#leopardfoot deserved so much better
juice-boxy · 2 years
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Mother of a monster
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tuxalfredo · 2 years
Warrior Cats brainrot rant about the first arc(s). Mainly about Pinestar.
Pinestar is my favorite character in all of WC, my #1. He was the smartest character of any character, and honestly still very much is the smartest. It's because he left, he realizes how useless the things the Clans fought for were. He was 100% right about everything he told Bluefur while coming back from the Moonpool.
"They'll forgive us for the attack, then hate us for some other reason. Just as the other Clans will. The four Clans will be enemies till the end. ... and yet we all want the same things; prey to hunt, a safe territory, and peace to share our dreams with our ancestors. Why must we hate one another over such simple desires?" - Pinestar, the most based mf to ever live.
Everyone knows how problematic his forced relationship with Leopardfoot was, but that wasn't Pinestars fault in any way. The authors were just very ignorant with his character writing. Leopardfoot and Pinestar literally had NO chemistry WHATSOEVER.
Pinestar shouldn't have been given a mate at all. The guy has so much aroace energy, literally he was randomly given a she-cat to have a kit with only so Tigerstar can have (very meaningless) daddy issues.💀
Pinestars character was very neglected by the authors and thrown to the side when he had so much more potential. He should've influenced Bluestar way more, Bluestar should've thought back on him more throughout her leadership. He definitely had a huge impact on her upbringing. It's honestly sad how poorly he's written because of how much potential he had, he could've changed a lot about the Clans. Or, he could've at least influenced someone to change the Clans because he didn't have the strength to do it himself.
Going back to my brief mentioning about how Pinestar is aroace; yeah I said it. I said what everyone else was too afraid to say. My manns had the most aroace energy EVER, the authors forcing him to have a mate literally got me so angry like WHY BRO WHY?! HE DIDN'T NEED A MATE OR KITS AT ALL, IT'S LITERALLY ONLY THERE FOR TIGERSTARS BENEFIT AND THEY REALLY DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THAT LORE ANYWAYS???
A n y w a y s . . .
I have a lot more to say, but will leave this here due to braincell leakage. Here's a sketch I made of my manns that deserved way better than what he got:)
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I love him. He deserves the world and not to be written so shittily]:(
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
At the time of writing this, my last Tigerstar ask has not been posted. I usually wait for it to post before airing my next episode of The Tigerstar Saga (please start tagging as that or as 🐅⭐) but this is, I got to talk about Pinestar, I have to do it now, I just got hit in the face by a memory and overwhelming emotions.
Dad, dad I don't understand. I don't get it. Why the hell did you leave me, you walked out on me and mom and the whole clan, because you were SCARED. Why the hell would you do that. I'm mad, I'm distressed. I hate you. You just left me. You didn't even say a proper goodbye. Pinestar, you are a scumbag, a fucking deadbeat, I hope you are suffering, regretting your entire life. You deserve hell, you deserve nothing good to ever come to you. I hope you had an allergic reaction to a twoleg cat vaccine and died. I hope you were suffering your entire life. You left me, a little child. A baby. A fucking KIT. You left me, your SON, just to live the luxurious life of a 'kittypet'. Just to get fat and round, to be taken care of and never do anything again. Instead of being my father, you just LEFT. It's your falut I turned out the way I did! As bad as Thistleclaw was and as much as he encouraged me, you were always way worse and you will always BE worse. I sought out to destroy and patronize any kittypet I found, and if I ever came across you, you'd be lucky to have escaped with your life. All the pain you made me go through, day after day waiting for you to come home, not understanding that you just abandoned me, your tiny son who lost his sisters, to be living a lavish life in a permanent shelter. Leopardfoot eventually told me that you weren't coming back, I kept hoping that you would, but after seeing Sunstar lose lives, when she gave me my apprentice name, everything that mom said finally seeped in. You left me, you left us, you left the whole clan! I was insecure about my own image, afraid of cats thinking I'd end up like you, the worst cat in the fucking forest. I hate you Pinestar. I worked tirelessly trying to prove I wasn't like you, that I wasn't going to leave and become a fat spoiled kittypet with a dumb collar around my neck. I listened to everything Thistleclaw said. I craved his approval, and seeing that following my own wild ambitions are what pleaded him, I kept doing it, soon it became a bad habit and darkness began to consume me. The voice in my head getting louder and louder. She said she was trying to guide me. I listened to every word she said, hanging on every last sound she made, I thought that StarClan was showing their approval for me so I worked even harder to prove that I was strong and fierce and would never turn out like you, Pinestar. I would NEVER be like you. I despised every kittypet and every twoleg for making my father disappear. You horrible, filthy being. If you are in StarClan, then justice does not truly exist. I wanted to be leader so bad just to prove that I'd be so much better then you. Then my plan to kill Bluestar failed and I was exiled, leaving my children behind. But unlike you, dad, I actually wanted to see my children, I actually cared if they got hurt during one of my malicious plans for revenge, or the fire that ravaged ThunderClan. I made sure I still got to see them, they were my children. Even when I was dead, I made an effort to visit my kids, but my reasons got more and more twisted the longer I was in that horrible forest. I could never talk to Mothwing and I will always hate that, never being able to meet my second daughter.
Unlike you, Pinestar, my father, I actually WANTED to be a good dad. But I guess we can just say, I didn't have a very good influence, now did it?
Fuck you Pinestar, rot and suffer.
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icezet · 5 years
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matoitech · 3 years
💥A Dangerous Path - Most interesting character in the series
hollyleaf or bluestar i love their characters and that theyre NOT perfect. dovewing has a lot of rly good stuff but i dont think her writing is like, self aware, it just ended up working rly well for her. i think characters like mothwing and leopardfoot and spottedleaf have a lot of potential too but spottedleaf has godawful writing, leopardfoot is a bg character, and mothwing. well mothwing is great but i love her and think she deserves better. leafpool and squirrelflight also have a lot of interesting stuff going on but the authors dont like them :(
🌅Sunset - Favourite and least favourite book cover
were just going with the old american covers i own cuz i dont like the new american ones lol. i wanted to go with sunset bc its always been one of my fave covers but ended up going with the first battle cuz even tho i dont care for this arc i do love this cover
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least favorite would probably have 2 be the forgotten warrior.. its pretty but the cat chasing the squirrel looks wonky so its just never been one of my favorites lol
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☁️A Light in the Mist - You can rewrite the warrior code- what do you change?
god what DONT i change. tbh i think we should overhaul the entire thing. keep the stuff abt providing for others and not hurting kits n stuff but so much of it is used to excuse the clan cats treating cats outside the clans like shit and even treating their own clanmates like shit and im just tired of it.. i THINK if i remember correctly there was smth abt changing the warrior code in the next arc so -_- ill keep waiting
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1, book 1: Chapter 10
Icepaw reached the end of the ravine and looked down at the camp. He was panting and his paws slippery with dew. He sniffed the air hoping he was alone but something different had caught his nostrils: Blood and lots of it. Icepaw stopped being quiet and burst into the camp and what he found made his stomach twist in horror.
His clanmates laid bleeding and battered on the ground. The stench of Shadow Colony still fresh around them.
"I..Icepaw?" he whipped his head to see Gingerpaw laying on his side, blood seeping from his shoulder and belly. He saw Chestnutpaw was beside him and not in any better condition. Icepaw raced over to the older toms, he cared about Gingerpaw and while he and Chestnutpaw didn't get along but he wouldn't wish death on him.
"What happened?" he asked, even though he could piece it together himself he wanted to hear it from someone else
"Shadow Colony attacked as a little while after you guys left for the gathering" Gingerpaw rasped "It was out of nowhere since we didn't think it would happen during a gathering night, We've been waiting for Spottedleaf and Featherwhisker to return"
"It came out of no where" Rootpaw exclaimed from the side, both his ears bleeding
Icepaw was silent trying to process all of this before he returned to the reason he raced back here in the first place. "I'll be right back you two" he didn't wait for their response as he dashed to where Yellowfang was kept.
"Yellowfang" he hissed urgently "Yellowfang wake up It's important and your life may be on the line"
Yellowfang's two yellow eyes opened "I wasn't sleeping after the ambush that happened earlier" they stood up slowly "So he's kept his promise"
Icepaw was confused "What promise?"
"Brokenmoon promised me when he banished me that he would drive me out of every clan territory" Yellowfang said dryly "What did he say about me Icepaw?"
"He warned us that our kits were in danger as long as we sheltered the Shadow Colony rouge some cats suspect it's you, you need to leave now before the rest of the clans comes"
"They actually believed Brokenmoon!" Yellowfang hissed, their tail swishing urgently
"Yes, Darkstripe says your dangerous, others say your dangerous and with Tiger-roar and Nightshade on your tail..I don't know what'll happen but I fear the worse"
Icepaw could hear furious yowls of cats but he could tell it was silence by what the camp looked like currently.
"Do you think I would harm kits Icepaw?" Yellowfang asked
"No never" Icepaw said without hesitation he could hear hisses and growls get louder "Go!" Icepaw urged
Yellowfang remained where they were and stared at him "Icepaw, you believe I'm innocent, and I'm grateful for that. If you believe me, then others might as well. I know Bluestar she'll be fair, I can't run anymore Icepaw I'm old, I will face whatever Thunderclan has for me"
"But Tiger-roar and Nightshade-"
"They're headstrong but even they will obey Bluestar" Yellowfang sighed and sat down on theyr bony haunches "Go away Icepaw now, don't get yourself in trouble for my sake"
Icepaw hoped Yellowfang was right. He has gotten way to attached to Yellowfang to watch them be killed for something that wasn't true. He touched his nose toy heir patchy fur, then crept silently away back to where he found Gingerpaw and Chestnutpaw.
"Stay awake will you?"
Chestnutpaw growled as a response
Though the gorse, Bluestar with Thrushpelt at her side with Frostbite and Goldenflower behind them. Goldenflower and Frostbite raced away from the troop immediately and ran towards the nursery. Tiger-roar and Nightshade strode into the clearing, shoulder to shoulder looking grim. Miststrike and Nettlepaw limped over to them.
