#leftists are cuter
defleftist · 6 months
Perhaps the spookiest thing of all is trying to date as a leftist in rural America.
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milfzatannaz · 6 months
god my name is so fucking adorable. millie. I cannot think of a cuter name. toddler me with giant blue eyes and blonde pigtails being called millie…utterly heart-melting. then I grew up to be a feral goth leftist with a shaved head
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sorin-sunchild · 2 years
People talk about how much different (and better) Eddie is in the book compared to his film interpretation but we don't talk enough (for me lol) about how different and better Richie is too. This not only makes him a far more likeable and multi-dimensional character but makes the Reddie mechanic work so much better. Like, I don't know how to tell you that your friends all thinking you're annoying because you won't quite being mean and making inappropriate jokes isn't funny and in real life would not make good friendships. I know this might feel like an attack for anyone who likes the film version and I'm not getting at you, I'm really not, but I need you to understand that you were robbed of a proper character for the sake of bad humour (well, humour is subjective I guess) and you deserve better written characters who don't portray negative characteristics and unhealthy behaviours presented as fine.*
"Actually book Richie is just as bad or worse than film Richie because of his racist voice-" Book Richie was a dumb kid who imitated the comedians of the day who yes, were racist and then went on to be a leftist protestor and activist as a college student and a better adult.
Film Richie was a kid whose entire joke repertoire involved making fun of various aspects of his friends even when they didn't think it was funny, slut shaming and sexual jokes and this continued into adulthood because 'funny'.
Book Richie's silly 'yowza yowza yowza!' imitation, dumb and terrible (as a child) voices especially when he's nervous or scared, 'spageddie' and other cute nicknames and genuine unhinged silliness that his friends loved and were charmed by, his obvious love and courage towards protecting his friends, his gentleness when gentleness was needed and the 'beep beep Richie' that they ACTUALLY used to help him know when he'd gone too far will always outweigh and be far cuter than whatever poor excuse for comedy the writers wrote in for Richie in the film and shoehorning in 'beep beep Richie' but not really because giving the Losers proper bonding points and reasons to be friends was too hard. Like y'all really think "I knew you were cute from the moment I met you" is in the same category as a 'your mom' joke? I'm biting you
*By the way I enjoy sharing the fandom with everyone. The book is very big and if you only know slices of it and bits of the character from people talking about it and posting quotes that's 100% fine. If you only know the film version...I'm so sorry.
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4ziploc · 8 months
Hello !!!
As time passes, this may get edited/updated, but for now, here’s a (brief) introduction to myself and my tumblr !
You can call me Ziploc !!
The piccrew is supposed to look like me <33 (it was made by @/reelrollsweet)
I’m not new to Tumblr, but I spent years lurking and decided to actually make an acc for myself :)))
I am Transmasc, and very open about it ! I haven’t medically transitioned (or started T, but I wanna so bad). My preferred pronouns are He/Him, It/Its, and any neos !!
I’m nuerodivergent (ADHD, OCD, & Anxiety)
I’m 19, and as such my tumblr isn’t SFW, and when i’m engaging/posting about kink stuff (and my kinks can be kinda extreme), i will tag appropriately. you’re welcome to “participate” in those posts however you’d like, but if i’ve explicitly tagged something as “out of kink” or “not in kink” PLEASE respect that and such.
I am politically aligned as a leftist <33
Minors DNI
My asks & DMs are completely open (for both SFW and NSFW topics ! i WILL block ageless blogs that DM me though) !! I am looking for moots and the like, so feel free to message me !
