoresby. Aeronaut.” He shrugs, “I can guarantee you, there is basically nothing else of interest you should know about me.” “
“Are you kidding me? You live for adventure.”
“Adventure can be overrated.”
“How long will you be staying?”
“Whoa…Now that’s a sharp turn of subject. Long enough. Still want to know about you though, darlin.”
You sigh deeply, “Fine…fine.” You take a moment before answering. “I’m a runaway. Escaped from my family and my old life years ago. Didn’t want to live a life that was already planned out for me. Decided to come looking for adventure up North. I had nothing to lose. Never looked back once.”
“And did you find it?”
“The adventure you were so desperately looking for.”
You try to answer mysteriously, shrugging, “Who knows.”
He props his elbow up and places his chin on his fist, leaning towards you and smiling cheekily. “I like you already.” Again, he stares at you for a moment too long. Just as you’re about to avert your gaze, he taps the table with both hands and gets up. The noise wakes up his daemon and yours. “So…Ready to show me my room? It’s been kind of a long day.”
You guide him upstairs and in front of his room’s door. He asks you where you’ll be sleeping, suggestively adding ‘in case I need anything tonight’, and you merely reply that you’ll be ‘close enough’ but that you’re sure ‘he’ll be just fine on his own’. He seems to examine you for a moment, entertained by your sassiness. Before you can congratulate yourself on your smart ass answer, however, he unexpectedly places a gentle hand on your cheek and leans forward to place a lingering kiss on your skin. “Goodnight, then, missy,” he whispers, and you feel a sudden heat wave spread from the pit of your stomach to the tip of your toes. He disappears inside the room before you can do or say anything else. You hurry to your room before he can come back out and see just how flustered you are. 
You’re not quite sure what’s going on, but you’re starting to believe it’s going to be a wild ride with this one. 
The following day, Lee greets you at breakfast with a meaningful look that makes your knees go weak for a moment. He’s charming and damn, he knows it. He eats quickly and gets up to leave, not before asking you to ‘be a darling and keep a warm plate’ for him. And just like that he’s gone. He doesn’t return until right before dinner. He looks exhausted but greets you with another wink and his usual charming smile as soon as you walk over to bring him his food. You don’t want to seem too eager to see him again, but you’re not as good at hiding it as you’d want. After dinner, Lee waits for you, again. He waits for the tavern to empty and he waits for your boss to leave, and he waits for you to finish tidying up. Then, he tells you to pick up a bottle and come over to keep him company. You gladly slump down besides him with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He puts out his cigarette and pours you both a drink. That one drink soon becomes several others. The two of you talk for more than an hour - actually, he does most of the talking, which surprises you. You hardly notice how many times he fills your glass. You soon start feeling particularly relaxed, thanks to the whiskey. You prop your elbows on the table, resting your head on your hands and leaning towards him. You barely notice him drawing closer, shifting his chair and leaning towards you to mirror your position. Somewhere during his endless narrative of one of his adventures, he stops mid sentence, examining your face and placing a hand on your cheek like he’d  done the night before. “Goddamn, you’re real pretty....” he murmurs, his voice dropping low as he examines your face and brushes his thumb against your skin. Suddenly you’re aware of how close you two are. But you don’t care. You both stand still, breathing heavily, and the moments seems to drag on forever before he clears his throat and says he has to wake up really early again the following day. You walk him to his room and, again, he leans in and kisses your cheek. Before you can help it, your hand reaches up and touches his face, holding him there for a second too long. You blame the alcohol. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to inhale his scent and enjoy the warmth radiating from him for a moment. Then you suddenly let go, almost embarrassed. Lee pulls away with a playful smile on his lips, bidding you goodnight before either of you can do or say anything more. Uh-oh, you think, eyeing your daemon worriedly. “What the hell was that?” 
