#leone abbacchio headcannons
helenabuu32 · 8 days
My first hc post officially has 100 notes 🥹
To celebrate……
Anotha one.
Bucci Squad when their crush or S/O gets badly hurt during a mission!
RIP to the one who has awoken mama bear
Without hesitation will use Sticky Fingers to safely tuck you away from danger until the threat is taken care of.
Depending on how severe the injury is, he’ll send another member in the zipper dimension with you to make sure you’re okay. If it’s life threatening, he’ll make Giorno heal you there.
Once you’re somewhere safe, it’s go time. There’s no holding back and the rest of the team is actually a little shocked (or scared) of his lack of composure when going after the one who hurt you.
He will accept help from the others if he needs it, he doesn’t care as long as the person gets fucked up. He will however insist on on delivering the finishing blow
Will probably deliver a really emotional speech about “those who dare harm the one he loves” (he’ll do this whether you’re dating or not bc ur prob unconcious anyway so it won’t really be a confession lmfao) as he proceeds to zipper their entire body apart and rip the pieces to shreds
Once the battle is over, he’s taking you home and not leaving your side until you’re better. If you’re dating he’ll make sure there’s always a fresh red rose by your bedside ❤️
Did someone order a side of Swiss cheese?Because that’s what Mista is about to turn this person into.
He will throw himself in front of you and order one of the others to get you the hell out of there. He doesn’t care if he gets hit with an attack as long as you’re not getting hurt anymore.
The Sex Pistols are ANGRY. 5 is crying and wants to go to you, but knows Mista needs every bit of help he can get. They’re going absolutely nuts helping to riddle your attacker with bullets nonstop. Some of them are even trying to cling onto them and straight up bite chunks out of their body.
Mista will want to take care of this person himself but if he can’t handle it on his own, he’ll reluctantly let the others assist him. At the end of the day he doesn’t really care as long as he gets some (MANY) good shots in and this person is no more.
Once the fight is over, he’s sprinting to your side to assess the damage. Putting pressure on any wounds, he’ll take his shirt off to make a pillow for your head. Hell even rip it to shreds if you need bandages he doesn’t care.
If there’s a lot of damage, he’ll ask Giorno to help. He’s not letting you die on him.
Once you’re back home or somewhere safe, he’s doing everything he can to take care of you and help you. Any time you need food or water or a change of bandages, he’s the one who’s going to get it. Other than that, he never leaves your side until you’re better.
This person is definitely gonna regret laying a finger on you.
He scoops you up and brings you somewhere safe while he’s yelling at the others to give them everything they’ve got.
If your life is in danger, he will put his hatred for Giorno aside and start begging him to come and heal you. He’s so desperate that the others are kind of shocked. They never realized you meant so much to him.
Depending on the enemy stand users abilities, he knows he and his own stand may be no match for them. If that’s the case, all he asks is that the others leave them alive so he can finish them off….
Once that has been done and he knows you’re going to be okay, he’ll demand that the others stay with you while he “takes care of things.”
He doesn’t even wanna use Moody Blues. In fact, he’s called his stand back in. If there’s anything laying around like a crowbar, a plank of wood, something that can do damage, he’ll grab it. If not, being the strongest of the group physically, he has no problem using his fists.
The others will watch from afar as Leone makes this person unrecognizable as human. This person is literally begging and pleading for mercy, but Abbacchio doesn’t intend on stopping. Even when they’re long dead, he just keeps going until they’re a bloody pulp.
He’ll walk back to you and the group, covered in the blood of the enemy and tell everyone to back off. He carries you the whole way back to whenever you’re staying. If you’re dating, he’ll just hold you and silently cry when you’re away from the others as he tells you how much he loves you and never wants to lose you.
Lol the others should run
No actually. He’s telling the rest of the Bucci gang to take you, make sure you’re okay, and run. FAR. Away.
He’s literally screaming at this person as he uses Aerosmith to just unleash everything it has. If there’s cars or anything around that he can use to set a fire, the whole area will be set ablaze within minutes.
Once he knows it’ll finish them off for good, Narancia will drop Aerosmith’s bomb and absolutely destroy everything in the vicinity. He doesn’t even care if he hurts himself at this point.
When the deed is finally done, he’s rushing to you and the others, tears running down his face yelling and making sure you are/are going to be okay.
Once you’re all back home, Narancia is constantly bringing you snacks and drinks and feeding them to you. He’ll set his boombox up in your room and let you ply all your favourite songs to help brighten the mood. He acts cheery to put a smile on your face, but this boy is honestly traumatized after watching you get hurt like that.
If you’re not dating, he feels like he literally needs to guard your room at night. He has this irrational fear that someone else will break in to try to finish you off. If you’re in a relationship, he sleeps with you every single night, waking up every half hour/an hour because he’s so worried something will happen.
Will pick you flowers he found (they’re actually weeds lol) outside because he knows how much you like them
Uh yeah so he’s definitely about to prove he’s his fathers son here
He’s calm. Like SCARY calm. The others have never seen him act this way before and it’s freaking them out.
He’ll heal any wounds that need to be tended to immediately, then ask the others to take you somewhere you’ll be safer
He never once loses his composure. In fact, the others think they can see him….smiling???
