#song hayoung fluff
octoberautumnbox · 4 months
fromis as your girlfriend?
ok :DDDD
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You wrap your coat around Saerom and plant a kiss on her hair once you get the chance.
"I was kidding," she giggles, "I'm not that cold." Despite her words, she snuggles your coat a little bit more before she tries taking it off. However, the moment the skin of her hands are exposed to the frigid air, she shivers and rubs them together.
"There's no point in lying, Rommie. You're about as hard to read as a children's vocabulary book." Your hands meet her cheeks, a miscalculation on your part, and she shivers at how cold you are. Her eyes fill with a sort of shy sadness, but her quick thinking saves you both.
"Uhh, my legs are tired too. Carry me?" she asks bashfully, knowing you can't refuse her. Of course you oblige, and as you pick her up in a piggyback ride, she wraps both your and her coat around you to keep you warm too.
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The bowl clatters to the table, spilling its contents all over the surface. Your yelp is loud and sharp, reflecting the pain that covers four of your fingers in the hot soup.
"Fucking idiot," Hayoung grunts. She rushes to wipe your hand free of the liquid, while simultaneously righting and filling the bowl your dropped with cold water. She places it in front of you and dips your fingers inside.
"Be more careful next time." Her voice is stern like it always is when you get hurt. "I can't always be around to look after you and keep you safe. It's like you're doing all this on purpose, honestly."
Behind the scolding, you know her words come from a place of genuine worry and care. Of course they do; her heart can't bear seeing you in pain. Hayoung's gaze never leaves your hand, her fingers never leave your wrist. She has to make sure you're okay.
"It was just an accident, my beloved bread loaf. It wouldn't kill me." The worry in her eyes balloon more, as if she's near tears.
Ease her worries, pull her in and plant a kiss on her exposed forehead. "But okay, I'll be careful. I'm sorry."
Her gaze softens as she finally meets your eyes. A small smile forms at the corners of her mouth before her attention returns to your healing hand.
She fishes your fingers out of the bowl and carefully kisses each one after every word: "I love you too."
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You find Jiwon outside the laundry room with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a finger between her teeth, evidently lost in thought. As you approach her, the smell of detergent overpowers you, and the sound of bubbles popping vigorously out of sight grows louder and louder.
She finally notices you getting closer, and she holds out her hand to stop you. "Okay, before you get mad, know that I did everything right. Something's broken."
"What did you-" you grunt, but as you round the corner and peer into the laundry room, you find the floor covered in suds and the washing machine whirring like it never whirred before.
"See? Broken." Jiwon places her hands on her hips proudly, proud to show none of this was her fault.
Your gaze flies to her in disbelief, and her features drop in disappointment. Her eyes meet the floor between her feet and her voice lowers in volume.
"You're mad," she mutters ashamedly, "I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what happened."
The washing machine finally stops whirring, but the lights all throughout your apartment flicker. You frantically rush for the circuit breaker and flip the master switch off, nearly slipping as you do, and darkness falls all around the two of you.
"It's alright," you sigh. You pat her on the shoulder and pull her in for a snuggle. "You're not hurt, honey?" Stroke her hair and comfort her, still wary that she might be keeping something else about the situation from you.
"Nope, I'm fine, but I have to own up to something: I maaaaybe forgot to read the instructions." Her laugh cuts through the tension of the situation, and you find yourself laughing with her. It'll be a headache tomorrow to get all this fixed, but for now, it's a welcome slow dance with your girlfriend in the dark.
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The two of you head off to a nearby shade as Jisun hums happily at the sweet flavor of her ice cream. She's the type to take bites out of it, and while you found that a bit weird, it takes nothing away from how much you love her.
"What flavor is that again?" you ask while licking your lips free of your own ice cream. She takes a second before meeting your eyes, evidently really enjoying her cold treat.
"It's- Ahahaha, look at you!" She points to your chin while bellowing a hearty laugh. She nearly folds in half as her joy consumes her; each time she rises and takes in the sight of you, she laughs again.
Confused, you fish our your phone and inspect yourself in the screen. In your reflection you find a dab of your rocky road on your nose and a line of it from your lower lip to your chin. It suddenly connects what Jisun was laughing so hard about:
"I'm sorry, love, you a bit look like a clown!" She struggles to get her laughter under control, but loses it when you pull a funny face for her. She pounds your chest weakly, announces her sides are starting to hurt, and yet, her laughter never lets up.
There's no shame nor judgment in her reactions, and you know full well that she's only overflowing with joy to be spending a perfect day like this out with you. There's no harm in laughing at yourself once in a while, especially when you get to hear Jisun's as well.
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You shut the door behind you and walk over carefully to Seoyeon's bed. She lifts up the covers and hurries you in despite you trying your hardest not to spill the ramyeon you cooked for her.
"Thaaank you, sweetheart," she cheers, taking the bowl and chopsticks from you and placing it carefully on her lap over the blanket. She cuddles up to you happily before taking her first bite of your cooking, and she shakes in contentment once the savory taste of the food washes over her tongue.
As the TV drones on in the background, you wrap her in a warm embrace. You have half a mind to scold her, wanting to tell her off for not getting up all day, but with a sight like this, you really hate to break the peace.
Instead, you watch as she devours the ramyeon bite by bite, her eyes never leaving the TV, and her head never lifting off your shoulder. The scent of her hair fills your nose, and the warmth of her body calms you down and releases tension you didn't even know you had.
"Say aaahhhhh." Seoyeon lifts up a bite of her ramyeon and blows on it, then brings it over to your mouth. She stares expectantly as she waits for you to open up, and who are you to decline?
She thoughtfully offers you the bite of her food, her food, and you eat it gratefully. Her eyes turn into crescents as her smile takes over her features, and for a moment you take in the beauty of Lee Seoyeon.
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You snap what might be the millionth picture of her today, probably not even she knows how many you've taken for her so far, and hand your phone back to her for inspection.
"Hmm, no, still not it. Take a few more." She walks back to the wall and strikes another hot pose. Her finger flies towards the stairs, and you understand that she wants you at a higher vantage point for a better angle.
You take a number of steps up the flight, and point your lens at her once more. "Chae, please, we've been here for hours. Can't you just pick the best one?" you whine, but you still fulfill your duty of snapping pictures of her. The light from the flash washes over her features and figure, and you're once again reminded that she's gorgeous. Why even whine about merely taking pictures when this is your muse?
She swipes back your phone and scrolls through your gallery, carefully scrutinizing each photo. She settles on one, and favorites it. "Hehe, thank you, baby. Send all those to me except that one with the heart. "
You take back your phone and find the photo she's talking about, and you notice that by her standards it's the best one out of them all. She flashes a beautiful smile at you, no more pictures, as she wraps you in a warm and grateful embrace.
"Why not this one? I thought you'd like it the most."
"It is! And that one you keep for yourself. Only for your eyes." She kisses you playfully on the lips before smiling again, "For being the best boyfriend ever."
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The live band fills the room with a sophisticated symphony, all the while pieces of silverware clink against plates and hushed, faraway voices of the snooty and rich reach your ears. You try your best to ignore the atmosphere of this fancy dinner, with the only thing in the world making it semi-bearable having a terrible time as well.
"I can't believe I let you drag me all the way out here." Nagyung's knife clacks against the fine porcelain making up her plate, most probably leaving scratch marks on the priceless dinnerware. She retrieves a poorly-cut bite of the tough steak, sighs, and eats it anyway. Nagyung spends a bit more time than usual trying to chew the meat before ultimately swallowing with a grimace. "My mouth isn't made for food like this. I need pizza and Yakult."
"If I recall correctly," you retort, your voice unexpectedly harboring a harsh tone, "it's your fault we're here. You weren't satisfied with suffering alone and you just had to bring me along as a plus-one." The fish's pepper overwhelms your taste buds and you make for your glass of water again. Just one gulp is enough to wash it down, but the sheer amount of fish left on your plate disheartens you.
"Look, I'm sorry. I knew it'd be boring, but I didn't think it would be this bad," Nagyung sighs, shuffling her peas and corn around the plate. You can tell with how she sounds that she means it, and by the way that she acts that she regrets ever mentioning this to you.
Feeling guilty at losing your temper, you attempt to reassure her. It's the least you could do, once you realize how utterly disrespectful what you just said to her was, and try to make up for embarrassing her like that. "This ends at 11, right? Just enough time to get to that Italian place by the park before it closes?"
She looks up at you with a face riddled with shock, but then is quickly replaced with a shining grin. Her teeth gleam in the candlelight as her adorable giggles reach your ears.
"We can just about make it if we break four speeding laws on the way." Her tone is now filled with an unmatched excitement, like the first shot of espresso on a dull morning.
"Awesome. Pick up the pizza, stock up on Yakult, get the hell home. Perfect crime."
Nagyung laughs out loud, attracting the attention of a few others near your table. She covers her mouth, but the smile never leaves her eyes as she whispers: "Are we stealing the pizza too? What do you mean 'crime?!'"
"Figure of speech, dummy," you declare as you twirl your fork in the air like a wizard, "But not completely off the table."
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Jiheon flips the leaf over and over, examining every vein it has. Her eyes rake over the stalk to try and find any defining features at all, but her search evidently turns up nothing of value.
"What type of tree is this?" Her question is innocent, and she's so engrossed in the specimen that she even forgets to look at you.
"Damned if I knew. What am I, a tree-ologist?" Your joke steals her attention, but she responds with only a blank stare.
"Arborist," she says in passing, her attention turning back to the leaf. "They're called arborists."
"Right..." you mutter, shame rising to your cheeks at your apparently immature attempt at humor. Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect.
She picks a leaf off the branch and walks over to you. Your girlfriend drops it onto your palm and says "Keep, please. Wanna look up when we get home."
You nod and put the leaf away in your jacket pocket, and she watches as you expertly stow her specimen in a secure place on your person. Once the both of you are sure the leaf is safe, she clings to your arm and snuggles, the image of pure joy.
"What's gotten into you?" Your question is innocent and maybe a little bit dense, but it only serves to make her smile grow wider.
Jiheon snuggles more into your arm and even plants a kiss on your shoulder. She looks up at you with adoration, but something tells you she has one teeny bit of mischief up her sleeve.
"Nothing, you're just cute, that's all. Thank you." She kisses you on the cheek and refuses to explain any further. Her eyes look ahead as the two of you continue your stroll through her neighborhood.
Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect. In the rare times that you do, it feels like the world is right. But in the times that you don't, like now, it only reminds you how much more of her you're looking forward to seeing.
a/n: that was fun! thank you for the great ask anon :DDDD
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charrlote365 · 3 months
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Forever Summer
Reference Idol: fromis_9 SONG HAYOUNG Word Count: 37.064
Tags: Mostly fluff , Kpop idol, fantasy, fromis_9, Song Hayoung
I fell asleep on the beach today, the sand felt like a comforting blanket. The sound of the waves and the gentle caress of the ocean breeze sent me into a deep slumber. In my dream, I saw her. Hayoung. She was as radiant as ever, her long hair shined like silk in the sunlight. She leaned in close, her fingers delicately stroking my face, and her sweet smile filled me with a warmth that I had missed for so long.
"Do you remember our promise?" she whispered, like a melody from our past.
I woke up abruptly, the dream dissipating like morning mist. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the sea sparkled under the midday sun, but a sense of sadness lingered. It had been years since I last saw Hayoung, and yet, she still visited my dreams as if no time had passed at all.
I sat up, brushing the sand off my clothes, and gazed out at the horizon. Life on Seonhae Island had a way of making time feel fluid, yet my memories of Hayoung remained vivid and unchanging. I loved her then, and I realized I still loved her now. But she was in Seoul, living a life that seemed impossible to reach.
After high school, Hayoung had moved to Seoul to pursue her dream of becoming an idol. She succeeded, of course. Her talent and determination made her a star, adored by flovers. I followed her career from afar, watching every performance and buying every album. Yet, despite the pride I felt, there was always an underlying sadness, a longing for the days when she was just a girl with dreams, sharing secrets with me under the big tree besides our school which now has been abandoned due to declining birth rates on the island.
At 28, I had settled into a routine on the island, working at my family's fishing business. The days were predictable, and while I found comfort in the familiarity within the island with all the residents, there was always a part of me that longed for something more, something that had gone long time ago along with Hayoung's departure.
One afternoon, as I was mending nets by the dock, my mother approached me with a smile that hinted she was up to something. “We have guests arriving today. I need you to help with the preparations.”
I was puzzled but didn’t question it. It was common for us to have family friends visit during the summer. I went doing my tasks, setting up the dining area and helping with the cooking. As evening fell, the doorbell rang, and my heart dropped when I saw who stepped through the door.
It was Hayoung.
She looked as radiant as ever, wearing a red dress that completed her graceful figure. The color suited her, making her look even more beautiful, if that was possible. There was a softness in her eyes that I remembered from our childhood. For a moment, time stood still. All the years melted away, and it felt like it was just the two of us again, as if she had never left.
Before I could say anything, she spotted our dog, Jjangi, who jumped towards her with excitement. Hayoung dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around Jjangi, her laughter filling the room.
"Jjangi! I missed you so much," she said, burying her face in his fur. Jjangi wagged his tail furiously, clearly just as happy to see her.
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Watching her embracing Jjangi, I felt a surge of emotion. It was as if all the yearnings I had kept buried for years resurfaced in an instant. She looked so natural, so at home, and I realized just how much I had missed her.
“It’s been a long time,” she said, while hugging Jjangi. Her eyes met mine, her voice made my heart fluttered.
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I could barely find my voice. “Hayoung… welcome home.”
As we sat down for dinner, our parents distributed the cutleries. Both families gathered around the table, the atmosphere filled with warmth and nostalgia. Midway through the meal, our parents began reminiscing about the past, laughing about our childhood antics. Suddenly, my mother mentioned, half-jokingly to me, "Do you remember once you said you're going to marry Hayoung?"
Hayoung's mother chimed in, "Ah! yes, yes! You even said it in front us! You two were so adorable together. It would be nice if that came true. Should we do it for real this time?"
The families laughed together, the sound filling the room with warmth. I laughed along, but a sense of panic stirred within me. Could they actually be serious? The thought of marrying Haying, is a dream I'd held for years, yet the talks about it seemed too sudden and overwhelming.
As if on cue, Hayoung's father added, "You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you two got married this summer. It’s the perfect opportunity since Hayoung is back for a while."
I glanced at Hayoung, worried that this sudden talk would burden her. She was still an idol, after all, with a demanding career. She didn't say anything, but I noticed her sneaking glances at me, trying to see my reaction.
Hayoung’s silence made me even more nervous, but she continued to steal secret looks at me, her expression was unreadable. The rest of the dinner continued with more light-hearted chatter, but the thought of our parents' suggestion lingered in the air, creating a mix of excitement and anxiety within me.
After dinner, Hayoung and her parents went home. As the night deepened, I found myself restless, looking up to ceiling of my room, replaying the events of the evening in my mind. I couldn't shake the memory of Hayoung's secretive glances and all the casual yet significant talk of marriage.
As I was closing my eyes, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Hayoung, accompanied by a selfie of her silly look.
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"Hey you, jigeum mwohae?" she texted.
I smiled at her familiar, confident approach. Despite the years apart, she seemed just as comfortable as she always had.
"Not much, just thinking about how crazy tonight was," I replied.
"Yeah, our parents sure know how to make things interesting haha," she responded with a laughing emoji. "All the nostalgic talks tonight reminds me of how we were in high school. I think I was kinda tomboyish and silly back then."
I chuckled, instantly transported back to those wild days. "Oh, you're 1000% right! You still remember you once cold punched the bullies into the freezing pond at school during early winter since they were trying to take our money? It was so chaotic they all were sent to hospital afterwards"
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Hayoung's laughter echoed through her texts. "Hahahahaha… someone had to keep things in order and interesting! And you were the one who got panicked and afraid that they might actually die from that."