Icepaw spotted Ravenpaw and Cherrypaw trot over to him, he didn't look at them and stared at Gingerpaw and Chestnutpaw making sure they were still alive and awake.
"You went to warn Yellowfang, didn't you?" Ravenpaw whispered sitting next to Icepaw while Cherrypaw crouched near their littermate.
"Yes, I did" Icepaw admitted "But they wouldn't leave. They trust Bluestar to treat them fairly. Did anyone notice I was gone?"
"Only us" Ravenpaw watching Gingerpaw's breathing while Cherrypaw groomed Chestnutpaw.
"Thank the stars" Spurcepaw appeared at his left side "If Nightshade or Burrclaw saw you..."
"Don't remind me" he cut in
Around the camp, Spottedleaf and Featherwhisker were seeing to everyone as much as they could. "What happened at the gathering?" Birchstep called
"Anything worse?" Cranepaw whimpered, her left back paw looked broken
"Brokenmoon has demanded hunting rights for Shadow Colony in our territory that's what happened" Fogtail snarled loudly
"And he warned us about a rouge cat who will harm our kits, it must be Yellowfang" Mousefur added
Meows of fury and distress rose from the crowd
"Silence!" Bluestar ordered as she leaped onto the highrock
"Cricket's dead' Featherstone screeched, tears running down his face
Cats stared as he dragged the fallen deputy's body, stained with her own blood.
"Bluestar-" his leader cut Leopardfoot off
"The new deputy will be Rosetail" her blue eyes cold as ice
A loud screech made every cat turn their heads toward the fallen tree where the elders slept. Tiger-roar and Darkstripe dragged Yellowfang roughly from their nest. They shrieked with fury as they hauled them into the clearing and dumped them in front of the highrock.
This made Icepaw want to run over to defend the old molly he grew fond of but Spurcepaw seemed to sense his intentions and pulled him into her chest fur with her paw. "Don't you dare" she hissed in his ear "Let Bluestar handle it" Icepaw whimpered for Yellowfang's sake but said nothing and watched.
"Bluestar is fair most of the time, don't you dare" Spurcepaw whispered
"What is this?" Bluestar demanded "I gave no word to attack our prisoner"
Goldenflower appeared from the nursery "We got back in time the kits are safe"
"Of course they are" Bluestar snapped, rolling her blue eyes
"But you are going to kick Yellowfang out, right?" Mousefur mewed, her amber eyes wide
"Kick her out, we should rid ourselves of them right now" Darkstripe spat, unsheathing his claws
Bluestar's cold blue gaze rested on Darkstripe and the tabby seemed to shiver lightly under the leader's gaze "And what have they done to deserve such a sentence?" her tone icy calm that made many cats crouch lowly.
"You were there Bluestar, you heard what Brokenmoon-" Darkstripe tried but Bluestar cut right into him with no difficulty.
"Taking Brokenmoon's words seriously means you have bees in your brain especially after he attacked our camp during the night of the gathering and killed Cricket-throat, we heed his words with a mouthful of feathers, if it was Yellowfang he would have said so by their name and skip being vague since he didn't mention them by name they will not be harmed in any way, if anyone so much as lays a claw on them a temporary banishment will ensue, am I understood?" she was addressing the whole clan not just Darkstripe.
Icepaw could see how she was made leader with her confident and no nonsense attitude.
Bluestar took their silence as a response, Icepaw sighed in relief relaxing in Spurcepaw's grip as the bigger apprentice chuckled softly in his fur "Soft"
Yellowfang looked up at Bluestar and their eyes narrowed respectfully "I'll leave now if you wish Bluestar"
"There will be no need" Bluestar mewed "You have done nothing wrong Yellowfang, you will be safe here" she lifted her gaze to the crowd "It's time we addressed the real threat to our clan: Brokenmoon" she began "Shadow Colony has attacked us and has threaten for more bloodshed, Wind Colony is gone. River Colony has become spineless. Thunder Colony stands alone against Shadow Colony"
A murmur of defiance rippled through the cats.
"Colonies have never shared hunting rights before and we won't start now, we will rebuild the camp and keep our eyes and ears open for any future attacks, we need to be at our peak of strength if we are to attack Shadow Colony on their own land, we need to ready Cricket-throat for her burial. colony dismissed, Rosetail meet me in my den" Bluestar declared and without another word, she turned and strode into her den with Rosetail in tow.
Icepaw blinked slowly as he woke. Ravenpaw sleeping soundly into his chest fur, looking much calmer than him being awake. The den was peaceful for the moment.
Sandpaw was curled up with Dustpaw and Chestnutpaw, Cherrypaw was by herself, Cranepaw and Graypaw were huddled together, Sprucepaw, Rootpaw, and Gingerpaw were suprisingly closer to him and Ravenpaw and Nettlepaw and Emberpaw was no where in sight.
"They're in the nursery" Rootpaw answered his unspoken question "Always loved being there even after they were apprenticed" he yawned and his earring flicked back and forth
"I can see why" Icepaw replied "The nursery is lovely"
"Since when?" Spurcepaw shot up "Frostbite and Mossthorn are harsh tongued cat and don't get me started on Speckletail's dirt"
"Frostbite and Mossthorn love Icepaw" Sprucepaw purred "I heard Frostbite groomed him"
"Seriously?" Gingerpaw said
Icepaw chuckled "She fixed my head hair for me"
"Why does she like you first thing and hiss at me?" Gingerpaw whined
"You did step on her tail" Sprucepaw explained
"It was an accident" Gingerpaw retorted "I thought Mossthorn holds grudges"
"Can't I get a moment of sleep?" Ravenpaw snapped
"Woah, Raven has claws" Gingerpaw purred to which Ravenpaw swiped at Gingerpaw's muzzle
"Or he's just cranky" Emberpaw said as she padded "I would be"
Icepaw lazily groomed Ravenpaw's ears "Relax Raven" he whispered in his ear
Ravenpaw grumbled something but laid back in his nest.
"Hey Icepaw, what to join me in the nursery?" Emberpaw asked
He glanced at Ravenpaw who waved him off "Sure, I told Dot I'll teach her some River songs anyway"
He quickly followed Emberpaw out of the apprentice den and across camp to the nursery. He could hear soft mews as he entered the calming den.
"Icey" Dot quickly rushed over to him "You came!"
"Of course, I promised" he purred
"Come on, you and Swanlight tell bout the songs" Dot nudged over to where Aspenbreeze, Swanlight, and Frostbite lay. Honey and Branch were sitting there eagerly along with Lichen and Bracken.
Swanlight chuckled "Alright Alright, this one is the one my father taught me and Splashsong as kits"
She started with a few lyrics and the kits followed along well, it turned into giggles and cheerful mews as it progressed.
"Shame" Speckletail sighed "Cricket-throat was a good deputy no matter how short"
"True but it's better someone like Rosetail is deputy" Goldenflower replied, grooming a squirming Claw "We don't need more close-minded cats"
Speckletail glanced at her daughter "Close-minded?"
"Cats that don't glare at Ice every five seconds" Frostbite answered, pulling Icepaw close making Dot move closer as well.
Speckletail scoffed at Frostbite's words
"She's not wrong" Willowpelt said "Rosetail is a better choice than Cricket-throat"
"What's going on?" Dot whispered
"Clan politics" Icepaw replied in the same tone, he started grooming Dot's ears
"Is that bad?" Branch asked
"I believe you're just saying that because Rosetail was your mentor" Speckletail stated
"I'm not so biased Speckletail" Willowpelt retorted "Unlike Cricket-throat, Rosetail isn't against the idea of outsiders and the idea of peace between the colonies"
"That's only because you're a filth blood Ambershine and Torndust took pity on and you decided to muddy your blood more when you mated with Archeye" Speckletail snapped "Rosetail as well when Poppydawn and Windflight took pity on her"
"That's enough" Brindleface hissed
"Don't start with me kit" Speckletail warned "You're no better when Lighthawk took pity to raise you and Robinwing took pity on Frostbite when she didn't ditch her right away"
"So I was supposed to die?" Frostbite hissed "Fuzzypelt love me, that shrew ditched me anyway"
"Enough!" Goldenflower snarled "Talk about something else" she turned her head to Speckletail "Mother, me you outside, now"
"Faster Graypaw" Lionheart growled, his golden tail lashing.
"Icepaw stop with the full offense" Tiger-roar snapped, his dual-colored eyes focused.
Another day of intense training, it felt good to know how to easily beat someone. Lionheart seemed in a bind of wanting Graypaw away from him and wanting him stronger than him which good luck with that. Graypaw would grow into his size more but Scourge taught him something very important: size means nothing.
The clan was still distrustful of Yellowfang and it seemed to bounce to him. The harassment from the others had gotten worse and the older cats didn't say it but he knew they were thinking it.
Sandpaw, Dustpaw, and Chestnutpaw in particular were little shits.
Sandpaw was the favorite apprentice it was very obvious, her mentor was the leader of the clan and her ego seemed large it was shocking her head didn't explode. She liked to pull these fucks with his mind. He thought he knew all the tricks from dealing with his sisters but nope.
Dustpaw was just as annoying with his stupid and obvious crush on Sandpaw. How he treated Ravenpaw and basically ignored his existence. It was shocking that someone as kind as Redtail was his mentor well was til Redtail became pregnant and unfortunately ran his time out of staying out of the nursery with how plump he was. Darkstripe is Dustpaw's mentor and honestly seemed very in sync which wasn't surprising.
Chestnutpaw was a whole other level of big ego and little shit. Thought strength meant everything and can't see why someone would want any less. It was clear Nettlepaw and Ravenpaw were punching bags in his view. His mentor had been resigned to Spottedwing.
Cranepaw seemed to be following their lead. Bitch tried putting a thorn in his nest on Chestnutpaw's dare. He spat it at her and laughed when it got stuck in her nose. He wasn't sorry at all. Miststrike did apologize to him and made Cranepaw apologize as well.
Graypaw was terrified of him, as he should. Lionheart doesn't help with that matter.
Cherrypaw was an interesting case, she was so chill it was frighting. Her mentor was not at all neither was her family aside from Rosetail. He could talk shit and she'll just add her own bit.
