#legitimately the best show i’ve seen all year
azulaaaaaaah · 5 months
atla/tlok characters that i think did *it* (but i just can’t prove it)
this is the most unserious post i’ve ever made. (AND I WANT TO PREFACE BY SAYING BY *IT* I MEAN KISSING)
Sozin and Roku
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and history will say that they were just great friends…
this is the only one where ill legitimately die on this hill
like i’m 90% sure roku just showed Aang their friendship in the flashbacks to prevent awkwardly explaining to a 12 year old monk that he was romantically and/or physically involved with the person who committed a g*nocide against his people
sozin i feel loved roku (to an obsessive level) and roku literally dgaf. king shit
Wan and Raava
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genuinely what the fuck was going on between these two. like i don’t even have any words
canonically at the very least it was a domestic partnership
S2 korra doesn’t make sense at the best of times. imagine trying to explain the intensity of this pair’s devotion to each other, to someone who hasn’t seen the show- all the while knowing raava is a disembodied spirit practically older than time
she’s the embodiment of everything good and light in the universe and he’s just wan. (and he’s wanough <3)
‘do you think we’re soulmates in every life?’
‘wait that’s not what i-‘
Cabbage Merchant and his cabbages (or at least a cabbage)
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yeah i’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole
Every member of the red lotus squad
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ah yes it’s my favourite evil polycule
amidst plans to kidnap children and topple monarchies what else is there to do except… kiss.
let’s be real there’s something so inherently romantic about being apart of an elite, vaguely murderous anarchist squad
they all share one exact bed. it’s canon
(p’li somehow big spoons all of them)
The S2 Nomads
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these dudes are the textbook definition of anti-monogamy
like they’re obsessed with love so i fully believe that they think ‘it should be spread amongst others’ or some shit
oh to be a travelling communist nomad in a band, wandering the wilds with my wife, and our several partners
they’re somehow the opposite of the red lotus and yet the same. they all share a single bed/sleep area
The dangerous ladies (but all separately)
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i don’t ship any of these particularly and yet can still admit that it’s canon
ty-lee and azula have kissed bc azula probably made up a dumb excuse like ‘oh i don’t want my first kiss with a guy to be… erm… bad’
mai and ty-lee have kissed because they both probably have genuine, vaguely deep rooted romantic feelings for each other
mai and azula have kissed to purely spite zuko (and yknow what ty-lee too)
HOWEVER A KEY ASPECT TO THIS DYNAMIC: azula is completely unaware about the ty-lee and mai thing. it’s uh… better off that way.
Hakoda and Bato
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i ship this about 50% but like… it’s got to have happened once right? considering all that down time they spent together on a boat away from the repercussions of water tribe society…
also considering they were leaders i doubt the other warriors were in a position to ever call them out on it
like cmoooooooon what’s a little kiss between the homies every now and again?
hakoda is where sokka gets his rizz/flagrant bisexuality from and i can’t change that guys
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2stepadmiral · 3 months
So I have some thoughts on tonight‘s episode of acolyte, thoughts that I don’t think are being considered widely enough. The general response seems to be, from what I can tell and what I’ve seen online, that the witches were pretty much just doing their own thing, and the Jedi just showed up and started being assholes, and I’ve kind of got to argue against that.
Now to be fair, the topic of Jedi recruiting children has always been a bit of a problematic thing. From what I can tell, Jedi never just take children from their parents, but they do strongly encourage and probably to some degree manipulate parents to get permission. Definitely problematic. However, the situation with Osha was pretty obviously very different. Osha wasn’t an infant or a young toddler who just found, tested, and then convinced their parents to hand her over. She’s an eight-year-old girl who is visibly uncomfortable with what her parents, sister, and community expect from her.
She has said several times that she doesn’t want to be a witch, and in every instance, her reluctance is casually dismissed. Whether it’s Mae pulling the bossy sibling who knows best routine, Koril trying to aggressively shut down any dissent, or Aniseya affectionately assuring her that she will eventually grow out of her silly individualism, everyone in her immediate vicinity is basically telling her what she wants doesn’t matter. Then, Sol and Indara show up, and one of the first things they do is recognize Osha’s individual wants and encourage her to act on them. Yes, what Osha wants is in line with what they want, and as a child, she doesn’t fully understand what it is that she’s asking for, but they make it clear that the decision is hers, and all they encourage her to really do is to be honest with herself and be brave enough to be honest with everyone else. No one else in her life has ever encouraged her to do so, and there is a degree of child abuse present in that reality.
When the Jedi arrive at their home, there is obvious tension between the witches and the Jedi. Sol might be blatantly prepared for hostility, and Indara definitely had the air of someone who was ready to fight, but generally, the Jedi make an effort at being polite, despite the open hostility and even aggression the witches treat them with. Bear in mind, we don’t yet know the history of this particular group of witches, so whether or not the hostility is justified on either side remains to be seen. We know that the witches have a clear, victimhood mentality, based on the fact that their ceremony starts with a speech about how they’ve been persecuted for this appearance of using dark powers. Again, whether or not their powers are dark, or whether or not they’ve actually been victimized by anyone remains to be seen. They could be witches of Dathomir who were driven off world and legitimately persecuted due to incorrect association with the Nightsisters, or they could actually be Nightsisters or similar dark witch organization who are bitter about having their dark ambitions thwarted.
I’ll wrap it up real quick, basically, the coven, whether or not they are night sisters, is clearly a cult, and possibly a dark side cult that has in history of being up to no good. If that is the case, then the Jedi are probably justified in wanting to keep a close eye on them and being concerned about them training children. And yes, the Jedi have faults, and their recruitment methods are also problematic, but considering that when in their ideal form, the Jedi are truly a force for good in the galaxy that do go through times where they primarily function as tools of the Senate, they are definitively the lesser of two evils here. Especially when the coven is actively engaged in highly controlling behavior towards the children in their care.
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lazerv4 · 3 months
Thoughts on Total Forgiveness
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
Total Forgiveness starts with Ally Beardsley and Grant O’Brian pitching the show they are about to embark on to Sam Reich their at the time President of Original Content at CollegeHumor (now CEO of Dropout). The pitch is simple, student debt is a cripplying problem and they came up with the accordion method, what if instead of many years of suffering under their loans they could instead make the suffering happen in 4 months and pay their debt as they gamble on challenges between the two of them for money which the show would award weekly. Sam hesitates but greenlights the show much to the delight of Grant and Ally who get right to work on the first challenges which end up being Grant has to interview a lawyer specializing on student debt while covered in leeches and Ally has to interview an ex partner about what went wrong while they eat the spiciest food Grant can find. Afterwards we see the actual challenges go through as Grant does his assigned interview while bleeding profusely and Ally has what can only be derived as a cringe nightmare of an experience with their ex eating thai so spicy they almost throw up, then when they are both done we see them together, they both look like they’ve been through hell and that is just the first episode.
Episode 2 begins a little bit meaner with Ally getting an Oompa Loompa makeover and getting their driver’s license renovated while Grant wears a dog shock collar for barking the entire day which leads to him spending the day mute, this is where we start to see the main dynamics of the show develop with Ally embracing the horribleness and Grant trying his best to have fun with it but struggling a bit.
Episode 3 is a kinder episode to Grant with him simply going camping which apparently he hates, meanwhile Ally is buried alive for an entire day in a sort of sensory deprivation coffin while they are still in the office.
Episode 4 meanwhile has Grant performing a cringe inducing stand up show purposely sabotaged to be terrible with the caveat that if a joke doesn't land he has to say “it’s all love” which just makes it so much worse, on the flipside Ally has to publish an excerpt from their teenage diary, a move which severely backfires on Grant as it seems like a growing experience for Ally that improved them as a person all things considered, no suffering all money.
At this point not a single point has been lost and both Ally and Grant are giving their all to the challenges and still enjoying themselves to some extent since the point of the show is to compress suffering they do struggle but nothing too bad has happened yet, this is where that begins to change.
Episode 5 is one of the hardest things I’ve had to sit through. Grant gets the challenge of being locked in his studio apartment with 8 family members for a weekend which while I’m sure it was a nightmare, it doesn’t translate to tv. All’s challenge this week was to sing the United States national anthem at a minor league baseball game and to make it way worse, they apparently don’t even know the lyrics so they completely fucked it up and even have a random laugh in the middle of it, it’s the sort of horrible second hand embarrassment that is legitimately hard to endure and I have seen some people say this and another upcoming Ally challenge are borderline unwatchable because it’s just too cringe, but if you can get through it the series has more for you.
Episode 6 is the phobia episode where Grant must face needles and Ally must face snakes, for Grant he just has to inject himself so B12 with the alleged most painful needle which he does albeit it leads to one of my favorite gags when he says “I’ll be fine in 5 minutes” after he pulls the needle out only for the show to cut to him having a full panic attack with an oxygen mask. Grant won his challenge and valiantly faced his fear but as for Ally, well things would go different for them. Ally’s challenge involved that some night, any night at all, Grant would come in with a live snake and Ally would have to sleep with it on their bed. While Ally had been a very ambitious and fun loving contestant, this broke something and they just completely refused to engage with the snake and complete the challenge leading to the first loss and the domino effect which would shape the series into what it became.
Episode 7 is where challenges start to get unreasonable, with almost 4000 dollars on the line this contest had to get difficult so both Ally and Grant came up with this, Grant wanted Ally to spend their whole week piss drunk which at first Ally enjoyed and it annoyed everyone else but quickly it started getting to them and by the end of the week you can see their health suffer because of it and the remnants of a broken person just trying to finish the last day to claim the win, while Grant broke Ally’s body their mind seems unbreakable. As for Grant, Ally came up with a really strange and complicated challenge, basically Grant had to get an erection with no stimulation while being timed which ended in a really bizarre contraption so this could be shown without well showing Grant’s genitals. This challenge has been often called unreasonable and impossible by many people and to an extent it is but Grant still accepted it and attempted it as hard as he could, an attempt that proved unsuccessful leading to his first loss of the show.
As of now Grant has earned $10750 while Ally has $13250, as the gap starts to widen so do the challenges as the series starts to lead to it’s climax.
Episode 8 is the real turning point of the series with Ally getting the other famously cringe and unwatchable challenge in having to become a herbalife shill to her new roommates and do unreasonable actions Grant assigns via an earpiece to try and make them quit but their will somehow remained strong which showed how much fun Ally was having with this whole show as the chaotic person they are, meanwhile Grant was having a rough time. Ally’s challenge to Grant was to sell all his earthly possessions at a flea market and try to earn a thousand dollars which a some points seems maybe doable but very quickly while Grant still doesn’t realize it, it’s very clear to the viewer and to the crew that Grant won’t be able to accomplish this. He leaves this challenge defeated and returns to his empty apartment with now nothing to his name except around $600, not only did he lose the challenge but he also lost everything he had, this is where we first start to see how this show has damaged Grant and Ally’s friendship and also emotionally damaged Grant who seems barely still holding it together by the end of the episode which leads you wonder, how can this escalate further?
Episode 9 got mean, Grant challenged Ally to get a neck tattoo with the name of their new girlfriend who they've been dating for 2 months while Ally challenged Grant to shit in public as performance art (again his genitals are covered but chest up everyone can see him). The challenges this week feel very mean spirited and with Ally now being up $24250 to Grant’s $10750 things are heating up and they are starting to feel more like bitter rivals than loving friends doing a dumb show together. Going with Ally first while Sam seems hesitant to approve this challenge Ally wants to do it and still seems have fun with it as a big dumb joke even if it’s their first tattoo it’s just a gag to them and they don’t mind the embarrassment with them even bringing said gf to the parlor so they can watch the tattoo be made. Meanwhile Grant struggles, even before the exhibition opens we can already see he is stressed and uncomfortable, he doesn’t seem like he wants to do it but the money is too life changing to not go through with it so he presses on, he is notified that when he is done he can pull a string that will drop confetti to signify he has completed the challenge and so he gets on the toilet in front of a lot of people. The atmosphere is not tense, it’s closer to something sad and depressing, something akin to the feeling of exploiting someone and when Grant pulls the string and the confetti falls, you can’t help but feel awful, a big thing through this episode has been Siobhan (another dropout cast member) giving some advice to Grant and Ally separately about how to mend what they are breaking and she stays as everyone leaves to speak with Ally as Grant angrily prepares to go home. As Ally approaches to tell Grant everyone was an extra, the mood is again tense, he just replies he is “done for the day” and that it was “funny” as he just walks away checking with the crew really quick to see if he can leave and then just exiting the building silently. This episode seemed to be the tipping point for Grant and what would have ended their friendship with Ally as even with this the gap just widened and made everything seem worse and worse while making each other more antagonistic towards the other that while Ally had been taking as dumb fun, they had now realized was hurting Grant and something had to be done if this friendship was gonna survive this show, let alone a 10th episode.
