#lego classic town
bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20230105: today’s rebuild was 6390: Main Street with 528 pieces from 1980. this seems like it should have been a very simple build but one of the issues I continue to have with older sets is matching the BrickLink inventory with the actual instructions. some of the older sets such as this one often included extra parts which would be used for some of the alternate builds located either later in the instructions or on the back of the box. this box is also very interesting, as it came with three large plastic sorting bins inside the box itself. there are stickers with this set, including a large 2x14 yellow sticker with blue “Legoland Hotel” text, a yellow steering wheel, and a white sticker with a yellow car, as well as a white flag with a yellow and blue “Legoland Hotel” sticker I could not find in my spare parts bins. Lego OSHA: poor, poor blue worker. once placed in the crane to move the construction materials including the next blue all and eventually the last wall and roof, the blue worker’s only option to exit the crane was to jump, as the crane contains zero control mechanisms and no ability to move up or down. safety experts suggest the blue worker climbed into the crane cab alone, as there are no witnesses. additionally, the other members of the main street found no methods of getting to the second floor of either building, except to have the blue worker use the crane to haul them up and down. the crane, however, has to be operated by a secondary person on the ground in order to move up and down and this caused some problems when the gold necklace person “accidentally” dropped the black cowboy hat person. the police officer was not paying attention (and didn’t really like the black cowboy hat person anyway, but internal affairs doesn’t need to know about that). the popcorn chef doesn’t care about any of the drama and just wants to sell popcorn to the other blue shirt worker and the red shirt workers. though, it’s a good thing the red shirt workers here aren’t as expendable as they might be in other fandoms ;-P
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short-wooloo · 1 year
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LEGO Classic Castle: Nightly transport in the wizard-kings part of the capital town observed by ninjago Easterlings Loyal to Prince Albert the Mage-Kings ally and adversary (AFOL Hobby MOC of medieval character wit minifigures scene of city) Pic Img Photo
LEGO Classic Castle: Nightly transport in the wizard-kings part of the capital town observed by ninjago Easterlings Loyal to Prince Albert the Mage-Kings ally and adversary (AFOL Hobby MOC of medieval character wit minifigures scene of city) Pic Img Photo by Danny Hennesy Via Flickr: it is night in the divided and soon to be besieged capital city... First a lonely owl hoots its night-hoots: Ho-hooo! Hoot-hoot, hoo-hoo, hooter hoot, hot hooters hoo-hoo- hoot... Then if you have really acute hearing you can hear two easterlings in suits sneak a silents as only trained ninjas can across the roofs, these clandestine soldiers communicate with sign-language so they can´t be overheard while on mission... but actually the wouldn´t need to be this silent since soon a very loud hunt and by two dogs chasing a cat across the square in front of the old parliament building where the Wizard-King have his base in the divided capital... it is also here the two assassins and spies stop and hide behind two flags above the parliament gate... Now in the middle of the night a human voice with a foreign accent is heard: - Flesh lotten fish! Flesh lotten fish, come and buy some extla cheap lotten fish, half the plize I take... Only half a fish for half a lotten Gloat or pelaps a whole fol a gold coin, vely cheap!!! it is the Fishmongrel trying to sell some of his surplus fish on the black-market dead at nigh... nothing rare or odd with that! That is just an ordinary day in this city, neither is the woman who´s still up expecting a shady night costumer, but her costumer was scared away by the next thing happening on this square, a miners wagon pulled by a drought horse and a small rickshaw-like pull-wagon arrives, both loaded with the rare power crystals the Wizard-King Need so desperate... then out of thin air black falcon troops rush out of the old building like armor clad ants the take their positions, then follow a troika of Slavic elite Guards and finally the crowned Wizard-King Himself!!! the following conversation follows: - (Wiz-king) Good Lads, very well done, how many kilos are there? - (Lorry driver) Exalted king out of king and mage out of mages, I think we have collected about the weight of 25 standard men, a fortune, one of our miners died when the cave caved in, when we dug him up he was already dead as squashed tomato! - (Wiz-King) oh, how sad to here that you lost a coworker, he will be added to our holy list of heroes when the siege and civil war is over... - (Lorry Driver) No, worries, his widow will get 50% of his share of the gold we will be payed for these crystals... - (Wiz-King) Gold, eah, well, I will pay you after the siege and after our glorious side have won the civil war.... - (Lorry Driver): Hey No way, you promised us gold straight away, isn´t that right Turnip and Molelander... The two other miners nod! - (Lorry Driver): if you don´t want to pay perhaps Prince Albert will!!! the Wizard-Kings eyes turn even darker than they were before then he screams: - (Wiz-king): Traitors I knew it, Guards seize the nasty traitors and confiscate their transports and and all of their belongings, put them in the prison dungeon together with the worst criminals.. the guards and soldiers carry out their masters bidding! the shadowy figures above use sign language to say: We have enough information, let´s head back to the palace to inform the Prince!!!
