#lee seoyeon fluff
octoberautumnbox · 4 months
fromis as your girlfriend?
ok :DDDD
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You wrap your coat around Saerom and plant a kiss on her hair once you get the chance.
"I was kidding," she giggles, "I'm not that cold." Despite her words, she snuggles your coat a little bit more before she tries taking it off. However, the moment the skin of her hands are exposed to the frigid air, she shivers and rubs them together.
"There's no point in lying, Rommie. You're about as hard to read as a children's vocabulary book." Your hands meet her cheeks, a miscalculation on your part, and she shivers at how cold you are. Her eyes fill with a sort of shy sadness, but her quick thinking saves you both.
"Uhh, my legs are tired too. Carry me?" she asks bashfully, knowing you can't refuse her. Of course you oblige, and as you pick her up in a piggyback ride, she wraps both your and her coat around you to keep you warm too.
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The bowl clatters to the table, spilling its contents all over the surface. Your yelp is loud and sharp, reflecting the pain that covers four of your fingers in the hot soup.
"Fucking idiot," Hayoung grunts. She rushes to wipe your hand free of the liquid, while simultaneously righting and filling the bowl your dropped with cold water. She places it in front of you and dips your fingers inside.
"Be more careful next time." Her voice is stern like it always is when you get hurt. "I can't always be around to look after you and keep you safe. It's like you're doing all this on purpose, honestly."
Behind the scolding, you know her words come from a place of genuine worry and care. Of course they do; her heart can't bear seeing you in pain. Hayoung's gaze never leaves your hand, her fingers never leave your wrist. She has to make sure you're okay.
"It was just an accident, my beloved bread loaf. It wouldn't kill me." The worry in her eyes balloon more, as if she's near tears.
Ease her worries, pull her in and plant a kiss on her exposed forehead. "But okay, I'll be careful. I'm sorry."
Her gaze softens as she finally meets your eyes. A small smile forms at the corners of her mouth before her attention returns to your healing hand.
She fishes your fingers out of the bowl and carefully kisses each one after every word: "I love you too."
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You find Jiwon outside the laundry room with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a finger between her teeth, evidently lost in thought. As you approach her, the smell of detergent overpowers you, and the sound of bubbles popping vigorously out of sight grows louder and louder.
She finally notices you getting closer, and she holds out her hand to stop you. "Okay, before you get mad, know that I did everything right. Something's broken."
"What did you-" you grunt, but as you round the corner and peer into the laundry room, you find the floor covered in suds and the washing machine whirring like it never whirred before.
"See? Broken." Jiwon places her hands on her hips proudly, proud to show none of this was her fault.
Your gaze flies to her in disbelief, and her features drop in disappointment. Her eyes meet the floor between her feet and her voice lowers in volume.
"You're mad," she mutters ashamedly, "I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what happened."
The washing machine finally stops whirring, but the lights all throughout your apartment flicker. You frantically rush for the circuit breaker and flip the master switch off, nearly slipping as you do, and darkness falls all around the two of you.
"It's alright," you sigh. You pat her on the shoulder and pull her in for a snuggle. "You're not hurt, honey?" Stroke her hair and comfort her, still wary that she might be keeping something else about the situation from you.
"Nope, I'm fine, but I have to own up to something: I maaaaybe forgot to read the instructions." Her laugh cuts through the tension of the situation, and you find yourself laughing with her. It'll be a headache tomorrow to get all this fixed, but for now, it's a welcome slow dance with your girlfriend in the dark.
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The two of you head off to a nearby shade as Jisun hums happily at the sweet flavor of her ice cream. She's the type to take bites out of it, and while you found that a bit weird, it takes nothing away from how much you love her.
"What flavor is that again?" you ask while licking your lips free of your own ice cream. She takes a second before meeting your eyes, evidently really enjoying her cold treat.
"It's- Ahahaha, look at you!" She points to your chin while bellowing a hearty laugh. She nearly folds in half as her joy consumes her; each time she rises and takes in the sight of you, she laughs again.
Confused, you fish our your phone and inspect yourself in the screen. In your reflection you find a dab of your rocky road on your nose and a line of it from your lower lip to your chin. It suddenly connects what Jisun was laughing so hard about:
"I'm sorry, love, you a bit look like a clown!" She struggles to get her laughter under control, but loses it when you pull a funny face for her. She pounds your chest weakly, announces her sides are starting to hurt, and yet, her laughter never lets up.
There's no shame nor judgment in her reactions, and you know full well that she's only overflowing with joy to be spending a perfect day like this out with you. There's no harm in laughing at yourself once in a while, especially when you get to hear Jisun's as well.
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You shut the door behind you and walk over carefully to Seoyeon's bed. She lifts up the covers and hurries you in despite you trying your hardest not to spill the ramyeon you cooked for her.
"Thaaank you, sweetheart," she cheers, taking the bowl and chopsticks from you and placing it carefully on her lap over the blanket. She cuddles up to you happily before taking her first bite of your cooking, and she shakes in contentment once the savory taste of the food washes over her tongue.
As the TV drones on in the background, you wrap her in a warm embrace. You have half a mind to scold her, wanting to tell her off for not getting up all day, but with a sight like this, you really hate to break the peace.
Instead, you watch as she devours the ramyeon bite by bite, her eyes never leaving the TV, and her head never lifting off your shoulder. The scent of her hair fills your nose, and the warmth of her body calms you down and releases tension you didn't even know you had.
"Say aaahhhhh." Seoyeon lifts up a bite of her ramyeon and blows on it, then brings it over to your mouth. She stares expectantly as she waits for you to open up, and who are you to decline?
She thoughtfully offers you the bite of her food, her food, and you eat it gratefully. Her eyes turn into crescents as her smile takes over her features, and for a moment you take in the beauty of Lee Seoyeon.
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You snap what might be the millionth picture of her today, probably not even she knows how many you've taken for her so far, and hand your phone back to her for inspection.
"Hmm, no, still not it. Take a few more." She walks back to the wall and strikes another hot pose. Her finger flies towards the stairs, and you understand that she wants you at a higher vantage point for a better angle.
You take a number of steps up the flight, and point your lens at her once more. "Chae, please, we've been here for hours. Can't you just pick the best one?" you whine, but you still fulfill your duty of snapping pictures of her. The light from the flash washes over her features and figure, and you're once again reminded that she's gorgeous. Why even whine about merely taking pictures when this is your muse?
She swipes back your phone and scrolls through your gallery, carefully scrutinizing each photo. She settles on one, and favorites it. "Hehe, thank you, baby. Send all those to me except that one with the heart. "
You take back your phone and find the photo she's talking about, and you notice that by her standards it's the best one out of them all. She flashes a beautiful smile at you, no more pictures, as she wraps you in a warm and grateful embrace.
"Why not this one? I thought you'd like it the most."
"It is! And that one you keep for yourself. Only for your eyes." She kisses you playfully on the lips before smiling again, "For being the best boyfriend ever."
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The live band fills the room with a sophisticated symphony, all the while pieces of silverware clink against plates and hushed, faraway voices of the snooty and rich reach your ears. You try your best to ignore the atmosphere of this fancy dinner, with the only thing in the world making it semi-bearable having a terrible time as well.
"I can't believe I let you drag me all the way out here." Nagyung's knife clacks against the fine porcelain making up her plate, most probably leaving scratch marks on the priceless dinnerware. She retrieves a poorly-cut bite of the tough steak, sighs, and eats it anyway. Nagyung spends a bit more time than usual trying to chew the meat before ultimately swallowing with a grimace. "My mouth isn't made for food like this. I need pizza and Yakult."
"If I recall correctly," you retort, your voice unexpectedly harboring a harsh tone, "it's your fault we're here. You weren't satisfied with suffering alone and you just had to bring me along as a plus-one." The fish's pepper overwhelms your taste buds and you make for your glass of water again. Just one gulp is enough to wash it down, but the sheer amount of fish left on your plate disheartens you.
"Look, I'm sorry. I knew it'd be boring, but I didn't think it would be this bad," Nagyung sighs, shuffling her peas and corn around the plate. You can tell with how she sounds that she means it, and by the way that she acts that she regrets ever mentioning this to you.
Feeling guilty at losing your temper, you attempt to reassure her. It's the least you could do, once you realize how utterly disrespectful what you just said to her was, and try to make up for embarrassing her like that. "This ends at 11, right? Just enough time to get to that Italian place by the park before it closes?"
She looks up at you with a face riddled with shock, but then is quickly replaced with a shining grin. Her teeth gleam in the candlelight as her adorable giggles reach your ears.
"We can just about make it if we break four speeding laws on the way." Her tone is now filled with an unmatched excitement, like the first shot of espresso on a dull morning.
"Awesome. Pick up the pizza, stock up on Yakult, get the hell home. Perfect crime."
Nagyung laughs out loud, attracting the attention of a few others near your table. She covers her mouth, but the smile never leaves her eyes as she whispers: "Are we stealing the pizza too? What do you mean 'crime?!'"
"Figure of speech, dummy," you declare as you twirl your fork in the air like a wizard, "But not completely off the table."
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Jiheon flips the leaf over and over, examining every vein it has. Her eyes rake over the stalk to try and find any defining features at all, but her search evidently turns up nothing of value.
"What type of tree is this?" Her question is innocent, and she's so engrossed in the specimen that she even forgets to look at you.
"Damned if I knew. What am I, a tree-ologist?" Your joke steals her attention, but she responds with only a blank stare.
"Arborist," she says in passing, her attention turning back to the leaf. "They're called arborists."
"Right..." you mutter, shame rising to your cheeks at your apparently immature attempt at humor. Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect.
She picks a leaf off the branch and walks over to you. Your girlfriend drops it onto your palm and says "Keep, please. Wanna look up when we get home."
You nod and put the leaf away in your jacket pocket, and she watches as you expertly stow her specimen in a secure place on your person. Once the both of you are sure the leaf is safe, she clings to your arm and snuggles, the image of pure joy.
"What's gotten into you?" Your question is innocent and maybe a little bit dense, but it only serves to make her smile grow wider.
Jiheon snuggles more into your arm and even plants a kiss on your shoulder. She looks up at you with adoration, but something tells you she has one teeny bit of mischief up her sleeve.
"Nothing, you're just cute, that's all. Thank you." She kisses you on the cheek and refuses to explain any further. Her eyes look ahead as the two of you continue your stroll through her neighborhood.
Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect. In the rare times that you do, it feels like the world is right. But in the times that you don't, like now, it only reminds you how much more of her you're looking forward to seeing.
a/n: that was fun! thank you for the great ask anon :DDDD
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defrosted69 · 2 years
My Emotional Panda
Lee Seoyeon X Reader
(I got this idea from a YouTube video and I decided to add my own twist to it)
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They say that money is the root of all evil. But for some it's an escape to their life. Not everyone was given the opportunity to have a silver plater and a 5 course meal.
Some live off eating at least twice if they were lucky enough to.
And you, out of 8 billion people in the world where one of the unfortunate ones.
Of course you complained sometimes how life was unfair to you. The sight of children your age eating ice cream, pizza, and having cake on their birthday. Heck, You barely even had time to celebrate your own birthday.
Everyday was a hussle for you, whatever work it was you would do it.
Forget education, you couldn't afford to have one. Your own daily expenses wasn't even enough to keep you alive.
Let's not talk about your parents. It's not like you loath them but given you never met them in your entire life shows that they either didn't care for you or they couldn't properly raise you.
The only place you call home, the adaption center was burned to the ground by some mafia thugs.
It's like life is flickering you the middle finger everytime something good happens to you. That's when you realize that life and the world was unfair.
Kids your age should have been enjoying life, eating delicious food and having no care at all but life didn't give you any of that. Instead it gave you suffering and agony.
The days and nights you have to sleep on the dark street and even having to fight for a place to stay shows how hard life really is.
Adults should have been the one guiding young people and showing them the rights to their wrongs but why didn't you feel it.
Instead of hearing an apology or a word of empathy, you were spit with venomous words and even had to endure the physical assault they gave you.
If there was one positive thing that you were thankful for is your patience. No matter how annoying and stressful things escalate you remain calm and collected. Some may want that trait but for you it's a curse. All that emotion bottled up inside you will surely kill you emotionally.
But on a breezy afternoon, it seems faith and destiny weaved up a line that will change your life for the best.
With a growling stomach and no food in sight, you decided to put your chances on a nearby park hoping the ungrateful people who throw away their food in the trash be your dinner.
With your small wobbly legs, you pushed through your weak and fragile body checking every trash bin available.
The rustling sound and unbearable scent had no affect on you as you were a starving man to death. When desperate times arrive, Thouh shall make desperate measures.
But it's as if bad luck was implanted on your DNA that no food was in every trash bin you checked. You did a double check, triple check, turn every trash bin upside down but there wasn't any single sight of edible food.
You were frustrated and devastated. This wasn't on a normal basis but there are days where you just come up empty handed. And this day was the worse day as your stomach pain was beginning to get worse and worse.
Your wobbly weak legs couldn't lift your body anymore as your eyes searched for a place to rest your body.
It wasn't that long when you saw a wooden park bench as you sat there looking down on the ground.
Maybe it was your hunger kicking in as you could see the concrete floor in 4k as every particle was visible in your sight.
Your eyes were beginning to get heavy as you suddenly felt a strong urge to take a rest. Being a naive kid you are, you slowly laid your head on the wooden floor as you prepare yourself for a deep slumper.
"Heh, he fell asleep."
A voice and a soft pillow immediately woke you up as all of your senses were alerted.
You sprang up immediately as you looked to see where the voice came from.
"Geez, Did you really have to jump? My Mom always make Dad sleep in her legs. Hmph"
A small girl who's smaller than you pouted as you look at her in surprise.
Her attire is what you always see in big malls, the silver spoon kids as you call them.
"Wha-What do you want?"
There was a small shiver on your voice as the girl smirk at you.
"You have been digging trash cans since we arrived here. What are you a racoon? You're suppose to eat like a human like us. Give me your hand."
She extended her arms as she opened her hand hoping you would take hers. You have seen how people easily fake their trust and stab you in the back. It was mostly done by the adults but seeing someone your age doing something like this, it was skeptical.
You were hesitant but you slowly gave her your hand as she smiled and she suddenly pulled a wrapped burger on her pocket and gave it you hand.
Your eyes widen in suprise even though your hair has covered most of your eyes. Your facial expression showed that her act of kindness caught you by suprise.
"Don't tell my parents this but I bought you a burger hehehe~"
She happily smiled at you as you stare at the burger in awe. Without hesitation, your instinct kicked in as you ate the burger that was given to you.
Never in your life have you ever tasted such delicious and well made burger as a sudden rush of emotion ran through your body.
No one in your life has ever showed you kidness like this before as you didn't expect that it would come from a girl your age.
She could hear you sobbing as you ate the burger as she couldn't help but look at you with pity.
"So.. Mmghood...."
The sniffles made her irritated as she pulled out her handkerchief and grabbed your face. You saw her glare at you as you suddenly felt scared.
"Gosh, your crying so much. Here."
