#lions eagles and gorillas OH My!
magic-of-drawing · 1 year
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Legends of Chima was LEGO series I was interested back in 2013-2014. The animated show was fairly decent with its world-building, animation, environment and music; the only it lacks was its writing, characters and it’s plot. They were bad…just basic at best and not as memorable as Ninjago.
Still, I remember it fondly even now in 2023 and I recently heard it had its 10 year anniversary on January 17th! And since I finished watched Monkie Kid season 4, it inspired me to briefly return back to drawing to Legends of Chima again but this time in Monkie Kid’s 2D art style.
….And so far, they are looking incredibly good! I had to do some design change but it’s looking great!
In case anyone forgot or don’t know them, these are the 3 main protagonists of Legends of Chima: LAVAL THE LION PRINCE, ERIS THE WARRIOR AND GORZAN THE…GURU WARRIOR
(the dude likes plants, what else can I say?)
Anyway, I had a good time drawings these 3 and I plan on drawing the 3 antagonists of the series (at least in season 1).
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theplatypusblue · 3 months
(I can be a little mean but I promise I’m having fun lol)
Episodes 1 + 2:
Man this shits super boring.
Idk if I can get behind craggers plot line tbh. He’s too much of a dumbass for me to really root for him.
The lore seems really cool so far. I like the settings and the stuff about the legend beasts.
Like?? Forest full of trees that just fall down all the time? Epic.
Legend beasts are especially cool cuz it means this is how Chima characters react when seeing a regular ass lion for the first time:
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Episode 3:
Man Laval really fucked everything up.
I have a feeling all of cragger’s dumbass-ness, like, transferred over to laval and now we’re gonna be seeing him making all the dumbass decisions
The only thing I really care about here is the b-plot about Gorzan and his flower. More engaging than the main plot
Episode 4:
Prediction about Laval replacing Cragger as the resident dumbass seems to be coming true
Gorzan is quickly becoming my favorite.
Oh hey look it’s the beavers!! I remember they show up in that one episode of ninjago. I had zero context for what they were all about then but now I know!!
Episode 5:
The gorilla tribe seems like the most chill out of everyone. Gorillas 👍
Can I just say I hate the fucking skunk. He sucks.
Honestly kind of a nothing episode
Episode 6:
Eagle spire does that cool thing where all the buildings are built on super scary precipices. There’s literally a post going around about this exact thing but I can’t find it rn
Oh so the eagles are just a bunch of nerds. A little weird I guess(?) I feel like eagles are usually symbols of strength n stuff so that’s different. It’s giving cloud kingdom.
“Wing girl” tf kinda nickname??
Apparently the ravens are double crossing everyone but I have not been paying close enough attention to what’s going on to really process that
Ok so it was all an extremely convoluted way for the crocs to get everyone to fight each other. And the ravens tried to profit but they’re kinda stupid so nothing really worked out for anyone
Episode 7:
Purble moon??? Epic
Man the bears are so epic just like me fr
Nooo don’t mess w the gorillas they’re so chill :(
I am entirely uninterested in the 100 year full moon skunk fart lore. Sorry.
It’s a little strange and maybe I’m hallucinating but I feel like the animation has has somehow gotten better?? Like the lighting or smthn…. Or the facial expressions???
Oh….. skunk fart lore is plot relevant………
Now that I’m thinking… is that the only skunk in chima?? Cuz rn it looks like just the one guy
Episode 8:
Oh it’s a big boy chi
There’s a fucking peacock?? Don’t know how to spell his name. So wait if he wins who does the chi go to?? He gets it all to himself?
Oh wait nvm it’s probably a cragger thing. Mr. Peacock comes back after retirement or w/ever in order to do some evil shit with the crocs I get it I get it
Gorzan I love you
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY?? Is it a pig? A warthog??? It’s giving Mr. E vibes.
Man idk this episode is structured rlly weirdly. Nothing really fit together very well. It’s alright tho.
Episode 9:
GORILLA EPISODE?? Let’s go dude
It funny cuz I feel like gorillas aren’t actually this mellow irl
Oh hey it’s our mystery mans. Oh nevermind he left again.
There are balloon plants?? Oh yeah those are the things they were using in the other episode. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to anything else that happened.
Episode 10:
Uhh I forgot to take notes while watching uhhh
The fox guy was cute. I like a little fox guy
This episode managed to make me feel a little bad for cragger!! He wants to do a good job but he kinda sucks at everything :(
It also made me confused abt cruller!!! What are you doing w ur life girl!!!!
Kinda messed up how the wolves had to serve the crocodiles tho… probly for the best she threw away that pledge
If Laval’s dad is right when he says they’re not gonna race for chi for a long time, I’m guessing they’re not gonna do any more racing episodes for some time. That’s fine honestly.
WAIT THAT RHINO GUY’S DYING. Oh nvm. This whole situation is cringe I hope it’s a one-off thing….
Also I forgot everyone thinks craggers parents are dead but really they’re just chilling in that canyon. Kinda funny actually
Episode 11:
Oh man the wolves are fucking everything up
“We all gotta stay here till the walls are fixed” bruh just call the beavers or smthn
Man what is the deal with this shadow wind dude.
If there’s one similarity I could point out with ninjago, it’s all this talk abt ~the balance~. I guess it makes sense since they take place in the same universe, technically
These bears are so cute lol napping does solve everything so true
Episode 12:
Jets travel super fast in the air. If they’re going through a storm Laval should totally be dead by now
Cragger is setting boundaries!! We love to see it. Cruller is acting pretty cringe. In her ~~girlfailure era~~
Is Laval gonna fall in this gorge?? Oh yeah he’s gonna fall in this gorge
Noooo Gorzans underwear is gonna tear
It’s a little sweet how Laval still wants to help out cragger
Episode 13:
I guess I’m still not super into cragger but I pity him a little. He’s trying his best but he’s just a bit stupid. And also his sister sucks ass
Okay. So she may be cringe but cruller is living her best(-ish) life.
That wolf is wearing a really cute apron
Man they were bringing up Shadow wind earlier and I thought they were gonna reveal their identity but now I’m a bit disappointed…
Laval is being peak dumbass rn I kinda like it. “The warm milk of oppression” lol
Pretty cute finale tbh
That’s where Tubi says season 1 ends, so i think I’ll just stop here for now. I guess they’ll bring up craggers parents next season?? For now they’re still stuck chilling in that canyon.
I definitely feel like it’s a show that doesn’t have super strong characters. I think it would better if the show leaned more into the world it’s created instead, if that makes sense. Maybe later the character writing will improve a little bit, and I’ll changed my tune. But!! Who knows. I’m having fun with it.
Idk when I’ll get to season 2, cuz I get super busy sometimes (I started this one a couple months ago but couldn’t finish it till now ugh) but I do want to continue watching!! Eventually!!!
