#leek hydra
beautifulfriends · 6 months
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Asking around
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Hey team. I'm Phantom hydra and I'm here to tell you how many ways I want to cook this bug (LARGE GRUB WARNING BELOW) | | | V
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Whole Cooked Grub
Cooked in a wok with vegetable oil, unions, garlic and hot peppers until skin is crispy. Optional, but recommended fried egg on top, with salt and pepper added for extra flavor. Can be replaced with any preferred way of cooking egg. Could go well with a side of roasted and salted crickets.
Sliced Grub
Roast grub with olive oil until crispy, slice into circles. Optional soy sauce. Serve with crab meat, sautéed veggies, lobster legs or cooked scorpion as a side. Season with seasoning of choice.
Stuffed Grub
Roast grub until crispy, then remove the head. Relieve the bug of its innards and stuff with mashed potato, diced leeks and unions, garlic and peppered/spiced cheese of choice.
(I'm not a chef please don't cook the grub I'm just craving a savory meal)
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hannahmcgill · 2 years
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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anonymousleekao3 · 10 months
Updated February 2024:
Hi, I'm Leek.
I'm a very boring grown-up British goth who is not terminally online.
This is my main blog. It started out NSFW and 18+ so it has to stay that way.
There is no theme here.
I reblog any old bollocks I find lying around in the gutter.
I make and post whatever creative nonsense I can fit into my day.
Ships include Hydra Husbands (Marvel/MCU) but I dabble with others.
Tag Key:
Stuff wot I made:
#My Art On Main
#My Text Post On Main
Not stuff I made:
#Spread The Love
#Not My Text Post
#Not My Art
#Not My Pic
AO3 Links:
(Some stories can only be seen by members.)
AnonymousLeek (not Marvel)
Buckminsterfullerene (Marvel)
NSFW 18+ past this point.
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pium · 2 years
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01. Panagiotis Mina - Ιούνιος - Αδελφές Αγησιλάου, Κοιλάνι Τροόδους (pyrgatory studio) 02. Mort Garson - Music to Soothe the Savage Snake Plant (Sacred Bones Records) 03. Precipitation - II (Jungle Gym Records) 04. Precipitation - III (Jungle Gym Records) 05. Oleksandr Demianenko - Segment 7 (enmossed) 06. Ondness - Torres e Baldios II (Discrepant) 07. ΨΥΧΟΤΕΚ - Κοινοβιο Τελος (Phormix) 08. Rolande Garros - French Open (MMODEMM)
09. Rolande Garros - Wimbledon (MMODEMM) 10. Rolande Garros - Australian Open (MMODEMM) 11. Rolande Garros - Flushing Meadows (MMODEMM) 12. Dominic Voz - Right To The City I (Beacon Sound) 13. Dominic Voz - Right To The City II (Beacon Sound) 14. pinkcourtesyphone - but it felt / in other dreams (excerpt) (helen scarsdale) 15. Mareld - Pale Outlines (Janushoved) 16. Mareld - All That Was Green (Janushoved) 17. Isabel del Bosco - Visita Nocturna (Self Released) 18. Jake Muir and Evan Caminiti - Immured in Twilight (Dust Editions) 19. Radagast & KletTtermax - Wizard warp (Personal Uschi Records) 20. Peter Kris - False Tranquility (FLOPHOUSE) 21. Angelo Harmsworth - Aerosol (enmossed) 22. Light Asylum - Dark Allies (Pablo Bozzi edit) (Self Released) 23. Modeste - Thérèse (Nouvelle Gaze) 24. ΨΥΧΟΤΕΚ - Ειπες να 'μαστε Φιλοι (Phormix) 25. Radiant Futur - Forgiveness (Muscut) 26. Ian Wellman - Raven Calls Before Dusk (Room40) 27. Terror Cognitive Dissonance - Inverted Cross (S H I S H I) 28. Bbarb - 3 Cornered Leek  (Avon Terror Corps) 29. Iury Lech - Ukraïna (Wah Wah Records) 30. Panagiotis Mina - Αποδυτήρια (pyrgatory studio) 31. Morah - Sirines (Vanila) 32. Anatolian Weapons - Immersion (Tocca il futuro) 33. The Hydra - Lysergic Imminent (_phinery (catalogue) 34. YAI - Fata (Not Not Fun) 35. YAI - Mirage (Not Not Fun) 36. Angelo Harmsworth - The Impossibility Of Listening (enmossed) 37. Cucina Povera & Ben Vince - Muurahaiskeko (Ecstatic) 38. Dania - Fire Dash (Geographic North) THE END...
