#lego chima gorillas
rayeverydangday · 4 months
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Preorders open for some wooden Wolf, Gorilla, Bear, and Rhino pins!
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maverickcanine · 4 months
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rushed chimay day 22 (species swap). who turned worriz into a gorilla????
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olivescales3 · 5 months
Legends of Chima OCs: Parzival and Grendel
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OCs made by @cyyber_k1tty on Instagram
Do not tag as furry
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chimachapterbooks · 6 months
A Web of Wood
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“This place is crazy," said Gorzan as the group walked down a shadowy jungle path. "I've never seen plants like this before."
"Well, it gives me the creeps," said Worriz. "In case you didn't notice, we're boxed in on every side. We couldn't get off this road if we wanted to."
Worriz was right. Thick tangles of vines surrounded the warriors with broad leaves and dozens of long, sharp thorns on each strand.
The only one who seemed to be enjoying this part of the journey was Rogon's Rhinoceros Legend Beast. He happily trudged along, sniffing leaves as they went.
The friends had saved the Rhinoceros Legend Beast from the Outland Tribes a few days before. Now, the Beast was joining them on their journey. As the heroes continued through the jungle, the great Rhino discovered that the green leaves on the vines tasted really good. So he kept lagging behind to munch on them.
Suddenly, Eris swooped down from above. She had been scouting the path ahead for danger. "Oh, Laval, we've got trouble!" she called.
"What now?" groaned Cragger. "Bats? Scorpions? Pits of flame? Toxic mud creatures forty feet high?"
"I think you have to see it to believe it," said Eris. "Go around the bend. You can't miss it."
Laval and the group did as she said. When they rounded the corner, they stopped and stared. A few of them rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren't seeing things.
Looming in front of them was an enormous Spider Web unlike anything they had ever seen. It was as wide as the jungle path and rose at least sixty feet into the air. But it wasn't made out of Spider silk-it was made out of wood!
The Spiders had meticulously constructed the towering web out of thick tree trunks, locking them together to form an impassable blockade.
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"It's a barrier," said Laval, "and I'm not sure how we can get through it."
"Why go through when we can go over?" asked Razar.
"He's right," said Eris. "Razar and I can fly above it. Maybe together we can carry the rest of you, one by one." Laval took a few steps back and peered up at the web.
Yes, it wasn't so high that the Eagle and Raven couldn't make it over. The top part did look kind of strange, though.
In the upper sections of the web, there were rows and rows of smaller tree limbs with sharpened ends. All of them were lined up so that their points faced the sky.
"What do you think, Worriz?" asked Laval.
The Wolf frowned. He didn't know much about Spiders or their webs, but he did know a lot about traps. This thing gave him a bad feeling.
"I think it can't be that easy," Worriz replied. "But if those two want to try it, let 'em. I don't have any better ideas."
Laval looked at Eris and nodded once. She immediately shot up into the sky, soaring toward the top of the web.
Just as she started to pass over it, one of the sharpened tree limbs shot out at her! Eris screeched in surprise and just barely managed to dodge it.
A second one grazed her wing and almost knocked her out of the sky. Shaken, she flew back to the ground.
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"Wow," Eris said, shaking her head. "That thing is dangerous!"
Bladvic the Bear opened his sleepy eyes. "Knock it down," he said through a yawn.
"Right, and how do we do that without bringing it down on our heads?" asked Laval.
But the Bear had fallen back to sleep again. Laval didn't bother to wake him. The answer was obvious:
There was no way to bring the web down without risking everyone being crushed. Even trying to carefully take it apart would be risky-one wrong move and the whole thing could crash to the ground.
"Maybe we could dig a tunnel and go underneath it?" suggested Eris.
"It would have to be an awfully huge tunnel," said Cragger. "Rogon's Legend Beast isn't exactly slim... and with the way he's eating those leaves, he's just going to get bigger."
"How about climbing it?" asked Gorzan. "I could go first, since I'm the best climber. Might be a groovy experience."
"Or your last," said Worriz. "What we need is someone who knows all about Spiders and their webs."
"Ha! The thing is simplicity itself!"
Everybody turned around at once. The words had come from Rogon. His whole expression had changed from dull and friendly to confident and brilliant. His eyes gleamed and his mouth curled into a knowing smile.
"Oh, here we go again," sighed Worriz.