She gently wipes your tears away with her handkerchief and smiled afterwards seeing you stop crying. She sat up and gave you one last smile and said the words you will never forget.
"Never give up okay crybaby?"
Those few words immediately left a mark on your heart and mind. The very first person to show you kindness, was a girl.
What was her name?
At least you should know her name right?
"Wha-What's your name?"
With a smile, she said
"Lee Seoyeon."
"Oi, wake up dude. The boss man is looking for you."
You woke up from a good nap as you rose up smiling after recalling a very good memory from the past.
Your co worker notice the visible smile you have as he couldn't help but smirk as he nudge you playfully.
"Oh my did our little precious Y/n got a very naughty dream? Tsk tsk such a bad boy~"
You could only sigh at him as you made your way to your boss office.
It's been 10 yrs since that memory occurred and by now your already a working employee on the same park you found her.
The first time you met her was also the last time you saw her as you visited this park everytime but she never came back.
Instead of seeing her, you were offered a job to clean the park CRs instead of stealing food and you took it. You didn't complain or anything as years go by and you were now a standard employee of the park.
Your boss office wasn't anything grand but his facial expression always had that stoic face. You can never tell what he is thinking.
"You called for me boss?"
"Ah, Yes, take a seat Y/n."
You wasted no time to take a seat near his table. He adjusted his glasses before he spoke.
"I'm giving you a new job which is something unique."
This made you raise your eyebrow at him as your boss wasn't the typical boss. He would often say his thoughts in riddles. And considering you can't understand riddles, you were confused.
"Ummm, boss what do you mean?"
"I want you to wear a bear costume to attract customers for the newly opened amusement park inside the park. And since your good in attracting people. Why not try on a suit?"
His request was questionable as you wanted to ask why but he suddenly pulled an odd looking bear suit which at first glance looks so weird.
"That's your outfit. Try it on."
It wasn't dusty nor smelled like dust so you tried it on and fit you perfectly well except that the bear looks HORRIFYING.
"Umm, Boss. You sure this is an outfit that could attract people? Looks like a suit for robbing a bank."
That silence alarmed you as you immediately asked.
"Wait, is it for robbing a bank?! For real?!"
"No of course not. Anyway you can leave my office now. Go. Shooo."
He was trying to get you off his office as you left wearing the costume. You were left with questions lingering on your head but you wondered what would the people's perspective of the bear be?
And that question was immediately answered as the following day, kids were crying and avoiding your gaze as you sighted.
"I know something was off with this costume"
Nonetheless you stood there not knowing what to do because every action you do makes everyone look at you with scared expression.
"Ah! Mr Bear. Can I take a picture with you?"
A woman's voice alarmed you as she looked at you in awe. Her eyes were sparkling brightly. All you can do was nod your head.
"Tihehehe, My members will be so jealous I got a picture with a cute bear."
Her sentence made you blush for some reason as it was your first time someone called you cute.
"Then again, she must be pertaining to the bear and not me... Oh well."
She wrapped her hands around your arm making you flinch a little at the sudden contact but immediately regain your composure.
With a quick snap of her phone, she managed to get at least 10 photos which amazed you.
She was wearing a mask but you could visibly see her eyes smiling at every photo you took.
"She's... Cute.."
That was the only thought that was in your mind as she suddenly lunged herself at you as she hugged you tight.
Her sudden action startled you as you accidentally hugged her back.
"So warm~~ Hehehe."
You were thankful that the huge bear mask covered your entire face because you were a blushing mess. Never could you have imagined that a cute girl would hug you tightly as if you were world.
It took a couple seconds before she let go of the hug as she said
"Thanks for recharging me Mr. Bear. I'll ser you around."
She left while waving at you as you could only wave back slowly. Your brain was still processing what happened.
"What... Just happened?"
That question lingered on your mind the entire day and it was stuck there for a while.
You had hoped that the bear costume would end but it turns out you have to wear the bear outfit for a while.
You had to bear with the crys and scared expression of every passer by but it all didn't matter as the small girl appeared every once a week.
In that short period of time, you managed to get to know her even though your reply was only a nod or a shake to the side. But her bright energy was everything for you.
Her husky voice while she laughs was music to yout ears. She would often manage to tease you making you a blushing mess.
She was very teasing but that was one of her charms. Even though the job was tiring, meeting her every week was all worth it.
But not all things are permanent.
While you were preparing to wear your suit, your boss came to you.
"Y/n, today's the last day you'll be wearing the costume. You'll have to go back to your original post after today."
"Oh, I see..."
When you first wore the costume, you have always wanted to hear those words from your boss but right now, they sounded so displeasing in your ears.
Maybe it was because you met someone who appreciate you and someone who made your heart race.
The weather didn't help the mood as the gray skies painted over the sky. It wasn't that long when it started raining. Instead of standing still outside, you went inside the carnival area where there was a huge shade covering a few people from the rain.
Though today was the last day, you had hoped to see the girl once again but considering the rain, she would probably wouldn't come.
That should have been the answer.
But something tells you she was waiting for you.
You ignored that thought because there was no way she would be standing there waiting for you in the rain.
There was no way.
"Ah, screw it."
Your gut feeling was telling you something was wrong. And it didn't ease you one bit as you rushed outside as you were immediately met with rain pouring from the sky.
You traced your step where you usually stand but you didn't find her there.
Heartbroken, you chuckled at your pathetic self.
"Of course she wouldn't be here. Who in the world would-"
Your eyes caught someone sitting on a wodden bench all soaked from the rain. You went closer to the person and Immediately covered her with your sign board.
"Mr. Bear?"
That husky voice was all to familiar with you. She looked up and your heart tore into thousand pieces. Her mask was gone and you could see her plump lips and cute nose. But her eyes looks so broken and defeated.
"I'm sorry I.. Waited for you here. I'm stupid I know.."
Her cheerfulness was gone and you felt an unusual vibe from her.
"Today is just.. Everything's just so wrong."
She clenched her fist as you could only stay quiet.
"Why.. Why did I have to make a mistake on the biggest stage of them all. Everyone's eyes are on me and it even dragged my members too. I hate it! I hate how my mistake damage the group. Why... Why.. Should I just quit?"
You felt that same way before. 10 years exactly. On the very same bench. That girl was what showed you that there was hope and right now, the girl infront of you needed hope.
You removed the bear head as her widen seeing your face for the first time.
"Never give up. Those words was said to me when I was on the verge of quiting life."
She stayed quiet as she listened to you.
"It sounds cringe but seeing you weekly and interact with me even if it was just a short period of time, made feel significant and wanted. So.. I might sound selfish but please don't give up."
The girl stayed quiet as you had hoped your words went through her. You were expecting a nod or a shake of the head but instead got
Your eyes widen. That nickname was given to you by Lee Seoyeon. Your eyes met hers as you said
"Lee.. Seoyeon?"
She gasped as she suddenly lunged herself to you as you carefully caught her in your arms.
She began crying softly on your bear chest as you patted her head. As if on cue the rain suddenly stopped.
You just let her cry on your chest as you thought that she must have it rough for the past 10 years.
It took a couple minutes before she regain herself as you helped her up and both of you sat on the bench.
"I didn't expect that you would be in this park all this time."
You chuckled at her and said
"I.. Never really left. I was... Well kinda waiting for you to come back and return you this. Give me your hand."
A sense of nostalgia made Seoyeon chuckle as she gave you her hand. You pulled out from your pocket the same handkerchief she used to wipe your tears.
"This is yours so I'm returning it to you."
She was amazed how it still looked the same like 10 years ago.
"Also, you told me before that your in a group. And I think they wouldn't be angry nor frustrated at you. People make mistakes and like the stories you said to me, it seems like the 9 of you are very close"
Seoyeon stayed quiet as a small smile appeared on her face. This was the first time you saw her smile without the mask and she was very pretty it made your heart race and make you blush.
"So Seoyeon, don't ever think of giving up because you have people there for you. Your members, family, friends and me. Like what you said to me. Never give up okay? You cute panda."
That last word was something Seoyeon didn't expect as she blushed a bright red. She couldn't believe that the guy she helped 10 years ago turned out to be a handsome person and a kind hearted one too.
"T-Thank you..."
"Y/n. Your crybaby. Hehehe."
Your bright smile washed away all that negative thoughts that swarmed her earlier. She suddenly felt motivated as she gave you a warm embrace.
"Thank you Y/n. Thank you."
You hugged her back but this time, not as Mr. Bear but as her crybaby.
It took a couple of minutes before she pulled away.
"I feel refreshed now. Thanks Y/n hehehe~"
She waved at you as you waved back at her. Once she was out of your sight, you searched your phone on what group Seoyeon was and saw the events of their group. An idea popped on your head.
"Are you alright now Seoyeon?"
Her leader Searom asked as everyone was worried for her.
"I'm okay now Unnie. Hehehe~"
A hand patted her head as Gyuri, their ex member smiled.
"Good. Now slay the stage. I'll be watching at the backstage."
Seoyeon nodded as her mind was filled all about you. Starting from the words you said and how you changed for the good. A blush appeared on her face as she thought of you.
"Uhh, Seoyeon you have a gift from... Mr. Bear?"
Seoyeon widen her eyes as she grabbed the box that was handed to her by her manager. Her members were also curious on what that gift was as they leaned in close to her.
Seoyeon opened the box and it revealed a cake with the words
"You go and show them what you got Seoyeon."
Murmurs were visible but She didn't care. Her heart was racing to the max as butterflies were swirling on her stomach.
She closed the box as she faced her members with a look of determination.
"Let's show em what we got!"
That got them all hyped up as they were ready to tear the stadium down.
You were back to your regular job at the park selling burgers along your co worker as your bear adventure has come to a close.
Though you saw articles about the success of Fromis_9 concert, the main attraction was how Seoyeon slayed the song and dance.
You always knew that she was a talented person and seeing postive comment about her just brightens up your mood.
Right now there was no visible person in sight which made you wonder why. It was the weekends so today, the park should be filled with people.
You got out of your food stand and looked around if there was something wrong. But you couldn't find anything wrong.
"Is today a holiday? The park should have been-"
A familiar voice broke your thought as Seoyeon lunged herself to you as you quickly caught her in your arms.
"Seoyeon what are you-"
You couldn't finish your sentence because Seoyeon leaned her face to your and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
Your brain went haywire and malfunctioned upon realizing what Seoyeon did.
All she could do was chuckle seeing your blushed face.
"Tihehehe, did I suprise you Y/n? Well that's a sign of how much I love you."
You didn't know what to say and when you finally spoke, the words that only came out of your mouth was
Seoyeon giggled as she grabbed your hand and drag you away from the food stall with a smile.
"Come on, we have 10 years worth of dates that we need to catch up. Hehehe~"
Well maybe you weren't unfortunate after all, seeing how a girl like Lee Seoyeon fell for you and even become your girlfriend.
Your co worker said as he couldn't help feel a little jealous of you.
"I wish I have a girlfriend like him."
He laid his head on one of the tables but a cute voice woke him up quickly.
"Umm. Are you okay?"
He immediately blushed seeing the girl talk to him.
"Uhh yes I'm okay."
Her cute giggle went straight to his heart as she reached out her hand to him and said
"I'm Baek Jiheon. Nice to meet you."
He didn't even hesitate to shake her hand as she said
"I'm Nam. Just call me Nam, ma'am what?"
He got confused by his own words as this made the girl chuckle and thought
"He's cute."
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heartbrkr · 10 months
Hi! Can I please request a haechan one where reader’s sick and he has to take care of them? it can be f2l or established relationship, any is fine :))) thank you!
REQUEST You're sick and you forget to tell Haechan. He has his ways of finding out.
PAIRING lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
GENRE established relationship, sick fic, fluff, very slight angst if you look closer
AUTHOR’S NOTE sorry this took me a while! i was supposed to write.. like.. only 800 words, but i clearly got carried away. enjoy! (not proofread)
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You’ve given up trying to balance the mucus in your nose by shifting from right to left over and over again. Lying on your back, you guess it’ll be better to clog your throat with snot instead of fishing around for a stray tissue used an hour ago. You’ll build a glob of slime at the back of your throat until you can spit it out in one go; blowing your nose every other minute has made your columella sensitive and red with irritation.
The sickness has reached the extent that checking your phone for a split second could burn a rectangular hole through your head. You had no idea it was even a flu and a fever before Seoyeon had stuck a thermometer under your tongue the other morning.
Two rapid knocks echo throughout your still, dim room. Speak— well, think— of the devil. “Y/N! It’s three. You haven’t left your room yet!” You let out a groan, followed by a cough, in response, knowing she won't hear. You still get annoyed that she doesn’t. With how stagnant your room is, you could vaguely hear your flatmate sigh on the other side, followed by a suit yourself and fading footsteps.
Barely thirty minutes pass before someone knocks on your door again; it’s gentler than the one from earlier. But they all sound the same to you and your throbbing head.
“Seoyeon, go away.” You croak through your rusty throat, mean-intent still evident. You roll over to unceremoniously spit into the strategically put trash can by your bedside and wipe any excess saliva with the closest napkin.
You assume the recipient of your words has gotten the message, but they invite themself inside anyway. “Oh, she wasn’t kidding when she said your room is stuffy.” A voice that belonged to a man spoke. Fear almost washed over you before you realized it was your boyfriend… that you accidentally ignored when your illness got worse. Shit. You feel yourself getting worse than a few minutes ago.
Haechan’s outline strides over to draw your curtains open and you hide under the duvet before a streak of sun can meet your body. The creaking of the windows opening is muted. With your temporarily weakened physique, you’re no match against Haechan’s sudden tug at the blanket you clung onto to cover yourself. “No! Haechan, give it back!”
He pauses for a moment, and you take the chance to pull it back up. Your victory is short lived, however. “I would, but you ghosted me, so no blanket for you!” 
Now bare (you’re exaggerating; you still have your slightly sweaty pajamas on) to your partner’s sight, you pathetically put a pillow on your face so you don’t have to see his reaction. You mumble a halfhearted apology under it.
“I can’t hear you, babe. Let me see your pretty face please.”
“It isn’t when it’s covered in snot and sweat.” He can kind of hear the essence of what you said and frowns to himself.
“C’mon. I won’t make fun of you.” 
It takes you some seconds to contemplate it, but you groggily try to sit up, one arm still holding the cushion to your face while the other supports your weight and balance. You’re startled when another pair of hands help you up and you hear Haechan chuckle. You whine. “You said you won’t laugh!”
He intentionally ignores your remark, going back to the topic at hand. “Why did I have to find out through your roommate that you were sick?”
The tension adds to the already stuffy environment you’ve built up the past few days. It’s suffocating, so you lower the pillow down to your lap. Your head hangs immediately and you catch Haechan through your peripheral vision standing on the right side of your bed, his arms crossed against his chest.
“It’s… I don't know. I’m also sensitive-er. Doesn’t taking care of your partner of barely six months sound too intimate?” You utter while looking down at the simple floral patterned pillowcase.
“Not necessarily. Though I do think that should be the last thing on your mind when you look like you’re dying.”
