racewinnerlandonorris · 8 months
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472 notes · View notes
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Will via Danny Aarons’ instagram story.
163 notes · View notes
g-xix · 2 months
🔞White Mustang | WillNE
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Summary: In which WillNE moves to Cusco, Peru in search of business as a mechanic, but finds his attention reverted to the woman across the street, who seems to blush at anything he has to say | Shy Peruvian!reader x Mechanic!WillNE Notes: 13.7k (LONG) fic, contains sexual themes, swearing and drinking. Inspo: this edit, the read-along playlist (best played in order), WillNE's Peru vid
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song: perfect pair, Beabadoobe
There was something about that new guy that'd moved in opposite you. Tall with dark hair, messily slicked back to expose the milky pale skin and husky stubble, forearms and biceps showing definition with every movement as he pulled the bonnet of his car down, wiping his hands over a rag and raking his fingers back through the black locks with his eyes closed - head leaned back and adams apple bobbing, illuminated within the golden Peruvian sunglow which seemed to wash his skin with a rich tint.
You couldn't tell what it was about him, as you peeked through the creamy blinds which covered your window - paper shutters slicing back into the pads of your fingers as if telling you to stop being so nosy - the humidity making a sweat prickle over your bare shoulders as you found yourself staring at his own body, covered in a thin sheen of sweat as he'd worked on the bumper all day, wearing simply a wife beater and black, worker trousers.
He turned over his right shoulder, shocking you and causing you to stumble back from the blinds - knees bending as your calves hit a stool, toppling your body backwards with a bang as you messily attempted to escape being caught watching your hot new neighbour.
Hot? You repeated incredulously at yourself. Get a grip, one new face and you're already developing a crush... He hasn't even been here a WEEK and you're already getting heated up about him, get a hobby or something, woman...
The dinging of your oven was what eventually broke your mental berating, reminding you of the brownies you had decided to make as a little welcome gift for the neighbour two hours ago, when you hadn't quite seen him properly.
Now, the idea of walking up to the unreadable neighbour with a tray of baked goods felt a little bit silly.
Regardless, you picked yourself up and off of the space you'd collapsed onto, pulling the metal tray out and accidentally giving yourself a minor burn on the arm you'd fallen onto - leaving a bright red mark from the hot oven's side.
The air was heavy, sky painted a pomegranate pink with the purple twilight inching over the horizon and foreboding the night, hurrying your actions as you sliced the brownie into bite-sized squares - plating them up on a nice little dish that you'd hoped your mysterious neighbour would have the courtesy to return to you. 
Hurrying out of the door, you noticed that he had gone inside since you had last seen him from the window. Which made the process of giving him a little gift feel a lot more daunting, knowing that now you had to actually knock on his door and try to get his attention.
Your hand met the mahogany front door thrice, knocking at the wood before stepping back and waiting - looking down and only just noticing you hadn't exactly come in your best clothes: simply wearing a thin, white maxi skirt with an old Primark crop one of your friends had given - v-neck and thin straps perfect for dealing with the heat of the day, yet not so much the ideal outfit to greet someone with.
"One second, one secon'!" You were mildly surprised to hear a thick accent from behind the door, English and definitely Northern of some sort. 
And after a second or so, the door did swing open - yourself emitting a little gasp as you saw the man behind wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, hair dampened and a white towel slung around his neck. Yet for some reason, between the two of you, you were the one that flushed at the cheeks and broke eye contact abruptly, whilst he leaned against the doorframe with an unbothered grin, eyeing you up and down and smirking at your demurity. 
"Can I help you?" He brought your eye contact back as he asked the question, teasing lilt in his voice going straight over your head due to your flustered nature, only entertaining the brunet further. 
"U-uhm, sorry, yeah," You brushed your hair over your shoulder and took a breath to steady yourself, embarrassment already building within your throat from how much of as mess you felt you were. "You're new here? I baked some brownies sorta as a - uhm - welcome gift as your opposite neighbour..."
Holding up the plate of brownies, you watched as his expression fought mild surprise, looking up with a flattered grin.
"For me?" He repeated, steadying the plate which you handed to him. 
"Yeah, thought it'd be a nice little gift... Although I wouldn't be too flattered until you've tried them - I might've left them in for a bit long..."
He picked a brownie from the bunch, biting into one end and chewing with his eyebrows pinched together as if concentrating on assessing the taste, though his brows raised back up with a few head nods.
"You said you made these? They're fuckin' lovely - here -" His appreciation was cut short as he thrust the bitten brownie to your own face, holding it at perfect eye-level for you to take a bite... right from the piece he'd just eaten from. 
You weren't offput or disgusted by his action, but you were undeniably blushing from something more... guilty about the way you slightly liked his unfiltered confidence, uncaring of how you would respond to the almost intimate action - slotting the sweetness between your lips and biting down to take a chunk, your lips brushing over his fingers as you took your bite before pulling away, chewing down and barely even noticing the rich, chocolate taste under the intense eye contact which you held with him. 
"I think you've got something jus'-" He reached out, fingers finding the underside of your face, delicately leaning your chin just ever-so-slightly upwards so that his thumb brushed over the corner of your mouth, pulling away with a chocolate smudge over his finger before bringing it up to his lips, licking it away with a near pop sound with such unwavering eye contact you felt obliged to be the one to break it as heat spread across your entire face. "Didn't catch your name, sweetheart, I'm Will, just moved from London - can probably tell I'm from Newcastle by the accent, though."
"Right, yeah," You nodded, despite your heartrate erratically beating as though it was trying to rip through your ribcage. "New 'round here... How come you decided to move?"
"Business." He grinned, arms crossing over one another, having placed the tray on a nearby coffee table, you watched as his forearms redefined from the butter gold streetlamp's dim shine, the soft contour of the sculpted muscles making another round of sweat prickle over your back as a gentle gust of wind moved his hair a bit. "I'm a mechanic - down in the town - my old business partners moved here a few years ago 'n' I thought I'd join, given everything..."
"Mechanic, huh..." You pondered, now understanding why you'd seen him at the beautiful White Mustang all day. 
"Yeah, your car or any vehicle ever need any sort of fixing then I'm your man," He spoke with a wink, enabling you to laugh with him to cover up any signs of being flustered, this time. 
You observed the muscles on his arms a little more, the subtle definition and even the outline of the veins that laced around them, like lightning bolts wrapping around the dense forearms that lead up to bulging triceps and built delts which gave the illusion of a strong, broad chest and shoulders-
And you hadn't even realised that the two of you had stopped laughing, and your checking out had become not-so-subtle, as you made even contact with neighbour Will, who had a brow raised - half of his lip curled in all-knowing amusement. 
"I-I think I'll head home now... You know, considering it's getting a bit dark n all-"
You attempted to slip away, scurry back into your house and away from being any further ridiculed for stupidity, though as you turned over your shoulder, you felt a hand on your arm prevent you from leaving.
Whipping back over your shoulder to see what held you back, Will's hand encompassed your wrist - firmly to hold you there - yet not forcefully to scare you. No, his eyes simply fixed on your skin, particularly two marks that had bloomed across the otherwise clearness.
"Oh, I just fell over and bruised myself today - they're nothing really," You rushed out as you yourself noticed the red burn alongside the darkened purple bruise. "Just some stupid accidents, y'know?"
His hand fell from your wrist, head shaking slightly before looking up with a small smile. "Right, my bad," he picked himself up from the doorframe, static electricity still playing over where his skin had touched your own. "You have a good night, I'll see you 'round."
"Yeah... you too."
As you wandered back to your house opposite the neighbour, all too aware of his eyes still on your back as you crossed the road and stepped through to your house, you couldn't say that your short discussion with neighbour-Will had you any less discombobulated.
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song: My Love Mine All Mine, Mitski
Will played on your mind for the next few days. As you went between work commutes, late-nights on your laptop and occasional walks to the nearby market. 
Mainly, the fact that since that encounter, you hadn't seen him since. When you woke up to drive to work, his car was already gone. Return from work? He hadn't. Only sometimes during the early hours of the morning, you'd hear what sounded like his thick accented voice, alongside another Brit with a more typical posh accent. 
Only when the week groggily rolled around, from Sunday all the way through the undulatingly boring weekdays, back around to Friday - did you walk out to see Will stood at his car, tucking a spanner into the glovebox - the mere presence of the attractive neighbour that you hadn't seen in a while making your heart jump into your throat, skip excitedly manifest into your step as he looked up and saw you - smile spreading across his face.
"Look who it is," He greeted, holding an arm out at his side to introduce a side hug which you gladly agreed to, feeling his skin (warmed from the sun) blanket around your shoulder. "Haven't seen you in a while."
"No, been a whole week." You agreed, looking up to catch a glimpse of that face once more, having been mentally scolding yourself for the entirety of the past week for not looking at Will's face hard enough to clearly remember what it looked like. Dark brows, grey irises and a light stubble over his strong jawline; he was undeniably good-looking.
"You got any plans for tonight?" Will questioned, his middle finger tapping against the red body of the car in such a way you questioned whether he was a smoker. And whilst you personally weren't one to smoke, something about the thought of him leaning his head back with his adams apple bobbing as he exhaled a cloud, long fingers clutching the cigarette and stubbing it out - you felt yourself clenching your thighs together subconsciously, having to shake your head to remove the thoughts and answer Will's answer instead.
"Not really, I've got quite a boring night planned, just staying home, I think..." You spoke, almost shrivelling into yourself as you realised how boring you must come across to him. He seemed interesting - or at least like he did more interesting stuff than you. 
"So you're free?" He looked up, lips curving into a smirk that made you feel heat rising to your neck.
"Depends what for..."
"Well, there's a bar I found down in the town aaand I was hoping I could check it out with someone who might be more... local." He smiled at you, taking his tongue between his teeth afterwards and looking at you with prospecting eyes. "You wanna come down, tonight?"
"Tonight as in... Like, eight?" You were stunned to hear him asking you out. "Like, us, together, going out tonight...?"
"Us, together, tonight, eight o'clock." Will doubled down with a grin on his face at the shock you couldn't hide.
"U-uhm, shit, yeah let's do it, just... knock on my door and we can... go then." 
"It's a date, then." Will winked, pushing himself off from his car and surprising you with his height, gently pushing a strand of hair over your shoulder before saying "See you then," queueing you to cross back to your house with an overwhelming blush all over your face - shutting the door behind you before sliding to the floor with your back still against the door - placing your head in your hands in inexplicable feeling.
What. The. Fuck.
You weren't used to being asked out. Especially not that confidently - in person - by someone you'd known for barely a week... And now that you think of it, was he really asking you out in a romantic way? Everyone who lived nearby was either old or a family with children; was he just looking for a friend somewhat his age? 
And that stupid smile came back into your head, then, the crease of his eyes, the curve of his lips, the way he took his lower lip between his teeth whenever he was thinking...
You smacked the palm of your hand into your forehead to wake yourself up. Pull yourself together. 
Go get yourself a drink, your internal monologue spoke to you. Go and get yourself something to drink and ease yourself so you're not a stammering, awkward mess around him - and then go get yourself in something nice - even if he just wants to be friends, that doesn't mean you need to dress down or act any differently. Just get out there and enjoy. And right now, just get ready to enjoy. 
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Song: Glue Song, Beabadoobee
"And don't you jus' look bloody gorgeous?" The tall Geordie commented as soon as you opened the door, leaning back against his car with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered across those lips as he looked you up and down, taking in the short skirt and top combination, your hair thrown over your shoulders and looking silky smooth as you closed the door, swishing as you turned over your right shoulder with dark liner and pinked lips that gave you an almost ethereal beauty despite the typical club sort-of clothes you wore.
