#leo tsukinaga x y/n
midknightwritings · 2 years
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"I Like You, I Love You !!"
Synopsis : Confessing your love for a certain orange-haired knight was a struggle in itself as you constantly backed out at the last second in nervousness. Noticing your struggles, your friends recommended that you should confess with a song instead !! With their support, what could go wrong ??
Era : Basic !
Warning/s : Swearing, mentions of feeling anxious / slightly panicked
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader [ Main POV ] / Leo Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu / Tsukasa / Anzu [ Supporting characters ]
A/N : "I like you, I love you" IS SUCH A CUTE SONG I COULDN’T RESIST !! So... *offers you a oneshot* The inspiration was too strong for this one wahaha~☆ I tend to struggle a bit when it comes to dialogue so I hope I was able to portray them decently orz
I mainly used the english lyrics from the wiki !! :)
“Hey Leo! Sorry for disturbing you but do you have a moment?” you smiled at the orange-haired knight, who was currently shoving his music sheets haphazardly into his bag in order to get ready for practice, causing the papers to crumple due to the force. “Ah~ [ Y/N ]! Why are you here so early~?” he asked, but when you opened your mouth to reply he immediately cuts you off, “Wait!! Don’t say anything otherwise our ever expanding fantasy will crumble before the cosmos~” With a hand on his head and a pondering expression, your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at how adorable he currently looks.
Internally psyching yourself up, you took a deep breath in to calm your nerves before you finally answered. “I finished the paperworks early and was wondering if... If... You wanted to play a game while waiting for the others! Yeah...” you shyly explained, a light blush dusting your cheeks as Leo looked at you with a curious gaze. He immediately smiled and nodded in agreement, “Very well! This king shall dedicate his time to you until his fellow knights return~♪ So what game do you want to play~?”
“Wha-what about ‘Shiritori’?” you answered instantly without thinking, earning a curious, and slightly confused, expression from the said king. ‘Seriously [ Y/N ]?! Out of all the games out there, why did you pick the one that focuses on word play?!’ you internally scolded yourself; “I... I just thought that maybe it could help with writing lyrics since you know… S-Synonyms and stuff…?” you stuttered in an iffy tone. That seemed to convince Leo enough though and with a big smile he agreed.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ], you're sneaky! Giving yourself an advantage since you know my weakness? Well, you’re mistaken because as king I will rise victorious in this battle! Wahaha~☆” “Oh, my dear king~ It is I who will stand victorious on this battlefield today! Ready~? Shirito"ri"…”
“RITSU !!” you both exclaimed at the same time, earning a confused “Huh~?” from the studio door. As Leo looked past your shoulders, you spun around to be greeted with the sight of Ritsu, Arashi, Tsukasa, Izumi and even Anzu carrying towels and water bottles.
“Jeez, while we were out here busting our asses off to prepare for practice, you two lovebirds are playing a game? That’s so~annoying.” Izumi rolled his eyes as he placed the towels on top of an empty table.
“L…Lovebirds?!” you exclaimed in embarrassment but Leo just laughed cheekily at Izumi’s comment, seemingly unbothered by the nickname. “Sena~ If you keep your face scrunched up like that you’ll get a ton of wrinkles way~y before becoming an old man!”
Ever since you transferred to Yumenosaki, you've gotten close to the members of Knights after closely working with them after the DDD incident. Then, upon Leo’s return, you started getting close to him as well. The more you two hanged out, the more your feelings started to grow and eventually, you ended up falling for him… Hard…
Your ‘crush’ on the said king was so obvious to the other members that they would often tease you whenever they could. Offhanded nicknames and comments such as these were common at this point but they never failed to make you blush and internally cuss them out. You’re honestly surprised that Leo seemingly didn’t notice but you just assumed that he thought this was all platonic since he often says “I love you~!” to his friends anyways. This kind of upsets you but, at the same time, you’re very grateful as your feelings were still a secret.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
After practice, Leo immediately jumped up and grabbed his bag before dashing to the door. “I’m heading off now! I gotta help my family with dinner~ Bye-be~e~☆” and with that, Leo was out the door in the blink of an eye. You waited for a minute or two and, when you were 100% certain that he was gone, you groaned loudly and sank into the desk.
“Your efforts are so pathetic that they’re comical at this point.” “Now now Izumi-chan, there’s no need to rub salt on their wounds... We all know [ Y/N ]-chan’s trying their best...” “Yeah Secchan, it’s not their fault their brain seemingly turns to mush every time they see anything remotely orange~”
“Guys, I get it…” you groaned again, grabbing your water bottle and taking a sip; “I just can’t help it! Every time I see him, I can’t seem to think properly!!”
“[ Y/N ]-san, this may seem quite bold, but have you ever thought about finally confessing? You’ve been pining over LEADER for quite some time now, and I believe that telling him your feelings can finally give you some CLOSURE.”
“I’m trying!!” you dramatically wailed, “Every time I think about finally confessing, I back out at the last second and come up with a super dumb excuse! Just last week, I planned to confess but got so scared that I ended up asking if we could play rock-paper-scissors instead!!”
A scoff caused you to turn to the silver-haired knight who was seemingly holding back his laughter. “Izumi seems to think that was hilarious…” you sarcastically called out, causing him to raise an eyebrow with a small smirk on his lips. “At least I don’t go around asking people if they want to play rock-paper-scissors~” he teased, making you huff in embarrassment. However, just before you could retaliate, a quiet voice spoke up.
“[ Y/N ]-san, if you struggle with words then why don’t you confess to Tsukinaga-senpai with a song instead? Singing and talking are two very different things, so maybe that could help you.” Anzu recommended, making you stop and think about it. “Well if I sang, then maybe I wouldn't get so embarrassed...” you quietly mumbled to yourself; “Do you think it’ll work?”
“Don’t overthink it [ Y/N ]-chan~ That’s the perfect way to confess to ou-sama!”
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
A few days passed since then and, with the help of Anzu and the other members of Knights, you were able to come up with the perfect confession song! It wasn’t too complicated, as you decided to poke fun at your previous confession attempts as a way to shed light into how you truly felt at the time. The song was both light-hearted and serious, and you hoped to build up those emotions for the climax, which was at the end where you would actually sing your confession.
Anzu was kind enough to book a recording booth after class on Friday and, the moment the bell rang, you immediately hopped out of your seat and ran to the studio. Throughout the week, you spent time with Leo as if everything was normal. It was quite hard, because Leo is surprisingly quite observant, but you somehow managed to pull through.
Once you entered the recording studio, Anzu was already there, setting up the recording devices as you went inside to set up the microphone itself. Once you were both done, Knights, excluding Leo of course, entered the studio. They wanted to help guide you through the vocals since you weren’t used to singing for an audience.
Once everything was in place, the recording session began.
The session went without a hitch as you sang through the choruses and verses with ease. With the feedback you got from the knights, you were also able to fine-tune all the melodic and harmonic details! However, your heart started to quicken the further you were in the song because you knew the inevitable was coming. With that, you finally reached the confession section.
It was a simple line! All you had to sing was, “You know, the truth is that I like you! I love you!!” and you’ll be done! That’s what you initially thought, but your hands started to shake with nervousness as you held the lyric sheets tightly.
“Just one more line [ Y/N ]-chan and you’ll be done! You got this!” Arashi cheered from outside the booth as Tsukasa smiled and nodded in agreement. “Let’s just get this over with alright?” Izumi huffed, but you’ve been friends with him for long enough to decipher that he was also cheering you on. Ritsu lazily gave you a thumbs up and a soft smile, indicating that he was rooting for you as well.
“Alright [ Y/N ]-san! Whenever you’re ready.” Anzu smiled as she moved forward and pressed the "record" button on the large device. Taking a deep breath in, you saw the light inside the booth change from red to green, indicating that the device was now recording. Mustering up all your strength and against the loud, rapid beating of your heart, you started to sing the final line.