Listen: Here
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itsmiii · 2 years
Castles in the snow
Rating: M
Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins & Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
TW/CW: referenced past rape, injury, blood
based on this beautiful fanart
@aki-draws-things this turned out so angsty :’) enjoy the whump!
Rumlow knew if it wasn‘t for him, the rest of the team would’ve still been alive. But he couldn’t bring himself to care, not even to pretend to, as he was fighting his way through the snow.
His feet were cold, he could barely feel his toes. It also didn’t matter, he only had to get back to base, hoping Winter was okay, hoping Jack had understood his message and survived.
Maybe Brock was selfish for sacrificing the team, maybe Brock was fair in a cruel way for deliberately sending them to their deaths for what they did to him.
Brock felt sick to the bone when he thought about the previous evening. He and Jack had been out, checking their surroundings for threats. When they came back to the shithole of a cabin that was their base for the OP, they found Winter kneeling on the ground, a cock in his mouth, another in his ass, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Brock had stopped it. He had been furious, as had Jack been.
How could they? How dared they lay a hand on him? On Winter with his wide, confused, blue eyes?
How dared they.
 Order through pain.
Brock hoped it had been painful when a hail of bullets had blown them into pieces.
 He was clenching his jaw and decided to walk on, grim and determined. Hoping, praying Winter and Jack were fine.
It took him an hour to get back to base. He could see Jack, hopefully Jack, limping towards him. He was so far away, Brock couldn’t really make out anything but a black dot. It was hard to see through the falling snow.
It was Jack. Brock saw his rifle, recognized the way he moved and almost sobbed with relief. Almost.
When they met, they didn’t say anything, just kept on walking in silence. Occasionally their shoulders or elbows brushed. And it was a relief each time, a reminder Jack was next to him, limping, but alive.
Through the snow they could see the cabin. Steadily becoming clearer and bigger in front of them.
 Brock tried to ignore the red trail of blood that Jack left behind. The cloth he had wrapped around his calf was soaked. Brock tried to ignore it. Tried not to look at Jack’s pale face.
They only had to make it back to base. They were almost there.
 And then, deep in thoughts, Brock stumbled. Jack stopped.
They looked down.
Under a thin blanket of fresh snow, there was a small snow castle. Brock and Jack shared a look. There couldn’t be kids around. They were in the middle of no where, no kid would’ve survived getting here in this weather. And if one had, they both knew HYDRA took no prisoners nor did it allow leeks.
 Brock swallowed and Jack gave him a look that said “It’s nothing. It’s fine.” and Brock wanted to believe him.
 They came across three more. One bigger and newer than the other. And then, they saw Winter, still in full gear, googles on, mask in place, rifle put up on his knees, hair wet and curly, kneeling in the snow. Building another snow castle. Using his metal hand to smooth out walls and carve details into his work.
Again, Brock almost sobbed. A shaky breath escaped him. He was fine. They both were. They were fine.
“For how long has he been doing this?” Jack said. The first words Brock had heard him speak today. His voice sounded paper thin.
He shook his head. They were fine.
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land-under-wave · 4 years
The Fires of War
The original drabble for the Karushuu College Roommate AU. Didn’t post it earlier cause was rough around the edges. Still is. Am sick of it. Getting it out of my head.
“We’re out of milk, Second Place,” Karma calls out, shutting the fridge.
“So?” Gakushu demands.
“So,” Karma says, turning around and flashing him a smile, “you’re going to have to make a trip to the store, aren’t you?”
“Why would I have to go buy more when it’s your disgusting diabetes trap?” Gakushu returns sourly, because that smile is at least half a threat and what Karma means by “We’re out of milk” is really that they’re out of that oversugared strawberry slop he’s been guzzling since middle school.