At that, you finally turn to look at him for the first time this week, and your boyfriend really doesn’t mind your unruly head of hair or fully flushed features. His face melts in fondness and worriedness. “There you are,” he looks a little sullen before continuing. You can tell he’s trying his best to lessen it. “Y’know, I was worried I did something wrong. Thought you were planning to peter out of this relationship or whatever.”
This revelation alarms you, your head starts to spin with how abruptly you shook your head. You lift a hand up to cover your eyes. In your best attempt, you respond weakly. “I would never! I really like you… I guess. If anything, I think you’d try to peter out on purpose first.” He takes a seat in front of you and puts a comforting hand on your thigh. “Hey, don’t be like that. We’re working on our problems together, remember?” You solemnly nod.
“Also, what do you mean, you guess you like me?! Say it like you mean it!”
You laugh at him heartily until it transitions to a fit of thick coughs, immediately looking the other way to avoid giving Haechan whatever sickness you have. He looks like he’s about to start tearing up with the way he’s snickering back. You push him and clear your throat before speaking again. “Thanks for coming. But you should leave.”
Immune to your straightforward wording, he ignores you and points at the new paper bags you failed to notice on your bedside. He stands to rummage through them to show you his haul. “Let's eat! I got us takeout. And more meds. I also refilled your water before coming in here.”
You shield your face away from the world once more to hide any hint of flusteredness caused by Haechan. He’s not having it, prying away your palms to give you a playful grin.
“Thank you, Haechan.”
“I love you, Y/N.” You hit yourself with a pillow again.
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vex91 · 3 months
TripleS Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Kim Yooyeon:
Nothing yet...
Koma Mayu:
Nothing yet...
Zhou Xinyu:
Nothing yet...
Kim Nakyoung:
- I miss you, I'm sorry (a)
Park Sohyun:
Nothing yet...
Seo Dahyun:
Nothing yet...
Hsu Nien Tzu:
Nothing yet...
Yoon Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Ji Suhyeon:
Nothing yet...
Kamimoto Kotone:
Nothing yet...
Kim Chaeyeon:
Nothing yet...
Gong Yubin:
Nothing yet...
Lee Jiwoo:
Nothing yet...
Yamada Kaede:
Nothing yet...
Park Shion:
Nothing yet...
Kawakami Lynn:
Nothing yet...
Pirada Bunraksa:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Hyerin:
Nothing yet...
Kim Chaewon:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Hayeon:
Nothing yet...
Kim Soomin:
Nothing yet...
Kwak Yeonji:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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kkulgings · 2 years
❈° ≫ fromis_9 masterlist
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❀ fluff | ✿ angst | ❁ suggestive | ❃ crack
─▸ ❝ ot9
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee saerom 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ song hayoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ jang gyuri 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ park jiwon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ roh jisun
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee seoyeon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee chaeyoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee nagyung 
11:59 p.m. ❀
─▸ ❝ baek jiheon 
‎‏‏sweet ❀
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Seoyeon (Fromis_9) as Your Girlfriend
Request: "Could you do Girlfriend Seoyeon or Nakyung both from Fromis_9, please?"
“hello ! can I request seoyeon as your girlfriend ? thank you so much”
A/N: I'll try and do nakyung when I have some free time :)
- C
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When Seoyeon knew she liked you, she definitely wasn't going to her waste her time by pining and being too afraid to make a move
she'd be pretty blunt about it, asking you straight up if you liked her in the same way she liked you
and when you said yes, a big smile overtook her features, and she then properly asked you out on a date
For your first date, you went out for dinner, getting to know each other better and just genuinely enjoying each other's company and of course, the delicious food
And of course, Seoyeon made moves and walked you home, getting that smooch on your doorstep
she acted cocky as you said goodnight, a blush still on your face
but as soon as you shut the door she jumped for joy, practically skipping her way home, still buzzing at the feeling of her lips tingling from the kiss.
Seoyeon would definitely be the girlfriend that loved to show you off wherever you went
whether that be to her friends, family, or even holding your hand and smiling as other people looked on jealously as you walked down busy streets together
Speaking of jealousy,,, Seoyeon does try to control herself but sometimes she can't help it
she really likes you a lot, and she needs everyone to know that you're hers, and hers only, and no one is going to come between that
so if anyone tries anything with you she's always quick on the scene, kissing you or introducing herself as your girlfriend
Loves teasing you and then following up her playful banter with a compliment because she loves to see you blush
small but feisty when she wants to be
Seoyeon is lowkey such a dork, whenever you call her over across the room she doesn't walk normally, she like pops and locks and robot walks over just to get you to laugh
and her laugh!! is so cute literally music to your ears sis
Secretly a big softie who just wants cuddles all the time
especially when she's all wrapped up in one of your oversized hoodies, a lazy grin on her face as shes enveloped in your addicting scent, comfy and peaceful in your arms
Loves cooking with you, whether it's just instant ramen or a full three-course meal
or making cute desserts! they always turn out really tasty and you always remember to make extra for the other 8 girls waiting at home for Seoyeon
10/10 fashion sense
you always let her pick out your outfits whenever you go out together because you know she's gonna make you look hot as hell
Seoyeon also has a really good taste in music
so when you're at home and she puts her playlist on shuffle, you already know you're about to be dancing like mad around your house
that dumbass that whistles and hollers at the television whenever there's a kiss scene or even something more
midnight adventure time marathons when you’re cuddled up with Seoyeon under her BMO blanket? yes please
whenever you buy her gifts she gets so giddy and happy!! and she treasures them forever
especially plushies, she lines them all up on her bed so she gets to see them every day
Seoyeon will definitely be one to protect you whether you need it or not, always looking out for you and putting your needs before her own
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NSFW From Here:
Foreplay lasts a lifetime with Seoyeon because she loves kissing you so much, and she always takes the time to kiss you all over, so much so that you're just begging for her to do something by the time she's done
also she's always got that shit eating grin on her face
because even though she's not that experienced, she's so good and she just knows it
whenever you eat her out she can't help but tighten her thighs around your head like a vice
but you don't mind because I mean, suffocating between Seoyeon's legs? what a way to go out
why am I like this
Always makes time to tease you no matter how passionate it is
and you're always like "Seoyeon, shut up." as you pull her in for another mind-blowing kiss
likes to try new things with you but will never push you too far, because Seoyeon always makes sure you're happy no matter what
deep ass moans that sound so amazing to you as they float around the room
loves when you pay extra attention to her thighs
and although you have to keep the marks light for the cameras, she promises that one day where she's on a long break, she'll let you mark her up wherever you want, and as dark as you want
she loves leaving love bites all over you though, and when the members try to tease her for it, she just holds her head up proudly and smirks while you die of embarrassment
if looks could kill then Seoyeon's intense stare when she wants you beneath her would leave you dead and gone
kisses you even more afterwards before finally settling down and allowing you both to finally fall sound asleep, exhausted after a long night of fun ;)
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minsungcatalogue · 5 years
Best Weather Day by hanmings (1/1 | 16,588 | Teen And Up)
“Hello, Han Jisung,” Minho says; his smile is wide, the corners of his lips curling up in an interesting feline manner that fascinates Jisung. “So why aren’t you in class?”
“What would you say if I said it’s because it’s a very beautiful spring day?”
or: The one where Minho and Jisung both decide to skip class because the weather is nice – and end up having the best day either of them have had in a while. ( AU )
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Fromis_9 reacts! | taking care of their injured s.o
Requested: Fromis_9 taking care of their gf/s.o after they got injured please? Your blog brings me so much joy omg 😭❤💜💙
Admin: Jade
A/N: I really hope this is okay because I wrote it more like their s.o comes home hurt and I’m really sorry for that
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s a e r o m
She always reminded you to never get hurt when you walked out. Even when you knew you wouldn’t, it was hard to walk in. Saerom’s eyes met yours, she didn’t say anything except tell you to lay down, she took care of you and didn’t bother asking any questions.
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h a y o u n g
She sat on the couch and searched through Netflix, trying to find something as she waited for you. She heard a knock on the door and saw you. “Oh my gosh, are you okay? What do you need, let me get stuff for you,” she brought you in and gave you the best care.
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g y u r i
She looked at you, tears forming at the sight of the wounds. “Lay down, I’ll take care of you, but are you alright?” You nodded and laid down as she watched. “Do you need a Doctor?” You shook your head again as she nodded.
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j i w o n
She couldn’t believe how you when you walked in, bloody lip, black eye and cuts here and there. She took care of you quickly and kept asking who did such a thing to an angel like you.
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j i s u n
She cleaned up the living room but stopped hearing a few curses leave your mouth. She gasped seeing you and dropped whatever she had in her hand. “Who did this to you? What do you need? Are you okay?” You answered all of her questions as she cleaned you up.
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s e o y e o n
She sighed when you walked in, it wasn’t the first time you’ve gotten hurt so it was easy for her to take care of you. She had you lay down and brought you everything you needed. “I’m not gonna ask questions, just rest”
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c h a e y o u n g
She was sitting on the couch, pondering of a situation like this. When you walked in she had to blink and pinch herself a few times, realizing it was real. “Sit on the couch, I’ll go get stuff for you,”
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n a g y u n g
When you walked in, blood dropped down fr k your nose and you were groaning, holding your side she ran over. “Babe what happened? Where are you hurt?” She would give you the best treatment.
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j i h e o n
Being so young she wasn’t sure what to do at first when you walked in, limping and holding your side. She then quickly ran to the bathroom and wrapped up your wounds. “What happened?”
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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Title: Sweet Melody 
Genre: Idol! Jungkook, Idol! reader, girl group! reader, established relationship! au, infidelity! au, childhood friends to lovers! au, breakup! au, smut, and angst
Summary:  Love is the greatest feeling a person can feel but it can also destroy you as fast as you can say I love you. Y/N L/N has been in love with Jeon Jungkook since she was fifteen and they’ve been together ever since. Being in the same industry, she had a better understanding of how busy one can be and never put it against him. It wasn’t until he shockingly broke up with her and the next week he was seen with a mystery girl. Her group decides to write a new song for an award show and Y/N knows exactly what the song will be about or who to be exact.
Warnings: Cheating, fighting, physical violence (slapping and punching), blood, hospital, self doubt, insecurities, flashbacks, fluff, angst, and sex scene
Part of Little Mix’s Mixtape series!
“As the maknae of the group, Y/N, where do you see yourself in the future?” 
Y/N was brought back to reality and she gave the interviewer a small smile. She leaned forward looking at her leader, Yujin, for some confidence. The older girl gave her a small smile and a nod making Y/N feel somewhat at ease. She was never good at interviews. She looked back at the interviewer and pushed some hair behind her ear,“I want to see Eden doing our best and being together forever because I love them so much. They raised me.” 
He gave her a smile and shook his head, “I’m talking about personal life. How about in ten years?” 
Her eyes widened and looked down at her fingers with a shy smile and then looked back up, “I would be thirty-four…I would like to be married and have at least one child. That’s the dream but honestly I can only truly see myself with Eden. Singing is my life and I think it will continue to be with me. Ten and twenty years down the road, singing will always be my future.” 
He nodded at this and turned towards another member as Y/N continued to stare at her fingers, tuning out the conversation around her. Ten years…in ten years she hoped Jungkook and her were married and living the life that they always talked about. Living in a house near the beach with a garden in front, a big backyard for Bam and a baby on her hip looking into the waves while Jungkook has his arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. This was the future she always imagined and discussed with him, the perfect ending. 
L/N Y/N and Jeon Jungkook have been together for nine years. Ever since they were fifteen, Y/N knew Jungkook was the love of her life. He’s her first and last love. The two met at an audition, Y/N saw him dancing and he heard her singing with the most angelic voice he has ever heard. Even though they were shy, they still found a way to get together. It was like something was pulling them together and who was she to ignore the obvious attraction.
“That’s all the time we have, thank you so much Eden for being here with us. We can’t wait for your next mini album, any hints?”
Katie gave the camera a small smirk, “Mature. That’s all you get!~” 
Y/N glanced at her members with a big smile as she waved goodbye at the camera. Being the only introvert in the group had its hardships but she wouldn’t change it, she loved how things were. She bowed at the host and the group walked off into their dressing rooms to gather their things and leave. EDEN is a girl group under Willow Entertainment and they are the current Rookie of the year. The group consist of four girls, Kim Yujin; the leader and oldest, Lee Katie; the main vocalist, Lee Seoyeon; the main dancer and Y/N L/N; the golden maknae. The group had the highest sales for a girl group debut and their first comeback broke more records. 
EDEN was different from other girl groups because they were all in their twenties when they debuted. Their concept was mature and it was something no one saw coming. Their debut song Think About Us became a huge hit in Korea but also in the west which surprised everyone because they were rookies. They made it to the top five on the billboards with their single and it caused people to pay attention to them. 
Y/N grabbed her purse when she felt Seoyeon’s arm around her shoulders giggling to herself, “Neh, when the interviewer asked about your future was Jungkook in it?” 
Y/N’s face turned red and pushed her arm off of her and hid her face with her purse, “Yeah...leave me alone.” 
“Awww, Y/N, that's so cute. You guys have been together since forever, that's crazy to think. When are you guys going to get married?” 
“Seoyeon! Leave Y/N alone!”
Y/N glanced at Yujin who had her hands on her waist giving Seoyeon a dirty look. Seoyeon let out a sigh and nodded her head, “You never let me do anything...”
Y/N watched Seoyeon go towards her bag while Yujin went up to her with a smile, “You did really good out there, Y/N.”
“Thank you, unnie. I hope Jungkook sees it...”
Yujin sighed and wrapped her arm around her shoulder as the younger girl stared down at the floor, “Did you guys get in another fight?” 
“I wouldn’t say fight...he got mad because I asked him how his day was. He said I should know he's busy because a comeback is near for him. I walked away and I haven’t heard from him since.” 
“That’s not good...mmm...Do you want to stay with us in the dorm? Maybe separation is good for you guys.”
Y/N looked up at Yujin who was giving a soft smile, she nodded her head, “Yeah that sounds good. I need to go home and get some clothes though.” 
“That’s fine, I’ll take you there.” 
“Thank you...I’ll make some dinner and leave it out on the table. It’s a quick dinner, is that okay?”
“Whatever you want, Y/N.” 
The night before, Jungkook got mad at her. She couldn’t understand the anger towards her when all she wanted to know was if he was okay. Jungkook had the tendency of overworking himself and there’s been a couple of times that Y/N had to help pick him up from the ground because he fainted. She loved him with all her heart and she knew how important singing was to him but his health should be important as well. She slept in the guest room that night as she listened to him singing in the recording studio. 
Y/N was cooking dinner that night and it was all of Jungkook’s favorites. She finished the last dish and set it on the table with a proud smile. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and took out her phone to see that Jimin messaged her.
“Hey, Jungkook’s coming home. We forced him to go home early because of how tired he was. Take care of him, thank you always.” 
She frowned at the message and sighed to herself. She knew something was wrong with him that morning because he didn’t even wash his face or kiss her goodbye. She sat at the table and waited for him because she was scared to see how he’s going to react. She heard the front door close and the silence in the house sent a nervous shiver down her spine. She stayed seated as her heart beat consumed her thoughts. 
