#len'en incorrect quotes
incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Mitori: And there I was, at 21, broken that I'd never hear my sibling laugh again. I held their limp hand, my eyes playing cruel tricks as I swore I saw them breathe. In that moment, all I could think about was the lava cake we'd bake together. For this recipe, you'll need a double boiler.
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toa-arania · 1 year
Incorrect quotes are fun
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Made with this generator https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/
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Jianliang, staring at a drawing of floating disembodied heads: By the way, haven't I seen this style somewhere before?
Terriermon: Don't worry about it, yukkuri shite itt—
Jianliang: LET'S GET ON WITH IT.
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friendshapedplant · 3 years
Tenkai: You're making me claustrophobic!
Sese: What does claustrophobic mean?
Sukune: It meansh they're 'fraid of Clause, gyah.
Sese: ...Oh well, 'tis something that cannot be helped, I suppose. “Fear” is too much of a “carnal” “emotion”—
Sukune: Stop, Sese! Yer scarin' them, gyah!
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Lily: “Maybe Sakura’s actually a big idiot or something~?”
Sakura: “I do indeed consider myself an idiot.”
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kira-moonrabbit · 4 years
gathered up some incorrect quotes from my stash. if you recognize any of them as being from a source of media that’s generally icky in some way, please let me know.
all of em are under a cut so I don’t end up cluttering anybody’s dash.
Ari: HEY YOU! EYEBALL FREAK! Friday: Ahhh, here you are~! Ari: YOU! You're the one who gave Tony a hard time! Friday: Yep! That's me! Ari: I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOUUUUUU!!! Friday: Guess there's no option left but murder, then! Ari: Eh? Friday: If you won't forgive me, then there's no choice left but for me to murder you! Ari: Wai... hey, isn't that a bit exteme?!
Butter: ...Seems like we've run into an idiot. Ad: Our resident idiot's sayin' so, so it's gotta be true. Ari: Yes! I can read the mood, y'know! I sensed a moronic atmosphere, so I'm acting moronic to match! Dizzy: Amazing! They can tell there's an idiot on our side, too! Butter: I'd prefer it if you didn't refer to my peers as morons... Ad: Ya don't need t'butt in. We already know yer clueless.
Chesed: Loser has to mow my lawn for eternity! Eggs: Is it like a riding mower, or...? Chesed: Tweezers!
Ayehop: What's your biggest fear? Eggs: Being alone. Ayehop, placing a hand on Don't Touch Me: Guess again, idiot.
Dizzy: Maybe if I.... Tony: Careful, Dizzy! Remember the last time you "maybe if I'd"? They had to call in the Rabbit Team. Dizzy: I know! I got to hold a grenade launcher!
Ad: Like, if ya had a pet cat, and ya kept feedin' it treats, it would probably keep comin' to ya and doin' the stuff you wanted it to do. Tony: But then, when the cat is super massive and can take over the world, it won't listen to you anymore. Ad: Yea. And then, it's like, "Oh, wait, I can just buy treats? I mean, I can just destroy this treat factory an' get as many treats as I want."
Butter: You got tossed in here too, huh? Ari: Yeah, for yelling. Butter: You yelled in Silent Orchestra's containment? That is hardcore! Ari: Why'd you get tossed in here? Butter: Stole a pterodactyl. But it's not like I yelled.
Ad: You kidnapped Chesed?! That's illegal! Ari: What's more illegal, Ad: briefly inconveniencing Chesed or destroying out group? Ad: Kidnappin' Chesed, Ari! Denny: We needed something to convince everyone to work together. Ad: TO KIDNAP PEOPLE?! Butter: Ad, I thought we agreed, a Sephirah is not a people.
Denny: Don't tell me you're behind this? Ayehop: Sadly, no, though I do applaud any and all violence directed at you.
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incorrect-len-ens · 5 years
Tsurubami: free 30 days trial of happiness
Tsubakura: op wheres the link
Tsubakura: wheres the link op
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black-fixer · 6 years
Voice Comm: Can I take your order please?
Yabusame: Tsuba, what do you want? You have to eat to keep your strength up
Tsubakura: I’ll take a number 9
Shion: I’ll have a number 6 with extra dip.
Yabusame: I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Tsubakura: Hey, since I'm trans and a parent I guess you could call me transparent eh?
Kurohebi: Ah so thats why I never see you :)
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Kuroji: How many times are you gonna run? I've captured you 17 different times!
Saragimaru: I feel like it’s gonna be at least 18.
Kuroji: The Orocity of this bitch.
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Hibaru: Have you heard about the ongoing program that is really paying now?
Kuroji: Greet first
Hibaru: Good morning
Kuroji: Morning. You can now proceed with your scam.
Hibaru: You are a bastard. Fool
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incorrect-mugenri · 7 months
Souko: You really need to grow up and set a proper example for your siblings.
Aoji: I...agre-
Kuroji: You can’t take sides with that stranger! I’m your sibling, so listen to me!
Hooaka, imitating Kuroji: Listen to me! Blah, blah, blah, I’m gonna be rich!
Kuroji: You little—! *grabs Hooaka*
Aoji: Please, don’t hurt Hooaka! They had their arm chopped off earlier, remember!?
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incorrect-mugenri · 8 months
Yago: You’re lucky that you’ve come across me, a god of weapons.
Kuroji: What kind of weapons do you make?
Hooaka: Are you gonna resell them, Kuroji?
Aoji: I don’t think we can afford their weapons if they’re a god, Kuroji.
Kuroji: I’ll always find a way!
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Suzumi (Hamee): They're out of oat milk, do you want another kind?
Suzumi (Benny): What are my choices?
Hamee: Almond, skim, 1%, 2%, whole?
Benny: That's a lot of options...
Hamee: That's modern milk for ya. What a time to be alive~!
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Clause: "Apologies" if I am being "too" polite. Maybe that is "why" people do not like "me."
Yabusame: No being polite is great! People don't like you because your name is Clause <3
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incorrect-mugenri · 1 year
Tom C. Zemlja: What are you gonna do with that big bat? Gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot.
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