"hahaha.. they looked so pathetic I thought they were really in danger. That's right, and without you probably they would still bully me until now" I said with a smile emote. "You always did whatever you think right to do."
We continued chatting, the conversation flowing as easily as it had years ago. It felt like no time had passed at all between us.
After a while, Hayoung sent another message. "Hey, are you free tomorrow? I was thinking of roaming around the neighborhood, kinda miss this place a lot, could you accompany me?"
My heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending time with her. "Of course, I'd love to. What time?"
"How about we meet at 10 AM by the old tree?"
"Sounds perfect. See you then."
As I put my phone down, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Tomorrow would be a revisit memories and perhaps the start of something new. With Hayoung back on the island, anything seemed possible.
The next day the sun rose with a soft, golden light filtering through the leaves, as if promising a perfect summer morning. I waited at the old big tree, anticipation stirring within me as I saw Hayoung approaching. She appeared from the path horizon, covered with beautiful white dress that seemed to shine in the morning sun. It was the type of dress I had always admired on her, the simplicity, yet elegance of it showing her natural beauty.
As she drew near, I couldn't help but smile. "You look amazing," I said, my voice genuine and warm.
A faint blush colored her cheeks as she smiled back. "Thank you," she replied, her eyes showed appreciation. "I thought you'd like it."
Her words sent a flutter through my heart, and for a moment, I struggled to find my composure. Hayoung had a way of effortlessly charming me, just as she always had.
The first place we ventured was into the forest, right behind our school, the air alive with the scent of pine and earth. There's nothing scary about the forest, we both knew everything about that place as if its our second home. As we searched for the flowers she loved, Hayoung's laughter echoed among the trees, filling me with a sense of joy and nostalgia. At one point, she suddenly handed me all the flowers we have gathered and turned to me with a playful grin.
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"Race you to that hill!" she exclaimed, pointing ahead.
I grinned, unable to resist her infectious energy. "You're on!" I replied, taking off after her.
We ran through the forest, our laughter mingling with the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds. The path opened up to a hill with a vast area of short grass, stretching out like a green carpet. The hill was quite high, offering a breathtaking overview of the entire island. The sea shimmered in the distance, and the rooftops of our small town were nestled among the trees below. Windmills scattered around, complimenting the whole look. The scenery was beautiful and romantic, a perfect backdrop for our day together.
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As we reached the clearing, Hayoung suddenly stumbled and fell onto the soft grass. I rushed to her side, concerned.
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching out a hand to help her up.
Hayoung looked up at me with a playful smile and instead of taking my hand, she pulled me down beside her. "I'm fine, sit here with me" she said, laughing. "Come on, let's just lay here and enjoy the view."
Reluctantly, I lay down next to her, the cold grass contrast to the warm sun. We lay there side by side, gazing up at the clear blue sky and the beautiful scenery of the island spread out before us.
"This is perfect," Hayoung murmured, her voice soft and content. "I missed this place so much."
I turned my head to look at her, my heart almost bursted with affection. "Yeah, and it's the best with you here."
We lay in comfortable silence for a while, feeling in the beauty of the moment. Then, Hayoung broke the quiet, her tone sound thoughtful. "You know, about our parents brought up that whole marriage proposal thing last night."
I felt a brief anxiety but kept my voice steady. "Yeah, they did. It was a bit of a surprise."
Hayoung turned her head to face me, her eyes serious yet kind. "Do you remember when you proposed to me in front of our parents? We were just kids."
A smile tugged at my lips as the memory resurfaced. "How could I forget? I even prepared with a bouquet of flowers I gathered from the forest."
She laughed softly, the sound blending with the gentle rustle of the grass. "You were so earnest about it, too. I remember thinking it was the most romantic thing ever."
"Do you remember," I began, turning my head to look at her, "how you ran away up here after I proposed to you in front of your parents?"
Hayoung laughed, the sound like a sweet echo of our past. "of course, I do. I got shy and embarrassed. I thought running away to this hill would help me to calm down."
"Then I chased after you," I continued, smiling at the memory. "And when I found you here, I proposed again. You then asked me what I could offer if you said yes."
Hayoung's eyes sparkled with amusement and nostalgia. "Yes, and since you're just a kid, you said you don't have money but you'd always love me and stay by my side."
I nodded, "And I meant every word. But you didn't answer right away. You asked for some time to think, but never actually replied."
Hayoung's expression grew thoughtful. "I was so young and didn't know what to say back then. But now, even after years later, I have proof of how true your words were."
"Do you still fulfill your promises?" she asked softly, her eyes staring mine.
"I do," I replied, my voice steady with conviction. "I always kept them. I've always loved you and stayed loyal to you, even when you were in Seoul. Everyone in town knows how much you mean to me. They always ask about you, and I always eager to tell how well you're doing in Seoul, keep supporting you from here and waiting for you to come back home is the best I could do."
Hayoung's eyes suddenly glistened with unshed tears, and she nodded. "I know. People in town kept telling me about it before I saw you this morning. I didn't know whether to believe them until now."
She took a deep breath, her gaze intense, holding her tears. "Oppa, propose to me again," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. This was the first time she addressed me that way. "Right here, with the flowers in your hand."
My heart pounded as I stood up, gathering a handful of the delicate wildflowers we collected together in the forest. I knelt down in front of her, the flowers trembling slightly in my grasp.
"Hayoung," I began, my voice filled with love and sincerity, "I've loved you since we were kids, and that love has only grown stronger over the years. I promised to always be by your side, to cherish and support you in everything you do, I kept that promise in the past, even now, and I will always be in future. Will you accept my love?"
Tears finally streamed down Hayoung's face as she looked at me, her smile radiant and full of joy. "Yes," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Yes, I accept your love".
At that moment, an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness washed over me. It was as if that heavy burden I had carried for years had been lifted, replaced by a warmth that spread through my entire being. My heart swelled with love, and I felt an unbreakable connection between us, stronger than anything I had ever known. All the years of waiting, hoping, and remaining loyal to her had led to this perfect moment. My eyes started to blurred up by the tears of my own as I realized that she truly felt the same way.
My hands trembled slightly as I gently touched her face, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. I leaned in, and our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, filled with all the emotions we had kept inside for so long. It was gentle at first, an explorative kiss, but then it deepened, becoming more passionate as years of longing and love pouring out from our deepest heart. I felt Hayoung's hands slide up to my shoulders, her touch warm and reassuring.
The whole world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in that moment. The kiss expressed all our promises, dreams, and a future we both wanted to build together. As we finally pulled back, breathless and with our foreheads resting against each other, the sun started to set behind us, casting a golden glow over the island and sealing our love in the beauty of that perfect summer evening.
"This better than I imagined," Hayoung whispered, her eyes looked deeply to me, a bright smile complimented her lips.
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As the sun set behind us, Hayoung and I stood up, hand in hand, ready to head back to her house. The path down the hill was still clear, and we walked slowly, savoring every second of the moment. Our fingers interlaced, and I felt a deep sense of contentment and belonging.
As we made our way through the neighborhood, people began to notice us. Familiar faces turned toward us, and I saw smiles spreading across them. The older couples, who had known us since we were kids, nodded approvingly. The younger ones whispered excitedly to each other. It was as if the entire neighborhood had been waiting for this moment as much as we had.
One elderly lady, Mrs. Park, who used to be our homeroom teacher, clapped her hands together slowly and beamed at us. "It's about time, you two," she called out, raising her thumb up, giving approvals.
Hayoung and I exchanged a shy glance, both of us blushing slightly. Despite the embarrassment, we couldn't help but smile back at everyone. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and affection, making our happiness even felt real.
Hayoung giggled softly and squeezed my hand. "It's nice to see everyone so happy for us," she said, her voice filled with delight.
I nodded, feeling my heart filled with pride and love. "Yeah, it really is."
As we arrived at Hayoung's house, we noticed the absence of her parents' car in the driveway. The house was quiet and dark, just a single light on the porch. We exchanged a glance, realizing we were alone for the first time under the roof as a couple.
"Looks like my parents aren't home yet," Hayoung said, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and slight awkwardness.
"Yeah, I guess it's just us," I replied, feeling a tiny bit of nervousness.
We stepped inside, the familiar warmth of her home surrounding us. Hayoung closed the door behind us, and we sat down in the dining room for a moment, unsure of what to do next. The silence felt heavier than usual, filled with the unspoken tension.
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"Um, do you want something to drink?" Hayoung offered, breaking the silence.
"S-Sure," I said, grateful for the distraction.
She walked into the kitchen, and I followed her, trying to act natural. As she poured us both some water, I couldn't help but notice how different everything felt. The playful ease we had shared all day seemed to have been replaced by a newfound shyness.
We sipped our water in silence, standing in the kitchen. I glanced at the clock and then back at Hayoung. "I should probably get going," I said, not wanting to think something inappropriate towards her.
Hayoung's face fell slightly, but she quickly masked it with a smile. "Oh, um, it would be nice if you at least stay for dinner. I mean, if you want to."
Her invitation made my heart race, but the nervousness got the better of me. "I.. Maybe another time?"
She nodded, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Another time."
I felt a pang of regret as I left her house, the door closing softly behind me after we waved a good bye. As I walked down the path towards home, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was making a mistake. Yet, just a few minutes later, my phone buzzed with a message from Hayoung and a selfie of her.
"Oppa, it's already late at night and I think you must be hungry, I don't want you to feel hungry so…I decided that I'll be your dinner tonight.. Please come back? 😊"
Her message, along with her nude selfie made me stop in my tracks. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding hard as I turned around and ran my way back to her house quickly.
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When I knocked on the door, Hayoung opened it almost immediately, she was wearing nothing but a white apron. A raccoon-like smile was on her face. "Changed your mind, Oppa?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.
"Yeah," I said, smiling back. "I think I'm just too hungry of you tonight."
As I said that, I moved towards her and started kissing her aggresively. I was eating her lips as if they're tuna sushi, making a big smooch sound for every breath, I gently bit her lips and suck them hard. Hayoung seemed to be affected by the whole atmosphere as she also started biting my tongue and pulled them inside her mouth. Our breath getting heavier and as our body curled in close together, I could see the lower part of her apron is now a bit wet from her love juice.
"Let's move to your room?", I asked, almost a whisper to her ear. "Y-yes, I think we should", Hanyang answered with an uncontrollable breath. She gripped my fingers softly, our fingers intertwined together in the warmth of the whole atmosphere and with that, Hanyang guided me to her room. Even though we had known each other for very long time, this would be my first time I got into her bed room. My heart's pounding harder by all the anticipations.
Hayoung opened the door, and we stepped inside, taking in the space. Her room was cozy and inviting, with a soft white paint on the walls and soft warm lights strung along walls. Photos and posters filled the walls, a mix of memories from her childhood and her journey as an idol. A bookshelf filled with books lined at one wall, and a comfy bed with a heap of pillows sat in the center.
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Hayoung's smile widened, and she squeezed my hands gently. "I'm so happy now. It feels like everything is so perfect since ever we met again", She shyly said.
She turned her back to me, lifting her hair to reveal the delicate part of her nape. "Oppa," Hayoung said, breaking the silence. "Would you take off this apron for me?." while looking back at me with the soft look. I gulped, frozen for seconds while looking at her bare back and ass cheeks for the first time. I moved closer, my fingers trembling slightly as I untie the apron slowly from her back. The proximity was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and I could feel the warmth radiating from her.
I couldn't stop myself from kissing her nape. Hayoung slightly raised her shoulder as she felt ticklish from the kiss. Her body smelled really nice, there's slight hint of flower, light perfume and… a hint of close to baby powder scent. My right hand started to travel to her breast, feeling them from behind.. I found it really sexy, my hand groped while my fingers started to pinch and teasing her nips. Hayoung didn't say anything, but she occasionally twitched and let out small moans and I found them so cute.
"Y-yaa.. why am I the one who's naked here?" she lamented while her hands started to get into my pants. "Eh?", she said half surprised, "Has it always been this big?". My little ego felt a slight jolt of happiness as she found my dick as what she favored. "No, it's not always that big, it got that big probably because of you?", I jokingly teased her. She let out a bright smile, she looked so cute yet sexy with those big breasts of her.
Hayoung then squatted down and started to remove my jeans, leaving me with just my shirt and boxer. She began stroking gently from the outer layer of my boxer, I got excited and some pre-cum started to wet my boxer and it leaked a bit to the surface. "Oh? What's this?", Hayoung wondering. "I-it's my love juice, got some out because I love you that much", I joked. Hayoung couldn't hold her laugh hearing my reply, she found it romantic yet naughty. She then started to smell them, putting her nose closer to the tip of my dick and she licked it slowly. She seemed to be enjoying the taste as she tried to put it inside her mouth. She bit my boxer and pulled them down, leaving my dick to be free, exposing it to the air.
She then looked closely to my erected dick with so much curiosity and that showed clearly from her racoon-like eyes. This must be something new to her as she's always tried to pretend like she doesn't like erotic stuffs. "They look so stiff, does it hurt? Should I slowly lick it?", she asked while looking at me to the eye. "No, not yet, you know right? Ladies first? Let me lick yours first". Hanyang face got redder. I pulled her hand gently and rested her on her bed. I spread wide her legs up to the air but she got shy so she tried to hide her pussy with both of her hands. Her eyes locked onto mine, she wanted to do it but all these new naughty things we did all of sudden made her scared a bit.
"It's okay, Hanyang, I'll do it gently, you trust me?", I said to calm her down. She nodded and let go of her hands from her pussy. I could see her pussy clearly as blue sky now. diamond shaped pubic hair, small labia and distinct pink colour inside her complimented the view of the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen in my life. Her pussy was wet and kept oozing some transparent, sticky liquid. I kissed her clits and started to suck them gently. I tried to put my finger into her hole but found out how short it was due to her hymen.
Realizing this, I just put my forefinger halfway, and bent them up, trying to rub the g-spot gently, building up the tense while kept sucking her clit. She began biting her finger, trying to hold her voice out, she kept looking at me with the face filled with ecstasy. She suddenly grabbed my hair and pushed it harder into her pussy as her body arching up, I grabbed her ass cheeks with my left hand to hold them up. Not long after, she finally let out big moan as her body twitched hard. I immediately knew she just come.
It's time to stick it in. I stood up and started to position myself into missionary to put my dick inside her. "Are we really doing this?", I asked her wondering if she's ready of what's going to happen next. She didn't say anything but a nod, signaling that she's ready to do it. I gently put my dick inside her, it was really tight and my dick tip reached her hymen. I slowly pushed them harder, and finally, it broke. Hanyang face mirrored a slight pain she felt as she grabbed my shoulder with her finger nails and scratched my back. It felt hurt but as she went the same thing, I didn't even dare to complain. A trail of blood started to stream down from her pussy and my dick was now completely inside her yet I didn't dare to move. I lowered my shoulder and we're now facing each other closely. "Are you okay?", I asked trying make sure that she's not hurting. "I-I am okay, just don't move yet", she answered.
With my hard rock dick still inside her, I felt the intimacy and comfort filled in the room. I could see every detail of Hayoung's face, the curve of her thick lips, the innocence in her eyes, the red blush on her cheeks. Everything looked so perfect the way it was.
"Do you remember the last time we were this close?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper.
My eyes looked up, trying to remember if such thing existed. "Yeah, probably when we used to study together. We would sit together at my desk, facing each other as close as this".
She chuckled softly. "And you always found a way to distract us from studying."
"Wasn't that my job?" I teased. "To make sure you took breaks and enjoyed life a little?"
"Well, you were very good at it," she admitted, her eyes smiled. "And you still are. I don't even feel in pain anymore." I reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, my fingers comfortably placed on her cheek.
"Hayoung," I said softly. "Should I begin to move?", confirming again that she didn't feel hurt. "Yes", she answered. With that, I began to move gently, ensuring that every move conveyed my true feelings to her, they weren't just lust, but sense of love, care, loyalty and responsibility.