She glanced up when she saw a mop of black hair and by instinct she jumped up, forgetting the fear she had, “Jungkook! How was your day?”
He let out an irritated laugh and side glanced at her, “I’ve been busy, working unlike you.”
She furrowed her eyebrows at this but shook her head, understanding that he's been stressed lately, “I know you’ve been busy which is why I cooked you this big meal.”
He scoffed at this and tossed his bag on the couch and he stood in the doorway of the kitchen with his arms crossed, “what would you know? You barely have been doing this for a week, don’t act all high and mighty.”
“What? Jungkook, I just want you to unwind.” 
“How can I? You act like you understand when you're just a rookie. Good job you got some celebrities from America to notice you, what do you want a gold star? You don’t understand the busy schedule that I have and you never will. You will never be where I am. ” 
She stood there staring at him with a blank expression. She shook her head and grabbed her phone from the table. She walked past him and she made sure to hit her shoulder with his and walked into the guest room, locking the door behind her. 
She stared outside as the streetlights blinded her when she finally left her thoughts. She turned around to see Yujin singing a random song on the radio, making her smile. All the members left for the dorm while Yujin drove her to her house. All the members gave her confidence but deep down she knew she would always go back to him, no matter what. She knew he never meant to hurt her because he was evil. It was just a stupid fight and he was stressed. Not an excuse but she knew it wasn’t him. 
They drove into her parking lot and she stared at the house with a blank expression. She swallowed her spit and looked down at her fingers as she started to pick the skin around her thumb. Yujin saw this and placed her hand on top of hers and gave her a small smile, “Hey, it's going to be okay. I don’t see his car, which means he's not here, that should make you feel better.” 
“Jin, texted me that Jungkook was doing better today. That makes me feel better in a way. I’ll be back okay.”
Y/N got out of the car and headed inside feeling Yujin’s eyes on her back the whole time. She walked in and the smell of Jungkook hit her nose as she stood there with a frown. She quickly shook her head and headed into the kitchen to quickly cook something for him. She made grilled pork and rice, thinking that was enough because honestly, she didn’t have the energy to cook more. She walked into their bedroom and jumped in the doorway when she saw Jungkook sleeping. It looked like he just jumped into bed because he was still in his practice clothes and shoes. She frowned at this because it was clear to her that he was tired but she couldn’t cave into him. 
She slowly walked to her dresser to pack some clothes when she heard her name in that soft voice that she loved, “Y/N? What are you doing?”
She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to face Jungkook who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. She continued to stare at him and shook her head. She turned back around to continue to go through her clothes, ignoring the sounds of the bed indicating he was moving towards her. She felt his hand and warmth on her shoulder but she couldn’t turn her head to look at him. 
“What are you doing?”
She sighed to herself and turned her head slightly but she still wasn’t fully looking at him, “I’m staying at the dorms.” 
“What? Y/N, babe. Please don’t, the guys talked to me about it and I realized how wrong I was. I didn’t want to text you because I wanted to say it to your face. I’m sorry for yesterday, I should’ve never said what I said because your doing such a good job at this and fuck, I’m sorry for bringing you down like that.”
She dropped her shirt and turned around to face him to see that his face was sincere, “Jungkook...You can’t get stressed and then take it out on me. It’s not fair.”
“Fuck, I know. Y/N, I’m sorry.” 
He got up from the bed and rushed to her side and pushed her head to his chest. She took a deep breath and his scent made her heart beat faster. She nuzzled into his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. They hugged tightly for a couple of minutes and he was the first one to let go to look at her, “Y/N, I’m sorry. Please stay...”
“Okay, let me tell Yujin. She's in the driveway.” 
“Okay, I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
She gave him a soft smile and a small nod. She got up from the floor and headed towards the door but before she could leave, she turned around to face him. He was giving her a small smile and that soft look that he always gave her. It was for her eyes only. She walked out feeling lighter than she did entering the house. 
Yujin rolled down her window with her eyebrow raised when she saw the lack of bags, “What's going on?”
Y/N gave her a sheepish look and rubbed the back of her head as she leaned against her car door, “Jungkook apologized to me and I think we're going to talk about it. He looked very sincere...”
Yujin nodded her head and let out a deep sigh, “Do you think it's the right decision? You guys have been fighting a lot in general...maybe a night away could help you guys.”
“I’m going to stay with him...I mean I snap at him when I’m stressed. This isn’t normal for him, it has been a long year for him.”
“If you think it’s the right thing to do then I’ll support you. I’ll text you when I get to the dorms and please don’t hesitate to text me if something happens, okay?”
Y/N gave her a nervous smile and nodded her head, “Unnie, you don’t need to worry. Everything is going to be okay.” 
Yujin nodded her head at her and gave her a thumbs up, “Alright, bye. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.” 
She stood there waving at the older girl who was giving her a small smile but her eyes told her something else. Her dark blue car was out of her sight and she stood there hugging herself as the cold caressed her arms. Did she make the right decision? 
She sighed to herself and turned around to see Jungkook standing by the doorway with a blanket in his hand. He slowly walked up to her and wrapped the pink blanket around her, making her heart flutter. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she nuzzled into his chest. He smiled at this and kissed the top of her head, “I’m sorry Y/N. You don’t deserve to be talked to like that even if I was stressed. It doesn’t make it okay.” 
“Let's just sleep for now.”
The young couple walked slowly into their home with the tension still lingering but it wasn’t the main focus anymore. They laid in bed with her head on his chest and his arms around her waist, he was going to make it better no matter what.
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“Babe, your mom called.”
Y/N looked away from her mirror and stared at Jungkook with wide eyes, “Where’s my phone?”
“In the living room.”
It’s been a week since Jungkook apologized and things were slowly going back to normal. She wouldn’t let him get off that easy because he wouldn’t learn anything. He was sleeping in the guest room by her request because she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with him in the same bed. This morning was different. Y/N was on edge all morning waiting to hear from her mother because she was finally getting the open heart surgery that she desperately needed. Jungkook tried his best to be supportive but also respect her boundaries. 
She rushed to the living room and picked her phone up with a frown. She took a deep breath and dialed the number while Jungkook watched from the kitchen, “Dad?”
“Hey, sweetie...”
“Is everything okay? You didn’t call me yesterday.” 
“I know. It's been busy, very busy. Mommy had a complication with the surgery and she's recovering well now.”
Her eyes widened at this and glanced at Jungkook who saw the small tears forming in her eyes, “What was the complication?” 
“She bled more than they thought she would but she's recovering nicely now. I’m just waiting for her to wake up.” 
“Is George there?” 
“Your brother just left to take a shower. He’s been here since yesterday morning.” 
She sat on the couch rubbing her forehead trying to stop herself from crying, “I’m sorry I can’t be there.”
“Nonsense, without you, we wouldn’t be able to do this.” 
“Daddy, I still feel bad I can’t be there for you and George. I’ll visit later this week.”
“Whenever you have time, sweetie. I love you, bye.”
“I love you, bye.” 
Y/N stared at her phone with a blank expression and closed her eyes trying her best to calm herself down. She felt the cushion next to her sunk in but she didn’t bother to open her eyes. Jungkook wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her into him. He kissed the top of her head and she nuzzled into his neck. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Moms going to be okay…she bled out more than they thought but she’s going to be okay.”
He kissed the top of her head again and rubbed her arm gently, “That’s good isn’t it.”
“It’s good but…I still feel uneasy about everything.”
“I understand that but you have to think positive. Your mom is going to be healthy.”
“I know.”
He removed his arm and rubbed her thigh gently making her look up at him making him smile down, “Can I take you out for dinner?”
“I thought you needed to re-record something…”
“It doesn’t matter, I need to be with you.”
She smiled at this and intertwined her fingers with his, “Okay.” 
The two walked to Jungkook’s car as he held her hand tightly, not wanting to let go. He opened her door and helped her get in the car. Before he closed the door, he leaned down and kissed her forehead gently making her smile. The drive to the restaurant was filled with soft classical music and small talk between the two. Even though there was tension between the two, she needed him tonight. She can push aside the fight and pay attention to feeling better. 
He opened the door and she glanced at the restaurant and her face flushed when she saw it, “This is where we had our first date…” 
“I thought somewhere we knew could give you comfort.”
She smiled at this and nodded her head. They intertwined their fingers and entered the small ramen shop like how they did all those years ago. 
It was Y/N’s sixteenth birthday and Jungkook asked her out. This was the first time she was having dinner with someone other than her family for her birthday. She was excited but nervous. She stood in her room and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a simple pink dress with a small bow around her waist. Her mom helped pick at the dress and it made her love it even more. 
“Is that boy going to treat you right?”
Y/N let out a small laugh and turned around to look at her older brother, George, “Georgie, we’ve been together for almost a year.”
“Yeah but this is the first date you're going on with him.”
She sighed and shook her head at him, “Georgie, he's been busy with training and this is the first time he got a break.”
“Fine, I’ll accept it because you look really happy right now and that's all I want for you.” 
She smiled at him and walked up to him giving him a small hug. He returned the hug and kissed her forehead, “Do you want me to drive you to the restaurant?”
“Can you? Dad said he didn’t want to see Jungkook because he was going to cry.”
“Yeah, that sounds like dad. Alright get into my car.”
She ran to the car while George smiled at her. The drive there was fast and most of the time George was giving her rules for the night. Y/N only nodded her head towards her brother as she listened to the soft music in the background. When the car stopped, she stared outside the window with wide eyes and the nerves turned into excitement. She saw Jungkook standing outside with a bouquet of flowers and he kept messing with his hair. She laughed to herself and opened the door, “I’ll see you later.“
“Remember what-“
She shut the door and walked towards him with a wide grin as he gave her a nervous look. Each step she took, the nerves were slowly making their way to her heart and she started to sweat a bit. When she stood in front of him, she took a deep breath and waved gently at him. He nervously brought the flowers up to her and she happily accepted it, “I know you really like baby's-breath…I wish I could get you a better bouquet.”
She shook her head as she looked at the flowers with a gentle look, “No, I love them, thank you.”
He gave her a wide grin showing off his dimples as he scratched the back of his neck, “My hyungs told me about this place so I thought…I thought it would be good. I know we’ve been dating for a year and I haven’t been able to take you out and I’m sorry about that. I hope you like-“
“Neh, Jungkook. As long as I’m with you, I will love it.” 
Jungkook’s face turned red and nodded his head at this, “Yeah…same.”
Jungkook pulled out her chair and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. He sat across from her and he admired her face as she looked at the menu. She glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, “Is there something wrong?“
“Just you being so beautiful.”
Her cheeks turned red at this as she shook her head at his comment. She pulled the menu upwards, heading her face towards him, “I’m thinking of just a simple ramen…what about you?”
“I’m just going to get the spicy ramen I always get. I guess the real question is, what are you getting for dessert?”
“I kinda want pudding…you know like what we had on our first date.”
He smiled at this and grabbed her hand from across the table and gave her a smile, “Y/N, I’m so happy that your mom is going to be okay. I knew it from the beginning.”
She rubbed his knuckles with her thumb as she glanced down at his tattoos, “You were always there when I got any new updates to make me feel better...Jungkook, I love you.”
His eyes widened at the sudden confession but it quickly changed into a smile. He leaned forward, giving her a quick peck on the lips. She smiled shyly at this and took a sip of her water ignoring his bunny smile. After dinner, Jungkook drove her to the Han river to spend more time with her and to confess something.
He placed a blanket on the ground, an area that was secluded from everyone. She sat down on the red blanket and gave him a small smile, “You planned this didn’t you.”
“Maybe I did.”
He gave her a smirk and sat next to her as she put her head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on top of hers and sighed to himself, making her look up at him, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah...Y/N, no matter what happens in the future...just know I love you. I love you so much, okay?”
She moved her head away and stared at him with a confused look, “Jungkook, I love you too...is everything okay?”
He gave her a tight smile and nodded his head, “There's a project I’m working on and it's been really stressful trying to complete it. It’s going to require me flying out more to LA...I just don’t want us to fall apart.”
She gave him a sympathetic look and leaned forward giving him a kiss on his cheek, “I understand. We won’t fall apart because we're stronger than other relationships. Nine years going on ten, we can get through anything.”
He nodded his head and took a deep breath at what she said, “Forever and always?”
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“So the title track will be Sweet Melody, we're still figuring out the lyrics. We thought it would be fun to continue the theme of relationships and the breaking point. If you guys have any ideas for lyrics just come to us, okay?”
Yujin bowed her head and other members followed suit, “Thank you Mr. Kim, we’ll figure out some lyrics.” 
He gave them one last smile and left them alone in the meeting room. Y/N took a sip of her tea as Katie glanced at her with a jealous look, “Another break up song and Y/N hasn’t even experienced a break up in her life. It’s not fair.”
“Katie-unnie, don’t be jealous of something you can never experience.” 
Yujin let out a laugh as Y/N shook her head at this, “Unnie, it's okay. I watch a lot of dramas and read a lot of books, don’t worry. I’m trying my best to get with the concept.” 
“Yah! That doesn’t help me.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and pure excitement came to her face. She quickly brought her phone up to see that Jungkook was home. It's been a month and Jungkook has been leaving for LA just like he said but it's honestly more than Y/N expected. It was four days in the week and every time he came home he would either have sex with her or give her something expensive. Last time it was a promise ring that had more diamonds than a promise ring should have. All she wanted was to go out on dates but he didn’t want to leave the house because he was so tired. She understood but it did make her sad. 
I’m home, what are you wearing?
She stared at her phone with a frown and she realized what he wanted from her. She sighed and looked at her leader with a smile, “Can I go to the bathroom?”
Yujin raised her eyebrow but nodded her head, “Okay, don’t be too long.”
She gave another smile and walked out without saying another word feeling annoyed but happy she got to spend time with her busy boyfriend. She entered the private bathroom and facetimed him with a fake expression on her face.
“Hey, babe.”
Hearing his voice made her feel butterflies in her stomach and all the annoyance was gone, “Hey, how was your trip?” 
 “It went well, you know. I think I’m almost done with everything. So, no more going to LA.”
Y/N smiled at this and set the phone on the sink and sat on the toilet, “Really? Are you ever going to tell me what this project is?” 
“One day but...what are you wearing?”
She frowned at this and shook her head, “We were having a conversation, Jungkook.” 
“I just want to know what you're wearing. Is that a crime?” 
“It’s not but I just want to spend time with you...you know, have conversations and go out instead of being inside all day and night.”
He sighed on the other side and ran his fingers through his hair, “I know baby but I just want to stay home until this project is done. Okay?” 
She nodded her head at this and looked at the wall with a frown, “Fine.”
“Now can I see what you're wearing?” 
She shook her head and stood up to show her whole outfit. It was just some shorts and a white t-shirt, nothing special but Jungkook thought otherwise, “You look really good baby.”
Her cheeks turned a light shade of red as she sat back down on the toilet and rolled her eyes, “It's a simple outfit, nothing special.”
“I think everything you wear is special, Y/N. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met.”
She smiled at this and looked down at her lap for a quick second before looking back at him. He was biting his lip looking at her and she felt shivers down her back. She knew that look, “I have a meeting with the girls…”
“How long are you going to be?”