His goal now is to use Gold Experience to make this person regret they were ever born. The enemy won’t even notice the strategically placed roots he’s been sprouting from the ground until it’s too late…
Once the enemy is where Giorno wants him, the others will watch this person slowly. SO slowly. Get impaled all over with thin tree branches. Giorno makes sure this person stays alive for a long time. Once he’s ready to finish the job, he will make the tree grow fully through their body, completely tearing them apart.
The others jaws are on the floor as they watch Giorno walk back over to them, the scene behind him looking like a gory horror movie. Most of them are a little scared of him right now but Abbacchio actually managed to grow a sliver of respect for him, strangely enough.
Upon seeing you, he goes back to his normal, kind self. When you get home, he will care for you until you’re better. If you’re dating, he’ll hold you tightly as he tells you how much he loves you and will never let anyone hurt you like that again.
So he actually almost kills everyone out of complete, uncontrollable rage
He’s so angry he honestly doesn’t even check on you before going nuts on this person. The others, realizing they can’t stop him and would definitely die trying, get you to safety and take care of any injuries that may need immediate attention.
Fugo honestly almost gets himself killed with his own stand. But he doesn’t care, because at the end of the day, the person who hurt you is gone and boy did they suffer greatly
He finally calls Purple Haze back in, realizing how reckless he was being in his emotional state. He feels ashamed, but couldn’t help himself when he saw you laying there, crumpled up in pain on the ground.
When you get back, he’s actually avoiding you at first. When he finally comes to see you, he explodes. “What the Hell were you thinking??? Are you stupid, throwing yourself in the middle like that to blindly defend everyone? You could’ve gotten yourself KILLED. I almost LOST YOU.”
…if you weren’t dating already, that was pretty much his confession of his feelings for you. If you are in a relationship, he’ll finally let his guard down and just weep. You actually have to comfort him at first. He just keeps repeating how much he loves you and can’t ever lose you. He’s saying he’s sorry over and over again. Sorry for letting you get that hurt, sorry for almost hurting the others. He’s just sorry. And he swears to protect you and work on being more calm in those situations.
I’ll be adding one for Trish later as I was having a hard time thinking of a good amount of hcs for her and I’ve had this in my drafts so long that I just really wanna get it out there! I hope you guys liked this one, and again, always feel free to send in a request for some hcs from me! :)
Love: your friendly neighborhood Abbacchio simp 😌
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peapodsinspace · 5 months
Hiiii :3
do you have any jojo headcanons?? It can be for any character :]
oooh absolutely!!! I’ve never made a post about my head cannons before!!!
These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!! And a lot of my head cannons are like, au specific anyway hehe
Also a lot of these will be post cannon :]
-Diamond is Unbreakable-
-jotaro taught josuke and okuyasu how to do eyeliner
-tomoko listens to Britney Spears when she cleans her house
-tonio sends okuyasu “left over” (freshly cooked, made expressly for this purpose) meals a few times a week
-koichi’s mom invites Rohan over for dinner fairly often (he accepts occasionally)
-Golden Wind-
-narancia’s favorite thing to do is listen to music with his friends and just chill
-he has playlist for all of them
-he likes to sit upside down in chairs (supposedly helps him focus ((he just does it because he can)))
-nara ikes to have other people read to him because he’s better at remembering it that way (usually fugo reads to him)
-giorno isn’t super good at video games, but he gets very serious and into them regardless
-fugo and trish used to not get along very well, but now they just bicker at each other for fun
-they read crappy YA novels together!!!!
-fugo has a copy of divergent he added commentary in the margins of, and long rants at the end of the book (he stuck extra paper in)
-he did this to try and get mista to read divergent (it worked ((mista hated it)))
-that copy was passed around the whole group so it has a bunch of notes from everyone
-fugo keeps all his books in stacks and low bookshelves because he dislikes the way ceiling-high bookshelves loom over him
-fugo genuinely had it out for abbachio when he first joined Bruno’s gang, to the point that he would try and get him in trouble with bruno for no reason
-abbachio lets Trish do his makeup sometimes
-abbachio will sleep in all day, and if he’s ever up early it’s because he never went to bed at all
-Stone ocean-
-weather and anasui will usually try and get extra breakfast (or save some of theirs) to give to emporio
-emporio likes FNAF
-he makes his friends play horror games with him (jolyne and anasui mostly, because jolyne is good at them, and anasui screams like a little girl)
-Steel Ball Run-
-diego is effected by cold and heat more since he developed his stand
-he occasionally gets the extreme urge to chew on something (or more specifically to eat a rock), however save the times he is fully in his dinosaur form or close to it, his teeth aren’t strong enough to eat them :[
-which is why his gloves have many pinprick holes in them from where he chews on the extra fabric around his fingers
-diego is a total nerd about anything animal related and will happily info dump at any opportunity, but somehow still be prissy about it
-gyro is consistently baffled by at least half of the phrases that Johnny says, because he doesn’t know what they mean
-gyro saws some serious logs in his sleep (he snores very loudly)
-he has a journal he’s really secretive about
-one time Johnny read the journal and it was just dumb joke ideas and a really weird bucket list
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bucciarati-answers · 24 days
It’s almost the end of summer!! (at least where I am)
Have you guys thought of going out and having a beach day together? -🦎
"Yes! Even tho.. many of us feel very different about it."