“Well, isn’t it your turn on the chore chart, Asano-kun?” Karma says. And he’s lifted his head and started smirking, and both of them know that it translates to this means war.
Gakushu weighs his options for a moment. It is his turn and they’re only three streets down from the nearest conbini. This is very low on the list of fights worth picking, particularly when he has two papers due the next day and his opponent is someone as childishly petty as Akabane Karma. But some part of him knows there was never really a question about it. Nothing can ever be simple between them, not even groceries, and besides, it would set a bad precedent to give in to Karma’s whims without any resistance.
So instead, he sets his chin stubbornly and begins the counter attack. “That chart is only for normal shopping trips, not for enabling your quest to end up in an early grave.”
“Aw, does that mean you’re trying to keep me around?” Karma asks, with a glint in his eyes like he’s successfully backed him into a corner. He mock-gasps, pressing a hand to his chest. “Asano-kun, I’m touched!”
Gakushu nearly gags at the sight of him pretending to be some fainting maiden. “As if,” he huffs, channeling the full force of his disgust into his voice. “No one would believe it was natural causes, and as your roommate, I’d be Suspect Number One in the inevitable murder case. It would decrease my options against the chairman to have public opinion against me.”
“You know, a lesser being might be hurt by your callousness,” says Karma, nonchalant, leaning back in his chair. “You should be grateful I’m so understanding.” He sighs, too dramatic, and proclaims, “Some people just don’t realize their luck.”
“I don’t have any luck. It was all canceled out by the curse of living with you to begin with,” Gakushu snaps, to cut off that strategy preemptively. If you didn’t stop him early, he’d become like a hydra and sprout more heads for every one you cut down.
Karma lets out the kind of hum that says he’s about to change tactics. Abruptly, he says, “Well, if you’re going to be like that, I could use some beef and another bag of rice. Oh, and leeks too,” he adds thoughtfully.
“You’re kidding,” Gakushu says flatly.
“Nope! I wanted to make gyudon for dinner,” he says, and there’s already a sticky note in his hand. He’s scribbling a list like he actually cares about its contents. Why is he doing this to him. “If it’s a real grocery trip, then Asano-kun can’t complain, can he?”
Gakushu glares at him, but he can’t find a flaw in the argument. Even if he could, it looks like Karma’s in a particularly sadistic mood today, because the actual grocery store is much further down than the conbini and this is clearly one part punishment for not giving in earlier.
The leeks aren’t even for gyudon. Karma just added that to be a total bastard, because both of them hate leeks.
Karma further cements that status by slapping the sticky note on his arm like he’s an obediently waiting dog. His handwriting is about five shades less legible than normal. “Get to it, Asano-kun!” he says cheerily.
“Well, if you get me that milk, you can help speed that along!”
His glare magnifies in intensity, but unfortunately, Karma doesn’t just drop dead at the sight of it. “I’ll be back by four,” he grumbles, and stomps out the door.
Outside the apartment, Gakushu discovers that the final item on the list is Asano-kun’s tears of defeat. He commits the list to memory and then rips it into shreds before he marches angrily down the stairs, the sound of Karma’s laughter trailing after him.
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Dragon Dancer III: No Easy Answers
I examined my finished braids in the mirror.
I lived alone in Norton Hall now. Caesar had occupied it with his Student Council for years, then Lu Mingfei. Now with them both gone, it felt like living in a mausoleum.
The mission was rated SS for its danger and severe difficulty. It would be the third SS mission I’d been on. The first, also in Japan, had us investigate an ancient ruin, where I had nearly died after losing control of my raging unstable blood.
The second started out innocuous enough, I’d been flown to Paris, and enjoyed Spring Fashion Week. But I was then chained to a computer, translating reams of draconic text only to find out, once we arrived, that the temple we were to explore didn’t even contain the dragon lord herself, but a man rendered immortal by her. They were to be wed at a ceremony that turned into a bloodbath.
I tied my hair up into a high bun. The mission was a disaster. In the end, both Johann and I were severely injured, Lu went missing and Caesar...
