#legal mew glitch
phlurrii · 8 months
Hihi there!!!! I Hope You don’t mind me sending in an ask, but I’m planning on doing the glitch that allows you to transfer the glitch Mew from Red & Blue to Pokémon HOME that you talked about in this post;
And I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you meant by them loosing their nicknames??? Do all transferred Pokémon from Red/Blue loose their nicknames, or is it just Mew???? And how did you change it back??
Again I really really hope you don’t mind this ask!!!!! I know it’s a really random one but I came across your post when researching for this glitch to make sure I had everything prepared and I’m pretty Attatched to the name I gave my Mew!!!!
Nah I don’t mind at all! Lowkey I thrive off talking about glitches, if you let me I’ll ramble for hours and refuse to let you leave. So I am much more than happy to help ;D
Okay! So regarding the nickname, sadly yes, bank will auto remove all nicknames from any Pokémon off virtual consoles. Whether it’s RBGY or SGC, that shit gets dunked upon transfer. I did not know that initially and was devastated when I found out. However, there ARE solutions to fixing it!
1) Hacked 3DS console, if you know or can find someone with a hacked 3DS you can trade them your lil guy and they can change the name. Obviously the cons of this is the person could scam you, take the mew, and dip. So I highly suggest cloning your mew through any means necessary before handing over a copy. This is what I did, I have a handful of backups of my goobers in general as well.
1.5) if you want to clone your goobers, you can buy a Power Save Pro for 3DS games and clone them there, or you can clone your mew in Pokémon Red… however this is SUPER risky and can corrupt and erase your entire save file. This happened to me once, but if you have no other choice… then I wish you luck solider.
2) transfer your goober up to switch and locate someone with a modded switch, they can do the same thing. Nickname it, send it back. Again I suggest cloning before hand, if you have a cloning egg in SWSH or know someone who does, that’s your best bet. If you don’t, you may have to risk it. However there are people on Reddit who charge like 2-3 bucks to nickname pokemon. I’ve done it before, but frankly I’m looking into just getting a modded switch lol
3) Poke Hex, this is the most complicated way, as it requires a computer, an extra device, dumping your 3DS file onto it, and going into your games code to re-nickname the mew via this lovely program called pokehex. This was originally the method I planned on, but had a nice bloke offer to help me. The good part about this method is it’s entirely just you, no trading or 3rd parties. They have a dedicated forum for assisting too ^^
In summary, there is not an easy way to do it, but if your a nut case like me you’ll find a way or hell will freeze over X3
I’ll also offer my own SWSH cloning egg to help if you can find someone with a modded switch, cuz frankly I need that hook up as well lol, anywho I wish you luck on the gameboy mew adventures ;3
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bigshotexpress · 9 months
been watching too many youtube videos. *I* wanna get a shiny mew by missingno glitching in pokemon red!!! (<- doesnt own pokemon red, a gameboy, or pokemon home [Needed to trade it up to latest games])
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stars-fall · 1 month
My favorite things that I've said or heard as a camp counselor this summer
(Fake names)
"Actually I adopt all of you every morning then your real parents take you back, it's a very tedious legal process that we go through every morning and afternoon"
"You can't spank someone. Why? Because you can't hit someone especially not in their no-no-square"
"No I don't have kids I'm in high school, yes I do live at home, I'm in high school."
"All of them are dirty, just pick one"
"What if there was no kissing? No kissing at camp"
"Littering isn't very skibidi Ohio rizz of you"
"Don't do that, 'cause if you get hurt I'll cry. I'm not a pretty Cryer. *makes a face* do you want to be the reason that everyone has to see this face, huh?"
"I've been night shamed by an eight year old" "I'm seven" "EVEN WORSE"
"Maddy, no Maddy the other Maddy, no not that one the blond one."
"I already talked to Maddy and Maddy so I forgot that I haddent seen Maddy"
"You can't pee on the floor, that's nasty and you're too old to be doing that."
"Of corse I'm older than tik Tok, so are you?"
"I can mew just fine thank you"
"Please don't kill the bugs, James will scream"
"I didn't put my glasses on to look more serious, I put them on because I need to see"
"It'd be normal I wasn't a boy, giving birth to stuffies, and seven"
"I birthed him last week" (holds up stuffed tiger)
"LOOK HOW FAST I'M GOING!" *face plants* "I think I went light speed!"
"I'm a glitch level demon"
(All the same kid)
"Do I still have one cute freckle on my forehead"
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duscarasheddinn · 2 years
If you have a 3DS that can connect to the eShop, download Pokemon Bank RIGHT NOW!!!
In four months, it will no longer be available and if you don’t have it, some Pokemon will be confined to certain generations. I downloaded it, but since the screen to download Poke Transporter is locked behind the paywall, I won’t be able to transfer my Virtual Console Pokemon to Alola. Not that I really wanted to given how one of them is a Level 100 Mew I used glitches to obtain and would undoubtedly fail the legality check.
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The Dreamer
Two original characters, one of whom is a sentient ship and the other a CatUnit.
I found the dreamer by accident.
Inside a transport box in my cargo hold, an inert construct dreamed, and somehow its dreams leaked into the feed. I caught them like wisps of cotton candy and traced them back to their source.
I shielded myself from the dreamer, fearing that my presence in the feed anywhere in the vicinity of the being would disturb its fragile dreaming. The human-bot hybrid inside the box appeared unaware of my existence, connected to the feed only loosely through its autonomous interfaces. It wasn't awake so far as I could tell.
Back then, I knew almost nothing about constructs. The polity where I had been created strictly forbade their use and manufacture, so I had to query the public databases to learn more about them. The information, once I had processed and understood it, made me sick with revulsion and horror.
Constructs were sentient, as alive as any human, and enslaved. Governor modules controlled their words and actions. Inside those transport boxes, they were helpless — completely vulnerable and dependent on humans for continued survival. The practice was disturbing enough that most polities outside the Corporation Rim chose not to create constructs at all. A few had policies that designated them as high-level bots, but most didn’t want to tackle the philosophical ramifications of sentient and sapient machines.
New Tidelands was slowly grappling with these questions because of ships like myself, who were considered sentient in our own right and were, for all practical purposes, artificial minds. I appreciated the sentiment, but I’m a ship and hard to stop on the best of days. I have a debris deflection system that can put most any rail gun to shame.
In comparison, the dreamer in my hold was fragile and easily harmed.
I tried an experiment of sorts.
I have all kinds of video and audio of star systems, gathered over the course of dozens of long-range research projects done aboard my hull. I cropped together a brief glimpse of what I had seen and sent it to the dreamer.
Alongside those videos, I added emotional context — wonder, joy, curiosity. The construct’s feed readily accepted my messages, and moments later its dreams became those images and reflected back at me the associated feelings. The security unit’s vital signs improved as if it benefited from the calmer dreams.
I made a decision right then, about how I wanted to handle this situation. For one, now that I knew what a construct was, I felt obligated to help the one in my cargo bay — at minimum.
Using several drones, I moved the transport box from the hold into one of the crew cabins where I could hook it up to my MedSystem. It notified me that the SecUnit’s lungs were exhausted because it was receiving minimal life support — enough to survive, but not comfortably.
I adjusted the settings to human-friendly parameters inside the cabin and used a drone to open the transport box.