Nettlepaw was a respectable and kind-hearted soul. It was shocking he didn't crack by now from the torment. He's mentored had been resigned to Dappletail, good choice on Bluestar's part.
Gingerpaw was a wild card, a whole spitfire package. Rosetail and him blended very well. He wondered who'd take over since Rosetail's expecting.
Spurcepaw was rude and harsh but she seemed different towards him and he was not about to get on her bad side with Burrclaw as her mentor.
Emberpaw was one was well and Mousefur was just the cat to encourage and tame it at the same time.
Ravenpaw was nervous and scared of alot of things but he was greater than cats gave him credit for. At least Leopardstorm has been trying to giving him confidence.
He was fighting with Graypaw and winning. He slammed the gray kitten into the ground, trapping him.
"Icepaw wins" Tiger-roar mewed, he licked his paw "3 out 5 dear Lion?" he opened expecting a reaction
Leopardstorm stopped Lionheart from going off. "How about all the apprentices spilt in pairs"
"Hunting dear nephew?" Rosetail asked, steading herself as her belly swayed
"Yep, the prey pile needs to be filled" Leopardstorm was not so subtly shoving Lionheart away from Icepaw "All of you go around the territory and hunt, when you hear my yowl come back"
"How'll we hear you?" Dustpaw asked, ears twitching
"You'll hear me don't worry"
"Better drink some water before that" Nightshade hummed
"The pairs are: Gingerpaw and Ravenpaw, Nettlepaw and Cranepaw, Graypaw and Dustpaw, Emberpaw and Chestnutpaw, and Icepaw and Sandpaw"
Cherrypaw flicked her tail "Can I go hunting by myself? Nightshade ma'am, I love ya but you're a better fighter than hunter for a reason"
Nightshade narrowed her eyes, her golden tooth flashed "Whatever brat"
"Same here" Spurcepaw said
"I agree" Burrclaw replied
"Get to it" Dappletail mewed
Sandpaw headed to snakerocks and Icepaw followed. They were even in fighting at the moment but Sandpaw was the better hunter at least in this weather.
He finally managed to nick a vole when Sandpaw asked "You're actually friends with them?"
Icepaw nearly dropped his vole "Who do you mean by them Sandpaw?"
Sandpaw snorted "Scaredlypaw for starters"
"He's name is Ravenpaw"
"Doubtful, Robinwing made a terrible choice but then again she chose Fuzzypelt as a mate so..."
Icepaw didn't know whether he should fight Sandpaw or just hiss "Robinwing is a cold-hearted shrew who only cares about herself"
"At least she's useful to the clan, unlike Ravenpaw"
Icepaw unsheathed his claws "I'd think you'd make fun of Nettlepaw with those words"
"The nursery is important" Sandpaw shrugged "At least he can fight somewhat well, he didn't get his parents body types for nothing, I suppose I could say the same for you"
"You're close with Dot and Cinder" Sandpaw stated "Listen kitty" she mewed "Thunder Colony is about strength and skill Emberpaw told you that did she not?"
"She did, her and Redtail explained"
"Ravenpaw doesn't fit that, he's a bumbling mouse-brain is what he is, he was scared of his own shadow as a kit. Honestly it's surprising he made it this long"
"Same way you do it: by living"
"Only the strong survive in this clan and only they make it to the top like Bluestar" White's words rang in his head, he still didn't like it.
"The strongest are the ones that aren't afraid to be weak and don't have an ego like you"
"They aren't twoleg pets like you" she snapped back
Icepaw had no regrets when he flung himself at her.
"It was a disaster waiting to happen"
"Oh I knew that before you came here when Leopardstorm decided it was a good idea to pair you and my niece together" Spottedleaf mewed finishing his wrap. She pulled her kits close with her tail. Healthy as can be, a two mollies named Flower and Deer. "I hope Redtail's new litter can get along with you"
"Not my fault Sandpaw's got an ego the size of the camp"
"It's bigger than that Icy boy" Thymepaw purred "I know my sister"
"How are you two related to her?" he mewed "I'm so sorry for you"
"All cats old enough gather around for a clan meeting" Bluestar yowled
"Oh the older kits finally being apprenticed?" Icepaw mewed
"I sure hope so, the nursery's very crowed with Patchpelt's kits getting bigger and bigger" The black and white kitten had been named Littlekit after Littlestep and the black kitten with white spotting had been named Sleetkit. Featherstone and Spottedwing's new kit had been named Smokykit.
"My dear granddaughter you've currently caused Mousefur some grief" Bluestar mewed making Emberpaw duck her head and Mousefur chuckle "Mousefur, do you believe your apprentice is ready for her warrior name?"
'Warrior name?' Icepaw was shocked 'well she deserves it more than Sandpaw that's for sure'
"I do" Mousefur mewed proudly "Fought me with skill and never backed down"
"Emberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan even at the cost of your own life?"
"I do Bluestar" Emberpaw mewed
"Then by the power of Starclan I give your warrior name, from this moment on your shall be known as Embereyes, your colony thanks you for your keen sight and kind nature"
"Embereyes Embereyes" The crowd of cats cheered
'Wonder if the colony will cheer like this for my warrior name' Icepaw thought 'No if anything Bluestar will force them to cheer'
"Lark, Pale, and Seed, you've reached your six moon and are ready to be apprenticed. Lark until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Larkpaw, Robinwing, you will mentor Larkpaw. Pale until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Palepaw, Mossthorn you will mentor Palepaw. Seedkit until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Seedpaw, Goldenflower you will mentor Seedpaw"
The new apprentices ran over to their new mentors, touching noses in an instant. "Larkpaw Palepaw Seedpaw"
"Honey, Branch, and Dot" Bluestar mewed "You're also ready for your apprentice ceremony. Honey until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Honeypaw, Speckletail, you will mentor Honeypaw. Branch until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Branchpaw, Tawnywhisker you will mentor Branchpaw. Dot until you receive your warrior name you shall be called Dotpaw, Flowerdusk you will mentor Dotpaw
"Meeting dismissed" Bluestar finished
"Icepaw come" Tiger-roar mewed, padding over, the tabby looked tired and not really with it.
"We're going to patrol around Sunningrocks" the tabby added
Icepaw sighed "Who with?"
"Speckletail, Honeypaw, Miststrike, Darkstripe, Cranepaw, Dustpaw, Sweetheart, and Rosetail's leading the patrol" Tiger-roar answered
Icepaw nodded and followed his mentor and the patrol out of camp. He didn't know how to feel about going near Sunningrocks, River Colony hasn't really been hostile since Swanlight has been with them but with Shadow Colony hunting in the river, who knows.
They walked along the path, when they reached the riverbank Sweetheart and Cranepaw stopped for a quick drink. As the walked along Rosetail and Tiger-roar were marking the border. When they got to Sunningrocks, no River Colony cats were there, even their scent was faint.
"Did Shadow Colony drive them from here?" Cranepaw asked, sniffing around.
"Robinwing's patrol didn't scent them and it's too far for Shadow Colony to be here" Rosetail replied
"Well if the fish-faces isn't going to use it might as well take it" Dustpaw sneered leaping onto one of the rocks.
"He has good sense" Darkstripe purred as he started marking the rocks
"Sister?" Sweetheart asked
Rosetail looked displeased "Just because River Colony hasn't marked doesn't mean they won't be around soon to mark it now"
"But we could take it back" Darkstripe mewed
"Bluestar told me not to do anything yet, when we need it she'll say so, everything has its time and place and besides" Rosetail replied "Good things happen to those who wait"
"You sound like Bluestar" Cranepaw called
"All cold and serious like" Honeypaw added
"I need to, she may be harsh but her decisions have sense in their own crazy way."
"Reminds me of that attack she lead on Shadow Colony when they tried to attack us during leaf-bare" Sweetheart mewed
"And she was still deputy" Miststrike added "Gave Foxheart a good beat down"
"Sunstar wasn't foolish it seems" Speckletail muttered
"We'll drink water, no marking the rocks" Sweetheart stated
They all began drinking, it was cooling.
"Can we start hunting?" Cranepaw asked, tail flicking in excitement.
"Of course" Sweetheart agreed
"Nic-" Cranepaw was cut off when a cat tackled her. It was Otterpaw, he had her in a tight grip with his paws and teeth.
"Hey, what are you doing!" Dustpaw hissed
"Thunder Colony" Icepaw turned his head to see a River patrol, lead by Blackclaw. He recognized everyone on the patrol: Mosspaw, Minnowpaw, Beetlestrike, Frogleap. "How dare you come here" he hissed
"We are only drinking water" Sweetheart mewed
"In our river" Beetlestrike sneered
"You don't own the river" Tiger-roar growled "We are allowed to drink when we damn well please"
"Excuse me?" Beetlestrike hissed
"Sister, should we fight you are expecting after all" Sweetheart asked
Rosetail only lashed her ginger tail and her claws flexed, clearly in thought.
"You guys are just sour that Shadow Colony is fishing in your precious river and just spitting at us for compensation" Icepaw sneered being quite annoyed at this rate
That seemed to be the line of Blackclaw's apparently fragile ego because he yowled "Attack!"
The patrol was shocked, they weren't expecting a fight over a few words. Rosetail snapped out of it "Don't hold back Thunder Colony"
Icepaw and Dustpaw went for Otterpaw. Icepaw leaped onto his back and Dustpaw went for the heavy tom's face. "Cranepaw, go now!" he hissed
The pale gray molly got free from Otterpaw's hold and kicked him in the jaw as she did so. Icepaw wondered if this battle would last as long as the Shadow Colony attack, he didn't have to wait long for his answer. He turned his head to see Blackclaw and Sweetheart wresting near the edge, Blackclaw slipped and dragged Sweetheart down with him. The sound of cracking bone rang though the area.
Rosetail got away from Beetlestrike and rushed over to where Sweetheart had dropped into "Sweetheart no!" she yowled
Icepw rushed over and saw what she meant. Sweetheart was dead, her head had been bashed against the rocks. Icepaw narrowed his eyes to see blood dripping from her head and he even saw some brain matter.