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jayselegy · 1 year
I have to fly back to Colorado, and I have bought *six* new books and a pack of tarot cards. I need to stop going into bookstores
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usacounselingcredit · 2 years
Classic Town / Post Office | Brickset: LEGO set guide and database
POST001: Post Office - Black Legs, Black Hat · post001 Town Classic Town / Post Office 1982. Appears In: 6 sets; Appears in themes ... January 10, 2023 at 12:08AM Hammond Louisiana Ukiah California Dike Iowa Maryville Missouri Secretary Maryland Winchester Illinois Kinsey Alabama Edmundson Missouri Stevens Village Alaska Haymarket Virginia Newington Virginia Edwards Missouri https://unitedstatesvirtualmail.blogspot.com/2023/01/classic-town-post-office-brickset-lego.html January 10, 2023 at 06:04AM Gruver Texas Glens Fork Kentucky Fork South Carolina Astoria Oregon Lac La Belle Wisconsin Pomfret Center Connecticut Nason Illinois Roan Mountain Tennessee https://coloradovirtualmail.blogspot.com/2023/01/classic-town-post-office-brickset-lego.html January 10, 2023 at 08:41AM from https://youtu.be/GuUaaPaTlyY January 10, 2023 at 08:47AM
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boydepartment · 10 months
yk how sunghoon said he didn’t have much friends when he was younger? imagine his gf healing his inner child, playing childhood games that required more than one player (foul i know i’m sorry😭)
EUSBDJD SJ D GELP honestly real
i think it’d be cool to introduce him to like the lego games where you can have 2 players. sometimes it’s irritating with split screen but working together would be so fun. especially if you decide to goof off a bit during it. def really likes lego marvel super heroes that was released in 2013, he likes playing as the hulk and completing the missions around the city with you.
OR LIKE THE WII SPORTS BOXING WITH HIM THAT WOULD HE SUPER FUNNY. sunghoon would DEF forget to put the strap on which leads to something in the living room shattering but no one needs to know it was him.
i’m even thinking like PC games too, like wizard 101 you can play by yourself but it’s way more fun with other people. especially if he decided to teleport to you so he can help you with the card battles.
i think toon town would freak him out tho
mario kart is a classic to play with other ppl but i think super mario 3D world would peak sunghoon’s interests a little more bc he can help you in that game. once you introduce him to games like this he always wants to work with you
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anon i wish i could give you more outdoor games but tbh i am in the same position as sunghoon here
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squadmuse · 5 months
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Accessories: do they wear them and what kind?
Aaron likes ties, but other than that he doesn’t wear much in the way of accessories other than his briefcase which he carries for work.
Bad habits: do they have any?
Aaron is a workaholic and has really unpredictable work hours that mean he isn’t always around much or available.
Clothing: what's their style and what do they wear at home/out and about?
Aaron usually wears a business suit for work but he wears casual clothes when off duty such as polo shirts, jeans and trainers.
Date: what would their ideal first date look like? Do they enjoy datenights when in a relationship?
Aaron would definitely take you out to dinner, granted he wasn’t called out to a case. He wouldn’t introduce you to Jack right away and after you’re in a serious relationship, having met Jack & maybe even married, Aaron would spoil you to different things for date nights.
Emotional: are they an emotional person?
Aaron has seen a lot with his work and can compartmentalise his emotions but he doesn’t hide them from you or Jack and any other children he has with you. Some might think he’s unemotional but he feels so much.
Fears: what are they afraid of?
Aaron is afraid of losing you and Jack and any other children. He’s already lost Haley, and he’s afraid of driving you off like he did with Haley once upon a time.
Gifts: what makes them happy?
Aaron is a simple man with simple pleasures. He is happy seeing you and Jack and any other children he has with you, happy. He loves handmade gifts from Jack and any other children.
