#legion blitz
shadowtoons · 9 months
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And miss drawing Legion Blitz
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itsohh · 9 months
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ok the dbd skins in r6s kinda go hard ngl
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timkontheunsure · 19 days
The clocks back theory
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Something in this zanny one is plot relevance. (Probably relevant to this season's finale, Sinsmas)
It could be a couple of things, or both. 🙂
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Emberlynn's amulet
It could be the Dhorks and cherubs related. But would be funnier if the people writing akuma no otto, the devil' husband, were just using a lot of religious stuff as backstory. (Like Hazbin hotel does. Hey offbrand Charlie).
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If Stolas' seal is all that's to summon him, I can see merchants for a show accidentally making holly protection. 😆
Dumb fanfic
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Ok, so gist is a someone who previously had a wife stands up against satan to protect their lover.
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And Satan is turning up soon, probably in Sinsmas.
Blitz and IMP look to be in trouble in the trailer.
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What if they get caught?
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We know Andrealphus is plotting something to get all of Stolas' wealth, legions and title. And 'technically' doing this for Stella, Stolas' wife, so she'll get more in the divorce. (Actually doing it so he gets it).
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Emberlynn also calls Blitz a demon prince.
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Wich makes me think it's foreshadowing Stolas being the one taking a stand for his man. Not Blitz (this time).
There's been a theme this season of Stolas learning to choose, and stand up for what he wants. After failing to do so before last
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Like going through with the divorce,
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Makeing sure Blitz can manage his business without him,
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And setting a boundary of needing space when he's hurt. Something that's really hard do with loved ones.
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These are all pieces of rebuilding you have to do after abuse.
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This part with the ars goeita, Andy and Vassago, Mammon and Satan all looks to be in the same place.
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I'm assuming this meeting is about IMP's illegal use of the grimoire. To show Stolas is too incompetent and unfit for his job.
While Blitz now has a legal method and is under Asmodeus jurisdiction, how much will that help when Ozzie's also very publicly dating an imp?
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That might make him seem to biased to help, when Blitz originally was lent the grimoire for sleeping with Stolas.
But why would Mammon be helping here?
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Blitz burned down Loo loo land, while IMP were being bodyguards for Stolas. Wonder if hell has a law about being liable for any damage that contractors do?
But I can see Stolas standing up against Satan in the ars goeita council, to keep Blitz and IMP safe.
So why do I think the amulet might come back in?
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A lot of people at assuming Andy is going to win this. (Couldn't be arsed to keep putting the full name anymore. And I get a laugh thinking it'd piss the pompous bugger off).
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That he'll take everything from Stolas. Money, home, job, grimoire, and probably even Via. 🙁 (Don't think that'll stick as Via is a real daddy's girl).
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Stolas without his grimoire would probably be vulnerable to Andy, especially if he's just been dragged by the council.
Thinking this is going to get a call back.
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A lot of us have been wondering how Blitz is defending a vulnerable Stolas.
Maybe the strangle looking knife is merchant from the akuma no otto show lol?
(NB I had to do so many double check that I didn't put Santa instead of Satan in this thing. 😅 Heh dyslexic kiddies write Christmas lists to hell lol).
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
about that latest leak that Blitz supposedly fights Stella
at this point I genuinely can't tell if the writers care how reactionary this plotline comes off. like Blitz gets a half-assed didn't even properly apologize speech from Stolas - literal royal prince - over the sexual coercion, but his reaction when he finds out his abuser was also abused is to... fight them on his behalf? even though Stolas is powerful, rich and has legions at his command?
and even if this happens when Stolas maybe loses his powers or something, gonna be blunt but like - why should Blitz care? all this happening is the result of Stolas' own choices and doesn't fix any of his treatment of Blitz
but he's going to slap a woman on Stolas' behalf? all while Stolas is portrayed as being the perfect one in this scenario, morally purer and better than either Blitz or Stella despite the fact that he's screwed over both of them in different ways? (and you just know if this does happen it'll be portrayed as Blitz 'redeeming' himself for daring to yell at Stolas and probably like, just the start of what he needs to do to prove himself worthy of the perfect most special bird)
it's sad how easily I can imagine this happening, because it's the grossest thing they could possibly do with this plotline
if it does happen my one wish is for fix-its where Stella and Blitz instead realize Stolas is their common enemy and team up to shut him out of their lives forever (Via too, of course)
It's sickeningly plausible given everything we've learned to expect from Viv and from this show, but I still have to believe that that leak was fake. It's just too unapologetically ugly and misogynistic, even for her.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
On a completely different note, me and hyperfixation enabler (bf) got onto a long ramble about how cool vultures are. Then he was like, man there should be a vulture WH40k chapter.