“You know, the truth is, I, ah-” you stuttered out immediately, your hands seemingly shook with such force that you couldn’t even see the lyrics anymore! Your mind started to spin as you began to imagine Leo in front of you, looking at you with his shining green eyes that held an excited, yet curious, glint within them; wondering what you were going to say next.
At that moment, you became a complete mess.
“I, um, um, you know… You, aah… I, sorry, wait, um, you know-”
You were so caught up with your internal struggle to, ‘Just sing the damn line [ Y/N ]!’ that you failed to notice everyone outside the booth watching you. Some in surprise, others in slight amusement. Seeing that you didn’t want to stop, Anzu signed at the others to stay quiet as she decided to continue recording. All they could do was watch from the outside as you kept trying to push yourself;
“Uuh, I… About you…! You know, I, you… You know, I, you- I, you… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li-”
At this point, you weren’t looking at your lyric sheets for guidance anymore, but rather, you were staring at them to avoid the gazes of your friends. You could feel them watching you with confusion? Maybe pity? Who knows because you sure as hell didn’t want to know either!
“Li-li-li-li, li, li, li, li… Breathe in, out…” you muttered to yourself as you tried to psych yourself up, but the moment you looked up at your friends, you finally saw their expecting gazes and just sighed in defeat.
“Sorry, just forget it…” you languished, waving your hand in defeat and signaling Anzu to stop recording. She looked at you with empathy, and understanding, as your gaze was down at your feet. Your mind started to fill with various thoughts running at once.
‘Am I really going to back down now after all the help they gave me? Am I really gonna allow myself to give up just like that...?’ you thought as you subtly glanced up at your friends once again.
You didn’t want to read into their expressions too deeply but you could tell that they were more worried about you. Anzu saw your gaze and gave you a small smile and a nod, but just as she was about to click the "stop recording” button, a wave of determination seemingly engulfed you. Izumi noticed this and quickly grabbed Anzu’s wrist, causing her finger to hover just above the button as you yelled out, “Wait!” at the same time.
As they all looked at you with encouragement, you took another deep breath in and tried again;
“Li, li, li-li, li-li-li-li. Li-li-li-li, li… li… li… li… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li… Like you, I love you!!”
The blush on your face was now a deep, deep shade of red as your heart was beating so hard that you genuinely thought that it’d break through your ribcage at any point now. Looking at your friends once again, you can see Arashi silently clapping with a smile, Tsukasa giving you a thumbs up, Izumi with a small smile and Ritsu mouthing “You did it~” as Anzu stopped the recording.
“I don’t think this is gonna work out after all…” was the first thing you muttered out when you exited the booth. “Don’t say that [ Y/N ]-chan! You were finally able to say it in the end! Plus, I personally find your stuttered singing to be quite cute, you know~” Arashi comforted you but it only caused you to sigh even more. “There’s no way it was good enough though…” you mumbled, fumbling with your thumbs as you started to feel self-conscious.
As the others tried to comfort you, their voices were drowned out by the negative thoughts that started to plague your mind. ‘Leo deserves better than this…’ , ‘This wasn't a good idea after all…’ , ‘I’m going to make a bigger fool out of myself with this after all, huh…?’ were just some of the ideas that clouded your thoughts. Finally packing up your bag, you turned to them all with a sad smile.
“Sorry for dragging you all into this and wasting your time… I think it’d be best if you just pretended that this never happened…” you choked out as you left the studio before anyone could say a thing.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
That night, you started to overthink the entire situation, causing you to drown in self-loathing at the thought of wasting your friends' precious time. You spent so much time thinking to yourself, that the weekend seemingly passed by in the blink of an eye. Luckily, you were able to come to terms with the whole situation when Monday rolled around.
‘I’m ok with pining from a distance as long as we're still friends... It wouldn’t be that bad, right?’ you thought to yourself as you got ready for school once again. With this newfound sense of acceptance, you decided to find Anzu and the other knights to apologize to them; and that’s exactly what you did.
You entered the school gates and greeted everybody as if you totally didn’t have a mini breakdown during the weekend and, when you ran into Anzu and the others, you greeted them as usual before apologizing. You were glad that they accepted your apology, as they completely understood your perspective but, at the same time, something seemed off about them all.
You first noticed this from Anzu. She seemed excited about something. When you asked, she said that she got to mix a really important song during the weekend and she was super happy with the results! Listening to her happy ramble eased any worries you had so you moved on.
When you went to Tsukasa, you noticed that he was a bit jumpy but you didn't question it because Knights’ next live was coming up and you just assumed that he was nervous about that.
Ritsu was surprisingly more awake than his usual morning-self. When you teasingly asked why, he just said that he had to give something important to "someone" and moved on. He never told you who this "someone" was but you just assumed that it was a classmate.
Arashi was quite giddy and cheerful, but the wording of her teases made you do a double take. Subtle remarks such as, "[ Y/N ]-chan don't worry about a thing! I still ship you two so hard! Ah~ You will be such a cute couple~" in combination with her playful winks never failed to make you blush. Once again though, you thought that this was her way of making you feel better because she was acting like the recording session didn't happen in the first place.
Last was Izumi. He didn’t seem any different compared to the others when you went to him to apologize, but what caught your attention was the fact that he kept checking his phone every minute or so in rapid succession. You just thought that his schedule was packed so you didn't mind.
However, something else was off… Normally, you’d see Leo composing in the halls and greet him on the way to class but today... He wasn't there?
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you entered your classroom wondering where he was. Taking a seat on your desk, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket before opening the message;
Izumi : oi, can you help me find ou-sama? class will start soon and his stuff isn't even there yet! So now I’m the one tasked with hunting him down this is so annoying… You : huh that’s strange… shouldnt he be finished vandalizing the hallways by now? Izumi : did you seriously think I didn't check?! jeez, I'm not stupid [ Y/N ] he must be somewhere else go check our studio and I’ll check the halls again You : you can count on me o7
Shoving your phone into your pocket, you hopped out of your seat, left your classroom and started your search. Looking around the halls curiously, you wondered why Izumi asked for your help in the first place. 'The studio huh...? Leo usually isn't in there in the mornings so why should I check there?' you thought to yourself as your eyes scanned the halls for a familiar shade of orange.
As you continued your way to the studio, you started to lose hope as the halls were seemingly void of any scribbles. ‘Where could he be?!’ you thought to yourself as you tried to rack your brain for any possible leads. Just as you were deep in thought, you suddenly stopped dead in your tracks as you heard a familiar voice humming a very familiar tune.
‘Oh fuck…’ was the only thought that crossed your mind as your heart sank. Turning towards the direction of the voice, you were met with the sight of Leo laying on his stomach on the floor in Knights' studio, holding an IPod and wearing earphones.
Quietly making your way towards the opened door, you slowly leaned in from the side of the doorframe and peeked in, trying to hide yourself. This seemingly worked as Leo didn't notice you and continued humming, even bopping his head to the beat of the song. Your song.
All you could do was quietly watch in horror as you even caught him humming a recognizable rhythm. Tensing at what you heard, you instantly knew that those were your stutters. Trying to hold back your tears, your mind was racing with so many thoughts.
‘Why is the stuttering there?! Didn’t I tell you guys to forget about the song-’ your thoughts were cut off by a surprised, “Ah!” from inside the room. You stared at Leo for a few seconds before your mind finally processed that he was looking at you too, with an unreadable expression. So, you gave him a small smile to try and hide your nervousness.
