#which means usually starring the weird and unusual
clonerightsagenda · 6 months
One of my starred book reviews got chosen as a SFF pick of the month. Further validation that my tastes are objectively correct
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valentine-cafe · 20 days
Imagine your scariest characters, including Alessio 9948 if that’s okay, being approached by a very affectionate reader who loves being close to them, enjoys physical touch, and giving kisses. The reader, however, suddenly pulls back on their affections, fearing they might be making the characters uncomfortable with their displays of love.
. ˚◞♡ 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔◞ ₊˚
𖹭. you grow insecure and thus distance yourself from your lover - how do they react? /gn reader
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ XĪYÁNG 9819 ꒱ would be so confused as to why you so suddenly began pulling away from him when he wrapped an arm around you and shyed away from him.
and at first it took him a bit to understand what was going on. a part of him thought you’d maybe started to get intimidated and scared by him instead of the actual reason — he didn’t want that. so when he did find out what was actually going on he had been quick to cup your face and pull you in for a hug.
“please don’t pull away from affection, I greatly appreciate it qīn ài de. each kiss, each hug, each touch you give — I crave for it when you are not around, please, you make me feel so good. just like I wish to make you feel. and I intend to.”
mercenary leader x reader, grim reaper x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ PRIMORDIAL HUSBANDS ꒱ they were both beginning to think you were planning on leaving with the way you were distancing. and as you know your husbands are very clingy and possessive individuals. they aren’t just going to let you go, so they confront you on it.
after a while of observing your behavior and how you talk to them or give them quicker hugs than you ever have in contrast to your previous cuddling and clinging. they only discover you did not mean to seem as though you were leaving.
you were afraid of making them uncomfortable with your clinginess and touch. . .
“baobei, no.” Talisen had whispered, shaking his head with a small look of sorrow.
to which Alessio starts: “mi estrella ( my star ), when did we ever show discomfort with your touch? we have always reveled in it. please do not stop being who you are, it is your love language.”
corrupt gods x reader, siren x reader, sorcerer x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ VALERIUS ꒱ would act a kicked puppy. he’d be so confused as to why his beloved was no longer giving him the loving and physically affectionate attention that they had been giving him so much.
and it took a bit before the matter was truly approached, he’d been too nervous to ask you if he had done anything, for you to not show your usual love language of touch to him as much as you once did. so when he did approach you, he stood there with big eyes and a frown plastered on his face. a large bouquet in hand.
it left you in confusion too. your brows lifting up.
“did I do something my dear?” he lets out, lip quivering and voice shaky — panic surges through you and everything spills from you, explaining what is going on.
“oh—” he’d sigh out in relief. looking at you with a sheepish smile, you could’ve sworn you saw tears in his eyes. “you could never make me uncomfortable with your touch. I need it, it makes me feel good. please.”
demon x reader, rhytaari x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ALESSIO 9948E ꒱ would find himself incredibly stressed without your touch. both on the matter of why you weren’t touching him as usual and also because he needs the kind of affection you give him. it helps him calm down and his emotions feel easier to regulate.
so as a few days of the unusual behavior from you went on, he’d end up approaching you by the end of that week. asking you what was going on.
only for you to reply with: “i don’t want to make you uncomfortable with all of my physical affection, i get worried I annoy you or make you feel weird. . .” he’d silence you halfway by leaving a twice as desperate kiss on your lips. pulling you close and clinging onto you, breathing you in deep and whispering softly into your shoulder.
“please, please, please stop worrying about that. you know I’d tell you if I was not in the mood, and i’d do it gently. please don’t do that again. for the love of everything. i need you.”
sorcerer x reader, villain x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ JINGESSIO 1311 ꒱ they would notice it the day you decided to shy away from the usual touch and affection you’d give them. Jìngyí being the one who was quick to point it out, by snaking his tail around you and pulling you close to the two of them.
“what is going on?” he’d ask, eyes scanning your face and searching for an answer, even as you squirmed slightly in the naga’s hold. all while Alessio came from behind and brushed his hands through your hair, pressing a kiss to your cheekbone.
“Cariño. I think I know somewhat what’s goin’ on here.” he’d say, sending shivers down your spin.
¨“and i don’t wanna hear any protest. you know you can always ask if you are unsure whether or not we are in the mood for touch, yeah?” you’d feel your head hang in slight shame, eyes averting their gazes.
that was, until jìngyí took your face in his hands and lifted it up gently, murmuring softly “don’t hide away. we’re with you because of the way you are.”
villains x reader, snake monster x reader, grim reaper x reader, rockstar x reader, mercenary x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ JÌNGYÍ VERSELESS ꒱ would almost be throwing tantrums, frustrated with the sudden distancing. not quite understanding what was going on. he wouldn’t burst at you, never. nor was it you he was frustrated with. no, it was himself. had he done something to make you feel bad?
he certainly hoped not— he’d have to go to you, and do so quick before he began getting erratic because of his demonic senses acting up.
you’d be stepping away from him in slight panic from the sight of the feralness before you. but he’d been quick to stop you. pulling you close.
“what did i do.” he shakily speaks, eyes flickering all around the place.
“please tell me what i did to not have your touch.” the sheer panic from him, the waver in his voice and the obvious bloody tears that pricked at the corners of his eyes had you frowning with the sudden understanding as to why he was acting this way.
so you explained to him what it was that was going on. and oh he pulled you into a tight hug after, pulling you away with him with no words said. cuddling you up and just holding you there with him, your arms wrapped around his back to keep yourself close. 
demon x reader, alchemist x reader, necromancer x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ HÀOYŬ 1311 ꒱ would very quickly notice the change, as he has a routine he follows mentally. get his cuddles from you in the morning, exchange kisses and hugs before work, touch in breaks, makeouts at night — no that couldn’t be it, you weren’t distancing, were you?
oh but he wouldn’t allow such. so when you had lied to him the first time and told him everything was fine. and although he had to restrain each and every bone in his body for myrr to not break lose after that little lie. he had been there again the next day asking again. in a much different way.
“my love, is everything alright. you are acting strange.” he had approached, explaining to you what he meant when you asked of him.
and after he had finished, you had calmly explained to him why you weren’t acting the same way as usual.
your worries were endearing, sure. but he was a man that needed the physical affection, it ran his entire day to the ground without it. and he verbalized so.
at the end of it all, you both ended up cuddled up in your shared bed for the entire day. eating, drinking, just laying together.
demon x reader, grim reaper x reader, casino owner x reader, villain x reader, yandere x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ HERRERA HUSBANDS ꒱ this was unacceptable to them. and they were worried sick! what was it now — were you angry with them? disgusted? scared? they didn’t want any of it or the other. they’d be quick to approach you on the matter. cornering you and playing with you for a bit before getting to the topic at hand.
they loved the way your heart seemed to stop for a moment as you paled in realisation.
“n-no, no — i just didn’t wanna be annoying or make either of you uncomfortable— i know how rishen is with touch and i know jingyi doesn’t always like it either s-so—”
“yes. my love, when it is from anyone but you. we love your touch, please do not pull yourself away.”
yanderes x reader, mad doctor x reader, snake monster x reader, mad scienist x reader, moth-mantis-spider hybrid x reader
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ikamigami · 5 months
Okay! I found it!
I know what mainly triggers Sun's psychosis - or psychotic episode/break (remember that psychotic episode can last from hours through weeks and months even)..
..and it's *drum rolls* ✨✨Eclipse ✨✨
Before Sun killed Bloodmoon he was repeating to himself that he isn't like Eclipse.. then later Bloodmoon was saying almost the exact same things Eclipse was saying to Sun before Sun expelled Eclipse from his head.. and boom Sun shoot Bloodmoon - "pull the trigger"..
Later Sun was speaking in similar way to Eclipse and he acted like Eclipse.. Sun tried to get rid of Eclipse - "I'm just Sun-restraining you" "you want to kill people.. I let that happen, I make it happen"..
Let's talk about Murder Mistery episode with Earth, Moon, Sun and Foxy before October last year (with Ruin and BM) cause Sun was acting as if he had a psychotic episode - it's very possible that it was a short one - remember it may last hours (previous lasted months) - he was agitated, his speech was incoherent, he was acting unusual (he tried to force Earth to shoot him, he was saying some very weird things - many of them were referencing to things between him and Eclipse), sometimes he was moving a lot but at another times he was standing completely still..
He started to "freak out" when he heard that Foxy said Eclipse. Sun misheard Foxy but it led to this small psychotic break..
Now Sun snapped at Eclipse in unusual way for him.. saying that Eclipse should kill himself and that everything was Eclipse's fault and that he hates the fact that Eclipse just started existing.. it's very not like Sun..
When Sun snapped at Eclipse previously - when Eclipse had a star - it wasn't like that.. back then Sun pointed out that Eclipse has nothing beside making their life miserable and that even with such a power like newton star he still didn't do anything to them beside some annoying minor inconviniences - he wasn't a real threat..
Sun is drinking alcohol (I don't believe that he stopped drinking) so he's now more relaxed and symptoms of his disorder are dulled a little bit (he's acting more reckless though) but it is only for the time being because sooner or later alcohol will make things worse and it'll worsen symptoms and it may lead to another psychotic episode - this time worse because of alcohol - and with how Sun recently expressed that he has suicidal thoughts and it even seems that he contemplated jumping off the railing of the lighthouse Sun may end up attempting suicide.. (it is a possibilty, I'm not saying it'll happen for sure)
Eclipse being a trigger reminds me of this post of mine - read that if you want to know why I think that Sun doesn't seem to want to reach out to only Eclipse (when before he tried that with BM) and to find out why I think that Sun thinks he's Eclipse..
Also I think that Sun may most definitely have depressive psychosis is because he was depressed even before first October takeover and later his depression worsened to the point that people in YT comments started to realize that - I want to say that Sun probably has either atypical depression or high functioning depression which still is depression nonetheless, just because Sun doesn't display usual symptoms of depression it doesn't mean he doesn't have it - later he had psychotic break (while still being depressed) where the psychotic part of disorder was displayed and later he was depressed once again and he still is depressed..
Why I think Sun doesn't have bipolar disorder is because his psychotic break didn't seem like a typical manic episode where a person has delusions of grandiose..
Hence why I think that Sun's delusions are centered around guilt and unworthiness - which explains why he blames himself so much for everything and linked post also explains why I think that Sun believes himself to be evil..
Another thing is that many people wrongly assumed that Sun's determination and clear goal to kill Eclipse was proving that he was thinking clearly and that he didn't have psychotic break..
But ask yourself if Sun was thinking clearly why he didn't go prepared for his mission to kill Eclipse? He didn't take any weapon when he just could easily take even a barrel cause they still had laser canons in them at that time.. yet Sun just went straight ahead without any weapon, not knowing where to go, he didn't even had a clear plan on what to do or how to defend himself if Eclipse would attack him - it was a suicidal mission..
