#legion masters
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Concepts for who could replace the Legion Masters in the future of the ZX series. They are all based on colleagues of Doctors Light, Wily and Cossack whom the Legion Masters were named after.
From left to right:
Master Shou-
Former Headmaster of the Chronos Institute, focuses on the study of time dilation and experimental time travel
Mistress Noel-
Focuses her research on archaeology and the study of old technology, as well as reviving old artifacts. She also covers mining precious minerals and processing the poisonous sands of the badlands into e-crystals
Master Pedro-
A botanist at heart, he encourages the sustainability of the natural world and bringing back old species of flora, as well as improving upon the bio-mechanical species. He owns a gigantic conservatory in Legion that is both a greenhouse and research center.
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claraoswalds · 28 days
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When the Time Lords kept their eye on everything, you could hop between realities, home in time for tea. Then they died, took it all with them. The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed. Everything became that bit less kind.
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Vlad ends up joining the Legion of Doom.
All his fellow villains think his enemy is really a Badger.
I mean, Vlad explained that he is tiny, white-haired, aggressive, and attacks the other villains without fear! To be fair, Danny. He is behaving kind of like one.
- I mean, look at Danny vs. Massive and Taller Ghosts, and then look at this picture; it's the same.
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So the whole Legion of Doom thinks all the scars and how he was beaten up were by a tiny Badger.
Well, they learned the truth as the tiny white-haired child, who kind of behaved like one, attacked the Legion of Doom... and attacked all the villains till he found Vlad. And he attacked the heroes too.
To Danny's defense:. He had no idea who those people were, but he knows Vlad!
He sent that 10,000+ box to him! It's just fair that he beat him up! He had to find Box Ghost in all those boxes in the city, like Wack a Mole!! It was Vlad way to make danny not follow him. +
And Amity Park doesn't talk about heroes or villains outside, as they have to join the JL and have no time to protect their town all the time. So Amity Park adults made sure their hero didn't find out, so no talk about the outside world." I mean, Phantom protected Amity Park on the Alien Invasion post fanboying about them, while other cities got badly destroyed!
++ Gorilla Grodd looking at all the Chaos the boy did:" Well it makes sense he is called a Badger." Atomic Skull:" IfPlasmius wants to return, he won't piss of that Badger first." Giganta:" He kind of was cute. And very strong." Giganta was kicked into a new room by the boy.
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legionofchaos · 3 months
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The Lover of Chaos: Missy
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front-line-head-line · 5 months
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Thought of the Day: Timidity begets Indecision; Indecision begets Treachery
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Buck x Bucky AU: Legion/Fallen Angels
When God sent the order through the ranks of Heaven that the extermination of the human race was to be carried out, that he had become disappointed and bored with the very creations he had once so reverently adored and loved, one of his most astute angels, Gale, couldn't understand why. Not when from the very beginning they had been ordered to bow down to and love them also. Not wanting to carry out the orders given to him and his fellow angels, he was cast out from Heaven. Not Demon, but no longer Angel either, Gale was given the task of proving to God that the human race was worth saving, that the creations that now were so filled with violence and hatred amongst themselves, were still capable of beauty and kindness. If he could do this, before the final order was given, then God would spare humanity. Or fail, and have one of his own brethren slay him and the humans that he had grown so fond of. John, the angel closest to Gale since the moment of their very own creation, was the one specifically given the order to bring about Gale's demise, should his brother fail in his mission. But when the clock starts ticking closer and closer to the deadline given, will John be able to follow God's orders and be the loyal soldier he has always strived for and thought himself to be, or will he falter when the time comes and he is faced with cutting down the one thing he begins to question if he loves more than God himself?..
My brain went on an absolute war-path after re-watching Legion (2010) and then this was born. I may write something for it eventually, but time will tell.
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Fairy Tail Headcanons
-Mystogan still has his guildmark. Even tho he's not technically a member anymore, he can't bring himself to get rid of it
-Natsu is often referred to as feral by his guildmates. He will bite and growl at you.
-In a similar branch, Bicklow has rabies. Laxus was introducing the Raijinshuu to a new guild member and gave brief descriptions like "this is Evergreen, she's our fairy. Freed is the brains. And Bicklow... he has rabies" and it just stuck. So now he's introduced to everyone like that
-Cana has started taking bets on who will be the next master. Makarov actually enjoys it and uses it to see who the rest of the guild thinks should be the new leader. Laxus currently has the most votes
-Instead of sending a text or announcing themselves in anyway, Fairy Tail members will often be found just hanging out in other guilds. Gray finishes a job near Lamia Scale and decides to take a lunch break in Lyon's room. Sting heads to the Sabertooth guild hall early one morning, Natsu is sleeping on a bench inside already.
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stardestroyer81 · 3 days
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In the tags of my previous post, I mentioned that the prime reason behind Hydro Man's redesign was so that I could have a portrait drawn of him for the finalized version of Mega Man Ultimate's stage select, and seeing as I haven't shown its updated version since 2020... here are the eight robot masters of the Synth Legion in all their glory! 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
(Psssst! You can find individual pins of every Synth Legion Number's portrait as well as a full stage select shirt over on my RedBubble store!)
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allnewvegas · 6 months
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Master of Possession.
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phantom-phoenixx · 11 months
Danny- You are such a crazy fruitloop
Vlad- ...Crazy?'
Danny- Yeah that's what I sa-'
Vlad clone #1- 'I was crazy once.'