“Hey Leo… Izumi’s looking for you, he said that you need to go to class…” you explained in an uncharacteristically hushed tone as you tried to fight back your tears. You didn’t want him to see you cry, especially since the damage was already done with the song. ‘I don’t want to make things worse…’ you thought to yourself but, just before you could run away, Leo gave you playful pout.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ]~ Forget about classes! I-Aah, wait!! I cannot allow myself to forget~ This is su~per important so listen~☆”
‘Here it is…’ you thought as you braced yourself for the inevitable rejection, but you jumped in surprise when you felt Leo hug you tight. Without his smile faltering in the slightest, he pulled you in close and nuzzled into your face like a cat. A deep blush covered your cheeks as you stood there frozen in shock, your mind going blank due to the situation you're currently in.
“L… Leo?!” you were able to stammer out in confusion, causing the orange-haired knight to look at you with a happy glimmer in his eyes. Without breaking away from hug, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and, with the same melody you know all too well, sang;
“I like you, I love you too~♪”
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kunikame · 2 years
Natsume!! hello! i see rqs r open.....kindly asking if u don't mind..... ahem,,, small hcs of leo comforting fem!s/o that came home and break down in front of him bcz of toxic work place? i need comfort after angsty day ToT, take yer time n don't forget to rest!
hi hi bee nonnie welcome to the squad!!! ofc ofc! im so sorry it took so long to get this out i kept rewriting it cuz i never liked how it came out. still kinda dont but my beta readers said its good so im gonna trust them :,) hope you like it ! thank you & have a great day <3
[ natsume & izumi ver. ]
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comfort crowd - t. leo
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warnings : "angel" used once (1 time)
w/c : 862
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today was a horrible day, you decided. it started when you realized you forgot your house keys, then when your only friend at work didn't show up, making the place 10 times more unbearable than it was with her around.
next thing you know everyone was approaching you with demands you couldn't possibly meet in your work hours, so they asked you to stay later. your superior started yelling at you for missing a report you were sure you weren't even asked to write, but no one would listen to you trying to defend yourself.
by the time you were finished, it was way past your usual clock out time and your lock screen was filled with messages from leo asking where you were.
heaving a deep sigh and looking around the office you realized you were the last one there. you stood up, tired bones aching, and stretched hoping to relieve at least some of the pain. spoiler alert: didn't help.
you walked out of the building, your mind exhaustedly pulling your body along with you, the only thing keeping you going was the thought of laying in bed.
then it started raining, because of course it did
this time you groaned, of course this happens when you dont have an umbrellla, or your keys. putting in the effort to sluggishly walk home faster, your feet carried you on autopilot as your mind was far, far away. what was leo doing right now? you only hope he didn't burn the apartment down. wait- apartment.... you'll have to walk up all those stairs.. oh wait, nevermind, there's an elevator. thank god.
next thing you know you were standing in said elevator ascending to your apartments floor. the doors opened facing a long hallway. you got out and slowly walked towards the door decorated with an orange bell leo insisted on hanging. you knocked and the door opened immediately, the bell letting out a pleasant chime.
"where've you been i was worried sick you weren't even answering your messages and-"
you walked past him. no matter how it stabbed you in the heart to do so, you were too tired to listen to his yelling right now.
the ginger stood in the doorway dumbfounded, then slowly turned to see you walking towards the bedroom. gently closing the door and locking it, he followed you.
"what's wrong?" he asked, quieter this time.
you sighed, "work. it was horrible," though you told yourself you wouldn't cry, the slight tremble in your voice betrayed you.
"wanna talk about it? i'll run you a warm bath."
the stabbing in your heart got more intense. now you felt even worse for walking past him. wordlessly nodding knowing your voice would betray you if you spoke, leo stood watching you for a moment then left for the bathroom.
a few moments later you followed after him. the sweet aroma of the floral scented bath bubbles you bought a month ago surrounded you and suddenly your headache wasn't as bad as it was just a moment ago. your boyfriend looked at you and grinned, telling you to get in while he fetched a towel. you did just that.
the water was just the right temparature and you felt your stiff muscles relaxing. heaving a sigh, you leaned your head against the edge of the tub and closed your eyes. maybe this is what your mind was craving instead of just sleeping your problems away.
leo came back with the softest towel you owned and sat next to the tub. he looked at you for a moment, your posture more relaxed and your eyebrows no longer scrunched up.
"so, what happened?"
you went on a rant, telling him about your troubles throughout the day. you don't remember when exactly he moved over to start massaging your shoulders and scalp but you wouldn't dare complain. it felt so so nice.
his fingers kept moving through your hair, not stopping even when you were done ranting. he knew how much you needed this. just like how you did everything in your power to ensure he never overworked himself and kept his shine, he had to do the same. he loved you wholeheartedly, with his entire being and more, seeing you so down felt like a knife stab right in his heart.
"i'm sorry you had to go through all that today angel. is anzu off sick or was she just not in today?" you shrugged.
"well, no matter. we could always find you a different job. and before you complain, this space is clearly not good for you. you're always exhausted and they demand too much of you. i say you should quit. i could ask sena if he knows about anything. or arashi maybe.. tsukasa?" he moved to sit in front of you and held your hand close to his heart, "i'll ask anyone and everone. i'll do anything, no matter what it takes. it's my job to save you, i am your knight after all," and he showed a grin so bright it could rival the sun.
but, then again, there is no rival for him when he is your sun.
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @hugs4shizu @mikctp @meiquipo @ibaraluvr @venusflwers @tokusaatsus // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you’re in bold i can’t tag you)
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teacute · 5 months
❝ hc: they have a crush on s/o ❞ — knights + 2wink
character(s) ! knights / 2wink / gn! reader [separate] warning ! nothing.. just floof... i mean fluff note ! i proofread the whole thing, might miss some typos or incorrect facts by mistake.. that's all.. also a reposted work of mine from my watty and pardon my editing skill
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- he'll try to find s/o anywhere he could since he felt all bubbly everytime he's staying near them, he wanted to know what is he feeling - upon finding them, he'll probably jumped and called out for the whole world to hear - "s/o !! there you are, my inspiration !! my muse !!~" - they were confused so much, ended up standing there and looking weirdly at leo - still smiles sweetly at him - again, he felt the bubbly feeling inside him - leo felt content only looking and staying by their side - believe me, he'll never stop being by s/o side— not until he finds out what he's feeling
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- he knew it the first time he felt it— believe me, he'll still teases s/o and say bad thing; it's his nature after all (i love him sm slapped) - maybe he'll either confess or not - your choice - but his life is not the same anymore; he's acting weird - his tsundere is showing too much - fellow knights member noticed the change - except for the person themself - sena can't help but always say something to them and sometimes, accidently made s/o cry - cue the knights members being angry at him - he's having a hard time since he knew he has a crush on them
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- this beauty here !! darling is so sweet - always gives affection to s/o - but when naru had a crush on them, love and affection everywhere overloads - somehow the love and affections being showered on s/o was not an odd thing anymore - they were basically being oblivious as naru-chan tried to show her love to them - damn too sweet is all i see - i can describe no more //kisses her cheeks
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- sleep, huggies and desserts - he asks s/o to join him in short naps - they were was shocked but obliged - he uses their laps as his pillow - "i think i have a crush on you..." - he blurted out - they were confused but they got the message - would even spend more time with him if asked - since their feeling is mutual towards him too
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- this baby boy here doesn't know how to act around his producer anymore - he'll stumble upon his words - s/o laughs at his cuteness - they'll play and spoil him nonstop - kasa got fumes running out of his ears while red tinted his cheeks - "p-producer!! please stop!!" - no, they won't stop - his crush for them bloom until one day he had the courage to tell them - "producer, can i call you [name]?" - bewilderment covered their face - they understood why he asked that and they teased him afterward
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- he's mischievous - will probably pull pranks to make s/o notice him - troubles - yuta will only sigh in the background - "yuta-kun, hinata-kun is acting weird..." - he'll get complaints from s/o since they felt uncomfortable by his sudden change - hinata said sorry and showered them with nonstop sweets due to his sweet tooth - found this side of him is cute - slowly, they got closer and damn - hinata was proud of himself - cue yuta watching from afar silently supporting his brother
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- this boy here may be having a problem when he knew he has a crush on s/o - since he's the opposite of his brother, who's filled with mischief all the time– yuta tends to get in trouble with having a crush on s/o - totally - he's a sweet baby (everyone is idc) - yuta would would be seen snooping around looking at s/o - "s/o, are you alright?" - he once found them moody and he brightened their day with spicy food - but they loved it and appreciated the kind gesture - probably hinata got jealous over the affection his brother gave to their producer
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closing note ! fr idk what did i wrote here.. i tried to proofread.. there might still be incorrect facts and how they would react as i haven't been able to stay up to date ever since the ss event (?) for (!!) ... so basically yeah i'm not sure anymore lol ... reblogs and likes are appreciated , thanks :3c
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kaveuh · 2 years
*breaks into your house* so ive been thinking about this for a while.... a headcanon of knights reacting to their s/o trying their knights idol uniform... 👁
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author’s note — as your local knightsP, i had a whole blast with this and may have gotten carried away.. oops 🤭 also ritsu’s isn’t really him walking in on the reader trying it on, but he still walks in on them wearing it saur…. AND I HAD A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS HAHDHSHFHF
genre — fluff
warning(s) — slight ooc izumi, only a lil… mentions of bathing together (sfw only!!)