People just have wrong picture of how psychotic break works mainly because of movies etc. - someone who experience psychotic episode may still seem to act logical.. Also having clear goal and be determined to do something don't disprove someone having psychotic episode because then person often has a clear goal which they have to do no matter what..
Off topic - I think that what proves that Moon was dreaming is that it seemed more like a story - dream has a storyline. Unlike Sun's hallucinations which were appearing and disappearing - they weren't fluid..
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being-of-rain · 10 months
I thought I'd continue my usual trend of writing my thoughts down on new Doctor Who episodes, by talking about The Star Beast. As usual, I set out to write something quick and concise, but the Wrarth Warriors busted down my door and told me that I legally couldn't.
Apparently I still have the impulse to describe Doctor Who episodes as 'fun', but by and large it's a fun show! And a fun episode! Even if I'm not as obsessed with him as a lot of fans, RTD has a charm which it's hard not to enjoy, especially with lots of little jokes and bits of physical comedy (I love little bits of physical comedy). And it's a funny episode, I was laughing from the moment the Doctor picked up a box, saw Donna, and put the box back again. Well that's not true, I was laughing from the moment I saw David Tennant just standing in green screen space like he was about to tell me the exciting new direction he intended to take the company. I'm glad everyone else seems to find that as funny as I did.
Another word I could use to describe the episode is a bit surreal. Having Beep the Meep and the Wrarth Warriors on screen was a little surreal, but strangely I found it even more so that the Doctor was walking around not knowing who Beep the Meep was. I mean obviously that was always going to be the case, but all Doctor Who mediums just live together inside my head and it was just weird to see him not recognise an iconic enemy. Maybe that was just me. Oh but Beep and the Warriors looked fantastic! It's hard to believe they're all physical effects! I really wasn't too interested in the UNIT gunfight that didn't really do much for the story, but if the new big budget lets aliens look that good then I'm fine with it. Other slightly surreal or strange things involved finally watching Doctor Who again after more than a year's break, watching it on Disney Plus rather than Australia's ABC channel, and seeing Ruth Madeley on-screen as UNIT's scientific advisor when she's also playing a companion of the Sixth Doctor in the audios at the moment.
Oh and, of course, having the Tenth Doctor and Donna back on-screen, and the TV show doing what fanfiction writers have been doing for 15 years. That was really surreal. I definitely like the two of them, but I don't have the same rampant nostalgia for their time on the show like lots of people do. I'm glad lots of people are enjoying the nostalgia aspect, but I'm also glad this is a mini-series rather than a full one. And already there's some aspects back of RTD's writing which I'm not super fond of- like conclusions that try to use technobabble and music-swelling emotional moments to smooth over the fact that some things are just happening without much cause or set-up. RTD's usually pretty good at that too- that's how the whole DoctorDonna thing started in the first place, after all- so Donna and Rose just 'letting go' of the metacrisis did feel like it fell unusually flat. Especially with it being paired with a 'women are better than men' moment which felt more like something from a Moffat script (I say this as a fan of both these writers).
Okay, that was just me trying to get all of my negatives out of the way! On the flip side, Rose inheriting the metacrisis and saving the day was a wonderful revelation, and I love that daughter/mother and loving family relationships were so important on the whole. Seeing Sylvia stumble with pronouns but still try was so lovely, as was Donna being so aggressively supportive of her daughter. And Shaun was a small role but so hilarious.
The chat outside the Tardis was great too, with Shaun dunking on the Doctor, and Donna being genre-savvy enough to stop her daughter getting into the Tardis but not enough to save herself. The new Tardis itself was a little empty to me (I'll always prefer more homely interiors) but was still extremely cool. All I want is for the show to come up with excuses for creative ways to use the mood lights. And I couldn't imagine a better ending to the episode than the console exploding because Donna spilt coffee on it, 10/10 no notes.
I know basically nothing about the next episode, and it seems that's the case for most people, so I'm terribly excited about it! It seems potentially scary spooky 👀 I'm so here for that
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noirbriar · 1 month
The Star, the Sky & the Sea
Feeding myself in this fandom be hard. So just a implusively written self-indulgent post-canon mu / murrue family ficlet for myself. Timeline be years after SEED Freedom. OOC and everything is all on me as always.Tread lightly please.
For a soldier who has survived so many wars, Senior Colonel Mu La Flaga has lived a rather long life. Hawk of Endymion, Shield of Orb, a retired Commander and MS pilot with a long combat record. Though now a just normal Instructor, the man thinks he has pretty much seen it all. Yet nothing can prepare himself for this scenario.
"I-Instructor Flaga?"
"Private Vesle?" One of his trainees is on his door step. After an extended work trip, his household was expecting a guest this evening, but certainly not his student.
Unless- Said trainee is also staring back at him blankly, but not before he catches the raven haired kid darting a quick glance at the family name plate beside the gate. Flaga.
His intuition sinks in just as he see the hamster's little wheel stops spinning in the boy's head as Private Vesle's realisation hits as well. ---
The sudden yell shatters the peace as Murrue gets startled out of her thoughts. Before she goes on auto-pilot, grabbing the brunette girl beside her protectively behind, pulling out her gun from the holster under her skirt. The ex-captain thankful that she had little time to get changed after returning from a project under Morgenrote.
An enemy? Although this was a gated compound for designated officials and staff of Orb?
No matter. Murrue charges out towards her main door, battle ready and only to find a furious husband and a bewildered stranger in casual wear outside their house. Who pales even further looking at the gun pointed at his way.
Just what is this situation?
"Mu? What's going on here?" Murrue starts, lowering her gun a little after deducing its not an attack on her home. Now just utterly confused by this bizarre posturing by these two males.
"That's what I want to know!" Mu shoots back, keeping a narrowed eye on the one before him. The glare causing the younger man to take a weary breath, but he does not step further back. Which is impressive, considering the situation which is not in his favour. "M-mama? Papa??"
Their eldest daughter, Astella, peeks over from behind, blinking at the incredulous scene before her. Until sounds of steps thunder down the stairs and join in their weird gathering out by their front yard.
"What's going on?"
"Are we under attack!?" "Papa? Mama? Oh! Yo! Hello there, Ken!"
Mu snaps his head around to face his sons, a brunette with glasses and set of little blonds. One armed with his kendo blade, two with their archery bow. Their second and their youngest, twins. These are their four children, Mu and Murrue's pride and joy.
Said father however, is currently less than pleased, and now jabbing a finger, pointing incredulously at the raven haired kid before him.
"Astella Flaga, do you mean to tell me Kenichi Vesle is that Ken? Your boyfriend?!"
The question seem in trigger their usually sweet daughter, who is offended by the unusually rude question. "Eh?? What are you on about, papa? Yes! What are you both on about? Ken?"
"A-Astella...I...didn't know... Instructor Flaga is, your father?" The kid, Kenichi Vesle, finally speaks up.
Astelle looks as if she cannot decide if she wants to laugh or cry.
"...There aren't many Flaga's in the Orb military, Ken."
"Ah. You, actually have a point."
Oh. Oh dear. This is a mess.
Murrue sighs with a soft shake of her head. She finally puts back the safety lock on her gun and buries her face into her hand. She was simply expecting a nice, peaceful family dinner. Now Murrue just prays the entire neighbourhood has not heard their epic misunderstanding. She steps up and gives her unhappy husband a gentle pat on his back.
Time for damage control.
"In any case, I think we should all head inside and discuss this instead." Murrue smiles sweetly, the young man afterall, is their guest.
Mu grumbles, but slowly, he relents albeit very reluctantly. Which causes Murrue to tug the muscular arm, pulling her husband back and allowing Ken to move inside their home. The cautious young man following behind their girl quietly as if he is about to march to his doom.
Target secured. At least, that is one down.
"Caelus Flaga, Kai Flaga, Sui Flaga. Go set the table for dinner."
"Alright, mama.
Ground crew deployed. Her boys obediently obeys without a problem. Now all that is left is the tricky one-
"Hello, yeah- no,stop greeting your elders as an old man! I-"
"Mu La Flaga, disconnect that line now, and get inside."
"...Yes, Captain."
AN: Mu was actually on the phone with Shinn there at the end because he wants Meyrin to run a background check and he wants his daughter's godfather to be on his side too
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
WIP wednesday
HIIIII IM OFF WORK so i can finally post WIP wednesday stuff. which was uhhhh. yesterday.
sorry :(
at least this time i bring you guys wip from the actual next chapter of moon and star. thats right my brain let me write a bit for the next chapter i need to publish this week. what a miracle. anyways
i got tagged by @boethiahspillowbook and @probby-is-pissed (before the your-talos-is-problematic blog got nuked for no reason??? thanks hellsite)
anyways enjoy
“Ah ah ah…” A familiar voice followed, a touch playful. “That is a door you certainly don’t want to open, friend.”
Voryn turned sharply, glaring, before feeling all the wind knocked out of him. 
“Nerevar?” Voryn asked, breathless. 
The elf behind him certainly looked a lot like Nerevar. The same white hair and blue eyes, his expression only a bit more playful and dark than he usually saw on Nerevar’s face. Yet there was something… Off about him. Something seemed uncanny about how he looked, something not quite right. He stood a fair bit taller, now the same height as Voryn, not to mention his clothes were luxurious, completely different than how Nerevar dressed himself. Shades of blue decorated it in swirling patterns, almost looking like clouds, and they seemed to dance and move when Voryn looked away from them. Stars as well decorated the robes in fine embroidery, but more importantly were the many moons he could see all over his attire. 
“Close,” The other answered with a tilt of his head, not breaking eye contact from Voryn and keeping his hand firmly on the stone door behind Voryn. “But not quite.”
“What on Nirn does that mean?” Voryn asked, now baffled. The question warranted a yes or no, not a ‘maybe’ or ‘almost’. Still, the other figure’s smile got all the more devilish and mischievous at his question. “Are you… Nerevar’s father then…?” Voryn had been contacted by his own mother by now, he wouldn’t find it unusual if Nerevar’s parents tried to contact him with visions while the spirits were at it. 
Now the other mer was laughing. A long, boisterous laugh, mirth and joy seemingly to twinkle in the air and tickle at Voryn’s senses. It was an alien feeling, to feel something tugging at his mind and heart in such a weird way, as though his playful joy was seeping out into the air and into Voryn’s lungs as he breathed, flowing through his body. He wasn’t overcome with the urge to laugh, but it felt… Warm and fuzzy. 
“I suppose in a way?” The other finally replied, still chuckling slightly. “Again, you’re quite close.” He then gave Voryn’s cheek a little pinch, making Voryn frown as he brushed the hand aside. Voryn hated being touched by people he didn’t know, and wished he hated this just as naturally and strongly. But instead he had to force himself to move, had to think about how he should hate it. Maybe it was because he looked so similarly to Nerevar the touch didn’t make his skin crawl, but he hated how unlike himself it was to almost enjoy it. 
“Can you just spit it out then?” Voryn snapped. “Who are you? Why are you stopping me?”
