#legend of korra tag
im--never--happy · 8 months
I haven’t posted much about it on this blog because I have so few followers here compared to main and other side blogs, but genuinely, if you are a fan of Avatar, you need to be doing everything you can to support and liberate palestine and end this genocide. ATLA is about a fucking genocide and the devastating impacts of colonialism and a brutal military occupation. Well, we’re witnessing a genocide and the devastating impacts of colonialism and a brutal military occupation right now. If you are a fan of ATLA or LOK you fucking need to be talking about palestine and Palestinian liberation. You need to be calling your elected officials, going to protests, talking to people in real life, resharing and uplifting Palestinian voices, boycotting Israeli products, reading and educating yourself on what’s going on and the history behind it, and doing everything you can to stop this genocide.
We all need to be talking about palestine. Silence and “neutrality” and inaction is complicity.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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not-so-blue · 11 months
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@giftober 2023 || Day 21: SPRING/AUTUMN
Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra + autumn colours 🍃🍂🍁
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plastic-pipes · 6 hours
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maspers · 1 month
Funny poll time
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jewishmcr · 3 months
constantly thinking about how funny it is that there are zero on screen deaths in atla but season one of Korra ends in murder-suicide
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swimmingelectron · 6 months
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And firebenders can tweak the electric signals in someone's body-
But this made me think. Waterbenders can control water molecules and can bend anything the water will bring along. That is why they can bend blood. But waterbenders are also capable of NOT picking up objects that the water is carrying. So they can also dehydrate people, flood their lungs, flood their bladder, flood their digestive track, in turn giving someone diarrhoea, they can give someone a cough and a cold by increasing the volume of their mucus.
This means waterbenders would make great medics, btw. Any water is potable water. Everything is a water container. The most powerful water bender should be able to turn water into ice or steam, access groundwater in the deserts, and be able to make canals and streams.
The earth bender can bend a select range of minerals, but if they work really hard on it, they can bend any of them. Like toph did.
Strong earthbenders should be able to manipulate the very structure of molecules of the minerals so that they can sit on top of one another in a way that makes them pliable, malleable, strong, springy, etc to form the right shape and the right type of earth.
Like the water benders, they have the ability to add pressure and also control the movement of the rocks. Boomi and Toph already demonstrated what crazy fighters earthbenders can make. But i also think about how easily they can poison someone, oversalt them (dehydration 2.0), and calcify organs while the person is alive. They can cause bone cancer, they can break teeth, crush bones to powder, and puncture the internal organs. Manipulate bones did not even cover it.
They could manipulate armour to move to fight wars for the country. They could set flintstone fires without being there. They could weave metal into fabric. So many possibilities. I'm not even mentioning the industrial use, i believe LoK covered that?
Air benders and fire benders are different. Fire bending is easier to cover on an atomic level.
So they can bend heat, basically, right? But also, for some reason, they can channel electricity. The conclusion i am coming to is that they have command over the kinetic energy of individual electrons. That is why it is hard to master.
But this opens possibiliti3s. So i joked that they could modify the electric signals in the brain, but they literally could. But they can do so much more. Because this isn't atomic, it is subatomic. Yes, they can heat (and cool) things. Yes, they can use electricity. But if they can move electrons? So much more. They can change the properties of things. I can't even begin to list them. They can cut things, they can mend things seamlessly, and they can perform alchemy, changing the very structure of the atom. But that means it is an extremely volatile ability. Even the strongest bender would have to work these things one at a time or risk radiation.
Lastly, we have airbenders. There's two things that could be manipulating just air. One, they can move only free atoms. Which actually fits in with the heirarchy of molecular bonds of earth bender, molecules of water benders, airbenders with free atoms, and firebenders with subatomic electrons.
The other one would be the ability to create vacuums in space, and the air follows the small vacuums. Seeing how rigorously airbenders train, that seems the likely option despite the harmony from the other one. And then, the air bicycle is not possible. Which means. The airbenders just were into aesthetics and acting like a cult. Oh well, that's ok.
Aang has proven that airbenders can lift things with air. Heavy, dense things. They can probably aerosolise any atoms. Basically, they could pick atoms to put next to each other and let them form molecules. Airbending air out of lungs is probably the easiest thing. They can literally travel to space and make their own space suit. Out of air. Their scuba diving gas tank can be made out of literal air.