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you were bored. incredibly bored. it's even worst that your boyfriend wasn't there to keep you company.
it wasn't rare for tsukasa to be away during the weekends. being an idol meant having a busy schedule, let alone a whole leader of a unit that belongs in the big three.
"kasa… i miss tsukasa…" you complained for the nth time today. all you did was nothing but lay down on the couch yearning for your darling boyfriend. though, it would be sad to say that you're supposed to be used to this, you should be… you just wanted this day to be over with and cuddle up against your lover in bed.
which is why you found yourself digging into his closet and carefully slipped into his spare knights uniform. it was a bit loose, but you were content with it. besides, despite how it looks, it was comfortable enough to pass as your tsukasa's warmth. unfortunately, it was nothing compared to your lover himself.
which is why it was a surprise when your red-haired, busy boyfriend walked in on you running around the kitchen wearing his uniform. (he almost passed out on the spot)
"[n-name]?" he choked, trying not to lose it. you, on the other hand froze and slowly turned your head towards him. "i'm… home?" tsukasa smiled, sweating and was on the verge on freaking out— you could tell from how red his face was.
"kasa? you're home early…" you laugh nervously, putting down the glass of orange juice that you were drinking. "um, i can explain." tsukasa shakes his head frantically, quickly approaching you, (he teleported) putting his hands on your shoulder with a still, visible blush on his face.
"no, no! please keep it on… i-it looks good on you."
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now, leo was the one who suggested that you try on his uniform. although you'd always refuse, explaining that it's embarrassing, you did end up trying it on to imitate your boyfriend whenever he isn't around. (or you wear it simply because you miss him. not that you’d admit it to him, though.)
leo never found out, or so, he was just too oblivious to the fact that his clothes were hanged differently than last time. (he was also too busy composing songs and showing them off to you.)
unlike tsukasa, leo leaves work a bit earlier, and would be home at 10 the latest. though, your boyfriend decided it would be a good idea to surprise you by pretending to leave for work, but would come back to hopefully, catch you off guard.
you, on the other hand, felt like making fun of your boyfriend today (again & affectionately.) like how it had become a daily routine, you slipped into his uniform’s jacket and faced the mirror. "huh… now that i look closely, i do look good in this." you hummed in approval.
"yeah, you do." jumping in surprise, leo stood by the door, grinning from ear to ear as he happily hopped his way towards you. "my dear darling, [name]! how could you try this on without letting me know?! GAH! you look so gorgeous, pretty, cute, adorable, elegant, mesmerizing, irre—" you shushed your enthusiastic boyfriend, embarrassment building up from the compliments.
"s-stop that! you're too loud… i thought you had work?" you sigh, avoiding his gaze as you attempted to hide your reddened face from him.
he laughed, cupping your face with both his hands, gently making you look at him. "what? getting all shy now? don’t be, [name]~ keep it on, i want to see you wearing my clothes for the day!"
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wearing arashi’s clothes was something you'd usually do whenever you're staying home or sleeping. it's become a daily thing, and honestly, arashi loves it! she'll never get tired of cooing about how adorable you look and showing you off to her unitmates whenever you send a picture of you wearing her clothes. which are usually too big for you.
even so, it’s not that hard to get shy around your girlfriend. consider how she showers you with compliments and is very affectionate. not that you’re complaining.
arashi had informed you that she was going to be home a bit late for tonight. of course, you were understanding, willing to wait before you sleep. you had already done your skincare routine, ate dinner (you made sure to leave some in the microwave for arashi) and was ready for bed.
this time, instead of regular clothes, you decided to wear arashi's knights jacket. it wasn't too uncomfortable, and was comfortable enough to be able to cuddle up to as long as it was paired up with a soft blanket.
yawning as you waited for your water to boil, you heard the door open. assuming that your girlfriend was home, you peeked your head into the living room, arashi noticing your figure instantly. her face instantly brightened and hurriedly jogged towards you.
"good evening, darling! i'm sorry for coming home so late tonight, i bet you're already sleepy. ah, are you making ramen? do—" she paused suddenly, causing you to look up at her, confused. "arashi, are you okay?" your question made arashi come back to her senses, her face slowly flushing red.
"ah, my bad. is that my uniform you're wearing?" she giggles, pulling away to get a better sight of how adorable you looked. "can you do a little twirl for me? wait, i wanna take a picture, you look so cute~! you think you can wear this on our next concert? ahh, i'm about to burst!"
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izumi acts like he doesn't care whenever you wear something that belongs to him. i mean, you're a couple, right? it's only normal for his partner to wear his clothes. though, everyone and their grandma knows that he secretly giggles to himself behind closed doors.
"have fun at work today, zumi." you bid your boyfriend, giving him a peck on the lips. you swore you saw small smile on his face before it fades back to his usual frown. "don't overwork yourself. i love you~" izumi hummed, staying still for a moment before pulling you into a hug.
"mhm.. i love you too. i'll see you when i get home. text me when you're going somewhere." he reminded, before pulling away and left the house. izumi wasn’t normally an affectionate person, so it most definitely surprised you.
you didn't think much of it, and proceeded to do whatever you needed to do. it was your day off, after all. going into the bathroom was the first thing you did. a relaxing, nice bath would be nice. though, noticing the blue knights jacket, an idea eventually popped inside your head.
"[name]? i forgot my coat. is it in—…" the loud voice of your lover eventually turned quiet. he blinks, keeping his eyes on you as you turned around, returning the action. "there…"
he gulped, a blush creeping up to face, but soon covered it up with a cocky smirk. "the hell? did ya' miss me that much already?"
you felt your eye twitch, frantically shaking your head. "h-hell no! i just needed something to cover myself with…" you huffed, playfully glaring at your boyfriend as you saw his smirk turn into a grin. "stop looking at me like that. it's creepy."
izumi snickers, engulfing you into a hug from behind. "haha, i knew you couldn't go on a day without me. and i can't help it, you're irritatingly cute face is making me wanna keep annoying you." perhaps, ditching shooting today wouldn't be a bad idea. it's just one day, right?
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compared to the others, ritsu is the one who goes home the earliest. usually, he'd find you waiting for him on the couch or eating at the dinner table whenever you were too hungry to even wait for him.
tonight was a fairly stressful day for him. with izumi'a constant yelling and bossing him around, he wasn't able to take a nap once the whole entire day. if there was anything he wanted to do, that was dragging you to bed with him and sleep until the next day.