Helpful: do they help others, or are they rather selfish?
Aaron is very humble and thoughtful, he does acts of service and helps as much as he can whoever it is.
Insecure: do they have any insecurities?
Aaron is insecure about his presence at home as he’s away from home a lot due to different cases and working long hours. He’s insecure about himself being a potential threat to you and you being targeted by an unsub.
Jealous: are they of jealous nature?
Aaron isn’t a jealous guy.
Kitchen: can they cook? Do they have a signature dish?
Aaron is a decent cook. He can make a good breakfast, lunch and dinner but he isn’t as good a baker. He gets an easy enough pasta recipe off Dave and it becomes his signature recipe to make for you.
Laugh: what makes them laugh?
Aaron laughs at the happiness of you, Jack and any other children you have. He loves seeing you laugh and being carefree. He also loves classic comedy like Chaplin and he has a great love of different comedy genres.
Morning routine: what are they like in the morning?
Aaron gets up, has a quick shower and then gets dressed before waking Jack up while you shower and dress. He gets Jack washed and ready before meeting you in the kitchen where you’re fixing breakfast for the three of you usually.
Night routine: how do they unwind before going to bed?
Aaron will tuck Jack into bed and do their nightly candle connection chat with Haley while you tidy up the house and get ready for bed yourself. Aaron will then comes to bed where the two of you chat a bit and sometimes watch a movie or read a book together.
Occupy: what does their home look like?
Aaron has a tidy home and it has signs of warmth, family and love with pictures of him, you and Jack and any other children you have together. Children’s toys are sometimes scattered, the odd Lego lying on the ground unseen.
Pet peeve: what are things they absolutely can't stand?
Aaron can’t stand disloyalty or people not accepting their commitments or stepping up. He also can’t stand arrogance and bullying.
Quirky: what's their quirky trait?
Aaron collects fridge magnets from each city or town or state he visits. It helps him remember that there is more to the place than the unsub.
Relax: are they easily stressed out or do they go with the flow?
Aaron has a high stress job but he isn’t stressed out by it or show it. He has learned to deal with it by now.
Spontaneous: are they?
Aaron is quite spontaneous due to his job being unpredictable and whenever he has free time or no cases happening then he will whisk you or you & Jack off to somewhere or something.
Truthful: how much of the truth do they tell others?
Aaron doesn’t talk about his cases and will gloss over them. But he is genuinely a truthful guy and values honesty and transparency and integrity.
Upset: are they upset easily? And what upsets them?
Aaron again has seen a lot of horrific things happen within his career and doesn’t let his emotions show then but he lets his emotions show when around you, Jack and any other children you have together. He gets upset thinking about losing any of you or any of his team.
Vain: how vain are they?
Aaron isn’t the most vain. He works out, likes being fit and healthy and wears nice suits with his hair trimmed neatly.
Work: what kind of job do they have/would they like?
Aaron is a profiler and ex-attorney. But he wishes his job would let him be home more often.
X-factor: do they have a talent for something?
Aaron has a talent for reading people due to his job but he also has a talent for acting to an extent due to his past.
Yield: how easily do they give in to something/someone?
Aaron can be somewhat unyielding.
Zealous: what are they enthusiastic and passionate about?
Aaron is passionate about his family and about his job.
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silviakundera · 5 months
My Stand In novel spoilers past ep 1-2 timeframe
//late stage novel spoilers//
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//late stage novel spoilers//
//late stage novel spoilers//
omg I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS cause I got to chapters 30-39 and boyyyyyyyy
first I'd like to congratulate ZhouXiang aka Joe for finally breaking up with Ming once he figured out the whole deal about being a substitute and Ming couldn't even concede to having some romantic love for him.
second I'd like all other involved parties (Director, Dong/Tong, Ming) to step on spiked legos tipped in hot sauce while being chased by swarms of bees. seems very fair & equitable to me.
third, I can't even blame ZhouXiang/Joe for taking that documentary gig, even knowing how that shit ends. Leave town, leave the industry, go abroad AND PUT AN OCEAN BETWEEN YOU
ming is just TOO MUCH. like, this man is not an object, he's a whole person??? headline: poor people without status actually have their own aspirations & rights. crazy if true.