Hanyang started to let out small moans, her expression started to show that she's enjoying it. "Oppa, It started to feel good, you can move faster now". I quickened my pace, creating slapping sound that echoed around the room. My eyes kept locked on her face, saving every memory of her expression in this intimate moment.
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I moved gradually faster, the pace was blurring my sanity, I groped her breasts hard and Hayoung let out a loud moan. We kissed and ate out each other while retaining our hips pace. "Hanyang, I think I'm going to cum, let me do it outside", I declared with heavy breath as I could no longer hold it. "No, its okay, cum inside me, fill me with everything you've got. It's safe day, don't worry about it", she replied with uncontrollable voice.
She then suddenly folded her legs inwards, locking me in place, ensuring that I didn't pull out, pushing me even deeper that within seconds, I finally came. "Hanyangg!! I'm comingg!!", I shouted hard, releasing as much semen into her womb. Although I knew it's her safe day, deep inside I slightly hoped that she got pregnant.
Hayoung felt the burst of my semen inside her stomach. She slightly peeked down, my semen and the blood from her hymen seemed to mixed up, spilling out from her pussy. She then looked into my eyes and slightly nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "We finally did it."
"I love you, Hanyang" I whispered, the words coming straight from my heart.
"I love you too," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity and warmth. "More than words can express."
Our quiet, intimate moment was interrupted by the growl of our stomachs. We looked at each other and we both laughed, realizing we had skipped dinner in all the excitement.
"It's almost 10 PM," I said, glancing at the clock. "We should probably eat something."
Hayoung nodded, her eyes still teary. "Are you going to cook? I'm starving, but I could use a bath after today."
"Sure, I'll cook something up," I replied, feeling a bit more confident now. "You can go relax."
She gave me a grateful smile before heading to the bathroom. I made my way out of her room to the kitchen, determined to make something special for her. The sound of the rain tapping against the windows provided a soothing white noise as I worked.
Knowing how much Hayoung loved seafood, I decided to make a simple yet comforting dish, jjukkumi bokkeum (spicy stir-fried baby octopus) with a side of rice and some banchan (Korean side dishes). The aroma of spicy octopus, garlic, and sesame oil filled the kitchen, mingling with the sound of the rain. Once everything was ready, I plated the food and carefully carried it back to Hayoung's room.
When I arrived, Hayoung was just stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel. Her hair was damp, and she looked refreshed and beautiful. She smiled when she saw me with the food.
"That smells amazing," she said, her eyes lighting up.
"Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells," I replied with a grin, setting the plates on her bedside table.
She changed into a comfortable dress and joined me on the bed. The rain continued to fall heavier outside, creating a cozy atmosphere. We ate together, exchanging smiles and gentle touches. At one point, I reached out and took a piece of chili on her cheeks, while brushing a strand of wet hair from her face.
"This is delicious!," Hayoung said. "I missed home cooked food like this."
"I'm glad you like it," I said, feeling a sense of pride.
As we finished our meal, the rain intensified, drumming steadily against the roof. It was clear that Hayoung's parents wouldn't be able to make it back home tonight, and I realized that I would probably be staying here too.
"Looks like I'm not going anywhere," I said, glancing at the rain-soaked window.
Hayoung looked at me with a shy smile. "I don't mind. In fact, I'd like it if you stayed."
I stood up, stretching a bit. "I should probably take a bath too," I said, feeling a bit self-conscious.
Hayoung shook her head, her smile mischievous. "No? You don't need though?," she said, her eyes were playful. "You always smell good."
I chuckled, feeling my cheeks warm. "My sweat smells good? Really? Well, okay, If you say so."
"I do," she insisted, tugging me back onto the bed. "Come, stay here with me in bed."
We settled back on the bed, the remnants of our meal pushed aside. The room felt even cozier with the sound of the rain enveloping us. I took her hand, and we lay back down, side by side, facing each other.
"Thank you for dinner," she whispered, her eyes locked onto mine, her smile brightened.
"And thank you for being here," I replied, squeezing her hand gently.
"You know," she said softly, "this feels like a dream. Like we're really living together, like husband and wife."
I smiled, my heart felt the warmth. "It does, doesn't it? I can't wait for the day I become your real husband."
She blushed, her eyes shining with happiness. "Me too. I've always imagined what it would be like to come home to you, to spend every evening like this."
Hayoung shifted closer, her head resting against my shoulder. "I love you," she whispered, her voice filled with honesty.
"I love you too," I replied, feeling a deep sense of contentment. I put my hand around her shoulder, pulling her closer under the warm blanket we shared. So many things had happened today, and every single moment felt like a dream. As I thought about it all, I realized Hayoung had already fallen asleep on my shoulder. We both fell asleep in each other's embrace, closing the never forgotten day in our whole life with each other's warmth.
Morning arrived, and I was gently woken by Hayoung’s soft voice. "Oppa, wake up," she whispered, her hand gently shaking my shoulder.
I opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep, and found myself staring into her smiling face. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, and I felt relieved. This wasn’t a dream. It was real, and she was here with me.
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“Good morning,” I said, my voice husky from sleep.
“Good morning,” she replied, her smile widening.
As we prepared to leave the room, Hayoung grabbed my arm, interlocking her arm with mine, making me feel like we were a real husband and wife sharing our first morning together. It was a simple gesture, but it filled me with warmth and happiness.
However, as we opened the door, we were greeted by the playful grins of both Hayoung’s parents and mine. They stood there, clearly amused, and it was clear evidence that they knew exactly what happened last night.
“Good morning, lovebirds!” Hayoung’s father said with a chuckle.
My mother added, “Hayoung-ah, due to the heavy rain last night, your parents stayed over at our house last night. When they checked the CCTV in the dining room from their phone, they saw you two. It was lovely to see how happy you both were. I bet both of you had the most amazing night yesterday”. She said while teasing us.
Both Hayoung and I blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. We were promptly led to the dining room where breakfast was already prepared by our parents.
As we settled down for breakfast, the teasing didn’t stop. “So,” Hayoung’s mother began, her eyes filled with mischief, “When are you two planning to get married?”
I nearly choked on my food, caught off guard by the directness of the question. I glanced at Hayoung, who met my eyes with a calm, reassuring smile.
“Well,” I began hesitantly, “We havent…”
Hayoung suddenly squeezed my thigh under the table. I looked at her in surprise, and she gave me a mischievous grin, nodding ever so subtly as if urging me to say the otherwise. It was a clear signal to me, a signal that said she was ready for us to make this decision together.
Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I continued, “We’ve decided to get engaged this summer,” I said, my voice steadier now.
Hearing this, our parents expressed their happiness and approvals. “Now that’s the news I want to hear!” my father exclaimed.
“We’re so happy for you both,” Hayoung’s mother added. “It’s going to be a perfect summer this year.”
.... I always loved Summer season. The season with a gentle warmth that seemed to embrace our island, our home. And now, it was the perfect season for our engagement party, a celebration in the eventful evening that brought together not just our families and friends, but the entire community that had watched us grow up together.
The venue was decorated with vibrant colors of summer, with strings of fairy lights twinkling overhead and tables filled with bouquets of flowers. A large banner proclaimed, "Congratulations Hayoung & Y/N!" in cheerful letters, celebrating the culmination of our long journey from childhood friends to soon-to-be official husband and wife.
During the party, the fromis_9 members joined in the celebrations wholeheartedly, mingling with guests, enjoying the food, and even participating in some of the traditional dances performed to celebrate the engagement. Their presence added the excitement and glamour to the event, turning it into a memorable occasion not just for Hayoung and me, but for everyone who attended.
The engagement ceremony itself was heartfelt and meaningful. Hayoung looked radiant in a traditional Korean hanbok, her smile lighting up as she stood beside me, wearing an outfit that felt like a perfect fit for the occasion. We exchanged rings, symbols of our commitment and love, amidst applause and happy tears from our loved ones.
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During the event, there was a slideshow playing on a large screen, showcasing photos of us growing up together. From playful days in kindergarten to high school, the slideshow captured our journey through the years. It was a touching reminder of how far we had come and the unwavering support we had received from our families and community.
Among the guests, including friends and business partners from Seoul, where I would soon join Hayoung. It was decided that I would work at my parents' business branch there, ensuring that Seoul branch blooms into a bigger business.
As the evening deepens, Hayoung and I found a quiet moment together under the sky filled with stars. We looked around at the warm gathering of our friends and family, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and love. This summer, which had started with a simple reunion, had become a season of a long awaited love fulfilled and new promises made.
Holding each other's hand gently, we knew that our journey together was just beginning, filled with endless possibilities and the unwavering support of those who had watched us grow from childhood friends to partners in both love and life, until death do us apart. -End.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Snow-Day FT: Song Hayoung
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Authors note: A cute little fluff for one of my favorite Fromis_9 girls
"Babe, wake up! It's snowing outside," Hayoung, your girlfriend, exclaims with excitement. Slowly, you pry open your eyes to find her beaming face hovering above you, her big brown eyes filled with elation. With a gentle push, you coax her off you, the warmth of her presence lingering as you rise from bed. As you stand, your gaze falls upon Hayoung, dressed in a cozy gray sweater, a sleek black leather jacket, and her beloved beret perched atop her head, perfectly complementing her cute black skirt. With a contented sigh, you gather her into a hug, reveling in the affectionate exchange until her restless energy prompts her to squirm with excitement.
"Come on, get a shower and get dressed so we can enjoy the snow," Hayoung urges eagerly, her words tumbling out in rapid succession. Smiling at her infectious enthusiasm, you acquiesce, moving to fulfill her request.
You proceed with your morning routine, enjoying a leisurely shower, selecting warm clothing, and indulging in a light breakfast before joining Hayoung outside. However, your peaceful transition to the snowy outdoors is abruptly interrupted as a snowball smacks into you just three steps beyond the threshold. Letting out a resigned sigh, you brush the frozen remnants off your vibrant red scarf, your beanie snugly affixed to your head.
Turning towards Hayoung, you playfully quip, "Oh, is that how it's going to be?" With a mischievous grin, you begin crafting a snowball of your own, gloved hands expertly molding the icy ammunition. As you ready your retaliatory strike, Hayoung forms another snowball, poised for action. With a swift toss, you launch your snowball towards her, causing her to flinch and drop hers in surprise. She returns your gaze with an excited yet competitive glint in her eye, fully embracing the challenge.
What follows is a spirited snowball skirmish, initially lighthearted but swiftly escalating in intensity as both you and Hayoung immerse yourselves in the fray. Each throw becomes more strategic, each dodge more calculated, fueled by the competitive fire that burns within both of you. However, as the battle rages on, the realization dawns that there are other obligations awaiting you both beyond this playful snowbound duel.
A mutual understanding ensues, and the intensity gradually ebbs, leading to a truce—a stalemate born not of surrender, but of mutual respect and the recognition of other responsibilities that beckon. As you both reluctantly set aside your snowy rivalry, the memory of this spirited encounter lingers, a testament to the boundless joy and camaraderie shared between you and Hayoung amidst the winter wonderland. your lovely girlfriend latches onto you as the two of you head for her Label.
Before stepping inside, you pause and lean in to whisper to Hayoung, "Gosh, I can't wait until you're free from Pledis so you can do what you want."
Her reaction is immediate, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face.
"I know this hasn't been ideal, but they've been good to me. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk badly about them," Hayoung responds, her tone firm.
You let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging her perspective.
"It never fails to amaze me how you can put up with them," you remark to her with a mix of admiration and bewilderment.
"Well, without Pledis, I wouldn't have met my favorite English tutor and boyfriend," Hayoung retorts, her gaze fixed on you. Your smile is genuine as you meet her eyes.
"Okay, fair point," you concede, recognizing the positive outcomes amidst the challenges.
As Hayoung clings to your arm tightly, you both ascend to the office. After dropping her off at her practice room, you set off to fetch food for the two of you. While outside, you encounter Le Sserafim. Sakura, noticing you as she usually does due to your resemblance to her boyfriend Daigo, greets you warmly.
"Hey guys," you greet them politely, receiving smiles from the Le Sserafim members. Sakura is the only one who seems to register your presence, her attention momentarily diverted from her companions.
"How are you, Danzabourou-san?" Sakura inquires.
"I'm good. And how about you? Are you and Daihirou still doing well?" you ask. Sakura nods with a smile.
"He's currently waiting for me at the hotel. He's here for a couple more days before he goes back to the States," Sakura explains.
"That's nice of him to come out for your birthday," you remark warmly. Sakura nods emphatically before bidding farewell as the rest of the Le Sserafim girls depart.
After grabbing food from a nearby noodle shop, you return to the practice area and distribute the meals. Seoyeon and Chaeyoung express their gratitude with cheerful thanks, to which you respond with a silent thumbs up before seeking out a quiet spot to enjoy your meal. You find a secluded spot with a panoramic view of the cityscape, the snowflakes descending gracefully against the urban backdrop. As you savor your meal, the rhythmic tapping of footsteps interrupts the tranquil ambiance.
"Yo, Hayoung, you did?" you inquire casually without turning around, captivated by the serene scene unfolding before you.
"Yeah, we just needed to work on a couple of dance practices and film some TikToks," Hayoung responds, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. Intrigued, you swivel around to face her, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Ah, so that means we'll finally be able to settle our unfinished snowball battle," you declare with a wicked grin. However, your playful anticipation is cut short by a sudden sneeze from Hayoung, causing your expression to shift instantly into concern. Your protective instincts kick in as you enter "overprotective significant other mode," a role you and Hayoung seamlessly slip in and out of. You watch as the tip of her nose becomes red, your decision is swift and unwavering.
"Nope, young lady, we're going back home," you assert firmly, your tone brooking no argument.
"No, I'm fine," Hayoung protests weakly, but you remain resolute, knowing the consequences of her falling ill.
"I don't want you getting sick on my watch. Gyuri and Saerom would never let me hear the end of it. So, we're going home to do that thing you like," you insist, a plan already forming in your mind.
Hayoung's eyes light up with anticipation as she catches on to your hint. "Bubble bath?" she ventures excitedly, seeking confirmation. With a nod from you, the decision is made, and together you head home.
Before entering, however, you veer off to the side, a mischievous spark igniting within you. Craftily, you gather some snow, forming it into a compact snowball. As Hayoung comes looking for you, unsuspecting, you launch an icy surprise at her with a playful grin. Her laughter fills the air as the two of you engage in another impromptu snowball skirmish.
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juyomiao · 1 year
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park sunghoon x idol!reader
★ synopsis newly debuted 5th gen girl group CUP!D from starship entertainment is under everyone's eyes as their debut song 'love dive' goes viral both domestically and internationally ; all is going well until the group's main vocalist, y/n, gets exposed for her old stan… hate account?
