#leonard chow
cypionate60mg · 7 months
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classyburd · 2 months
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fernando x carlos: greater men have failed
carlos sainz: i'm not in the shadow of fernando alonso | alonso will help sainz adjust to ferrari, says domenicali | sainz trying to do "my owne career" - not follow alonso | alonso: in my day second for ferrari was like a funeral | either/or: a fragment of life - soren kierkegaard | shanghai nobody - vann chow | ferrari's biggest problem: the wrong driver keeps winning | alonso defends "very competitive" sainz amid difficult ferrari spell | halllujah - leonard cohen | ferrari's prestige lured lewis hamilton - and cost carlos sainz his seat | gethsemane - dry the river
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Year of the Monkey
Episode Recap #63: Year of the Monkey Original Airdate: January 27, 1990
Starring: Louise Robey as Micki Foster Steve Monarque as Johnny Ventura (as Steven Monarque) Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Robert Ito as Tanaka Tia Carrere as Michiko Tanaka John Fujioka as M. Musashi Lawrence Nakamura as Shohei Leonard Chow as Koji Tanaka Von Flores as Hitoshi Tanaka Jill Hennessy as Secretary Robert Lee as Engineer Janet Lo as Customs Inspector Edward Heeley as Harmon Futoshi Kimura as Young Musashi David Gow as Associate
Written by R. Scott Gemmill Directed by Rodney Charters
Open in Tokyo in 1945. A man is running, as another sets out three monkey statues, one each of See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil. The running man comes into a home and sees a woman dead on the floor. A warrior man comes out of a room with armor and a sword. The grieving man calls him Tanaka and says he will kill him for this. He goes for his sword but Tanaka kicks it away. Tanaka says his daughter is dead because she had no honor. The statues of See No Evil moves its hands off its eyes and laughs. The grieving man kills himself with his own sword. Tanaka removes his mask as the statue laughs.
Cut to present day, at the Bushido Kendo Club whose Sensei is M. Musashi. People within are training, as Jack, Micki and Johnny watch from a landing. Jack approaches the Sensei, saying they contacted him about an antique tea set.
Cut to another room, and the Sensei is serving tea to the trio, and asks why they wanted this black antique tea set back. Jack says it is valuable to them, and Musashi asks if it is because of the magic it holds, surprising them. Seems he used the tea set when he first bought it, and a student nearly died. He had heard about a legendary tea set that turns tea to poison. Jack says this is why they want it, to keep it locked away. Musashi seems to trust them, and offers a deal for the set. He wants the cursed Monkey statues, and has heard a wealthy family possesses them, the Tanaka clan. He wants them to get the statues in exchange of the tea set.
Cut to credits.
Tokyo, present day. An old man on oxygen is writing and calls his aide, asking him to prepare the monkey statues. In another room, three young people are anxious about this meeting. The old man is their father. He comes in and they kneel. He talks about his company being founded on honor and will be handed to them upon his death. He has set up a test to see which of them has that honor. He presents a monkey statue and instructions to each of them. Whoever fails the test will be out of the will. He leaves. Oldest son Hitoshi wonders if they can have him committed.
We see the younger son, Koji, back in New York City, sitting with the Hear No Evil statue. He opens the letter and reads. Tanaka's words are heard, telling him to learn to listen and not be so arrogant. He balls up the letter and tosses it. His secretary comes in, and the statue uncovers his ears, allowing him to hear her thoughts. He is surprised, hearing that things ran better while he was in Tokyo. He asks her to bring more files in.
At Curious Goods, Micki can't locate the monkey statues in the manifest. Jack and Johnny have researched Tanaka's company and learn about the three children. Johnny doesn't trust Musashi, but Jack is sure he's telling the truth. Jack has also found a scroll Lewis had with drawings of the three statues. And a symbol that matches the Tanaka company logo. He tells Johnny to go to NYC to check on Koji, and he wants Micki to go to Hong Kong to check on the other son, Hitoshi. She is not happy about such a long journey.
In NYC, Koji hears more thoughts from an employee, about a company that is big enough to take over and how the workers don't think much of his work style. Johnny arrives, wanting to see Koji, but the secretary tells him he needs an appointment. Johnny is insistent, but she says no. He sees a delivery man appear and gets an idea.
Koji calls his father in Tokyo. He tells him about the possible takeover. Tanaka says a wise man knows when to hear and when to be deaf. He hangs up. Koji calls an employee, telling him to buy as much stock in the other company as possible. He says it is intuition. The statue laughs, then glows, and Koji vanishes.
He reappears in Tokyo, in front of his father, dressed in part of his armor. Tanaka says the monkey sent him, and he had provided his son with two paths, to heaven or hell. He gives Koji a sword to kill himself, Koji scoffs and tries to flee. Chimes and gongs ring out, causing Koji pain and ultimately killing him.
Johnny, dressed as the delivery man, heads into Koji's office, even as the secretary tries to stop him. In the office, both are surprised to see it empty, then the lights go off and on and suddenly Koji appears at his desk, dead. Johnny says to call an ambulance. He checks Koji, sees he is dead and goes to get a bag for the statue. His back turned, he doesn't notice Tanaka's aide appear and grab the statue, but he notices him rush out and pursues. He chases the man to the lobby, but he is gone.