“Maybe an hour…sorry we’re talking about lyrics.”
“Are you coming home afterwards or going to the dorms?”
She saw the pleading look and heart beat faster, “I’ll be coming home.”
“Okay, I love you. I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you more, bye.”
She watched her screen turn back to her home screen and she sighed to herself. All she wanted was to spend time with him, not have sex with him. It was a weird thing to complain about especially how everyone wanted him. She just wanted to have dinner and cuddle but that can wait, she’s very patient. Especially with Jungkook. 
She left the bathroom and went back into the meeting room to see Yujin looking at her with a concerned look, “Y/N, Namjoon texted me and said he wants to talk to you. Is everything okay with you and Jungkook?”
She gave her a confused look and raised her eyebrow, “Everything is fine, why would Joon need to talk to me? That’s weird.”
“I’m sure it’s for nothing, hurry and get it done so we can go back to this meeting. Okay?”
“Okay, unnie.” 
Y/N walked out to the patio area and called Namjoon like she was told to do, “Hey, Joon. What’s up?”
“Hey I was just wondering if you're free next week? The guys want to have lunch with you.” 
“Oh let me tell Jung-“
“Without Jungkook.”
She stood there in silence. She was stunned at the seriousness in his voice but nodded her head, “Okay, I’ll come alone. Is everything okay?”
“We just want to talk to you about something. Is that okay?”
“Yeah of course. We can have it this weekend, Jungkook will be flying to LA again. The house will be to myself.”
“He’s flying this weekend? Okay…hey Y/N can I ask you something?”
She looked at her feet with an anxious look and let out a small sigh, “Yeah, anything.”
“Has Jungkook been acting weird for a while?”
“Umm, not really. I mean he’s been flying out more and has been talking to me less because he’s busy. Other than that, no, why?”
“It’s just…we found something out yesterday and we want to tell you something. It’s about Jungkook’s project.”
“Oh…okay. Should I be worried?”
He signed on the line and she heard some shuffling but couldn’t tell what it was, “No…we love you and we’re here if you need us, okay?”
“Okay. I have a meeting. Bye, love you.”
“Love you too.”
She looked around the small garden with a confused look. What did the guys have to tell her? It’s probably just a song or an album. Maybe it was Jungkook’s solo album, she’s been waiting for that for awhile. She walked back into the office and shrugged her shoulders at the girls, “He just wanted to have lunch.”
Katie nodded her head and glanced at Yujin with a worried look, “He’s the leader, should we be worried that he wants to talk to you?” 
She shook her head and sat in a chair across from Seoyeon, who handed her a piece of paper and pen, “No it’s with all the guys. I haven’t seen them in awhile, I miss them.”
“Oh, that’s nice.”
“Yeah, he said Jungkook couldn’t come through. That was weird.”  
Seoyeon and Katie looked at each other and then glanced back at Y/N, “Is that a bad thing?”
“Ummm…not sure. The last time it happened they told me they were taking a break.”
“Okay, let’s get back to the lyrics so we can all go home early or somewhat early. Okay!”
An hour long of discussion of lyrics, Y/N was finally heading home. She took her hair out of her ponytail and let her hair rest against her shoulders. She leaned against her seat and let out a deep sigh before starting her car. She's excited to see Jungkook after not seeing or touching him in almost a week now. She missed him so much that she didn’t care how they spent time at this point. She was upset but it quickly dissolved as time passed in the meeting, she just wanted to be near him at this point. 
The drive was fast with Bts playing in her car. Singing at her boyfriend's parts made her feel shy because she imagined him singing them with all of his passion. She parked her car next to his and quickly made her way to the front door. She opened the door and her mouth dropped at the sight before her. There were rose petals all over the ground and candles making their way to their bedroom. She covered her mouth as a gasp left her mouth and when she did she heard something fall from the kitchen, “Y/N! I’m not done making dinner!”
Jungkook ran out into the living room rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous manner. She glanced at him and saw that he was wearing her apron, making her smile, “You were making dinner?” 
“I wanted to make you dinner because I know how stressed you were. I know I haven’t had the energy to go out and I’m sorry about that. I thought making dinner could say sorry...I’m trying my best to finish this project-”
She walked towards him not letting him finish his sentence as she leaned forward giving him a quick peck. She leaned away and smiled at him, “Thank you...but I’m not feeling hungry for food.”
He raised his eyebrow and gave a smirk, “Oh, you're hungry for something else? Interesting.” 
He took off the apron and tossed it towards the couch. He picked her up, making her let out a yelp at the sudden action. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned forward giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at her but focused on walking to the room. He gently put her on the bed and looked down at her with a smile, “You know, I love you so much.”
“And I love you, Jungkoo. I missed you.”
“I missed you so much but the project is going to be over soon and I’ll be able to be with you.” 
She smiled at this and leaned up giving him a deep kiss. He returned the kiss with more passion, making her moan in the kiss. When he pulled away, he pushed some hair behind her hair giving her a shy smile, “Fuck, you’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.” 
At some point, his other hand started to stroke her upper arm gently before slipping off her sweater. He looked down at her and his eyes widened, “You were braless ?” 
“I-I was wearing a thick sweater. I thought it was fine.”
“No, no, its fine but fuck it caught me off guard.” 
His finger gently squeezed her nipple making her back arched a bit and a loud moan left her lips, “Kook, please.” 
“Please what?”
“I just want to feel you, I missed you so much.”
He smiled at this and leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, “Okay, do you want it fast and rough or slow and gentle?” 
“Babe, you need to say it slowly.”
She sighed and looked away from his smirking face, “I want it rough.”
He nodded his head and quickly unbuttoned her shorts and ripped them off with her underwear. He looked up at her to see her giving him a nod and he knew what she wanted, “K-Kook, please, Ah!” 
She gasped as she lifted her head and looked down between her legs to see Jungkook licking her at a fast pace, something she wasn’t mentally prepared for, “So wet baby. Haven’t even done anything to you yet.” He took his mouth away and slipped his middle finger inside of her making her moan loudly, “You want me to make you come or should I wait?”
“Kook, please.”
He stopped moving his finger and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Please what.” She let out an irritated sigh and tried to move her hip down to create movement but Jungkook gripped her waist to stop her moving, “I need to hear it, Y/N.” 
She shook her head out of impatience and felt sweat going down her breast. She tried moving her hip again but he held her tighter and she sighed, “Kook, I need it.”
“Need what?”
“F-Fuck, Kook please make me come.” 
As soon as he heard those words, he set his mouth back on to her clit, this time he was rougher with his licks and sucks, “Kook~!” She moaned and she let her head fall back on to the bed as she felt her orgasm coming fast, faster than usual. She felt her body shaking from him but when she felt his teeth grazing her clit, she let everything out. Her back arched off of the bed and a loud moan left her throat. He let out a chuckle against her when he felt her hands gripping his hair to pull him away when it felt too much. 
“That was the faster you come, mmm, baby have you been needy all day?”
She took a deep breath and nodded her head, “I-I guess was. I-I didn’t think I was.” 
“You think you can take more, baby?”
She glanced down at his jeans and noticed the bulge that only made her hornier, “Yes.”
In record speed, Jungkook took off his jeans and boxers, giving her a smile, “You know what to do baby.”
She nodded her head and lifted herself up, turning over so that her chest was pressed against the bed and her face was pushed down into the pillow. They did this position so much because Y/N didn’t know how to be quiet, she wanted Jungkook to know how much she loved him. Jungkook wanted to try out a new thing in the bedroom one time and wanted to see if Y/N could keep quiet or at least not screaming her lungs out like how she usually did. 
He gazed down at her and he felt himself get harder (if that was possible) at how wet she was. He shuffled forward and gently touched her back, “Baby, I’m going to enter, okay.”
She tapped the bed twice letting him know she heard him. He nodded his head to himself and took a deep breathe, grabbing the base of his cock before slowly entering her, “F-Fuck Y/N.”
She felt drool go down her chin as she continued to bite down the pillowcase as hard as she could. He looked down and saw this, “Fuck, Y/N, you’re so hot and you don’t even try.”
She let out a whimper and let go of the pillowcase to look over her shoulder. Both of his hands on her waist, his tattoos on full display with sweat dripping down, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth with his lip piercing shining with the candle light around them and his sweaty hair pushed back showing off his forehead with his eyes closed. He felt her stare and opened them, giving her a soft smile, “Hi baby.”
She let out a small giggle and she lifted herself up the best she could, putting her back against his chest., “Hi baby.”
He kissed her cheek and then moved down to her neck leaving open mouth kisses, making her moan loudly. The way she was sitting up, it gave him a new angle and she felt him deeper inside her. Something she loved feeling. He moved back to kiss her cheek and pushed some hair behind her hair, “You doing okay baby?”
“I-I’m doing-doing great.” 
“Okay, get them wet for me, okay baby?” 
She looked down to see Jungkook moving his pointer and middle finger up to her lips. She nodded her head at his command and did what she was told. She opened her mouth allowing him to slip them inside as she began to suck on them. After a few seconds, he pulled them out and trailed down her body slowly making goosebumps appear. His finger settled on her clit and her body immediately jumped at the pressure and he kissed her neck, “You're doing so good, baby. So good.”
“Kook~! I want to come again, ple-please.”
“I love it when you say please to me, my baby is always so innocent but she knows how to be slut.” 
“Y-your slut.”
“Forever and always.”
With how deep he was thrusting and her first orgasm, she knew she was going to come but this one felt different. She felt like it was going to be more than usual, “K-Kook, I think I-I’m going to come.”
“It's okay baby, you can come. I can feel you clenching around me.” 
“P-pull out. It feels weird, I don’t know. I-It feels like a lot is going to come out...”
Jungkook kissed her cheek and knew what was going to happen, “Just let it happen baby, trust me. Just relax.”
She nodded her head and he kissed her cheek. He continued to thrust into her as she harshly bit her lip. She moaned loudly when she felt wetness begin to pour out of her, while Jungkook groaned at the feeling, “Kook!!~~” 
“Fuck Y/N, didn’t know you can squirt.” 
She squealed when she felt more leaking out as he continued to thrust into her, “O-Oh my god.”
“Fuck, Y/N, I love you so much.” 
Jungkook kissed her neck as his cum flooded into her and he held her close to his body as she let deep breathes. He didn't want her to fall over and felt her whole body shaking still, “Baby you're okay?”
He nodded his head and pulled out of her making her moan and more liquid came out. He gently put her on the bed as he put her hair in a ponytail, “Do you need water?” 
“N-No, I need you.”  
He nodded his head and carefully pulled the blankets over them as he cuddled her, “Baby, you need to go to the bathroom.” 
“I-I can’t Kook.” 
“Do you want me to carry you?” 
“That-that’s embarrassing.” 
Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Y/N, you threw up on me when we were thirteen and you saw me shit myself, this is fine.”
He carefully picked her up and moved to the bathroom slowly, “Are you okay?”
“I feel better, just tired.”
He nodded his head and gently set her on the toilet as she looked up at him with a loving smile, “I love you so much, Jeon Jungkook.”
He gulped at this and looked down at the tile floor before looking at her, “I love you, L/N Y/N...forever and always.”
The next morning, she woke up to see Jungkook had already left. She raised her eyebrow at this and walked downstairs in his shirt to see him sitting on the couch with a serious look on his face. She looked at him with a confused look and whispered out to him, “Jungkook is everything okay?”
He sighed and turned towards her and her eyes widened. He was crying but she wasn’t sure why. She moved quickly to his side and grabbed his hands, “Kook, are you okay! Oh my god, your crying-“
“We need to break up.” 
Her face dropped and she stared at him with pure shock, “Wh-what? Jungkook stop pla-”
“I’m not playing. We need to break up, it’s…it’s too much for me right now and I don’t want to bring you down.”
She stood up but she didn’t move as she stared at him with shock still, “What the fuck are you talking about? You could never bring me down, Jungkook, stop this now.” He stood up and he tried to grab her hand but she turned away from him, “You can’t be serious, Jungkook… I don’t believe you.”
He sighed and looked away from her, “It will be better this way and I think you know this.”
“Don’t tell me what I know. What the hell is the cause of this?”
“I don’t have time for you.”
She let out a forced laugh and shook her head as a single tear fell down her face, “I’ve been patient with you, for ten years. Jungkook I waited for you everyday and night. Why now? Wh-what did I do?” 
“You did nothing. It was all me, Y/N.”
She nodded her head and looked down at the tile floor. She watched a tear hit the floor as she sniffled, “You're just going to end it like this. I—I have no words.” 
She shook her head as she covered her mouth as she let out a sob. She ripped the shirt she had on off of her body as she ran upstairs. She slammed the door and locked it when she heard footsteps behind her. A pound in the door caused her to fall on the floor. Her knees to her chest, “Y/N, I-“
She wiped  her face harshly and looked at the bedroom with a blank stare. She saw all the pictures of them smiling on the wall and she glared at this. She stood up as she heard Jungkook yelling her name on the other side of the door but she didn’t care. She picked up the picture frame and looked at it, “Ten years…ten fucking years, AHHH!”
She threw the frame down and watched the broken glass go all over the carpet. She let out another scream as she grabbed another frame, throwing it down but twice as hard, “I gave you everything. TEN YEARS AND YOU JUST ENDED IT LIKE THAT. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!”
She grabbed another picture and she tossed it at the wall and she looked at the glass. She fell onto the floor and she started crying, “Did you even love me?” She let out a deep sob as she brought her hands to her face as sobbed into them. Not caring that Jungkook is pleading to come in. 
“It’s too much for you? I waited months when you were on tour because I loved you…I watched all your fans thirst for you and never once did I complain. I…what happened? You can’t even tell me that…what makes it worse is I am still in love with you.”
Another pound happened and she turned her head towards the door with tears running down her face, “Y/N…I love you…that’s why I’m doing this.” 
She shook her head and looked down to see the glass somehow cut her feet and legs. She saw blood drip down but she didn’t move to clean it up. She closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, “I should be the one that said this was too much but I never did because I never gave up. Ten years….I..you're the worst person, Jungkook.” 
“Y/N, no matter what I will always come back to you.”
She scoffed at this and shook her head against the bed, “Do-Don’t say that…don’t give me hope. My first love just broke me…what a joke.”  
She got up from the floor and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, not bothering to check the temperature and went in. She sat on the floor as she watched her blood and tears mixed with the water. She looked up at the ceiling as she started to sob again. Jungkook was her first love and she thought her last but now she’s here crying in the shower. She pushed her knees to her chest as she continued to cry, at least the water could comfort her. 
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“Hey, you guys come in early. I made most of your favorites but I stopped.”
She laughed as she opened the door wide for the members to come in. Seokjin entered first and gave her a tight hug as she returned it, “Oppa, you saw me last night. You're acting like you haven’t seen me in years..” 
“I can’t hug my favorite person.”
She gave him a gentle smile as she hugged the rest of the members but for some reason these hugs felt different. Each of them hugged tightly, even Yoongi. Something was wrong but she didn’t know what. She shook off the feeling and entered the dinner room with the rest of them. 
