#legendary vessels au
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Here you go, I guess! More Legendary Vessels AU! I've actually had these mostly drawn for a few months now. But you know. Busy busy, too many projects. But because I get the occasional note on my previous posts for this AU, I figured, screw it! I'll finish these up! Besides. Playing with markers is fun!
(More info on the doodles under the cut)
With Palina here, the only Warden I have yet to draw is Sabi... But to be honest, I don't really have much in the way of fun or interesting ideas for what I could doodle with her. I've also been playing with the idea of having members of the Galactic Team also being Vessels, but I'm never able to decide on who would be a Vessel for what Pokemon. It's hard to decide.
The middle bottom one exists because I just think the idea of something/someone getting scruffed by someone/something much shorter than them is funny. Calaba is tiny! But that sure has hell won't stop her from going mama bear on people's asses and scruffing them!
Also I keep forgetting that I made the knock on wood gag last time and so this isn't the first time I've posted a drawing of Ingo. Given how much Emmet ends up popping up in these, you would think that he would show up more often, but nope! :p But admittedly, I just like coming up with concepts and scenarios for Emmet more. He's actually the reason that this AU's concept came to me in the first place, after all. So he can show up in more of these. As a treat. But also his usual bluntness combined with the fact that he's the only person who knows what the hell's going on, while also having zero investment in any of it is just very funny and lends itself well to humorous interactions with other characters.
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grismavessel · 6 months
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A wip but I’ve been thinking about exploring more with my vessel au
First draft of a Pecharunt possessed Kieran, he’s become too entangled with Pecharunt that he’s becoming less and less like himself
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Hey art of my oc Aaron being posted by Entei, specifically the Eldest who was brought back by Ho-oh this was inspired by @grismavessel vessel au he gains red eyes and highlights in his hair. If your interested in some extra info u can leave a comment
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legendarysoulsau · 1 year
We have time! Pleaseeeeee?
Volo groans, resting his head on his hand.
"You voidlings are so... INSISTANT."
He sighs, leaning back on the wall.
"For a while after I became a legend... I visited other regions... trying to figure out who I was. I... still masqueraded as a merchant during that time... picking up trinkets and baubles and selling them to whomever would buy them from me."
He looks out across the realm, his eyes nervously scanning the landscape even though there was nothing to search for.
"Paldea was much different the first time I visited. It was ruled by a king... and a rather tyrannical one at that. He wanted power more than anything else... more than his realm, more than his people and family... it... did something to me."
Volo's mouth falls into a flat line, his eyes flashing red for a moment as he recalls the ruler's face... his mannerisms.
"I wasn't really thinking about what could happen at the time... honestly I think I was angry at someone who was so... like I once was... so... DISREGARDANT of life, of people. I tracked down several relics he had been trying to get his hands on... a once powerful broken sword... some tablets that a scribe had written every wrongdoing he had committed on them, among a few others... things I KNEW he couldn't say no to. Then I..." He takes a breath, his eyes burning with an old ruby fury. "I poured every ounce of hidden, built up malice and power I could channel into them, tying a little fraction of the lost souls he had created into their depths. Then I sold them to him."
He the fury dies down... replaced instead by a quiet nervous shame.
"I don't know what I expected to happen... the items to self destruct... I don't really know... I think I was more Giratina than Volo when I did it." He sighs. "I certainly didn't expect to accidentally create FOUR legendries from my powers... or for them to raze the city to absolute ruins. Strangely enough... only the king and his advisors were killed, everyone else... all of the innocent... were safe."
He leans back on the wall again, his eyes cooling back to silver as the emotion of the memory dies down.
"I spent some time helping rebuild the land after that... sealing the four up where they couldn't hurt anyone else. I was pulled back to my realm soon after... but I think they still don't trust travelling merchants there... even now."
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bluegiragi · 1 year
hello! i'm gira, i go by she/her, and i've been making fanart for the cod fandom for about four months now :) the majority of that time's been spent on the soapbox saga, which is sort of just what i call the very plot-ridden porn comic featuring ghost, soap and konig. and recently i've been working on the monster 141 au!
i'm here to address the reasoning behind how i assigned certain monsters to certain characters, particularly the POC characters as well as accusations of racism regarding me neglecting gaz in all my art :) whoever you are, if you're reading this in good faith, i thank you! i earnestly never intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable from my work.
The Monster AU
i won't post the blog who brought this issue up mainly because, (realistically speaking) i think people might go after them and spam them with hate so I'm paraphrasing here. but basically..."how come all the POC in the Monster AU are assigned animal-associated monsters? Comparisons to animals can be incredibly demeaning when it comes to minorities".
I completely agree! But earnestly, I think my desire to assign every character a 'monster' that was relevant to their culture overshadowed the part of my brain that would've raised red flags about this sort of thing. There's the argument here that I could've assigned these characters cooler monsters such as Price who is a dragon, and Ghost who is a wraith, but I wanted to be respectful of all the minorities in the COD cast by giving them creatures that reflected their culture and personality.
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In the Monster AU, Alejandro is a nagual, which is considered a guardian spirit in Mesoamerican culture. Typically, it's said that the nagual is the shapeshifted form that powerful men can transform into in order to do evil (although that doesn't apply in this case, Ale's a heroic lad), and can come in the forms of a jaguar, deer, dog or bird. I chose a jaguar, since it seemed to be the most common form of nagual depiction in the resources I was looking at. The 'panther mode' isn't pre-established as part of nagual mythology, but since most panthers are just black jaguars, i thought the association wouldn't be unreasonable.
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I chose Alejandro to be a nagual because it's so in character for him to be protective of his home. The idea of him being a literal guardian spirit for all he considers his just made sense to me :)
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In this AU, Rudy is the vessel for two cadejos, which are legendary dog spirits popular in the mythology of Central America, parts of South America and Mexico. Historically, they've been known as psychopomps (guides to help humans into the afterlife following their death) but modern interpretation has shifted to depict them as the good guardian dog and the evil attacking dog respectively.
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A lot of the minute information about the cadejos tends to differ depending on the source. Like whether they're actually two separate dogs, or they're the same dog just in different 'modes', or how big they are. My personal depiction of them has them sized as normal dogs (although their spirit nature means they can move into small spaces pretty easily by just becoming immaterial temporarily) and as separate spirits that have been passed down through Rudy's family generationally.
I chose the cadejo for Rudy because although I wanted to include him in the Monster AU, i still liked keeping him as a character who was a bit more 'human' than Alejandro. I think Ale needs Rudy to hold him back sometimes, and having the two cadejo definitely helps with that. Sort of like how cheetahs in zoos have therapy dogs growing up because they're so anxious all the time! I think it also does a good job of showing Rudy's two sides as well, like he's a softie who just wants to protect those he loves, but he's capable of a lot of violence too.
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Valeria is a gorgon which, admittedly, is not part of Mexican mythology. However, I was put in a bit of a bind here, since my research didn't really reveal to me a monster in Mexican culture that I thought would suit Valeria's vibe (manipulative, elulsive) and I just felt like a gorgon would be perfect for her. Medusa's myth has her being continuously demeaned by the men in her life and is a symbol of female empowerment, which I thought was a great reflection of the implied reason that Valeria left the army was due to internal sexism. There's also the perfect parallel of how anyone who sees El Sin Nombre's face dies, and Medusa's whole 'turn you to stone' thing.
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I thought i could compromise by making Valeria a gorgon but her hair would be Mexican black kingsnakes but...turns out they're actually not that dangerous. Some people even keep them as pets! So I decided to keep the visual, but make her a pit viper, a subfamily of vipers found in the Americas as well as Eurasia.
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Horangi is a haetae (해태) which is a beast in Korean mythology that typically comes in the form of a horned lion or dog. It's prevalent in a lot of cultures in East Asia actually, although it goes under different names depending on the region - kaichi for Japan, xiezhi for China. I made Horangi a tiger variant on the creature because...well...'horangi' means 'tiger' in korean. It just made sense to me to put that little twist on it.
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Typically, haetae are seen as spirits of judgement, that decide on innocent and guilty parties in disputes and punish the latter. It's also considered a guardian against fire (hence the fire immunity and cloud manipulation powers I gave him).
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Gaz is a harpy which, I won't lie, was purely inspired by the fact that he seems to keep falling out of helicopters. But it's also because...yeah, I did neglect Gaz in the soapbox saga. But I think I neglected...everyone in the soapbox saga who weren't directly involved in the main ship. I sort of just tunnel visioned on the main three, so my exclusion of characters isn't just limited to Gaz, it was included Price, Laswell, Alejandro, Rudy, Graves etc.
I just want to make clear that my treatment of Gaz in particular isn't reflective of any inner preference against him. And to make good on that, me assigning Gaz wings of all things was to help me spend more time on him in the Monster AU! I think the contrast between Gaz being an upstart harpy, and Price being a one-winged dragon has a lot of potential as a mentor/protege relationship (and perhaps even something more) and it's why I assigned this monster to him. I really wanted to establish a connection upfront, but just making Gaz another dragon felt cheap - the harpy thing felt a little more in turn with his character :)
I really hope this cleared up any remaining frustrations with my designs for the Monster AU. I hope you can see that I never meant anything demeaning by assigning these monsters to their respective characters - in fact, I earnestly tried to go out of my way and be respectful to their backgrounds.
In any case, if you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them - I'd just ask you to please ask politely :)
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ninadove · 1 month
Hey Nina!