The next day goes by almost exactly the same. You have Lee’s breakfast ready and bring it over to him as soon as he sits at his table. This time, you’re the one to greet him with a wink. He seems pleasantly surprised. He enjoys his food, then buckles up in his heavy jacket and gets ready to leave again. He takes care to wait until you come over to clear his table, casually placing his hand on your forearm as you reach for his plate and leaning in to whisper, “See you tonight, darling.” Before briskly leaving without another word. You spend the day thinking about him. He’s late at dinner. You start to worry. Then you hear the tavern door swing open, and when you see him standing there with his usual cocky grin, your heart leaps in your chest. Dinner can’t go by fast enough. By now, you know what’s going to happen next. And sure enough, after he’s done eating Lee lights up another smoke and waits for the room to clear. Thankfully, your boss leaves shortly after. Lee doesn’t even need to speak: all it takes is for you to glance his way, and he raises an eyebrow, motioning you over. You bring another bottle and two glasses. He starts talking and filling your cup again. And again. He’s not just handsome, you realize. His life, as you had imagined, is absurdly adventurous. He’s charming. And interesting. And incredibly smart. But after yet another round of drinks, however, all you can focus on are his eyes. His deep, dark eyes, scrutinizing you and taking you in even as he continues to speak. You hardly notice you’re sitting on the edge of your set. You keep leaning closer to him. You almost feel hypnotized by his eyes…And then, your gaze lands on his lips. It’s just for a second, but it’s enough. You can’t help yourself. You reach out and grab his shirt, pulling him to you and cutting him off mid sentence. You kiss him. And he wastes no time kissing you back. His hands reach for your waist and he pulls you off your chair, making you land somewhat clumsily on his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your hands in his hair, lightly biting his lips. His hands travel up your back, making you shiver pleasantly. You deepen the kiss, his scent overwhelming you now that you’re so close: he smells of tabacco and leather and a rich, musky scent that is very much him. He kisses you slowly and deeply, taking his time to savor you, his calmness in stark contrast with your eagerness. You raise yourself slightly to adjust yourself better on top of him, but suddenly he pulls away. You’re both out of breath. You look at him questioningly.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Quite the contrary, sweetheart,” he replies with a small chuckle, reaching behind him to take your hands in his. “But…we don’t need to rush this.” You’re confused.
“But don’t you want-?”
“Yes I do, darling,” he answers patiently, nodding, “But I want us to enjoy this. You’re too special to burn it like this…I don’t want you to think that’s all I want from you.”
“What a charmer,” you say sarcastically.
He laughs lightly and places a kiss on your hands, “I told you, I’m good at reading people.”
You give up and get off of him - not without making sure he hears you huff in disapproval. He chuckles and gets up, offering you his arm. You sigh again, but take his forearm nonetheless. This time, he’s the one to guide you upstairs to your rooms. He grins at your slightly annoyed expression as you stand in front of his door. He tilts your chin up and you look at him, still acting offended. But you quickly forget as soon as he wraps his other arm around your waist, pulling you close. For a moment, all he does is examine your face. You stand perfectly still beneath his gaze. His hand ghosts across your face, brushing against your cheekbone and barely caressing your lips. Then he turns serious, leaning in for another kiss. This one is less urgent, more slow, and definitely much more sensual. He pulls his body flush against yours, holding you in place. And, although the kiss is gentle, the strength with which he grips your waist and the growing pressure of his pants you feel against your leg lets you know just how much he wants this. You allow him to dominate this kiss, and when he pulls away his eyes are even darker than before
“Better go off to sleep now, darling,” he whispers, his voice husky, his accent getting thicker, “Before I lock us both inside here.” You nod and somehow manage to let go of him and retreat to your room, not without stealing one last glance with him from across the hall. As you lay awake in bed shortly after you are painfully aware of how little the both of you are going to be able to resist this.  
And sure enough. The following day, Lee keeps looking at you all throughout breakfast, his gaze so intense that you have to concentrate to keep your hands from shaking as you serve coffee to the other customers. Then he gets up and disappears out the door without a single word. Surprisingly, he shows back up at lunch, looking even more tired and roughed up than usual. There’s dark circles under his eyes and his coat and boots are stained with dirt. He silently sits down, deep in conversation with his daemon. You wonder what he’s been up to. He barely glances up when you bring him his food, and your heart sinks. You head back to the kitchen and frown. What’s his problem? He’s the one who was talking about ‘not rushing it’ because you were ‘special’. You shake your head and roll your eyes. Men. You bring him his second plate. This time, you’re the one ignoring him. So be it. His problem, not yours. You think you hear the words “bear” and “lost armor” whispered between him and his daemon as you pass by, but you don’t care. You carry on with your job, making a point to continue ignoring him. You briskly clear his table as soon as he’s done eating…Missing his questioning glance in the process. You head back to the kitchen, and a few moments later your boss comes in to tell you to take out two sacks of trash. You huff, not even bothering to put on a coat even though it’s freezing outside. You drag the two huge sacks out the door, heaving them on a pile with other waste. You take a moment to breathe in the fresh air. Your fox daemon suddenly perks its ears, turning its head to look behind you. You turn around as well and jump.
“Lee, you scared-”
He doesn’t let you finish. In two strides he’s in front of you, and before you can realize what’s going on he lifts you up, pushing you against the wall and crashing his mouth on yours. He heaves you up, holding you from behind your knees and settling between your legs. You barely have time to register what’s going on, but you welcome his advance and wrap your arms around his neck instinctively. 