In Hong Kong, Hitoshi has the See No Evil monkey statue. As he reads, Tanaka's voice tries to advise him about those he deceives, and in doing so, deceives himself. He is told to become a truthful and trusted man. Hitoshi scoffs as well, shredding the letter.
Jack is just coming in from attempting to see Michiko when Johnny calls. Johnny tells him about Koji being dead from a cerebral hemorrhage, and the old man grabbing the statue. Jack says Micki's day in Hong Kong is just beginning and they hang up.
In Hong Kong, Micki is trying to talk to Hitoshi and offers condolences about Koji's death. He ignores her. As he is leaving the building and getting in his car, Micki continues to try and talk and get through to him, asking about the statues. He denies knowledge. She gives her card to him and he drives off.
Jack visits Musashi at the Club. He asks the man translate the paper with the statues on it. Musashi says it is the legend of the statues, and that those who master them can obtain immortality and that all men live through their children. Jack leaves.
In Tokyo, his aide is trying to get Tanaka to take his medication, but he says he is feeling better. He also gives his aide the oxygen tank. The aide also mentions Micki snooping around Hitoshi, and is told to find out more. Tanaka writes in a book.
Micki, in a taxi, follows Tanaka to a plant run by the company. She watches him in a truck as a woman from customs introduces herself to Hitoshi. She tells him importing ivory is illegal and he'll be going to jail. He denies it, and the monkey uncovers its eyes. Tanaka again says things aren't what they appear to be, and suddenly the illegal ivory transforms into a plate, to the agent's dismay. She leaves, and Micki watches as the plate turns back into an ivory figure. Hitoshi is happy with the statue, picks it up and it laughs. The light goes dark and Hitoshi vanishes.
He is sent before Tanaka, as well. Tanaka says he abused the statue's power. Tanaka offers him the sword, to die with honor. Hitoshi says he won't be intimidated. He picks up the sword, aims it at himself, then instead holds it at his father's throat. But a burst of flame hits him in the face and Hitoshi falls over. Tanaka appears saddened by this.
Back in the truck, Micki goes for the statue, but the aide appears behind her, knocks her down and takes it himself, then vanishes. Micki watches, then turns to see dead Hitoshi, his eyes burned out.
Back at Curious Goods, Micki calls to fill Jack in on what happened, and Jack is confused. Micki wonders if something other than a curse from Lewis is at work, maybe old man Tanaka. Jack isn't sure, but has to see Michiko. He tells Micki to take the next flight home. Micki warns him to be careful.
Michiko opens her statue, the Speak No Evil monkey. She is told to speak for herself, have courage and only speak what she knows to be true.
In Tokyo, Tanaka has the two statues he'd given his sons. He also seems much healthier. His aide offers info on Micki being an antiques dealer and gives her card, which Tanaka burns.
Jack is back seeing Musashi, saying another Tanaka son died and wants answers, but the man says he can't help, he is forbidden to. He tells Jack to follow him and they sit at a desk. He tells Jack how Tanaka stole the statues from the temple of a monkey god in Burma. He tells Jack this made that family immensely rich, but wiped out the coming generations, the first time 6 centuries ago. With each generations deaths, the patriarch is revitalized, and it is always the same man, Tanaka. The monkeys allow him to live on if he sacrifices his families to it. He tells Jack he, Musashi, is one of the last Samurais, and was tasked with stopping Tanaka and returning the monkeys to the temple. But, he fell in love with Tanaka's daughter, he is the man we saw kill himself in the flashback. He didn't die, though, and shows Jack his scar, and says he has to live a humble life in defeat. Jack just needs to know what the monkeys do, but Musashi says no, only the gods decide. Jack says maybe they are the ones who spared his life. But getting nowhere, Jack leaves.
He is at Michiko's office waiting to see her. An employee comes in to see Michiko, a man who has missed 30 days of work due to family problems. As the man talks, the statue moves and tells Michiko he really has a mistress, and is also cheating the company. Michiko gives the man a second chance, hoping things improve for him. He leaves, and the monkey mocks her choice. She tells the statue she won't use its powers. It laughs, the room darkens and she screams. Jack and the secretary hear and rush in, but she is gone. Jack puts the statue under his coat and leaves.
Michiko appears before Tanaka, who looks much younger, and who says he is proud of her, having waited a long time for someone to act with honor. She has mastered the monkeys and they will now serve her and he can move on. He gives her a sword and says she must kill him now, and her children in the future, when they dishonor her. She says no and drops the sword. He puts it back in her hands, and sits with his back to her. She says she can't, he says she must. Michiko instead stabs herself and dies.
Musashi pulls an old box off a shelf an opens it. Inside is an ancient Samurai sword. He unsheathes it.
Jack puts the statue in the vault and closes it. Upstairs, he sees the front door is open but no one around. Suddenly, Tanaka's aide appears, asking for the statue. Jack plays dumb, and the man knocks him out. Johnny and Micki come back and can't find Jack, but then find a note saying Tanaka will trade Jack for the statue, but doesn't say where to go. They go to see if Jack put the statue in vault, which they find he did. Micki thinks it will transport them to Tanaka and Jack, but only if they take it out of the vault. Johnny warns of a trap, but Micki says it is their only chance. They shut the vault and go upstairs, and find Musashi waiting with his sword. He says he is hear to help Jack. Suddenly the statue laughs and the room glows. They stand close together.