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harumirart · 2 years
My friend's assumptions about JJBA golden wind characters. (She's only a few episodes in)
Bruno: he had to take care of his grandma and go to the mob for extra money. Was stabbed with an arrow to gain a stand once he joined. Praying he doesn't die but she thought she heard me say Diavolo/doppio dies in buccirati's body which may cause his soul to die.
Abbacchio: minor traitor vibes but he's actually nice deep down and he's gonna feel bad, redeem himself then die. OR He's gonna die but it's really gonna be a fake out and then be revealed as a traitor, still gonna have his redeem himself then die moment.
Giorno: is an outsider in a group who doesn't get close to anyone. Just gonna kill Diavolo.
Narancia: sad experimented on backstory "cause I saw him with bandages in a Jojo fan comic." that's why he's funny to cover up the trauma. Def DOESNT DIE.
Fugo: also experimented on- that's why he's angry. Back or forth on whether he's going to die, he kind of has Light Yagami vibes. If he is gonna die he explodes.
Mista: baseball player who cheated, he was disgraced. Was gonna make it competitively. Has OCD like my friend. Mista's gonna die because the Number 4 will get him in the end. He's gonna make a decision that involves the number 4 to save his friends.
Trish: boss wants to kill her. Cause she's a loose-end. raised as a daughter of mafia, sent to boarding school far away in Japan so she could be out of his face and just came back. She got kicked out on purpose so she could have a relationship with her dad, he's looking for a new boarding school. She wants to take down the mob as well cause she learned about it in school. BUT REALLY HE WANTS TO TAKE THEM ALL OUT. cause he finds out Giorno is a traitor.
Trish lives. "If she dies I'm gonna kill myself"
Doppio: dies in bucceratti's body.
Diavolo: eternal punishment where he dies 1000s of times forever. Genuinely have no idea why he wants to kill Trish. WAIT I KNOW- SHE ACTUALLY WAS raised away from him, they recently came into contact with each other and he's playing team Bucceratti for FOOLS cause he knows Giorno wants to bring him down. So he will gather them together and blow up the whole team.
My friend based these off of things I've told them in the past, mainly doppio stuff and the numerous amount of jojo posts that they see on a daily basis
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blueartist4 · 2 years
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@corpsoir *Drops at your feet, Runs away*
I absolutely love you art and when I saw the Dtiys I immediately picked up my pencil. I'm really sorry if I'm late to it but I hope you like it!
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trashcan-caliber · 1 year
Yandere Abbacchio headcannons
Abbacchio is definitely the type of yandere to stalk you. Like not just keep tabs on you, but actually follow you through out the day and find where you live by physically watching you.
He would talk about you to Bruno (although he’s never sober for these conversations) and just go on a rant about how he yearns to hold you and talk to you.
Side note: Bruno thinks you’re a cat on the street due to how inebriated Abbacchio is and how he describes you as “cute” and “skittish”. So unfortunately for you, Bruno tells Leone to “earn your trust” and “leave out food”. Leone being drunk thinks Bruno is telling him to go for it.
Uh oh. One way ticket to Leone’s bedroom… forever.
Yeah bestie you’re fucked
The next night Leone is stalking you, per usual. He starts to tread closer to you and when you start to hear his footsteps it’s already too late. You don’t even have time to turn around because you’re already on the pavement from getting your ass hit upside the head.
For a moment Leone basks in what he has just done and he’s facing reality. He’s realizing how horrible and deplorable this actually is (not saying he hasn’t thought of that before but now it’s almost TOO real.
That’s not to say he’s going to let you go. Oh no. It’s never that easy. But when you do come to expect him to be drunkenly splayed across you with mascara running down his face as he mumbles incoherent promises to keep you safe.
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yokiteryokiter · 9 months
Just wanted to say your T4T Bruabba is MELTING MY HEART!!!! RAAHHHHH!!!!! I also have a headcannon that if Abbacchio was to change her first name, she'd change it to Lenore instead of Leone. Anyways just thought I'd share. Have an amazing morning, noon, and night! You beautiful artist.
THANK YOU!! So happy to hear you enjoy my hc 🥺 Lenore is so cute as a name too...
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Hey. Listen to my abbacchio gender expression headcannon. (Btw this used she/her for moody and all pronouns for abba, like stand user Jesus Christ intended)
I think after Bruno recruited him, Abba tried to make themself “more presentable” by presenting more masculine- cutting off his hair, ditching makeup, thrifting new clothes, all that jazz so he’d be respected in the mafia
When Moody (my beloved) manifested she was hyperfeminine. The woman ever. Exaggerated makeup, long flowing hair, outrageous curves, the works. And abba HATED her for outing them. Only brought moody out when he was alone or just with Bruno who had already seen abba at her lowest.
As time went on in the mafia, Abba started dipping their toes in androgyny. After all, Bruno had some feminine traits and everyone respected him anyways, so why not Abba? What did he have to lose anyways, everyone already thought of him as Bruno’s charity case. So abba started dabbling in queer fashion culture and growing out their hair and slowly getting back into makeup- which had 3 main effects:
1. He felt more like himself. Less stiff and smothered
2. Bruno smiled at her more. Fugo was less mean about their appearance. Maybe the two of them were even happy for him for being himself
3. Moody lost some femininity. Which was actually relieving, it felt like far too much for Abba
So over time, Abba became more feminine and Moody became more masculine until they eventually met in the middle. And Leone finally matched their own soul.
