#legacy admission
Underground Feed Back Stereo - Brothers Perspective Magazine - Personal Opinion Database - never take what you don't give #brothersperspectivemagazine #blackart
Underground Feed Back Stereo – Brothers Perspective Magazine – Personal Opinion Database – never take what you don’t give Black People suffer in a place many are void of Self Awareness and Dignified Liberation. These europeons stole the land by killing the natives of lands but not to share with the original inhabitant or those they enslaved. These tyrants are negative to the core and cant do…
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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robertreich · 11 months
Why We Need to Ban College Legacy Admissions
Children of the super rich are more than twice as likely to get into America’s most elite universities as middle-class students with the exact same test scores. This fast-tracks them to become the next generation of CEOs and lawmakers, and helps keep wealth and power in the hands of people who started out wealthy and powerful.
A big reason rich kids have such an advantage is so-called “legacy admissions” — the preference elite schools give to family members of alumni.
The vast majority of Americans, across the political spectrum, think this is unfair. An astounding 68% of all voters support banning legacy admissions outright. This is the strongest bipartisan agreement I think I’ve ever seen on an issue that boils down to who gets special privileges in America.
Now I went  to an Ivy League school (Dartmouth), followed by Oxford, and Yale Law. I wasn’t rich. My father ran a clothing store.
That was a half-century ago — before inequalities of income and wealth exploded in America, before the middle class began shrinking, before the American oligarchy began corrupting American politics with a flood of big money donations. Today, it’s much harder for a middle-class kid to get the same opportunities that I had.
New research conducted at Harvard (ironically) looked at 16 years of admissions data from the Ivy League schools, plus Stanford, Duke, MIT, and the University of Chicago.
The research reveals that one in six students at these prestigious schools comes from the richest 1% of American families.  
Why are so many rich kids getting in? It’s not because they’re better students.
Children from the top 1% were 34% more likely to be admitted than middle-class students with the same SAT or ACT scores.
Those from the top ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT were more than twice as likely to get in.
Legacy admissions are one of the biggest reasons. Nearly 30% of Harvard’s Class of 2023 were legacies.
It's a vicious cycle that consolidates wealth and power in the hands of a few.
Less than 1% of Americans get into one of these top schools, but their graduates account for 12% of the Fortune 500 CEOs,  a quarter of all U.S. senators, and more than a third of all Americans with a net worth over $100 million.
And because these graduates are in the winner's circle, their children have every advantage in the world — even before they get legacy preferences into the same prestigious universities, which in turn hand them even more advantages.
You see how this entrenches an American aristocracy? Concentrated wealth at the top leads to even more and more wealth concentration with each new generation.
It also perpetuates racial discrimination. Since non-white students were barred from most colleges for much of America’s history, legacy students are by definition more likely to be white.
The Ivy League’s legacy policies were introduced during the Jim Crow era, with the specific intent of limiting the number of students of color and Jewish students who could be admitted.
To this day, about 70% of Harvard’s legacy admissions are white, which is why the U.S. Department of Education is now investigating Harvard for potential violation of civil rights.
And with the Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action, this systemic racism is likely to get worse. The Court is pretending to make college admissions "race-blind," while preserving systems that advance wealthy white students over all others.
It’s time for the government to ban legacy admissions.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Based on the intro post and a few things you've said in asks, am I correct in assuming that the MC got into Yale on academic merits, not on athletic scholarship and not (or not exclusively) because they're rich? In other words, an MC who's completely out of their depth academically is not an option?
MC is academically very sharp, it’s one of the major plot points of why C hates them. but when it comes to any sport, or other extracurricular activity, there is still an option for it to be acknowledged in the game.
as far as scholarships are concerned, while MC did get a partial academic scholarship (or full athletic scholarship based on if you’d be playing on varsity level), it’s purely merit-based cause legacy admissions (ew) doesn’t exist in this universe and whether or not you get into an ivy league is purely based on your capabilities.
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Amelia Mavis Christnot at The Big Picture:
When I attended an Ivy League school in the late 1980s, rich, White, male, legacy students lamented about the evils of “affirmative action.” The school—founded in 1769—only began to admit women in 1972 and people of color were few and far between until the late 1960s.
And not surprisingly, it was assumed by most that  these admissions were given to unqualified individuals to meet a race or gender based quota.  They believed and preached the 200+ years worth of almost exclusively rich, White men were all highly qualified to attend an Ivy League institution and receive the lifelong benefits of being an alumnus. The women and BIPOC now in their midst were unqualified and unworthy individuals who stole a spot from a White man. The absurdity of this mindset never occurred to them. But as I pointed out in my piece How Men Like Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh And Brock Turner Are Made, the academic underachievers at my Ivy in 1987 were those crying the loudest about the unfairness of affirmative action programs. As far as test scores and GPAs of incoming freshmen, White, male students scored the lowest on average with some White students of sufficient means actually falling below the minimum scores required for admissions.