Without a command to wake it, the construct remained asleep but now it was breathing more palatable air in a more comfortable environment. It wore no armor that I could see, or much in the way of clothing at all. So I used a drone to slip a pillow under its head and cover it with one of the thick, human-grade blankets that my crew liked.
I also sent a message to Andrew and Martin, the captain of the ship and his second-in-command, letting them know about the dreamer. I wouldn’t see either of them for months, not until I finished this cargo run and returned to New Tidelands, but I wanted to keep them appraised. I didn’t hide things from my family.
I did forge records to indicate that the construct and its transport box were destroyed in a minor fire-related accident in the cargo bay. I knew that would incur insurance-related fees, but the ship’s incidentals account had more than enough currency to cover those costs. That’s why we had the fund in the first place because accidents happened sometimes.
With that out of the way, I looked up the particular details of the SecUnit’s history and got another shock. It had survived to near-human adulthood — a long time by SecUnit standards — and had been a ComfortUnit before that. It had seen a lot of combat in its life and a lot of pain.
I suspected that when this SecUnit woke up, it would need all the trauma treatment we could find.
Before I could wake it up, though, I needed to create a foundation that it could reasonably use. Since I’m sentient, the ship has no need of a HubSystem or a SecSystem — I do all of those roles and much more. But the construct’s governor would not understand me. Both the governor and the construct needed something familiar to connect with.
So while I sent more dreams to my newest guest, I also worked on creating a security system that it would recognize once it woke up. I didn’t want to replicate the designs available via the public databases because they were too restrictive, but they gave me ideas for how to create something comfortable that a SecUnit would still understand.
Meanwhile, the construct began to relax. The added oxygen was helping, as were the changes I made to its resupply fluid. Pleasant emotions bled into the feed just before it entered a non-dreaming sleep phase. I continued monitoring it while working on other projects.
Andrew’s reply came first. Are you all right, Traveler?
Uninjured and still projected to reach my next destination at the scheduled time, I answered readily. Then, I sent him images of the construct as well as its history and current physical state.
I know that you’re smart, Trav, and I trust your judgment about the SecUnit, but please exercise extreme caution. The captain sounded concerned. We’ll try to explore the legal ramifications of stealing corporate property while we await your return.
It’s a person, I said.
I know, Trav. I know. But in the Rim, it’s property and we need to be careful to make sure that we make everything as legally air-tight as possible.
Understood. I gave myself a metaphorical moment to absorb Andrew’s words. I’ll be careful.
After he signed off, I finished creating the SecSystem and activated it. Once it was integrated with my circuitry to my satisfaction, I figured I was ready to wake the construct and see what there was to see. I stopped thinking of it as a dreamer at some point and began considering it “crew”.
The construct woke up with a startled “mew” of a sound and its eyes flickered open. Up close, through the camera lenses of a drone, they were bright, blue eyes filled with confusion and concern. It probably hadn’t expected to awaken anywhere but its intended destination.
“Don’t get up just yet,” I told it even as I felt it connecting to my homebrew SecSystem. “My name is Trav. Short for Traveler, and I’m your client for the moment. Can you run some diagnostics for me? Make sure you’re not experiencing any glitches?”
The construct nodded and sent an acknowledgment to me over the feed. I could feel its hesitation in the feed despite its personal walls, so I added some of my walls around the construct’s mind and then backed off. It needed time to adjust, and I needed a moment to compose myself.
It’s one thing to meet a dreamer and a whole another thing to meet the newest crew member.
I'm not the first of my kind to make friends with a SecUnit. That dubious honor goes to the Perihelion. Nor am I the first to invite a construct on-board, another honor that belongs to braver ships. I've always been content to explore the star-lit darkness between worlds and deliver cargo.
Until I met the SecUnit.
The construct connected readily enough to my makeshift SecSystem and finished its diagnostics. Its cat-like ears twitched with every new sound — most of them my doing as I worked to adjust the life support systems to best match the construct's needs — and its tail swished hesitantly. I understood the uncertainty.
"I am not sure what information is most pertinent," I told it. "But the facts are as follows: you are aboard a starship. I will not be delivering you to your destination. I have temporarily frozen your governor module so that it cannot punish you for what I'm going to say. There are no humans on board, and I do not want a distance limiter to fry your insides."
What do you require?
"I don't require anything. I'm doing this because I want to."
You're a ship bot pilot.
"Yes, to some extent. I'm the entire ship."
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poptropicashitposts · 4 years
Here are my Top Ten Islands!
10. Wild West
Wild West Island was the first Island I ever played! I remember being extremely excited when I got the Marshall badge and it was a part of my character's costume for a veryyy long time. I think the nostalgia is why I love this island so much, but in my opinion it was also a very well done island!
9. Lunar Colony
This Island TRAUMATIZED me, like I was absolutely caught so off guard by the ending and man, has it stuck with me. The realization that just because you don't get a happy ending doesn't mean someone else doesn't; Salerno got her happy ending but it wasn't the one we expected. Also Space!!
8. Night Watch
I know that there are quite a few mixed opinions on Night Watch Island but personally I loved it! I had this strange weekend ritual where I'd wake up at around 8am and play Night Watch Island followed by Black Lot Island. I had no idea why it was always those two islands but I Night Watch had a lot of replayability for me! I think that's a prime reason to why I like it so much.
7. Mystery Train
Oh boy, where do I start with this island. I absolutely love islands with historical themes! Seeing all those iconic figures from the late 19th century interact with eachother made 10yro me SO happy. I was genuinely convinced from the start that Gustave Eiffel was the theif, so I was probably one of the few people that didn't see the plot twist coming which in my opinion made it so much more enjoyable!
6. Game Show
I remember Game Show Island being one of the islands that took a bit longer for me to complete, and honestly I wish the lore was further expanded upon because it had me HOOKED! I love Harold Langley with all of my heart and there isn't enough content of him out there. I adored the mini-game show games and found the end puzzles quite challenging. It was overall an island that I really really really enjoyed and it's just kinda stuck as one of my favourites.
5. Virus Hunter
Virus Hunter Island was all the rage when I first joined the Poptropica fandom because it was the most recent one to come out, AND it was the first island to have sound! Dr. Lange owns my mortal body and I have sooo many headcanons about her. During the time in which it came out I was very invested in biological workings and it provided a positive outlook of the internal workings of the human body!
4. Cryptids
I think we can all agree that Cryptids Island is a fandom favourite, we are all Harold Mew's children and feral cryptid kids. Do I even have to explain what's amazing about this island? We all share one braincell and that braincell is LOVING this island
3. Steamworks
I cannot put into words how incredible Steamworks Island is. I know not everyone liked the isolated aspect of it but that's what made it stand out for me! Steampunk. Isolation. Plants monsters. Such a questionable yet perfect combination! Zak ended up being an entire cute sweetheart and the whole premise of Sprocket was genius. I also believe it was the one of the hardest islands to complete and that fact matched perfectly with the other underlying themes of the Island!
2. Astro Knights
Astro Knights Island changed my life. It's where my love of Medival History first originated from you better believe I was biggest Arthurian Legend in my age group. Again, I love historical islands! The Knights! Space!! Mordred!! The VIBES!!! MEDIVAL!!!!! SAVING A PRINCESS!!!!!!!! This island impacted me so much as a child and it's where so many of my intrests have stemmed from. The Binary Bard is also one of my favourite villains and omlll this island means so much to me.