Ever since they had freed Rogon's Legend Beast, something odd had been happening. Whenever the Legend Beast got close to Rogon, the young Rhino suddenly went from not too bright to incredibly smart.
But if the Legend Beast wandered away, Rogon would go back to his old self.
"Hey, if he has an idea, I want to hear it," said Laval,
"An idea?" said Rogon. "Why, it's so easy a calf could figure it out."
"Great," said Worriz. "Let's find a calf and ask him, then."
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"No, let's give him a chance," said Laval. "Rogon, do you know a way to take the web apart?"
"Naturally," said Rogon. "You can take it apart quite easily... from the other side."
"Well, that's a lot of help," grumbled Worriz. "Got any more good news?"
Rogon chuckled. "Oh, my Wolfish friend, how amusing.
The answer to our problem is obvious to anyone who understands Spider methods of construction. It's all about safe strands, you see."
"Safe strands?" asked Cragger. "What are those?"
Rogon looked over his shoulder, then back at the Crocodile. "Um, I don't know. Is this a test? I didn't know we were having a test today."
"The Legend Beast wandered away again," growled Laval. "Somebody go get him back."
"I'll go," said Worriz.
The Wolf ran off. Most of the leaves near where the team was standing had been eaten, so Worriz guessed the Legend Beast had gone back down the path looking for any he had missed. Sure enough, that was where he found the great creature. It only took a little gentle persuasion to get him heading in the right direction.
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Once the Legend Beast was back with the group, Rogon's manner abruptly changed.
"Now, where was I? Oh, yes, safe strands ... When a Spider builds a web, he can't very well make it so that he himself will get stuck when walking on it, right?"
"That makes sense," agreed Laval.
"So, some strands are not sticky," explained Rogon. "They are safe for the Spider to walk on."
"Hey, I see it now," said Gorzan. "There must be some pieces of that web that are safe for us to climb on. Those are the ones the Spiders used when they were building it. If we can figure out which ones they are, we can make it through."
"What about the Legend Beast?" asked Eris. "He can't climb."
"Never fear, my avian ally," said Rogon. "I have ideas about that, too. But first..."
Rogon stood very still and stared at the web for a few minutes. Then he nodded. "Yes. Oh, how interesting, a fine piece of work indeed. There is a precise mathematical pattern to the placement of the pieces. Using that knowledge, I can safely chart our course through the web. Follow me!"
One by one, the travelers started to climb up the giant wooden structure. Rogon patiently led them, moving carefully from tree trunk to tree trunk. Everyone had been warned to do exactly what he did.
“A single misstep," Rogon reminded them, "and we will end up at the bottom of a very large woodpile."
They had made it about halfway through the web when Rogon stopped. "Hmmmm," he said.
"Hmmmm, what?" asked Laval. "Is that a good hmmmm or a bad hmmmm?"
"The pattern has been altered," said Rogon. "They changed something ... let me see ... oh, yes, I see it now, it's ... it's.."
"What?" Laval asked loudly.
"Wow, it's cool up here," Rogon answered. "But how do we get down?"
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Laval slapped a hand to his forehead. Cragger would have beaten his head against one of the tree trunks if he knew which ones were safe. Instead, Laval said, "Worriz. Legend Beast. Now."
Grumbling, the Wolf retraced his path and went to find the Legend Beast. Meanwhile, the wait had made Bladvic doze off again. His head started to droop, and he slumped against one of the pieces of the web. Eris spotted what was happening and lunged at him, struggling to lift his head off the tree trunk.
"He hit the wrong piece!" she shouted as the others nearby helped her prop up the Bear.
But it was too late. The web was already starting to teeter. High above, pieces were rocking with enough force to disconnect from one another.
"Let's go!" said Cragger. "What difference does it make how we get over now as long as we make it over?"
"Wait, there's still a chance, if Worriz brings back the Legend Beast," said Laval. "Hang on!"
They could see Worriz in the distance. But the huge Rhino behind him kept stopping to snack on the few leaves he could spot. Worriz looked back in frustration.
Too bad that web doesn't have leaves, the Wolf thought. Hey, wait a minute...
Moving as fast as he could, Worriz raced back and forth down the trail, gathering as many leaves as he could.
Once he had a large armful, he ran back toward the web.
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The Legend Beast picked up the scent of his new favorite food and followed.