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olivescales3 · 11 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Sneak Peak (part 6)
The wooden carved clock, sculpted by my friend Eris, ticks a soothing rhythm each passing second. I follow one of its pointers with my eyes as it slowly circles around, passing by the time markings beneath it. I hover my head on top of the wound; it's still fresh and shiny, even though it stopped bleeding. It bears five claw marks, running on my left arm. The bed sheet I'm laying on top of, covered with red light due to the harsh sun rays hitting my bed curtains, isn't dirty either. Dull stone walls cover my room, with a few triangular arches carved on them. At least I'm able to view Mount Cavora from here.  My dad really likes you, Mount Cavora. Even if you're a huge, floating mountain, you brought us life, you brought us Chi. The stone heads that bless us with Chi are what brings us all together, whether past or present, same or different species. Lions, Crocodiles, Eagles, Wolves… Ravens, Gorillas, Bears and Rhinos– we would not be what we are today if it weren't for Mount Cavora. The Great Story is a tale of old, marked by the Chi birthing a new civilization, and that's why Chima got its name– Chi knows it all; or that's at least what my dad says. Steps reverberate all across the circular stairway up to my room. A shadow seems to emerge before the open door. My body jumps in response, dragging the curtain to hide myself and I end up squirming my injured arm. The stranger moves towards my bed, as the light hits their body, projecting their silhouette on the bed curtains; they appear to be tall yet soft, resting their closed wings behind the back. I sigh in relief, because this animal does not look like the other shadow that attacked me. I shiver while opening the curtain. Mouth open, inhaling deeply. I stick out my muzzle, and I am greeted by an eagle. "Oh no! Please pardon me for startling you. That was quite rude of me.", the bird whimpered, "I'm the nurse your father entrusted to help you. My name is Ehboni." She holds onto the curtain with her yellow scaled hands, adorned with black feathers that cover her wrist. Now that the blinds are open, I can clearly observe her appearance: her entire figure is covered by well-preened and smooth feathers, but they're quite dark, which made me mistake her for 'the' shadow. An expensive silver necklace, with sapphire jewelry, hangs by her fluffy neck. She smiles, opening her yellow beak. Ehboni crouches near what looks like a box of medical equipment, and then opens it.  "Come closer, Laval. I need to inspect your lesion.", she whispers while organizing her materials. I sit down on the edge of the bed, then she holds my arm and looks at it. After that, she picks up a medicinal leaf, lays it on top of my wound and bandages it. My ears fall down, my eyebrows frown; I won't be able to do much for some time, but Ehboni says that it won't take long for me to recover. "Just make sure you don't put strength on your left arm, okay?", She pets my shoulder. "Alright… but– did you discover anything about my injury? Is it serious?" Ehboni puts away her utensils, gets up, and says, "Don't worry, sweetie! You didn't suffer any major damage. I'll let your father know the rest." She leaves before I could react. Argh! What is this 'rest'? She barely answered my question. The cut's shape seemed suspicious, yet I'm not supposed to know what it is? I fall on my bed and close my eyes shut.
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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Best Villagers from every species in Animal Crossing
Only my personal opinions here, nothing else. Might even change my mind in the future.
Aligator - I have to pick Gayle as my favorite alligator. While Drago is cool, Gayle just looks so nice and friendly.
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Anteater - Pango has such a cool color scheme that I really like. She’s also got a peppy personality which I really enjoy.
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Bear - Grizzly was one of my first villagers when I started playing New Horizon. He reminds me of a grandpa! A grumpy grandpa!
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Bird - While at first I was kinda unnerved by his white eyes I soon started to really like him! I like his pink beak and feet.
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Bull - How can I not love Rodeo? He looks like an edgelord but he’s actually just a lazy villager. I would trust this dude with my LIFE.
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Cat - While yes, Raymond is nice, Kabuki is awesome. He just has such a cool and unique look.
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Chicken - Ken is kinda cute! He’s got his dark color scheme but then there’s the pink dots on his cheeks that makes it look like he’s blushing!
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Cow - While the cows are not the most interesting looking villagers I do like Patty. She’s got this calm and kind look to her.
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Cub - Call me basic but I love Stitches. He’s the most unique looking bear and I love the concept of him being a stuffed animal.
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Deer - Oh dear, I’m gonna bet a few comments on this one... I pick Bruce. He just looks cool, ok? And I have a weakness for cranky villagers.
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Dog - Lucky! My poor, tragic good boy! He’s either an undead or he’s simply covered in bandages because he’s gotten hurt. Either way, he’s unique.
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Duck - Ketchup is cute and I like her orange cheeks, they are what really makes her whole look come together for me. It also looks like she’s wearing boots.
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Eagle - Avery has these really cool patterns on his feathers and I like his more discrete color scheme.
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Elephant - I like Tucker because he’s the most unique amongst the elephants as he is the only mammoth. Plus I like his caveman theme.
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Frog - Raddle is hands down one of my favorite villagers. I like how he looks and his doctor theme. Would legit scream if I got him as a villager.
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Goat - Billy was one of my two first villagers and he grew on me, ok? He doesn’t look bad and his personality is great.
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Gorilla - Had to choose Boone, just had to. He’s very unique looking and just looks great overall. Cool dude.
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Hamster - EASY CHOICE. Marlo is so fucking cool and one of my favorite villagers. Another one where I would scream if he joined my island.
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Hippo - Rocko looks like the kind of character that would start out as a bully but would later apologize for being mean and become your friend. I love it.
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Horse - Papi! He looks so polite! He says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when ordering at a restaurant. A good boy, 10/10.
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Kangaroo - It’d have to be Kitt. She looks like a tired mom trying her best and she gives me the impression that she’d give the best hugs.
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Koala - You know I had to go with my boy Eugene. I mean, look at him! Such a cool dude. I want to have what he has.
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Lion - Look at this dude. Such a bastard gremlin man. He looks like he will steal my credit card information and commit fraud. Lionel is so funny.
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Monkey - While she does look a little scary at first glance, I actually like Tammi’s design. Looks like she’d give you great advice.
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Mouse - While only recently revealed, I really like Petri! I like that she’s got a scientist theme and her different colored ears are a nice touch!
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Octopus - Octavian constantly looks like he’s pouting and it’s really charming. I like that he’s really interested in space, it’s such a neat detail to his personality.
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Ostrich - Sprocket looks cool! Him being a robot is a cool idea (I like all robot villagers) and his color scheme is pretty neat!
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Penguin - Now Tex looks like someone I’d want to be friends with. Seems super chill and nice, the perfect dude just to hang out with.
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Pig - Agnes looks really good. I love that she’s wearing pastel colors since it goes so well with her black and white fur.
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Rabbit - I was so close to choosing Coco but Ruby has recently stolen my heart. She’s not only cute but I like her personality and interest in the moon.
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Rhino - Azalea has a nice color scheme and I like the detail of her horn being the center of the flower pattern on her nose.
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Sheep - Normally I am not a fan of clowns but I really like Pietro! He’s a fun character and I would genuinely like to have him as a villager.
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Squirrel - There are some really good squirrel villagers but I like Marshall the most. He just looks like someone I’d like to befriend if I were in high school.
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Tiger - Bangle was one of the first villagers I encountered in New Horizon and she’s gained a special spot in my heart.
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Wolf - BEST FOR LAST BECAUSE MY FAVORITE VILLAGER IS DOBIE! I looked at this dude and instantly knew I’d die for him. He’s my grandpa now. I’d listen to him tell tales of his youth and I would love to go fishing with him or tending to his garden. I want to hug him so bad. Dobie is a king and if he arrived on my island I’d start to cry.