I wanted to ask something for the pl pokèmon au!
What legendary pokèmon do you think everyone would have?
I’m thinking Hoopa for either Clive or Descole
Maybe shaymin for Luke? Or maybe that for flora, and we give Luke a Virizion?
Maybe a Megearna for Claire? Terakkion for Hershel?
I wanted another opinion to bounce back ideas with because I’m kinda struggling!
So I was looking at the RO/SA Pokédex entries for Hoopa and this stuck out to me:
In its true form, it possess a huge amount of power. Legends of its avarice tell how it once carried off an entire castle to gain the treasure hidden within.
It is said to be able to seize anything it desires with its six rings and six huge arms. With its powers sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form.
You know who this burning desire and greed make me think of? THAT RAT BASTARD RIGHT THERE:
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Which obviously leaves the question of who Descole would get, and most importantly, who CLIVE would get. I am so very unbiased.
So I went down the rabbit hole of “darker” legendaries, and had a few false starts. Such as:
Darkrai: To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm. -> Anton, definitely, which means Sophia gets Cresselia
But eventually got a grip. I really like Terakkion for Hershel, which makes me think Keldeo for Luke, and another member of the Musketeer Trio for Descole — maybe Cobalion?
Magearna is great for Claire and also makes me think of Aurora:
Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.
Dialga for Claire or Dimitri maybe, because time? Shaymin is adorable and a great friend for Flora! 💖
As for Clive… I think I have found the perfect match…
This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange. […] It was banished for its violence [and] silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World. […] It appears in an ancient cemetery.
Without further ado… I give you…
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veryace-ficrecs · 4 months
looking for voltron (legendary defenders) found family or klance, i love some good banter. i’m also always up for some good angst but no pressure there
I can sure do that for you!
Voltron Fic Recs
This Is The Part Of Me (That You're Never Gonna Ever Take Away) by negativefouriq - Rated T
Lance finishes reading the file, then turns to face Shiro. Shiro braces himself for an onslaught of questions, and readies himself to message Coran — “Is this your way of quietly kicking me off Voltron?” — and freezes. Huh? “Pardon?” Lance swallows roughly, eyes trained on his fidgety hands. “Um, I asked if this is your way of kicking me off the team,” Lance repeats. Shiro has never felt more like his brain was completely empty, because he has no fucking clue what to say. --- OR: Shiro and Lance have a misunderstanding. But Shiro wants nothing except for his kids to be happy, so he clears things up as quickly as possible.
Singularity by this_book_has_been_loved - Rated T
AU where instead of landing in the trash nebula, Pidge finds herself on the same planet as a certain Galra prison camp
The Lost Paladin by dinosuns - Rated T
If he doesn’t leave, all of him will be reduced to cinders. But if he leaves, all of him will be undone. A course that he will choose to chart, no matter how it breaks his heart. It’s a battle that cannot be won. - Their names burn inside him, seared onto his soul. Black coal sits in the centre of his chest, fuelling a fire that was soon to be smothered by the very people that set it ablaze.
Bad Diagnosis by ElfGrove - Rated T
Pidge has been having bad headaches for nearly a week straight, so she decides to see if the infirmary has some sort of Altean Advil. The actual news is not so great.
Tag in, tag out by Rangergirl3 - Rated T
When a teammate is in danger, Keith doesn't stand by when there is something he can do to help - even if it might cost him his life.
Family Can Be 2 Aliens and 5 Ex-Paladins by Lilacs_and_the_sea - Rated G
The war is over, and everyone's back home with their family. Everyone except Keith.
i'm family? by seph_bites - Rated T
“You were right when you said I shouldn’t be leader. All of you were right and Shiro was wrong. I can’t be what you guys need,” he said quietly. “No,” Hunk said defiantly. “You’re the one who’s wrong. Because you’ve been there for us. You didn’t want to be the leader of Voltron but you did it anyway. For us.” “And I almost got all of you killed in the process! Look, once Shiro can pilot Black again, what would I stay for?” “Us! You’re supposed to say us, you asshole!”
A Family By Any Other Name by Calacious - Rated T
Lance and Keith discover a lone survivor on a planet whose inhabitants have been wiped out by a virus brought to them by a visitor from another universe.
the perfect pair by polypinneaple - Rated T
“Don’t– you know it’s not different Shiro, Pidge and I work just as much if not more and what, they can just skip practice today because they’re homesick, or what, tired? This is a war!” “If they can’t pull their weight then maybe they shouldn’t be here. No! I don’t want to hear it, I’m going to go train.” ••• Hunk wasn’t an angry guy, he wasn’t short tempered or easily poked. But something about the way Keith spoke about Lance made him furious, he didn’t care what these people thought about him, but his Lance? Hunk would go to war and die fighting if it meant Lance was happy. AKA Lance and Hunk deal with feeling like outsiders to Team Voltron during their first few weeks in, it doesn't go well.
It's Okay by TerrificTea - Not Rated
It was supposed to be a simple intel mission. In and out. Simple right? But this is Voltron, and now Lance and Pidge are trapped after an explosion, leaving Pidge concussed, confused and with a rapidly growing concern for her teammate.
Voltron Means Family, And Family Means No One Gets Left Behind by Spazzcat - Rated G
Five times the merchant vessel Castle of Lions gained a new crew member, and one time they all refused to leave.
Family, Then and Now by NightPurity - Rated G
Hunk likes to bake, but sometimes, his thoughts get a tight hook into him and start to pull him down. Coran, he happens to stumble upon a hurting Hunk. Sometimes, it hurts thinking about those you've lost, but also, it helps to talk about it. Of course, hope can help keep you afloat.
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mochalottie · 2 months
(Because even though no one asked for one...I wanted to do it to keep my brain entertained)
Avatar (Cameron Movies)
Oel Ngati Kameie (37k+ words) Series about Spider being adopted into the Sully. Post Way of Water.
To protect (2k words) Oneshot about Spider being injured on the SeaDragon.
Baby Mine (6.5k words) 5 times Spider called someone Mom or Dad and one time someone called him Son.
Eywa Provides (23k words) Multi chapter, complete - Feral Na'vi Spider living alone in the forest who is, surprise surprise, adopted by the Sullys.
Our Hearts Beat in the Womb of the World (115k words) Multi chapter, complete - Spider is adopted by Tonowari and Ronal. That's it. That's the fic.
For the Nights and Days of Life (387k words) Multi chapter, complete - All humans leave Pandora after the final battle leaving Spider behind. Oh, and he’s blessed by Eywa. That’s it. That’s the fic.
You Brought light, and new life (78k words) Multi chapter, complete - The comfort fic/sequel that everyone (surprisingly) wanted and I definitely needed.
What am I supposed to do, dance with it? (8k) Oneshot - Spider turns into a tiger. That's it. That's the fic.
Let the Wind Carry Us to the Clouds Multi chapter, ongoing - Aka the ikran racing!au I've snatched up and twisted into my own version, which features some Nocorro but centrics around our boy Spider!
Every Family has Someone Who Falls Multi chapter, ongoing - the time loop au where Spider is thoroughly put through the wringer.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
When You Can't Look on the Brightside, I'll Sit with You in the Dark (63k words) Multi chapter - a Zukka Alice in Wonderland AU where Sokka is Alice and Ozai is the Red King.
If Music is the Food of Love, Play On (4k words) Oneshot - Zuko essentially pining after Sokka in a Modern AU
Final Fantasy XV
Stronger than the Tides (13k words) Oneshot - Mermaid AU for Reverse Big Bang 2023
Blessed be the Boys Time Can't Capture (6k words) Oneshot - heads of families in Eos are vessels for the Greek Gods.
FFXV Song ficlets Series of Oneshots based on songs by Lauv. Includes multiple ships and AUs.
New Dawn (74k words) Multi chapter, complete - Ignis x Male!OC
Star Wars Prequels
Rock You Like a Hurricane Multi chapter, second part abandoned -The Obikin Band AU with Obi-Wan on drums, Anakin with vocals, Rex on Bass and Ahsoka on Guitar
The Mandalorian
Chakaar (22k words) Oneshot - Din Djarin x Male!OC Where a curious thief gets too involved with a grumpy Mandalorian and gains a family in return.
Inheritance Cycle
The World Ahead Multi chapter, incomplete - The Eragon/LOTR crossover that no one seemed to need, but two people very much wanted.
The Witcher
Destiny Changed Series of Oneshots - Jaskier is a Witcher and falls in love for Geralt the Nobleman. That's it, that's the series.
Voltron Legendary Defender
Space Family to the Rescue (1k words) Oneshot - Sick Keith is cared for by his Space Family.
Love is Endless (6k words) Oneshot - Keith pines for Lance in a Modern AU.
(Techni)Colour Vision (60k words) Multi chapter, complete - Klance through many film AUs.
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spazzcat · 4 months
Spazzcat's (Incomplete) YOI Fic Rec List
@alexseanchai said yes please, so now you all get to hear me ramble about the YOI fics I've been reading! I may do another one in the future since I'm still working through the archive but for now, these are the ones I've enjoyed and hope you will too! Note: Unless specified otherwise, all these are completed works.
Until my Feet Bleed and my Heart Aches by Reiya
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’   A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: Several, plot-critical Additional notes: This is the first installment of the Rivals series, which probably everyone in the fandom has heard of but I can't not include it. The sequel, Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts, covers the story from Victor's POV. An absolute banger of a series, and a real treat to reread as well as read for the first time after learning what was happening on the other side of the conversations. Expect lots and lots of miscommunication and heavy emotions throughout.