By the time Worriz reached the web the Legend Beast was close enough for Rogon to become smart again.
"Drop the leaves and get up here," Razar yelled.
"He'll eat them all in a couple of seconds and wander off again," Worriz replied. "We need to keep him close to Rogon."
Arms full of leaves, Worriz somehow managed to climb back up to where he had been. Fortunately, being a Wolf, his nose was sensitive enough to follow the scent of his companions across the right pieces of the web.
"See? It's working!" said Worriz. "He's not wandering away!"
"Indeed," said Rogon. "But it is perhaps too successful of a plan. Look!"
Worriz glanced down. The hungry Legend Beast really wanted the leaves Worriz was carrying and was trying to climb the web himself!
"Go! Go! Go!" Laval yelled at Rogon.
Rogon climbed as fast as he could, his amazing brain able to spot every change in the pattern that the Spiders had built into the web. The others raced along behind him, being careful to step where he stepped even as the web shook all around them.
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"Success!" yelled Rogon as he made it safely over to the other side of the web. He climbed down about halfway and then jumped toward the ground, rolling for a long way before coming to a stop. Laval and the rest followed after him, but there was no time to celebrate.
The web was still in danger of collapsing on the Legend Beast.
"Rogon," said Laval, "we need to take this thing down! Can you do it?"
The Rhino nodded and said, "Yes, I see the key. There had to be a way the Spiders could dismantle this, and what they can do, we can do! But we'd better do it fast."
"I know!" cried Laval as one of the tree limbs tumbled off the web, crashing beside him. "Tell us what to do!"
Rogon explained, "Our resident masters of aviation must help us disassemble the ingenious contraption from an elevated level while we un-winged companions assist from our terrestrial positions."
The others looked at him in complete confusion.
"What?!" they cried together.
Rogon smiled. "The spikes at the top only point the other way. They are no longer a threat to our winged allies. Eris and Razar must fly up and drop us the logs one by one."
Quickly, the Eagle and Raven shot up into the sky. But on the other side, the Rhino Legend Beast was becoming very frustrated that he couldn't get to the leaves Worriz was holding. He started to grunt and snort, nudging at the web with his giant horn. The entire web teetered.
"He's going to collapse itl" cried Laval.
Razar called down to Worriz. "My friend, you must keep the Beast distracted while we do our part, or we are all doomed."
"He's right!" exclaimed Eris. "Worriz, run back and forth so the Legend Beast chases after you instead of trying to break through the web. That will give us time to take it apart."
"You want me to do what?" exclaimed Worriz. "Uggh. Fine. But just watch where you're dropping those logs. Remember, I'm the only thing keeping that Beast from bringing down the whole web on top of us all."
Grumbling loudly, Worriz began running back and forth on his side of the web. He held out the leaves in plain sight for the Legend Beast to see.
The plan worked. The Legend Beast chased after him to the right edge of the web ... then to the left... then back again. The ground trembled with its thundering footsteps. But at least it wasn't trying to collapse the web.
Swiftly, Razar and Eris dismantled the tottering contraption piece by piece from the top. Each time they pulled off a new log they would drop it down to their friends below. They followed Rogon's instructions exactly on which pieces to pull out next.
Soon, the heroes were surrounded by piles and piles of wood. But there was no more web.
The Legend Beast happily lumbered over the dismantled branches and began munching on the leaves Worriz was holding.
"That was a close one." Laval breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Rogon. Without you, we would have been goners."
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"Hey, what about me?" complained Worriz. "I was the one who got that Legend Beast close enough to keep Rogon smart, and I'm the one who distracted it while you took that giant web apart. Where's my thanks?"
Just then, the Legend Beast sniffed Worriz. The tasty scent of leaves still lingered on the Wolf's fur. The Legend Beast gave Worriz a great big lick.
"It seems you have your thanks, my friend," said Razar.
"Yeah." Laval chuckled. "As long as you smell like those leaves, that Legend Beast won't be wandering away from us anymore."
Worriz groaned as the Legend Beast licked him again. "Some thanks."
Everyone laughed.
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furmewolfy · 8 months
I'm currently nearing the end of Chima S1 and...I hate to say it...but I see why it was kinda a failure (no offense if u like it btw, I think it is pog and slay if u do).