You on the other hand, couldn't help but admire Will - wearing a white button up with blue paisley details that matched the navy bottoms he wore - (slutty) pearl necklace peeking out from beneath his collar, and his hair messily slicked back just like how you'd first seen it styled. He looked damn good. 
"What can I say, we both clean up nice," You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, stepping down the porch and allowing Will to open the passenger door to let you in (the chivalry of course warming your heart; something you'd thought a romance myth proved viable in reality) before getting into the driver's seat himself, resting one hand against the wheel and propping the other up on the windowsill - legs lazily manspread within the footwell - looking so effortless whilst he smoothly manoeuvred the car into the main road, you felt your core heating from your own seat.
The car you'd seen time and time again from your window was a beautiful ride. The convertible roof pulled back, exposing you to the warm night's breeze - and the speed Will drove at was just fast enough - sending you through the town at good pace, whilst the gentle winds lapped at your hair, making the strands lick at the sides of your face, the liberating feeling of the breeze against your tan skin allowing you to relax - melting into the creamy leather seats which were still warmed, from having soaked in the Sun's infrared rays during the day.
You could've fallen asleep in his car, you felt, as you watched Will's fingers meet the centre console, long digits messing with the volume dial until you heard a familiar oldie begin playing in the background - Unchained Melody - The Righteous Brothers sang their mellow tune through the speakers, Will's fingers tapping against the wheel and almost lulling you to sleep, despite the fact the night had even started... Yet as you neared the town, the familiar buzz of conversation and frenzied local nightlife met your ears, awakening you with the spill of music from nightclubs with open doors, and even street performers trying to earn some money, gathering little crowds who clapped or danced, whooping with enjoyment in their little masses.
The Mustang slowed down, pulling onto a spot on the side of the road before the engine rumbled to a stop, indicating the real start of the night as Will accompanied you out of the car - walking along the sidewalk alongside each other... When you realised:
"Will, where are we actually going?"
"New bar, like I said - it's called Cuzco Cantina, jus' a road down from here - I think one of my mates might even be playing tonight," He furrowed his brows in thought of the prospect. His hand wrapped around your far shoulder, pulling you closer into his body as a group of kiddos ran past the two of you, giggling with little fried picarones and surprising you momentarily, causing your hand to stabilise yourself against Will's chest - the movement enabling you to feel the firmness of his body beneath, clearly well sculpted and defined beneath the shirt - making a blush rise up to your face at the intimate contact before your hand dropped back down to your side. But you were no stranger to the fact that Will's arm remained comfortably around your shoulders even once the kids had passed.
You crossed through the street, admiring the corner shop which now donned flashing LEDs to to create a hazy green glow, illuminating the path ahead - something you had forgotten about since you'd not left the house at night in so long. It almost felt funny that Will was the one to ask you whether you could 'show him around the town', considering you'd not seen your town at night in too long - and the fact you could hear Will's voice in the 3ams of the night from your bedroom window only further told you that he might have a greater understanding of the town's nightlife than you did. 
The pink LEDs from a loud bar captured your interest as you read the sign above - Cuzco Cantina - Will's hand detaching from your shoulders to pull the door open and allow you in first, exposing you to a seemingly club-bar hybrid, with a serving space on one side, seating on another, and staged platform further down. The room jostled with activity and buzzed with life, the ambience of gentle clinks and thuds of the glass mugs against the wooden tables and pleasant hum of conversation lingering within the cooled air - still slightly heavy from the outside's rising humidity, yet countered by a few fans and cooling panels on the ceiling. 
"What d'you drink?" Will questioned as he pullet his wallet out, leading the conversation to a pair of barstools. 
"Oh, uhm, I'm not a very heavy drinker... I'll take any beer - Cusqueña Premium if they have one," You dug in your purse for the spare change you could find in the wallet which seemed to be stuck under all your other junk.
"Don't even try pay  - two Cusqueña Premiums, please, Sir -  " Will stopped you, interrupting himself to address the bartender.
"Well I can't just have you pay for my drink-"
"Yes you can." Will intervened, pushing his money over the counter in exchange for two ice cold and deliciously fresh seeming dark brown bottles, icy droplets still dripping down the side as though they were fresh out of an advert. "If I don' pay for you all the other men in here will try be trying to buy drinks for you."
You blushed at the compliment he gave, pulling the beer to your lips and taking a sip - looking off to the side to try and avoid him seeing the blush over your cheeks - though as you turned, you realised Will wasn't just flattering you... Some men had turned their heads and were definitely checking the pretty girl at the bar out.
Conversation bloomed between yourself and Will however, as he picked up a few questions about your job, your interests, your life... 
He made a nice change to your evening. Whilst most days you'd be in bed on your laptop by nine, it felt nice being outside, sat opposite someone for a change. And Will was such wonderful company. Date or not. He was so selfless - throwing question after question at you - and not shy to back down or back out of anything, his humour so flattering and simultaneously crude that you felt yourself get stitches from laughter multiple times.
"What's happening over there?" You squinted, watching a couple men scurry on and off stage, setting up a drum kit and a couple of microphones.
"Live music Fridays," Will tapped against the blackboard reading exactly those words behind him, nailed up against one of the wooden beams connected to the ceiling, creating a rustic warmth 'round the building. "This guy's James, one of my mates - comes round every so often."
You tuned in, hearing James' voice as he helped the drummer adjust his drum pedal.
"That the one who comes by your house at like, 3am every night?" You questioned, only realising the stupidity of the question after it'd left your mouth. Maybe that sounded just a little bit too specific and gave a stalker-y impression. Though you had to admit, that RP diction that fell from James' lips was undeniably similar to the voice you'd heard just yesterday (and the days before that) from the house opposite yours. 
"That's the guy," Will brushed over your stalker-ish tendencies (much to your relief), instead lifting his beer by the neck of the bottle and taking a swig before getting up and out of his seat - standing up with an outstretched hand and a devious grin as he put his beer down. "We gonna go or what?"
"Pardon?" You raised your brows and asked.
"Come up, before everyone hogs the floor and we're out back besides the bar." Will restated like it was obvious. You turned to look at the stage, seeing as a few people had already gotten up and out of their seats to stand below live-music-man, who had began his little pre-concert chat with the audience. 
"I don't really dance." You stated, shaking your leg slightly. You did dance. In fact, you'd been part of the underground freestyle scene for many years as a teen. You just didn't know whether it'd be awkward or not, and did you really want to take that risk with Will.
"Like fuck you don't dance, I know a dancer body when I see one -" His words made you choke on your drink, redness rising to your cheeks at the compliment laced within his words. "C'mon sweetheart, we don't even have to dance - we can sit right back down as soon as you aren't enjoying yourself - yeah?"
Will noticed your expression. Considering, but not sold.
You sighed and caved. "Fine-" Will cheered at your agreement.-, "-BUT as soon as it's too much I'm sitting RIGHT BACK HERE-!" Will had grabbed onto your hand and was too busy pulling you into the thickening company to even let you think about returning to the bar.
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song: Duvet, Boa
You did end up returning to the bar. 
Not because you didn't like the atmosphere and being back to back with people, looking up into Will's eyes and bopping your head to the pop-rock guitar and drums that played from the stage - rather because you were getting so into the songs that you needed to rehydrate yourself with a few more drinks (which Will insisted on paying).
But as a cause of not drinking water a single time you went to the bar, you could feel yourself getting bit by bit more tipsy as the night continued, not realising just how drunk you were however, until you went from holding Will's hand and doing your little side-to-side dance, to bent over in front of him, still with your hand attached to his above your head, hips flush against his and dancing leaving no room for self respect. 
And the two of you were loving it.
"Thank you for coming tonight, that's me done, I hope you all enjoyed!" 
You joined in with the crowd that'd grown as time progressed, cheering as James Marriott took a bow alongside the band, the crowd dissipating and leaving with jovial chatter, electricity of the loud guitar and shouted songs still buzzing within the room.
"Bet you're happy you got up now, 'ey?" Will's arm found it's arm around your shoulders, his accent thicker with a few drinks in his body - the alcohol within your system boosting your mood and confidence as well, as your hand reached up to the one that lingered on your shoulder, interlacing your fingers with his whilst you giggled a reply.
"Over the moon, glad you invited me out," You spoke with honesty, giving a little shiver as you stepped outside with Will, the humid warmth having left the atmosphere within the early hours of the morning, leaving your arms to prickly with goosebumps at the uncomfortable coolness of the night.
Will detached his arm from yours, leaving you to turn to him with a betrayed expression at the cold that rushed your side from his lack of contact, feeling berefted until you realised he'd taken off his jacket, and was holding it up by the shoulders, opened up so that you could slip into it.
"C'mon, can't have you catching a cold the first time you agree to come out with me," Will shook the jacket with a bit of added persistence. 
"You sure you won't get cold, though?" You asked, Will just shaking his head. Too weighed down  by the dopiness of drinking, you just nodded with agreement and slipped into the oversized leather, feeling the inner lining warm your body, having retained the heat from Will's body. 
As Will opened the car door, you collapsed into the passenger seat, turning around and stretching as well, allowing yourself to comfortably sprawl over the centre console and Will's side also - lying across his lap without a care in the world.
"Y'alright, pet?" He asked almost cautiously, slightly worried upon seeing you sprawled out across his lap, clearly the alcohol taking it's effects more and more as time went on.
"Mhmof course," You responded, your hand placing high on his thigh as you lifted yourself up and off of his lap, instead plopping your head against his shoulder. "We should go out more often, I had like, so much fun, you couldn't even imagine."
"Oh I can imagine," Will's smirk was ubiquitous in his voice, his fingers dancing over your face to push strands of hair behind your ear whilst you felt his other hand inching over your thigh, palm sitting graciously over the soft skin whilst his thumb rubbed over your inner thigh with a teasing tempo, almost making you want to move his hand up higher.
Though you refrained from your impulsive urges and instead pulled yourself up and off of Will's shoulder, wanting to see his face again. 
He stared back at you whilst your eyes zipped across his face, taking in every ruggedly handsome feature of his face, all the way from the purple sweeping lines like paintbrush strokes beneath his eyes, to the little galaxies of freckles across his nose, each one a little pinprick star across his milky pale skin - eyes two glowing orbs of nameless colours - a symphony of greys and greens and ambers.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"I don't wanna take a picture, I wanna admire you whilst you're here in front of me." You mumbled your response. "Beautiful eyes."
Will was stunned by your confidence - his laid-back and cool demeanour only slightly thrown off by your forwardness, drastically juxtaposing the shy and flustered personality he'd found himself falling for over the past few days. 
It was untellable whether it was the weight of your body that drew you closer to him, alcohol fastening gravity's control over your body and letting you shorted that gap between him - or genuine acting upon inhibitions that made you lean closer into the man opposite you, eyes dilating and focussing on the almost delicious pink of his lips that seemed to be edging ever so closer to yours also...
You could feel his breathing fanning across your own lips, cool stream of air making the lipgloss across your lips feel colder and almost icy, almost begging for his lips to crash on top of yours and warm them up with his own -
You jumped apart at the loud shout from further down the street, separating you from Will as the noiseless hum of the night was broken by a shout from just besides the lit cornershop - burly man with dark hair and a guitar fastened 'round his back ambling closer to the car.
"Yep, sure I did you great big donut," Will responded, agitation underlying within his tone as he withdrew his hand from your thigh, whilst the smiley James Marriott spotted you within the front seat.
"No way, absolutely loved your stuff up there, you're completely... Rockstar material." You splurged your praises, watching as James' face lit up with every little word.
"You really think?!" James almost exclaimed, opening the back door and putting his guitar safely in before clambering in himself. "Fucked up the chords for the opening songs."
"You really can't tell," You assured him, "You sounded like all those rock artist bands I see my girlfriends in England go to concerts for."