"i'm home." ritsu yawns, rubbing his eye while he was greeted with silence. strange, he thought. assuming that you were probably in the kitchen, having your own little concert (that he had walked in on multiple times), he was once again greeted with nothing by still somewhat, heated leftovers on the table.
he did end up eating the leftovers— there was no way he was going to let your cooking and efforts go to waste. ritsu finally entered your shared room, which was dark and your soft snores was the only sound that occupied the room.
"ah… they fell asleep without me." ritsu pouts playfully, and was about to head into the bathroom to get ready for bed until he noticed the familiar jacket that you were wearing. is that my uniform? he didn’t even realize the smile that crept up his face until he leaned in closer to admire you. "[name]~ wake up…" he poked your cheek continuously until you finally stirred in your sleep, slowly gaining consciousness.
you groaned, ruffling your boyfriend's hair. "hm? you're home, ritsu… i fell asleep without you, i was too tired…" you explained, which he hummed in acknowledgment. "what's up? did you wanna bath together again?" ritsu shakes his head, motioning for you to sit up, and so you did.
"you're so cute…" he coos, pinching your cheeks as he took out his phone to take a quick picture, catching you by surprise. "hehe, you should really wear my uniform more often. it looks better on you than it does on me."
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myunghology · 6 months
— ✦ FLOATING! leo x reader smau
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11. skibidi scary / previous — m.list — next
a/n — YAYAYAYAY ACT II.. yes this is bullying ritsu hours. HEHEHEE ALSO kind of a teaser for the ritsu x reader smau
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TAGLIST, opened! send in an ask to be added because i won't be accepting comments. if your name isn't highlighted, it means i cannot tag you. please notify me if you've change your user. 🏷 @kunikame @chalksdreams @mitsupriv @thomawifey @solxima @bl4cktourmaline @squishychongyun @prettypink-idol @reikaoproducer @ttsukipi @lunavixia @gabirii @mikalims @dn4su @cosmical-flowers
SYNOPSIS ren [name], has a big fat crush on leo tsukinaga from knights. one time, they both slam into each other in the school halls on the way to practice.
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yuukienstarsera · 2 years
Knights with a Idol S/O (part 1)
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Knights (separately) Leo x gn reader, Izumi x gn reader Fluff, Little angst,  idol stuff. Warnings: Anxiety thoughts (Izumi), nicknames, kisses, 
This is the first part, the second is part here!☆
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You belong to a new group under ES Square, you were already in a relationship with him when you debuted…
Leo Tsukinaga 
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At the beginning
He was so hyped up when you debut, he attended your concert, and he was the first in the line, screaming the song.
I really believe that he copy and paste the link of your debut song to all the contacts that he had in hold hands.
He will give you advice about how is alright to take the brakes once in a while.
He will make sure to be friends (or leave a good impression) with all your bandmates. 
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
He won't stop talking about you.(he talks a lot about the things he loves)
Messages and calls in your free time, even between your activities, I believe that he would make time to do that.
When neither of you has idol activities, you would have dates in his room watching videos and documentaries about aliens, spending time together. (Natsume is so done with you two)
Kisses on the forehead and cheeks (Quick little kisses on the cheek in public) and a lot of hugs! 
Communication is the key, Leo will make sure to have it! 
I believe that one of his love languages is dedicating his songs to you. 
“I promise you this, my dear” and with that “Silent Oath” by Knights finishes.
When you and he are in the same concert he would go to the dressing room you are in and would give you encouragement 
“You will shine like you always do!” ”You have nothing to worry about, they gonna love you, but not as much I do!” “Show them your beautiful and powerful voice”
Another love language that he had is writing songs for you! if your group chooses one of the songs that he writes, he will say it to his fans.
How rumors start
Has I said before, he would say to his fans “By the way I write a song for (insert group name), they are very talented! I was really happy when they told me that they choose my song”
When he said that, all of his fans were a little suspicious about it, why does he have such interest in that group? That is how the rumors begin.
Another thing that caught the fan's attention was your actions.
On variety shows you would answer things like “Actually, my favorite song is (insert a knights song) because their voices are so beautiful” “I usually spend my free days with Leo-kun, we had a lot of fun!” “On my debut days, I always remember having a lovely supporter, thanks to them i keep going until today”
How the fans know about your relationship
Knights won an award, so they diced that Tsukasa and Leo would give the thanks speech to their fans.
Everything was going normal until Leo finished with “I wanna thank our princess for all the support that they gave us,  I wanna give a special thank to  (your name) for always supporting knights, but above all, for being my inspiration “ and with that, all the world knows that you and Leo were in a relationship 
“I´m sorry, I shouldn´t have done that,” he said with tears in his eyes.
“Don´t worry love, I am thankful to be in your life ” you whipped his tears with your hands, grabbing him by his cheeks.
“You are not angry with me?” he asked looking at your eyes, see those beautiful green eyes happy again was the only thing that really matters to you.
“If I was you in that situation, I would do the same, or even worse, I would scream that I love you, aliens would know at that moment that we are in love” Both of you laugh when you said the last thing
“I love you dear” he saw your lips, he always does it when he wants a kiss.
“I love you more, Can I kiss you?” you said while you approached even more.
“Of course” he murmurs, his lips were soft.
You had your world in your hands.
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Izumi Sena
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At the beginning
Unfortanetaly, He was in Florence by the time you debuted, but after your concert finished, he would call you to say that he was watching you online and all the moments that had him fall in love more with you.
I believe that he has a lot of merch about you in his room, Shu probably has complained about it.
He will give you advice like is alright to do work perfectly, but will be occasions when you can't do that, is important that even if you get frustrated about it, don't give up, you are gonna be alright, you are human after all, take a break, and keep it going.
If one of your bandmates gets too close, he would tell you that he is jealous about it (please he needs a lot of words of affirmation).
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
One of his love languages is gift-making knit things for you! You already had a whole closet with the things that he made.
He would check on you via messages,  he makes sure that you eat all your meals, and you are restringing well, etc.
When both of you had free time, you spent time together on dates outside ( like going to the beach, aquarium, looking at the stars) and inside (watching movies together, taking coffee while you catch up).
He is more to give hugs than kisses, in private we would love to kiss you on your cheeks (he gives you kisses on your hands when you are in public, he is very professional when both of you had worked together )
Izumi spent a lot of time working as a model, but when you need it he always is there for you.
“Izumi, don't you have work today?” “I reschedule it, have you eaten? get up, we are going to the cafeteria”
When both of you are on the stage, he will give little glances, only to make sure that you are alright.
Has I said before, he always does little things that prove that he loves you, for example, opening the door for you, carrying your things, ordering food for you, and retouching your make-up, etc.
How rumors start
It was his actions that betrayed him, he always makes sure that you are safe, little actions like holding your hand when both of you are getting down the stage, how he gives you attention when you speak on the microphone, etc.
Fancams of you and Izumi smiling at each other went viral, and soon both of you began to have worked as models for different campaigns (both of you were happy about it).
The connection that both have could be seen through the camera lenses, they invite you to a variety show.
How the fans know about your relationship.
In the variety show that you were invited to, you said it unconsciously, you found out when you saw the episode on the TV, fortunately, Izumi was with you at the time. 
In the episode, both of you were doing an activity that was a little dangerous and you said “Be careful love”, Izumi responded  “Don't worry, we are gonna win this”, and both of you know that this is only going to confirm the dating rumors.
“Are you scared?” he asked, you were in total shock, how could you say it so naturally? What is gonna happened next? Anxious thoughts were running wild in your mind.
“Love, look, everything will be alright, don't worry” you don't even notice when he approached until he was hugging you.
“I´m sorry” tears start to fall while hugging Izumi.
“What are you apologizing for? I couldn't be more proud that I have you as my partner, that we love each other” he murmurs in your ear “Besides, we are pretty obvious, and the media love us, so relax, believe in me that everything is gonna be alright” he whipped your tears.
“Gosh I love you so much, you know that?”
“Yeah, Who doesn't love me?”