2. Stargazer by Fahye
"No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win."
Wordcount: 23k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: To paraphrase the author's notes, this is a sports AU of a sports canon, where the sport is a made-up sci-fi sport played by royalty. It sounds absolutely insane, I know, but trust me, the world-building is perfectly executed to tell you everything you need to know without getting bogged down with unnecessary exposition. Has an Otayuri-centric sequel.
3. Dear Mama by Ferrero13
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Epistolary format following canon from the perspective of Victor writing back and forth with his mother. Just a very cute and funny insight into Victor's head and heart.
4. How the Mighty Fall (In Love) by braveten
Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common.
1. They have unrealistic expectations for romance. 2. They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations. 3. They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: “KY.”
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Authors AU, just an all-around fun read of meeting, falling, and some hilarious mix-ups and mistakes along the way.
5. My Fun Fact Is: by stillmadaboutpetra
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
Wordcount: 6k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: The identity reveal trope is one of my favourites, and this is my favourite fic out of those.
6. Written in the Stars by pheonixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is a scientist aboard a deep space research vessel. Their mission is to chart and study a black hole, but when there's an accident Yuri is forced to abandon ship. Alone and adrift he can only watch as his husband, Phichit, and all their friends are killed. Then, with rescue likely years away, he goes into stasis. Victor Nikiforov is the young captain of an exploration vessel. Known for his charisma it is his job to make first contact and establish friendly relationships with other space-faring societies. But his curiosity is piqued when his crew detects an old distress signal, and finds a lone survivor from a ship lost nearly a hundred years before.
Wordcount: 90k Sex scenes: yes, not plot-essential Additional notes: Far future sci-fi, be prepared for character deaths right at the beginning and grief/mourning throughout. Really well-thought-out sci-fi experience with romance as part of the plot but not the entire focus.
7. Tale of a Sleeping Prince by phoenixwaller
In a world where soulmates exist, but may not be alive at the same time, those born first become "sleepers." They go into self-induced hibernation that can last centuries until their soulmate is of age, and close physical distance. At the age of 12 Yuri Katsuki sees a photo of the living legend, the oldest known sleeper, Victor Nikiforov. It sets in motion a desire to get close to the other man by training to be a caretaker. Eventually he finds himself in Saint Petersburg Russia, ready to work as close to the sleeping man, but as he approaches the Living Legend awakens.
Wordcount: 16k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: I am weak for soulmate AUs and this is a really unique one supported by fantastic worldbuilding.
8. Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket
In which Yuri Plisetsky began life with the name Edward Elric, and this has made the world of figure skating a significantly stranger and more alarming place. “Are you saying you lived a life of crime before you began skating?” “I’m gonna have to check the statute of limitations on a couple things and get back to you on that.”
Wordcount: 55k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Crossover with FMA, but knowledge of that canon needed to understand this should be minimal, I think. Focuses on Yurio and is one of the most hilarious fics I have ever read in my life, if you only read one fic from this list let it be this one, you won't regret it.
9. Empty Ice by phoenixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is considering retiring from competitive figure skating after coming in sixth at his first Grand Prix Final, but an accident only days after the final leaves his idol, Victor Nikiforov, in a coma. Grief stricken, Yuri decides to dedicate his season to the fallen skater and throws himself into the sport. He puts everything on the line for three final competitions. Then, dreams shattered, he retires. Adrift, grieving, and unsure of his place in the world Yuri turns to photography and quickly becomes known as one of the best figure skating photographers at competitions. It is this that leads him to the one thing that lends a sense of catharsis: recreating famous photographs of Victor, except in empty ice rinks. However, soon strange artifacts start to appear in his photos, and a presence calling itself Victor attaches itself to him. Yuri is left to wonder if he is going insane or if he's being haunted, and whether the strange artifacts in the photos are at all connected to the comatose skater.
Wordcount: 78k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Mind the tags, but trust me, it's worth the weird.
10. Miliy by fangirlandiknowit
Viktor finds himself in a sticky situation – referring to more than the mess in his pants after watching his favorite camboy’s show. In other words, how do you tell a camboy with a celebrity crush on Viktor Nikiforov that you are, in fact, the very man you role play with him as? The answer - you don't.
Wordcount: 66k Sex scenes: several, plot-important Additional notes: Lots of sex scenes (it's a camboy AU, what do you expect) but still manages to pack in an impressive amount of plot, drama, and feels.
11. Lessons in Love by fangirlandiknowit
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he'll do. He just didn't expect to become a fan, too. (He didn't expect to fall in love.)
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Broke: fake dating. Woke: Pining so hard everyone around you is convinced you're already dating. Strikes a great balance between a Victor who takes the important things in his life very seriously and a Victor who is a complete disaster when Yuuri's around. Very sweet, very funny, however you may have to suspend your disbelief regarding the physical and mental development of a ten-year-old.
12. No Storm Can Venture There (orphaned fic)
General Viktor Nikiforov stands, hands in his pockets, facing the man he so desperately needs on his side. "We've got four Jaegers and we're missing a pilot," he states. Pauses. The silence stretches, pulled at both ends by both stubborn wills. Finally- "You know I won't," former Ranger Yuuri Katsuki starts, turning his gaze aside, standing, shoulders tense, "can't." Viktor closes the distance. "Of course you don't think you can when you've been hiding from the possibility."
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: Otayuri glimpsed only briefly Additional notes: Going in, this fic starts off seeming like a beat-for-beat Pacific Rim rewrite with YOI characters. If you give it a chance, however, it is very much not, and goes further and further away as the story progresses. Very much a wild ride.
13. you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be by roserelease
More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov, aka Nike Cosplay. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him... It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry? (Except for when one fateful, lonely night, Viktor does.)
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: yes Additional tags: Be very mindful of the tags, while being a very positive story overall this one does touch on some heavy subjects and the second installment in the series even more so. Fourth installment is in progress and last updated Jan 15, 2024 at time of writing.
14. empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
Wordcount: 225k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Be mindful of the tags again for this one, otherwise a nice juicy slowburn of relationship development.
15. The Coin, The Stone, & The Rose by Silver_Scribbles
Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov once had the world at his fingertips; he was rich and powerful and handsome, and he had everything his heart desired. Now, he is a Beast, imprisoned by an Enchantress' spell; hiding away from the world in the never-ending winter of his shame. Katsuki Yuuri is . . . odd, to say the least. Beautiful, but odd. While the rest of the villagers put one foot firmly in front of the other, Yuuri would rather loose himself to his dancing and his daydreams; always wishing for something more than his provincial life. Each is captive to circumstances beyond their control; trapped by unbreakable spells and impossible dreams. However, an unlikely meeting is about to change everything. Hope makes a final play for their salvation as the sands of time run out; but as Yuuri and Viktor learn to find themselves in one another, they also make discoveries that they're completely unprepared for . . . some wondrous, some wretched . . . and some treacherous enough to permanently tear them apart. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
Wordcount: 270k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: While the first chapter is a well-executed tribute to disney's Beauty and the Beast, this is very much its own story that takes some of the basic elements and creates something entirely new and suited to the characters. Be advised that as the story progresses it does get a bit darker and heavier in some ways that aren't tagged for such as blackmail, forced marriage, and violence, but it does end happily.
16. The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well… That’s a long story.
Wordcount: 325k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Fascinating AU mixing not just royalty but magic, with a background world that diverged from our own. Does take the realities of court politics and political intrigue seriously and gets fairly dark at points, so approach with some caution.
17. Let Me Fall For You by HuntressFirefall
Victor Nikiforov was on his way to becoming a Living Legend in the sport of figure skating. After hitting his stride and winning back-to-back World Championships, the sport's biggest star was the overwhelming favorite to win gold in his third Olympics on home ice in Sochi, Russia. But when Yuri Katsuki pulls off the upset victory in Sochi at the young age of 21 and takes the gold, Victor begins to see his world and the people in it in a very different light -- and it turns out they see him differently as well. No longer knowing who he can rely on and finding he didn't know those close to him as well as he thought, when his skating career falters Victor makes a shocking choice that turns his world upside down in ways he did -- and didn't -- expect.
Wordcount: 400k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Takes a very serious look at the pressures of high-level skating and the consequences of that. The heavy emotions lead to the ending being satisfying beyond belief.
18. The Nature of Things by Zombubble
Lonely, tired, and stuck in Detroit for two months due to competitions, Viktor Nikiforov decides he's staying. He's not sure what he expects to find, but it's certainly not love, and he certainly doesn't expect it to come in the form of the World's Cutest Barista. But when the pressure of his career threatens to strain his burgeoning relationship, and long-held secrets come into the light, he finds his love tested in ways he'd never anticipated, with life-changing results.
Wordcount: 465k Sex scenes: None that I can recall Additional notes: What starts off looking like a meet-cute with skater!Victor and barista!Yuuri turns far more complex and serious when Yuuri turns out to be secret royalty. Long, emotion-heavy, and just touching on some of the darker facets of court reality.
19. All Our Yesterdays by Kitsunebi_UK
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life? Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive. When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
Wordcount: 1.02 million Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: A wild ride from start to finish, with truly exceptional attention to detail in creating a believable future and a realistic past, plus some scarily believable worldbuilding for the time periods in between. Expect period-typical violence for all eras that come into play. Does get downright heartbreaking near the end, but hang in there, they do get their happy ending, I promise.