this is some irreconcilable shit - I feel like I'm in one of those classic cdrama tragedies with female lead declaring on her deathbed, let's not meet again, all I ask is not to know you in my next lives asdfghjkl
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chaerypop · 2 years
valentine's day with txt
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txt x gn! reader
a/n: SORRY FOR TEASING THIS LOWKEY but it makes sense because valentines day is in february so take that. also im so extremely sorry for how long it took me to write this I WAS TRULY STRUGGLING!!!!! it took me litcherally saur long to think of something for soobin and i just kind of gave up, so his is kinda bad 😓😓😓
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YEONJUN's classic with it. he gets you a bouquet of flowers, your favorite candies, and takes you to a romantic dinner. he's extremely sweet the whole day too, constantly telling you how much he loves you and reminiscenes on his favorite moments with you. perpare for extra cheesiness though, he'll try to be as charming as he can for you.
SOOBIN would take you shopping. taking a stroll around town, picking up and showing you things he thinks you would like. by the end of it, you two would be walking hand in hand with like 2 bags of clothes and gifts.
BEOMGYU would suprise you. sneaking around the whole day, keeping you occupied with your friends, probably giggling to himself too. at the end of the day, he comes to steal you away from your friends, and brings you home. the table has a white cloth over it, with candles, a red rose in the middle, and your favorite food on either side.
TAEHYUN would handmake you a gift <33 maybe one of those roll up love letters that are like 3 pages long. in his off time, you'd see him sitting as his desk, scribbling on a piece of paper. he'd block you from reading it as to not ruin the suprise.
KAI would be kind of lowkey. he gets you your favorite takeout food, you both wear matching pajamas, and watch your favorite movies together. or maybe do that one lego bouquet with you. he wouldn't go all out like yeonjun or beomgyu, but he'd definitely spend the whole day with you.
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© chaerypop 2023. do not modify or repost. feedback/reblogs are highly appreciated!
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this rambling is brought to you by adderall and a long car ride ™️ if i was gonna spend time with ateez just like casually this is what i'd want to do- 'star what started this ?' asked nobody but i'll tell anyways :
the song hoochie mama started playing and
MINGI, i am introducing that man to Hoochie Mama and Scrub Da Ground, we will be shmoking and making tiktok's that will never see the light of day until we wear ourselves out and pass out on the floor with a gerbil we somehow acquired
YUNHO, teach me how to play games that aren't plants vs zombies and super mario bros please and thx i'll give you a shoulder rub in return 🙏 he can play on my nintendo DS while i snuggle in his lap omg i just fainted
SEONGHWA, IM PLAYING WITH THIS MANS HAIR. self care and legos. is it predictable ? yeah but it's real asf that's why. i feel like puzzles too, but i would get bored after doing the border and end up koala hugging onto his back while he finished it
YEOSANG my buff fairy boy, i will work out with him no matter what KQ has to say abt it 🙄 i can teach him wrestling moves and nibble on his arms- WOAH WHO SAID THAT OMG
i want to watch classic comedies or cult classics with JONGHO, i had a dream once of watching Little Shop of Horrors with him and it's happening !!! i don't care what y'all say this man has an elite sense of humor and would be cracking jokes until our bellys hurt from laughing
buff fairy boy #2, SAN, he looks so fucking comfy i just wanna face plant into him and stay there fr. cuddles. he can even name one of my plushies 🙂‍↕️ i feel like he would also be good to talk about childhood memories and just reminisce
me and WOOYOUNG in one room would result in chaos no matter what we planned on doing so i'd say just hanging out. my gf says that me and wooyo are very similar and GURL... i won't go into details but we'd be having a sass-off until hongjoong had to break it up and then we'd sass some more cause we liked it 😓 we can cook together and fill the place with our witch laughs
SPEAKING OF HONGJOONG OMG HEY HUUUUUUSBAND LET ME RANT FOR A HOT MIN. he's so kewl i think i would simply just sit and watch him do whatever and be over the moon but more specifically i want to make a short film with him. both of us are very creative and i feel like it would be so much fun even if it was never posted anywhere. and holy shit the amount of times i've imagined listening to Preachers Daughter by Ethel Cain with him and letting him hold me while i cry and then he writes a song about it and we get married and have babies OMG WHO IS SAYING THAAAAAG 😦😦 we can get a home in nebraska at the edge of town and dance with the windows open (ethel cain reference anyone ? she's my favorite artist besides ateez) anywhoooo
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AVALON - "Hermes Station" Trading Outpost
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"Welcome to Avalon, the new frontier!