☆ featuring enhypen , ive , cravity's seongmin hyeongjun and taeyoung
★ genre smau , idol au , fluff , crack , angst , enemies (?) to lovers
☆ warnings kys/kms jokes , death threats (joking)(most of the times) , my shitty humor , cyberbullying (nothing too heavy) , more specific warnings will be added to each chapter , fromis_9's hayoung as a placeholder for yn's pics
★ status discontinued :(
☆ taglist closed
★ note firework like the &team song not the katy perry song (ray told me to say this) ,, working on an smau makes u anxious ? why not start writing another one !! im taking care of myself i swear 🫶🏻 the group name i came up with might be ass but theres a specific joke i can make with it
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(chapter titles might be subject to change as the fic goes on)
★ profiles [CUP!SS] / [cool men (real)] / [pick me girls]
01 ♡ wonception
02 ♡ gay son
03 ♡ apology letter with tears
04 ♡ #ynOUT
05 ♡ what are we
06 ♡ leash kid
07 ♡ like the stayc song
08 ♡ menstrual cup brand
09 ♡ quadratic equations
10 ♡ illiteracy
11 ♡ homie hopper allegations
12 ♡ first day at gay high school
13 ♡ reddit aita
[more to be added]
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yuniniverse · 9 months
OH MY GODDDDD YOUR ACCOUNT IS THE BEST TBH ugh i am so lucky i wanna gate keep like girl you are too good to be trueeee i have been reading for a while and now i wanna make a lil request it goes smth like this we all know minjae hates being called short what if he finds a friend that hypes him up and tells him they are the same and stuff like that and they are friends from the same training program and she was under sm like him back then and stuff like that idk sorry if i bothered but really girl i love like I LOVE YOUR WRITING SOOOOO MUCHHHH 🩷🩷🩷
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PAIRING !  ━ idol!minjae x idol!reader
GENRE !  ━ Friends to strangers(?) To lovers, fluff, seems rushed I'm so sorry TvT, slight angst
WORD COUNT !  ━ 2445 words
AUTHOR NOTE ! ━ I kid you not when I saw this I nearly cried because of how sweet you are :( I'm so sorry for the delay love uni is shit esp with all my sem end exams but thank God I have a few days off so I can work back on requests~ I hope you like it <3
SONG RECCS ! ━ Stardust Lovesong by Jihyo, Whispers of Love by Lim Hayoung
dm to be in my taglist!!
The speakers blared through the studio while minjae sat in one corner, his head turned to face the computer that lit the dim room and played their debut song, spacing out completely, draining out the noise to muffled sound of the song as his mind thinks of a hundred things, things that made him feel not so great, mad even.
Recalling memories of how excited he was a week back, jumping around like a kangaroo as his members gave him a playful questioning look as they all looked at their first ever concert costumes. Everyone was busy talking about it, the maknaes calling junghoon to brag about how excited they were and showed off a few steps as spoilers for the concert as they huddled together and screamed at junghoon who just wanted to sleep if it weren't for seeun spamming his phone and disrupting his peaceful slumber.
The entire way from KQ to their venue Minjae was the happiest and didn't even try to hide it, he dragged his members around to make tiktoks that he could post later and even dragged yujun around forcing the poor boy, who just wanted to eat in peace,the venue which seemed so pretty to him. But it all dimmed when he saw all the members get compliments while he just got taunted for his height, he loved roadys and sure they were just joking around, but he can't help but feel hurt.
"MINJAE!" He snaps out of trance, jumping on his feet as he hears you scream his name, "you spaced out for a while, you ok?" You asked. Minjae smiled, he knew if anyone only you would understand his struggles, both of you were the leaders of your group and have been training together, transferring from sm to kq and helping each other with debuting. He shook his head and stood up, making his way to you as he put on a forced smile. You on the other hand knew something was going on, your worries only grew when you saw a tear slip from his eye, which he immidiately wiped off, looking away in order to avoid your upcoming lecture. You only hugged him to which he responded back by hugging you, his embrace grew tighter as he did his best to hold back tears but let go as soon as he felt your hand rub circles on his back, his mother would always rub circles on his back whenever he was down or was afraid he wouldn't debut and you stood there watching with a smile, this gesture made him realise he was homesick too but couldn't go back home yet. He couldn't help but cry onto your shoulder to which you could only console him by back rubs. "Sorry" he mumbled as he snuggled and wiped away his tears, backing away from the hug. Confused, you ask why and he says "You're leaving next week for your groups tour and promotions, the last thing you'd want to see is me crying" he says as he looks at you with glistened eyes, you insisted it was fine, he was your friend, someone who you loved even but was too shy to tell him, to see him breakdown shattered you. You held his hand, taking him to the nearest convenience store and bought him ramen, helping him sneak the packets into his dorm before junmin catches him and lectures the two of you how it's bad for your health. It was only after you heard minjae giggle for the first time in that day did you leave him alone, dropping him to his dorm and running back to yours.
You felt happy that you helped him, even happier when you heard his giggles. You wished you could hug him for hours and tell him how much you loved him and how proud you were of him for being so strong when situations weren't siding with him. However all the happiness you had was drained when you saw your members running around the form, packing their stuff, You asked your manager what was going on and your manager said how your group had to leave the first thing tomorrow morning as your schedules got leaked and your company couldn't risk in any of your groupmates or you to be hurt as a similar incident took place earlier when your group first debuted and it resulted to your you get members getting hurt the most and having to skip one or two schedules because of the injuries they had gotten. You nod, following your members to your room as you rush to pack your things. It was when you were done is when you realised you didn't tell minjae. Especially since it would be a month or so till you came back to Korea from tour and individual schedules.
You text him but ofcourse it was way past midnight at the time and with how junmin behaved more motherly to minjae than minjaes own mother, you thought probably he was asleep. Your assumption turning out to be true as you checked your phone in the morning again, before you left you checked one last time only to your dismay as the message left as unread.
It was only after your plane took off and you were allowed to turn on your phone after the plane was in cruising altitude did you see your phone blowing up with messages, you smile at minjaes dramatic messages but also felt slight sadness as you two couldn't say your goodbyes properly.
Minjae, although his texts being way over dramatic, was sad as well. He wanted to be there for you as well. His heart warmed up when you hugged him, the tip of his ears reddening as he remembers the sweet words you said as you rubbed his back. It wasn't the fact that he was homesick or that he was down at roadys remarks about him, he cried the most when he realised he was in your arms. You were his weakness, his everything. He always adored how you would care to everyone's needs, in his eyes you were the perfect leader. His heart melting at how you'd always comfort your members, be it hugging them or calling up their family and making their favourite dishes even if it was your first time just to see your members cherry selves. How you'd always be so soft and considerate with your fans. He saw everything from afar, he saw you grown in his eyes. The first time you came to sm, it was after he had been a trainee for a year. Your eyes shining as you saw your seniors practice, the way you jumped when you got your routines correct, to how you cried and laughed in his arms after your debut. He held every moment he spent with you close to his heart.
So it's safe to say how it would always be like he was missing a part of him whenever you went for tours or just away from him in general. His feelings for you growing more and more day after day, he felt like he was falling in love with you all over again whenever he saw you smile or heard your laughs.
You on the other hand was questioning life, mostly the youngest and the oldest. You caught them eating ice creams peacefully as they watched the other two other maknaes run around, the rest of the members joined in, throwing pillows around the hotel room and causing chaos, at midnight. You slapped your head on your forehead, picking up the fallen pillows, your face defeated at the room being such a mess. You glared at the oldest who was deemed to be the "mother of the group" just standing there trying to stifle her laugh. You threw a pillow at one of your members when they laughed at you, causing another round of pillow fight. All of your hair and clothes being disheveled as laughter echoed throughout the room. It was only when your manager walked in did you guys stop. There was a moment of silence, all knowing they were gonna get their ice cream privileges away again, after all your company was famous for weird bans. You stood up and bowed, your hand swinging around motioning your members to scatter off to their rooms, to which all of them did with giggles. Your manager stood there defeated. Handling ten girls was way worse than babysitting any child. He only sighed, knowing your stylists are gonna be mortified at the condition of your hair being all over the place and trying to fix all ten of you girls.
After what seemed like eternity, you were at the airport back again, waiting for your flight back to Korea. You couldn't help but excitedly text minjae everything that happened, the past month was amazing for both you and your members. Everything seemed too perfect, from how you had fun in stages to late night screaming coming from rooms because you guys wanted to play some games but resulted to cheating and some biting.
It was all too perfect to be too true. You should've seen this come to a stop as you landed back to Korea. Your laughs were interrupted by your manager running to you, telling you guys to hold to each other close as the schedules were leaked again and the entire airport was packed with reporters and fans. You could see your members getting worried. You did as you were told, you trailed behind, holding onto one of the members hand as you tried your best to shield all of them from the mobbing. All your efforts going to vain as stepping outside the airport led to more crowd, your eyes teared up at the sight of your members being pushed down, some having their yanked, you were too scared, trying your best to get out of the situation and keeping your head low, holding onto your members hands tightly. Although you girls managed to get inside the bus, seeing how some cried because of how they were hurt both physically and mentally, some "fans" even cursing at them in the airport. You felt helpless. It was as if the perfect life came to an abrupt stop. You put on a smile for them, trying to cheer them up. Ofcourse your mind was clouded with several things as well. With how people always called you a "cheap copy" of your seniors, your members labelled with even worse names.
You sighed, plopping down on the sofa with your bag, your eyes followed your silent members walk to their rooms and settle down quietly. The silence was too much, especially for a group that always had their staffs running with a baseball bat thinking someone broke in because of how much they screamed. You missed it. They would get better, you knew that, but the fact that you couldn't protect your group made you feel like the worse leader possible. You wanted to let it out, but you couldn't. You felt you were being too dramatic.
But the entire form remained silent, only slight glances were made to your manager who visited to keep track of the girls who were injured. You were scratched too, but you were too caught up to notice. You stand up, telling your manager that you'd be going for a walk, giving a small smile to the girls as a way of saying your ok just that you needed some fresh air to clear your head.
You didn't even notice you weren't speaking to minjae as you two did. You felt guilty for it all. The fear of loosing everyone you loved just because you were 'confused' was too overwhelming. Before you knew it, tears rolled down your cheeks to your chin. You sobbed silently as each step you took seemed heavier than the other. The fact that you thought you were drifting away from minjae made you feel as if your entire world was crumbling down.
Fortunate to you, it started pouring, your tears were disguised as raindrops on your face. "Y/n?" You stopped walking, you could hear your heart beating as you recognised the voice. You couldn't turn around, not when you look like a mess.
Minjae walked up to you, his smile grew wider as he recognised the back of your head, his smile immediately dropped as he saw your glistening eyes, you kept insisting it was the rain but minjae could see right through you. You eventually gave in, you rant out to him, feeling so hopeless, you were supposed to be his comfort and yet here you were having a breakdown yourself. He steps forward to hug you, letting go of the umbrella as he held you so softly, him pushing you lightly towards the streetlight as your back rested against the pole, patting your head as he rests his chin above your head, muttering a bunch of 'its ok' as you first his shirt in your hands and sob into his chest. Only when you calmed down did he break the hug, his hands on your shoulders as he stared at you. His eyes flickering to your lips, his heart racing at how you were pouting, your face best red from all the crying and staying so close to him. He inches his face towards you, his eyes still staring into yours. His hands cup your cheek as he whispers 'may i?' to which you close the gap instead, you feel him smiling against your lips as he kisses you soft and slow, his one hand going to your waist and pulling you closer. Minjae breaks the kiss, smiling as he lays another kiss at the tip of your nose. "You are the best leader I've ever known, don't ever doubt yourself ever again because you are truly one of the best people I've ever met" he says as he kisses the top of your head.
"I wish we were together in all our lives and in all the universes" you say as you held his hand while walking, smiling at how red minjae had gotten hearing your words, he looks at you, kissing the back of your hand that is still intertwined with his, still maintaining eye contact with you
"I know we are lovers in every universe and in every life time" he says, you clear your throat in an attempt to calm your rapidly beating heart. He laughs at you and pulls you with your hand to steal another kiss from you, mumbling 'cute' in between the kisses.
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tyudearyous · 3 months
echelons | chapter. 01, the dilemma
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jung wooyoung x reader (kang hayoung) x choi san
hierarchy inspired universe or chaebol au
genre : angst, mess, mess, and mess, suggestive on later chapters, nearly no fluff but there would be some
warnings : chaebol main characters, character death (not mc), details of fights, child abuse, mentally grey characters
word count : 3.8k
taglist : @deltamoon666 (lmk if you want to be added!)
series masterlist | chapter. 0
good evening ladies and gentleman, this is Chung Ang daily bringing you breaking news from the Gangnam area. a body of a 17 year old was found in the back area of Seville Hills Club. the body was later presumed to be of a student from the prestigious elite high school, Joongshik High. it is unidentified whether the cause of the late student’s death was murder or accident. the police are still opening investigations and we will keep you updated.
the tv is turned off.
“kang hayoung. do you understand why i called you here?” the headmaster speaks. you already had a feeling on why you were called here. it was because everybody and their mothers knew that you and the girl who was now dead, jung haejin were on horrible terms.
“yes, madam song. however, i genuinely don’t understand why is it only me here? i am not the only one on bad terms with haejin. if you take account of jeong sa-” “kang hayoung.” the headmaster silences you. you try your best to appear as nonchalant as possible. “yes, madam?” you asked with a smile.
“where were you during 7 PM on that thursday?” she asked you. “i was in front of the bar that kwon joosung owned” you honestly replied. “was it near Seville? and what exactly happened?” she asked you once again.
the headmaster is definitely suspecting you for murdering haejin, which you absolutely didn’t do. “yes, 4 blocks near Seville? i don’t remember the details because i’ve never went to Seville and before you suspect me madam, i want to ask you a question. why me?” you walked closer to her and looked straight at her eyes.
“kang hayoung, everyone knows how you and haejin are. i’m doing this to protect you. if you did it, we can silence everyone. we have the power, hayoung.” she assures you. “excuse me?” you gasped offendedly.
“madam, i didn’t do anything. it’s true that i had an argument with haejin at 7PM near joosung’s bar and yes i slapped her face until she bruised and yes i made her run away to who knows where but that was all i did. i’m not that evil to plan a murder for my enemies. if you think of me that way madam, i am deeply offended.” you exited the room in anger. you can’t believe the headmaster thought of you that lowly. you would never, NEVER wish that upon your greatest enemies.
“kang hayoung!” you shot your eyes up to glance at whoever called you. “you okay?” he immediately grabbed you and cupped your cheeks. it was your boyfriend, jung wooyoung. “do you think i did it?” you stared at him dead in the eyes. he was visibly taken aback. “no honey, i know you won’t” he then brought you in for a hug. “i know you won’t stoop that low, i trust you hayoung-ah, i trust you, okay?” he started to pat your head. for a second, you let loose and let yourself stay in his embrace but the second your rationality came, you pulled back. earning a confused look on his face.
“let’s break up, woo” you said. wooyoung was visibly confused that his eyes were so round it was screaming countless whys to you. “hayoung-ah, why? we can talk about it? yeah? don’t be like this, come on hayoung-ah” you avoided all of his attempts to hold you close to him. “i can’t do this right now, wooyoung. understand me please.” you left wooyoung, confused, heartbroken. he tried to hold you but all of his attempts failed. it was for the best, you thought.
after leaving wooyoung, you made your way to the student council room. you were the student council president, so you had the control honestly. when you opened the door, everyone gathered there. it seems like they were discussing about you and haejin.
“yo, kang hayoung!” soojin shouted. everyone in the room immediately moved their heads to look at you. you took a big sigh before making your way to the couch everyone sat. “i know what you’re thinking but i have nothing to do about it.” you crossed your arms and sighed again.
“i don’t understand how everyone is you know? all pitting it to you” mingi stated. it was truly weird. well, everyone knew you were on bad terms with haejin but how did you become the main suspect of this all? you can’t wrap your head around that.
“maybe it’s because she have a public feud with her?” yunho answered mingi. mingi still wasn’t happy with yunho’s analogy. “still, hayoung isn’t even with her that day” mingi frowned his eyebrows.
“i was with her but only up until 7 PM” you clarified. everyone suddenly became silent. “i look so suspicious right now don’t i?” you laughed sarcastically. “ah this is such a shitty situation” you screamed and ruffled your hair.
“madam song is suspicious of me, everyone is suspicious of me. heck i don’t even know how everyone suddenly knew i was the last person with her” you were visibly distressed. “have you tried to talk to the police?” yunho asked you. you shook your head.
“you should try asking for the cctv footage, it should help you clear your name” yunho advised you. “but yunho, joosung would try to hide it, won’t he?” everyone fell into another silence. joosung’s personality is well known as… rough to say the least? he thinks he’s on top of the world. he has money, true but no one is really on his side. however, money rules.