So here's my idea for a homebrew WH40k Vulture chapter that I am obsessed with. Needs an adjective for the name, tentative Void Vultures or Iron Vultures. Colors dark dark gray but not black, dark blood red, yellowed bone white. (Will draw later)
Also eyes like a bearded vulture, white iris and reddish skin around the eyes.
Long list so below the cut ⬇️
- Loyalist founding from Death Guard, immune to gasses and resistant to disease. Spits more acid than normal.
- Track enemies a long time, following them and weakening them. Patient long term hunters, like to wait for them to wear down, and like going after post-battle enemies that either just won or escaped a fight and are now weakened.
- An army that just won by the skin of their teeth may not get time to rest and recover when they pursue them like circling vultures, tracking them and trailing them slowly. Similarly will use superior tracking to follow retreating enemies of another chapter, pecking at them and finishing them off.
- Quick to retreat when outnumbered, seem cowardly to other legions. Sometimes wait and see if they can catch the enemy again at a more opportune moment, taking potshots at them to see if they are wearing down. Can take down larger foes through persistence.
- Sometimes overstretch themselves and get killed for it, thinking they can wear someone down only for them to get a surprise pushback. Not good in a blitz or against very aggressive and unpredictable enemies like space sharks.
- Use indirect modes of killing mostly, like chemical warfare. Have gasses like Death Guard, and are similarly immune/ resistant to their own gasses. Prefer long hunts, scouring out dug in enemies, and cleaning up stragglers from other chapters fights.
- Like to follow Black Templars around when they come across them, cleaning up after things they missed or just scavenging leftover loot and trophies of the battle. Love to loot and scavenge useless things, decorate their armor and ships with bones and trophies. Also like following other chapters if they are going to fight something, just wait for them to be done and clean up the rest or loot the battlefields.
- Huge and intimidating, very scavenger chic, decorate themselves with trophies and bones, use lots of big feathers. Like things that clatter and clink on their armor like strings of bones, and like to make themselves look bigger with things.
- not physically more powerful for it, just intimidating to enemies to see huge, scary eyed marines Clattering toward them slowly without saying anything. Rely on intimidation to keep enemies on the back foot.
- In aggressive encounters, circle in on enemies in slow, persistent attacks. Push, dig in, push, dig in. They are patient and persistent, and prefer corralling their enemies into groups, using their gasses and chemical weapons to kill them en masse.
- Like to watch things die from a distance. Not good in close aggressive combat, and prefer using a smaller number of terminators. Use their teleport jumps to keep distance and in a pinch, escape. One vulture terminator can pick away at one or two strong foes given time, but does not do well ganged up on. One on one, will teleport to hard to reach places, gas enemies, and corral them towards hazards or other threats. Prefers being defensive and slow. Not great use one on one but excellent exterminators in groups.
- If facing overwhelming and aggressive enemies, will just leave. Do not feel shame in retreating. Will retreat quicker than other Astartes. Often just to and see if they can wait out the threat and try again when their guard is lowered, but if they get threatened enough will give up and leave.
- Have strong disease resistances and immunities. Have Apothecaries that specialize in disease and Nurgle plagues before they take full hold, and specialize in treating baseline humans. Are much less likely to become diseased by Nurgle and are very on top of healing those who have been tainted before it gets too bad. Have to put many of their number down for it though, due to sheer frequency they are exposed. Care is heavy on inoculations for all new Vultures and routine boosters for what diseases they know it can help.
- “The opposite of disease is not medicine, it is immunity.” -Vulture Chief Apothecary
- Hate Chaos Death Guard and Nurgle. Will go out of their way to fight them. Will purposely go clean out planets that have been diseased by Nurgle. Use their superior immunities and their hands off fighting styles to slowly and thoroughly purge Nurgle plagues. Prefer incendiary purging for this.
- Will leave long pursuits if they are contacted and pointed toward Death Guard or plagued places. Will prioritize cleaning out the dregs of disease over even very good loot. Will join fights against Nurgle and death guard even though never join in already in progress fights otherwise. Not great team players but will attempt to be to help or take over fights against Death Guard.