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abbabycchio · 4 years
if youre asking us, your followers, to assume that brooding, emo, goth-y, purple lipstick, piss tea, angry big tiddy goth LEONE ABBACCHIO CUDDLES IN HIS SLEEP you are correct he is a big cuddler i accept the cuddles from this oversized softie
I actually squealed I literally can’t breath! Ok so I hdc that Abba is actually a big softie! Like he just wants cuddles from his s/o! He definitely likes being little spoon even if he doesn’t admit it! When he’s big spoon though he’ll stick one of his legs in between yours so your legs are wrapped around that one, he’ll nuzzle into your neck behind your hair so you can feel he’s hot breath on the back of your neck, occasionally leaving peppers of kisses all over your neck and shoulder. He’ll make sure that you’re pressed as close as possible up to his chest, and wrap his strong arms around you securely, every now and then he’ll feel like you’re not close enough and bury him self closer into you while pulling you closer. 😳😳 ok I got a little too carried away with this one
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strawberrysurecake · 2 years
Heyo! Love ur Bucci gang Hcs! (Especially the tsunderes ones!) Not sure if you're taking requests rn (sorry if ur not bsbdbdb) but I was wondering if I could request sum Bucci gang Hcs with a s/o who has Somniphobia! It's a phobia of sleeping, this can be due to being afraid of something bad happening while asleep or afraid of going to sleep due to nightmares and/or night terrors. S/o is afraid of going to sleep and tries to do everything in their power from falling asleep!
If your request aren't open or you don't want to do this request, you can totally disregard it! ^^
Bucci Gang + Trish with S/O Who Has Somniphobia
Contents: Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Abbacchio, Fugo & Trish
Tags: G/N!reader, fluff
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Thanks for the request, Pomegranate! Somniphobia is actually something I can relate to. I don't have much problems with sleep anymore but in the past, I used to avoid going to bed until I got incredibly tired. I hope all you somniphobes reading get the chance to overcome your fear!
As for my status about requests, requests aren't officially open beyond the neko short fics but I like to take them anyway because it offers a break in between projects I have.
Psst. By the way, I'm trying out a new aesthetic and informative format for my posts. I made the webcore-styled header myself in MS Paint from scratch too so I'm pretty proud of it.
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❁ - - Giorno Giovanna - - ❁
He has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes
It was during one of those nights that he heard you brewing coffee at 3AM
Shuffling downstairs and into the kitchen, he finds you nestling a hot mug of coffee with the darkest circles under your drooping eyes
He asks you if something is wrong but your answer of "no" doesn't satisfy him
"We have a day off tomorrow. There's no need for caffeine this late."
He learns of your fear of sleep and he's intrigued to hear you open up about a vulnerability to him so easily
He nudges the mug away from your lips and morphs the top buttons of his silk shirt into fragrant lavender buds
"Come. You need to rest. I'll sit by you until you're asleep."
❁ - - Bruno Bucciarati - - ❁
When coming home from a mission, he's used to having you run to the door to greet him but not at this unusual hour
It was 2AM when he returned and you were right there on the sofa, languid but ready to kiss him hello
"Amore, I won't be offended if you're asleep by the time I come home..."
Your explanation of how you can’t sleep unless he's there with you has him slightly concerned
After a little quick thinking, he zips together a concoction of fabric and cushions to create a crude cuddle buddy
"Let’s call him...Onurb. When I'm away and you can't sleep, Onurb will be here to keep you safe."
Although he'd rather be the one cuddling you to sleep, he supposes Onurb will have to do for a stand-in when he's away
Though he sincerely hopes you don't become too attached to Onurb...
❁ - - Guido Mista - - ❁
"Baby, it's 4AM. Why are you baking so early in the morning?"
He receives the most deadpan explanation for your fear of slumber, of nightmares and the inherent vulnerability that comes with sleep
Considering his superstitious fear over a single-digit number, he doesn't have much room to criticise your fear of a biological necessity so instead, he relents
He makes conversation with you while you bake but as soon as it hits 5AM, he's hauling your ass back to bed and keeping you there until you get some decent shut-eye
When you wake, the baked goods of 4AM have all been devoured by Sex Pistols
"See? Told you baking at 4AM was a bad idea!"
❁ - - Narancia Ghirga - - ❁
His little spoon is nowhere to be found and now he has to search the entire apartment for your whereabouts
If you're not in the living room, the bathroom or the kitchen then where the hell are you?
The front door suddenly clicks open and there you are with a small bag of snacks in one arm another bag in the other
"You went to the shops without me!?"
You could have at least bought him some orange juice
But what really matters is that you’re safe and you didn’t get kidnapped
"Why'd you go without me? And why this late?"
Though your somnophobia isn't something you want to bother him with, he insists you wake him up whenever your anxiousness gets the better of you
In his lean arms, he reminds you that he's always here to protect you from your fears
"How am I supposed to sleep well if you can't sleep well?"