Episode 10 is just titled “Finale” with no allusion to the challenges like all the previous episodes so you go on not exactly knowing what to expect. It begins with other dropout cast members talking about the strain this show has had on Ally and Grant before going into the challenge pitching part of the show where Ally is alone with the production crew struggling to even come up with something until they says they have a pitch and the show cuts to Grant alone with the crew as well, they try to check on Grant to see if he is ok and he clarifies he doesn’t blame anyone and he is not the victim of the show but he is struggling. He is not sure what to pitch except something horrible and life changing so he is gonna go through Ally’s challenge first, cut to Jess and Katie (dropout cast members) in Santa Monica, they have a letter for Grant that Ally wrote the challenge is just to enjoy the day at the beach with his friends while wearing a dumb outfit and to decompress the show a bit to see if maybe he has it in him to forgive them. The show cuts to a montage of Grant having fun for his $10k prize just hanging in the pier and doing dumb stuff with Jess and Katie.The mood is so different, so fun and afterwards Grant talks a bit about what the show has done to their friendship and how he is regretful Ally couldn’t be there with them before announcing he now knows what his challenge is and shot fades. We start the scene in a bar called “State Social House” that same night as Grant and Ally meet in the empty bar and Grant reveals the challenge is to have 3 mezcals with him, while they begin drinking they also talk about their sentiments regarding what the money has done to their friendship, the reminique about what they've been through and what living with debt has done to them, how they hope to remain friends after this and even hopefully for the rest of their lives as they approach the third drink to which Ally comments about prompting Grant (a seasoned bartender) to want to smell and check it’s profile, this leads Ally to telling Grant to just drink it and take the $10k and to make the gap smaller to which Grant replies that he can’t accept that, at this point Ally has made their choice so they drop the mezcal on the floor on the most shocking moment on the entire show. What is next is just pure friendship and love for the people around you. Grant starts crying and they hug in the sweetest moment in the show, this is the moment that turned around the show according to Sam in a “episode 11” interview. The show then cuts to Grant paying one of his loans and he becomes able to finally be able to start paying his loans instead of just interest, Ally also talks about their loan consolidation as the show begins to wrap and we get the final scene with is a small dinner they set up and the talk about everything they learned about loans and how they are designed to make people’s life worse before the show ends with a toast to it’s history and a tally of the remaining debt before finally saying goodbye one last time.
Total Forgiveness did eventually get a reunion episode 11 sort of podcast thing but that is mainly talking behind the scenes about how of the rails the show went and how it was almost cancelled before the final episode essentially redeemed the whole thing from feeling like like a dystopian torture system as well as how Ally and Grant expected Jackass but got something much deeper, something about the effects of debt on people, something like most of dropout special. Total Forgiveness may not be for everyone, it can be a hard show to sit through, but for those able to go through with it the way it develops as an allegory for its own themes is fantastic and beautiful and in some ways the only example of prestige reality tv I can think of. It is truly one of a kind and a beautiful little show that can’t and shouldn’t be replicated, it should stand as a monolith and be cherished for all it accomplished in showing the struggles of debt. Ally and Grant did something incredible that would only be possible at a platform like dropout and with how the show turned out and how it stands along with other titans at dropout they should be proud.
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Well it was always gonna be hard to follow up Idol, which was not only one of the best OPs of all time and the best last year, but a legitimate summer bop that took the world by storm, but I think the new OP is gonna grow on me. The song isn’t a bop per se, but the visuals are incredible, one of the most beautiful and well directed OPs I’ve ever seen. Definitely surpassed idol visually at least.
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First episode back set up the next arc and play very well and I can’t wait to see Akane get some shine this season, this is gonna really start the best girl battle for anime onlies. Even as a manga reader I go back and forth myself depending on mood 😭.
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They did a good job of showing her insecurities, her desire to become more attractive for Aqua and most importantly how much pride she takes in the characters she portrays! I thought it was really cool seeing how concerned she was about the scriptwriter changing aspects of Saya’s character for the play.
I think a lot of us who’ve seen our fave series or characters butchered in anime form can really relate. Of course that is just one of the things that’s inevitable when you switch mediums like that. But the mangaka of Tokyo Blade pulling up and basically telling them to scrap everything and rewrite it is hilarious.
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Not a ton of Kana in this ep, but the few moments she had on screen were great as usual. I hate seeing Akane compare herself so much to Kana though because of everything with Aqua 😭 comparison is the thief of joy. Looking forward to seeing her grow out of that. Great first ep.
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aquaquadrant · 6 months
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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Kay to me is an underrated character, she is so over-hated in my eyes and it’s understandable in the sense that Michael is the ‘protagonist’ and Apollonia was the best match for this protagonist that we follow however there are many things to say in Kay’s defence and why she should not be as overlooked as she is.
I’ll start of with the obvious, she fell in love with a sweet, kind-hearted man who fought for his country and wanted nothing to do with his family’s “business”. Instead of judging him on the bases of his family and arguing that she cannot be with him because of what his father does, she judged him by his own character and his own autonomy to choose what he does. That in its self is a very overlooked factor about Kay, she judges Michael on his own self and has the heart to do so, she loves Michael despite what his family is like and not many people do that. She was shocked to say the least when Michael told her about the story of how Johnny Fontaine became famous yet she still listened to Michael’s classic “it’s my family Kay not me”.
Michael decided to avenge his fathers shootings and proceeds to evacuate to Sicily to seek refuge as he had just committed murder. Kay is left in the dark in all of this, she even proceeds to tell Michael that she’s called and written over a hundred times and he never answered, he left and got married to another woman, whom I adore very much and I know that if he stayed with Apollonia the godfather would have been a completely different story and Michael would have not been as tragic of a character, but Kay was not told about any of this. She did not receive any closure and tried to still keep in contact with the man she loves. She then of course gives up because you can only try so much when the person you love does not reply to anything.
Then of course Michael returns to Kay because Apollonia has died and he has to come back to America, it’s so overlooked how manipulated Kay was in that scene. Her kindness was taken advantage of and her emotion too. She was vulnerable and that vulnerability was used. Michael tells her that in five years their family business will be legitimate and that his father is no different from a senator or a lawyer which in fact is not false, however in Kay’s eyes since she was very naive at this point, she did not understand all the evil that goes on with powerful people even politicians and senators. He gets her back together with him because of her kind heart and proceeds to lie to her a lot. Including the classic lie about killing Carlo.
He has taking advantage of her naivety to the point where she had to act on the worst, her kindness was truly taken for weakness and because of that she knew what was at stake for her family. In a deleted scene of ‘the godfather part II’ Anthony runs up to Michaels button men and Kay runs after him to stop him. This shows how corrupt her and Michaels son Anthony is becoming. She knew she had to get Anthony away from this toxic world or he would end up like all the men that surround him. “Look what’s happened to our son” she screams at Michael later on in the film and “Anthony’s friends are your button men” which is what this scene was foreshadowing. Her anger is seen to her son becoming in a corrupt state of mind, he’s an insecure little boy who rarely sees his father yet looks up to him so much, of course there was much for Kay to worry about.
Going back to how Michael told Kay that the family will be legitimate in 5 years “well that was 7 years ago” Kay rightfully states. She can tell at the height of Michaels power he will never change, he has been don for 7 years now and has not backed out. His father was avenged yet he’s still continuing because once you’re up it’s unlikely you will come down and Kay can see that very clear with Michael as he did not keep the promise he made to Kay. She knew that no matter how much longer she would stay Michael would never change his ways even when he says “I swear I’ll change I’ve learnt I have the strength to change” Kay saw right through that because of all the lies she has been subjected to.
Over all this abuse to her lead to Kay leaving Michael in one of the cruellest ways, taking away his unborn child and attempting to take away his children. Was it cruel yes, however it was very much justified in the sense that Michael has abused her psychology for years, she only wanted to escape. She was physically trapped and mentally trapped in a world she hated and did not want to subject her children to and that in itself took a lot of strength. We all clearly know that the abortion hurt Michael but nobody ever thought about the pain Kay went through, physical and psychological, those are only of the abortion. This is her child that she was going to love as well, yet she felt she had no other choice but to get an abortion. There is also the pain of getting to the stage of the abortion, Kay’s emotions in all of the godfather is ver under-appreciated she is also a tragic character.
I will conclude all of this with a thesis of Kay being a misunderstood character who is over-despised and equally as tragic. Michael wanted a western independent woman and when he got that woman he couldn’t handle her, everything that came from Kay was very justified and Michael while he will always be my favourite character it has to be understood that he was a psychopath who was always within the depth of his own loneliness Kay was subjected to Michael’s powerful ‘wrath’ and did what she had to do.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!
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running-tweezers · 16 days
Milo/Sweetheart, please? Thank you!
Hi Romi 💕
Before I answer this, I do need to preface. In my fandom past, I was once a MAJOR Newsies fan. SUPER into Newsies. A ‘Fansie’ if you will. And when I showed Milo videos to my best friend of 20+ years, who has seen every one of my fandom phases, they looked me square in the eye and said “you like him because he’s Newsies-coded.” And I have never in my life felt so called out and attacked.
But the thing is, they’re right. He is Newsies coded. Milo would legitimately love Newsies. The backbone of the show is the righteous anger of the little guys who stand up to the powers that be to get things done and make change. They also all happen to have really thick New York accents, but that’s just a bonus.
As for song, I’m thinking “Once and For All” which is the climax of the show and has a real goosebump inducing musical shift moment towards the end that always gets me hyped.
As for Sweetheart, they’re definitely giving me shades of Chicago. (And I’m not just saying this bc Chicago is in my top 3 musicals of all time and I got to see it recently) The show just OOZES a very particular cool vibe that really matches well with Sweetheart, at least in my mind. Plus I’ve always personally headcanoned Sweetheart as having a guilty pleasure kind of love for crime dramas, so that fits well too.
For Sweetheart’s favorite song, I feel like I HAVE to go Cell Block Tango. Bc honestly how could I not, it’s iconic.
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harocat · 1 year
I really want to babble about how thematically, this ending makes no sense, and it's so contrary to what we've seen up to this point, and how it's not just that it's sad and that TTJ deserves better (though both are true); it's a story about a man who wanted to die that ends up with him… basically committing assisted suicide to save the world, because well, I guess he was right to want to die all along, even though his reasons were ALWAYS because of the cruelty of others, not because of his own self.
Then he finally gains agency and a life that he wants to live, a simple life filled with love and fulfillment that is enough for him, and he doesn't want to die any longer. And it’s taken away from him and he is forced to go back into that mindset of seeking death. He was ready to live. He’d defied fate and he was ready to live. It’s bad. It’s not fulfilling. We already KNEW he would do anything to save LSS and her world. We didn’t need that proven.
It doesn't matter how hard you fight against your fate, how much you love and how much you strive to be a better person, if you are doomed to suffer and die, you will, is what TTJ's story tells us. And if you want to die, you may as well give in, because happiness never lasts.
I also want to ramble about how unfair it was to LSS, who at the end was deprived of agency and essentially just shifted around wherever she was needed, not being allowed to make decisions of her own. How episode thirty-five WOULD have been a much better ending, and if anything, what we see in TTJ's bo’re life in episode thirty-nine reinforces this.
But more than that it's just upsetting to me because this was such a good show, that presented such compelling ideas and did so in SUCH an entertaining way. And yes the scenery and costumes and aesthetics absolutely slapped. It's gorgeous as hell. But also the character dynamics were interesting and complex, and their relationships were easy to get invested in. There were fascinating relationships among the entire cast as well, not just between the leads and couples (XL and TTJ, LSS and Pian Ran). Yes, there were missteps along the way; the dream arc was about twice as long as it needed to be, and even Clam Gege and his sparkles could not save it, the show plodded along a bit in the early thirties (episodes like thirty-three were super disjointed because of time cuts), Mo Nv was added in as a new character for who knows what reason, etc. But nothing is perfect. This is still one of the better shows I’ve watched in a long time, and I was on edge for every new episode. A genuine enemies to lovers story with chemistry and anguish, hatred and tenderness, sometimes all at the same time. I was obsessed.
And… Tantai Jin is one of the best male leads I’ve seen for years. He’s so layered, so interesting, and so heartbreaking, and Yunxi does a beyond incredible job with every moment of his portrayal of him. He’s legitimately a tour de force in the role. Yunxi and Bai Lu both deserved better than this. But a great lead requires deserves a story that lives up to him, and TtEotM isn't that.