I couldn’t finish the sentence, even in my mind. I wanted to march over to the hospital, burst into his room and smash the medical equipment keeping him hanging on in the land of the living.
Master List
This third mission was very similar to the first. We were going to Japan, we were to go under water in a submersible, but this time, we were to blow up a shipwreck that contained the developing dragon embryo. My first thought was “Who puts a dragon on a ship?”
The phone rang. “I’m here.”
Before mission start, Johann and I decided to go on one more date. As soon as I saw him, with his suit and his flowers -- the traditional red roses -- my bad mood lifted. “Look at you all dolled up.” I ran my hands along his tie and stretched up on my toes to kiss him. 
“So where are you taking me?”
The French restaurant was one of the most exclusive in Chicago. I didn’t feel like being subtle, picking a color-blocked black and white dress that hugged my curves and showed off my legs. My gold hoops and the red lipstick called me out further. 
Johann, tall and dashing in his suit, wore his sunglasses as we walked through the room to our private dining table. I looked and felt like a celebrity for a moment, even though no one knew who I was.
A live string quartet played Clare de Lune. Wine was already on the table along with a small salad built leaf by leaf like coral.
The menu was already set by course. The waiter read off the list of dishes.
Filet of Seabass, with braised Leeks, salsify, and Pinot Noir jus.
Flat iron steak a la Française, gratin dauphinoise, and a medley of vegetables.
For dessert,  there was an assortment of mignardises and chocolates.
I didn’t take my eyes off Chu Zihang. He was wonderful. 
The waiter left us. Johann removed his dark glasses.
“Have you heard from Nono?” He asked me.
“No,” I shook my head. “I only saw that she accepted the assignment.”
“I feel sorry for her. I didn’t want to go either.” I looked down at the pleasingly arranged salad. “I didn’t want to lead this.”
“You meet all the qualifications.” He said. We kept our voices low even in our isolated setting. “Second year top student. Highest rank and dragon blood purity. Proven track record. If not you, than who?”
“That’s what I told myself. But I keep remembering that Hydra tried to kill me.” I took a bite of the salad.
“You handled that well too.” He pulled out his tablet and I stopped chewing. My lips pursed.
“Johann, I swear to God that if you make this whole date about the mission, I’m going to stab your pretty little eyes out with a fork.” 
He held up one finger, “Just this one thing.”
“One. thing.” My eyes snapped at him.
He cleared his throat. “If it makes you feel any better. I’ve finished plotting out the times you’ve felt Lu Mingfei through your soul link.” He turned the device to me, pressing on the screen. “Overlaid that with his known waking hours per timezone... Overlaid a map over that...”
The time stamps on the map showed a clear cluster over Japan. I gasped. “Lu’s in Japan... how did he get there?”
“Hopefully if we find him... we can ask him.”
The waiter returned with the first course. I thanked him and waited for him to leave. I stared at the tablet, tears coming to my eyes. “Okay I forgive you.”
“This should bring comfort to Nono as well. She misses him too.” 
I put the tablet down and sat back, eyeing him.
He continued. “Since I’ve known him, Lu always had feelings for Nono but couldn’t express them. Maybe now...”
I gave a little laugh. “Really? Do you think Caesar being a vegetable will suddenly make them come together?”
“You don’t think so?” He seemed genuinely confused.
I pressed my lips together. “No... That’s... that’s actually a little bit awful that you think it would.”
He was taken aback. “Lu always said he didn’t interfere because they were a good match. Now that will never happen. Wouldn’t he want to comfort her?”
My gaze softened. “It’s really sweet how you’re thinking about them, hoping for the best. But sometimes the best isn’t what we are trained to imagine by movies or games or music. What’s in a heart isn’t always logical, Johann.”
Johann seemed to wilt in front of me. “Its just... he seemed to want it so desperately. Seeing Caesar and Nono together hurt him. I just want him to be happy. Both of them to be happy.”
“Me too.” I reached over and took his hand, rubbing my dark brown fingers over his soft light toned knuckles. “What we have makes us want it for them all the more.”