❁ - - Leone Abbacchio - - ❁
He knows you don't have the best relationship with sleep so what he does is keep you locked tight in his strong arms until you fall sleep
He'll save you from your nightmares, shoo your sleep paralysis demons and hum a quiet lullaby to coax you into dreamland
He doesn't mean to hum you a lullaby; that's something he does on the cusp of sleep
If you mention this habit, he'll deny it
❁ - - Pannacotta Fugo - - ❁
"How come you're still awake?"
The evidence of an all-nighter are all etched into your features as he can tell
Despite how tired you look, there's a tenseness to your posture he can pick up on
"Is there something wrong? You can tell me anything."
Contrary to his suspicions, you're not sleep deprived because you're anxious over any upcoming missions but because of sleep itself
There's guilt over how he's never known this about fear of yours until now
The way he scoops you into his arms is tender
He's very attentive to your needs from that night onward and he takes rigid care to ensure your eight hours of sleep happens
Anyone who dares disturb your slumber will receive the biggest reprimanding of their lifetime
❁ - - Trish Una - - ❁
"Do you want some water? Tea? Warm milk with vanilla?"
She knows of your somnophobia and she won't rest until you're asleep
In the dim lighting of your bedside lamp, she shares a mug of hot milk with you as you share stories about your day
"That was the seventh phone call I received that morning. I wish they'd leave me alone while I'm getting my nails done. I kept hoping it was you who was calling."
She stays up later than she'd like but she can't help wanting to indulge in your company just a little more before fatigue takes over
So long as you sleep well, she sleeps well, too
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helenabuu32 · 30 days
Finally thought of some more headcannon ideas! So here’s my hc’s for who in the Bucci Squad is good at cooking!
Bucci Squad cooking + bonus cooking for their S/O or crush!
Of course mother can cook
For real though, he’s one of the best cooks in the group.
I can imagine a young Bruno learning how to cook with his mother, and after she decided to leave it was something he kept up and just kept getting better at
Could also see him going out of his way to cook food for homeless or elderly people around the city just because he loves helping others so much.
He loves cooking for the rest of the squad and likes to have nights where everyone gets together and he can just make a bunch of different dishes and have a great time with his friends. He always make sure that everyone has at least one of their favourite dishes on the table, even if it means spending the entire day in the kitchen
When he has a crush or is in a relationship, he loves cooking for them and secretly learning their favourite dishes so he can surprise them with a romantic dinner. Candles, red roses, fancy wine and music, the whole classic dinner date thing.
Excellent cook, but not as good at baking. Still good though.
This man burns water
He’s so bad. He tried to help Bucciarati once when everyone was supposed to come over and Bucciarati had to hide himself gagging. He then tried his best to fix the dish while Mista got distracted so he didn’t have to throw it out and make him feel bad…
…because of this, Mista thinks he’s a great cook.
Even when he makes something bad, he’ll try it and think it’s fine…I imagine he’s like Joey from Friends and will literally just eat anything
He cannot bake either, at all. Even if someone hands him one of those tubes of the pillsbury premade dough things that you literally just have to place on a pan, he will burn them
The first time he tried to cook for his s/o or crush he set the oven on fire
Proceeded to serve the meal after spraying everything with a fire extinguisher
They ended up ordering take out that night, but s/o or crush says next time they’ll help him because they can see how hard he was trying :)
Okay he’s still pretty bad but surprisingly not as bad as Mista
He’s not great with measurements and following instructions because he doesn’t read, so he kinda learned over the years what works and what doesn’t
He still often gets distracted or will put his headphones on and miss the timer, so he often overcooks or burns things…but every once in a while he actually comes up with something edible
He likes trying to help Bucciarati in the kitchen but gets frustrated easily and is known to just be like “fuck this” and go off and listen to music somewhere
He actually tries to bake for his s/o / crush the first time and the cookies look really good!
Until they take a bite and they realize he accidentally used salt instead of sugar…s/o / crush laughs it off and they make another batch together that actually turn out pretty good :)
Will leave the kitchen a mess for days after he’s done if nobody makes/helps him clean up
Boy can COOK
He actually might be better than Bucciarati…
But he doesn’t do it for everyone that often because he doesn’t like drawing the attention to himself. When he helps Bruno in the kitchen, everyone just kinda assumes that Bruno did most of the work. He doesn’t really mind as long as he knows deep down that people are enjoying what he made, he doesn’t care about being praised for it.
If the others try to help in the kitchen he gets annoyed and just starts drinking wine.
Will eventually get so fed up that he goes to the dining room table and continues to sip his wine while he listens to all the chaos going on in the kitchen so he doesn’t lose his shit at everyone (mostly Mista and Narancia)
When he first cooks for his s/o or crush he actually tries to pretend that Bruno made it or that he got takeout from a fancy restaurant “this isn’t even a date, shut up and eat.”
Obviously s/o crush can tell he made it. He forgot to clean up around the stove because he was actually panicking about them coming over. S/o/crush won’t out him but won’t stop going on about how DELICIOUS the food is…
…He lied, he loves the praise.
He’s actually a pretty decent cook!
He’s good at following instructions, so he’s naturally just good at following recipes. What idiot couldn’t follow a book….
…Oh. Yeah he’s not allowed in the kitchen when Narancia is there because once he got so angry at him that he broke a wine glass over his head.