Danny- wait what areyou-
Vlad clone #2- They put me in a room.
Vlad clone #3- A rubber room.'
Vlad clones 4 to 25- 'A rubber room with rats'
500 Vlad clones, chanting- A rubber room with rubber rats. The rats make me crazy.
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This one, incredibly specific piece of foreshadowing in The Secret Saturdays (Spoilers for Season 2)
The pictures below are V.V. Argost's associates as listed in the criminal database (accessible by the Saturday family)
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Notice someone. How about here (two pictures below) a.k.a. Van Rook's clientele list
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Master Gokul, is that really you; what a surprise see you on two lists in Season 1, episode 7 (Van Rook's Apprentice).
I wasn't expecting to see you on my rewatch until you tried to off a kid in Season 2, episode 5 (The Legion of Garuda)
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Knowing this guy might be on Argost's payroll puts this scene in a whole other perspective.
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darklinaforever · 5 months
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Reylo's indetroner equivalent to date.
I mean, Dongfang Qingcang = Kylo Ben to death. They both killed their father for essentially the same reason ! And Rey and Orchid are both in the same situation of not knowing who they are and no one knows who they are either. Girls without a home and family, and who would really want have that, who don't know who they are and think that basically they are nothing, and who are alone. There's also the color coding of the guy and the girl, the girl's powers generally linked to healing, not to mention the mystical connection of the two characters which essentially allows them to resurrect each other at the end. Then obviously, they are in enemy clans. He is from the tribe of the moon, and she, from that of the celestial. Then we discover that she is in fact the reincarnation of the former leader of another clan, which the Moon Tribe once decimated, so she is the equivalent of the goddess of nature. So in short, the heroine was nobody, but then discovers her true identity which further reinforces the supposed enemy aspect between the two characters. Like Rey when she discovers (unfortunately) that she is Palpatine's granddaughter. Without forgetting that the heroine's primordial form at the beginning is an orchid, that's her name, and you are well aware that an orchid is a plant that needs sunlight. Something said in the series itself, and where we see Dongfang Qingcang taking care of Orchid by making her be in contact with sunlight as much as possible. Not to mention that fairies are often symbolically associated with light in our culture. And even if Orchid is ultimately not a fairy, she thinks she is for the majority of the series and is designated as such by the title. Yes. No doubt. It's Reylo pure and simple.
We'll see how The Hurricane Wars trilogy evolves in the future...
Talasyn and Alaric's relationship is reminiscent of many other well-known fictional romantic relationships for me. (Just like Reylo, and of course, also like Dongfang Qingcang & Orchid, and they are all generally - so not all - the same)
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There is Romeo & Juliet by the obvious appearance of the star-crossed lovers, from an enemy clan in the middle of war.
The obvious myth of Hades & Persephone. Because sometimes Persephone is called the Light of the Underworld and she is also sometimes depicted with a torch. So always associated with light. Hades is on the other hand associated with death and darkness. It is also often pointed out that they are a power couple.
Of course ; Beauty and the Beast. But in the sense that the trope is used today in the idea of ​​a man cathegorized as monstrous finally finding redemption / or evolved, through the romantic relationship he forms with a woman. (Let's be real, this is the direction we are heading)
The classics Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester ! The orphan heroine meeting a Byronic hero dressed in black. The emphasis of the relationship being on their spiritual / magical connection. (And probably later in the trilogy the emphasis for Talasyn & Alaric will be on their equality, like Jane & Rochester, I'd be hard-pressed, seeing as after all, it's taken from a Reylo fanfic and is about a trope of light / darkness, equality will inevitably come to the table at some point)
Erik & Christine from The Phantom of the Opera. The young orphaned woman associated to the light who finds herself in a complicated and tragic romantic relationship with a man having a traumatic past, and wearing a mask over his face. But who also offers to train the heroine and ends up doing so.
The other aspect of Reylo would be Darcy & Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice, but hey... as long as we don't get in the sequel the guy telling to the girl that she may be nothing according to her or for the others, but not for him like with Kylo (And Dongfang Qingcang from LBFAD) as equivalent to Darcy's failed declaration... well I can't really say. Hoping we will have it too !
I also hope that the connection between Talasyn & Alaric on a spiritual and magical level will strengthen even more, and also above all that the concept of equality will come to the table as their relationship evolves positively. (Which should normally be the case)
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Luthor's intern Healer Danny
Brainiac Invasion
A hurt Lex looks at his intern and lets him get touched by the healing staff, and before the eyes of the heroes, villains, civilians, and Brainiac, he is healed like he was never hurt. Danny:" You own me more than a raise, and don't get hurt." Lex:" Yeah, double the price." + While battle Legion of Doom members who fought the robots: "You had a damn healer all the time!" Lex. "He is not a hero or villain; I am friends with his family. And he needed a summer job." The rest of them look at Lex. What! Lex is really friend with Jack and Maddie who he meet thanks to Vlad. Lex:" So I gave him a good job and paid him; others would want him to heal for free. But that way, it's better; he gets money for the summer before returning home." For the rest it was " He hide a healer, used him as a personal healer, and didn't let them get healed!!
+ A/N Danny is a brat to Lex and people who he heals more then once. You won't have no idea how many times he had to heal him! Like try to not get hurt for Pariah's sake! Like at least for 1 week!
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everelffan · 1 year
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Pinterest my love ah !
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Thought of the Day: Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair is an illusion of the mind.
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