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pandalandalopalis · 6 years
The Things We’ve Done - Bucky Barnes x Telepathic Reader [Chapter Two]
Previous Chapter
Story Synopsis: All you wanted was simplicity. You had moved to Washington, DC for a better start - to get away from what you were, to get away from what you were expected to be. You never thought you’d meet the Captain America in a bar just three days after moving. You never thought there would be a dangerous person in your apartment just hours after meeting him.
Beginning with the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Hydra sends its most deadly weapon after a powerful telepath untested in the range of her abilities. Intrigued by the broken pieces of his mind, the two of you make an agreement: he helps you hide from Hydra, and you repair and salvage what’s left of his memories.
A/N: You’ll meet a lot of people in this story, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, maybe even Frank Castle — but this story is primarily a Bucky x Reader story, despite some diversions later on. I have most of this story already planned out (although there are some middle bits I haven’t figured out yet), so let’s see how this goes!
Chapter Synopsis: There’s someone in your apartment. You call Steve for help.
Read it on AO3
Part 1 - Chapter Two: The Man in Your Apartment
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The panic washed over you in a million different ways, as if waves of ice water were being poured in a steady stream. You were still three floors from your apartment, and yet you could feel them. The person who had invaded your home. 
You couldn't think straight. Your mind was being flooded with too much. . .noise. The stairwell was silent and yet you couldn't hear anything. 
There's someone in my apartment.
There's someone in my apartment.
There's someone in my apartment.
When did you pull out your phone? You had it pressed to your ear, and there was ringing on the other end. You had dialed somebody. But you didn't know anybody in Washington; you had just moved here. 
You couldn't think straight.
You couldn't think straight.
You couldn't think straight.
Steve. That's who you were calling. Captain America. He could help you. He would help you. He had to. There could be no situation in which he doesn't. 
There's someone in my apartment.
There's someone in my apartment.
There's someone in m
He picked up. He picked up the phone. He answered your call. He was on the other end now.
Say something.
Say something.
Say something.
A strangled gasp left your mouth. "Steve." Did you say that? It was your voice.  
"Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?"
You couldn't breathe. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't. Breathe. 
There's someone in my apartment.
"There's someone in my apartment."
There's someone in my apartment.
"Y/N, take a deep breath for me. Can you do that?" Steve's voice was gentle, but worried. It did nothing to calm your intensifying panic. 
You stuttered. "Can't-can't-can't-can't-" When did you end up on the floor? Your hand was pulling your hair. 
Telepaths have excellent memory. They're able to access different parts of their mind and bring bits and pieces to the forefront. You wished you didn't. You wished you could forget. 
Don't let it happen again.
Don't let it happen again.
Don't let it happen again.
"Steve, there's a man in my apartment." Your laboured breaths turned to hiccuping sobs. 
"I'm coming over." You vaguely registered the sound of movement. "What's your address?"
Don't let it happen again.
Don't let it happen again.
Don't le
"Y/N! Where do you live?" His insistent tone broke through the haze your mind now swam in. You must have told him your address, because he said, "I'm on my way. It's okay. Don't worry. Just hold on."
There was water on your cheeks. Where was that coming from? Was the ceiling leeking? It blurred your vision. Oh. You were crying.
"Keep talking to me, okay?" Steve said. "Where are you right now?"
"I'm-I'm-I'm-" Words words words. "The-the stairwell." Lie lie lie. "I went to my door. I heard footsteps." You took a deep, shuddering breath. "No one in this city knows me, Steve. No one except you. I have the only key. Nobody else could have gotten in. I locked it before leaving. I know I did. I know I did. I know I did." Did you? Yes, of course you did. You did you did you did you did. You never forget to lock your door. 
"Was the door broken into?" he asked. You could hear his slightly laboured breathing, the footsteps. It sounded like he was running. "Was it open when you got there?"
You didn't know. You didn't see. "I-I don't remember. I don't remember."
"He could have come in through the fire escape. Stay where you are, alright? I'm almost there. Keep talking to me. Tell me something."
"What?" you managed. Your body was shaking.
"Anything. Tell me about New York."
Don't let it happen again.
Don't let it happen again.