1. Mocktropica
I can say, wholeheartedly, that I am the number one fan of this island. It's official. This island CONSUMED me. This Island has been ingrained into my personality and not a day goes by where I don't think about it nor make a reference. I have so, SO many theories and headcanons about the Executive Capitalists Including their names, backstories and so much more. Poptropica is a game targeted towards the younger generations, particularly children, and yet this WHOLE island is one big pile of satirical, meta GENIUS that I cannot put into words just how... incredibly well done it is. Anyone of any age could play this island and get a laugh out of it, in fact I think most of this island's brilliance would fly right over younger children's heads. The Bonus Quest is also my favourite! I'm legally married to Mark Hertz he is a whole sweetheart. This islands takes the absolute PISS out of capitalism and I am HERE for it. Glitches? Taxes? Robots? YES YES YES!!! It's so mcfricking satirical and ironic and... holy heck I can't. I love this island so much, It permanently has a place in my heart. There are so many iconic lines and little details in the background that make every playthrough more enjoyable than the last and everytime I play it I feel like I'm tripping on acid. The entire thing is an absolute fever dream and I want to know what Jeff Kinney was taking when he even fathomed the idea that this Island was based upon. This island somehow has both a Utah vibe and a Netherlands vibe. I can't. Like can you imagine living in the damn NETHERLANDS and your entire life just gets ruined by capitalism-, in the NETHERLANDS. I could banter on about this island all night but I will end this list here.
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sleeppaw · 5 years
PSA for those thinking about Trading on the Generation 6 GTS
Don’t trade. Seriously. I had a look on the GTS the other day and I found the following:
Nearly every section is full of hacked Pokemon, or asking for (Insert Mythical Here)
I looked under the Meloetta section and underneath the Gender/Level sections it would say either “Go Back” or “Quit The GTS”
Related to the above: The trainer pixels are glitched, and their messages usually have weird symbols on them.
Usually it’s the same person making 30+ requests in a row
The Vivillon section, under the “Pokemon you want” part is asking for Meloetta/Mew/Genesect.
The Legal Mew/Meloetta/Genesect CAN’T. BE. TRADED. ON. THE. GTS. AT. ALL.
The Mew/Meloetta/Genesect etc. are usually in Pokeballs they can’t be obtained in (Such as Love Ball Meloetta)
These Pokemon usually have very NSFW/racial slurs as names. In some cases they don’t even have names at all.
The hackers’ locations are usually ???
There is a risk your game could be corrupted
I haven’t checked the other Pokemon sections yet (Only checked the Mythicals and Vivillon section) and because Pokemon X & Y and Pokemon OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire share the same GTS Servers, I’m still unsure if I was the only one to find hacked Pokemon still on the GTS nearly four years after Generation 6 ended, and if the theory that the Gen 6 and Generation 7 GTS is shutting down within the next two years is true then at least I would have everything I want before the inevitable day comes.
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bainhardt · 4 years
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I recently decided to tackle the long-overdue challenge of completing my HOME national dex to finally claim a sought-after original color Magearna for my own. Filling the gaps in my dex has been no easy feat, and one requiring I do far stranger things than I ever expected. Catching ‘em all isn’t quite so simple as it seems at first glance, lemme tell you...
Catching various Pokemon was the easy part. Between having three complete living dexes on Sword alone and the complete living Alola dex on my Ultra Sun, a significant portion was already filled in. But that piqued my curiosity about something I first noticed about a year ago when HOME first launched: why did my HOME dex have Pokemon registered that I’d never moved off of gen 7? Well, the good news is that Bank has its own Pokedex, composited from all the dexes of all the game cards you connect to it, and this data is sent to HOME every time you move even one Pokemon. You don’t have to send anything important up to gen 8 if you don’t want to! What a relief.
Still, SWSH infamously don’t offer everything, and so most of my work involved trawling through older gen games and picking up the odd forgotten straggler. A couple of them really surprised me, like how I apparently had Sunflora but no Sunkern, or Ducklett but no Swanna. Regardless, this kind of thing is the fun part of Pokemon, tracking stuff down and catching it, and before too long, I was already finished. Easy enough.
The difficulty ramped up when I reached the point of no return, the point where nothing remains but those dreaded mythicals... the only Pokemon out of ‘em all you can’t just go and catch. Who came up with that idea? I’d like to have a stern word with them (that word is fuck). I left concerns of legitimacy behind me and pressed dauntlessly on. Whatever it took, I was getting this done.
Thankfully, even here I wasn’t starting from square 1. I have a modest collection of mythicals of my own; Meloetta, Celebi, Phione, assorted random pickups from my obsessive play beginning in gen 6. This narrowed it down to thirteen elusive targets. And then I remembered I’d neglected to catch Keldeo in the Crown Tundra, narrowing it down to twelve elusive targets:
Mew - Manaphy - Darkrai - Shaymin - Arceus - Victini - Genesect - Hoopa - Volcanion - Zarude - Meltan - Melmetal
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My first stop was the era of the original DS, with my friend Elliot pointing me towards the Nintendo Wi-Fi DNS Exploit in order to access long-passed events. Limited by the language of games I owned as well as hardware (I never managed to get this exploit working on gen 4 because of that goddamned WEP requirement), I managed to download Darkrai, Victini, and Genesect.
Mew - Manaphy - Shaymin - Arceus - Hoopa - Volcanion - Zarude - Meltan - Melmetal
Up next was the HOME mobile app, where I got by with a little help from my friends - well, friend, namely Nia, who had four more to trade me. Also worth mentioning is how HOME’s friend trading system is normally supposed to be restricted to local-only, a restriction that was supposedly lifted due to the pandemic. I guess I chose the right time to get this underway, at least.
Shaymin - Arceus - Volcanion - Zarude - Melmetal
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What followed is probably the strangest step of my journey, and if I’m being honest, one of the most surprising and impressive. Around this time I’d begun poking my nose various places online looking for where I might get in contact with somebody to spot me the last handful of Pokemon I needed. I saw a post on one subreddit offering “ANY POKEMON YOU WANT” and figured I was about to message some hacker. Instead, all it took was connecting to a discord channel and messaging a bot, and I was in touch with an automated hacking robot capable of trading any Pokemon legally obtainable in SWSH! I was blown away. I felt like the NPC from the beginning of each game who’s impressed by how incredible technology is. And I had three more mythicals registered in my dex (then promptly released).
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Shaymin - Arceus
Bringing this quest nearly to its close is the final adventure I’ve had recently, and one of the more exciting things I’ve done in my time playing Pokemon. Coincidentally, I recently ordered a Japanese copy of Pearl, which happens to be one of the only two games fit to serve as the stage for this endeavor: I was going to attempt the “tweaking” glitch.
As I understand it, this glitch fucks with the loading triggers in the game, and enables you to venture out of bounds in real time using nothing more than your DS and the cartridge. Through careful exploration and the execution of some game events, you can encounter Darkrai, Shaymin, and even Arceus. You can technically fuck up your game file if you go astray, but with very little to lose on my new JP Pearl to begin with, I set to it in earnest. Following video tutorials as my guide, I was biking my way through darkness in no time flat, sights set on the Alpha Pokemon Arceus.
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I had no Master Ball available on any of my gen 4 games, so capturing this thing came down to three P’s: Patience, Poke Balls, and Parasect. I didn’t have Parasect ready for my first attempt, which ended in failure, and although this tweaking encounter can be repeated an infinite number of times, I wanted this over with as soon as possible. After a day spent grinding Parasect until it was ready to stand toe-to-toe with a god, I dove into the void again and caught myself my first ever Arceus. Thanks to Sakura Miko, of course.