It’s been two days since Jungkook broke up with her and the first person she thought of calling was Namjoon. She cried to him and she even threw up from crying so much but he was there. He let her stay at one of his apartments that he had and of course, he didn’t tell Jungkook where she was. The rest of the guys have been supportive and they would stop by to check on her. Sometimes every hour to make sure she was okay. 
She sat next to Jimin and Hoseok as she gave them all a small smile, “Sorry I didn’t respond in the group chat this morning. I had a phone call meeting with Yujin about the lyrics for our new song, sorry.”
Taehyung shook his head and took a sip of his water, “No, no it’s okay. We understand Y/N. We’re so proud of you, writing lyrics isn’t easy.”
Her face turned red and Jimin placed his hand over hers giving her a smile, “We’re proud of anything you do, no matter what.”
The rest of the guys nodded their heads and she clapped her hands out of excitement, “You guys are going to make me cry. Let’s eat.” 
She made everyone’s plates and she looked so happy, as did everyone except for Yoongi. She tilted her head at him as she sat back in her seat with food, “Neh, Yoongi, is everything okay? You look out of it.” 
He sighed and dropped his fork on the plate. He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked back at her with a gentle look, “I can’t wait any longer, Y/N. Jungkook cheated on you and got the girl pregnant. That’s why he’s been going to LA, that was his project.”
Her mouth dropped at this and she stared at him with pure shock, “Wh-what?” 
“Yay, hyung we promised after dinner we would say something.”
Yoongi turned towards Taehyung and shook his head, “I couldn’t pretend when I’m so pissed at Jungkook for hurting basically my sister.”
“When did you guys find out?”
They all turned towards her to see small tears forming and this broke her heart. They didn’t want to see her cry anymore but she needed the truth, “We found out on Thursday.” 
She turned towards Namjoon and her eyes widened, “Is that why you called me?“ 
He nodded his head and looked down at the table before glancing back at her, “Yes…we think he picked up on us knowing and that’s why he broke up with you.” 
She continued to stare at him when she felt more tears coming down her face. She got up from the chair to get some air but she didn’t make it far because she fell to the ground. Her eyes slowly closed and the only thing she heard was muffled panicked voices. 
“Jungkook, you can’t just say things like that.”
She rolled her eyes as she sat on the swing next to Jungkook. They just finished their date and he suggested going to the park to end the night. He looked at her and smiled, “What I’m being serious, Y/N. I want to have three kids with you. 
“Jungkook, we’ve been together for four years, shouldn’t you ask me to marry you first?”
“I thought that was obvious. I want to marry you and have kids, you're the only person for me, Y/N.”
She smiled at this and leaned towards him giving him a quick peck on the cheek making his eyes widen. He looked back at her with a smile, “Can we go somewhere?”
She tilted her head and nodded her head, “Is it far from here? You have to go back to the dorms soon.”
“It's near and I think you will like it.”
He got up and grabbed her hand gently, making her heart flutter. The two walked away from the park and the street lights shined against their skins. Y/N was too busy looking at Jungkook to realize where they were and when he stopped she almost walked into his back. She turned her head to see a church. She raised her eyebrow and looked at him, “Why are we in front of a church, kook?” 
He looked down at her with a shy look, “This is the church I want to marry you in one day.”
Her face turned red and looked back at the church, “Jungkook, this is beautiful.” 
“I saw it last month and I keep picturing us getting married here. You with your wedding dress and hair all done pretty, it's been on my mind. When I make it big, we’ll have the biggest wedding and it will be everything you ever wanted.”
He leaned down and kissed her forehead as she hugged his waist. She nuzzled her head into his chest as he returned the hug, “I love you Jungkook.”
“I love you Y/N.” 
She opened her eyes to see the white ceiling on top of her and beeping noises filled her ears. She let out a small moan and turned her head to see Jin sleeping in a chair and Yoongi on the couch. She slowly got up and looked down to see she was hooked up to an IV, Why am I in the hospital? 
“Y/N? Do you want me to get a nurse for you?”
She turned her head towards the door to see Jimin rushing to her side with a sandwich in his hand, “Jim-Jimin, why am I in the hospital?”
He pushed a chair towards her bed and grabbed her hand gently, “You fainted and you wouldn’t wake up. Namjoon rushed you to the private hospital we use because you wouldn’t move. The doctor said you haven’t eaten in two days.” 
“I-I honestly don’t remember...How long have I been out?”
“It's been almost two days.” 
Her eyes widened at this and looked around the room with a worried look, “Two days? Does Yujin know?”
“Jin told her...he told her everything.”
“Oh no, how did she react?” 
Jimin shivered at the memory of her yelling and shook his head, “Not good but we asked her not to text Jungkook because he doesn’t know we know.”
She slowly nodded her head and looked down at the white blanket with a blank expression, “Did he really cheat on me?” 
“Yeah...we asked our manager to sneak on the plane to see what he was doing. She looks like she's around six months...” 
She nodded her head again as she felt her eyes start to get wet again. She looked up at the ceiling with her eyes closed, taking a deep breath, “ I can’t believe it...He's lied to me. Wait, six months, that’s when...that's when you guys had a concert in LA.” 
He nodded his head and looked down, “I knew he was doing something but I just assumed he wanted to go out to the club to get a drink. We were all so tired and we didn’t come with him...that's when we think he cheated on you.” 
“The day after the concert, we Facetimed and he told me he loved me so much...I think that was the guilt that was talking. I...I didn’t think he would do this to me.” 
“We didn’t think so either...especially getting a girl pregnant.” 
She turned her head to see Yoongi rubbing his eyes and when he confirmed with his own eyes that she was up, he got up. He rushed to her side and sat on the hospital bed grabbing her hand, “Are you okay?”
“I-I’m okay...I’m still wrapping my head around this...”
When she looked at Yoongi and she saw his concerned look, she couldn’t hold her tears anymore. A rush of tears fell down her face as a loud sob left her mouth. Yoongi moved forward and pulled her into his chest rubbing her back, “Shhh, Y/N, It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.” 
“Ho-how could he do this to me? I did everything for him. I loved him with all my heart and soul, what did I-I do wrong?”
Jimin grabbed her hand and shook his head, “Y/N, you did nothing wrong. This was all Jungkook, this isn’t your fault. Never think of that.” 
“How could he do this? What are you guys going to do?”
Yoongi kissed the top of her head when he felt her sobs die down a bit, “We're going to give him hell. He's going to have to come to the public about this relationship because the girl is pregnant.”
She bit her lip and nodded her head, “He's going to marry her, isn’t he. The company is going to force him to get married.” 
“Yeah...They’re probably going to do that. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” 
She nuzzled further into Yoongi’s chest as Jimin’s grip on her hand tightened, “I have to see it to believe it...I-I don’t know what to do...I want to make him suffer but I...”
“Take your time, love.”  
“What am I going to do...I just never thought this would happen.” 
“We’ll figure it out.”
The next week, Y/N was out of the hospital and like everything Yoongi said, it came true. On multiple websites there were pictures of him and this mystery girl with her pregnant belly being the main focus. Y/N, didn’t even remember what she looked like because as soon as she read the words “Jeon Jungkook set to get married” she tossed her phone. 
The rest of the guys gave Jungkook a hard time, Jimin even punched him for hurting Y/N. Namjoon and Jin had to pull him off while Yoongi threw another punch at him. Jungkook admitted that it was a drunken one night stand and it wasn’t supposed to be like this. He even had the nerve to tell them that he still loved Y/N and wanted to be with her which resulted with Yoongi punching him again. Namjoon banned Jungkook from bringing the girl over to the dorms because she wanted money from the group to be silent about Jungkook’s and Y/N’s relationship to the public. Namjoon threatened the girl if she tried anything to hurt Y/N then he would make her life harder. 
Y/N was staying at her dorm and the girls all came together to take care of her. Katie and Seoyeon were shocked to see the news but when Yujin saw how far along the girl was she left the dorm. Yujin arrived at Bts’s dorm as fast as she could and went to see Jungkook herself. She slapped him as hard as she could while Yoongi held his girlfriend back from the mankne. After that night, Yujin cut off all communication from Jungkook because Y/N was too scared to do it herself. 
Now, Y/N sat in the meeting with the rest of the girls discussing their new title track. Mr. Kim looked at all the girls with a wide smile that made Y/N feel a little bit better, “We have some ideas for the lyrics but we wanted to ask you guys if you had any lyrics.” 
Y/N nodded her head and took out her notebook with a smile, “I do...”
The rest of the girls turned towards her with a surprised look but Mr. Kim didn’t see it because he was focused on the notebook. He gently took the notebook from her hand and read the lyrics quietly to himself, “Wow, you basically wrote the whole song Y/N. Do you want to explain them to the rest of us?”
She nodded her head and looked at the table with a blank expression before looking at the people in the room, “The song is about how the person’s lover used to write love songs to her and how even though the love songs were nice, when she got wrong the song had to end. A break up song...” 
The members nodded their heads at this and looked at Mr. Kim who gave her a proud smile, “These lyrics are good Y/N. Proud of you, proud of all you. I think we have our next song done!” 
Before Mr. Kim stood up, Yujin raised her hand causing him to tilt his head at her, “Mr. Kim, the award show is next Wednesday and we're performing...shouldn’t we perform our new song?”
Mr. Kim nodded his head at this and looked down at his watch, “It’s monday...that would mean you had to be working this whole week. Is that okay with you guys? I don’t want to pressure you guys.”
Seoyeon shook her head and looked at Y/N with a smirk, “No, I think we need this. I think it would make everyone look at us.” 
Mr. Kim nodded his head at this and looked at the girls with a proud face, “Alright, let's have a meeting with the producers to figure out who sings what. This is exciting. I’ll meet you guys in the studio.” 
Mr. Kim left the room and Katie turned towards Y/N with a surprised look, “When did you write that?” 
“I wrote it yesterday...” 
Seoyeon’s eyes widened at this and grabbed her hand from under the table, “Did it make you feel better?”
Y/N sighed and nodded her head, “It did but it still hurts...writing it made me realize that Jungkook played me. He told me he loved me forever and always when he had another girl pregnant. I-I just can’t believe that he thought this was okay to do.” 
Seoyeon nodded her head and leaned forward kissing her forehead, “I’m sorry but we’ll never leave your side. Okay?” 
She nodded her head and quickly wiped her eyes when she felt tears, “I-I’m sorry.”
The girls didn’t say anything and wrapped their arms around the younger girl as she started to cry. She covered her mouth as she cried into Seoyeon’s chest. They were going to get through this no matter what happens. 
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Y/N entered Jin’s apartment after he texted her that he cooked all her favorite foods, making her smile. She slipped into the pink slippers he bought her last christmas. She slowly made her way into his kitchen to see him at the stove. It's been almost two weeks since Jungkook broke up with her and honestly she's been better but that was thanks to her group and the guys. She has been mostly with Jin and the two have gotten closer if that was possible. Jin would cook her dinner when she came over and she would cook for him when he visited her. The two would joke around or he would help her with singing, his advice meant a lot to her; it always has. 
“Jinnie? Do you need help?”
Jin looked over his shoulder and gave her a smile and shook his head, “I’m almost done. All I have to do is put these on the plate. You can have some wine if you want too, it's in the fridge.” 
She nodded her head and grabbed two wine glasses from his cabinet. She set them on the counter as she glanced at his back and for some reason she felt her heart flutter at the sight. She shook her head and went to the fridge taking out the white wine he bought for tonight. She smiled when she saw that he already opened it for her. She poured it into the glasses and she turned around to see Jin smiling at her with a plate of food. For some reason, the lighting in the kitchen made him look more handsome, something she didn’t really think until recently. 
“I got your second favorite wine, is that okay?”
“She nodded her head and looked away from his stare, “Jinie, I would drink anything you bought me because you bought it for me.”
He nodded his head and looked at his diner room, “We should go before the food gets cold.” 
“Yeah, thank you for cooking. I appreciate it.” 
He nodded his head as the two walked into his diner room. He placed the food on the table as she did the same with the wine. He pulled out her chair for her and she said her small thanks to him as she sat down. He sat next to her and started putting food on her plate making her feel shy for some reason. She started to do the same for him, making him smile at her, “How's everything coming along? Did you get the dance down?” 
She nodded her head as she swallowed the rice, “We got the dance down and the song is done. We're just practicing now. I’m really nervous but excited to do this performance.” 
“I’m so happy to hear that. I’m really proud of you Y/N. You used to have stage fright but now look at you. I’m proud of you.”
Her heart started to beat louder and she looked at him with a shy smile, “Thank you, oppa...it means a lot to me.” 
“I know I can’t show it in the audience but just know I’m cheering for you always.”
She stared at him with wide eyes as he just gave her a smile. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, “I’m always supporting you, Y/N. No matter what.” 
Somehow her heart beated louder if that was possible when he did this. He's done this before but this time it felt different to her. He leaned away and she looked up to see him looking at her with an expression she has never seen before. Before she said anything he quickly moved away and took a sip of his wine with a red face. She looked down at the plate of food with a smile that she missed having. She wondered what the future held between them if they let anything happen. 
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Backstage was crazy, she watched everyone moving as fast as they could and Y/N stood next to Yujin. EDEN was performing first because of how new they were and this made Y/N nervous now. She was dressed in her red carpet outfit while the others finished first. She looked at the monitors to see the camera’s zooming onto Bts and seriously her heart didn’t hurt when she saw Jungkook. It was obvious to her that the guys wanted nothing to do with him because of the distance but they played it off good. She saw Jungkook twitching a lot which meant he was nervous. She rolled her eyes at this and looked to the side when her stylist came to her, “Are you ready?” 
She nodded her head and was whisked away to the dressing rooms. Outside in the audience, Jin was staring at the screen and he had to fight his smile from appearing when he saw Y/N appear on the screen. Namjoon saw this and nudged him gently. He leaned forward and covered his mouth from the cameras, “You’ve been getting closer to Y/N recently. Anything going on?” 
He rolled his eyes and leaned forward covering his mouth, “No, maybe in the future, I don’t know, okay.” 
Y/N stared at herself in the mirror with a smile, she was wearing a black tank top that had a silver chain going down the middle, mesh cargo pants that had buckles on them and black combat boots. Her hair was in a simple ponytail and she smiled at her appearance. Yujin wrapped her arm around her shoulders and she looked up at her with a smile, “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I am. Unnie, I am ready for this.” 
“That’s my girl, EDEN let's huddle!” 
All the girls showed up giving each other excited smiles. They put their hands in the middle and looked at Yujin, “Today, we’ll show that cheaters truly lose in the end. LET’S GO EDEN!”
The girls walked their places and Y/N glanced into the audience and was glad the lights above her were out. Her eyes landed on Jin who met her eyes, he gave her a small nod and she smiled at this looking away. She took a deep breath and the song started. 
“Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo, Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.”
Y/N took another deep breath and turned towards the crowded glancing at Jungkook who was watching her carefully, “In a whole other life, there was this boy that I knew. He made me feel like a woman, we were young and silly fools. Anyway, he was in a band, wrote love songs about me. I wasn't crazy 'bout the words, but the melodies were sweet, Went something like...”