- Get serfs and new Astartes alike from scavenging post-battle areas as they loot. Will find use in hurt, sick or disabled baseline humans that other chapters would overlook. Apothecaries are adept in healing baselines, and will heal and patch up promising mortals. Take slightly older recruits for Astartes than other chapters, like space wolves, like older teens and young 20s. Have higher mortality rate for geneseed implants because of it.
- Because of low implantation success and thus numbers, on top of being a more defensive and play it safe chapter, they scavenge a lot of human serfs and aspirants. Many are healed from injury and illness and many are partially disabled and given help for it.
- They find that people healed and rescued from their circumstances are sort of inoculated to it again, in a what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger way. A human who was grievously wounded in a fight but came out on top is seen as having more potential than one who came out fine. Also feel it is more likely for strong and capable people to be overlooked by the armies that came in ahead of them if they are injured or sick, and with a little care they can find diamonds in the rough. They like to scavenge and loot, and sometimes, good baselines are good loot.
- They ask first, but will only heal those who join them. Sometimes a bit of a “well I guess you could die if you want” situation, but most baselines appreciate being cured or cared enough to be grateful.
- Serfs heavily utilized in their scavenging. Will have groups of serfs whose whole job is to go dig through debris and carrion to find neat loot and cool bones. Terminator vultures will have personal serfs whose job is to specifically help scavenge for loot for them alone, and then clean the trophies and present them to their Vultures.
- A serf who finds an especially cool trophy, or who goes out of their way to get the head of a difficult enemy their vulture killed, are given preferential treatment and coveted by their Vulture. Serfs and baselines are seen in many ways, as also loot. Find a baseline dying of cancer, bring them back as a serf, and then they recover an Ork Boss pole off an old battlefield for you? That was a good baseline to loot rescue! Score!
- Ships look like a junkyard bazaar. Garbage and bones decorating everything. Vultures keep extensive collections of trophies in their quarters. Decorate their armor heavily with their favorite trophies. Sometimes decorate their serfs with them as well. All loot is impeccably cleaned, just everywhere.
- Personality wise, quiet, do not talk much at all during fights. Most fights are just the sounds of the enemies and then their armor clinking with clutter. Stoic faced and quiet, but really more like space sharks. Not a ton going on specifically, just nothing to say. Smart strategic thinkers. Not particularly prideful, no shame in retreat and survival, don’t particularly care what other chapters think of them.
- Individual vultures tend to keep to themselves and their brothers over intermingling with other chapters, in a reserved way. Don’t like having to work particularly hard for something, prefer waiting things out. Very patient and calm. Only territorial about their loot, but they don’t tend to fight over it as their trophies usually only mean something to them specifically. Other vultures see it as garbage, affectionately, and respect their brother's things. Do sometimes squabble over serfs, as a good scavenger serf means more cool stuff.
- While can be caring towards baselines they’ve taken in, not very concerned with the suffering of ones they haven’t if they aren’t someone they want. Exception is they do feel pity for the baselines that get infected by Nurgle that they then have to purge, and they show respect for them by exterminating any and all signs of Nurgle they can find, including the humans infected. Exceptions made to treat humans who are sick but not yet corrupted by Nurgle, since they don’t relish in decimating everyone. If they heal, they are often kept as serfs.
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warsamongthestars · 1 month
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( image is taken from Wookiepedia; Rancor Battalion page )
Alright, these are three of the four known members of Rancor Battalion, stationed on Kamino. (As a battallion is a 1000 soldiers roughly, that means we've got several hundred implied to exist. These ones in particular are just the Commanders of the battalion )
Commander Havoc, is the far right in the Blue. Far Left? That's Commander Blitz
But the one in the middle is Commander Colt. You'll know him from Early TCWs, where he was the Commander who graded Domino Squad's performance on their graduation test of the Citadel, and as the poor bastard who got skewered and kissed by Asaaj Ventress.
Now the reason I'm bringing them up because they are CF99 related.
( CF99 "Clone Force 99". Unfortunately I cannae separate my views of the Bad Batch without immediately running into "The Bad Batch" TV Show... which I fucking hate. So this is a case of me just, trying [key word] to focus on the thing I love without having to deal with the published fanfiction about it [by too much], and maybe inspire some folks along the way as once again I scream "I FOUND A THING AGAIN" )
TCWshow is the origin show of the Bad Batch, and that's clear from the cut material of their season 6 arc. (Yes, it was meant to be season 6 in production order. What we got from released Season 6 were actually stuff made for Seasons 5 and Seasons 4 respectively )
That means, to find the backstory we need to move forward, we go through TCWs first.