The playful smile faded to a more serious expression now, his clothes taking on a more stormy blue color, and the moons going black. 
“I’m stopping you because you shouldn’t open that door.” 
“And why is that?” Voryn challenged him.
The other hummed softly, considering his next words carefully. 
“There are certain things that you are better off knowing.” He replied. “The burden of knowledge does not always make things clearer. In fact, it can make things much more difficult and painful. Warp your perception and senses.” 
Voryn hated vague warnings like that. It made him feel like a child being told no with no explanation. All it succeeded in doing was making him feel all the more frustrated and annoyed. 
“And who are you to be the judge of that?” Voryn scoffed. “I’m quite used to forbidden knowledge and secrets.” 
“I know you quite well.” The other replied. “Very, very well in fact.” The man then took Voryn by the chin, leaning in close, and Voryn felt his heart accelerate. He smelled like Neht too, and the way his breath tickled on his lips was just the same. Overwhelming desire washed over him, not even entirely sexual, just… Desire. Desire for him. For those blue eyes. For that playful smirk. For that firm hand. For those lips… His heart was pounding in his chest as though it was trying to escape, trying to leap out of him and into the hands of this stranger so willingly. 
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 2, Scene 2 of Twisted Veronaville: A Change of Heart
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Friends are generally hard to make. But when you have a reputation as a cool and mysterious rock star in a small town, there are people who are drawn to you.
Mercutio: Thanks for inviting me to your house, Ripp! I just have one question...
Tybalt: Why exactly is Mercutio here?
Ripp: I heard about the "No Capp without a Monty" rule, so I decided to invite you both here.
Mercutio: All the Capps in Veronaville and you choose him?
Ripp: Do you have a problem with that?
Mercutio: No!...no. It's okay. You're allowed to be friends with whoever you want. Just...Tybalt's kind of weird.
Ripp: (Mercutio clearly doesn't want to get on my bad side, which I can use to my advantage.)
Ripp: Well, I do want to get to know all of you. It's just...everyone in this town seems really nice. And it's a beautiful place, too...much better than the deserts of Strangetown.
Tybalt: You used to live in Strangetown?
Ripp: Yeah. My dad was a general who was stationed there. He was, like, super racist and picked a fight with everyone there.
Mercutio: Sounds like someone I know.
Tybalt: I'm not racist! I pick fights with you because you're a Monty, not because you're Italian.
Mercutio: Never said any names, Tybalt!
Ripp: (This is going to be harder than I thought...but it's fine! Just have to make sure they don't kill each other...)
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A couple of days pass as Ripp continued his quest of befriending the other teenagers of Veronaville.
Mercutio: ...And then Tybalt started spinning me around during our fight, like some kind of top.
Hermia: That's unlike him.
Puck: Maybe he wanted to try something new this time?
Miranda: Mercutio! I've finally got the chance to see you!...who's the cute guy?
Mercutio: Oh, right. Ripp, this is Miranda. She's also a Capp, but we're cool.
Miranda: Hi!
Ripp: What's up? It's great to meet another person here.
Miranda: Mercutio, can we talk? There's something I've been meaning to tell you.
Mercutio: Maybe later.
Miranda: Hmph. Fine.
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Consort: Do either of you know what's going on with Tybalt? He's been acting unusual.
Hermia: In what way?
*off-key guitar strumming*
Consort: He's never shown an interest in the guitar. Was it because of some movie you kids watched? Who even gave that to him, anyway? There was no charge for it on any of our accounts.
Juliette: It was the new kid, Ripp. I guess Tybalt was inspired by his music.
Consort: Well, it's terrible. You two need to find a way to make him stop. We shouldn't be playing filth like that in here, anyway.
Hermia: I think it's fine. Give him some time and he'll improve.
Tybalt: ...Sorry.
Hermia: I didn't know guitars could make that sound.
Juliette: Maybe leave Hermia as the family musician, Tybalt!
Tybalt: NO! I'm starting to get the hang of it!
Consort: ...Tell that kid to take his gift back.
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As Ripp continues with his quest to make Mercutio and Tybalt friends, let's get a nice little look at Antonio. Although he usually minds his own business, he's just as deep into the feud as his par-
Antonio: Benvolio, my child? Is that you?
Viola: Huh?
Antonio: Why are you wearing a crop top in the snow? Come inside. I'll cook you something warm...you look ill. Have you been resting well? Eating enough?
Viola: ...I'm fine. I thought you weren't allowed to talk to me? I'm not a Monty anymore.
Antonio: You're still a Monty to me. Now, tell me how you've been doing.
Viola: Well...
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Viola: And yeah, that's it.
Antonio: ...
Antonio: You've been staying in the SILO?
Viola: They haven't found me yet, so-
Antonio: Benvolio, that place doesn't even have a bathroom...oh, dear. You know, maybe you can talk to the Summerdreams. With your disguise, you could pass very well for a different person.
Viola: I wouldn't really call it a disguise.
Antonio: (Wait then what's the purpose...oh! I get it now!)...You and Romeo switched bodies in the womb, huh?
Viola: Ha, yeah...Can you call me Viola now?
Antonio: Viola...that's a beautiful name. Before Beatrice was born, Hero and I were deciding between that and Viola for her name...I'm glad someone else sees its value. Now, Viola, if you need anything from me at all, feel free to visit.
Viola: Thank you...I should probably leave, before someone sees me here too.
Antonio: Grab a coat on your way out.
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Life isn't easy for a single father for two kids. But Antonio was happy, and his kids were happy too. But every now and again, a thought would pass through his mind...
Antonio: (I should try meeting more people outside of the family...it's what Hero would've wanted, right?...maybe find a new partner...)
Antonio: (And I'd also have someone to help me look after Beatrice and Benedick while I'm at work...maybe Bianca can introduce me to some people.)
Antonio: (Oh, I'll worry about that later. The headmaster for Veronaville Academy is coming over! I have to go prepare dinner!)
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Beatrice: Hi, Mr. Headmaster! I'm Beatrice! Do you want a tour of the house?
Beatrice: (Daddy's taking a long time cooking, so maybe if I give him the tour instead he won't notice that something's wrong!)
Antonio: (I wonder who's calling me at this ho-OH SHOOT! MY PORK CHOPS!...ugh, and we're out of meat, too...maybe if I just throw together a quick pie, he won't notice anything...)
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Beatrice: Yay! Berry pie!
Benedick: I thought we were having pork chops!
Antonio: Well...it's a special day today.
Antonio: (He's enjoying the pie, but he doesn't seem to be very impressed...oh, no! What if he thinks I'm a bad father for serving my kids dessert and he rejects Beatrice and Benedick from private school?)
Antonio: Hm. We don't normally get visitors at this hour...
Beatrice: I'll get it!...It's Aunt Bianca's friend!
Antonio: (KENT? WHY IS HE HERE?)
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Antonio: (Everything is fine. Just keep calm. Don't let him provoke you...)
Kent: Hello, Antonio. I wanted to thank you for that advice you gave me yesterday. It was really helpful.
Antonio: (Huh? We didn't even talk yesterday.)
Kent: And...oh, is that berry pie? You always make the best desserts. I'd say you should open up your own bakery, but I know how much you care about your children and their education and all that and I know that the bakery would probably take time away from them.
Antonio: (What is he doing?...the headmaster seems pretty happy with what he's saying. Is he trying to help me?)
Kent: Not to mention how well of a job you do of balancing your family life and your work life! You do a great job of providing for your family while still being there for your kids, even after your wife died!
Kent: Anyway, I'm just going to help myself to a slice of berry pie, if that's okay with you...thanks!
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Kent: So, did they get in?
Antonio: Yeah. He said he was really impressed with what you told him...why were you helping me, though? We're supposed to be enemies.
Kent: YOU consider ME an enemy, not the other way around. And your kids didn't do anything wrong. They deserve a good education.
Antonio: Well...thanks.
Antonio: Do you need me to pay you back in some way?
Kent: Consider the pie I'm eating right now as the payment. Anyway, I'm gonna return home. Bianca needs help with the orphans. I'll see you around.
Antonio: (Hm. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...)
Antonio: (Now I feel really bad about sabotaging date...there's got to be some way I can make it up to him!)
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marinersubmariner · 1 year
I finally read The Locked Tomb series and I’m very excited about it!!!!!
A funny part of this is that when Gideon the Ninth was first getting popular and I was seeing the bone people everywhere I went and read a summary because I wanted to know what the deal was, thinking I would never read it (because tumblr popularity is usually more annoying than it is enticing) and therefore didn’t care about being spoiled. I’m so dumb I’ll do that for things I think I won’t bother with and then when I do eventually decide to consume them I’m like “WELL FORTUNATELY I forgot the spoilers.” Except... while all the details were fuzzy and decontextualized I did very much remember that Gideon dies (and I specifically remember because I found it unusual that the bodyguard-type character was the protagonist instead of the super special magic descendant [ALSO funny in hindsight]). It sorta didn’t matter though because I kept thinking “maybe I’m wrong! or there’s more to it than that! it’s not gonna be what I think!”
And I mean, the resolution of the first book kind of was and kind of wasn’t what I thought it would be. I kept expecting the result to be that Harrow becomes the best Lyctor ever because she accidentally has the best cavalier ever, and for her and Gideon to be able to continue to communicate internally. But I also DIDN’T WANT THAT because when you ship two characters you want them to remain as separate entities with their own minds and bodies! They can’t smooch if they’re in the same body!!!!!! (I have already thought about this a lot because of Reylo. this is like my specialty now. asshole soul-merging space wizards. what the fuck)
So Gideon disappearing made me SUUUUUUPER upset and I worried that she was GONE gone because I’VE BEEN THROUGH THIS BEFORE. Despite my dim awareness of her continuing popularity I didn’t know if she was actually only in the one book! But then right off the bat in the second book it’s like WINK WINK WHY IS GIDEON NOT BEING MENTIONED AT ALL WINK WINK and I was so relieved and excited, not least because it feels eerily tailor-made for me.
Yeah, of course this circles back to my permanent Star Wars brain damage, but listen, The Rise of Skywalker made me extremely sensitive about favorite characters dying and disappearing and never being mentioned again (nobly sacrificing themselves, even! with accompanying soul transference shenanigans!!!!). So I was immediately hyperaware of the ways in which Gideon was very obviously and purposefully redacted from Harrow the Ninth, and I LOVED IT because I have basically spent the years since TROS trying to reimagine Ben’s death as some weird mystical puzzle and his erasure as something deliberately strange and wrong, since it is such a dissonant false happy ending it feels more akin to a type of horror. So to do it here intentionally, early enough in the series when you know it’s actually going to go somewhere into bizarre space magic, that exact thing I have been wanting and thinking about!!!!!! IT’S VERY EXCITING and now I’m like, damn, why didn’t I read this before?!? This is exactly what I needed!!!!