She never took her eyes off of him and she was hoping no one would catch on to the glare she had on her face. Jungkook shifted in his seat uncomfortably but he knew his hyungs weren't going to comfort him, he deserved this. 
“Every time we go dancing, I see his straying eyes. Gave him too many chances, push my gears too many times And when he start acting dumb, then I'll be on my way to leave
But I stopped in the tracks, when I heard this melody And it went like...”
“Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo, Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-dooDoo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.”
Y/N moved to the center and stared directly at Jungkook and gave him a quick smirk and shook her head towards him, “He used to sing me sweet melodies. He played me, made me believe it was real love, Sing me sweet melodies But the day he did me wrong. The song couldn't go on and on. He used to sing me sweet melodies, He played me, made me believe it was real love. Sing me sweet melodies But the day he did me wrong. The song couldn't go on and on and on.”
Tag list:
@belladaises​ @iknowyoualwaystae​ @vinylphwoar @mickmoon @delicateladypeach @bbl32​ @arepabella​ @scuzmunkie @mwitsmejk @sofs-wrld
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gaykimjisoo · 7 years
rating: g
pairings: seowon, harom (fromis_9)
word count: 1421
summary: seoyeon works at a coffee shop on black friday.
read on ao3
seoyeon has never seen a coffee shop do deals for black friday. the drinks are already all worth less than anything that should be on sale, so it’s a moot point unless the company wants to go bankrupt.
unfortunately, there’s a first time for everything. the problem is she’s caught in the middle of it.
she waves the latest customer away and sinks a little when she sees the line is even longer since she last saw it a minute before, stretching out the door. seoyeon resigns herself to staying at least an hour after her shift; at least she’ll get overtime. $10 more in her bank.
the next customer steps up to the counter, and seoyeon is almost too tired to register how her hair slides across her neck and her eyes shine with something she hasn’t seen in awhile. she needs more than a few moments to compose herself for this pretty stranger, time she doesn’t have.
seoyeon has always had a weakness for pretty girls, and the way her lips shine like cherries is a bit too much for her.
so she stares. and she’s hitting herself in her head, because her physical functions aren’t currently adept enough to do it.
then the girl’s eyes crinkle into half moons as she smiles and seoyeon knows she’s totally fucked.
“aren’t you supposed to greet me?” the pretty stranger asks.
seoyeon blinks once slowly, then again, and her instincts catch up to her. “welcome to haven coffee. what would you like?” she thanks whatever higher power there is that her voice doesn’t crack.
“good job,” the girl muses, and looks up at the menu like she hadn’t had all the time in the world when she was in line.
seoyeon would usually be annoyed by this, but it gave her more time to study her, so she can’t complain with a clear conscience.
and the way she tilts her head back and her neck becomes exposed, christ. it has to be illegal.
“i like the caramel macchiato,” seoyeon blurts, because, hey, she’s a normal person who can totally hold a conversation. “it’s. it’s really good. i think.”
maybe not that normal of a person.
but the stranger giggles, and casts her gaze back to seoyeon. “you have a sweet tooth?”
she blushes. “yeah… sorry.” she doesn’t know exactly what she’s apologizing for, but she feels like she should anyway.
“it’s okay,” she says. “so do i.”
having one thing in common with a stranger, even a pretty one, shouldn’t make her heart skip a beat.
“i’ll get one of those,” she finishes, slipping a dollar bill (yes, the deals were that atrocious) across the counter. “small.”
seoyeon types it into the cash register, regretfully tearing her eyes away. “and that’s all?”
“name?” seoyeon asks.
“jiwon,” she tells her, and seoyeon’s heart fucking flutters. it’s perfect.
she scribbles her name on the cup and sets it aside for one of her coworkers to take care of. “that’ll just take a few minutes,” she finishes.
“thank you,” jiwon says, and as seoyeon looks back up, she winks. if seoyeon’s heart had skipped a beat before, it flatlines then.
the entire conversation only took a couple minutes, but it felt like seconds and a lifetime all at once. seoyeon wistfully watches jiwon walk to a table in the back, sighing.
“oh my god,” she hears from behind her, two voices whispering in perfect unison.
“they’re soulmates. it’s meant to be.”
“romsae, we just watched our BABY fall in love. we should’ve filmed it.”
“why didn’t you?”
“i was too busy swooning on seoyeon’s behalf. why didn’t you?”
“i was recording it in my memory. we can make them redo it when they’re married with five kids, anyway.”
“true, but it won’t be the same. we’re failiures as mothers.”
hayoung and saerom were two things to seoyeon; firstly they were the dorky, in love parental figures she never had. secondly, they were both pains in the ass in their own ways. she supposed, in retrospect, they go hand in hand.
still, she doesn’t have to respect them like parents. for that, she’s very thankful.
“you two are impossible,” seoyeon says without turning around, beginning to take care of the next customer in line.
they were also scarily in sync at least 100% of the time.
“i got this!” hayoung announces, bumping seoyeon’s hip so hard she stumbles and almost falls over.
saerom snatches the cup off the counter before anyone else can get to it. “go to her, seoyeon,” she coos. “get it, baby.”
seoyeon will never admit it, but she appreciates that sentiment just as much as she hates it.
without anything else to do, the shop already overstaffed, she shuffles over to jiwon. she apologizes when she bumps into people because she really cannot keep her eyes off this girl, but she doesn’t actually feel all that bad about it.
when she arrived at the table, for at least a few seconds, she just stares at the back of jiwon’s head and panics. she’s so pretty what the fuck do i SAY how can i impress her also why did she wink at me??? does that mean she’s interested or was she just making fun of me for being a mess i think it’s the latter this was a mistake i’m an idiot FUCK YOU SAEROM-
“what’s your name?” jiwon asks without turning around. seoyeon has a mini heart attack.
“seoyeon,” she responds. “can i, uh, sit down?”
jiwon giggles again. “yeah, uh, i guess,” she mocks. seoyeon doesn’t that mind all that much, either.
she sits across from jiwon, crosses her legs, and makes eye contact with her. it’s silent for a minute or two as jiwon scrutinizes her and seoyeon absentmindedly noted that she can feel the blood leaving her fingers from how tight she’s gripping her chair. that’s probably not healthy.
“seoyeon’s a good name.” she nods along dumbly.
“you like anime?”
i’ve fallen for a weeb.
“naruto’s nice.”
jiwon snorts. “typical. watch madoka magica. that’s real shit.”
“... okay?”
jiwon nods in satisfaction and goes back to scrutinizing, and saerom has to scream “caramel macchiato for jiwon” at least 3 times for her to snap out of it.
jiwon gets up to get her drink, and seoyeon finally has time to think about the ridiculous situation.
fact number one: she’s whipped.
fact number two: jiwon is, at least a little bit, interested.
fact number three: this is really cliché.
fact number four: jiwon’s smile is really pretty and she never wants to go another shitty morning without it.
fact number five: after reviewing fact number four, seoyeon falls a little bit more. not in love, but in the possibility of love, butterflies and first dates and all that.
“well, not to insult a pretty girl,” jiwon says, returning to her seat, “but you’re not that smooth. to make up for it, though, your friends are.” she shows seoyeon her cup, and she dies inside.
saerom wrote, in her pristine as fuck handwriting, her number and a list of rules if she wants to date “my baby who has never done anything wrong.” she’s suddenly reminded of her earlier exhaustion and deigns not to read all of them, but it’s… extensive. she wants to yell.
“i wouldn’t call that smooth,” she croaks out instead.
“it gets the job done,” jiwon said with a shrug, sipping her coffee. she grimaces, then glares at seoyeon. “fuck. you said this was good.”
“best thing on the menu. this place is shit.”
jiwon waves her hand. “still a lie. i usually don’t go out with people who lie.”
badump badump badump.
“for you, though, i’ll make an exception. you should thank your cute personality and your friends.”
seoyeon balks at her, jaw dropped, eyes wide.
“god, i wanna take a picture. you’re so adorable,” jiwon tells her, giggling. she stands up, coffee in hand. “i’ll text you, yeah?”
“y-yeah,” is all seoyeon can say in response.
seoyeon watches her walk out, dumping her coffee into the trash along the way, but keeping the cup.
hayoung slides into the seat jiwon was sitting in while seoyeon continues to gaze at the door. “that was somehow embarrassing and heartwarming all at once.”
seoyeon doesn’t answer.
“whatever,” hayoung mutters. “someday you’ll thank us for being the best mothers you could’ve ever asked for.”
(and if later, she feels her phone buzz in her pocket and her heart does a little jump, she’ll keep that to herself.)
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psycho-slytherin · 4 years
Strangers ch. 44
You begin moving on, but Yoongi is stuck.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Genre: fluff, angst, idk
Warnings: Strong language, I think that’s it?
<–– Prev  Next ––>
“Idiot. What were you thinking?”
“Oh, come on. Look, it all worked out, right?”
“This wasn’t part of the plan! Now everyone knows who you are!”
“They were gonna find out anyways. I just used it to my advantage.”
“Don’t you realize how careful we have to be?”
“You. I’m safe.”
“Have you forgotten our goal? We need to destroy her.”
“Yeah, but that was so he’d be safe. Haven’t we already won?”
“Not yet. But we will.”
“C’mon, D. I know you’ve got something for me.”
“Look, man-” D huffs in frustration. “I’m sorry, but ain’t the girl you’re trying to track down dead? It’s been a good month.”
“She’s alive.” Unless the photo is old, or doctored.
“Her phone hasn’t been on in any sorta way since the day she texted your girl. I’m tryin’ to locate her but I’m hitting a lotta dead ends.”
Yoongi bites his lip anxiously. Lisa is the only hold Seoyeon has over him– and the only proof he has that she’s a criminal. If he can find Lisa, Seoyeon won’t have any more leverage and Yoongi will be able to turn her over to the police. He’ll explain everything to Y/n, and finally be set free.
But he can’t do any of that until he has Lisa. 
“Yo, Gloss, hit me with that image description again?” D says over the phone. Yoongi can hear a mouse click several times as he closes his eyes, focusing on the photo in his memory. If only Seoyeon had sent it to him instead of just showing him, it might be easier.
“The walls were white. She was barefoot– her hair was short. Her hands and feet were tied.”
“What sort of knot?”
Yoongi clicks his tongue, thinking hard. “I- I can’t remember. It looked tight, the rope was pressing into her wrists.”
“That’s an oof. Did she look skinny, like she hadn’t been eating?”
“I don’t know, I can’t compare. I never met her in person, I only saw Y/n’s pictures of her.” Yoongi clenches his fist, frustrated that he’s so useless.
“Hey, hey, chill, man. We’ll find her. Now, what color were her hands?”
“Her hands? Uh… skin-colored?”
“Huh.” D pauses– Yoongi’s barely used to hearing his friend not talk.
“I mean, you said the knots were tight. You’d think it would cut off her circulation.”
“Fuck, dude, I don’t know. Maybe I wasn’t looking. How is this going to help us find her?”
“I mean, I can already tell you that she’s probably not at Seoyeon’s place. There’s no way this chick can keep Lisa at her house without her family finding out, that shit’s just one story.”
“You’re kidding, she lives with her family?”
“Bruh. If she was stalking you enough to get away with what she’s done, do you really think she’d be able to keep a good enough job to afford that place? Nah, man, she lives with her folks and a sister.”
“We don’t know that she was stalking me.” 
“How else did she find Y/n outside of the hospital, then? You tell me.” 
Yoongi falls silent. He doesn’t want to dwell on the possibility that he so directly put Y/n into danger– it’s too destructive a thought. “Whatever. D, I really need you on this. The authorities have been useless.”
D sniggers. “Ain’t that the truth. Look, I’ve got an alert on her number and socials. If she so much as turns her phone on, or tries posting from another device, I’ll know.”
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“Yeah, whatever, you owe me a collab.”
Yoongi grins. “Deal.” After hanging up, he sighs, leaning back in his chair. He’s been spending as much time as he can this week in his studio. Even the other members and their antics can’t lift his spirits, not when he has to answer Seoyeon’s constant summons for yet another photo op. And while he’s got her hanging onto his arm, Yoongi can think of nothing other than Y/n. 
He remembers how angry he was when he found out that you’d been an ARMY all along. It seems like ages ago, and yet the sense of betrayal is fresh in his mind. He can only imagine how you’re feeling now… 
“Miss L/n?”
You stand, taking the well-dressed man’s offered hand. “That’s me, hi.”
“Nice to meet you, you can call me Mr. Park. So, Avery Lee messaged me saying you’re looking to join our agency?”
You nod, fidgeting with the sleeve of your heavy coat. “Yes, until recently– well, I guess you could say I had a freelance manager. I can’t work with her anymore, and Avery said I should sign with an agency.”
“She’s right. Rising stars like you need guidance. So,” Mr. Park says, settling back into his plush leather chair and staring at you from across his desk. “Tell me about yourself. What makes you valuable to FYP Entertainment?”
You swallow. “I’m a third-year acting major at Seoul Arts University. I’ve been an active member of the theatre club and improv club, and competed in Central Seoul’s Improv Showdown twice. I was a featured extra in BTS’s Possible music video. I’ve modeled in Premier Bride Korea and for Beauty of the Seoul’s lipstick line. I recently appeared in a cologne commercial for Fierce, and I was an extra in Medicine of the Heart, a medical drama. Most notably, I play Kim Ji-Woo, a recurring character, alongside BTS’s Suga in Moon Over the Sea.”
Mr. Park rubs his chin. “That’s a long list for a pretty actress who’s never belonged to an agency. And I see an overlap– how familiar are you with Bangtan’s members?”
You fight the urge to laugh; has he not seen the tabloids? “Quite- quite familiar. We’re friends.”
“Just friends?” Mr. Park leans back. “I’ll be honest, Miss L/n, right now the only reason anyone knows your name is as Suga’s ex-girlfriend. Taking you on would be a gamble, and one I’m not sure would pay off for us. I need to know that you’re more than just a scandal– that you’ve got real talent.”
You inhale sharply, but instead of the overwhelming nervousness you were expecting, you feel only determination. They can’t hurt you anymore. “I’m talented. I’m experienced. And I’ll put in the work, sir– I always do. My relationship with Yoongi had no influence over either of my related jobs; I was scouted for the Possible video at a cafe, and Kim Seokjin was the original casting choice for Moon Over the Sea. I can’t deny that knowing Yoongi has helped my popularity, but I got my work, all of it, on my own. Sir.”
Mr. Park stares at you for a long while. “How are your grades?”
You blink. “Sorry?”
“You said you’re a student. How have you been doing in classes? I mean, all this work must keep you from school.”
“Fine,” you say hurriedly. “I, uh, haven’t let it interfere with my degree. I’m very efficient at multitasking.” A little white lie can’t hurt. You’re leaving to film in two days, you’ll check in with your professors tomorrow to make sure you’re good to go.
“That’s very admirable,” Mr. Park says. “And reassuring to hear. We like knowing our clients have the qualifications to continue in the workforce after retiring from entertainment.”
You nod, suddenly shivering at a chill you know isn’t real. 