I hate that TTJ is going to probably kind of fade into obscurity, at least among English speaking fans, because people are going to be rightfully wary of recommending this drama now. And I can’t blame people, because if I’d known the ending, I probably wouldn’t have watched either. It left me feeling so empty today, and not in a ‘wow hurts so good’ way that true, well done, and cathartic tragedy does.
One can hope youku releases a ‘fix it’ clip like has happened with some other shows, that at least gives a happier ending for TTJ and LSS. Even then, that’s kind of putting a bandaid over a gaping wound, because a lot of the issues with the ending will still exist, but at least it might make it so I can recommend it with a ‘yeah the ending isn’t great, but it’s overall really good.’ And no the audio clip does not cut it.
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queermediaanysis · 5 months
I’m late to the Hazbin Hotel stuff, but I’ve binged it a few times recently and just have to say that I’ve never seen an abusive relationship that looked so much like mine portrayed so correctly (as in both accurately and in being completely condemned by the narrative) as Angel and Valentino.
I’ve seen a little of the discourse on this and I’m gonna add my thoughts under the cut.
Gonna start by saying 1. I was lucky enough to get out of my eight-year long abuse/DV situation in 2019 and I’m safe and okay now 2. I know everyone’s experience is different and I’m specifically talking about my experience of being in a long-term abusive situation and don’t mean to diminish anyone who’s experience with SA/DV was different than mine and 3. this is all high praise for what the show did, because it may not sound like it at first because it is legitimately hard for me to watch, especially the first time through.
I’ve realized I’m probably rambling out of order at this point and I apologize to anyone who’s chosen to read these words I just had to shout into the tumblr void but oh well.
Yes, I read the trigger warning at the beginning of e4. I braced myself because that one is typically fine with a heads up for me, but I still wasn’t prepared. I barely made it through that first watch because it didn’t warn about the DV tied to the SA. I’d already barely made it through the scene in e2 where Angel Dust is listening to voicemails from Valentino because jfc it’s so painfully accurate. I heard some of that stuff verbatim from my abuser. Word for word exactly the same.
The other part that’s accurate is how self-destructive Angel is as a coping mechanism and his reasons why. “If I end up broken, maybe I won’t be his favorite toy anymore. And maybe he’ll let me go.” It’s. So. Accurate. To my experience at least, which is one that looked a lot like their whole relationship.
“Loser Baby” is absolutely fine with me. Because again, it’s so accurate. Having someone sit with you and say “hey, I clearly see that you’re not being treated right no matter how hard you try and fake things, and that you’re at rock bottom and not doing good things with the ways you’re dealing with that, and I’m here for you anyway” is what pushed me to finally leave. My now-best friend who at the time was my co-worker who’d just been hired a few months prior is the one who said it to me. He saved my life in more ways than one and I’m forever grateful for it. I’ve read a few things saying the song was calling Angel a loser in a victim blaming way, and that’s not how I took it at all. Admitting how much things suck, saying that aloud, including the ways I’d changed for the worse was crucial for me in the process of leaving and trying to heal afterwards.
“Poison” wasn’t even the part that was difficult to watch for me, even though those scenes are (mostly) what earned e4 the trigger warning at the opening. But the lyrics hit me hard. “My story’s gonna end with me dead from your poison.” I lived this for years. I can’t overstate how much this was the reality of my experience. I thought that was how things would end up for me. I didn’t think I’d have a way out from this person who was both hurting me and making me the absolute worst version of myself possible. I was so sure I’ve of those two things would eventually be the end of my story. I’m very very lucky it wasn’t and I’m grateful for the resources I had that let me leave when I could.
This was a whole lot of rambling to really just say I’ve never felt so seen and respected by the representation of abuse in a piece of media. Maybe it’s because I’m coming off feeling weird about things in OFMD2 and withholding saying any on that because reasons. But I can definitely weigh in accurately in the abuse plot line in Hazbin and it’s all praise from me. Would I have avoided watching it if I’d have known how big of a plot line that would be? Yes, probably. I would’ve at least read spoilers ahead of time to try and gauge it. I nearly stopped it a few times because I wasn’t expecting it to be so painfully close to my own experience and shown so blatantly instead of being implied off-screen.
But am I glad I watched it? Absolutely. Mostly because the narrative so clearly frames everything as capital-b Bad. And I’m grateful they showed what they did how they did, and even more grateful and that the narrative (which is specifically working with a major, prominent, surface-level text theme of redemption/redeem-ability) frames Valentino as an irredeemable villain for his role as the abuser, while also giving Angel Dust three-dimensions in his own flaws that he’s responsible for. It’s done flawlessly imo. And I’m glad I watched it, even though it was hard.
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harry-on-broadway · 2 years
The Last Line: Part One
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Part One 
Word Count: 9.4K || Series Masterlist || Rating: M
A/N: I didn’t think I’d be writing another series so soon after TYTM but...this little idea of an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers story that I’ve been thinking about for a long time just wouldn’t go away. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’m enjoying writing it. Would love to hear what everyone thinks! 
May 12, 2017
Review: Harry Styles Heads In A New Direction
By Penny Sanders
If you know someone, most likely a young woman, between the ages of 13 and 30, chances are you’ve heard of Harry Styles.
Or at least his former band, One Direction.
Styles is one of the five young men that were thrown together by the infamous Simon Cowell to create the best selling boy band of all-time. Over their brief career, One Direction’s discography cast a wide net, attracting fans of all ages. Young tweens and their millennial counterparts were drawn in by the clean-cut look of the lads clad in blazers and bowties and lyrics that felt like they were pulled from a self-insert fanfiction. However, as the years progressed the band added a bit of an edge – tattoos, rumors of an attempted threesome, and lyrics about a loaded gun (read: erect penis). But with 1D in the midst of an indefinite hiatus, all eyes are on Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis (and Zayn too) to see what comes next.
Styles has answered that question with a 10-song debut that is worlds away from the five albums he put out with his former band. Gone are the bubblegum beats, replaced by alternatively somber and bombastic instrumentals. And forget cheeky “wink-wink nod-nod” lyrics to – gasp! sex! Styles readily admits getting himself off in a hotel room in the album’s closer, “From the Dining Table.”
It’s not a poor offering, but frankly, it’s not great either. While he pushes himself to redefine the sound that has been associated with him for more than five years, the result is a generic LP that will likely be forgotten as soon as one of the industry’s legitimate superstars releases a new single. And, to head off the question I’ve already received from many of Styles’ supporters on Twitter, I can guarantee that you won’t be seeing this album or any of its tracks, mentioned at this year’s Grammy Awards.
One of the bright spots on the album, the lead single “Sign Of The Times,” feels like a grand moment, but it also feels misplaced, almost as if it was a song that should have come a decade into his solo career. Despite poignant lyrics (the song is purportedly about a mother dying in childbirth), Styles’ falsetto needs strengthening and at times he sounds like a young boy trying to imitate his elders. He has talent and shows promise, but isn’t able to pull off a ballad of that caliber yet. Other songs, like “Sweet Creature” and “Two Ghosts” are instantly forgettable, though “Kiwi,” while memorable, is just plain painful to listen to.
Styles is obviously popular, and that alone will be enough to propel him to years of sold-out shows and chart-topping albums. But he needs something else – a secret ingredient if you will –  to launch him to further stardom and cement his name alongside his idols Nicks, Bowie, and Jagger. Otherwise, he’ll be nothing but a midnight memory.
September 21, 2017
Review: Harry Styles Rocks The Greek Theatre
By Penny Sanders
Months after the release of his self-titled debut album, Harry Styles found himself at the Greek Theatre, ready to play to a sold out crowd that had likely been waiting for this moment since One Direction’s final performance.
And let me just say, attending a Harry Styles concert is an experience like no other.
The intimate venue was a nice change of pace for Styles who was selling out stadiums in the latter half of One Direction’s tour. He was always seen as the charming one, and the small stage makes that even more apparent, giving him more than enough time to banter with the audience, introduce songs, and connect with his audience. I’m sure many of those in the front of the crowd will tell stories for years to come of the night they made eye contact with the heartthrob.
With just 10 songs of his own, he relied on some One Direction hits and other covers to fill out the setlist. With the exception of “The Chain,” most of the covers sounded nothing like the original version, leading anyone unfamiliar with Styles’ career so far to assume the guitar heavy, rocking versions of the songs – notably “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Story of My Life” – are the standard.
Styles has a charisma like no other, and even though it’s clear it takes him a while to warm up to the crowd, perhaps a symptom of never being alone onstage in his career so far, he’s a born performer who belongs on the stage. But for me, he wasn’t the standout. It was his fans.
The crowd was ready for fun, dressed to the nines, with nearly everyone carrying overflowing bags of merch. They sang along to the songs word perfect and clung to Styles every word, cheering louder than I’ve ever heard when he entered the stage. It was a joyous occasion and had an energy I haven’t seen in any of the concerts I’ve recently attended.
I spoke to a number of women in attendance last night, asking them what drew them to the show. Some cited their One Direction fandom, while others spoke of the sounds of his music, and how it reminded them of other classic songs they love. But for many, Styles himself was the primary reason for being there.
“He makes things really personal,” said Ally, a college student who came from Minneapolis to see the show – her third time seeing Styles this year. “A lot of the other concerts I go to, the artists don’t say anything other than a generic thank you. But Harry makes every show feel special.”
“He feels like a friend,” said Katrina, a local high-schooler. “School’s not always easy and I sometimes struggle with things, but when I listen to his music or go to one of his shows, it feels comforting. Like I’m in a safe place.”
These statements perfectly summarize why Styles’ concerts are so unique.
If he stays true to what his fans want and lets his personality shine on stage, that, in addition to strengthening his songwriting, could be enough to land him alongside his musical icons, and 50 years from now, we’ll see him headlining stadiums on his own, playing a career’s worth of hits as the crowd – full more than just women – sings along.
Longtime readers will remember that I was less than effusive in my review of Styles’s debut, but after seeing him live, I must eat my words and say he’s going places.
Transcript from the “Track After Track” podcast, Episode 147: July 21, 2018
Ethan: Speaking of concerts, Penny, you just saw Harry Styles at the Forum, right?
Penny: Yeah, I was there a week ago. Eight days? No a week ago. Sorry it all blends together.
Ethan: I mean, you are at a concert every night, pretty much, so I’ll give you a pass.
Penny: [laughs] You’re so kind. But yes, I was at his show.
Tyler: How was that? I never know what to make of these boy band guys. For every Timberlake, there’s 10 Chris Kirkpatricks.
Penny: It wasn’t terrible. He puts on a good show.
Ethan: Was this your first time seeing him?
Penny: No. I saw him twice when he was in One Direction. And when he was at the Greek.
Tyler: And?
Penny: Like I said, he’s not terrible. It’s clear that his music and personality has resonated with a lot of people, so his shows are filled with fans and have a great energy. Listening to the album on its own is kind of meh…there weren’t a lot of tracks that stuck out as memorable…but live it can be kind of fun. You can tell he loves performing and really feeds off the crowd.
Ethan: Confession: I actually haven’t listened to the album yet.
Penny: That doesn’t surprise me based on the number of EDM CDs in your car.
Ethan: [laughs] Yeah, the genre definitely isn’t my cup of tea, but I think Harry is someone the industry really needs to watch. He’s going to do big things. Well, even bigger since he’s already pretty massive. Tyler, have you listened?
Tyler: Yeah, but I just can’t bring myself to get into it. Like, you just mention his name and you can hear the teen girls screaming off in the distance. I just think it’s a red flag when your fanbase is that narrow. Like if teen girls are your driver, how are you going to succeed? What happens when they’re not 13 and hormonal anymore. You’re not seeing a lot of geriatric boy band fans.
Penny: Wow! Ageism and sexism all in one statement! That has to be a first for you! It’s fine to say you don’t like his music, but to discount it purely on the basis that younger women like it…that’s just plain ignorant.
Tyler: Let’s evaluate this in five years and see where he is.
Penny: Fine, in five years have me back on this podcast and we’ll discuss his Grammy win.
Tyler: You’re out of your goddamn mind if you think Harry Styles will win a Grammy. You need to start thinking with your head and not your – (inaudible)
Penny: Seriously?
Ethan: OK, let’s talk charts…
Talking Biz News  
November 8, 2018
Penny Sanders to join media start-up The Moment as Music Reporter
Present Day, 2019
“She needs to go back to copyediting and stop fucking up my stories,” Chloe barked, stabbing lettuce onto her fork to match her anger. “She knows nothing about film but is constantly trying to make corrections and I’m just like ‘No?!? That’s not how the fucking industry works.’” She looked across the table at Penny. “Am I crazy?”