“You are ruining the mood, love”
“I´m ruining it?” he said caressing your cheek with his hand while he approached to kiss you.
“Sometimes I hate you” you murmur into his lips.
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remireee · 22 days
omg, happy birthday (❁´◡`❁) I'm so sorry for the late reply, I live in a different time zone so when I receive asks I'm very much asleep(;´д`)ゞ hope you had a lovely birthday <3 (and thank you for the compliment >//<)
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Leo finds it hard to keep secrets.
It always seems to slip his mind whenever he starts rambling, you know? And when Leo starts talking, he doesn’t stop until he has emptied that little head of his.
So, most have made this rule of thumb: if you want to hold a surprise birthday party, never tell Leo about it. Instead...
...make him the distraction.
Once reminded learnt that it’s your birthday, he’ll do whatever he can to make it the best day of your life.
Just a whole itinerary of fun things that his precious producer adores. From doing paired workshops of your hobby or interest to bringing you around town; shopping and stopping by for some dessert; his treat, of course.
Expect a whole piece dedicated to you and how grateful he is to have you as his producer. Not just a produced track, but a full-on performance—live—with piano and all. If he feels extra festive, he might even compose a piece that includes some of the other idols for a whole act just for your eyes only.
Leo would also be clinger than usual on your special day. Literally like a koala with a tree branch, never wanting to let of you go for a second. Head nuzzled against your nape as he has his arms wrapped around you in a coil, softly littering gentle kisses along your skin, gentle remarks said between each separation of lips from you.
By the end of it, he'd bring you around to where Yumenosaki's auditorium lies, only to flinch himself when his fellow group mates and other idols jump out to surprise you, spraying streamers and poppers in your face.
He does get very pouty after Sena finally fills him in on the details of the plan he was excluded from, whining about how he was trustworthy and how he could have executed the plan if he had known the context. However, he couldn’t help but smile at how sweet his members were, letting him have your time and attention all for himself for most of the day...
...though, it wasn't to say now that you're finally at your party is he gonna let the others have you. Hmph-
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mariondeux · 2 years
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CW ; NSFW, Professor-student relationship, exhibitionism, dirty talk, desk sex
PAIRING ; Professor!Leo Tsukinaga x Student!Male!Reader
A/N ; Day two done!
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Pencils, papers, and other little stationery supplies scattered across the desk and some even laid about on the floor as your professor, Mr. Tsukinaga, had you bent over your desk. Your hand pressed against your mouth to muffle your moans as your professor's cock fucked into you erratically, causing the desk under you to creak along with his thrusts. Your free hand held onto the edge of the desk tightly so you wouldn’t practically fall off his desk.
“Fucking slut — Look at you, trying to hide your whorish moans.. Shit! You’re bent over your own professor's desk and getting fucked like a common whore. Bet you like this, huh? Tell me how long you’ve dreamed of being in this position,” Leo growled into your ear, gripping onto your hips harshly to bounce against his thrusts. Few strands of hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, tightly knitted brows showed on his face as he concentrated on making you practically see the other side.
Leo could stir up your insides without even needing to stuff his length inside of you. All he had to do was talk dirty into your ear and you’d fold. You could get addicted to this sort of risque situation. Who knows? A student could come in to talk to Mr. Tsukinaga and they’d catch both of you in the act. 
You were so angry before over how your friend ratted you out to your professor, but now you’re quite happy your friend had done that now. Hell, you could even repeatedly thank your friends! It hadn't changed the fact that they ratted you out, but at least there was a positive in the situation. Without that happening, you wouldn’t be here with your beloved professor’s cock, fucking you with need. And god, did you soak all of it right up. You never wanted to forget this moment. Maybe you could even get your professor’s number to hook up some more or even hopefully be a thing.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @leeuxry @s1cklyang3l @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @mayoisilly @1694 @ajaints @berrycolaa @Mikonyu @twst-rui @trulyminervas @trulyamane @kytesakuma @procrastination-is-my-profession @saikisolosgoku @maharutolol @maxx0inwonderland @Chiakiiyi @resluv
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kazemiya · 2 years
May i request Leo and Hiiro (Separately if you may) attending their idol s/o's concert for the first time and them getting jealous at how the fans simped a little too hard for the reader? I hope you have a nice day and thank you so much!
★彡 Leo and Hiiro being jealous after going to s/o performance
a/n: sorry I’ve been a bit slow with request because I’ve been indulging myself in video games and different interest recently. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
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♡ Leo
Leo was elated, extremely excited at the fact that you invited him to your concert, even reserving tickets for him!
"U reserved tickets for me? Of course I'll come!!!" His eyes glistening so brightly you could see your own reflection. But you can't blame him, he's so thrilled, he could barely sleep a wink the previous night.
And to say the least, your performance was stunning! The way your voice hit every note perfectly and the way you moved your body to the tune of the song.
There was just one problem... why were the fans getting all blushy and red, shrieking out your name multiple times ? Please don't misunderstand though, you deserve whatever praise that comes your way!
But he couldn't help but feel inferior to the rest of the fans, he promise to be your number our fan but due to his constant travelling was he not being supportive enough??
After the concert was over, the first thing you wanted to hear was what Leo thought of the performance. Only to be greeted with a pout on his face, a rather adorable one to be exact.
"C'mon Leo... why you pouting like that ?" you leaned in closely to his face and latched your hands on it.
He slumped his whole being on you as he whined "y/n... didn't you say that we're each others muses? I'm your biggest fan right? Please say I am!!"
His sudden outburst surprised you, but a smirk soon formed on your face "were you perhaps... jealous?"
Upon hearing your words, his eyes widened and he further put his weight on you, hugging you tighter. Mumbling some slightly incoherent words due to him snuggling his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry Leo, i only have eyes for you! didn't your realise that kiss that i blew was blown in your direction?" You swear you can hear a sigh of relief at your words.
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♡ Hiiro
Hiiro as well was really excited to go to your concert! He was holding on to that ticket for dear life, not even letting Aira take a look at it.
When the time for the performance came, his breath was taken away... to say you were amazing was an understatement
the way the light shone on your face, sweat beading down your forehead, how you had the audience attention at your fingertips, it was down right captivating
despite having seen such an amazing performance, Hiiro can't help but feel a little overbearing and heavy feeling in his chest as he sees the million of light sticks waving in your direction.
Your performance was officially over and you were looking forward to see him.
"y/n! Your performance was so good!!!" you were greeted enthusiastically by Hiiro but his smile slowly faded, revealing a confused expression, something obviously weighing on his mind.
"Is there anything bothering you? Your face gives it away" You asked him tilting you head slightly.
Rubbing the back of his neck, expression easing into a smile, "It's nothing it's just that i felt a bit weird during your concert. Why did those girls have to cheer so loudly... like you really deserve it but..." he was having difficulty explaining himself.
Suddenly an idea struck you, "So... if im not wrong, you're jealous?" asking with a mischievous tone in your voice.
"Maybe... I just want to be your number one fan that's all..." he mumbled under his breath.
Patting his head, you reassured him "you are my biggest fan, no matter what! And i trust you always will be." The grin he returned to your statement was definitely a sign that he will always be your biggest fan.
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eichikissed · 2 years
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elementary classmates to enemies to mc partners to lovers. chapter 08
author’s note — OKAY. [name] and tsukasa acting like fucking three year olds. y/nkasa my little sillies… i hope they EXPLODE!!
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taglist !¡ @idiahair @yournigntmare @r4miskss @ichpd @myunghology @solaaresque @thathowling @kkichu @ttsukipi @kohakus @iammeyouareme @mikctp @shionszz @mellowknightcolorfarm @kkiryu @starkinnies @kunikame @kazemiya @tamayoris @afoxesgreed @solxima @hugs4shizu @saikisolosgoku @spiritcherub @jellyfishfont @sugarrush-blush
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narukape · 2 years
20230126 — dates and disdain
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— SEIZA (星座) is a stupid pun. it's the ES equivalent of the texting app. (figure out the meaning if you want 🙈. it's super obvious i swear)
— as you can see, [name] has mao as their lock screen :D! ritsu can be partially seen but he hasn't recovered his wallpaper privileges after the incident with eichi yet. no limelight for him in [name]'s heart (phone).