I’ll include a key for my tags, and hopefully make this blog a little cuter as well as time passes :))
Asks are always welcomed !! (and encouraged please please please)
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overfedvenison · 3 years
Looking into bimbo things for my bimbo dog. It seems like there are two major ‘schools’ at the moment - The more kink-focused angle, which is more about the look and fashion of a particular brand of femininity usually associated with vapid idiots that evolved throughout the 80s through 2010s. This is more porn stars or artists - This mostly-tiktok movement that draws it in with leftist politics and tried to ‘reclaim the label of bimbo’ by combining overt sexuality with social justice education The latter seems... Strange to me? So both angles, from those within, seem to involve embracing overt sexuality and pushing against typical standards through a particular brand of hypersexualization inspired by pop culture of the 80s through 2010s. So I would say that is the 'core’ of it, from my basic understanding. But the two seem kind of opposed in other respects; in particular the more kink/porn aligned angle seems to dismiss feminist and social issues in favour of appreciating that ‘dumb,’ ‘plastic,’ or ‘vapid’ angle a lot. It takes the traditional definition (A vapid idiot who looks cute and dresses in traditionally skimpy attire) as a goal in and of itself. Those who see it as a movement are more likely to be feminists who want to ‘reclaim the label,’ and thus challenge the ‘vapid’ idea through a focus on showing how you can be educated on social or feminist issues. But that’s... Weird, right? Since there’s an inherent focus on hypersexualization in this, the two aspects seem to mix a little. All aspects of bimbo and bimbofication seem like they embrace sexuality and, to a lesser degree, aspects like sex work and the acceptance of it... However you have this more kink angle, an approach that is kind of... Not really -traditionalist- by any means, but sort-of embracing aspects that are now considered deeply non-feminist: objectifying women as sex objects, dumb or vapid outlooks, being interested in pop culture glitz and glamour, and to a degree playing with traditional gender roles as something more desirable (Being subservient to men, etc.) And the other side, which is sort of utilizing a lot of feminist and leftist theory that seems in conflict to this. In any case... I think that, overall, the latter, feminist angle bears little interest to me since it’s ultimately just the same talking points you find everywhere else these days. I think a lot of people are getting quite annoyed at these talking points, haha. If this is to enrich my dog OC, having them parrot feminist slogans is... unnecessarily political. They’re definitely a traditional -idiot- However, the more kink-oriented aspects bear some rather interesting questions... It’s especially worth noting that this kind of hyperfeminine ideal you see in bimbofication is not at -all- tied to -actually- being female. You see bimbofication used by males (Who remain males, just males hypersexualized using the same gender roles usually associated with women,) or tied into transformation, in bimbofication porn all the time. That’s interesting, because it means it can be more about the aesthetic and role and fantasy of it than earnestly saying ‘This is ideal’ as it’s detractors sometimes claim. So I think it’s like, not tied to promoting gender stereotypes and instead is tied to a specific kind of roleplay or fantasy, if you get me. More broadly, this kind of hypersexual approach is also deeply non-traditional: A lot of it originated from a sex-negative culture as something of a backlash against the Christian right. In the 90s, ‘bimbo’ was more derogative for this kind of thing... But now, as we see more sex negativity again and any female character or costume is derided as being too sexual or stereotypical, perhaps that is the reason why we are seeing a rise in this of late.  Perhaps people are embracing it as a counter to that once more. And, maybe the more feminist/social justice angle you see sometimes is about how we can balance these things? But that’s all movement, haha. It... May not help me making my dog OC cuter.
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beevean · 4 years
Hoping I'm not opening the lion's cage, but salty asks 14, 19 and 20 for the Sonic fandom?
14) Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I guess I have one for SU: outside of the circle, the popular opinion about SU is that is a cartoon for ultra-leftist people who believe in 324790 genders and will drive you to suicide if you draw characters wrong. I really resent this notion, because it paints SU as some kind of “gender ideology” propaganda, and I think it’s actually offensive to flatten all the charm it has to “lol it has lesbians and nonbinaries”.
19) What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Sonic fandom: outside of the Tumblr bubble (which is super chill and I love it), the Sonic fandom is infamous for being overly pessimistic, almost eager to see a new game fail, and even arrogant (as in, “I could do so much better than Sonic Team”). It’s very much not a place where you can comfortably express unpopular opinions. I will never forget when Forces was about to come out, one person in an infamous forum expressed that they were looking forward to it, and an user asked them “How old are you?”
SU fandom: too overzealous, especially on Tumblr. Also, sometimes I get the feeling that a good chunk of people just... didn’t get the point of SU. And yes, I’m talking about the “Steven letting the Diamonds go in peace and giving them a chance to become better people and undo some of the damage they’ve done is nazi propaganda” crowd. SU is definitely prime material for the Umbridge effect, sadly...