20. Equivalent Exchange by writingfromtheshadows
Without the Katsuki line to protect and maintain the laws of magic, Great Mages have become so few and far between that many believe the age of magic is coming to an end. However, when he comes across a young man weaving tales with figures of fire, Viktor begins to wonder if magic is truly dead, or if it lives on in the body of the storyteller with warm brown eyes.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Wonderfully constructed fantasy setting, intriguing magic system, and an intense plot bringing it all together.
21. When the World Stops... by Miled
When an injury sidelines Viktor from competing as a skater, Yakov encourages him to take up coaching even if he kind of sucks at it. On the other hand, Yuuri is absolutely devastated that he can no longer strive to compete with his inspiration. Instead of giving it up, he dedicates one last season to honoring Viktor's career...but then Viktor takes notice.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Just a really interesting what if possibility!
22. L'ultima volta by goodbye_blue
“Hey, Mila,” Viktor looked up at her, bleary-eyed. “You don’t know any theoretical physicists, do you?” “…No?” She replied hesitantly. Yakov had seen enough. “What the hell are you doing?!” He stormed, rounding the table. Oh no, he thought when he saw the video. His stomach sank a little. It was that Japanese skater, Katsuki. The dark horse who had just demolished the competition at Skate America.
Yuuri and Viktor find themselves years in the past, right at the start of the fateful season where they first met. Now, if only they could figure out whether they’ve come back alone.
Wordcount: 25k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: They're idiots, your honour.
23. eternity will be born from hope by vivi_writ3s
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over. Or; Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
IN PROGRESS Additional notes: This is the beginning of a rewrite of a fic by the same name and author that they decided to alter because they realized they went OOC for Victor's age in the story. The pre-rewite version is still up as the first fic in the series and is absolutely worth reading as is (there are several scenes I go back to regularly).
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bungalowbear · 2 months
ranger!nanami kento x psychic gym leader!reader, pokémon au, wc: 600
as always thank you to @likelilacwine for inspiring this series! 💜
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Yuji lays on a bed in the infirmary. You stand above him with your fingers pressed against his temples. When the medicine that Nurse Aurora provided didn’t work, as it was the same the other doctors administered, Nanami reluctantly gave you permission to enter Yuji’s mind.
Once inside, you can immediately tell that something is very wrong. Yuji’s mind is polluted with dark smoke with only sparse slivers of clarity. You walk through an ancient stone corridor with torches mounted along the walls. The deeper you venture the higher the temperature becomes. Your palms are damp and a thin sheen of sweat covers your forehead.
The end of the corridor leads to a set of large wooden doors. With great effort, you push them open. The room is long and dimly lit with evenly spaced fire pots leading to a seat constructed of skulls and various other bones. It’s surrounded by a moat of red liquid so dark it almost appears black. The makeshift throne is empty, but you can feel eyes on you. With every careful step forward the sinister aura of the room completely envelops you.
“I know you’re here,” you declare into the room. “Why don’t you show yourself?”
A heavy presence suddenly manifests behind you. Your spine straightens and your heart pounds faster in your chest when a sweltering breath fans at the back of your neck.
“You’d simply die of fright, little girl,” says a deep voice.
You can’t fight the shudder down your spine, but you mange to retort, “I’m not a little girl.”
“You say you aren’t, yet you treat yourself like one. Why do you not embrace your full potential?”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“On the contrary, I’ve heard so much about you.” You can hear the way his mouth curves in amusement. It bites at your ego. “The legendary psychic foretold to be the shield of this realm. Who would have thought the one meant to protect these pathetic mortals would be the one to set me free?”
“I’ve done no such thing,” you defend.
“You already have. Your very presence in my domain has already set in motion the undoing of my prison. I thank you, little girl.”
A light scrape of a fingernail against the skin of your neck makes you jerk forward. You turn, but there’s no one there. You frown. He’s toying with you.
“What do you want with Yuji?”
“The boy comes from a long line of intentional breeding,” he explains, voice once again behind you. But when you turn around, again, he’s nowhere to be found. “His body was specifically designed to be a vessel capable of housing a powerful entity. Much like yours.”
“And he’s your vessel?”
“Precisely. His body will soon acclimate to my presence and his fever will subside. Then, I will challenge you once I have control of this body.”
“I won’t let you take him,” you vow.
“I look forward to seeing you try.” His breath is at your neck again. The rumble of his teasing laughter vibrates against your back. Turning your head, you gasp at the sight of his face, decorated with black markings and two sets of sinister crimson eyes. “Now, off you go.”
You’re abruptly thrust back into your physical form. Back in the infirmary, your legs falter and Nanami catches you before you can topple over.
“What happened?” Nanami asks.
You don’t realize you’re noticeably shaking until Nanami pulls your gaze away from Yuji, bringing you into his full embrace. You bury your face in his chest as dread sinks deep within you.
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i do not have a taglist. please follow @bungalowbear-archive and turn on notifications.
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marzipanparty · 2 years
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HI EVERYONE I WAS BEING A MENACE ON TWITTER BY POSTING ALL OF THIS THERE FIRST BUT!!!! Here’s the product many months of hyper-fixating w/ @skipbopbeeps: Fire Emblem Awakening Bloomic AU!!! I wrote short bios for everyone under the cut + some extra stuff!!! IT IS VERY LONG THO IM SORRY
NakedToaster - The Crown Prince of Ylisse who, in defying his parents, creates a vigilante army called the Shepherds. Although they prefer using tomes and strategic wit in battle, Toaster is proficient enough in swordplay to wield the legendary blade they’ve inherited, Falchion.
Quest - A reformed criminal devoted to using his strength to protect others. But bc of his past, entering knighthood was not something he thought was ever possible until he gets the opportunity to join the Crown Prince’s ragtag army.
XYX - A mysterious phantom thief famous for accepting any job no matter how risky or impossible. He ends up joining the Shepherds after realizing a job he accepted turned out to be an assassination attempt on Toaster’s life.
Nightowl - An eccentric mage who is the first in his family to wield magic. Owl was sent to an academy to hone his skills, however his penchant for dark magic has earned him scorn from his family and peers. He joins the Shepherds after running away, leaving behind his homeland.
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Salocin- Former khan of an eastern country; Salo left to travel the world with his wife, leaving his kids to take care of the throne. He joins the Shepherds after they successfully best him in a duel.
Two2- A normal citizen; their village was saved by the Shepherds against an risen attack. They end up joining despite their intense fear of war bc they just can’t standby still while innocent people are in danger. Two’s aim is only good in the heat of battle & sucks anytime else.
June- Junior pegasus knight; June joins the Shepherds after saving them in a critical moment of battle during a raid defending the capitol. She is obsessed with romance novels, particularly a handwritten novel she found about a pegasus knight who fell in love w/ her commander.
Onionthief- Curmudgeonly war priest; Onion joined the church at an early age to help make ends meet . He joins the Shepherds bc of his desire to protect the country his family lives in.
BigLady- Empress of Wyvern valley; a former pegasus knight, Lady was in a relationship with her commander but left after they were found out. She travelled across the continent before saving a duke from a wyvern by taming it. The duke hires her as a personal sentry for his valley.
SocietyBoy- Leader of the Grimleal; He inherited a cult that worships the Fell Dragon, Grima. He is also the former husband of the MC. The Grimleal, in trying to resurrect the Fell Dragon, conduct painful & horrible experiments on themselves and others to create a vessel worthy enough to raise their god. SB, a coward through and through, instead subjects his spouse to the experiments instead. He never expects the mark of Grima to ever manifest on them but ofc it does 🤡. MC tho runs far away before he can figure out about the mark.
Big Marty- Divine Dragon; an all powerful dragon that has protected humanity on many occasions before falling into an ancient slumber. At one point in history, he is awakened by a Hero and creates a blood pact to seal Grima for 1,000 years. The Hero would become the first Exalt of Ylisse and ancestor to Toaster’s family line.
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I wanted to test out some ideas for various different kinds of eyes for the Legendary Vessels AU You know. Because it's fun! I like drawing eyes! But also I don't know if anyone would have noticed this yet, but only Legendary Pokemon effect a person's eyes within this AU. People can become vessels for the Noble Pokemon, but their eyes will remain the same. Points for anyone who can guess to whom each of these sets of eyes belong to! It also didn't really occur to me how much Arceus' symbol kinda looks like an eye until I started playing with these.
Also Giratina doodles. For fun and suffering! :D Turns out that crayon's a GREAT tool for smoky effects!
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grismavessel · 5 months
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Vessel AU: Pecharunt's Rot
The vessel au is about powerful legendary/mythical pokemon taking up human hosts/confidants e.i like Resirham and Zekrom would want hosts that embody their ideals for comfort and human connection or e.i like Arceus needing a helping hand in the form of turning someone into a puppet and guiding them along. Could be malicious, could be co-habitable and comfortable.
Kieran draws the short end of the stick.
Kieran finds Pecharunt before returning to the blueberry academy in Unova and strikes a deal. A devil's bargain.
Kieran is given strength and more willpower to become the best and strongest trainer, in turn, Pecharunt in brought to new lands and hitches a ride with Kieran.
Pecharunt isn't strong enough to just dip in and out of physical reality, it's no legendary, but it takes the form of Kieran's hair band and a 'scarf' instead to stay close.