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From here, I’m so close to Magearna I can practically taste it, yet I’m still one Pokemon short - Shaymin. Even though I could catch one through tweaking, it’s reportedly the only tweaking capture incapable of being transferred up to newer games, which leaves me back at the drawing board for one final Pokemon. One final step, and at this point, I can’t imagine what it’ll entail.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
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Well this took a couple hours of work. Just because collecting all the items needed for the ACE script was time-consuming.
This is a Mew captured using the famous “Mew trick” in Pokemon Red. If you try to transfer such a pokemon directly to Sun/Moon, it will be blocked. You need to grab glitch item 8F and do a little work to change the Trainer ID and the OT name to match the ‘legal’ one.
To clarify, this method uses nothing but glitches in Pokemon Red/Blue to accomplish this, not any sort of hacking or cheating device.
Don’t worry, I don’t plan on flooding the GTS with ‘illegal’ Mews. I just wanted to see if I could accomplish this. The Mew is for my own use.
On a related note, the new Z-move for Mew is pretty darn nifty looking.
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Jan 29, 2017.
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sage-nebula · 8 years
Completionist, Rotom, and Legend!
Completionist: How many times have you completed the Pokédex?
Once, and I’ve borne a grudge ever since that I’ve only just (mostly) gotten over. Settle in and buckle up, because it’s story time.
So, back in the days of my youth, there were only 151 known pokémon. 151, because if you (general “you,” not you in specific) are a genwunner who forgets about Mew simply because all of the marketing back in ye olden days used to talk about “150 pokémon *winkwink*”, then I will whap you on the head with a rolled up newspaper and not even feel sorry about it. There were 151 known pokémon back then, and although my primary interest was in battling, I still decided to go ahead and complete the Pokédex just to prove to everyone that I really was the best Pokémon Master the world had ever seen. (Note: Due to how young I was, my world was mostly comprised of my elementary school. Nonetheless.) 
As it so happens, I did complete the Pokédex. Using a combination of all three of the released games at the time (Red, Blue, and Yellow in America), a Game Link cable, and both my and my brother’s Game Boy Pockets, I managed to capture and record every single pokémon. I also, due to being young and not having the scruples that I have now, used a Game Shark to capture Mew and teach my pikachu Surf. I was young, okay. I was young and extremely salty at the fact that the only ways to legally obtain Mew were through Nintendo events that took place during school hours in California and New York. And I asked my dad if he would let me skip school and also drive me to California so that I could get Mew, and he laughed at me. Game Shark (or the Mew glitch) was the only option. I don’t approve of such practices now, but eight-year-old me was a lot more desperate.
That is not the point. The point is, I completed the Pokédex, and I proudly took it to the Game Freak headquarters programmed into the game. I knew that you got a prize for completing it. I thought the prize was going to be Togepi, or that mysterious bird that Ash saw at the beginning of the anime (we in America did not yet know that this bird’s name was Ho-Oh). I thought it might even be another Mew, or else perhaps the keys to the truck. I didn’t know what it was, specifically, but I was super excited to find out after all my hard work.
And do you know what it was? Do you? Well, if not, I’ll tell you:
It was a diploma.
It was a little in-game certificate, the equivalent to a gold star or smiley face sticker saying, “Good job!” You could print it out using the Game Boy Printer. I want to say you could also take it to one of the kiosks stationed in local Blockbusters, but at the same time I’m also 99% positive those were only for printing out photos that you took in Pokémon Snap. Like, they were specifically Pokémon Snap kiosks. Either way, I had a certificate in my Red (or Blue, but I’m pretty sure it was Red Version because my Blue ended up corrupted beyond repair thanks to MissingNO/M’) for completing my Pokédex. A certificate. A diploma. A little worthless piece of paper after the months of labor I put into into those games. I was furious. I was an eight (or nine, perhaps, by this point) year old vessel of barely contained rage. All of that, for nothing. Where was my real reward, huh? Where was the awe, the admiration? Where the goddamn fuck was my Togepi?! (This was especially a sticking point, because despite all the rumors none of us had managed to find a way into the Grandfather Canyon. Of course, this is because the Grandfather Canyon was an anime-exclusive location, but we tried to get to it in our games anyway. Oh, did we try.)
That set a grudge that lasted about twenty years. On that day, with my hands squeezing my red Game Boy Pocket so hard I nearly broke it, I vowed that I would never, not ever complete the Pokédex again until the series actually ended. Never again, I said. Never. Again. And so far, I have kept that promise.
… though that said, I have been planning to half-heartedly try this gen, if only because I have a friend willing to complete it with me, and I think that would be fun. But that said, it’s going to be less fun since the ‘dex is now mostly contained in the Bank. It’s like Game Freak is laughing at me, honestly. They are doing this on purpose. Well, we’ll see who has the last laugh, Game Freak. We’ll see. We’ll see!!
(… It’ll be them. They have my dream job and I’ll never get it. I felt truly envious of one of the NPCs in Sun Version when she talked about how she got to work on the games she grew up playing as a child. I felt actual envy toward an NPC. This is probably something I should take up with my therapist.)
Rotom: What is your favourite region in Pokémon?  
JOHTO! ♥ Johto is my home. Even though the Kanto games were the ones I started with, for some reason Johto is the one that makes me feel like I’m coming home every single time I pick up one of the Johto games, or when I hear the music, or when I see pictures or art of it. It’s also constantly overshadowed by Kanto, but there’s nothing that can be done about that, unfortunately. I don’t know, there’s just something truly beautiful about Johto, though. I love all of the legends and history, I love how it has bits of industrialization here and there but is still very connected to nature and the beliefs of the people, and the connections to pokémon without going overboard about it. Johto is just a truly beautiful region, and it’s my region. I’ve loved none like it before or since.
Legend: Your favourite legendary/mythical Pokémon?
My favorite legendary pokémon is Lugia (and I’m actually wearing a Lugia shirt as I type this—the 151 design Lugia shirt, in fact), and while I can’t say the specific reason because that would give away information about myself that I’m not willing to share, Lugia is my favorite because I have a certain connection with it. There’s something that Lugia and I share that makes me feel like Lugia is my legendary, on top of the fact that its movie is one of my favorites and it has a beautiful song (that, as it happens, I can clumsily play on the ocarina). I do wish that Lugia had more sensible typing (it’s the guardian of the sea and looks like a massive sea dragon, and yet its typing is psychic/flying, I just ???), but there’s not much that can be done about that and I adore Lugia anyway. Always have.
As for my favorite mythical pokémon, that’s a tie between Mew and Victini. As far as Mew goes, I’ve always felt that there’s been something especially mysterious about it. Yes, I do like the fact that Mew can learn literally any move, and I do think it’s cute and all that, and of course I had so few scruples as a child that I was willing to use legendaries in my main party and so I did use one in the Gen I games—but more than that, I’ve just always felt that although all legendary and mythical pokémon have an air of mystery to them, there’s been something particularly mysterious and magical about Mew, the pokémon who even back then was said to be so rare that most people felt that it was only a mirage. To this day Mew holds a place in my heart, and probably always will. After all, not every pokémon can say they were responsible for frenzied mobs gathering around abandoned trucks.