“no, it has only been 3 days hayoung-ah. my father is in the police, i can help” soojin held your hands reassuring you. “wait a second, let me ask him” you tried stopping soojin but soojin’s father picked up fast.
“ah! pa! can i ask you something?” soojin asked to her father. “you know regarding the seville bar incident? do you like have the cctv footage?” soojin asked. for a while, her father didn’t seem like he would give her the footage. it was confidential information but again, you needed it but luck wasn’t on your side because soojin’s father refused to give her the footage.
soojin tried to reason with her father but nothing was working. “ah soojin-ah, instead of that. you know kang hayoung right?” soojin froze. she immediately looked at you and asked her father why he was looking for you. not long after, soojin gave you her phone.
“good afternoon, mr seo” you greeted her father. “ah yes, kang hayoung. this is regarding the seville incident. will you be available for a calling? we will make it private, don’t worry” he asked you. you saw this coming from a mile away but actually hearing about it scares you even more. you tried to act tough though and started scheduling a session. after some time, you both agreed on doing the investigations on wednesday. this meant you only had two days to prepare yourself for the worst.
“wish me luck” you laughed sarcastically after ending your phone call with soojin’s father. everyone in the room was visibly worried for you. you just smiled to them and assured them that things are going to be okay (hopefully). if there was nobody you could trust, the 3 of them were the only ones you’d trust. soojin and you grew up together while yunho and mingi were your ride or dies since primary school. you trust your entire life to them, you truly do.
“i’ll be alright, i can handle this” you reassured them once again. you truly hope your words would be reality.
1 unread message from papa
your heart stopped when you noticed your dad messaged you. if you ignored it, you’d only be in more trouble so you opened the notification.
papa : go home today, we have to talk.
if your soul could physically exit your body, it would probably. you felt your legs becoming weak and breathing felt harder than ever for you.
kang hayoung, was all a facade made by your father. heck, your real name isn’t even kang hayoung and you aren’t even his child to begin with. your mother brought you to the house as a baby one day and your father decided to cover up your entire identity because it brought shame to him. you were an embarrassment to him. thus he created kang hayoung, the perfect heir to TK Holdings who is always the queen bee every where she went. the kang hayoung who could do anything and still be excused. the kang hayoung who everybody wanted to be. the perfect kang hayoung that would compensate for your brother’s inability to surpass his expectations.
you : i will go home at 4
your message was left on read. it was always like this but what can you do? you had no choice but to oblige. freedom isn’t even an option for you. soon after you finished your student council duties, you immediately packed your bags to go home. however, in front of the office, there stood wooyoung.
“hayoung-ah” he immediately called out to you as you exited the office. he looked like he has been crying the whole day. his eyes were swollen and his nose was red. your heart crushed at the sight of him being like this but you really don’t want to involve him into your own mess. “woo, i need to go. i’m sorry but my point still stands” and you left him again for the second time. you had to, you tried convincing yourself but in the end, tears fell out of your eyes. it hurt, it hurts so bad, but you can’t afford to bring him into your own troubles.
“you’re home yeah. stand here.” your father ushered you to stand in front of him. you kept your eyes on the floor because you knew, whatever he was trying to talk to you with isn’t positive and certainly he would- pang! oh. a sharp stinging pain was felt on your cheeks. you were sure it immediately caused your cheeks to become red and perhaps if he went more, you’d have bruises. pang, pang, pang. a slap was landed after one another. you winced at the pain and closed your eyes shut.
“i told you to do whatever you want but not kill someone, y/n!” he screamed at you. tears were welling up on your eyes by this point. “how low do you want to stoop? have you lost your mind?” your father slapped your head. “i didn’t do it” you mustered up your courage to try to explain it to him.
“then why the fuck did madam song call me in the middle of the day to say all that shit to me?” he was furious. you only looked at his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t believe madam song. “explain it, y/n. do you have no mouth?” you shook your head before staring right at him.
“i have bad terms with haejin and she got killed 2 days ago after meeting me. pa, if you don’t believe me go ask mr. kwon. he drove me there and he knew what happened. i only fought with haejin at 7 PM but after that i left immediately. haejin’s body was found on 9 PM, not 7 PM and by 7.30 PM i was already going home. you can look at the car history too if you want. you can ask the apartment security. you can ask everybody you trust more than me. i didn’t do it, i really didn’t” you were holding back your tears trying to explain yourself. your father’s expression was one you couldn’t understand. he probably wasn’t on your side but he didn’t want to go further because he know he would get violent and you still had school tomorrow.
“what an embarrassment.” he sighed exasperatedly and left the living room going to his own room, slamming the door in response. you then broke down. you were so scared, it all felt like shit. complete shit. why did no one believe you? how did you even became the prime suspect of this all when you didn’t even do anything? it hurts, it hurts. soon after, your vision became blurry and everything suddenly became dark. you wish this was it.
you felt something pressed up to your bruised cheeks. you slowly opened your eyes and tried to get up but you were hit with a horrid migraine. you closed your eyes shut before opening them again. turns out yeosang noticed you fainting and carried you to his room. “you feeling okay?” yeosang asked you. “you think?” you sarcastically replied to him.
“here, use this to compress and eat this” yeosang gave you the ice pack and offered you some porridge. “did you buy this?” you asked him before opening the porridge, he only nodded in response. it was very obviously store bought but you were happy. at least your only brother cared for you. “i heard everything and i trust you” yeosang assured you. you smiled to him in response. “thank you, yeosang” you digged in to the porridge he gave you.
at least you had yeosang in your family who cared for you, you thought.
“you wanna go back?” yeosang asked and you nodded. he swiftly called mr. kwon to pick you up and tidied up your things for you.
“yeo” you called out to him. “what?” he asked. “thank you, really.” he only nodded in response.
it has been roughly 24 hours after all that fiasco that happened with your father. you’re now sitting in a cafe, waiting for soojin’s father to arrive. you both agreed to not do it in the police station because that would cause even more headline to the case, whilst the case was actively being silenced because it involved Joongshik and also children of the elites. you were sitting on the corner seat of the cafe where the couch are high enough to cover your face. you sat there, wearing black sunglasses and fidgeting with the straw of the overpriced matcha you bought. he was taking longer than you thought but there’s no backing away. thankfully, he arrived after being late for around 15 minutes.
“kang hayoung right? i apologize. there were matters i had to attend to” you stood up and bowed to greet soojin’s father. he swiftly takes a seat in the couch in front of you before giving an envelope to you.
“it would be great if you could look through these first before i ask any questions, yes?” he tells you to open it, which you did. inside the envelope was a 20 page case summary, full with all the suspects the detectives had and also the witnesses’ testimonies. you swiftly took off your sunglasses and started reading the document.
“i forgot, my name seo hyukjae. i am soojin’s father and i am also a part of the national detective team. rest assured hayoung-ah, you are in safe hands” he reassured you with a smile. “thank you, sir” you resumed to reading the documents again.
there were parts that mentioned you in the witness testimonies and you weren’t the only suspect. almost everyone in the school was a suspect in the case. there were even chronologies made by the police through the cctv footages. it was a lot to take in.
“so, what do you think?” he asked you, leaning forward to the table, showing great interest in your response to everything. this was probably a test from him to start off his investigations.
“i don’t have much to say for i am a suspect here, am i wrong sir?” you asked him, which he nodded with a smile. “however, i would like to defend myself. it’s true i was on bad terms with haejin and we had several physical altercations before. even before that, i had a physical fight with her at 7PM, 4 blocks before Seville Hills Club. we fought because she was blackmailing me about my relationship with jung wooyoung. my father is a rather strict man, so that struck a nerve to me. so i slapped her, because she dared to blackmail me. i slapped her again and again, then she fought back so we fought but then she suddenly shoved me to the ground and ran away. i didn’t know what came to her, so after everything i went back home.” you continued. this story wasn’t in the documents somehow, but it could be because you were fighting in a closed area where there probably wasn’t any cctv active.
“there are no cctv footages of this though… hm” he took a big sigh before looking at the documents again. “i have a voice recording” you slid a recorder pen to him. he took it and analyzed it before playing the audio in it.
“you bitch” you grabbed haejin’s collar to drag her to an empty area where you could knock some sense into her head. you then threw her to a wall and slapped her face once.
“kang hayoung! do you really not know your place?” haejin screamed while covering her cheeks.
“i should be the one asking you, you know that?” you grabbed her collar once again.
“i have the power here. i can ruin your entire life you know? with just you and wooyoung? hayoung-ah, not everything will go your way” haejin taunts you which made you slap her once again, and again, and again.
haejin then fought back by pushing you away and slapping you in return. constant shrieks of pain and slapping could be heard through the audio. well, you were fighting so there should be those sounds.
“huh?” haejin suddenly stopped. “what? realize your position now?” you taunt her. she suddenly pushed you away, causing you to fall.
“what are you doing, jung haejin… huh?” haejin suddenly steps back and ran away. your confusion and her loud footsteps could be heard clearly through the audio.
“so, you are saying jung haejin ran away suddenly during your fight?” soojin’s father asked you and you nodded. “it was as if she just saw a ghost, her eyes became wide and she stopped fighting back. i tried to look at what she saw but i saw nothing. my back also was hurting from the fall. i don’t understand why she did that but since it was getting late and i was hurting from all the fighting, i went home around 7.30 PM. i already left by that time so i genuinely don’t understand how this case links up to me” you explained yourself while leaning back to the couch.
“i will take this to the department to use as an evidence” he asked you to consent to the audio being used as an evidence. “please do, sir. if it clears up my name i will provide anything” you let him take it.
“do you perhaps have proof that you were already home before 8 PM?” he asked you. you asked him to wait while you scroll on your phone. thankfully, you took pictures of your bruising from the fight right at 7.52 PM. “here, i have them” you gave your phone to him while he assessed the proof you had. “is this from the fight?” he asked and you nodded.
“alright, i think you should be safe with these for the time being. since we’re here, i would like to ask you about some of the other suspects. do you know kwon joosung?” you nodded. “sir, i am the student council president so of course i know him” you joked to lighten up the mood.
“are you aware that he also owns Seville Hills?” you shook your head. this was a new revelation. everyone knew joosung’s family owned the bar 4 blocks before Seville and also is the place you and haejin had the physical altercation. nobody knew that joosung owned Seville though. but things slowly made sense to you, why your fight with haejin was undocumented. joosung owned the rights to the cctv recordings near that area and everything, thus why it was a tough case.
“did you struggle with cctv footages because joosung refused to hand them over?” you asked soojin’s father. he sighed and nodded in response. it was enough answer for you to know, joosung had a play in all of this.
“i am suspecting he has a part in this but it’s hard to budge him because i’m sure you know, hayoung-ah” soojin’s father complained to you. joosung is a filthy rich kid, his family owns business here and there and they’re basically immune to the law somehow. you’re sure that his family owns a mafia or something.
the entire questioning session went by well. soojin’s father continued to ask for informations and you gave him as much as you can since it would also help clearing out your name. you were glad that at least, things should be better for you right?
“kang hayoung” madam song called you to her room. “yes, maam?” you asked her. you don’t know why you’re called back to her room but nonetheless, you hoped it wasn’t about haejin again.
“as the student council president, you know what to do when a new student transfers right?” she asked you. “yes, madam” you responded.
“good, the heir of CI Enterprises will be transferring here by tomorrow but he wants to have a taste of the environment first today, so you will be accompanying him. any objections?” she asked you while glancing at the windows, visibly waiting for the new kid’s arrival. “no, madam” you replied. “oh, he has arrived” she immediately ushers you to go down to greet the new kid and you followed suit.
when you arrived down to the entrance, madam song immediately hugged the kid and greeted him with a full smile but when you saw his face, oh. he’s good looking, you thought. he greeted madam song with a full smile too before looking at your way. you were taken aback as you locked eyes with him. you bowed slightly to greet him and smiled back at him. for a second his smile changed into, something you couldn’t understand but you shrugged it off.
“sannie, this is kang hayoung. she is the student council president of Joongshik High. hayoung-ah, this is choi san, the new kid you’d be helping with.” madam song ushered you to come closer.
“it’s nice to meet you, i’m kang hayoung” you offered your hand to do a hand shake. he accepted your offer and shook your hand.
“it’s choi san, a pleasure to meet you.”
to be continued.
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pinkicyheart · 4 months
fromis_9 + ideal dates
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a/n: fluff, no gendered terms, mentions of kissing. first post omg!
saerom ˖ ࣪⭑ pottery class. saerom would love picking out inspo on pinterest with you on the days leading up to the date. you guys would do a matching mug set; her with a green mug and you with a red one (christmas themed ^^). she's so sneaky the way she reaches over you and puts her hands on yours under the guise of trying to help mold the clay.
hayoung ˖ ࣪⭑ making a song with you. you wanted to write a song as a gift for your friend, and what better place to make one than with the queen of songwriting herself! she would be so attentive in listening to what kind of song you want, and so so patient when you don't understand a part of the song making process.
gyuri ˖ ࣪⭑ going to a tennis game! it's summer, and what better way to celebrate than going to a game! you get in the spirit all the way from the comfort of the cool bleachers. you both settle on a team to support and are quickly absorbed in the game. gyuri's sure to make you feel better with ice cream after your team loses.
jiwon ˖ ࣪⭑ mini golf. a dose of healthy competition never hurt anyone! you've never played before, so jiwon has the advantage in this game. not to worry! to keep it fair, she'll give you some pointers and help you perfect your form. she eventually (secretly) throws the game to let you win, because your cheerful face of victory was all she was looking for.
jisun ˖ ࣪⭑ gym date! you two are wearing matching workout sets, you in pink and her in black. you start out your workout with some stretches, (jisun would hate to see you sore), and you get to work on some cardio. seeing jisun all sweaty and hot leaves you dizzy, so jisun elects to have a water break. jisun can't tell if it's the endorphins from the workout, but you look prettier than usual.
seoyeon ˖ ࣪⭑ ikea date. this might be a bit unusual but seoyeon loves walking around in ikea with you. she loves the food court and seeing the sets and imagining living in a room like that with you one day. your eyes twinkle under the show lights and seoyeon can't tell what's sweeter; the sight of you or the ice cream she's currently enjoying.
chaeyoung ˖ ࣪⭑ night walk. honestly chae seems like the type to enjoy simpler dates. she just wants to appreciate the time you have together with no bells and whistles. she loves being pushed on the swing, feeling the wind in her hair, while you two have a conversation about the past, present and future.
nagyung ˖ ࣪⭑ gaming cafe. as we all know, nakko is our resident gamer. she'd love to take you to one of her favorite gaming spots and teach you all things gaming. she'd order a huge bowl of ramen for you to share, and she'd get right to business. she'd start out playing fortnite with you to get you started and would carry you well throughout the game. she'd totally reward you with a kiss for winning.
jiheon ˖ ࣪⭑ photo booth. even though you were originally planning on going to an arcade, jiheon spotted a photo booth stand and pulled you in! she already finds you beautiful, but when you ask for some mascara and lip gloss to touch up your makeup, there's no way she'd refuse. you take a couple of silly shots, and a surprise cheek kiss (from your end) that really pulled the set of photos together.
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bobbiworks · 2 months
When I was, When You were
Written by: Bobbi Henderson / 10027r Genre: Fluff, Romance, High School, One-shot Characters: EUNSEOK of RIIZE, ORIGINAL CHARACTER
As summer's warmth waned, autumn gracefully swept in. The cool breeze caressed my cheeks as I opened the bus window on my way to school. With each passing moment, I couldn't help but feel that this autumn held something special—it was my final year in high school, perhaps my last chance to find love.
I couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness, knowing that most girls my age had already tasted romance. As I reviewed my class schedule, I sighed inwardly. Despite the announcement of a schedule adjustment due to a system error, nothing had changed in our class roster. Each student was still assigned based on their grades, a detail that seemed trivial amidst my swirling thoughts. Graduation loomed ahead, and amidst it all, I couldn't shake the yearning for a romantic encounter of my own.