A story that treats absorbing the person you love to use their life essence as a battery (!!) as not actually an ideal scenario! And being so unable to accept that as a terrible and unfair price to pay that you break all the magic rules!!!! (...and lobotomize yourself, lol.) MUTUALISM OVER PARASITISM YYYEEEAAAHHHHH! How did Star Wars, a story constantly emphasizing “balance in the Force,” get this wrong???? We’ll never know.
As a bonus I’ve now imagined Ben telling Rey “see you on the flip side, sugarlips” in his last moment before he disappears, so that’s fun too.
I was taken aback by the sudden switch to second person narration in Harrow the Ninth, but I didn’t really think too hard about the reason for it because it still sounded like Harrow’s voice. So the reveal when she first says “me” BLEW MY MIND, and of course the full switch when Harrow is out of commission and it’s truly GIDEON AGAIN! was so thrilling. There are so many good uses of ~mysteriousness~ that are vague enough for you to notice and be like “hm that’s weird” without truly understanding what’s going on so you can backtrack later and be like “omg THAT’S what was going on!!” But to have the NARRATION ITSELF be where a secret is hiding... it was so surprising and so great! I love when I still have the capacity to be totally caught off-guard, especially by things hidden in plain sight.
I mean, just Gideon starting to seep in before the full switch (coffee shop AU oh my god, the sunglasses on the skull chapter marker aaaahhhhhh) was unbelievably exciting because I spent the whole time up to that point being like “WHEN’S GIDEON GONNA SHOW UP, WHERE’S GIDEON, WHEN’S IT GONNA BE ‘GIDEON’ AND NOT ‘ORTUS’!!!!”
I did a lot of theorizing as I read because of all the piecemeal bits of information scattered throughout, and one of my more baseless speculations was when the monster in the Locked Tomb was revealed to be a girl, I thought maybe she was God’s daughter (because between Gideon and Harrow and the lineage aspect of all the Houses there was so much parental/familial baggage, and what better mortal enemy for God than his own daughter!) LITTLE DID I KNOW WHO GOD’S DAUGHTER REALLY WAS, LOL. But I fell for the red herring (red HAIRing ahahaha idk if that’s an intentional joke but given Tamsyn Muir’s brand of humor it sure feels like one) and thought Gideon Prime was Gideon’s father. So did Pyrrha! Ha
At the beginning of book 2 when the Ortus name swap became apparent I also had to immediately work out Ortus Nigenad as an anagram (because Gideon is clearly in there) but then was like “okay... Gideon Saturn????? hmm... I’ve learned nothing.” PUZZLES. It’s fun!
I really enjoyed having to adjust to an entirely new status quo with each book, and each POV putting extreme limitations on what information the reader is privy to, and then everything getting progressively crazier with how much consciousness/body-swapping is going on. But I do think that book 3, with Nona’s POV being so separate from Harrow and Gideon’s story, felt sort of incomplete. I mean, they all end on pretty abrupt cliffhangers, but even before that, other than the birth of Paul (!!!!) and opening the tomb and John’s backstory, the convergence of characters and events wasn’t quite as satisfying or enlightening as the first two books. But maybe that’s symptomatic of it being an additional intermediate book. I just really missed the connecting dots of how Gideon got back to her body (I thought that was gonna be a whole thing! But she’s just… walking and talking like normal! Albeit mean and sad and dead.) and what she’s been up to this whole time. FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS?!?!
The Sleeping Beauty kiss did have me going nuts even though a) she wasn’t even really asleep! and b) it wasn’t really Harrow kissing her! BUT STILL. And it made me very happy that after all her aloofness, as soon as Alecto wakes up and pledges herself to Harrow, Gideon is out there calling Alecto a big slut. :’)
I loved Nona and I hope that some part of her manages to reappear in some form—her delighted stupidity and the comfort of the Cam/Pal/Pyrrha family unit was all so endearing. I can’t believe I was sobbing about a “Mustache Rides” t-shirt.
Pool scene from book 1 now living in my head forever. ;___; Even though Nona turned out to be Alecto, I still think that somehow because of sense memory or whatever there was some Harrow there too (she dreamed of Gideon! she was still gay! she hated eating! THE BODY REMEMBERS), but regardless, before knowing who was in there, Nona in the ocean and being soothed by salt water made me very emo.
One of the only other things I knew about this series from scrolling past fanart about it was that there’s a lady with a skeleton arm, but only registering that it was a blonde lady I didn’t know specifically who it was until Ianthe got her arm chopped off in the climax of the first book. But the thing about that fanart is that it has always annoyed me because I find the disproportionality of a meatless arm to be extremely offputting (it’s too skinny and fragile-looking and impractical!!!! arms don’t work that way!!!!). Now that I have context I do like Ianthe (she sucks!), but I probably am still not going to like the visuals of that skeleton arm. It irritates the part of my brain that has practiced figure drawing.
When I started this, since everything said “The Locked Tomb trilogy” and there were three books, I mistakenly thought the series was already complete. But I share digital books with my mom because she is an EXTREMELY prolific reader and she beat me to finishing these by a good month or so, so while I was in the middle of book 2 she finished book 3 and informed me that there’s a fourth book coming and I was like “WHAAATT. I thought it was a trilogy!!!” So I’m excited that there’s still more to look forward to, but I’m VERY bummed that now I have to wait. At least I know from years of ignoring it that there’s a lot of fanart to look at.
As much as I’ve been thinking about Sailor Moon stuff with all the solar system magical girls, what I’m really feeling like is that now would be a good time to finally watch Utena, because I never actually saw beyond the first few episodes (!!!!! I KNOW. I’m ashamed. But I started it in the VHS days, okay, it was harder back then, and once the internet made it easier I just never got around to it). Sword lesbians... it’s time
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reversemoon255 · 9 months
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5th Review - The Power of Hope - Precure '23
This was a very interesting watch for me, because I’ve seen at least a few episodes of every season, except Precure 5, so while I had very rough ideas of their characters from the various crossovers I’ve seen, I didn’t know anything about their actual story. But even though I didn’t know these characters, it was written well enough that the basics I did know carried me through the entire show with almost no questions. It probably also helped that I had completed Splash Star. Anyone else remember Cure Bright and Cure Windy!? Because this show didn’t. Not that those costumes get a lot of love to begin with.
The Good: Let’s start with the story, because it was good. The overarching story was, kinda, like, 90s levels of “protect the environment,” which did take me out of the story a little bit, but it did get me to think about my own practices, so I won’t say it was unwarranted. The individual character stories were the highlight for me, revisiting this group of magical girls in their adulthood and seeing them still working toward the dreams they had when they were in middle/high school. It’s an angle I’ve seen in parody before, and I believe Doremi did this a few years ago, but it’s my first time experiencing a serious take on this idea, and it was very well done.
You could feel the child-like energy radiating from Nozomi, but not to an unrealistic or obnoxious degree. She’s still carrying her lessons from being a magical girl, and is trying to impart that upon others, which is a great angle. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t act like an adult. It’s very well balanced. It’s only 12 episodes, so there wasn’t the time to delve into every pre-existing relationship, but Nozomi did spend quite a bit of time with Rin and Coco, and their relationships felt very natural.
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Speaking of Rin, her individual story is interesting, as it’s about not giving up after failing. The fact that one of the characters doesn’t succeed until the epilogue is, again, balanced, feeling like a very good lesson for kids but also something the adults watching can relate to.
Urara, despite having the most dynamic plot, was probably the weakest character since it was very insulated and she didn’t interact with the rest of the cast as much as everyone else. Still, her individual plot had a nice conclusion, and as a non-viewer, was a nice introduction to Syrup.
Komachi’s subplot is so interesting to me, because it’s so… minor. It’s about her growing interest in becoming somewhat of a town historian. Like, they reference but barely touch upon her being in a writer’s block. It’s something she overcomes herself without the help of anyone else, which is not the way Precure usually deals with things. Even at times where characters feel they have to overcome something on their own, they still talk about it with others, so the fact that this was entirely dealt with without communication is an unusual change of pace, but not unwelcome.
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I like that Karen was the last member to obtain her powers in the original, even being reluctant to accept them at first, but here she’s the second one after Nozomi, showing great growth in her character. Just the fact that they messed with the order everyone transformed, and had them all have their own reactions and hangups about it was interesting in and of itself. Her individual story, though one of the shorter ones, was nice, with her showing gumption as a doctor and trying to connect with her patient where other doctors would just write her off was a good show of what extra effort can mean to someone else.
Kurumi was so weird. We’ve seen fairies pretending to be humans before, and even some in similar positions, but just the level of specific workplace detail and complaining and, like, she mentions using her PTO. It’s very surreal. She was also one of the stronger characters due to how many other characters she interacted with, allowing her to show a wide range. She didn’t really have her own subplot, more getting wrapped up in others, but in a series where you have to balance 8 Precure across 12 episodes, it’s understandable that someone might get the short end of the stick. Still, the fact that she was still a compelling character despite not having a devoted episode is credit to the writers. 
I like this Saki as a continuation of the original. Positive, energetic, a good friend, but still feels different than Nozomi. The idea of her being afraid of what her family will think of her decisions, only to have their response be anticlimactic is both funny and an understandable fear with an understandable outcome. My only real complaint with Saki is her fiance felt like an afterthought or a mandate from above, as he had no face nor presence. Like, he could have been written out of the show and nothing would have been lost. It doesn’t help that her and Mai’s relationship was very sapphic. Like, Precure can get pretty sapphic, and some of the Precure 5 girls got pretty sapphic in this show, but Saki and Mai were on a whole other level compared to everyone else. Personally I would have liked it if they ended up in a relationship, considering we also have Nozomi and Coco to balance it out, but that’s just me being whimsical.
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I felt a lot of kinship with Mai. “I’m happy where I am” is a very me vibe, and not one I see a lot, and it hit me in a good place. I also like that you could interpret her as possibly being asexual, which is something Precure has never covered. So even if I would have liked to have seen here with Saki, I’m still happy with the interpretation we got.
And last we have Coco, who I only want to bring up because him being an adorable fairy and this suave charmer was so hilarious to me. Like, anytime something serious would happen with him as a human, I just imagined it happening to him as the fairy, like getting slapped or proposing. And then they went and had him get married in his fairy form. It’s just so unintentionally funny to me as someone who didn’t watch the original series.
Also, just wanted to bring up this little bit of the ending; everyone starts doing the “Ganbare Precure!” thing and get told off that they should be doing things themselves and not relying on someone else to come in and fix everything. It’s un-Precure, but in a way I enjoy and that works with the story.
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The Bad: While there was a lot to like about this season, I do have a few problems, some of which I mentioned in the previous section. My first major problem is the reliance on 15 to 20 year old stock footage. I understand the want to use it, but they rarely used the whole transformations, and it was jarringly less saturated or grainy in comparison to the normal animation. It would have been nice to have the small bits we got reanimated, or at the very least recolored to match everything else. It could have also just been integrated into the actual show rather than using stock footage. Like, why go to the stock footage for Emerald Saucer just to have her use it as a shield when you could have easily just had her hold her hands in front of her and say the line. All it really does is add 10 seconds to the run time. I understand stock footage’s purpose is to pad run time, but it made the show feel lower budget.