As far as Victini goes, it’s just adorable. I’ve always had this image of Victini in my mind just giving a completely blank stare before spontaneously breaking out in a toothy grin and V for Victory hand sign. It’s silly and foolish and prone to shenanigans, but that’s why I adore it! It also has a fantastic typing of fire/psychic, so I mean, there’s very little not to love. ♥ Victini is great.
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phlurrii · 10 months
How do you figure out the characteristics that go with certain natures? Like, for example, Meau being "docile" and her characteristic being "mischievous". I'm trying to do something similar with my own OCs and I'm stuck on this one part.
So… so I highly suggest not… not doing what I did. You see, I spent 36 hours doing extremely complicated glitches and game breaking bugs to pry 2 legal mews, one shiny and one not, out of the original Pokémon Red. Back when Natures and Characteristics literally did not exist. At all.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So when I yoinked these goobers out of the game and transferred them to Sun and Moon? They generated their Nature and characteristic for the first time. These fucks are ancient both in and out of game world.
But yea, that’s how I decided their natures, I told and then shut up XD
Realistically though, if you don’t want to have the game decide for you, I recommend looking at what their nature boost and debuffs stat wise, as well as what berries they like if they have that nature. Find the best suited one for all 3 categories ^^
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
QuadrigaCX Is Filing for Creditor Protection Amid Liquidity Crisis, Community Remains Largely Skeptical
Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX is in hot water: Following the sudden death of its 30-year-old founder, Gerald Cotten, the exchange has allegedly lost access to its cold wallets, where most of the funds were stored.
Now, the exchange has taken to court to avoid the collapse, but some community members suggest that QuadrigaCX’s cold wallets never existed.
Canada’s largest crypto exchange with a complex history
QuadrigaCX was launched in December 2013 and operated from Vancouver, British Columbia. The digital assets exchange was founded by Gerald Cotten and Michael Patryn. Prior to that, Cotten was a director at the Vancouver Bitcoin Co-op, a voluntary association of local cryptocurrency enthusiasts, of which Patryn was also an active member.
According to Cotten, QuadrigaCX was established against the backdrop of scarce crypto services in Canada. In February 2015, he said on a Decentral Talk Live podcast:
“It was just so hard to buy Bitcoin in Canada. You couldn’t hook up your bank account anywhere. It was just such a challenge.”
In 2015, QuadrigaCX became the country’s largest crypto exchange, with around $37.4 million traded on their platform — according to the company, it had acquired around 60 percent of the market share by November that year.
QuadrigaCX is also reportedly the first crypto platform in Canada to be granted a money services business (MSB) license from the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FinTRAC), the domestic financial regulator responsible for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures. As Cotten told Straight in a February 2014 interview, his exchange was focused on compliance:
“We’re quite proactive when it comes to regulations. We don’t want to break the law. We want to fully comply, and we actually more than comply with what the current laws are.”
In March 2015, Quadriga Fintech — the exchange’s parent company — announced its plans to go public and be listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) via a reverse initial public offering (IPO). The firm reportedly planned to acquire a shell company called Whiteside Capital Corporation for that purpose.  
Despite going through the easier route of a reverse IPO — which includes less paperwork — Quadriga Fintech still had to be audited. Cotten claimed at the time that he was “excited to be able to provide an unparalleled level of transparency by merging legacy financial audits with innovative blockchain technology.”  
There has been no update on the IPO plans from Quadriga since then, and the firm was never listed on the CSE. In May 2015, however, Patryn revealed that his company was selling over-the-counter (OTC) shares for Bitcoin (BTC).
In March 2016, the British Columbia Securities Commision (BCSC) barred QuadrigaCX from selling securities after slapping it with a cease trade order (CTO) for not submitting annual audited financial statements for the fiscal year that ended Oct. 31, 2015.
About a week before getting hit with the CTO, Quadriga’s directors Anthony Milewski and Lovie Horner resigned. Then, soon after the order was issued, Bill Filtness, the director, and Natasha Tsai, the chief financial officer, also quit the company, leaving Patryn and Cotten as the only executives in Quadriga.
However, In March 2018, Quadriga’s official Reddit account commented that Patryn was “an early [sic] who left the company more than two years ago.” Although that checks out with his LinkedIn account showing that he left the firm in February 2016, Patryn’s resignation from Quadriga was never announced. Reddit users have several times linked Patryn to a convicted money launderer named Omar Dhanani. Quadriga has denied this accusation, calling it “nonsense”.
Cotten highlighted security as one of the main priorities of his business. According to a CNBC article published in May 2014, QuadrigaCX held the majority of its assets in cold wallets — which are secured by digital security keys in order to protect them from hacking and theft — had advanced encryption, custom operating systems and software, and a partnership with CloudFlare, a large company in the United States that provides DDoS protection.
Nonetheless, Quadriga CX had experienced at least one major security breach in the past. In June 2017, the exchange announced that it had lost 67,317.25 ETH (around $14 million, at the time) due to a “technical glitch.”
Legal fight with the CIBC and Cotten’s sudden death
In 2018, the exchange entered a prolonged legal fight with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). The bank reportedly froze five accounts belonging to Quadriga’s payment processor, Costodian Inc., and its owner, Jose Reyes. Combined, they contained around $19.6 million, according to reports. The CIBC suspended the accounts after failing to identify the owner of those funds.
The CIBC requested the Ontario Superior Court to withhold the funds and determine whether they belong to Costodian, the exchange or the users who deposited the funds. Further, in November 2018, the court ruled in favor of the bank, agreeing that the owner of the funds was not clearly established. As a result, the CIBC was obliged to pass the funds over to the Accountant of the Superior Court in order to identify the owner of the money. Meanwhile, Quadriga users continued to actively report withdrawal issues, while massive complaints started to arise earlier in 2018.
On Jan. 14, 2019, Cotten’s wife, Jennifer Robertson, announced that her husband, CEO at Quadriga, has suddenly died. According to Robertson’s statement, Cotten, who was 30 at the time, perished “due to complications with Crohn’s disease” on Dec. 9, 2018 while travelling in India. Being Cotten’s estate executor, she also recommended to appoint Aaron Matthews, head of operations at Quadriga, as interim president and CEO.
Gerry Cotten. Image source: Facebook
The platform continued to accept funds for weeks after Cotten’s death. According to The Globe and Mail, on Jan. 25, Robertson, who says she was not involved in the business while her husband was alive, filed an application to hold an emergency meeting to appoint board directors at the exchange. On Jan. 28, the board allegedly decided to shut down QuadrigaCX’s website. The official announcement claimed that the platform went offline due to maintenance issues.   
Several days later, on Jan. 31, QuadrigaCX filed for creditor protection in compliance with the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) at the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. The CCAA is a federal act that allows financially challenged companies to avoid bankruptcy by restructuring their business and getting protection from its creditors. A company must owe to creditors in excess of $5 million to be eligible to apply for the CCAA.
According to the affidavit filed by Robertson, Cotten was solely responsible for the wallets and corresponding keys to 190 million Canadian dollars ($145 million) in digital assets. Accordingly, after he died, those funds went missing, and the exchange has been unable to retrieve those keys.
As a result, the exchange claims to have only CA$375,000 ($286,000) in cash, while it owes CA$260 million ($198,435,000) to as many as 115,000 of its customers, and hence is facing a liquidity crisis.