While Kieran trains to become the champion, Pecharunt spread's the toxic chain to the pokemon in the terrarium. It corrupts the pokemon and infects the pokemon with malice and poison. The pokemon get stronger, but they also get weaker.
So does Kieran. He sleeps less, eats less, he's so unlike himself that Carmine can't even recognize her little brother anymore.
Unbeknownst to both Kieran and Pecharunt, their bond and traits are so similar, they blend into one another. Fusing into an amalgamation of toxic mentality of winning and never accepting losing, of take take take until they're nothing left.
Kieran starts to look stranger, act stranger.
(Also I threw in Volo because the main story of the vessel au has him getting no attention whatsoever from any cool possessive dieties so I had to give him more L's)
(feel free to use the design with credit!)
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YGO AU: Breaking the Seal 14
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Chapter 14 Realization Still in a gruelling duel against Yugi, Joey must release Hermos the final Legendary Dragon but will it be enough to break Yugi of his mind control?
When the duel had began Yugi was shocked to see his doppelganger before him but before he could say a word the copy had activated the Seal of Orichalcos and everything around Yugi had gone dark. He looked around and saw he was the only person in this dark place. He called out for the Pharaoh and his other friends but no one answered. He ran around the endless void calling for them only for his echos to travel all around with no other responses. Just as he started to panic he heard a familiar voice echo back throughout the dark realm.
“Heh...hello <i>little</i> Yugi...long time no see...” the voice cackled all around him making Yugi sweat. “Did you miss me, little one?”
Yugi stopped in his tracks the moment he heard this new voice, he knew that voice...he could never forget this twisted and demented voice...
“No...it can't be! We- the Pharaoh! He-he beat you!” Yugi looked around scared as the form of the voice's owner finally materialized form the darkness; it was Yami Marik.
With his twisted smile and veins bulging out form his face he looked just as terrifying as he did before; with the Millennium Rod in his hands the glowing eye of wadjt appeared on his forehead. Yugi backed a away form the towering figure, Yami Marik only moved closer and tilted his head slightly watching Yugi like hungry wolf closing in on a lost sheep.
“That's impossible!” Yugi pointed shaking his head “You can't exist anymore! You were banished to shadows by Marik! I have the Millennium Rod!”
Yami Marik merely laughed, his mocking tone echoed all around them as Yugi felt the darkness close in as Yami Marik towered over him bending down at his waist to get a good look at Yugi, studying him for some nefarious purpose.
“Ha! My other half may have dispelled me form his body but I can still exist! I implanted myself within Joey's mind just before my other half managed to gain control again! I had planed on using him as a fail safe in order to get close enough to you so I could enact my revenge! But now I have other plans...” Yami Marik licked his lips again pressing his Millennium Rod under Yugi's chin like a knife pressing against his skin making Yugi wince in pain.
“...Other plans?” he asked frightened of the answer.
“I'm going to take over Joey's body! I'm going to erase his mind fully and implant myself within him! Then I'm going to kill all of your friends one by one...and finally I'll smash your beloved puzzle before I make you <i>swallow</i> each and every piece of it...” Yami Marik leaned in closely sneering before letting out a terrifying laugh again one that made Yugi's blood run cold, he started to shiver in fear.
“No...No! I wont let you do this!” Yugi yelled with tears in his eyes “I'll stop you!”
Yami Marik snapped his head up right before grabbing Yugi by the scruff of his shirt and lifting him off the ground.
“You stop me? You're only a vessel!” he chuckled and tossed Yugi the ground roughly, Yugi skidded on the void floor looking up at Yami Marik as he turned around and started to walked away.
“Sit there and watch you little brat! I'm going to destroy your life the same way you destroyed mine!” Yami Marik continued to walk just as Yugi managed to collect himself enough to stand up straight, as he watched the evil spirit leave Yugi felt his blood start to boil clenching his fists he screams.
“Turn and face me you coward!” Yugi pointed now angerly hissing.
“Running away form a vessel? Looks like you're not as confident as you used to be Marik! If you want to kill Joey or <i>any</i> of my friends then you have to go through me first!”
Yami Marik did stop for a moment twisting his head all the way around like an owl, a horrific sight to behold for Yugi who had a swallow a bit of bile that rose up into his mouth. Yami Marik then turned the rest of his body around to face the small boy, a horrible cracking of his bones could be heard only adding to Yugi's discomfort.
He chuckled raising his arm; a duel disk appeared on it.
“Very well! In order to free Joey's mind you have to beat me in a duel all on your own! No help form your friend the Pharaoh! And if you fail...I'll kill Joey right in front of you.” Yami Marik sneered and held up his Millennium Rod with a flash of light his form changed to match Joey's including his voice.
“Remind you of something? <i>Little Yugi...</i>I figured it's best to look the part since I'm gonna be Joey soon! HA!” Yami Marik disguised as Joey let his tongue hang out of his mouth with a twisted smile.
Yugi shuttered and growled leering at the evil copy. “You're really sick you know that?” Yugi held out his arm as a dual disk appeared on it.
“I'm you're opponent now! Let's duel!”
After a long and gruelling duel Joey and Yugi stood against each other; Yugi had Summoned Skull with <b>3000</b> Attack vs Joey's two Skull Servants each with <b>200</b> Defence, he pilfered form Yugi's graveyard last turn.
Yugi still had <b>600 LP</b> while Joey had <b>1200 LP</b>
Yugi had one set card on the field; no doubt away for him to get over Joey's barely defensive wall of monsters and win the game with one final blow. But that wasn't on Joey's mind at the moment, no he was still in disbelief over the revelation that came to light just a moment ago.
Yugi believed him to be Marik Ishtar; a former enemy they had faced not too long ago in Battle City. But he was far away now living his life as best he could after the events of the tournament. No longer did he carry the Millennium Rod or his thirst for vengeance against Yugi and Pharaoh. Yet here Yugi insisted the person he was dueling against was Marik and not Joey.
“Yugi thinks Joey is... Marik?” Tea asked
“Is that what Yugi is seeing right now?” Tristan asked as well.
Yami nodded “Yes I'm sure of it...” He then looked up to Raphael and glared to him shouting “Is this some kind of sick joke to you people!?”
Raphael only grinned down at them and responded “Maybe it is. Why not keep watching and see...”
Joey swallowed hard as he finally came to grips with the situation at hand. If he didn't break the spell over Yugi he'd lose not only his soul but lose his best friend as well. But he didn't know what he should do; he did have one card in his hand that could help... fanning out the other cards in his hand he could see the face of familiar purple robed magician, the signature card of Yugi's deck, Dark Magician.
Joey had drawn the card during his turn when he used “Roll of Fate” it was the fourth card he pulled the one that pulsed when he drew it. Before he and Yami Yugi were shocked with the revelation it was in his deck, not knowing how it happened but the longer Joey thought about it was when it finally hit him how it could have happened.
Back on the air plane while Yugi and him were playing Duel Monsters to pass the time, Yugi had just defeated him for the 10th time in a row when lunch was being served. Joey excitedly got up from the lounge chair area they had dubbed as their dueling zone. He slipped and fell to the ground his cards scattered behind him, he got up quickly and started to gather his cards. Yugi was holding his Dark Magician at the time and when he saw Joey fall he got up quickly to help him pick up his cards; not realizing he accidentally added Dark Magician to Joey's deck when he handed it back over to him. Yugi must not have noticed since Joey mentioned he could smell the food was burgers and that was enough to distract Yugi from checking his deck again. Something he normally didn't do but in this case he had so much on his mind already it was far form it.
This same conclusion was also reached by Yami Yugi after he checked his deck once he realized the Dark Magician had made it's way to Joey's hand. In his mindscape Yami looked back over to Yugi who was still in his doll like state, the Seal of Orichalcos on his forehead burning brightly keeping their connection to each other broken. His heart was heavy as he watched his still dull eyes, unblinking just focused on nothing but what was forward. From Yugi's perspective all he saw was a twisted Joey he needed to defeat at all costs, not his friend but an enemy disguised as his friend.
Yami once again left the mindscape and returned to the reality at hand, he watched Joey intensely. He could see Dark Magician in his hand, ready and waiting to be summoned, Yami then closed his eyes and thought
//I know somehow you came to Joey because he needs you. So please old friend, help him to awaken our Partner's heart.//
Yugi became more impatient and shouted “Will you just draw already! Stop stalling! I'm sick of this game and I'm ready to end it!” Yugi was shaking from anger as he yelled more the darkness entered his mouth looking like he had smoking breath. Even more shadows began to emit from his body swallowing him and embedding his body into them. Everyone witnessed it and gasped watching Yugi become consumed in the shadows.
Joey was sweating as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened them again and looked at the deck in his duel disk; it would all come down to this final draw, if he didn't get something good he'd lose everything...
//Come on deck I need something! Anything! I need a miracle...//
Suddenly his deck started to glow a brilliant white light; not only his deck but Yami Yugi's was as well, Yami looked down and pulled out his Timeaus card. Just like before in the limo it was glowing again the white light soon enveloped both Yami and Joey at the same time. Meanwhile at the same time over the skies Kaiba was in his jet when he too saw his duel disk glow, pulling out his Critas card he too found it to be glowing and before he could even ask why he was swallowed in the white light as well.
Yami and Joey found themselves teleported into the Duel Monsters world inside of the castle that held the crystallized statues of the Legendary Dragons; two of which had been released prior to their arrival but one still remained. Joey was confused at first to see such a massive crystal statue with a sword sticking out of it's foot, but Yami assured Joey he was the one meant to remove the sword and release the final dragon.