They are transported to Tanaka's home in Tokyo. They see Jack tied up and held by Tanaka, who wants the statue. Johnny says to untie Jack first, Tanaka says they play by his rules and puts his sword against Jack's head. Jack tells Micki to keep him from getting all three. He cuts Jack enough to draw a little blood, but then Musashi appears with his sword and they fight. Micki and Johnny free Jack. Musashi tells Tanaka who he is and they fight. Musashi pretends to arm himself, but at the last minute drops his sword and Tanaka stabs and kills him. Jack picks up the sword and tells Tanaka that a Samurai who kills an unarmed man has no honor. The statues laugh as Tanaka says he was tricked. Fire and clanging gongs break out as Tanaka feels intense pain. Johnny grabs the other two statues, and they huddle close together and are transported away as Tanaka screams and dies. The group find themselves back in Curious Goods.
As they put the statues in the vault, Johnny says he will go to the Kendo Club to pick up Musashi's tea set. Micki asks if Jack is okay, he says he is okay, and Mushashi gave his life for them, dying in honor. Jack wonders why Tanaka would keep killing his children for selfish profit. Micki says he couldn't win, and Johnny says maybe that is the true nature of a curse. They leave the vault.
My thoughts:
Love the interesting items used here. We see them on the hunt of a tea set, but then end up chasing a completely different set of items they would have been clueless on.
The monkey statues are cool, but there is so much going on in this one hour that their use per person is very brief. Can see this episode having been expanded to a two-parter with more on each of the children dealing with each statue.
Musashi being the man from the flashback actually surprised me. I like that he got some redemption, for himself.
I wonder what happened to Tanaka's aide? He knew a lot of what was going on, including being transported by magic many times.
Hopefully Johnny went and got that tea set ASAP. Who knows if it would be 'aware' of them coming and call out to someone at the Kendo Club to come take it for themselves.
I liked this one, but just a lot crammed in to one episode. Breathing room could have helped.
Oh, and the statues reminded me of the Cupid statue from Season One, with their stop-motion movements. Fun effect, for me.
Next week: Epitaph for a Lonely Soul
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moversandpackersman · 2 years
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Los Angeles, CA is a sprawling city that offers something for everyone. Home to some of the world's most famous landmarks and neighborhoods, Los Angeles has a bit of everything. Get ready to explore this diverse city with our list of must-see destinations!
Walk of Fame
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The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a 2.5-mile-long sidewalk located on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles, California. The stars are placed along the walkway so that one star is placed every 18 feet.
The first star was laid on February 9, 1958, by singer Nat King Cole and actress Joanne Woodward for actor DeForest Kelley who played Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy in Star Trek.
Los Angeles Moving Companies
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Moving your home is stressful enough, but finding a trusted moving company can be even more difficult than the move itself. Fortunately, there are many moving companies in Los Angeles that can help you transport your home or business. By hiring professionals to handle all of the logistics, you can focus on what’s most important: making sure that everything arrives safely at its destination!
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LACMA is a must-see for any tourist. It's one of the most popular museums in Los Angeles, and it has a lot of history behind it. Not only can you check out art exhibits like those at MOCA, but there are also many different things you can do at LACMA: go on a guided tour of their permanent exhibit with an expert docent; take part in one of their workshops or get involved with some interactive programming; attend talks by visiting artists or participate in any number of other events happening throughout the year.
Santa Monica Pier and Promenade
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The Santa Monica Pier is a landmark in the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California. The pier is a popular tourist attraction with shops, restaurants, and amusement rides. There's also the Santa Monica farmers market and the Aquarium of the Pacific.
The boardwalk caters to skateboarders with an outdoor skate park on its north end near Colorado Avenue. The pier also has several other recreational activities for people such as surfing lessons for beginners as well as classes in dance performances like Zumba or Pilates that are open to everyone from age six to adults who want to learn how dance moves can help them stay fit while having fun at it!
Lake Hollywood Park
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Lake Hollywood Park is located at the base of the Hollywood Hills. While it’s a bit of a hike to get there, if you’re looking for something to do with your kids or a date, Lake Hollywood Park is a fun place to spend the day.
Rodeo Drive
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Rodeo Drive is the world’s most famous shopping street. You can find any designer clothing store here, including Louis Vuitton, Prada, and Chanel. If you want to indulge yourself in luxury shopping while in LA then Rodeo Drive is the place to go.