“No, you’re not crazy,” Penny said, trying to soothe her friend. “I have the same issue with Darren. He came in thinking he was hot shit because he had been at Rolling Stone and started trying to explain how the charts work as if I haven’t been covering this for years. I can’t tell you how much time I spend undoing his edits before the piece goes to Skylar.”
“Why can’t this newsroom hire a competent editor?” Chloe asked. “It’s not that hard.”
“Probably because no editor wants to work here?”
“Good point!”
Penny and Chloe were eating a late lunch in the courtyard of the complex that housed The Moment, the entertainment publication they both worked for. They’d met three years ago during a summer internship at Variety and forged an alliance after realizing they were the only two women in the program. Penny had wanted to cover music and Chloe was determined to become a film reporter, and they’d been thrilled to finally end up at The Moment together after several years of freelancing and fighting for staff writer roles. Now, they were unstoppable, filing stories daily and dodging pointless notes from their first editors.
“Wait, Penny…didn’t you file your piece on ‘Old Town Road’ today?”
“Yes, and I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why? It’s such an interesting story,” Chloe whined. “And I haven’t seen anyone covering it yet.”
“That always makes me nervous.” Penny swirled her spoon through her bowl of soup.
“It shouldn’t. It means you’re ahead of the curve.”
“Or I’ve completely misjudged the story. Maybe it’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. Give it a month and everyone will be talking about it.” Chloe paused. “Is Darren taking firsts?”
“Oh fuck.”
“Yeah, it’s not looking good for me, Chlo.”
The Moment’s typical reporting and editing process involved a reporter filing a story to one editor, who would do an intensive first edit, fixing the structure of the story, making notes on sections that needed to be added or get cut, and getting the piece 99% ready for publication. The second round of edits was largely focused on fixing grammar and spelling, as well as fact-checking, ahead of publication. Penny typically preferred Skylar, the publication’s editor-in-chief, to take on first edits. While she could be tough, she was smart and kind, and Penny’s stories were always much better after Skylar got her hands on them. When other editors, like Darren, took first edits, Penny knew to prepare herself for days of tears, stress, and questioning her life choices.
“What about you?” Penny asked, wanting to shift the conversation away from her anxiety over her story. “Have things calmed down post-Oscars?”
“Yes. Thankfully.”
Penny knew Chloe loved her job but from late August to early March, she was running from festival to festival, covering awards season. In addition to writing her articles, she, like Penny, found herself taking on media hits as an added responsibility, appearing on morning shows, podcasts, and radio programs to break down entertainment topics for everyday consumers. It was fun and super fulfilling, but it was also exhausting.
“When is Cannes again?”
“May!” Chloe said brightly. “Easily my favorite festival.”
“I have no idea why,” Penny said with a sly grin. “Two weeks on a French beach surrounded by celebrities, eating the most delicious food. It sounds horrid.”
“Oh my God, Penny? What are you doing here?”
Penny and Chloe turned in synchronicity to look at the man who had shouted at them from a table across the path.
“Do we know him?” Chloe asked, mumbling the question through the tentative grin she had plastered on her face.
“I can’t actually see his face,” Penny admitted, squinting trying to gain a better view.
“This is why you need to wear your glasses,” Chloe hissed.
“Of all the food courts in Los Angeles,” the man continued as he walked over to them.
“Wait…Tom? Is that you?”
“It is! How have you been?” He opened his arms and pulled Penny into him. She wrapped her own arms around him.
“So good. I didn’t realize you were out here.”
“I’ve actually been here for a few years now.”
“Shit. Really. I feel so bad that I didn’t reach out,” Penny said apologetically. “And I’m also surprised that my mom didn’t mention you.”
“Eh, it’s not a problem,” he shrugged.
“Care to introduce me?” Chloe asked.
“Ah, yes,” Penny said, composing herself. “Chloe, this is Tom Skoglund. He’s a longtime family friend, although I’m sure that title is being called into question since I didn’t even know he was living here. Tom, this is Chloe. She’s a friend of mine who also works at The Moment.” Penny stepped back to allow Chloe and Tom to shake hands and exchange pleasantries. “Do you want to sit with us?” she asked when they were finished, noting Tom’s sandwich and chips.
“If you don’t mind,” he said. “I’d love to catch up.”
Penny and Chloe sat back down as Tom pulled up a third chair and set his food down. “So you’re still doing the reporter thing?” he asked with a grin. He turned to Chloe. “Penny used to write a newsletter for everyone in the neighborhood. It had news items and opinion pieces all written by her. I seem to remember a glowing review for the second High School Musical soundtrack.”
“It’s full of bangers and you know it,” Penny said with a grin.
Tom turned to Chloe. “Do you also cover music?”
Chloe shook her head. “I’m a film girl.”
“Thoughts on the Oscars?” he asked as he took a bite.
“Anyone who actually pays attention to previous stats knew that Green Book would pull out a win so I wasn’t surprised. I will be curious to see what Netflix does next though. I personally thought The Favourite should have won, but that’s why I’m not a voter.”
“I literally only saw Black Panther and A Star Is Born so I feel like I don’t have room to say anything,” Tom said with a grimace.
“You sound like Penny,” Chloe said with a laugh. “She can tell you the exact week a song hit number one on the Billboard charts, but is frighteningly unaware of the latest movies.”
“I only have so much room for useless facts,” Penny said, earning a kick under the table from Chloe. She turned her attention back to Tom. “What are you doing here? Last I heard my mom said you were working in finance? Is that still the case?”
“God no,” he said lightly. “I had enough of that soul crushing job and decided to head out here to hack it in music. Got an assistant gig and worked my way up to manager.”
“Tom, that’s incredible,” Penny said with genuine excitement. “Who are you with?”
“Full Stop. With Jeff Azoff”
“Wow,” Penny said as Chloe let out a slow whistle. She turned to look at her friend.
“Yes, I know who the Azoffs are,” Chloe said. “And that’s impressive. Congrats, Tom.” Her phone chirped and she looked down at the screen. “Fuck. One of my sources wants to chat. I’ve got to take this.” She looked up at Penny and Tom. “It was so nice to meet you, Tom. Penny, I’ll see you at drinks later?”
Penny nodded and waved as Chloe disappeared across the grass, depositing her empty salad container in the trash. “So Full Stop,” she said, turning back to Tom. “You all have quite the roster.”
“Before you ask, no comment,” Tom said with a grin.
“Tom, I’m disappointed that you’d think I would stoop that low. I have a firm stance on not using friends for work stuff.”
“Well good, because you’d get nothing out of me.” He took a sip of his drink. “Remind me, are you still doing breaking news?” He grimaced. “I know I see your byline frequently, but I don’t always remember which article it comes in front of.”
“No. I moved on from that.” Penny didn’t miss the days of covering the desk at night, ready to pounce on any stories that came across the wire. “I mostly do reviews for concerts and albums now. I’m working my way up to business features, profiles, those types of things.”
“What should I go back and get caught up on?”
“I reviewed Maggie Rogers’ album a couple of weeks ago and wrote a review of Elton John’s show last week.”
“God, doesn’t he put on a great show.”
“One of the best. And I’m working on a feature about TikTok and ‘Old Town Road’ right now.”
“That sounds so interesting. Is it up yet?”
“No. I just filed it to my editor so there is a very good chance that it will never see the light of day. But if it does, I will send it your way.”
“Please. Let me give you my number.”
Penny pulled out her phone and handed it to her old friend. It was a strange feeling knowing that in the heyday of their friendship, they hadn’t needed each other's number, knowing they could always find the other in the cul-de-sac or the school hallways.
“Done.” Tom said, saving his contact information and passing the phone back to Penny, who quickly dashed off a text so he would have her information as well.
“I should probably head back into the office now,” Penny said. “But it was great to see you.”
“You too,” Tom said, standing to hug her. “Actually, I was wondering if you’d want to come to a little party slash happy hour thing I’m having on Friday. It’s super casual, basically just drinks and fancy snacks with a bunch of people from the office. I think they’d all love to meet you and talk music. Off the record,” he added quickly.
“That sounds like a lot of fun,” Penny replied. “I should be free Friday.”
“Great. I’ll text you my address and we can take it from there.”
“Thanks, Tom,” Penny said, collecting her trash. “I’m really looking forward to seeing more of you.”
“Same. I’ll see you on Friday.”
Penny waved as she threw her trash away and headed back to her building. She smiled to herself. It would be nice to have another friendly face around. They were too rare in her line of work.
Penny promptly shut her laptop at 5pm, stowing it in her tote bag and pushing her chair underneath her desk.
“Have a nice weekend!” she called out to the few staffers that were remaining in the newsroom, before heading to her car. She plugged Tom’s address into her GPS app, hit play on her Spotify playlist, and pulled out of the parking lot. She was about 45 minutes away, thanks to the heavy traffic that was a near constant presence in the city, but made it to Tom’s house before her 80s synth mix was finished playing, which she counted as a win.
She grabbed her bag and fished around in the backseat for the bottle of wine she’d purchased earlier that day. She wasn’t sure if this was that type of gathering, but she felt weird showing up empty handed. Hopefully Tom wouldn’t say no to some Trader Joe’s wine. She locked her car and walked up the path and heard some shouts coming from the backyard. She rang the bell and just a few moments later, Tom appeared with a smile on his face.
“Penny! Come on in!” he said, opening the door for her. “How was the drive over?”
“Not as bad as it could have been,” she replied, shrugging off her cardigan and tote bag.
“I can take those,” Tom offered, reaching for her belongings, and placing them in a nearby closet.
“Thanks,” Penny said. “And this is for you,” she added, offering him the bottle of wine.
“You didn’t have to bring anything.”
“It’s from Trader Joe’s, Tom. It is quite literally the least I could do.”
He laughed. “Well, thank you. I’ll put it out now. It’s an open bar, so help yourself. Once you get a drink, I’ll take you around and introduce you to everyone.”
Penny poured herself a rum and Coke, and followed Tom out to the patio, drink in hand.
“Penny, I’d like you to meet Tommy Bruce,” he said. “Tommy, this is my friend, Penny. We reconnected the other day.”
“Pleasure, Penny,” Tommy said, shaking her hand. “Do you also work in the industry?”
“Sort of. I’m a critic and reporter at The Moment. I cover music.”
“That’s sick. Do you go to a lot of shows?”
“Yes. I was at Elton John’s show the other day and I’m planning to see Post Animal in a couple of weeks.”
“I was at Elton too! I wonder if we ran into each other?”
“We probably did,” Penny said with a laugh.
“Are you planning to go to Leon Bridges?”
“I’m not sure yet. I have to get everything approved by my editor so it’s up to her.”
“I hope you can. He’s so good. Hey, Jeff!”
Tom and Tommy turned their attention to another man that had approached their small group.
“Penny, this is the man, the myth, the legend, Jeffrey Azoff,” Tom said.
“They exaggerate,” Jeff said. “Nice to meet you Penny.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Penny said, moving her drink to her other hand so she could shake Jeff’s. “I’m an old friend of Tom’s from growing up. I work as a music journalist now.”
“Yeah, you’re at The Moment, right?” Jeff said.
“Yes…” Penny said slowly.
“OK,” Tommy said, affably rolling his eyes. “He’s such a show off.”
“I try to keep up with those who cover our clients, that’s all,” Jeff said. “And if it makes me look like a show-off, so be it,” he added, as Tommy playfully punched his shoulder.
As the men continued to banter, Penny surveyed the room, making the silent calculation she faced nearly everyday. Including herself, there were four women total at the gathering, which felt like a huge accomplishment. Working in her industry, she was used to being one of the only women in the room, a blessing and a curse.
The blessing was that whenever she found another woman at an event or meeting, they instantly gravitated toward each other, which meant she’d made a lot of friends in just a few years. The curse was obvious: men.
The men that surrounded her weren’t the worst offenders – they kept their hands and other body parts to themselves and were generally very kind – but being the lone woman was noticeable. Men would casually throw out that someone was a “bitch” or offer Penny an explanation that they didn’t give to a male reporter two years her junior. Penny usually just took it with a grain of salt, sighing internally, complaining to Chloe, and then proving her worth by being the smartest one in the room. Keeping an eye on two women chatting in the corner, she started to move towards them to introduce herself when she caught sight of another person across the way.
Harry Styles.
Or was it? Was that actually him? Chloe was right, she needed to wear her glasses more often. But Harry Styles being here didn’t make any sense. What would he be doing at a random house party?
She felt a hand on her shoulder and stepped over to the side to allow the person to pass and collect her thoughts. The more she thought about it, Harry Styles being at this party made sense. She knew from stories she’d worked on that he was repped by Full Stop, so it wasn’t totally out of the realm of possibility that he would hang out with Tom and the other agents outside of work, but it was still jarring to see him out in the wild.