Joey was hesitant at first as he looked at the hilt of the blade but he felt something was calling to him, so he reached out and grabbed the handle when he did he felt a wave of energy run through him. He quickly grabbed the handle with both hands and pulled until the sword came lose.
“OMG Yug...I think I might be the next King of England...” Joey blinked as he saw the dragon come to life before his eyes, shattering it's crystal prison with a mighty roar. Joey again looked up at the beast with awe, then it came to him
“I...I know your name! It's... Hermos!”
Once Joey spoke the dragon's name everything was bathed in the white light again, and in an instant he found himself back in the real world once more. He blinked a few times before darting his head to the side to look over at Yami Yugi who watched him sternly. He knew Joey was the one the final duelist to release the dragon.
Raphael had noticed the Orichalcos stone around his neck had also started to react to whatever happened to Joey just now, he continued to watch intently waiting to see what he would draw next.
Yugi hissed as he watched Joey once again not draw his card and yelled out “What are you waiting for! Make your move!”
Joey looked at Yugi then back down at his deck finally he drew his card, in his hands was the card of the dragon he'd just set free; The Claw of Hermos.
//No way! Its the dragon I just released! Hermos!//
“Okay you asked for it! You're about to meet my new friend Hermos!” Joey yelled.
Yami Yugi smiled as he saw the card now, he knew Joey was chosen and now he stood a chance of winning this duel and freeing Yugi from the evil power of the Orichalcos.
“So did he draw something good or not?” Tristan asked and Yami responded.
“He has just what he needs to turn things around.”
Mai looked at his hand then to his face, he genuinely did look like he wanted to help her. Could he help her? Was this card just that powerful? Could she be the world's greatest duelist if she accepted his help?In the back of her mind all she saw was Marik's horrible face as he laughed at her pain, her becoming swallowed up by the sand, drowning in her sorrow. She never wanted to feel that way ever again! She looked at his hand then slowly her own hand started to raise up her fingers inching slowly towards his own.
Suddenly his Orichalcos stone on his ring started to glow as if it was reacting to something,Valon looked at his ring then got up and turned around to head to the balcony's edge. Looking down he saw the duel was still on going and Joey was still in the game.
He growled looking at Yami Yugi and hissed “Interfering again?! Wheeler should be cooked by now!”
Mai had finally snapped out of her daze long enough to hear Joey's voice echo through out her mind. That's when she remembered; Joey had no magic...he was hardly a perfect duelist but somehow he still managed to get to the finals in Battle City...even without a god card. That means if even someone like him can become so strong...what was stopping her?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Valon returning, kneeling back to her and offering his hand again.
“What do you say Mai? Will you let me help you?”
Mai was silent as she looked at his hand, finally she brought her hand to his and took it allowing him to help her back on her feet. She paused for a moment before pulling his arm towards her and in a swift movement that caught him by surprise, she managed to pull him over her shoulder lifting him enough off the ground to spin and send him flying over the baloney's edge. Valon had seconds to react by grabbing onto the balcony's ledge and holding on as best he could.
Valon looked up at her in shock and yelled “What the hell are you doing?!”
Mai glared at him “Listen up asshole! I'm not interested in joining you're little cult, so why don't you go soak you're head!” She then lifted up her leg high enough over the ledge just above his fingers before bringing down the full force of her foot in sandal heels on top of them.
Valon screamed as he let go of the balcony and dropped a good 20 ft down, luckily for him a water feature was just below and broke his fall. Everyone was too preoccupied with the duel to even notice him scream and splash into the water. Mai huffed and kept running towards the next set of stairs that would lead her to the next floor of the building and hopefully to a security room.
Valon watched her leave, spitting out some water, he could only say “What a woman...” he grinned before falling back into the water.
Joey looked at his newly drawn card; with the 'Claw of Hermos' on his side he was hoping now he could finally end this duel and save Yugi with it's power. When the card spoke it's name to him he knew what he had to do in order to utilize it's power. But he had a problem he needed Dark Magician to help pull off his plan, would this card obey him? Did he have any right to use a stolen card even if by accident this was still Yugi's monster after all...
“Joey!” Yami Yugi yelled out to him causing Joey to look back at him again, he didn't need to ask the question since Yami's smile and gentle nod gave him the answer he needed.
Joey smiled to him and nodded before looking back at the Dark Magician card again. Closing his eyes he spoke to the card mentally
//I know you're Yugi's card...But right now I need your help to save my best friend! Please fight with me...For Yugi's sake.//
Joey opened his eyes started his turn;
“I sacrifice both of my Skull Servants to summon an old pal of yours Yugi!”
With Joey's declaration the two Skull Servants vanished and in their place a magic circle appeared below and rising up form the circle came the purple robed spellcaster. His arms folded with his signature teal staff in hand, his form towering and stern as he floated on the field in front of Yugi.
“Say hello to Dark Magician!”
Everyone outside of Yami Yugi was shocked with his appearance on Joey's side of the field; Tea and Tristan both asked how it could have happened. It was Yugi's card after all, did he give it to him before the duel somehow? Rex and Weevil were surprised too how could Joey be able to use Yugi's signature card.
“Yugi... how did you-” Tea looked down to Yami Yugi who folded his arms and closed his eyes now.
“I didn't...but if it did end up in his deck it wasn't a coincidence...it was fate.” Yami opened his eyes again to watch Yugi's reaction.
Yugi himself was frozen in place; he couldn't believe his best card was in the hands of a villain and even worse it was going to be used against him. Dark Magician looked down at Yugi his deep blue eyes holding a great deal of sadness in them as he looked down upon his master.
Yugi started to shake as his eyes started to blur, he held his head trying to focus but the world started to spin around him now. He felt the pull of anger hit him again as he glared over at Joey.
“Y-you have got a lot of nerve using him against me...” he growled
“Yugi, can't you see how much pain Dark Magician has in facing you? He doesn't wanna fight you either! But this is the only way to save you... ” Joey looked up at Dark Magician, he looked back at him and gave him a nod.
“I'm gonna give it my all here Yugi! I'll pull you back form the darkness!”
Joey continued with his main phase one; from his hand he activated the spell card “Instant Fusion” allowing him to bypass the summoning conditions for a fusion monster in his hand. He summons his Flame Swordsman to the field, his own signature monster.
With Dark Magician <b>(2500)</b> and Flame Swordsman <b>(1800)</b> on the field it still wouldn't be enough to take down Yugi's boosted Summoned Skull <b>(3000)</b>.
Yugi grinned “It wont be enough...Dark Magician is a powerful card but to truly bring out it's power you need magic cards that work best for him. And you don't play spell casters so any cards you have wont work with him!”
“Don't count on it Yug. I got a card that will do the trick right here!”
Joey showed off his new magic card “Claw of Hermos”; Raphael stayed stone faced as he watched everyone else react with surprise. He felt he underestimated Joey since he was able to release a legendary dragon he truly was a worthy soul worth taking.
“See 'Claw of Hermos' can fuse with one monster on my field and become an equip card for my monsters!”
Joey grinned as he activated his spell card; the red dragon entered the field with a roar resting behind Flame Swordsman, opening its mouth it pulled the flaming warrior into it as they both fused together they became an entirely new object; A red coloured staff similar to the staff Dark Magician carried but with a red dragon head at the top of the staff. In it's mouth a blue orb rested.
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“This is Slamandra Staff! And I equip it to Dark Magician!”
Dark Magician picks up the staff and his Attack points increase instantly form <b>2500-->3200.</b>
“That's not all! Thanks to the special effect of my staff not only does Dark Magician gain <b>700</b> attack points if he destroys a monster in battle half of your monsters attacks points are dealt to you as damage! ”
“This means Joey can win this duel with one attack!” Tea was excited but now also scared. “But if he does...”
“But Yugi has a face down card too. This duel is down to the wire now...But I'm sure Joey's dragon Hermos will be the key to saving them.” Yami said watching the card on Yugi's field, he knew it had to be a trap card...perhaps Mirror Force? It's what he would have played right now.
Yugi was shocked to see it; how could the dragons be working for someone so evil? Was he wrong? Were the dragons really a force for evil and not good? Or... or was he wrong? Yugi held his head again as his mind started to swim in confusion and questions started to leak out.
“W-w-what's happening?” Yugi mumbled.
Joey watched and could see Yugi was starting to stumble a bit, maybe the dragons power was working, maybe Yugi was finally starting to wake up.
“Yugi? I know you're still in there... I'll free you I swear!” Joey shouted.
Yugi looked back up at him his eyes were becoming watery and his vision was blurring more, the shadows started to slowly leave him now as he started to regain focus.
“J-Joey...” Yugi said weakly reaching out to him.
Back at the temple Dartz sat in front of his alter dressed in his white robes as the light of the temples candles danced around him. His medallion in his hands as the light of Yugi's soul brightly shined hovering over it, he was watching the duel unfold and pulling the strings as he did. The green glowing light of the Orichalcos's aura surrounding Yugi's soul.
Dartz grinned as he watched Yugi's mind become clouded with darkness thanks to tarot cards hidden in his soul, they were feeding off of his fear of facing the evil Marik again, powering the Orichalcos shard in his ear making him stronger. All was going to plan until he felt the light of the dragons power awaken and begin to pull at the curtain being held up by Dartz's actions. He could feel Yugi's mind and soul were starting to resist his pull, he hissed gripping his medallion harder.