"My God you are a flatterer - Will, you never told me you had any friends that were actually nice-"
"He's not gonna shut up now you've started him," Will grumbled from besides you, revving the engine as he pulled out and sped down the street, making you laugh and lean back into the warm leather as you felt the wind sensation on your face once more - arms thankfully covered by Will's jacket, providing your body a fraction of warmth against the cold winds whilst James provided talking entertainment from the backseat until you found yourself back at your house.
"Right, are you staying at mine tonight then?" Will turned to ask James, James nodding with a little please, which Will obliged to with only a slightly begrudging nature in his voice.
You yourself stepped out with wobbly legs, body tired and almost begging for sleep, not used to late nights and drinking anything more than a glass of wine within one night. Will tossed  his keys to James so that he could let himself in - Will instead focussing his attention on you, and getting you to your house without falling or doing anything drunkenly stupid.
"Hey, pretty boy," You smiled up at the man who'd attached himself to your side. His hand sat on your waist, large fingers encompassing the space of your hip, protectively sat there so perfectly you considered taking his hand within yours and leading him upstairs to your room. Obviously just a drunken thought. But the size of his hands in comparison to your body was a thought which most definitely had you feeling something within your core. 
"Heya gorgeous," You paralleled your words, getting you up the stairs without a hassle. "Keys?"
You slot your keys into the door with minimal problem, twisting the lock with a click before turning away from your house to return back to your moment with Will, not quite wanting to say goodnight and end your time with Will, yet.
 Choosing to wrap your arms around him instead, your pulled Will into an embrace, letting your head sit against his chest as his own arms wrapped around your waist, hands folding together just above your behind, pulling you closer into his body as well.
"You know you gotta go in there and go to sleep, right?" Will chided, his voice husky and quiet, and chest sending vibrations through your body from the lowness of his voice - grounding you and reminding you of the close proximity between the two of you which only draw you closer to him.
"Can you come with me?" You requested, even shocking yourself with the statement. "I don't wanna end it with you here, tonight..."
There was a pause between the two of you, Will digesting the words and having to genuinely consider the prospect. 
"You need some sleep," Will spoke slowly, persisting despite the groan that left your mouth. "I don't wanna have you regret anything in the morning, you go to sleep and we can talk then, yeah?"
You let out a whine, and Will sighed in response.
"C'mon my girl-"
"Pleeaaase?" You looked up at Will, pupils blown out and expression so angelic as his eyes met yours - cheekbone softly outlined by the dim streetlight a few houses across. 
"Right love," Will bend slightly so that he was eye level with you, staring deeply into your eyes to maintain your attention as he spoke slowly. "I want you to go up, take your makeup and your dress off and put on some pyjamas - drink some water or eat some food if you need - and... I'll come over in an hour or so, yeah?"
You were convinced as soon as he'd made his promise. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you happily bade a short farewell, skipping into your house and doing exactly what Will had said - the sight of his grey eyes and face so close to yours relaying through your mind as you brushed your teeth, slipping into a nice silky pair of shorts and camisole instead of the normal spiderman PJs you would don. 
It was hot. Too hot. And so you cracked a window ajar, letting the sweet flow of the cool nighttime air into your room.
Jumping into your bed, you giggled as you looked at the time on your phone, audibly groaning at the sight of another forty-five minutes until an hour had passed and Will would join you in bed. 
Oh, Will...
Evanescent snippets of senses passed in and out of memory as you recalled the night - how Will had opened the door of the car for you, and how fresh and delicious he smelled as you had traversed the street together - the feeling of his hands over your waist and body as you'd danced at the club together - the way your faces were so close in that car you could practically feel static dancing between your lips, and almost taste the beer that lingered over his tongue -  his eyes grey and speckled with starry little nebulas as he'd talked to you outside the house a mere few minutes before, hair still slicked back, except the few strands that had messily sprung back over his face - shirt unbuttoned and pearl necklace almost teasingly peeking out from beneath his collar...
You could almost feel his fingers dancing over your wrists, beckoning further up your arm and pulling a strand of hair behind your ear - tracing down over your lips and the vulnerability of your neck until his fingers wrapped around the thin strap of your cami - pulling the silky material slowly down...
A heavy breath fell from your lips as your hand wrapped around your exposed breast, cupping the pliant flesh as your other hand explored further down your body, not bothering to pull your shorts off, but rather to simply move the skimpy material to the left and expose your already dampened core to your fingers - middle fingers swiping up your slit until you made a high noise at the stimulation of your sensitive spot, eyes rolling back and closing whilst your back arched off of the bed.
You rolled over onto your front, hips arching off the mattress as the pillow stifled an embarrassing moan - eyes already closed yet crushing together in the moment as you felt a pang whilst your fingers shaped tight circles and made your thighs shake whilst you imagined it was Will that was here -  between your legs, doing this to you. As though it were his forearms that clasped around your thighs and pulled your hips up - those long fingers running between your folds, collecting your arousal and pressing tight circles over your delicate bud and bringing you ever closer to your orgasm as he muttered sweet little nothing into your ear with that sexy accent you'd grown a passion for.... 
Truly unable to control yourself, your lips quivered, shakily pressing together and whispering,
"Ohmygod, Will..."
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song: Sweater Weather, the Neighbourhood 
Will groaned as he saw James searching his fridge upon entering his house.
"C'mon James I told you before - I don't have shit in my fridge, if you wanna eat you've gotta tell me before and then I can get you a take-out -"
"D'you fuckin' bake?" James turned around with a plate of brownies in hand. "Or did you get weed brownies."
"No I don't bake, and they're not weed brownies," Will huffed at his friend's poor assumptions. "That's her homewarming little gift or whatever. Help yourself to them, I don't like brownies."
"Say less," James mumbled, pulling them out of the fridge and setting them on the coffee table opposite the sofa which he lay across, pulling a blanket over his makeshift bed. "That girl you brought to the gig you said made them?"
"Yeah, that's the one." Will paced the kitchen. "She's asked me to come over to stay with her tonight."
"You going?"
"Hell no," Will shot James a look. "She's drunk off her ass, I told her I'd come - hopes are she's too drunk n falls asleep without remembering." 
"You like her?" James questioned, biting into a baked good. "Cuz she makes damn good brownies."
Will rolled his eyes. "She isn't nothing special to me."
"Still not over just fucking around..." James sighed at his friend.
"What's that mean?" Will felt affronted.
"That means you're treating a good girl like she isn't shit and it's painful to see."
"Good girl" Will scoffed at the name, turning his back on his friend. "You're talking bullshit, James, either get a drink or go to sleep."
"You know I don't drink."
"Smoke?" Will pulled a pack out of his back pocket, flicking the cardboard lid open to reveal the packaged carcinogens. 
"You know I quit those years ago." James huffed, shaking his head as he removed his glasses. "You should too. They're bad for you, y'know."
"Yeah I know." Will bluntly responded, words slightly muffled by his lips which clenched down on the paper between his lips, reaching into his other pocket to find a lighter.
"Go smoke that shit outside man, not all of us want to die at thirty." 
Will rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend, huffing as he switched the light off and exit the room, shoving the front door open and dropping onto the wooden chair on his porch, covering the lighter's flame with his hand as he ignited the end of his cigarette, letting little embers glow orange as he pulled the chemicals into his body with an inhale -  letting a cloud obscure the moon above as he exhaled.
Looking up, Will noticed lights on, coming from your house. Upstairs and dimly lit. Like a bedside lamp. And the windows open. 
He sighed at your eagerness earlier - the pleas, the way you held his hand, your wide innocent eyes as you looked up at him...
You were too innocent for your own good. Too sweet, too pliant, too good. 
And yet something about that made Will want you - want to corrupt you even more. He loved seeing how you got shy; you couldn't keep eye contact and couldn't conceal your blush when he mentioned something even slightly flattering. He felt almost powerful, at the way he could choose just slightly different words, or say something with just a slight lilt in his voice, and that was the catalyst for you to start talking quickly or stumble over your words...
Will pulled another drag of his cigarette, leaning back as he exhaled the foggy grey - though he was pulled out of his seat and up onto his feet as he heard his name called.
It wasn't loud - and it wasn't from his own house...
Hopping out of his seat, Will stepped down the from his porch into the main street, looking down either way and unsurprised to see nobody out and about in the early AMs of the morning - yet confused by where the sound of his name came from.
He stood for a minute or so.
And there was nothing.
And so Will assumed it was perchance just his own delusions, his mind hearing thing that didn't exist - his brain trying to tell him to go to sleep.
Turning around to return back to his house, his room, and go to sleep - he heard it again.
Coming from your house.
Your  voice, high and sweet, breathy and so quiet it was almost impossible to hear. 
And just when he thought he'd missed it, it came from your open window again. 
The sound of his name, rolling so sweetly from your tongue, almost... moaning it... Will felt himself getting hot - his skin prickle at the knowledge he shouldn't hear this, he shouldn't know how you pleasured yourself for him - and  yet something about it was so... so...
The tightening of Will's trousers was enough to explain how Will felt from the noises you made. 
Will could feel a smirk tracing over his lips, tugging up the corners of his mouth until his teeth peeked from beneath, and he brought his cigarette back up to his lips to take another drag - breathing the drug in before blowing it upwards, a stream of smoke directed towards your open window - like some sort of dark and corrupted air-kiss towards your innocently unknowing self up in your bedroom. 
Grin still unwipeable from his face, Will allowed himself to close his eyes and tune into the mellifluous sigh and highness of your voice as his name - "Will" - filled his thoughts and his memories, letting his ego rise up to his chest as he returned back to his porch and shut the door behind him - hand pressing over his trousers, palming and stimulating the bulge beneath his trousers- letting his head fall back with his eyes closed, groaning lowly at the feeling of his head rubbing over the rough material and pushing his hips off and away from the wall to press himself into his hand more, chasing that stimulation as the sound of your voice ricocheted from wall to wall of his skull; an echo-chamber of your lewd moans that caused him to let out another groan. 
What the fuck was going on with his neighbour and what the fuck was it doing to him...
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Song: Daddy Issues, The Neighbourhood
The headache you woke with the next morning was truly diabolical. 
It was like someone was drilling away at your skull - a builder bashing his hammer against your forehead at the same, constant, metronome pace which had you elicit a groan at the feeling.
"Y'alright sunshine?" The Geordie yell from across the street made you wince at the noise, the brutal sunlight lasering into your eyes with intensity of a burning hot fire. 
"Do I look like it?" You grumbled, not making eye contact with the tall man who stood all too jovially in his driveway, white shirt and black worker cargos accompanied with a sunshine smile and jolly mug between his hands, likely holding some iced tea or coffee.
"C'mon, how you doing after yesterday?" Will crossed the street to join you at your car, making you turn your back so that he couldn't see your face. Puffy from the drinking and sleeping on your front alongside the lack of makeup you'd opted for - you were really hoping Will wasn't interested in conversation today morning. "You know, considering you were quite drunk... D'you remember everything?"
You hadn't even considered what you did and didn't remember - your mind all too blurry having woken up with your clothes discarded from your body - freezing from that and the window which was kept ajar all night - memories flooding back of how you had ended your night, mind infiltrated and intoxicated with lustful thoughts of Will which had you feeling shameful all morning as you brushed your teeth and raked your brush through a knotty head of hair.
One thing you certainly remembered was asking Will to come inside and come back with you, which was undeniably embarrassing in hindsight - your unfiltered thoughts seeing the light of day for a mere second, and serving to do nothing but embarrass you. 
"Yep." You nodded.
"Ya like the date?" Will cast his dazzling grin, watching as a pink flush unfurled over your cheeks at the reminder that last night wasn't all embarrassing. Despite your drunken mishaps, you had indeed enjoyed the date prior - the night of dancing regardless of the songs you had no idea of - the laughter, the smiles, the time you had spent with someone.