Rosetail glared at Blackclaw as he got up, she slashed the black tom's cheek "You attacked us for no reason and killed my sister, a queen you won't get away with this, you can be damn sure of that"
That didn't seem to make Blackclaw worry "Sure" he turned away "Let's go"
Icepaw walked over and began helping Rosetail carrying Sweetheart's body.
"Shouldn't we bury her here?" he asked
"Why would we do such a thing pet" Darkstripe hissed, his right ear bleeding.
"Her head is bashed in, blood dripping and you can see her brain, I don't know if some of the clan is prepared to see that" he retorted
"You speak sense Icepaw" Tiger-roar mewed making Darkstripe's jaw drop "Rosetail stay and some of the others go ahead and tell the clan what happen, me, Icepaw and Dustpaw will stay and begin burying her"
Rosetail nodded "Sweetheart would want that"
"Bluestar isn't going to be happy with this mom" Dustpaw mewed "She knows how to hold a grudge"
Rosetail looked away, a smirk on her face and her yellow eyes gleaming with vengeance "I know Dust, that's what I'm counting on"
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qweenfurby67 · 4 years
okay can we just take a moment to appreciate what a bi icon she is??? I’m really in love with the idea of Bluestar being bisexual. Her girlfriends? Rosetail, and Leopardfoot >:)) And the there is her husband Oakheart. Please don’t hate me, but I really hate the idea of Thrushpelt x Bluefur. She really didn’t like him while he just chased after her. Also there wasn’t much interaction between them, aside from someone mentioning how much he liked her. I’ve also heard the idea of Bluestar x Crookedstar and that’s ehhhh. Sure they were friends and all but I just don’t see it happening. Also Oakheart and her was really rushed. But I’ve always found Bluefur x Rosetail a really cute ordeal. They were always friends and I enjoy the aus of them together. So I thought I might list mine of them! 
Rosetail Au ( this is kind of sad I’m sorry. Also I changed the timing a lil bit so it flows better. ): 
Rosekit hates being stuck in the nursery and often begs Bluekit to play mossball with her. It’s all fine and dandy, they spend time together and both she-kits enjoy it. When Bluekit is renamed Bluepaw, Rosekit feels prideful of her friend and bugs her about training Rosekit in secret. Bluepaw refuses but is admirable of Rosekit’s spunky attitude. Rosekit is renamed Rosepaw and during her apprentice ceremony, Bluepaw calls her name the loudest. Rosepaw is more than happy to be able to train with Bluepaw and they go on hunting patrols together. Then freaking Moonflower dies and Bluepaw is depressed. But fluffy babie Rosepaw is there to comfort her! So all that other stuff is normal and they’re both warriors now. Rosetail knows she has feelings for Bluefur but says nothing. She teases the she-cat about how Thrushpelt admires her but deep down, it hurts Rosetail and she tries to mask it. So when Bluefur is pregnant, Rosetail is completely devastated. But she acts happy for her friend because she thinks Bluefur deserves the best. Rosetail thinks Thrushpelt is the father and bitterly congratulates him. The kits are born and Rosetail is in love with them, caring for them like her own. When they’re “ taken away by a hungry animal “ she is as broken as Bluefur. So her best course of action? Supporting her girlfriend no matter what. Their love is unrequited but Bluestar shared those feelings back all along. And Rosetail died believing she could never have Bluestar. So instead Bluestar of choosing Oakheart in Starclan, she chooses Rosetail instead :D yey 
Leopardfoot headcanon: 
Aight bros, bare with me. This was just an explanation as to why Bluestar didn’t exile Tigerclaw sooner. She was head over heels for Leopardfoot. They’d always been friends and I think she might have caught some feelings for her. Bluestar didn’t want to believe that the son of her crush was a monster. Kinda short but it’s self explanatory. 
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warriorcatslooks · 5 years
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Tawnypelt deserve better so I re-did her design !! Gave her the body type that her grandma Leopardfoot has! Much happier with this one!
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raggydraws · 4 years
RAGGS!! what is your opinion on SnowRose and SnowLeopard? As in Snowfur paired with Rosetail or Leopardfoot! I t h i n k Snow and Leopard aren't related, cause those two deserve WAY better mates, no hate to Pinestar he was just,, hhhmmmmmmm
Honestly Snowfur deaerves a wonderful girlfriend! And I believe Leopardfoot and Snowfur are distantly related but only by their grandmother's being sisters. Theyre 3rd cousins once removed i think? But honestly at that point they probably wouldnt even realize it so...
Those are some top tier ships anon! May I also interest you in some SweetSnow? Sweetpaw and Snowpaw! Why dont we have anither Sweet- cat? I love that prefix so much??
Also Pinestar and Leopardfoot's 'relationship' is literally perfectly summed up in that moonkitti video.
"You're the father of my kits?"
"Yeah I know, this is literally the first time we've ever talked to each other."
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Seeing a baby picture of Tigerclaw/star as a kit was not okay :( it pulled at my heart strings so much. I feel like Starclan wanted to give him a chance to be good when he was a kit, but Pinestar was like "hah no" and left. Yeah he was being tormented by the thought of his son being evil but honestly I feel like Pinestar was just a coward. He was going to make an apprentice tell the clans he was dead, while he left to live another life. Leaving his family to deal with the judgment (1/2)
Imagine why Tigerclaw hated kittypets so much, because they reminded him of what his father became. I'm not defending Tigerclaw's actions, because he really did A LOT of evil things. But I feel like Pinestar left Tigerclaw to fend for himself when Starclan clearly warned him about the kit. They told him clearly if he stood, and guided Tiger well, he would become a great leader. But if not then he'd be evil. Pine then just got paranoid thinking it was inevitable when the ultimatum was given (2/3)
Though Pinestar was really never fit for leadership, he was only granted it because of his father. Which was kinda a careless thing for Oakstar to do, because the weight of being leader crushed Pine as well. And can we just acknowledged how strong Leopardfoot is, dealing with everything. Her mate leaving and slowly seeing how evil her son was becoming. She went through a lot, and some queens judged her for letting Tiger be the ambitious cat he was. And sorry for the long ass rant (3/3)
Oh don’t apologise for it, it’s absolutely fine! And while it may be somewhat of an unpopular opinion I 100% agree with you. I felt almost exactly like this while reading Pinestar’s choice. Doestar did seem to hint pretty strongly that Tigerkit would turn out to be a great cat if he had his father to help guide him but Pinestar let his fear get the better of him in that situation and abandoned both Tigerkit and Leopardfoot. I believe that this paired with the fact that Thistleclaw was his mentor, is why Tigerstar turned out so Xenophobic, I imagine growing up he had a lot of cats surrounding him talk about how his dad left to be a kittypet and I imagine Thistleclaw probably used to goad him over it. While I’m thinking about that, maybe Thistleclaw guessed about Bluestar’s kits and started planting some ideas about half clan relationships in Tigerpaw’s head? Idk
Pinestar was never really into the warrior way of life and Oakstar really should have spotted that and put his head over his heart when choosing a deputy, but Oakstar did seem to let emotions rule him most of the time from what I remember reading about him. I do believe no matter what the circumstances were Pinestar would have left anyway as he is clearly more suited to the kittypet life but he did choose a really bad time to go through with it. And I don’t think he should have tried to burden Lionpaw with having to tell everyone he was dead while concealing the truth. He really should have confided in Sunfall about it rather than let an apprentice deal with it alone.
And yeah let’s give a shout out to Leopardfoot, she deserved better than this and I do believe that she tried to raise Tigerstar better but ultimately Thistleclaw and Pinestar’s abondonment proved to be more influential to Tigerstar than she was. Oh and Shanty deserved better as well, her death hit me hard, she was such a good character.
And just as a disclaimer, I am not defending Tigerstar’s actions in any way. That dude was evil. I’m just discussing the circumstances that may have lead to him adopting the views he did and I’m certainly not defending any of his actions.
Also I’m not trying to hate on Pinestar, a lot of people like his character and I can see why. This just my personal opinion about him. Even though I dont like him as a person I do like him as a character, he’s interesting to analyse and discuss and even if I don’t agree with his actions I understand why he did what he did given his personality.
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Remember that Leopardfoot Audio Drama
That I was talking about a while back? It’s still happening, I just need some more artists and writers, maybe some more VAs as well if anyone is indeed interested. If anyone is curious how it’s going, here is the first scene from episode 1.
Scene 1 - Medicine Den (Music : )
Narrator : It was sunny today in Thunderclan, a common occurrence that couldn’t be enjoyed with the loss of Sunningrocks to Riverclan moons ago. The prey was out and about, several patrols were monitoring the clan borders, and the fresh-kill pile was full. But not all was good, especially for two cats in particular.
It was a bright, sunny day in Thunderclan-- something that was rarely enjoyed recently due to the loss of Sunningrocks a few moons ago. The prey was running well and the clan was busy focusing on border patrols and their other daily tasks. Even so, not all could be ever be well, could it? and two cats in particular chose to make sure everyone remembered that.
Thistleclaw : Ow! Watch it!
Featherwhisker : Quit being such a kit, Thistleclaw. You were the one who ran into Battle so recklessly, from what Bluefur has told us, and so you deserve to have these wounds.The poultice may sting, but hold still.It’ll be over soon.
Thistleclaw : Make it quick, Mouse Brain. I have to-Ow!- be up and running to defend my clan.
Featherwhisker : Oh, no, you aren’t leaving the medicine cat den until your wounds have healed properly, which is probably in a few moons.
Thistleclaw : But-!
Featherwhisker : I don’t want to hear it. You got into that fight. You made your nest, now you have to lay in it. *Thistle snorts* So, I heard Bluefur’s side of this story. What about yours? How exactly did that fight start?
Thistleclaw : *growls* Those four Riverclan cats, mocking us, daring to be on our territory so brazenly, it made me angry. So I attacked the cowards, wanting to drive them off from camp. I thought Bluefur would help me in beating them back, but I guess she has too much pain from eating a bad mouse.
Bluefur : *sarcastic* Well sorry for feeling a little sick to my stomach and nearly passing out when you were about to start a battle, Thistleclaw!
Thistleclaw : You were probably faking it to get out of a battle, Bluefur. You’ve always been too soft on invaders. Especially Riverclan ones. Makes me think.