“No! I'm so close! Don't resist the pull child! Finish him! Finish him now!”
Dartz poured more Orichalcos power into his medallion adding more power to the green aura around Yugi's soul.
Valon had limped his way back up onto the balcony holding his now injured arm and soaking wet form his fall, Raphael looked over at his fellow swordsman and raised a brow.
“I guess she said 'no'.”
Valon huffed and rubbed his injured arm again “I'll change her mind...” he looked out at the duel before him and noticed Dark Magician out on the field holding a new staff.
“Did he release the dragon?” Valon looked up at Raphael who only nodded in response making Valon growl again “This ain't good...”
“But now he's in a dilemma...If he attacks he can win but the vessel also has a face down card and it could be the key card for him to win. Either way it's a loss for them.” Raphael spoke quite directly.
“Well guess we'll see just how worthy a duelist Wheeler is then.” Valon glared down at Joey.
Yugi felt the pulse of more power wash over him again making him scream and hold his head in pain, he looked forward again and saw Yami Marik back in his true form and laughing at him.
“It's over! Once I attack you Joey dies!” The appropriation laughed again making Yugi shutter in rage.
“I'll stop you! I'll stop you for good!” Yugi shouted.
Joey paused for a moment and he started to think; if he did attack Yugi there was a chance his face down card would negate his attack or redirect it. If he loses this duel... Joey closed his eyes tightly, in his mind he could see Yugi across form him like before. But now he felt the weight of the hand cuffs on his leg. The pressure and fear of knowing this may be his last move that they'd both be dragged down to their deaths...but even with that fear pulsing in his mind Yugi still fought. He still pulled through and won Joey's heart back.
Joey opened his eyes and looked at Yugi again he was pulsing with darkness and rage. His heart was sinking again thinking this was exactly what Yugi faced, how he felt... Then it hit him, he knew what had to be done, it would be a gamble but this was his only shot.
Breathing in then out slowly Joey pointed and said
“I use Dark Magician to attack your Summoned Skull!”
Dark Magician with his new staff in hand raised it above his head, the glowing gem of the staff emitting a bright and powerful light as the fiery serpent come to life and roared before directing its power at the Summoned Skull ready to destroy it.
Everyone watched as the magician's attack was ready to make contact with the skeletal demon; with <b>3200 vs 3000</b> attack points between them the demon was sure to fall. On top of the damage Yugi would face if the attack was successful he'd also take on half of the damage of his monster's attack as well, the duel would be over with Joey as the victor.
With the attack declared Yugi activates his set trap card, “Dark Spirit of the Silent”; when his opponent declares an attack this card would negate it, then he could select another monster his opponent controls, so that monster attacks instead.
“I activate Dark Spirit of the Silent! Your attack is negated! And on top of that I can choose what monster is attacked!” Yugi smirked as he brought up his free hand and pointed at Joey “It's over...”
“Wait!” Joey shouted making Yugi pause mid sentence so he continued “You wanted to say one last thing to me right?”
Yugi looked flabbergasted at this sudden intrusion but he couldn't help but listen to him now. “W-what?”
Joey had a gentle smile on his face “You wanted to say how much our friendship means to you, how I taught you that you're not alone and gave you courage...You're not fighting alone Yug, you never have been...we're all here for you and I know deep down inside you're fighting to save me...”
Yugi was shaking as he heard those words, those oh so familiar words bringing up a bitter sweet memory form deep inside of his mind. His eyes started to soften as he felt his heart was beating harder; the pain of that memory, the pain of fighting for Joey's soul but the joy and happiness he felt when he won it back...Yugi could feel the darkness inside of him starting to reseed, the shadows around him in the void started to vanish.
Joey noticed the shadows starting to disappear and leave Yugi's form, it gave him courage and hope his plan was working. So he continued rubbing the sides of his eyes were tears started to form.
“Truth is you already did save me; Back when we first met when I used to bully you I said I was gonna teach you how to be a 'man'. But turns out you taught me what being a man really means, it's not about being able to knock someone out or being the toughest guy in the room. It's about standing up for what you believe in, facing the odds no matter how scared or out matched you may be. And defending what really matters to you no matter what, you taught me all that and I'll always be grateful to you for it... ”
Inside the mindscape the other Yugi's eyes started to water up as he started to whimper, losing his doll like state he was finally starting to wake up. He started to see the world was changing back to normal and evil Marik/Joey was melting away and fading back into the real Joey and real world.
Yami Yugi noticed and looked back at Joey //Yes! Joey it's working! Keep going!//
Up on the balcony both Raphael and Valon couldn't believe this emotional speech was causing such an upheaval in the duel, Yugi was one attack away form an instant win and he was hesitating! Why? How could Joey have the power to influence Yugi's heart to such an extent.
Joey rubbed his eyes one last time before he continued speaking
“I...love you.” Tears flooded down his cheeks as Yugi finished the sentence.
With those 3 words the Seal Orichalcos started to flicker and weaken. It was like he'd just woken up form a deep sleep as Yugi's eyes finally adjusted and the full realization set in for him as to where he was. Yugi held his head and shook it a few times; he blinked once twice three times as he looked around to see he was back in the lobby again. His attention fell on Joey, the confusion started to show on his face as he asked.
“J-Joey? What's going on?” Yugi looked down at his arm and saw the strange duel disk on it then looked back to Joey whose Duel disk was active too.
“W-why are we dueling?” Then Yugi noticed the Seal of Orichalcos around them and jumped back a bit frightened.
“The Seal of Orichalcos!? Wha- No...” Yugi covered his mouth looking up at Joey in fear.
“...Am I? Did I use it?” He whimpered out.
“Yugi! It's okay man! Those creeps were tricking you into dueling me!” Joey pointed up at the men on the balcony who still didn't look very impressed with the current circumstances.
Yugi looked up at them then down at his duel disk again, then over to Dark Magician and once more his eyes fell on the Seal. He knew what would be fall them if either of them lost and it was something Yugi didn't want to happen.
“No!” He yelled defiantly. Yugi rubbed his eyes and glared down at the seal, he clenched his fists tightly and tried to concentrate.
Opening his hands he brought his arms up to his chest; he started to pull his arms apart almost like pushing open a siding door as he did he could feel the same power that flowed into him the first time he encountered the seal. The same roar of power coursing through his veins giving him a great deal of strength. Yugi was sweating and panting as he continued to push, Joey and others all watched as Yugi's actions started to effect the Seal.
<b><i>“...I...I don't want....to fight you...”</i></b>
The shard of the Orichalcos stone dangling from his ear lobe started to flicker matching the seal's actions it too was flickering. Back on the balcony both of the swordsmen could only watch with wide eyes as the seal started to finally crack; starting from the top and slowly working it's way down and spreading across the dome that housed the two duelists below.
Just like crackling glass the Seal of Orichalcos shattered raining the green energy shards down before vanishing upon impact with the ground, a blast of energy shot out pushing everyone below back knocking them all off their feet. Yami, Tea and Tristan all were thrown back into the steel gates covering the windows, Joey was tossed not too far away the same as Yugi. While up top on the balcony Raphael and Valon had to brace themselves, even though they didn't receive the full impact of the blast from below they still had some blow back they had to look away form.
When the dust finally settled Joey got up first and looked in front of him, there he saw the copy of Yugi face first on the ground. Gathering his strength Joey ran towards Yugi at top speed, getting down on his knees he held Yugi up in his arms turning him around to face him.
“Yugi! Yugi wake up!” Joey shouted scared his friend was hurt by the blast, he shook him slightly after receiving no intimidate response.
Yugi's eyes slowly opened but staying only half lidded, his eyes seemed to be back to normal with no reddish glow around them and symbol of the Orichcalcos vanished form his forehead.
“J-Joey...you did it...” Yugi looked up into Joey's brown eyes and smiled weakly.
Joey returned the smile much wider and pulled Yugi into an embrace, holding onto him tightly never wanting to let him go again.
“Yug! You're okay!” Joey beamed as tears streamed down his face.
Yami and others soon got up and finding Joey embracing Yugi they all followed suit and gathered around them, Tea had tears in her eyes she had to wipe away on her sleeve while Tristan was balling his eyes out in happiness. Yami looked down at the sight with a look of relief in his eyes, glancing over at the ghostly image of his partner that stood beside him. Yugi watched as well his eyes were just as watery as everyone else, feeling of satisfaction and peace finally returning to him.
//I knew you could do it Joey...// Yugi thought.
Joey had done it, just as he promised he'd gotten Yugi's soul back...now he just had to return it to his body.
“It's gonna be okay Yug, We'll get your soul back into your body asap!” Joey turned his head looking over at Yami Yugi who nodded and held out his arms ready to take Yugi into them, their task was almost complete.
But above them the two swordsmen had other plans; Valon glared down at the sight and gritted his teeth, his good hand that rested on the railing gripping it in frustration. Raphael ever the stone wall of emotions glared down at the sight as well but his focus was on the Pharaoh. Valon finally having enough of this hugfest decided to properly bring it to an end. With a sneer on his face he let go of the railing and held his hand out his fingers at the ready he called out.
“Oi Kids!”
His voice caused everyone to stop and look back up at the men again, Yami and Joey in particular were on their last nerve with Valon's antics at this point.