It’s as if somebody has lit a firework. You close your eyes as he devours your mouth, biting your lips and caressing your tongue with his. You also wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer, sensually grinding your hips into his. He breaks the kiss and buries his face in the crook of your neck, groaning.
“Not fair…” he mutters under his breath.
“Neither is creeping up on people after ignoring them all -” you start to snap back, but your voice gets cut off with a whimper as you feel Lee bite down on your neck. Somehow, you can tell it’s a warning: now is not the time to talk about that. Alright. Fine. You close your mouth, and he lets out a satisfied huff of breath. Then his teeth start grazing your sensitive skin, before leaving a hickey on the hollow of your neck. You gasp out loud, tilting your head back. He takes the advantage to move his mouth along your collarbone, planting much softer kisses on your skin, moving up towards your jaw. You whimper in frustration, placing both hands on the side of his face and pulling him back to your mouth. He grins in the kiss. His grip on your thighs tightens as you tease his mouth with your tongue. You break the kiss and bite the corner of his mouth, letting out a provocative moan. He pushes you harder against the wall and you whimper when he pulls away for just a moment, before kissing you even more ardently. He feels you slip your hands beneath his leather shirt and moans appreciatively, moving his hands beneath your ass and cupping your cheeks to pull you closer still. You’re both getting a little too carried away, but neither seems to mind. Just then, Lee’s daemon calls out for him from the other end of the alley. He reluctantly breaks the kiss. You’re both panting. He leans his forehead against yours, staring deeply into your eyes. His daemon calls for him again. It sounds urgent. 
“Tonight,” he promises.
You nod. He sets you down gently, and leaves you with one last ardent kiss. You bite his bottom lip and hold him against you, prolonging the kiss just a little longer to try and keep him from leaving, and he groans in frustration. But his daemon calls for him again, and he has to forcedly pull himself away from you, his stare lingering on you for just a second more. And then, just like that, he’s gone. 
You have absolutely no idea how both of you are going to make it to tonight. 
Part 2 is here !
Like what you read? Did you enjoy the story? Do you want to support me and my writing? You can buymeacoffee! 😊 Thank you for your support 🙏🏻💜
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linsane · 4 years
Lin Manuel Miranda look alike
With Lin Manuel Miranda's personality
Basically just LMM
Thats it
Thank you for joining me on my TED talk.
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the-fangirls-desk · 3 years
I Have a present for everyone!
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Since my new fic I'm working on is multi chapter, and won't be posted till it's all done, it's obviously gonna take a while.
So, as a treat to everyone who follows this blog, (despite what my bio says) I will be temporarily taking requests to do some mini fics for you! This may become a thing in the future where requests will be open for a very short amount of time.
Since I'm trash for sleepy intimacy prompts and for Lin's characters, that's how we're gonna do this. (Fun fact, we're gonna get some more sleepy intimacy in my big one coming up)
Send me a prompt and a Lincarnation for me to do some short-short stories!
Characters I'll write for
1. Alexander Hamilton
2. Lee Scoresby
3. Jack The Lamplighter
4. Usnavi
Sleepy prompts here (x)
This "event" is only temporary and will close THIS MONDAY at 10 AM Central Time! Hurry hurry my friends!
(Posted Saturday, January 29th 9:16 AM Central Time)
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littledanette · 4 years
Okay but seriously
Can someone please explain to me how this man 👇🏻
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And THIS man 👇🏻
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Are even the same person?!??!??
biTCH - Like.... how does he go from cuteadorablecuddlyawkward Linnamon roll to OMGpleasef*ckmeupsir in 0.3 seconds flat???? Cause I’m??? Just????? Wtf?????
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linsane · 4 years
If anyone cares - I'm writing part 3 to Right place, wrong time.
Sorry being an adult and obsessing over actors who I'll never meet does not go well together. In the meantime, enjoy this.
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linsane · 4 years
Right place, wrong time
Part 5
Sorry it took so long. Work has been crazy mad.
It was breathtaking. The entire mountain covered by the thick, wild bushes and trees. It felt peaceful. For the first time in a long time I felt at peace. It was silent.  The only sound was the splashing of the waterfall and the tranquil noises of all the wild animals. I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes. Coming to Puerto Rico is probably the best thing I've done.
"You ok?" I felt Lin's warm hand on my shoulder. I smiled even more. Looking back at him I gave him a reassuring nod and he smiled back.
"Its perfect" I whispered.