The first two episodes are SO FAST PACED and BATSHIT INSANE and then the pace goes into a repetitive snail crawl.
Also Cragger is kinda a confusing character for me?? I thought he was gonna kinda be like Catra from SPOP and go through a degradation to redemption arc because he is misplacing his anger on Laval, but then it turned out he is just basically being mind-controlled?? Idk if I was just understanding tone incorrectly but it seemed so much like Cragger was straight up setting up Laval and trying to betray him and be evil for some reason, but then it turned out that he was just being "silly goofy" ig???? ALSO THEY BARELY MENTION THE FACT THAT CRAGGER THINKS HIS PARENTS ARE FUCKING DEAD
It is just kinda a mess honestly FJKDSL
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raisedlikeaphoenix · 8 months
Raised like a Phoenix: Chapter 10 - Recharge
“You're sitting this one out.”
The sun was beginning to set, stars trickling the sky. The perfect time to take a giant bird as dark as night and a wolf as quiet as a shadow out to save their respective warriors.
But Cragger stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, refusing to let Laval leave their house.
“Remember that conversation we had about taking breaks? Well, I think you should start now.”
“But two of our friends are out there in the exact same place! Are you sure you can handle both of them? I still think I should come.” Laval tried to scootch out the door but Cragger scooted in his way.
“Nope. Go back to bed or something. Rest.”
“Come on-”
“Let me-”
They continued to play this game of keep away, soon smiling like dorks as they playfully fought. Just like old times.
“Heh, heh! Cragger! Come on!” Laval chuckled, attempting to worm around the crocodile.
Cragger stuck out his tongue. “Not today, fur boy. Between Li’Ella and I, we should be fine.”
“Actually, Li’Ella can’t come this time.”
The two turned to see Flinx, fiddling with a communicator in his hands.
“She has to help Tormak with… something. And wanted me to tell you guys. Those vulture guys messaged us too. Saying that the Hunters are in the junkyard looking for the next pair of firewings.”
The two looked at each other, then back at the phoenix.
“What kinda ‘something’?” Cragger asked, curious.
A nervous smile painted his face, as the firebird chuckled. “Well, it's sort of a surprise…”
“Huh. Well maybe you can help out Flinx!” Laval suggested.
“Wha- really?” Flinx shifted, clearly unsure of how to feel.
“Yeah! We can use a bird to rescue a bird! Come on!” Cragger said.
The little guy looked conflicted. Maybe he was scared of the Hunters. After all, if his father wasn’t here, it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.
But Flinx's eyes filled with rage and passion, grinning as he gave Cragger his answer. “Yeah! Let's get those frosted freaks!”
The three cheered, pumping their hands in the air.
“Alright then let's GO!” Laval ran out of the house when Cragger was distracted, much to his friends' surprise.
“Laval! Get back here and take a break!” Cragger yelled, chasing after the lion. Flinx followed after the two as the Laval maneuvered around people as they reached the lantern lit town square.
Squaks, roars, and yelps were heard as they ran through the streets. Many jumped out of the way of the running zombies, others almost dropping what they held in their hands.
Despite losing sight of him in the crowd, they heard Laval giggle the whole time as Cragger continued to yell at him to take a break.
Cragger thought the lion had tripped as he ran around the now annoyed town goers. When the two reached Laval however, they saw Spinlyn holding the lion, wrapped up in spider silk.
Like a little burrito.
The prince struggled in his restraints as the Spider Queen handed him off to Cragger.
“You're welcome.”
Cragger had placed Laval in his bed, still bound in spider silk but with the added weight of almost all the blankets and pillows in the house except the ones Gorzan was using. (The gorilla decided to stay the night as well, in a separate room. It really felt like Laval’s new home was turning into all their revived friends' new home.)
At first Laval had put on a pout that the croc had called cute (making him blush a little) and refused to sleep. He sat there in the dimly lit room, in the totally NOT cozy blankets, with the totally NOT cozy pillows, and waited for NOT sleep to come.
But as Laval snuggled deeper into the soft fabric of the plush pillows and blankets and as his eyelids grew heavier, he figured a small nap wouldn’t kill him. Again.
He wasn’t entirely sure how long he was asleep for. It was night time when he woke up so it wasn’t too long.
But it felt nice to just rest without having to worry about anything. He knew Cragger could handle getting Razar and Worriz back on his own. (Whether he had the patience to handle their attitudes was a different story.)