Things to see:
Beverly Hills Hotel
Rodeo Drive Shopping District
Things to do:
Shop at the high-end stores along Rodeo Drive – Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Hermes are some of your options. -Eat out at some of the many fine-dining restaurants nearby like Matsuhisa or Philippe Chow’s restaurant with its Michelin star rating
Walt Disney Concert Hall
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Walt Disney Concert Hall is a concert hall in Los Angeles, California, designed by architect Frank Gehry and acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota. The hall opened on October 23, 2003. It is home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and also houses the offices of the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
There is a lot to see and do in Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA is a big city. It's so big that you may think it would take a week to see all of it. But while Los Angeles can be daunting in its size, it's surprisingly easy to navigate on foot and by public transportation. There are many neighborhoods within the city that each have their own character and attractions (such as the Venice Beach boardwalk), meaning that you don't have to go far before finding something new and interesting. Even if you're just exploring one neighborhood at a time, there's still plenty more than enough for anyone who loves good food or nightlife. Besides these things though, Los Angeles also happens to be home to some of Hollywood's biggest stars - making it an ideal destination for anyone who wants an escape from everyday life!
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strathshepard · 4 years
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Tina Lutz (before she married Mr Chow) by Cecil Beaton for British Vogue, April 1973. Hair by Leonard via
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may8chan · 6 years
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Bruce Lee, the Legend 1994
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Dream SMP members by how likely they are to commit Diablerie (The act of a Vampire eating another Vampires soul)
Dream: 10/10. This man would chow down on a soul if he found that he could extract no more use or fun out of it and it had sufficiently pissed him off. He’d probably record the devouring for future analysis as well. Very few souls are strong or clever enough to survive being eaten by him, and he wouldn’t be keen to devour those that are.
DreamXD: 11/10. Is god.
George: 3/10. Is off in a little town on his own just living his unlife. Does not care about other vamps enough to even be near one. Also doesn’t care enough about the Camarilla (The arguably less bad vamps) and their taboo on Diablere to not do it if he needed to, but that scenario is unlikely.
Sapnap: 6/10. He’d have to be desperate to do it but he’d do it if it meant his survival. 10/10 if the soul in question is Dream.
Awesamedude: 3/10. He’d vastly prefer paying a geist to forge the soul into soulsteel, but in a pinch he’ll chow down.
Bad: 1/10. Would feed the soul to the E G G except in the most harrowing of scenarios and probably not even then.
Tommy: 5/10. With his recent trip to the afterlife, Tommy may consider cessation of existence a mercy. Probably wouldn’t have the resolve to go through with it though.
Tubbo: 6/10. He’s probably committed Diablerie before and found he didn’t enjoy the experience. He’d do it if necessary but you’d probably never know it happened.
Fundy: 9/10. He’s so desperate for affection and terrified of abandonment that I’m certain he’d eat another vamp not for power but just to not be so alone.
Punz: 9/10. Shortsighted and power hungry enough to Diablerize another vamp, damn the consequences.
Wilbur: 10/10. He knows what he’s about and would snack on another vamps soul just for the hell of it even if it didn’t provide power.
Schlatt: 10/10. See Wilbur.
Skeppy: 1/10. See Bad.
Eret: 6/10. Would try not to the darling fool. But unlife and it’s dangers would inevitably drive her to it. She’d say never again, but whenever she’s in a pinch he’d always hear the siren call.
Jack: 3/10. The desire the affirm his existence is too strong for him to casually chow down on another soul. Would normally be 1/10 but he’s feeling empty lately.
Niki: 2/10. She wants her enemies dead and gone, not a part of her.
Quackity: 10/10. Already ate Schlatt after all. The mans practically a low Humanity vampire already.
Karl Jaccobs: 9/10. “It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.” - Leonard Church.
Technoblade: 10/10. Has definitely eaten another fools soul at the absolute least once and you can not tell me otherwise.
Philza: 10/10. See Technoblade.
Connor: 0.5/10. The only way I could see Connor performing Diablerie is to carry on the legacy of a willing soul, or to house an injured one for safe keeping. Otherwise, HELL NO.
Puffy: 3/10. This woman is a momma bear and would eat your soul if necessary to protect her charges. That’s unlikely to come up however.
Ranboo: 2/10 10/10. :)
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art-now-germany · 3 years
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Quiff,, Wolfgang Schmidt
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Don’t mind if i do!
GO (1999)
Directed by the guy who brought you Edge of Tomorrow, Swingers and The Bourne Identity. It revolves around a drug deal from diffrent POVs. Great cast. Great soundtrack.
Swingers (1996)
Directed by the guy who brought you Go. This film launched the careers of Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughan and heather Graham. The answer machine message scene kills me.
Way of the Gun (2000)
From the guy who has made the 2 best Mission impossible films (rogue nation and fallout) comes this modern western. As in a film set now but it’s basically a western. It features the most unique car chase i have EVER seen. Also the opening scene is one of my favourites of all time.
The Quick and the Dead (1995)
Modern western from Sam Raimi (yes, Sam Raimi) and a star studded cast.
Confessions of a dangerous mind (2002)
George Clooney’s directorial debut with a great cast (watch out for those cameos). It’s about the guy who invented the dating game who claims to have been a CIA hitman.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
My favourite werewolf film. British soldiers come under attack by a pack of werewolves. The practical SFX are wizard. And a guy fist fights a werewolf.
Near Dark (1987)
My favourite vampire film. From academy award winning director Kathryn bigelow comes an actual good film.
Strange Days (1995)
Another Bigelow film. Would be her best film if not for Point Break. It’s all cyberpunky!