Whenever she told people she was a music journalist, their first instinct was to assume that she was close to many of the artists she reported on daily, but that wasn’t the case. When she was attending an event, it was a professional engagement. She was there to gather the facts, tell a story, and move on. Socializing with those in the industry outside of that professional setting made her uncomfortable. Especially when she was working on a review or piece of criticism. It was one thing to write those things and send them off into the vacuum of the internet, but when she thought about the subjects of the reviews reading her writing, she started to feel…guilty. She never intended to be mean – she knew how she felt when she received harsh notes from an editor – but the point of her reviews was to offer commentary and opinions. And if she thought too much about the people behind the work, her objectivity disappeared. So, she’d made a concerted effort to keep a firm boundary to ensure her writing was as good as it could be.
The few times she did meet musicians outside of work events, she could feel her brain going a mile a minute to remember if she’d ever written something slightly negative about them for fear they’d call her out on it, as despite what every musician claimed, they always read the reviews. And her brain started working overtime to perform these mental calculations as she saw Harry stop in front of her.
“Haven’t seen you here before. I’m Harry,” he drawled slowly, reaching out his hand.
Penny momentarily froze, but quickly recovered. “I’m Penny,” she said, shaking his hand.
“Do you work at Full Stop?” he asked, eyes glancing over her as if he was trying to figure out where she should be placed.
“At one of the labels?”
“OK, well I’m stumped as to where you fit it,” he said with a light laugh. “Care to enlighten me?”
“I’m a writer,” Penny replied, hoping the vague nature of her answer was enough to satisfy him.
“Have you written anything I’ve read?”
“Care to give me any other clues?” he asked, sipping from the plastic cup in his hand and leaning in closer to hear her response. Penny couldn’t tell what it was, but from the smell wafting over to her, it was something strong.
“I’m a journalist.”
“What do you cover?” Another sip, his eyes intensely focused on her.
“Entertainment,” Penny said simply, praying this game of 20 questions would be over soon.
“That’s kind of vague,” Harry replied quickly.
“That’s kind of the point.”
“Oh! A woman with an air of mystery. That’s…” he paused. “Enticing.”
“Enticing?” Penny quirked a brow and shot him a bemused grin.
“Yeah, it’s like a challenge. You’re making me work for it.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know, maybe a drink?” Harry asked hopefully.
“Wow. Subtle.”
“I try.” The corners of his lips ticked up. “Maybe I should try a little harder though.”  
Penny was thinking up a witty comeback, somewhat amused by the situation she’d found herself in and very pleased that she’d have a new story to share with Chloe at lunch on Monday, when Tom interrupted their conversation.
“There you two are! I was hoping to introduce you all tonight.” He looked at Harry, gesturing to Penny. “This is Penny. She’s a friend from back home who’s a big time writer for The Moment. She writes reviews for concerts and albums.”
Penny snuck a look at Harry and thought she saw a flicker of…something…in his eyes. It was so subtle and so brief that she didn’t have time to think about what it could mean before she felt Tom’s arm on her back.
“And Penny, you of course know Harry.”
“I do. I think one of my friends had a toothbrush with your face on it.”
“Hmmm,” Harry murmured. “Those were a hot item for sure.”
Tom’s eyes darted between the two, evidently waiting for them to continue the conversation he had interrupted. Seeing that that wasn’t going to happen, he excused himself and moved onto another group of people.
“So, music is the kind of entertainment you cover.” The banter was back but it had a harder edge this time.
“It is.”
“Have you ever written about me?”
Penny mulled her potential responses, trying to find one that could cause the path of least resistance. “No,” she said simply.
“Really?” Harry said. The challenge in his voice was evident. “You weren’t the one who said I sound like ‘a young boy trying to imitate his elders?’”
Fuck. Penny felt her face grow hot. “That might have been me.”
“I thought so.”
“How long did you know?”
“Once Tom said the name of where you work. There aren’t that many critics named Penny that wrote a scathing review of my album.”
“It wasn’t scathing,” Penny said, suddenly feeling defensive of her work. “It was critical, sure, but that’s what my job is. I’m a critic. And besides, don't musicians get off on bragging about how they don’t pay attention to the reviews?”
“Hate to break it to you but that’s a load of bullshit. We are all very sensitive creatures.”
“Well, that’s clear based on how you’re acting now.”
“How I'm acting? You’re the one that’s yelling in the middle of a party.”
“I’m not yelling!” Penny said, lowering her voice by a couple of decibels. “You’re the one that came over here trying to score and then decided to pick a fight because you can’t forget about one review from like two years ago.”
“I’m sorry–” Harry laughed in disbelief. “You thought I was trying to get lucky? What made you think that?”
“‘Ah! A mysterious woman! So enticing! I like a challenge. You’re making me bloody work for it. Let’s get a drink!’” Penny shot back in a poor imitation of his slow, deep voice.
“I did not say that.”
“Yes you did!” Penny yelped. “You totally did.”
“Whatever,” Harry mumbled, taking another sip of his drink while Penny just looked at him.
“That’s all you have to say?”
Harry looked at her blankly. “Yes?”
“Oh, I thought you might offer up a sorry.”
“What for?”
“For attacking my work.”
“I hate to break it to you, Penny, but I think you attacked my work first.”
“Because it’s my fucking job!”
“Everything alright over here?”  Jeff asked, stepping into the conversation. The look of caution on his face told Penny that her conversation with Harry had been overheard by the others at the party.
“We’re fine,” Penny said evenly.
“Yeah, peachy keen,” Harry added, earning a glare from Penny.
“I should actually be going,” Penny said.
“Oh, can’t you stay a little longer?” Jeff asked as Harry muttered “Bye, then.” Jeff cut his eyes over to Harry, who avoided his glance. “Alright then,” he said slowly. “It was nice to meet you, Penny. Hope to see you around.”
“You, too,” Penny said before swiftly leaving the group.
“What was that about?” Jeff asked, attention turned back to Harry.
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
“You were a bit, shall we say…dickish…back there?”
“No, I wasn’t.”
“If you say so,” Jeff said. He paused. “Have you read any of her work?”
“I’ve read enough of it.”
“You should honestly read some more. The Moment in general is a really up-and-coming publication. They’ve poached some stellar writers and editors from Billboard and Rolling Stone. And Penny…she’s smart. I think you all would have a lot to talk about.”
Harry glared at Jeff. “What makes you say that?”
“She’s got an interesting perspective. Her reviews always leave me thinking about things in a different way and I can’t say that about many critics.”
“Oh really,” Harry shot back, suddenly combative. “Did you start to reconsider my album after reading her review?”
“Calm down, H,” Jeff said gently. “Your album is a fantastic accomplishment and you know it. And she doesn’t just write criticism, she does cultural pieces as well. Check them out. She was on a podcast last year that you might find interesting.” Jeff pulled out his phone, typing quickly. “Here’s a link. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.”
Harry shot Jeff another glare and drained his cup. “Thanks,” he said dryly. “I’ll move it to the top of the list. See you later,” he called, pushing past his manager.
He tossed his cup into a nearby trash can and combed the room for Tom, offering a wave as he walked out the door. Harry walked slowly down the driveway, feeling the cool night air blow through his hair, relishing the peace. He’d felt a little off all day, but couldn’t put a finger on why, and his encounter with Penny had thrown him even more off balance. He’d been feeling like this a lot recently. Like he didn’t quite fit in alongside the other pieces of his life. He reached his car and unlocked it, sliding inside.
He plugged in his phone and stared out the windshield. Penny. He hadn’t known who she was when he approached her that night. Only that she looked pretty and that the smile she’d worn when he saw her talking to Jeff and Tommy made him want to know more about her. But as the pieces fell into place, it was impossible to look past what she’d done to him two years ago.
He didn’t know why her review had struck such a nerve with him. It wasn’t like his debut had been released to unanimous raves, and after two years of looking back on it, while he was proud of what he’d accomplished, he could see the weak spots in his work and was hoping to improve upon them with his second album. The hurt that lingered was just one of those implacable feelings.
Rolling his neck and feeling it crack, he pulled on his seatbelt and scrolled through his music library looking for something to listen to on the ride home. But after cycling through the entire library twice to no avail, he opened the text Jeffrey had sent him earlier, pressing play on the podcast episode that had been shared with him before turning the key in the ignition. His drive home was long but while he usually grew antsy watching the clock change as he sat bumper to bumper with other drivers, tonight his mind was occupied listening to the discussion echoing through his speakers.
It was an episode from one of Variety’s podcasts last year, shortly after his Forum concerts. Penny was a guest, chatting with the two guys who served as hosts. One of them sounded cool, and the other sounded like someone that he’d like to punch in the face if they ever crossed paths in real life. The episode was about his tour, specifically his shows in Los Angeles. It was weird listening to people talk about him like he was a commodity for consumption, and not like a human, a blatant reminder of why he typically abstained from engaging with anything like this.
Much to his surprise, Penny played the role of his supporter throughout the podcast, jumping to his defense when the Asshole, or whatever his name was, levied harsh words at Harry and his fans. He wouldn’t have expected that based on what she’d previously written. On the track, they shifted topics and Harry’s mind drifted off as the episode played on, ending moments before he arrived at his home. He turned off the car but made no effort to head inside. Instead, he picked up his phone and opened Instagram where he typed in Penny’s name.
Her account popped up right away. He scrolled over her page, unsurprised by what he found. Lots of pictures of concerts, sunsets on the beach, and admittedly delicious looking food. There weren’t many pictures of her but he found one that was relatively recent, posted last Christmas. She was smiling alongside some other women, probably friends based on the caption, and once again he felt something tugging inside of him when he looked at her. Next, he redownloaded the Twitter app, something he swore he would never do, and typed in Penny’s name, skimming through her Tweets. Jeff was right. She was frustratingly and irritatingly smart.
Closing out of Twitter, he navigated back to Instagram, finger hovering over the follow button. He hesitated, but after a minute his finger came down on the icon and it changed from blue to gray.
As he put his phone in his pocket and locked his car, across town Penny’s phone lit up with a notification. She missed the initial alert as she washed her face and pulled on the old college t-shirt she wore to bed most nights, but she finally noticed it when she went to set her alarm: Harry Styles followed you.
What the fuck was he trying to do? After laying into her the way he did at Tom’s house, completely unprovoked, the last thing she wanted to do was interact with him in the virtual world. She deleted the notification, plugged in her phone, and went to sleep.
When Harry woke up the next morning, the first thing he did was check his Instagram notifications. He scrolled past most of them – comments and following alerts from random fans and bots – but among all of the familiar amalgamations of usernames, Penny’s was nowhere to be found.
He laid his phone on his chest and stared at the ceiling. What game was she trying to play with him? And why did he feel so upset? The silence that surrounded him as he laid motionless was so loud.
When he finally found the motivation to get out of bed, he pulled on some jogging shorts and a tank and laced up his sneakers, grabbing headphones on his way out the door. He was hoping that a run might clear his head, but thoughts of Penny from the night before echoed alongside the sound of his feet on the pavement. Clarity hadn’t been found when he reached the five mile point, so he begrudgingly turned around to head home and shower. His mind was still swirling as he got cleaned up, and by the time he was dressed for the day and brewing coffee, he had a plan.
He pulled up his contacts and scrolled until he found the name he was looking for, pacing nervously while the phone rang.
“Hey,” the voice on the other line said. “Is everything OK?”
“Yeah, Tom. Sorry for the early morning call,” Harry said, twisting his fringe around his finger as he continued to do laps around the island. “Are you heading into the office today?”
“Seeing as it’s Saturday, I wasn’t planning on it.”
“Oh, shit,” Harry said, cringing when he took note of the early weekend hour. “I guess I lost track of time.”
“Not a problem,” Tom replied, stifling what seemed to be a yawn. “I’ll be there bright and early on Monday.
“Oh, nice. Would you maybe want to catch up and grab lunch?”
“That would be great, seeing as it’ll have been close to 48 hours since we last caught up,” Tom said a bit facetiously.
Harry said nothing trying to extract his fingers from the knot he’d twisted his fringe into. “Oh, yeah,” he mumbled after a moment.
“H, I’m kidding,” Tom said with a light laugh. “You can always swing by. Would you want to go to the bistro?”
“No, why don’t we pick somewhere more convenient to you. How about Loqui?” Harry suggested naming one of the restaurants that was in the campus that housed both the Full Stop and The Moment offices.
“Uh, yeah that’s fine. I’ll see you then. Have a good weekend, H.”
“You too, Tom.”
Harry hung up the phone and tried to figure out how he’d distract himself until Monday.