Bluefur : *Angrily* You better not be insinuating what I think you’re insinuating, Thistleclaw.
Thistleclaw : Oh, I’m not insinuating anything, Bluefur. I’m just saying that-
Goosefeather : SHUT UP!!! BOTH OF YOU, JUST SHUT UP!!! Starclan, I can’t even think when you two are in the den together.
Thistleclaw & Bluefur : *yelling and accusing* But he/she started it!
Goosefeather : Does it look like I care about who started it? Good, now that the two of you are quiet, maybe we can get some actual work done.
Featherwhisker : I agree, arguing isn’t going to get any of us anywhere.
*A brief silence is held as only the soft rustle of bushes is heard distantly*
Goosefeather : Good. Now, Bluefur, where was it hurting the most?
Bluefur : In the middle of my belly.
Goosefeather : Hmm...Did you eat anything rotten lately?
Bluefur : No. I’ve made sure to eat Fresh-kill that has caught recently. 
Goosefeather : Interesting. Does it hurt when I put pressure on it?
Bluefur : *soft hisses* y-yes.
Goosefeather : Can you tell me what else has been going on?
Bluefur : I’ve been throwing up a lot. I’ve also been very hungry these past few days. And just two days ago, I nearly blacked out when hunting with Rosetail.
Goosefeather : Have you been getting close to any toms lately?
Bluefur : *shocked* W-what?! No, of course I haven’t! Why would you ask something so stupid?
Goosefeather : Because I’m also smelling milk on you, so unless you’ve been sneakily drinking some milk from Leopardfoot and pretending you’re her daughter, you have been getting close to toms. Very close, might I add.
Bluefur : *shocked* B-but, that doesn’t make any sense! I stayed away from any toms for these last couple of moons. *under her breath* except…
Goosefeather : *quietly* Except what?
Bluefur : *ashamed and quietly* N-nothing...it’s none of your business, Goosefeather.
Goosefeather : Well, I am the Clan’s Medicine Cat, Mouse Brain, so it is my business.
Bluefur : *mutters* That’s what you think.
Goosefeather : What was that?
Bluefur : *looks down, doesn’t reply*
Goosefeather : hmph. *mumbles incoherently* doesn't matter now, I suppose… uh… any other symptoms? *he looks at bluefur’s slightly swollen belly* 
Bluefur : None that I know of. 
Goosefeather : Well then. Now that you’re with kits, you can’t exactly leave camp. Too dangerous, could put you and the kits at risk.
Bluefur : *Desperately begging* But I need to patrol the borders. And what about… what about... the *Pauses and then whispers* what about my prophecy?
Goosefeather : *Hisses quietly* Maybe if you hadn’t been so foolish with that Tom, that wouldn’t be a concern, now wouldn’t it? *speaks in a normal voice* That doesn’t matter now. Remember, you both need to wait a while to get back out once more. I’ll hear nothing about you leaving and I swear to Starclan if either of you two even think about leaving camp, I’ll- *the entrance to the Medicine Cat rattles, signalling a cat has entered*
Sunstar : Goosefeather, Featherwhisker, how are the two patients?
Goosefeather, Featherwhisker, Bluefur, & Thistleclaw : Sunstar!
Featherwhisker : Brother? Why are you here?
Sunstar : Isn’t it obvious? I came to check on my clanmates and how they’re doing.
Bluefur : I appreciate you looking out for the two of us, but we’re fine, really.
Sunstar : Not from what I heard. Tigerkit’s Apprentice Ceremony is next moon and we have few young cats to train him. Neither of you, however, are in any condition to train an apprentice.
Bluefur and Thistleclaw : But Sunstar, I-!
Sunstar : I’m sorry, but this is the truth. Thistleclaw, if you need to know, I was considering making you his mentor. Perhaps now you will think more rationally before you act. Anyways, I ust be getting back to my duties. I will speak to you all later *leaves the den*
Thistleclaw : *Growls softly* No! So close!
Bluefur : *Sad* Why? Why now?
Goosefeather : I hope this is proper motivation for the two of you to clean up your act. If this hadn’t have happened, you two would probably getting apprentices quite soon and training them. Now, I can only guess who Sunstar will choose to be that kit’s mentor.
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fidgetheart · 6 years
Snowfur/Snowstar AU!
so, I’ve been wanting to do a big AU for a while now, but couldn’t figure out what might be a good idea to fly with. However, after seeing a Sweetpaw/Sweetstar AU (shout-out to the anon who mentioned it to @skrs-cats!), I decided to take a jab at Snowfur becoming leader instead of her sister!
originally, I thought that maybe Bluefur died on the Thunderpath instead of Snowfur, buuuuut I ended up changing it sadfjdsjh - if anything, I can make a post for that as well! An AU of an AU sdfkjjdsf (tho, tbh, I... do that a lot sdfjdsf)
overall, the basic plotline of Bluestar’s Prophecy still happens, but minus Blue having a prophecy about becoming leader and minus a few major points
note: the disaster that is Spottedleaf’s Heart isn’t canon - it almost was, and Snowfur was going to be the one who kills Thistleclaw, but I can’t tolerate the novella’s plot and just... wanted to void it in this AU
anyway, without further ado, here it is under the cut!
Snowkit never dreamed of becoming leader, but did dream of being the best warrior ThunderClan had ever seen alongside her sister, Bluekit
After being apprenticed and seeing her mother be killed in the raid on WindClan’s camp, she was devastated - still she managed to push through her grief for the sake of her Clan, but began to grow distant from her sister, who seemed determined to push everyone away to wallow in her grief
Bluepaw is still apprenticed to Sunfall after Stonepelt moves into the elders’ den
When Bluepaw begins to act like her old self, the two sisters grow closer again - during this time, Bluepaw talks about becoming leader, and Snowpaw begins to grow ambitious herself
A few moons later, Snowpaw and Bluepaw become Snowfur and Bluefur - despite their different personalities and strengths, the two had always talked about having the same name, so both were more than happy with what their were given
Sweetpaw stills dies, but Thistlepaw and Rosepaw are both made warriors early after their sister’s death - both fight off a dog that came too close to camp (like in BP, but pushing the dog attack after the spoiled prey sickened a few cats)
When Snowfur and Thistleclaw become mates, she and Bluefur grow distant once more - Snowfur doesn’t understand why Bluefur hates Thistleclaw so much, and is annoyed that her sister won’t give him a chance
Soon, Snowfur gives birth to Whitekit - Leopardfoot sill has Tigerkit, but instead of being mates with Pinestar, she had a brief fling with a passing loner since the Clan respects that queen’s have a right not to disclose who sired their kits
About two moons later, Bluefur moved into the nursery as well and gave birth to three kits: Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit - many assume Thrushpelt is the father despite Blue and Thrush not declaring they were mates, but Snowfur knows it’s not true - she has a feeling the father isn’t even a rogue or loner, but doesn’t accuse her sister of having an affair with a different Clan cat
Snowfur and Bluefur leave the nursery for a while to go on a walk, to get out and not worry for their kits for a bit, and it’s then Bluefur admits to her that Oakheart of RiverClan is her mate and her kits’ father - Snowfur is furious that her sister broke the Code, and runs off
They catch three ShadowClanners hunting on their territory, and launch an attack on them, taking them off guard and chasing them over the Thunderpath - Snowfur stops in the middle, but before a monster can hit her, Bluefur pushes her out of the way
The two return to ThunderClan, with Snowfur apologizing for Bluefur for running off like that, and promises her not to reveal her secret - while the Clan is alarmed that they had gotten into a fight, everyone is relieved that they’re okay 
After Whitekit is made an apprentice, Snowfur sticks around the nursery to keep Bluefur company and to help with her kits - during this time, things grow rocky between her and Thistleclaw, who’s angry that she spends less time with him. Snowfur snaps at him, telling him she had every right to spend time with her kin
Thistleclaw still mentors Tigerpaw
Soon, the two break off their relationship - Snowfur begins to see the darker side of the tom, and fears what he will do if he leads ThunderClan. she and Bluefur both have the vision of him covered in blood, and Snowfur vows to never let him become deputy
Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit are soon apprenticed to Adderfang, Lionheart, and Rosetail respectively 
When Robinwing’s kits are made apprentices, Bluefur is given Brindlepaw, and Snowfur is given Frostpaw - allowing them to spend time together to train their apprentices
After their apprentices are made warriors, Tawnyspots finally steps down from his position as deputy - unable to carry on with his duties. Instead of appointing Adderfang as a temporary deputy, Sunstar appoints Snowfur as deputy - this is a surprise to the Clan, but everyone takes well to the news
Bluefur, while disappointed she wasn’t chosen, is thrilled for her sister. Thistleclaw is clearly jealous, but congratulates his ex-mate anyway - around that time, he tries to grow close to her again, but Snowfur remains on-guard, knowing his hard training with Tigerclaw and knowing he has darker intentions in mind
When Sunstar is killed by a dog moons later, Snowfur becomes Snowstar - Goosefeather gives her the life of trust, Pinestar gives her the life of compassion, Larksong gives her the life of humor, Mumblefoot gives her the life of endurance, Weedwhisker gives her the life of patience, Sunstar gives her the life of courage, Tawnyspots give her the life of pride, Sweetpaw gives her the life of hope, and Moonflower gives her the life of love
Snowstar appoints Bluefur as her deputy, but doesn’t fail to notice the rage that Thistleclaw expresses - she keeps a watchful eye on him, but doesn’t outright call him out since she doesn’t have anything to prove he has evil intentions
Over time, Thistleclaw begins to calm down, especially after he nearly dies while on a solo patrol of the RiverClan border - Snowstar believes he has started to change
during the start of Into the Wild, Spottedleaf still receives the “fire alone will save our Clan” prophecy, and Rusty is brought into the Clan as Firepaw
Bluefur is killed during a battle of SunningRocks, with Thistleclaw returning with her body, claiming that Oakheart had killed her and he killed Oakheart in revenge - the Clan believes him, but Snowstar can’t shake her suspicions that he had something to do with it. After all, she knows Oakheart would never hurt Bluefur
Ravenpaw knows the truth, but he fears Thistleclaw too much to say anything (however, his mentor is Willowpelt instead of Tigerclaw)
Snowstar then appoints Lionheart as her deputy, knowing he would make a fine leader, and notices the anger that briefly blazes in Thistleclaw’s eyes at the announcement
TBP continues on with the same plot for the most part - including ThunderClan taking Brokenstar in (though unwillingly), and Lionheart dying in the battle against ShadowClan
Fireheart and Graystripe are also sent out to bring WindClan home, but Sandstorm and Dustpelt are made warriors before them and are given Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw as apprentices! Cinderpaw’s accident still happens, but she continues her training as a warrior