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ezraye · 4 years
Leonardo leaving... off to search mystery islands for a new villager.
1. Bon Bon. Omg shes so cute. But I already have Chrissy as a peppy rabbit. Worried I’m gonna regret passing her by but it’s only the first ticket. She’s so cute tho. Butttt personality wise I need a jock. Or at least a personality I don’t have TWO or right now. (Tutu is Peppy also.) (oranges, lilies, money rock island!)
2. Ugly chicken named Benedict. Nope. (Oranges and lilies)
3. Bird named Celia. Nope. (Apples and lilies)
4. Tammi the monkey. Nope. (Oranges and lilies)
5. Truffles the pig. Hmmm. Maybe he’s a jock? Nope. He is a she and she is another Peppy. I don’t need peppy! (Orange and lilies. Got a fossil and “ball” furniture item from tree.
6. Drago. Oh he looks cool! Unique design. He’s a lazy. I like lazy types. I already have Lucky BUT Lucky gave me his picture so I might be ready for him to move on.... gah I’m stuck. Do I want Drago???.... texting my wife with my dilemma. She says Drago “doesn’t do it for her” and I really do need a jock. Gonna keep going. (Bamboo and lilies)
7. T-bone. Nope. I have my baby Angus and I’m hoping to have Tipper one day. That’s enough cows/bulls. (Oranges and lilies)
8. Gonzo the koala? Never seen this guy before. Oh he’s a cranky. Angus is cranky and angus is staying forever. (Oranges and pansies)
9. Avery. Cranky eagle. I don’t like eagles. (Bamboo and lilies)
10. Okay maybe lucky number 10 will give me a cute lil jock.... candi the little pink mouse. Butttt she’s Another Peppy. The rng isn’t working with me on getting a jock at all. (Oranges and pansies)
11. Eugene the koala. This is Charlie’s fav guy! He’s a smug. And I do have a smug but it’s O’Hare and I’m not attached to him. Texting wife about him... I’m having fun looking so gonna keep trying for a jock (Oranges, pansies, moneyrock island)
12. Tasha. Snooty. Nah. (Bamboo and lilies)
13. Lily the frog. She is sooo cute and I really love frog types but she’s normal and I have TWO normals right now. Ugh. I’m sorry Lily. May we meet again. (Oranges and lilies. Got elephant slide from a tree.)
14. Rex the lion. I have had two lions already so not really into him. Oh he’s a lazy anyway. (Oranges and pansies. Got judges bell from tree.)
15. Blanche. Snooty bird. Nope. (Oranges and pansies. Got a safe from a tree.)
16. Ugh I finally got a jock and it’s Boone the gorilla and I do not like gorillas at alll. I want a mouse, duck, squirrel, cat, something small and cute. (Oranges and lilies.) (I’ll probably regret leaving him and not get another jock all night.)
17. Zucker! Lazy. And I already have Lucky. But as I said, I might be ready for him to move on. And there are only 3 octopuses in the whole game. Okay I’m taking him home ahhhhh! Squee!! (Oranges and lilies. Nail art kit from tree.) (so now I still definitely need a jock!)
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
Are there any Animal Crossing villagers you won't let live on your island?
Oh absolutely, I am actually fairly picky!
Specific Villagers
Julian (Cool house, still a prick)
Tammi (she is on my island right now and WILL NOT LEAVE)
Barbaara (on my island now and WILL NOT LEAVE)
More generally--
Bird villagers (don't like the long beak, ducks are fine though!)
Gorillas, the tall bears, eagles, rams, cows, hippos (except Merengue, I love her), lions, horses-- basically any villager who is taller than me lmaooo
Hamsters (they just kinda scare me)
Sheep (Barbaara ruined them for me)
Koalas (Lyman ruined them for me)
Monkeys (Tammi ruined them for me)
Ostrich villagers (They all look half-plucked? Plus Sandy ruined them for me)
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
Personality Traits/Tests
Omg thank you @rubberbucky for tagging me and I am so sorry it took so long to complete this. I kept getting distracted or was working, also we’ll add some other excuses like my dog ate it?
Anyway thank you so much for tagging me. Everyone go love on @rubberbucky because she is wonderful, talented and just all around a cool person.
Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual |
Brain Lateralisation Test: Left | Right | Both
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% | 41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
I have no idea what to think of some of these results. At times they contradict each other lol. Oh well! I had fun!
Tagging: @sagechanoafterdark @shikin83 @caffeinated--writer @karenmissa @holylulusworld @shotsbyshae and anyone else who wants to :)
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hiddenbysuccubi · 5 years
My audition for Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise: “Welcome to the Jungle Cruise! Any first-timers aboard? Good for you, please tell your friends, unless you hate your ride, in which case tell your enemies!” (boarding ends, ride starts) “Welcome aboard, I’ll be your Skipper, Kyra. I haven’t lost a passenger since the last cruise. Please keep hands and feet inside the boat, there’s an extra tax for digits left along the route, believe me, the local wildlife don’t want your number.” Extra: “Remember to watch your kids! It’s... not in my job description.”