Let's start.
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Commander Colt, on the right, has a full one skull painted face and he primarily favors dark gray and deep red trim.
As we know, the jawless skull is a prime symbol of the Bad Batchers, and most of paint used by Colt are also used by CF99.
This suggests that Commander Colt was actually a prime, if not main, influence over the Bad Batcher's lives. Particularly, Hunter, who has clearly painted half a stylized skull on his helmet. While the CF99 skull is more stylized than Colt's--the Skull motif had to be inspired by something.
And since we're provided with no obvious alternative (and could probably fanfic plenty of alternatives instead)--the most clear connection here, in show, is with Commander Colt.
( This also helps the slow developed parallel between Domino Squad and CF99. Both are "bad batches", both were given a helping hand by Maintenance Clone 99, and were influenced by Commander Colt. Though its pretty obvious that Commander Colt had more hand with CF99 than Domino ever received. )
[ Side Tangent: This also means that the Bad Batch's association with Ventress is out of character and out of place. She murdered their favored Commander from cadethood, and assaulted him as he died via her kiss. ]
It should be noted that most of Rancor Battallion Commanders (nearly) all have gray faceplates, which makes the helmet appear to be or have a "skull".
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This is Commander Havoc, wearing the Blue that was been adopted as 501st colors.
( Its pretty clear that Rancor Battalion does not, in fact, follow the paint cultures of deployed legions. They are either semi-following the now defuncted paint-rank system from "Attack of the Clones", or they have decided "Fuck it, we do what we want"... Either works, hell, both can work simultaneously )
The reason I bring Commander Havoc up, is that the CF99 ship is (was) known as the "Havoc Marauder". And it can be just as easily inferred that its not just the act of causing havoc and chaos, but that it was named in honor of Commander Havoc.
( This is, of course, mere speculation... But fuck it, its fun speculation.)
Commander Havoc's most significant story contributions, before being killed during the (third) Battle of Kamino, was defending 99; and that small contribution could've been enough to name a ship after him.
So y'know, more fun to be had.
I know I did a whole a thing about Clone Names, and I'm still kinda confused but also find it really fun, about Commander Colt's name. Like, is he named after the horse? Are there horses in Star Wars? Is there an anime call a colt? Is the baby form of a rancor called a colt? Or is it the colt single action army revolver? I mean, star wars having combustible revolver weapons with projectiles and gunpowder wouldn't shock me... But Colt Revolvers are named after American Gun Manufacturer Samuel Colt. So uh, does--does this mean Mr. Colt was in Star Wars at some point? Is there a planet called Connecticut where he comes from. Maybe its the swedish origin of colt, which means "half grown animal" or "young boy". Is... Is Sweden in star wars. Is there a planet called Swedish. Its stuff like this, which both makes it both confusing and so fucking funny. Cos now we gotta ask some serious questions, that may or may not result in a parody. ( Name things what you want in your fantasy, so that it can absolutely result in confusing sets of questions like this. Simple Confusion is the best part. )
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mewtwoandme · 8 months
I'm sorry! You mentioned Legion would be like Blitz and I just- a list of Blitz Quotes!
Legion(enemy): Amber, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy!
Legion (Enemy): I should have known you'd be here. I smelled fish for miles, which is odd, because I believe the nearest ocean is THREE CITIES OVER!
[Time skip his redemption]
Legion: *crashes into Jericho and Seven's date picnic, and looks up at him* .... Sorry, I f***ed your daughter.
Well that last one might be a bit too much, even for him, but yeah, the rest just fit Legion's attitude XD Some of you might know this one HB scene im referencing but I can picture villain Lee fighting against mega Amber and he gets a call from the boss over his throat mic in the middle of it as he's trying to evade her attacks.
"-Stop using your fancy ass rich boss talk okay I'm trying to concentrate on not getting f***ed in my A!!!"
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ripplestitchskein · 2 months
This is super crackish but I am DELIGHTED. So in Western Energy Andrealphus’s actions indicate that he is playing his sister in order to gain the upper hand for HIM. He is obviously flattering and manipulating her and loses his patience multiple times “You stupid cow”, which shows through the cracks of what he is saying and his fake demeanor.