Hermes Station is a trading outpost set up by the Interplanetary Trading Conglomerate and the last stop before the vast dune valleys of the Pluton Desert. It's teeming with exhausted spaceship pilots, local settlers and wandering traders, each looking for their next bargain."
This is my second larger structure-based model I‘ve completed in 2023. From the ideas' inception to completed photography, I worked for about four weeks on it.
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It’s set in the fictional world of "Avalon", more of a loose background created by me for this and any future builds rather than a fully planned out universe. My main inspiration was the "Edena" cycle by Jean Giraud "Moebius", other inspirations include: Real world oriental architecture, Star Wars' Tatooine, classic Lego Town, and other bits and pieces that I enjoy.
Play features include: Removable domes on both towers, removable second story on the tall tower, a back wall that can swing open, and a full interior.
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20230122: the next classic rebuild is (surprise!) yet another fire fighting set! yay! I like the design on yesterday’s 6385 better than this one, but to be fair 6382: Fire Station with 368 pieces from 1980 was released before yesterday’s build. I like the fire trucks for this set better than the fire trucks for 6285, especially with the panels of stickers designed to look like buttons and control panels, but I liked the build experience from 6385 better than for 6382. I think combining the two of them would be the best way to make a really fun fire station, with the entryway desk from this set (6382) plus the large second floor control desk from 6385 would be really great :)
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seven-pillows · 29 days
hi woow i have a lego ask if u feel like answering one: which lego sets do u have and what are ur faves if any? and what other sets do u want to get besides the pegasus? the unicorn is soo cuute btw!!
hi yay thank you for giving me an opportunity to yap 😈 putting all this below the cut because i couldn't help myself. here are all the sets i own in the order i got them + my thoughts on them
1) 10281 Bonsai Tree
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this was given to me for my birthday last year! i think this set has become an instant classic, it's such a nice looking display piece. i put it on the windowsill in my staircase which was very silly because when it gets knocked over, those loose studs go EVERYWHERE 😭
2) 31140 3-in-1 Magical Unicorn
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this is my favourite set ever i love it so much! i impulse bought it in a bookshop one day because it has a seahorse and is rainbow, two of my favourite things. i've definitely gotten my money's worth with how many times i've built and rebuilt the different models. plus, on Rebrickable, there are so many custom models people have made out of these pieces! i've turned it into a rhino, a boat and a helicopter from other people's instructions. love that website.
fun fact, an hour or two after i bought this (this was before i even really started getting into lego) they released the first teaser for the Animal Crossing lego sets. the way i manifested that?
3) 21340 Tales of the Space Age
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this was a christmas gift! i think it's really pretty and i love how you can change the constellation in the third one. that being said, it just feels a bit silly to have a set be so 2D like this? this could have been an art print.
4) 77050 Nook's Cranny & Rosie's House
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i got this one in March! when the AC sets were announced i vowed to get all of them no matter what. i have not done this because they are very expensive for what they are and i don't love them as much as i wanted to... the minifigs are perfect but i think the way that everything is on its own little squircle base looks a bit messy. that being said, as someone who grew up loving Animal Crossing but never had any merch because it was still pretty niche, my inner child was very happy building this set :) i really enjoy how you can change the layout of the furniture in the house and all the individual outdoor pieces.