When Narancia (and Mista tbh) aren’t there though, he really enjoys helping Bruno in the kitchen. He’s not on the same level as him or Abbacchio, but at least everything he makes ends up tasting good.
I feel like he would be even better at baking actually, because I find baking tends to use a lot more numbers and measuring out ingredients to exact numbers. It’s like science and Fugo loves that.
The first time his S/o or crush tastes his cooking or baking, it’s actually because he brought it “for the squad”. He’s too embarrassed to admit that he just wanted to see if they’d enjoy what he made. He gets all flustered when they tell him how good it is and leaves the room. But then starts bringing stuff almost every week for them to try.
I feel like he’s on the same level or a little better than Fugo…
He always had to kinda take care of himself, so naturally he learned to cook for himself as well
Unlike Fugo, he doesn’t go by the book as much. He just picked up from restaurants and over time learned what worked together
He does also enjoy baking sometimes because he has a bit of a sweet tooth, but just basic things like cookies, brownies, etc.
He doesn’t really help Bucciarati in the kitchen because Abbacchio just glares at him the whole time. Leone hates that he’s actually okay at cooking. Can this kid just be bad at something wtf.
If Abbacchio does get fed up and goes off to sulk somewhere, he doesn’t mind stepping in to help out though
When cooking for an s/o or crush, he has a similar approach to Bucciarati. He likes to make it romantic but in a more light-hearted way? Like he prefers more upbeat music, maybe even sitting on the couch and watching a movie instead of at a table. He will always make sure to sprout a beautiful bouquet of their favourite flowers to be on display nearby, though.
Trish just doesn’t really like cooking
She doesn’t like how sweaty the kitchen can get, and hates how onions make her cry. Her mascara is expensive!
Just sits back and lets the boys take care of everything when Bucciarati has the squad over for dinner. Cooking is already stressful enough without 3 fistfights breaking out…
Although she doesn’t like cooking, she wouldn’t be terrible at it if she were in a situation where she had to.
She does on the other hand enjoy baking though!
She always loved baking with her mom growing up. Her favourite thing to make is cupcakes because it’s so much fun to decorate them with colourful icing and cute sprinkles when they’re done!
The first time her s/o or crush tries her baking, they’re just hanging out and she all of the sudden gets the idea to make frosted brownies. She has a lot of fun seeing the different approach they take to decorating them. They start to have weekly baking dates where they try something new every time, and sometimes brings the boys leftovers :)
Yaaaay another one done! I really do love making these. My asks are open so if you enjoyed reading this and would like to see my hcs for a particular situation, go ahead and let me know! I’m also always looking for more moots to talk about JJBA and other stuff with 💖
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bucciaratitties · 3 years
My JJBA Vento Aureo head cannons for Team Bucciarati (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2
It’s implied all of the Bucci Gang must’ve failed Polpo’s test to gain their stands so here are my headcannons on how it went down
Requested by Polpo to come meet him and take his test a year after being in Passione
Thought the lighter test was supposed to test his wits and caution
Immediately brought the lighter home while his dad was in the hospital and researched how to keep the flame alive
Didn’t sleep at all that night
Managed to keep the lighter lit for 24 hours
Proudly told Polpo he managed to keep the lighter lit for 24 hours
Polpo liked Bucciarati and wanted him to be a stand user so he had Black Sabbath pierce him with the arrow on the spot in front of his prison cell
Bucciarati thought Polpo was trying to kill him but understood after Polpo explained and he could see Black Sabbath
Met Sticky Fingers the following week when he was late to visit his father during visiting hours and Sticky Fingers zipped him into the room
Bucciarati told Fugo what the test really was before he went to see Polpo
Fugo didn’t believe him until Bucciarati started unzipping things in their home as Fugo watched them fall apart
Bucciarati waited for Fugo outside the prison as he came out with the lighter
Once home, Bucciarati told Fugo they were going to purposefully let the flame go out as he was confident Fugo would get a stand but just in case, he and Sticky Fingers were in the room next door
Fugo spent the next few days hanging around Sticky Fingers once he could see him
When Fugo met Purple Haze a week later, he was upset he was nothing like Sticky Fingers and didn’t come out of his room for 4 days
Bruno brought him home takeout everyday and left it on his nightstand
(Stated in PHF that Narancia could see Fugo’s stand which is why Fugo went behind Bucciarati’s back to have him take the test)
Fugo told Narancia before hand exactly what the test was and that he already had a stand
Narancia didn’t pay attention to Fugo at all
The only thing he got out it was “keep the flame alive for 24 hours”
Brought the lighter back to his dad’s house while his dad was at work
The flame went out within 5 minutes as Narancia forgot to close the window
Narancia freaked out since he could see Black Sabbath who was chasing him around the house
Narancia threw everything he could at Black Sabbath; chairs, lamps, pans, his dad’s expensive wine bottles etc
Freaked out and screamed even more suddenly seeing an airplane fly around his house shooting the pictures off the walls
Black Sabbath finally got him and Narancia was more scared that he completely trashed his dad’s house
Immediately packed up and left before his dad came home
Didn’t want Bucciarati to tell him what the exam was because he “wanted it to be a surprise”
Got back to his apartment and placed the lighter on his dining table
Opened the fridge to drink a soda
The closing of the fridge door blew out the lighter
Mista shrugged and relit it placing it on the coffee table
Fell asleep on the couch within the next minute
Woke up to what he thought were bugs flying around his face
They were asking him for food and to help them open the fridge
Barely questioned the Sex Pistols at all
Just glad none were labeled with the number 4
Immediately asked them to rob a man who beat him up once
Could not have cared less about the outcome of the test
Turned the lighter off himself
Barely flinched when pierced with the arrow
Thought his stand was a woman
Immediately subconsciously replayed a fond memory hanging out with his old policeman partner
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mistasgirl · 3 years
what bucciarati’s squad would be like on social media hcs
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Bruno Bucciarati
He wouldn’t really use social media that often, but he’d have a twitter account, just to know what’s going on.