He sighed in contentment as he began drifting out of sleep after a while, simply enjoying the softness of the covers.
When he opened his eyes however, he was not expecting a certain bird to be staring at him. Or rather a certain raven-eagle hybrid to be exact.
Laval yelled as he struggled to get up, realizing a little too late that he was still bound in spider webs.
He fell off the bed in his panic, groaning in pain as he rolled on his back to look up at Reegull, who wore a black apron (covered in different colored goop), a dark green dress, and one high heel next to his peg leg.
The hybrid didn’t say hello. Rather he said, “Get up. I want to take you to my lab to study you before the eagles do.”
Ewald had asked Laval if he could come into the eagles' newly built lab for some test but understood that he still needed time to adjust to his new body on his own before he underwent any experiments.
Reegull apparently didn’t.
“How did you-”
“Pick your lock!”
At least he had the courtesy to cut Laval out of his spider silk bounds.
“Are the other two here?” He asked, looking around the room as if they were hidden away.
“Only Gorzan. Cragger went to get Razar and Worriz.” Laval got up off the floor.
“Alright then.” He took Laval’s wrist and walked over to the next room. Opening the door, they saw Gorzan sitting on the bed, flipping through a book about plants with his feet. (Good thing a gorilla’s feet are like a second pair of hands.)
Before he could say anything, Reegull said, “You are coming too.”
Gorzan looked at Laval’s unimpressed face then at Reegull’s eager one.
“Okay.” He spoke.
Reegull’s lab was quite similar to his old one. Just like all the other raven’s homes it was mostly made of scrap metal that was probably just stapled together.
But there were bits that didn't seem like something the alchemist would collect. Colorfully woven tapestries, comfy couches with blue and green color pallets, it all felt different… but familiar.
“So, you're not gonna cut us open, right dude?” Gorzan asked.
Reegull was pulling out some test tubes and needles, mumbling a distracted “Maybe.” Making Gorzan wince.
“He’s not gonna do anything we don’t want to Gorzan. Not on my watch.” Laval reassured him.
“Yes… but you must remember that in order for progress to be made, sacrifices are necessary. We all must give up something in order to get what we want…”
Laval couldn’t help but find truth in Reegull’s words. After all, he and his friends sacrificed themselves in order to save Chima! And they still failed. He couldn’t help but find the idea of trying it all over again extremely terrifying.
If they don’t succeed this time, will there be anything left of them to be revived? Will they all return to that cold, dreamless sleep?
And what if the Illumination succeeds, what will happen to them?
It felt like it didn’t matter. Win or lose, Laval and his friends are going to die either way.
“Alright then… First! A blood test…” Reegull said.
The hybrid would pull out many different contraptions and machinery, asking for samples and tests to do with the zombie-like warriors.
Some they would allow, like taking fur samples or letting Reegull look into their different colored eyes. But of course, they would draw the line at things such as cutting off limbs and seeing if they can be reattached or finding out if they can drink poison or acid.
“For the last time! You can’t CUT US OPEN TO SEE OUR BRAINS!”
“But surely it would have changed in the time you’ve been gone! Just let me make a small incision…”
“How can you make a small incision?! You're cutting open our heads?!” As Laval and Reegull argued, Gorzan sat on the couch and looked around the room.
I wonder if any of the gorilla dudes have tamed the pretty plants outside the village, they thought.
Catching up with his tribe after being revived felt like taking a breath of fresh air after drowning. They partied for quite a bit, chatting about how everyone was doing, and what Gorzan missed. It broke his heart to hear that they had lost a few members, but it felt pretty tubular to meet newer ones.
Maybe we can revive long gone dudes, but would they want to come back as chi zombies like us-
His train of thought was interrupted when his eyes locked with another pair. Another pair of eyes that didn’t belong to Laval or Reegull.
Hidden in the corner of the room there was a little raven girl with green eyes crouched behind a couple of boxes.
The two were locked in a silent staring contest, neither refusing to blink.
“Uh, dudes? Who's that?”
“Who?” Laval asked, as Reegull looked over to where Gorzan was gesturing to.
He groaned. “Ugh! Rubiz! I’ve told you! You must stay upstairs!” Reegull scooped up the raven child from her hiding place and began heading up stairs. Rubiz hanging from his hook by the hood of her vest.