4a/4b) 30662 Maple's Pumpkin Garden and 30635 Beach Cleanup
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these two little sets came for free with the previous one! the Animal Crossing one is cute, kinda whatever though. it's pretty much just an add-on to the main sets. love Maple ❤️
the Friends one though? i held off on building it so i could have it to cheer me up some day i was feeling low. when i finally did build it i fell in love with it! it's just really colourful and cutesy. my first job was actually litter picking by the seaside so it's so bizarre and coincidental that i ended up with this. i've attached this set beside Rosie's house to try and incorporate it into my little Animal Crossing town. i guess Aliya is the player? Pascal looks different though 🧐
i will say though that this set does feel very greenwashy. i follow some sea glass collectors on instagram and they're always finding lego bricks washed up on the shore... i can't really talk because i'm out here buying their products but i do feel a bit guilty sometimes. but also life is short and i'm just trying to be happy. idk. surprise ethical discourse 🤩
Sets I want
i've ordered a few more Animal Crossing sets, namely Dodo Airlines and the Town Hall, because i want to have a little Animal Crossing town (and also just so i could get that damn pegasus 😑). i am also really looking into Lego Friends because i think they have some beautiful and interesting buildings in that theme, and the commitment to inclusion and representation just feels really nice. but yeah. stay tuned for more unwise financial decisions
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mushiver · 9 months
I haven't been a movie nerd even ONCE on this account. Here's my top 10 movies in 2023
1. The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
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Can't go wrong here. There's fantasy, action scenes, friendship, romance, badass dialogue, comedy. There's refreshing masculinity where men are close friends, fight for each other, die for each other, kiss each other on the forehead, sing, etc. The Aragorn Arwen romance is sweet and isn't overblown, and the main theme is to fight for good. If you're tired of anti-heroes and want a clean good vs. evil, this is it. The downside is not having poc representation and only 3 important women, but they are extremely awesome and play pivotal roles. If you've heard about LOTR for forever but never actually seen it, here's your sign.
2. The Lego Movie
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This movie sells itself, but I have seen it maybe. 40 times. And I could quote it from start to end as a kid. It's funny, has crossover characters along with the main ones (like Batman, Superman, Gandalf, Abraham Lincoln, Han Solo), lots of references, and the main message is that you're special in your own way. It's very autism coded, I think
3. Jaws
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Classic man vs. monster, and it's great if you don't watch thrillers and need something "dip your toes in." While the majority of the town goes all rambo trying to kill the shark, the main characters are the opposite. The chief of police is ultimately empathetic and wants to stop more people from being hurt, Matt Hooper is a shark expert "city boy" coming along, and Quint has a boat that needs to be bigger
4. My Cousin Vinny
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Vinny is a lawyer taking a case to prove his cousin didn't murder a clerk, but he's the worst lawyer in existence. He forgot everything he learned in law school, can't stop wearing a leather jacket to court, and his fiancée saves him most times. It has some of the most quotable lines and 10/10 I recommend to Alabamans for the southern jokes
5. Knives Out
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A modern "whodunit" mystery that shines the most because it's a comedy. The main character Marta is the only one who thinks she knows what happened, but she pukes every time she tells a lie. Benoit Blanc is also the most iconic detective to me and one of my favorite characters ever
6. Tommy Boy
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This has a very similar tone to My Cousin Vinny, but it's a road trip movie. After Tommy's dad dies, he and Richard (a jerk coworker) try to sell autoparts to save his company. They're the worst salesmen in existence, but ultimately are creative and pull some shenanigans (Tommy and Richard go from rivals to buddies). It's from the 90s and not very chill with the r-slur and some fat jokes, but it's ultimately a feel-good movie if that isn't a dealbreaker for you
7. Jurassic Park
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Like Jaws, another classic pop culture movie. The score is so good, and they make a world full of dinosaurs have the same magic feel as the wizarding world. It's an adventure movie with great action scenes and characters. (This is a trope I love personally but) Alan Grant is a grump who doesn't like kids, but later he looks after them. Ellie Sattler is one of my favorite characters ever, and Jeff Goldblum lays on a table. Survival movies are fun 10/10
8. Joker (2019)
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DROOLING OVER THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. It's such a well-made movie, and you never know entirely what's real with unreliable narrating. It makes you feel for Arthur and understand his actions while knowing he made the wrong decisions in the end. Some think it's negative for mental health representation, but it can be used as a cautionary tale for the ways mentally ill people are mistreated and how the events that led to the start of the film weren't his fault. Ultimately, I think it inspires more empathy, and it's a piece of art
9. Signs
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I'm a sucker for the "everything makes sense in the end" trope. A lot of people didn't like the combo of two supernaturals (the existence of God and aliens), but I don't think it ruins the movie. It centers around a family struggling with the death of their mother (or sister or wife, depending on the character), and the ex-priest dad had lost connection with his faith. He happens to find it again because of an alien invasion. Normal Tuesday
10. Arsenic and Old Lace
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From 1944, it's a weird movie and the acting is iconic. Mortimer is trying to get to his honeymoon, but when he visits his aunts, he finds a dead body in the house. It's a comedy involving shenanigans, avoiding the police, and an uncle who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt. (It's a bit outdated as far as mental illness goes, but Mortimer's goal is to put his family in the care of a mental institution rather than shipping them off or telling the police.) As a drama queen, I also appreciate Cary Grant being a drama queen
10 honorable mentions: Lego Batman, Napoleon Dynamite, The Goofy Movie, Clue, Psycho, Marriage Story, Into the Spiderverse, Avengers Endgame, Dead Poets Society, Muder on the Orient Express. Swag thanks for reading
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fanonical · 2 years
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behind the second door we find an array of gifts that split down into three Things. firstly, what we must assume is a cassette tape (presumably of the “awesome mix” variety) though the teeny-tiny build is kind of hard to discern. i guess it’s a cassette + walkman? but it’s made of like five pieces so it’s really limited. idk, unless this fits with something later i think it’s kinda lame. i like that the “button” is orange like the classic walkman in the movie though.