I’m also not the biggest fan of the age regression. Don’t get me wrong, it was well integrated into the story and made sense. It’s also not the first time we’ve seen this happen in the series. Even if it wasn’t for the whole show, it would have been nice if even just Nozomi got a chance to do an adult transformation. Get to see an updated version of the outfit. Get a new form out of it. Would have been nice.
My last big issue is Black and White. I understand why they were there; it’s to see the first three teams together. The problem is this was a series about the future. While this series is inherently based on nostalgia, because we get to spend time with the Yes 5 and Splash Star teams, see how they’ve changed, see them grow, while it starts in nostalgia it evolves into something new. The Max Heart team’s inclusion is purely nostalgic. What I would have liked to see would be the inclusion of a future team. Maybe Hirogaru makes an appearance, maybe it’s the first appearance of the Wonderful team, or maybe a few original characters only for this series. It would have been nice if the show recognized the next generation in more than words.
Overall, I have very positive opinions of this series. While the message feels a little hammered in it isn’t a bad message, the character writing is on point, it manages to be a good story even without seeing the original series, and feels like a story both kids and adults can watch and take something out of. And we’re not even done with Precure yet, as Hirogaru Sky will be wrapping up in a few weeks after posting this, and I have things to say about that season. Until then~
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togglesbloggle · 2 years
A Review of my Memories of the Film "Memoria"
Memoria is an art film written and directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, with Tilda Swinton in the starring role.  I’ve always been a fan of her work, so I let the boyfriend bully me into watching the sort of movie I don't have much experience with- the ‘high art’ kind.  I’m holding myself to an unusual rule on this one, for reasons that have to do with the film itself: I’ve waited about six weeks after watching it to do a writeup, and I’m not allowed to look anything up.  In other words, this isn’t a review of Memoria, this is a review of the imprint it left in my head.
The headline is: Memoria as I remember it is not an experience designed for fun, entertainment, or relaxation, and you probably won’t walk out of the theater with any new blorbos.  But it’s also, I think, an excellent choice for a ‘baby’s first art film,’ if you’re curious about that as a different category of experience.  You don’t need an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of cinema or anything; it’s thoughtful about the nature of movies, but you’re not watching part twelve of a dialogue between different auteurs.  And while it’s not fun, it is by design very beautiful, so there’s moment-to-moment rewards for the sustained effort of attention, instead of just a bunch of sad black and white clowns or whatever most art films do.  
Everything hereafter is spoilers.
The narrative retained in my memories, such as it is, centers around an expatriate florist living in Honduras, as she attempts to solve a particular mystery: she hears, or seems to hear, a particularly vivid noise at irregular intervals, one that nobody around her acknowledges.  I recall the narrative moving incredibly slowly, to the point of being totally discarded for tens of minutes at a time; in one early scene, I remember a parking lot full of cars, in predawn gray light, all activate their alarms at the same time, and the film just let the camera sit on this event until they all cycled through the full length of their sirens and then went silent again.
The cinematography was damn weird too- it took me a few cycles until I figured out what it was doing.  The scenes all took a particular form, featuring a particularly vivid object (usually d’arte, often sound or music) as a centerpiece, with Swinton’s character seen conversing with others, investigating her mystery, or just passively having the experience.  I remember strange camera work; the camera was often pulled very far back, to the point that the protagonist would almost drown in the scene  Which is a fairly… bold… use of an A-list actress really, since it was often a struggle to see her face.  Events in one scene were sometimes subtly inconsistent with events in another, and at other times very boldly so, and eventually it became clear we were watching them out of order as well- though you could sometimes try to track the timeline by how good Swinton’s Spanish was.  Often, the film devoted time to things that didn’t seem to advance narrative or character in the slightest- from what I recall, the third(ish) scene was just Swinton moving through foot traffic on the sidewalk when she saw an attractive young man run all-out for the bus, never to appear in the film again.
I remember that particular one extra well because that was when I figured out what was going on.  The scenes were, textually, intended to be the protagonist’s memories.  Instead of constructing a movie as a way to convey the narrative of Swinton’s quest for answers about the noise, it has been constructed as a representation of how that protagonist recalled the journey, as distinct from what an outside observer would see.  Retroactively, the artistic focus of the scenes became a kind of characterization- Weerasethakul’s choice of setting and scene was guided by how he thought his character would experience events and which of those experiences she would retain, rather than simply what he thought would convey narrative meaning to me.  Which is trebly why the camera acted so oddly: because she was remembering her experiences and not herself, because she understands herself to be small and passive and uninteresting within the world, and because she feels very lonely and lost.
(I’m quite sure about this interpretation, for the record, and not just because of the title- as the mystery opens up, we get more and more of an emphasis on the nature of memories and their role in identity and communication.  I’m less sure about the characterization, which is probably deliberate.)
This means a few things at the same time.  One, it was genuinely difficult to watch at times, in the sense of being more ‘work’ than ‘play’.  Tools to delight and entertain were conspicuously unused.  But it was also, perpetually, enthralling, because the protagonist was a woman of good taste, and the things she remembered were often captivatingly beautiful.  Shockingly for a movie I only watched once, I think I can remember a large fraction of the individual scenes very vividly (because that’s the core of their creative existence), and I could probably reconstruct large fractions of the film from scratch.  “Oh, yes, the dinner scene, then the dog in the park, then that jazz quartet,” though of course, both my recollections and the protagonist’s themselves would both be out of order pretty often.  It’s genuinely fascinating to have this thing implanted in my head that was created specifically to be remembered, and at the same time to be a commentary and exploration of the nature of memory.
The experience seems to have been built with this in mind, and I genuinely don’t think you can actually get the full experience without going through a few rounds of fridge logic.  Example: we learn, from a few different memories, that the people around her don’t seem to hear the sound that she does.  But remember that scene with the car alarms going off that I told you about?  The people may not have heard, but the environment sure did.  I think that one took me about three weeks to catch; other people might be faster or slower on the uptake than me, but I’m pretty sure the movie never really moved it into view directly, and it manages presentation order such that most people won’t be putting two and two together immediately.  But there’s another layer here, of course, which is that I don’t actually know whether she noticed it or not!  All the film really conveys is that she didn’t have a particularly vivid memory of discussing it.  So it’s a slow burn on top of a slow burn on top of a slow burn, all in service to a cluster of questions about the limits and meaning of memories.
The final third (?) or so of the movie pivots hard, when she reaches a possible source of the mystery, and what follows is a single conversation (in Spanish) that lasts a good thirty minutes or so.  Textually, the conversation here is about the capacity of memories to share meaning, not just retain it, and what the limits of that enterprise might be.  Which is to say, it’s when the film starts thinking about itself and its limits, and it (almost) abandons the usual tools of spectacle and sound in favor of the older arts of verbal storytelling.  That, naturally, is followed by the most brazenly, screamingly supranatural scene of the entire film (it’s the only time it resorts to CG or special effects, really), which is correspondingly the most vivid image I retain as well as the most narratively suspect. Each for the same reason: because the damn thing stood out like a sore thumb.  Note, again, the brilliant (if latent) commentary on the nature of memory here, how the strongest memory is the one that disrupts the narrative I’m participating in, inviting me to understand the world and myself mostly through our exceptions.  And you can chew on that bit of cleverness for quite a while, which is a sublime way for the film to distract you and keep you from noticing that a half hour conversation remembered in perfect detail is every bit as supranatural as anything a green screen can give you. And so on, and so on. It's constantly doing this.
Anyway, I think my overall point here is just how impressed I am that the remembered film continues to be changing and unfolding after all this time, and in fact that the meat of the experience really is in the remembering.  If you decide to give it a go yourself, just keep in mind that actually watching the movie is only step one.
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Title: The Dark Half (Alfred Jarry: The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, #4)
Author: Jorge Luis Borges
Rating: 4/5 stars
Jorge Luis Borges died in Paris in 1961, so this book was written in 1949, and I first encountered it as a student, in a copy from a school library. The school library was in the English wing of my high school in NYC, and in most of our books from that part of the library you could find the name of the author next to a picture of him, and the name of the title next to a brief summary of it -- it was a thing we all did, since if you really needed to read a non-English book for school purposes or just to learn more about a particular period, you would do so by reading a passage or two of it, then copying down whatever was written there, without ever reading the whole book.
I can only tell you how much I admired Borges from this experience. Reading the text without looking up at the picture or listening to a summary, he seemed like a very interesting, but distant figure: a writer of the "high" sort, one who wrote a great deal and had a wide range of his own ideas, the sort of thing which I thought I might become someday, but which I'd never ever become. His fame, the reason for this distantness, was a mystery to me. In this sense he was unlike Nabokov, whose work I encountered in the Russian wing of our school library back when I was in tenth grade -- Nabokov could be immediately grasped, his work was a familiar part of my school's world, it had that kind of casual familiarity. What was the reason for Borges's fame? Why was he like that to me, a reader who could never be like that (I tried and failed to write a very mediocre book for the eighth grade, but my teachers kept on saying I had the "writing talent" and I just assumed that meant the teacher thought I had a lot of style).
He was just a strange, distant, mysterious figure. Not just in the sense that, unlike Nabokov, who wrote his books in English, Borges wrote in Spanish -- something about this made him seem like a foreigner (not so much the fact of his being Spanish, as something more subtle and more interesting about him, the sense he gave off that he wasn't really from anywhere). But not like the typical foreign writer who had a foreign accent -- he wrote in a very different, more pretentious way from any of the Spanish-speaking authors I knew. He was not just distant in the usual sense -- there were distances in Borges, and they weren't just about language.
The Dark Half is one of Borges's earliest, and most famous, works, and it's a weird and unusual book, and I'm always amazed by how much it reminded me of my experience of that first, isolated book I read about Borges when I was young. I don't have much experience reading books which try to do the impossible and give you a sense of the past as though it were some "foreign country," so my reaction is a little strange. But there was a great deal of similarity -- the sense, for example, of looking at familiar places and things from a different point of view, something which had always been there and never looked quite the same as usual, but now had that strange, almost uncanny feeling to it. And that feeling of trying to "understand" a work of art in a foreign land. In the case of a book like The Dark Half, the sense of a strange, unreal world is one which, perhaps for lack of a better way to put it, you get the sensation of understanding from. In that sense, this is not just Borges's most influential, or most famous, book, it's his most typical one. And I don't mean to suggest there's an inherent connection between a book's typicalness and its influence -- I mean simply that if you want to understand Borges, and Borges himself, you need to start with The Dark Half, and not with something more distant or less central to his personality and his writing.