Laval began to follow, and not wanting to be alone, Gorzan did the same.
“Is she your kid?” Laval questioned as they headed up the stairs.
“Whose kid is that then?!”
“One of Dom’s” The hybrid said as he opened the door.
“IT'S THE WITCH!” A young eagle yelled as a young rhino threw a pillow at Reegull, nailing him right in the face. Laval and Gorzan chuckled.
“Oi! You kids better stop that!” Reegull scolded the two youngsters as they stuck their tongues at him.
“Boys please calm down.” A familiar voice said.
Laval gasped. “Is that-”
Don de la Woosh stood beside the door ushering the other children back to the play area in the center of the room.
Laval had to admit: the former speedor racer had seen better days.
Scars traced his face, many surrounding one of his eyes. Blinding it permanently. He wore a light blue silk robe, with yellow and red flower patterns stitched along the sleeves. As he walked, he had a slight limp, but he gave them a welcoming smile.
“The Whoosh?! What are you doing here?” Laval smiled back at the sight of his idol.
“Why, The Whoosh lives here!” He chuckled. “Someone has to look after all these little ones after all.”
“Well, a ‘little one’ decided they wanted to look at my stuff, Jewel.” Reegull raised the little raven girl up towards the peacock.
“Jewel?” Gorzan and Laval remarked.
“Oh, little Rubiz is just curious. Isn’t that, right?” The young raven nodded her head as she was handed off into Whoosh’s arms.
“Come, come. Why don’t the Whoosh make you some tea?” He led them through the play area.
It was painted blue with a large green and yellow circular carpet in the middle, children's toys and mini playgrounds set up for children from all sorts of tribes to play with. Many played with dolls, board games, or simply napped on some mini beds.
“Dude, do you watch over all these little dudes by yourself?” Gorzan asked, as they headed down the hall to a kitchen.
“Yes. Someone must look after the children after all. You know how dangerous the Outlands could be…” Whoosh said sadly.
Reegull scoffed, leaning against the wall as Laval and Gorzan sat down. The Whoosh put Rubiz in a highchair and handed her a cup of fruit to munch on.
“Okay, this is eating me up. Why is Reegull living in your basement? And why did he call you Jewel?” Laval interrogated the star racer.
The old birds gave each other a look, before bursting out laughing, much to the two's confusion. Rubiz kept munching on her fruit.
“Oh, Laval. Reegull is my husband.”
There was a moment of silence as Laval processed what his idol had just said.
“Oh! Congrats, you two!” Gorzan said, supportively, not missing a beat.
The Whoosh and Reegull. THE WHOOSH AND REEGULL? WHAT? What? What?
“You…” Laval pointed to the Whoosh, who patted Rubiz on the head.
“And… you…” Reegull was grinning like a super villain as he gave Laval a small wave.
“I… wha… who… you… just…”
He turned to the Whoosh. “How…” He whispered.
The Whoosh chuckled. “We met after the war. I was fleeing for my life, gaining a few scars along the way.” Gesturing to his face. But he recalled the tale like it was nothing more than a pleasant dream. “I was having a hard time finding anyone in the Outlands, when my knight in silver feathers rescued me from the jaws of a mighty beast. And took me to the village.”
The peacock brought Reegull into a hug as the alchemist rolled his eyes.
“You say it like I was some hero… I didn’t even-”
“Oh, HUSH! You came to my rescue.” The Whoosh cupped Reegulls face and for a moment, it was only the two of them. In the moment.
“That’s all that matters, mi amor. That’s all it took for me to be with such a handsome devil.” The two practically touched beaks and if it weren’t for the feathers, Reegull’s face would be completely red. He waved his hand aside.
“Oh! Stop! I’m not that handsome.”
“Yes, you are. You're beautiful.”
The two continued to stay in their own little world for a bit, with The Whoosh swaying his husband side to side as if they were about to slow dance.
Gorzan grinned at the sight, Rubiz was too focused on her fruit bowl to care, and Laval watched the whole thing like he was watching someone drink expired milk. Or like he was watching his idol kiss someone who tried to turn Chima into chickens. Oh, wait! He WAS!
When the two were done, The Whoosh cleared his throat. “How about that tea?”