(pass by Indiana Jones line / exit) “We’re starting off on our journey. Just on your right, here you’ll see our most invasive species, the human! Wave goodbye, as you’ll hopefully never see them again.” “If you look off to the side it’s the first sign of danger! D-A-N- wait I didn’t learn how to read. Stay in school, folks! Or you’ll end up on this cruise. Again, and again, and again...” “Don’t worry though, your Skipper here knows how to interpret all signs of Danger here in the Jungle. Just like that danger there- waiting in line for 90 minutes for Indiana Jones. (I shake my head)” (head towards tiger) “And here we have the Cambodian tribe, folks. Of course we have here an indigenous Tiger - meaning for the kids, it’s here 365 - It can jump 25 feet, don’t worry though, we’re under 25 feet away. It’ll jump right over us.” (pass snakes) “And don’t worry about our snakes, folks, they’re only interested in finding Indiana Jones. He’s on the other side of the river! Of course, they can also jump 25-” “Oh the one in the water? That’s just ginger. She doesn’t snap” (pass elephants) “Now folks, we’re entering the secret elephant bathing pool. Go ahead and take a picture, they’ve all got their trunks on. Just don’t wave at them unless you want a bath. They like to wave back.” “Look at those wrinkles! Just shows if you shower too long you’ll uh, turn into an elephant.” “And this is squirt, he likes to shower anyone he thinks hasn’t bathed. Did you all take a shower yesterday? No?? Get down, get down! ...False alarm.” (goes to monkeys) “This used to be one of our safari camps... seems like its gone ape/bananas. Hey there’s my jeep! The lights are still on! That’s some battery power. We’ll never get it turned-over.” “This is the part where I like to point out my favorite plant-life. Uh, that one. And that one. Definitely that one.” “Oh look over there! Don’t make any banana sounds guys, that gorilla can jump over 25 feet!” (approaching falls) “Alright folks, we just entered the Nile river... if you don’t believe me, then you’re in.... A boat. Folks, if you were in de Nile, I’d be calling my lawyer.” (Two bull elephants) “Folks here we have two bull elephants. Can you guess their names? We wanted to call them Left and Right, but they’re Down and Up. They can’t tell direction.” (Africa) “We’re now headed into Africa, such a lovely area. Just look at all those animals gathering to watch those Lions watch over that sleepy Zebra. Ah... the circle of life. Let me just point out the animals. Furry donkey... long necked cheetah... Painted horse... Those’re lions... two sun-burned bald eagles....” “There’s some of our previous travelers, went a bit off road... just proves you never argue with a rhino, they always get their point across.” (after) “We’re headed into the Hippo-Pool folks, now Hippos are very dangerous, but like I said, I can see danger in the Jungle. Now wiggling ears and bubbles, that means danger! ....We’re in trouble.” “Now let me scare them off like I scared off my boyfriend! ‘We Need To Talk!’ and if that doesn’t work, cover your ears.” *pop gun goes off* “....Just like with my boyfriend.” (the rest) “We’re now heading into head-hunter territory, not a great place to be-headed.” “Looks like they’ve put their heads together (skulls pass on canoe) and are having a party, though, let me try to translate...” “Maca. Uh huh, Rena, uh huh. Does anyone know the Macarena?”  “Look out it’s an ambush! Spear, spear. And if you look over there, a different kind of bush....” (waterfall) “Now the moment you all waited for! The backside of water! O2H! And for those of you on the other side of the boat, the frontside of rock.” “And here we have some limestone, though most people take it for granite. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the sediment.”  (Piranha) “Watch out here, we’ve got man-eating piranha! Women and children, you’re safe. Just throw your loved one over-board if you need, here’s your chance. Men, don’t worry, if you survive, we’ve got something else to take the women away next.” (boa constrictor) “Just be careful, he’s suffocating.” (end) “We’re nearing the end of the tour, on your left you’ll find Trader Sam. He’s quite interesting, Sam is, in fact he can jump over 25 feet-” “And there’s the dock! You folks have just survived the world famous Jungle Cruise! If you enjoyed your tour, once again my name is Skipper Kyra! If you didn’t, I’m Kyle. I never liked him.” “Please stay put until we’ve reached a standstill. When you exit, please watch your step, and watch your head. If you happen to miss your step, and hit your head, please watch your language! ..This is Disney.
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italicwatches · 6 years
Animal Sentai Zyuohger - Episode 41
I can scarcely begin to describe the depths of my frustration with the postal service right now. My package was three hours away. I could have day tripped going up to pick it up. In about three hours, it will have officially been a week since I paid for it, and it has been “in transit” almost the entire time, lost somewhere in the system. I just…Ugh.
Okay. Happier subject. Animal Sentai Zyuohger, episode 41! Here we GO!
-PREVIOUSLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, Kubar stole a hand and shot a secretary in the face.
-PRESENTLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, Azald and Genis are noticing that Naria isn’t around…Genis has the utmost trust in his assistant, but Azald doesn’t like the situation, and quite frankly is bored as he goes to look for the others…
-Which puts him down on Earth. And leaves Kubar with a rare opportunity to catch Genis totally alone…
-While out in the park, Yamato notices Misao off on his morning jog…Misao, who runs into a cloud of fog, fog that reveals Genis?! Misao’s panic is raw, palpable…As even miles away, the others get the most intense vibe of their entire lives…
-Misao panics, fight or flight kicks in, and he doesn’t even issue a battle cry before kicking off THE WORLD! RHINO! He charges in, terror holding him in its grip!
-Episode 41: The First and Only Chance
-So The World’s swinging his rod wildly, unable to hit Genis…And when he snaps to WOLF to fire it as a gun, Genis just blocks every shot! Even as a CROCODILE, The World can’t even get close enough to do anything, as he’s slammed into the ground, his armor ripped off of him and his body bloodied…
-The others arrive in time to see Genis hauling the unconscious Misao up, and he wants to play a game. They’re going to meet again at a mansion not far from town, and there the fun will begin…Then he’s gone, before they can do anything. And Yamato, who had no idea, gets the call of what just happened…He’s, of course, in shock.
-While Kubar reveals the true depths of his plans. So he’s got Naria all chained up after knocking her out earlier, and it turns out that this Genis we saw? Yeah that’s a phantom that Kubar cooked up from Naria’s memories. All to trick the Zyuohgers into fighting the real Genis, with even more motivation…And away from the Big Bow.
-Which gives Genis’s body life. Away from it, he’s a shadow of himself! Kubar has learned so much from your mind, Naria, so very very much…And now, to make things even more interesting, he uses her to make a phantom of good old Azald…
-Back at the cabin, everyone’s reacting in various ways. Panic, anger, fear, and Yamato of course is in pure and utter guilt and despair. He was a minute away. He saw Misao, seconds before the encounter! If he’d just called out and said hello, Misao would have known he was close enough to help! He could have changed the script! And now, Genis has him…Misao can feel nothing but his own utter failure.
-Then there’s Mario, but Yamato doesn’t even bother to fake it. They’re leaving to save Misao.
-So they get there, to a cliffside mansion, where Shark can hear Misao’s voice…They sprint in at top speed, as the search begins…And the very instant the door shuts, they’re of course sealed in.
-And then they get trapped further into a single part of the manor…But Eagle decides that’s not going to happen, as he unleashes the Gorilla’s strength! LET! HIM! THROUGH!!!
-Up on the Big Bow, Kubar arrives with “Azald”, who tells Genis that the Zyuohgers have kidnapped Naria! they’re trying to force a fight with YOU, sir! …Then a fight, those fools will receive. He’ll play along, and make them regret it…
-In the manor, the barrier suddenly falls, and they’re too busy racing through to question it…And they find Misao! Yamato’s to him in a second, and oh god, Misao, are you…
-Misao awakens, and finds he’s around friends. He’s been saved. Yamato feels so much guilt for failing his friend this is a phantom. This is a phantom Misao. Tusk is the first one to realize something’s not right…
-And then they get a vibe that makes the phantom of Genis, feel like gentle scritches from a lover. It’s the single most intense feeling they’ve ever h—
-The wall explodes open, a single shot offered from Genis, who’s arrived to take back Naria! Well, they’re ready to take him down for stealing Misao away! Instincts Awakened! They leap down to face him, as backed by Kubar and Azald…
-And a whole mess of phantom MotWs that Kubar calls into play….
-Who surround Genis. As he decides to play his hand! A phantom Azald, and plenty more, plus the Zyuohgers…What will you do now, Genis!
-Meanwhile the real Azald is bumbling around the woods trying to find his buddies.
-Kubar reveals everything. That he stole Bunglay’s hand, that he’s been working towards this end, all to get vengeance for his people that Genis slew, the planet he subjugated! You DIE HERE, Genis! This planet will be your grave! Zyuohgers, do you want to protect your planet?! This is the man who has been behind it all! Stand by him and end this war!