This could be just a weird brother and sister dynamic, he genuinely wants to get the money for Stella and she’s just stupid so he loses his patience but why go through this subterfuge and the song and dance of walking her through it to make to seem like her idea? I’ve always found the dynamic odd, why not just tell her flat out “You can’t kill him we need his money, if he dies it goes to Via.” Why coo and simper and put on a whole performance?
That reasoning also falls flat for me. Stella and Via do not appear to have a bad relationship, Via is often with her and Stella takes her on weekends. If Stolas died and Via inherited why would they assume she’d cast Stella out? Why does Stella need to inherit directly? She doesn’t have control of the money and power now. She never has. She just has access to it. Which she still could. What’s the difference? Wouldn’t a grieving, untrained, teenage daughter be easier to manipulate into giving up the money, power and legions than leaving Stolas alive and having to do some convoluted plan in a nebulous future involving an already powerful demon? Like bad planning Andrealphus, think it through.
Also, what does he even need this money and power FOR? He has a palace of his own. He has powers of his own. I assume legions of his own. He doesn’t appear to be hurting for money in his own right. For Stella’s sake? He seems to kinda dislike her? He certainly doesn’t respect her. He clearly thinks she’s an idiot. He’s obviously manipulating her and leading her towards something. So what is he trying to get that he doesn’t already have?
And why NOW? Why wait until after Stolas is trying to get a divorce? Like if he truly is doing it for her sake it makes sense it wouldn’t come up until her position was at risk. He might very well be doing this out of love for her.
Like the serious side of me knows there’s probably a larger plan at work on Andrealphus’s part than has been revealed and it’s entirely greedy and will be shown to us in Mastermind and Sinsmas, I also have some ideas for how Mammon/Oz/Fizz will tie that all together but today I was watching Western Energy and my insane brain was like “What if Vassago is a misdirect and Andrealphus is Stolas’s romantic fairytale lead?”
We have no other indication about what Andrealphus is like other than Stolas saying “Your arrogant brother”. That is our first description of him. That is a hugely popular romance novel trope. How many arrogant love interests exist in the romance space, like a billion? Think about how often a posh aristocrat has called their love interest “arrogant”. And the entire plot of one MC having to marry the brother of another. Like that’s peak romance novel.
What made me think of this is that when Andrealphus is talking to Stella his manipulations are solely about keeping Stolas alive. That is his entire stated goal. He elaborates with “Eternity is a long time my dear” and he sounds fascinated that Stolas is behaving this way. Like Andrealphus has an opportunity for something now. I was just like “In a different context this would read like Andrealphus manipulating her into keeping Stolas alive to save his life. Like technically Andrealphus saved Stolas this episode. That’s interesting.”
And then my brain snagged on the cover of the romance book, it being two avian demons and of course the trailer where we don’t see Stella coming for Stola and Blitz but Andrealphus.
And like if all this was happening because Andrealphus has been secretly in love with Stolas this whole time and found out she hired Striker the first time time so has been trying to keep him alive and get Stella settled and happy and out of the way so he can be with him? Like obviously Stolas would have no idea, but Andrealphus pining for him and doing all these things he doesn’t need to do since he’s already rich and powerful would make much more sense. In the short term, like I said they’ll prob reveal something about his actual motivations soon. But looking at where we are right this second that is not incredibly outlandish. It would take like a few flashbacks to sell that and make it work with the current plot.
Andrealphus making his case and Stolas being like “But I love Blitz” would even lead into a really interesting start to the class conflict. Andrealphus can’t believe an imp could be better than him, would be preferred over HIM a royal, and instead of doing what a romantic hero with that plot should do he goes villainous and tries to kill them. Like what an interesting thing for Stolas, to have the cliche romantic hero moment he wanted BECAUSE of a twisted cliche romantic plot line? And Andrealphus’s twisted romance begins a larger divide between imps and Ars Goetia in S3.
Like isn’t that wild? Wouldn’t that be amazing?
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Blitz told Stolas he had to take Loona to the doctor and set Millie and Moxxie to get him. Blitz should have reminded Stolas of that fact. "My daughter need me and Moxxie and Millie saved your ass. Did you even thank them?"