We have been sitting in the clearing next to the waterfall for a while. Enjoying the peace and each others company. The sun was now beautifully illuminating the whole scene. It was dreamlike before - now it just felt more magical.
Lin spoke about his family, his beautiful boys and career. I listened intently, studying his voice and movement. I wanted it all engraved in my mind. The way he raises his eyebrows when he smiles, the way his eyes glistened...
"So home is always crazy. The boys drive me and Vanessa..."
He stopped.
"Umh... yeah. So... you up for a swim before we head back down?"
I'm not going to lie - the thought of submerging myself in that water has been tempting me since we got here. I nodded eagerly and proceeded to take my shoes off. Lin did the same as he swiftly removed his tshirt.  I stopped. I didn't bring anything to swim in.  Lin must have seen my hesitation.
"I'll just jump in and turn around" his eyes were smiling.  A sly smile. I nodded as I tried to stop inspecting his chest. He ran and jumped into the water. As promised, he turned right around and waited. I froze for a second looking at the water that glistened on his back... my oh my. I do need to control myself.
I quickly removed my top. Thank god for the sports bra. I slowly walked into the water and swam towards Lin. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. The water was perfect. Not too cold but good enough for a swim and to cool our bodies down. It was perfectly clear. It was then I realised Lin was studying me. I could see his hungry eyes undressing me and I couldn't help but undress him with mine. Suddenly we both looked at each other. Mouths dry. Eyes wide.
"God you're beautiful"
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linsane · 4 years
Right place, wrong time
Part 4
I mean no disrespect to anyone! This is just from the depths of my imagination. I love LMM and VN. I can't help with the things my brain comes up with. If you don't like it, please don't hate. Just scroll by.
"So what are you doing in Puerto Rico?" He emphasised the r's as he swirled the remainder of the wine in his glass. We have been talking for hours. Drinking, dancing and then talking again. It was so easy.
"Just needed a break. It got a bit too much"
"And you decided to fly to the other side of the world?" He curiously raised his eyebrows as he studied my reaction.
I simply nodded. I dont think my tragic, first word problem story was cocktail talk. So avoided it.
He saw it. He must have noticed.
"So how long are you here for?"
"Just under a month left."
"Ah well then you must be on a tight schedule! So much to see!"
"Absolutely. Im going to the El Yunque tomorrow morning!"
"One of my favourite places!" Lin exclaimed happily. I giggled in reply. His laugh and excitement was infectious and I couldn't help myself.
"I'll come with you. You need a good your guide. Im not biased but I'm pretty good" he winked. Just winked. And my heart skipped a beat.
"If that's alright of course" damn y/n snap out of it before he notices your awkwardness.
"That would be amazing Lin. Thank you"
I looked deep into his eyes. I was grateful. I really was. It was going to be a brilliant day. And I swear he felt the same.
I couldn't sleep all night. His eyes haunted me all night. His genuine laugh. His constant excitement and happiness. I couldn't help but smile.
Finally it was 6am. Lin said he'd pick me up at 7am. He said the view is glorious in the morning and who was I to argue with the self proclaimed genius. I jumped out of bed. For the first time in a long time I was excited.
But what would I wear? I started scrambling through my wardrobe and the last unpacked bag before I stopped. It only hit me now. Why now? Probably because I didn't want to remember this.
Lin was married. Happily. And that always made me happy. Or so I thought.
I quickly grabbed some shorts and a top. I wouldn't give it more thought. He was just being nice. I grabbed my hair and pulled it into a messy ponytail. I smiled softly as I made my way down the stairs.
"Ah y/n!" Ana exclaimed with her usual smile. "I was about to call you down" she said as she put her delicate wrinkly hand on Lin's shoulder. He looked great. As usual. His eyes smiled as he noticed me walking down the stairs.
"Mr Miranda was just telling me about last night! I'm sorry I didn't realise when you disappeared!"
"Ana its fine! I had a lovely time"
"It was" Lin said, his eyes never leaving mine. "Shall we?"
I nodded and followed him out the door as we began our trek. All I could hear was Ana giggling in the background.
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linsane · 4 years
Right place, wrong time
Part 2
Villa Eshta was the perfect place. Even in my extremely jet lagged state i appreciated the beautiful mural and the stairs leading up to the warm coloured building. The perfect hotel to stay in.
A cheery voice woke me as I walked through the doors.
"Hi... hola... vine a ..."
"Yes yes check in" the elderly lady laughed softly as she walked towards her ebony desk.
"Senora..." she raised her eyebrows as she studied my puffy face.
"L/N. Y/N L/N"
"Ah yes. Y/N. You're staying for a month. Correct?"