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jumumo · 6 months
There's something so sinister about the fact that Katara is shunted away from the story when she should be way more involved in Korra's arc. Korra's seemingly main conflict is her sheltered life with her fiery passion for enacting justice and learning to temper it with diplomacy. Who's an old person in the series that has dealt with injustice, who always took direct action to correct them in any way she can and had moved to a more diplomatic role once there wasn't an active war?
Katara fits so well in Korra's story it's not even funny. Imagine Korra having a mentor from the devastated but resilient Southern Water Tribes that was the THE last water bender at a point and can absolutely do girl talk with? Imagine Korra having a tangible connection to the history of her Tribe. Imagine writing Korra to have connections to the place that was the next most affected by the war. Imagine writing a Korra where that mattered to her character.
The way she was canonically written, she don't really give a damn. And that's heartbreaking. And most likely a blind spot with the writers. Especially when passing down cultural traditions and respecting elders is one the most important things to happen to communities where there were attempts to erase them.
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wilcze-kudly · 10 months
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I may or may not have an agenda
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Get pebbled idiot
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avocadosockz · 2 years
she's not pretty but she's done
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if anyone has any edits or additions they would like me to make just let me know
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chipified · 11 days
Avatar hcs
Spoilers for the reckoning of Roku, the kyoshi novels and the yangchen novels. Note I still need to finish Rokus and kyoshi's books
• Korra has broken her fingers many, many times
• Her eyes are so bright and eye-catching. People stare at them a lot.
• She could pull so easily. She's great at flirting (usually) But she doesn't because she's loyal to asami
• Sure she was showing growth when she spared kuvira but she does NOT like her. Kuvira pisses her off
• Luckily she's able to make up for her lack of experience in the real world with how social she is but she is clueless about slang and she never understands references
• Jokes fly right over her head
• All of the krew has such a shitty sense of humour they laugh at the dumbest things
• Goes through like 12 hairstyle phases. She loves mixing it up
• Stubborn as hell she stood by the spirit portal decision for he entire life and death
• A really talented bender. In her spare time she attempts to recreate the feats of her past lives
• Bias towards kuruk. She thinks he looked very cool and admired his skills
• Being vegetarian spared him from the knowledge that he is allergic to shellfish
• Sokka and toph teased him about his first flirting attempts on katara until the day he died
• His death was really unexpected. He was mostly fine leading up to it. Noone could really figure out what killed him at first, it was ultimately just him overworking himself too much
• Not a fan of the spirit world. He avoids it where he can
• Koh the face stealer scared him senseless actually no matter what he says
• He was always really busy with his duties but he did try to spend as much time with his children as he could
• Was super doting on katara while she was pregnant
• Tried a long bearded look for a while. It looked awful and toph clowned on him so hard. So did his kids
• Admired Yangchen and Roku so much. Kyoshi freaked him out as a kid
• Those first few months of travelling with the air nomads sucked ass. He was constantly covered in mud, his hair was knotted and he STANK oh my god he missed home so bad
• Actually pretty clumsy. Even when he was old he would trip over his own feet all the time. Dislocated his hip once
• A pushover. Sozin would take his snacks and drag him places as small children and he'd just take it
• Sozin had no faith in his avatarhood
• Politics were a nightmare for him in his late teens and twenties because of how awkward he was. He grew into his own though and ended up decently good at negotiating.