How does someone like Donald Trump who writes and speaks at a grade school level graduate—allegedly—in 1968 from University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School of Business?  Being rich, White and male.
Time and time again, elite athletes and legacy students—students whose families attended institutions for generations when those schools were exclusively for White males—score lower than so-called affirmative action students—women and BIPOC.
“DEI Hire” And The Great Replacement Theory
Today, the fear associated with the term affirmative action has lost its potency after the conservative majority of the United States Supreme Court decided enforcing equality in evaluating candidates for academic opportunities was unconstitutional. In June of 2023, the SCOTUS ruled 6-3 that affirmative action programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina violate the Constitution’s equal protection clause, which bars racial discrimination by government entities. Today's new conservative scare tactics and insults use DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion—instead. It ties in well with the Great Replacement Theory promoted by White/Christian nationalists which claims a coordinated effort is being made to replace the White, Christian majority with Jews and BIPOC. Unlike affirmative action horror stories which are most often related to college admissions, private and public institutions and businesses and government entities in the United States have an office or officer dedicated to DEI. Conservative talking heads have gotten their base worked up to the point where you routinely see calls for boycotts and backlash on social media because their favorite company has a DEI office.
What Is DEI Supposed To Be?
For the underrepresented or historically excluded, DEI offers a promise of a “place at the table” for everyone who should be there. [...] Equity ensures opportunities are free from bias and discrimination. It's pointless to have a seat at the table when the diversity table is tucked in a back corner by the kitchen while the old guard carries on like always. Inclusion ensures everyone gets a chance to speak and be heard. In a past editorial job, our team discussed that the loudest voice in the room needs to be from the community affected. 
[...] While these men see diversity as the problem, the author points out the real issue is their own privilege and entitlement. Underrepresented and historically excluded peoples will see a job that they are applying and competing for, those complaining see the job, the school admission, the opportunity as rightfully belonging to them. Such attitudes are the backbone of modern movements like MAGA, White supremacy, Christian nationalism, and White nationalism. They believe the world belongs to them.
Amelia Mavis Christnot wrote in The Big Picture on how the right-wing’s war on DEI is about protecting White male privilege and backlash over being forced to compete with other (and often underrepresented folks) for spots that they earned just because they were a White man.
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We often talk about how white supremacy uses the Model Minority Myth as a wedge, but rarely talk about how Black Americans adopt racism and jingoism against Asians domestically and abroad. (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.)
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sbrown82 · 1 year
Y’all, I’m fucking SCREAMING. They said ‘keep that same energy!’ 🤣
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qaytesquorner · 2 months
i’ll never forget when i sexually rejected this frat boy idiot so he called me an "affirmative action acceptance" (i was my class salutatorian and got a 1585 on the SAT), so i called him a nepotism acceptance (his parents went to the school) and then he punched a hole in the wall. lmao
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cicadangel · 11 months
i really dont like talking to people with generational wealth they just make me very upset. i was talking to one of my friends abt college admissions stuff whatever and she was like "yeah... i have legacy at upenn... and stanford... and columbia... and harvard, if you count the law and seminary school" How is that even possible god!! and then she was like "well i dont rly count as a legacy bc my family doesnt give money. well except for my grandma, ig she's given 25k to columbia but that's pretty much nothing."
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sudamaniparva · 1 year
to any asian celebrating the decision of the supreme court:
you're stupid and delusional to think that they won't be coming after us. they'll keep us out under the guise of 'too many asians.' they've done it before and they'll do it again.
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"US education department opens inquiry into Harvard’s legacy admission policies" FINALLY! everybody knows Harvard has favoritism for white children of high society. I want every elite colleges investigated. Everybody has the right to get an education, go to good colleges but the elite (white people) keep it for themselves. And colleges should be FREE, government says it has no money for this but many poorer countries have more free colleges than US.
so I found the article you mention but it's behind a paywall (nyt) here's one that isn't
So the good thing is that Harvard is part of the Ivy League system (and by extension the seven sisters) so hopefully they all get investigated. However!! after the attacks on affirmative action I kinda think this is too little too late.
mod ali
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champagnemoon · 1 year
the way people still think colleges care more about gpa and SAT scores over a wholistically amazing application is so funny when studies have been showing us for years that a good student doesn't necessarily translate into a groundbreaking career or legendary academic
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lenbryant · 1 year
Joy shares.
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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oh yeah! that's going to be the next five part series i write when i finish the choso series hehe. this will be a whole different zeke fic! but just know the zeke five part series going to be so messy and chaotic.
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sbrown82 · 1 year
“Your family’s last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of merit, and should have no bearing on the college admissions process.”
– Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of Lawyers for Civil Rights
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I haven’t been online for a couple days so I may be behind but the Supreme Court got rid of Affirmative Action at Harvard and UNC???
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