Ravenpaw also leaves ThunderClans and lives with Barley at the barn, but reveals the truth of what happened to Bluefur to Fireheart 
Fireheart tries to warn Snowstar of Thistleclaw’s crimes, but without proof, Snowstar takes his word with a grain of salt - she’s already suspicious of the battle-hungry tom, but doesn’t want to accuse him of murder without being completely certain of it
Snowstar appoints Tigerclaw as her deputy - although she knows he has a temper at times and was trained by Thistleclaw, she trusts him to ultimately do the right thing for the Clan
While Brokentail is in their care, Snowstar is constantly discussing what to do with him with the senior warriors - while Yellowfang is persistent on letting him live, the majority agrees that they should kill him and get it over with
When the patrols are spread thing, an attack is launched on ThunderClan by a group of rogues - however, thanks to Sandstorm, Fireheart, and Cloudpaw, they were able to bring the patrols back in time to prevent the rogues from succeeding
During this time, Thistleclaw corners Snowstar in her den, and tries to kill her - Tigerclaw arrives in time to see his former mentor almost give the white leader the killing blow, and is able to save her before he had the chance
After the battle, Snowstar allows Fireheart to reveal Thistleclaw’s crimes, and admits that she had her suspicions but no proof - when it’s revealed that Thistleclaw not only killed Bluefur but created the plan for Brokentail’s rogues to attack ThunderClan so he could kill Snowstar (since he knew Tigerclaw would make him deputy), Thistleclaw is killed instead of exiled
Tigerclaw, distraught that he had failed to see the darkness in his former mentor, blames himself and steps down from his position, telling the Clan that they deserve a better cat - Snowstar appoints Sandstorm as deputy
Because she has a better grasp on her emotions, she doesn’t spiral into depression like Bluefur does in canon as leader - however, her age is getting to her, and she’s becoming unable to keep up with most of her duties, causing some ceremonies to be delayed
The dog attack still happens - however, no cat leads them to the camp, and it happens sooner than in canon. Brindleface is killed by one of them, and the Clan knows that there are dogs loose in their territory, and struggle to come up with a plan with what to do with them. During this time, Swiftpaw and Brightpaw decide to sneak out of camp to figure it out themslves
Both apprentices are attacked but manage to survive despite their horrendous injuries - Snowstar, blaming herself for not stopping them, gives them their warrior names - Swiftfang and Brightheart
later, as they begin to recover, she makes Thornpaw a warrior as well, giving him the name Thornclaw
Fireheart comes up with the plot to lead the dogs to the gorge, and the Clan agrees with it - Snowstar stays behind, however, because of her age, and Sandstorm takes Fireheart’s place at the end of the trap
Snowstar, determined to make up for not seeing Thistleclaw’s treachery sooner and for not protecting Swiftfang and Brightheart, leaves her Clan under the watchful eye of her son, Whitestorm, and heads out to help her Clanmates
she saves Sandstorm from the dogs, and dies in the process - Sandstorm takes over as leader in her place
fun facts!
Redtail is trans, and Sandstorm is the kit of him and Runningwind
Whitestorm  is trans, and he and Tigerclaw are mates - the first one consists of Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt, and the second one consists of Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur
Sandstorm/star and Fireheart are mates as well, and still have Leafpool and Squirrelflight - Fireheart is Sandstar’s deputy but doesn’t become leader - instead, Hollyleaf becomes leader after Sandstar
Whitestorm is the only kit of Snowstar and Thistleclaw 
Thistleclaw went straight to the Dark Forest, no questions asked - Snowstar does miss what they had, but doesn’t miss him
Bluefur and Oakheart remained mates, and are still mates in StarClan
Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Mossheart (Mosskit) are unaware of their RiverClan heritage 
BloodClan is a bigger deal in this AU - while Snowstar is no longer alive at the time, so it’s not mentioned in the main ideas bc of it. BloodClan ends up taking over ShadowClan (like Tigerstar did with RiverClan in canon), and tries to get the Clans to leave - the Clans fight back and win, but Nightstar is killed. Russetfur takes over as leader
Tigerclaw is not evil in this AU at all
Graystripe and Silverstream still become mates, but Silverstream doesn’t die when she has her kits - however, they do split up on good terms, and Feathertail and Stormfur grow up in RiverClan but know of their father - Silverstream becomes Leopardstar’s deputy
Fireheart and Spottedleaf were never in love in this AU - instead, he saw her as an older sister
Bluefur is Fireheart’s StarClan guide instead of Spottedleaf
Yellowfang survives the fire and is Leafpool’s mentor 
Leafpool and Squirrelflight are born sooner than in canon 
Fireheart still leaves to rebuild SkyClan - Dustpelt briefly takes his place as deputy, and Graystripe joins him on the journey
Whitestorm dies in the battle against BloodClan, and Tigerclaw moves into the elders’ den shortly after
Darkstripe may or may not be... antagonistic in this AU - if he is, it’s on his own accord and now him following in Thistleclaw’s pawsteps
aaaand that’s all I have so far!! I might build on it more tho in the future o; rn I can’t remember everything that happens so I’m missing a bit adshjsdfjkdsf
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gatorsnot · 7 years
Can we please talk about Leopardfoot for a second?
Seriously, she’s such an underrated character that nobody seems to notice, and yet she’s gone through some rough shit, like:
She was injured in her first battle as an apprentice.
Her labor was described as long and excruciating, and she nearly died during the birthing process from all the strain and blood loss.
Her mate left her and her young, deathly ill kits on a whim to be a kittypet. Sure, Pinestar thought they’d be better off without him, but Leopardfoot definitely felt betrayed and heartbroken. Not to mention he left her to tend to three sickly kittens on her own.
She had to endure the losses of Mistkit and Nightkit.
Then she had to raise Tigerkit through that grief. She indulged her boy because he was the one everyone expected to die first, and she probably devoted all her time and energy into ensuring he was going to thrive. Not to mention, Tigerkit was described as being more than a pawful alone.
How do you guys think she felt about Thistleclaw training her son? Of course she probably wanted him to have a strong mentor that would train him vigourously to further validate his chances of survival, but Thisteclaw was repeatedly harsh on Tigerpaw, and keep in mind that Tigerpaw developed violent tendancies while he was still a pretty new apprentice.
You know she kept on eye on Tigerclaw / Tigerstar after she died. Imagine how she felt when she saw that he killed Redtail, made Ravenpaw fear for his life, tricked Cinderpaw into getting hit by the car that crippled her, led the rogues to attack ThunderClan, attempted to assasinate Bluestar, and all the other things he did? How could her precious baby that she fought so hard to save and loved so much become such a monster that she could barely recoginze?
She didn’t get to give him a life at his leader ceremony!
And the final battle in The Last Hope. No doubt he saw Tigerstar at the head of the Dark Forest cats, his main goal to destroy the living and StarClan. Leopardfoot saw her son set out on a quest of death and destruction, how could she try to fight him?
Leopardfoot needs the recognition she deserves. She was a struggling mother who suffered through abandonment by her mate, the deaths of her two frail daughters, and had to endure the torture of watching her only survivng child whom she loved so dearly become a tyrannical monster.
Leopardfoot is a strong character.
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silvallyfuuuk · 6 years
hi this is random but i was drawing tigerstar earlier today because design reasons and i was bored but @silverhawk reminded me of how tigerstar is basically the warriors equivalent of a cis dude and how they're brought up..
man this dude is SUCH missed potential, they could have done so much more with him.
for starters, make the entire "firestar replaced me in the eyes of bluestar" legitimately realistic. since when did tigerstar care about bluestar? it would be far better to give tigerpaw as an apprentice to bluefur, because then it would mean he actually cared about her attention outside of power.
pinestar is a useful way to make him more interesting too. he was MEANT for leadership, literally, most of tigerstar's male bloodline are leaders. while pinestar was still around, he was groomed into thinking that. he was allowed to be the clans spoiled brat. leopardfoot babies him, and won't correct him. pinestar has lofty expectations, but doesn't give any love. he keeps talking about how he will be leader, and he must be strong, but pinestar isn't a good father, and is quite distant, before coming a kittypet and abandoning the clan. not only does tigerkit struggle with the sudden change in how he is treated, being the son of a traitor, he is left with the lofty expectations pinestar and his kin left him. to be strong, and a leader. nothing less than perfect. this makes a perfectionist, who seeks to get whatever he needs no matter what. he's immature, and still a kid, but the reality of what he should be, and what he thinks he deserves to be just because of his linage, gets in deep. there's no one to guide him, because leopardfoot's love is unfortunately just smothering him in love and refusing to let him grow up (he's her last kit, and it's hard to let go of your only son who almost died early on after all), so he doesn't learn from her, nor does he learn from other clan cats who should be supporting him. they cast looks of scorn, and call him names. and leopardfoot just keeps reiterating pinestar's words to be the next clan leader. he's socialized to assert himself and fight. he can't be soft, because in order to be a leader that his mother and father expects him to be he must be strong, and that means he cannot show weakness or emotion. kind of like male socialization, yeah.
it would also be another matter that would make bluefur's struggle to be the new thunderclan deputy more interesting, because she just got tasked with dealing with the traitor's son. a much better conflict than sunstar being sexist and like oh you had babies :) no leadership for you. id go on and say maybe tigerpaw being her apprentice would be her "prove yourself"thing because she took a riverclan mate, and sunstar isn't sure anymore. no one else in thunderclan is suitable, so ofc sunstar is angry. he then forces her to train a cat everyone only sees pinestar in, and is a much less sexist punishment than oh you're a girl. if sunstar really cared about bluestar like his own daughter he'd let her be deputy while she took care of her kits. but it's more realistic for him to be disappointed and reluctant to make her deputy because he knew she broke the code.