As Penny sat in her editor’s office Monday morning, she was trying to calculate when her next dental appointment was scheduled for and whether or not she’d be able to add on some x-rays to survey the damage done to her jaw after clenching it as hard as she had that morning.
Darren had finished reviewing her piece over the weekend, and had suggested they review his edits first thing, which wasn't the way she wanted to start the week.
“I think the biggest problem you have here is that this isn’t a story,” he said, scrolling through the copy on his laptop. “You only have one example of this phenomenon if we want to call it that and I honestly don’t think that TikTok is that important to the success of the song. In my professional career, we’ve seen plenty of songs do this. It’s nothing unusual.”
“But you’re missing the point,” Penny said, pushing back. “The whole idea is yes, this hasn’t happened before, but it’s the way forward. This is going to be the new version of Justin Bieber getting discovered on YouTube or Shawn Mendes on Vine.” She could feel herself getting angry and took a breath to calm herself. “You’re always telling us to be ahead of the story and that’s what I’m doing.”
“But this isn’t a story.”
Penny bit the inside of her cheek as she struggled to keep her cool. “OK, then, what do you suggest I do?”
Darren sighed. “Write it up like a regular chart recap and include a couple of lines about how it’s getting close to a record.”
“Because of TikTok?”
“No mention of TikTok. We don’t want to look like we don’t know what we’re talking about.”
“We have a chance to scoop Rolling Stone and Billboard and you’re just ignoring it.”
“Because it’s not a story. End of discussion. I’ve got a meeting to go to.”
Darren stood up and exited the office, leaving Penny stunned and furious. When she’d collected herself, she moved back to her desk in the newsroom. She spun around in her chair, any motivation to work gone.
Editors, specifically Skylar, were constantly telling them to push boundaries and find the stories no one was writing on yet. Unfortunately, they weren’t always on the same page, which led to a great deal of frustration when it came time to file a story. Penny could submit a story thinking it was Pullitzer-worthy, but be left questioning her entire life path after a single round of edits. Almost as if she could sense the tension brewing, Chloe poked her head over top of the divider that separated their desks.
“I think you need coffee. Or a pastry. Or lunch. Basically you just need to not be in this office right now, so we’re going for a walk.”
Penny begrudgingly grabbed her purse and ID and headed towards the exit, close behind Chloe, who was listing off restaurant options.
“Loqui,” Penny eventually said, stopping the list. “I’m in the mood for some spice.”
After walking a few blocks they found themselves at the restaurant, scanning the menu above the cash register. They ordered – a beef plate for Chloe and chicken plate for Penny – and had stood off to the side waiting for their respective numbers to be called, when they were interrupted.
“So we go years without seeing each other and then all of a sudden it’s three times in one week?” Tom called from behind a partition.
“Oh my God,” Penny said, laughing with actual mirth for the first time all day. “What are the odds?”
“Nice to see you again,” Chloe added.
“Are you all dining in?” Tom asked, eyes shifting between the two women.
“Yeah,” Chloe chimed in. “Needed to get out of the office for a little while.”
“I feel that,” Tom replied. “You’re welcome to join us.”
Penny looked at Chloe, who nodded her agreement. Neither woman asked who “us” was.
Their numbers were called and when they’d collected their food they slid into the booth, leaving space around the plate of veggie tacos that had been placed in front of an empty chair.
“How’s your week shaping up?” Chloe asked Tom.
He shrugged. “Mondays are always rough, but it’s all downhill from here.”
“What is management like? Do you have a routine?” Chloe continued. “Like with reporting, there’s a certain cadence with different deadlines and interviews. Is there a similar thing for you all?”
“Sort of. If we’re on tour a lot of people have a routine they like to stick to. When we’re in the office, it’s a little less structured. Depends on what each client is working on.”
Penny kept her eyes on her plate, her thoughts still focused on her earlier conversation with Darren. Eyes on the floor, she saw the white loafers and yellow socks before the face of the man they belonged to.
“You’re out to lunch with Tom?” Penny asked in disbelief when her eyes met Harry’s.
“Yeah. I didn’t think there’d be a problem with that,” he mumbled as he sat in front of the plate.
“I’m Chloe. I don’t think we’ve met,” Chloe interjected helpfully.
“Harry,” Harry returned, extending his hand.
Penny stared daggers at him, but Harry refused to look at her. Penny knew he was observing her though, feeling his eyes burning into her whenever she looked away. Neither of them spoke, leaving Tom and Chloe to fill the silence with banal conversation.
As they chattered on, Penny continued to feel the heat of Harry’s glare on her.
“Can I help you?” she finally snapped.
“What?” he shot back.
“If you have something to say, just fucking say it.”
“I’ve got nothing to say,” he said, spooning some mushrooms and peppers into his mouth.
“Really? Because it looks like you’ve got something on your mind.”
“OK, then,” Harry shot back, putting his spoon down next to his plate. “Why’d you give my album such a shit review?”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I do!”
“That’s a great argument,” Penny said, rolling her eyes.
“Well how about this,” Harry said, turning to face her. “I’m trying to figure out how someone who supposedly loves music and everything it stands for can be such a hater.”
“A hater?” Penny could feel the prickly sensation behind her eyes that meant tears were just moments away. “I’m sorry. The 90s called and they want their slang back.”
“Yeah, all of your reviews are just so…mean. It’s like you forget there’s someone behind that album.”
“Almost like forgetting there’s a person behind the review?”
“Don’t twist my words like that.”
“I’m not. I’m just saying it’s a two way street.”
“All you are is a second-rate journalist who isn’t good enough to work for a legitimate publication, so instead of saying things that actually matter, you just share your shitty takes to try to get Twitter clout.”
Penny could feel her lips tremble, but she was determined to not give Harry the satisfaction of seeing her cry. “You know, it’s generally frowned upon to harass a journalist in a public setting just because you don’t care for what they have to say.” She sniffed and much to her chagrin, she could feel her eyes getting wet. “But now you’ve got me crying in a restaurant so I hope you’re satisfied.” She grabbed her purse, leaving her food nearly untouched on the table. “I’ll see you back at the office, Chloe.”
Chloe and Tom’s eyes followed her as she walked out of the restaurant. Harry kept his eyes locked on his plate.
“I should probably check on her,” Chloe said after a moment.
“That might be for the best,” Tom said. “Let me grab a box. You can take her her food.”
Chloe picked up her own bag and leftovers, balancing them alongside Penny’s. “Wish this could have been longer but…” she trailed off as Tom nodded. She looked at Harry. “I’m not entirely sure what this is about but I’ve never met anyone who loves music more than Penny, so whatever assumptions you have about her, she’s not a ‘hater.’ She’s also not second-rate. She’s fucking brilliant, but maybe you’re just too dumb to see that.” She turned on her heel and walked out of the restaurant.
Harry picked up his spoon and started pushing the remaining vegetables and bits of tortilla around on his plate. The air was heavy with the unspoken questions on Tom’s tongue. “Go ahead and say it,” Harry said after a moment.
“Is there something going on with you?” Tom asked, point blank. “You’ve been kind of moody lately and I’m here if you want to talk.”
Harry looked up at him. “That wasn’t what I was expecting you to say.”
“Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed that you yelled at my friend like that, but whatever issues you all have it’s not my business and I don’t want to get in the middle of it.”
“Sorry,” Harry said, a little more firmly. “I just – I haven’t been feeling great and I’m sure this is just a byproduct of whatever that is.”
“Studio stress?”
“Yeah, that,” Harry said, taking the out he was handed.
“Well, you can always talk to me, man. Just gotta let me know that something’s going on.”
Harry nodded and focused on finishing his lunch.
Back in the newsroom, Penny picked at the remnants of her lunch that Chloe had deposited on her desk, refreshing the feeds in her RSS reader while she waited on Darren’s edits. When he Slacked her that he was through, she opened the Google Doc to find that he had completely rewritten it. Ordinarily, she would have fought back, challenging him on everything down to the placement of commas, but she felt too drained after her earlier bout with him and the subsequent battle with Harry.
She signed off on the two rounds of edits as quickly as she could and returned to refreshing her browser.
“Are you ready to talk?” Chloe asked, poking her head over the frosted glass between them.
Penny shrugged. “Not much to discuss. I suck at doing my job. Darren agrees! Harry agrees! So does Walt from who the hell knows! I should just quit while I’m ahead.”
“I’m sorry,” Chloe said. “Who is Walt and how does he factor into this equation?”
“Just some jerk on Twitter who also thinks I can’t write for shit.”
“Fifteen minutes,” Chloe said. “That’s how much time you have left to wallow. After that, you have to get up, look in the mirror, and realize that you are a bad bitch who deserves this job more than anyone.”
“I deserve twenty minutes,” Penny shot back. “But thank you for the words of encouragement. I know I just need to move on, but it’s hard to do that when it feels like this happens every fucking day just because Darren thinks I’m an idiot.”
“I know, Pen, but you just have to hang in there.” Chloe looked around before leaning in closer. “I heard a rumor that Darren’s days are numbered so things may be looking up for you.”
“Seriously?” The long running joke of the newsroom was that Darren had witnessed the CEO of the company hit someone with his car and that’s how he managed to land the job and stay gainfully employed for as long as he had.
“You didn’t hear it from me,” Chloe said, sinking back into her desk chair.
On slow days like this one, Penny typically filled her afternoon with source calls and research for future stories but with her motivation subzero, she made her way to the parking garage at 5pm on the dot, ready for a night of wine, takeout, and Friends reruns.
When she reached her car, she was surprised to find Tom there.
“Hey…” she said slowly.
“Hey, I didn’t want to miss you.”
“Should I be worried?” she asked jokingly. “I run into you after years of silence and a week later you’re waiting for me at my car?”
“I promise I’m not following you,” Tom said with a laugh. “I just had to tell you…I know this means nothing coming from me, but Harry isn’t usually like that.”
Penny sighed. “I don’t care, Tom. It’s been a day and I’d rather just move on to prepare for tomorrow’s battles.”
“I know, but it’s important to me that you know the truth.”
“Trying to make sure I don’t start a nasty rumor about your client?”
“No, just trying to make sure you don’t have the wrong idea about a great guy.”
“Great guy?” Penny’s mouth hung open in disbelief. “Are you trying to set me up with him now? Because I’m not interested.”
“No,” Tom huffed, rolling his eyes. “Although there could be something there…”
“Nope, not happening,” Penny said.
“Seriously,” Tom said, the earnestness returning to his eyes. “Harry’s a good guy and I think under the right circumstances you all would actually get along.”
“Tom, even if we were the last people on Earth tasked with repopulating the planet, I’d rather let the human race go extinct than willingly spend time with Harry Styles.”
“Wow, that’s uh, harsh and vivid,” Tom said, scratching the back of his neck. “You just need to understand that he’s under a lot of pressure with the new album.”
“New album?” That caught Penny’s attention.
“Shit!” Tom exclaimed, realizing the magnitude of what he’d shared. “That’s entirely off the record. I’m serious, Pen!”
“Woodward and Bernstein had Deep Throat telling them government secrets in a garage, and I have Tom Skoglund blabbing album releases next to my decrepit Toyota…does this mean my Pulitzer is on the way.”
“I mean it, Penny. I could get in a lot of trouble.”
“It’s fine, Tom. I’m not going to tell anyone. I’ll see you later.”
Tom nodded and headed back to the Full Stop office as Penny climbed into her car and pulled out of the garage.
Later that night after two glasses of wine and about 10 episodes of Friends, Penny decided to sign into her work email. She told herself that she wouldn’t check work emails off the clock, but she always gave into the temptation. She scrolled past the usual news alerts and reader feedback until one subject line stopped her cold.
“An Apology.”
She opened it before she realized what she was doing.
Hi Penny, the email began
It’s Harry. I’d like to apologize for the way I acted at Tom’s party the other night, as well as what I said in the restaurant earlier today. You’re right – it was entirely inappropriate for me to behave that way, and I’m sincerely sorry for any hurt or hard feelings that may have come about on your end as a result.
I just wanted to get this off my chest and conscience.
Hope your evening is treating you well.
All the best,
Penny was speechless, staring at her phone as Ross Geller’s cries of “We were on a break!” and the subsequent laugh track echoed in her empty apartment.
Harry had apologized.
When she recovered, her first instinct was to text Tom, attaching a screenshot of the email.
Did you put him up to this? she asked.
No, came Tom’s swift reply. See what I mean though? Not a bad guy.
Penny reread the email once, twice, three times, taking in the way he’d introduced himself, but left off his last name. The way his writing was devoid of exclamation points. The effort finding her address and sending the email entailed.