The Warriors (1979)
A gang framed for a murder try to get back home.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
A 70s coming of age film with a few future oscar winners among the cast. The soundtrack is so good they had to make a 2nd one.
Out of Sight (1998)
Another crime comedy. Clooney and Lopez star in this adapation of an Elmore Leondard book. They have FANTASTIC chemistry these 2 and i refuse to believe they didn’t bone.
Get Shorty (1995)
Another Elmore Leonard adaptation. John Travolta is cool as fuck in this crime comedy. The sequel isn’t good!
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This mockumentary might be the greatest comedy ever made. It goes to 11.
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)
Not John Carpenter’s best film but it’s his most underrated. A police station comes under siege from some very bad people.
Snatch (2000)
Guy Ritchies best film. Another crime comedy. Brad Pitt basically begged for a role. One of my fave endings to a film ever.
Bound (1996)
This film got the Wachowskis the matrix job. Crime thriller about a mobsters girlfriend teaming up with a handywoman to rip off her boyfriend. Jennifer Tilly is SIZZLING!
Tremors (1990)
It’s a 50s style monster film with good effects and cast.
Slither (2006)
Another monster film. This one from James Gunn.
Re-Animator (1985)
Horror film abou a guy who creates a serum to reanimate dead bodies. it all goes tits up.
The Boondock Saints (1999)
Vigilante action film about two brothers doing vigilante action stuff. Willen Dafoe Willen Dafoes hard in this.
The Elephant Man (1980)
A film about Joseph Merrick aka The Elephant Man. He was a real person in 19th century london who had severe deformities (hence the name). One of the few films that makes me cry like a baby.
Starship Troopers (1997)
One of my favourite films ever. It still looks fantastic today. The bugs have declared war and you need to do your part. Would you like to know more?
Raising Arizona (1987)
An ex-con and an ex-cop steal a baby and hijinks ensue.
Collateral (2004)
Tom Cruise was John Wick before John Wick was John Wick.
Hard Boiled (1992)
Top five action film of all time. Chow Yun Fat is cool as fuck and shoots many bullets.
i think i’m done. Surely you can find something in there that interests you.
Oh and Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender!
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nightwingshero · 4 years
1 - 10 + blair!
Thank you hun!!! Under the cut! 
1. How many different places have they lived?
A few, actually. Blair grew up in Central City, and lived there up until after she woke from her coma. She worked at S.T.A.R Labs after graduating from college, and after the coma, she moved to Central City, accepting a position at Palmer Technologies (where she helped Ray build his A.T.O.M. suit.) After her meta powers start showing up, she joins Oliver and Team Arrow to try and get them under control--which turns into her going back and forth between both cities to help Team Flash with the other metas. But all of that leads to her also joining the Legends (she’s all over the place, I don’t how she does it, she just...does), so she stays on the time ship--the Waverider--for a set amount of time as well. She mostly goes between those three, eventually moving back to Central City after helping the Legends take down Vandal Savage.
2. What is their dream vacation?
Space, and no, I’m not kidding. Blair loves space, and would love to visit the moon, or even mars for that matter. Part of her wishes that she was an astronaut instead, but she loves her job. If she had to choose somewhere on Earth, it would be Switzerland. It’s gorgeous and she wants to see the northern lights. Blair also doesn’t mind the cold (pun definitely intended, her otp isn’t called snow storm for nothing.)
3. What is their favorite color?
I would say either bright purple, green, or blue--colors of nebulas and galaxies. She loves neutral colors too, such as tans, creams, and greys. She eventually starts loving dark blue and black, but that’s mostly due to the association with Leonard. Blair isn’t known to wear the bright colors, she wears more neutral colors (sometimes darker), but the other colors do show up in some places, like casual wear and in the energy she manipulates. 
4. What is their favorite book?
Blair loves the classics, such as J. R. R Tolkien, F. Scott Fitzgerald or Jane Austen. She also enjoys reading books that actually teach her things, and has a whole collection of Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking. There are also comics and the Star Wars books that she reads in leisure, and the books by Rebecca Silver (she’s a fan and supports you, Mick) and has a few Sherlock Holmes novels. She doesn’t have a set favorite, she just loves to read and is a total nerd. 
5. Have they ever cheated on anyone before?
Absolutely not. Blair isn’t that kind of person, she’s thoroughly committed to her partner. She only has eyes for the person she’s with, and if she realizes that that person (or relationship) isn’t fulfilling as it should be, she’ll be honest about it and end it for the both of them. Blair is not at all one to cheat. Honestly, relationships are hard for her to even come by. She’s only been in one or two serious relationships in her life (Carmen and eventually Leonard), all the rest of the time is dedicated to her family, friends, and work--it’s not something she actively seeks out. It just happens when it happens. So honestly, she wouldn’t have the time to for an affair. 
6. Have they ever been cheated on?
Not technically, no. Carmen, her ex-fiancé, left her while she was still in a coma, ending it between them and moving on, eventually meeting someone else. I suppose it’s a matter of perspective, but Blair doesn’t see it as cheating, even though she felt deeply betrayed by Carmen for just leaving her the way she did. Its just...less about the fact that Carmen having someone now, and more that she left while she was still in a coma. 