(Of course, Borges was very central to my own sense of Borges -- the same Borges who wrote The Dark Half, who published the "Book of Imaginary Beings," who inspired the story of Borges vs. Lovecraft, who wrote the other side of the story, who became my idol, the "exalted and mysterious writer" who never quite made it to the point where I could be, and now is dead and forgotten. His work has been the influence on me which most shapes the way I think and see the world, and my sense of Borges is very much shaped by my own sense of him, formed in reaction to the sense I got of Borges in that first, isolated book I read in school.)
This book is a story about, of all things, a possible future that has been left out of every world. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time thinking of futures in which there will be no future; they feel so inevitable, the parts we have seen seem to be a tiny part of the whole thing. So it's a very strange, intriguing, even disturbing concept, and even now, over a half-century later, the idea has always struck me as a great mystery and challenge.
The central figure of the story is a writer called The Dark Lord, a man with the darkest mind anyone has ever had. In every world, The Dark Lord tries to create some form or another of life. He tries to make us, in some manner, his own creatures, by creating a form of life, an "angel" or "devil," or even an animal -- and, even if he does fail in this, by making a "living creature" out of some ordinary part of the world, a chair or a stone, out of a part that exists, but is always just a part of the rest of the world. But the Dark Lord's creation always has some characteristic which is a little alien, something that the other beings around it cannot understand. They are as foreign to the others as a man with a white head would be to an alien.
The only one of these creations which, in some sense, isn't a failed attempt, is one made from a dream, which came into the world in dreams and can never come into the world in waking life, a thing which cannot be seen or touched or felt or felt about. But it does not fail either, because it could have never existed in the world in waking life, not as a dream which can exist in waking life but can never be embodied in waking life, a being created by a dream which is forever just a part of its creator, something which cannot ever be understood in waking life. It is a perfect creation, of all the Dark Lord's creations. It is the perfect creation of a man who has never experienced, or will experience, anything real.
And it has the strangest name a writer ever had.
The Dark Lord has the dark mind which he himself describes as a mind of which, he says, "the heart never expands." It is a mind which expands, but only in one direction, toward itself and nothing beyond. The Dark Lord has a mind that is so dark that it cannot see or feel what he is creating, cannot create anything
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kenobster · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @librarianladyx and @hellotemporaryuniverse like.... probably a month ago. Sorry for the delay XD Thank you for the tag!! ❤
Three ships: Ship is such a weird term to me because I don't use it the same way lots of ppl do haha. To me, shipping means me enjoying the dynamic between characters (which, depending on tolerance level, can allow romantic/sexual depiction, but usually stays completely platonic). So like my "ships" are Obi-Wan & Anakin, Obi-Wan & Cody, and lately, also because of @kcrabb88, Obi-Wan & Quinlan. But like, I also have to acknowledge that I'm not really smut-averse either.... But I don't really call the smutty things I like "ships" because the way I enjoy it is so fucked up and pretty much noncon. But like, if we were to talk about my smutty noncon ships, they'd be Anakin/Miraj, Vader/Obi-Wan (excluding ones where Obikin, even one-sided, is a thing prior to Anakin becoming Vader), and Anakin-Vader/Palpatine.
First ever ship: Hmm, I don't remember, but probably Aragorn & Legolas (though this was pre fandom life). Funnily enough, I think my first exposure to fandom (early teenage years) was actually Star Wars, too. I really liked Obi-Wan & Anakin then as well (also Obi-Wan & Siri)
Last song: I haven't been listening to music lately, but the last song I played on Spotify was "Don't Save Me" by Chxrlotte which @kcrabb88 recommended haha (and that was like... idk, a week ago? so yeah a little music-averse lately)
Last movie: My mom was hanging out with me while I did job applications recently and she played Airplane! (1980) on my tv. The movie was so fucking funny that I actually stopped my job applications to watch it with her.
Currently reading: ugh, I need to get back into reading, but I'm deep in Star Wars brainrot right now and can't read anything else. Currently rereading Dark Disciple whenever I can manage reading published books. A fic that I'm screaming about right now while I wait for chapter 2 is The Land of my Father (super unusual choice for me but it's so good, damn). And whenever my brain can handle a brief separation from Star Wars, I'm reading Sailing by Orion's Star by @kcrabb88 which is Very Good (lmao she has apparently affected my answers for like 3 of these questions, damn)
Currently watching: Star Wars: Rebels!! I just started season 4.
Currently consuming: String cheese
Currently craving: Validation omg, please comment on Every Shadow if you've read it and liked it. I had to post it a few days before the collection was revealed which means it got pushed several pages back on the search results (which is my primary source of readers). So I knew I wasn't going to get much validation until I post chapter 2, but I'm sad and greedy lmao.
I'm always anxious tagging ppl for things like this, omg, bc I'm worried someone will feel left out. So please please please, if you are reading this and you follow me, idc who u are, u are tagged. Yes, that means you. You. There is literally no exception to this rule and it counts as a real tag. So if you want to do it, there's no "technically" about it, I have tagged you. :) <3
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niamhxmacxlir · 24 days
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“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” – Vincent Van Gogh
Bio & Personality
FULL NAME: Niamh Mac Lir SPECIES: Fae AGE: 99 (looks 22) DATE OF BIRTH: Dec. 12th (or so she picked from a calendar) GENDER IDENTITY: Female NEIGHBORHOOD: Hidden Hills OCCUPATION: Decorator WORKPLACE: Enchanted Crumbs Bakery POSITIVE TRAITS: Quirky, creative, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impulsive, spoiled, blunt LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: New arrival, though she’d visited before FACE CLAIM: Hailee Steinfeld
PERSONALITY She’s often flighty and easily bored, but she’s not usually mean-spirited. At least . . . not if you ask her. As far as she’s concerned, life is to be lived to the fullest, exploring and trying anything that sparks her interest. Mortals amuse her because they’re so very serious about their goals and plans, always living for tomorrow and ignoring all of the potential of the day they’re currently experiencing. Walking the line between light and dark, she’s never sure which side she’s going to follow until her impulsive nature makes a choice. While she doesn’t lie, obviously, she rarely overshares her heart and mind. She’ll talk and talk and talk, but often say nothing of anything important, and it’s only later that people realize they didn’t learn much about her.
Still, she would love to make those kinds of friends, have those kinds of connections with people – the kind that people always wax enthusiastic about. Love, intimacy, heart-friends, soulmates . . . someone she could actually share with . . . An extrovert who has always been sequestered by her parents, she’s just never managed to spend enough time with people to create that kind of trust.
Star sign - Sagittarius Character alignment – Chaotic Neutral Myers-Brigg – ESFP – The Entertainer Enneagram – 7 – The Enthusiast Daemon – Caprine - Caucasian tur
Dark and light.
Light and dark.
Whoever said opposites attract must have met Niamh’s parents . . . and then conveniently forgotten to warn people that the attraction might just prove to be one hell of a problem. The child of both dark and light, she ended up stuck between the two and somehow managed to not take after either of them in her powers. When your father is a light fae aligned with water and your mother is a dark fae aligned with earth, it’s a little odd when you turn out to be a fae aligned with fire.
But Niamh loved her powers, and she loved her parents even more.
She had a wonderful childhood, surrounded by the love of her parents and learning to explore her own gifts. Being good with fire, she could work with both of her parents – helping her father guide lost humans, but also playing mischievous tricks on them as well.
Still, that didn’t mean they always saw eye to eye.
Niamh visited the mortal world often, usually when she wanted to get away from her parents and their differing ideas of what she should be doing with her life. She wanted to explore and learn and find her own way. Her parents – who somehow managed to stay together – wanted her to stay close to home where they could protect her. After all, being half of one thing and half of another didn’t make her popular with everyone. And only her parents’ power and status kept some from declaring her anathema, either casting her out or destroying her.
Then came the oddest night of Niamh’s life.
She felt a light tug, then a sharp pull, and the earth seemed to ripple beneath her feet as the stars overhead whirled and spun. When everything finally settled, she found herself in a different forest, one dense with fog. Many of her people surrounded her, all as surprised as she herself. Or so they appeared to be. Looking up, she spotted unusual but familiar stars. The mortal world’s stars . . . she’d seen them during many brief visits. Following some of her people, she looked at the nearby town.
Oh, she knew this place! It was a lovely spot she could visit and play without anyone looking at her too much. They always seemed to take any weirdness in stride, as if they dealt with it a lot.
But why was she here now?
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stevishabitat · 9 months
33 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because of Migraine
So, in partnership with The Daily Migraine, we asked their community as well as our Mighty community to share things other people don’t realize they’re doing because of migraine. Maybe some of these will sound familiar to you, too.
Here’s what the communities shared with us:
1. “Wearing sunglasses indoors. It’s not to act like a rock star, far from it.”
2. “Communicate through texts because talking and holding a conversation hurts. With texting I don’t have to respond immediately. I can also just type ‘migraine’ and they get it.”
3. “Refuse to get out of bed (for which I get called lazy, when I’m really just in too much pain and too nauseous to move).”
4. “I look like I’m fluffing my hair, scratching my head or adjusting my ponytail, but I’m really just trying to relieve pressure on my head. Sometimes I hold my nose because I smell things so intensely. I do so many things that probably make people think I’m odd, but they’re just coping mechanisms.”
5. “I get really cranky, and people might think I’m being mean. It just hurts to listen or talk. It’s not something you did, it’s just my head.”
6. “I pause for an unusually long time because the word I’m trying to say has escaped me.”
7. “Pretty much everything I do is calculated risk. I choose to do something, and I have to weigh the odds that I may end up with a migraine afterwards.”
8. “Blankets over all the windows. My dad came over the other day and said ‘Jeez, you live like a vampire,’ and I could only shrug. Not by choice, Dad. I miss open windows and sunshine.”
9. “Not eating. Not many people outside of the chronic illness/migraine world understand how much migraines affect your whole entire body. It can make you vomit or, if you’re like me, it can make you feel just nauseous enough that you won’t throw up but you can’t hardly eat or drink a single thing for a day or two without making it so much worse.”
10. “I slouch. Sitting straight up hurts my neck, because my head feels heavy. People always say, ‘Sit up straight, posture’s important.’ I can’t all the time, and sometimes people judge.”
11. “Looking unkempt because I don’t want to touch my hair or face. Appearing lazy because the fatigue is intense.”
12. “I go for walks a lot while at work. I work under fluorescent lights and in front of a computer screen, so my only real option is to get out of the building and stop looking at the screen under the fluorescent lights. Plus, I can’t usually go home sick because quite frankly I have a migraine 24/7.”
13. “Pillow over my face no matter how dark it is in my room. Sometimes I’ll just hide under my blankets. Oftentimes I will feel so sick from just turning over in bed or walking to the washroom. I can’t even handle candlelights when I’m at my worst.”
14. “Move very slowly, kind of frozen and unresponsive. Blank unfocused stare.”
15. “I’m sure [people] don’t realize I drink 90 oz. of water as fast as possible to stay on top of the pain. [They] probably just think I’m extra thirsty… So many weird rituals when you are a migrainista like me.”