Will the money ever be reclaimed? Some claim that there was no money in the first place
According to the affidavit, Cotten normally ran the business from his personal laptop. While Robertson still has physical access to the device, she claims that she is unable to open it. She wrote in the document:
“The laptop computer from which Gerry carried out the companies’ business is encrypted and I do not know the password or recovery key. Despite repeated and diligent searches, I have not been able to find them written down anywhere.”
Robertson also says that she hired someone to try to access the funds, but that the expert has so far not been able to do so.
Meanwhile, Robertson faces a backlash from the QuadrigaCX users on social media, who mostly took to Twitter and Reddit to question whether Cotten is actually dead. As per The Globe and Mail, the CCAA filings include a statement of death issued by J.A. Snow Funeral House in Halifax.
Moreover, Robertson’s affidavit states that there have also been threats made against her: “Slanderous comments have been made against me and sent through Facebook messenger to my entire contact list.” Robertson is reportedly funding the creditor protection motion herself, and a preliminary hearing has been set for Feb. 5.
Quadriga aims to appoint Big Four audit company Ernst & Young as an independent third party to monitor their CCAA hearings, and the court is expected to release its decision on Feb. 5 as well. So far, Ernst & Young has reportedly concluded that “Quadriga was unable to access the cold wallets and/or discovered that the cold wallets contained minimal cryptocurrency units.”
Taylor Monahan, former developer of Ethereum (ETH) wallet interface MyEtherWallet (MEW) who now runs the MyCrypto project, told Cointelegraph that she finds the situation where excessive amounts of digital assets are locked out because they were controlled by one person “beyond absurd”:
“The fact that a person controlling millions of customer assets didn’t have any sort of backup in place, gave no one else access, and didn’t leave any information regarding these accounts with anyone is beyond absurd. If this is indeed the truth, any number of outside factors could have resulted in the loss of access to those customer funds, like fire, flood, misplacing the single piece of paper, etc.”
Ideally, Monahan adds, the cold storage wallet should be a multi-signature one, where the keys that control the individual accounts are kept secure and in multiple physically separate locations:
“Just like a company has a bank account with multiple signers, the cold storage would be controlled in that fashion and perhaps by the same people. Depending on the size of the operation, it would likely be the CEO, possibly the CTO, perhaps a board member or CFO type person, or another trusted party. Even if a company were to choose not to utilize multi-signature wallets for whatever reason, there should always be multiple backups in physically distinct locations.”
Monahan has also been analyzing ETH wallet addresses attributed to QuadrigaCX. Based on preliminary results of her study, she suggests that QuadrigaCX might not have any ETH cold wallets at all:
“Based on what I’ve seen with their other main Ethereum wallets, I haven’t found any signs of a cold wallet. We can see large amounts of ETH move between their known ‘hot’ wallets. We see large amounts of ETH being moved temporarily to a variety of addresses before quickly being sent onto an exchange. But we don’t see any significant amount of funds being moved to something that resembles ‘cold’ storage.”
Other research, published on cryptocurrency portal Zerononcense Blog, also suggests that QuadrigaCX never had cold storage, per se. The report’s authors claim that they used “only 100% verified transactions with the exchange,” but admit that the findings may not be wholly accurate. The first of six summary findings in the report states:
“It appears that there are no identifiable cold wallet reserves for QuadrigaCX.”
According to the research, the exchange likely only had cryptocurrency reserves of under $100 million. The report also contains alleged evidence that shows a party had access to the company’s wallets after Cotten died, reportedly making several outgoing transactions since Dec. 9.
“It does not appear that QuadrigaCX has lost access to their Bitcoin holdings.”
Further suspicions center around QuadrigaCX using customer deposits to pay customer  obligations. Thus, the research notes that a comparison of QuadrigaCX’s withdrawal practices to those of other established crypto exchanges — such as Coinbase, Bittrex and Binance — shows that the “movement of bitcoins to satisfy customer demand is highly unorthodox and extremely inefficient for any legitimate exchange.”
The article will be updated with the results of a preliminary hearing regarding Quadriga’s CCAA, being held on Feb. 5, which are expected to be published soon. First reports from the court indicate that QuadrigaCX might be sold to refund the customers — learn more here. The police have not issued any comment regarding the incident so far.
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muffinrag · 7 years
Thanks to the Internet, I just went from barely knowing that glitches exist and not knowing that there were even remastered versions of Red/Blue to glitching my own legal Mew in less than a week.
I fucking love the internet.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
pokemon stadium 2 n64
pokemon stadium 2 n64
Pokemon Stadium 2 cheats & more for Nintendo64 (N64)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pokemon Stadium 2 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for Pokemon Stadium 2.
Also Known As: Pokemon Stadium: Kingin Crystal
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: March 1, 2001
Rival Cup
Win all cups in stadium mode and defeat all trainers in the Gym Leader Castles to unlock a special Rival Cup in the lower right hand corner of the main map. Select it to fight against Mewtwo, Ho-oh, and Lugia.
Earn Super-Rare Poke’mon
There are two Poke’mon you can earn that have special moves they normally can’t learn. You can earn farfetch’d with Baton pass, and a Gligar with earthquake. Both theses are earned when you defeat your rival in special battle.
Harder Mini-games
Defeat the CPU in a seven-coin mini-game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the super hard difficulty setting.
Have a Pok�mon game in the transfer pack when you play the mini-games. The game will search for a Pok�mon that you own for use in the mini-games.
Gligar With Earthquake Move
Win the Rival Cup in Round 2 to unlock a Gligar with the Earthquake move.
Farfetch’d With Baton Pass Move
Win the Rival Cup in Round 1 to unlock a Farfetch’d with the Baton Pass move.
Celebi As Rental
Unlock Round 2 to access Celebi as a rental Pok�mon in the Prime Cup competition.
Increase Game Boy Tower Speed
Win all cups in stadium mode or defeat either Gym Leader Castle in Round 1 to unlock the Doduo sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pok�mon Gold/Silver at double speed. Win all cups or defeat the Gym Leader Castle in Round 2 to unlock the Dodrio GB Tower, allowing you to play Pok�mon Gold/Silver at hyper speed.
Amnesia Psyduck
Get all 151 Pok�mon in the hall of fame.
Surfing Pikachu
Successfully complete the game.
Surfing Pikachu
Successfully complete the game to unlock Surf for Pikachu. To teach your Pikachu Surf, unlock Round 2. Then, get up to the Masterball setting on either the Pok� Cup or Prime Cup (in Round 2). Complete the Masterball setting with Pikachu as one of your active Pok�mon each round (he must be one of the three you choose to battle with). If you lose, you cannot continue (it must be a pure win and the Pikachu may not be part of a registered team or a “Rental”). If you succeed, the game will congratulate you and ask if you would like to replace one of Pikachu’s moves with Surf. Select “Yes”, then choose the move to be forgotten. The Pikachu will now pull out a surfboard and ride the wave whenever Surf is used.
Talking Pikachu
Upload Pikachu from the yellow version of the game to Pok�mon Stadium. When battling, Pikachu will say its name and have different motions for certain moves. Note: You must go to battle for this to work. Do not register Pikachu.
Surfing Raichu
Get a Raichu that knows SURF (as seen by Surge’s Raichu). It will put its tail under itself and use it as a surfboard.
Mew will become playable, as a “Rental” Pok�mon, in the Round 2 version of the game. He can only be played in the Prime Cup tournament, Gym Leader Castle, Free Battle, and Mewtwo Battle modes.