Again another way they make Stolas even more unintentionally unsympathetic is not caring Blitzo is concerned about his daughter's health over him saving him himself. Again the man sent reinforcements and freaking dumbass must realize as a Goetia he should have a legion under his command. If Vivziepoop actually did her research Blitzo shouldn't be his first line because he should be able to command legions to help him. It makes me realize why the Striker assassination is actually more dumber because he could have other plans to help himself out but he chooses to put himself in danger for his stupid rescue fantasies with Blitzo. Also again it shows how wimpified this show is towards Stolas.
Again he wasn't even grateful that the M and M's were there to save him because it's not his big dicked imp. Seriously, the asshole shouldn't make him feel guilty about being concerned about his daughter's health especially if the deadline is coming fast and he has to get it done as soon as possible. Again Stolas this is why many people call you a narcissist dick because you make everything about you and get offended when people call you out on your crap. It makes me think you would be a bad stepfather because this indicates you would want to put your needs before his daughter's. Again shut down the idea that Stolas would be a good stepparent because there he is not caring a bit that his boyfriend needed to help his daughter get her needed shot.
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mickc-art · 11 months
Helluva Boss redesign/rewrite: Stella
Like Stolas, Stella is going to have major changes when it comes to her design and her character. Stella is going to be a Goetian marquise named Shax but name Stella is used for her human disguise. Her design have major changes by changing her from a peahen to a stork that resembled Shax, a marquis from Ars Goetia. Like Stolas, she is a fallen angel of similar age of more than six thousand years.
Both Stolas and Stella were lovers and later turned to rivals later years (their rivalry was a bit slowburn). She was disliked by Blitz's department for infiltrating their missions (and they compete a lot).
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Shax/Stella's redesign is based on Shax from Good Omens with 1900s-1930s fashion and makeup. Her outfit is based on equestrian outfit since Shax leads her legions with horses. Her usage of eyes as jewelry is based on one of Shax's ability to pluck eyes from her targets.
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shadowtoons · 1 year
While everyone is going crazy over Viv comment
Meanwhile over here thinking about my DBD verse between Stolas and Blitz.
How they both are clueless they like each other, but they don't wanna ruin their friendship.
Hell even if they both admit it, think they will take their time to see what they both love and hate, what they want to do more in the future and how they wanna protect each other. OwO
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cthulhuwritesstuff · 5 months
Helluva Boss trailer analysis/theory time.
Buckle up, I’ve had an epiphany (or just brain rot, who knows)
Let’s talk about this guy.
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Vassago is described as: “The third demon in the Lesser Key (including Thomas Rudd's variant) as a prince "of a good nature" and of the "same nature as Agares". He rules twenty-six legions of spirits, and is summoned to tell magicians of past and future events, and locate lost objects.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Key part of this theory: “Summoned to tell magicians of past and future events.”
Now! Let’s talk about this guy.
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Stolas, our sad little bird, who is, in fact, a magic user.
So for the confusion that won’t leave my head:
The thing in the trailer that just keeps bugging me is that something is off about this part. There’s details that don’t make sense to me.
First of all, Stolas’s facial expressions in these scenes; he looks like he is truly looking down on Blitz, talking down on him, treating him like a “impish little play thing”.
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But Blitzo is just there, in Stolas’s garden, with his feet kicked up. Idk, but something about Blitz being so causal about this makes no sense to me. As well as Stolas’s whole attitude toward him.
Furthermore, the detail of the symbol on Stolas’s robe. That is just too obvious, it is glaring, and again it is very much a dick move since we know what kind of relationship and feelings Blitz has toward the circus and his past.
And the fact that in these scenes we do not see Blitz’s face even once, but we do in every other scene. (Might be cause in those scenes his circus mark is not there or looks different, perhaps, and that would be a clue like the carpet pattern in Ghostfuckers when he sees his mom, so we know it’s not real… omg, I am going insane, aren’t I?)
But then we have this scene.
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Where Stolas looks terrified and not able to defend himself? Again, how does that make sense? Also, he is clinging onto Blitz, and there’s a sword? We already established that Andy might be the one attacking here, since it’s the same icy ground and stuff. But the rest of it is confusing.
Okay, wait, my POINT IS: what if none of these scenes are real?
What if Vassago just showed Stolas his possible futures with Blitz? A possibility where he never grew feelings and understanding? A possibility where Andy and Stella somehow take over the palace and his powers and trap him?