20) What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Sonic: I guess Tangle/Whisper? I like very few Sonic ships, and the ones I do I wouldn’t call “pure”, but these two have such a wholesome dynamic, not to mention they’re both cute on their own :>
SU: Connverse, definitely. Canon does all the job for the shippers :P
AA: Phoenix/Maya. They have an adorable relationship
RWBY: Rosegarden. Not a hardcore shipper (so far the only ship that intrigued me in RWBY has been Fairgame), but hey, Ruby and Oscar are two cuties and I could see them together once they get older
Beastars: Legosi/Haru. Not even a question. I can’t wait until they have their first kiss :(
Thank you for asking!
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surly01 · 5 years
A Bloody Week In Doom March 17, 2019
Prayers for the victims in Christchurch attacks.
“The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.”
 ― Antonio Gramsci  
The latest monster came to call in Christchurch, New Zealand in a story that dwarfed all others this week. I had some other ideas for what might fill this space this week, then the news from Christchurch, New Zealand, followed by the one-two punch of a Twitler emission rendered all moot. Brenton Tarrant strapped on a helmet camera, loaded a car with weapons, drove to a mosque in Christchurch and began shooting at anyone who came across his line of vision. His helmet-cam helped broadcast the act of mass terror live for the world to watch on social media. As of Sunday, the death toll had reached 50.
Tarrant thus joined the roll call of monsters alongside Stephen Paddock (Las Vegas), Anders Breivik (Norway), Robert Gregory Bowers (Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh), Omar Mateen (Pulse, Orlando), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook), Nikolas Cruz (Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school), Devin Patrick Kelley (Sutherland Springs church in Texas), James Holmes (Aurora), Dylann Roof (Charleston, SC), and, of course, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who kicked off the 21st century with the Columbine massacre.
In ancient Rome, an interregnum was a period between stable governments when anything might happen, and the "the blood-dimmed tide" might be loosed:  civil unrest, competition between warlords, power vacuums, wars of succession. In 1929, in such an interregnum found Italian Marxist philosopher and politician Antonio Gramsci languishing in a fascist prison, writing about the forces tearing Europe  apart. He anticipated civil unrest, war between nations and changing political fault lines.
Interestingly, it was Gramsci who gave us the term "hegemony" now in use. Hegemony is a three dollar word representing a simple idea: the coercion of smaller fish by bigger fish. When the powerful use their influence to convince the less powerful their best interest lies in doing what is actually in the best interest of the powerful, that's hegemony. When we consider the above list of overwhelmingly white terrorists with a nationalist/supremacist bent, we can see terror is one way the powerful preserve their hegemony when they feel their power begin to wane when frightened by demographic changes posed by immigration.
Trump has the sensibility of a spoiled child tearing the wings off of flies. When asked whether white nationalism has anything to do with the tragedy in Christchurch, he replied in the negative. Echoes of “good people on both sides,” a la Charlottesville. The prime minister of New Zealand indicated late Friday coming changes to New Zealand's gun laws. A striking contrast that makes one wonder how many will have to die, again and again and again, until our own politicians, beholden to the NRA and their sea of laundered rubles, are moved to similarly act.
You'll recall that when it was his time to serve in Vietnam, the self proclaimed White House tough guy came up missing like Dick Cheney and his five deferments. Chickenhawks like Cheney always find "other priorities" to service, but are eager to send the disposable sons and daughters of the poor into harm's way, because what else are they for but cannon-fodder? Real military men who have seen battle are loath to commit their fellow citizens to needless battle; but chickenhawks, untroubled by loss or nightmares, send their non-relatives readily into the Valley of Death. 
The mob-boss stylings of Citrus Caligula make a tough sound, especially when talking to the far right media like Breitbart.
Trump said: "I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this investigations]—that’s all they want to do is –you know, they do things that are nasty. Republicans never played this.”
When you can't bully a majority of the people and the House of Representatives into accepting your will as fiat, that is apparently vicious tactics. Especially on the part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who Trump refers to as "Nancy."
"So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said before discussing his supporters. “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay?"
Uh, not OK. This is Trump engaging in stochastic terrorism, or
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.