His username would be something simple like @/bucciaratibru1 lmao
His profile picture would be sort of like those facebook mom selfies.
The guys laugh at him for it but he thinks it looks nice.
Leone Abbacchio
He wouldn’t use social media at all.
He thinks it rots people’s brains and it’s a waste of space on his phone.
Mista and Narancia try to set an account up for him, but he refuses.
He talks shit about the guys who use it, besides Bucciarati.
Guido Mista
He’d love social media! It’s entertaining to him.
His favorite app would probably be tik tok, he’d think it’s hilarious and would even make tik toks.
His username on everything would be @/gunslinginslasher lmao it makes no sense but he likes referencing spongebob.
He’d probably set his profile picture to him posing with his gun.
He thinks it’s SO cool.
His bio would probably be lyrics tbh.
Narancia Ghirga
Same as Mista, Narancia loves social media!
He loves posting and seeing funny shit online.
His username would probably be something like @/picklewater01.
He’d change his profile picture so much! Mista makes fun of him for this.
His profile pictures are mostly selfies of him with a funky snapchat filter on.
His bio would be quoting an outdated meme LMAO
He’d be a shitposter. Posting memes literally every second.
Giorno Giovanna
He’s quite similar to Bucciarati. He doesn’t really get on social media often.
Nonetheless, he does make some accounts after some convincing from Mista and Narancia.
His username would be something like @/giornothedreamer just cause he’s giorno giovanna and he has a dream 🙄
He wouldn’t set a profile picture, but if he ever did he’d set it as a picture of the sunset.
Pannacotta Fugo
Narancia convinced him to download at least one social media app.
He doesn’t like it at first, but it grows on him.
Like Abbacchio, he thinks it rots the brain, but Narancia was bugging him a lot.
His username would be something simple again, like Bucciarati’s. Something like @/fugop_
His profile picture would be a picture of him and Narancia having fun :))
He doesn’t post often, but when he does it’s on his story talking about school and shit like that.
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namelessaether · 3 years
pannacotta fugo dating headcannons !
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- fugo will be shy at first with s/o, give him time to open up!
-mista and narancia are surprisingly his hype men! they help him ask out s/o and get ready for dates!!
“fugo this is what you’re gonna want to do, be yourself. don’t change for them only change for yourself.” mista pats fugos shoulders with a tight squeeze of reassurance.
“i’m positive they like you, fugo! i asked them myself and they said they do!! go for it.” narancia smiles brightly towards the blonde.
-when fugo asks out s/o they’re generally shocked. they never saw fugo ever liking them back, but accepts his confession!
-the first date wasn’t at libeccio’s, it was at a small cafe a few blocks away from the restaurant.
“i love coming here to read when i get stressed. so i’d thought i should share it with you.” fugo smiles softly.
- after a few months of dating, fugo will let s/o get physical with him. the poor boy has trauma, give him time.
-his hugs are tight but comfortable and reassuring. fugo slowly learns how to get comfortable w physical touch again.
-if s/o is shorter then him, he rests his head on their head and pulls then to his chest and holds them there.
-if s/o is the same height as him, he lets them hide their face in his neck or he hides his in s/o’s neck!
-if s/o is taller then him he rests his head on their chest and let’s s/o rest their head on his.
-his biggest fear is lashing out at s/o and making s/o scared of him.
-if he lashes out around s/o (not at them), s/o will usually take him to another room or outside to calm down. they sit down somewhere and hold his hand or he puts his head on s/o’s shoulder and you two do breathing techniques together.
-he holds s/o’s hand to his face and slows his breathing and kisses it too and grounds himself again.
-it takes time for him to kiss s/o. he doesn’t have confidence and he overthinks it often but they always calm him if he gets upset over being “too shy”.
-he’s not good with relationship stuff so you both learn together.
-when s/o and fugo do end up kissing, he loves it. he’s not one with germs and saliva, but kisses on the lips, cheek, and neck and hands are so important to him.
-fugo is very touch starved because of how his family treated him, but is scared to receive touch from what happened in university when he was 13. when he’s with s/o he learns to love it.
-his love languages are: words of affirmation and gift giving.
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gucci-giogio · 4 years
How Bucci Gang reacts to finding out Giorno is part Vampire:
Stared Giorno dead in the eye for 10 seconds in silence before saying “We can use this” without elaborating. Giorno was put off by this but stayed silent.
Once casually offered Giorno a sip of an enemy he was about to finish off, to which Giorno politely declined.