-They’re left with a whole mess of confusion…When The World says they’ve got to do it. It’s their best, only shot at taking Genis down! They can worry about Kubar later! And thus things turn into a crossfire…
-A crossfire that Genis utterly rejects, before mounting the memory unit Naria gathered for him into his own chest….Gathering power….And sending it out in a massive shockwave! Everyone’s knocked back, as Genis’s body recovers, his life support system finally no longer shackling him…He’s figured out how to use Cube Whale’s combat data to draw power from this…Earth, you humans called it? Yes, it has a very pleasant feeling…
-Kubar realizes, in utter horror, that he got out-played. Genis had it all figured out. He suspected from the start, and he made plans to isolate Kubar, to be in a position to take him down when the vengeful fool tipped his hand…
-Congratulations, Kubar. You played yourself. But the game’s not over yet! Genis fires two quick shots that scrape Kubar’s head, exploding behind him in fire. The terror that hits Kubar’s heart is overwhelming, overpowering, and of course, it’s that terror that Genis lives for!
-Kubar desperately sends everything he has at Genis, while The World leads a panicked charge! Lion and Shark back him up, Eagle goes to Whale, and Tiger is left with Elephant to be the last two in the fray…
-But even with everything they’ve got, Genis is throwing phantoms around left and right, knocking the crew around with ease, and dodging everything they can throw at him! With his body now sustained by an entire planet’s life force, there’s nothing he can—
-Heyyyy, The World goes down in gold mist. Told you it was a phantom. The others realize that this was all a plan…Kubar set them up from the start! And Whale realizes Misao is still out there. …KUBAR! WHERE THE FUCK IS MISAO?! Kebab flees in utter panic, leaving them with no answers…
-As Genis throws energy into the remaining MotW phantoms, making them get big and turning them into rampaging beasts that seek only destruction…!
-And Whale is forced to abandon the hunt for Misao, to deal with this…And he is pissed about it. Animal Combination! THREE! TWO! ONE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! ZYUOH KING! ZYUOH WILD! And from the skies, Animal Transformation! DODEKAI-OH! You three will fall! They have them all surrounded, blocked in and isolated in a clear area away from the bigger buildings, as mecha fight starts!
-Meanwhile, Bard’s hunt has found four Cube Animals…When he sees the distant mecha fight. And to make it worse, Azald finds him. Well this is a right mess…
-As the mecha fight continues…But they flip parts for a ZYUOH MEGATON KICK, Mole Drill ZYUOH BREAK, and DODEKAI-OCEAN SPLASH! Kicked, stabbed and shot, these three drop hard. And Whale immediately returns to the hunt…!
-While Bard, seeing Azald for the first time, tries to figure out who, or what, he is…Made entirely of cubes…
-As the hunt for Misao is on…And the real Misao is miles away, hung over the river…!
Ohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuck
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bobbinonsafari · 6 years
Kenya Cats
It was a lovely day in Kenya. Up early (why did we think that was a good idea?), the coffee delivered to our cottage (French press) was a disaster, but thankfully, there was coffee available at the main sitting area before we left. Eric and Peter both met us, Eric seemingly enthusiastic to see us again (until he left mid-morning for guide-training activities). The morning drive was nice - perhaps fewer animals than we would typically see in Botswana, but still wonderful. We stopped and watched a very fun baboon troop for a while. There were some very tiny babies learning to climb, one baboon who ran screaming away from a larger one chasing it, youngsters playing and teasing each other: quite the active scene. Baboons may not be the most beautiful creatures, but they sure are entertaining.
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On we went and Peter spotted a cheetah quite a ways away. Nearby were giraffes and zebras meandering across the plain past the cheetah. He looked - on and off - like he was going to attack and we’re ashamed to admit we were ready to watch a “kill.” My, how one’s sensitivities change after a few weeks in the bush!!! Alas, after almost an hour, the cheetah was still stringing us along so we moved on. Oh, did we mention that while we were excited to see A rhino, we’ve found them to be “around every corner” – jaded, much?
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We spotted a couple of monkeys on a fallen tree limb who were being dive-bombed by some birds. There was general craziness as the monkeys in turn tried to reach up and catch the birds. LOL. We’re told that likely the birds were defending their eggs or babies nearby. Not too far away, there was an eagle quietly/patiently observing (stalking?) a few Guinea fowl. Again, we gave up before he attacked. So interesting, this animal behavior in the bush!
We started back in the direction of the camp, and found breakfast awaiting us on a ridge - lovely buffet, with - of course - a washing station, and chairs to relax as we ate. Peter teased us about leaving us to hunt ostriches and Guinea fowl for eggs, and while he didn’t do that, he DID hide behind a tree and cook us scrambled eggs on toast!
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We returned to the camp in time for our tour of the Lewa “Ops Center.” Peter drove us over with fellow guests Carol and Dave. On the way, we caught up with our cheetah from this morning. She was resting under a bush in an area where the vehicle could pull up within a few feet of her for a simply amazing view of her face and gorgeous fur. After a few minutes for photo-taking and admiring, we were back on the way. The “Ops Center”, about three years old, was fascinating, with big screens that monitor rhinos, elephants, and the people who patrol the conservancy to protect them. Conservation is serious business here!
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Both of us were exhausted and totally crashed after a lovely lunch back at camp. We hadn’t really caught up from our gorilla days and transit to Kenya. Our naps were thoroughly refreshing and we were ready for the afternoon. Peter alone took us out this afternoon for our game drive. It started slow, but we had a few great sightings. Peter spotted two lions - a male and female - quite a ways away, relaxing together under a bush. It was a challenge to get photos, particularly as the wind was quite strong and made it hard to stabilize a camera! There wasn’t any action so after a bit, we carried on. Our sundowner was across a little stream from a hyena apartment building (a series of holes in the earth having been previously dug by aardvarks) with little ones coming out and going back in or resting. Man, they are seriously ugly creatures! It was cold, so we bundled up for the drive home, stopping to check on our lions. Yay. There they were, well, at least the female with two cubs romping. It was dusk and the light was fading fast, but we caught some good playing of the cubs with the mom standing (well, sitting) watch.
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Back at camp, we joined the group for drinks and then a wonderful meal: tomato salad followed by leg of lamb with carrots and potatoes, then chocolate mousse and birthday cake (one of the other guests) for desert. Life is good. Conversation was good with the very interesting characters we’ve met here; nice ending to a good kitty-viewing kind of day....
August 6, 2018
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Howtodrawanimals.net - How To Draw Animals Step By Step
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/howtodrawanimals-net-how-to-draw-animals-step-by-step/
Howtodrawanimals.net - How To Draw Animals Step By Step
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    Stop Drawing Animals Like this
And Start Drawing Animals Like this!
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Not only will you discover exactly how to draw over 200 animals, you’ll be surprised to discover that each animal only takes 6 to 8 steps to draw and less than 15 minutes to master.