“I don’t get it.” Laval mumbled as he saw the two old gay birds bump each other playfully with their hips as they prepared the kid’s snacks. The sight made most of him sick to his stomach. But a small part of him couldn’t help but be a little jealous. Gorzan took a sip of his tea from a helpful straw.
“Whatcha mean, dude?”
“How can someone sooooo messed up, date and marry someone so cool?!” The two walked out of the room, playfully teasing each other as the lion whispered. It reminded Laval of Eris and Rogon, with all dumb flirting they did. (Thinking of those two made him wonder how Cragger was doing.)
Gorzan smiled kindly.
“Well, maybe he needs this. It’s like you and Cragger. You were there for him when he needed you. And it helped the dude realize how much of a bummer he was being.”
The idea of Cragger and him being like Reegull and The Whoosh made Laval feel like he had a tummy full of butterflies. If only it could be that way…
“Hmm. Gorzan, do you think Cragger likes me?”
Gorzan chuckled. “Of course, Dude!”
“But… likes-LIKES me?”
“Oh.” The gorilla blinked. He hadn’t talked to anyone about his feelings towards Cragger. He wanted to say something to the croc but it felt the moment he realized how he felt there was always something going on. Whether it be a war on ice zombies, bugs, or with the very crocodile he loved the moment he met up with him at the Forever Rock, on the night before they left for the Outlands.
“Well… have you asked?” Gorzan asked.
“No. Should I?”
“Of course, you should.” Reegull butted into their conversation, with Rubiz sitting on his shoulders.
“Hmm. And what do you know?” Laval demanded.
Reegull rolled his eyes as he leaned towards the lion.
“I know that Dom makes me the happiest bird alive. Every day with him, I treasure more than any raven will treasure a well-earned trinket. I study everything he loves more than an eagle will study the stars, because I want to make him happy. Asking him out was the greatest thing to happen to me. So, if I knew I only had so much time with my precious Jewel, I would make every moment worth more than gold.”
Laval was speechless.
But, as much as he hated to admit it, Reegull was right.
If he was going to die all over again, the time to make a move on Cragger was now. Or never. Laval nodded. “Okay, I think I will. He should be back pretty soon anyway so we should get going.” Laval drank the rest of his tea and stood up from the table, and immediately felt dizzy.
“Whoa…” He mumbled. Maybe he got up too fast? But why did he continue to feel like the room was spinning.
“You alright, dude?” Gorzan’s voice sounded so distant. Why did he… sound… so distant… What… was… happening…
“Your chi-” He heard Reegull say from miles away. His vision was beginning to blur as he tried to balance himself.
He felt so… weak.
So… tired…
So… cold…
The last thing he saw was the worried face of his friends as he fell to the floor.
Chapter 9 <- ⭐️ -> Chapter 11
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figs-oliomedley · 2 years
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I changed my mind, Chima is based actually
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transformersfan20 · 5 months
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daily-lego-sets · 8 months
LEGO Chima:
Gorilla Legend Beast
Set: 70125
Pieces: 106
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magic-of-drawing · 2 years
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Legends of Chima was LEGO series I was interested back in 2013-2014. The animated show was fairly decent with its world-building, animation, environment and music; the only it lacks was its writing, characters and it’s plot. They were bad…just basic at best and not as memorable as Ninjago.
Still, I remember it fondly even now in 2023 and I recently heard it had its 10 year anniversary on January 17th! And since I finished watched Monkie Kid season 4, it inspired me to briefly return back to drawing to Legends of Chima again but this time in Monkie Kid’s 2D art style.
….And so far, they are looking incredibly good! I had to do some design change but it’s looking great!
In case anyone forgot or don’t know them, these are the 3 main protagonists of Legends of Chima: LAVAL THE LION PRINCE, ERIS THE WARRIOR AND GORZAN THE…GURU WARRIOR
(the dude likes plants, what else can I say?)
Anyway, I had a good time drawings these 3 and I plan on drawing the 3 antagonists of the series (at least in season 1).
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toacody · 2 years
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Leave it to a Gorilla to always have a good time.
Creator: Rhymes-Shelter
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rayeverydangday · 4 months
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Preorders ending soon!