You hadn't previously lived with a friend. Or lived near to a friend, anyways.
No, following your studies which had kept you close to your friends, everyone separated and moved further away for their occupations, and rendered you isolated. It had been too long since you'd been out with someone, and going out with you neighbour yesterday was a reminder of days of clubbing and going out - enjoying the nights alongside your girl-friends. 
"Yeah," You breathed with a smile dancing over your lips. "Thank you, the date was lovely."
Will was satisfied by your response, and leant back onto you car in response - his tall frame resting back against the shiny metal, supporting his weight for just a moment before his brows furrowed in confusion as he made contact with the vehicle - lifting himself up and whipping around as though bemused by the car.
"What's wrong?" Your own brows furrowed in concern at Will's confusion. 
The mechanic bent from the hips, lowering himself to get eye-level with the wheels.
"D'you realise you have nails in your car wheel?" Will piqued a brow as he looked back up at your concerned expression - your own brows flying up as your eyes widened in shock, as you in fact did not realise that.
"WHAT?" The exclamation fell from your lips in shock...Just two days ago when you'd come home from work they'd been absolutely fine.
"Yeah, look, that's completely flat," Will clucked his tongue. "I'm going into the garage today - you want me to get that wheel replaced?"
"You would?" A gasp left your throat at the kind offer. You'd forgotten how absolutely wonderful it was to have multi-skilled friends who were able to offer services or help with different issues you were completely clueless on.
"Yeah 'course." Will nodded his head with a little smile towards you. "Why wouldn't I help y'out?" 
You gave a shrug, blush dusted over your face at the kind gesture. You weren't really used to niceties, quite frankly. And goddamn was Will a nicety. 
"Let's jus' get it out the road, then I can attach it to my car n get it to the garage, yeah?"
Will graciously got into your Ford Fiesta and was the one to pull your car out onto the drive before getting into his car and positioning it just in front so that he could attach his rear to your bumper, essentially towing your car.
Popping his head out the window - arm resting along the windowsill, Will pulled his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to look you up and down.
"You wanna come to the garage with me for the day?... Given I'm taking your car n it'll be easier for you to take it home..."
You pondered on Will's request for a moment. You weren't exactly dressed all that good to be going out, and you hadn't done any makeup either... But it was a Saturday which meant your work wouldn't interfere with the opportunity, plus Will wasn't wrong - it would be easier to just go with him...
"Right, one sec then-"
You quickly opened your car and dug through the glovebox to find your travel makeup kit - hopping into Will's car which had the convertible roof drawn up and covering the two of you from the grey clouds and cooler conditions of the day.
"You're too pretty to feel pressure to put on fucken' makeup." Will muttered as he twisted his keys, adjusting his wing mirror and making you roll your eyes as you tapped your liquid blush over your cheeks to mask the natural blush that the underlying compliment had you fostering.
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songs: Birthday Sex, Jerimiah -> White Mustang & Black Beauty, both by Lana Del Ray, for when you see Will's italics.
You were incredibly hot in the garage.
Not from the hot engines and sweltering heat of the day, but from watching him work.
Garage heating up, temperatures on the rise - Will took his overjacket off and revealed those delicious biceps that had you feeling whorish as you shamelessly stared at the brunet at work - muscles flexing beneath the grease-stained shirt as he worked on a car that'd been brought in just the other day. His hand met his forehead - pushing beads of sweat from exertion to the side, pushing his mullet back - slicked with effort and revealing more of his face whilst he worked, letting you focus on how his adam's apple bobbed with the deep breaths he took - brows furrowing together whenever he put effort into an action, the rugged charm of the mechanic making it completely impossible to look away as you felt a flush creeping up your neck. 
The heat across your face was unmistakeable and irremovable at this point - but the heat that crept below your neckline and all the way to between your legs was something so intimately embarrassing, you could only feel your cheeks reddening further. 
Though you'd woken up ashamed, knowing what you'd fallen asleep thinking and doing last night - you realised that those feelings weren't just fleeting, embarrassing thoughts of a drunken version of yourself. Because you knew exactly what you were going to be doing tonight to ease that aching between your legs the very moment you returned home. 
Fuck, if you watched Will any longer you might just pull over to the side of the road as soon as you get the car back and relieve yourself right there and then.
The two other mechanics present were nice enough, too. One short one wearing a bandana 'round his mouth to keep the fumes out of his mouth as he worked on the fuel tank of one car - the other a built ginger with spikey hair who seemed to be something of Will's helper, but appeared to have a knack of just getting in the way.
Around halfway through the day, when you'd realised that whilst watching Will's muscles flexing as he used the wrench was good and all, but you'd prefer not to get heatstroke from staying in the steaming garage - you retired into the pleasant air conditioned staff room which Will had given you the passkey for.
Laying across two of the plastic chairs with broken arms, you fanned yourself with one of the dated magazines that lay across the coffee table. Of all days to be in a steaming hot garage, the hottest day of the year definitely made it difficult to fully appreciate the opportunity to observe Will's muscles and alluring presence whilst he worked. Especially when you were fearing you would pass out whenever Will turned and caught you staring - flashing a wink and making the heat feel ten times more intense.
"Ayup Ma'am," A London voice broke your midday siesta as you realised you'd been dozing off - snapping to attention and turning to face the door where bandana-man and ginger were stood in the doorway. "We're off on lunch break - d'you want to come - or for us to bring any refreshment for you?"
"Mmm-is Will going?" You mumbled, still feeling dozy from the overpowering heat. You wondered how the two of them were still wearing their thick-looking polos in the heat.
"He's staying - I think he's gonna finish your car then go on lunch break," The ginger one piped up, and you nodded. "Did you say you want us to bring you something?"
"Oh-err- any drink really, whatever's cheapest at wherever you go, please." Your request was met with a sure nod of the head, the shorter of the two grabbing the wallet from a jacket suspended besides the door before shutting the door and leaving you alone once more.
Alone only momentarily, though.
"Y'alright, love?" 
You internally groaned as you were interrupted once more, though your body's enthusiastic reaction to hearing the Northerner's voice spoke volumes about how annoyed you really were about being interrupted by your favourite mechanic.
"How's the car going?" You cracked an eye open to look up to Will, noticing his eyes jump up to meet yours upon noticing you'd removed your arm from over your eyes. And following the path of his eyes, you realised he'd been looking over and observing your resting body - the maxi skirt and the small crop top that had been shifted askew, having rested across the chairs, and now showing more cleavage than you thought you'd ever let Will see.
Your cheeks darkened at the obviousness of Will's actions - so unapologetic despite having been starting at your tits when he thought no one else would see. Sinful. Though you didn't readjust the top, as you noticed how Will licked his lips whilst his eyes flittered back down between your chest and eyes, and felt your thighs once again clenching around nothing.
"Jus' replaced that tyre, you can give it a spin."
You followed Will to the car, getting into the driver's whilst he got into the passenger seat on the other side, letting you ignite the engine and reverse out of the area, just driving a few metres across the garage. The car felt unreasonably slicker than normal, given all that Will had done was replace a tyre.
"Yeah, also pumped up the tyre pressure to just give you a smoother ride."
That'd explain the smoothness of the ride.
"Gosh, thank you so much Will - that's really perfect my word, you're truly a godsend," You thanked the man, truly wondering to God how such a perfect man had been dropped into your life so randomly. Thoughtful, helpful, romantic, actually likeable, respectful, sofuckingsexy-
"Aye that's no worries my love," Will wiped his hands over the cloth he's tucked into his trouser pockets, spreading his legs out in the footwell before looking back up at you. "That'd be two-hundred-n-fifty sol for that, though."
What?  Your jaw went slack, blankly staring back at the brunet as you digest his words. Two-hundred and fifty Sol. Fuck. 
"Uhm, w-what?" You couldn't get yourself to speak as you gulped down in fear. Your wallet was back home - in your bag - and fuck, you didn't really have two hundred to spare... Not for a fucking wheel anyways, when you still had you electricity and water bill to pay - and you knew your car needed fuelling, soon.
"Two hundred fifty sol for service and the wheel," Will repeated with a sure nod, interweaving his fingers together over your his middle as he looked towards you as though waiting for you to give him the two-fucking-hundred right then and there. 
"Will," You could feel bubbled of panic rising through your oesophagus and entire ventilation organ system at the realisation you owed money that you just didn't have- "I left my purse back home, I don't have two hundred on me - I don't have any money on me right now - other than maybe five sol in my glovebox - I literally just came here to the garage with nothing, I-I didn't realise-"
"Payment is payment," Will broke your panicked stutters and eye contact as he looked down to his lap. "You've gotta pay some way or another I'm afraid - and I can't exactly give you a return with this one, love."
Well fuck. You sat there. Arms crossed and head lowered, deep in thought about how you could maybe cut corners to pull together 250 sol... You could ask him to go home and give it to him later tonight when he returns from work...? And then that money would be taken from the electricity bill... But realistically you couldn't live without electricity for another week - Water bill...? Even worse idea, no showers and practically unable to cook - yeah, no...
"There... is another method of payment, y'know..."
Your head snapped to the right side of the car, perking up in hope as Will mentioned some form of out or alternate suggestion that could save you. He licked his lips, meeting your gaze momentarily before looking back down to his lap again.
"You know what form I'm gonna suggest, right?"
You shook your head, brows furrowing in confusion. Should you know what payment he was talking about...? Will almost seemed taboo as he beckoned you closer with two fingers to lean into him from over the central panel so that he could lean towards you also, pressing his lips to your ear and making goosebumps form along your skin as he said with a low, husky voice...
"It requires gettin' in the backseat."
Will watched - his smirk widening and increasing as your face so obviously showed your thoughts - the realisation spreading across your face, from the eyes that widened, lips that opened ajar, eyebrows raising in the realisation that... oh my God... Will's idea of an alternate payment was.... well...
Something you'd wanted. From last night to just fifteen minutes ago when you were envisioning him in your sensual siesta, heat between your legs almost begging for another round of fingering and whispering Will's name into your pillow. 
But here? 
In the garage where his co-workers would be returning back oh so soon from their lunch breaks, under the pretences that this is all just to pay off some bill, deciding to fuck before having your first proper, real kiss with Will...?
It felt so extortionate. You had real feelings for Will. And you thought he did, too... Which made it just so much more unnecessarily confusing that Will was proposing having sex just to pay off a bill. To have sex with you, as a meagre transaction. No romance, no intimacy, no feelings - just financial business. 
Your morals were all over the place, your mind firing into overdrive as you felt yourself picking apart and trying to figure out - did you want to fuck Will? Here and now? To avoid paying up? In such high risk where his friends could see you at any moment?
Will could see the mental battle through your face.
"Y/n," His words were ever so soft, drawing you from the chaos of your mind as his fingers found your jaw, pulling you to face him and let your eyes meet. That soothing chalky mix of powder greys-blues-and-greens, undulating waves washing over and cooling your fiery eyes, glazed with half-formed tears from fear and confusion. "Let's just start... Where we were last night."
You didn't realise what he was referencing until his lips were on top of yours.
'Let's start from last night': from when you were drunk and across Will's lap, hand placed high on his thigh and leant over his centre panel instead of the panel of your ford fiesta - feeling the breath from his parted lips across your own, leaning in ever so closer and closer where you were so close to kissing-
You closed your eyes and melted into his lips, the taste of chocolate and cocoa butter across his lips delicious and making you chase his lips, your lips opening whilst his did also - synchronising with his rhythm and pushing yourself - pressing your lips further against his as though you wanted to taste more - you needed to feel more-
His hands came around the underside of your thighs, you noticed as you felt his teeth sinking into you lower lip - halting your kissing as you were stunned for a moment - shock lingering over your lips as they emit a gasp. Taking the opportunity for all it's worth - Will's hand gripped your leg and manhandled you across the centre panel - from the driver's seat to over the control panel and onto the passenger seat - on top of him - straddling him. His lips reconnected with yours. Hungrier, faster paced, ravenously, his tongue ravaged your mouth, sloppy open-mouthed kiss making your head absolutely spin as you finally gave yourself a chance to card your fingers through that irresistible mullet, that head of brown hair that you wanted between your thighs for what felt like so long.