Learn to Draw All These Animals
Angel Fish Angler Fish Ant Anteater Armadillo Baboon Bat Bear Beaver Bee Bison Blue Whale Budgie Buffalo Butterfly Camel Cat Chameleon Cheetah Chicken Chimpanzee Cobra Cow Crab Crocodile Cuttlefish Dog Dolphin Donkey Dragonfly Duck Eagle EEL Elephant Fish Flamingo Frog Giraffe Goat Goose Gorilla Grasshopper Hammerhead Shark Hedgehog Hippopotamus Horse House Fly Humming Bird Humpback Whale Jellyfish Kangaroo Killer Whale Kingfisher Kiwi Koala Komodo Dragon Ladybug Lemur Lion Lobster Manta Ray Mole Monkey Moose Mountain Goat Mouse Octopus Orang-Utan Ostrich Otter Owl Panda Panther Parrot Peacock Pelican Penguin Pig Piranha Polar Bear Porcupine Puffin Rabbit Raccoon Rat Rhino Scorpion Seal Shark Sheep Shrimp Skunk Sloth Snail Snake Sperm Whale Spider Squid Squirrel Stag Beetle Starfish Stingray Stork Swan Tiger Toad Tortoise Toucan Turtle Vulture Walrus Warthog Wolf Woodpecker Worm Zebra
…and hundreds more animals to draw!
Read Our Testimonials!!
I use this whole series in my Art Class to Elementary children. They love this extra activity. It builds their confidence that they can draw identifiable things. They even take multiple instructions and create a whole picture.
These books on how to draw are very easy for kids and beginning artists to follow.
This is a fun drawing guide for kids (and adults, too) that shows, step-by-step, how to make simple, stylized outline drawings of 101 animals, everything from armadillos to zebras. It has kept the preschooler and teenager in our household entertained for hours — and it’s the first place I look if I want to figure out how to make a simple line drawing of a horse or panda bear.
This is an excellent book for the beginning artist or any artist wanting to improve their skills. The animal anatomy is superb. The cost of the book is also a plus. I got a lot more than I paid for, especially with the bonus books!
This is a really exceptional fundamental book which includes the whole range of animals in a really simple and easy to comprehend format.
“I’ve been looking for a way to get my kids interested in drawing, I ordered the books (200 Animals, Farm Animals and Forest Animals) and pretended like I bought them for myself, my 6 year old son saw me drawing and asked what I was doing “oh, just learning to draw a Shark” he called up his older brother and they asked me if they could try, “sure” they took the book and spent hours drawing that day.”
“…… this book can be the beginning of a great relationship between your child and his pencil doodles. “
” My 6yr old loves to draw but wanted lessons. This was the next best thing, easy to follow steps and now she is happy to draw. There are more animals then I have seen in other how to draw books. “
Yes! I want to download my copy of How To Draw Animals – Plus The 4 Bonus Books Now!
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I want to learn how to easily draw over 200 Animals using the step by step lessons in the book!
I also get a LifeTime Membership to any new books released in the future.
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Bonus #1 How To Draw Farm Animals
Bonus #2 How To Draw 50 Forest Animals
Bonus #3 How To Draw 50 Zoo Animals
Bonus #4 How To Draw 50 Ocean Animals
I understand that because I’m purchasing today I’ll receive the How To Draw Animals collection via instant download for the special price of $47 Now only $19.95!! (Until Oct 31, 2020) Includes access for life to any new book downloads. LifeTime Members – Login Here
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You get everything I outlined, all the features of this How To Draw Course will be instantly downloadable and lets you Start Drawing Animals TODAY! This special low promotional price won’t last forever though so buy now before I decide to increase it back to $47.
BUT I also want to make this decision even easier by removing ALL of the risk for you…
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That’s right! Take 60 days to use and learn from How To Draw 200 Animals. That’s more than 8 weeks to learn how to draw simple Animals step by step!
Try the step-by-step techniques yourself and learn how to draw each Animal while dramatically improving your animal drawing skills. I’m confident you’ll enjoy this book so much, you won’t want to give it back!
But, if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send me an email and I will refund your payment right up to the final day of this 60 day guarantee. No questions asked.
Here’s what you’ll discover in the “How to Draw 200 Animals” book and free bonus books.
How To Draw 200 Animals – Step by Step
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How to draw 200 Animals in 6 steps!
This book showcases two different styles of drawing for each Animals, that way you can learn to draw each Animal in 2 different looks.
This really is the most complete Animal Drawing book available in one place. You no longer have to search the web and wade through tons of advertising to get the lessons.
Download this Book instantly plus the 4 bonus books below.
The book is available for instant download and can be printed as many times as you wish. Each book is delivered as a printable PDF file in color.
Super Bonus: #1 How To Draw Farm Animals
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How To Draw Farm Animals book is yours FREE with purchase.
Normally this book sells for $9.95 but I’m giving it to you for FREE as a bonus to the How To Draw 200 Animals Book.
This Bonus Farm Animals book is organized to show you how to draw the most popular Farm Animals.
Each Farm Animal page can be drawn in 6 steps following step by step lessons.
The most complete Farm Animals drawing tutorial book on the Internet.
Super Bonus: #2 How To Draw Forest Animals
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How To Draw Forest Animals book includes 50 Forest Animals that you can draw in 6 easy steps.
You can buy this book individually for $14.95 but I’m giving it to you for FREE as part of my How To Draw Animals collection!
We’ve organized the Forest Animals book to give you 50 of the most popular Animals found in the N. American Forests.
This is the most complete Forest Animals drawing tutorial book on the Internet and is your FREE with purchase.
Learn to draw animals like the North American Moose, Black Bear, Trout and many other Animals that live in the Forest.
Super Bonus: #3 How To Draw Zoo Animals
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How To Draw Zoo Animals brings together the most popular Zoo Animals we all love to see when visiting the Zoo.
We normally sell this book for $14.95 and you can purchase this individually, but I’m giving it to you for FREE as part of my entire collection.
Each Zoo animal can be drawn in 6 easy steps following a 1-6 step guide.
The most complete Zoo Animals drawing lessons book on the Internet.
Super Bonus: #4 How To Draw Ocean Animals
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How To Draw Ocean Animals was a really fun book to put together considering how many awesome Ocean Animals there are.
This book contains 50 of the most popular Ocean animals like the Blue Whale, Tiger Shark, Jelly Fish and we even added a Mermaid to make things a little more fun.
This book sells for $14.95 and you can purchase it separately but I’m giving it to you for FREE with purchase of the How To Draw 200 Animals Book.
This is the most complete Ocean Animals drawing lessons book on the Internet.
Yes! I want to download my copy of How To Draw Animals – Plus The 4 Bonus Books Now!
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I want to learn how to easily draw over 200 Animals using the step by step lessons in the book!
I also get a LifeTime Membership to any new books released in the future.