• Has freckles, but they only show up at the height of summer
• He doesn't tan he goes red
• Low self esteem, he thinks everything he does is embarrassing
• Collected seashells. Both because he wanted to try and get reacquainted with the ocean and because he thought they were pretty
• Shortly after Yasu died, he was so petrified of water he could barely bathe. He was very traumatised for a long while
• His own safety wasn't much of a priority. Guilt consumed him, so he didn't care what happened to him, as long as the people he was close to were safe
• Thank god for airbending because she is intensely affected by the cold
• Her Hands are always slightly shaky, so applying her makeup can be so annoying sometimes
• Politics bored her to death
• Queen of “this could've been an email”
Uses her height to her advantage as much as she can. It's just easier and leads to less violence
• Very kind to young children
• She doesn't mean to be harsh or rude, she's just very blunt and has a flat tone
• She got very sick very easily as a kid. If kelsang hadn't found her she probably wouldn't have lived much longer
• Insecure about her appearance. Rangi spent years convincing her she wasn't ugly
• She saw a lot of her younger self in Roku. It made her uncomfortable
• Hopeless romantic. Loves poetry, songwriting and those partner dances. You know damn well he took ummi on as many dates as he possibly could
• Self reliant. Asking for help with anything becomes harder and harder as he grows older (“older”). Even basic stuff like asking someone to help him carry stuff
• His parents were disappointed in him. In their eyes they raised the only avatar in recent history who just didn't do his job
• They both outlived him
• He was fantastic at bending though, he could pull of some tricks that not even his teachers could
• He should've been at the club bro!! House parties would've been his shit!! He would've eaten at karaoke
• As much as he drank he still despised the taste of vodka
• Wanted to be a father. But that didn't work out
• Trust issues
• Her hair started going grey pretty early into her life. She was crazy stressed
• Rip yangchen you would've loved weed
• She did not celebrate the day Chaisee died because that would be disrespectful. So kavik did it for her amen
• Really enjoyed sports. Would've killed it at baseball
• She doesn't like watching the lives of the future avatars until they hit like 25 they stress her out so hard when they're young
• One of the few team avatars to stick together for life and not retire at any point. All of them worked until they were forced to stop
• Infertile
• Tries to visit her sister in the spirit fog sometimes but can't bring herself to go in again. She stops doing this eventually
• Kavik cuts her hair. He's weirdly good at it. In return she brings him trinkets she finds in all the places she visits
• Yingsu and her have spa days together
• Her sanity was hanging on by a thread during Legacy. She was so close to crashing out
• The past lives “possessing” her was an issue her whole life, exacerbated in times of stress. Neither she or her past lives could control it. It just happened when it happened
• Realistically he knew that he couldn't just fix all the world's problems in his lifetime alone, but god he did not want to die the way he did. He really wanted a peaceful death
• The armour he was wearing when he died was slowly gathered up over the years from battlefields and things he just found on the ground
• His avatar state was slightly different from his incarnations. Since it wasn't something he was born with, it caused some issues. For example, his vision was very poor when he died
• Felt really bad about the impact he had on the other avatars lives.
• Super bored all the time. He's seen everything there is to see at this point
• Wan and raava are super comfortable they know literally everything about each other
• Never had a lover. It just didn't interest him at all. The following avatar just ended up looking similarly to him (Alternatively- he had a bad breakup with a guy and that is why none of the future avatars date men/j)
• Wan and Jaya (his friend that died fighting spirits) built the treehouse they lived in together. Yao (tree-sprit guy) met them a little later. They formed their own little family after being shunned by everyone else
• Yangchens life was his favourite to watch. Aang's life was his least favourite.
• Korra was the only one he went out of his way to speak to. He hasn't been summoned for at least a few thousand years and he just prefers to let them make their own decisions
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nerdycanible1 · 5 months
Hiya babes! I am back again with more arts 👁️👁️
Actually I'm in an art block so this is what I've made in the past 3? weeks 💀
Anyways here is some more Lin drawings before I crawl back into my grave!
So- I posted this art already on my tiktok but guys- you get to see their full glory! I wanted to do a redraw of one of my fave scenes! Where Lin gets introduced-
Like it's not that great, and I think this is the first time I've actually drawn Korra but I don't remember 💀
Nah but look at LIN!! Ma'am looks spicy 😩
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Anyways and here is a drawing of young Lin I wanted to make! It's not the best but I've tried my best! And my friend absolutely loves the whole Lin is part Fire Nation headcanon. And boy did we make a lot of Headcanons about it! Lemme know if you want to hear about them and I'll make a separate post about them! :D
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Oh! And I also made her clothes red and I honestly couldn't figure which one I liked more ;-;
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All art has been made by me, Nerdycanible, if reposted please credit me!! Below cut, is the sketches!