bluesfur is super fixated on becoming deputy. to show she's loyal to thunderclan in the eyes of sunfall, she 'disposes' her kits (he very much pushed her, not because she had kits but because of who their father was), and returns to take tigerkit as her apprentice. because bluefur is tigerpaw's first proper mentor figure that isn't his mom, he looks up to her a lot. he learns ambition from bluefur, and how you have to give everything up for it if you want it. he cares a lot about his mentor, she's a smart, strong cat, and she's the next clan leader. because tigerpaw isn't liked much by the clan at first because of his father, he imprints on the one cat who seems to be fair to him. (of course bluefur has many reservations about him but sees making him into a noble warrior as a stepping stone for leadership)
bluefur is young, reckless, and ambitious. tigerpaw picks this up, and because of how the pressure of his past linage to be amazing (very much like male socialization!) he follows her path
unlike bluefur he did not have any stable moral footing early on. he came out of the womb sick and no one believing in him. his mother spoiled him, and deflected any criticism possible.
when bluefur speaks about being deputy, and how she will do anything for it, tigerpaw agrees she deserves to be deputy, and then leader. the less than mature bluefur, who has the all the potential, but lacks the experience that comes with age, says that if she was leader, he would be a fine deputy. this is something bluefur said hastily and didn't think much of, but on a little kid's mind, it does a lot to tigerpaw. not only does he find himself loyal to bluefur, he also sees her leadership as a way to achieve his dream.
tigerpaw's ambitions vs realism and patience turns out to be bloody and all consuming.
when redtail is made deputy, he's hurt, but he knows he has not had an apprentice yet, so he does not get to be a deputy. however after training darkstripe, he expects to. but redtail is young like him, and though he waits, he is not deputy. by the time he gets ravenpaw as an apprentice, he's planned out redtail's death. to him it's justified, this is what you're supposed to do to get what you want, right?
after all, tigerpaw learns from bluefur, and the other not so great influences that to become great, you must do it yourself, as no one will believe you otherwise. everyone underestimated him, so the only way to assert himself is force, and for everyone to see it.
bluefur teaches him loyalty, kindness, and courage. but she also teaches him bad behaviours that she herself admits was not justified back when she was training him. unfortunately bluefur is unaware of the impact she made on a young, fragile developing mind.
thistleclaw in theory is only reckless and hot-blooded (in bluestar's prophecy that is), but bluefur seeks to be deputy over him anyways, all for self interest. tigerpaw picks this up. but while bluefur mellows out, and concedes it was not the best idea, tigerpaw clings to these ideals because he has nothing else.
maybe as an apprentice he has honest to god angst, but by the time he's a warrior, his ego is so inflated despite the fact he also has an inferiority complex (thanks to pinestar, and cats judging him) he's beyond rationality. he wouldn't cry in a sense, but he'd express his Sadness in anger and violence, because that's the only thing that's acceptable of a strong warrior.
he's emotionally stunted, and unlike bluestar and firestar, he never was shown that kindness and love are the right answers. while blue+fire were raised fine, tiger was not. he didn't have proper support, and bluefur was mentally shakey during her warrior years, which just fed to tigerpaw's problem.
by the time he's killed redtail, and bluestar passes him over in favour of lionheart, he loses the idealization he once had of her, and sees her as a stepping stone to leadership.
tigerstar was a noble warrior in life who was an extremist, but after exile, and many things after, he was beyond redemption. in life he had honour, courage, and righteousness. no matter what happened, those were his main traits. but in death/the dark forest, he devolved into the superiority inferiority complex he has now, where he seeks to only prove himself as strong, use violence to solve his frustrations he had in lifez and take revenge on firestar, who he thinks stole everything from him, as a kittypet like his father, and the one he saw turned bluestar weak, and made her favour firestar over him.
idk food for thought, just.. much more interesting to have tigerstar be the standard cis male socialization dude who honestly could have been helped, but went too far, and used violence to solve his problems.
he's smart, brave, and righteous, but emotionally, he was horribly stunted, and could never think maturely in that fashion thanks to what he learned, and what he was surrounded by in youth.
so. much. missed. potential.
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1 book 1: Chapter 4
Icepaw tried to run ahead of the others but his sight and head had decided to fuck with him. His vision even with the sun gone wasn't the best and his head bobbed a couple of times as he walked and he ended up crashing into cats as a result.
Chestnutpaw looked ready to kill him then and there, Robinwing would have cuffed him over the ears if not for Redtail stopping her and Dustpaw let his displeasure be very very known. Redtail offered to help guide him or carry him but he declined and tried to find Thrushpelt in the crowd but without much luck since his mentor seemed to disappear.
Only when he bumped into Bluestar herself did she end up carrying him the rest of the way while he had his eyes closed and tried to make the world focus for him. It felt like the world was shaking and melting at the same time.
He hated it.
He also hated being carried like a kit.
He heard Leopardfoot mew "He should see Swanlight and soon Bluestar, it's just a gathering party he bumped into what if had been a battle patrol"
"I know I know Leopardfoot and I'll make it happen with Stormmoon" the pointed molly replied through his fluffy fur "If he's feeling kind tonight, if not then I'll ask dear old Shadowpounce for a favor"
"Who's Shadowpounce?" he asked
"A foxheart who owes me" his commander replied "Saved his sorry pelt from worse than death, the foxheart better act like it"
"Where you learned to swear like this Bluestar I'll never know because I know Stonepelt nor Sunstar taught you that" Leopardfoot sighed "I miss shy little Bluepaw"
"Bluepaw grew up"
They continued til that had made it to the clearing. Bluestar set him on the ground, grooming his fur a few times. "I'll get Thrushpelt to watch you"
Icepaw shook his head "No, I'm sure he's having a good time, I'll be fine"
Bluestar sighed "Alright but be careful, don't reveal anything, and don't be rude without reason"
"You sound like my mom" he snorted
His commander rolled her eyes but he noticed her smile "Have a good night Icepaw"
Icepaw nodded and with that Bluestar disappeared into the crowd of cats. Icepaw looked around at all the cats in the clearing, so many kinds of pelts and scents. He quickly dashed through the crowd, new cats at every turn.
"The hare thought he could escape but Quickstep snagged it last minute" he heard a cat say "Almost thought he appeared from the wind itself"
"Did he though?" another cat asked
"Oh I wish but I ducked below a ridge and caught it that way" He assumed Quickstep said
He wasn't surprised when he ended up crashing into someone nor when they hissed at him in response, he really should've been looking.
"Watch where you're going!" a pale brown tabby molly hissed, her eyes narrowed
"Sorry" he mewed
"Who's kit even are you?" a gray tom with brown legs growled "That'd be ashamed of you for you lack of 'blaze honor', my kits know better"
"N..none of your concern fleapelt" he stuttered, the tom's eyes started turning into an amber gaze he didn't want to see, he felt his body stiffen.
"You little-"
"I know you're not talking about kits with how you treated my litter and Palespeckle" Icepaw felt someone over and that's when he realized he had been cowering "Hissing at a new cadet, really Mudfoot?"
"Shut your trap Wishflame" the pale brown tabby retorted "This runt was getting told off like it deserved"
Icepaw didn't realize he was shaking until he felt a lick between his ears, those amber eyes held nothing but kindness.
"Don't you two do that enough with Palespeckle" Wishflame replied coldly "Your cruelty knows no bounds does it Lizardstripe?"
"How bout I show you cruel?" Lizardstripe hissed
"Enough" another voice growled
"Stay out of this witch" Lizardstripe snarled
He heard Wishflame whisper "Come on"
Icepaw slowly stood and let Blazefang nudge him away from the two disgusted cats. She lead him into some bushes away from everyone else, grooming his ears softly
"T..thank you" he mewed finally
"It's no problem" the ginger molly replied "Lizardstripe and Mudfoot were unruly cats"
"Indeed they can be" a dark gray and cream molly added as she sat next to them "Are you alright?"
Icepaw nodded his head
The dual colored molly sighed "That's good, Name's Hopethorn"
"What's your name kit? Your guild?"
"I..Icepaw" he replied softly "I'm from the Blazing Forest"
"Well named so far" Wishflame hummed "Maybe you'll be a -whisker or -tuft with this fluff of a pelt you've got"
"I get it from my dad"
"Your pelt's sleek, were you a pet?"
"My parents were but I was a rouge but stayed around humans sometimes"
Wishflame hummed "Your pelt looks 'ticked' like Russetfur and Boulderfall's" she sighed "I envy that look"
"Icepaw" he felt his blood run cold when he heard Bluestar's call "Where-...Hopethorn" Bluestar bowed her head slightly
"Me and Hope found him being yelled at by Lizardstripe and Mudfoot" Hopethorn mewed "How are your dear Bluestar?"
Icepaw glanced between the two mollies, 'how'd they know each other?'
"Things could be better" Bluestar replied as she glanced at Icepaw "I hope Raggedmoon is notified about this, those two shouldn't come to gatherings if they can't behave"
"Well she forced them to come so that's on her" Hopethorn replied
"I'll take him from here, thank you for watching out for him"
The ginger molly nodded "Safe night to you Icepaw" she padded back into the clearing.
"Hopethorn" a gruff voice called "Raggedmoon wants you"
Hopethorn's ears curled slightly at the mention of Raggedmoon, "Duties calls" she weaved past them "May Zineth bless you both"
Bluestar nudged him to the edge of the gathering clearing, she seemed to wave her tail since Nettlepaw and Sandpaw rushed over.