Doesn’t believe a word of it and is convinced that Giorno is even more batshit insane than initially thought. Annoyed that the majority of the house believes the nonsense.
After Giorno completed several humanly impossible tasks, Abbacchio went silent on the matter. He later placed an eviction notice on Giorno’s bedroom door 2 days later. He figured if Giorno were to ever go rogue, he knew that his life would be the first to get cut.
First words were “I KNEW IT” to which everyone questioned how the hell he could have guessed something like THAT. His assessment was that Giorno was pale even after living in this Italian sun, ethereal beauty, barely ate or slept for too long yet always managed to be alert and energized enough regardless. “Okay, minus the beauty, you’re describing half the methed up junkies in Napoli.” Abbacchio countered. But Narancia was not having any of that. He told himself that he knew it and no one was going to take that from him dammit..
Offers to feed the enemies they kill to Giorno, who politely refuses.
Another skeptic. Sided with Abbacchio on Giorno being batshit, initially, until proven wrong with sufficient proof. Immediately accepts Giorno without a hassle.
“You drop this bombshell, but still won’t tell me how you got around downing Abbacchio’s piss at Libeccios? My guy, your priorities...” he says to which Bruno replies “What?”
Another initial skeptic, but after sufficient proof, he began to harbor a new found fear of Giorno. The fear was quickly curbed by spending time with Giorno and having the boy answer many questions about his physiology and biological makeup. News of what could only be described as “2 fathers in 1” seemed more confusing than anything to do with vampiric blood.
Sometimes gets dragged into Narancia’s consiparacy theories about Giorno. What would have been quickly dismissed as classic Narancia Head-Assery, has now gotten Fugo coming aboard the Tin-Hat train..
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gum-gum-time · 4 years
Vento Aureo as Greek Gods II
Before continuing to read, please keep in mind that the plot of Vento Aureo plays no major role in this headcannon. I decided to keep some of the familial ties of Vento Aureo, but greatly change the relationships of the gods in the original Greek pantheon, since there's a lot of incest and other weird fucky family ties and relationships. So ill manly focus on the characteristics, personalities and abilities of the characters. I’m also not an expert on Greek mythology, so there might be some inaccuracies.
All three parts for this headcanon are now complete! You can find the links to the other parts at the bottom of the page💖
Overall, I wrote this just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading through my ramblings.
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Bruno Bucciarati: Veritas
At first, I wanted to represent Bruno with a more motherly mythological figure, like Demeter, but after some deliberation, I decided that Veritas, the goddess of truth would suit him a lot better. Not only because Bruno is skilled at detecting liars, but also because of the aesthetic that represents the goddess of truth. Veritas is most often described wearing white fabrics and if that doesn't scream Bruno Bucciarati I don’t know what does. Despite the visual appearance, I see Bruno as a very truthful individual who wants to see wrongdoers punished and he’ll happily go through with doing it himself.
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Pannacotta Fugo: Ares
Representing Fugo as Aries is quite predictable, but it’s also extremely fitting. I don’t want to undermine Fugo’s intelligence and I intended to represent him as a God of knowledge, but Ares seems to be more in line with Purple Haze. I see Fugo as an individual who thinks that he has to act out in violence out of necessity instead of the thrill of war or mindless bloodshed, though his particular brand of combat is very gruesome, he doesn’t like it in the slightest. He finds his existence is like a burden to everyone and as a result, he often falls into long- lasting cycles of dejection where his negative thoughts often torment him.
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Narancia Ghirga: Notus
Narancia’s stand made me want to represent him with a deity closely related to the sky, so I chose Notus, the God of the southern wind. Their personalities also align quite well, both of them being short-tempered and unhinged. Narancia’s outbursts can be attributed to sudden changes in weather, fog, mist and impressive storms.
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Guido Mista: Artemis
Since I couldn’t find an appropriate deity according to his personality, I decided that Artemis, the goddess of hunting and archery would represent his stand the best. Mista’s quite childish personality and very close friendship with Narancia can also be attributed to Artemis being the protector of children.
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Leone Abbacchio: Dionysus
Leone was one of the easier characters to find a fitting god for. I chose Dionysus for his fondness for wine, which I think would be suitable as we see Leone drinking heavily before joining Passione. I also find that Dionysus’ tendency to avoid most physical altercations by driving his opponents insane vaguely reminds me of Moody Blues ability during his fight with Illuso.  
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Giorno Giovanna: Demeter
I see Giorno as a very headstrong and mature person that why I chose Demeter, the elder goddess of plants and the harvest. Giorno likes to be in control of any given situation and keeping the people close to him close and protected which correlates to Demeter's grief over her daughter's disappearance. He's often the voice of reason in the group since he wants to make sure everyone’s okay and safe. Giorno's stand is also very representative of Demeter's love for nature.
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Trish Una: Horae
Trish is the character that goes through the most drastic change during the events of Vento Aureo so choosing a deity to represent her was difficult, I think that Horae, the goddess of seasons would be a good representation. Her mistrust in the people who were protecting her slowly grew into a blooming friendship. This also sparked her determination to defeat Diavolo, which can be attributed to Horae’s ties to order and justice as they guard the gates to Olympus.
Part I: La Unita Speciale
Part II: La Squadra Esecuzioni
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