16. “I angle myself so the other person is blocking the light source during a conversation, especially if we’re outside in the sun.”
17. “Hold hands with my husband so I don’t fall. Most people just think we are being a sweet couple.”
18. “I turn my head from side to side a lot to try to stretch out my neck and shoulders, or crack my neck for the illusion of relieving migraine pressure.”
19. “Making sure I eat at least three decent meals a day. People think I’m strange that I schedule things around my eating schedule but if I don’t eat a migraine will hit me hard.”
20. “I live in a very dark house. I get migraines almost daily so it is always dark. I have blackout curtains and a dimmer so I can keep the light as low as whatever is comfortable. Whenever we have company over, they always comment on how dark our house is.”
21. “Disappear from social media, not responding to phone calls and text messages. The light off of my phone, iPad and laptop would hurt my eyes and worsen my migraine. So I usually just turn them off.”
22. “I rub my hand or a pen up and down my upper arm in order to give myself something else to focus on when my aura starts to come on.”
23. “I speak very softly. It hurts to talk at a normal volume. I have stopped singing in the choir. To me, it sounds like I am yelling and my own voice may trigger a migraine.”
24. “I grind my teeth a lot during a migraine. Also, I walk around with a ‘false’ face on trying to pretend everything is alright.”
25. “I often have the habit to look down as I walk or do anything… not really because I’m ‘shy’ but because I can’t handle much light.”
26. “Using pressure points on my neck and sometimes head to temporarily alleviate (or distract from) my migraine. It can appear as frustration, laziness or boredom, I’ve been told.”
27. “I get really quiet and antisocial if I’m in a social setting and start blinking a lot when I notice the beginning of the headache coming on.”
28. “Always turning down the radio/music in the car – sound is a trigger – and thus being the ‘party pooper’ to the jam sessions. And concerts are a complete absolute no-go, unfortunately.”
29. “[I] mess up my words, become unable to speak and speak in a manner where people who don’t know me would assume I’m drunk.”
30. “Slowly rocking myself back and forth, especially when the nausea hits. I don’t know why but sometimes it’s soothing.”
31. “I knead at my neck and use smelly balms. I also go to the bathroom to run cold water on my face. I have to pretend I don’t want chocolate or an adult beverage when things are flaring up, when I really want one. I have to nap when it acts up, leave work early for doctor appointments. The worst surprisingly is yawning though. People think I am disinterested or don’t care, but it is often an early sign for me to take some meds with caffeine and prepare to either go home or jury rig myself to get through the rest of the day.”
32. “Wearing a hat inside. The lights in many buildings can cause worse migraines than the sun. People seem to just assume I’m rude for wearing a ball cap inside, especially at restaurants. Trust me, I wish the lighting didn’t increase migraines too.”
33. “Rub my forehead. I also may be eating a mint or honey candy for the nausea, or just food to try and prevent me from getting a migraine. I have to listen to my body in a way others may not because being tired/hungry/stressed can lead to a migraine.”
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m5ria · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Fall
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I’ve always fantasized about dying young. Everyone does, I imagine. Pure curiosity and lack of knowledge regarding one’s future. What if I have no future? What if this is it: what I’ve lived until this moment?
One thing for sure is that I’ve never imagined actually dying young.
One moment I was in the woods, hunting as always with my bow, and the next thing I remember is falling. I know there are gaps in the way I died. Did I stumble? Did I fall off something? But the only thing I remember is falling.
The fact that I can think right now about how I died astonishes me. If I can think, does this mean I truly died? I must have a brain to think. Brain means body. Body means alive. 
But I know. I died. There’s no evidence for that yet. Only my gut.
The first thing I acknowledge is that I am flat on the grass. I feel it around me tickling me. Then, I get the smell. A combination of fresh and city air. 
My eyes were closed. I gather the courage to open them, but it feels like two coins sit on them. When I do open them, my vision is so blurred it starts giving me a headache. I see one color everywhere. Red.
The sky is red.
I focus on a cloud to let my eyes adjust. It’s not a sunrise or sunset red sky. It’s a red sky the same as the blue sky was in the world I left. 
How can I remember the blue sky?
How do I remember anything at all?
Isn’t this reincarnation?
Apparently not.
I close my palm around some grass and then I snatch it. I bring it in front of my eyes to check my vision. Am I blind?
No. But I am deadly sure I am colorblind. As the grass in my hands is a dark blue.
In fact, turning my head slowly, I see blue trees. All around me. 
I establish that I am in a glade, with no trace of humankind. Or living kind. 
Clouds in the sky moved and I see the weirdest thing so far. Replacing the sun or the moon (not sure if it's day or night), there’s a drawn star in a circle. I stare at it for some seconds, not sure why it’s supposed to be familiar; if I should know its name. I know I’ve learned during high school different geometrical shapes in circles, but never a star. 
I try to stand up. Enough of just laying here, waiting for someone or something to catch me so vulnerable. I expect pain (after all, I fell). But there’s none. 
However, the moment I stand straight, something pulls me down from the end of my vertebral column. I turn around to see the most shocking thing: a tail. A bushy, long, heavy tail. I hope it’s some weird costume, but something in me commanded it to move and I know it’s for real. The weight of it starts pressuring my back already.
I start touching myself. I immediately scratch myself. Instead of my small and eaten nails, I have long black claws that look as if made of iron. That’s definitely no human nail material.
It seems my skin, which seconds ago was a light brown, is now almost white. No, some blueish-gray. It reminds me of corpses.
See! Proof I am dead.
Weirdly enough, I am not naked. I wear the same clothes I had the day I died: my usual hunting gear. Only, it seems, ripped some places, especially where my tail has grown.
My tail! I have a tail!
It’s still hard to comprehend.
I carefully, but dreadfully, touch my face. The eyes seem normal, but the second I touch my nose, I know it’s not normal. It has a weird shade like an Ionic column capital. I don’t have a mirror to look at it but I guessed as much that it’s something of a dog’s nose. 
The second I come to this conclusion, I smell blood like never before. It’s not only a metallic smell. It’s also salty, and... I lack words to describe it. I guess humans can’t describe blood too well.
I search for the source of blood, but one drip from my chin tells me is from my mouth. Somehow, I bit my bottom lip and didn’t notice. With my sharp teeth.
When I was young, my dentist told me my canines were unusually pointed, but now it seems all of my teeth are razor-sharp.
All of these discoveries overwhelm me. How am I going to get used to this? A tail? Shark’s teeth? All these new scents?
I get down on one knee as I feel I don’t get enough air in my lungs. If I have lungs...
I don’t like this. This state of vulnerability. It gives way to... panic.
No! Get up!
I don’t listen.
Get the fuck up!
My knees are weak. My tail pushes me down. I still gather the strength to stand up once again. But this time, I will keep myself there.
Good. Now, where am I?
Nothing but trees surround me. I don’t get why the trees are blue and the sky is red. It’s like a child painted this landscape. There’s no clue of where should I go.
Suddenly, something moves on my head. I jump and almost shit my pants. I pat my head. If there’s a fucking bird on my head, I swear...
But there’s not. Instead, I hit myself in my... two fluffy extensions? Soon enough, I gather that these are my new ears. And they picked on something to my right.
A noise. Somehow, I know it’s far away. Farther than I should have heard. Then my nose registered a smell from the same direction. An awful smell like trash.
Of course. Where that kind of smell is should be humans as well.
I start walking in that direction, still touching my new-found fluffy bat ears. It seems death gave me animal superpowers. 
But, if I have these superpowers, what does the rest of the world have? 
I hesitate upon entering the forest. There’s only dark in front of me. The glade looks peaceful. Sure, no food or water, no way of knowing if I’m safe, and no shelter, but I’ve grown weary. I don’t even have my bow and arrows! The only things I have as a weapon are my claws and teeth. With no proper knowledge of how to use them. 
The unknown grows around me.
But, hey, I am Diana Thorn. I’ve never been afraid of the unknown. Why should I be now?
Next Chapter
A/N: Hi, guys!
I've been working on this fanfic for a while now. I'll try to post every three days, but, because each chapter will have a drawing of its own by me, there might be slight delays. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!
There are two more chapters until the Hazbin Hotel x Diana union. So, stay tuned ;)
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clairecrive · 3 years
Heyy:) can you write Nikolai x tidemaker reader, while Nikolai is still Sturmhond and the reader is part of the crew. Nikolai fell in love at first sight but the reader is a little introvert, but she snaps one day and confesses her love to him.
Sorry English isn’t my first language:)
Stars in the night
a/n: Hi hun sorry for the long wait. it's a bit shitty but I hope you're still around and like this x
warnings: none, fluff
word count: 2.8K
tags: @jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofsheilds , @for-bebbanburg , @randomoutsiders , @pansysgirlfriend, @hannaxmaria , @vintagebitc , @story-scribbler , @crowssixof , @odetostep , @lizzie-he4rts, @korol-lantsov, @subjecta13-thefangirl,@gallysonegoodlung, @a-c-lee, @mriddlemethis, @carnationworld, @thanossexual, @luvxginger, @sanna2020, @partiesandblurrypolaroids, @edithsvoice, @wafflesandschemingfaces, @snugleo, @sugarmelonwater (tag list form)
Nights were usually y/n’s favourite time of the day. Chaos and shouts left place to eerie silence and the comforting quietness of the stars. Being on a ship meant always having people around whether they were shouting or singing or playing or whatever.
Y/n didn’t mind their company per se, it’s just that sometimes, people’s presence can get too much. But whenever she felt overwhelmed, she knew she could count on the stars to anchor her and help her breathe.
After an exhausting day at sea, no one refused the possibility to sleep and recharge. So, more often than not, y/n didn’t have any trouble in taking the night shift. It actually made her even more popular with the rest of the crew.
The crew’s captain was another thing. Y/n hadn’t a precise idea on him simply because he was always up to something. Sitting still was not in his blood, even where there were no chores to attend to. If there wasn’t something to do, Sturmhond would create it.
He was such at antipodes with y/n’s personality that their interactions were limited to her assignments, her report after her shift or him updating her about his plans. Or rather- her role in them. Y/n wasn’t foolish enough to think that he really made her part of his plans. And to be fair, y/n never asked more than what directly concerned her. Maybe that was why Sturmhond was so interested in her.
There was nothing subtle about the man. From the way he walked like he owned the world, to his shiny red hair. So, when he unusually started to roam around her just because, y/n did notice. Hell, everyone on the ship noticed. It was hard not to in such a limited space.
However, y/n thought nothing of it. It was just him being his extravagant self. Nothing new, honestly. She did not mind it either. The man had a way of being there without being overbearing, which was more than y/n could say about any other men she had met. Well, all except Tolya, of course.
He had started by bidding her good morning and goodnight every day. Then he would come to find her throughout the day, to chitchat above all things. To y/n’s horror, the privateer didn’t desist. He kept coming and y/n honestly didn’t know how to react.