— @/ouno is tsukasa's priv.
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SYPNOSIS— Photographers are known to have quite the eye when it comes to beautiful sights— being naturally drawn to every opportunity of catching good visuals on their camera. [name], a famed photographer that is currently affiliated with Ensemble Square, is no exception. Truly it's no wonder that they fell for the prettiest sight of them all; Tsukasa Suou, leader of Knights.
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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Leo with a Composer!S/O that excitedly rambles about his songs
Synopsis : Leo has been working on a soundtrack for an upcoming TV series and it finally started airing !! Just as he was about to show you what he composed, he finds you excitedly rambling about it while analyzing it musically. He couldn’t help but eavesdrop.
Era : Music !!
Warning/s : Very short mentions of feeling anxious / insecure
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Leo
[ F/M ] = Family Member
A/N : I love watching music composers react to soundtracks !! Seeing them freak out and excitedly explain certain techniques is super interesting to me even though I’m not a musician myself hehe~ I was mainly inspired by Alex Moukala Music !! His videos are really cool, you should definitely check him out !!
It finally happened !! The series Leo composed for finally aired their first episode and he couldn’t wait to show you his masterpieces !! The moment he landed back in Japan, he immediately set his sights on New Dimension in order to find you. He searched high and low for you within the building and was about to give up before he finally noticed you inside one of the rooms on a video call of sorts. Leo guessed it was most likely with your [ F/M ] overseas considering that you two were quite close.
A wide grin appeared on his face but just as he was about to ambush you with a hug, he noticed a familiar scene playing on your screen paired with a very faint melody that escaped your headphones. Usually, he would just ignore this and make his presence known but what you said caught his attention;
“Don’t even get me started with how he used bass trombones here to represent the sheer power of the villain !! It’s such a simple and straightforward technique but it’s done so well especially after the more quiet, atmospheric melody that was playing just moments before~”
God, now Leo’s fighting the urge to tackle you [ affectionately ] but, at the same time, he still wanted to hear what else you had to say. You always told him how much you loved his works and never failed to express how much you thought his techniques were brilliant. Sometimes, you even asked him how he came up with these combinations but he always said that it was natural because “I'm a genius !!”
This was the first time he heard you actually analyzing his works and it piqued his interest. This curiosity got the better of him so he sat on one of the empty chairs in the room and listened. After all, you wouldn't mind right?
Honestly, he was surprised at the fact that you haven’t noticed him yet, but he guessed that it was probably because of your headphones since he learnt, via experience, that they were noise canceling.
A few more minutes passed and Leo couldn’t help but feel extremely giddy and happy. You kept complimenting his soundtrack all the while analyzing and explaining why you found each technique to be fantastic. However, at some point you jumped out of your seat in shock, which caused Leo to jump in his seat in surprise;
Leo noticed you pausing as a small moment of silence filled the room. This silence started to make Leo feel anxious because he couldn’t see your facial expressions from where he sat.
Did you like it? Did you hate it? Was the song actually bad and not a masterpiece after all? Did you pause it because you couldn't bear to listen to it any longer?
Insecurities slowly started to bubble up inside him as his mind started to fill up with negative thoughts and memories but, before anything could happen, those feelings were quickly washed away when you finally spoke again;
“I actually had to process how amazing that was for a second… The way Leo starts off with a standard chord but breaks away from its expected progression into something more unexpected creates a clash between something heroic and villainous which completely diverts our expectations. You can already tell that this is a grandiose encounter between the main cast and the villain… I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND-”
Joy, excitement and pure relief engulfed Leo and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Leo tackled you into a massive hug, all the while laughing happily as you were caught by surprise by his sudden appearance.
“Wahaha~☆ I never knew you thought about my songs like that! It makes so~ happy~! Ahhh, my heart is bursting with so much love! I love you [ Y/N ] ♪”
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ensemblestarscafe · 2 years
T. LEO > Floof <
Gender Neutral reader TW/CW: none Order type: Vanilla latte(Fluff)
Word count: 320 Written by: Yeul Proofread: n/a
ORDER: May I request Vanilla Latter with Leo or Mika please ? Gn reader on the !! Era if possible All I have in mind are either animals or plushies right now so I would be grateful if they could be included Also don't overwork yourself, take your time and feel free to delete my request if you feel like you can't do it, your health comes first ! - @mutsukittylckyouma, 20220705
RESPONSE: Thank you for requesting! Apologies for the amount of time that took to write this, but here’s the order, and enjoy (❁´◡`❁)!
Having a room dedicated for your 5 cats was not… at the least, normal. But it had shown your care and dedication for your cats, which made up for it.
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What Leo didn’t know until he had came over was that you had a room for cats. He genuinely thought that it was just a storage room or your bedroom because who in the world uses their master bedroom for their cats?
You. You sacrificed your room for your 5 cats. Safe to say your cats’ cuteness was worth it.
When Leo had entered the room after you multiple doubts and hesitations, he was – at first – confused.
Where was your bed?
Until he had noticed the mass amounts of cat towers, specially built-in cat walks on the walls and the ceiling. It was safe to say that all 5 of the cats were staring at Leo’s head from the ceiling.
After the initial shock of seeing 5 eyes staring down at him, he soon got used to it, sitting down in the middle where there was a kotatsu – for you or guests that had wanted to stay in the room. Who wouldn’t though? The cats’ room was decorated nicely and it was exactly like a cafe – even better, a cafe in your home.
Your cats were first very, very cautious of Leo, but soon warmed up once they put it that he was going to be harmless to them and you. They soon cuddled up beside you and Leo, starting to drift off to their daily nap.
Leo gets a lot of inspiration from this and your cats alone so expect him to bring out a pen and start to write on whatever surface there may be – please stop him before he writes on the floor.
“C’mon (y/n)~ I got so much inspiration!”
“But don’t write on the floor! I’ll bring you some paper, so don’t do anything, okay?”
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dreamychuu · 2 years
Congrats on 100 followers!! ⭐️ Could I request 'Town of Jade' for the vocal-stars event where either Eichi, Chiaki, or Leo (your pick!) takes the girl's role? There's lots of interpretations to this song, so I think it would be fun to mess around with :)
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Town of jade
Warning : angst , delusional, mention of death, gun used.
Info : gn!reader , "!" era , cliffhanger ending..?
the orange-haired boy can be seen crying in the dark room, as he didn't notice hear the sound of his bedroom door being opened.
feeling someone put a hand on his shoulder as he ignored it.
"Hey are you okay?" You asked
he then think for a while and then reply with a "i feel like I'm fading away"
hearing his answer you move your hands towards his face and hold his face in your Hands so he look towards you.
"If that is the case.. , come with me for a while", you said while wiping the tears from his face.
you got up and pulled him somewhere.
As you held his hand tightly, he could feel he was thrown with you into another world.
He closes his eyes in shock and suddenly felt strong wind blowing towards him.
but when he finally worked up the courage to open his eyes he realized that the both of you was floating in the sky, as it felt like him were falling from heaven to the ground.
with your hand gripped very tightly in his as the both of you get closer to the land , he then closed his eyes again and just let the world deciding his fate.
the ground splits and makes him go down into the hole, it takes him to another place.
He didnt notice but he didn't feel any pain and instead felt like he was standing right now.
he opened his eyes again after he heard your voice calling his name...