“Well, I’ve received a glowing recommendation from Avery Lee, who’s worked with us for years. You certainly have more experience than many of our new stars. And a connection, even one like yours, with a group as big as BTS could help you go far. If you, as you said, ‘put in the work’,” Mr. Park smiles briefly. “Then I’d be willing to make this particular gamble, Miss L/n. Will you sign with FYP Entertainment?”
“I-” Yes! “I’d have to look at the contract first, Mr. Park. I’m sure we can negotiate a good outcome, and I’m very optimistic about my future with this agency.”
Mr. Park chuckles. “I see you know how to play the game. Your email is on the form you gave to my assistant– I’ll have her send you the contract today. And, Y/n?”
“I’d stay in touch with those boys– maybe not Yoongi, if your relationship ended badly, but… They have more power than any of us know. If you really want to get big, stick with BTS.”
You furrow your brow. Now that you think about it, it’s been a minute since your last dinner together– after all, you were meant to see them on the night you found out about Lisa’s disappearance. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
When you leave the office, you pull out your phone and call Hoseok.
“Hobi, it’s me.”
“Y/n?” Hoseok’s voice changes. “Uh, what can I do for you?”
“Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to have a Bangtan plus-one dinner again? It’s been a while.” 
“Yeah, um… What about Yoongi hyung?”
You feel a vague burning inside your chest. “He’s invited too, if he’s not busy with his new girlfriend. Our relationship was fake, remember?”
“Ah, yeah, right. How about tonight, then? Come over, Seokjin hyung’s making a souffle for dessert. We can hit a few clubs later? There’s some that are VIP enough that we can be safe.”
You laugh; Hoseok is so good at making you feel relaxed. Still, you don’t know if you’re hoping Yoongi does or doesn’t show. Either way– “That sounds excellent. See you tonight!”
"What do you want?” Yoongi growls into his phone.
“Don’t sound so grumpy, sweetheart.” Seoyeon’s voice in his ear is like poison. “I just wanted to let you know we’re going out tonight.”
“I have plans.”
Seoyeon giggles, far too happily for such a sadist. “Oh, but Suga-bear, you don’t have a choice! Let’s meet at Club Xyon at ten, okay?”
“I hate you.”
“You’re so silly! See you then. Oh,” Seoyeon’s voice turns dark. “And don’t forget what happens if you don’t show.”
A/N tysm for reading!!! <3
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hseulies · 4 years
tagged by @yerimyah, ajdhsj sorry i took so long!
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr.loverman (?) | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword | coffee shop or flower shop | alternate-universe or fix-it | enemies to lovers or childhood friends | angst or fluff | love at first sight or pining | modern-au or historical-au | soulmates or unrequited | fake-dating or secret-dating | breakup and makeup or proposals and weddings I get-together or established-relationship | oblivious pining or domestic fluff | hurt / comfort or crack | meet-the-parents or meet-cute
tagging @korimi4, @yoojeongyeonnie, @lee-seoyeon, @barbzgowon, @kwangchan and @lesb-yeon 💜
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softtlee · 4 years
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𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 / 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐮
✧ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 - kq and jyp entertainment decide the best way to promote their new rookie groups is to send them on a shared reality show, little do they know the chaos that would ensue.
✧ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
✧ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - fluff, humour, potential mild angst, suggestive in places
✧ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 - mild swearing
✧ 𝘢/𝘯 - this is my first ever au so please be patient with me while i try and figure this whole tumblr thing out <3 also this is centred around bang chan x female! reader however rather than calling the reader y/n l/n i've called her yerin lin for the sake of this :) im also taking requests for any aus so pls message me <3
meet the members of kq entertainment's first ever girl group NEBULA. debuting on the 19th of february 2019 with seven members they were ready to rock universe!
kang jimin - 20.01.02, lead vocalist + maknae
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jung jangmi - 05.09.01, main dancer + lead vocalist
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lin yerin - 22.11.00, main rapper + lead dancer + producer
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park dahye - 22.07.00, main dancer + lead rapper
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choi hyejin - 17.04.99, main vocalist + producer
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kim seoyeon - 08.12.98, main rapper + producer + leader
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lee jieun - 15.06.97, main vocalist + oldest
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vex91 · 3 months
Fromis_9 Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Lee Saerom:
Nothing yet...
Song Hayoung:
Nothing yet...
Jang Gyuri:
Nothing yet...
Park Jiwon:
Nothing yet...
Roh Jisun:
Nothing yet...
Lee Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Lee Chaeyoung:
Nothing yet...
Lee Nagyung:
Nothing yet...
Baek Jiheon:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
0 notes
pm127s · 5 years
missing breakfast
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summary : you didn't have any groceries, so you went to the supermarket, but instead you met two little girls and their father.
pairing : single dad! taeyong x gender neutral reader
genre : fluff
notes : lowercase intended. idk why this took me so long oh my, but pls enjoy ! the story is kinda,, uh everywhere lol
you never woke up early on a saturday morning. saturday was the day you recharged your energy you lost over the working week. today was an exception only because you forgot to go grocery shopping which meant you had nothing to eat for breakfast. that was the most important meal of the day or at least so people say, and your growling stomach was betraying you. huffing under your breath, you threw on appropriate clothes, making your way to the nearest grocery store.
finding yourself in the bread section, you were debating the prices between some croissants and french bread. while you were caught up in your thoughts, two bodies ran past you, giggling, in a flash. it happened too fast for you to register in your mind. you turned around to find a dark haired male in distress. the panic was written all over his face. it surprised you so much that you almost dropped your bread.
“ sorry to bother you, but have you seen two little girls, about this tall–” he puts his hand down to his waist to match the height.
“ black hair, one of them is possibly missing a tooth?” the mystery man finished his question, panting slightly as if he ran a marathon.
“ uh sorry sir, i have—” before you could respond to him, he was suddenly tackled.
“ daddy, there you are ! ” one of the little girls that clung to his hip giggled happily.
“ you're not very good at this game, are you? ” the other one piped up quietly.
the father, you simply just guessed, heaved out a long sigh.
“ girls, what did i tell you about playing games inside?”
“ that it's not safe. ” the girls simultaneously responded back, heads down in shame. you felt something pull at your heartstrings watching the scene unfold in front of you, but this was how parenting went of course.
“ alright then, next time don't do it, ok?” the father softly raised both of their chins to meet their faces with a soft smile.
“ ok daddy ! ” they cheered together in time again. you always had these preconceptions about twins, and now they had just been confirmed.
“ we're sorry ! ” one of the girls grinned widely, showing their missing tooth.
the father had turned back to you with a sheepish, almost apologetic grin.
“ i'm so sorry for them, they tend to get out of hand sometimes.” he rubbed the back of his head.
“ it's alright, it's no problem at all ! ” you reassured him, not noticing that you were still clutching your bread.
“ let us help you with your groceries, it's the least we can do!” he assured with a warm smile that you honestly couldn't refuse.
“ thank you, uh –”
“ taeyong. lee taeyong.” he smiled as he held out his hand, and you shook it gratefully.
you had continued shopping with the man and his daughters you found out. he looked quite young to be a father of two, but you tried not to judge what led him to that. you also figured out the girl with the missing tooth was named seoyeon and the quieter twin with the cutest pigtails ever was named sohyun. they were also five years old, according to seoyeon when she began rambling about herself.
without knowing, it had turned afternoon, as you unloaded your groceries with taeyong and the girls.
“ thank you so much again taeyong.” you smiled towards him. “ and it was nice meeting you two girls as well ! ” you bent down to their height
“ girls, what do you say ? ” taeyong patted both of their backs.
“ it was nice meeting you too ! ” they replied in synch, both bowing at 90 degrees.
“ daddy, can we play with them one day?” seoyeon looked up at taeyong with wide eyes.
“ well, you have to ask them. i don't know if they're busy or not.” taeyong laughed lightly as his eyes met yours.
both girls eyes met yours, they both awaited your answer innocently.
“ i can give you my number. i honestly don't know when i'm free, but when i can, i'll give you a heads up? ” you looked towards taeyong, who almost had a red tinge to his cheeks.
“ o-oh, your number? ” as he said that, his voice slightly went up a octave, embarrassing and surprising himself. he couldn't remember the last time he got someone's number, so of course he would be surprised.
“ come on daddy, take it ! ” sohyun piped up, pulling at his pants leg. her pigtails bounced with each pull.
you laughed at his girls as you began to exchange numbers, taeyong still internally embarrassed.
“ by the way, you don't have to you know, if you're really busy...” taeyong told you, holding his girls hand tightly.
“ no, it's fine ! really, i don't mind at all ! ” you reassured with a nod off your head, another smile spreading across his face.
“ well, thank you. see you at their next playdate ! ” the family waved goodbye, seeing seoyeon missing's tooth and sohyun's pigtails in the window, making you giggle to yourself.
after they drove, you stepped into your own vehicle, driving off back to your home. you never expected to meet someone new, but you were happy you did nonetheless.
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marxles · 6 years
It All Started with a Bet.. (pt1)
So i really wanted to try and get back into writing so i thought i’d try writing a new series that i thought about for a really long time. Also since mark lee won’t leave my mind, i’m going to make it about him lol. Hope you enjoy! 
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(huge gif lmao)
Member: Mark x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, little smut, doing it all. 
  You weren’t the type to speak out, you never really said anything, only unless it was necessary and you didn’t really talk to anybody except those in your inner circle, just Seoyeon and Jiwoo. You three have been best friends since before you could even remember, you all grew up together, practically born together. You’re parents were all friends, thus making you three best friends. You were the quiet girl who always sat in the front of the classroom, minding your own business and getting all your work done on time, earning you the label of Nerd. 
  The bell rang signaling lunch, you got your stuff and headed into the cafeteria, Seoyeon and Jiwoo already at your designated table. You three sat there everyday since the beginning of high school, it was now your junior year, 11th grade, and you couldn’t be anymore happier. School was coming to close as you only had your senior year left and then you were done, you wouldn’t see any of those people ever again. 
  As you got closer you could hear the two girls talking about the math test you just finished. 
  “I totally bombed it. In the bad way. i forgot what the correlation formula was. How could anyone forget that? they practically screwed it into our heads!” The one with the darker hair exclaimed. 
  “Not your fault, Mr. Kim surprised us with that test, no one expected it.” Jiwoo reassured her. “Plus I’m positive you did fine. How do you think you did y/n?”
  “Felt good about it, but probably failed it. Who knows with Mr. Kim, his grading system is extremely unfair, I don’t get it sometimes.” 
  As you guys were finishing your lunches and complaining some more about the pop quiz you all just had, a section of the cafeteria broke out in huge laughter. You all looked over and saw the “populars” having the time of their lives. As you examined more, you saw Mark Lee, the stereotypical high school fuckboy who had everyone wrapped around his finger. Son of the football coach, making him the starring quarterback of the team, track star, average student. You thought that he probably has just made a joke at his table which made everyone burst out laughing. You had to admit, he was funny when he isn’t a complete asshole.   There were times in class where he made you all laugh with a snarky comment or just plain stupidity. 
  “You know, if he wasn’t such a bad person, maybe he would be cute.” Seoyeon claimed breaking you out of your trance. 
  “I kind of feel bad for him. I mean his mother passed away and his dad is too obsessed with football to even acknowledge his own son.” Jiwoo stated. You looked back up one more time and when you did, you were surprised to see him staring right back at you with a giant smirk. He gave you a wink and then broke contact by engaging conversation with his best friends, Haechan. You blushed at his gesture excusing yourself to the restroom.
  You made your way to the girls bathroom and looked in the mirror, your face still had a hint of rose creeping on your cheeks. Out of all people, why would he do that? He barely even knew you, you guys only have on class together, math, and even then he doesn’t talk to you, he’s always caught up in some girls drama. 
“Wow, look at you.” Someone said. “So pathetic.”
  You turned around and saw Daeun in front of you, Mark Lee’s new play toy of the week. She came closer to you examining your face realizing you were blushing. 
  “Why were you staring at my boyfriend earlier? Blushing like he actually has an interest in you.” She spat out. 
  “I wasn’t blushing, i got allergies, leave me alone.” You turned back around facing the mirror, turning on the faucet you cupped your hands and placed them under the water, splashing it on your face. 
  “Yeah right, you just can’t accept the fact that he’ll never like you, or even acknowledge you for that matter.”
  “Or you just can’t accept the fact that your boyfriend’s a flirt and while get with anyone who lays sight on him. He’s just using you to get in your pants and then he’ll throw you away like the rest of his used toys.” Daeun winced at the terms ‘used toys’ she stared you hard in the face for what felt like hours, until she slapped you hard across the face, her cheek burning like fire. 
 “Hey! leave her alone.” Someone shouted, you’d recognized that voice in an instant, Mark.  
  “Hey baby” Daeun said as she grabbed his arm. “This is the girls bathroom, what are you doing here? Miss me already?” You couldn’t tell what was worse, the burn from the slap or the fakeness in Daeun’s voice. 
  “Hey, are you okay?” Mark said as he pushed her away and slowly bent down to where you were. You slowly nodded and let him examine your face. 
  “This is stupid, look she’s fine. She’ll get over it, she’s a big girl.” Mark whipped around and glared at her with every inch of him. 
  “Get out of here Daeun, just leave me alone.” She had a look of shock on her face before she slowly walked out turning around to look at him one last time. 
  “I’m really sorry about her, she get overprotective sometimes..” He apologized and helped you stand up, grabbing a piece of paper towel, wetting it and dabbing it on your face. 
  “You call that protective? chick’s a psycho, claiming I like you and I’m forever sad cause you don’t know me.”
  “I do know you. y/f/n y/l/n. In my AP Statistics class. You sit in the front seat with Mr. Kim as the teacher.” You were surprised, he actually knew what your name was and who you were. “You have a sister, a year above us, graduating soon, Minseo, I think her name is.” 
  “How do you know all this?” You asked taking the paper damp paper towel from his hand and throwing it in the trash. Facing him again, he answered you. 
  “Because I know you, we’ve been going to school together since sixth grade. I know that you’re funny, smart, and very pretty. How could I not know a girl like you.” You cheeks started heating up again at his compliments. 
  “I know that you have very good grades in Stats which is why I was coming up here to ask you for your help. I know that I flunked that pop quiz and it would be great if you could help me out.”
“Tutor you, you mean.”
  “Well.. yeah. I’m failing the class and I cannot fail for the year. My dad will actually kill me. he will kick me off the football team and make sure i get no scholarships whatsoever. So I need help.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, he looked down and started kicking his feet around, looking embarrassed. 
“Yeah, no problem.” you said. 
“Wait really?” He asked, looking up surprised that you actually agreed. 
  “Yeah, I mean, what football team would we be without the absolutely fully  capable Mark Lee.” You said. He smiled at you and you guys decided a time and place to start your tutoring. You two exchanged numbers and before you knew it, the bell rang signaling last period. As you headed towards your locker, you couldn’t keep a smile from growing and thinking ahead to Saturday night when Mark Lee would be coming over to your house. It seemed to make the day go by a lot faster. 
Well that was Chapter one! i don’t really know how I feel about it, so some feedback would really be great! Sorry for any mistakes that i made. 
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