Your lips detached, letting you suck in a well needed breath of air because holy shit had Will taken your breath away.
Will was relentless however, not stopping to catch any breath as his lips moved on from your lips to the flesh that was openly available for him - your neck - exposed and almost calling for him as you'd thrown your head back. Again, a gasp left your throat, eyes instantly snapping shut as you felt a sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck, Will's skilled mouth finding that sweet spot almost instantly, suctioning his mouth around the point before biting down and brushing his finger over the marking - moving to make another hickey over the collarbone that was exposed by the v-neck top. Whimpers fell from your throat as you opened your eyes- your thighs which landed on either side of Will's body clenching and squeezing his hips that were flush with yours, your body begging for stimulation from him... Though as you opened your eyes and looked up to the grey, material car ceiling just a mere few centimetres from your face, you could feel your moral conscience weighing down on you again. Quite literally pushing an admittance out of you.
"W-we shouldn't-" You spoke with a strained voice, as though your voice box and all the muscles within your wind pipe were closing up and trying to restrict and prevent you from speaking out. Your words were hushed by the vibrations of Will's own voice, his words mumbled against your skin, brushing over the sensitive skin of your collarbone and reverberating on your chest.
"We shouldn't, hm?" He repeated, kissing the prominent bone of your collarbone. "Sure, maybe we shouldn't, but that isn't what matters-do you want this? That's what matters - if you don't want this then you just tell me and I'll stop."
You couldn't even stop the embarrassing noise that left your throat, your legs squeezing ever harder around Will's thighs as he hickeyed your collarbone extra roughly. Your moral conscience was still unbearable though, and your counter left your mouth as a squeak.
"B-but they could come back a-any minute and see us..." You referenced those other two mechanics through a tight throat. And your heart sank as Will just laughed against your skin.
"Fuck-you can't even tell me to stop can you, because you've been fuckin wanting this, I bet you wouldn't even care if those two came and saw you in this position," Will's words confused you, cutting deep with those words you would struggle to deny, yet nonetheless were confused where he was going with this. "Act all innocent but secretly so pathetic-don't think I haven't caught you staring at me through the blinds, fucking yourself on your fingers at the thought of me- fuck - you might be more desperate for this than I am."
Your eyes shot wide open, jaw dropping as those words left his mouth. He'd seen fucking everything, Good Lord - from the first day you'd ever seen him when you peeked at him through the bedroom blinds, to last night when - shit - you'd left your window open. You were too shocked to even gasp at that - yet too embarrassed to even look down and make eye contact with the proud brunet as you realised you were completely vulnerable; an open book with truly no secrets from him anymore. Because fuck: he already knew everything. And if he already knew everything - if he truly knew every embarrassing thing you'd thought and felt about him...
You weren't going to tell him to stop. 
Because as horrible and corrupted as it was - to sleep with the guy that gave you butterflies and you wanted to see out a relationship with - he was getting a job done for you. And fuck it, if this was going to get your bills paid, you might as well enjoy it, too. 
You pushed your hips down against him, pushing your clothed sex against his own as a sign of consent. That you weren't going to stop him. Will's hands gripped your hips in response, pulling you closer, his breath hot against your ear. "That's it," he whispered, voice laced with a triumphant growl, "I knew you wanted this. I knew you'd cave."
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness, shutting him up with your hand reaching to the side of the seat, pulling the lever and flattening the seat - shocking Will as he found himself lying flat against the declined carseat - his hands on your waist and paused for a moment as you straddled him, lever in your hand - control in your palm for the first time.
"Get in the fucking backseat, then."
You don't know where the confidence came from in that moment, but it appeared as though Will loved it as a grin lit up on his face, his grip sharpening around your waist and causing you to let out a yelp as he himself didn't get into the backseat - but instead quite literally manhandled you into the back - knocking the wind out of you as your back collided with the seats, and barely getting a moment to recover before Will's body was on top of yours - his chest pressed up to yours - knee between your thighs and tongue in your mouth, back to that same ruthless pace.
You could taste cigarettes and chocolate on his tongue, bitterness and sweetness colliding and tasting of sweet, sweet corruption, the smell of diesel and passion lingering with his touch and driving you wild - once again mimicking your previous actions in the frontseat as your fingers carded through the brunet's locks, finding a fistful and pulling it between the knuckles of your fingers - making him groan between your lips, causing a smirk to light across your face at the noise that he elicited - an indicator that you were doing something right.
Will's fingers moved from besides you on the carseat where they stabilised him, etching over your stomach and diving under the hem of your top, the long smoker's fingers playing over the edge of the bra you wore beneath, before detaching from the kiss to allow him to look down and over your body. You were still fully clothed, and Will seemed to hate that, as he hastily helped you remove your top and admired the cleavage you beheld in just the bra. 
Fingers trailing over the black lace of the strap, you looked up from your chest to Will - looking at the pink dusting across his cheeks from the mouth-workout you'd exercised together, and blown-out eyes that traced over your curves. Though that blush you admired across his cheeks was soon embarrassingly spread to yours instead, as Will's fingers found the middle piece of your bra which held the either two cups together, a small black bow tied over the centre-strap which he held between two fingers - looking up at you with a grin, one brow raised as if non-verbally questioning you. 
"Shut up. You grumbled through the blush and coy smile over your face, feeling judged by Will as he chuckled lowly.
"It's cute," He plucked at the little bow, making you roll your eyes and lose eye contact, not interested in being embarrassed by the man who found it all too easy to get you flustered.
Will didn't send any more time at your chest however, having admired your bust, and didn't bother to remove your bra as he got down to your maxi skirt. He wasn't interested in fighting to take it off, his passion relighting as his hands felt over the plush skin of your thighs beneath the thin material - simply pushing it up so that your bottom half was exposed - material pooling together on your stomach as Will pulled either of your legs over his shoulders - dipping his head between and pulling your panties to the side - once again not bothering to discard the item, only remove it as an obstacle.
He laughed lowly as he saw your core. Dripping. Highlighted with arousal that'd formed from seeing the brunet working and using those muscles, from having him looking down at your cleavage when he'd found you in the staff room, from having his tongue in your mouth...
Cruelly, he blew over your soaking wet sex, cool stream of air further causing your slick to sit cold across your slit, whine leaving your throat as Will focussed his exhale over your clit - the sensitive nub making your core throb with desire and lusting to just have him inside you.
Your thighs squeezed along either side of his head, applying pressure as a warning that he wasn't gonna tease and prolong foreplay when you were literally soaking wet in front of him.
"Alrigh', alrigh'," He grumbled, letting you release the pressure around his head and giving him autonomy to press his tongue flat on your core - trailing up from hole to clit, lapping up arousal and letting a moan drip from his tongue whilst he was still connected to the sensitive bud - making your eyes roll to the back of your head from the stimulation of the vibrations that channelled from his tongue to your clit. His mouth curled into a smile at the noise that exited your lips, his mouth wrapping around your clit and sucking it with just a bit of force, which had you genuinely gasp from the sensation. 
His mouth detached from your sex with a purposeful pop noise, and you looked between your legs to see Will's wet lips fashioned in a devious smirk which you promised yourself you'd keep in the back of your mind forever.
 Digging through his back pocket, you watched as Will withdrew a condom from his back pocket - securing it between his teeth before ripping the packet open - holding the opened pack in his teeth as he tugged his trouser down to free his cock, hand wrapping around the base as he rolled the thin plastic film down the length.
And oh.
Oh my did he look completely Godly as you watched him with his head bowed, hand pumping his erection a few times - his length more than satisfactory, tip reddened from the intense blood flow ever so deliciously. Once again, another image you mentally saved and promised yourself to store in the back of your mind forever. 
He looked up at you, through the few strands that had fallen from his slicked hair - smirking and chuckling at how you looked away as soon as he saw you were staring. Only you could be shy enough to be undressed beneath him, having kissed and gone halfway through intercourse in the back of your car, and still be made shy by the man.
"So cute," He mumbled, smirk still evident in his voice as his fingers traced over your jaw, palm connecting with your cheek affectionately, letting his thumb glide back and forth over the soft skin comfortingly - like he was soothing you. That thumb slotted between your lips, then - pressing down ever so slightly on your tongue and making you subconsciously suck on the digit, your tongue wrapping around the underside whilst your lips pouted around it, looking up and making eye contact with the man in such a way he could only feel his cock getting harder at the sight - imagining what it'd be like if that was his cock between your lips instead of his finger.
He chose not to act on those thoughts for now, instead letting his cock penetrate a different hole. Holding eye contact and and watching as you face distorted - from clarity and confidence in maintaining eye contact - to your eyes rolling to the back of your head and mouth unlatching from his fingers, watching as you emit a visceral groan as you let your head roll back at the feeling of Will's tip sheathing between your folds and entering you, slowly sinking in between those velvet walls.
It was a tough process for him, struggling to not to act on impulses and pick you up by the lower back and slam you down on his cock until you were crying. And it was a tough process for you also, trying to accustom yourself to a size that you'd never had to before. 
He paused as his hips touched your sticky thighs, wet from your arousal that'd transferred from skin-to-skin as he bottomed out.
And just as you looked up, wondering whether Will was going to move or simply stagnate his movements - you only caught a brief glimpse of his bowed head - lips taken between his teeth, before you felt him slowly withdrawing his length from inside you, smooth lubricated silicon thin enough to let you feel every valley and peak of his cock as he pulled back before - SNAPPING his hips into yours with a brutal force - his fingers vicing on your hips as a gasp left your lips upon feeling him bury his cock deep with you.  
And Will didn't pull out slowly this time. 
No, he kept that brutal pace, his cock pulling back and slamming back into your pussy, jerking and jolting your body back and forth as he lifted you by the hips with his hand - tilting your hips upwards and off the car seat so that he buried his cock deeper within your sex, the tip kissing your cervix and causing short, sharp bursts of pleasure to spiral through your body as you felt pangs deep within your core - a type of pleasure which your fingers just couldn't provide.
Every snap of his hips had your bra's hold over your tits weakening, the pliant flesh rippling with each of Will's thrusts and spilling from the sides more and more until the dark areolas beneath peaked from behind the cups and threatened to completely escape, render the bra useless. Will got there before that happened, however, his roughened fingertips groping and pulling at the black lace and ripping it from your tits - revealing the libidinous flesh beneath that now rippled freely as Will only thrusted harder, enjoying watching them jolt with each rough hammering. 
You realised you'd been too careful last night when you'd envisioned that it was Will pulling your cami down. No, Will wasn't soft and gentle enough to slowly pull the material to reveal your skin - he was roughly cut and hard edged - he wanted to ruin you and treat you mercilessly.
And you fucking loved it.
You felt as though you were becoming zombified as your chest heaved, heart itself palpitating sporadically and violently as though it were trying to rip itself from its bone cage and offer itself up to Will himself, as the brunet took your nipple between his fingers - roughly peaking it and squeezing the sensitive bud between his skilled knuckles, trained will expertise as a mechanic, and you let out truly obscene noises with each unapologetic shove of his cock between your walls.
The whole car smelled of sex - the air heavy and weighted from the sweat that prickled over your skin and Will's also - the smell of car grease and pine from his body intoxicating you like a drug - the taste of cigarettes still lingering on your tongue and making you absolutely need him more. His tongue in your mouth again. To ravage you. Break you. Destroy you.