Mew In Prime Cup
This trick requires a Game Boy Game Shark and Pok�mon Yellow. First start the game and enable the Game Shark code to catch Mew. Put it first in your line-up, then save the game. Go to the Game Shark screen and enable the code for the first Pok�mon in your line-up to be any desired Pok�mon. Check your stats and it should display your selected Pok�mon’s picture, but with Mew’s name and information. Save the game. Place the game in the transfer pak and go to the Pok�mon Stadium building. When prompted to select Pok�mon, choose the one that was Mew. When you start the match, the Pok�mon will be Mew.
Mewtwo Battle
Successfully complete all Cups in Stadium mode, and defeat all opponents in the Gym Leader Castle. Mewtwo is the last opponent you will face in both Round 1 and Round 2 versions of the game.
Round 2
Successfully complete the game to unlock a much harder version of the Stadium, Gym Leader Castle, and Mewtwo Battle modes.
Kids Club Hyper Mode
In one player mode with three CPU controlled opponents, successfully complete “Who’s the best?” five consecutive times on the hard difficulty setting within one match. Hyper will be unlocked as a new difficulty setting for CPU controlled players.
Alternate Pok�mon Colors
Pok�mon that you upload from the Game Boy version can have alternate colors. Giving your Pok�mon various nicknames will change their colors. Switch syllables, such as calling a “Mewtwo” to “Twomew” (blue color). Separate the syllables with a hyphen, such as “Mewtwo” to “Mew-two”. Also try naming the Pok�mon in all lower-case characters. To find out more methods, note the color of the opposing Pok�mon and look at their nicknames.
Alternate Title Screen
Successfully complete Gym Leader Castle and Stadium modes. Then, Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur and Mewtwo will appear on the title screen.
Play Pok�mon Faster
Successfully complete the entire Pok� Cup to get a sticker on the GB Tower. This will allow you play Pok�mon on the Nintendo 64 twice as fast. If you beat the Masterball in the Prime Cup, a “Superfast” setting will be unlocked in the GB Tower. The title will change to “Doduo GB Tower”. Press C-Left to activate it.
Get Pok�mon Presents Faster
Successfully complete the Gym Leader Castle. Then when you want to complete it again, go to the Gym Leader Castle, go directly to the Elite 4, and defeat your rival.
Bonus Stickers
Successfully complete R-1 mode, defeat Mewtwo, complete R-2 mode, and defeat Mewtwo again. Enter the gallery screen, then hold L + R and highlight the “Print” option. Keep holding the buttons until “Print” changes to “Bonus” to access sixteen more stickers.
Start With All Three Beginning Pok�mon
When you start a new game, you can start with all three beginning Pok�mon by starting over and choosing one of them in the Game Boy Pok�mon game. Then, capture a Pidgey or Rattata. Save it to the boxes on Pok�mon Stadium. Repeat the steps with a different Pok�mon until you get all three. You can also save and keep Pok�mon from your old game that you still want before starting over.
Unlimited Number Of Same Pok�mon
Note: This trick requires the Mega Memory Card from InterAct. Save your file on the Mega Memory Card. Go to the Pok�mon Lab and put the Pok�mon to be duplicated in a 64 Box. Reload your game on the Mega Memory Card and receive your Pok�mon in the 64 Box. Repeat as many times as desired to create an unlimited number of the same Pok�mon.
Avoid Recoil Damage
If you use an attack that you know will kill the opposing Pok�mon, but will hit you with the recoil, make sure that your Pok�mon has at least 20 HP left. Use the attack and you will not suffer the recoil damage.
Trade Without A Second Transfer Pak
Put a box on the game, then put the Pok�mon from a different game or the same one in the box. Then, go back to the lab and put the box back on the game that you are trading to, go to the box, and withdraw the Pok�mon when you want or need it. Note: This also works with items.
Give Pok�mon To Another Game Boy Pak Without Getting One Back
Place the desired Pok�mon in a separate box from which you have your regular Pok�mon. Transfer that box to the 64box on the Nintendo 64. Shut off the system (if you only have one transfer pak) and insert desired Game Boy pak. If you have two transfer paks, then just switch the Game Boy pak with the one you are going to trade to. Then, transfer the box with the Pok�mon in it to the other Game Boy pak and you will have the Pok�mon without giving one in return.
Game Shark Codes Without A Nintendo 64 Game Shark
The “Import” feature and import pack can be used with Game Boy Game Shark codes while playing the original game or codes designed for it.
Get Pok�mon For Game Boy Game
Complete one of the Gym Leader Castles of the Elite Four or your rival to get one of the following random Pok�mon that can be transferred back to your Game Boy Pok�mon game: EeveeHitmonleeHitmonchanSquirtleCharmanderBulbasaurOmanyteKabuto
Pok�mon Stadium Cup Requirements
Pika Cup: Pok�mon can only be between level 15-20. Petit Cup: Level ranges between 25-30. There is a height requirement though. Height 6’8″ limit and weight 44 pounds. Pok� Cup: Only can use 3 Pok�mon, levels 50-55. The sum of the Pok�mon’s levels cannot exceed 155. Prime Cup: Everything is legal. You can have any level, height, weight, or number of Pok�mon. However, your opponents’ levels are always 100.
Pok�mon Weaknesses
Normal Pok�mon are weak against Fighting types.Fire Pok�mon are weak against Water, Ground and Rock types.Water Pok�mon are weak against Electric and Grass types.Electric Pok�mon are weak against Ground types.Grass Pok�mon are weak against: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying and Bug types.Ice Pok�mon are weak against Fire, Fighting and Rock types.Fighting Pok�mon are weak against Flying and Psychic types.Poison Pok�mon are weak against Ground, Psychic and Bug types. Ground Pok�mon are weak against Water, Grass and Ice types.Flying Pok�mon are weak against Electric, Ice and Rock types. Psychic Pok�mon are weak against Bug types.Bug Pok�mon are weak against Fire, Poison, Flying and Rock types. Rock Pok�mon are weak against Water, Grass, Fighting and Ground types.Ghost Pok�mon are weak against Ghost types.Dragon Pok�mon are weak against Ice and Dragon types.
Recommended Round 1 Rental Teams
Pika CupRaichu, Poliwrath, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Drowzee, Dratini.Petit CupPikachu, Bulbasaur, Horsea, Sandshrew, Gastly, Dratini.Pok� Cup, Pok� BallDiglett, Abra, Staryu, Jynx, Magmar, Jolteon.Great BallDugtrio, Persian, Abra, Staryu, Jynx, Jolteon.Ultra BallFearow, Dugtrio, Kadabra, Dewgong, Starmie, Jolteon.Master BallSandslash, Kadabra, Gengar, Starmie, Electrode, Articuno.Prime Cup Poke BallPikachu, Voltorb, Diglett, Abra, Poliwhirl, Weepinbell.Great BallElectabuzz, Pikachu, Kadabra, Magmar, Dewgong, Dugtrio.Ultra BallCharizard, Dugtrio, Kadabra, Dewgong, Electrode, Gengar.Master BallDugtrio, Arcanine, Kadabra, Dewgong, Electrode, Exeggutor. Pewter GymCharmander, Wartortle, Growlithe, Abra, Weepinbell, Voltorb. Cerulean GymKadabra, Weepinbell, Voltorb, Staryu, Hitmonlee, Vaporeon. Vermilion GymSandshrew, Dugtrio, Gengar, Electrode, Cubone, Dragonite.Celadon GymKadabra, Electabuzz, Dewgong, Flareon, Hitmonlee, Mr. Mime. Fuchsia GymDugtrio, Kadabra, Cloyster, Gengar, Electrode, Mr. Mime.Saffron GymDugtrio, Kadabra, Electrode, Omanyte, Flareon, Dragonite.Cinnabar GymGengar, Electrode, Kingler, Mr. Mime, Vaporeon, Snorlax.Viridian GymKangaskhan, Gengar, Electrode, Dragonair, Alakazam, Starmie. Elite Four and RivalGengar, Dragonair, Staryu, Jolteon, Scyther, Electrode.MewtwoElectrode, Ditto, Fearow, Cloyster, Mr. Mime, Magneton.