7. How many partners have they had?
A few, but only two serious relationships. Blair had a healthy love life and such in college, dating and meeting people. Then her and Carmen started dating and got engaged. After Blair moves to Star City, there are flings here and there, but nothing remotely serious. Her next serious relationship is with Leonard Snart, after he returns from being time scattered and retrieves his memories. After Leonard “dies” and Vandal Savage is defeated, Blair returns to Central City, where Flashpoint happens, and while the rest of Team Flash agreed that they didn’t want to know the details of their lives in that alternate timeline, Blair did, and asked Barry when they were alone. That’s when Barry informs Blair that her and Leonard were actually happily engaged, Leonard and Mick having happier lives where their childhoods were actually happy. Blair thought it would bring her closure, but it really just made her heart ache for what she truly wanted. Although, she does admit later that it seemed not as whole, and she’d rather have the memories now than live in that alternate timeline (which, he comes back, so...)
8. What is their favorite food?
Crepes of different flavors and hot chocolate or coffee. Blair loves sweets, breakfast foods, some French and Italian cuisines, burgers and fries, seafood, and also warm beverages. She has to admit that Joe’s grandma Esther’s eggnog is amazing, and she loves Martin Stein’s taste in tea (just the right amount of brandy.) Blair snacks often though, mostly Little Debbie cakes, cookies, chips, and puppy chow snack mix. 
9. Are they a liar? Are they good at lying?
Blair isn’t a liar, no. But when the team needs to go undercover, she’s rather decent at playing the part (way better than Ray Palmer is, he’s hopeless.) Now, she’ll stumble a bit when put in a super high-pressured situation where she’s cornered and can’t find a way to talk her way out of it, which is why she sticks to Sara or Leonard when working with the Legends. Leonard is good at smooth talking, and Sara can be super charming and when that fails...well, punches work too. But lying isn’t something Blair actively does, she’s a facts kind of person, and really doesn’t like keeping secrets from people. She acts weird when she does. Now, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, she’s human, it just weighs on her. Lying isn’t natural for her, especially when it’s with people she cares about. 
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
She’s actually an omnivert, a good mixture of both, it just depends on the situation. Blair loves staying in, watching movies, and working on research in the lab. But she’s very connected with her circle, frequently working with friends, going out with them, and visiting her parents regularly. It makes it easy for her to relate and talk with new people, and honestly, it’s funny watching her interact with Leonard and Mick when she’s feeling particularly social, and when she’s quiet, it’s actually Leonard that talks to her to start a conversation. It’s adorable.  
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The First Time - He Made Her Squeal
Word Count: 871
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Original Character
Summary: It happened when she least expected it. No. It happened because she least expected it.
Series Masterlist
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Five o’clock on a mid-May day in San Francisco had the beach sands sizzling, the bay side pits grilling, and fizzled youth from the nearby academy and universities carelessly playing. Many took to the rushing cold of the crashing ocean waves, diving under them, surfing along on boards, or tackling each other in a primal show of dominance.
Someone knew someone who brought along a blaring music system; and everyone knew everyone who grilled, the free food limitless.
Sonja sat at the edge of the sidewalk that dropped off into the sandy bay area; chowing on a hotdog she had managed to swipe from a classmate and washing it down with a bottle cola bought from the snack bar. Sand clumped on her bare feet, dusted her knees and coated the right side of her blue trunks; a mark of victory from a round of volleyball she’d finished playing.
A fresh breeze rolled off of the incoming waves brushing over and soothing her sticky, heated skin. A shadow slanted across her shoulders and suddenly a cap was crushed over her head, the brim sliding over her eyes, obscuring her vision.
“You kids never listen to my lectures on harmful sunrays, do you?” A voice grumbled from above followed by the sound of creaking knees and a stifled groan.
One hand pulled the cap back as Sonja turned to her left where Leonard McCoy had settled himself beside her, his posture stiff, unaccustomed to crouching down as he had after so many years of standing upright in a doctor’s uniform.
She couldn’t help the bout of laughter that resonated from deep within her chest at the sight of her new friend. Never before had she seen him in a muscle shirt – that revealed a worker’s tan line, jutting collar bone, toned arms, and the teasing of a healthy batch of chest hair peeking out – and a pair of gray beach shorts that revealed a pair of health and hairy calves.
Eyes narrowing, Leonard pulled the brim of the cap back down over her eyes; retaliation for the laughter that he knew was at his expense.
“Take it easy, Doc, I’m wearing sunblock.” Sonja assured with a toothy grin. She then looped her ponytail through the cap, settling it comfortably on her head, and finished off the last bite of her hotdog.
“Where’s your other half?” He asked while eyeing the activities on the beach. The wind played with his dark hair and Sonja realized he must slick it back on purpose while at the academy.
“She had to stay late courtesy of one Commander Spock-”
“The one she’s crushing on.” Leonard waved the name and the rest of the conversation away. It didn’t go unnoticed how the doctor never cared for names whenever it came to one of Skyla’s romantic interests.
“Yep,” Sonja chugged the rest of her cola, wiping her mouth and burping once she’d finished it. “So, she probably won’t be out here until after the sun has gone down.”