Don't let it happen again.
"Y/N. Talk to me."
You spoke in almost incoherent sentences. "Messy. New York was messy. I left, I left. Different. Washington was supposed to be different."
"Try to slow your breathing, Y/N. I think I'm here, I'm outside of the building. Can you come down and open the door for me?"
"I can't - move -"
"Focus on my voice, Y/N. Come downstairs, open the door. Then I can help you. We can figure out what's going on, together. Please, can you do that for me? Just come and open the door. Then you can stay downstairs." You could hear him jiggling the locked door of the building entrance. "Y/N-" Another voice, in the background. You couldn't make out words; you couldn't focus. "Okay, someone let me in, I'm inside now. What floor are you on?"
"Four. But my apartment's on seven." Lie lie lie. "I went down a few floors after I heard him."
You could feel Steve now. He was climbing stairs two at a time. "You're sure it's a man?"
Your voice quivered. It was small. A whisper. "Isn't it always?"
You could hear Steve sighing on the other end. You had your answer. 
He startled you when he finally appeared, hand gentle on your arm. Ice water flushed your system again, and you found yourself standing. 
"I'll go up, alright?" he said softly. "You don't have to come."
But there was something wrong. Besides the man in your apartment. Besides the implications that came with that. You found your feet moving up the stairs, following Steve as he glanced over his shoulder at you with a concerned look.
You came to the seventh floor. Your apartment was just across from the stairwell. You could see the door hadn't been broken into. Steve was right, he had gone through the fire escape. 
You handed Steve your keys, and he unlocked the door. "Stay in the hall, alright?" But you weren't listening to his words. You were focused on the man inside. 
How strange.
How strange.
Steve opened the door slowly, carefully stepping into your apartment. You walked forward until you were at the door frame, where you stopped. He turned on the light.
What happened next was quick. The man, whose appearance you barely had time to register, stood, took out a pocket knife, and threw it. It met your sleeve where your hand was placed on the frame and stuck into the wall, deep. 
Steve immediately went for him, throwing punches and blocking hits where he could. You desperately began pulling at the handle of the knife; when that didn't work, you pulled at your arm, trying to tear the fabric of your sleeve. 
You glanced back at Steve, only to find the man advancing on you. You would have screamed, except.
How strange.
How strange.
Can't see.
Can't see.
Steve tackled the man from behind and you refocused you attention to your sleeve. You managed to rip the fabric and you ran out the door and down the hall, tripping on your feet in the process. You breathed, hard. You stared at the floor, not moving.
You could hear Steve's footsteps coming down the hall. You didn't look at him.
"He ran off through the fire escape," he said. His entire tone had shifted. "Do you know who that was?"
Your eyes were wide, confused. "I couldn't. . .I couldn't see. . .I couldn't see. . . ."
How strange.
How strange.
His mind was almost a blank slate. You'd never seen that before. You didn't even know that that was possible.
"Y/N." Steve's voice was firm, cutting through the haze your mind had previously returned to. "Do you know why he was there? Do you know why he was after you?"
"No," you said. Of course you knew. But you couldn't tell him that. You couldn't tell anyone. "No."
You wanted Washington to be different. It wasn't.
"We have to go." Steve helped you to your feet. "Your apartment's been compromised, we can't stay here anymore." He led you down the stairs and out of the building. You stood on the side of the curb as Steve tried to hail a taxi.
"I saw him before," he said, his eyes searching for a cab. "Earlier tonight. He shot someone I know. The paramedics were carrying him off when you called me. We have to go to the hospital to make sure he's okay."
Your mind was beginning to clear. The panic that had once overwhelmed you was washing away, like water circling down a drain. "Who is he? The man in my apartment, the man who shot your friend?"
A taxi finally slowed down in front of the two of you. "I don't know," Steve said. "That's what I'm trying to figure out."
Next Chapter
A/N: I promise you’ll get to see Bucky more in later chapters. If you haven’t noticed, this story is being separated in parts, Part 1 being sort of the set up to the Bucky x Reader. So, depending on the pacing of the story and how much is put into each chapter, he might be in the next one or the one after that. I hope you’re enjoying the story! Thanks for reading!