"Fucking violate me-" You hadn't meant it to come out so violently, so raw, so visceral - but you lived to not regret it as you felt Will's cock bury somehow ever deeper within you, his hips oh so disgustingly  fluid as he oscillated back and forth and began moving your hips oppositely to his - pushing you away whilst he pulled out, before pulling you closer as he snapped his hips into yours as though trying to lodge himself within your walls with each deep stroke. You were going fucking wild, and the moans and whimpers which left your throat became higher and higher in pitch; an indicator of your pending orgasm.
Will pushed his hair back again, grunt falling from his lips in such a way you felt yourself clenching over his cock, drawing you closer and closer to your climax, the tightening of your flesh around his cock making a gravelly groan fall from his lips, throwing his head back at the compressions around the circumference of his cock. He could tell you were close.
"You can cum any-fucken time, sweethear'," He grunted between clenched teeth, each word enunciated. "-Jus' so long as you realise that even when you cum, I'm gonn' keep fucking myself - right back - into you - until I cum-"
That was it.
That ruthless admittance of nothing but using you like a fleshlight, or an object of self-use to get himself off so arrogantly, with no care for you or your climax - not a threat - but a promise, that he'd keep mercilessly fucking into you until he was satisfied-
It pushed you over the edge.
Your whole body was shaking, your thighs that held you up squeezed around Will's body, crushing his waist between the muscle as your hips raised further, chasing the pleasure that rolled through your body and juices that ran from your legs. Your whole head was light and orgasm had you feeling light everywhere else. And just as promised, Will didn't stop.
He truly did violate your body, just as you'd asked. He let out a noise as he felt your cum coating his cock, though he didn't stop his strokes as you came. In fact, realising you'd reached your climax he only further chased his - hand moving up from your tits to your neck - wrapping around either side and squeezing the sides. He used your neck like a vice to clamp your body in place - pushing you down into the plush seat of the car and holding you there as he adjusted your hips and just kept snapping his hips back and forth, pushing his cock in and out of you with a pace uncaring of the overstimulation you felt - your body and abs quivering from the cramp you could feel forming from the lack of a rest for your muscles, no post-orgasm relaxation allowed as Will fucked into your body, chasing his climax.
Your g-spot was crying out for a break, your abused hole and hurting muscles the same - though your head still couldn't get a post-haze clarity, as your internal monologue kept the nasty thoughts flowing through your mind and entire system. You fucked yourself back on his cock, arching your back and circling your hips to match his thrusts, have his cock press against every angle of your overstimulated interior.
Thrusts becoming sporadic and erratic - more forceful, less coordinated, you could tell he was going to cum, and you clenched your muscles - squeezing around him and watching as you pushed him over the edge, his head throwing back and guttural groan falling from his lips like liquid gold - his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped down swathes of precious, precious air whilst you felt his cock twitching inside of you.
You'd both climaxed. His grip fell from your hips slowly - fingers shaking and indicating this was just as hard of an orgasm for him as it was for you. You rested there in the moment, your skin wet and coated in a thin sheen of sweat, your thigh still touching Will's. You acclimatised to the moment; the brief peace and serenity and quiet. That was that; the fun was over and the transaction was finished.
Your body was the first to break, between your mental, emotional and physical states. You collapsed in the backseat, your hips flattening against the seat, back losing it's arch as all muscles relaxed and curved into the seat beneath you. 
That was that; the fun was over and the transaction was finished.
...THOUGHT?!?! First big long fic + proper WillNE fic, so how'd we feel? Also gonna be continuing this as a full WillNE fic on my Wattpad - so go check is out n stay updated there! LMK EVERY THOUGHT U HAVE ABOUT THIS IN MY INBOX!!!
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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w2soneshots · 2 months
willne x reader smut whilst theyre on vacation together
i needdddd..😣
Incredible -Willne
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), overstimulation, aftercare.
summary: you and your boyfriend enjoy some sexy time while on holiday.
notes: hi babe! You ask and I deliver🫶🏼. When I wrote my first Will fic I didn’t really know much about him but I’m hoping that I grasped his personality better in this?😭. Anyways, enjoy!!❤️‍🔥
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Two days ago me and my long time boyfriend Will arrived in Italy for a week long holiday. We'd been thinking about it for a little while and when we finally got some time off work we immediately booked it. The hotel we're staying in is absolutely beautiful and last night we went out for dinner and ate the most amazing food. So far the trip has been a dream.
Tonight we have a reservation at a cute little restaurant that's just a five minute walk from where we're staying. I put on a nice dress along with some comfortable heels.
"You look fuckin' incredible." Will complemented as he stood behind me, his arms snaking around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder as I did one final check of my outfit in the floor length mirror. I smiled, turning around in his grasp. "Don't look too bad yourself." I winked. A cheeky smirk spread across his face.
Just seconds after we walked into the restaurant a waiter came up to us. "Hello there! Do you have a reservation?" He asked kindly. "Uh yes. Under Lenney." Will replied. "Ah yes! Right this way." He led us to an outdoor table. It was the kind of place that had really good vibes. Warm lighting illuminated the space and the view was stunning. "Thank you." I smiled politely as we took our seats, Will pulling mine out for me like a proper gentleman.
We ordered our drinks and chatted away. I noticed a cute older couple that was just a few tables away, they looked so happy and in love which is what I hope me and Will will be like when we're there age.
"You alright love?" Will asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What? Oh- yeah. Just thinking about what it'd be like to grow old with you." He laughed lightly. "Well I know for a fact you're still going to be hot as fuck so we have absolutely nothing to worry about." He said. I shook my head, chuckling. "You're a dick."
After eating our food we headed back to the hotel, not before taking a little detour to admire the pretty view once again. As soon as we walked into the room I kicked my heels off. Will did the same.
I felt strong hands on my hips just before I made it to the bed. I turned around with a smirk. He raised his eyebrows at me. My fingers traveled from his shoulder all the way down to the hand on my hip, I slowly moved it onto my ass. Keeping eye contact the entire time.
Quickly his other hand grabbed the back of my thigh and he swiftly lifted me off the ground. I shrieked and then giggled as he pressed me up against the wooden wardrobe door. He kissed me from my jaw to my chest and finally coming back up to connect our lips. The kiss was deep and passionate. Both of my arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him impossibly closer.
After a few minutes Will moved us to the bed, gently laying me down as my hands fell to his muscular shoulders. He slowly made his way down my body; bringing my dress with him until I was in my panties and nothing else. "I'll never get bored of you." He whispered as he removed his clothes, now standing. My cheeks blushed.
Once he was completely naked he crawled on top of me; holding himself up using his forearms. My fingers racked through his hair, massaging his scalp. Slowly one of his hands disappeared between us and he removed my underwear before he reached my clit. I gasped as his fingertips made contact with the bundle of nerves.
"My pretty girl." He husked, admiring my face as my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pure pleasure and as makeup ran down my sweaty, tear stained face. I began rolling my hips and he took the hint. "Ready love?" He asked. I nodded swiftly. "Mhm." I mumbled, licking my lips.
It was only a few seconds of nothing before I finally felt him slowly glide his hard cock into me, allowing me to adjust to his size. "Fuck- you're so tight baby." His forehead pressed onto mine as he began to move. My legs wrapped around his hips allowing his dick to perfectly hit my g-spot making me let out a loud moan.
"Will I'm gonna- I-" my head fell back onto the soft mattress as my orgasm washed over me. Will dug his head into my neck as he rutted his hips into mine, producing quiet groans from his mouth. I quickly felt overstimulated and began to squirm slightly. My walls squeezed around his cock and that pushed him over the edge. Without warning he came deep inside of me (thankfully I'm on the pill).
After catching our breath Will picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He helped me to take a shower and get into some comfy pyjamas. As we settled in the clean, white hotel sheets Will gently stroked my hair, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead before I fell into a peaceful asleep.
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buzzyb33 · 6 months
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Prompt: a collection of clips from a podcast with Y/n and James- literally just them being a cute couple
Warnings: swearing, established relationship, both Y/n and James are content creators, short,
(I have so many requests and stuff but this just came to mind after seeing Ethan and faiths new podcast so.. I’ll get to them soon I swear)
One occurrence was the newest podcast, the two have videos every Thursday and read stupid Twitter threads and Reddit posts.
“So, James.” I say as I adjust my position.
“Yeah? Go on.” He smiles and I clear my throat, exaggerated.
“Would you rather kiss me for 100,000 grand or kiss the prettiest girl in the world for a million?” I cross my legs as I put my phone down from reading.
“Well- what? I kiss you everyday. So I- can just do it.. but for money? So obviously you.” He says, adjusting his glasses.
“That’s the wrong fucking answer, James.” I shake my head.
“What? Why? We don’t need a million- I suppose it’d be nice.” He speaks and watches me carefully as my jaw ticks.
“No! I’m the prettiest girl in the world! You’re meant to say: ‘oh y/n, I could kiss you and get the million,’ because I’m meant to be the prettiest girl in the world!”
I scoff and slam my hand as he starts laughing.
“Yeah-! That’s- what I meant! Oh fuck off that was a trick question. Yeah, I’d kiss you and get the million.” He pleads his case with amusement.
“Who’s the prettiest girl in the world?” I ask.
I shake my head. “Not what you said before..”
Another time was a bit random, but it sits a nice place in Y/ns heart.
“You know, Y/n is getting her room re done. She claims she isn’t a loser but the amount of five nights at Freddy’s and Pokémon stuff is organised on her shelf I thought I was going to have a seizure from all the colours.” James says, flexing his fingers.
I roll my eyes, opening my mouth to speak but the frowning.
“I’m sorry- you’re a content creator and don’t know the five nights at Freddy’s lore? And I bet you could name like two fucking Pokémon.” I scoff, sipping my coffee.
He looks at me and laughs.
“You get so defensive! And I can name many Pokémon, you’re just borderline obsessed.”
He states and I scoff again.
“Sorry, James, how many fucking guitars do you own?” I retort and he rolls his eyes.
“I get payed for that, very different.” He replies and I scoff.
“Guys James is just mad he acts tureen years older than he is.” I snicker and he smiles.
“Okay, haha.”
Though, James’ favourite clip of the two is when they had Willne as a guest, him sat on the middle.
“So, how long do these normally go on for?” He asks as he shifts in his seat.
“About an hour.. maybe longer so..” James pulls his phone out, checking the time.
“Around an hour or something left.” He says and I nod, finding some threads to read out.
“What’s your home screen?” Will asks as James checks the time.
His face turns a little pink, only visible by the tips of his ears and nose.
“It’s me and Y/n in Australia.” He shows will and he can’t help but smile.
The photo consists of Y/n eating a cone of ice cream, one hand in James’ as they walk ahead of whoever took the photo, the sun is just setting and she has his rainbow scarf draped over her shoulders.
At that, i look up.
“What? The one Jago took?” I ask as I peer over and James nods.
“Awe..” I smile and he looks away.
“What’s yours then lass?” Will asks and i smile as I lock my phone to show him and the camera.
The photo is of my lips smooshed against James’ cheek and his hand in my forehead, attempting to push it away, I was sleep deprived when I did that and Jono found it hilarious at James’ trying-not-to-smile expression and snapped the photo.
Will fake gags and then chuckles.
The finally, the end of 2023 podcast was a fan favourite.
“What was your Spotify wrapped?” He asks, pulling his own phone out.
“I thought I’d ask on the podcast.” He adds with a smile.
I smile at his Tory accent and check.
“I haven’t looked yet..” I say as I tap through it.
“Hm. My number one song was heartbeat by childish Gambino, number two static by Steve lacy, number three was so long by you, number four was crying lighting and five was 505 by arctic monkeys.” I say with a soft smile.
“You have me?” He asks with a skeptical tone.
I scoff and shove my phone near him as he smirks.
“Alright alright.. artists?” He asks and I see.