Leonard rolled his eyes.
This earned a bump to his shoulder.
“Come on, Doc. Like you’ve never had a crush you were willing to stay late just to spend time with before.”
“Yeah and look where that got me.”
“Sitting on a wall chatting it up with me. Your ever optimist friend who is young enough to be your daughter.”
Leonard’s upper lip curled; his eyebrows lowered.
“How old do you think I am?” At her toothy grin, he rolled his eyes and added, “Smartass.”
Conversation between the two was brought to an abrupt end as cold water splashed over both their heads. It cascaded down their roasting backs, causing both to immediately jump from the wall and turn on their assailant. Well, Sonja jumped…Leonard more fell.
Jim was doubled over on the sidewalk, an empty bucket dropped at his feet forgotten. His sun-darkened skin was slick, reflective in the sunshine, a soaked white tee clung to his torso. His bright blue eyes opened, and he lifted a hand to point at the two.
“Oh, Laxely, did my ears deceive me, or did you just squeal? And Bones,” He broke off as another fit of laughter rolled through him. “Need help getting up, ol’ man?”
Leonard sat up in the sand, propping an arm up on a bent knee, and stared bemusedly up at Jim. He glanced at Sonja and at her stare, he threw his hand up.
“Don’t look at me. He’s your friend too, now.”
Jim effortlessly jumped down to the sandy bank and lent his hand out to Leonard.
“Remind me why I am friends with you.”
“Because I make you feel young again.” Jim pulled him up easily, his mouth still spread in a grin as Leonard began to shake the water from his shoulders. He turned to Sonja, whose eyebrows lifted high in response. “Honestly, I didn’t recognize you until it was too late. But in all fairness, you did look like you needed to cool off.”
“You just said you didn’t recognize me.”
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t notice you.”
Leonard pulled at his shirt, the wet fabric sticking uncomfortably to his skin. 
“Thanks a lot, Jim. Now I have to change shirts!”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
survey from diggitydoo
Have you ever felt a baby kick? I might have when my mom was pregnant with my brother, but I don’t remember.
What color pants/shorts are you wearing? I’m wearing black leggings. 
When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? My Disneyland trip back in February. It still trips me out that was this year, it feels like forever ago and SO much changed shortly after. It’s wild.
What was the scariest moment of your life? I’ve had more than one, but some were pre-surgery fears. It’s a very scary time and my mind always went to the worst places. My surgeries were long and invasive, too. During one of them my blood pressure dropped really low and my body was just in freakout mode for a few days after the surgery. Like, I had to have a few EKGs and a cardiologist check me out cause my heart rate was high (the EKGs came back fine, though, and the cardiologist couldn’t find anything wrong) and they were worried about my kidneys at one point. I think my body was just under a lot of stress from the type of surgery and the conditions beforehand (I had been sick for one, but also the prep required being totally cleaned out and I think I was dehydrated because of that).
Have you ever heard of Leonard Cohen? Doesn’t ring a bell.
Pancakes or flapjacks? Aren’t they the same thing?
What kind of computer are you on? I’m on my Macbook Air. 
Do you eat Chinese food? If so, what's your favorite dish? I like chow mien, egg rolls, potstickers, and crab rangoon. 
What are you usually doing at midnight? Either scrolling through my social medias, reading, or watching TV.
Have you ever developed feelings for a friend, but you were already with someone? No.
If so, how did it turn out?
Give me your brief definition of love. I don’t wanna.
What is the most beautiful part of the human body, male or female? Hmm. Eyes.
What kind of shoes do you wear? Adidas.
What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry?I just get really frustrated and upset and I shut down and cry. Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? My pain medication. And for the next 10 days this antibiotic. It’s bad because I’ve had it since yesterday for an infection I’ve had for at least two weeks that we know of and the reason why I’ve been feeling sick, but I’ve yet to take it. :X I can’t be a normal human who can take pills, I have to crush mine and I’m dreading how horrible that’s going to be. I’m used to my pain medication at this point and it’s not really that bad. But more than that, it has to be spaced apart from my pain medication because it possibly can increase the intensity of my pain med, potentially causing breathing problems, so I’m like oh yay that sounds fun. Sigh. My doctor insists it’s fine, especially with my dosage, but it was scary to find that out. It’ll most likely be fine, but I’ve gotten so paranoid about stuff in recent years that I didn’t used to be about before. I want to start feeling better, but ugh. :/ I’m gonna take the plunge in like an hour. 
Do you like the smell of coconuts? I do. Not the taste, though.
What is the heaviest you think you can lift? 5lbs? haha.
Do you take Tums? Nah, I just take Pepto. I’ve taken them in the past, but they’re chalky and disgusting and sometimes made me gag, so bleh. Apart from their intended purposes, it had been recommended to me by a doctor to take them for increasing calcium cause they have a lot of that, but yeah I didn’t do that much.
Have you ever walked on a pier at the beach? Yes. 
How about under one? No.
At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? I think when I was like 9.
Do you feel that way around anyone now? No. It’s been a few years since I’ve felt that or had feelings for anyone in the romantic sense. What does that feel like again?
Do you ever talk to yourself or think deep thoughts while on the toilet? I think about stuff, sure.