She had always found him quite handsome and charming, but there was something she was absolutely shit at: small talk. And the man wanted exactly that from her. Alas, it all ended up with Sturmond’s voice filling the awkward pauses and y/n barely answering his questions.
She knew in her heart that she was giving him the wrong impression and she feared that her awkwardness would be mistaken for coldness making him eventually desist. Despite her fears though, the man didn’t seem off-put by her behaviour. He kept coming and coming but that didn’t ease y/n in any capacity.
Then one night, he stopped beating around the bush. It didn’t exactly catch her by surprise, y/n knew him, it was only a matter of time before he came out with it. It wasn’t in his nature to be discreet. Or so she thought, based on what she saw.
“Why did you want to be part of my crew? You don’t seem to like me,” he wondered, his green eyes shining in the moonlight.
Despite the words that left his mouth, y/n knew what his question implied. What he was really asking. But however powerful she might be, y/n didn’t have the guts to be upfront with him. Not even with the comforting presence of the stars as their witnesses.
If only he knew.
She knew that this could potentially be a chance for her to test the waters, to see what his intentions were and to make her clear. But alas, she knew nothing about flirting. Deflecting it is, then.
“Tolya and Tamar trust you. I trust them with my life so,” she shrugged, tacitly implying that she somewhat trusted him too.
“I see. So not only do I owe them my life but also an incredible crew.”
“The big and mighty Sturmhond praising someone other than himself?”
“I only sing praise when they’re due.”
“And, of course, no one deserves it more than yourself.”
“Well, you said it darling.” He flashed her a dazzling smile that made the moonlight pale.
Y/n rolled her eyes a bit to convey her annoyance and a bit to avoid him seeing the blush rising on her cheeks.
Truth be told, Tolya and Tamar weren’t the only ones that persuaded her from becoming a part of his crew albeit they were a big part of it. She wasn’t lying when she told him that she trusted them with her life. If it wasn’t for them, y/n would probably be a soulless machine right now. Her body on the outside but really nothing that made her y/n on the inside. That’s what happened to Grisha in Shu Han.
She owed the twin everything but that wasn’t why she made the decision to join them on the Volkovny. They didn’t force her to follow them or anything. And y/n couldn’t deny that Sturmhond’s handsome face didn’t make her sway a little in her decision. That was, however, something slippery about the privateer. It didn’t make him untrustworthy per se, but it certainly made her wary about trusting him.
The biggest push that prompted her to the Volkovny and life on the sea was her experience in Shu Han. Being Grisha meant not having a safe place outside of Ravka and sometimes in Ravka as well. Her home country was war-torn and as much as y/n had been trained to be a soldier all her life, she didn’t feel ready to take part in a fight that she didn’t feel her own.
Despite his unorthodox methods, General Kirigan’s sole purpose had always been making Grisha safe. And seeing as she had seen first-hand how the world treated Grisha, y/n could really get behind his plot, not caring about how bloody it was.
Life on the sea meant no more persecutors. Outside of her crew, no one in the ports they sailed to knew she was Grisha. Not that she was ashamed of who she was, but it’d be like having a mark on her skin if people knew. A mark that made her unsafe. She craved a life where she didn’t have to constantly watch her back. And being on the Volkovny granted her wish.
Not that it was a safe lifestyle, of course. But y/n was a survivor. If she had come out of the keirgud alive, she could well out best every threat that she will eventually cross on the sea. Besides, she knew that the twins had her back. And, in a small percentage, so did Sturmhond.
She and the captain didn’t exactly have a relationship, not like the twins have. She wasn’t his confidante or anything and she preferred to spend her time on her own -as much as life on deck allowed her- but since she was such in close quarters with the twins, that definitely made her closer to him than the rest of the crew. Not to mention that now the captain had started spending his nights with her too.
Well, not all night and not every night but it was a substantial increase in his time spent with her. Sure, it was all parts of him doing his rounds at night and being his amiable self.
So why the hell did her breath hitch whenever she caught his silhouette approaching? She hated herself for feeling like this. And him. Only that she didn’t, not really. It wasn’t his fault, was it? It was just her being silly. It’ll pass, sooner or later.
Only that, of course, it didn’t. In fact, it got even worse. If before she could manage their interaction by playing aloof and uninterested, it has now come to the point where she almost blubbered. Her heart hated her, it’d beat frantically whenever he’d approach, and his intoxicating smell made it impossible to form a coherent thought.
So, y/n decided to just stay clear of him to prevent any embarrassing situation.
After that, things didn’t get weird per se. Seeing y/n alone and drifting away from most group gatherings wasn’t weird. What was though, was her absence during the night shifts.
Before she monopolized those shifts, now she took turns like everyone else.
That was the big spy that made everyone worry about her. Non though went to talk to her about it. It would have been too personal for most of the crew to ask, and those who didn’t think better of it.
The twins knew her very well, she’d come to them whenever she was ready.
The captain… well, he didn’t react at all, which made y/n think that he hadn’t noticed anything.
He very well did, though. And the sign that he did was that he hadn’t come to her anymore. He noticed her withdrawal and while he didn’t understand why he respected her decision.
That didn’t mean that he gave up on her entirely though. His research moved elsewhere; his tactic shifted from approach to observe.
It took him almost a week to be feed with this new tactic. Not only did it prove unsuccessful, but he had almost broken a limb or two in his spying attempts.
One night, the one when he knew that you had taken the shift, he shifted again to ”approach”.
“Lovely night, eh?” He grimaced as the words left his mouth. Lamest approach ever.
“Oh, captain,” y/n exclaimed, startled by his unexpected presence, “yes, indeed.” She agreed, turning back to rest her arms over the bannister.
Nikolai’s eyes shine with amusement and y/n grimaced, cloaked in the darkness of the night, she was torn between wanting to punch herself or him. Maybe both.
“Sorry for startling you. I was surprised to see you here.”
“I’m on the night shift today,” she explained even though it wasn’t needed but saints. If they had given her social skills, she would have been too powerful.
“I see. It does not happen as often,” his eyes roamed over to her face, he could only see the side facing him thanks to the moonlight.
Y/n knew what he was doing, the man was hardly subtle, but she appreciated his attempt of breaching the subject lightly.
“We all took turns; it wasn’t fair for me to hijack this time shift.”
“I’m far too smart for you to lie to my face,”
“Excuse me?”
“What I mean to say,” he sighed, regret showing on his face, “is that I worry that you might have changed your habits because of me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“It has not escaped my notice that you’ve trying to avoid me.”
“Avoiding someone on a ship is an impossible feat.”
“I’m aware,” he smirked, and something told her that seeing her trying to do exactly that amused him to no end. Y/n turned back towards to sea and said nothing. Better silence than pointless words.
“So,” it was Sturmhond who broke the silence, “want to tell me what’s the problem?”
“There’s no problem, captain.”
“Again with lying,” he chided softly. Sturmond knew y/n like the back of his hand. Being on a ship will do that. He knew then that the best way to approach her wasn’t to put her under the spotlight or in a corner.
She sighed, knowing that lying to him would not get her out of this situation. Trying to muster her courage, she turned to him.
“Alright, you’re right,” she conceded and that alone was telling since Sturmonhd’s ego didn’t need any stroking. “You haven’t done anything wrong, though. It’s me.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“You should because it’s true. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by my emotions and I don’t know how to deal with them.”
“So, you just run from the situation?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it running,” she mumbled under her breath. His intense stare put her even more on edge.
“Isn’t that point of living, though?” he added softly, “Feeling?”
“Amazing,” he said with an edge to his voice.
“What?” Y/n’s eyes flickered to him and the expression on his face left her wondering if he was serious or making fun of her.
“I’ve seen you facing volcras and other enemies straight on with a courage that puts to shame many soldiers and yet this is what you’re afraid of?”
“Rejections is much scarier than combat.” Abandoning every attempt of pretence, y/n went with the truth. She was already in the game, now she had no choice but to play.
“Is it?” His brow raised and now there was no doubt that he was making fun of her.
“If something goes bad in a battle, I’m dead. And there’s nothing for me to worry about if that happens, right?”
“But putting myself out there and then getting rejected, means living with the shame and embarrassment of knowing that I’m not enough.”
“Well, that’s a rather tragic take on it.”
“Joke all you want. I don’t suppose you know what it feels like, giving your shining hair and dazzling smile.”
“While knowing you think that of me brings me immense joy, I would also like to point out that you’re wrong.”
Now it was her turn to raise her eyebrow in wonder.
“Rejection takes a whole other shade of intensity when it comes from your family.” The words were said lightly but they made her breath get caught in her throat anyway.
“Is it because of your lifestyle?”
“It’s because of their opinion of me that I’ve chosen this lifestyle.”
“I’m sorry that your family is unable to see how much you shine.” “Maybe it’s because you’ve blinded them?” She tried to ease the tension and she was rewarded with a tease of a smile.
“Oh, don’t point it at me! I will lose my eyes and then you’ll throw me from this ship,” she shrieked and went to shield her eyes as if she was under the midday sun. This foolish stunt earned her the captain’s laugh. One so full and rich that left no doubt of its authenticity. It made y/n smile too and wish that he’d do that more often.
“I would never throw you from this ship.”
“What use could I have with no eyes?”
“I’m sure we’ll be able to find you something else to do.”
“Like being the ship’s clown.”
“While you amuse me to no end, I was thinking about a far more private role.”
“Private as in?”
“Meant for my eyes only.”
“Selfish much?”
“When it comes to you? Shamelessly so.”
The privateer leaned down to her, agonizingly slow giving her all the time to pull away if she wanted to. A million things swirled through her mind in those few seconds. Every worry about what was going to happen, about all the ways this could go sour.
The wheels in her mind turned incredibly fast almost making her lightheaded. Before this could turn into a full session of overthinking though, y/n shook her head effectively stopping the thoughts from growing.
Despite her lacking in basic social skills in an incredibly sad way, conversation with him always flowed easily. She never worried about what she was supposed to do or say or whatever. She could just… be. Be y/n.
That was priceless if not rare. And right then and there she decided that she wasn’t willing to lose it. Not without fighting.
Borne from the spur of the moment the best decision she could ever make, she leaned into him as well. Closing her eyes, she was able to see the corner of his lips lifted a little before she felt his lips on him.
Did she say that she was afraid of feeling? Fuck that. This feeling, the feel of the touch of his lips on her, his fingers lightly stroking her face, his breath inside her, him becoming a part of her? She was pretty sure was going to die if she went too long without it.
Angling his head to the side, she pressed her lips on his with renowned fervour. Her hands found their way in his strands. A moan left him as y/n swallowed the sound. Using the grip on his hair, y/n pulled him to her. Sturmond gladly followed her lead, returning the intensity of the kiss before his hands gripped the back of her knees, lifting her up.
He lightly used the bannister as leverage, his grip shifting to her hips holding her so tightly so that losing her was not an option. Not now, not ever.
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