“Arctic monkeys, you, Kanye west, childish gambino and TV girl.” I smile as I hand him my phone.
“I don’t think me and Kanye should ever be next to each other. In any list.” He says with a stupidly serious time and I let out a giggle.
“Shut up. What was your favourite edit of the year?” I ask and he shrugs.
“Edit? I don’t know..” he clearly thinks.
“Mine is the josh Hutcherson one.” I smile jd he rolls his eyes.
“Could at least lie and say it’s one of me.” He scoffs and I laugh.
“I did like the one where it was taking what’s not yours and it was a ship edit of us. That was sweet.” I smile and he nods.
“I saw that.. stop being al soft. Now I look like a prick.” I smile teasingly and he scoffs again.
Guys I’m so burnt out I know I have loads of requests but don’t let that stop you from keeping the coming cus I will be writing my favs first.
Also maybe I just wanted to yap about my interests and put them into the reader. Oh well.
Requests are open!
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kislnd · 1 month
can i get a what would it be like dating willne?
dating willne~
ofc pookie, here you go!! i love making these, it just gives me an excuse to type my silly little thoughts hehe
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-> will doesn't strike me as the type of guy to be big on pda so i think as a consequence he would be extra touchy behind closed doors. he would always need to have part of him touching you, whether it be you on his lap or even something small like him resting his hand on your thigh.
-> i feel like he would be protective of you so you would probably have quite a private (but not secret) relationship. both of your social medias would only show snippets of your lives together - will likes it this way because he gets to have you to himself and you can enjoy lots of things together without worrying about public image or anything.
-> you guys would definitely share clothes. his wardrobe would become your wardrobe and it wouldn't be uncommon for him to lose a jumper only to find that you were wearing it. he definitely wouldn't mind though, it would make you even more attractive to him.
-> couple naps - because he is always close to you and probably like a human heater, it is so easy to fall asleep. there would be many cases where people would walk in and see you and will cuddled up having a nap just because you are both so comfortable.
-> he makes doing mundane tasks like cooking or washing up much easier, he would always be willing to help and would always have his horrendous puns on hand to make you laugh, even if it is just because of how rubbish they are.
-> when you're upset, i think he would be trying to do anything in his power to make everything okay again - i feel like seeing you sad would be one of the most stressful things for him because he never wants you to be unhappy.
-> he would love to take you out on dates. i imagine he would always want them to be a surprise for you so he would just tell you what to wear and the rest would be up to him. he would take you out to fancy restaurants and give you the princess treatment you deserve but i also think he would take you on more chill dates, maybe activity based ones like to the arcade or to places like the beach. if neither of you can make time to go out, he will make sure to cook you your favourite meal at home.
-> it would be impossible for you to get out of bed in the morning, he would try to drag you back in or get you to stay in his arms by promising to get up in five minutes instead (it's always more than five). it would take a lot for you to convince him that going to work was more important than five extra minutes of cuddling, the only way for him to let you go would be by promising to pick up where you left off in the evening.
-> i think you would get on really well with his friends and they would consider you part of their group - there would be many occasions where they would invite you to hang out or to go out for drinks.
-> he would always bring things back from the shop for you without you asking. any time he goes out, you can expect him to come back with something extra, like a packet of your favourite sweets, especially for you to enjoy.
-> your opinion would be very important to him, he would always be asking you about video ideas or showing you what he has made for you to judge. you would be like his quality controls - he knows if you like it, other people likely will too.
-> always sending you stupid reels / tiktoks / memes, you would hear his laugh from the next room and without fail your phone would vibrate within the next seconds following. let's be real, he would probably send you some brainrot that you would laugh at anyway just because you could hear how hard he was laughing.
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inevesgf · 7 months
ok but once a willne girl, always a willne girl
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this man is fine as hell, i will DIE on this hill.
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kkpixivangel · 7 months
POV: Pictures of WillNE as your boyfriend
broad: an picture album of your boyfriend ₍ᐢ › ̫ ‹ ᐢ₎ pictures are not mine f2u!
from: "100 Hours On World's Most Luxurious Train" on WillNE channel
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
Headcannons for willNE in bed?? 🤭🤭👀👀
sooo... you girlies wanted will content so here you go! i think i may need to do more because, damn, this got my willne feels back in full swing...
-> he worships his partner.
-> he thrives off of giving pleasure to his partner more than receiving it himself and he won't stop pleasing her until he's told to stop. until he hears the words roll of her tongue, he would offer to go all night if it was something she wanted.
-> he never shies away from foreplay; in fact, it's his favourite part of being intimate in bed with her.
-> of course, he would be a fool to say he wasn't a huge fan and he loves foreplay on himself and he completely melts under her touch when she initiates. the feeling of her hands roaming his body, the way her fingers curl around him, the way her tongue feels against his skin, the way she covers his skin in kisses and leaves her mark behind... he loves it.
-> but he's always eager to have her sitting on his face. whether she rides his tongue from above or whether he devours her from between her thighs, he doesn't care how it happens... he just wants the taste of her on his tongue.
-> his favourite position has to be between her legs when they're over his shoulders, knees locking either side of his head, keeping him from going anywhere... not that he'd ever find himself backing away from her. her fingers twisting in his hair, pulling and tugging when he hits the right spots, heels digging into his back.
-> he savours every second and every sound; from the feeling of every movement to the way she feels around his fingers to the way she tenses around his cock to the way every gentle motion of his hips has her moaning and writhing in pleasure.
-> he's not selfish either and he listens to her and what she begs for and he tries his best to divulge her wishes.
-> he loves her on top when it comes to sex.
-> his hands hold her hips as she rides him, slapping at the flesh of her bum when he feels like she needs a tiny bit encouragement to keep going, getting to watch her as she takes control of the pace, the way her face twists with pleasure, fingers digging into his chest and leaving behind tiny indents. a front row view of her satisfaction.
-> and even though he's absolutely ravenous for her in the moment, he's so gentle when it comes to aftercare. treating her like a princess, especially if she's been in control for the most of it, just to show his appreciation for her and how much he really loves her. xx
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gremlin-boah · 12 days
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Well... Goodluck stealing him.
@alphabetpal your offer was very good but they are NOT gonna give lenney.
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ruu222 · 17 days
like i have college tomorrow i cannot get him out of my head
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bisexualcartman · 1 month
just fell to my knees in a walmart parking lot (i am sitting and never stepped foot inside a walmart store)
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g-xix · 8 months
YouTubers+ Eating Out HC's
freezy, Lux, Deji, Ginge, Danny Aarons, ChrisMD (again), WillNE, James Marriott
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Calfreezy -I feel like he'd go at a rly fast pace, like absolutely NO CHILL. -Has you on all fours so that after he's done he can either fuck you in doggy, or just turn you over and use your mouth -Isn't rly a bit fan of eating you out, more of a receiver than giver
Callux -This man absolutely savours it. -Can't tell whether who's more blissed out between the two of you, when he goes down -Missionary position so that he can look up at you whilst he brings you to climax, being able to see your gorgeous face -Not v aggressive or fast paced, each stroke of his tongue is done with purpose and has you moaning no matter what speed he goes at -Absolute praise whore, would close his eyes or moan into you if you tell him he's doing a good job -Licks everything from your thighs and core driving you into overstimulation post-orgasm
Deji -Sat on his face -Glasses are off so he can't see that well, but he alr knows the spots to make you weak -Grind down on his tongue sometimes bc you're too impatient -Makes groans of his own whilst he works which sends vibrations straight into your core making you totally WEAK in those knees whilst he's eating you out
Chrismd -Ofc he's obsessed w face sitting too. -Loves the thick girlies that are going to put all their weight on his tongue and let him eat em out goooood -So fucking pussy drunk, will absolutely lose his MIND giving wet, sloppy head -His biceps n forearms clamping you down so that your pussy is completely flush against his mouth and you cannot move for a moment of relief and he's still licking you up and driving you into overstim even after you've cum [yeah i also wrote his imagine here bc idk if he's a part of the ATV-G-Clarkey group or this one atp]
AngryGinge13 -first time you tried it was actually in the back of his car which didn't make for the nicest feeling in your neck a couple hours later -But he had you absolutely GRIPPING onto those grip assist things on the ceiling whilst he was going down though -He's 6"3 aka MASSIVE which gives me the impression he has some nice long fingers which he uses along with his mouth -Has your legs shaking when he pulls away with a cocky grin and asks "how's that?" as though he hasn't just caused you the hardest orgasm of your LIFE on his tongue
Danny Aarons -He deffo loves a thick girlie, like, just don't try tell me that he doesn't -Aaand also I feel like he's made it quite obvious on the internet that he likes a rougher experience -So I think that he doesn't care WHAT position it's in, just so long as your thighs are squeezing his head as though you are gonna crush it like a fuckin' watermelon -thread your fingers through his hair, pull on his locks, and be as loud as possible for him -He's purposefully gonna try make you loud - moaning his name like bloody Moaning Myrtle - and if you're not loud enough for him then he's gonna be sucking your clit with enough mf pressure to have you gasping his name
James Marriott -Honestly he could love the thick or slim girlies -Can imagine him manhandling any size of lady, he doesn't gaf -Not necessarily rough with you, ofc always asking you and making sure you're doing alright n are comfy and all... -But in random moments he'll just pick you up or flip you over so easily - just manhandle you so effortlessly it always gets you so turned on - but you'd never ask him to be rly rough with u bc u know he's not so much into that -Okay wow that was off-topic from eating out but BACK TO THE PUSSY LICKING GOOD STUFF -One of the only YouTube mf's that I think would have you on all fours in doggy position when he's licking you up -licking from your clit up to your hole and giving THE SLOPPIEST head, which is just so fucking hot too, spit n cum mixing n being used all the same and has you coming haaaard when his head's between your thighs
WillNE -Presses feather light kisses on your thighs and aaaall around where you actually need him, making you a desperate mess... -And of course he won't give you that satisfaction until you've begged sufficiently enough for him -Holds your thighs with his hands, fingers pressing into your pillowy thighs and just squishing them around... Probably leaves accidental little bruises the next day -Has his tongue flat and moves his head up and down, sometimes even side to side making his lips glisten with your arousal -Will come up once you've orgasmed, lips glistening with your slick and making a sinfully beautiful sight to behold
JUST AMP BOYS LEFT FOR THE HEAD HEADCANONS!!! Comment n lmk what sorta HC's youse all wanna see next + whether you've enjoyed the YouTubers Head series!
(and did I miss out any YT-ers you were hoping to see? LMK!)
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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w2soneshots · 7 months
Dress up -Willne
words: 0.4k+
warnings: none.
summary: your boyfriend takes you out for dinner.
notes: I don’t really watch Will but this was requested on wattpadd so sorry if it isn’t very accurate!🫶🏼 Also its so short, im having a bit of writers block😭💘
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Liked by chrismd10 and 391,045 others
y/username: cuties🫶 @willne
willne: done me dirty there
calfreezy: my guy basil👊🏻
y/nfanpage21: loveee the outfit girl!!
user26901572: pahahahaha the 4th pic😭
I've been with Will for 4 years now. We met in a pub, he gave me his number... now we share an apartment and have a miniature dachshund named Basil. Yesterday it was our four year anniversary, but we were both busy so decided to celebrate it today. Will booked dinner at a surprise restaurant. The only thing he told me was to "dress up." The reservation is for six so I began getting ready at 4. I took a shower, did my make up, hair, then got dressed into a white skirt and top set along with some white boots and a black bag.
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Liked by willne and 419,305 others
y/username: dinner🤍 @willne
willne: 🔥🔥🔥
y/nfanpage21: they're so cute🥹
user71457923: where's the set from?