Trump is actively encouraging people taking the law into their own hands, in the same way Putin has his Night Riders (see below), as Mussolini had his black shirts, and Hitler his brown shirts. The purpose is unmistakable: to be bullyboys who operate outside of the law and through violent intimidation. For the last two years we've had a president who fundamentally does not believe in democracy, and whose recent utterances show no loyalty to either the Constitution or the traditions of American governance. This IS a time of monsters. And now this: 
Trump’s Breitbart Biker Threat Came From the Putin Playbook—Then Tweet Deleted After Mosque Massacre
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Trump told Breitbart there could be biker violence against leftists. It sounded even worse after Brenton Tarrant's mosque massacre manifesto called Trump "a symbol of renewed white identity." It does not get much clearer than that.
The Daily Beast Explains the Putinesque origins of Twitler's latest veiled threat: 
"They call themselves The Night Wolves, “a new kind of motorcycle club,” or, sometimes, “Putin’s Angels.” And just as much as the Orthodox Church or the military, the Wolves have become a symbol of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. But the idea that they might be used as his extra-legal enforcers in times of trouble is usually implicit—embedded in their flag-waving Putinized patriotism—never really spelled out....Trump is not so subtle, however, especially when he takes his cues from the Kremlin. Leave it to him to put the potential for violent defense of his interests by a motorcycle gang front and center in the public view."
On Friday morning, as news broke of the massacre, the murderer's manifesto called Trump “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose,” the Breitbart tough-guy tweet came down. Note a wider pattern of American racists and white supremacists looking to Russia for both moral and tactical support.
The New Zealand Massacre Was Made to Go Viral
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Outside a mosque in Christchurch on Friday. Mark Baker/Associated Press
Charlie Warzel noted that the attack marks a grim new age of social media-fueled terrorism.
A 17-minute video of a portion of the attack, which leapt across the internet faster than social media censors could remove it, is one of the most disturbing, high-definition records of a mass casualty attack of the digital age — a grotesque first-person-shooter-like documentation of man’s capacity for inhumanity.
Videos of attacks are designed to amplify the terror, of course. But what makes this atrocity “an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence,” as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described it, is both the methodical nature in which the massacre was conducted and how it was apparently engineered for maximum virality.
Even though Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube scrambled to take down the recording, they were no match for the speed of their users or for their algorithms which make connections for people consuming such content. In minutes, the video was downloaded and mirrored onto additional platforms, and ricocheted around the globe.
Warzel notes,
Internet users dredged up the alleged shooter’s digital history, preserving and sharing images of weapons and body armor. The gunman’s apparent digital footprint — from the rantings of a White Nationalist manifesto to his 8chan message board postings before the murders — was unearthed and, for a time, distributed into far-flung corners of the web.
The killer wanted the world’s attention, and by committing an act of mass terror, he was able to get it.
It was not the first act of violence to be broadcast in real-time. Yet this one was different because ofd the perpetrator's apparent familiarity with the darkest corners of the internet. The recording contains numerous references to online and meme culture, including name-checking a prominent YouTube personality. Tarrant knew his audience.
Tarrent's digital trail depicts a white supremacist motivation for the attack. His 87-page manifesto, for instance, is filled with layers of  commentary apparently written to specifically enrage the communities that appear to have helped radicalize the gunman in the first place. It seems he understands both the platform dynamics that allow misinformation and divisive content to spread but also the way to sow discord.
I recently came across an article by Ezra Klein who identifies an ecosphere of YouTube prophets and avatars who populate the "intellectual dark web:" The rise of YouTube’s reactionary right: How demographic change and YouTube’s algorithms are building a new right. Many right wing publishers benefit from YouTube’s algorithms to build the new right. 
YouTube’s recommendation engine follows the digital footsteps we all make. And it sees connections, not context. It knows when audiences repeatedly come together, but does not grasp why. And it predicts what they’re likely to view next. Thus are the "mainstreams" of conservative thought brought into proximity to the far right fringe.
As Klein has it,
"Many of these YouTubers are less defined by any single ideology than they are by a “reactionary” position: a general opposition to feminism, social justice, or left-wing politics."