Do you ever sing to yourself? Yeah.
What is a sound that relaxes you? Certain ASMR triggers and ocean sounds.
How hard has it been to reach your main goal in life? I don’t even know what I want to do in life.
Do you remember the song about hoes in different area codes? Yeah.
What is your main heritage? I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know? I get kinda confused with what that is, exactly.
What kind of pickles do you prefer, if you like pickles? Dill pickles. 
What kind of cheese do you prefer, if you like cheese? I love a lot of different cheeses. I just love cheese.
If you could have a sea creature as a pet, what would you want? Nah.
How about a farm animal? Nah.
So, do you have hoes in different area codes? No.
What is the most annoying song you can think of that came out recently? Nothing comes to mind. I haven’t been listening to music lately, though.
What is a song that you hate to admit you like? I don’t hate to admit that I like any song I like.
What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? Uhhhh.
Do you ever use Urban Dictionary? I’ve used it, but not regularly.
Do you find the definitions on there to be generally funny or stupid? Both.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'transformation'? A big change.
What was something you regularly played with as a child? Barbies.
Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Yes.
What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? My back.
Do a lot of people check you out when you're in public? Ha, no. No one does. 
What is a good name for a turtle? *shrug*
Can you imitate any accents well? If so, which one(s)? Nope.
Do you like having your ear nibbled on? I haven’t experienced that.
What makes a good kisser a good kisser? I don’t know. It’s not sloppy? lol. How many times a year do you have a family thing? We haven’t had a big family get together in years.
What are the best things to put in a smoothie? I’m a very simple gal, I just liked strawberries and bananas. Unless I went to Jamba Juice where they add stuff and you can add extras like a protein or caffeine shot or something. 
Do you ever eat with your eyes closed and just focus on the taste? Nah.
What do you dislike most about where you live right now? My city is crappy.
Has anyone ever given you a rose/roses? No.
Are you watching your weight? I need to be gaining weight, I’ve needed to for the past few years now, but I’ve been unsuccessful.
Have you ever become really good friends with someone you found online? Yes. I used to have several close online friends back in the day. Also, I personally love our little survey community on here. We support each other in some way or another and keep up with each other’s lives through our surveys. 
What makes your best friend your best friend? She’s my mom and my rock and has always been there for me. I couldn’t do it without her.
Do you have a drunk uncle? No.
Do you hear weird noises in your house at night? No. I usually have headphones on, though.
What is something you do that is generally more like something the opposite sex does? Uhhh. I don’t know if there is something I do like that. Not that I can think of.
What is the girliest thing you do, if you're a girl? I don’t know. 
What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? That’s hard to say. There’s a lot of really cool tattoos. 
Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? I’m not crafty, artistic, or creative, sadly.
Do you only eat the middle of the oreo, if you eat oreos? I eat the whole thing, but of course the creme is the best part.
Do you know anyone with a huge ego? Yes.
If so, is there anything else about them you actually like? They’re very intelligent and would do anything for their loved ones.
Do you have any friends who are more like siblings to you? I don’t have any friends.
If so, what about them do you like most?
What do you like on your hotdogs, if you eat hotdogs? Ketchup and mustard. It’s very rare that I’m eating a hotdog at all, though. It’s been years since I’ve had one.
What is everyone else in your house doing right now? My dad is getting ready for work, but my mom and brother are sleeping.
How long do you think it would take you to run a mile? Pfffft. That’s not happening.
Look down. What do you see? My blanket I’m wrapped up in. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Politics. 
What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? I like talking about any of my interests. 
What kind of mood were you in most of today? It’s only 6:37AM.
Has anyone ever walked in on you naked? Nooo.
Tell me an inside joke you have with someone. Nah.
What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Ghosting those I was close to. :/
How do you feel now about the first person you ever dated? I don’t feel anything towards them anymore. I don’t have any bad feelings or anything, it’s just been almost 15 years since then and we haven’t even been in each other’s lives in a decade now and I’ve long since moved on. 
How about the last person (your last ex)? I don’t have any bad feelings towards him either. I’ve moved on years ago as well.
What is the best invention ever invented? There’s been so many.
What is something that needs to be invented? I’m too tired to think of something.
What always makes you burp? It just happens. 
What are you doing tomorrow? Same stuff, different day.
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More Screen Shots from Friday the 13th: The Series episode Tattoo, Season One, Episode Sixteen, air date 3/12/1988
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castielwarriorangel · 7 years
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Midnight chow time.
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may8chan · 6 years
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Bruce Lee, the Legend 1994
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ask-the-bad-piggies · 5 years
How could Pumbaa, Hamm (Toy Story), Grumpig and Emboar as green piggies?
(Hm, I don’t know Grumpig and Emboar, but I do know the other two! Let’s see -
Pumba would, as a bug-eating hog, get along like a house on fire with the birds, as he too would prefer to chow down on worms and insects (much to the absolute horror of his brethren) and perhaps would even be some kind of chef.
Hamm, being the smart-alek that he is, would probably be some kind of money-keeper, in whatever establishment the pigs keep for a bank. Probably doesn’t buy any of Leonard’s hogwash.) 
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