"Bree!" I glanced up to find my friends entering the room with vibrant energy. They all appeared radiant and sun-kissed after their summer spent abroad with their families. "We missed you!" they exclaimed in unison, gathering around my desk to place a plethora of souvenirs from their trip.
"Wow, these are so thoughtful… thank you!" I said warmly, retrieving a couple of handmade pouches I crafted during my stay at my grandmother's house. "It's not much, but I made them with each of your styles in mind," I added.
One of the many reasons I cherished Gyuri and Yena was their genuine appreciation for even the smallest gestures. They had been my closest friends since freshman year, a bond that had grown stronger with each passing season.
"You're so talented, Bree. I'll treasure these!" Yena exclaimed cheerfully before heading to her seat to greet our other classmates. As they moved aside, my gaze drifted towards the entrance where Eunseok entered the room. Our eyes met instantly, and I blushed with embarrassment, quickly looking away.
Why? Why am I feeling embarrassed right now? Did something happen between us before we started our summer vacation? Of course, Eunseok and I are friends, there's no doubt, but why does it feel awkward right now?
I hadn't noticed Eunseok standing beside my desk until the familiar scent of his cologne reached me. It was a pleasant fragrance, one I always associated with him. Slowly, I looked up to find him gazing down at me. Despite his thick glasses obscuring his eyes, I felt his gaze pierce right into my soul.
"Oh, hello, Eunseok!" I greeted him with a wave, and he gently took my hand, placing a small paper bag in my palm. "For me? What's this?"
"A souvenir," he replied softly, then turned to his desk and sat down. Eunseok was seated next to me, the most enigmatic presence in our class, yet he effortlessly befriended everyone.
"Thank you, Eunseok. I—" My words halted as one of the girls approached Eunseok with exuberance, causing him to turn towards her. She slammed her hands on his desk and scrutinized his face with exaggerated squinting eyes, despite fogging up his glasses with her breath.
"Song Eunseok, were you at the fireworks festival last week?" Hayoung demanded. "I could have sworn I saw you and even said hi, but you didn't respond!"
Fireworks festival? I began to feel more anxious after hearing that. Why does it feel like I am being too anxious about almost everything?
"It was definitely you, right? Even without the glasses… You were dressed so stylishly, with a beanie and hanging out with cool friends," Hayoung persisted, recounting her sighting from a week ago. "Though honestly, the guy with you was hotter, so now I'm not so sure."
"Hey, Hayoung! Can't you give Eunseok some space?" Gyuri interjected, her irritation evident in her tone at the early morning disruption.
"Oh, Gyuri, are you curious too? Because if that was Eunseok, you guys are seriously missing out. That guy I saw was something else," Hayoung teased with a laugh.
I stood nearby, nervously playing with the gift Eunseok had given me, listening to their conversation unfold.
"Where did you see him?" Gyuri challenged, stepping in between Eunseok and Hayoung.
"In Japan," Hayoung replied defiantly. "I spent my summer overseas, why?"
"That's impossible," Gyuri countered firmly. "Eunseok had plans with Bree before the summer started, so there's no way you saw him abroad."
Gyuri's logical reasoning caught me off guard, and I turned to glance at Eunseok, who sat quietly at his desk, seemingly unaffected by the girls' escalating argument.
The bickering between Gyuri and Hayoung only ceased when the homeroom teacher finally entered the room.
Later that day, I joined Gyuri and Yena for lunch at the school cafeteria.
"How was your summer?" Yena asked casually between bites of her meal.
"What do you mean?" I replied, tucking into my breaded pork cutlet.
"Your summer with Eunseok," Yena clarified, giving me a meaningful look.
I paused, gently placing my chopsticks down. "Summer with Eunseok? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused by their serious expressions.
"You mean you didn't meet up with him?" Gyuri asked, her grip on my shoulders tightening in frustration. "Why not?"
"Wait, hold on!" I pulled away, feeling increasingly anxious. "You're scaring me. What's going on?"
Gyuri leaned back, sighing heavily. "Did you two have a falling out? Or did he stand you up? Now I'm starting to think Hayoung was right about seeing him in Japan."
"Do I… have plans with him?" I asked, bewildered.
Yena lightly tapped my head, causing me to wince. "Are you serious? Did you hit your head or something?"
"I don't know. Ever since I saw him, I've been feeling so awkward," I admitted, dropping my gaze. It was unlike me to be so uncertain around him; usually, I was the one initiating conversations.
"What happened to you this summer?" Gyuri asked gently.
"Well," I began, biting my lip as I recounted my activities. "I spent a few weeks in my grandparents' hometown, then we had a big family party for my brother's wedding. After that, I was busy with chores and then got sick."
"But do you remember anything about Eunseok before summer break?" Yena pressed, her concern evident.
"I was delirious when I got sick and ended up in the hospital for three days," I explained. "Mom said I had to rest at home for the rest of the break."
"Did he try to contact you? Send a message?" Gyuri inquired next.
"I dropped my phone in the lake while fishing with my grandpa," I admitted sheepishly.
"Oh, Bree, talk about a series of unfortunate events this summer," Yena sighed, clearly frustrated. "Since you can't remember, we'll fill you in, okay?"
The conversation continued over lunch as my friends recounted what I had apparently missed during those summer months.
After hearing everything my friends told me about Eunseok, I finally understood why my heart had felt so heavy ever since waking up in the hospital. It was like I had lost something precious. Unable to contain my emotions, I quietly cried in the restroom after lunch, not wanting anyone who knew me to see me sobbing like a child over what I had done to Eunseok.
Stepping out of the restroom, I spotted him a few meters away, walking alone down the hallway.
"S-Song Eunseok," I mumbled, my voice barely louder than a whisper. He stopped and turned to look at me. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly dropped my head, hiding my tear-streaked face from him.
I hadn't expected anything from him at this moment; after all, I was the one at fault, the one who had forgotten him and what we had together. The version of me who had dreamed of romance this year seemed so foolish now.
Eunseok could have easily ignored me, but he didn't.
I felt his hand gently take mine, and before I knew it, he pulled me into an embrace, shielding my tear-stained face from anyone who might see. His other hand cupped the back of my head, gently patting it. In that moment, I could hear the thunderous beat of my own heart.
Collecting my thoughts, I looked up at him and pulled away slightly. "C-Can we talk? Privately?" I asked, my voice trembling.
Eunseok simply smiled and nodded. Together, we walked out of the school building and headed to the quiet solitude of the schoolyard, where we found a bench and sat down. I continued to sob quietly beside him, feeling like a child in need of comfort.
"Have you eaten?" Eunseok asked me, breaking the silence. It struck me that this was the first time we'd spoken since summer vacation. Using his handkerchief to wipe away my tears, I nodded in response. "Good," he said softly.
"And you?" I murmured, turning to him, only to be met with a laugh. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," he chuckled, his hand covering his smile as he looked away. "You just look adorable." He paused, then continued, "And yes, I've already eaten. Did you happen to open the paper bag I gave you?"
I shook my head, recalling how everything had suddenly become chaotic when the homeroom teacher arrived. "Why? Did you write something inside?" I asked, curious.
"No," he replied with a shake of his head. "Just a small gift."
"Ah, I see," I nodded. There was a moment of silence between us as we both gazed up at the canopy of trees above us, sighing simultaneously. Our eyes met and we burst out laughing together. I laughed so hard that tears welled up in my eyes once again as I faced him.
"Eunseok, I'm so sorry," I finally said, my laughter subsiding. "I didn't mean to forget everything—everything Gyuri and Yena told me. I don't understand why I couldn't meet you at our usual spot that day." I paused as Eunseok removed his glasses, squinting slightly at me.
"I think I understand why," he replied gently, setting his glasses aside. It was the first time I saw him without them, and to me, he looked even more handsome without that usual accessory. "I knew, Bree," he reassured me, his hand resting on my head.
"But how? I mean…" I began, feeling a pang of anxiety, fearing he was only being kind, as he always was.
"Well, when you didn't reply, I got worried and went to your house," Eunseok explained. "I met your mom, and she told me you were in the hospital due to exhaustion and illness."
"But Hayoung mentioned seeing you in Japan. Was she right?" I asked tentatively, and Eunseok nodded. "So, it was you she saw? She described you as a cool guy."
"Am I not cool?" Eunseok raised an eyebrow playfully, giving me a teasing look. "Yes, it was me. I just didn't talk to her because my appearance in Japan was quite different."
"I'm still sorry," I sighed deeply. "I didn't realize why I've been feeling so hopelessly romantic lately. I even went to pray for love somewhere, and today I realized I missed a big opportunity…"
The air between us felt charged with unspoken words and emotions as we sat together on the bench in the schoolyard, our hearts and thoughts finally laid bare.
Eunseok turned to me slowly, his expression curious. "Hopeless romantic? What big chance are you talking about, Bree?"
I could feel my face flush hotter than a chili pepper at his question. "Uh, well…" I stammered nervously. Gyuri had mentioned that Eunseok had confessed to me and that we had some unspoken understanding. Had I misunderstood? Eunseok seemed perplexed by my hesitation.
"Oh, never mind," I hurriedly dismissed with a nervous chuckle. "I was just wondering why you wanted to see me that day."
"Hmm," Eunseok hummed softly, gazing up at the sky thoughtfully. "Taking a chance with you."
"With me?" I echoed, searching his eyes for clarity.
"Yes," he affirmed, but his answer left me wanting more. "Wait, I don't quite understand, Eunseok," I admitted, my panic rising. My heart pounded loudly in my chest, drowning out all other sounds.
I grew impatient waiting for him to continue, feeling annoyed by the delay. He chuckled at my expectant expression, and I impulsively smacked his head in frustration. "Seriously!"
"Why so aggressive all of a sudden?" he teased, catching my hand before I could smack him again.
"You're so aggravating!" I snapped, feeling flustered. "You know I hate waiting."
Eunseok continued to laugh, a hearty, infectious laugh that drew curious glances from other students nearby.
"What's so funny?" I demanded, trying to ignore how endearing his laughter sounded.
"You're adorable when you're angry," he replied, still chuckling. I noticed he was still holding his glasses, knowing he couldn't see well without them.
"Shouldn't you put it back?" I asked him, concerned, but Eunseok shook his head with a grin. "Your head might start hurting."
"Nah, it's fine. I just wanted to see you," he replied casually.
I felt my cheeks grow warm at his words, caught off guard by his straightforwardness.
"Bree, do you remember my last birthday?" he asked, and I nodded with a smile.
"How could I forget? I remember how upset I was when I ruined the cake," I chuckled softly. "What about it?"
"That was the first time my heart raced for you," he confessed, surprising me with his sincerity.
"Right, and your heart raced while I was scolding you for being annoying," I teased back.
Eunseok laughed and shook his head fondly. "Sometimes, without even realizing it, I find myself thinking about you. It's funny how we were just friends a few years ago, and now I'm telling you that you've captured my mind and heart. I didn't want to make things awkward between us, but I have to tell you—I like you more than just a friend, Bree. I want to be with you, hear your laughter, see your smiles, share your tears, and be there for you."
His words were like something out of a movie, and here I was, hearing them from him directly. I was speechless, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his eyes. There was no hint of rejection in my heart; perhaps I had harbored feelings for Eunseok for longer than I realized.
Reflecting on our shared moments, I remembered all the times he had taken care of me.
"Give me those," I said gently, reaching for his glasses from his hand. Moving closer, I delicately fixed his hair; his long bangs gently covered his forehead. "It pains me to see you squint," I sighed softly, placing his glasses back on his face and adjusting them carefully before cupping his cheeks in my hands.
"I never knew you felt this way," I confessed, a smile spreading across my face as I caressed his cheeks tenderly.
"Can I kiss you?" Eunseok asked tentatively, but I playfully covered his lips with my hand.
"No," I replied with a teasing glare, pulling back slightly. "Not right away. But you can hold my hand," I added softly.
"Okay, sweetheart," he agreed with a smile, gently taking my hand and planting a soft kiss on the back of it.
How was it?
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kkulgings · 2 years
❈° ≫ fromis_9 masterlist
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❀ fluff | ✿ angst | ❁ suggestive | ❃ crack
─▸ ❝ ot9
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee saerom 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ song hayoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ jang gyuri 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ park jiwon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ roh jisun
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee seoyeon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee chaeyoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee nagyung 
11:59 p.m. ❀
─▸ ❝ baek jiheon 
‎‏‏sweet ❀
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vex91 · 3 months
Fromis_9 Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Lee Saerom:
Nothing yet...
Song Hayoung:
Nothing yet...
Jang Gyuri:
Nothing yet...
Park Jiwon:
Nothing yet...
Roh Jisun:
Nothing yet...
Lee Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Lee Chaeyoung:
Nothing yet...
Lee Nagyung:
Nothing yet...
Baek Jiheon:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
0 notes
multiphandomunnies · 5 years
chilly | song hayoung
requested:  Can I request an imagine with Fromis_9 Hayoung where reader and her have been best friend for years and he finally confesses his feelings after a ‘date’ (that Hayoung didn’t even realise that it’s a date)? Thanks!! Love your writing so much admin: mirae authors note: so I didn't really make it seem like a date, I hope that's okay with you babydoll
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‘Chilly’ was the first thing that popped into your head as you stepped outside of the old ice cream parlor. “No matter how old we get, this place will always have the best sweets!,” Hayoung beamed as she joined you outside. Almost immediately she shivered as the wind blew past her, her hair flying in the breeze. 
Your eyes landed on her small frame, she always seemed to look cute. No matter what she was wearing or what she was doing, she was always the same cute best friend. Nodding slowly you glanced back at the sunset, the stunning pink and purple hues blended together perfectly as if someone above was painting watercolor and spilt their cup on the painting. 
“Hey,,,Hayoung?,” you voice cracked as you spoke up, you mentally cursed yourself for the embarrassing mistake.
”Huh?,” Hayoung peered on, not even looking at you as her eyes were hyper focused on a couple taking photos near the sea. You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to word everything, your knees trembled slightly in fear. As the silence took over you two the only sound that could be heard was the rushing waves crashing into the shore line and different people giggling in happiness at simple things. 
“I can't keep secrets from you because you're my best friend, right?” you delayed your confession in fear. 
“Well duh dummy, secrets are forbidden between us,” Hayoung said, crossing her arms over her chest making a stern face. You laughed feeling slightly less tense. 
“Okay well,,I have to confess something-” you glanced at Hayoung to see her intensely looking at you “-I like you, like,as more than a friend,” even if she were to reject you it felt so nice to finally get that off your chest. 
It felt as a fifty ton weight vanished from your shoulders. You let out a content sigh, preparing yourself for the rejection. 
“As a girlfriend?” she asked main you feel ashamed. 
“Yes as a girlfriend,” you told her while shaking your head. Hayoung suddenly got a big bright child-like smile on her face. She jumped towards you happily and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. 
“Well you confessed something and now it's my turn,,cause best friends don't keep secrets. I like you too,” she played with her fingers as she spoke. You looked down at her, in awe from the kiss and her confession. You honestly hadn't thought that she be okay with your confession, let alone return it. 
“Does this mean,,,wait,,,Song Hayoung would you like to go out with me?” you smile down at her as if you had just won a first prize trophy, which in your mind you had.
 Hayoung puckered her lips before her eyes crinkled and she nodded “I'd love too,”
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lovieskihyun · 5 years
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— reader x jung jaehyun social media au!
— intro
|01| |02| |03| |04| |05| |06| |07| |08|
after being left to take care of his child alone, jaehyun takes his daughter to lilies daycare so he can focus a little more on his studies. he thought he’d just drop her off and leave for the day, but eventually, he ends up spending more time at lilies daycare with a special someone.
s/o to @hhjwrld for the idea
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atinyidea · 5 years
38 or 6 with our hayoungie? has anyone requested a girlie yet?