secondly, we have a run of the mill lego present box. it’s fine. i like the star, that’s a nice touch. the orangey-yellowy is kinda garish but it fits in with the marvel theme
thirdly, we have what… i guess is a pair of headphones? your guess is as good as mine, pals. the circular element is not attached to the other piece by the way, i just… put them there, like in the picture. they’re supposed to be in the lego present according to the instructions but i needed you guys to see how weird they are. like, i would just put the headphones piece in? no circle? i don’t know man am i missing something really obvious here?
sorry to get negative fast, but 3/10 unless this fits in with something else tomorrow. the cassette tape piece is cool, that’s the three points. it doesn’t even attach to Star-Lord’s waist or anything, man that’s totally what i would do. if i ran this town there’d be a piece between Star-Lord’s torso and legs where you could attach the walkman to it. there lego. i fixed your advent calendar.
still better than harry fucking potter though
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karaloza · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Castle Town
Before I jump in, I want to issue a disclaimer of sorts. These maps are going to get more elaborate from here on out, but I gotta be honest--I have no experience with architecture, or construction, or cartography, or even model building (unless you count LEGO sets). These are not intended to be accurate schematics, more like an idea about what could be included in a Zelda theme park and how it might all fit together. I have no idea to what extent any of this would be physically feasible IRL; at the bare minimum I probably have the scaling wrong on a lot of things.
Cool? Cool.
As guests move along the walkway at the back of the Welcome Plaza, the noncommittal park ambience is gradually overtaken by facades of old-fashioned half-timber houses, and then masonry castle walls. Finally they arrive at a grand archway with ornate double gates flung open to welcome visitors. Atop the archway sits a picturesque train station, and beyond it is a bustling medieval(-ish) market square of cobblestones, storefronts, gaming booths, and more. In the center is a large marble fountain bearing a sculpture of the Triforce, and on the far side of the square, opposite the entry point, is Hyrule Castle at the end of an avenue lined with trees and statuary. To the right of the castle from the point of view as you enter the area, a cathedral-like structure can be seen rising behind the rooftops.
Castle Town, besides having plenty to do in its own right, serves as the "hub" area of the theme park, with walkways leading directly to three of the other areas (besides the Welcome Plaza) and indirect paths to the others via a ride.
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Spirit Train Grand Central Station: The Spirit Train is a handy and scenic way to get around the theme park, encircling the central portions on an elevated track, with several stops along the route. Some of the sights in Hyrule can only be seen from aboard the train!
Carnival Games: Most of the central portion of Market Square is occupied by game booths, evoking the numerous “mini-games” found in most LoZ titles. The games themselves are of fairly standard types, but the paraphernalia are all themed like items from the franchise—as just one example, instead of throwing a mere baseball at a target, you throw a “Cucco” (even if it is just a baseball with a chicken face and wings printed on it). Rather than paying cash to play, guests pay “rupees” from a debit card they can get from a vending machine, and the more you put on the card, the more bang for your buck you get—say, five dollars gets you 100 rupees, but twenty gets you 500, and higher amounts net further price breaks. The games themselves cost anywhere from 25 to 100 rupees per play. Prizes are the usual small plush toys and cheap trinkets you would expect, but you can bank wins on your “rupee wallet” card and redeem them for better things if you so choose.