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Bonus #1 How To Draw Farm Animals
Bonus #2 How To Draw 50 Forest Animals
Bonus #3 How To Draw 50 Zoo Animals
Bonus #4 How To Draw 50 Ocean Animals
I understand that because I’m purchasing today I’ll receive the How To Draw Animals collection via instant download for the special price of $47 Now only $19.95!! (Until Oct 31, 2020) Includes access for life to any new book downloads. LifeTime Members – Login Here
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helloooo so i have more tags to do (as usual) soooo here is one that @lovelybenny​ (姐姐 ♥ 我愛你) tagged me in
Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Myers-Briggs: ESFP | ISFP | ESTP | ISTP | ESTJ | ISTJ | ESFJ | ISFJ | ENFJ | INFJ | ENFP | INFP | ENTP | INTP | ENTJ | INTJ (i legit just took the test now lmao i don’t really know how this works and oh my god i just looked down the list and i’m gonna be taking a lot of tests wow i don’t know anything about myself)
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthorne (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
Soul Type: Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil (gotta say i didn’t know this was from d&d and also i was wildly confused during this test lmao so idk if this one is v accurate)
The Animal In You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Rat | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22
Brain Lateralization Test: Left 64% | Right 38%
i’m not gonna tag anyone but if u feel like taking some personality tests then go for it xD
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nexttattoos-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://nexttattoos.com/tattoos-of-inspiring-and-creative-men.html
Tattoos of Inspiring and Creative Men
Do you want to know more about men’s tattoos? Then check out our article: The tattoo is a way to record permanently in your body, your own story, it is a decisive moment, meaningful conquest and even an act of love to a special person. In addition, through the chosen symbol, the individual expresses their identity, personality, style and personal taste. Nowadays, the art of marking the skin reaches numerous layers of society without any distinction. However, even so, it is configured in a mostly masculine redoubt – although the interest and popularity of the female public grows more and more. About male tattoosA tattoos of men require precise strokes, remarkable figures, precious textures, contrasting colors, in larger formats are among the preferences of the male audience. The most popular designs are precisely those that refer to the attributes of courage, strength, determination, persistence and power, such as, athletic animals, skulls, samurai, heroes in comics, anchors, dragons, crowns and angels. . Highlighting the tattoo is an inherent nickname – mainly because of its preference “dominant” figures that require large areas – that’s why the favorite places are still the backs, legs and arms. There are an infinity of models, designs, colors and formats to mark it under your skin. 150 male tattoos for you if you inspireConfy below our special selection with 150 creative and amazing male tattoos, and find the inspiration you need here:
New school tattoo
The queen of birds
Free, light and loose!
The cross symbolizes protection for those who wear it
Against envy and the evil eye
Two guys
Do something come from nothing
Triple of nails
The clock of life
A heart that cries for pure air
Two hearts and a love story
Hail, Jorge!
Man in box
Beautiful Indian full of ornaments in shades of gray
How to resist mario pixelated?
Black and white horse tattoo on the arm
Rotations of the solar system
Wild and black and white gorilla
What you see?
Colorful bat full of attitude!
Abducted by beings from another planet
The geometric figures are the right choices!
The tiger is synonymous with power, courage and cunning
I’m looking at you!
Secure all evil!
The struggle of life
My guide
The features of the mane of the lion make all the difference to the tattoo
Man’s Best Friend
Put your favorite musical instrument!
The joker is a paradoxical figure, from 8 or 80, all or nothing
Original, creative and full of style!
Fun and endearing
Gather several significant elements in a single tattoo
Noble samurai warrior
Old school tattoo
Each one in its square
The carp is an Asian fish and famous for its resistance and persistence
80 year old radio, full of style!
Innovate and believe without fear!
Try to live well and think that each one is, in and of itself, a life
Full contour tattoo of personality!
Amazing texture of the whale stamped on the arm
Put your favorite hero in the arm
The nautical star symbolizes luck, new paths and protection
The joystick of the ship in shades of gray on the leg
Realistic Geisha full of claw!
The hand of hamsã indicates protection and luck
He knows everything, he sees everything
Good luck!
Oh powerful majesty
Was born in the 80s? This tattoo is for you!
Powerful knife in shades of gray
Work well the geometric shapes and create your personalized fish!
The elephant expresses determination, wisdom and longevity
How about stamping your favorite sport?
The big bang
How about stamping the initial of your name on the arm?
The panther represents strength, independence and freedom
Declare your love to your partner at all times
Playboy rabbit
One of the most famous people in the world
Pizza lovers
The well-outlined outline leaves the powerful and remarkable shark
How to resist so much beauty?
Seize the day!
Tattoos with numerous elements in the chest, shoulder and arm
A beautiful pair of swallows in the hands
Birds in shades of gray
Symbol of intellectual perception
Free to fly
Black and white tattoo of trees on the leg
Mandala with differentiated textures on the arm
Beware that the panther is going to catch!
Negative and positive
The owl represents wisdom and intelligence
Enjoy the inner area of ​​your hand and set your favorite stage!
The most beloved villain in theaters and comics
Yin yang symbolizes the balance
Give a comic touch to your tattoo and get rid of it!
Classic and traditional dragon
Run or die
For lovers of the sea and surf
Manifest the power of your faith with Jesus Christ in your hand
Butterfly-sword in the back
Amazing texture of dog hairs
Guardian of the night
World traveler
Earn money!
He has the strength!
Samurai are synonymous with honor, loyalty and courage
The male version of the mastrioska
Black and white cross tattoo on the finger
Energetic, vibrant and full of style!
Fun, enigmatic and powerful!
For lovers of photography
The eagle combines perfectly in the pectoral
Admired with the northern lights
Vase with vibrant flowers, colorful and full of energy!
Attitude and personality does not lack!
Tattoo color filter dreams on the arm
The tattoo expresses your personality, that’s why, risk it without fear!
Innocent flower wrapped by a snake
Fox in watercolor tones
Like a wave in the sea
Human with robot features
Homer simpson in the Japanese version
Awesome realistic moon on the back
The feminine power stamped on the arm
A duo of noise in the pectoral
The shark is synonymous with audacity, power and courage
A jewel in the leg
I’m online
The Virgin Mary in shades of gray
How about stamping your self-portrait on your arm?
The pineapple is pop, use and abuse!
The beauty of the geisha hypnotizes
Manifest your passion for music!
Use and abuse creativity
Innovate and put your favorite scenario
Self-portrait in shades of gray on the leg
The elbow adapts perfectly to the stem of the flower
Burning the calories
A friendship test
Combine two elements in a single tattoo: the heart and the skull
Fish represents life, fertility and endurance
The labyrinth of life
The candle celebration
The dragon is an imposing, powerful and grandiose figure
The naughty bart simpson
Stimulus of desire, the pin-ups still impregnate the imagination of men
While I breathe, I will have hopes
Different hourglass
Realistic and remarkable elephant in the arm
Do you prefer a small, hidden tattoo? This model is ideal for you!
Charismatic crabs scattered on the arm
Guardian angel
Customize your Mexican skull!
Soft contours and watercolor tones give more lightness to tattoo
Skull and snake outline on the arm
0 notes
Tagged by: Stolen from the dash!
Tagging: people. u. everyone.
(Bold is Xeha, Italic is Ven)
ZODIAC SIGN: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
FOUR TEMPERAMENTS: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
CELTIC ZODIAC: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthorne (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
SOUL TYPE: Hunter (X- 15) (V- 10) | Caregiver (X- 1) (V- 16) | Creator (X- 7) (V- 19) | Thinker (X- 19) (V- 7) | Helper (X- 9) (V- 12) | Educator (X- 10) (V- 7) | Performer (X- 7) (V- 12) | Leader (X- 15) (V- 3) | Spiritualist (X- 8) (V- 14)
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor |  Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil
DARK TRIAD: Psychopathy (X-2.6) (V- 1.7) | Machiavellianism (X-3.6) (V- 1.8) | Narcissism (X-2.7) (V- 1.3)
THE ANIMAL IN YOU: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake | Rabbit
LIFE PATH NUMBER: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22  (69 oh my god)
ROSENBERG SELF ESTEEM SCALE: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
BRAIN LATERALIZATION TEST: Left (X- 56% V- 42%) | Right (X- 34% V- 64%)
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italicwatches · 6 years
Animal Sentai Zyuohger - Episode 35
Well I canceled plans today. I’m hoping that actually having some spine about shit works out in my favor, not against it. Anyways, it’s Animal Sentai Zyuohger, episode 35. Here we GO!
-PREVIOUSLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, Bunglay stole Yamato, which is bad.
-PRESENTLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, at the cabin, everyone is freaking out…And then Mario wakes up and where’s a Yamato? …It’s…Complicated. They claim he’s injured and off getting treatment, and Mario just accepts that way too easily…
-While in the abandoned factory, Bunglay has his Gorilla puppet take Yamato’s Symbol so he can make a little ransom call…A call that hits all of them very, very heavily. The terms are simple: Bring him his fucking whale or your friend dies.
-Episode 35: The Zyuohgers’ Final Day
-Back at the cabin, Tusk is the first one to admit that Bunglay probably won’t honor that agreement. So their only choice is to keep Cube Whale here, and go fight to snatch Yamato back…Which is when the window shatters?!
-Cube Whale pulled a runner to go save his partner. God dammit you proud, stubborn fish.
-Back in the abandoned factory, Bunglay openly admits that yeah he intends to fry the whole team when they arrive. And you’re gonna get to watch, Yamato! They’re all going to die because of their connection to you!
-While with the others, they manage to snatch Cube Whale out of the air with a fishing net. But Misao understands this poor guy’s emotions all too well…And so they’re all left with a core, singular question. Is it right to demand Cube Whale stay out of this, if they’re throwing themselves into the fray? Yamato would say they should do right by Cube Whale…
-…But Yamato would also say that to save a wounded animal, you have to go against its wishes sometimes. Their best shot at this is going to be all together, not by following Yamato’s self-sacrificial tendencies. All in? All in.
-To the valley where the meeting will take place, where Bunglay and Gorilla wait with Yamato in their grip…And the crew march up, as Bunglay demands they drop their Symbols. And your flashlight thing too, world boy! Now, his whale?
-Cube Whale is right there, and furious, wanting to scale up…As they try to demand Yamato first, but Bunglay’s got all the cards here. So, hesitantly, reluctantly, Amu has to make the approach with Cube Whale in hand… And as soon as he snatches the little guy out of her hands, Bunglay slaps Amu so hard she rolls all the way down the hill to the others!
-And then, of course, he reveals that he’s not giving them Yamato. Because of course that was the plan. And he’s got Kubar in his ship above, who sends down a blast into the valley! Did you enjoy the view, Yamato? Did you enjoy seeing all your friends die?!
-When the smoke clears, there’s nothing, not even ashes left, and Yamato screams as the anguish hits him…
-Which is about when Cube Mole drills out of the hillside, and the crew leap out! Cube Whale takes that moment to get big and smack Bunglay back! Cube Whale! That ship’s overhead! TAKE IT OUT! Cube Whale doesn’t need to be told twice, as he races into the sky…
-And Yamato needs several long seconds to realize they’re even still alive…While the others, oh, they’re pissed. You’ve used Yamato’s good heart against him far too much, Bunglay. They knew something was coming, and they prepared for it with Cube Mole’s help…And now? Now they’re going to make you bleed for this.
-Though before that, Yamato just breaks down into relieved tears, clinging to his dear and precious friends…The thought of losing them all, it…He…He doesn’t know what he’d do.
-But now…They stand together. Yamato rises, and know this, Bunglay. His friends, the people he loves, are UNDER PROTECTION! Instincts Awakened!!! WHALE! Animal Sentai, ZYUOHGER!
-The fight is on, as Bunglay calls up some stolen mooks…But with the team freshly motivated and fired up, these small-fry fall in droves! And as Gorilla charges in…Whale promptly leaves him to the others, because Bunglay is his! It doesn’t take much for them to shatter the phantom, while Cube Whale bombards Bunglay’s ship, forcing Kubar to escape…
-As Whale fights Bunglay with all his will, the two in a standstill…Until the others join him! Because they don’t fight alone…They are a pack, and they stand together! It’s (All) Beast(s) Unleashed as all their strength comes forth, and Whale is able to deliver a blow that sends Bunglay flying across the valley!
-Where he lands amidst roughage, and runs into Kubar…Who decides he’s done here, and cuts the man’s memory-reading hand right off. He even drops a Continue on the ground, giving Bunglay one last chance if he wants…Then, he’s gone, leaving Bunglay with nothing but rage.
-Rage that consumes him, as he mounts one of his blades on the stump, and the Zyuohgers find him…And oh, he’s going to kill them, and then Kubar too! You’ll all PAY! He unleashes a vicious wave of force…
-That Whale meets with a shot, knocking it out cold! You’re not leaving this time, Bunglay…ZYUOH FINAL! He racks up charge after charge, and the entire rest of the team steps in to lend their power, charging it all through that cannon…Into one overwhelming shot, the power of two worlds coursing through the cosmos, through land sky and sea, and finally tearing through Bunglay in a single overwhelming blast of force!
-A blast that he barely survives, just enough to devour that Continue token…If he’s going down, he’s taking them with him!
-And oh, Cube Whale wants to wreck this guy. So they’re going to ALL come together! Animal Kingdom Combination! EAGLE + SHARK + LION + ELEPHANT + TIGER + GORILLA + CROCODILE + WOLF + RHINO + WHALE! GIRAFFE + MOLE + BEAR + BAT! ALL TOGETHER!
-ONE TWO THREE FOUR! FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT! NINE TEN! Lock lock lock, and WILD TOUSAI DODEKA KING! Wild Tousai Dodeka King, ready! They stand, as, one! The fight is on, and like all introduction fights, this mech just marches through everything Bunglay can throw at it…! The very ground shudders with every step they make, the Earth itself rippling with will and might!
-And all their power, all the will of the Earth, comes together…Charging through this very long-named mech…Forming into the ZYUOH DODEKA SHOT! A blast that cuts right into Bunglay’s chest, shredding his armor…But now, for the true end! The infinite power of their bonds come together, in the ZYUOH DODEKA DYNAMITE STREAM! And under a barrage of strikes from countless Cube Animals, Bunglay finally falls for the last time.
-In the aftermath, most of the crew is all fired up…But Yamato, Yamato can only think of how close he came to losing them all. And how grateful he is, that they’re still here. He, he thought he’d lost them, that it was all his fault…Bunglay had gotten into his head. But you all…You all saved him. In more ways than you can ever know.
-Never regret this, Yamato. You’re their friend, and that’s something to celebrate. So never regret this connection, ever again.
-Credits! …You get a bit more wild! The Zyuohgers are the champs of getting into it! So join with us and da-da-da-dance!
Okay, that was pretty damn good. The mecha fight was a bit weak, but the character beats and even a lot of the fight choreography was really solid. That’s the kind of episode that makes Super Sentai worth watching. We’ll just have to see if they can keep up the rhythm next time, in episode THIRTY SIX of Animal Sentai Zyuohger! Wait for it!
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