〘BONNIE〙here we go! our first girlie for you!
[15:03] [F] (female reader)
When the two of you decided to hang out today neither of you thought you’d be doing much. It was way too hot outside to even move and even with all the windows open and three handheld fans on you two were still way too hot. Hayoung was laying on her back on the tiled kitchen floor – her hair sprawled out like a halo around her, her shorts low on her hips and her shit tied in a knot on her tummy – and you laid beside her, a few inches away.
“I have no strength to hold my fan up anymore.” She whined, her nose scrunching up a little. You couldn’t help the giggle that fell from her lips.
“You are too cute.” You managed to get out through your giggles, fanning yourself with your little fan. She snapped her head to you so quickly you were worried for her neck.
“I’m not cute! Im all sweaty!” She whined yet again, her legs kicking centimetres into the air – it was the highest she could get her legs to under the weight of the days heat. You couldn’t help but laugh now, especially when she looked at you with a mock offended expression and lifted a hand to hit you, missing your shoulder by a mile and flopping down onto the floor with a slap.
“I like your laugh,” Hayoung smiled, joining in herself, wrapping her finger’s around yours, watching you blush next to her. “I like you’re the cute one here.”
“Oh, stop it!” Now it was your turn to whine.
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gaykimjisoo · 7 years
rating: g
pairings: seowon, harom (fromis_9)
word count: 1421
summary: seoyeon works at a coffee shop on black friday.
read on ao3
seoyeon has never seen a coffee shop do deals for black friday. the drinks are already all worth less than anything that should be on sale, so it’s a moot point unless the company wants to go bankrupt.
unfortunately, there’s a first time for everything. the problem is she’s caught in the middle of it.
she waves the latest customer away and sinks a little when she sees the line is even longer since she last saw it a minute before, stretching out the door. seoyeon resigns herself to staying at least an hour after her shift; at least she’ll get overtime. $10 more in her bank.
the next customer steps up to the counter, and seoyeon is almost too tired to register how her hair slides across her neck and her eyes shine with something she hasn’t seen in awhile. she needs more than a few moments to compose herself for this pretty stranger, time she doesn’t have.
seoyeon has always had a weakness for pretty girls, and the way her lips shine like cherries is a bit too much for her.
so she stares. and she’s hitting herself in her head, because her physical functions aren’t currently adept enough to do it.
then the girl’s eyes crinkle into half moons as she smiles and seoyeon knows she’s totally fucked.
“aren’t you supposed to greet me?” the pretty stranger asks.
seoyeon blinks once slowly, then again, and her instincts catch up to her. “welcome to haven coffee. what would you like?” she thanks whatever higher power there is that her voice doesn’t crack.
“good job,” the girl muses, and looks up at the menu like she hadn’t had all the time in the world when she was in line.
seoyeon would usually be annoyed by this, but it gave her more time to study her, so she can’t complain with a clear conscience.
and the way she tilts her head back and her neck becomes exposed, christ. it has to be illegal.
“i like the caramel macchiato,” seoyeon blurts, because, hey, she’s a normal person who can totally hold a conversation. “it’s. it’s really good. i think.”
maybe not that normal of a person.
but the stranger giggles, and casts her gaze back to seoyeon. “you have a sweet tooth?”
she blushes. “yeah… sorry.” she doesn’t know exactly what she’s apologizing for, but she feels like she should anyway.
“it’s okay,” she says. “so do i.”
having one thing in common with a stranger, even a pretty one, shouldn’t make her heart skip a beat.
“i’ll get one of those,” she finishes, slipping a dollar bill (yes, the deals were that atrocious) across the counter. “small.”
seoyeon types it into the cash register, regretfully tearing her eyes away. “and that’s all?”
“name?” seoyeon asks.
“jiwon,” she tells her, and seoyeon’s heart fucking flutters. it’s perfect.
she scribbles her name on the cup and sets it aside for one of her coworkers to take care of. “that’ll just take a few minutes,” she finishes.
“thank you,” jiwon says, and as seoyeon looks back up, she winks. if seoyeon’s heart had skipped a beat before, it flatlines then.
the entire conversation only took a couple minutes, but it felt like seconds and a lifetime all at once. seoyeon wistfully watches jiwon walk to a table in the back, sighing.
“oh my god,” she hears from behind her, two voices whispering in perfect unison.
“they’re soulmates. it’s meant to be.”
“romsae, we just watched our BABY fall in love. we should’ve filmed it.”
“why didn’t you?”
“i was too busy swooning on seoyeon’s behalf. why didn’t you?”
“i was recording it in my memory. we can make them redo it when they’re married with five kids, anyway.”
“true, but it won’t be the same. we’re failiures as mothers.”
hayoung and saerom were two things to seoyeon; firstly they were the dorky, in love parental figures she never had. secondly, they were both pains in the ass in their own ways. she supposed, in retrospect, they go hand in hand.
still, she doesn’t have to respect them like parents. for that, she’s very thankful.
“you two are impossible,” seoyeon says without turning around, beginning to take care of the next customer in line.
they were also scarily in sync at least 100% of the time.
“i got this!” hayoung announces, bumping seoyeon’s hip so hard she stumbles and almost falls over.
saerom snatches the cup off the counter before anyone else can get to it. “go to her, seoyeon,” she coos. “get it, baby.”
seoyeon will never admit it, but she appreciates that sentiment just as much as she hates it.
without anything else to do, the shop already overstaffed, she shuffles over to jiwon. she apologizes when she bumps into people because she really cannot keep her eyes off this girl, but she doesn’t actually feel all that bad about it.
when she arrived at the table, for at least a few seconds, she just stares at the back of jiwon’s head and panics. she’s so pretty what the fuck do i SAY how can i impress her also why did she wink at me??? does that mean she’s interested or was she just making fun of me for being a mess i think it’s the latter this was a mistake i’m an idiot FUCK YOU SAEROM-
“what’s your name?” jiwon asks without turning around. seoyeon has a mini heart attack.
“seoyeon,” she responds. “can i, uh, sit down?”
jiwon giggles again. “yeah, uh, i guess,” she mocks. seoyeon doesn’t that mind all that much, either.
she sits across from jiwon, crosses her legs, and makes eye contact with her. it’s silent for a minute or two as jiwon scrutinizes her and seoyeon absentmindedly noted that she can feel the blood leaving her fingers from how tight she’s gripping her chair. that’s probably not healthy.
“seoyeon’s a good name.” she nods along dumbly.
“you like anime?”
i’ve fallen for a weeb.
“naruto’s nice.”
jiwon snorts. “typical. watch madoka magica. that’s real shit.”
“... okay?”
jiwon nods in satisfaction and goes back to scrutinizing, and saerom has to scream “caramel macchiato for jiwon” at least 3 times for her to snap out of it.
jiwon gets up to get her drink, and seoyeon finally has time to think about the ridiculous situation.
fact number one: she’s whipped.
fact number two: jiwon is, at least a little bit, interested.
fact number three: this is really cliché.
fact number four: jiwon’s smile is really pretty and she never wants to go another shitty morning without it.
fact number five: after reviewing fact number four, seoyeon falls a little bit more. not in love, but in the possibility of love, butterflies and first dates and all that.
“well, not to insult a pretty girl,” jiwon says, returning to her seat, “but you’re not that smooth. to make up for it, though, your friends are.” she shows seoyeon her cup, and she dies inside.
saerom wrote, in her pristine as fuck handwriting, her number and a list of rules if she wants to date “my baby who has never done anything wrong.” she’s suddenly reminded of her earlier exhaustion and deigns not to read all of them, but it’s… extensive. she wants to yell.
“i wouldn’t call that smooth,” she croaks out instead.
“it gets the job done,” jiwon said with a shrug, sipping her coffee. she grimaces, then glares at seoyeon. “fuck. you said this was good.”
“best thing on the menu. this place is shit.”
jiwon waves her hand. “still a lie. i usually don’t go out with people who lie.”
badump badump badump.
“for you, though, i’ll make an exception. you should thank your cute personality and your friends.”
seoyeon balks at her, jaw dropped, eyes wide.
“god, i wanna take a picture. you’re so adorable,” jiwon tells her, giggling. she stands up, coffee in hand. “i’ll text you, yeah?”
“y-yeah,” is all seoyeon can say in response.
seoyeon watches her walk out, dumping her coffee into the trash along the way, but keeping the cup.
hayoung slides into the seat jiwon was sitting in while seoyeon continues to gaze at the door. “that was somehow embarrassing and heartwarming all at once.”
seoyeon doesn’t answer.
“whatever,” hayoung mutters. “someday you’ll thank us for being the best mothers you could’ve ever asked for.”
(and if later, she feels her phone buzz in her pocket and her heart does a little jump, she’ll keep that to herself.)
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softjeon · 4 years
Falling for you | Pt. 1
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content  | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 4,1k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳  Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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He glanced up at the luxury property as he crossed the street walking towards it. A massive twenty-something story modern building of tinted glass and stone. In front of it, there was a doorman wearing white gloves and dressed in a long red coat hailing for a taxi for an old man, before opening the door for him with a big smile. A shy thank you came from his lips, as he slipped into the building where he felt even more out of place than before. Maybe he should have decided to wear something else? He had never been to this part of the town and had never planned to do so. Usually, he had no business being here. But he really needed the money. 
He frowned, trying to ignore the fact that the chandelier hanging in the lobby probably cost more than he had ever spent in his entire life, walking up to the elevators to push the button, Jimin took a deep breath.
"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way!" His voice was echoing through the hallway, as Jungkook wiggled happily, dancing around, while holding a bunch of folders in his hands. "Oh, what fun it is to ride…" His singing stopped abruptly, when someone's chest hit his nose, making him stumble back. Jungkooks gaze wandered up the dark blue tie until he met his boss's eyes. "I know, I know. You're more the Halloween type of guy but the spooky season is over, Mr. Kim. Only four more weeks until Christmas!" A big grin appeared on his face as he pushed the folders into Namjoons hold. "No more warlocks, demons or witches. Just cinnamon, cookies, presents ...and love. It's my personal mission to get you into the mood, sir." 
“Then I’m afraid I have to tell you your personal mission is bound to fail spectacularly.” He wipes a bit of glitter from the folders that he has no idea where it came from as Jungkook isn’t carrying actual Christmas decoration but he wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook love for Christmas would manifest in glitter that magically appears on people who hate Christmas whenever he is near. 
He wonders how someone can be so happy about a season where you have to hear the same songs you had to listen to all the years before, where everyone is stressed but points out that it's about ‘peace and family’ while everyone is getting crazy about how many presents they still have to buy and how much money it’s going to cost. He hates it with a passion, honestly, but keeps it to himself. Maybe it’s also because it’s supposed to be the ‘season of love’ and he closed that chapter a long, long time ago.
Jungkook frowned a little, but it was soon replaced with a smile again. “Are you always this self-fulfilling prophecy type? With this mood, how are you supposed to even enjoy the most wonderful time of the year? He sang the last part of it, posing as he stretched out his arms with jazz hands as if he’d just finished a massive dance piece waiting for his applause. But there was none. “Can’t believe I took the spot,” He sighed dramatically, “If I had known I’d be working for the grinch himself…” Jungkook grinned teasingly, knowing that Namjoon could take a joke - or else he really wouldn’t have been working for him as his personal assistant. It was his dream job actually. 
When he first arrived at the interview, Jungkook didn’t think he’d stand a chance against all the other people with far more expertise than he had. Kim Designs was a very well-known Company, that Jungkook always had admired and in a ‘go big or go home’ moment, he had filled out the application in the middle of the night, a little frustrated and drunk on wine after being dismissed for the nth time by various of companies because of his lack of experience. And to his own surprise, the former assistant had called him in for an interview. The elegance, the simplicity and yet, the intricate little details that were Kim Namjoon’s trademark were always a personal favorite of Jungkook and although he still wasn’t so sure why he had picked him, he was happily working for him now. 
“But you’re coming to the office party, right?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, before another sigh came from him. “The Christmas party? In your office? That is every year and you never attend?” The ring of the doorbell made Jungkook walk a little more backwards towards the elevator that was about to arrive on their level, without leaving his boss out of view. “I told everyone you were coming this year. Said you were really happy about it!”
Namjoon just pulled a face, “You’re lucky I need you or I would send you straight out to door so you can bring your Christmas-nonsense somewhere else!” The truth was Jungkook was the best that could have happened to this company and he was really fond of him so he would keep him no matter how crazy he would get during those last two months of the year. 
The party would probably be like every year: He paid for it, for delicious food and colorful drinks, for decorations and little surprises - all made by a party company of course so he didn’t have to even step foot in the room. No one expected him to be there anyways, except for Jungkook maybe, who somehow never ran out of hope and determination.
“You can say it, Joon! You love me!” Jungkook winked at him, before turning around swiftly just right at the moment the elevator stopped. He pushed the button and the two metal doors slid open. Knowing about Namjoon’s appointment, Jungkook was keeping a smile on his face, awaiting the substitute maid that Hayoung wanted to send in, while she was on vacation. 
Inside the elevator, he was realizing that he was facing the wrong way, Jimin turned around with blushed cheeks. “I’m here to see Kim Namjoon. I’m supposed to be taking over for Hayoung.” He spoke as calm as he could, trying to cover up the fact how nervous he was. He knew who Kim Namjoon was. Everyone did. 
“That would be me.” Namjoon tried to hide the fact that the person in front of him was nothing like he had expected. Hayoung was a sweet old woman, the motherly type and somehow when she had said she would get someone to cover for her during her holiday Namjoon had thought she would ask a friend, someone her age. However, the boy in front of him couldn’t be older than himself! And he was pretty enough to be a model with full lips and a soft smile that turned a little shy when Namjoon looked too long at him. He cleared his throat, getting himself together before walking ahead. “Let’s go to my office, there we can do the formalities and we can decide when exactly you will start. I suppose Hayoung already explained all your duties to you before she sent you here?”
Jimin gave him a nod, passing Jungkook with a smile, who turned back around to let his eyes wander up and down the maid’s back. His eyes widened as he raised his eyebrows at Namjoon, pursing his lips into an appreciative nod. Pointing at the young man, he gave his boss a thumbs up, his mouth shaping all kinds of ‘wow’ and ‘omg’ words as he walked into the elevator. To top it all off Jungkook began to form hearts with his hands before he started to hum ‘all I want for Christmas’ again.  
Namjoon furrowed his brows, shaking his head at Jungkook to tell him to stop. He received a very confused look from Jimin and realized that the younger’s relaxed and confident facade was slowly but surely starting to crumble. Was he scared of him? It didn’t surprise him when people from outside believed the media that painted him as an ice cold, scary, power hungry man because of his sudden success but he would have thought that Hayoung had told Jimin that he wasn’t like that. He opened the door for Jimin and the younger almost stumbled when he stepped on the carpet. 
What a great start for someone who was supposed to clean his precious apartment… 
Jimin sat down on one of the chairs in front of Namjoon’s desk, folding his hands together to keep them from nervously shaking. Was his expression already a ‘no’? Had he found someone else?
“Hayoung told me everything I need to know.” He began answering Namjoon’s question from before. “What your preferences are, where I can find everything, and she gave me a list of duties that need to be done daily or weekly. Oh, and of course the list of things I shouldn’t touch. She made sure I studied it well, before coming here, so I hope I can replace her for her vacation accordingly.” Jimin took out a thin folder, holding it out for Namjoon to take. “My personal information as requested.”
Namjoon put it aside right away, never taking his gaze from Jimin. He could read that later. What was way more important to him was if he could trust Jimin to stick to the rules, to not sniff around or steal or…worse. “Why did you take this job, Jimin? I’m sure you have better options than cleaning, don’t you?” He cut straight to the point. 
Jimin froze on the spot like a deer in headlights.