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maverickcanine · 5 months
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chimay day 7: gorilla
i did g'loona. thought it would be easy. WAS NOT!!! i did a funky color palette to spice it up but. yeah
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olivescales3 · 19 days
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Artwork of Gonnan, @/plush_1471's chimasona. For an art trade on Instagram
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chimachapterbooks · 5 months
Gorilla’s Guardian - From the Activity Book Ravens and Gorillas
Ewar the Eagle sat on a tree limb. All was quiet. The Gorillas were asleep with no guard on watch. As far as Ewar could tell, anyone could walk into their compound and capture the whole tribe.
This was exactly what he had warned Gorzan about. Ewar had been helping the other tribes improve their security in case the Crocodiles or Wolves attacked. When he saw that the Gorillas had no protection in place, he couldn't believe his eyes.
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"This is ridiculous!" he insisted to Gorzan. "Why, I'll bet I could sneak into your camp and take something, without any of you Gorillas ever knowing." Gorzan had just smiled. "Go ahead, brother. I'll put my favorite branch out in the middle of the compound. You try to take it, and if you can, we'll agree to any extra security you want."
Ewar had waited a few days before making his attempt, just to make sure the Gorillas guard would be down.
/ don't know why I bothered waiting, though, he said to himself. When is their guard not down?
Ewar flew straight toward the center of the compound. Just as he crossed the border, something grabbed him! It yanked him from the sky and flung him onto the dirt.
What grabbed me? Ewar thought, falntically. Was it a rope? A snake?
A Gorilla? Ewar scanned the trees, but all he saw were leaves and vines.
Hmmm, Ewar thought. That was strange. I must have snagged on a branch. I'll just keep to the ground and stay quiet for now.
Ewar crept toward the sleeping Gorillas. As long as he didn't make any noise, he was sure he could sneak in unnoticed.
Sploosh! A bucket of ice-cold water suddenly fell onto Ewar's head.
"Squawk!" he cried out. He immediately clamped a wing over his mouth.
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Had he just given himself away to the Gorillas?
He stood perfectly still. A Few Gorillas snored, but none woke up.
Phew, thought Ewar. That was close. Now who threw water on me?
Again, Ewar looked up at the tree branches. But no one was there.
Well something is going on, Ewar said to himself. Maybe the Gorillas have a security system in place after all. It's time to try a new tactic.
Rather than enter the front way, Ewar decided he would go in from the back. He carefully tiptoed around to the rear of the Gorilla Compound.
Whump! Ewar tripped and landed flat on his beak! He shot back up and spun around. Sticking out of the ground was a gnarled tree root.
Ewar carefully stepped away from the tree root and started forward again.
Thump! He tripped again! He looked back and couldn't believe his eyes. A new root had sprung up in the middle of the path.
I don't know what's going on, but now I'm getting angry.
Ewar stood up and marched back to the front of the village.
Something grabbed me when I flew.Something tripped me when I walked. So now I'm going to run in, grab Gorzan's branch, and run back out. Nothing's going to stop me!
Ewar charged. But before he could even cross the border, tiny, stinging pebbles began pelting him from every side! He had to slow down to cover his eyes. The next thing he knew, a vine wrapped around his waist.
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Sploosh! A second burst of freezing water splashed on his head.
"What in Chima is going on?" Ewar cried.
Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The pebbles dropped.
The vine loosened. And slowly, Ewar was lowered to the ground.
The Eagle took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Gorzan was standing over him, smiling.
"See?" said Gorzan. "We have all the protection we need."
"But I don't understand," Ewar sputtered. "You were all fast asleep. Who was attacking me?"
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"It wasn't us, brother," Gorzan explained. "It was nature. We take care of the plants, and they take care of us. The lasso vine kept you from flying in. The bucket flower gave you a bath, the split-second roots tripped you, and the archer plant hit you with its seeds."
Ewar shook his head in amazement. "I wouldn't have believed it, but I'm convinced. You're right... you don't need any more protection. I don't even think a Wolf Pack could get in here. The next time I want to prove someone wrong, I think I'll sneak into someplace safer... like maybe a Crocodile's mouth!"
Gorzan and Ewar both laughed.
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
Hey, Tamami, there’s going to be a new show/Lego line coming out this year called Legends of Chima, and it deals with warring factions of anthropomorphic animals fighting over a source called Chi. The 8 main factions are lions, eagles, bears, crocodiles, ravens, rhinos, wolves, and gorillas. I think you might enjoy it.
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Ooh, I loved playing with legos when I was a kid! I'll have to check that out when it premieres!
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