On YouTube, tomorrow’s politics are emerging today. Tarrant noted this and made the online community work in the gunman’s favor. Our brown shirts are now digital: not only has their conspiratorial hate spread from the internet to real life, it’s also weaponized to go viral. 
Proof That White Supremacy Is an International Terrorist Threat
It stretches from Christchurch to Pittsburgh and extends out in every direction.
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The always-dependable Charlie Pierce noted that Anders Breivik, the murderous white-supremacist who killed 72 people in Norway in 2011, has become one of the most significant figures in international terrorism by providing a template for the modern white-supremacist mass murderer.
From Ted Kaczynski, he borrowed the idea of publishing a manifesto. From the Columbine killers, he borrowed the idea of using both bombs and guns. And from the international white-supremacist networks, he borrowed the murderous rage and bloodthirsty rhetoric necessary to carry out acts of mass murder, and to justify his crimes through an elaborate bullshit ideological exoskeleton that he wore like body armor. He put all of this together and created the modern mode of mass political murder, one that was carried out again Thursday in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Pierce notes that Tarrant's latest manifesto
reads like a vicious form of grandiose trolling. But there seems to be little doubt that the crimes themselves speak loudly of the basic truth that this was a right-wing act of war against a target population. And, because of that, we should take the following passage very seriously. The alleged shooter called the President* of the United States "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose." 
When asked if the rise of white natonalism or white supremacy posed a rising threat around the world, Trump replied, 
“I don’t, really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess.  If you look at what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that’s the case. I don’t know enough about it yet. But it’s certainly a terrible thing.”
On Sunday, Mick Mulvaney and other staffers made the rounds and insisted that Trump was "Not a White Supremacist." Which speaks volumes.
White supremacy now poses an international terrorist threat stretching from Norway to Pittsburgh, from Christchurch to Las Vegas, sharing objectives with the Night Riders or the Bikers for Trump, but better armed and more purposeful. Brownshirts used to intimidate; the new generation attacks to sow terror in targeted groups. This poses an existential threat to the very notion of liberal democracy. Today the target is Muslims; Tomorrow's target will be...?
For our purposes this week, Charlie Pierce gets the last word:
From [white supremacist terrorism] runs on a parallel track with the rise of a xenophobic rightwing nationalist politics that is conspicuously successful in a number of putatively democratic nations. Liberal democracy is under attack and, like any revolution, this one has both a respectable political front and a violent auxiliary that operates on its own imperatives. That one of those auxiliaries cites both a Norwegian mass murderer and the President* of the United States as inspiration for killing 49 people is not only evidence of the width of the threat, but also the depth of its commitment to the cause. This is the everyday al Qaeda of the angry white soul, and it's growing.
Now is the time of monsters.
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bennettkdavis · 7 years
Our mission, as it started out, was to see Caroline and since she lives out in the boonies, I had no choice but to rent a car.  No getting around this.  To prepare for impending doom, I purchased the best car rental insurance I could find before leaving the states.  $40,000 no deductible.  Fortunately, the Australian government forces all car rental companies to carry liability insurance, so I’m not responsible for the fact that I don’t know how to drive on the left side of the road and as a result of that lack of experience I might actually kill someone other than me.  (It makes me wonder if Lisa had expired due to my lack of left hand driving experience, could I have sued the car rental company for negligent homicide?)  Additionally convenient and considerate, since they have a universal healthcare, single payer system (more on that later), everyone is covered for medical, so basically, I’m just responsible for the rental car.  The last time I drove on the left side of the road was in Barbados and I took the side view mirror off the car while trying to pass a school bus.  Funny thing was the rental car company didn’t seem to care.  Notwithstanding that I admitted that I accidentally knocked the side view mirror off the car and its remnants can be found on some road somewhere, the answer I received,  No problem, mon. Back to Australia.
I rented a Budget car, picking it up in downtown Adelaide, a city of about one million.  The plan is to get the car, drive up to Adelaide Hills, the area above Adelaide, hence called the Adelaide Hills (duh……), and then onto Strathalbyn (don’t try to pronounce it, you’ll hurt your tongue) to get Caroline, and then onto the Sticky Rice Villas in Stirling back in the Adelaide Hills. Budget has our car ready when we arrive at about 11am.  Lisa says to the delightful Budget agent, Any advice for driving on the left side of the road when you normally drive on the right? She responds without missing a beat, Be careful?  That’s reassuring.