Also 👀. . . Tell me why Tenzin fumbled so badly- 😩
Sketches babies! I don't exactly have many screenshots of the first drawing, mostly because it was between Fortnite matches 💀💀💀
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imaginarylungfish · 7 months
we don't want izuku to be quirkless in the end blah blah blah, yeah i know. same.... but also, it could be cool.
imagine he still becomes a great hero, but quirkless? he's the first quirkless hero? and maybe that message is not one for mha to tackle, but hear me out:
what if his arc is him wanting so badly to have a quirk, getting one, learning that being a hero is inherent to himself and not attached to his quirk/abilities, giving his quirk up, AND still being a great hero? wouldn't that be awesome?!
i think that type of character trajectory is unique and interesting in and of itself. but i also know my personal experiences in life contribute to why i think it's cool. i became sick and chronically ill in my late-teens/early-twenties. i lost my health. over the past 5 years, i've regained a lot of it, but i'm not 100% better (and most likely will never be). i've had to go through the arduous process of accepting my physical limits through many iterations of functionality yet learning when i was actually being held back by mental limits/fears and how to push past those.
i relate to izuku's character on many levels: wanting so badly to have something i don't, trying so hard despite not having that thing, and getting that thing you wished so badly for seemingly out of the blue (for me, it was a medication that drastically improved my health). i also relate to his self-destructiveness in name of a goal and sense of (sometimes unwanted) martyrdom.
but i was always a little disappointed throughout the series in the fact that izuku's big problem at the beginning was just seemingly resolved by him getting his quirk from all might. does he view his quirkless self as worthy as his OFA self? we don't know. (do i view my sick self as worthy as my "healthy" self? i don't know.)
so, i just think, if izuku loses his quirk, there is more room for growth for him. in other words, he becomes more interesting. and i get it, this is a shonen manga, it's ending soon, and it's supposed to have an inspiring message (i assume). so maybe it ending with him being quirkless is not something that belongs in this category of manga/anime. but if any series can break the mold, isn't it mha?
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plastic-pipes · 1 year
korrasami cheek kiss maybe???👀👀👀
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thanks ! c: ~requests are closed~
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silima · 1 year
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
how would you rate korra in each element?
Okay so that's hard. But let's see, in my opinion.
Earth: 6'5 or 7/10 maybe? It's hard. Earth actually seems to be her weakest element, but she's not a bad Earthbender at all; pretty good, actually. Not at the same level as Toph, King Bumi, Jianzhu or Yun, for example, but probably around the same level as Bolin and maybe Su Yin, and above Aang. If you're talking about Metalbending and sub-bending forms in general that's a whole different can of worms lmao.
Air: 7/10, actually better than Earth. Korra's history with Airbending is funny to think about, because Air went from being the one element she couldn't even bend to being her most used element by the end of the show, surpassing Fire. She ended up becoming a pretty proficient Airbender tbh. Obviously she's not at the same level as Gyatso, Yangchen, Tenzin, Kelsang or Aang, but I'd put her over Meelo, Ikki and the rest of the New Air Nation and around the same level as maybe Jinpa or Pre-Flight Zaheer, perhaps a bit better in book 3, because Post Book 4 Korra from the comics however could probably body Pre-Flight Zaheer with just Airbending lmao.
Fire: 7'5/10. Fire used to be Korra's most used element before Air took its place. And she's very good at it. I don't think she's at the same level as Ozai, Iroh or Sozin, but she's above Zhao and Book 1 Zuko. I don't think she is at the same level as Post Book 3 Zuko or Azula, but she could probably put up a good fight against them with just Firebending. She's probably around Mako's level, maybe Rangi's? Not sure
Water: 10/10. No, I'm not grading her any lower. Despite the fact that it's not her most used one, Water is without doubt Korra's best element. She learnt Southern and Northern styles from Katara —as well as healing— and quickly adapted to Pro-Bending style as well. She's incredibly skilled and her level of raw power is insane: she managed to lift a whole river and throw it at Kuvira's giant mech with enough force to make it stumble, before proceeding to freeze all that water and trap that mech, all that without breaking a sweat and without a full moon, in plain daylight, just by herself. Without the AS, that's the biggest Waterbending feat in both shows. So, yeah, she's one of the Top Tier Waterbenders in the franchise for me. In terms of raw power —skill is something else— I think the only ones who could match her are either another Water Avatar, like Kuruk, or Amon.
Again this is all just MY opinion idk.
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polubrony · 1 year
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Been rewatching LoK and here is the result of my Korrasami brainrot
I love these two so much you guys
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