She doubted he’d got it from Tom, seeing as Tom had no clue about the message, which meant he’d either pulled it from The Moment’s website or her Twitter bio. Either option meant he’d taken the time to look her up, typing her name into the search bar to find her profile. Knowing that Harry had searched for her specifically made her feel some type of way. She wasn’t sure what.
She didn’t like Harry Styles, but maybe he wasn’t as horrible as she thought.
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littlemisstfc · 11 months
We All Owe Jake Foushee An Apology: Why I Don't Like VA Fanbases
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Hello, Hola, こんにちは。
Welcome back to this side of the Hundred Acre Woods and I wanna ruin lunch today. You can thank Harriyanna Hook for that last bit akskskskksks. 
If you know me by now, you know that I have the utmost respect for voice actors, especially those who embrace their roles in various Transformers media. They were the voices of our childhoods for a reason, and they deserve much better from the film and tv industry. I don’t have the generous feeling towards their hardcore stans. 
Unfortunately, like everyone who has achieved a level of fame and success, their fanbases has a mix of good, sane fans and fans that make Misery look like a Disney movie. For some reason, when it comes to voice actors and Transformers, a good chunk of the fanbase has an overzealous mentality of, “there could only be ONE voice actor for one character.” If you know where this is going, you are correct. I am calling out the Peter Cullen stans today. 
3, 2, 1, Pingu.
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Bad Voice Direction Was The Problem, Not The Voice Actor
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Before y’all ask, no, nothing happened to either Peter or the subject of today’s blog post today. This is just something I have been thinking about for a while now.
Do not get me wrong: Peter Cullen is a very kind and caring man who deserves all the accolades and praise for his work in Transformers for the past 39 years. Having met him in person earlier this year felt like meeting Santa Claus. He was genuinely that amazing. However…his fanbase is something else. The best comparison I could think of at the top of my head is the Beyhive, aka Beyonce’s fanbase. Like, at the same time, I’ve seen the best and very worst of this fanbase. The good is that I have made friends and acquaintances that share the same appreciation and adoration I have for PeePaw. The bad is that I have seen people who legitimately worship the ground this man stands on and will do anything to maintain him as the one and only Optimus Prime. Like, within a couple of new years, every time there’s a new Transformers show, take a good guess which part of the fandom shows up the most in the comments section, specifically when there’s an Optimus Prime.
“That’s not Peter Cullen, wtf.”
“I want Peter Cullen as this Optimus.”
“This new Optimus’ voice sucks, I want Peter Cullen back.”
These are the best summaries I can come up with when it comes to how y’all react whenever there is a new voice actor for Optimus Prime. Y’all did it with David Kaye when Animated came around, y’all did it with Alan Tudyk when Earthspark came around, but these pale in comparisons to truly the most crazy, awful moment when shit hits the fan: Jake Foushee, when Cybeverse and the WFC Trilogy came around.
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For those who do not know who Jake Foushee is, he was the voice actor of Optimus Prime in Transformers Cyberverse and the War for Cybertron Trilogy. Before he was casted, he gained a fanbase due to his Optimus Prime impression and work as a Vine creator. In fact, it was an interview on the Ellen show that got him casted as Prime in the first place. The only off thing about his casting is that John Hasbro didn’t want to hire union voice actors for these two Transformers shows. Like…they damn well have the money to pay their voice actors, that’s something I’ll still hold John Hasbro accountable for to this day. Anyways, back to the main topic. I remember back when Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy were airing, I see a surprising amount of people who harbor extreme reactions towards Jake Tillman’s voice acting as Optimus in these shows. 
“The voice actor sucks as Optimus.”
“Ewww, wtf. This is just a bad impersonation.”
“Why won’t Hasbro bring back the REAL voice of Optimus Prime?”
Again, these are simply paraphrases of genuinely nasty ass comments about Jake that basically screams They Changed It, Now It Sucks. Notice that last paraphrase here. What does this remind you of? I’ll give you three seconds.
If you guess correctly, you are correct. A good chunk of the hate towards this voice actor is from the hardcore Peter Cullen purists, aka the #BringBackPeterCullen crowd. Like…did y’all forget the basic value of, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”? It’s not that fucking hard to say gross shit like this, like you’d be surprised at how many people often forget that these voice actors are real people. They’re real people who will read your hate comments, who will be hurt by your hate comments, and who will be discouraged from doing what they love because of your hate comments. When it comes to moments like this, it seems like y’all forgot the elephant in the room: the voice direction and script.
Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy are a great way to show how much potential Jake Foushe has and how it will go wrong if it’s in the hands of a bad voice director and script. Cyberverse showed how utterly phenomenal Jake is as Optimus. In the first season, yeah, it was a bit rough around the edges. However, as the show goes on, he was given the direction to be himself rather than be a hardcore impression. His voice as Optimus has improved and it felt natural by the time we get to, “The Perfect Decepticon.” Compare his vocal performance in the third episode of Season One and the finale. It’s like day and night in the best ways.
However…then there’s the WFC Trilogy. For some reason, the voice direction and script set out to undermine Jake Foushee and the other voice actors of these shows as much as they can. As a result, it became the impression that y’all were quick to condemn Jake for. It felt like whoever was in charge of the voice acting for these three shows did not care about the implications of what they were doing with the voice direction. As a result, the nasty ass comments came and it eventually boiled to a point where after these shows ended, he doesn’t bring up his roles in them. I don’t blame him if it has something to do with the huge fan backlash to his casting as Optimus Prime.
Think Before You Speak: Fandom Brain Rot is A Curse
At this point, y’all just need to give up the whole #BringBackPeterCullen thing. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not giving him the respect he deserves around the hiring non union era. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not even bothering to ask him if he would like to come back as Optimus. However, it does not give you the excuse to be a shitty person towards whoever’s voicing Optimus in a new Transformers show. Sometimes, a new voice actor is necessary depending on the characterization and age a show is going with Optimus. Don’t worry about Peter. He still got the movies under his belt and there will be another show with him soon. I guarantee it. There’s no way that John Hasbro is gonna miss out on bringing him back.
In the meantime, we need to be better when it comes to whoever will be the next Optimus Prime. A part of the reason why I dreaded the announcement of the voice cast for Transformers: One is because of fans like these ones. Like, some of y'all forgot how to be decent human beings when your fav is not voiced by your fav voice actor. It has gotten to the point of being genuinely irritating. 
You may be asking what is the point of this entire blog post. The point is that time and time again, we have forgotten that voice actors are human beings too. This type of fan dumb needs to stop. Y’all did it before and y’all are doing it now with annoying shit like change.org petitions and angry fan letters. At this point, Imma about to say this:
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology big time.
Even if you don’t like his voice acting, you have to at least see something with the points I’ve made here. It will continue to rinse and repeat unless we put our feet down and stop it. We need to be more welcoming and encouraging to new talent who have big shoes to fill in. Having respect and adoration towards the veterans of Transformers while also respecting and being open to new talent who have the potential to co-exist. These are not two mutually exclusive things.
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology. 
Till All Are One: A Lesson To Be Learned
As Cyberverse Week is coming in a few days, I need to make my point very clear as one of the biggest Cyberverse fans out here. Sometimes, the new may be just as good as the old. I always have the hope of seeing Jake one day at a convention such as TFCon, especially since he voiced my second favorite Optimus ever. 
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I'm glad that more people are starting to realize that the backlash against whoever voices Optimus Prime in a new show is just plain dumb. Imagine my relief when I Tweeted a bit about this topic the other way on Twitter and saw a lot of people agreeing with how awful the backlash against Jake Foushee is.
We need to do better as a fandom. It starts with unpacking our biases and be open to change. Transformers is a franchise that revolves around robotical organisms that change, yet ironically the fandom doesn't like change.
Still, I won't let that affect my perception of voice actors in the franchise. I encourage you all to not send any hate messages to any voice actor and be open to change. I may not change everyone's minds, but I hope it gave you all something to think about.
Anyways, Pingu.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
Just curious as to what u think a worst case scenario for the book of bill would be specifically relating to bills backstory? I’ve seen a lot of fan stuff that makes me shiver and I wanted to know if you’ve thought about whether this new stuff could follow in the same direction,, I mean some sides of the fandom have always been more sympathetic towards bill than canon but its gnawing on my brain and I’d say you have a pretty good grasp on the whole new GF content thing! Love your art too!! you can really see how much you care about the show with every piece :]]]
best case scenario:
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worst case scenario: they elaborate on it (legitimately) at all.
outside of the subset of fandom behavior that bothers me at large (if you'll allow me to take things "Too Seriously" for a second I think abuse apologia is rampant in fan spaces- but that's always been true- and the 'tumblr sexyman' obsession largely speaks to white fascinations with men as the subject, of course. lest we forget the original archetype was "skinny white guy in a suit") I don't actually care about fandom interpretations irt bill just in general. I don't think it's the end of the world when, especially nowadays, it's mainly teenagers goofing around putting their creative interpretations forward. is it for me? nope. but I'm a 21 year old adult and my priorities for who and what to criticize lies a little beyond what kids do online. I block shippers I make fun of ao3-poisoned adults and then I move on
what I'm mainly worried about would be alex trying to hook people with that weird nostalgia shock-factor-- like maybe I'm going nuts but has anyone else noticed this? like the whole valentines day cards thing and the new bipper statue merch deal...? it's just very off from what the attitude was back when the show was coming out, and I feel like there's no way that it isn't influenced by that general subset of fandom hype. I don't think alex is "pandering" or whatever but I do think he knows what a large subset of his audience was here for and unfortunately the largest common denominator = who is going to still buy gravity falls merch in 2024. that's the main and only reason I could see them actually elaborating on bill's "backstory" and if you asked me to tell you what I could see happening... I have no idea. I've always assumed it was meant to be vague because it added to the mystery, and it was vague in the writers' minds at the time, and I'm still pretty sure we're either going to get several non-answers or the whole book is going to be a massive tease. maybe it's that weird coin flip theory thing. who knows. I think bill is perfectly fine as an antagonistic hammer and kids' choice awards killer BOB but I'm not the one who has an IP in need of selling.
true answer:
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it's the whole book
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besttvshowbracket · 1 year
i don’t even really know how to describe it oh my god. it’s just. so good. it’s absolutely balls to the walls insane all the time and it makes literally no sense but it actually makes perfect sense. its about a bunch of thirty year old losers learning to live life again in the weirdest way ever. dirk is a lil british guy who is responsible for so much death and has so many issues. todd is an ex punk rocker with issues. farah is like if james bond had crippling anxiety. it’s just so so so much fun but also weirdly heart-wrenching when you don’t expect it to be. it is the only show i’ve ever seen that has legitimately changed how i viewed the world around me (everything is connected!!!). the storytelling is so unique, the cinematography (esepcially the use of color) is great, and the s1 score is actually one of the best scores i have ever heard. also as the previous propaganda mentioned there is canonical queer stuff (panto and silas and tina!!!) AND theres a disabled character who gets to go live in a van with a bunch of energy sucking vampires. absolutely brilliant and gone too soon :(((
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partyblakerz · 6 days
Anders Holmvik: The Best Autism Representation You've Never Heard of
TW // ableism and abuse mentions
As an autistic woman, I’ve found myself wishing there were more autistic characters that I could relate to. I’ve also seen a lot of poor autism representation in different forms of media. Just last year, a game I used to love got tainted by a DLC storyline where an autistic-coded character is basically treated like shit and villainized the whole time, while his abusers and bullies get little to no comeuppance and don't truly apologize.
And then I started watching Workaholics for the first time and I got to know Anders Holmvik.
Seeing Ders was legitimately comforting to me. He was hilarious, he was well-written, and I saw a lot of myself in him. So I thought I'd throw a long post together explaining the headcanon and why it genuinely means the world to me!
Just a heads up: in addition to episodes of the show itself, I will also use evidence from the character Tumblr blogs. I know that supplemental materials aren't always 100% canon, and I don't necessarily agree with the portrayals of the characters on some of the posts. However, there's some solid info there that supports my headcanon. I put these details in a separate section because I thought they'd at least be worth a mention.
Evidence from Episodes
One of the most prominent autism traits that Ders exhibits is his role as the most serious and responsible out of his roommates. There are SO many episodes where this is evident, but one quote that stuck out to me is from "Trivia Pursuits", where he says that he's "on time entirely too often." As someone who regularly shows up early to classes and events, I can definitely relate. Anders is also shown to be a stickler who tries to adhere to rules whenever possible. In "Friendship Anniversary", he chastises the teens for staying at the park past closing time.