Link and Zelda Meet-and-Greet: What theme park would be complete without an opportunity to meet the star characters? The Hero Link and Princess Zelda can be found in dedicated meet-and-greet spaces on the ground floor of Hyrule Castle. Both characters have undergone many design changes over the course of the series, but by default they appear in something close to their classic, iconic looks. Link gets his green tunic and stocking cap, white leggings, and brown leather arm guards, with a bright but not glaring color palette and more fine detailing than most video game hardware can consistently render. Zelda’s look varies a lot more from game to game, but common features include a white underdress and pink or mauve pinafore-like outer layer with gold embroidery, as well as long blond hair and a distinctive tiara. The objective is to present the theme park itself as an installment in the franchise, with its own story (that you, the guest, create as you go) and details, and its own incarnations of the Hero and the Princess.
Hyrule Castle Gardens: Across from the meet-and-greet spaces, archways lead out into a peaceful courtyard space of flower beds, benches, fountains, and topiary sculptures of familiar creatures from the games. This attraction serves the vital function of relaxation, giving guests an opportunity to take a load off for a while in a tranquil setting.
Temple of Time Theatre: In the back corner of Castle Town, alongside one of the walkways leading to Death Mountain, is a sizable performance venue. The daytime program consists of 30- to 45-minute plays recapping the plots of actual games, both for entertainment and so non-fans can get some idea of what the big deal is. “Here at the Temple of Time, we can see all across the history of Hyrule and beyond and tell you the legends as they actually happened!” In the evenings, some of the seating area is converted into a dance floor and the plays are traded for mini-concerts by local folk rock bands (and of course, each set includes a cover of at least one iconic LoZ score piece).
6. Pictobox Shop: If you got your picture taken by a park employee near the main entrance, you can swing by here later in the day to buy prints, perhaps in a nice souvenir frame, or installed in a commemorative keychain.
7. Curiosity Shop: The one in Clock Town may be an outlet for goods of shady provenance, but here, it sells a variety of interesting knickknacks and curios, all guaranteed to be above board.
8. Coro's Lantern and Oil Shop: This cozy shop offers a selection of wax and LED candles, oil lamps and fuel, scented oil diffusers, and even a unique line of Legend of Zelda-inspired scented soy wax jar candles.
9. Enchanted Kingdom Treasures: Another knickknack shop, this one more targeted to fantasy fans. Some of the items here, from dragon figurines to sword-shaped letter openers, are LoZ-branded, while others are more generic.
10. S*T*A*R*S: Inspired by a minigame in Twilight Princess, this dimly lit tent sells a number of light-up souvenirs, laser-cut crystal sculptures with LED-illuminated stands, and similar tchotchkes.
11. Madame Couture's: Hytopia's #1 couturier has her own shop branch here, where guests can buy anything from a simple souvenir tee-shirt to a luxurious fantasy gown, and much, much more!
12. Happy Mask Shop: Named for the innocuous shop in Ocarina of Time that became the founding premise for an entire sequel game, this shop sells licensed masks, hats, and other costume pieces to enhance each guest's heroic adventure.
13. Badge Market: A shop to buy and trade collectible pins, based on the one of the same name in in Hyrule Warriors. Rather than the endless rows of character images one might expect, pin designs in this theme park focus on iconic emblems from the game franchise, such as the royal crest, symbols of the different peoples of Hyrule, medallions and shields, etc.
14. Food Stalls: Interspersed among the game booths in the central portion of the square are booths selling the kind of quick bites you can find at carnivals and farmer's markets.
15. Potion Hut: A juice and smoothie bar/service counter. Choose from among a wide array of bottled beverages—from common soda brands, water, juice, tea, etc. to unique blends labeled as “health potions,” “energy elixirs,” and other in-universe concepts—or have your own favorite mix made to order!
16. Stock Pot Inn: A buffet restaurant with a menu of hearty soups and stews and flavorful salads.
17. Royal Banquet Hall: An elegant table-service restaurant located on the upper level of Hyrule Castle. It's pricey and requires a reservation, but it's worth it for the Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom-inspired menu served in a regally appointed dining room with spectacular window and balcony views of the park. The interior décor features tapestries, paintings, and stained-glass windows depicting iconic LoZ scenes rendered in genuine medieval and Renaissance art styles.
After dusk, the Triforce fountain in the center of the area puts on a little light show every 15 minutes.
Paths to the other themed areas in the park can be found in the side alleys encircling Market Square, but that's not the only reason to explore them! They contain many secrets, some of which are related to the phone app-based minigames.
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