“Hate to break up such a sweet reunion but the 'Free Trial' is <i>over!</i>”
With those final lines he snapped his fingers, as he did the shard of the Orichalcos in Yugi's ear started to glow. The Yugi in Joey's arms jolted and started to shake as his whole body started to glow in the same green light. Yugi looked up at Joey with tears in his eyes as his body started to disintegrate before him, starting at his fingers then working it's way inward he let out a scream of agony as it did.
All anyone could do was watch in terror as Yugi finally disappeared leaving nothing but the single shard floating in his place, they all screamed out in horror at the sight as the shard quickly darted upward and landed in Valon's hands.
Valon sneered down and chuckled holding the shard between his fingers.
“Sorry folks! Looks like ya have to purchase the full version!”
Joey's eyes were wide after witnessing Yugi's 'death' before him, his arms were shaking as his hands clenched into fists. White hot rage boiling in his blood, the need for violence pulsing through his mind as he gritted his teeth. Joey stood up quickly and snapped his attention upwards to Valon, his brown eyes making contact with Valon's blue eyes, blood lust had taken over Joey in way he only felt when he was fighting back in his gang days.
“You're fucking <b><i>DEAD!</i></b>” Joey shouted before sprinting for the staircase.
Everyone shouted at Joey trying to get him to stop but nothing was reaching him, his full focus was on reaching Raphael and Valon. He wasn't gonna duel them, oh no he was going to <b>kill</b> them! They could hear Joey's stamping foot steps as they clanged against the metal staircase and echoed in the hallway, he was getting closer and closer with each stomp. Like a locomotive he was unstoppable at this point and while Valon was more then ready for a fight Raphael had enough.
Taking off his necklace holding it up in he air, he looked down at Yami Yugi and shouted.
“We're done for now Nameless Pharaoh but I'll be back for your soul next!”
And with that the stone of Orichalcos's started to glow and a blinding green light enveloped the lobby causing everyone, including Joey to cover their eyes, by the time the light was gone so were the two men. Joey finally reached the landing only to see nothing of the men was left, he panted looking around before he dropped to his knees and screamed out in frustration.
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natalievoncatte · 11 months
Souls Adrift on a Sea of Stars
by Natalie von Catte
The pirate captain was a woman, and a beautiful one at that. Lena made herself small, trying to avoid her attention as she surveyed the ship she'd just boarded, but it was too late. Tall and lithely muscled, the captain crossed the deck with speed and grace.
Lena flinched as the blade of the pirate's sword whipped through the air, and her throat seemed to crush itself shut as she felt the cold steel under her chin, tipping her gaze up so that the pirate might look into her eyes.
"My, my, my, but aren't you a pretty little thing."
Lena Luthor, daughter of the wealthy Lionel Luthor, travels to the New World to join her brother and be sold off in a loveless marriage to increase his fortunes, but never arrives. The legendary pirate ship the Argo bears down on her vessel and boards it, and Lena is taken prisoner by Captain Kara Danvers and her crew of misfits, brigands, and aliens.
The Pirate AU
Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
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aberooski · 3 months
Rewatched the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy for the 80th time and watched 4 and 5 for the first time
Atticus/Alexis/Chazz trio pirate au
Plot part 1....? 🤷‍♀️
Chazz is a noble who was kidnapped during a pirate raid on his family's port, but a few days after before his father's ships can catch them, the pirate's ship is attacked by the infamous crew of the Obelisk Blue, a ship captained by a fiercesome young woman, said to be sailing the seas in search of her long-lost brother.
The crew of the Obelisk the J-Squad plunders the ship and coming across the valuable prisoner on board, they take him on board the Obelisk Blue where he comes face to face with Captain Alexis Rhodes, fiercest female pirate to fly her colors in the seas of the Academia Isles. She elects to keep Chazz on board since his value could bring them great fortune, which she could most certainly use to fund her long and arduous search for Atticus, who had gone missing at sea some years prior, though she refuses to believe he's gone. So long as Chazz can earn his keep, he will remain unharmed and be treated well until she and her crew can make a deal with his family to ensure their protection in their waters, and the resources needed to scour the seas until Atticus is found, or sell him to the highest bidder.
So Chazz is forced to either work amongst the crew or be locked up in the brig, and so he gets to work. Eventually, Alexis invites him to her cabin to have a discussion. She's very vague about her intentions with him when he asks, but even he's heard her sad story whispered on the winds of the Isles.
He recounts the tale of the female pirate's past. Of the beloved brother off to sea on a merchant vessel that never came back to port, save for one man. Disheveled and mad, half-drowned and muttering and raving about a phantom ship, the Shadow Rider. The legendary ship they say is captained by a man cursed by the very darkness itself, old and decrepit and long since dead, he sails the seas harvesting victims, taking revenge on still living sailors. Once a ship faces the Shadow Rider, you either die, or if your soul and will are strong enough, he steals you and makes you apart of his crew, and you become cursed by darkness too. A fate far worse than death, some say. Seldom does even a single man survive to tell the tale. He tells her of the young girl who ran away from home and single handedly commandeered a ship after stowing away, and put together her own crew to find her missing brother. Chazz doesn't believe in the tale of the phantom ship.
But Alexis does.
Her brother isn't dead, he has to be trapped on that ship. And she counters that if he knows the story of the Shadow Rider, he's not heard the whole story. Kagemaru, captain of the Shadow Rider, takes revenge on the living, yes. But his purpose is greater. He sails in search of seven keys that can break his curse, and restore him body and soul. And if that were to be true, the keys must also be able to free the crew. Atticus must be apart of the crew.
He asks her how she could possibly know that, and she reveals to him that she's seen it in her dreams. Every night she sees a man on a decrepit old ship. His face is distorted and he's chained to the deck, but she hears her brother's voice calling to her. It has to be a sign. And she reveals that she's already found four of the seven keys. She only needs three more. And so they make sail for a particularly dangerous port, where she just might find allies to lead them to one of the remaining keys.
Little do they know that there's even more to the legend than even Alexis knows. The seven keys alone can free the crew and captain of the Shadow Rider from darkness, yes, but to return the captain to life and youth as well, a toll must be paid. A sacrifice of the blood of a sovereign, more potent than any common base-born blood. And Chazz just so happens to fit the bill. He also requires the souls of the crew. And to make matters worse, two of the three keys are already in the possession of the phantom crew of the Shadow Rider, who are in pursuit of the remaining pieces, and know of the female pirate who has come into possession of four.... and the precious cargo aboard the Obelisk. And so, the phantom ship searches for the Obelisk Blue.
When the Obelisk makes port after a few more days, Alexis leaves Chazz locked up on board as he's still technically a prisoner, though he is admittedly starting to grow on her a little, and sets off to find her contacts, Sartorius and Sarina, a pair of mystic siblings well versed in the legends and curses of the sea. They give her a secret map they kept hidden even from her, that reveals the location of the final key. But before she can return to her ship, unbeknownst to them all, the Shadow Rider has found them.
Back on the Obelisk, the phantom ship is spotted out to sea, and the crew prepares to defend their ship and the keys without their captain, and Chazz remains locked up below. But as the crew prepares on deck for a fight, members of the phantom crew infiltrate the ship under their noses, and make for the four keys. The keys are kept in Alexis's cabin, so a fight brews up on deck, but there's still one enemy left down below. And with Chazz left unguarded in favor of the keys, and his unknown importance, the unknown man in the mask comes to collect the boy. All the while back on land, Sartorius and Sarina tell Alexis the truth of Kagemaru's ambitions. He has two of the keys already, and if he claims all seven, he will use them to break his curse and restore his life and youth. But to do that, he needs Chazz's blood. And if her brother really is apart of the crew, if Kagemaru's plan succeeds, she really will lose him forever. Alexis is horrified by this, and without having a second to breathe, Sarina gasps and reveals that the Shadow Rider is here. She senses the ship's presence. Alexis, more horrified, takes the map to the final piece and runs back to her ship!
Back in the ship, Chazz is face to face with the mysterious man in the mask as swords clash above them. The man says nothing, but Chazz, studying him, realizes he seems to resemble Alexis even with the mask obscuring his face. He interrogates him for a moment, asking if he knows who the captain of this ship is. Her name is Alexis Rhodes. ring any bells? And he asks if there's a man named Atticus on the ship, but still the man says nothing. But his head does begin to hurt at the mention of those names. And gripping his head in pain, he breathlessly calls for Alexis, but then from above deck, a voice calls down below, ordering the man, called Nightshroud, to secure the boy and return to the Shadow Rider as they've successfully stolen the keys. This seems to almost reactivate Nightshroud, and with great strength, he breaks open the cell and grabs Chazz, restraining him and throwing him over his shoulder, whisking him away from the Obelisk with the phantom crew and the keys. Alexis returns to the ship just in time to catch a glimpse of Nightshroud as he and the crew escape on a boat back to the Shadow Rider with Chazz and the keys in tow. She recignizes him as the man from her dreams, and desperately calls out to him. Atticus! She screams, and again his head begins to hurt and spin. But this confirms it for her.
Her brother is alive.
But now they've lost the keys and Chazz, so Kagemaru now has six keys and the blood sacrifice he needs. But Alexis has the map to the final key. And they can still recover the other keys and rescue Chazz and her brother. It can, and it will be done.
Also all this time they're still being pursued by Chazz's father's fleet of ships. So there's that problem too.
That's all I've got atm and not sure if I'd actually fully write this out or not but like this is awesome????
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