We load our bags in the car and then not quite ready to take on the challenge (when we told Caroline we were renting a car she said, DON’T DO IT!), so I suggest we get some lunch first, putting off the inevitable.  The budget manager I believe sensing some trepidation says, How ‘bout I pull the car around in the lot here and having it facing in the right direction?  These Aussies are about the nicest people I’ve come across… We go over to Rundle Street, the main hub of Adelaidian activity (this is a lively town) and settle in at a Vietnamese restaurant, where I get the strong feeling that everyone is in a good mood in this country. We have a delicious meal, but now it’s time to face the music.
We get in the car and I notice this on the windshield:
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I reach for the seat belt, nothing there.  It’s on the other side. Not a good beginning.  Start the car (that’s easy), and then pull out (think left, left, left).  Of course the GPS is telling us to go right, but there’s a barrier separating the lanes, which I can’t go over, so that’s not happening.  We have to go left and we do.  GPS reroutes and says make a left turn in 300 meters.  Meters? I’m not good with the GPS when that horrible pushy woman in the phone says, Turn left in a quarter of a mile, let alone 300 meters.   Guessing 300 meters will come quickly I press down on the turn signal indicating to all other drivers a left turn is coming from our car.  Windshield wipers go on.  Not good. Directional signals are on the other side. 300 meters later, the woman is saying turn left, turn left, turn left like she is screaming at me (maybe that was Lisa?). I’m turning left and certain everyone is looking at us wondering why in this sunniest of places this idiot is driving with his windshield wipers on.  Answer: because this IDIOT doesn’t know how to turn them off!!! Now here’s where I must give a lot of credit to my co-pilot.  At home, my co-pilot is not always so calm.  In fact, I’d say she’s anything but calm (think air braking on the passenger side, think Do you not see how close you are to that car?, think Do you want ME to drive?).  Nope, my co-pilot is like cucumber cool.  I’m thinking maybe I should get a car with the steering wheel on the right side when my car lease comes up next year since it seems to have this calming effect.  In a most tranquil and unexpected manner, Lisa says, The wipers are on (no doubt wanting to add, dumb shit) because the directional signal is on the other side.  Ahhhhh, I see.  We are working as a team.  All is going pretty well and then the dreaded roundabouts.  Who invented these things and what is the point?  I think there are about 5 stop signs in all of Australia. Everything else is a roundabout. I guess Australians don’t want to stop, just slow down.  So the first roundabout is at a heavy trafficked area and I don’t even know I’m in one. First rule is yield to people in the roundabout.  Blew that.  Second rule is put your blinker on when you’re about to turn.  Windshield wipers go on. Dang! UGH!!!  At this point, I had no choice but to follow the traffic and good news it was flowing in the direction we are headed. Ok, I got this.  GPS lady directs us to the highway (much easier except I had a hard time thinking that the slow lane was on the left) and in about 20 minutes we are in Stirling, where we are staying.  Without exception, every time I had to make a turn, the windshield wipers were employed and I’ve determined that directional signal employment was the hardest thing about driving on the left side, even harder than the roundabouts.  We had the car for seven days and surprisingly I only turned into traffic once!  (Co-pilot was a little too calm for that one.  Said softly, You’re going to get us killed, dear, there’s oncoming traffic.  My initial reaction was to flee the car.  I actually opened my car door…)  The good news was that as time went on I had two full days without mistakenly turning on the windshield wipers only to slip up the last day bringing the car back to Adelaide. Ok,to be completely honest, the two days were in the Outback where directional signals are not needed because there’s NO ONE on the road.  Heck, in the Outback, you could drive on either side of the road, in the middle, even in reverse and no one would know.