Ders has been shown to have quite a few special interests. Obviously, the most prominent one for him is swimming. He doesn't just view it as his favorite sport/activity that he did in high school or college. Noooo. He goes all in. In "Party Gawds", he shows people at the party tapes of himself swimming and infodumps while Adam and Blake are partying. "High Art" also reveals that one of his most prized posessions is a basketball signed by all the members of the USA women's swim team. It’s so prized that Karl theatening to cross Alison Schmitt's name off is what ultimately convinces him to not shave Blake's hair off.
He is also very knowledgable about 80’s movies, which is shown in "Trivia Pursuits". When he enters the 80’s trivia competition, he breezes through the questions with ease and manages to defeat the reigning trivia champions on the opposing team!
Ders has also been shown stimming on multiple occasions. The first moment I thought of was this part of "In Line", where Ders can be seen playing with his koosh ball.
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He's also been shown stimming with his fingers, including in the intro where he's sorta twiddling them. At the beginning of "The Slump", Anders chews on them too!
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It is also shown in several episodes that he tries to mask. There’s a line in "Speedo Racer" that accentuates this:
"You just sit in the corner. You watch them. You study them. You learn how to laugh on cue."
There are even instances where Ders is shown having meltdowns on screen. The first one happens in "Old Man Ders" when his coworkers surprise him in the break room. And as someone who often has meltdowns myself, I have a lot to say because it's a scene that captures them very accurately. Before he even walks into the room you can see how much the thought of getting older is looming in his brain, and he does drugs to take his mind off of it. I’m speaking from experience here when I say that the worries on my mind can easily become the catalyst for my meltdowns if they aren’t resolved.
When he walks into the break room, it only gets worse for him from there. His coworkers gather around, looking him in the eyes and telling him how old he’s getting while laughing in his face, and he gets visibly uncomfortable. The parts where it just cuts to Ders's pained face while ominously high pitched whistling noises start playing and the camera shakes around? That's exactly how I feel when I can barely process anything other than the stimuli that's causing me to have a meltdown. Eventually Ders gets so overwhelmed that he slams the cake on the ground and yells "I KNOW HOW OLD I AM!" before running out of the room.
The second meltdown we see Ders having occurs in "Friendship Anniversary" when the Porta potty gets tipped over with him inside. The poor guy's left there with dirty toilet water all over him, and the teens laugh at him while all he can do is scream. I've had similar meltdowns where I'm left screaming like Ders, and I really felt for him. Poor Dersy…
Evidence from the character Tumblr blogs
In addition to his biggest special interest (swimming), Ders has another special interest: Volvo cars. We already know from episodes of the series that Dersy loves and cherishes his 'Vo. He also gets visibly upset whenever it gets tampered with, such as when it got painted over in "6 Hours Till Hedonism II" and when it was decorated to look like Falkor in "Trivia Pursuits".
But if you wanna see what further elevates this to special interest territory, take a look at his Tumblr blog. He’s made a couple of posts about other Volvo cars, and even says he has a picture of a Volvo as his computer's wallpaper.
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Even Adam caught onto his roommate's special interest, if this post on his own blog is any indication!
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Ders also says in another post that he gets his flu shot every year on October 17. A very specific date. This strongly implies that he often sticks to routines.
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On a post made around Thanksgiving, he talks about a third meltdown he had during his childhood while going to the Turkey Hunt with his family. When they arrived, Ders got so overwhelmed that he started screaming for the turkeys to run away. Having meltdowns in public and being chastised by parents is something I can (sadly) relate to. Honestly, I could say a lot more about how much of a shitstain Thor was to Ders (and my headcanons related to that), but that’ll have to be reserved for another post.
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Why the headcanon matters to me
I’ve seen quite a few autistic characters in different shows, and a lot of them are either poorly written, or minor/recurring characters that don’t get nearly as much screentime as the other allistic characters. On the other hand, Ders appears on every episode of the show, is written realistically, and isn't made into a complete punching bag. Sure, he's unlucky and bad things happen to him, but he isn't made the butt of jokes specifically BECAUSE of his autism. There are also some people who pick on him like the teens in the park who laugh at him, but it's clear that they're antagonists and you're not supposed to root for them.
Ders is easily the most relatable character of the whole cast for me as well. He's introverted like I am. He loves swimming and gets engrossed in it just like I do with my special interests. He stims just like I do. He even gets overstimulated and has meltdowns sometimes just like I do. Dersy's meltdown from "Friendship Anniversary" particularly hit me hard. I hadn't seen too many scenes depicting characters having meltdowns like this, so when I finally saw this part for myself I felt so... Seen. Like I wasn't a complete freak for all the times I get overwhelmed.
But what I find the most comforting about Ders being autistic is seeing him be happy. He isn't what society would consider "successful", but he still has a good life! He has two best friends who always stick by him! He triumphs at things like the 80's trivia competition! He parties and has fun! He gets to thrive, despite all the misfortune that happens to him sometimes! As someone who has worried extensively about fitting into society's mold of what constitutes "success", I needed to see this. I was so elated to see an autistic character get a happy ending that I actually teared up when the series closed with Ders talking with his besties on the roof one last time.
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Overall, Anders is easily one of my favorite (possibly) autistic characters of all time. He’s one that I strongly relate to, and one who brought me joy when I truly needed it. Dersy is one of the things I love the most about this show, and he will always hold a special place in my heart. <3
Thank you for reading! If you haven't already, please consider giving this series a watch. It's knee-slappingly funny, the characters are lovable, the plots are outrageous and chaotic (in the best possible way), and you get to see the great autism representation that is Anders Holmvik ;)
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neonshrike · 9 months
Thoughts on Bruce Banner in She-Hulk
Thank you @themarysuep for inspiring me to write this out!
I’ve had a few discussions about this, since he’s one of my favorite characters of all time, but I decided to write out my thoughts on how Bruce is written in She-Hulk. My overall thoughts are: not very well. 
I’ll start with the things I like, starting with the first episode. It was nice seeing a glimpse of his life in the five years after the Snap, seeing his lab and home. The fact that he lives on an island by himself makes a lot of sense to me, both Bruce and Hulk are the type of people to enjoy quiet and solitude. It seems like they’re trying to undo some of the things in Endgame, like the idea that Bruce became this celebrity/public figure, which never made sense to me.
Getting this out of the way: I personally like Professor/Smart Hulk, I just wish we had more time with it and that it didn’t happen off-screen. He’s happy, he deserves to be.
Bruce talking about his integration, and the fact that Tony gave him this place, helped with the process, and was a friend for all those years (the Scott Lang book mentions that Tony is the only person who visited him on the island) was great to see. I think they really show that Bruce is now a combination of himself and the Hulk better than Endgame.
Something that really interested me was the use of one of his character strengths as a flaw: his empathy. Bruce legitimately wanted to help Jen with her new situation, and didn’t want her to feel alone like he did. However, it was through his own trauma of being feared that caused him to start projecting his wants onto her.
I think it’s really cool Bruce has a spaceship now, that seems like a pretty fun direction for him to go in, having adventures in the cosmos and the excitement of learning more about the universe.
And now for the bad…
A few scenes definitely rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t personally like the idea of Bruce drinking, considering his father in the comics was an alcoholic and that would put him at a very high risk of becoming one himself. It’s seen as a good thing that he and Jen can drink copious amounts of alcohol. With that note, the MCU continued to erase his childhood which is integral to the Hulk.
(However, I do recognize that this is Jen's show!)
I definitely didn’t like when he flat-out told Jen that she had an obligation to be a superhero now that she has powers. That is the very last thing he wanted, to be an Avenger and for his abilities to be exploited by organizations in power. It would have been better if he just warned her not to use her new powers selfishly or irresponsibly.
I don’t really mind Bruce having a sense of humor, but I don’t like the type of humor they gave him from Ragnarok on, where he acts very clueless and it definitely shows here too. In Avengers and Age of Ultron, he was pretty sardonic and deadpan, and cut people down with words alone; It really fit his character. Here, he’s still the same as well as a goofy prankster for some reason, something he never really did. 
You could argue he’s like this since he’s around family, but they barely give us any indication whether Bruce and Jen are even that close. They’re 20+ years apart in age, they weren’t really raised together, and it’s not really mentioned what his relationship with the rest of the family is like other than seemingly positive. He’s been gone for years either on the run, as an Avenger, in space, or trying to improve himself.
And finally, the finale, where Bruce reveals that he had a son while he was on Sakaar. That came out of nowhere and makes absolutely no sense. In Ragnarok, Hulk was just the Grandmaster’s champion, he lived alone, his only real friend there was Valkyrie. Also, his only focus was on fighting, avoiding calming situations so that Bruce wouldn’t be able to come back.
(Forgive me for oversimplifying things or getting details wrong about the comics, I'm trying to summarize to the best of my ability.)
In the Planet Hulk comics, the Hulk alter isn’t Savage Hulk like in the MCU (who is more or less mentally a child), he’s a different one called Green Scar and his time on Sakaar is dramatically different. He does become a gladiator, but forms a group called the Warbound and basically overthrows the leader of Sakaar. There’s a developed story between him and Caiera the Oldstrong, his wife and the mother of Skaar.
But none of that exists, and the reveal in the show just seems like a throwaway reference. I would have been happy with a more simple, mundane explanation of why he was gone the whole series, even no explanation would have been fine (another story for another time?)
An overwhelming amount of fans want World War Hulk to be adapted, but I think with the way that they adapted Planet Hulk (which WWH is a sequel to) it would be nearly impossible. He has a reason to go all Worldbreaker in the comic. Basically, the ship that Hulk was sent to Sakaar with blew up the entire planet, destroyed his home, and killed his pregnant wife.
In the MCU, Bruce is definitely going through hardships (losing two of closest friends and being apart from another, figuring out his place in the world besides being an Avenger, navigating the post-Blip world), but he seems to be pretty well-adjusted. He’s accepted after years of people being afraid of him, he has a loving, supportive extended family, he does have a few friends left out there and is making some new connections.
I’m not exactly sure what they’re planning for Bruce next or what exactly I would want to see next, but I’m not completely happy with this current direction they’re going in.
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 11 months
I’ve figured it out! I’ve been saying for many months now that it’s fucking weird how much Sam Campbell looks exactly like a certain, very common type of wrestler I know. Specifically, the guys in the smaller categories, guys who compete at 57-ish kilos in university but you know they were competing at 44 or smaller when they were in high school. All those guys have this really specific look, down to clothing and hairstyle but also it’s about their build and facial structure, and I did not even realize how specific the look was until I saw Sam Campbell and realized it’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone outside the sport with that look. It looks so weird to me to see it out of its normal context.
Anyway, I think this part of that article explains it:
“I was very small growing up” – a feature he thinks contributed to his pursuing comedy. “My parents were legitimately going to give me horse hormones to make me grow, because I was really small for a long time.”
Ohhh… that’s what it is. Wrestling is the sport of guys who were too small as a child/teenager. I think I know four people who have specifically told me they were put on hormones growing up because they were too small, and I think of a lot of other people who probably were or almost were, I just don’t know them well enough for them to have told me.
One of my good friends, a few years ago, who was a couple of years younger than me and had a massively successful competitive career before joining our team as a coach, told me that that’s exactly why he started. This guy was successful enough to have made promo videos, to advertise the national team’s international runs and things, where he talked about how he loved the sport since he was a kid. One day at the pub after practice, he told me that’s not why he got into it at all. He got into it because in high school, the girls didn’t like him since he was too small, and his parents had to put him on hormones just to keep him barely big enough to be healthy, and he had to have something to make girls like him despite his size, and all the sports besides wrestling required people to be big. Wrestling was the only sport with weight classes, where anyone could join because they’d be matched up with people their own size no matter how small they were. The average wrestler is much shorter than the average person outside the sport, because it’s where the small people can go.
Anyway, that’s the look Sam Campbell has, and that’s why it was so familiar to me. The look of a guy who was off-the-charts small when he was young, and then grew into someone who’s just a normal level of smaller-than-average. There’s a specific build that guys like that have, which is different from guys who are a normal level of small as adults because they were a normal level of small as teenagers.  The proportions are different.
…I genuinely don’t know if it’s fucked up for me to write a post going into this much detail about a stranger’s physical features. Hanging out on Tumblr may have skewed my perspective of what’s appropriate. So sorry if this is a weird thing to say. But I am truly pleased to have solved a mystery. He looks familiar because he’s one of those guys! One of those guys who used to be much too small and now he’s just small, but in a way where you can still kind of tell he used to be much too small! Those guys! Cool! I like those guys! Some of my best friends are those guys!
I guess if you’re that guy in high school and you’re not interesting in sports, you try comedy instead. Good for him.
The rest of the article is quite interesting as well, explaining how he ended up where he is in comedy. The thing I've chosen to focus on is really the least interesting part. It's worth a read.
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