Tag List: @whirlybirbs @bucky-at-bedtime @wearemightyghosts @lacie-is-short @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @spazzysparkles
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charmedlife76-blog · 5 years
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Thats why you'd do a 7 day shred lol Customers first day of the shred, please don't think you are limited with food! Calories below are roughly the right amount. Breakfast- 1 scrambled egg,100g mushrooms,60g spinach. 107cal Lunch- berry burst shake. 165cal Snack- 1 Apple, 1tbsp peanut butter. 132cal Dinner- creamy ham (40g),1/2 leek & mushroom (50g)spaghetti (70g). 384cal Hot water and lemon 500ml of hydra slim 2 litres of water Inbox me for more info!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BsLgnOrAuYl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9zs78y4lmgj
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vccondor · 5 years
Subtob. Bravo HS1 - Heren 1 (2-2-’19; 4-0)
De titel van het verslag van deze week verwijst naar de naam die onze groepapp heeft. Een appgroep, met daarin alle direct betrokkenen rond heren 1. *Invite only*
De app staat zelden stil. Van MB-knallers tot gif-jes (ask Jülf) tot historische onjuistheden, alles om het maar niet over de voorbereidingen voor de wedstrijd te hoeven hebben. Ondanks dat wordt er wel eens een planning gedeeld (lees: semi-opgelegd) en dat wordt dan in de meeste gevallen prima opgevolgd. Zo togen we afgelopen zaterdag richting Westerhoven met auto’s die minimaal 100 km/uur kunnen rijden. Het is namelijk niet naast de deur en we wilden ook wel met een minimale bezetting aankomen in de “Koolakkers”.
De naam van onze groepsapp is niet zomaar gekozen. Aan het begin van het seizoen stelden we onszelf de vraag: “wat wordt de doelstelling dit jaar?” Het antwoord varieerde van ‘handhaving’ tot ‘plaats 3′ (en alles wat daar tussen zit). Omdat we in ons spel niet van een compromis houden, hebben we dat dus bewaard voor de naam van de appgroep. 
Net voor de wedstrijd stonden we op een mooie 6e plaats, met het vooruitzicht om binnen 15 dagen de volledige top 4 voor onze kiezen te krijgen. Over 2 weken weten we dus nagenoeg zeker of (dat) de naam prima gekozen blijkt te zijn.
Over de wedstrijd kan ik kort zijn (en dat zal ik dan ook doen deze keer). Zeker de eerste 3 sets konden beide kanten op. Bravo staat niet voor niets bovenaan en is een serieuze kandidaat om volgend jaar een stapje hoger te mogen gaan spelen. Toch wisten we aardig tegenstand te bieden. Punt voor punt, tand om tand (of zoiets, maar dan vriendelijk), speelden we de voor wat we waard waren. (Bijna) niet gehinderd door een scheidsrechter die het niet altijd even goed zag en wel erg vaak de kant van de minste weerstand koos (lees: ze wilde in Westerhoven blijven wonen). 
Dat was echter geenszins de reden van uitslagen van de sets. Zoals gezegd: ons spel was (zeker de eerste 3 sets) van een net niveau. Maar niet genoeg om de huidige nummer 1 nog een stootje te kunnen geven (thuis werd het 2-3). 
Jammer dat de bus met Waalwijkse supporters pas in de 4e set de weg naar de zaal had gevonden. Ze zagen ons minste spel, omdat er hier en daar wat vermoeidheid leek op te treden. Gelukkig maakte de scheidsrechter met een dubbele fout op matchpoint deze set ‘goed’ en konden we nog een paar mooie punten noteren, waardoor we (ondanks de 4-0 verlies) toch met een prima gevoel de kleedkamer in gingen. 
Ik wil niet speculeren over de reden van deze plotselinge en hoogst onverwachte fluitbeweging, maar ik hoop dat we donderdag toch gewoon Hydra-mensen achter de bar hebben staan, i.p.v. op de bok ;).
Aanstaande donderdag spelen we thuis, om 19:45 uur, tegen Bladel, de huidige nummer 3.
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