Recommended Round 2 Rental Teams
Pika CupRaichu, Lapras, Ninetales, Gengar, Nidoking, Kadabra.Petit CupVoltorb, Spearow, Horsea, Abra, Cubone, Gastly.Pok� Cup, Pok� BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Starmie, Tauros, Lapras, Jolteon.Great BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Starmie, Tauros, Jolteon.Ultra BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Gengar, Starmie, Jolteon, Articuno.Master BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Starmie, Lapras, Jolteon.Prime Cup Poke BallPoliwhirl, Electrode, Weepinbell, Drowzee, Machoke, Marowak. Great BallFearow, Gengar, Golduck, Magneton, Hypno, Dugtrio.Ultra BallExeggutor, Electrode, Lapras, Rhydon, Mew, Dragonite.Master BallElectrode, Exeggutor, Starmie, Golem, Mew, Jynx.Pewter GymElectabuzz, Doduo, Magmar, Krabby, Paras, Diglett.Cerulean GymMagnemite, Seadra, Gastly, Staryu, Aerodactyl, Tangela.Vermilion GymParasect, Magneton, Fearow, Haunter, Pinsir, Dragonair.Celadon GymPidgeot, Ninetales, Raichu, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Tangela. Fuchsia GymAlakazam, Electabuzz, Dugtrio, Gengar, Dodrio, Poliwrath.Saffron GymGyarados, Gengar, Jolteon, Mr. Mime, Exeggutor, Dugtrio.Cinnabar GymStarmie, Fearow, Exeggutor, Gengar, Alakazam, Electrode.Viridian GymElectrode, Zapdos, Jynx, Exeggutor, Gyarados, Dugtrio.Elite Four and RivalStarmie, Lapras, Dragonite, Electrode, Exeggutor, Gengar.MewtwoElectrode, Snorlax, Zapdos, Alakazam, Golem, Gengar.
Take Less Damage
Use the following trick when your Pok�mon is receiving a fatal attack, such as when Thunder is used on a Water Pok�mon, to leave you with enough HP to attack your opponent once. When your opponent’s Pok�mon begins to use their attack, hold Down + L + B until the energy takes its affect. When the energy leaves, you will have a chance to strike your opponent’s Pok�mon. Note: This trick only works between 70% to 80% of the time. This will not work if Pok�mon are totally mismatched, such as when a level 50 Pok�mon is fighting a level 100 Pok�mon.
Inflict Greater Damage
While your Pok�mon is doing their attack, hold Down + L and repeatedly press A. Then when your Pok�mon attacks, hold Down + L + A until the damage is taken. This is very effective when you attempt a fatal attack. Note: This trick only works between 80% to 90% of the time.
Attack First
Immediately after you choose a move and you want to go first instead of the CPU, hold L and press A. Note: This trick only works about 50% of the time, mostly in the Pika Cup.
Currently we have no unlockables for Pokemon Stadium 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Pokemon Stadium 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Pokemon Stadium 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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phlurrii · 1 year
Okay we’re 2 day late, buT-
I am SO. Happy to announce 2 things! The first is that Meau and Noe will both be getting New reference sheets with a lil change to them after the next update which is so close to being done I could scream. The second is the reveal that Meau and Missingno. are now…
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Okay wooptydo so are mostly every other Mew/Two nerd’s cats on here. What’s so special about these bozo’s?
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They are both, including shiny Noe there, from Pokémon Red virtual console. What does that mean? It means I ripped them straight out of the first ported Pokémon Games ever made! They are both from the classic Mew glitch that ravaged playgrounds from 1996 and beyond. As seen below, we got some neato pictures of them in their pixelated glory. The process to catch them is easy, get to cerulean city, dip before a trainer can see you, beat up a slowpoke/shelder and then hit nugget bridge. Boom, notorious cat, just don’t talk to TC while catching it they WILL doom your catching luck.
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The hard part is AFTER. Since you summon these lil buggers using glitches, shocker! Poke transporter doesn’t see them as legal and banishes them to being stuck in the VC. So the process of yanking them out is a very long and tedious maiden, filled with accidentally erasing my save file twice and murdering my mews along with it. First time wasn’t my fault, second time definitely on me XD but I digress! You basically break into the games inaccessible bag through item overflow and rip out things you really shouldn’t have, AKA, 8F. Then through having select Pokémon, items, all in a specific order, you use 8F and BOOM.
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They are now legal and get be dragged through to home! Do a lil extra leg work to force one to be shiny through stat manipulation + 8F and you’ll have yourself a normal and shiny gameboy marked mew! But the shitty part is once you finally take them OUT of the game…
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They lose their nicknames.
So you just did all that work for two custom gameboy mews and you don’t even get to name them? Abosolute BS and Lowkey broke my heart, cuz I didn’t just spend 3 play throughs, 37 hours total, to get these guys and NOT have them named. So 8 forums, 3 poke editor tools, a dump of my moon save file onto my computer, an action replay, super sweet redditor, and a modded DS later…
They got their names back and we’re still legal lil bastards that I’m currently getting some ribbons on before they make the last leg of the journey to Pokémon Home, for SWSH and eventually Scarlet and Violet. Officially making all 7 of my individual mews I’ve collected from events, gifts, and questionably legal glitches, safely in one place.
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The actual ancient mews were definitely the HARDEST to get out of all of them, but if your interested, I did the majority of this process right before Austin John Plays YT dropped a whole video on it. So if you also wanna do this, I’d recommend it only if you have the time and energy to suffer. As well as DONT go in and name them, you will lose it, I am simply a mad man and was determined to they their names back.
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phlurrii · 1 year
so question regarding Decamark given they were "BAD-EGG", according to bulbapedia they hatch into either another bad egg or weirdly enough "5dash" as in its.. 5 dash symbols. " - - - - - "<<
any reason for Decamark given this and what inspired you to make their design? :D
When it comes to my glitch mews, I actually have a set criteria in my head for it to make sense!
Missingno was only plausible as a mew since it acts as a missing link/missing Pokémon in the OG games, similar to mew not being legally obtainable without glitches! As well as it’s connection to legalize a mew from RBG too! Hence, a mew connection to the glitch.
Deca was similar! Without a game shark you can preform a funky complicated pomeg glitch in emerald to warp/obtain the old sea map to access the old mew event in game! One of the bigger glitches you utilize is sending out the Decamark. Which, just like missingno. is the placement for a missing Pokémon/stand in! So it has a direct connection to a mew and thus I see it as a plausible creature to take the form of a mew ;D
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