"LEO! come here!!" , you said while reached out your hand to him
he took your hand and ran with you somewhere.., he could see it
isn't that... the old park the both of you often visit?
with a smile on your face you invite him to play together , even though the feeling of confusion still wrap around him... he smiled and played with you there.
after a while playing you two sat next to each other, he was do happy and forgot that he previously wondering why he was there.
His heartbeats turn fast ad he look towards you.
your hair was blown by the wind with a gentle smile on your face, oh how divine you are... making him fell in love all over again.
He then called your name and stretched out his hand towards you, but instead of reaching out his hand you suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at his forehead.
he froze ad You smiled and said "you can't always run away from reality... Leo"
he closed his eyes but for some reason he didn't feel any pain of a shot..
he opened his eyes once again and saw you falling down followed by yourself starting to disappear.
he hurriedly reach out his hand until he finally caught you but it was only temporary. your hand slipped from him as it disappear.
failed to reach you, he the let himself fell down while closing his eyes once again but unlike falling with you earlier, this time he felt like he fell on something soft..
like a mattress..? he quickly opened his eyes and woke up.
Looking around he realized that he was back in his room, as something caught his attention he slowly got up from his bed and approached his desk.
"ahh, this...", he took a photo on his desk, the photo is a portrait of the two of you having fun.
he smiled and looked again at the messy papers on the floor..
"I'll try, [name]."
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kaveuh · 2 years
hii , i was wondering if you write for comfort ? ^^ if you do, may i request a rinne and/or leo comforting their s/o who s/hs ? sorry if this is a heavy topic for you and youre free to ignore this request. but ty if you decide to write it ! have a great day ^^
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rinne amagi & leo tsukinaga (separate)
warnings : angst, hurt/comfort, sensitive topics (s/hs), mentions of panic attacks, reader gets anxious
author’s note — goofy ass title how do people come up with them. anyway, dw anon it’s all good, i don’t mind requests with heavy topics at all! (to an extent, at least) i will forever be a rinne is a green flag truther i dont care! he is my little boo boo bear 🔥
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"[Name], my beloved~! Your incredibly handsome boyfriend is home!" The redhead was greeted with nothing but silence upon stepping foot inside your house. He thought, 'strange.' Rinne noticed that all your shoes were neatly placed on the rack, no doubt you were home. Maybe you're sleeping? No— it's way too early, and he knew that.
Rinne pouted, scratching the back of his head as he threw his stuff on the couch and proceeded to walk into your bedroom. "[Name]? Are you in the bathroom?" He knocked on the door once before he threw himself on the bed, exhausted from being out the whole entire day.
Despite this, he overheard a quiet 'shit' and a wince that came from the bathroom. A look for concern displayed all over Rinne's face, forcing himself to get up from comfortable bed.
"Don't come in! I'll be— ah, I'll be out in a second…" You tried to cover up your sniffles with water running in the background. Quickly gathering everything and cleaning yourself up, you opened the door, and was greeted by your tired boyfriend. "Have you eaten? I'll go heat up the leftovers." Rushing away from Rinne, you hastily made your way to the kitchen.
"…" Oh.
"Rinne! Come sit and eat, it's delicious~" You sighed happily, picking up your utensils as he quietly obliged. "Are you okay? You seem a bit down, love. It's weird when you're not—" You trailed off, panic and anxiety washing all over your whole entire body. Oh no, did I do something wrong? Was it my fault? Did he find out?
"[Name]," Rinne started, hesitating whether he should confront you about it or wait for you to tell him. But, he couldn't bear the fact that you were constantly hurting yourself. Why? Why are you hurting yourself? He sighed, locking his gaze towards you and your slightly trembling body.
You quickly placed your hands under the table, biting your inner cheek as you nervously looked at the floor while picking on the skin of your fingers.
"-o..rry…" You choked out a sob, failing to notice that your boyfriend was now kneeling down beside you, taking your hand in his. "Rinne… I'm so—" He quickly interrupts you with a shush, his gaze softening upon seeing your trembling hands and tears.
"You have nothing to apologize for, love." He reassured, caressing your hand with his thumb, carefully wiping your tears with his free one. "May I take a look at them?" Rinne spoke softly, his usual loud and eccentric persona replaced with a concerned, genuine and caring one. After he was given an ‘okay’ with a slight nod of your head, he carefully rolled up your sleeves, and almost teared up at the sight of fresh and old scars— some clean from today.
"Rinne, I—" You whimpered, feeling his soft touch on your arm. But it was comforting. "I didn't… want you to think of me differently, judge me, or think I'm… disgusting. I want to stop so badly, but—" You felt more tears threatening to come up, along with hiccups that interrupted your explanation. Your boyfriend shakes his head, comforting you with reassuring hushes.
"No, no. You're not disgusting, never. You're okay." Just like that, you could tell that he was being genuine— he wasn’t mocking you, nor was he doing this out of pity. He was genuinely concerned for your well-being. Thinking about it only made your breakdown worst, in a good way, this time.
"It'll be okay. Let's talk about this later, or whenever you're ready. For now, let it out. I'll be here, no matter what."
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Leo is an analytical person. He’s type to eventually know if something is off about you, which is why he knew that you were struggling since the beginning of your relationship. He's extremely careful, and is more mindful of what he does or says when he's around you.
"Ucchu ~☆ Good morning, my dearest, how are you today?" Your eccentric boyfriend beamed, jumping around and clinging onto you as usual. "Let's go out on a date after practice! I haven't been hanging out with you since Sena keeps holding back~" He whined, glaring at the model, who was already growing impatient.
"Haha, of course. I'm not busy today, thankfully. And you shouldn’t keep your friend waiting, Leo-kun, it's rude!" Too busy with scolding your boyfriend, you hadn't notice your sleeves slightly rolling back, exposing… bruises and scars. Leo had caught a glance, and his mood slowly dropped. "Leo?" You called out, making him snap out of his thoughts.
Leo reveals a faux grin, forcing himself to act like he saw nothing. "I don't want to leave yet… but I'll see you later for our date! Sena might get mad at me and make me go home late again, so I'll get going." He says, leaving a quick peck on your cheek, running to Izumi afterwards.
You don't know what caused it. You came home, overwhelmed, and your first initial reaction was to breakdown and lock yourself in your room. It was like this all the time. You're supposed to be used to it. So why does it still hurt so much?
Quiet whimpers and sniffs filled in the room, completely forgetting about your promised date with Leo.
'I'm so useless.' 'Why can't I just stop?' 'This is pathetic.'
You didn't notice that your boyfriend had entered the house. Too engrossed in your thoughts to care. It was like you were alone, like how you always were. You were alone, all over again.
Knock, knock, knock.
You panicked. "L-Leo?" A hum could be heard from the other side of the door, followed by a soft thud. The panic made the overwhelming feeling increase, your breath quickening as you attempted to gather and hide your things.
"[Name], may I come in?" He didn't call you by a nickname. He seemed more… serious. As if he had already known what you were doing behind closed doors. "Please?" You gave in, slowly unlocking the door with your trembling hand and let him open the door.
Right in front of you, was Leo. Though, the smile that he usually wore was gone, replaced with a frown. He eventually brought you into a warm embrace, catching you by surprise. "I love you… s'much… so please, let me." His voice cracked, "Forget about going out. Let's stay home, and you can let it all out, 'kay?"
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myunghology · 6 months
— ✦ FLOATING! leo x reader smau.
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10. the sigma 😈 / previous — m. list — next
a/n — we're back chat..
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TAGLIST, opened! send in an ask to be added because i won't be accepting comments. if your name isn't highlighted, it means i cannot tag you. please notify me if you've change your user. 🏷 @kunikame @chalksdreams @mitsupriv @thomawifey @solxima @bl4cktourmaline @squishychongyun @prettypink-idol @reikaoproducer @ttsukipi @lunavixia @gabirii @mikalims
SYNOPSIS ren [name], has a big fat crush on leo tsukinaga from knights. one time, they both slam into each other in the school halls on the way to practice.
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