We know that future is not certain, and if we are to follow Dr. Strange’s logic, there are many alternatives to what the future might end up being. It all depends on our choices, right? Think of it as Ebenezer Scrooge, but in Hell. (Not to mention there is a Sinsmas episode….. JUST SAYING)
We already saw that Blitz deals with some introspection of his own, seeing his past, all the painful moments. So what if Stolas goes through the same thing with Vassago who shows him how, based on Stolas’s choices, these are his alternative futures? Even the “You never loved Mother, you never loved me, you love him” part? The “Do you have any remorse for what you do” part?
Even this part. (Past and possible future- emphasis on possible)
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I don’t know… I do not know. Just saying. Just thinking cause they took over my brain! Anyway, that’s it.
I am probably dead wrong, and this is just a bunch of word vomit, but I had to get it out of my system.
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Heinkel He 111
The Heinkel He 111 was a medium two-engined bomber plane used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) during the Second World War (1939-45). Heinkel He 111s contributed significantly to such campaigns as the Battle of France, the Battle of Britain, and the London Blitz, but were increasingly replaced from 1941 by the more modern and faster Junkers Ju 88.
Early Designs
The He 111 was first imagined as a civil airliner for Lufthansa, but when the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, production turned more openly towards machines of war. The Treaty of Versailles after the First World War (1914-18) had strictly forbidden Germany from possessing a military air force, but the German leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) went ahead and formed several secret squadrons anyway. Another way around the restriction was to build civilian craft that could easily be converted into bombers; the He 111 fell into this latter category.
Designed by Siegfried and Walter Günter and based on their earlier He 70 model, the He 111 bomber was manufactured by Heinkel, an aviation company founded and run by Ernest Heinkel (1888-1958). Heinkel had extensive experience with military aircraft, having built planes for the German Navy and the Austro-Hungarian army in the First World War. After much debate between the German high command and Hitler, the Luftwaffe bomber command (Kampfwaffe) was obliged to adopt the position that bombers should primarily be used strategically to assist ground troops. This meant that unlike, say, the British Royal Air Force, the Luftwaffe concentrated not on heavy bombers but building squadrons of more versatile medium bombers. The He 111 was the result of this thinking, that is, an aircraft with multiple tactical uses, but one not capable of carrying very heavy bomb loads that could deliver a significant blow to ground targets. The He 111 was hampered, too, by its short range as the theatre of war expanded and Germany sought to bomb Britain.
The first He 111 prototype model was flown in February 1935 at the Heinkel works at Rostock-Marienehe (now Rostock). Design tweaks included shortening the wings and improving stability. At this stage, the aircraft were powered by BMW engines. By 1936, Lufthansa was flying a number of He 111s as airliners and transport planes. The aircraft achieved the title of 'the world's fastest passenger plane' when a top speed of 250 mph (402 km/h) was recorded.
Meanwhile, military versions were being built, which had a slightly longer nose and machine-gun armaments. The bomber version was not powerful enough for requirements, though, and the BMW engines were replaced with Daimler-Benz engines (later models replaced these again, this time with Junkers Jumos). By 1937, and thanks to a large ministerial order, Heinkel built a dedicated factory for He 111s at Oranienburg close to Berlin. Further developments followed such as increasing the fuel capacity and making the tanks self-sealing, increasing the armour protection, making a straighter wing so that factory production was more efficient, moving the forward gunner a little to the side to give the pilot better visibility, and giving more transparency to the cockpit area and nose section, a distinctive feature of the He 111.
Heinkel He 111s were first used in action by German forces participating in the Spanish Civil War (1936-9) in the Legion Condor units and then throughout the Second World War by the Luftwaffe. Other air forces which used He 111s included the Chinese, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian, Spanish, and Turkish.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
saw someone point out something I should have realized before
stans keep excusing Stolas ignoring Blitzo's boundaries/protests as him having 'poor social skills'
but why does he have poor social skills? how is it even possible? he's a royal demon with legions at his disposal and a palace full of guards & servants
he doesn't like parties but he still goes to them and presumably his royal duties (what little there are of them) consist mostly of going places and talking to people
how is it possible he has bad social skills when a key tenant of being royal usually involves training specifically around interacting with other people??
this is probably, like most things, the result of Viv's lousy worldbuilding. we're two seasons deep and it's impossible to tell what being a Goetia actually means on the day to day.
the impression the show gives is that Stolas grew up alone (for no reason, how does this benefit the Goetia family to isolate one of their princes this much?) and would spend most days alone were it not for his daughter still living with him. what his routine even is day to day is unclear, he doesn't seem to have any consistent duties that take up his time so he just lounges around reading or doing basically what he feels like
the most we ever get to see of his duties is the harvest moon festival (which is only once a year) and him doing some kind of paperwork in the Look my way MV.