“I mainly work as a florist but as you might know, it’s a job you have to do with all of your heart and yet, it doesn’t pay much. That’s how I know Hayoung. She always comes to buy fresh flowers for years. I assume some of them were even for your apartment.” He explained without hesitation. “I’m not really the type to work in a bar or be a waiter. I don’t mind cleaning, though and Hayoung has been speaking so kindly about you.” He smiled at Namjoon, feeling a lot more at ease the more he was talking. “And it’s Christmas, Mr. Kim. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I could use a little extra money.”
“Money won’t be the problem, I pay well - if you do your job right. If you have a problem or need more cleaning supplies or anything comes up you can talk to me. And I mean talk to me first. My apartment is very personal and private and exclusively visited by me. As you might have guessed there are things that are of utmost importance to me. I am very peculiar about order and privacy and that you keep everything you see and hear to yourself. Do you think you can handle the weight of this responsibility?” He downright stared at Jimin by now who didn’t seem to know where to look.
“Absolutely,” Jimin’s smile reached his ears, looking up at him with a smile, before averting his gaze shyly again. In front of him sat a man with way more influence than he could ever dream of. He could destroy him and his reputation with a snap of his fingers. Jimin had absolutely no interest in angering him. Hayoung had explained it to him perfectly, the need for order and privacy, when it came down to the newest collection. Just one word to the wrong person could mean a great damage for Kim Designs.  
“Then I’m glad to have you here.” He pushed the paperwork over to Jimin. “Please fill those in before you start. The money will be transferred to you at the end of your job. Two weeks, is it? Unless you need it sooner, then I can talk to Jungkook and he will figure something out as I trust you wouldn’t get Hayoung or yourself into trouble by just taking the money and vanishing.”
“That’s fine,” Jimin took a pen and began to fill out the form quickly but thoroughly. “When do you want me to start?” He asked, lifting his head to look at Namjoon again. “Oh, Hayoung hadn’t told me about it, but I happened to notice there was no decoration. Do you want me to set up some Christmas lights? I bet they would look great in your entrance.” 
“No!” He blurted out, startling Jimin so much the pen slipped over the paper. He felt immediately sorry for him. “Ah, sorry for that, it’s just... I don’t really like the whole Christmas ordeal. It’s Jungkook who makes a fuss about it. Jungkook my personal assistant, you’ve seen him pass you at the elevator but I’m sure you’ll get to know him properly some other time, he basically handles my schedule on his own for me.” The alarm on his watch reminded him that he had to be in a zoom meeting in ten minutes, so he got up and Jimin mirrored him right away. “As for when you start, the sooner the better.” He got out his set of spare keys from the drawer and gave them over to Jimin. “These are my keys, don’t lose them or you’ll have to pay for the locksmith. You can let yourself in whenever you want, I often work late so you can clean whenever your other job allows it. Take your time in the beginning, I’d rather pay for an extra hour than coming home to a half-cleaned apartment.”
Still confused about his behavior but with a smile, Jimin took the keys from him. “I will do my best.” Was all he could say, before Namjoon had closed the office door right in his face, leaving Jimin startled once more. 
Taking his bag, Jimin placed it on the kitchen counter and looked around the apartment. He could hear faint noises of a conference call behind the office door and because he didn’t want to be noisy and listen, Jimin took out his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything important that Hayoung had told him. 
The apartment was far bigger than he had imagined, so Jimin was glad for the order of tasks he was given or else he’d have probably felt a little overwhelmed. After dusting off the shelves and cleaning up each and every counter, Jimin was sweeping the floor, making sure he didn’t miss a spot, and everything was back at its place just like before. Not an inch too far to the left or right. Just like Namjoon wanted it. 
Hayoung would have been proud of him, Jimin thought to himself, when he pushed the button of the elevator again, waiting with a content smile. 
“So, when was the moment you wanted to tell me Hayoung would send such a bombshell, huh? Is he single? Maybe I could slip my number in...or drop my card here somewhere...He probably is married, right?” Jungkook let out a small whine, as he looked up from his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything Namjoon had said in the last twenty minutes. “You know what you should have done, make him wear a maid’s costume.” He grinned, leaning back a little, “I’m just joking!” Raising his hands in defense, he added quietly, “You can’t deny he’d look good in it, or well, he probably looks good in anything. What was his name again?”
“I didn’t know who Hayoung would send and I also don’t care how he looks.” The last part was a blatant lie, but he knew if he confessed that he thought Jimin was very attractive Jungkook would never let him live it down. Also, he refused imagining Jimin in a maid costume (maybe at home in his bedroom when he was alone...) 
“I don’t know if Jimin is married…” Jimin didn’t wear a ring on his finger but maybe he was wearing it on a necklace under his clothes “...but you better be quick if you want to ask him out because he will only be here for a couple of weeks.”
He placed his pen aside and looked directly at Jungkook. “Is there anything else on my schedule today? If not I’ll leave you to your swooning over Jimin to make some private calls.”
Jungkook shook his head, as he got up and took his bag with him. On his way out, the elevator already opened up before he could even push the button and Jimin smiled right back at him. Jungkook greeted him with a light bow, slipping into the elevator while the other passed him.
Jimin was holding onto something wrapped in paper and only the green ends sticking out told Namjoon what it was: flowers. 
“I thought you might like them on your dinner table?” The younger man walked up to Namjoon, showing him the bouquet of flowers. “Do you like them? I arranged them just how I’d normally do it for Hayoung, just added a little more...now that I know what your lovely home looks like.” His eyes fell onto the phone in the other’s hand and the papers in front of him that indicated the other was still working and quickly added. “Maybe they make working a little easier if you can look at something pretty. I’ll put them in a vase for you and then you can decide.” 
“That’s nice.. thank you.” Namjoon was a little overwhelmed. Normally he asked Hayoung to get flowers for birthdays or celebrations; he rarely got them for himself for no reason. However, Jimin had a well-trained eye and the light, soft colors brightened the room very nicely. The call that he was about to make was forgotten as he put the phone aside, following Jimin into the kitchen where the younger was busy filling the vase. “Did the cleaning go well?” He asked after a moment of silence, because he didn't know how else to start a conversation with Jimin.
“Yeah,“ Jimin cocked his head aside, looking at Namjoon with a smile. “Did I miss anything last night? I’m sorry if I missed a spot, I tried working off the list Hayoung gave me. Maybe you want to look it over and see if everything is included?” He arranged the flowers a little more, so they looked perfect, before turning it around to Namjoon to make him see. “I didn’t vacuum your office though, as you were still working when I was finishing everything. Are you always working this late, Mr. Kim?”
“No, no, it was perfect.” Had he sounded like he was questioning Jimin or wanted to reprimand him? Namjoon pressed his lips together. He really didn’t have a talent for small talk. He could handle a room full of people easily - if it was a meeting. But as soon as he tried to talk casually with someone it backfired.
“You made the right decision, please don’t try to vacuum my office while I’m still in it.” He tried a small smile. “I’m in contact with people from various time zones that's why I’ll have to be in my office during strange hours.” He explained, keeping it to himself that yesterday he had simply lost track of time.
“Just making sure you’re not overworking yourself. Even a busy man like you need to rest. I don’t think you come up with all your ideas on sleep deprivation…” Jimin pushed the vase over to Namjoon carefully. “Do you mind placing it onto the table for me?” He turned around to open the cabinet with the cleaning supplies to get out all the things he needed today. There was no need to do all the rooms daily, so he was switching routines, taking out the piece of paper again to check Hayoung's notes. 
Namjoon didn’t move, holding the vase to his chest but keeping his eyes on Jimin, fixated by the way the younger licked his lips in thoughts while studying his list or how he pushed the hair away from his face. He wondered if it was as soft as it looked…
He was about to head to the stairs that lead to Namjoon’s bedroom, when Jimin noticed the vase still being in his hands. Jimin chuckled, looking up the taller man. “The dinner table, Mr. Kim. Or do you want it to be somewhere else? Should I take them up to your bedroom maybe?” Namjoon’s stare made him nervous, the long gaze he was holding made him avert his own. “Is…is there something on my face?” Jimin wiped over his cheeks nervously. He had quickly eaten some sandwich on his way over here, after he had closed his shop, so he wondered if there was sauce on his face. That would be more than embarrassing!
“Ah, dinner table of course!” He rather had Jimin thinking that he hadn’t been sure where to put the flowers then confess that he had been caught by how beautiful Jimin was. He was also pretty sure that Jimin was doing all those lovely little things that made him so charming without even realizing it. “Your face is fine.” He answered Jimin’s question a little stupidly, leaving it at that without giving another explanation, simply because he didn’t have any that wouldn’t include how he could stare at Jimin for hours without any reason.
Jimin couldn’t help but giggle at Namjoon’s cuteness. It was strange to see a man, who he only thought of a well-known designer, someone wealthy and smart so flustered out of a sudden. It was kind of cute.
Walking up the staircase, Jimin smiled at the other over his shoulder when out of a sudden he stumbled forward and over the rug that was laid out at the top. Falling hard on his knees, Jimin yelped in pain, just for it to turn into laughter, quickly giving Namjoon a sign that he was doing okay. 
Namjoon hurried over to him, nonetheless. “Are you okay? Did you slip?” Jimin fell so quickly that he hadn’t seen anything at all. Hopefully the other wasn’t hurt because - and he felt a little guilty thinking this - if he couldn't come clean then Namjoon would have no possibility to see him again. And he really wanted to see him…
 “I’m fine,” Jimin was about to get up, when Namjoon’s strong grip pulled him up easily. “Oh, please don’t worry.” He quickly waved the other off, I just stumbled over your rug, that’s all. I’m usually not very clumsy, but I think looking one way and going the other is never a good idea.” His eyes fell down to where Namjoon was still holding onto him and his heart skipped a beat, quickly trying to cover the blush appearing on his cheeks while he brushed off his knees. “It’s best I fall up the stairs, not down, right?”
Namjoon chuckled. “If you put it that way then yes, please only fall up the stairs.” They were standing a little too close together from how he had pulled Jimin up but neither of them stepped away. Up close like this he could see Jimin’s eyelashes that fanned out beautifully, hiding Jimin’s eyes with the way the younger was looking down right now. There was a rosy blush high on Jimin’s cheekbones and Namjoon almost brushed over it out of instinct, before he quickly stepped away, shocked by his own desires. What the hell was he doing here?
Jimin flinched from the sudden step back when moments before he had gotten lost in Namjoon’s eyes. “I ehm…I need to be in your bedroom.” He stuttered the words nervously, realizing too late how they sounded. “I mean…clean your bedroom. I wanted to change the sheets and…that’s where I need to be. Not in the sheets, I eh…” Jimin was about to slap himself, feeling his cheeks flush red as he grabbed the cleaning utensils again and taking another step away from Namjoon. 
With that Jimin vanished so quickly Namjoon couldn’t even utter another word. Which was probably better because else he might have told that he would very much like it to have Jimin in his bedroom and in his sheets. 
Namjoon shook his head hoping to get rid of those strange ideas. What was he doing? One night stands where fine but this? This was dangerous. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected but also Jimin. 
The poor boy had no idea what he had gotten himself into, he was just sweet and charming and Namjoon should make sure to keep his distance from now on if he didn’t want to destroy that.
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A/N: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... Let’s get into the christmas mood with a little love story shall we ;) Once more we couldn’t keep ourselves from writing our favorite pairings. Thats how it is now lmao. Anyways...why is Namjoon afraid of affecting someone with falling in love? What’s happening there huh???
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years
To-Do List
(There's around 125? ish requests here I think)
yet still not a single f(x) request I could cry
Kyungri smut
Yuna as Your Girlfriend
Seolhyun as Your Girlfriend
Hyejeong as Your Girlfriend
Dating Poly!Jennie X Nayeon
Rosé fluff
Jennie fluff
Lisa as Your Girlfriend
Jennie smut
Sorn as Your Girlfriend
Elkie as Your Girlfriend
Seunghee as Your Girlfriend
Seungyeon as Your Girlfriend
Seungyeon smut
Cosmic Girls/WJSN:
Dating Poly!Eunseo X Yeoreum
Bona as Your Girlfriend
How WJSN would spend a lazy day with their S/O
Luda as Your Girlfriend
Seola as Your Girlfriend
Mei Qi as Your Girlfriend
Yeonjung as Your Girlfriend
Chaeyeon as Your Girlfriend
Huihyeon as Your Girlfriend
Dating Poly! Dami X Handong
Dreamcatcher reaction to their S/O wanting to be choked/dominated
Gahyeon smut
JiU as Your Girlfriend
Dami as Your Girlfriend
Handong fluff
Dating Poly!JiYoo
Sua smut
Dating Poly!JiU X Sua
Gahyeon as Your Girlfriend
Dreamcatcher Reaction to their S/O being self conscious of their body
Mia as Your Girlfriend
Aisha as Your Girlfriend
Junghwa as Your Girlfriend
Saerom as Your Girlfriend
Saerom X Chaeyoung fluff
Jiwon as Your Girlfriend
Chaeyoung as Your Girlfriend
Nagyung as Your Girlfriend
Jiheon fluff
Gyuri as Your Girlfriend
Hayoung fluff
Fromis_9 Reaction to their S/O falling asleep on their lap
Fromis_9 reaction to their S/O always buying them random gifts
Girlfriend!Saerom on Instagram
Jiwon fluff
Sowon as Your Girlfriend
Soyeon smut
Soyeon smut (X2)
Dating Poly!Minnie X Yuqi
Soyeon smut (X3)
Soojin smut
Soyeon smut (X5)
(G)I-DLE Reaction to being jealous
Soyeon smut (X6)
Dating Poly!YuYeon
Miyeon as Your Girlfriend
Shuhua as Your Girlfriend
Soojin smut (X2)
Girls Generation/SNSD:
Dating Mommies!TaeNy
Yuri as Your Girlfriend
Mina as Your girlfriend
Miya as Your Girlfriend
Minkyung as Your Girlfriend
Ryujin fluff
Itzy reaction to having a tall S/O
Chaeryeong fluff
Itzy reaction to their S/O fainting
Itzy reaction to their S/O dancing to their song
Dating Poly!Hyewon X Hitomi
Minjoo as Your Girlfriend
Yujin fluff
Iz*one as moms
Yena as Your Girlfriend
Chaewon as Your Girlfriend
How Loona would kiss/make out with their S/O
Chuu as Your Wife
Yves Moodboard
Gowon fluff
Yves smut
Dating Poly!YveSoul
ChuuVes smut
Loona as Moms
Dating Poly!Yves X Sunmi
Dating Poly!HyeWon
Dating Poly!2Jin
Choerry Moodboard
Jinsoul fluff
Olivia Hye fluff
Olivia Hye fluff (X2)
Yein smut
Dating Poly!MoonSun
Mamamoo reaction to their S/O being drunk
Mafia!Wheein fluff
Oh My Girl:
Oh My Girl's kinks
YooA as Your Girlfriend
Arin as Your Girlfriend
Red Velvet:
Dating Poly!WenRene
Dating Poly!YeRene
Red Velvet Reaction to one of their members having a crush on their S/O
Irene fluff
How red velvet would cuddle their S/O
Irene smut
Seulgi smut
Irene fluff
Red Velvet reaction to someone flirting with their S/O
Girlfriend!Irene on Instagram
Dating Poly!Bora X Dasom
Dating Poly!ChaeHyo
Dating Poly!DahMo
Dating Poly!Jennie X Nayeon
Twice Reaction to Their S/O not being able to sleep
Dating Poly!NaMo
Twice Reaction to Their S/O Riding Their Thigh
Sana smut
Momo as Your Wife
Mina fluff
Mina fluff (X2)
Girlfriend!Mina on Instagram
Weki Meki:
Doyeon smut
Weki Meki Reaction to Their S/O wearing their clothes
Dating Poly!DoDaeng
Doyeon fake texts
Solo Artists
Girlfriend!Heize on Instagram
Hyuna smut
Dating Poly!Yves X Sunmi
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