"Nettlepaw, Sandpaw, stay close by him, I don't want complaints from other guilds and I don't want Icepaw getting lost again on his first night"
"You sure Nettlepaw can't do it himself" Sandpaw drawled "I wanted to talk with-"
"Sandpaw" Bluestar warned
"Yes ma'm" she mewed, bowing her head
Icepaw felt annoyed and embarrassed that he had to be watched like a kit. Nettlepaw was fine with so far but he hadn't even seen Sandpaw since their draw. As Bluestar walked towards the great rock he tired to shoo Sandpaw and Nettlepaw off. "You two don't need to stay, go have fun, I'm fine"
Nettlepaw looked at him like he was crazy "Of course not, I'm fine watching you and I don't mind doing so"
Sandpaw had other words to say "We have an order and considering how Chestnutpaw seemed to want to kill you when we were traveling here, we're not leaving you on your own"
"But-" he tried
"Deal with it, I don't like it either but I'll do it for Bluestar" Sandpaw cutted in, her tail held high "Let's go already"
Icepaw gave up and accepted his fate. He stayed in the middle of these two as Nettlepaw talked with the other guild cadets. He was quiet, in his own thoughts when he heard a someone mew "Hey Nettlepaw, who's the new tadpole?"
He focused on where the voice came from and he found it from a black molly with violet eyes, he felt mesmerized by her gaze . Wow she's cute "I'm Icepaw" he then realized he said the first part out loud. He heard Nettlepaw chuckle softly as did the other tom while Sandpaw scoffed the word "Mousebrain".
"Darkflower, daughter of Nightpelt and Darkwing" the black molly mewed with amusement, she gazed up and down at him "Are you alright?"
Trying not to die from embarrassment he mewed "Yeah I'm fine, this is normal for me" He was currently going back and forth between burying his head in Sandpaw and Nettlepaw's fur. Sandpaw had a mixture of confusion and annoyance and Nettlepaw had a look of concern.
"If that's normal I don't want to know what your worse is, does your head buzz alot?" it was a black tom with a white chest fluff with blue eyes, he carried the scent of pine nettles.
"Yep and I can say that's part of my worse, what's your name?"
"Whitepaw of The Plaguing Darkness, son of Cloudpelt"
"Forgetting anyone brother dearest?" a mottled brown molly muttered, he could faintly her her long teeth click
"Nope" Whitepaw retorted
"You remind me of Swanlight, she does that with Reedtail, Morningbird, and Splashfeather" the voice came with the scent of the river and fish meaning a Cold River cat "It's honestly adorable"
"Bluestar said I should talk with her" He replied
"You should" the voice responded "It could help you instead of dealing with this on your own from I heard Swanlight struggled alot since she didn't have anyone to help her"
"Why do you sound like a senior Silverpaw?" Willowpaw asked "Though even Lakeshine or Smallwhisker don't sound like you"
"Oh hush Willowpaw" Silverpaw replied "I like to keep tabs on my guild, all the good and bad details plus you're forgetting that Bluestar is in our lives"
"Backmail?" Willowpaw asked
"Willow dear sister of mine, have you met me? do you know the other molly that pops around?"
"Considering I live with her" her sister replied
"Who is that molly exactly?" Sandpaw grumbled
"Your commander of course" Silverpaw sneered which made Sandpaw hiss
Icepaw took his head from Nettlepaw's shoulder and narrowed his eyes. Silverpaw was true to her name, she was a silver molly but with black stripes with blue eyes. Now that he had a better look in the moonlight, Willowpaw's pelt seemed to gleam with the light, if he looked closely he saw darker markings on her beautiful dark pelt. Willowpaw was obviously the more muscled of the two mollies but despite that they had similar body types. He also noticed the webbed paws Silverpaw had and if he look hard enough her fur looked like sleek fish scales.
"Pretty" he mewed
Silverpaw and Willowpaw stared at him with an amused look, it increased when he realized what he just said. He buried his face back into Nettlepaw's fur.
"Why thank you Icepaw" Silverpaw purred, placing a paw to her chest "I've been told I'm very attractive"
"First for me" Willowpaw muttered, licking her chest fur "I like it all the same"
"At least your honest" Darkflower added "It's rather adorable if I'm being honest. Don't get too many compliments in The Plaguing Darkness except from my father"
"Lies, Puddlebreath and Beetlefoot having been eyeing you for moons" Whitepaw drawled
Icepaw wanted to die, wanted the earth to swallow him whole right now especially when he heard Nettlepaw purr "What about me? Do I fit your vision of beauty Icepaw?"
"Well yeah, your eyes are a big boost with how beautiful they are" He said, honestly throwing subtly to the wind at this point, no point in hiding it.
Nettlepaw chuckled, pulling him close by lifting his leg and pulling him further into his chest fur "Not so bad yourself"
Sandpaw rolled her eyes and checked her claws.
"You're not too bad either Sandpaw" Icepaw whispered to which Sandpaw lowly hissed in response.
A loud yowl rang through the clearing. Icepaw lifted his head to see Bluestar standing tall with three other cats near her. On the far right, a dark brown tabby molly sat, her ears were shredded, scars littered her pelt, and fangs poked out from her upper jaw, next to Bluestar was a gray tabby tom, a twisted jaw and sparkling blue and green eyes and near him was...Starlingstar!
On the lower rock sat a row of cats and more cats under them.
"See the ginger tabby tom" Whitepaw mewed, claw pointing at the cat on the far right
Icepaw nodded
"That's Dreamflare, the heir of The Plaguing Darkness, my mentor, the molly next to him is our second Striketail. Our healers are Palespeckle, Hopethorn, and Murkstorm but they're back at camp"
"The dark gray charlie is Oakheart, our assistant" Silverpaw purred "The brown tom is Mudfin, though Minnowpaw's back at camp"
"Swanlight's expecting" Silverpaw replied "Should've seen Reedtail's face when he got the news, it looked like he was gonna burst"
"I'm guessing Minnowpaw is training under Mudfin?"
"Yup" Silverpaw mewed "Minnowpaw's been working really hard"
"I'm guessing the black tom is The Rushing Breeze's heir" Icepaw said
"Nope" a dark gray tabby tom answered "That's Shadowpounce, our head advisor, the cat next to him is another advisor Ashfoot, the dark brown tom is our cleric Barkface with their pupil, Muddypaw, and our eldest seer is Hawkheart"
"So are you all pupils?"
"We're students" Silverpaw mewed
"We're pupils" Darkpaw added
"And we're novices" Whitepaw finished
"I call for this gathering to begin" Bluestar began, her voice loud and clear stopping all further conversation "Raggedstar, would you like to start?"
Raggedstar nodded and padded forward when Bluestar stepped back. "The Plaguing Darkness has been doing well these past moons, Tangleburr has had her litter and has named them Wetkit and Brownkit, Willowfang has given birth as well and have they been named: Turtlekit, Quietkit, and Rubblekit, we also have a new members of the guild in Jaggedtooth and Muddybranch"
'What!' Icepaw looked around and saw them. 'It was Snag fucking Snag was here in the guilds and Riley was here too. Why does luck hate him so much?'
"That will be all, Stormstar would you like to go next?" Raggedstar mewed
Stormstar nodded "The Cold River has also been doing well, Swanlight's expecting Reedtail's kits and Dapplewave is expecting. Graypool is expecting as well but has also retired to the seniors den"
"Isn't she younger than you Stormstar?" Striketail mewed "Why shove her in the seniors den?" she raised an eyebrow
"Her joints were hurting and making it harder for her to serve" he replied swiftly, eyes narrowing "She and Oakheart didn't find out about the kits til recently, she shall be treated as any other royal til the kits enter training"
Bluestar raised her tail to speak. Stormstar stepped back but Bluestar stood beside him "Speaking of Swanlight, I would like her to help a new cadet in my guild, we have taken in an outsider named Icepaw and he's being mentored by Thrushpelt" She raised her paw in his direction.
Icepaw didn't like the stares suddenly on him so he buried his face into Whitepaw's fur by accident when Nettlepaw moved but the The Plaguing Darkness cadet...novice didn't complain and let him, curling his tail around him after a moment. Icepaw lifted his head only a little to see Starlingstar meeting his gaze. Starlingstar knew it was him by the fact that he was smiling at him.
"Bright fluff ball" he heard someone mutter
"How come the rest of the guilds get Sirsha's blessing?" he heard a whine
"Definitely a pet by that glossy pelt"
"Fits a cadet for Thrushpelt" came a reply
"If you can't, I'd like to ask Starlingstar if Flytail could help him" Bluestar went on
Stormstar seemed to nod "I'll ask her, I'll send word when she does, also a patrol fought off pair of foxes, they crossed into your territory so be on the look out"
Bluestar nodded in reply, ear twitching as her only sign of displeasure "The Blazing Forest also has three cadets: Graypaw mentored by Lionheart, Comfreypaw mentored by Darkstripe, and Acornpaw mentored by Leopardfoot. We also have a new soldier in Badgerswipe who's sitting vigil this evening and the promise of more kits since Tigerclaw is kitting as well, Starlingstar?"
Starlingstar stepped forward "The Rushing Breeze has a new pupil in Swiftpaw mentored by Wrenflight, Rabbitflight is expecting kits, Sorrelshine and Tornear's kit have been named Tawnykit. Doespring and Ashpatch have recently moved to the nursery" his ears rose as he spoke "We've spotted two clowders and they haven't caused problems and have good materials to trade, We also have a new ranger with us tonight in Morningflower"
The cats of the gathering cheered the new ranger's name, he glanced over where he saw the molly in question. She was a beautiful tortoiseshell with gleaming amber eyes. 'My goodness, the guilds produce really attractive cats' he thought 'Should've come here sooner'
Bluestar raised her tail "If there's no more to say than this gathering is over" she leaped from the great rock, Thrushpelt at her side at once.
"Bye Icepaw" Silverpaw purred rubbing herself against him as she left. Icepaw felt Whitepaw lick his head softly "See ya around" he mewed as he padded off.
"Come on Icepaw" Nettlepaw mewed nudging him.
The walk home wasn't eventful accept one part. Emberpaw traded places with Sandpaw when Bluestar called her for something.
"How was your first gathering Icepaw?"
"Good" she smiled "I got to see some friends, Stonepaw and Minnowpaw, it was good to see them and Stonepaw told he and his sister Thrushpaw will have their names soon"
"That's good" he replied "I'm glad the guilds are friends with each other"
"We aren't pet" Robinwing snapped pushing past them, her amber eyes filled with disgust "They are the enemy as they should stay, cats like Emberpaw doom this guilds with this so called 'friendship' "
Icepaw never wanted to hit someone so bad so quickly.
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