Viv probably wanted to make him look lonely and friendless but she's just made him look like a lazy layabout who's bad with people for no real reason and doesn't bother using his power or opportunities to improve himself even though there's nothing stopping him (seriously, he whines about being alone but can't bring himself to leave the house and meet people? even when the show is totally inconsistent about whether his being royalty even matters for interacting with others from episode to episode? and if it's as a result of his depression which he's medicating for, how did he keep finding the energy and motivation to harass Blitz into sleeping with him?)
I know I bring him up more than I should, but this is yet another point in Instagram Stolas's corner. The guy communicated like you'd expect a royal to have been meticulously trained to communicate, always polite and very precise. Series Stolas's day job, from what we've seen, has consisted of paperwork, attending the Harvest Moon Festival, and insulting his subjects.
A better writer would explore the fact that Stolas, despite thinking of himself as kind and lonely and tragically friendless, drives away potential friends with his callousness and insensitivity towards their feelings...and Stella, despite being an deeply embittered person, attends parties and tea parties, and is always shown to be surrounded by friends.
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where-is-caithe · 1 year
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Woe, giant Eon ref be upon ye.
Eon - she/her or they/them, lesbian charr.
This was started when I was playing them as a necromancer, however the information is relatively the same no matter their class.
Huge BLOCK of information under the cut!
The gist of Eon is that they were part of an Ash Legion Warband, the Night Warband, that was sent into the Fractals of the Mists around when they were first discovered and instead of returning safely, they were trapped inside. The effects of this are apparent in the way they fight and most importantly, the space spots. Scars they get from fighting heal over in space "rifts". The space feels like their regular fur but cold. The scars they have in this ref are what they look like as of SotO.
As of right now, the idea is they became trapped in the Mists and skipped the level 10-30 personal story, and once they are out, it goes right into joining an order to get out of the Citadel. On paper, they still answer to the Ash Legion. In practice. Well.
Important bullet points! (from the ref and additional points)
Eon is the Commander and follows the story relatively the same apart from the very beginning of it.
they have a broken hilt of a sword from one of their dead 'bandmates that they use in addition to other conjured weapons.
their shoulder spikes are from their Flame Legion heritage, before being lost in the Mists they were a smoke and flame elementalist that specialized in stealth and blitz attacks.
now, their magic feels much colder and their stealth is much more reliable, they no longer use flames.
they were born with a short tail.
they usually have the name "Fang" because of their big teeth.
they don't know how long they were in the Mists and they're the only one of their Warband that made it out.
they learned to wield a long sword while in the Mists and are a formidable fighter with one, though they do use a variety of weapons including daggers, scepters, foci, bows, swords and shields.
they have problems with authority and do not take orders well.
they also have a temper and will lash out, however they're generally friendly unless given a reason not to be.
they're not a good person to be sent to speak with political figures like Queen Jennah or Empress Ihn.
they're very aggressive and will attack first, which is not at all how they fought or acted before the Mists.
Clothing and appearance bullet points!
they hardly ever wear full shirts covering their whole chest, even in dangerous fights.
if there's ever clothing that covers their shoulders, the holes that their shoulder spikes go through MUST be torn that way, not made or cut for them.
always wears something with purple on it.
they have many piercings in their ears and it all depends on how many piercings I want to give them in the moment.
the space rifts must always have purple space, but other colors may be there in addition to purple.
hair is always purple.
they have very faint spots like a black panther.
any metal jewelry or accessories MUST be silver.
their shroud as a Specter is the same as their shroud as a Reaper, but without the scythe.
pupils turn white when fighting/using magic but especially in shroud.
I'm probably forgetting things but this is the basics.
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swampgallows · 1 month
pandaria remix was so fun! im gonna miss schmoovin and carrying as a frost mage. i blitzed SO many new characters to 70 that i now have one of every race ready for heritage armor once timerunners are converted to retail. the people are clamoring for another remix already, hopefully legion or WoD! and selfishly i am tinfoil hatting about eternus plucking garrosh out of siege and letting us beat on him in worldsoul saga
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