"Si." I paused. "Whole month" my eyes must have been tired or teary as the realisation flooded over me. A whole month. By myself. On the other side of the world. The lady smiled softly as she handed me an old key and held my hand carefully in her warm hands.
"Well Y/N . We will make sure you'll have a fabulosa time here in Puerto Rico. My name is Annalisse. Please ask if you need anything ... at all" Ana gave me one last reassuring smile before disappearing again. I slowly made my way up to my room. As soon as I opened the door, I threw myself dramatically on the bed and wept.
************3 days later************
"Buenos días Ana"
"Ah buenos días Y/N. Did you have a lovely day?"
"Oh yes! I found so many beautiful spots - the island is beautiful!"
"I knew you'd enjoy your time here" she laughed as she gave me a quick squeeze.
Over the past couple days Ana became a motherly figure. One that I never had - caring and daring. I've seen and experienced more in the 3 days I've been here than in the 25 years of my boring life...
Realising I haven't even informed everyone back home that I arrived, I quickly unlocked my phone to send a quick message.
That was a mistake.
Hundreds of missed calls.
Thousands of concerned texts.
I started to read one of the angry messages from my parents. Once again I felt like a disappointment.
"Y/N mi preciosa"
Thankfully, Ana noticed my frozen state and her warm touch woke me.
I looked at her lovingly through my teared eyes.
"Get changed Y/N. We are going out"
Ana led me to a small bar. It was beautifully lit up with warm fairy lights. It made the place look peaceful despite the many bodies grinding and dancing to the rhythmic salsa music. She introduced me her friends, family... it was overwhelming. They were all loving, kind... I never felt so appreciated and noticed.
Before I realised, I was swirling and dancing with them. My red dress flowed as I moved my body to the beat. It was ecstatic. As I danced with one of Ana's grandsons, he spun me around quickly. I was giggling and smiling like a Cheshire cat and when I stopped spinning all I saw were the most beautiful brown eyes across the room.
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linsane · 4 years
Right place, wrong time
Part 1
I never expected all of this to happen. Suddenly my life was a spiral that was out of my control. As the only girl in my family, I was expected to be perfect at all times. And for a while I tried. Whilst my friends were gettingg drunk, high or pregnant... I finished university, got my first job, passed my driving licence and got a promotion at work. Twice. I never stepped out of line. Not even once.
Well... not until I turned 25 and I couldn't take the pressure anymore - despite doing everything right it was all still wrong. Never good enough. For 20 years I was bending myself backwards to get it all right. And after 20 years I realised I wasn't doing it for me. I wasn't happy.
So I decided to leave. I wanted to disappear.
This story starts in an airport, where I'm writing out my last message to my friends and family.
"I'm leaving for a month. I'll drop you all a text once a week so you know I'm okay. I just need some time to myself.
All my love Y/N xxx"
I quickly sent the text and turned my phone off before the panicky texts and calls would come in.
Breathe I thought to myself. You need this. Before I could change my mind, I grabbed my suitcase and headed to the gate.
My destination? Puerto Rico.
The doubts started to come to me when I was on the plane. What was I thinking? My parents will go mad... I might as well disappear from the face of the earth right now. Best thing to do now is to close my eyes and pray my parents don't send a battalion after me.
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linsane · 4 years
Right place, wrong time
Part 3
It was hard not to notice them. They were beautiful. Shiny yet dark. You felt as you were being engulfed. Familiar yet strange feeling overwhelmed you. His smile reached his eyes and I couldn't help but smile back. With another twirl, I lost sight of the man. The moment was fleeting. It was over as quickly as it came.
I felt empty. Happy yet empty.
I shook my head slightly and continued to focus on the Latino music and the beat of the drums. Suddenly Marco spun me around, dipped me low as I chuckled lightly. Time for a swap. He spun me towards my new partner and I found those beautiful brown eyes again.
This is when the realisation hit me.
Lin Manuel Miranda was standing in front of me. His hand on my back.
I must have been staring for a while as he continued to lead me and dance.
"Lin" he said smiling. His eyes never leaving mine.
"I know I mean.. I'm Y/N"
"Nice to meet you y/n" my name rolled off his tongue like a beautiful melody, a lyric and symphony. One that he has been playing for years.
I relaxed.
We continued to sway for a couple more minutes. I giggled and laughed as he dipped me or swirled me around effortlessly. I have never felt so at ease but in his arms... it felt like I was home. Like I belonged there.
Sorry its so short. Sadly work and adulting is back on but I'll try and write as quickly and as much as I can.
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linsane · 4 years
Feel like I need to write all my daydreams down ...
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