-> y/username: Bershka😘
Once I was ready, I made my way into the lounge. Will immediately got up from being sat on the sofa. "Wow," he pulled me into a kiss "you look beautiful." I smiled "don't look so bad yourself." We left soon after and got a taxi to the restaurant. We paid and thanked the driver then made our way into the building. We were quickly shown to our seats and asked what drinks we would like. "Umm, vodka cranberry, please." I said politely. "okay perfect and for you sir?" The waiter asked Will. "Can I just get a Stella please mate." he said in his strong northern accent. "great, that'll be with you asap." the waiter said, then walked off.
Once our drinks came we ordered our starters and mains. "So, my family were wondering if we would drive down to them and stay for a few days." I said, before taking a sip of my drink. "Ye, that would be great." he replied cheerfully. "obviously we would bring basil, I'm actually starting to think she likes him more than me." I said with a chuckle.
When we finished eating our food, Will payed and we left. We got a taxi back to our apartment, I got into my pyjamas and Will just wore his boxers then we jumped into our bed. "thank you for tonight, love you." I whispered. "Love you, night." Will said. Then he pulled me into him and we fell asleep.
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buzzyb33 · 9 months
Being in a relationship w memeulous would be a good idea for headcannons love you byeee
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Prompt: in request-!
Warnings: some suggestive content, swearing, mentions of height
Obviously- he couldn’t tell the public that you and him were dating, you were a mutual of James Marriott due to you and Jago (James’ drummer) were close growing up both playing drums.
You two met through said which was fun, you two were close before you moved back to London causing you to get even closer, little coffee dates.
“George would you rather be your ideal intellect or be your ideal heig- i start as I sip my coffee.
“Height- look at me Y/n!” He whisper shouts with a grin.
I laugh.
He asked her out around 2 months later and did it with a nice bouquet of blue lilies.
He knocked on her door and she opened it as she rubbed her eyes, she was fully dressed just no makeup and her hair wasn’t done, showing her light freckles may be ironic- but beyond all the odds, she’d never looked prettier.
I smile as I see him.
“Hi george- we didn’t have anything planned today did we?” I say as I Lena on my doorframe.
“Uh, no- but.. I have something to ask.”
My smile wavers at his nervousness.
“Will you go- on a proper real date with Me? You know..” he said and sheepishly brought the lilies from behind his back.
Her cheeks flushes and she grinned.
“You remembered by favourite flower? Oh george! Of course!” I giggled and take the flowers out of his hands gently.
He smiled and I tell him to come him and put the flowers in a vase.
“You-“ he exhaled.and smiled.
“Yeah cool.” He tried to keep his calm but could hardly contain his smile.
Their dates were great, clearly they were meant and happy for each other.
At the start of the relationship the two were still a bit shy with each other, holding hands in public was their only form of PDA.
Though, further on into the relationship George asked you to move in with him, you could trial it for a bit.
After passing the honeymoon and awkward phases of your relationship you two were romantic best friends.
You found out pretty quickly George’s love language was gift giving, while you’re was quality time.
When you two were out before you were holding hands, something you just started doing in public, and his face was red.
“George you okay?” I ask quietly.
He nods and pulls his hand out of mine before wiping it on his chest then putting it back in mine.
Another time, me and George were making out in the comfort of our apartment and I exhale as his mouth goes to my neck.
“George- I have my train to get to-! I have to go meet James..” he mumbled something as he nibbled my neck, me holding back a whine.
“Alright- okay..” he murmurs as his eyes flick between my eyes and neck.
“Have fun.” He smiles and kisses my temple.
I don’t think much about his actions as I’m on my trainer to Brighton; my mind drifts into the fact I haven’t really told James how me and George are dating- same for him, even though he introduced us.
As I get to his apartment- he starts his stream and he starts talking about how his chat should of drew me.
I move my hair out my face and look at James as he talks.
“Neck- chat what are you on about? Neck-“
He looks at me then his jaw drops.
Y/n! You have a hickey!” He jabs my cheek and my face turns a shade of crimson.
He muted his stream and laughs at me.
“Who gave you that? Do I know them?”
I put my face in my hands and sit on his floor.
He unmutes his stream and says I’ll be with them in a minute.
As he ended the stream he laughed again and leaned against the door frame.
“Well, thank you for coming.” He clicked his tongue.
“Who gave you the hickey?” I push his chest and scoff.
“Thank you for having me- I need to go do… things.” He rolls his eyes as I tie my laces.
“Was it George?”
George definitely did that on purpose.
“Can we get matching pyjamas?” I ask as I go into his office as he edits a main channel video.
He doesn’t hear me and I notice he still has his mask and glasses on, I sigh and pull his hat off his head, massaging his scalp lightly.
He turns to face me and smiles.
“Fix your posture, love you do this all the time..” I say softly and he leans back in his chair and looks at me.
I smile and pull his glasses off then his mask.
He exhales and relaxes in my touch as I massage his scalp, his eyes closing gently.
“Mmmh- thank you, n/n.. I- I do love you..” he muttered as I smiled.
We didn’t say that much.
“What did you say- earlier?” He questions as I sense his drowsiness.
“We should get matching pyjamas, I think that- would be cute for us..”
He smokes and nods, already almost half asleep.
“George get into bed..”
He groans and opens his eyes, he saves whatever editing he’s done and drags himself out of his office into his room. (He had a three bedroom apartment and when I stayed I shared with him)
“I’ll get a drink then be back.” I say as I go to get a bottle of water, as I come back he’s already fast asleep.
I smile and climb into bed with him, his arms instinctively going around my waist.
And finally, George definitely calls you short arse to make himself feel better at his 5’8 stature.
Can you tell I struggle with boyfriend headcannons? Anyway thanks for the request!! I have a josh fic out soon maybe earlier than next week and TWO tobi ones so!
Requests are open!
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insomniac4000 · 1 month
could you write a fic for willne maybe about him and y/n maybe something about finally confessing their love for eachother?? xx love your writing!
Third Times A Charm- WillNE 1417 Words
The bright afternoon sun was out in full force, casting long, golden rays over London as the couple made they way down the bustling streets. Will glanced over at y/n, who was animatedly talking about the latest video she’d watched. Her eyes lit up when she got excited, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. They’d been dating for about a six months now, and every moment with her was a reminder of how lucky he was. But today, something else was on Will's mind, there was something he had been wanting to say for a while but hadn’t yet found the right moment, he was determined to find it today.
“Will, are you even listening?” she teased, playfully nudging him in the side.
“Of course I am!” He replied with a grin, though he knew she could see through it. Will's mind was racing, trying to figure out how to say the words that had been on the tip of his tongue for weeks now. He wanted it to be perfect, but it felt like every time he tried to bring it up, something got in the way.
The couple turned a corner, and suddenly, the busy street opened up into a small park a little oasis in the middle of the city. The grass was lush and green, dotted with families having picnics and couples lounging on blankets. A few kids chased each other around, their laughter ringing through the air. Will couldn’t help but think how perfect this spot would be to finally tell y/n what he had been holding in.
“Hey, y/n,” Will started, his voice a little shakier than he intended. She turned to him, her smile softening into something more intimate. The way she looked at him, like he was the only person in the world that mattered, it gave Will a surge of confidence. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…”
Her eyes widened slightly, and she tilted her head in that adorable way she did when she was curious. Will opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get the words out, a voice interrupted him.
“OMG you are WillNE!!!?"
The couple both turned to see a young guy, probably in his late teens/early twenties, rushing over. He had a wide grin on his face and was clutching his phone like it was the most precious thing in the world.
“I’m a huge fan! Can I get a picture?”
Will blinked, he had considered telling the boy to fuck off but the moment had now gone.
“Yeah, mate, sure,” He said, forcing a smile as Will took the phone and posed for the photo.
Y/n stepped back slightly, giving the boys some space. She was great like that never getting annoyed or jealous when her and Will were interrupted. But as the fan left, practically bouncing with excitement, Will couldn’t help but feel a bit deflated.
“Sorry about that,” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Don’t be silly, Will,” y/n said with a laugh. “You have fans. It’s part of the job, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” They continued walking through the park, but the moment felt lost. Will tried to shake off the disappointment, telling himself that there’d be other opportunities. Maybe somewhere more private would be better, anyway.
The second time Will tried to tell y/n he loved her, they were back at Will's flat, lounging around after a lazy Sunday brunch. The sun streamed through the windows, filling the room with a warm, golden glow. They’d been lying on the couch together, her head resting on his chest while they scrolled through their phones. It was the kind of comfortable silence they'd grown to love, where words weren’t always necessary.
But Will knew he couldn’t keep holding it in. The feeling had been building up inside him, more so after the attempt at the park. He needed her to know.
“Y/n,” Will said softly, setting his phone down on the coffee table. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
She looked up at Will, her eyes filled with curiosity. “What is it, Will?”
He swallowed, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it. I just needed to say the words. “I—”
Before he could finish however, y/n suddenly gasped, her hand flying up to her nose. “Oh no, I think I’m getting a nosebleed.”
Will blinked, the words freezing in my throat as she scrambled off the couch and rushed toward the bathroom. Will sat there for a moment, dumbfounded, before reality kicked in and to his best judgement followed her.
“Are you alright?” He asked, hovering awkwardly in the doorway as she leaned over the sink, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she replied, her voice muffled by the tissue she was holding to her nose. Will looked at the tissue and on seeing the tiniest red spot started to go green.
"Oh no Will, you don't like the sight of blood do you?" y/n remembered suddenly.
“I'll be fine. Do you need anything?” Will asked trying to be stoic but feeling a bit useless.
“No, I’ll be fine in a minute,” she assured him, her voice already sounding steadier. “Don’t worry about it, go back into the living I'll be done in a minute.”
Will nodded and retreated back to the living room, sinking onto the couch with a sigh. Will started thinking, maybe he was going about this all wrong. He had been trying to make it a big moment, but maybe what he needed was just…to be honest. He loved her plain and simple. Did it really need to be this grand declaration?
That thought stayed with Will for the rest of the day. The couple didn’t do much after the nosebleed incident just hung out around the flat, watched a few movies, and generally enjoyed each other’s company. As the evening wore on, Will found himself more and more determined to tell her how he felt. No more interruptions, no more waiting for the perfect moment. he was just going to say it.
As the credits rolled on the film they had been watching, Will turned his head slightly to look at y/n. Her eyes were half-closed, and he wondered if she was on the verge of falling asleep.
“Y/n,” Will said softly, not wanting to startle her. She hummed in response, snuggling a little closer to him. Will smiled at that, feeling his heart swell with affection. “I love you.”
The words were out before he even realized it, and for a second, Will held his breath, waiting for her reaction. She froze for a moment, then slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. There was a beat of silence, and he could see the surprise in her eyes, followed by something that looked a lot like happiness. well Will hoped it was anyway.
“Will…you love me?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Will nodded, feeling more sure of myself now that the words were out in the open. “Yeah, I do. I’ve been trying to tell you all day, but…well, things kept getting in the way.”
She stared at him for another moment, and then, to his relief, she broke into a wide, beautiful smile. “I love you too, Will.”
Hearing those words from her made everything worth it—the failed attempts, the nerves, all of it. Will felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, and all he could do was pull her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m so glad you finally said it,” she murmured, resting her head back on Will's shoulder.
“Me too,” he admitted. “I was starting to think it was never going to happen.” He added with a laugh. She laughed softly, and the sound was like music to Will's ears. “I’m just happy you feel the same way I do.”
The couple sat there in silence for a while, the TV still playing in the background, but they really weren't paying attention to it anymore. All Will could think about was how right this felt—being here with her, finally having told her how he felt.
The moment wasn’t perfect, but maybe that was the point. Love wasn’t about grand gestures or perfect timing. It was about the everyday moments, the little things that made up a life together. And now that they'd finally confessed their love they couldn’t wait to keep building that life together.
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