Small miracle.  Actually, each time we reached our destination, I declared it a small miracle. Co-pilot mumbled something under her breath (prayers of thanks I’m guessing).  We checked into the Sticky Rice Villas, which are part of the Sticky Rice Cooking School.  Our plan is to go pick up Caroline and bring her back to the villa to spend the night. The villa is a Japanese Zen styled apartment.  There are three of them and we are in the Yoko villa.  My initial reaction:  I want a Japanese Zen villa.  This place is so serene and since it’s part of a cooking school the kitchen cooking equipment is state of the art.  There is wine for us and fresh eggs, Australian bacon, a small round of Camenbert cheese, fruits and more.  There are even three bottles of different Asian fish sauces fermented for two years! for us to take home.  This is nice.
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After about three minutes of oohing and ahhing, it’s time to go pet kangaroos and koalas, see wombats and wallabies, and Tasmanian devils.
We endured 15 minutes of my harrowing driving and arrived at the Cleland Conservancy, dedicated to the preservation of the fauna of South Australia (small miracle, prayers of thanks upon arrival).  We pay the entrance fee and the woman running the entrance takes a liking to us.  Taken by our sense of humor, no doubt.  She’s a hoot and she comps us a couple of bags of feed since we’ve been entertaining, a $6 savings!. Off we go. Sadly, it’s too hot for the koalas to be held so we can only go to a koala talk among the koalas. These koalas are really something else. If there was any species that should be extinct by now, it should be them.  Koalas as most people know stay stoned all the time eating eucalyptus tree leaves.  Did you also know that roughly 60% of them have chlamydia?  Or that most of them have renal disease?  How about that they are mostly blind? Or that the reason it’s too hot for them to be held is that they have no way of releasing heat like sweating or panting and our bodies up against theirs creates more stress on them? Probably the only reason they are alive is that WE humans find them adorable, which they are, and we go out of our way to see that the species survive.  They are totally useless creatures.  They are the homeless of the animal world.  They are that hopeless cousin who never fit in but whom the family supports because he is not capable of supporting himself. Pity creatures, but way cuter than that cousin.  And get this: If the mothers have twins they’ll abandon one because it’s too hard to take care of two kids. Question to God, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?  And you, Noah, what’s your excuse?
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Having lost all respect for the koalas, it was time to focus our attention on the kangaroos with their cute little pouches and responsible behavior.  And there they were hundreds of them (well maybe a hundred of them).  So well behaved. These were smaller kangaroos, probably the tallest about four or five feet.  And so kind. They fed out of our hands and when they had enough, they would turn their cute little kangaroo faces away from the food as if to say, Oh, I couldn’t possibly eat any more.  Save the food for the others.   They had no problem being petted, unlike those ungrateful hot koalas who could learn a thing or two from the roos.
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Wallaby, nice like the kangaroos, not useless like you know what...
We saw the wombats sleeping and if you’ve ever seen the viral video on the Net of the hopelessly adorable baby wombat hanging out and playing with this guy, the adorable part is short lived.  They are some nasty looking adults.  The Tasmanian devil was a no show hiding from the heat, but that was ok because it was time to get Caroline, who lives and works about 40 minutes from where we were.
Back to the car (left, left, left) and actually had no driving issues.  We make it to the winery where Caroline is working, but we are early and she’s not off yet. We decide to go into the little town of Strathalbyn, population 600.  In a way it looks a little like a Western town, but then there’s the very English park, which is beautiful.
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Strathalbyn Park
We walk around the town and into the park and we notice this sign made in boxwoods:  Remember the ANZACS.   We had no idea what that was, but I theorized that the Anzacs were a beloved large family that used to live in Strathalbyn who moved away and when they did, the town’s population plummeted and the town mourned their leaving because the kids were very popular.  I could be wrong. (I hope no one from Australia or New Zealand is reading this...)
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defleftist · 2 years
Get yourself a communist boyfriend.
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defleftist · 2 years
10/10 recommend going on a first date to the library. It’s free. There’s books. You can walk around and make fun of 50 Shades of Grey together.
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defleftist · 2 years
It’s only when flirting with another leftist that I suddenly wish there was a guillotine emoji, but alas there is none.
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defleftist · 2 years
I wish everyone the beauty of understanding that comes from having other leftists to talk to and connect with. It fuels me.
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defleftist · 3 years
It’s so sexy when you can bash neoliberalism with someone.
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defleftist · 3 years
Is there anything hotter than flirting with other leftists by showing each other your copy of the communist manifesto?
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